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mimpinightmare · 7 months ago
TOPIC: Diego's Potential Coming Back As A Recurring Antagonist In The Show (Discussions)
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I feel like the Supa Strikas fandom will not remember who he is, SO HERE I AM, REMINDING YOU HIS EXISTENCE! >:D
When I was re-watching "Rookie Season", this guy (for some reason-) have always stand out to me, that ideas and potential character arcs for Diego has been overflowing in my brain for the past months- SO, HERE IS WHAT IDEAS AND ARCS I COME UP WITH FOR THIS GUY:
If Season 8 (or Rookie Season 2) ever come out, I've always feel like Diego should come back as an antagonist for Skarra and Shakes.
When the show introduced him, we were shown of him greeting Shakes and Skarra, (even knowing their names), despite both of them have no idea who Diego is. Then he introduce himself to them and reveals he knows them by RESEARCHING HIS COMPETITORS- This is, of course, not a "101 in how to write character motivation tropes" but, THAT RIGHT THERE IS SUCH A COMMON TROPE FOR VILLIANS TO DO- (like I said, this isn't a case for all characters who do this) This just show us that, Diego, is ABSOLUTELY READY for his opponents coming in his way.
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There's are also moments where he'll do anything to win (or this case, to have the spot in Supa Strikas.) There's a scene where Diego is the last person to arrive to the Try-Outs and slickly, snitch on the Deadly Duo for checking out the Trophy Room. There's also a scene where in the "Training Test", he wasn't doing great in it that, the way for him to win, is to cheat his way, by sabotaging Shakes by holding down the weights.
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And when he got eliminated, he (sarcastically) said he was honored to participate, then goes through a hissy fit that he didn't win, to the point, broke a window- THE MAN HAS GRUDGES AND AN EGO, PERFECT FOR A VILLIAN!
So, after all that, I thought if he DID COME BACK, he should join a super league team (that is not Invincible United or Supa Strikas). I suggest Bark FC. (I SWEAR IS "PROBABLY" NOT BECAUSE HE WEARS PURPLE-)
Now, I know people are probably disagreeing me for putting him in Barka FC (which is fine, we don't need to agree on everything) because Barka FC is well known to be clean and honest with it's tactics, and extremely friendly with other Super League Teams and Players, and pretty much that reputation is thanks to Riano. But, hear me out, THAT'S THE POINT! Diego is shown to be the very opposite of Barka FC is known for, snitching, cheating, being immature after he lose to something. There so much shenanigan interactions potential if he becomes a Barka FC player.
I imagine if he were a new rookie in the team, everyone in Barka would be really nice to him and welcome Diego (he is glad tho). But then, his true colors reveal, every time they lose, he'll go on a hissy fit and say nasty things towards the opponents (even to Teams playing and winning fair and square). Sometimes, he would snitch or accidently spread false rumors because he heard it somewhere, on other players (even his own team). HECK, in Rookie Season, he has really good social skills, so him being a two-face person in the team will make interesting interactions. He would be really friendly to his opponents first, then after Barka FC wins he would give such a handback compliments to them. Imagine Barka FC have to apologies every time Diego do something wrong. Pretty much his Team does not like him (but doesn't show it to Diego's face because, unlike him, their mature people). Actually, I wouldn't be surprise if the guy turn out to be one of the most disliked players in his Team, AND in the Super League-
I kinda headcanon Diego and Riano almost being the same age (Diego being 2 years young than Riano). So, the idea how these two interacting will be SUPER distressing and chaotic. Riano trying his best guiding Diego's way to becoming a "less" dislikable person. Teaching him how to be patient, how to not be a stuck-up, and so far, trying to be the best role model he could be to Diego. Unfortunately, Diego see this as an insult, for thinking there's something wrong with his character to be fix. Riano would be seen, being tired and giving annoyed expressions when dealing with Diego. (Also, I like the Idea, if this takes place after Season 7, Riano would call Shakes up, and let out all his troubles about Diego to Shakes. I also like the idea that, the entire Barka Fc Team would go to a bar or hangout somewhere Diego is out of sight, and cheer each other up after meddling with him-)
Also, had an idea that the Barka FC Players TRY THEIR DAMN HARDEST to convince the Barka FC Higher Ups to let go of Diego from their Team, since he's unbearable to work with and ruining Barka Fc's image. The Higher Ups decline because Diego has really great skills in football and is a great asset for the Team to win. (the players groan everyday, waking up knowing they have to babysit Diego-)
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Now, one of his arcs I thought for him, is becoming an antagonist for Shakes and Skarra. I imagine, either in Season 8 or Rookie Season 2, a scene where Skarra and Shakes bump into each other and start their bickering rivalry. And then out of nowhere, Diego pops in, interrupting their rivalry, and give a speech about his motivations, revealing that he will get revenge on Skarra and Shakes for taking his place in the Try-Outs for Supa Strikas, and promise them living hell when they meet him. (I know it wouldn't make sense if Diego had a grudge on Skarra, because Shakes is the one who got in. But I feel like Skarra would still be on Diego's list because he was eliminated, before Skarra and Shakes.) (Also, I want more Skarra and Shakes interactions in the show-)
And after all the monologue speech from him, Skarra and Shakes just looks at him in confusion and asked, "Who are you?" "Do we know you?", like a call back to Rookie Season 1. Diego would be shocked, and upset of them for not remembering him at all- And explain who he is and introducing himself (again) to them. (They still don't remember-) This will give Diego more motivation to take revenge on them.
Shakes and Skarra would brush him off and leaves, underestimate Diego capabilities as a person. Then in the future, Skarra and Shakes would be in complicated situations together, have to solve it together, and will reveal, Diego is the one behind it (and they will take him down together). They will have to now knowledge Diego as a threat and (unfortunately for their sake) have to look out for one another.
I know, and i mean, I KNOW, some people in the Supa Strikas community, want for Shakes and Skarra to interact more and DESPRATE some continuation on their relationship getting better. SO WHY NOT DO THAT, IN A WAY, BY GIVING THEM BOTH, THE DEADLY DUO, A COMMON THREAT TO SOLVE??? DIEGO! :D AND ABSOLUTELY KNOW, somewhere, out there, if Season 8 were to happen, people want to see Skarra's Redemption Arc, so this is one of the way I can think of that would do it! After dealing with Diego sometimes, both of them will slowly open up and bond. Rivalry slowly turns into Friendship again. And Skarra, even though is hard for him, will tell Shakes how he feels. (Less sad and aggressive than in "Food for Thought S7E11" of course-)
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I also like the idea of Diego, despite him, probably, have a grudge against Supa Strikas for not picking him, is STILL A FAN OF SUPA STRIKAS-
He would scoff of merely thinking and talking about them in one scene, but in the next one, he is impressed and spats out information about what makes Supa Strikas great. And then realizes what he's doing and nonchalantly says "I mean, their still a bad team tho..." or something similar to that.
It will be a running joke in some episodes, to the point, his Team DEFINITELY knows he still loves Supa Strikas, and a massive Nerd for them. (I even envision one of the players gifting Diego a Special Edition Supa Strikas Jersey and was super excited about it, but then he immediately snaps out of his fanboying-ness, and cuts to him saying "I-I mean, It's a fine Jersey...", but then continues of him saying something like, "Would be a shame if that gift will go to waste...", then takes the shirt in a speed of light, close the door, wears the jersey, and reveals his room is full of Supa Strikas merchandise-)
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I know this is a dedicated post for Diego, But may I give some potential ideas for Raj :
Half of me is torn between 2 ideas:
1. Raj and Diego would be on the same team.
2. Raj would be in a different team, and he would join Sa Ming FC. (I've always wanted some Sa Ming screen time for so long, even though they never have dialogue and not important in the show, to the point, the creators unfortunately forgot they exist- So why not bring them back, with RAJ as a NEW ROOKIE?!?! Like COME ON, I absolutely love his design, I just wish in the future, if there if more Supa Strikas seasons coming, we will see him again) (Also need more Asian Representation in the Show, so Sa Ming FC, which represents Thailand, and Raj together, united, is the Asian Solidarity I must have and need!!!)
Shout out to @strika-archyvez for conforming Sa Mings FC's Origins being from and representing Thailand, in their post, under the comments!
There's also some cool facts about their lead player. :D You should totally read up about it here:
Here's some few ideas I thought for Diego's and Raj's Relationship with each other:
Raj would be the only one who tolerates Diego's behavior and would become "Side Friends" with him in the Super League. Raj would be Diego's moral compass (that Diego tries to ignore), and try to snap senses into him for what he's doing. Diego would think Raj is a nuisance, but secretly likes his company, since his team, nor other players, wouldn't want to hangout with him because of his behavior.
They would meet by random chance, and alot of chaotic shenanigans happens that Raj tries to stop it. I also like the idea Raj would bring Diego to go drink tea, or any beverages, in any shop, to make Diego avoid doing anything scheming for his own good. (Shakes and Skarra should thank him for that in those situations-)
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I'm not sure to give him a Redemption Arc or make him stay as a villain. In one hand, I like the Idea he will get better by meeting good people in his life that confronts his behavior (by being BRUTALLY HONEST with him) and confronting Skarra and Shakes about his whole ordeal. But in the other hand, all his trickery and plans I made in my head, are kinda unredeemable for him, and I'm fine with the idea of this man living in the past and refusing to let go of the grudges that Skarra and Shakes wasn't even at fault for.
Either why, I'm fine with either of them. He's a character who has GREAT PONTENTIAL and hope the creators see that.
(This scene in "Trial And Terror, Rookie Season Episode 3" of him really confused me, like I really thought in a way he still controlling the train, but he didn't know it doesn't work, since everything is under control like Coach said, then have bunch of Blammo Bars after "controlling" the train. NOPE. He was eating Blammo Bars and his pain away because he's miserable he didn't get into Supa Strikas- )
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BOY, THIS TOOK LONGGGG THAN I THOUGHT- I just want to share ideas of Potential villain Diego for a while now. Unfortunately, not a lot of content around him (don't blame the fandom, he's only a side character in one episode in Rookie Season-). So I guess, I'll be one of those people~
The only stuff I saw, that is remotely Diego content wise, is this lovely art by @matchanxious , where he's older and he's plays for Sultans FC. If this were to happened, I WOULD LOVE HIM TO INTREACT WITH ZOOM ZAHIR (NEED MORE CONTENT OF ZAHIR-) and Duvall too, I guess-
Would Imagine him being super dedicated towards Sheikh, like giving strategies, doing schemes for him with Duvall, and getting any chance to talk to him, but Sheik would get annoyed and try to avoid him- AGAIN DIEGO HAS SO MUCH PONTENTIAL!!!
There's also an old headcanon back in 2021 (I think???) I saw, from also @matchanxious , hers truly:
"Diego would be a Conservative"
This is @matchanxious beautiful artwork of Diego! Please show her artwork some love!!! :
Again, we're at the end! Thank you for reading this if you reach it at the end! Very much appreciated!
And guess what? I actually will be working on 2 analysis post towards two characters from Supa Strikas, by suggestion! :D They will take a little while to do since, again.... COLLEGE! So be patience when I come back with those analysis. And probably more art and edits coming!
Thank you again for reading!!!
- MimpiNightmare
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sharrrrt · 1 month ago
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There's smth so tender about Skarra's expression here. The fact it's with Shakes. I didn't expect him to shake hands either like he didn't have to be cordial if he was the evil bad guy. Idk this little moment that the show probably doesn't even recognise just tells me a lot about his real character. It's his first ep too so this cemented some thoughts I have about him✨️
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irlnorthshaw · 24 days ago
why don't you like liquido?
because im irlnorthshaw and in true north shaw nature, i will of course dislike liquido!! but in all seriousness, my hatred for him is just for shits and giggles (or is it). i do genuinely feel strong negative emotions whenever he shows up, idk the combination of that colgate hairdo and his voice (GOD THAT VOICE *STARTS PUNCHING THE WALL*) agitates me from time to time.
the thing w supa strikas characters, especially the minor ones, they don’t have much characterisation for me to go on. like liquido could very well be a super cool guy among his own circle and team— but how would i know that? CUE CLIP OF LIQUIDO GETTING ZAPPED!!!!
tldr: i hate his hair and voice.
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emodonnie · 11 months ago
why are the supa strikas creators obsessed with mind controlling/brain washing the characters
like istg it’s the main topic of every other episode and it’s really starting to concern me😭
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alsoamalthia · 7 months ago
yesterday i saw a discussion about football anime and cartoons, and i saw a handful of people bring up Supa Strikas.
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tytarax2 · 1 year ago
Your Obsessive Behavior
Warnings: Kinda yandere behavior?
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Japanese accent
"Seriously Shakes, I don't understand why I have to come with you?" It was the 5th time you asked the same thing. A few days ago there were the football awards ceremonies and Shakes and some of the most outstanding players were invited to a competition on Miss Aldivo Island. The only "problem" is that Shakes, for some reason, decided to bring you with him.
"Well, you're my very close friend, and I want you to enjoy this up close."
"That doesn't make any sense" Of course it doesn't, you're just a Supa Strikas employee.
"Stop whining, look, we're going to land already"
After landing, you and Shakes got up and went to pick up your luggage that was in one of the compartments. When they opened it, they were surprised to see El Matador inside…he wasn't invited…so they left him there and left.
You two arrive to the lobby, where you find all the guys who were invited.
Riano, Uber, Skarra, Liquido, some other guys (I don't remember their names), and... Miko.
Miko-Chen, a dear "friend" of yours, you could say, from Nakama FC. He approached you while the rest of the guys kept talking. Looking at him was kinda funny, considering he was slightly shorter than you.
"Hey ____, what a sulplise to see you hele." "Hello Miko, I had the option of staying for the BBQ at Rasta's house, but Shakes dragged me here."
"Well, I'm glad he did"
"Gentleman" A feminine voice suddenly interrupted you "and ____, didn't expect you here"
"Blame on Shakes, Altivo"
"Anyway, I'm offering something much more exciting than the usual" Altivo said appearing in the room "The challenge of a lifetime. An idyllic tropical island converted into the ultimate testing ground for the ultimate footballers. Dribbling, balance, stamina. This is your chance to test your skills against your greatest opponents. Then the last two standing will face off in the ultimate soccer showdown. A chance to find out which of you is truly the greatest player of your generation"
After some discussion, El Matador approached Miss Aldivo "Let's do this!" While she stopped him "I'm so sorry, El Matador, my tournament is for award winners only... You could go to the VIP lounge along with ____ who can't play too."
"That's perfectly fine with me," You said. "Wish you the best of luck, Miko" You whispered towards him.
"You got it"
While you were going to the VIP lounge along with El Matador, Miko cursed under his breath, not liking the fact of that Spanish flirty guy doing with you.
"I'm going to win this... fol you, ____"
You then arrived at the VIP room... but you lost El Matador on the way... Anyway, just then, you found out, all this madness was a reality show that was being broadcast on live television.
"This woman and her insatiable thirst for entertainment and money"
You stayed there watching the show, Uber was the first to be disqualified, and looking closely at Miko and his great agility. A moment later, Uber appeared in the same room as you and just sat to watch the rest of the show.
Then Skarra took out Liquido, "Most dishonorable" you heard Miko say. Liquido was now in the room with both of you.
Chuck was disqualified, along with Skarra. But Skarra didn't arrive at the VIP room, not like you minded.
The next level was an underwater one, which they were doing just fine, when suddenly, a water swirl appeared, almost absorbing most of the opponents along with Cosmo's guy and Miko.
"This has to be Skarra..." You thought.
Then Miko arrived at the room and changed into more comfy and dried clothes. Then he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the room, the others didn't even notice.
He dragged you to a less secluded place, with a hand in your slim waist.
"I don't like seeing you with a lot of guys neal..."
"Miko... Come on, let's get out then, not make a problem out of this"
"I'm solly fol... not winning"
"It's okay, let's get something to eat, then I'll be back to-"
"No. You won't be back to Stlika Land, you'le be going with me."
Part 2
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sahara-solaris-solace · 1 year ago
AITA for being angry and hostile at a rookie kid most of the time?
I, Automatic ( late twenties ) worked for Supa Strikas for about ( More than 5 years ) and is in cordial relationship with Supa Strikas. I respected Coach strategy, Captain’s altruistic nature and the overall friendly environment. Supa Strikas is one of the best clubs in super league so all I have to do is play well.
Play well is easier said than done when you have 14 rivals, including an arch enemies, Invincible United. So far, I did decent and Coach only reprimanded me if I became too agitated. Make sense. Can’t let anyone know I’m a hot head.
Slowly, my work declined. Goalkeepers and defenders anticipate on my every strike. It wasn’t a one time but at least more than 10 games ( headcanon ). It had gotten so bad that Supa Strikas Higher Ups personally meet me and chastised me for being a poor performer and want me to compensate if I want to survive this season. Coach tried to console but there’s so much he can do.
So, Supa Strikas haven’t won a match this season and many news reporter mocked me, my fan base depleted and some rivals had the gal to say I am an angst asshole. You will be too when everyone expect you to be much better in a matter of few months. El Matador did not get that much hate due to his charismatic nature and appreciate his fans and Klaus is just being his naive self but in good way.
One day, I was late due to taking a long bath and was the last to leave StrikaLand when I overheard Coach informed Dancing Rasta he is looking for a potential new recruit, to fill in my boots but do not mention anything to me. I was soo butt hurt and angry on how I did not improve on my performance and how quickly Supa Strikas decided to find a replacement.
I got to meet the rookie. He is so naive and so annoying! That kid will gawk and ask more questions than you can count. His recklessness is also astounding!
On hindsight, I acknowledge I have been an ass to him instead of a proper mentor. The kid did not even know about the actual purpose of being recruited but I knew my time is running out. Supa Strikas did not do anything to console me and Coach has a lot in his plate. But I saw how the Higher Ups discuss with Coach and Prof about Shakes performance and even asked if I am going to get kicked out anytime. Yeah, that will definitely dampened my already bad mood.
So, Shakes had been letting Iron Tank into the secret training compound and I had been mocking him, scold the kid every-time he messed up or giving any ideas. Yeah, a real role model!
So, with Supa Strikas slowly regaining their points and no longer seemed to want me, I quit on my own accord. Perhaps I should have a talk with the rookie kid but with everything in my plate, I just want to leave everything behind. So , AITA for treating the rookie kid harshly?
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fortressofserenity · 15 days ago
The state of comics in Africa
It's not that comics and cartooning are absent in African countries like Nigeria and Kenya, but given how their comic book industries are so small and the cartooning industry being far bigger (which the comic book industry is really a subset of), that it seems most African comics that get published at all are more likely to be newspaper cartoons. There's one at Guardian.ng that seems like a regular comic strip, but the characters mostly discuss problems pertaining to Nigeria itself.
Another at Vanguard involves the ordinary antics of people, but it tends to be a one panel cartoon/comic strip. It's not that cartooning itself is absent in African countries, but given how the comic book industry there is so small as to be rather impractical. So most parlay their talents into regular newspaper cartooning, despite how some may've desired to go into comic books themselves at some point or another. It's not absent, but the comic book side of things isn't economically viable.
This is similar to the Philippines in some regards except that due to the nature of American neocolonialism here, it feels more practical to work on US publications than to better the local comic book industry here. So it's not uncommon for Philippine cartoonists to work on US publications like X-Men and Avengers, whereas I don't know of any Nigerian cartoonist that does this. This should be reserved for another post detailing the effects of American neocolonialism here, since this is about African cartooning.
There's one particular African comic book series that gained traction throughout Africa and it's Supa Strikas, which is about footballers really. There are people who collected issues of those, though it remains to be seen if its owner would be willing to upload all issues online again, assuming if this has happened before. But it seems most of the readily available African comics online, barring scans, tend to be newspaper cartoons like the Nigerian examples I brought up before.
As well as South Africa's Madam and Eve, it's not exactly absent but most of it that's readily available tend to be newspaper cartoons at that. The comics industry isn't absent in African countries, but it's more heavily orientated towards newspaper cartoons. Than it would towards comic books.
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mimpinightmare · 7 months ago
TOPIC: Riano (Headcanons)
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Been thinking about Riano for the past few days, because absolutely miss the guy. (and can I say: HOW UNDER UTILISE HE IS IN THE SHOW??!??! GIVE US MORE RIANO!!!)
And I've been thinking about some headcanons for him about how he was born and raised as a kid, and how it affect him until he's an adult, but torn which one I like more:
Number 1) My first headcanon of him is that he wasn't born in a very wealthy household as a kid. His parents had low income jobs, and try their very best to support their kid and themselves (even so far, both of them need to have two jobs). Sometimes the struggles came of a cost where, rarely at times, Riano's parents fight (they usually fight where Riano isn't around, unfortunately Riano has been eavesdropping his parents sometimes if they fought). Despite this tho, they still are a very loving family and Riano's parents support Riano through and through.
I like to also think the line "Finding your own style of play" from Riano in "Instinct Extinct, S1E7" is actually from his parents. Riano used to be frustrated as a kid that he wasn't as good at football like the other kids, that his parents (despite knowing little about the sport) advice him to "find your own style of play". That line always stuck to him until now, that it his main motto, to the point, authenticity is very important to him. If you don't play your heart out with passion and authenticity in football, what's the point of it?
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His competitiveness came from where he used to be made fun of from the big kids where, at the time, he wasn't great at football yet. So, he wanted to prove them that he can be as great (and better) than them. He also wanted to prove his parents that he can be great at it too, despite them knowing, he IS great at it. (Their proud parents, I tell you) There is also a hint of love language there from Riano, where pretty much, ever game he plays, it's always for them.
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Despite of his competitiveness though, he always been a good sport. His parents raised him well to know better then to sulk immaturely and have grudges towards his opponents playing well, after his team lose. His competitiveness is also only (AND ONLY) limited to football. (The guy is passion with the sport) I've seen him being SUPER UNINTERSTED with any other competition event made by Miss Altivo, like in "Living and Kicking, S4E3" when Miss Altivo explaining the reason why they were invited, he gave such uninterested facial expression, like he regrets coming. Reason he stayed tho, is because of Shakes, and want some quality time with him. *COUGH COUGH he also has a crush on him COUGH COUGH* Also in "Your Latest Trick S7E3" there are brief moments that Riano is not really into the prize, nor the competition. He's just... Looking at his phone, that's it. And immediately got eliminated because he wasn't doing a trick, he was just resting in the park- If it's just a silly little competition or event to get viral, views or some over aggerated prize, he wouldn't care-
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His dedication with honesty and sincerity came from learning about people taking advantage and being dishonest to his parents. His parents will do anything to have a stable life , but they unfortunately will meet deceitful folks in their way. They never told him about the mistreatment they face, because they wouldn't want to make him worry, but Riano knows. (Pretty much knows this by the eavesdropping from one of their fights) After learning this, he has a reluctant distaste towards dishonest people. (Also, I headcanon that the "actual" reason Riano fired Golari, is because of his dishonesty. They patch up their relationship of course in S1E6, and Golari swears not to be dishonest to Riano and his players again)
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Number 2) (This one have some inspired headcanons by @sahara-solaris-solace headcanons of Riano)
The other headcanon is the opposite of the first ones, that he was raised in a wealthy home. But, unlike the first headcanon, his family in this headcanon, are not so loving. His parents are more neglectful and have high expectations for their son. When Riano told them that he loves soccer as a kid, they weren't happy about it and told him it's fine to play it, but never fully support the idea to be a professional football player, to the point, they don't allowed him to go to soccer practices in schools. To solve this problem, he sneaks out from his home, just to go to soccer practice.
Number 1 headcanons of him being authentic, sincere and honest are mostly because of his parents. Well here is the opposite too, his parents are snarky, arrogant and constantly show up with a friendly face in front of guests, and when they immediately leave, they will say the nasties things about them behind their back. After Riano getting repulsed by watching their behavior from afar, he swore deep down NOT to end up like his parents. (AND THANK GOD FOR THAT-)
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Despite him born into a luxurious life, he HATES expensive and flashy stuff. Growing up into a neglectful, rich family made him uninterested anything that reminds him of his old life (and technically, almost all the rich people he's ever met are annoying to be around) This is pretty much another way I see in "Your Latest Trick S7E3", he just does not care about the grander stuff. He's a simple man, want a simple life. The only thing "GRAND" in his life is his football career. (This can be a headcanon as Number 1, except he was raised humble. No EXTRAVAGANT things for him)
His still is a good sport, and wouldn't change that for anything. But I kinda headcanon (this can implied to number 1 Headcanons as well) he has a *TINY* mischief side to him. When he was young, MOSTLY he always avoid getting into trouble, but sometimes he joins some troubling kids, and start doing shenanigans with each other- This headcanon was inspired by a scene in "Your Latest Trick" where Skarra was driving his *MASSIVE* Stalliano, and Riano was recording him- (Habits dies hard, huh?) He wouldn't, of course, do this for fun. He doesn't enjoy doing them, but again, he likes seeing dishonest people get karma-
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Also headcanon Riano being a very charitable person. If there's is a charity event going on, he will be interested and pays attention to the cause. He wants to give back to the people and bring good to the world, unlike his parents. (This one is also can be a headcanon for Number 1, except in that headcanon, he sympathies with people (and animals) who are struggling, because that's what he and his family has gone through. And people shouldn't suffer under terrible conditions.) This one is inspired by, of course, one of @sahara-solaris-solace headcanons, and "Cool Aid S6E12", where he joins the cause, "Balls 4 All". (THAT'S SUCH A HILARIOUS TITLE NAME IN THIS DAY AND AGE-)
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This is @sahara-solaris-solace Headcanons dedicated to Riano, if you want to read them :D :
.... Okay, that's pretty much it-
If you read this till the end, HOW PATIENT ARE YOU???? Jokes aside, thank you so much! This took me 4 HOURS TO WRITE-
If you have anything to discuss about the headcanons, please don't hesitate to give me your thoughts on them! Which one is your favorite between the two? Share your headcanons if you like! :)
THIS WAS INCRIBLY FUN TO WRITE- Maybe this will be a series(????)
(Sorry if there are incorrections with the grammar or the episodes. I will edit them if I spot them)
- MimpiNightmare
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mimpinightmare · 1 month ago
I need to say something real quick... WHY IS THERE A SUDDEN "BOOM" IN SUPA STRIKAS FAN CONTENT?!?!?
Like, In January I remember people posting my Boy, Dingaan and had great discussions on Jomo and other Supa Strikas related stuff. And suddenly FEW ARE INTERSTED TALKING ABOUT SULTANS AND MORE PEOPLE COMING IN MAKING FANART, MEMES AND SUCH?!?!?
(Thank You to ALL SUPA FANS for interacting inside the Supa Strikas community and making Supa Strikas content! Whether is making OCs, headcanons, memes, or interacting keeps this small niche football fandom going~ YALL ARE REAL!!!! ✨💜💛💜💛💜💛💜✨)
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mimpinightmare · 2 months ago
(Everyone wish for me good luck to finish it before the end of January-)
(This post Will be deleted/archived after the analysis is out)
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mimpinightmare · 2 months ago
SIGH... *Pulls out an extremely absurd long list of Supa Strikas Headcanons...*
So… Here are some Headcanons that I thought of for Skarra’s family: 
It’s canon within the comics that Vince is Skarra’s uncle. But in the show (especially in Rookie Season), it doesn't seem to suggest that they are related (or at least I think-). But since I still firmly believe they are still related in the Show, here is something I thought of: Skarra isn’t aware Vince is his uncle (in the show). Reason because Vince’s sibling(s) are dead to him (and so is his family), to the point, they wouldn’t ever bring up or mention the name “Vince Mashona”. Something happen in the family that made the family banish Vince from existence. (That for now is a mystery... (and I'm still working on what was it- LMAO)) When he tries to visit the family, he would be unwelcomed and told to go home.
There’s one time Vince visited that didn’t result in him going home and is where he has to meet his family to discuss something. That same day is where Skarra first met him when he was 4 years old, and surprisingly had a great time together. That moment quickly got cut by Skarra’s parents (and Vince’s family) and told him to leave. Skarra didn’t however remember this time because how long that was and he was only 4 at the time. 
Skarra’s family has a bunch of secrets and gossip surrounding themselves (that doesn't revolve around Vince). The family has a habit of talking bad about each other’s backs, resulting in some family members resenting one another and the family collapsing. This also made Skarra’s parents (mostly) neglecting him because of how focused they were on the other family members' words, validation and approval. Skarra (when he was a teenager) was not fond of this habit so he doesn’t really listen or mention the stuff he heard. This also made him want to get out from the house and leave to get a better (balanced) life (like in Rookie Season where he “sorta” independently lives with his roommates, Ji and Ricky) Skarra swore to himself to not end up like his family, who lives in envy, hatred and spite. (.... well, at that point…)
BONUS (because I want to mention it-) :
I headcanon that the reason Vince decided to recruit Skarra into Invincible United in Rookie Season, is because of that meeting they had when Skarra was 4. Vince also see alot of potential in Skarra, so why not recruit your own talented, potential nephew? Skarra is still very much NOT AWARE that Vince is his uncle.
ANDDDD that's pretty much it- I had these headcanons of Skarra and Vince for awhile now- Happy to share them~ Hope you like reading them~ :)
hit me with your hcs about skarra’s family. im ready to get hurt tonight
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