#it’s just that they are extremely chaotic and also new players are always chaotic because
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yuqsdug · 3 months ago
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In the one (1) Block Tales comic i've made so far, I drew the player as this R15 model Noob with modern day Roblox chat. Since blocktales can have four (4) players in a battle, I decided to draw the rest of the sqaud.
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Drew him from memory
So you want to know more about these goobers hm?
[Player] (yes that's his name)
- Despite his very cheerful demeanor, he can make grudges extremely easy.
- He's the only one of the squad who talks in modern chat bubbles. Something must've went wrong when he time traveled.
- He still uses R15 because he didn't want to lose his elbows. He needs those to throw balls, Okay?!
- He may, possibly, be abusing the ghost Walker for meaningless- and legally dubious- means. He's not paying for a 777 tix card!
- Was the only who got to experience the later half demo 3. He was quite surprised to be in a hospital after defeating IT. His friends were hovering woriedly over his bed.
- Hatred was particularly strong in this one.
- Brother of BaconGirl
- Quite a skitish boy, Easily scared. He did not like Telamon's manor ONE BIT!
- the time when his model type was added to Roblox left quite an impact on him. Why were people so mean?
- he forgot to change his scale before time traveling, so now he towers over most people they encounter. Now he's noticed even more and bumps his head on doors... Yay...
- He doesn't know a lot about Roblox before 2016. So the meaning of the swords their collecting is a bit lost on him. He can't help but be a bit fearful of them. The previous holders of the Icedagger and Venomshank seemed to be going insane. And his friends seen awfully attached to the swords they have collected. He hopes everything will end fine.
- FEAR is strong in this one
- Sister of baconboy
- She can't handle being alone well. Being alone for a short time causes great feeling of solitude. She's always with atleast one of her friends.
- She's in charge of snack duty, she got the biggest bag after all. Someone low on HP? A burger is ready. Low on SP? the Bloxycola is already in your hand. Low on Tix? That's something she can't fix.
- She the only one of the group who realised they should be in the R6 model when they time traveled. She thought the rest also knew this, apparently not.
- The Icedagger is her FAVORITE weapon. Just focus a bit and heal EVERYONE? yes please! ####, She'd let this thing freeze her for less.
- She's a bit cold to the touch
- Solitude is strong in this one
- short for androgynous default (who is naming these children?)
- Very chaotic person
- They kill every enemy in their wake, be it bird, Mosquito, or zombie. Getting 0 xp does not bring them joy.
- Always has hard mode enable to get more Xp. This has absolutely backfired multiple times.
- They will come up for their friends, every good friend does that! Including when BaconBoy burgers contain pickles.
- Their a fan of the Venomshank. An AOE attack also afflicting poison is. the. best! The pretty flowers coming out of the enemies is a plus too.
- Greed is very strong in this one.
Thanks for reading that btw.
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New designs:
The drawings were made on my phone.
(trying to post thing broke my Tumblr, lol)
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notafraidofredyellowandblue · 4 months ago
Hello honey! I hope i'm not disturbing you but there is something i want to ask. Do you know why Christoph left Feeling B?
Hi! Thank you for the ask, I always love the asks that make me go dive in the various Rammstein (or Feeling B) books ❤️
Schneider stayed in Feeling B pretty long, he joined Paul, Flake and Aljoscha on their trip to the USA in 1993, but did indeed eventually leave the band.
For this one I'm going with the way Schneider says it as a side-note in the book 'Feeling B - Mix mir einen Drink' (page 373 in my copy) when he talks about getting started with Rammstein (roommates Richard and Olli asked him, then asked Till to join, and then the four of them were looking to see who else to get to get in the band).
"Wir überlegten, wen wir noch dazunehmen könnten. Wir waren vier und es lief schon einigermaβen. Einige wollten natürlich nicht mit Paul arbeiten, ich zum Beispiel. Denn ich hatte schon die letzten fünf, sechs Jahre mit Paul gesplielt, und Paul ist ein anstrengender Typ. Ich erklärte: Ich mach unter der Bedingung mit, dass Paul nicht mitmacht. Ich war bei denen ja ausgestiegen. Da waren wir zu einem Feeling B Konzert in Ilmenau, da hattte ich eine Riesen Wut auf die. Alles war da chaotisch organisiert. Aljoscha war alles egal, der wollte einfach nur ein bisschen rumfahren, aber ich war noch jung und wollte noch etwas. Wir spielten dort ein extrem schlechtes Konzert, ich hab ihnen gesagt, ich mach nicht mehr mit, sie sollen sich einen anderen suchen. Ich hab meine Trommeln abgebaut und ins Auto gepackt. Eigentlich wollte ich die alle nicht mehr sehen. Aber sie waren mir auch ans Herz gewachsen, und dann wollten die anderen Jungs, Till und Scholle, sie dabei haben und haben an ihnen rumgezerrt. Flake wollte partout nicht, er wollte Feeling B zu neuem Leben erwecken. Er hält gern an Altem fest und will nichts Neues. Wir mussten ihn richting überreden, denn wir wollten sein Instrument dabeihaben. Er war einfach der beste Mann dafür und nicht so wie andere Keyboarder."
"We thought about who else we could include. There were four of us and things were going pretty well. Of course some people didn't want to work with Paul, me for example. Because I had been playing with Paul for the last five or six years, and Paul is a tiresome guy. I explained: I'll take part on the condition that Paul doesn't take part. After all, I left them. We went to a Feeling B concert in Ilmenau and I was really angry at them. Everything was organized chaotically. Alyosha didn't care, he just wanted to drive around a bit, but I was still young and wanted to achieve something. We played an extremely bad concert there, I told them I wasn't playing anymore and they should find someone else. I disassembled my drums and put them in the car. I actually didn't want to see them anymore. But I had also grown fond of them, and then the other boys, Till and Scholle, wanted them there and pulled at them. Flake simply didn't want to, he wanted to bring Feeling B back to life. He likes to hold on to the old and doesn't want anything new. We had to really persuade him because we wanted to have his instrument with us. He was simply the best man for it and not like other keyboard players."
In other words, Schneider was basically fed up with the chaos that was Feeling B 🍀
(more quotes from Rammstein books)
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mimpinightmare · 7 months ago
TOPIC: Diego's Potential Coming Back As A Recurring Antagonist In The Show (Discussions)
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I feel like the Supa Strikas fandom will not remember who he is, SO HERE I AM, REMINDING YOU HIS EXISTENCE! >:D
When I was re-watching "Rookie Season", this guy (for some reason-) have always stand out to me, that ideas and potential character arcs for Diego has been overflowing in my brain for the past months- SO, HERE IS WHAT IDEAS AND ARCS I COME UP WITH FOR THIS GUY:
If Season 8 (or Rookie Season 2) ever come out, I've always feel like Diego should come back as an antagonist for Skarra and Shakes.
When the show introduced him, we were shown of him greeting Shakes and Skarra, (even knowing their names), despite both of them have no idea who Diego is. Then he introduce himself to them and reveals he knows them by RESEARCHING HIS COMPETITORS- This is, of course, not a "101 in how to write character motivation tropes" but, THAT RIGHT THERE IS SUCH A COMMON TROPE FOR VILLIANS TO DO- (like I said, this isn't a case for all characters who do this) This just show us that, Diego, is ABSOLUTELY READY for his opponents coming in his way.
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There's are also moments where he'll do anything to win (or this case, to have the spot in Supa Strikas.) There's a scene where Diego is the last person to arrive to the Try-Outs and slickly, snitch on the Deadly Duo for checking out the Trophy Room. There's also a scene where in the "Training Test", he wasn't doing great in it that, the way for him to win, is to cheat his way, by sabotaging Shakes by holding down the weights.
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And when he got eliminated, he (sarcastically) said he was honored to participate, then goes through a hissy fit that he didn't win, to the point, broke a window- THE MAN HAS GRUDGES AND AN EGO, PERFECT FOR A VILLIAN!
So, after all that, I thought if he DID COME BACK, he should join a super league team (that is not Invincible United or Supa Strikas). I suggest Bark FC. (I SWEAR IS "PROBABLY" NOT BECAUSE HE WEARS PURPLE-)
Now, I know people are probably disagreeing me for putting him in Barka FC (which is fine, we don't need to agree on everything) because Barka FC is well known to be clean and honest with it's tactics, and extremely friendly with other Super League Teams and Players, and pretty much that reputation is thanks to Riano. But, hear me out, THAT'S THE POINT! Diego is shown to be the very opposite of Barka FC is known for, snitching, cheating, being immature after he lose to something. There so much shenanigan interactions potential if he becomes a Barka FC player.
I imagine if he were a new rookie in the team, everyone in Barka would be really nice to him and welcome Diego (he is glad tho). But then, his true colors reveal, every time they lose, he'll go on a hissy fit and say nasty things towards the opponents (even to Teams playing and winning fair and square). Sometimes, he would snitch or accidently spread false rumors because he heard it somewhere, on other players (even his own team). HECK, in Rookie Season, he has really good social skills, so him being a two-face person in the team will make interesting interactions. He would be really friendly to his opponents first, then after Barka FC wins he would give such a handback compliments to them. Imagine Barka FC have to apologies every time Diego do something wrong. Pretty much his Team does not like him (but doesn't show it to Diego's face because, unlike him, their mature people). Actually, I wouldn't be surprise if the guy turn out to be one of the most disliked players in his Team, AND in the Super League-
I kinda headcanon Diego and Riano almost being the same age (Diego being 2 years young than Riano). So, the idea how these two interacting will be SUPER distressing and chaotic. Riano trying his best guiding Diego's way to becoming a "less" dislikable person. Teaching him how to be patient, how to not be a stuck-up, and so far, trying to be the best role model he could be to Diego. Unfortunately, Diego see this as an insult, for thinking there's something wrong with his character to be fix. Riano would be seen, being tired and giving annoyed expressions when dealing with Diego. (Also, I like the Idea, if this takes place after Season 7, Riano would call Shakes up, and let out all his troubles about Diego to Shakes. I also like the idea that, the entire Barka Fc Team would go to a bar or hangout somewhere Diego is out of sight, and cheer each other up after meddling with him-)
Also, had an idea that the Barka FC Players TRY THEIR DAMN HARDEST to convince the Barka FC Higher Ups to let go of Diego from their Team, since he's unbearable to work with and ruining Barka Fc's image. The Higher Ups decline because Diego has really great skills in football and is a great asset for the Team to win. (the players groan everyday, waking up knowing they have to babysit Diego-)
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Now, one of his arcs I thought for him, is becoming an antagonist for Shakes and Skarra. I imagine, either in Season 8 or Rookie Season 2, a scene where Skarra and Shakes bump into each other and start their bickering rivalry. And then out of nowhere, Diego pops in, interrupting their rivalry, and give a speech about his motivations, revealing that he will get revenge on Skarra and Shakes for taking his place in the Try-Outs for Supa Strikas, and promise them living hell when they meet him. (I know it wouldn't make sense if Diego had a grudge on Skarra, because Shakes is the one who got in. But I feel like Skarra would still be on Diego's list because he was eliminated, before Skarra and Shakes.) (Also, I want more Skarra and Shakes interactions in the show-)
And after all the monologue speech from him, Skarra and Shakes just looks at him in confusion and asked, "Who are you?" "Do we know you?", like a call back to Rookie Season 1. Diego would be shocked, and upset of them for not remembering him at all- And explain who he is and introducing himself (again) to them. (They still don't remember-) This will give Diego more motivation to take revenge on them.
Shakes and Skarra would brush him off and leaves, underestimate Diego capabilities as a person. Then in the future, Skarra and Shakes would be in complicated situations together, have to solve it together, and will reveal, Diego is the one behind it (and they will take him down together). They will have to now knowledge Diego as a threat and (unfortunately for their sake) have to look out for one another.
I know, and i mean, I KNOW, some people in the Supa Strikas community, want for Shakes and Skarra to interact more and DESPRATE some continuation on their relationship getting better. SO WHY NOT DO THAT, IN A WAY, BY GIVING THEM BOTH, THE DEADLY DUO, A COMMON THREAT TO SOLVE??? DIEGO! :D AND ABSOLUTELY KNOW, somewhere, out there, if Season 8 were to happen, people want to see Skarra's Redemption Arc, so this is one of the way I can think of that would do it! After dealing with Diego sometimes, both of them will slowly open up and bond. Rivalry slowly turns into Friendship again. And Skarra, even though is hard for him, will tell Shakes how he feels. (Less sad and aggressive than in "Food for Thought S7E11" of course-)
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I also like the idea of Diego, despite him, probably, have a grudge against Supa Strikas for not picking him, is STILL A FAN OF SUPA STRIKAS-
He would scoff of merely thinking and talking about them in one scene, but in the next one, he is impressed and spats out information about what makes Supa Strikas great. And then realizes what he's doing and nonchalantly says "I mean, their still a bad team tho..." or something similar to that.
It will be a running joke in some episodes, to the point, his Team DEFINITELY knows he still loves Supa Strikas, and a massive Nerd for them. (I even envision one of the players gifting Diego a Special Edition Supa Strikas Jersey and was super excited about it, but then he immediately snaps out of his fanboying-ness, and cuts to him saying "I-I mean, It's a fine Jersey...", but then continues of him saying something like, "Would be a shame if that gift will go to waste...", then takes the shirt in a speed of light, close the door, wears the jersey, and reveals his room is full of Supa Strikas merchandise-)
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I know this is a dedicated post for Diego, But may I give some potential ideas for Raj :
Half of me is torn between 2 ideas:
1. Raj and Diego would be on the same team.
2. Raj would be in a different team, and he would join Sa Ming FC. (I've always wanted some Sa Ming screen time for so long, even though they never have dialogue and not important in the show, to the point, the creators unfortunately forgot they exist- So why not bring them back, with RAJ as a NEW ROOKIE?!?! Like COME ON, I absolutely love his design, I just wish in the future, if there if more Supa Strikas seasons coming, we will see him again) (Also need more Asian Representation in the Show, so Sa Ming FC, which represents Thailand, and Raj together, united, is the Asian Solidarity I must have and need!!!)
Shout out to @strika-archyvez for conforming Sa Mings FC's Origins being from and representing Thailand, in their post, under the comments!
There's also some cool facts about their lead player. :D You should totally read up about it here:
Here's some few ideas I thought for Diego's and Raj's Relationship with each other:
Raj would be the only one who tolerates Diego's behavior and would become "Side Friends" with him in the Super League. Raj would be Diego's moral compass (that Diego tries to ignore), and try to snap senses into him for what he's doing. Diego would think Raj is a nuisance, but secretly likes his company, since his team, nor other players, wouldn't want to hangout with him because of his behavior.
They would meet by random chance, and alot of chaotic shenanigans happens that Raj tries to stop it. I also like the idea Raj would bring Diego to go drink tea, or any beverages, in any shop, to make Diego avoid doing anything scheming for his own good. (Shakes and Skarra should thank him for that in those situations-)
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I'm not sure to give him a Redemption Arc or make him stay as a villain. In one hand, I like the Idea he will get better by meeting good people in his life that confronts his behavior (by being BRUTALLY HONEST with him) and confronting Skarra and Shakes about his whole ordeal. But in the other hand, all his trickery and plans I made in my head, are kinda unredeemable for him, and I'm fine with the idea of this man living in the past and refusing to let go of the grudges that Skarra and Shakes wasn't even at fault for.
Either why, I'm fine with either of them. He's a character who has GREAT PONTENTIAL and hope the creators see that.
(This scene in "Trial And Terror, Rookie Season Episode 3" of him really confused me, like I really thought in a way he still controlling the train, but he didn't know it doesn't work, since everything is under control like Coach said, then have bunch of Blammo Bars after "controlling" the train. NOPE. He was eating Blammo Bars and his pain away because he's miserable he didn't get into Supa Strikas- )
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BOY, THIS TOOK LONGGGG THAN I THOUGHT- I just want to share ideas of Potential villain Diego for a while now. Unfortunately, not a lot of content around him (don't blame the fandom, he's only a side character in one episode in Rookie Season-). So I guess, I'll be one of those people~
The only stuff I saw, that is remotely Diego content wise, is this lovely art by @matchanxious , where he's older and he's plays for Sultans FC. If this were to happened, I WOULD LOVE HIM TO INTREACT WITH ZOOM ZAHIR (NEED MORE CONTENT OF ZAHIR-) and Duvall too, I guess-
Would Imagine him being super dedicated towards Sheikh, like giving strategies, doing schemes for him with Duvall, and getting any chance to talk to him, but Sheik would get annoyed and try to avoid him- AGAIN DIEGO HAS SO MUCH PONTENTIAL!!!
There's also an old headcanon back in 2021 (I think???) I saw, from also @matchanxious , hers truly:
"Diego would be a Conservative"
This is @matchanxious beautiful artwork of Diego! Please show her artwork some love!!! :
Again, we're at the end! Thank you for reading this if you reach it at the end! Very much appreciated!
And guess what? I actually will be working on 2 analysis post towards two characters from Supa Strikas, by suggestion! :D They will take a little while to do since, again.... COLLEGE! So be patience when I come back with those analysis. And probably more art and edits coming!
Thank you again for reading!!!
- MimpiNightmare
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tactician · 1 year ago
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today is the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the dnd campaign that i am a member of...!! so you know that a long rambling post is 100% in order.
five years ago, i played dnd for the very first time. (the date on that post says the 16th but that's because we played for like a billion hours and it went past midnight. because of course it did.) i remember being so, so nervous about it bc i seriously knew next to nothing about dnd. i had never watched any tabletop shows or anything and i was pretty much totally new to improv. i had no idea what a d20 was. i wish i was kidding. i truly just dived right in there. (fitting, i guess, since the character i play is a triton... LMFAO).
i'm so glad that decided to try it out regardless bc it has paid off in ways that i can't even begin to express fully... this campaign has accompanied me through so many life events - both the good and the bad - and i cherish each and every one of our Merry Band of Misfits' adventures. even when shit hit the fan and encounters got tense or chaotic in some form, it ended up making for some absolutely wonderful memories. i'm so glad that that reides - my lil blue fish lad!!! - is a member of the champions valoris.
reides is a character who is extremely near & dear to my heart and he has really awakened a creative side of me during these past five years. i always strive to be a player who can live up to him and do his character the justice that it deserves. even 'beyond' the campaign, i have so much fun writing stuff related to him, making crafts related to him, coming up with art ideas for him and getting comms of him... simply rotating him in my mind. you know how it is. really, i think it's impossible to sum up what reides means to me because he's just... REIDES!!! (also, peep the original token i had for him vs his current one... so cute. just so cute.) i seriously love all of the stuff that everyone else at the table makes for their own characters, too! playing pretend with your friends is fr one of the most healing experiences ever; we all gently feed off each other's creativity in such a lovely way. the passion we all have for our respective characters and the overall setting of the campaign is infectuous, and that passion - coupled with a whole lot of hard (yet fun!!!) work - has made for a story that is nothing short of legendary.
so i just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and say that i am honored to share a table with these incredibly creative individuals who have saved me in so many ways!!! big shoutouts to my fellow player, @mintflavoredwindows, who plays kilwin, the EXTREMELY blessed (teehee cleric joke) blond lad standing next to reides in that little chibi line-up of our characters (and who also takes the time to write AMAZING!!!!!! session synopses which all of us read time and time again; they are fr a lifesaver not to mention an immortalization of everything we've been through), our dungeon master of legend, @killdragons, who puts a TON of effort into the campaign setting as a whole and was the person who offered me a position in the campaign to begin with, @brewswain who has accompanied us on tons of different arcs with his absolutely incredible array of characters AND @sangre who has guest starred with his lovely miré (AND WHO HAS SUPPORTED THE CAMPAIGN SOOO MUCH IN GENERAL i love talking abt alethustria with you bree)!!! nathan (who plays jorah) and cj (who plays ashara and played slumberjack during the first season of the campaign) aren't on tumblr dot com so i can't give their urls a little shout-out in this post, but i'm still going to restate that being able to share in this adventure with them - both in-character and out-of-character - has been fucking incredible. the adventurers formerly known as the pog champions are eternal. viva la champions valoris. etc etc etc.
i also want to thank everyone who's supported reides / the campaign as a whole on the sidelines, bc you guys are absolutely amazing. and i can't possibly post this without showing off our lovely campaign wiki. bc it's iconic.
thanks everyone :') so excited for future adventures!!!
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akirqx · 6 months ago
ooo i haven’t asked for a matchup in YEARS but i forgot how fun it was so i will!! hoping i can get both a platonic and romantic one but if you can’t then either works:)
i go by she/they interchangeably and i would prefer a matchup w either karasuno, nekoma, fukurodani, aoba johsai, or shiratorizawa!! (basically the main five teams LOL)
honestly i’m one to get bored if like someone’s either wayyy too nice or gets genuinely upset at banter and being playful mean, cz i like to argue and like mess around with people’s words a lot (i am genuinely no man’s peace and everyone knows) so i’m one to go for people who can match the arguing and banter but not be an asshole😋 i’m also i’m the a word (asexual spectrum user) so anybody who you don’t see being too despo for anything nsfw in a relationship is a green green green flag in my books!!
in terms of myself and hobbies n whatnot, im an avid bass player and i legit play every night till my fingers hurt bc i love music n learning new songs LOL🙏 im huge on sciences and i absolutely adore physics and everything it entails, so be prepared for random fun facts about newton and einstein when i feel like it… i also love dance and i run a hip hop club at school! sometimes i game but i’ve been so busy and stressed from studying for senior year that it’s out the window (being an academic weapon is not for the weak💔) i like to joke that i’m everybody’s boyfriend because i live by being helpful and treating my friends like my girlfriends so they know how they should be treated at the bare minimum (again, no man’s peace), and guys tend to see me as like ‘one of them’ (but like genuinely they say that to my face when i’m upset or feeling excluded from my girl friends). im also stupidly ambitious and i genuinely will never give up on what i’m aiming for unless it’s absolutely 0% doable (like becoming an olympian or sm). i’m heavily leaning towards being a masculine kinda girlie and prefer to dress that way too, the only things that don’t match are my face, which is still pretty feminine, and my height (5’5 smh)
anyways you can work your magic with this!! thank you!! excited to see what you think!!
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Okay so let’s start with platonic !! (sorry this one is short)
You and Semi Eita bonded over your mutual interest in music!
He is a musician in timeskip so I like to think that he started getting interested in music during high school. Maybe you’re the one who even opened his interest in it?
Enjoys hearing your progress when you show him a new song you’ve been practicing
Probably gives you song recommendations to play if you run out of some!
I feel like despite the shiratorizawa entrance exam being extremely difficult, you’d pass (okayyy academic weapon I see you☝️)
You join Tendō in teasing him about his outfit choices and he sighs dramatically loud (he’s done with you guys)
You guys would probably become a silly little trio
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You never get bored with Satori Tendō around, he will keep you on your toes
Probably such a chaotically fun relationship, lots of playful banter
You are no man’s peace but together you are nobody’s peace (poor semi)
Please don’t joke about being his girlfriend he will never shut up about it. Next time you help him with something or he helps you with something he will bring it up just to be a tease
He was tooo scared to confess 😭 he never thought you’d like him back (you’re probably the one that confessed)
I feel like he’d be fine with just hand holding, hugging and kisses (as mentioned in the other msg u sent!) I don’t see him being someone that desperate for anything nsfw…
I feel like he’s scared to make you uncomfortable so he’s very mindful with the physical contact
Finds your ambitions really admirable and will encourage them !!
Loves to spend time with you even if you’re busy; like if your busy studying or something he does not care, he just enjoys the comfort of your presence
He reallyyy wants to impress you with his guess blocking omg
Always begs you to come to his games
The whole volleyball team probably knows you from how much they see you at their games (and how much Tendō talks abt u) that you’re always welcome to their practices and hangouts
But he lowkey gets jealous if you get closer with someone else
He loves to fall asleep to the sound of you practicing the bass!! If he can’t in person then it’s through FaceTime
Is actually super interested in the facts you tell. If you accidentally repeat one you’ve already said before, he’d definitely remember and tell you that you’ve said that one already so you could tell him a new one
Enjoys watching you dance (he CANNOT dance, but just might sometimes to make you laugh)
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Thank you for requesting !! I hope I didn’t take too long to get to yours 😓
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mymarifae · 1 year ago
I think it's really cool you like hsr the way you do. I like queuing the fanart despite the fact I don't play the game and won't because 1 I have 5 gacha games I'm playing and 2 genshin dude. My computer prolly couldn't handle it because of genshin
But it sounds fun and interesting and if I did get into it, that would be because of the women and fighting system
Also i know nothing about Stelle but I LOVE the way you talk about her it's so cool so now I kinda like Stelle. I just love your blog tbh
Um. Yeah. Have a good day I wish you luck on future gacha and getting your moots into the game 👍
i'm having WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more fun with hsr than i ever did with genshin (though i'm considering giving it a second chance solely for gaming. he's everything i like in a character, so...). it's like, a combination of preferring the combat system and just not being able to connect to the traveler
i'm not fond of the "silent nameless player insert" protagonist archetype. genshin leaned way too heavily into this for my tastes. the traveler was kind of a nothingburger. and it felt like they weren't very connected to the world and the people they were meeting - they just wanted to find their missing sibling and then fuck off. at least that's what i got from what i managed to play through 🤷🏾‍♀️
the trailblazer is... similar. to a certain degree. despite giving the player a pretty wide assortment of choices and like giving them the option to name stelle(or caelus I GUESS) whatever they want . stelle's personality is VERY strong. she's a fucking weirdo. she's chaotic and goofy and awkward. she likes making bad jokes. she's obsessed with digging through trash cans and trying to eat things she's not supposed to. she's canonically extremely charming despite (or Because Of) her eccentricities and she appeals to The Ladies most of all. and! she really, really, REALLY loves everyone around her. her heart is HUGE and she's so attached to her new little family and she's always expanding it. always adopting people. so like, i'm MUUUUUUUCH more invested in her journey. you get me?
i really love her :') she's such an awesome character. the protagonist archetype she's forced into limits her potential in some ways, but it's nothing i can't rewrite in my head. and! something i've noticed as hsr goes on: she been getting more and more unique spoken dialogue that the player doesn't dictate. and we get more insight to her thoughts and the way she processes all the things that happen to/around her. more glimpses of emotions that are HERS. like, her reaction to firefly's death (?). she was freaking out in the immediate aftermath - and she's usually pretty stone-faced and collected (on the surface) - and if you return to firefly's secret spot, the dreampass updates with an entry expressing more of her grief and her fury at the unfairness of it all . just UGH it's so cool to see even more of her already strong personality shining through despite certain narrative constraints. also she's the prettiest
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todayimgonnaplay · 1 year ago
Today I'm Gonna Play: Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
I've seen Ys pop up often as people's top JRPGs. I've never played them before, so I jumped into the latest entry blind to what this series offers.
Talking of combat first, the first thing this game reminded me of was Tales of Arise; having skills by pressing button combinations, dodging, on screen encounters, and having a party based system where you could switch characters. It felt extremely snappy and satisfying, and I loved unlocking new skills be it from getting them as I fight, or from shops. It's an easy system that's fast-paced which is also great when you want to play something simple and shut your brain off for a bit.
There are also raids included, which have a tower defense mechanism to ensure you survive hordes of enemies while protecting a crystal, or to collect X number of item in a time limit. It gets quite chaotic but is manageable with the use of upgrades. This adds a nice variety to combat so that it does not get monotonous. Aside from that, the game seems to have a superpower motif going on, allowing you to traverse in different ways such as parkouring or gliding, or accessing hard to get places, as well as some combat abilities. It was an unexpected but fun touch.
The best qualities I've seen in this game are more finer details that add to the overall Quality of Life. One being how the map system functions. You're able to get a view of your current area AND look at the region map, in which you can look at other area maps because why not, all with the press of a button or two. . The game really encourages exploration in a great way by rewarding you with fast travel unlocks, and new shops or quests. What surprised me the most was that the minimap leaves a decently sized trail as you move around, making backtracking easy as well as marking where you've already been in case the dungeons or areas look the same-ish (or if you're feeling a bit forgetful at the time of playing). It's spoiled the way I see maps for JRPGs in a good way, and I'd love to see more games like this. The second detail I loved was the amount of customization in settings, ranging from gameplay to HUDs, giving the player freedom to truly explore or to be guided. And lastly, being able to save at anytime is quite a game-changer. It's not always easy to find time to game, and priorities are there to handle in real life, so having this feature came in super handy.
The story seems somewhat simple and straightforward. It's quite innocent and doesn't get too deep until the latter half of the game. I'm actually quite surprised how deep the game gets into its lore and politics, and it was simple enough to understand without playing the previous games. There's a nice variety in cast, and side quests actually add lore to them rather than being usual fetch or escort quests.
I also find the character designs to be a plus, most of them are designed quite well without the reliance of fanservice. It was a breath of fresh air! However I did find Renegade's design to be underwhelming with such a muted colour palette. It does fit his personality a bit, perhaps.
Some negatives are the graphical quality of this game. It's the latest entry released just a few years ago, yet it looks much older, and very bland in terms of colour. I had fun exploring the city of Balduq and was amazed at the size and depth of the place, but it definitely lacked some colour or variety that made the place truly interesting. Midway I stopped to look at previous entries' graphics and felt that Ys 8 somehow looked better, but I also read a bit about the developer and didn't realize their impact towards the genre, and that they seem to make more budgeted titles, so I can give this a pass.
Another negative is the music, most songs fit, but only about 2 tracks truly caught my ears, while the rest sound quite generic and akin to typical melodies I would hear in budget JRPGs.
Overall, the game was truly an enjoyable adventure to experience, and I even felt a little sad as I reached the end, bonding with the cast and the city. I'm looking forward to future titles and may check out 8!
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starseedfxofficial · 4 months ago
The Hidden Potential of CADCHF: Mastering the Broadening Formation Forex trading is like a game of chess—strategic, complex, and for those willing to master the board, incredibly rewarding. But sometimes, it's also like a bad sitcom: things go sideways fast. Imagine buying into a trade only to realize you've bought into something you’re never going to use—like a treadmill that becomes a clothes hanger after two weeks. Today, we’re going to dive deep into an often-overlooked yet wildly potent pattern: the Broadening Formation. Specifically, we’re exploring how you can use this lesser-known pattern to tame the beast that is the CADCHF currency pair. Get ready for some expert secrets, hidden opportunities, and humor that keeps you smiling all the way to your next successful trade. Why Broadening Formations? Most Traders Get It Wrong The Broadening Formation sounds exactly like what it looks like—price action zigzagging wider and wider like a megaphone. And just like a megaphone, it’s loud, unpredictable, and intimidating if you don't know how to handle it. Most traders shy away from broadening formations, dismissing them as chaotic or difficult to interpret. But let me let you in on a little secret: this chaos holds potential for big gains—if you know what to look for. Imagine standing in front of a funhouse mirror. At first, all you see is distortion. The broader the mirror, the weirder things look. But what if I told you that behind that broadening madness is a crystal-clear opportunity? CADCHF, a notoriously slippery pair, is often dancing to the tune of unpredictability—and that’s where our secret weapon comes in. How to Spot the Broadening Formation: Don’t Let Chaos Fool You Okay, traders. Step one: don’t panic when you see that erratic zigzagging. A broadening formation typically appears in periods of heightened volatility, when the market is acting like a caffeinated squirrel darting between extremes. CADCHF is especially prone to these erratic swings, often influenced by conflicting economic data from Canada and Switzerland. Here’s what you’re looking for: - Higher Highs and Lower Lows: The key characteristic of a broadening formation is that price keeps reaching new highs while simultaneously dipping into new lows. Think of it as the market just can’t make up its mind—kind of like me trying to decide between pizza or salad (let's be honest, it's always pizza). - At Least Five Touchpoints: You’ll want to identify at least five clear touchpoints where price swings create the expanding shape. The more points, the more reliable the pattern. - Volume Matters: Notice if the volume increases as price reaches those extreme highs and lows. That’s the smart money—you’re not the only one eyeing this setup, and knowing this will be your edge. Unlocking Profitable Moves in CADCHF Trading CADCHF with the broadening formation can be a bit like riding a rollercoaster—scary at times, but exhilarating when you get it right. Here are some key tactics that only the pros know about (or should I say, the ninjas in the trading dojo?): - Trade the Extremes: The best opportunities lie in trading those wild swings. When price hits an extreme high, it's often an excellent opportunity to go short, and vice versa for extreme lows. This strategy works because the market overreacts, swinging like a pendulum. Your job is to catch it when everyone else is either overconfident or terrified. - Volume Confirmation Is Your Secret Sauce: Here’s where the magic happens—wait for volume spikes to confirm reversals at the extreme levels. This is your proof that the big players are making their moves. If volume matches price behavior at an extreme high or low, it’s your cue to act. - Managing Risk Like a Pro: A broadening formation without proper risk management is like juggling flaming swords while blindfolded—exciting, but potentially disastrous. Use stop-losses wisely, placing them just outside of the recent extreme swing. This way, you give the market room to breathe while also protecting yourself from sudden reversals. Why Most Traders Avoid CADCHF (And How You Can Profit Instead) CADCHF doesn’t have the popularity of EURUSD or GBPUSD, and for good reason. It’s affected by two economies that are worlds apart in terms of industry, interest rates, and geopolitical influence. Switzerland is like that meticulously organized friend who keeps everything in spreadsheets—stable, consistent, and predictable. Canada, on the other hand, is more like your adventure-loving buddy who’s always down for a spontaneous road trip (and a few maple syrup jokes along the way). This disparity means that CADCHF can be as unpredictable as the weather in Canada during spring—one minute, it’s sunny, the next minute, you’re knee-deep in snow. But for those who understand how to read these broadening formations, this unpredictability is actually a goldmine of opportunities. Breaking Down the Trade: A Step-By-Step Guide Want to tackle CADCHF like a pro? Here’s a simple yet effective guide to help you master it: - Identify the Pattern: Look for those expanding highs and lows—this might seem messy, but that’s where the opportunity lies. - Confirm with Volume: Wait for volume to confirm the movement at an extreme—volume is your silent indicator that the market’s not kidding around. - Plan Your Entry: Enter trades when price is at the extremes. Buy low, sell high—classic advice, but oh so relevant here. - Set Stop-Loss Orders Wisely: Place your stops beyond the recent extremes. This is your safety net—like a lifeguard who’s got your back. - Be Ready for Drama: Remember, broadening formations mean drama. The market will be volatile, so expect a bumpy ride. Use smaller position sizes if you're new to trading CADCHF to avoid unnecessary stress. The Secret Sauce to Winning With CADCHF Most traders shy away from CADCHF because they believe it’s unpredictable, or simply because it doesn’t get as much attention as other pairs. However, the broadening formation offers clear setups—if you're patient enough to wait for them. And hey, in a market full of noise, knowing when to turn up the volume (and when to turn it down) is exactly how you’ll separate yourself from the rest. Speaking of turning things up, have you joined our StarseedFX community yet? It’s like being part of a band of Forex ninjas—full of experts, daily alerts, and the latest market insights. Get in on the action at StarseedFX Community. Real-World Example: The Broadening Formation in Action Let’s talk about what happened last year during the Swiss National Bank’s unexpected policy shift. CADCHF started moving like a squirrel that drank too much espresso. Traders who recognized the broadening formation during this period saw the pair bounce from extreme highs to lows multiple times, creating lucrative opportunities for those trading the extremes. As volume spiked at each extreme, it was a clear indication that institutional players were making big moves. If you caught on, congratulations—you were riding that rollercoaster instead of watching it from the ground. Why Understanding Market Sentiment Helps Broadening formations thrive in uncertain conditions, which means that understanding market sentiment can give you an additional edge. Economic data releases, particularly those related to Swiss economic stability or Canadian growth outlooks, can act as catalysts that push CADCHF into broadening formations. Keeping an eye on the latest economic indicators and news can help you prepare for these moves. For real-time updates, check out StarseedFX Forex News and stay ahead of the curve. Embrace the Broadening, Trade Like a Ninja CADCHF might be unpredictable, but the broadening formation can turn that chaos into something profitable. Remember, trading isn’t about avoiding risk—it’s about managing it smartly. Embrace the erratic highs and lows, trade the extremes, and use volume as your guide. Like any good comedian, timing is everything—wait for the right moment, and you’ll have the audience (or in this case, the market) eating out of your hand. If you want to deepen your understanding, check out our Free Trading Courses here. Expand your strategies, learn new tricks, and keep those trades profitable and stress-free. After all, who said making money in Forex couldn’t be a little bit fun too? —————– Image Credits: Cover image at the top is AI-generated   Read the full article
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rollingforstew · 1 month ago
Campaign 2
Uncle Iroh offered to DM so that Sokka can try out playing as a player and because Iroh had fun listening in to them playing. Iroh isn’t quite as good at it as Sokka (Sokka was just so into it and knew exactly how to get reactions out of people) but he’s still really good and they all have a lot of fun.
Sokka calls dibs on Artificer now that he’s a player and ends up going with Artillerist. His Dwarf is a Guild Artisan defined by his self-proclaimed “amazing beard.” Sokka knows all the ins and outs of DnD after being the DM for the longest time and Iroh is not prepared for his strategy gaming. Sokka refuses to metagame in a cheaty way, but if his character can figure something ridiculous out well I don’t know what to tell you.
Suki decides she wants to play a Bard this time. She likes that they can be tricky like Rogues but are musical and magical. She picks the Swords subclass cause she liked the combo of casting spells and fighting last time, she brings back the homebrew fans. Her character has the Entertainer background cause it makes sense and is a Tiefling cause Suki also thinks they’re neat. Suki’s character is the party leader in social situations.
Katara thought that a Wizard looked really fun when Suki played one. She goes with High Elf Sage cause it makes DnD sense and she still likes Elves but it's technically different. She picks Abjuration as her subclass because it's really powerful and also its just her style. She tries to play a serene and wise character but she’s an excitable person and her decisions reflect that. Her character is always chasing down new spells to add to her spell book and Sokka and Aang are suffering.
Toph still wants to be a heavy hitter again but she mixes it up by playing a Berserker Barbarian. Her character is a Half-Orc cause she likes that they sound tough and does the Soldier background for the same reason. Her new character is pretty much the same as her last one roleplay-wise (read: distinctly Toph) but she has a lot of fun with it so no one minds. Toph’s characters are Chaotic Neutral incarnate. 
Aang got the extreme projection out of his system with his last character and goes a little lighter on it this time. He decides to play a Halfling cause he likes the lore about their culture and way of life. He plays a Moon Druid cause he loves nature, thinks shapeshifting into animals sounds really fun, and they need a healer. Acolyte background rounds it out. He’s more engaged with DnD combat now that he’s healing his friends and turning into animals.
Zuko honestly just wanted to play a Rogue again but Suki’s Bard is able to fill a similar role. Sokka recommends a Redemption Paladin to round out the party cause it’d be really good to have another tank and more healing never hurt, but also because he thinks it would be funny for Zuko specifically to play a one. Zuko doesn’t read into it until its too late. He plays a Dragonborn cause he likes dragons and does the Folk Hero background to round the character out.
The Gaang somehow playing DnD
Character Creation
Sokka is the DM cause who else would it be. He's perfect for it. He's the smart "learns everything there is to know about this new hobby" guy, the plans guy, and the guy with the power to tell the Avatar and Toph "go to bed" and have them listen. It's a learning curve for him to DM the rest of the Gaang cause he's not used to managing them from the outside or in non-life-or-death situations, but after a while he gets really good at it.
Aang does the whole "reflection of yourself though make believe" concept very directly by doing a Four Elements Monk that's an Air Genasi with the Hermit background. When they actually play, he gets really engaged with the story and roleplay but doesn't really "get" the DnD combat.
Toph is convinced by Sokka to do a Champion fighter because it's less to keep track of (she can't read) but also because he knows she'll have the most fun hitting things a bunch of times and dealing double damage more often. She picks Tiefling cause she thinks they sound cool and does the Urchin background.
Zuko plays a Human Noble cause he doesn't get the appeal of fantasy races and he already knows how to roleplay nobility. The Gaang is varying levels of surprised when he plays a Rogue and gets really into it. Sokka can always count on Zuko to help him carry the plot forward.
Katara decides to play a Cleric cause they're healers and can fight just like her and the party needs one. She thinks Elves sound really cool and when she finds out that Sea Elves are a thing she goes all in with Tempest subclass and Sailor background. Katara starts off awkward but ends up submerged in her character.
Suki listened to Sokka gush all about how the game works and figures the party probably needs a Wizard and it sounds fun. She does a Half-Elf Folk Hero and goes into Bladesinging. They homebrew fans as a weapon for her and her character switches between those and a Rapier depending.
Actually Playing
Before they played Aang and Katara thought it would be neat if they had a romance but through a series of events no one planned or did on purpose Zuko’s and Katara’s characters end up having a lot of tension. At first it was awkward but once it gets cleared with Aang and Mei everyone ends up thinking its the funniest thing in the world. They’re not even trying to roleplay romance! At the very very end of the campaign the characters have the most awkward asking out ever and the table cheers.
Toph originally isn’t big on non-combat that isn’t intimidation checks but an NPC that sometimes helps the party gets a crush on her character and while it was originally a joke on Sokka’s part to mess with her Toph actually got into it.
Suki’s character has a missing boyfriend as a part of her backstory and the party goes on a big quest to save him at some point. Suki’s character gets an amazing arc and at the end of it her boyfriend becomes a stay-at-home at the party’s homebase.
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asimovsideburns · 4 years ago
Ally Beardsley: I am the most experienced dnd player on this season
Me, knowing that the first time they ever played dnd was fantasy high season 1:
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[image ID: two gifs of standup comedian John Mulaney, who is a white man with short brown hair wearing a grey suit.
In the first gif, he says, “That would be like if you were going out of town for the week and you paid a horse to watch your dog.”
In the second gif, he says, “Like alright, here is the number where we’ll be and here’s where we keep the dog food, and you’re a horse.” He is miming petting a horse as he finishes his sentence. End ID.]
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m00nt4r0t · 2 years ago
✮ what would your sim think of you? what would they say to you if they could? ✮
pile one, two, or three?
photo creds to freakst0mp on pinterest!
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile one
“what would pile one’s sim think of them?” if your sim could think for themselves (assuming they can’t lol) they would think that you, their god/creator, is very much chaotic and not very balanced. you’re probably the type of player that sees how many different ways you can kill your sim(s). they think that you are very unfair; if they ever tried to pray to you or beg for mercy, you wouldn’t care to listen. they think you’re extremely powerful and you can pretty much make anything happen (which is true to an extent) and they’re pretty fearful of you, pile one. the evil sims would praise you and love to bring chaos upon the world, while the nicer sims would question why their creator had to be so merciless. “what would pile one’s sim say to them?” your sim would tell you how unhappy you’ve made them in their life. maybe you took them away from their family, you made them cheat on the spouse they were in love with, you made them quit the career they loved for a career they hate, you get it. but yeah they’d also tell you that they’re terrified of you and they pretty much never expect a good day??? they wake up and automatically think it’s going to be a terrible day ahead of them. i didn’t expect to feel bad while doing this reading, but i feel bad for your sims hahaha. they’d also say how overwhelmed they are with all the work they do.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile two
“what would pile two’s sim think of them?” your sim would be very confident in their belief of you, their creator/god! you’re probably the type to make your sim(s) rich right away, and/or use a lot of cheats to progress quicker. they most definitely would be greedy because of this, though. they’d feel very financially protected under your wing and it may make them very snobby and rude to others. your sim basically feels unstoppable because of you. you may use the cheat that makes it to where their needs don’t go down so they’re pretty much good “for life” lol. “what would pile two’s sim say to them?” if your sim could speak to you, they’d say that they really, really love and appreciate everything you do for them! they’d be very emotional in your presence, for you literally made them everything they are. they’d also tell you how loyal to you they are, and they will always faith in you. they’d definitely see you as their god and would possibly even create a religion specifically for you. if you have the magic pack then they’d give you many offerings and praise you every day. your sim really loves you lol.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile three
“what would pile three’s sim think of them?” your sim would have mixed feelings about you, pile three. they’d see you as a god that takes away from their sims to teach them a lesson and/or bring in something new for them. they’d have moments of worry and maybe even doubt in you, their creator/god, but then they’d see why what happened had to happen. they’d see you as a strategic higher power, even if you’re not intentionally being strategic. maybe you just do things in patterns, or something. overall, your sim would think of you pretty highly. “what would pile three’s sim say to them?” if your sim could talk to you, they’d ask you to make life a bit easier for them. i get a feeling you don’t use cheats very much in the game, you play it “correctly.” they’d ask you to give them a better job, a more comfortable bed or maybe some cuter decor in their house. they’re grateful for you, but they would mention that they feel like they’ve had bad luck and the good things are taking too long. they’d ask you if it’s cause of bad karma, lol.
thank you for reading and interacting! <3
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mixedupmojo · 2 years ago
Dating monkey king JCA
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This guy is seriously underrated. Which is a pity as he is such a fun character (at least in my opinion) So I have decided to rectify that. Here are some head canons for what it would be like to date the monkey king from Jackie Chan adventures. 
(I feel like this is one of those pieces of writing that borderline both good and bad. Any way enjoy)
• The moment he sets his sights his sight on you it's all over. The boy is totally love-struck, we're talking heart eyes, floating cartoon hearts, shot with cupids arrow, the works, he is gone. • And your life will forever be a lot more chaotic as he has made it his mission to woo you (as well as enact a long list of pranks but that can be put aside for late first ROMANCE!) • Get ready from now on your life will be filled with over-the-top, cheesy, grand romantic gestures and wacky shenanigans. • He will do anything to win your affection. Some of these instances include: -flooding part of your city/town so he can take you on a romantic gondola ride -coming home after a long day only to open your door and be swamped with a tidal wave of flowers. And after finally managing to dig yourself out, only to find that your entire home is bucay upon bucay full of them -flirts with you constantly. This sometimes develops into a whole skit. Referencing some type of Romanic pop culture the best example is the Romeo and Juliet speech. -popping up out of nowhere so he can talk and hang out with you. Which slowly devolves into him trying to show off and impress you. Will also randomly kidnap you every now and then to take you on spontaneous dates   - during a romantic dinner he is pulling some bugs bunny level stunts one moment he's your date next he's acting as the waiter, then he's the chief, then a violin player, etc....etc..... Just switching between all of these different roles all the while still holding a conversation with you. it's honestly quite funny especially when he gets in an argument with himself over the fact that the waiter is flirting with you despite it literally being himself -giving you interesting/expensive pieces of jewellery. And you later find out via the news that he took them from a museum or some fancy jewellery store. And subsequently having to find a way to sneakily return it so you don't get in trouble (or keep it I don't know your moral compass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) • Eventually, if you agree to be his s/o he will be over the moon and you will have gained yourself one over-the-top but very dedicated lover • Has made it his personal mission to make you laugh as he loves the sound of your laughter, especially a full blown belly laugh. the first time he got you to laugh like that made him so soft he practically melted into a puddle of goo. but whatever you do, do not fake laugh! at any one of his jokes, I'm serious. as he will get extremely upset with you and it will devolve into a full blown fight. That will require a lot of apologising and making up on your part to get him to forgive you. • Expect a lot of cheesy pet names from honey bunch, snookums, schmoopsie woopsie boobear slowly getting more and more ridiculous/sickly sweet the further he goes on. Stop him before he goes too far and you throw up from the sweetness. • On a side note, he will call you his queen • Very physically affectionate. He is always touching you somehow, whether it be slinging an arm around your shoulders, holding your hand as he drags you off on your next adventure or having his tail wrapped around your waist • He's a nuzzler. So watch out because that beard of his tickles and he will use it against you • He has done the whole kiss up your arm thing while calling you sweet pet names or just generally praising you • He knows how to keep you on your toes there is never a dull moment when you're with him • I don't know why but I think he would be a bit of a movie buff, based on all of the pop culture references he makes in the show. as such he love's watching films together with you, however, he cannot sit still for the life of him. Not to mention he would talk throughout the duration of the film. I can guarantee at the end of the movie there will be popcorn everywhere. • On a side note, another thing you end up doing a lot together is performing. He absolutely loves to be at the centre of attention and craves the spotlight. And with you being his partner he will want you there with him. And often drag you along to join in on his act, whether it be acting, magic, stand-up comedy, dancing, or karaoke. he just wants to include you in something that he enjoys and overall for the both of you to have fun together (on a side note he does not care if you're not good at any of it or if you both look silly he just wants to have fun with you). However, if you’re the type of person who very much enjoys staying out of the spotlight he will respect that but expects you to be a part of the audience cheering him on.   • loves it when you play with his hair and will pretty much let you do anything with it. Which means you can braid it to your heart's content. • Will include you with his wacky costume changes often giving you an outfit to match his • Playing pranks on various people, and just because you’re his significant other don’t think that you're safe, as he will prank you too. Usually, it's just some ploy to trick you into kissing him, however, some of them are purely at your expense. if he ever takes things too far though and makes you upset or "gasp" the unthinkable makes you cry. He will make it up to you with a huge grand gesture and once things calm down, offer you a soft heartfelt apology • If you have a similar sense of humour as him he would love it if you were his partner in crime • Pitching in on prank planning becomes part of your quality time together • Helping him out whenever he gets stuck in doll form be it by finding someone he can swap places with or through some other magical means. And for whatever reason, if there is ever a scenario where you're the one to swap places with him and become a doll, he will stop at nothing to find a way you turn you back all the while taking care of you while you're in your doll form. • He is still salty over what Jackie and jade did to him and is still looking for revenge against the two. Personally, You have nothing against the two and actually get along with them whenever the monkey king is not around. (there have been multiple occasions where you have ended up having tea with uncle, getting food with Tohru or jade, having in-depth conversations with Jackie or getting into mischief with jade) However now and then you may end up getting roped into whatever crazy scheme he concocted to get back at them. But most of the time you're just observing from the sidelines. • When the Chans first met you they first thought you were being mind controlled or manipulated in some way and subsequently ended up kidnapping you only to find out on you worn't and you just really loved this goofy monkey. Needless to say, the monkey king was not at all pleased to find out you had been kidnapped, and by his enemies no less. Which results in him coming to rescue you (not kidding he actually road in on a horse dressed as a knight in shining armour to come and get you) this result in a series of hijinks that get weirder and weirder as. one monkey king is trying to protect you. babying you all the while, after all, you have just gone through a traumatic experience being kidnapped and all (even though they were very nice kidnappers). Two, him trying to get some well-deserved payback ( at least in his eyes) against those who kidnapped you aka the Chans. and three, you trying to stop him from committing a felony while simultaneously trying to show that you're ok. it finally ends with half of the city in chaos, Jackie and the fam a little worst wears, section 13 freaking out over the damage and with you now officially on their radar and with you completely exhausted and very much in need of a nap with a clingy monkey at your side.    
• The monkey king doing something ridiculous in the background Jade: What do you see in him y/n: he makes me laugh
• Stopping him when his pranks take a more harmful or lethal turn. As seen in the show this boys humour can get pretty dark • He gets jealous really easily, and can't stand not being the centre of your attention. And as such this does cause problems within your relationship but after sitting him down and telling him how much this is damaging your relationship. He will back off and try to be a bit better for your sake with only the occasional relapse here and there. • At the end of the day, he really does love you and would do anything for you
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delicrieux · 4 years ago
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
PART 13: ...O-OH?
it’s the night of the big stream. y/n uncovers a strange, albeit deep, bond with charlie. corpse interrupts her garden date with sykkuno quite unceremoniously. tensions are high as ever; proximity chat reveals internal monologues and stray thoughts. y/n’s “batshit insane” energy affects everyone. this is, quite literally, the best game of among us bretman has ever played.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (if you squint, it’s very one sided)  ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 6.1k oops ─── ❥ reqs: sum people requested some interaction w bretman + jealous corpse + flirty sykkuno
author’s note: guys....GUYS WE’RE ON THE 3RD “OH” hope ur excited cus i am!!! this was rly fun to write, but then again, everything is better than writing an essay lmao! this is extremely chaotic and a bit seggsy but like a minuscule bit u wont even notice it i swear xx there’s not much social media in this one, mostly written lol. as always lmk wat u think n thank u for all ur kind words n sooo manyyyy ideassss!!! love u lots
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It’s happening, you think, picking the discreet, angelic white color for your astronaut - with a halo and all, truly, you are a seraph that stepped through the gates of heaven and descended onto earth to grace these morals with your presence...quite literally, you’re not only donning white in game, but also in real life, cute as a button or more like as a bunny. Cat girls are overrated - cat boys, on the other hand, you’ll ardently defend till your last breath - but bunny girls...Safe to say, your chat had been going feral. Your endless ego is fed well. You even swore on your heart that no devilish trickery would follow in this game - you had left your snake ways behind you.
No one believed you. The Roaches know you too fucking well.
The influx of new subs, however, do not. Look at this cute girl! She wouldn’t hurt a fly! You chuckle at the compliments. At the exact same moment, Rae pipes up on the discord call, “Y/n is leering and cackling evilly. No one trust her.”
Demon woman herself must be watching your stream before starting her own. You pout, all adorable and innocent, but your eyes gleam slyly. Truly, a mastermind of manipulation! Look at you go! The chat is swooning. The viewer number steadily climbs past 16K and you hum happily, welcoming all that decided to join your little clan, “Don’t listen to Rae. Wifey is mad because I said I’m not bringing her back a souvenir. Well guess what, bitch, I’m the gift.”
Your perfect image does not quite align with your tone, nor the affectionate nickname you call your roommate (bitch, not wifey). The new viewers are none the wiser though, just like your new stream mates.
There is laughter from people you don’t quite know. The lobby is almost full, but not everyone has trickled in yet.
“Filing divorce papers right now.” Rae mumbles, but you hear the smile in her voice. It makes you crack a grin, too. 
More hello’s and shy introductions to the people in the lobby. Sykkuno’s green astronaut pops in with a upbeat, “Hey, everyone! Hi, Y/n!” as his character circles around yours. A collective awww echoes in your stream chat as you, quite breathless at the wholesomeness, reply with a “Hi! Hi hi!” as well.
Corpse is next to join, mysteriously ominous. The discord call is pure chaos, everyone screaming over the other variations of his name while stressing different syllables. Silent as a grave, he just stands there, his black astronaut seemingly eyeing everyone in the lobby. 
Alas, when the noise dies down, he utters, “Whaddup, baby.” and it’s pandemonium all over again. You are screeching/laughing along with the rest. His astronaut swiftly glides to Sykkuno, still circling around you, “Hey, Sykkuno.” He says. The latter abruptly stops. The game hasn’t even started, and already - betrayal! Sykkuno starts circling around Corpse now, leaving you in the dust.
“Hey, dude!”
“Yo,” You interrupt, “I’m like here too, yeah?”
“Fight, fight, fight!” Pokimane jeers. You can’t see her, but you’re certain she’s pumping her fists in the air. 
“Let’s leave the bloodshed for the game, yeah?” Dream offers past her laugh ridden urging.
“No, fuck that, let’s start this shit right now,” Charlie declares - his monotone is strangely pleasant to the ear, and you lean back in your chair with a thoughtful hum. Something about his energy just clicks with yours instantly, but perhaps you’re judging too quickly- “Got my fucking knife ready to slit some throats. You can all pretend you aren’t ready to kill on sight, but that’s not me. I’ll teabag your dead fucking body.”
-yeah, no, your initial estimate had been correct! What a pleasant surprise, you feel like you and he will get along beautifully. 
“Way to be subtle, Charles.” Rae snorts.
“Subtle doesn’t make an interesting game, Rae,” He’s quick to bite back, “and if I’m Impostor, you bet your fucking ass I’m going after you first.”
“Noooooo!” She shrieks, rushing to your astronaut, which is still just standing there, abandoned, like the equivalent of that one emoji, “Y/n, protect me.”
“Of course, baby.” You purr. 
There’s mumbling in the discord call, though it’s barely audible. Corpse seems to be repeating the word to himself: Baby...Baby?...Baby...
“You’re gonna stab me in the back the first chance you get, won’t you?” She questions, already painfully aware of the answer.
“You know it!”
“Finally, someone that’s not fucking cowering in their boots and flaunting their real nature.” Charlie says, “Y/n, form a Big Dick Alliance with me.”
“Oh for sure, man.” You agree immediately, trailing to his in game figure, “Let’s show these virgins how it’s done.”
“This is going to be a mess, isn’t it?” Sean’s voice rings with a cheerful laugh, making you flustered. Yes, you’re actually playing with THE JacksepticeyeTM. You still haven’t fully wrapped your head around that part, “I’m very excited to see where this will go.”
“Nowhere good.” You say with unparalleled sincerity - every word you speak to him, the icon, the legend, the one of the few youtubers you actually actively follow, must be genuine. You doubt you can lie to him. He’s too good of a person. You admire him too much. Stuck between wanting to be a shady bitch and an absolute saint, you refrain from addressing him more - you are simply not worthy.
its the y/n trying to act like a normal person in front of jack for me
ikr she looks ready to join the monastery
each day we stray closer to gods light???
Your viewers are snide as always. Gosh, you love them.
The last player pops in, fashionably late, “Hey, y’all.”
“Hey, Bretman!” The call choruses somewhat harmoniously.
“Hi, daddy.” He’s speaking to Corpse now, a smile in his voice - you can hear it even past the static of his atrocious mic. Your eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up. Your friends are cackling, but confusion refrains you from doing the same - were you not the only one Corpse offered, seemingly so long ago!, to be his sugar baby? 
One betrayal after the other. You’re glad for the Big Dick Alliance. The name has a nice right to it, too. 
Corpse laughs, “...Hey, Bretman. How are you today?”
Damn, two sentences for him, but not even a word spoken to you!? You’re already scripting a very melodramatic paragraph you will text him after the stream. With poorly masked discontent, you mutter, “Wow, thanks for such a warm welcome, Corpse, my day’s going great, yeah, loving the company.”
“Now now miss girl,” Bretman chimes, “we can’t be all daddy’s favorite.”
“Careful,” Charlie drones, “I think you just got yourself onto Y/n’s shit list.”
“Right next to Corpse Husband and Valkyrae.” You agree, “Sykkuno!” You suddenly call him.
“Uhm-Uh-Yes?” Is his nervous reply.
“You’re safe.” You state coldly, “For now.”
“You are not going after Sykkuno on my watch.” It must be a belated holiday miracle because Corpse finally decides to address you. His words seem to awake something in him, “Hey-Hey-Hey-” He swiftly glides to you, standing right next to your minute virtuous angel, “When are you coming back to Cali?”
corpse stop acting weird challenge
literally omg lmao
he does bring up a good point y/n y u not in cali yet?!
^pack it up corpse simp he disrespected the queen when he didnt say hi
“Back off, buddy,” Charlie interjects, “this spot is for Big Dick Alliance members only.”
“I’m never returning.” You inform him, your voice cold like the Arctic snow, and the look in your eyes is no kinder. You feel like you’re having a stare down through screen. 
Silence stretches. Is this an intimidation tactic? Because if it is, it’s a paltry one. Your conviction to be petty is stronger than any vulnerability you might feel.
“Then I have nothing to say to you.” He admits and fucks right off with that. Fine, go join Sykkuno and Rae in their little corner of betrayal! Friendship ended with Corpse, now Charlie is your best friend.
“Okay, guys, guys, guys-” Toast, noting this is going to spiral any minute now, tries to catch their attention, “Let’s start?!”
You look into your camera, and the roaches know what you’re thinking. You’re twins like that, communicating telepathically. You are taking back your tender promise of not being a conniving bastard. It’s fucking on. You will destroy everyone in your path, starting with the guy you have a stupid crush on - maybe?! Feelings are confusing, you’d rather just not think point blank period.
With no objections from the cast, the counter ticks away seconds and, for the first round, you’re stuck as CREW MATE.
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Charlie is a gift. Truly, you had not expected such a sudden, wonderful relationship to bloom. How have you not known of him sooner?! It’s a crime that you hadn’t spoken to him earlier. You are a 100% certain if you had found him before you started streaming, he would’ve been a big inspiration. 
The two of you do your silly little tasks and curse like sailors, commenting about this and that thanks to proximity chat. You wouldn’t have been able to stand the claustrophobic silence if it was just a normal Among Us game - to think, missing out on all his foully worded quips! It almost springs a tear into your eye. He’s just as unhinged as you.
worried about this dynamic 
its a trainwreck lol i love it plz collab more plz
Caught in a headed discussion in Electrical - TikTok trends, or audios specifically - you defend the app the best you can. Charlie thinks it’s super cringe, and you insist it’s part of the charm as you connect wires.
“I mean, have...-do you know that one audio, the one that goes, like,” You’re spilling your words, heated, frustrated that he’s so dismissive of the app that literally saved 2020, “it goes like, uhm,” You clear your throat, prep your voice - even take a sip of your favorite drink. Drawing the syllables, you try your best to make it drop an octave - it must sound like you’re doing an atrociously bad and nauseatingly scratchy Corpse impression with an extra dramatic flair, “My assssssss, your cockkk, you do the mathhh.”
“Did-Did I just-” You freeze hearing Corpse’s voice, finally done with your task. Charlie is muffling his laughter behind his palm; Corpse’s astronaut stands in the doorway, “What the fuck did I just walk into?” He seems genuinely confused, though a strangely winded. You’re mortified. Your shoulders are shaking. You look at the stream chat but it’s going too fast for you to follow. Manic laughter bubbles in your chest and you squeeze your eyes shut, mouth split into a toothy grin, lowering your head and trying to hide the blush dusting your cheeks.
“Hey? Guys? What the fuck are you talking about?” He questions again.
“Honestly?” Charlie chimes, “No fucking clue. TikTok, I think. Ask Y/n.”
You can’t reply. You’re crying. You cover your face with your palms, muttering a soft oh my god before bursting into a full blow laugh, throwing your head back, the motion accidentally knocking your headphones off.
“Y/n.” Corpse calls you, “Fuck was that?”
You’re howling. Your stomach hurts. There are literal tears in your eyes. You think Charlie might be laughing too, but you can’t really tell over your loud screeching. Hastily fixing your headphones, you wipe away the tears stuck to your lower lashes, heaving, “S-Sorry, I-” You stutter, breaking into another fit of giggles. Corpse patiently waits you to calm down. Catching your breath, you start again with a sniffle, “TikTok, yeah.” You idly fix your hair, trying to bite down a smile, “It’s an audio.”
“What- What kind of videos are you watching?”
“The good kind.” Your reply is instant, merciless, “Also, why are you here? We’re having a BDA meeting, you know.”
“I-I...” He trails off, “I...I heard people talking and...I just came here to check it out, but...I’m regretting it.” There’s a lilt in his voice, and you know he doesn’t regret jack shit. You bet he’s smiling. You wish you could see it.
“Bitch, then leave!” You huff. You aren’t sure what is with him today, and you don’t want to stick around and find out - his playfulness makes your stomach flip at the most inappropriate times! Like when you’re trying to sound threatening. You must retreat posthaste, “No, wait, I’ll do it for you.” You say, brushing past his character. Charlie follows after you.
“Dude, you’re so fucking lucky neither of us are the Impostor because you’d be deader than I’ve been feeling since I was 10.” Your favorite companion comments. Charlie is truly a modern wordsmith. You’re pretty sure you adore him, because you’re nodding your head, so quick to agree with him that even you’re surprised. 
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A meeting is called. You spare a glance at your fallen crew mates. They will be missed. Sean most of all, God, why does heaven always take the good ones?! The game feels emptier without him, even if you really only passed him once on your trek to Cafeteria with Charlie.
You may or may not have been avoiding him, afraid you’d accidentally say something horrible and he would hate you. It’s a silly fear, though a deep one. And with Charlie keeping you company, you had not uttered a single objectively  good, or even coherent, sentence. Your parents can’t watch this stream once it’s uploaded onto your Youtube channel. They know you’re barely keeping it together in most of your videos, but here, now? Yeah, no. Charlie is already hard to listen to on his own for sensitive viewers, and hearing you agree with literally everything he says with your own chaotic ideas? Your dad would stumble into an early grave.
Mom probably wouldn’t mind too much, but you’d have to explain your relationship status again. She is under the assumption that everyone you collab with is your significant other. You’d say it began with Sykkuno, though the exclamation of “Finally! My daughter isn’t pathetically single! We need to celebrate.” had started with Rae. Truly, a scandal.
Speaking of which, Sykkuno is gone, too, but you had time to mourn him already. You found his body roughly ten minutes ago; so torn with the fresh agony of heartbreak, you could not do anything else but cry. It was Charlie, bless his heart, that reported it.
“Someone killed Jack,” You say, voice dripping with venom, “court is now in session. I’m ready to vote the fucker out.”
People speak all at once. Toast roars over them, “ORDER! ODER IN COURT!” as he slams his hand onto his desk repeatedly. That seems to work, though briefly.
“I think it’s Y/n.” Corpse says. You stare at him, hand gripping your heart, mouth falling open in surprise.
flame him
corpse boutta be a corpse fr
beat his ass queen!!!!!
“Pardon my french,” You grumble, “but nani the fuck?!”
“It’s definitely Y/n, I found her and Charlie conspiring in Electrical. Surrealist experience of my fucking life, but it’s definitely her.”
“Dude, we’ve been over this,” Charlie sighs, shushing Rae who was about to comment something - knowing your luck, it was probably in favor of the man throwing you under the bus, “we would’ve snapped your fucking neck the moment you walked in. But we didn’t.”
“Yeah, we didn’t.” Corpse notes, “I said nothing about you, I’m just saying it’s definitely her. She probably didn’t kill in front of you because of your stupid alliance-”
“Someone sounds salty because he wasn’t invited.” Pokimane snickers.
“-or possibly she did tell you and you won’t betray her for the exact same reason.”
“That’s some big brain logic you pulled there, genius,” Charlie says, absolutely unimpressed, “sure you didn’t have an aneurysm trying to connect all of that together?”
“Well,” Rae pipes up, “Y/n and Charlie did say they will kill right before the game started. If you ask me, it’s not unbelievable. And Sykkuno was sorta on the shit list.”
“I’m writing down your name twice, Rachell.” You spit.
“Not helping your case at all, Y/n...” Dream worries, “And Rae makes a good point. Charlie and you have professed desire for murder. I’m just saying! It’s a bit suspicious, you know?”
The next words to leave Corpse’s lips sound incredibly smug, “See?” He drawls.  The pressure is getting to you - you don’t understand where this beguiling talent of his to convince literally everyone comes from, but it doesn’t inspire any confidence. Your fist suddenly feels incredibly lonely, so useless - oh, how you long to swing at him, “It’s definitely Y/n.”
“I dunno...” Toast mumbles.
“It’s Y/n.”
“Corpse-” You try, but he's ignoring you - shocker, as if he hadn’t been doing that from the very start of this stupid game - and chanting your name like it’s a fucking mantra or something, a smile in his voice, knowing, relishing in the fact that he’s grating on your nerves, “FIRST OF ALL,” You scream into the mic, successfully cutting him off; catching your breath, you exhale, and continue, calmly, lowly,  “get my pretty name out of your mouth.” 
There’s a pause full of tense silence. 
Then, there’s a sound, seemingly stuck in the back of his throat, “...O-Oh...?”
“Second of all,” You continue, words like honey dipped in arsenic, “This is the clearest smear campaign I have ever witnessed. By how hard you’re trying to frame me for fuck knows what reason, I’m led to believe it’s you that killed them. You’re the Impostor.”
“Corpse wouldn’t kill Sykkuno, though.” Rae comments, skeptical.
“Then the other Impostor did it.” You counter.
“Maybe you’re both Impostors.” Pokimane chirps.
“Y/n would never betray the Big Dick Alliance like that.” Charlie states.
You grin, “Charlie, I literally love you.” 
“Wait hold up now,” Corpse seems to get his bearings together, “what’s this about love I’m hearing?”
“I have none for you, dick.” You snap, flipping him off. Your chat cheers. While he can’t see it, you hope he senses it through the screen, “I officially hate you.”
“No, wait-”
“Boo, Corpse, you suck.” Toast laughs.
“Y/n, please-”
“Let’s all vote for Corpse Husband, okay?” You say it like it’s his full official name with an encouraging smile and multiple soft nods. Sykkuno can’t be here to nod, so you’ll do it for him. You eye the rapidly decreasing timer before clicking on Corpse’s figure and voting for him. The VOTED icon instantly pops up beside your adorable astronaut.
“Baby, I-” It slips past his lips so easily, as if he’s not even thinking about it, like it’s only natural to call you that and a spike of anxiety shoots up, making you glare. It’s only halfhearted. You try your best to ignore the rapid and uncoordinated pulses of your heart. Replace unwanted feelings with anger and hate - works like a charm, every time.
“You are not allowed to call me that.” You hiss. The chat spams snake emojis. 
“Wait-” Bretman chimes, “Hold up, y’all, slow down a minute. Why does Corpse never call me baby?”
“Yeah!” Pokimane agrees, “I want to be baby, too!”
Pokimane may not have been called baby, but you just single-handedly decided her nickname for her - Target 4. Welcome to the shit list, she is officially your public enemy number 1. You aren’t sure why the thought of Corpse ever referring to anyone else as baby makes you sick to your stomach (you actually do know why, but brain no think at the moment), but you wish this whole conversation never happened. You don’t like it.
20 seconds left. More VOTED icons appear by your friends. Corpse is the last one to cast his ballot at, you assume, you, as the rest wait for his quick explanation before everyone (or not) returns to the game, “...Because she’s my baby.”
Goodbye. Life had been sweet, and there was sorrow, though the amount of embarrassment you feel now is worse than when the internet found your cringe worthy high school pictures on your mom’s Facebook. It’s a mixture of dread and excitement - the pleasure of being noticed, cherished even, though anxious from vulnerability. Someone is screaming a very prolonged “WHAAAAT?!”, or maybe multiple people are, you aren’t sure, your ears start to hurt from the loud, conflicting cacophony of voices as you stare blankly at the screen. You received two votes, just like Corpse, Charlie got one, the rest skipped. With no one flung out, you all find yourself back in Cafeteria again.
Baby. My baby? My baby. My baby. The sentence is playing ping-pong in your mind, reverberating louder each time. You’re actually speechless for the first time in your life; your chest hurts, your heart beating so fast your hands start shaking. Had he meant it? Or was this a some joke? Was he trying to get a rise out of you again? You might just go insane from so many questions. My baby. Holy shit, this is a heart attack, this is what a heart attack feels like, dear God, you figured you at least had ten years before you get one!
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First round ends with IMPOSTORS raining victorious. Your sixth sense had been working wonders since, true to you previous estimate, it had been Corpse. His companion was Pokimane. For absolutely no reason what’s so ever, you change her name once more from Target 4 to Target 1. Normally, you’re all for girls supporting girls. Men don’t deserve anything, really, but now you’re so flustered and still reeling from what you are 80% sure was cardiac arrest that you genuinely don’t care about your established morals.
Round two starts without much deliberation. You get CREW MATE again; the game must sense your growing bloodlust, making sure that once you do get IMPOSTOR, you will not hold back. True power is granted to those who are ready and strong enough to wield it. You wait for your moment with bated breath.
Charlie is taken from you too early. The two of you were once again caught in a discussion - God knows about what, Minecraft, hentai, oh! your server! - as you tried to card swipe for the umpteenth time. The lights blew out and you just knew one of you was getting murdered there and then. Charlie’s voice abruptly cut off, and you think a part of you died with him.
It’s a cold meeting; with your new best friend being the first to go, everyone decides to skip. You proclaim you seek vengeance. When the meeting comes to an end, Sykkuno is the first to offer his condolences.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He says, and while he’s not in Brooklyn, you somehow feel him patting your back. You feign a sniffle.
“There’s nothing to apologize for...” You murmur sadly, “Unless...” Your voice turns sharp as the knife that was surely twisted into Charlie’s back, “It was you?”
“NO!” He exclaims, “I would never-you gotta believe me! I would never kill him. I know he’s important to you. I wouldn’t do that, I swear.”
“He was like a brother to me.” You admit, solemn, “Charlie, if you’re haunting me right now, know I will avenge you. I will not let this go.”
Sykkuno hums, circling around you, “Hey, I have a task in Greenhouse. Would you, uh--Would like to, uhm, join me?” Despite the shaky start, he finishes on a firm, pleasant note. He’s trying to cheer you up. Having lost your closest friend, he’s offering you his company. You accept with a soft smile and a cute “Yes, please!” and he releases an airy little laugh. The two of you make your way to your favorite place in map MIRA.
It’s difficult to stay sad for long when Sykkuno’s so sweet; the atmosphere of the Greenhouse is strangely calming; your problems seem to be left behind the shut doors. If you tried hard enough, you could imagine being in an actual Greenhouse - the warm, damp air clinging to your skin, the unmistakable smell of earth and vegetation, the pleasant silence broken only by yours and his hushed voices and clumsy footsteps.
The two of you are talking. Mainly about your choice of attire. Cat first, Sykkuno ponders aloud, doing his task as you watch the plants grow, now bunny, what’s next? You affirm that you will most likely dress up in cow-print next, or as an adorable sheep. He laughs, admitting you’ll look good in anything before he trails off. His awkwardness is really endearing. 
“Or!” You chirp happily, content with being locked away with him for the whole game. The idea must be playing in his mind, too, because he seems in no rush to leave, “I could, like, dress as someone from My Hero Academia. I watched the stream you did with Stella, the one where she made you look like Todoroki. It was really cute. You were really cute.”
“Oh, uhm-well, uh, thank you, thanks, I, uhm-” He clears his throat, and despite his stutter, you hear the smile in his voice, “I-I think you’d look better, though. Not as Todoroki. Or, probably as Todoroki, too. But, uhm, what character are you thinking about?”
“Maybe Momo?”
“Momo!” He yeps, “Momo is good. Yeah, she’s great. You’ll-uhm-you’ll look amazing. Really. Momo is awesome. Very pretty. Just like you.”
You are blushing. A stupid, toothy grin makes your cheeks hurt. Your eyes flicker to the chat, but again, it’s going wild. Giggling, you thank him for his sweet words, so giddy it’s honestly embarrassing. Why can’t you stop smiling? This is incriminating. You hide your lips behind your palm.
“...What’s this?” Corpse question. You had failed to note his sudden appearance, too busy gushing. “Am I interrupting?”
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets. For someone so awkward and shy, he sure is good at hiding it when he wants to. Perhaps it’s all an act and you had been deviously tricked! Probably not, but you can’t help but narrow your eyes suspiciously, finally able to calm down. You definitely underestimated him, you just haven’t figured out how yet, “Not really! Y/n was sad Charlie died so I took her here.”
“You interrupted our date, dipshit.” You deadpan. 
“...Fuck you say?” Corpse dares, his voice low and somewhat menacing - for someone who exclusively portrays his emotions through only his voice, he’s incredibly hard to read. This is payback. Your love for wreaking havoc resurfaces suddenly. Serves him right for pulling all this ignoring shit at the start. Maybe you’ll make him say oh again.
Your sly smirk is promptly wiped. Fuck. He said oh, he literally said oh out loud. The Teruhashi fangirl in you is screaming. You had been so caught up in defending yourself you didn’t even register it at first. Alarmed, you look at the camera, then at the chat. First oh, then my baby. There’s no way he had been teasing you, and this proves it. Holy shit. You mouth the words “HE SAID OH!” for your audience only.
now she notices
snail pace baby we’ve been loosing our shit for the past hour 
corpse x y/n saikik au enemies to lovers 500k words slow burn im here for it
opening wattpad rn^
Your heart races in your chest - it might be considered an Olympic medalist at this point; flustered yet again, you wish you could cave into yourself. You should’ve brought your bright blue wig with you to Brooklyn. Turns out it would have been perfect for this stream. Yes, yes thinking about unnecessary details always works in distracting you from the butterflies throwing a fucking rave in your stomach. 
“I guess it is a date!” Sykkuno admits, “Kinda after a funeral, but still.”
Corpse hums. You’re still too stunned to say anything. The black astronaut with adorable cat ears approaches Sykkuno. 
“It’s not.” He states. Your mouth falls open in shock as your date, your companion, the Shoto to your Momo is murdered in cold blood right in front of you. His lifeless body, cut in half, lays on the tiles by the growing flowers, right beside you, “You didn’t see shit.”
“...I didn’t see shit.” Is all you can utter, breathless and terrified.
“Thaaaat’s fucking right, baby.” Corpse coos, “Now I’m gonna report it, and I’ll say we found Sykkuno together. Better stick close to me after the meeting, got it?”
If Sykkuno is Shoto, then Corpse is definitely Dabi. 
why is that kinda hot tho omg
didn’t know i needed dom corpse since now but i do
y/n looks like shes boutta throw up lmao 
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You follow him around like a lost puppy - because what else is left for you to do!? You’re helpless in this situation. He’s got you in the palm of his hand, successfully eliminating everyone you had previously interacted with. First it was Charlie, then Sykkuno, even Sean, who said hello in passing, was shot instantly. Real Sangwoo behavior. You almost want to scream warnings at everyone to not approach you. You cannot mourn another lost crew mate, you don’t think your conscience can take it. But words fail to form. You’re too weak. You fake cry to your audience. They’re quick to remind you to stop acting like a little bitch.
“Mean.” Is all you say, eyeing the comments.
“Was talking to the roaches.”
“What are they saying?”
“That I should betray you.”
“...Better not.”
A shiver shoots up your spine and you half believe he will bust down your door and drag you into his basement for real. A nervous laugh slips past your lips, “I won’t, I won’t.” You reassure him, “Don’t worry, I’m sticking with you. I haven’t seen shit.”
“I like that you listen to me. You always this agreeable?”
“You’re kinda not giving me a choice right now.” You grumble, vending yourself a drink while he looms behind you, protecting you. From who?! Himself?!
“Oh my fucking God, finally,” Bretman exclaims, “girl, I’ve been running around the whole map trynna find someone, is everyone like, dead?”
You’re scared to reply. Corpse does it for you, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe? Not sure. Where have you been?”
“Oh you know,” Bretman grins, “doing tasks, talking shit, the usual. You two are not, like, Impostors right?”
You shoot a look at Corpse, but he obviously can’t see it. Biting your lip, you murmur, “Nope.”
“Just your regular crew mates doing regular crew mate things.” Corpse says, no, purrs. Because that’s not suspicious at all. You’d recommend Bretman to run, and not only because that sounded shady as fuck. But he seems to enjoy danger, or he just doesn’t care.
“Hmmmm, crew mates, sure. Miss girl Y/n,” He’s addressing you now; you smile anxiously, “How come every time I see you, you’re with a different man?! Like damn, leave some for the rest of us, for real!”
You like Bretman. You like his high-pitched whine and drawl. You would like him even more if not for the complex situation at hand. You fear for his life. Chewing at your bottom lip, you snicker, “Sorry, Bret. I can leave you Corpse if you want?”
He laughs, “Girl, I’d say yes so fucking quick, but I know he wouldn’t want that. Normally I wouldn’t care, but y’all are such a cute couple it’s making me not want to be a shady motherfucking bitch. Changing my ways, embracing the lord. Love it.”
 Corpse doesn’t correct him that you are, in fact, not dating. His lack of reaction unnerves you slightly. Does he...? No! No think! Only exist! You catch that train of thought and steer it away from forbidden territory. Looks like it’s up to you to clear the air, and that is exactly what you do after trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, “Uh, we’re not together, actually. We’re just really good friends.”
“Bitch, then move over,” Bretman says snappily,”go like, back to your other boyfriends. Or find another one. I think I saw Dream near Navigation.”
“Near Navigation, huh?” Corpse hums thoughtfully. It’s a subtle warning, but you catch it. Yeah, even if you try running, Dream’s going to join your other ‘boyfriends’ in the afterlife. Granted, killing someone by just talking with them is kind of cool. Or maybe Stockholm Syndrome is finally kicking in, “Bret, the thing is, Y/n’s scared of dying, so she asked me to stay with her.”
It’s disturbing how good at lying he is. It is also really really attractive, as bizarre as that is.
y/n stop being in a toxic relationship with corpse challenge
making fanart of this omg her face
its the blushing for me girl get your head outta the gutter!
^she cant, it lives there
“Baby, you’re gonna fucking die if you stick with her,” Bretman points out, “have you noticed the mortality rate of her partners? Rest in peace, daddy.”
“He’s right, you know.” You mutter, dramatically looking to the side, “I’m no good, Corpse.”
“Not leaving you, end of discussion. Bretman, join us?” Corpse offers, catching you by surprise. He might still be lying, though. Creating a false sense of security before eliminating Bretman. Probably would laugh while doing it, too. Wow, he truly is evil.
Turns out he doesn’t have to do any of that, because when Dream strolls into Cafeteria, he kills Bretman instead. The two Impostors are finally revealed. You promised not to snitch on Corpse, but you didn’t say shit about not exposing Dream. You press the REPORT button and say just that: “Dream just murdered Bret right in front of me and Corpse.”
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
The last meeting is called. Dream had been voted out with the help of Corpse, and now only you, he, and Rae remain.
“Baby, you know what to do.”
The VOTED icon pops up beside Corpse’s astronaut. Rae wheezes, “No! Y/n, it’s not me, you gotta believe me, I swear it’s not me!”
“...I really don’t know,” You murmur, “I’ve been with Corpse a lot, and...Rae, I’m not sure...”
“Please! I swear it on my Kagayama cardboard cut out, I’m not the Impostor, please! You know me, I’d never lie to you like this.”
“She’s definitely lying.” Corpse says, sounding pleased.
“Don’t listen to him! Remember, during the first round, when he tried to convince us that you were the Impostor? He’s doing the same shit to me!”
“I also remember you agreeing with him.” You remind her.
“I was stupid! Small dumb brain moment! He was using us to win! He’s using you right now!” She votes, “Please, Y/n, make the right choice.”
You’re silent for a moment.
“I’m gonna...I’m gonna vote for who I think it is.” You lastly say.
A slow, lazy grin makes it’s way onto your lips, eyes gleaming mischievously. You had not forgotten your promise to your brother from another mother, you had not forgotten the pride of the BDA, you had not forgotten your beautiful friendship. Two miniature astronauts pop up by Corpse’s at the exact moment Rae screeches “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!”
“Fuck.” Is all Corpse says with a laugh.
The screen changes, informing of the first CREW MATE victory.
Your ears are assaulted with different voices as you appear in the lobby.
“Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about.” Charlie raves, “I swear to fucking God, Y/n, you even got me going for a second. Pulled some 1000 IQ shit right there. It was fucking amazing. Best back stabbing I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve seen a lot.”
“That was absolutely fantastic, Y/n.” Sean applauds, “I really thought you joined Corpse like some crew mate accomplice or something. Can’t believe you switched on him at the last second.”
“That’s my wifey!” Rae cheers, strolling to you, “Love you, mwah.”
“Hey, Corpse,” Charlie calls him, “How does it feel to be a fucking loser?”
“I’m surprisingly fine with it.”
yeah he would be lmao
mom is the best snake ever i love you sm y/n
rae and y/n’s friendship....the feeeeeels
As the rest sing your praises for another solid minute or two, the third round begins. CREW MATE again. Though, just because you’re stuck as an underpaid worker in a dying spaceship, it doesn’t mean you’re innocent. Your last round proved that quite well. You can’t help but silently snicker.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury--moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years ago
Sidelines: Press Day
It’s two days before the Avengers Kickoff game. You’ve been practicing almost nonstop the only time you’re not at practice is when some of the alumni come and take you all out for a spa day, all approved by Ms. Carol and Ms. Maria. A couple of the girls get their hair cut, you just get your nails done. But it’s a nice time to talk with the alumni and get to know some of the team. You have press later, then some sort of party with top tier season pass holders, some of the players and owners. You’ve all been told to wear a black dress, black heels and silver or white gold jewelry. You and Wanda get ready together in your little apartment then take a ride share over to the stadium.
It’s chaotic and loud but so far you’re having a good time. You’re the first rookie in the press line, you’d scored extremely well at the mock interviews during training camp.
“We’re here with Avengers Cheerleader rookie Cat.”
“Hi Matt.” Tell him, giving the man a smile,
“So this is your first year as an Avengers cheerleader. How has the experience been so far?”
“Amazing. I grew up here and have been dancing for pretty much my entire life. This has always been the dream and for it to actually happen is just, incredible.” You tell him beaming.
“So you grew up an Avengers fan?”
“I have 3 older brothers. Not being an Avengers fan was not an option.” You laugh softly with Matt.
“You girls have been at a few of the practices with the team. How do you think they’re looking?”
“Good. I think that the addition of Quill should make for some new depth on the team. He’s a pretty explosive tight end and can be really fun to watch.”
“Why can be?” Matt tries for a little drama but you easily side step it.
“He’s not in every play.” You laugh, “I’m also really liking Parker. The new kicker. He’s a bit small and young but extremely hard working, takes direction well and seems to get along with the rest of the team well. That can be hard to do when you’ve got such a tight team that’s played together for so long. His college stats are super impressive too, I think he had a career of .96 but I might be wrong about that, it might have been .95.” Not only does Matt look impressed but when a deep voice chimes in from behind you you see you’ve impressed Steve Rogers too.
“It was .96.”
“That’s what I thought but it seemed too high.” You tell him as the camera swings to Steve.
“Oh, Steve hi. Why don’t you join us?”
Matt asks and when Steve glances at you you give him a tiny one shouldered shrug so he joins you. “Have you two met?”
“We have,” Steve says, “We did a calendar shoot a couple weeks ago.”
“How are you feeling about the season?”
“Really good. I’m always thankful to have another season on the Avengers, working with my best friends is always awesome.”
“Cat was saying that it was fun to watch Quill interact with the team. How has it been playing with him.”
“Yea, he’s been good. It’s nice to mix up the team a little bit and he’s a good player.” You know that Steve is lying through his teeth. None of the guys particularly like Quill which isn’t a surprise because he’s a rude, cocky, jackass. He constantly hits on dancers, goofs around during practice and doesn’t take anything seriously. Steve shifts a half step closer to you and Matt turns his attention back to you.
“What are you most looking forward to for this season?”
“Performing in front of a crowd for sure. Also, I’m going to have one of the best seats in the house.”
“Are all the girls as excited about football as you are?”
“Cheerleaders.” Steve says and Matt looks confused.
“Sorry what?”
“They’re not girls. They’re cheerleaders.”
“Oh, um sorry.”
“Could you ask the question again?”
“Are all of the cheerleaders as excited about football as you are?”
“We don’t talk much about it. We’ve been so busy with practice and getting our routines together. But I know that we’re all fans of the game, I think you have to be in order to want to be an Avengers cheerleader. I’m a stats person because of my family’s fantasy league and I’m not a fan of losing.” You say with a chuckle.
“That’s awesome, have you won before?”
“Just once.”
“It looks like our time is up,” Matt says, “Thank you so much for talking with me and have a great season.” Steve guides you further down the hallway with a gentle hand on your lower back.
“Sorry if I got a little, snappy.” Steve says and you look at him in confusion.
“With me?”
“No, with Matt. I hate when people just boil down all the hard work you all do to just being cheerleaders or just being girls. It’s so, gross.” He sighs and rubs his forehead between his eyebrows, you don’t mention his hand still at your back.
“I thought you handled it beautifully. Besides it’s better if it comes from you than me because then I look like a psycho.” You tell him with a small laugh.
“Yea, I’ll make sure the guys stop reporters from doing that too.”
“You don’t have to,” you tell him but when he gives you a look you give him a smile and put a gentle hand on his side, “but it’s appreciated.”
“Of course.” He nods then someone calls his name. “I’ll see you around.” He say with a soft smile and you nod before heading over to where Natasha and Wanda are hanging out.
“Hey, be careful around Rogers.” Nat mutters behind her drink.
“He’s off limits.” Wanda informs you from behind her own drink.
“How is a person off limits?”
“Because Peggy says so.” Nat warns softly as you take the drink she offers you.
“Thanks for the heads up.” You mutter back before taking a sip of your drink. You glance around the room and when your eyes meet the cold ones of Peggy Carter you give her a soft smile.
Well shit.
This story is a series of one shots. If you have an idea for something you’d like to see please send an ask.
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity
64 notes · View notes
a-supernatural-writer · 4 years ago
hcs for poly! tlb with a fem! s/o who’s style is dark academia and is really blunt/logical and smart. she basically gives off a ‘mysterious, quiet, dark, critical’ vibe (she also doesn’t really know how to handle people who are extremely emotional and she doesn’t know how to soothe someone. she’s just really oblivious/clueless when it comes to others feelings). i’m so sorry if what i requested doesn’t make sense or if it was too much. i am seriously incapable of writing anything without making it look like an essay lmao. love your work btw 💕✨
Dark Academia Fem! S/O 
Poly Lost Boys x Fem reader
I had so much fun writing this! I love the dark academia aesthetic! And it made perfect sense and it wasn’t too much! Having a lot actually helps me expand and write more so thank you. And I’m the same, once I have an idea, I write a lot, so you’re all good! And awww!!! Thank you!!! 💗💗✨✨ I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy!
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Okay, so you are very different compared to the large number of characters on the boardwalk. Your style consisted of button shirts, sweaters or turtle necks, dress pants or a plaid pleated skirts, cardigans or waistcoats, oxford shoes or even wire framed glasses if you wore them for seeing or just for the look. 
To say that you caught the boys attention would be an understatement. You seemed to stand out amongst the crowd and they became curious. You were a mystery to them and they love the challenge. 
Somehow, someway, after days or weeks later, you became good friends which soon lead to you dating four trouble making punks. It was tough on both parts, but it happened, and hey, you weren’t complaining. 
You were very blunt when you first met them, not really interested in them and more or less interested in the book in your hands. It took a lot of “accidental” run ins to even get you to hang out with them. 
You slowly opened up when they offered to take you out for dinner at a local diner. They’re constant joking soon had you letting out small, almost whisper-like giggles and tiny smiles that sent them into a frenzy. 
When you would start talking about yourself, your ideas of fun were different from theirs. You liked museums, opera houses, bookstores and going to theaters to see plays. The games you played were chess and cards, and the music you listened to was old. You were pretty sure they thought you were boring but you actually peaked their interest. 
After a while of being friends with them, they asked you out. You liked them and the only logical step was to see if you liked them the same way they liked you was to date them, so you said yes. 
In general, them having a girlfriend with a 1940s/1950s dark prep look was fun. David and Dwayne like it the most. Paul next, then Marko. 
David actually really likes picking out your clothing on most days. You have an extensive collection of clothing with material from cashmere to linen, all the colors consisting of browns, black, cream and even a little dark green. 
His favorite thing to put you in is trench coats. Doesn’t matter what color it is, he just likes seeing you in them. Also, there are a handful of times that he has MADE you wear his trench coat. Yeah it almost swimmed on you, but he thought it made you look cute and it fit in perfectly with your look. 
Dark academia isn’t only your style, but it’s your way of life. David is the one that plays chess with you. You had to reteach it to him and pretty soon, the two of you had your own little set up in the cave that was always ready for a game of chess. 
David is sort of like you… in a way when it comes to others feelings. But deep down he knows that he really likes you and tries to show it the best he can. He took you to a theater to see a play that you were constantly talking about and so he took you on a date. You being you, didn’t realize that’s what it was until he told it straight to your face. Let’s just say you were speechless for the next hour. 
Also, when it’s just the two of you, deep inside the cave where your nest is, classical music is playing from your record player. It could be Beethoven, Tchaikovsky or Mozart. Whoever it is, David is the one that will listen to it with you the most. I think he really enjoys classical music and he enjoys it even more if the two of you are cuddling in your bed. 
Occasionally Dwayne would join the two of you. You would be sitting in between David’s legs as Dwayne sat in between yours, his head leaning back against your chest. It was like a cuddle pile… cuddle train?? Whatever you wanted to call it, it was cuddling while the three of you relaxed listening to classical music. And it was darn cute. 
Dwayne loves listening to you go on and on about any books you were reading at the moment. Whether or not it was nonfiction or even about any type of history. He was down. He lived through a lot and he knew about half of the stuff you gushed on about, but for some odd reason, it never bored him when you talked about it. 
He would be the one to get you new books, leaving you sweet little notes tied to them. Of course you thought it was just him being nice and thanked him for it without thinking there was any romantic meaning behind it. Yeah he was one of your boyfriends but it never really crossed your mind that way. He would just shake his head at your obliviousness and give you a small peck on the lips. 
Don’t ask him why, but his favorite look on you is a light cream colored blouse with a plaid skirt and Mary Jane shoes. Dwayne is a leg man so… he’s very happy when decide to show off some skin if you decide not to wear knee-socks or stockings with it. Even if you did wear them, he would still be attached to your side the entire night. 
Like David, Dwayne would bring you out to a lot of places that were opened late at night. If there was an art exhibition in town or even a museum that was open late, just say the word and he will happily drive you on his bike. Heck, David might even tag along. 
Also, late night bookstore dates… oh my heart, it’s too sweet it hurts. There are times that he does have to throw you over his shoulder when the bookstore is closing and you're pretty much refusing to leave. When he does that, you just stay frozen over his shoulder, not knowing if you should be blushing or cursing at him for carrying you like a sack of potatoes. 
If anything, you and Dwayne connect very well. You’re naturally very quiet and so is he. Not much is said between you two but there's a mutual understanding that can’t be explained. While the others are out causing trouble, you and him are on the sidelines watching hand in hand or your reading and he's just staring at you as you do so. 
Paul and Marko kind of give you whiplash. They’re loud and rowdy and definitely 100% opposite from you. But they interested you. They had a very chaotic outlook on life which made you ask many questions. 
Paul found your look sexy. He’s horny and you give off preppy school vibes, he’s living for it 24/7. Constant teasing of you giving him ‘private lessons’ which results with you whacking a book against the back of his head. But it doesn’t stop the reddening of your ears which doesn’t make him stop.  
This man is also your designated jewelry expert. You only wear some accessories and they're very simple. So you are very surprised when Paul finds you jewelry that is your style and collects it for you. You like leather watches, guess what, he’s got it for you. You want some fancy victorian looking brooches, he’s got that too. Simple rings with a single jewel in the middle, expect constant ‘will you marry me’ jokes, but he gets you the best.
Also, he’s not overly big into your music selection. He does try to get you into his type of music, which you only like very few and far between. But when you do get him to listen to your type of music, it’s only if you agree to listen to his music the next night. You guys come up with a system and decide to switch every few nights. 
Each of the boys have their favorite look on you and Paul's is when you wear a button-up of any color with a simple black tie, a pencil skirt and a pair of Dr.Marten boots. He especially likes the tie… for reasons. God damn it, you know the reasons, get out of here. 
He’s a very affectionate boy and he finds your looks over confusion some of the cutest shit he’s ever seen. Probably the first one to tell you that he loves you and you honestly like glitched out. Did you feel the same way? Yes, but poor little thing you doesn’t say it right away, but Paul knows that you aren’t really used to saying things like that without warming up to it. Which is okay. He knows even if you don’t say it. 
He definitely steals one of your blazers to put pins on it. Marko helps, putting a few patches on it that they both know you would like. It’s the one item that stands out in all of your clothing and you will wear it if they ask you to. 
Marko definitely thinks the look is cute and it suits you very well, but why no color?! You wear dark colors but nothing bright like the colors that are on his jacket. He tries to slip in some colorful clothing into your everyday look, it never goes as planned but you give him an A for effort. 
He loves how dark you can be at times though. You want to go to a local graveyard just because? Sure! Let’s go! He’s your designated graveyard buddy. You have many date nights there, looking at all the different gravestones and finding it interesting when you jot down some names in one of your notebooks. 
Speaking of notebooks, you have many of them. They were filled with notes from books you’ve read, real life observations or even just some random poetry and short stories that you wrote. Marko would go through them a lot and even sometimes draw little doodles or rough sketches that were thought up from your writings. 
When you spend nights down at the Boardwalk, your go to drink isn’t a slushie or a milkshake or even a soda. It’s coffee or tea. Yeah, and only Marko knows your drink orders by heart. None of the others seem to remember them correctly which you thank them for trying but Marko has got them all beat. 
Marko likes seeing you in sweaters and in your trousers or linen shorts with chelsea boots. If anything, when the two of you are alone, just wearing a knit sweater and shorts were perfect for him. He likes how cozy and warm you look. He’s very happy when he cuddles you and you are warm. 
Now when they tell you that they’re vampires, you think that they’re joking. Vampires aren’t real, they’re a work of fiction. Yes there was a real man named Dracula, but there was no way that they were actual vampires. 
Then they showed you hard proof and then there was no denying it at that point. Instead of running away, you were fascinated. You wanted to understand your boyfriends vampire ways that lead to you conducting extensive research and a notebook dedicated to them. 
They showed you everything about them, how they feed, to which you didn’t bat an eyelash of watching them feed one night. You were one morbid chick but they saw that as a plus that you didn’t react. You had graveyard dates for crying out loud, nothing really surprised them at that point.
Flying came next and they had a lot of fun showing you just how high they could go with you in their arms. You never screamed at the height, you were too caught up in seeing the overhead view of the town. You could get used to seeing a view like that every night.  
Then came the other things; how they slept before you came along, what actually hurt them and what didn’t. There was one time that you stared at their vampire faces for hours because you were taking notes on how their facial features changed. 
Soon you had to stock up on more turtlenecks because of the many bite marks they would leave behind from feeding on you if the weather was bad one night. It wasn’t tough adapting to their occasional feeding. A lot of your clothing already covered up your skin so it was easy to hide from people on your nights out. 
Not too long after, they popped the question. Would you want to be a vampire? Live forever, never grow up? Be with them for all eternity? You didn’t really need to think about it for too long, you knew what your answer was and so did they even if you didn’t say it out loud. You loved your boys and not much would change.
When you did change, it was entertaining for them to watch. You soon started taking down notes about your progress, comparing and contrasting your experience to their own. 
To the eyes of many, you became even more dark and mysterious. You had an aura around you that drew people in, it’s what got you your four vampire boyfriends, only now, it brought in your meal for the night.
202 notes · View notes
adobe-outdesign · 4 years ago
Reviews of All Scrapped Spaceword Betas
Exactly what it says in the title. This is also for my reference, as I might redesign some of these later for funsies. 
I’m only including Pokemon that were 100% scrapped (we’re not here to argue what might have become what) and aren’t evos/pre-evos of existing Pokemon. Also, I’m using the English fan-translations for the names because I don’t speak Japanese.
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Our original fire starter, and yeah, I can see why this was scrapped. For starters (heh), it looks more like a rodent that evolves into a lion than anything resembling a bear. And secondly... it doesn’t really have a clear focus, nor a memorable design. It’s just kind of a rodent-bear thing with flames tacked onto it. 
The best Pokes usually have a "catch” to them, and these guys lack that. For example, this got replaced by Cyndaquil, which has the concept of flaming spikes that form out of its back. That’s memorable. This, well, isn’t.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Teddiursa and Ursaring are probably the closest in terms of being bears. Something about it also reminds me of Growlithe/Arcanine, probably because it’s a fluffy fire thing that evolves into a bigger fluffy fire thing with a mane and black markings.
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This has the same problem as the Flambear line, just less extreme. It’s okay, being a little plesiosaur that evolves into a bigger plesiosaur, but it also lacks an interesting catch to it. The pearls are maybe something, but they’re not really emphasized, just kind of tacked on. Plus Dragonair kind of has the crystal neck ornaments on lock. And the horn. And the underbelly. And the water theme...
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I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to a plesiosaur water starter in the future, but it would probably have to be completely redesigned.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design; too similar to Dragonair
Pokes to fill the void: Dragonair, as mentioned above. If you want a plesiosaur, Lapras is always a thing.
Putting the rest under the cut for length.
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This is one of the most chaotic beta evolutions out there, aside from beta Girafarig. I can see the resemblance between Sunmola1 and Anchorage to some extent--counter-shaded blue fish with two fins and a short body--but the anchor part of the evolution comes out of nowhere. Then it sporadically turns into a gulper eel, which has nothing to do with the previous two evolutions at all.
I’ve heard some people suggest that Sunmola1 basically gets dragged into the depths and turns into a deep-sea creature due to its anchor, which is a fantastic idea. However, if that’s what they were going for here it’s not really clear, and I think it could be executed much better.
Individually, Sumola1 is a little plain. Not terrible, but I think they could do something more interesting with the little head thing. Anchorage is memorable, but there’s something very un-Pokemonish about it. I think it’s just the fact that it’s basically cut in half--I keep expecting the backsprite to show its organs or something. Grotess is also a bit too plain.
It’s also worth noting that at some point, this was the evolutionary line, which is more consistent but much less interesting (save for the middle evo’s eyes, which are pretty great).
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Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of evolutionary consistency; some designs plain or not very fitting for Pokemon
Pokes to fill the void: Alomomola is a sunfish Pokemon. Sharpedo is a shark crossed with an object, and Grotess almost certainly became Huntail and Gorebyss.
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These two... are pretty good. They have a simple catch--black cats with bells--and the designs are nicely executed and memorable.
If I had one complaint, it’s that they maybe seems a tad unfocused in the backend of things. They’re dark types, but have a bunch of “cutesy” moves, and it’s not clear why’d they be dark apart from being black cats. They seem to have a magical girl vibe (Bellboyant looks a bit like Luna from Sailor Moon, which is probably not a coincidence), which also has nothing to do with the bells or the dark theme. I do think that the designs themselves are fine though, and that if you just focused on the sound concept a hair more you’d have a pretty great Pokemon.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not entirely sure, these definitely would’ve been popular. Might’ve just been a balancing thing, or it lost the dev popularity contest. 
Pokes to fill the void: Skitty kind of has the same vibe as Rinring. They also remind me a bit of the Meowth line, being cat Pokemon with metal attached to them. The Purrloin line takes over the “dark-type cat” aspect.
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I’m torn on this one. On the one hand, it’s a very plain looking Pokemon. The idea of it balancing a fireball/bomb on its nose instead of a ball is clever and memorable enough... except that it’s dependent on it being on that pose. It can’t balance that 24/7, and once it stops all you’re left with is a plain sea lion with dark points.
However, it’s fire/water. The only fire/water we have right now is a legendary, so it would be sweet to have one that’s just a regular poke. So it’s not that the concept itself is bad, using a water-based animal and adding a fire type; it’s just more that the execution is lackluster. Give this guy a hook not related to the fireball and make the seal itself more interesting and I think you’d have something here.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Volcanion is our only fire/water Pokemon for now. In terms of seals/sea lions with a circus theme, Popplio is a decent enough match.
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Someone at Gamefreak hates tigerballs, because this line was planned for Gen 1, scrapped, then planned for Gen 2 and scrapped again. Which is strange, because while it’s not the best design it’s not bad either. It’s very very cute, and could definitely find an audience.
However, I’m not really sure what the premise is here. If it’s based on tiger clay bells, then it doesn’t really play into the bell theme much at all. And if it’s not... why is it so round? It’s not that the roundness is bad, but it would usually form the hook for this Pokemon, like it collects static electricity in its fur that makes it puff out or something. Maybe some dex descriptions would’ve made this clearer, who knows.
Also, Electiger is literally the exact same design as Tigrette, just bigger. It would either need a completely new final evolution or would need to show up as a single evo. 
While that sounds harsh, I do really like this design. Fix the evo, figure out/build on the hook of it being round or bell like, and maybe refine the markings a touch and it would be pretty perfect.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not sure. Might’ve been too similar to Pikachu (both being yellow round electric type Pokemon with zig-zag tails, and og fat Pikachu was also very round). The need to rework the evolution also might’ve turned GameFreak off of it.
Pokes to fill the void: Spheal and Rowlet are both pleasantly round. Pikachu is cute and electric themed in a similar way. In terms of tigers, Raikou is also electric-type. The exact way the stripes are done here is also very similar to Litten.
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GameFreak. GameFreak, you are telling me that we almost had a voodoo-doll Pokemon based off of Ushi-no-Toki-Mairi that evolves into a fucking jiangshi panda?? You are killing me here.
A few interesting things to note here:
Kurstraw evolves at level 1. How? Why? No idea. It could just be a placeholder, but...
The fact that Kurstraw was set to have Curse as its signature move (then called “nail”) and that it only learned this move at level 100 makes it evolving at level 1 seem intentional.
To make things more confusing, it almost seems like (and this is speculation on my part) GameFreak’s intention was to encourage players to not evolve this thing. Stats are comparable, Kurstraw only gets its signature move if you level it up to where it can’t evolve, and Kurstraw has the better moveset (getting frigging destiny bond at lv. 16, while Pangshi gets... splash (which. makes more sense when you consider it’s called “hop” in Japan but it’s still useless). If that was what they were aiming for, then that’s a really unique mechanic that would really make this poke stand out.
Design wise, Kurstraw is... well, it’s a doll with a nail rammed through it. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s not very Pokemon-ish. Meanwhile, Pangshi is maybe a little too much like a Jianshi rather than being reminiscent of one, right down to the little hat. The pose, fangs, and panda colors (which resemble Jiangshi mandarin robes) are more than enough to get the hook across.
What I really love about these two are the expressions. They are just like, so dissonantly happy. Kurstraw is literally like
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and Pangshi has the dead-eyed thousand-yard stare of Espurr, except unlike Espurr it looks completely and utter deranged. It looks like if this Pokemon ended up in Mystery Dungeon, it would respond to every question with “my favorite color is blood”. Amazing.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I think these two might’ve been scrapped just because they were too scary. I mean, it’s a voodoo doll impaled on a giant nail that evolves into a literal actual corpse. The implied violence was probably just a bit much for GameFreak.
The reason I think this is, beside the fact that they have fairly solid designs, good hooks, and all of their stats and moves in place, most beta Pokemon have had their premises revisited at some point. But we’ve really never gotten a voodoo doll Pokemon since this, and we definitely haven’t gotten any jiangshi Pokemon either, which suggests the problem lied in the very concept rather than the execution.
Pokes to fill the void: People say that Kurstraw was reworked into Banette, but if anyone Pokemon resembles it to be, it would actually be Mimikyu. They both have cloth bodies with drawn-on smiley faces that resemble something cuter than them and they both want to curse you for existing.
For Pangshi... well, there’s Pancham if you’re looking for tiny pandas. If you’re after a jiangshi though, you’re out of luck.
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This Pokemon has a great hook. I mean, a Pokemon that wears a pelt that transforms it into a werewolf? Hell yeah. Not to mention it might be a reference to an obscure Nordic tale about people donning wolf pelts to turn into wolves for ten days.
Design wise, it... well, Wolfman looks almost exactly like Venonat. I’m not the only one who sees this, right?
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That aside, I think the idea could be played up a little more. Wolfman is fine, save for its Venonat-ishness, but Warwolf doesn’t do much for me, basically just being a larger version with claws and fangs. If the idea is that it turns into a werewolf by wearing the pelt, what if its evolution looked somewhat like a wolf? Or better yet, the actually body of the thing changes to fill the wolf skin more, so it looks like its a part of it? That would really elevate this Pokemon to a new level.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I’d guess that it’s the same problem as Kurstraw and Pangshi--too scary. I mean, that is a dead pelt of some kind, which means that it killed and skinned some kind of Pokemon, and that’s not getting into questions of what Pokemon they got that from.
It’s also worth noting that when we did finally get a werewolf Pokemon via Lycanroc, it was minus the pelt concept.
Pokes to fill the void: Lycanroc as our werewolf Pokemon. In terms of design, Venonat is very similar as noted above. And something about it really reminds me of Snorunt, being little critters with glowing eyes that wear a cloak of some kind and live in the cold (this line was ice-type).
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