#it’s either that or heart disease
luftetarja-e-henes · 8 months
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i've been wanting to show off my crown prince design since november of last year lmao / follow for more xianle epic fail compilations
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swagging-back-to · 9 months
it is not controversial to say that if you cannot finacially, emotionally provide for a child and/or your genetics would lead to them suffering then you should not have said child.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 11 months
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been followin slimes POV of the qsmp since it started but mMY GOOOODDDDD i never expected to fall so in love with it... I LOVE THE TRADGEDY OF A COMEDIC CHARACTER! so funny so silly, who could ever take him seriously? when the reaction to grief can be so overblown and strange, its hard not to laugh! because wheres the line, really? we're just here to have fun! i look forward to the day this guy snaps! its gonna be REALLY FUNNY i tell ya hwat!!!
something about this comic makes me so so emotional, and its so well framed. to discover something by the end of a comic, to follow the same line of thought as a character within a drawing, to either come to the same conclusion, or the dramatic irony of figuring it out first. it was made by the talented Lynda Barry, and she has a wonderful shop here https://drawnandquarterly.com/books/greatest-marlys/
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#q!slimecicle#qsmp#qsmp fanart#qsmp slimecicle#NOT MY FIRST TIME DRAWIN SLIMECICLE BUT ITS DEF BEEN A WHHHIILE. THIS IS HOWEVER MY FIRST TIME DRAWIN THE OTHERS#LIKE ive never drawn philza or cellbit or pol or bbh before. i looked up MINIMAL refs and went off their minecraft skins. hope yall like em#FUN FACTS! i gave q!slime the green flannel (but the green plaid is silent) bc of katastrophics design for him#he also has the 3 hearts n the Bra'ad sash bc OFFCCC u just cant see that gay lil bag here#maybe one day ill draw a qslime with more detail#IN OTHER NEWS ! this series fascinates me SOOO MUCH! THE FEDS AND THE CODES N THE EGGS AND WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAANN???#I HAVVEEE theories abt juanaflippa. SPOILER WARNING IG BUT IM ABT TO RAAAAMBLE!!#SO this totally isnt flippa right. like this is someone else. this is one of the code beasts piloting either a costume or a corpse#BOTH INTRIGUE ME. but nonetheless. this thing is NEW and it is LEARNING and it LOVES ITS DAD#ITS NOT FLIPPA BUT OHH HOW NICE IT IS TO BE FLIPPA! TO BE FED AND HUGGED AND LOVED SO SO SO MUCH#AND YET SOMETHING IS SO TERRIBLY WRONG. SOMETHING IS BLEEDING OUT AND INFECTING THE AIR AND SOIL AND SPACE#AND ITS HURTING CODEFLIPPAS DAD! ITS TURNING HIM INTO SOMETHING ELS.E. HE DOESNT CARE BUT CERTAINLY SOMEONE ELSE DOES#MAYBE THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM. BUT MOST CERTAINLY IT MUST BE EATING AT THIS POOR LITTLE CODE#THIS POISONOUS LITTLE THING. THIS DISEASE. THIS VIRUS. IT JUST WANTS TO BE HELD A LITTLE LONGER. BUT AT WHAT COST?
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eraserheadadult · 7 months
idk whats going on with my appetite this week bc i cant stop thinking about impossible burger and onion ring when im still getting a little worn out halfway thru a protein shake
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arttrampbelle · 9 months
Ok mini vent/tsimping? (Look there's good points and bad points)
I hate mk12/mk1 shang tsung's writing. And his stupid needle wannbe basic bitch claw gloves.
I will admit despite all that. He's once again THE ONLY THING GOOD ABOUT THE NEW MK GAME. and it's sad really because it's just mk11 2 electric boogaloo,but different packaging. Srsly. Fr. It really is. Nothing changes. Nothing is special. It's the same shit. Trying to pretend to be something better but it's not really.
But again like i said. Despite that. Unless you're a shang tsung tsimp.
You're not going to really like the new game. Unless you have no standards and aren't really a mk fan. And are just here for the hype.
But in all seriousness,i would like alan lee as shang more and watch more of his shang ,if people stop putting him in those stupid fugly ass gloves. Get rid of those and we good bro.
I mean really. If mk onslaught can make him look like this
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And keep his smugness in 12.
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Getting rid of those damn gloves would make this less distracting. And stop making me so pissed off. (Im petty,i hate his gloves,sue me)
And his role needs to be done better,but i chalk that up to once again piss poor writing. And even then....still the only entertainment about the new mortal kombat game is SHANG TSUNG. Once again he has to save the damn franchise because they keep making other characters shit. Ugh.
And i want him to "win" but i want it to be worth it and actually earn it and not be plot convenient for tsimps like me. Like im a huge fan but damn man. Give me something with oomf,with flavor,not imitation fake ass cheese. Gimme real chedder,ya know ehat i mean?! Like damn.
But i digress.
Shang tsung still is a cutie. Not the best in the new game as he isn't quite as delicious as the og tagawa,and im still disappointed and am rejecting canon and substituting it for my own,but still shang tsung is shang tsung and I'm out of proper kontent.
So he'll do. For now (i do 💖hate💖 how he still got charm,swag, or rizz as the young kids call it now).
Like despite the shitty writing,he's still cute.
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Honey I'm so sorry they did you kinda dirty. But despite the shitty script,mr alan lee does a decent job. At least he fucking tries. Unlike some characters!!!! *stares death glares at this mk12/mk1 lame ass version of liu kang* . Like I'm so sorry sweetie that they give you half assed villainy and call it good. Ugh,you deserve so much better.
So for me this shang's a 5 or 6 solid out of 10. But this is me being a tsimp so eh. Dont take my word for it.
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funerals · 1 year
Potentially worth looking into HPPD depending on how long ago u took the bennys. I was occasionally seeing shit for a few years after my Benadryl era it is a possibility. Ur so right though don’t do Benadryl it’s generally always a bad time 💕💕
ty yeah I need to stop ill look into it it was just yesterday that I like took more than usual and mixed it w dmx which is like an idiotic thing to do but like i don't even really care anymore like I don't see anything the whole time or when im sober it just like for maybe like an hour or two at a time seeing shit but nothing ever as bad as yesterday not mixing that shit again AND YEAH benadryl sucks ass never start it no matter how many fucking idiots like me u see talking about it on the internet bc we only tried bc we saw other idiots talking about it on the internet and we all regret it and have bad shit wrong with us now physically and mentally
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best by dates featherless, full can in hand consumed by inner turmoil bare feet on kitchen tile yet it has slipped away, white noise thoughts of stupid human shit waste absurd etched scars of all the lies why are we this way is it really even your life to live? one accident could end it and others can debate pulling the plug keep you selfishly alive, despite organ failure the thought makes me tremble or that to barely scrape by- costs more than is possible healthcare, or bills box of pasta/can of sauce or toothpaste you can’t afford any of it even if you worked twenty jobs when am i allowed to pull the plug? i don’t want to be dead, not really don’t qualify for the circus of governmental bs can’t earn a single cent best by dates my expiration is long past years of mental illness, poverty this body is crumbling in prolonged agony heart in constant pain nothing fixes it 22 years at risk of heart failure from 22 far too long years on this rock hurtling through space this suffering is cruel, naught for any purpose yet it’d be oh such an waste in other eyes best by dates, stupid can in my hand abandoned
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becquerel · 2 years
things are a trainwreck right now ! yipepee
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pigeonfancier · 2 years
Me: I will wait to get this covid booster until I'm feeling hale and hearty again! This is the smart and responsible decision to make!
Me, immediately upon stepping into a hospital for someone else's appointment: I am going to get the covid booster literally as soon as I step outside of this den of disease and despair, because this is the smart and responsible decision to make --
Anyway, this booster is kicking my ass and I'm a little put off about it, because if it was consistently thrashing me, that'd be one thing? But we do not need to bounce between 98-to-102F temperatures like a kangaroo on a fucking trampoline, body, plox.
On the plus side, it's the perfect excuse to stay out of the freezing rain! The weather here's finally remembered it's November and now it's playing catch up on the cold.
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buttercuparry · 16 days
I know I sound like a broken record by now: repeating the same things others have said before but I think banality of it all is the point of my post. The fact that I have nothing new to say– not about the genocide in Gaza, not about the dwindling attention of allies, is HORRIFYING. 
It has been 11 months of a genocide that the UN calls “war on children”. Malnutrition, diseases, lack of suitable medical care have caused Gazan children to lose their childhood; to lose their lives entirely!  
There is no hope left for a future unmarked of pain and my friend Siraj Abudayeh ( @siraj2024 ) , who is father to three sons describes it as a “feeling of oppression”.  He laments that his children have been forced away from their schools, hopes and dreams  by colonizers and where before there were ambitions to excel in either studies or sports, all they know now is helplessness, fear and anger. 
Siraj has told me how his children- Abed, Muhammad and Amir have confessed to their father about how they have begun to  feel guilty for surviving at all now ; after having lost so many of their friends to the genocide they are experiencing survivor's guilt and it breaks my heart to hear that. Abed, the eldest son, is ONLY ELEVEN!!  Can you imagine an eleven year old feeling guilty because he has managed to survive while his friends haven't ? And what kind of survival it is– Half starving, drinking unclean water, forced into tents where sand mites pester him throughout the day?
I am not sure what happened or why the engagement with fundraisers has dropped so drastically lately but there is nothing more atrocious, more horrible than apathy when children are suffering.  It is so strange that we can quote James Baldwin so easily and yet have failed to understand what he meant when he said,
"The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; ...whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality. ”
We have the power that is not afforded to Gazans and therefore it is on us to be attentive no matter how repetitive these posts feel. It is ridiculous and dehumanizing that during a genocide one has to worry about making a post original enough to maintain attention. And yes I know that we won't be able to stop the horrifying banality of Israel’s evil in a day but WE CAN help provide FIVE families that are dependent on this fundraiser with a lifeline during times such as these.  
Please we have managed to get this far after struggling for so long, it cannot be that we will fail Siraj when he is so close to the end goal of 82k !!
So DONATE AND BOOST. Find it in yourself to not just reblog but circulate the fundraiser among your colleagues, friends and family. Share it in your whatsapp chats and discord servers. Share it on every other platform that you may have a reach on.
Currently at $72,987 CAD of the short term goal of 75k. We have 2k left to raise by tomorrow. 
Vetting at 219
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bilal-salah0 · 3 months
Even if the ongoing ruthless genocide in Gaza ends, our children have nowhere to return to. The home they were supposed to grow up and make memories in was reduced to rubble in the blink of an eye,but that's the least of their worries for now.
At present, they have no shelter from the scorching sun except a flimsy tent that barely shields their little fragile bodies from the sizzling summer temperatures. In winter, my family suffered from the freezing cold and heavy rain, and now they are being stifled by extremely hot weather inside a makeshift tent made out of cloth that renders the sweltering heat even more unbearable. What makes things worse for them, is water scarcity. It's beyond heart-breaking for me to watch as Omar and Salah's only relief here is to drench themselves in salty sea water to cool their small already malnourished bodies. Going to the beach,too, is not only for leisure for them. In the past, we used to go there to escape the summer heat amidst the constant power cuts. Presently, my family, like all the dispalced in the strip, go to the sea to flee the tent's hell. However, being forced to go there does not mean it's a safe place,for the occupation's army and missiles have targeted it multiple times, killing hundreds of civilians on its shores.
Even the simple pleasure of having a proper shower is denied to our kids and their baby siblings who are suffering the most from the blistering heat. The newborns' health has already been deteriorating and they have been unable to thrive but the current situation makes them even more vulnerable. On top of malnutrition, they face a high and imminent risk of severe dehydration. Unfortunately, If the worst happens, there are no adequate healthcare facilities or medical staff to treat them as all hospiatls in Gaza have either been bombed or evacuated.
My family don't even have the luxury of using an electric fan due to the total relentless electricity cut. They have no choice but to use plastic lids and cardboard sheets as fans to endure the suffering in the airless tight space they're forced to be crammed in, drenched in sweat, not even having enough change of clothes for themselves or the children. Even falling asleep has become a challenge in those conditions.
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As the unimaginable amount of bombs being dropped daily on our city keeps increasing the warming, no sanitation is available to reduce the garbage, foul smells, and insects all around. Even mosquitos have had a share in torturing my family members. These well-known infectious disease vectors are especially a threat to our children and babies health.
People tend to complain about the rising temperatures even in the comfort of their air-conditioned homes. Imagine spending the scorching summer days in a hellish tent! My family, like countless others,are deprived from even enjoying a cold drink or having a regular shower in this suffocating heat. Please don't give up on them and the babies. Keep them in your prayers, donate any amount you can spare whenever possible, and reblog as often as you can. Your support is invaluable.
It's beyond words to say how grateful we all are 🙏
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ghost-sharks · 11 months
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malmo038 · 12 days
🚨‼️Stop my family needs your humanity
If you see this post, please interact with it in any way you can by donating and reblog🤍🙏
A small donation from you makes a big difference with us here. Help me protect my family
I am Muhammad Al-Shaer, son of a very beautiful family After my father died in 2018 (he died of heart disease) After that, I am responsible for my mother and sister
At this time, I was supposed to be a software engineer sitting and working either at home or in a company, But unfortunately, my house, which I finished building two months before the war, was bombed, and I did not finish my studies, and I did not work officially in software engineering
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We had a life, we had a home, we had a job, and we had dreams I was about to graduate from university But unfortunately all of this was destroyed with the beginning of this war
Everything you worked for all your life was taken from you We strive all our lives to build a home so that we can be comfortable in it, and then you lose it because of something that is not your fault😔💔
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The loss was too much for us, so my family and I are here to ask for your help 🍉🇵🇸
The goal I set may be high, but I still make up for what I lost😔💔
This is the last hope for me and my family, so be compassionate and understanding
With all respect :
“ Mohamed Alshaer ”
My sister: @maha-sh18
this is my campaign 👇👇
My campaign vetted by my dear friend :
• @el-shab-hussein
@appsa @elarecitou @ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly
@sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl
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arolesbianism · 1 year
If nothing else Im just begging dst to not do the easy but lame idea of adding the fleece of the lamb and making it increase follower time. I get it. It makes sense. It's simple to implement. But it's also boring and useless. In begging yall add a fleece that does smth cool
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