#it’s funny cause I expected to hate it
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heizerux · 1 year ago
This whole review is a C+ to me lol
Did we watch the same fucking Iroh? The entire time he’s watching over and guiding Zuko to his conclusions that this obsession with finding the avatar will not fucking fix his daddy issues. He’s not entirely being direct with it, sure, but he’s doing it in his own way. I mean is he wrong? Clearly he’s not.
Now on the Iroh doing THAT to Zhao. It’s like we forget who Iroh USED to be capable of before he lost his son. Yes it was a bold fucking move to add that in, but it’s pretty telling that Iroh would never allow harm to come to Zuko’s way. I just didn’t take too much issue with this. You say it’s bad because it took Zuko’s moment of compassion away, but he gets that in other moments where he talks to Aang about handwriting and what he did to get the 41st Division.
As for growth, WELL. You’re talking about 1 season written into 8 episodes based on 20 episodes from a cartoon that’s over 10 years old. Katara had a lot of growth within her bending. Sokka was trying to get over his insecurity of not being good enough because of his daddy but that’s not entirely an overnight thing to get over. I think the live action did well in portraying Aang as a literal kid that woke up thinking he just got lost in a storm to the reality his entire race had been cleared, he is indeed the avatar as in his pov he was o ly told just earlier that “day”, and the world is at war. I just don’t think it was unrealistic for him to not have this major growth arc right away in the live action as he was barely trying to understand what it means to be the avatar. They’re all litterally just fucking kids and in this version, they’re barely at step 1/20 at becoming a better version of themselves. Zuko too as we last see him reflect on his journey up to that point and what the entire point even was for him.
Look, how do I put this.
ANYTIME there is a LIVE ACTION of something coming out, especially with young characters involved, it will NEVER be a direct copy of the original because not everything can translate to live action.
For example some changes they made in the event of this gets renewed, they will have to do small time jumps to work with the aging actors. This also goes as to why some “character growth” seemed to lack in this first session, as it’s meant to happen over “several years”. Now sure, you can complain about this too and say how awful it is, but that’s the reality of working with real life kid actors and overall, translating a work like this into a “real life adaptation”.
Ppl complain a lot about the pacing and how it didn’t correlate to the original, but … you’re talking about 20 episodes worth of plot needing to be squeezed into 8… Like bffr right now.
Sure, the easiest thing would have been to not bother committing to even creating a live action because the task will never be easy. I bet you that’s probably also why the original creators left this project too as they realized they weren’t gonna be able to tell or show everything down to 8 fucking episodes and knowing how critical this fandom is, it wasn’t looking good. Then there’s the uncertainty that it will even be received well (as you can see here). In their stand point, it’s wise to move on and distant from this project. Instead I hear they are just making a movie where they are all young adults (but rumors are rumors at the moment).
The show is not that bad. It even had the support of the original voice actors to the new actors. If you watch it blindly with putting what you know about the original to the side, you’ll find yourself to actually enjoy it and interested in where it’s going. If you go in fully expecting a replica of an old cartoon, well… you’re gonna have a take like this post as well as the many others in these notes.
See it as a literal retelling and reimagining because that’s exactly what it is.
Once again, this is the first love vs new partner analogy all over again. They will never be the same no matter how badly you want it to be and a very hard pill to swallow for everyone.
So, uh, Netflix Avatar, huh? Yeah. I guess I'll make a really long post about it because ATLA brainrot has is a cornerstone of my personality at this point.
It's okay. B, maybe a C+.
That's it.
Now for the spoilers:
The biggest issue with the Netflix version is the pacing. Scenes come out of nowhere and many of the episodes are disjointed. Example: Aang escaping from Zuko's ship. We see him getting the key and going "aha!", and in the next scene he's in Zuko's room. And then he just runs out, no fun acrobatics or fights, and immediately they go to the Southern Air Temple where he sees Gyatso's corpse, goes into the Avatar state, and then sees Gyatso being really cheesy, comes out of it, and resolves that conflict. Nothing seems to lead into anything. The characters don't get to breathe.
The show's worst mistake (aside from Iroh fucking murdering Zhao) is its' first one: they start in the past. Instead of immediately introducing us to our main characters and dropping us into a world where we have a perfect dynamic where Aang doesn't know the current state of the world and Katara and Sokka don't know about the past, thus allowing for seamless and organic worldbuilding and exposition, they just... tell us. "Hey, this is what happened, ok, time for Aang!" There's no mystery, no intrigue, just a stream of information being shoved down the audience's throats and then onto the next set piece.
The visuals are for the most part great, but like with most Netflix productions, they just don't have great art direction. It feels like a video game cinematic, where everything is meant to be Maximum Cool - and none of the environments get to breathe. It's like they have tight indoor sets (with some great set design) and then they have a bunch of trailer shots. It's oozing with a kind of very superficial love.
Netflix still doesn't know how to do lighting, and with how disjointed the scenes are, the locations end up feeling like a parade of sets rather than actual cities or forests or temples. As for the costumes, Netflix still doesn't know how to do costumes that look like they're meant to be actually worn, so many of the characters seem weirdly uncomfortable, like they're afraid of creasing their pristine costumes.
The acting is decent to good, for the most part. I can't tell if the weaker moments come down to the actors or the direction and editing, but if I had to guess, I'd say the latter. Iroh and Katara are the weakest, Sokka is the most consistent, Zuko hits the mark most of the time, and Aang is okay. I liked Suki (though... she was weirdly horny? Like?) but Yue just fell kind of flat.
The tight fight choreography of the original is replaced with a bunch of spinny moves and Marvel fighting, though there are some moments of good choreography, like the Agni Kai between Ozai and Zuko (there's a million things I could say about how bad it was thematically, but this post is overly long already.) There's an actually hilarious moment in the first episode when Zuko is shooting down Aang, and he does jazz hands to charge up his attack.
Then there's the characters. Everybody feels very static - Zuko especially gets to have very little agency. A great example of that is the scene in which Iroh tells Lieutenant Jee the story of Zuko's scar.
In the original, it's a very intimate affair, and he doesn't lead the crew into any conclusions. Here, Iroh straight up tells the crew "you are the 41st, he saved your lives" and then the crew shows Zuko some love. A nice moment, but it feels unearned, when contrasted with the perfection of The Storm. In The Storm, Zuko's words and actions directly contradict each other, and Iroh's story gives the crew (and the audience) context as to why, which makes Zuko a compelling character. We get to piece it out along with them. Here - Iroh just flat out says it. He just says it, multiple times, to hammer in the point that hey, Zuko is Good Actually.
And then there's Iroh. You remember the kindly but powerful man who you can see gently nudging Zuko to his own conclusions? No, he's a pretty insecure dude who just tells Zuko that his daddy doesn't love him a lot and then he kills Zhao. Yeah. Iroh just plain kills Zhao dead. Why?
Iroh's characterization also makes Zuko come off as dumb - not just clueless and deluded, no, actually stupid. He constantly gets told that Iroh loves him and his dad doesn't, and he doesn't have any good answers for that, so he just... keeps on keeping on, I guess? This version of Zuko isn't conflicted and willfully ignorant like the OG, he's just... kind of stupid. He's not very compelling.
In the original, Zuko is well aware of Azula's status as the golden child. It motivates him - he twists it around to mean that he, through constant struggle, can become even stronger than her, than anyone. Here, Zhao tells him that "no, ur dad likes her better tee hee" and it's presented as some kind of a revelation. And then Iroh kills Zhao. I'm sorry I keep bringing that up, but it's just such an unforgiveable thematic fuckup that I have to. In the original, Zhao falls victim to his hubris, and Zuko gets to demonstrate his underlying compassion and nobility when he offers his hand to Zhao. Then we get some ambiguity in Zhao: does he refuse Zuko's hand because of his pride, or is it his final honorable action to not drag Zuko down with him? A mix of both? It's a great ending to his character. Here, he tries to backstab Zuko and then Iroh, who just sort of stood off to the side for five minutes, goes "oh well, it's murderin' time :)"
They mess with the worldbuilding in ways that didn't really need to be messed with. The Ice Moon "brings the spirit world and the mortal world closer together"? Give me a break. That's something you made up, as opposed to the millenia of cultural relevance that the Solstice has. That's bad, guys. You replaced something real with something you just hastily made up. There's a lot of that. We DID NOT need any backstory for Koh, for one. And Katara and Sokka certainly didn't need to be captured by Koh. I could go on and on, but again, this post is already way too long.
It's, um, very disappointing. A lot of telling and not very much showing, and I feel like all of the characters just... sort of end up in the same place they started out in. I feel like we don't see any of the characters grow: they're just told over and over again how they need to grow and what they need to do.
To sum it up: Netflix Avatar is a mile wide, but an inch deep.
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wishchip106 · 4 months ago
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i genuinely think if moira didn’t interrupt them this scene would’ve built up to a kiss scene
once again back on my moira mactaggert hate train
erik should’ve shot her the gun is right there
who cares what the president has to say let the gays have their moment! god woman give it a rest!
the first time i watched this movie i actually cheered when erik started choking her
does anyone have any fics where they weren’t interrupted? there’s probably a few but idk what exactly to search up
moira has some kinda plot armor
knock charles out and then kill her idk
need to call up magneto for this
they couldn’t show the rest of the mutant road trip cause they were getting touchy feely with eachother 🤨
erik went to go cry in his bedroom afterwards
moira gives me “move over boys! let a real woman deal with this 😏😌” vibes WHILE SHE DOES NOTHING
for some reason i can appreciate moira in other things like the animated series or maybe the comics (i haven’t read many) but with the movies i want to bring back public execution
people write her way better in fanfics honestly
anyway gonna go buy a dart board then print a picture of her and use her face as target practice toodles
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skoulsons · 8 months ago
Being depended on is so strange. Am I not still a young child or teenager? Am I not the one who looks up to the people that I find comfort and leadership in? What do you mean I’m That person to people now?? What do you mean I’m being refined into a mentor and leader and someone that young people look to? What do you mean they come to me with questions and concerns and hardships. what do you mean I’m not eternally young
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arson-09 · 10 months ago
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when you and the homies catch a hater on tumblr defying their own logic and gotta laugh about it in the gc
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da-riya · 1 year ago
Highlights from my EU4 Austria game up to 1600s
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#og post#eu4#pdx games#not in order but still funny#Had the worst RNG I didn't get any Personal Unions peacefully and had to fight wars to get Milan & Hungary & Bohemia & Brandenburg as PUs#Burgundy fully evaded my grasp and all of this got me so hated I got excommunicated and lost the election to Fucking Pfalz#I'm calling them the German name cuz it's more cringe then The Palatenate#(3 of the 7 electors are literally Theocracies what do you expect. Excommunication and the religious league wars were the end of me)#I got so pissed I switched to the Protestant side of the 30 year war and curbstomped Pfalz but only to sign the Treaty of Westphalia#Allowing me to gitch out and become an Easter Orthodox Christian member of the HRE (since it's peace between ALL Christians after all)#I can't even begin to explain how funny this is. Everyone picked sides based on me being Catholic!#When I switched sides all my allies were my enemies and all my enemies were my allies now.#Everyone lined up to kick my ass and I joined the queue. Then we beat up on some kid instead of me#Anyhow I also married into England without an heir and just... Got a Tudor as heir. The game pesters me to bring back the Habsburgs but no#It's better this way cause then I can try to take control over all the other Tudors (they hate me so that'd be hard)#England rebelled during my orthodox rebellion and so became an independent state seperate from Britian. Those are now two distrinct entitie#There's a England and there's a UK but they're nowhere near each other#And England wants to colonize overseas despit being landlocked. Like... No. Go back to paying me taxes!
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princeof-flowers · 3 months ago
Dragon Age 2 companion relationships are so fun to me.
Like...Fenris is close with Isabela and Sebastian specifically. He's also good friends with Aveline's husband, Donnic, and seems to be on good terms with Aveline herself. He also seems to have a decent relationship with Varric (most do, it seems).
However. He and Anders fucking hate each other's guts. Anders more so than Fenris, who I think just like. Doesn't really care much for Anders and distrust him due to Justice/Vengeance. The only time he and Anders agree is when they're joined by their mutual dislike for Merrill.
Merrill gets along great with Isabela and Varric tho. They both seem very invested in ensuring her safety in Kirkwall, and just overall teaching her stuff.
Isabela and Aveline are worsties. They hate each other and it's that hate that you're never quite sure if it's like a friendly hate or if it's a "we have the same friend group so I have to be somewhat civil but also fuck you".
Honestly, out of all of the companions, I think Anders doesn't really get along too much with any of them due to his downward spiral actively causing him to push everyone away. That, and his writing gave him this push of like. Elf rights vs mage rights, so him interacting with Fenris or Merrill is always like. Awful. I genuinely feel like the only reason most of the group puts up with him is because he's their healer and/or Hawke is close to him (depending on how you play Hawke).
Idk I just. Like the dynamics of da2 companions and how they flesh them out as ppl outside of Hawke and outside of what we play or see. It feels more homey and believable than dai or veilguard.
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holydongbird · 4 months ago
ever since i came out as lesbian/sapphic to a close group friends it’s been okay. except now they dont even talk to me about my hobbies or my life anymore and literally only prod me about my sexuality ahaha. also WHY WOULD YOU YELL IT IN A PUBLIC FUCKING AREA TO EMBARRASS ME
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ilkkawhat · 6 months ago
I’m sorry if you don’t want people weighing in here so feel free to delete and ignore - but in a good workplace your boss would work with you to find a solution, rather than just telling you to struggle harder. And idk, maybe your boss is working with you and you’re the one telling yourself to struggle harder - but you DO deserve better than that!
oh i am the number one defender of my boss, she definitely is going out of her way to help me and for that i feel bad about it, i always have when she's had to step in but now it legit feels like...crisis level i guess? which it also did earlier this year and she started dishing out some feedback to me that yeah i needed to hear but it hurts to hear nonetheless and one of my co-workers tried to comfort me in saying that my boss is just genuinely concerned about me but for some reason i can't believe that, any little fucking mistake i make i just immediately worry my boss hates me and i'm gonna get fired. i've been that way since day one. it's a definite me problem lol
hell maybe my techs didn't outright complain about me to HR but maybe it was like, a general statement about the department which is why it escalated to my boss cause i know HR has threatened me that if i don't take it easier on myself that they would tell my boss to force me to take time off and i guess that finally happened?
idk though i just still got the sense my boss wasn't happy about the situation, I don't think anybody is and maybe i am being too hard on myself but...if i'm not, then what am i? i can't let myself get off the hook that easily for fucking things up so bad, i should have done my job right in the first place and maybe we as a team wouldn't be in this mess.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years ago
First reprimand for shitty customer service <3. Well first one that wasnt just just my boss laughing and saying a local famous person accused me of stealing their wallet [left it on a shelf].
#no. not even a little bit#some shit#MANY EMOTIONS ABT IT. lol#first being not clear if this is the first actual complaint. or if ther3 were multiple complaints. which i just think is funny...#cmon man. spill the deets what they say abt meeeeee#second. my boss does have a language barrier byt more than that qlso just. seems. uncomfortable... being my boss???#like. as in. clearly tries to skirt around telling me what to do..... but vause this was clearly a pull aside talking to...#i decided to not lie when he asks. do you knoe whsy i mean?#WHAT IT BOILS DOWN TOO....#my bosses are boomers who get sad when ppl dont greet them at stores. i think. fhdhddhf. even tho i DO greet customers. whatevr.#cause im on that PHONEEEEEEEEE#take aways..... well im fueled by. CLOSER THAN EVER. to [kym replacement] quiting my fucking job. due to circumstances. ways and means.#and a side of. god so he was trying make me not. worried i guess. so he said. everyone has there own character and i know ur character.#i know your a good person i dont expect you to pretend and smile at everyone.#HEY. CAN WE UNPACK THAT.........#1. I STILL MASK (LITERAL). so. what do we mean by that.......#2.... i HAVE a customer service VOICE. WHAT THE HELL MAN...... it INVOLVES. doing the smiling intonation at I HATE IT.#=_= receiving accomadations at work -> have been clocked/ ASSIGNED. DOUR PERSONALITY......#maybe you dont... get my cust serv persona... cause.... ur not..... a customer.................. and i work the floor by myself??????????#anyways just. little bit of agonized personal writing i kept LOCKED UP. was right. You never Can be Normal enough.....#but. THIS IS EXTREMELY LONG REPORT. to you.... my fellow bloggers. closest things i have to coworkers....#is just that i guess lol... im bored by it now. godspeed peach and love butt also destruction and hate. whatever.#im pretty sure is is not actually gonna affect much going forward i just. WOW. i continue to not elaborate to ppl irl and do share alls#(or somes...) here.#OKAY WhATEVVER POST
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vv-ispy · 10 days ago
thinking about. ships
#think it's very funny I went from 'main genshin ship — bardven bc they love each others so much it transends life and death and#leaves a mark forever and love that changes fate and —'#to 'main dr ship — na.ezono bc they don't work out. then k.omahina bc good luck to them. then naeg.ami bc they insult each other#naekirigami (forgot the name) bc naeg.iri is great and sweet. then adding togami there causes psychic damage to all involved.#ko.mamiki bc they're at each other's throats. crack ship maizo.no/kirigi.ri bc they're at each other's throats'#nah there's some sweet ones i like too. asa.hina/sakura is a classic and reALLY like sonia/tana.ka#and kuzur.yuu/peko and nid.ai/o.wari i like both romantically or exclusively-platonically#hi.nata/nanami and hina.ta/sonia i can see the potential same with koizu.mi/saionji#to be fair i do ship kaeven in a way that's like. nice on the surface but passive aggressive below that surface but understanding below Tha#but alas in general genshin's characters doesn't give me too much fun to play around with questionable ship dynamics#bc at their heart genshin playable characters are nice and good people#vs dr whose whole thing is 'anyone can be pushed to do terrible things but they're still people'#looks at my first fandom portal roots. those glados ships truly never left#genuinely though kom.aeda's sweet-but-weirdly-expressed-crush kills me#possibly even more than maizon.o's earnest-but-not-enough crush on na.egi. by a hair#nae.zono just gets the honor of being my first introduction to a ship where they like each other but#not enough to save them from their own actions. fate didn't break them up maiz.ono made her own choice to value her goals over naeg.i#(and I loooooove her for ittttt)#bc their mutual attraction has always been surface level and yet. it is so very sweet surface level. sparkling waves hiding turbulent depth#k.omahina gets more variety though + the possibility of understanding + the easy path of rejection + hate-adjacent era#and i guess whatever the trial reveals who can guess this game is subverting my expectations more than the first did#dr talk
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pink-pony-luv · 1 month ago
every few weeks i think abt how i can speak 2 languages but im stupid in my 1st
#of course that 1 is my first language. because that makes such spectacular sense#I also have the reading & writing skills of 1st grader.#& ig its fine cause I was born in the us or whatever. like if i went to saudi every1 id meet would be like 'wow u can speak so well'#(i know this bc they made such a big deal out of my cousin who speaks shitty fus7a apparently)#but its still so embarrassing. like this is my FIRST LANGUAGE & i need to get a grip#it gets worse too cuz i cant really speak arabic at home cuz my siblings (esp my brother) can barely understand it#like the extent of the 'practice' or wtv I'm getting is my parents yelling at my brother & me translating. like that's it#& I live in the whitest suburbs uve ever seen its so badddd so its not like I'm meeting any1 who can speak arabic at school#& I have basically 0 life outside those 2 places like hellooo#it doesnt help that im not even arab like no one expects me to speak arabic#ive had tons of ppl assume im somali & talk 2 me in somali#actually which is so funny cause then i have to be like “no I'm a diff type of east african”#& then they ask what language I do speak & then i have to be like “it should be tigrinya. but actually arabic”#&its not that crazy for eritreans to have lived in saudi & learned arabic#but its stil so bad like i hate it. i cant speak the language i should be able to and the language i do speak. I'm dumb in#anyways this is why i write so well in english its cause im whitewashed AF ✌#nadia has a life#nadia rants
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Bro I have to write and record an argumentative speech, write a literary analysis, get started on a short story with a pre-determined theme, write a reflection of the previously mentioned tasks and what knowledge and experience I got from them, as well as start planning for my oral examination which I apparently have to choose a subject for??? and make a powerpoint for???? Why did they not give me more details about the *final, most important examination in my course*?????
The only redeeming qualities of these tasks is that I get to choose the movie I write my argumentative speech about (I'm supposed to argue for why it should be movie of the year, aka just infodump about why it's awesome), and that the only requirement I've been given for the short story is that it has to be about "the unknown" in one way or another
But none of that matters because they didn't tell me anything about needing to write a text for the final oral examination???? Or that I need to have a powerpoint???????? What do you mean "What subject have you chosen for your oral examination?"?????? I WASN'T TOLD THERE WOULD BE WRITING INVOLVED
Smh I hate private-owned education-based companies
Like bro maybe put some money into an actually comprehensible website, teachers that don't hate their students, and classrooms that actually have heating instead of buying that new car that just entered the market, just a thought
I am very angry about this entire system, this company is ass and it's no wonder they're closing later this year (something I found out ***after*** applying for and accepting two courses and showing up for the voluntary in-person introduction.)
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mbat · 1 year ago
dude its twice now that ive tried to play origins multiplayer minecraft servers that happen to be mandatory roleplay for some reason and its just wild that they like, want you to come up with a whole entire person before even playing, especially with worlds that feel... bare bones as fuck, from the information they give
like they give an origin story of the world and maybe like one or two sentences on the races or cultures, and then theyre like 'okay now give your character an entire in depth personality, backstory, family history, job, life goal, childhood dream, credit card number-'
like... with what info ?? with what basis??
the second one ive joined isnt as strict as the first one, seeing as i joined the minecraft server before i even realized there was character applications, and no one really paid me any mind at all or acknowledged me
but there was one i joined like 2 years ago that you had to get your application approved before gaining access to the server, and they direct you to their wiki for reading up on the world and stuff... but again, bare bones as fuck. and i exaggerated before slightly, but fully seriously they asked me 'oh, and where did your characters origin come from? their grandparents getting infected? how did they become this way' and its like. DUDE I DONT KNOW, WHO CARES. WHO WILL ASK ME THAT IN THE ROLEPLAY??? like where am i supposed to even get any of this shit from, the two paragraphs you typed about the world origin story??
i didnt finish the application because that was stupid and it wasnt worth it imo. shame, cause the custom origins were cool, but theres always other origins mods and servers
like... i guess other people work different from me, cause clearly these servers have people in them that somehow came up with functioning characters, but that aint me. if i make a character in a game, their personality and story comes to me while im playing, through their experiences and appearance and the choices im given in the world.
and also literally no one is ever going to fucking ask 'lol so how did your bloodline get mutated?'
#my post#mc#coming up with characters in video games is some of the most fun. like how ive been obsessed with my WoW characters lately ahghdhg#but i came up with those characters mostly through playing as them OR finding out about their racial history and culture through the game#or fuck. even through looking at the WoW wiki a bit for clarifications or even for information i otherwise couldnt get#and guess what! they actually describe things there! they have helpful information and go into detail about things!#they dont just go 'oh the gods got angry and now the world is a little funny silly'. they actually tell you the smaller things!!!!!!#im going to go nutso crazy#either the people making these servers dont have more in depth ideas about the worlds they want people to care about or#they just want to stay vague to be appealing or for all these different people to make more sense but its like#okay but at this point its literally. nothing. you made nothing. congratulations.#I FUCKING LOVE MAKING WORLDBUILDING OKAY IT MAKES ME MAD THAT THEY DO SO LITTLE AND EXPECT PEOPLE TO CARE#THE AMOUNT OF WORLDBUILDING IVE DONE. bitch i could make a roleplay server too. i wont for a few reasons though lol#no hate to the second server i mentioned. but like...hate to the first one. not hate as in send hate but hate as in i dont like them#like i want to tell them that they sound fucking stupid. but i wont#and of course i wont say names because that would be shitty but also i dont want them finding this and starting something#like im just complaining rn. not trying to start drama cause idgaf
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tojisbbg · 4 months ago
𝙢𝙖𝙙 𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙚?
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❝fuck me like you mad at me, baby; i need a freak to drive me crazy!❞  
♡ sae itoshi ♡
wc: 14.5k
a/n: i love my nonchalant princess sm. the storyline is a bit long 'cause i got carried away lmao. but trust the process guys, it's good i promise ;)
reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated <3
content: sae itoshi x fem!reader, reader plays for blue lock (yes, what a queen!), eventual smut, sae is filthy lol, all acts are consensual, disclaimer: i have no knowledge on soccer or how the games work in general lmfao, porn with plot, not edited.
jealousy has never been a pretty look, nor has the toxic radiation of arrogance.
it's funny how men can be threatened to such miniscule things, afraid that it'll bruise their strikingly huge egos; bigger than their dicks!
yes, the world is unfair, and sadly women will never be seen as equals. unfortunately, we live in a time where what's in our pants determines our self-worth like some kind of auctioned price tag.
but, you weren't about to label yourself with a price tag stamped on you by a man.
and what better way to do that than being annoyingly damn good at something that was created for men.
the way soccer has deeply nestled itself in your veins was something that most definitely wasn't on your bingo card. you grew up in a small town where people were familiar with each other, being able to tell apart who was a neighbor and who was a stranger.
your dream was to graduate high school with honors and attend a prestigious university in a foreign country; following your passion of becoming an aspiring cardiologist.
but, of course, the criteria list was as big as your ambition. you were required to do a bunch of stuff, such as volunteering for community service, internships, maintaining your grades, and most importantly.... play a sport?!
if there's one thing you absolutely hated in the world, it would have to be playing sports. you weren't athletic at all and you felt limited because where you lived barely had any inclusivity for female players.
but, the university admissions office wanted an all-rounded student, so, you had no choice.
you begged your school's boys soccer coach to let you play. the old man was a tough cookie, hard to crack, but with enough pestering; he gave in. more so, he thought you'd be the one to give up and not show up on the second practice session.
but, to his surprise, you held your ground. in no time, your body went through a series of changes. you became more toned and lean, your strength and stamina gradually increased as well.
the guys on the team ridiculed you multiple times when you struggled to understand the rules or play strategy; but, they'd soon swallow their own words after noticing how in every game it always seemed like you had woken up as someone new.
your adaptability, stamina, improvisation and intuition resulted in you to easily climb up the ranks; replacing the team's captain who served for 2 years.
naturally, your school gained popularity for having such a strong soccer team, and you became the infamous ace card; even though you were the only female player on the team.
of course, you didn't really care about all that. after all, you were doing this in order to prepare a neat and tidy application to ship yourself somewhere else to pursue your dreams. so, you'd mindlessly played against other schools and ultimately; lead your team to victory.
win after win after win.
what you didn't expect was that a lady with short auburn hair has been eyeing from the very beginning; spectating like a creep.
your senior year of high school came by and you were a few months away from graduating. your applications have been submitted and you felt like someone freed you from the shackles of stress. you spent your eighteenth birthday with friends and family, of course, being teased by your relatives of how your body was becoming "more like a man" or whatever the hell that means.
spring had just begun and your acceptance letter has come in the mail. you eagerly opened it, practically screaming in happiness as you almost tripped down the flight of stairs to announce to your parents-
"i'm going to yale!"
you had finished your last soccer practice for the season. while you were about to head in the direction of your house, you saw a lady with short auburn hair approach you.
you tried to ignore her, maybe she was walking towards someone behind you? but, you couldn't hear anyone behind you. she politely smiled at you, almost as if she could read your mind.
"uh, can i help you?" you asked, confused.
"you're y/n, right?" she confirmed, making you cock an eyebrow.
"yes, that would be me." you answered, a bit taken back from her sudden acknowledgment of your existence.
"i've been watching you for quite some time now, and i must say, you are a fine piece of talent for the world of soccer!" she enthusiastically praised, making you look at her with a dumbfounded expression.
"uhm, thank you?....creepy." you awkwardly expressed your gratitude, while mumbling the last part. but, it seems that she very loud and clearly heard you, chuckling at your words.
"listen, i've been watching the most talented soccer players in different parts of japan to recruit. my dream is to create the best soccer team in japan that will win the world cup. so, i created the blue lock project." she passionately explained.
"nice." you blandly responded, making her stare at you like you have two heads.
"are you not getting it? i'm recruiting you to the blue lock project, y/n." she frowned, but her words were still registering in your head.
blue lock project?
world cup?
this must be some joke. so, you laughed at her face like it was one.
"i tried to put past the whole creepy stalking you did on me but this is the most absurd thing you've said so far in our short interaction. you're asking me, a woman, to play in your all-men soccer team that you're planning to perfect for the world cup? listen, lady, i think you need to go home and take a nice nap to clear your head." you scoffed, readjusting your duffel bag as you prepared to walk off, only to be halted as she grabbed your wrist.
"wait! please, just think about it! i know... i know what you're thinking and i get it. us women, we don't get these kinds of opportunities and when we do, there's always some level of competition and gender-bias. but, as a woman myself, whose ambition is to craft the perfect japanese soccer team, i want a woman to play in it. i want a woman to win the world cup! please, i'm requesting you, reconsider." she begged, making your mouth slightly drop.
you sigh heavily, looking at her with stern eyes.
"i'm sorry, but, you'll have to achieve that dream with someone else. i'm not cut out for this life, soccer isn't even my dream. besides, i'm going to america in a few months to attend university there and become a doctor in the future. i hope you can find another woman to play in your team. good luck." you offered a small apologetic smile, making her eyes glimmer with disappointment as she watched you walk away.
a few weeks had passed and you'd just graduated. your flight to america was quickly approaching, so you were busy packing. you suddenly heard a knock at your bedroom door, which cracked open to reveal your mom.
"sweetheart, someone by the name of anri teieri is looking for you." you mom informed you, making you furrow your eyebrows.
"who now? i've never heard of that name in my life." you responded, making her shrug and she ushered you to come downstairs and figure it out.
so, you followed behind her only to be horrified to see the same lady from a few weeks back.
"you again?!" you gasped, speed walking to the door.
"ah, sorry for the unannounced vis-"
"lady! this whole stalking thing is really getting out of hand! i-i mean, how did you even get my address?! god, i feel like i'm being watched like a hawk! last warning or else i'll report you next time!" you threatened, absolutely baffled. her eyes widened, quickly holding her hands up as surrender.
"please, hear me out. i'm not stalking you! i was escorted here by your coach. i... i wanted you to reconsider!" she expressed, her face displaying desperation.
"what part of what i said to you back then don't you understand? i don't have a passion for soccer." you glared, making her face turn to a frown.
"you can't be good at something if there's no passion to drive you! and you... god, you're damn amazing! your goals, your precision; it's unmatched! y/n, please, it's not only that i want you... no, i need you on my team." she persuaded, making your sigh in annoyance.
"even if i wanted to, i can't. it's too late, i already confirmed my spot at the university and my flight is this weekend." you informed her, trying to make peace.
"that's okay! i'll have my team call your university to place you on a guaranteed waitlist, your spot will still be secured. please, just play for the recruitment matches in blue lock. i promise, if you're eliminated; then you can fall back on this. we'll even pay for your tuition cost and flight expenses." she tries to negotiate and you let out a defeated grumble.
"fucking hell, fine, fine. i'll do it." you agreed, making her eyes light up.
"yes! thank you! thank you so much, y/n." she smiled brightly, digging through her purse before pulling out a small card.
"that's the address to the blue lock facility. the mock matches will be taking place this weekend. i'll see you then, y/n." she hands you the card, making you hum.
the hell did you just get into?
so, luck has a weird way of working out, and it turns out that you were able to make it out of the recruitment matches. you were officially on blue lock's team.
well, that happened about four months ago. so far, you're still not sure if it was worth quitting and falling back on your safety option, which was still laid on the table by anri.
"jeez, i thought that the only time a woman would've given me a hard time was after i got married." isagi teased, making you chuckle as you laid on the indoor feild.
"hope you don't get married any time soon, your future wife is gonna have a hard time in social spaces when her husband is getting cancelled every two to five business days." you smirked, making him gasp.
"y/n! i thought we were gonna move past that." he huffed, making you laugh.
"what? about the fact that you become a slur machine when you get pissy?" you egg further, making him roll his eyes before cracking a smile.
"but seriously though, those were some killer goals you made today. especially the far distance one you did, man, it got me sweating! how'd you do it?!" his freakishly big blue eyes peered at you, making you rub the back of your neck as you tried to recall that moment.
"uh... don't know, honestly. it just felt right at that moment and my legs moved on its own to score, i saw the opening and knew it was time." you tried your best to explain in order to give him the most accurate answer possible.
"so what you're saying is... you play based on intuition?" isagi's eyes widened, but, his shock only gained a mere shrug from you.
"guess so." you replied, making him let out a dry chuckle.
"fuck, you're more goated than i anticipated." his eyes glimmered with some odd sparks of a mix of inspiration but at the same time a hint of envy.
"now you're just buttering me up, if you think i'm gonna give you the charred sides of my steak today, it's not happening." you stuck your tongue out, making him let out a dramatic sigh.
"well, it was worth the try." he joked, making you playfully jab his side.
after practice and training sessions for the day ended, everyone had dinner as per usual. you sat with pretty much whoever you felt like you wanted to be around with that day. you were good friends with majority of the blue lock members, keeping a low profile and not really interested in creating unnecessary beef.
isagi wanted to be the best striker? great.
reo? awesome.
nagi? spectacular.
rin? fantastic.
you couldn't give two flying fucks about becoming the world's best striker. you were pretty much shoved into the whole situation by anri's big (creepy) puppy eyes. your friends knew about your whole recruitment process, earning you a mix of bustles of laughter along with some of them weirdly having more admiration towards you.
in short, you had no interest in becoming the best striker. it required too much thinking, too many friendship break ups, and so on.
as long as blue lock makes it to the world cup and wins, everything's peachy because anri got what she wanted from you.
dinner was over and it was still quite early for bed. you decided to go to the shared lounge space, where a big tv was installed in the middle of the room. you were bored and thought maybe you'd watch a movie or rewatch old match; whatever the hell was more interesting than being in the four walls of your shared room with nagi, yuki and rin.
you walked into the lounge area, only to be surprised by seeing all three of your roommates present.
"so now we're having group meetings without me?" you playfully snark, making yuki chuckle.
"me and nagi had a feeling you'd use your imaginary sixth eye to sense us here." he joked, making you laugh.
"they're actually my spidey senses, get it right. you guys being together always means being up to no good." you said before squishing yourself before rin and yuki, as nagi opted out to sit on the carpeted floor in front of your legs.
"yeah, we were coming up with strategies on how demolish the U-20 team." nagi lazily added onto the conversation, making you hum.
"oh, those guys. who's even on that team anyways? i was kinda asleep when ego was talking about it." you sheepishly smiled, making rin scoff.
"seriously? this game is an important debut for blue lock, and you're out here sleeping in meetings? dumbass." rin nagged, making you roll your eyes.
"jeez, sorry mr. perfect, i got tired 'kay? now stop leaving me in the dark and tell me more information about this team." you looked at the pair of teal eyes, trying to count how many under lashes he had in the meanwhile.
"it's japan's national team that's composed of the best japanese soccer players that are under the age of twenty. one them being the biggest pests in my life, itoshi sae." rin enlightened you, and you watched a slight darkened shift in his eyes as he mentioned the foreign name to you.
"itoshi sae? he shares your last name, your older brother?" you asked mindlessly, as you thought out loud.
"what do you think, smartypants?" rin deadpanned, giving you an obvious look, making you chuckle.
"sorry, i didn't wanna assume. listen, your family trauma is yours, buddy; i'm not here to mediate or play therapist, so you can be assured i won't dig further in. but, regardless, he's an opponent. so, just like everyone else, i'm gonna try my best to make sure we win." you offered an encouraging smile.
"whatever, this game is just a stepping stone for me. i'll prove to him just how good i am and make him eat his words." he spoke through gritted teeth.
after about an hour of socializing with your roommates, it was getting late and there was early morning training the following morning as per usual. so, you told your roommates to head back without you and you'd come a bit later; so you bid them goodnight.
after being alone in the lounge, you decided to do some research on this special specimen the entire blue lock facility has been bustling about; itoshi sae.
and with each click of a new article, interview or soccer match; you were horrified and mesmerized at the same time.
how can a human being be so cruel, brash, cocky... but so fluid, sharp and agile? he's worse than a criminal.
the way he shits on japanese soccer.
the way he's convinced that the best striker has yet to be born, let alone in japan.
the way he fucking plays... it's almost arousing; making adrenaline pump through your body as blood rushes all around your blood vessels.
what is this feeling?
this new profound inspiration, ambition and drive you're feeling?
god, why did you wanna suddenly have itoshi sae kneeling in front of you on the damn feild?!
you turned off the tv and decided to call it a night. while you were walking through the hallway in the direction of your room, you see a sleepy rin walking towards you.
"rin." you call out, making him look at you with half-lidded eyes.
"huh? jeez, you still didn't sleep? whatever, i don't have time for your jokes, i gotta piss real bad." rin tried to cut the conversation short, but you grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving.
"wait. you need to hear me, rin. i don't know if you consider me as a friend or foe, not that i care, but i want you to know that i share the same vision as you." you looked at him with determined eyes, making him cock an eyebrow.
"the hell are you talking about, y/n?" he asked, confused.
"i don't know what kind of gold your brother is hiding that people want so bad. everyone is meat riding him, but i just don’t get it. yes, he has exceptional skills. but, in my eyes, he's just another nuisance of a midfielder who likes to show off." you sprinkled in some insults, but for some reason, that seemed to bother rin a little.
"listen, i hate that prick, but don't water down his play. he played in spain’s youth team and he’s competed against national teams. he’s not just any midfielder, he’s a prodigy, whether i like to admit it or not." rin weirdly defended (?) his brother.
"so he’s got a taste that soccer exists outside of japan, big deal. he’ll be tasting my ass when i crush him during the game." you smirked, making his eyes widen.
"do you know how much weight your words need to have to make a claim like that? you're so naive. anyone who wants to crush itoshi sae has to become the world's best striker; and that's my goal." he glared.
"rin, i don't need to become the world's best striker to crush your brother; 'cause i already am." you bodly stated, not even understanding yourself and where this confidence came from. but, rin looked rather shocked before an unknowing grin tugged on his lips.
without a doubt, talent runs in the itoshi family. both rin and sae possess a strong talent for soccer. although rin knows that he hasn’t leveled with sae yet, he was still very strong. 
that was until you came along. 
you waltzed your way onto the field, as if it was your personal ballroom floor and you danced with the players. you predicted everyone’s moves, while yours remained a mystery. 
rin could still remember how you painfully defeated him in one of the selections and to rub it in his face, you selected him on your team, basically calling him your bitch in other words. 
people underestimated your abilities because you were a woman, but many people in this same facility didn’t even have an ounce of your skill.
 (cough igaguri cough)
"i see, so this is your ego. i'll be looking forward to your play, y/n, and then we'll see if you can live up to your words or eat them." rin darkly chuckled, making you hum.
"night night, rin." you waved at him, deciding to release him from your shackles so he could go pee.
"yeah, yeah, g'night." he half-waved back, before you both went opposite directions.
suddenly, soccer became something that now intoxicated your mind.
"y/n!" you heard the familiar high-pitched voice, finishing putting on your jersey shirt as you turned around.
"oh, anri." you gave her a small wave, watching her approach you.
"ready for the game? i know maybe you didn't expect to come this far, but trust me, i envisioned this for you. listen, i know my desires of having you in the blue lock project was selfish of me, but you truly are a precious gem to us." anri spoke with a gentle voice, her words very powerful and encouraging.
of course, the auburn haired woman was expecting some kind of snarky remark or maybe even your eyes rolling at her; your typical responses because you didn't care much about the blue lock project or soccer to begin with.
what she didn't expect was for you to crack a smile, making her eyes widen.
"y'know, at times, i felt like purposely failing the training stages or mock matches; just so i could get out of here through elimination. but, for some odd reason, i couldn't. failure is not a part of my nature, anri. yes, i was forced into this, but it's 'cause i'm damn good at what i do. i was brought here with no internal purpose or passion for soccer, but, things changed over night. quite literally." you decided to give her a slice of your heart to offer some of your true emotions.
"this is different, y/n." her expression and tone was nothing less than pure shock.
"i found meaning in my place here at blue lock. i want to play the kind of soccer that doesn't just make me win, but, makes my blood course through my veins in excitement. i want to feel alive when playing it. now, i found someone who just might let me have that." you grin at her, brushing your hair. anri gave you a puzzled look, trying to think of who could possibly change your heart like this.
"who?" she asked, curiosity pouring out of her eyes.
"itoshi sae." you smirk.
“so hungry- ow! ow! ow!” you screamed in pain, trying to kick away nagi, who was helping you stretch out your legs before the game. the match would start in about tenish minutes. you were sprawled on the ground, both of your legs being parted into a split to help your muscles stretch. 
“almost done, stop being such a hassle.” nagi smacked your calves, making you glare at him as you continued to whine and fuss from the burn traveling all over your legs. thankfully, the torture was soon over. 
“alright you dusted lumps of talent, today’s match could be life changing for all of you if victory is brought onto blue lock. get into your positions and good luck to you all.” ego spoke and the doors opened, everyone walking outside into the large stadium. 
you heard people cheering at the top of their lungs, looking around to see the majority wearing and holding merch that branded itoshi sae’s name. you snorted in disbelief, rolling your eyes. 
“ass kissers.” you mumbled to yourself before continuing to walk to your place. you waited for the other team to come out and just on cue, they walked in. you quietely observed each one of them as you familiarized yourself with their traits. 
the person whom you’ve been waiting for finally arrived onto your dance floor, u-20′s number ten, itoshi sae. he felt your intense stare on him, turning his eyes to now look right back at you. you gave him a smirk before waving your hand at him, earning a cocked eyebrow from him as he just rolled his eyes at you before looking away. 
“how rude.” you huffed to yourself and before you knew it, the game began.
you ran to the center where the ball was freely rolling and even though a bunch of other players were running like a herd of buffalos at the ball, you knew they couldn’t get it. 
“you see the ball? well, now you don’t!” you giggled as you placed your foot in front of the ball before turning your feet, making the ball rotate as you kicked it backwards. 
as the ball was now running in the opposite direction, you swiftly jumped over aiku’s feet, running to chase the ball as your feet was bumping with it. you happily hummed, your eyes still aware of your surroundings as you noticed sendou and aiku now at your sides. 
“hey, pretty lady! that wasn’t very nice of you.” you look over at aiku who was coming towards you, extending his annoying long legs to overpower your movements. 
"bite me, snake." you smirked before noticing isagi at your peripheral vision, kicking the ball right between sendou's legs to pass it to your friend.
you panted, trying to catch your breath as you watched isagi getting in position as he tried to make the direct shot, only for it to be struck down. your eyes widened as you saw the player with blonde hair and pink tips use his head to stop the goal from going in. 
you read his name on his shirt, shidou. 
“what the hell.” you furrowed your eyebrows, running towards the previous formation as shidou passed the ball to the auburn haired male. sae surpressed isagi and chigiri’s speed and then with one quick motion, the ball hit the net. 
“that fucking blonde cockroach.” you heard rin swear under his breath, sweat drizzling down the sides of his face. 
this was going to be interesting. 
the match continued on and u-20 was in the lead. your legs practically felt like jelly, looking at the score board with read 3-3. majority of the goals were made by shidou or sae on the u-20 team, they were devouring everyone and anything in their way. 
as for blue lock, the first goal was made nagi, followed by barou and then isagi. both teams were now tied and slowly the 90 minute clock was running out; as there was only 20 minutes left.
this was the last chance, within those 20 minutes, a goal will be made and that team will take home victory.
fuck, you felt like throwing up.
you were getting pissed off, mainly because of the fact that the only person holding everyone back was rin. you knew that there was some kind of drama going on between the itoshi brothers, but rin wasn’t playing in the right state of mind. 
“rin, pass!” you yelled, watching him go berserk as he had his tongue out and was drooling. rin looked at you with a clouded look before snickering. 
“out of my fucking way, dumbass.” he shoved you away, rejecting to pass the ball to you when you were at a perfect range to shoot. you saw that his main goal was to go head on head with his brother, but that was ultimately a bad idea because sae was protected by shidou as back up. 
“y/n! you okay?” you heard reo ask as he ran besides you. 
“yeah, i’m fine. but, i don’t think rin is.” you breathed out, trying to catch up to rin who was running in full spped. suddenly, in an attempt to go around shidou, he accidentally kicked his leg when the both of them tried to kick the ball. 
“fuck.” you cursed, hearing the whistle blow. 
“itoshi rin, yellow card.” 
“idiot.” you murmured under your breath as you took this as a chance to steal the ball from rin. you were now in the middle of the feild and the goal was still in a pretty far distance for you to shoot. 
suddenly, you felt an arm over your chest in an attempt to block and delay your movement. you looked over to your side and your heart jumped in your chest as you met with the striking teal orbs of the star of the show; the player you've been looking forward to play against so much that you couldn't get a wink of sleep.
itoshi sae.
“my, my! didn’t your mommy teach you not to touch a woman without her permission? you’re naughty, sae.” you teased, trying your best to keep your leg ahead of his. you knew that sae’s main skill was his sharp shooting range and that if he somehow got control over the ball right now, it’d be game over. 
you watched over his moves through his game recordings numerous amount of times to predict his play style.
shamelessly, your eyes watched how his meaty and juicy thighs flexed while he ran. you couldn't help the feeling of your stomach tightening, as having such a handsome guy all up on you made your panties twist.
“shut it, you little minx.” sae grumbled, and just as you felt his legs coming to swing faster, you used your right foot to kick the ball to the side. 
“you-” he looked at you with wide eyes, only to receive a cocky smile. 
“see ya!” you finally able to escape him as your main concern was now to get past shidou who was guarding your shooting point. 
"so we meet again, girl. blue lock's ace, a woman, who's been taking the soccer world by storm." you heard shidou cackle as he hovered side to side. you chuckled, hitting him with fast dribbles.
“yeah and you’re about to find out why.” you grinned, kicking the ball directly upwards before leaping into the air, lightly swinging your feet at a calculated angle with a gentle impact. it was enough to make the ball fly past his shoulder, and you quickly ran around the distracted male to catch up with the ball.
the hardest obstacle was down.
"shit, you're cool as fuck, girl." shidou muttered under his breath, still in disbelief from the move you just pulled to move past his block.
in the distance, sae watched you like a hawk, amazed by your game tactic. 
it almost seemed as if you weren’t human as no one in this entire universe could’ve predicted you to do that. 
not even the prodigy himself. 
there was no way in hell any player could've passed that block with shidou and sendou cornering you.
damn, you literally defied the laws of physics.
you were still at a pretty far range to shoot, but, the goal was swarming with dangerous players who were firm to not let you have that opening.
"ah, how annoying." you sighed.
of course, your moves annoyed sae as he was now lunging towards you, trying to stop you from advancing any further. the auburn haired male was pissed, no, beyond pissed as he ran besides you.
“can’t get enough of me? you get me so excited, sae!” you exclaimed, watching him frown as he struggled to predict when the ball was going to move left or right based on your footwork. 
"just what are you, woman?! i've never met a player like you!" sae angrily spoke, panting while he tried to take control over the ball. you smirked, feeling like your heart was about to combust just from being acknowledged by him.
"are you falling in love with me?" you asked with a cheeky smirk.
"fucking brat." he scoffed.
“i’ll call this goal, ‘if i score, then sae gets to fuck this hole’, ‘kay?” you taunted and then what happened next was beyond shocking. 
you were in no position to shoot and strike a goal, the range was still far and the goal was blocked. shidou was advancing and you were slowly getting cornered with sae on your side and sendou advancing towards your other side.
but, it felt right.
no, no, it is right. this was the perfect timing, the perfect position-
the perfect moment to score a goal.
if you can't find an opening on the field, look above and create your own, that's your play style.
you diagonally cut through his run, making the tip of your feet scoop the ball as you kicked it in the air. another jump and now you were in the air, as you spun and swerved your body to the left, giving the ball a powerful kick. 
your eyes watched the ball zoom past the goal keeper’s head, hitting the net as you came back down on the ground. sae blinked dumbfoundedly at you, trying to process what the hell just happened. 
the crowd roared with cheers.
you collapsed on the ground, breathing heavy as the whistle blew, time was up and blue lock scored the winning goal thanks to you. before you could even register your win, you were swooped off the ground by your teammates as they huddled while lifting you in the air, a tsunami of praises and congratulations was showered on you.
“hm, wait. i’ll be back.” you patted nagi’s shoulder to usher him to put you down, as he carefully placed you back on the ground. 
you walked over to u-20′s players who were sitting on the grassy field, faces expressing scowls and sadness from their bitter defeat. yet, you saw sae standing unbothered as shidou was blabbering to him about some random nonsense, before noticing you approaching them. 
“oh, would you look at who came to pay us a visit.” shidou sneered, giving you narrowed eyes as you shrugged. 
“i'm not interested in you, blondie.” you snapped at him, making him slightly irritated by how you spoke to him.
sae didn’t want to become involved with this little feud you had going on with shidou, silently watching you both fuss and fight over today’s match. he had to admit, watching you play had riled him up. 
both sexually and mentally. 
the announcers were urgently instructing all players to evacuate the field as the game has been over since fifteen minutes ago. you heard your team members call your name, so you decided not to waste more time. 
"before i forget to keep my promise that i made with rin.” you remembered, your lips curling upwards cheekily. you placed your index and middle finger on sae’s lips as if you were hushing him, before bringing those two fingers to tap your butt cheek. 
“choo~” you smooched the air, watching sae’s jaw drop. shidou could slowly feel his blood boil and swore that if you weren’t a woman, then he would've long broke out into a fist fight with you. 
"bye-bye." you waved at sae before running the opposite direction to where your friends were standing. 
you entered the backstage of the stadium for only player entry. you were excited to finally get out of your uniform and take a cold shower after such an intense game. curious eyes were scanning for blue lock's locker room as you hummed a little tune, until someone grabbed your arm and pulled you into some room. 
“what the f-” you yelped, only to have your words be muffled as the person clamped their hand over your mouth. you looked up and saw that it was sae, looking down at you with sharp teal eyes. 
“well, well, well. just the person i've been waiting for.” he snarked, his voice sending chills down your spine. you realized that you were in u-20's locker room with him. your hands quickly came up to peel his hand off of your mouth. 
“the hell is wrong with you? someone might come inside and get the wrong idea.” you furrowed your eyebrows, trying to turn your heels and leave the bathroom. however, with one swift motion, you were now pinned against the door as sae caged you between his arms. 
"you've been annoying the shit out of me ever since i've known about your existence. i've watched the recorded tapes of your mock games at blue lock and though the other players never stood out to me... you were always the odd one out. the way you'd play on the field like you had no fucking clue the hell you were doing but at the same time; it felt like you outsmarted everyone. i can't believe i fell into that trap today even after analyzing you to the core." he bitterly spat out, making you look at him with bored eyes.
"listen, mr. prodigy, i get it that this might be your first loss; but taking it out on me won't change the scores." you nonchalantly replied, somehow making his skin burn in anger even more.
"you’ve got some real talent, I’m not gonna deny that. but your little hat-tricks are a bit immature, aren’t they?” he questioned, making you shrug.
"as long as my team's winning, i don't care." you answered, making him chuckle, the corner of his lips lifting up slightly at your bold proclamation.
"hah! that’s a dangerous mindset. arrogance isn’t always a good look for a player. but i gotta admit, it fits you.” sae sneered, a smirk etched on his lips.
"confidence not arrogance, don't get it twisted." you corrected him, shooting a glare at him.
“oh, really? confidence, hm? or maybe you’re just in denial about being a little arrogant?” he continued to taunt you, making you darkly chuckle.
"go back to school and learn the difference, sae. i can tell you're lacking up here since you went to spain so early. poor you." you pouted, jabbing at his temple.
"yeah? let's talk about you, miss. yale. you wanted to become a doctor, no? only to end up as ego's puppet for blue lock. poor you." sae mocked your words, his insult made your jaw lock.
"how the fuck do you know that?" you said through gritted teeth, his face glimmering with amusement.
"i have a good sense of every player's background to know how much of a pain in my ass they're gonna be during a game." he cockily remarked, making you roll your eyes.
"oh please, you're like the soccer princess, always getting his way. you stupid dumb brat, always wanting stuff and getting it 'cause you're a lump of talent who went international as a youth. you whisked away shidou from our team, who's gonna be your next BL victim?" you scoffed, shoving him off of you to place some distance between you two.
"excuse me? that’s a bit rich coming from you. i do have talent, yes, but i’ve worked hard for it. you don’t know what i had to go through to get where i am now, so don’t act like you know everything about me." sae’s smirk fades slightly, replaced by a look of annoyance at your harsh words.
"uh-huh. so, you cried to your management that you wouldn't play in u-20 against BL unless you could pick whichever BL player you want to join you? how lame. you think you're the best?" you asked, voice laced with irritation from how much he was pissing you off.
"i didn’t ‘cry to my management’, they just know what i have to offer. and yes, i do think i’m the best. i’ve proven it on the field time after time.” he stepped closer to you, now hovering above you with his annoyingly tall height.
damn the itoshi brothers for inheriting such good genes.
"i heard it with my own ears. when ego and your managers were having that meeting, i happened to pass by the conference room. you're quite the brat. aren't you supposed to be the older itoshi?" you poked fun at him, giggling a little at the end.
"you… you eavesdropped on the meeting? and you’re still throwing a fit? how immature can you be? it was a strategic decision and you know it. picking the right players to my advantage is part of the game. you’re just mad that i chose shidou.” sae scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"mad? hah! don't make me laugh. you could have the pink tip blonde freak for all i care! listen, itoshi, i could win with or without shidou being on my team, got it? i'm damn fucking good at what i do, 'cause if i wasn't, then my ass would've been halfway across the globe by now. i'm the muse to this whole orchestra out of all you mediocre artists. strategic decision? seems more like a cry for help. what are you? five? picking and trading toys? please, give me a break. i'd rather quit soccer than have you make me your bitch." you angrily spewed at him, making his eyes narrow at your words.
sae is stunned into silence for a moment, taken aback by your fierce and fiery declaration. he takes a moment to process your words, before responding with a sharp edge to his voice.
"you got an awfully talkative mouth, huh? ever thought of putting that mouth to some good use than spewing all this bullshit?" he harshly squished your cheeks together with his hand, making you wince a little.
"sorry that i can't match your brattiness, it's not in my nature to act like a lukewarm spoiled brat." your words were slightly muffled, but it rang clear in his ears, especially the familiar word you picked up most likely from his younger brother.
"lukewarm, hm? did my shit of a little brother teach you that? you seem to be close to him, having the nerve to approach me after the game and pull that little stunt of yours to keep the so-called promise you made to him. what kinda promise? that you'd make me kiss your ass?" sae cocked an eyebrow, peering down at you as you couldn't help but count his under lashes.
"it was just a stupid joke, you don't have to act like i shoved the damn soccer ball up your ass." you rolled your eyes, making him let out a dry chuckle.
"nah, it's not that. it's just... you seem to be a woman of your words; but you're forgetting the promise you made to me." he smirked at you, his eyes darkening with lust.
"what?" your eyebrows furrowed in confusion momentarily.
you tried to recall what you even said to him. when you’re on the field, you tend to spew out random shit from your mind and mouth, not thinking twice about it. 
“you scored the winning goal, didn’t you?” sae helped you remember, his hands coming down to wrap around your waist before he pressed himself on you. 
“i’ll call this goal ‘if i score, then sae gets to fuck this hole’, ‘kay?”
your words rang in your mind loud and clear, your eyes widening in shock as you realized what you’ve done. sae noticed you expression, his smirk widening as he knew that you were all bark and no bite. 
but, that’s what made you seem more alluring to him. 
“whimping out, sweetheart?” he said, a fake pout forming on his lips. what he didn’t expect is your arms wrapping around his neck before harshly pulling him towards your face. you crashed your lips on him, roughly kissing the soft-pillow like flesh. 
“you said it, i’m a woman of my words, sae. besides, not everyone gets the chance to fuck the world’s best striker, y'know. so, you’re welcome.” you grinned against his lips before playfully biting down on his lower lip. 
"you vixen." he whispered against your lips, warm breath fanning over yours before he locked you in another searing kiss. your fingers weaved through his soft auburn hair, following the rhythm of his lips. sae's hand was still cupping your jaw, keeping you in place as he tilted his face slightly to the side, the new angle allowing him to kiss you deeper.
you felt his thigh intrude between your legs, spreading you open as he rubbed his muscular quad against your clothed pussy. the small friction alone was providing enough stimulation to your throbbing clit that made you gasp a small moan; making him smirk against your lips before cheekily using the provided entrance to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
you felt the wet muscle gently poking yours occasionally before slowly wrapping around your tongue. the wet sounds of your mixed salivas and mingling tongues followed by the smooch noise echoed throughout the empty locker room; making your pussy drip with arousal.
your head was spinning, both from sae's intoxicating cologne along with the heated kiss. your face was flushed and your brain was practically turned into mush.
you sucked on his bottom lip before giving it a gentle nibble. the both of you soon pulled away, breathing heavy from the lack of oxygen due to the breath-taking makeout session you just had; a string of saliva connecting the both of your lips.
fuck, he looked so sexy like this.
sae's hair was dishevealed, cheeks tinted with a slight pink, teal eyes half-liddedly staring at yours like a sly siren and his lips plump from the intense kissing.
he leaned forwards, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your jawline before moving down to your neck. your mouth was slightly agape, soft whimpers ocassionally slipping out of your lips as you felt him kiss and lick the soft flesh of your neck. he gently bit down before suckling the area, making your breath hitch.
"h-hey! you're gonna leave a mark." you stuttered, but sae couldn't find it in him to care. in fact, the thought of him marking you up everywhere sent blood straight to his cock; making him impossibly even harder than he already was.
"so? i don't see the problem. what if i want all the other players to know i claimed you as mine?" he spoke in a low tone, almost as soft and alluring as a whisper. you could feel him rub the bridge of his nose against your neck; sending goosebumps all over your body.
"i don't belong to anyone." you meekly responded, though you tried to sound as stern as possible; obviously failing to do so. sae let out a dry chuckle, finding your answer a bit amusing.
"oh really? i'm hurt. you pulled out so many cool tricks from your sleeve during the game, flirted with me on the field, saying lewd things to me before scoring, promised my little brother to have me kiss your ass... all of that just for me to notice you, no?" he teased, his hands going south as he traced the outline of your hips before harshly pushing them down, making you grind against his thigh.
"f-fuck." you moaned, feeling yourself getting wetter by his actions. however, sae wasn't complaining, seeing how your facial expressions were twisting with pleasure made his mind fog up with lust.
"bet you were thinking about this while playing on the field. imagining all sort of naughty things you'd want me to do to you, hm? god, never would've expected blue lock's ace to be... such a slut." he snickered, his hands moving behinds to give your ass a firm squeeze followed by a harsh spank; making you yelp.
"i wasn't!" you tried to defend yourself, finding a convincing voice by shooing away your horny thoughts.
"you sure about that, princess?" sae grins, his hand cupping your clothed pussy before using his slender fingers to rub against your slit. he could feel your wetness, making him scoff.
"you're dripping and still have the nerve to lie to my face? there's two things i hate in this world. number one is losing and the second thing is liars; two things which you already violated. i should punish you, no?" he darkly chuckled, before pulling you back into a mind-blowing kiss.
"wha.." you tried to comprehend what his words meant, but it seemed that he preferred to show you.
"strip." sae mumbled under his breath, tugging at the waistband of your shorts. you swallowed harshly, trying to clear your head and maybe push him away.
you knew this was wrong!
it was one thing teasing and riling each other up on the field, but fucking your enemy? what would your team members think if they ever found out?
holy shit, what would rin think?!
but, fuck, it felt so right.
you couldn't deny the fact that sae made you feel so hot and bothered, both on and off the field. and the way he was towering over you with his staggering height and angelic yet demanding voice.
you were under his spell; unable to resist anymore... not that you were in the first place.
you grabbed the hem of your jersey before peeling it off of your body, a small sheen of sweat covering your body made your skin glisten under the dim lights of the air-conditioned locker room. you threw your shirt to the side before sliding off your shorts; the last article of uniform meeting the same fate as your jersey on the floor.
you now stood exposed in your half-naked glory; in a pair of baby blue laced panties with a matching bra to go with it. sae's eyes followed your movements with striking anticipation, trained on your body as he shamelessly drank in the sight of your beauty.
you were perfect in every shape and form.
your body was lean and fit, lacking muscle mass unlike other players; but you were toned. his eyes focused on how your tits sat so prettily within the cups of your bra, making his hands itch to hold them instead. his eyes trailed down, being able to see your beautiful plump round ass even from the side; he wanted to touch the soft bare flesh so bad.
after all, it was his biggest fetish.
sae took slow strides towards you, predatory eyes never leaving your body as he hovered above you. he grabbed your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes while his other hand danced along your spine; pulling you close to him.
you smelled so feminine and sweet; like a subtle peach scent.
"you have no idea what you do to me and it's driving me insane because i wanna ruin you." he confessed, making you give him a sly smirk.
"then what's stopping you?" you boldly replied, and it seemed as if the gears in his brain stopped working.
"damn right." without another word, he grabbed the back of your thighs and swiftly lifted you up in his arms. you wrapped your legs around his waist, arms lacing around his neck as you kissed the side of his neck and peppered his face with soft kisses. he chuckled, giving your ass a light spank while walking over to the bench, sitting down while you straddled his lap.
you noticed he was still fully clothed, making you pout. he cocked an eyebrow in confusion at your expression.
"why am i the only one naked? take off your clothes too." you huffed out, making him laugh.
"how rude of me. why don't you take the honors of stripping me then, princess." he rubbed the palm of his hand along your sides, making a shiver run down your spine.
you nod obediently, you hand reaching down with fingers hooking under the hem of his jersey. you lifted the article of clothing above his head, revealing more and more of his extremely toned and muscular body with each heightened inch of the fabric. you threw away the shirt to the side, eager hands now touching the soft flesh of his bare chest. your eyes shamelessly wandered, noticing how defined his abs were, his pecs looked so juicy and plump, broad shoulders and his biceps were so fucking thick it made you wonder how it'd feel for them to lock you in a headlock.
you scooted off his lap, standing up before grabbing his wrist to pull him off the bench and follow your steps. you grabbed the waistband of his shorts, pulling them down; now leaving him in his calvin klein boxers; your eyes going down and noticing the prominent bulge inbetween his thick muscular thighs.
fuck, you just knew he was long and thick from how big the bulge was.
your mouth was salivating, wanting... no, needing a taste of him. you were about to drop down to your knees, only to be halted by sae as he grabbed your hands.
"not yet. bad girls don't deserve my cock in their mouth without paying for their punishment first." sae grinned, pulling you back on the bench as he sat down.
"bend over." he blurted, patting his thigh. your eyes widened, wondering just what was up his sleeve.
you gulped, crawling over his lap as you used the palm of your hands to support you, as you were now bent over his thighs. his palm gently caressed the dome of your ass, you shuddered as you felt his feather-like touches.
"what a beautiful ass you have, darling." he lewdly complimented, making your knees weak as your panties dampened from his words.
"t-thanks.." you squealed when you felt a tight slap on your cheek, making you jolt. sae smirked at your reaction, squeezing the abused flesh afterwards.
"i knew you were gonna be an interesting player, just by the shape of this pretty little ass of yours." sae spoke in a seductive tone, making you clear your throat as you looked back at him.
"seems more like an excuse for you to be a pervert." you snarked, earning another harsh spank on your ass cheek; making you wince.
"careful with that mouth of yours, princess. pervert or not, yours is hard to miss when you're flaunting it to me." he scoffed, groping the supple fat in his palms.
"now, let's see how much you really know about me." sae smirks before leaning down to press a gentle kiss on your ass; making you gasp at the soft gesture.
"huh?" you breathed out.
"what's the number on my jersey?" he suddenly questioned, making you give him a puzzled look.
"10." you responded, making him smile.
"good, that's exactly how many times i'm gonna spank this sweet ass of yours. so, better keep count in case i accidentally miscount." sae sadistically smirked at you, playfully biting your ass cheek before giving it a wet smooch; making you tremble and his ministrations didn't even start.
you were facing away from him, heart pounding in your chest and then came the first impact.
it was a tight spank, making your body jolt as the pain spread into a sadistic pleasure across your body.
"one." you muttered, swallowing down a moan.
"keep hiding your moans and i'll double it." he threatened, making your eyes widen as you shook your head.
then came the second slap, making your thighs clench as the impact sent shock-waves right between your legs. you whimpered in pain and pleasure, closing your eyes as your knees shook beneath you. god, you were aching for him to touch you, even if it meant this.
"t-two." you breathed out.
"good." sae teasingly praised, rubbing his palm on the now warm surface of your ass cheek, making you shake.
but, it didn't last long until the third spank came down on you.
then the fourth... fifth... sixth... seventh... eighth... ninth...
each slap getting slightly louder and harder, making you moan like a bitch in heat as your skin tingled from the harsh impact. you were heaving, eyes fluttering shut as you tried to muster the strength to keep yourself lifted and not collapse on his thighs.
"last one, gotta make it count, right?" you could feel him sadistically smirk, patting the bruised flesh.
sae slapped your ass once more, making you gasp as you felt him squeeze the supple fat of your cheek right afterwards before giving it a few gentle spanks all around; making you cry out.
"ten!" you cried, looking back at him with a dazed look, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
sae took a moment to drink in the sight in front of him. your back arched, ass in his face as the bruised red-plump flesh was warm against the palm of his hand, your begging face and disheaveled state; it made him wanna toy around with you even more.
"what a good girl you are, y/n." he peppered feather like kisses on your ass, making you bite your lips as you tried to contain yourself.
"please.. please, stop teasing. i-i can't anymore." you embarrassingly begged him, making him grin.
"you can't? how unfortunate. i guess we should stop then." sae suddenly proclaimed, shrugging as he pulled you up to sit on the bench, the cold material of the hard wood making contact with your warm spanked ass made you wince as it stung. but, you were quick to wrap your hand around his bicep, stopping him.
"n-no! that's not what i meant." you licked your lips, crawling back on his lap as you kissed his jaw.
"then tell me what you want, princess." he whispered in your ear, playfully biting your earlobe, sending chills all over your body.
"touch me... i want you to touch me, sae. i need you so bad." you cupped his face, looking into his glimmering teal eyes. it was a bad habit, but you couldn't help but count his damn under lashes.
"yeah? want me to play with that naughty pussy of yours, hm? bet she's dripping for me." he lewdly spoke, making you nod as your brain was no longer in your head but your pussy.
"m-mhm, so wet for you, sae. need you to touch it, pretty please?" you kissed his neck, before giving it a gentle bite followed by a teasing kitten lick.
"okay, since you asked so nicely, cariño." sae gave you a boyish smile, the spanish term of endearment slipping off his tongue so seductively.
he placed his hands on the sides of your waist, gently turning you around so that your back was against his chest. sae leaned down, kissing down your neck till he reached your collarbone, licking your skin before biting down gently.
you gasped, your hand going behind his head to find purchase in his hair. his hands came up, roughly pushing the cups of your bra down, making your tits spill out. his eyes widened, mouth salivating at the site of your perky nipples swelling from being neglected.
"you're driving me insane." sae cursed under his breath, his hands now cupping your tits as he gave them both a gentle squeeze. you moaned from the sudden fondling, breathing becoming irregular.
he rolled your buds between his index and thumb, giving them both a slight pinch; making you swallow hard. you squirmed in his hold, getting a bit antsy.
"patience." he warned, making you whine.
sae's slender fingers moved down, ghosting along your hips before hooking under the waistband of your panties. with one swift motion, he pulled the laced fabric down your legs, lightly throwing them to the side.
your breath hitched at the sudden exposure, cold air hitting you right between your legs, making you automatically clench your thighs together. however, your actions displeased the auburn haired male, making him slap your thigh.
"you want me to touch you or no? spead your legs, girl." sae commanded, making you shyly widen the gap, but not fast enough as his patience was wearing thin.
he opened his legs a little wider, forcing your own to follow in suit as your legs were drapped over his. a satisfied smirk ghosted on his lips as he peered down.
"spread your lips open, cariño, let me see her." sae took your hand, guiding it to your wet cunt.
you followed his order, using your index and middle finger to spread your pussy open, making him shamelessly look at the mess between your legs. your wetness was coating your slit, webbing on your sopping folds as he could see your swollen clit peaking out.
"hmm... beautiful, such a pretty pussy. give her a little spank." he kissed the side of your head, your eyes widening at his request.
"huh?" you stammered, making him glare at you.
"go on, spank her. 'cause if i do it, then it won't stop at one." sae threatened, making you swallow the lump in your throat. your hand shakily hovered above your dripping cunt before giving it a wet slap, making you jolt from the impact, a moan escaping your throat.
"another one." he egged further, and you followed.
"ngh, sae." you slurred out his name, leaning against his chest as your heart raced.
his hand came up to cup your jaw, tilting your head to the side to give him access to your lips. sae crashed his lips onto yours, knocking the wind from your lungs. his free hand trailed downwards, grazing against your hand that was inbetween your thighs.
sae replaced your fingers with his, the pad of his index finger gently caressing your clit. you moaned in his mouth, feeling his finger run up and down your wet slit. he began to rub your clit at a leisurely pace, making your eyes roll back from the stimulation.
he was so good at multitasking, ensuring that his lips continued to mold onto yours; tongues dancing in a fierce battle. he sucked and licked your lips, not giving you time to breathe.
without warning, you felt the tip of his finger brushing against your hole. you gasped, feeling it protrude in the tight opening.
"s-sae!" you moaned out his name, feeling him thrust his finger in, your warm wet walls clamping down on his digit.
"shit, you're so tight. how you gonna fit the real deal, princess?" he chuckled, thrusting his finger back and forth to loosen you up before adding a second one.
you didn't really have a long history of sexual partners, you weren't a virgin, but your experience in sex was still pretty lowly average. of course, you'd masturbate and get yourself off.
but, you never really had the chance to do it after entering blue lock because privacy was very limited when you're sharing rooms and bathrooms with other players.
sae scissored his fingers in and out, your slippery walls making it a little easier for him to glide his digits inside. the room was filled with the wet sounds of him fucking his fingers into your hole; your legs trembling and you breathed heavily while moaning his name.
"sae! f-fuck, oh my god... hnghh-" you felt his pace increase, his free hand massaging your tits, pinching the neglected pebble.
the whole scene looked like something straight out of a porno.
you're spread out on his lap, his hand inbetween your thighs as three of his fingers were working their way fucking in and out of your messy whole, your juices leaking out onto the bench, tits splayed out while being fondled with his hand; while his lips ocassionally pulled you into sloppy kisses.
"w-wait! fuck, it's too much!" you cried out, your hand shooting down to grab at his wrist, but the pressure you applied was nothing compared to his strength.
"you can take it. come on, cariño, make a mess for me." sae encouraged, keeping the brutal pace of his fingers as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. you felt the tightening sensation in your core, face heating up as your eyes shut tight; knees growing week as you cried out in pleasure.
what both you and sae didn't expect was that you squirted everywhere.
"there we go." he praised, slowly thrusting his digits in and out now, his hand drenched in your juices which were now dripping down your thighs and onto the bench.
"god damn..." you mumbled under your breath, trying to calm down from the high. you were still dazed out, feeling the loss of contact as he pulled his finger out; wet and webbed with your cum as you looked up at him.
sae gave you a sly smirk, bringing his cum covered fingers to his lips before pushing them in his mouth, sucking your juices off. your eyes widened at his actions.
"so sweet." he commented, watching your eyes cloud with lust.
"have a taste, princess." sae's fingers cupped your wet cunt, running his fingers against your slit to get them wet again, making you wimper as he grazed against your sensitive clit. he brought his hand up to your lips, watching you open your mouth as he shoved his fingers in, pressing his digits down on your tongue while you suckled them; tasting yourself.
"you're so cute when your mouth isn't yapping nonstop. i knew we could put that mouth to some better use." he snickered from above you, making you roll your eyes and you playfully bit down on his fingers.
"heh, as expected... always so feisty." he grinned, leaning down to press a soft yet teasing kiss on your lips. you smirked into the kiss, a cheeky finger going down to hook under the waistband of his boxers, slinging it against his stomach; earning a groan from his lips.
"off." you blurted out, making him chuckle.
"eager are we?" he taunted, watching you stand up and wait for him to slip out of his boxers.
once he did, god, you weren't expecting any less.
you oggled at the sight, he was fucking hung to say the least; standing at least a good eight inches. his cock was long and thick, balls hanging heavy and his blush colored tip oozed with beads of precum. your mouth watered and without any hesitation, you dropped to your knees.
your hand was barely able to wrap around his girth, holding onto his hard cock firmly. you saw his jaw clench, shuddering under your touch as you began to slide your hands up and down his shaft. you thumbed at leaky tip, spreading the oozing precum before bringing your thumb up to your lips, licking it while looking up at the gorgeous man before you.
"fuckin' tease." sae grumbled, his hand pushing away the loose strands of hair cascading on your face, tucking it behind your ear to get a good look at your pretty face. he unclasped your bra before throwing it over to the side, hating how it was getting in the way.
a single vein ran up the underside of his cock, your tongue tracing its outline before wrapping your lips around the tip of his dick. your tongue circled around the sensitive flesh before shoving more of his length down your throat. a guttural moan escaped his mouth, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled your head closer.
"fuckkkk... just like that, pretty girl." he groaned out, looking down at you bobbing up and down his hard cock. of course, he was so big that you couldn't fit all of it in your mouth. so, whatever was left behind, you made sure to have your hand do the pleasing.
sae felt like his dick was gonna burst any moment, never feeling this kind of intense pleasure before; and he's had his fair share of experience with women.
but you? no, you were different.
you knew how to push his buttons, how to rile him up, how to toy with him... fuck, you knew him.
the way you twisted your hands along the base of his shaft, fondling with his balls ocassionally, while your mouth was doing wonders. the way your wet muscle suckled and licked his tip, your throat tightening as you swallowed his dick; it drove him to the edge.
"god, you're so perfect. so good, s-shit, i'm gonna cum." sae moaned, grabbing the sides of your head as he began to thrust his hips forwards, throat fucking you. your eyes widened, grabbing onto his thighs as you tried to match his rhythm, gagging on his length as tears welled in your eyes.
"fuck, fuck, fuck! take it, shit, take it all." he breathed heavily, pushing your mouth as far as you could take him, holding you there as his cock twitched in your mouth; sticky white ropes of cum painting your throat.
you swallowed as much as you could, releasing his cock with a lewd pop, but he wasn't done cumming.
fuck, he cums so much.
sae jerked his cock on top of your face, the warm liquid coating your cheeks as you closed your eyes, some of it dripping down to the valley between your tits.
you opened your eyes with a fucked out expression, lazily smirking as you scooped some of his cum from your tits before sucking it off your finger. sae watched you with his mouth slightly open, his slightly limp cock now hardening again.
"god, you dirty fuckin' girl." he lowly chuckled, using his thumb to smear his cum on your cheek before scooping some and placing his thumb on your tongue.
"yummy." you giggled, licking his thumb.
"c'mere." sae pulled you up, tapping the underside of your thigh to usher you to jump. you followed, feeling his arms hooking under your thighs to securely hold you; your legs wrapped around his waist and arms wrapped around his neck.
you felt his dick sliding between your folds, making you whimper as he walked further inside the locker room towards where the showers were. he opened one of the stalls, stepping in before locking the door behind him.
sae turned on the water, the warm water running down both of your bodies. his hands came up to cup your face, slowly washing away your cum-stained face as his fingers gently rubbed against your skin.
"you're so pretty, princess. even when you're covered in my cum." sae smirked, making you chuckle.
"yeah?" you smiled, a soft blush creeping up to your cheeks. he hummed in response, leaning down to press soft kisses on the wet skin of your tits, before popping one of them in his mouth.
"sae.." you softly breathed out, pulling him closer as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, suckling gently while cupping your ass.
"okay, no more of these games. i need you, y/n." he confessed, releasing your nipple from his mouth before pinning you on the wall. sae lifted one of your thighs, taking a hold of his cock as he began to rub the tip of it along your slit.
"fuckkk.." you cursed, the delicious feeling on his tip brushing against your clit provided you with so much pleasurable stimulation. despite the warm water, sae could feel your slick coating his cock with every push and grind of his meaty cock between your glistening folds.
the tip of his dick poked at your entrance, making your breath hitch. sae began to slowly push the tip in, making you wince in pain as he released a breath he didn't even realize he was holding.
"g-god, you gotta relax, cariño. you're so damn tight." sae groaned, gently thrusting his tip in and out of your hole. you moaned against the flesh of his neck, pleasure pumping in your veins. suddenly, he pulled out completely before with one swift and hard thurst; ramming in his whole length, making you scream in a mix of pain and pleasure.
"shhh... it's okay, pretty girl. look at you taking me so well, how slutty." he reassured you in the most lewd way possible, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as he began to quicken the pace of his thrusts. you could feel his cock swelling with blood inside your velvety slick walls, the single vein deliciously rubbing your insides.
"nghh, sae! f-faster, please." you begged, your mind clouded in a fucked out haze as you couldn't even form coherent sentences. however, sae was equally as consumed in pleasure as you, giving into your requests as his grip on you was firm, fucking into you at a brutal speed.
the room was filled by gasping breaths, the wet slapping noises of skin going pap! pap! pap! and of course the combined harmonization of you two horny fucks moaning.
suddenly, the locker room door flung open, followed by the noisy chatter of his teammates.
your eyes widened as you looked at sae, who had stopped his movement and had an almost copy-paste expression as you.
"huh? the shower is still going." aiku took note as footsteps drew closer to the showers.
red alarms went off in both of your heads as sae quickly lifted you in his arms, trying to erase the evidence of having another person in the stall with him.
"who's in there?" sendo asked, making sae roll his eyes.
"it's me, you half-witted monkey." sae calmly replied, rolling his eyes when he heard aiku cackle at his comment.
"no wonder why we missed you, little genius." aiku teased, making sae huff out in annoyance.
you were praying to god that they left soon because you were still quite literally impaled on sae's hard cock, clinging onto him for dear life so that your legs aren't spotted beneath the stall.
"you think you're so high and mighty, huh? mr. prodigy. but, just so you know, i've been a long-term player on this team and i've devised many plans with aiku! so have some respect." sendo snickered, his voice echoing in the locker room.
you felt sae shift, his cock rubbing against your walls from the movement making you bite down on your lower lip to contain the moan that was itching to leave your throat. he noticed, an evil smirk tugging at his lips.
"yeah? and what good was brought during today's game under your useless leadership?" sae taunted, now rocking his hips back and forth, lightly swinging you forwards as your eyes widened at his movements.
the tip of his cock kissed your sweet spot, making your eyes screw shut as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"what did you say to me, you freak?! the scores of today's game was out of our control! nobody could've predicted that weird girl's movements." sendo complained, anger projecting towards you.
"blaming your incompetence on someone else's skills is not a good look, captain's ass-kisser. maybe you should look at your own faults before dragging person b." he defended your name, continuing to thrust in you slow but hard, making you bite down on his shoulder as your nails dug in his back.
sae let out a low breathy moan, which was muffled under the sound of the pouring shower; only allowing you to hear it by your ear.
"hey, hey, stop. no more fighting, guys. what's done is done, we can't change the scores. that girl has some powerful talent, no one can deny it; and it must be true if the prodigy himself admits it. anyways, we're gonna be on the bus, so finish your shower soon." aiku mediated and soon the both of them left as their footsteps disappeared; the locker room door slamming shut.
you lifted your head and faced the older itoshi, a glare shooting at him. however, he didn't seem to be bothered as he gave you a small grin.
"you think this is funny?! your team members were literally on the other side of this stall door, sae! we could've gotten caught." you nagged, making him roll his eyes.
"relax, they didn't see anything. now, let's continue where we left off." he settled you down, his dick slipping out of you as he turned you around. your tits were now pressed against the wall, his flushes body pressed against your back as you felt him grind his cock against your ass, a cheeky hand coming down to grope the supple fat before giving it a small slap.
"p-put it in." you whined, still a bit pissed off from getting cockblocked by his stupid team members.
sae chuckled at your impatience, but decided to not tease you on it. in one fluid motion, he thrusted his cock inside your wet hole.
"hnghh.. sae.." you moaned, feeling him fondling with your tits while pressing feather light kisses on the expanse of your shoulder. his thrusts were much more sharper and faster than before as he grew desperate to chase that feeling before you both got walked-in on.
your cunt was wet and dripping onto his shaft, the sheer length of his thick cock was gliding smoothly in and out of your warm walls. sae could feel you clamp down on him, hugging his dick as he continued to fuck you at a brutal pace.
"fuckkk, feels so good." he moaned next to your ear, his hand coming up to cup your face and tilt it back, leaning down to pull you into a sloppy kiss full of tongue and the clash of teeth.
his tip grazed your g-spot, making your knees tremble as you cried out in pleasure. your core tightened, feeling his cock twitching in your pussy, indicating that he was close.
"shit, gonna cum... you want that? want me to fill you up? stuff you to the brim and make you my bitch?" sae groaned, pressing ocassional kisses on the sides of your jaw.
"yes! yes! fuck, please, make me your bitch. cum inside of me!" you begged, face contorting in pleasure as you began to see white, eyes screwed shut as you panted.
you were so close, feeling like you were gonna burst. sae's free hand came down, rubbing your clit to add onto the stimulation, making you shake.
"cum for me, cariño." he whispered as he continued to fuck into you, the sound of wet skin slapping echoing throughout the showers. a guttural moan ripped out of your throat as you creamed all over his cock, drenching his shaft in your fluids before feeling him momentarily speed up his thrusts; sending you into overstimulation. a ring of white cream forming at the base of his dick.
"s-sae! too much, oh my-" you cried out, before feeling his warm and sticky cum coating your walls, fucking it deep inside you. the sensation alone was enough to make chills run down your spine. sae held you close, his grip on your firm and tight as he held you in place, sloppily and lazily shoving his cum deeper into your wet cunt.
"fuck... god damn, you're something." he panted, swallowing hard before pulling you into a soft kiss.
yeah, scoring that goal was definitely worth it.
after you both cleaned up and finished actually showering, you realized that all your shit was in the locker room designated for blue lock. you sighed in annoyance as you stepped out of the stall, body wrapped in a towel as sae was still naked with only a towel loosely wrapped around his waist.
"i'm so screwed. i don't even have my clothes to wear back outside." you grumbled, making him look in your direction.
"blue lock's locker room is right next door, just run there." sae suggested, making you roll your eyes.
"wow, thank you so much, genius. there's like cameras everywhere in the halls and my team members might still be there." you rolled your eyes, hearing him chuckle.
"yeah, then i guess you are screwed." he smirked, making you glare at him.
"and who's fault is that?"
"not mine."
"you pulled me in here and actually screwed me. now i'm double screwed, you horny fuck!"
"and? don't say you didn't want it as bad as i did."
"well at least i have self-control."
"right, says the one who was slobbing on my dick."
your face was now covered in a blush from his crude words, watching him dry his body before reaching for his clothes. you took this as an opportunity to slap his ass.
"did you just-" his jaw dropped, looking at you with wide eyes as you stood there giggling.
"serves you right." you stuck out your tongue and you saw his eyes darken as an evil smirk tugged on his lips.
"oh, so you wanna play like that, huh? seems like ten wasn't enough for you? c'mere." he began to walk closer to you, making your heart drop as you quickly clutched onto your towel and ran as fast as you could out of the locker room; faintly hearing his chuckle echoing behind you.
"fucking psycho." you breathed out in slight fear, the door slamming behind you as you walked towards blue lock's locker room. that was until-
"oh, y/n! what are you doing out here?" anri's voice rang clear in your head as she stepped out of blue lock's locker room. you began to panic, what the hell were you supposed to say?!
"o-oh, anri! what are you doing here?" you nervously laughed, making her cock an eyebrow.
"i was doing a final check and realized everyone else is on the bus except you. mind telling me what's going on?" she pointed her pen at your clearly naked form.
"o-oh, yeah, uhm. our locker room was full 'cause the guys were showering, so i decided to use u-20's since their team started loading their buses first and it was empty." you explained and just because god's timing had to be so precise; sae fucking walked out.
he noticed you getting interrogated, thinning his lips to prevent himself from laughing his ass of at you.
you noticed him from the corner of your vision, glaring at him as he snorted. anri saw him, the both of them doing a mutual bow before he left, looking back you with a smirk.
that fucking piece of sh-
"y/n?" anri called out again.
"h-huh?" you refocused yourself on her.
"then why are you still naked?" she asked.
"ah, right, i forgot to take my clothes with me." you tried to sound as convincing as possible.
"uh-huh. and i suppose those marks are from the game?" she smirked, pointing her pen at your chest and neck, heat rushing to your face.
"a-anri, i can explain! it's not what you think, i promise." you horribly lied, making her chuckle.
"right... anyways, go get changed and meet us on the bus. by the way, that was an amazing goal. blue lock couldn't have won without you. so, yeah, you deserved to treat yourself." anri winked at you, making you internally scream in embarrassment.
she was your manager for fucks sake!
"ahahah, right... i'm gonna go get dressed. see you in a bit." you quickly excused yourself to get dress.
fuck you, sae itoshi.
after returning back to the blue lock facility, you were drained both from the game earlier and your little session with the soccer prodigy. all the players were called in the conference hall as ego gave his motivational speeches along with announcing the international teams everyone will be assigned to.
"oh, shit. bastard munchen? that's in germany, no? pretty cool, isagi." you commented, making him chuckle.
"yeah, i'm so excited! noel noa is on that team, he's my favorite." isagi eagerly replied, making you smile.
you watched your name appear on the screen and right below you was bachira.
"oh, we're gonna be together, y/n! fc barcha in spain." bachira exclaimed as he high-fived you, happy to have a close friend go with him.
"spain? oh shit..." you gulped, realizing that you'll be seeing more than just one familiar face there.
"sae! sit down, have some refreshments." sae's manager smiled, his voice dripping with money hunger as the auburn hair male rolled his eyes.
"i literally just got off my flight, i couldn't even take a fucking piss yet." he grumbled, sitting on the couch with his legs crossed. the poor auburn haired male was tired and it didn't help that he had to sit inbetween the most annoying fucking people ever to exist: sendo and aiku.
unfortunately, while you both were too busy in hornyland, it completely slipped out of both his and your mind that both his clothes and your clothes were scattered on the floor.
so, in short, yeah; they both knew you two were fucking in the showers.
"hey, since when did you wear baby blue laced panties under your uniform, little genius?"
"your shit was all over the floor along with a pair of bra and panties, dumbass. you fucked that crazy chick from blue lock, didn't you?!"
"well, you know, your contract is expiring soon with new gen xl. you'll be renewing it, right?" the old man nervously laughed, making sae sigh.
"well, no shit. but you could've waited a few more days or something." sae snatched the paper from the table, clicking the pen and before signing, the old fat man said something that caught his ears.
"well, you know, you got an offer to play under fc barcha. they're adding members of blue lock in that team to prepare for the u-20 world cup." he informed, making sae look up in curiosity.
"blue lock members? do you know who?" sae asked, now wanting to know more.
"ah, well, i don't have the list on the top of my head. but, i know the girl that scored the winning goal for the last game is playing on the team. shit, sorry for bringing that up." the man apologized, realizing that the topic of losing might still be a small wound on the prodigy.
but, sae couldn't be bothered any less. a smirk ghosted on his lips as he threw his pen on the table.
"cancel it." sae declared, ripping the contract in his hand, making his manager's eyes widen.
"s-sae! what are you doing?!" the man panicked, not understanding where this sudden change in heart was coming from.
"i'm accepting the offer to play in fc barcha."
you were just about to get comfortable in your bed, though the annoying sound of nagi's snoring was ticking you off. nonetheless, your body was too tired and drained to pay too much mind to such small things.
that was until your phone buzzed.
"the fuck.." you huffed in annoyance, grabbing the device before unlocking it, seeing that it was a message from an unknown number. a gasp leaving your lips as your eyes widened when reading it.
unknown number: see you in fc barcha, cariño.
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mina-org · 11 days ago
part one - part two - part three (you're here!) - part four - part five- six
simon can't believe how far hes fallen.
Lurking outside high street underwear shops, stealing your phone, worst of all? He’s sipping tea in an overpriced coffee shop, you used to always want to meet him in the place opposite but he didn’t fancy a public indecency charge so he’d let you sit there for while, order drinks for the two of you and wait, when his tea turned told and yours had been drank you usually got a text saying to come over, he didn’t feel like going into town.
Your not even with him explaining that matcha is actually really good and he should try it, no your fawning over johnny and he’s watching his bird. He hopes this is rock bottom but he feels like it’s not.
"lass if I dinnae know better, I'd think ya' was avoiding me" his playful tone doesnt hide the hurt, he wants you to feel bad for ghosting him, and you do. Johnnys never been mean. Never mistreated you, why are you punishing him for Simon’s mistakes?
"im sorry, I know you and simon are close but he really did number on me and I just, I just don't wanna risk bumping into him." he can praticularly smell the the anxiety coming off you.
"Aye he’s been going mad, wants his wee bird back." Johnny says feigning sadness for his mate. in honestly Johnny was enjoying it, you were talking to him, looking at him, while simon gawked at you two from across the road.
you laugh, "no he wants a warm hole." you blurt out, causing Johnny to laugh, he expecting you to cry or something but not be that blunt.
“Lass hes just nae used to-” johnny tries to defend him but you cut him off, frustrated, you were what? a decade younger and knew how to treat people well.
“Used to what? He’s 40.” You snap back, Simon was old enough to know better.
“He’s nae 40 yet hen, and he’s not used to tiptoeing, ya know?” He laughs at you adding years to him, he’s sure Simon is seething but he can’t quite make out his expression
“Tiptoeing?” You question. You can accuse Simon of a lot of stuff but tiptoeing? Not fucking one of them, if stomping on people was an Olympic sport he’d be bringing home a gold medal.
“Yeah like your so sensitive lass and he’s nae really used to it.” Johnny says simply and when your face drops he knows his choice of words could maybe use some work especially when you excuse yourself to the bathroom.
Johnny cant help himself. he can see simon through the window, sipping on his tea as he watches this little pre date. So he calls him up, simon was saying earlier he misses that pretty voice well he actually complained about how much you used to talk at him and how the peace and quiet was actually nice.
However Johnnys an expert in simonisms and that means he miss you and wants you to come back to him, he gets the same treatment, they all do. telling him to be quiet.
when you rejoin the table his phone is face or screen down, speaker pointing towards you, next to a another drink for you.
How sweet of him:)
"had to keep ya here somehow," he explained as he asked how you were doing, you had left the flat so defeated. He hated to see a pretty girl so sad.
his eyes seemingly look pass you though, getting lost out the window. Usually he was attentive maybe he didn’t want to slag off Simon, but he keeps pushing, asking how you’re feeling, what you’ve been doing and though his eyes drift back to the window but you can ignore it, for now.
"I don't know,“ you stare into the drink you stir it, the ice clinking against the glass. “It just hurt and I feel so stupid.” It’s practically a whisper, you look like a kicked puppy and Johnny, Johnny’s staring out the window with a smirk on his face. Does he find it funny? Is he gonna tell Simon? Why would you slag off Simon to his best mate?
Anxiety starts to bubble, and you just wanna leave before you embarrass yourself anymore.
Your gaze follows his out the window, now you don’t have binoculars but that looks a little like Simon, weird. It would look too weird if you were to pull out your phone and zoom in with the camera. You start to feel for your phone but it’s not in your pocket, you must’ve slipped it into one of the bags.
“Johnny do you have the time?” You ask softly and before he can react, you’re flipping over his phone and greeted by Simon’s caller ID. What the fuck?
“Johnny what the fuck? “
“Lass-“ johnny doesn’t have time to concoct a lie, your up and glaring down at him, he’d never seen you angry but it was hot, he just wished it was in different, more come backable circumstances.
“No johnny what the fuck, has Simon been on the phone this entire time?” Your voice cracks and your lips tremble, embarrassed you opened up to him, Simon’s best fucking mate, embarrassed Simon knew how much he hurt
“No I don’t give a shit Simon can go fuck himself and so can you” you cut him off again, he can choke on whatever he was gonna say.
Before johnny can ask for his coffee in a to go cup you’re out the door, rushing home, tears stinging at your eyes once again. You just want to sprint home once you hear johnny belt out your name and you speed up, darting down an alleyway.
You wipe your tears before colliding into a wall you swore wasn’t there on the walk into town, a fleshy, human wall.
Its Simon.
Once again! How perfect .
taglist: @skeletonsucker @supernova2205 @wh0re4-alexademi @grr457 @gh0st-spid3r @sweetlittleblackrose @aceywaycy @mooievis @theadultoedge @cheese-pull @imtherain
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thebiggestmenace · 2 years ago
I agree! I don't hate Abby, but I also don't love her. I played part 1 when it first came out so I was so excited to continue Ellie and Joel's story. Needless to say, when part 2 came out I was disappointed.
I understand that Joel wasn't a good person, and he did technically have it coming, but his death was just way too much. Like you said, Jerry's death was quick and to the point, and Abby wasn't even there. The fact that they held Ellie down and made her watch? That was just beyond fucked up.
I understand what they were going for, how Abby and Lev were supposed to be a mirror imagine of Joel and Ellie, I just didn’t particularly care for it
oh, yeah, I don't blame you at all for being disappointed :(
oh, yeah, I'm not saying he didn't deserve it. it just did not need to be that brutal. like, if it was a more aggressive death on Joel's part, then sure, maybe he would've deserved that brutality. but it wasn't. it was a simple shot. and then holding Ellie down??? and keeping her alive as a "mercy"?? I feel killing her would've been a mercy, instead of having her watch it
yeah, I agree. thinking about it, it did feel a little forced. the creators knew everyone would hate Abby, so they make you play as her and then throw a kid in the mix. as fckyeahitslauren said, Abby and Lev were together for two days, while Joel and Ellie were together for almost a year. and you want us to feel things for them? I love Lev, but we don't know a whole lot, and there isn't that much to him and Abby?
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