#it’s also a great question to think about yourself lmfao
kimabutch · 2 months
One of my favourite questions for figuring out a character’s motivations is which qualities they most fear being assigned to them. Are they afraid (consciously or unconsciously) of being seen as stupid? Ungrateful? Weak? Incompetent? Lazy? Cowardly? Intimidating? Like they actually care? etc.
It’s such a fun way to explore into who they are, why they do what they do, what they don’t do out of fear, and how they might be affected by the events of the story. And I love when characters have negative motivations—trying to avoid something (in this case, being seen a particular way) as much as they’re trying to achieve a goal.
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mancalledvenus · 5 months
you think i'm pretty?
nishinoya yuu x reader
summary: you and nishinoya are paired together for a class assignment that leads to you asking him for volleyball tips and him asking for your number ^_<
word count: 1.4k
a/n: not proofread and written at 1am so sorry if it's a tough read lmfao i'm trying to clean out my drafts. thank you for reading !
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the school day had dragged on for longer than usual. you sighed as you slumped into your seat for the last class of the day: psychology. the course was probably designed specifically to drain your energy and spoil your mood. that’s what it felt like at least.
your teacher droned on about his weekend for a full ten minutes before announcing to the class he'd be pairing you randomly with one of your peers for the next presentation.
you felt your body start to fill with dread. internally praying you didn't get stuck with someone lazy that made you do all the heavy lifting. you listened carefully for your name as the teacher called them out.
"y/n l/n, you'll be working with nishinoya yuu." he gestured to the boy in the back of the class with his head down on the desk that was clearly not paying attention.
"great." you thought to yourself as you shuffled through the room to the back.
his head snapped up as he heard footsteps coming his way, but relaxed a bit when he realized you weren't the teacher. he sat up fully and leaned back in his chair, giving you a clear view of his face. as you examined his features and sat down in front of him it registered in your head that this was the same boy that played the libero position on your school's volleyball team.
reluctantly you decided to ask him about it. being in volleyball yourself you'd always been curious about his skill and took it as an opportunity.
"are.. are you on the boy's volleyball team?"
his eyes widened and he smiled as he answered your question, "yeah are you a fan?"
you scoffed a little and shook your head, "not exactly, but i've seen you play. i'm the libero for the girls team."
nishinoya had finally seemed to shake off his forced laid-back persona and was noticeably more energetic than before. a side of him that you'd recognized from when you peaked into the boy's gym on more than one occasion while they practiced. even though you told everyone you were there to pick up tips from more 'skilled' players, deep down a part of you kept returning to see the cute boy in the #4 jersey.
"that's awesome! i always see you in here and our chemistry class. had no idea you were into volleyball."
you shrugged and glanced down, "i dunno, i'm kinda new to the team still. i'm not that confident in my skills yet."
nishinoya frowned at your tone and shook his head, "it takes a lot of courage to just step on the court and play. if you're gonna be a good libero you have to make sure you're dependable. you can't be reliable if you're second guessing yourself like that!"
you nodded to yourself silently before looking back up at him. the look on his face was enough to encourage you in of itself. the reassurance from this, well stranger basically, gave you a great feeling of relief and you were starting to feel less burdened with worry.
"that's definitely something to consider," you sighed and rubbed the back of your neck, "still our team is kindaaa... underdeveloped? we're not bad, it's just like we're still figuring everything out, y'know?"
"ohh, yeah i get that." he nodded.
"i wish we had someone with more experience so they could guide me a little or something."
nishinoya nearly jumped out of his seat to lean closer to your face. "i could totally help you!" the volume of his voice caused the pair sitting near you to glare at you both a little irritated, but you didn't notice and neither did he. "i'm so down to help you out- especially if it'll benefit the team too! you guys gotta rep us at the girl's tournaments.. i didn't catch your name also, i'm so sorry."
"it's y/n," you laughed at his enthusiasm. "i wouldn't wanna burden you too much, but that sounds like a lot of fun."
"please, i'd be lucky to get to play with someone as pretty as you. i'm getting sick of my teammate's faces honestly."
you laughed again and bit the inside of your cheek trying to withhold an uncontrollable smile.
"you think i'm pretty?"
nishinoya's face turned red. he had a habit of running his mouth without thinking and even though he'd flirted with girls relentlessly before, something about you made him extremely flustered. maybe it was the way you'd been staring into his eyes? the way you’d been listening to him so attentively as he was talking?
god you’d barley said a few sentences to him and you were already making him sweat. how come he hadn’t noticed how close you were until a few seconds ago? was he really that zoned out talking about volleyball?
"i.. uhm, i mean.." he tensed up with his arms glued to his sides, "you can't really blame me for saying it, you're gorgeous.."
"wow he's forward." you thought quietly, still processing what he'd said. there was nothing but silence from the two of you and all you could focus on was how your heart clenched every time his eyes connected with your's.
unable to talk without stuttering all you could offer him in that moment was a flustered smile which he returned with a quiet laugh. gaining more coincidence he finally broke the silence, "y/n?"
just as you were about to recover from his previous remark, him saying your name was enough to completely knock you back off your feet.
"would you let me take you out sometime?"
"FUUCKKK HE'S SO CUTE." you raved internally. you got swept up in your thoughts again before panic started to settle in at the realization that you needed to actually reply to him.
blushing and astonished at his sudden bold behavior, what was intended to be words came out as a collection of incoherent mumbles, "you- wha.. you? you and me? imeanthatwouldn't- i.. serious.. really?"
"i'll take that as a maybe," he chuckled and grabbed his pen from off his notebook, "if that's too much of a commitment could i at least get your number?"
the stupid shit-eating grin on his face gave the impression he knew exactly what your next actions would be; and he did. you reached across the desk for the pen he held out to you and shyly smiled to yourself as you began to write your number on the back of his other hand he had stretched out to you as well. you gripped it softly and etched the numbers on his skin.
the minute you finished writing he pulled his hand to his face swiftly. his eyes practically twinkling in excitement as he admired your penmanship.
his eagerness as he whipped his phone out of his pocket and began copying the numbers made you giggle, "why didn't you just hand me your phone in the first place, silly?"
"honestlyy," he began and you rolled your eyes realizing he was about to say something annoyingly charming and dumb, "i really only wanted you to hold my hand.. at the end of the day i am a simple man." the threw his hands up as he explained himself.
"you're so stupid." you held his pen in your teeth to chew on the cap. "i'm keeping your pen for that."
"i'll give you every pen i can find if that's all it costs."
you blushed a bright shade of pink and pushed his head down so he's looking downward at the desk, "n-nishinoya. we haven't started the assignment." you brushed his comment off and tried desperately to get him to pay attention to the papers sprawled across his desk.
the remainder of the class was him flirting with you and you trying not to completely lose your shit while also trying to get your work done (you guys didn't even finish reading the instructions).
after school during the boy's practice.
"TANAKA. I DID IT I GOT HER NUMBER!!" noya nearly ran over hinata and yamaguchi running to find his friend.
tanaka's eyes followed the sound of the familiar voice to find noya rushing through the door, "Huh, who's? ..Y/N'S?"
"YEAH!! i played it sooo cool too. i pretended to not know her name and everything! seriously, every time she looked at me i almost died. her smile bro- her smile is sooo pretty-"
"prettier than mine?" tanaka smiled and folded his arms while listening to his rambling.
"don't interrupt me!" noya huffed before continuing, "she plays volleyball! did you know? god i got her number!"
"it was about time my man!" the two shook hands as their giddy shouts echoed throughout the gym.
almost immediately they were shushed by ukai for being too loud then scolded again by daichi then laughed at by yamaguchi and tsukishima, but in that moment nothing anyone could say to him would put a dent in nishinoya's mood.
the end !
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heartlilith · 10 months
Astrology Observations (part 4)
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements - Part 4
🧿People with Sun opposite ASC can really struggle with their identity. They may not relate to their sun sign and they are always questioning who they really are.
🧿OPINION: Sister signs make great friendships and platonic relationships. Romantically speaking, I feel like the attraction is there but it usually doesn't work out in the long run.
🧿Planets square to Jupiter are "too much" or "in excess" versus Saturn squares are "too little" or "lacking"
💙Sun square Jupiter - Too much confidence and stubbornness, too much generosity
💙Moon square Jupiter - Too much indulgence, emotional changeability, too much self sacrifice
💙Mars square Jupiter - Too much energy, aggressiveness, and restlessness
💙Sun square Saturn - Lacking confidence and assertiveness
💙Moon square Saturn - Lacking trust and vulnerability
💙Mars square Saturn - Lacking stamina and self expression
🧿Mars in the 7th house people can move fast in relationships. When they catch feelings for someone and the relationship is shiny and new (aka the "honeymoon" stage) they can get impatient and rush things like meeting parents and moving in together... this is especially true if your Mars is in Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces - this could be less true if your Mars is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Aquarius - Taurus Mars could go either way in my opinion
🧿OPINION: Scorpio Moon and Aries Moon relationships can easily become a disaster
🧿Prominent Scorpio & Capricorn natives are vaults. Your secrets are safe with them.
🧿OPINION: Sometimes I think of people as their Moon sign with a dash of their Sun Sign. For example: I would think of a Sagittarius Sun with a Virgo Moon as an analytical person (Virgo) with a big mouth (Sag) lmfao. Aries Sun with a Capricorn Moon as a hardworker (Cap) with a lot of drive (Aries). A Gemini Sun and Leo Moon as a confident and attention seeking (Leo) intellectual (Gemini). Obviously the qualities of a certain placement are affected by all the placements in a chart but generally I think of the Moon as the core person and the Sun influencing it.
🧿Pluto in the 12th house natives can obsess about life after death
🧿Pluto in the 7th house transforms through relationships and one on one connections but they also transform the other person as well, same goes for Venus in the 8th
🧿Sun and Mars in the 8th house and Pluto in the 1st house are natives that people remember. "Remember so and so, they were so kind and smart. I hope they're doing okay" type of thing.
🧿Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces Venus in the 1st house... aren't you tired? Don't you just wanna scream "FUCK OFF" to people sometimes?
🧿OPINION: Leo and Scorpio prominent people make the best of friends, it's giving Wednesday and Eugene vibes
🧿Sun in the houses shows what you're all about, what's most important and a main focus in your life:
💙Sun in the 2nd house: Stability is the most important thing for you. The ultimate goal is to be comfortable financially and also within yourself.
💙Sun in the 7th house: The goal is to have harmonious relationships. You want a partner to experience things with and strong relationships with close friends.
💙Sun in the 10th house: You're all about your career and accomplishing things. You want to build something that will contribute to society. You want to have authority.
💙Sun in the 12th house: You want to be of service to people, you want to help and make a difference to large groups. Think traveling the world and helping less fortunate people like in the Peace Corps. It could be animals too. You want to be an advocate for unadvocated.
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sturnioloho · 3 months
how do you think chris would act as a bf
i feel like he is a huge softie n romantic, but just wants to do everything and have as much fun as he can, to the point where he literally has no time (or desire) for a gf right now. i feel like he wants to soak in everything he can career and life wise before he gets into a relationship. n not on some hoe shit either i genuinely think he just wants to live his life to fullest and as happily as he can
i also think he likes to come across as cool guy but i feel like the right girl would make that come crashing down, or atleast just down with her. not that he’s not a cool guy, i just think he would soften that part of himself with her. i think he’d turn into a big baby tbh. i also think he secretly loves all the corny relationship shit and just has no one to do it with yet lol
i think he would be fun as fuck. always wanting to try new restaurants. always wanting to take you out and show u off. always wanting to try new things and experience things with you. he would do the most insane things just to see you smile. always trying to make you laugh. going out of his way to impress you
i think he would be incredibly supportive and caring, he would believe in you more than u would believe in yourself at times. he would always give you reassurance wether through a fist bump, a touch or a pep talk. gentle in his tone whenever he notices you upset or down on yourself. he’s very empathetic n attuned to others needs n it would definitely bring that out in him even more with you. always postive. you could have one negative thing come halfway out your mouth and he would instantly retort with 5 positive things instead. he would always lift your spirits and it truly hurts him to see you upset
he would never stop flirting, even after he had you. always touching u, always making u feel desired and wanted. you would feel always safe with him. knowing you have a safe place to fall. he’s great with communication. always addressing and meeting your needs. it’s as easy as breathing for him. sex would always be fun, loving and a bit spontaneous. he would take aftercare very seriously. he would just be so passionate about you. all about you, all the time
overall i think he’d be super caring, attentive, fun and deeply loving. this was a lot n tbh i could probs keep going lmfao. hope u enjoyed if ur still readin. thank u for this question anon
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ellecdc · 5 months
Mother, serious question mainly for my own self-esteem 😮‍💨😅
How do you think the boys (any of them really) would view a partner with like all sorts of facial piercings and like rat tails in their hair and funky colors(truly best describes as a queer little gremlin lol). Cause I know Marlene and Sirius have an alt rock aesthetic (I don't think I spelled that right) but as much as I love these characters I never feel like I would have fit in with them if I was really there ya know?
Idk it's kinda stupid but just curious on you're thoughts on this. They're just so cool and I would hope they would like me enough to at least be my friend if they were real 😮‍💨😖
okay first of all, love the title queer little gremlin; let's all capitalize those letters and add them to surveys when they ask you how you identify plsss??
Here's my take:
I love (and follow religiously) the headcanon that James is pansexual but I believe that expands beyond just gender identity, if that makes sense?
It doesn't matter if you're male or female or anywhere in between or beyond or both or all
and I feel like it doesn't really matter what you look like to him
I feel like he loves people for their hearts, their minds, their interests, etc
I feel like he'd maybe be worried because....those had to hurt??? you do that on purpose? doesn't it hurt terribly? his poor sweet angel????
I also see him as the type of bf who would be like "oh! are we changing colours? which one's? can I help?" and will dutifully like, adorn gloves and sit in the bathroom breathing in dye fumes and chatting away with you while the two of you talk about everything and nothing - I think he'd love spending that time with you and it would be special bonding time
(also, have you seen the James fan art with him with a nose ring??? fuck me sideways)
you're so right re: alt-rock aesthetic etc
I think he'd find the facial piercings awesome tbh, you might even have inspired him to get one or more of his own
I think he'd make it almost a competition of who can dress the most grunge that day hahaha - but the two of you would make quite the couple
also? you look like the kind of person his posh, prissy, stuck up parents would hate seeing him with - that's totally a bonus
I see this guy as someone who loves hair care and would be horrified at how much/often you change your hair colour and would insist on helping you/buying the more expensive products/ensure you're doing it right to save your hair from too much damage
that's the only 'problem' I see him having
idk, I kind of see him a little bit like James tbh; looks would be a little less important to him? like he doesn't care how you express yourself in terms of style and clothes
what would be important to him is that you're kind and patient, that you're openminded and considerate of others
I mean...he's littered with scars, is he not? He doesn't exactly look "normal" (derogatory) and would probably feel very similar to what you've described; like he doesn't feel he particularly 'fits in' with his friends
I see him having like, not long hair but like a decent head of curls, and he'd totally love if you braided a few little pieces of his hair like your 'rat tails'
I think he'd find the hair fun; you'd show up one day with new colours and I could see his face lighting up like 😃 "that looks great love; so fun"
he's tricky because he's so posh and stuck up lmfao
people also ship bartylus and I see so much Barty fan-art somewhat similar to how you've described yourself and if Reg likes Barty - he'd certainly like you too
as mentioned above, I could totally see him having like a green streak in his hair or something
perhaps some piercings (I think he'd get piercings down below.....), tongue piercing, nose piercing, eyebrow piercing - I feel like he'd be down for it all himself, so he wouldn't mind it on you at all either
and again, as a guy with daddy issues, he'd be a lot like Sirius and think the better chance he has at dating someone who would sooooo piss of his dad - the better!
thanks for your ask babes <3
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togamest · 2 months
If you our lord and savior of providing the wind breaker community of male reader fics, could spare a crumb of male reader x Suo and/or Sakura thirst(s)? 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ please and thank you 🙏
oh why you!! i’m blushing <3
(readmore for nsfw stuff - minors dni!)
ahhhh, suo and sakura…they’re the same but different, really.
to me i think suo is a great switch candidate, he’s smooth with it and knows exactly what he’s doing. he’s definitely the type to explore some bdsm stuff, orgasm denial especially. his lilting smooth voice in your ear as your cock just aches between your legs, a pretty gag in your mouth and your eyes all but rolling into the back of your head as every featherlight touch makes you jerk, precum dribbling down your shaft :( but you have to be patient for him, he tells you as he touches you literally anywhere else but exactly where you need him. although, he’s incredibly good at rewarding you; he’s not the type to ignore good, well-earned behavior!
and he loooooves it when you take the reins from him, too. strap him down and make him wait for it, watch his neutral façade melt away underneath you as you play with him, showing him how it feels. ough…he plays the give and take game SO well i just know it!!
however,,,sakura to me will always be a sub honestly. i think he could be a switch MAAAAYBE…but that boy is a goddamn sub and lives to be on his knees for you. want a little boy toy who will wear cute tail butt plugs for you and little ears,,,let’s you call him kitten as he’s bouncing on your cock?? say no more, he’s the perfect one to fit into this role. he’s happy to cockwarm you when you’re playing video games with the boys, or just using his mouth whenever you’d like. he’s all into that service,,,he wants to be good for you :((
i also wonder if sakura’s into a lot of D/s stuff bc it’s his way of taking control back,,,it’s his way of CHOOSING to be submissive and obedient because you’ve earned it from him. you’ve earned his respect and he deems you worthy of seeing a side of him that no one else does, and you hold that close to your heart.
DO NOT EVER tell anyone about it, though, or he’ll leave you in the dust. it’s not embarrassing, but it’s a respect thing for him, and if you pull up pictures of him to humiliate him, he’ll knock your goddamn lights out, as he should!! humiliation is NOT his thing unless it’s with you behind closed doors. remember that!
as far as sfw stuff goes, sakura’s gonna be all blushy and stuttery about it all the time. he gets so embarrassed introducing you to the boys, so you take over and do it yourself. you reward him later in other ways for how brave he was for you <3 (ok so not necessarily sfw LMFAO)
suou takes it in stride, given how mysterious he already is, his sexuality being a mystery (nirei has had the best guess of saying he’s “not straight” and that’s as far as they’ve gotten) really helps him out here. given that, when he brings you around nobody is shocked. it’s just a suou thing, and it makes you feel so at ease that he’s so carefree about it. his presence is so commanding though, it makes your cock twitch in your pants whenever you see someone look at you both with the question forming in their eyes, knowing what suou will say. hearing his voice take on such a cold, precise tone has you pressing your thighs together to mask how hard you suddenly are <3
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pippin-katz · 1 year
you may or may not be the person who needs to know this, but you're the only person I can think of to share this with, and if I don't tell somebody, I might explode:
so there are some similarities btwn Merlin/Arthur and Alex/Henry, right?
and like
Alex : Merlin :: Henry : Arthur
so isnt it weird the both Nick & Bradley James are Libras, while both Taylor & Colin Morgan are Capricorns? and both pairs have a three-year age gap? and while they share the same signs, the 90s babies/RWRB pairs have their birthdays at the end of the month before their 80s babies/BBCMerlin counterparts...
just so many weird coincidences, and I had to share it with *somebody*! thank you for listening/reading!
Dude I feel you on needing to tell someone something or you’ll explode; that’s my life lmfao
Now regarding what you’ve shared, that is really fucking weird! Those are some pretty specific details for them to share. I’m not a huge astrology person, but maybe there’s just something about that pairing that works? Especially when they’re close in age?
Post Writing Note: This spiraled so far out of my hands that it smashed my plans for the day. I've been writing this since 9:30AM and I'm now finishing at 4:20PM. You have been warned.
Taylor and Nicholas
What’s crazy is that Colin and Bradley’s dynamic off screen is similar to Nick and Taylor’s.
While Alex is a loud and outgoing character, Matthew mentioned in an interview that Taylor is actually on the quieter/more reserved side most of the time. I was a bit surprised, but if you pay close attention, he actually does seem like he’s quieter than Nicholas. It's more noticeable in the draw-off video and their little promos with the teapot. He's definitely enthusiastic, but in a different way than Nick, who acts like he just took a shot of concentrated caffeine.
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But you can also see it in the friendship quiz if you look for it. It's there in the way that Nick is more... I'm not sure how to describe it- maybe scatterbrained? Or ditsy? I don't mean that as an insult by the way.
It's like he has pent-up energy and wants to be entertaining for the camera, so he initiates most of the jokes and sarcasm, while Taylor is kind of just chilling. He definitely makes some jokes, but the ratio between which of them is the first to say something that starts a joke is heavily skewed towards Nicholas. He also randomly forgets what's going on, and goes off on tangents where he bounces from one thing to the next.
I looked and looked for GIFs, but I couldn't find some of the moments I'm talking about, so I'll just write them out:
Nicholas gives Taylor 10 points, and he's like "wait, wait, did I get it right?" and Nick's like "yeah" before immediately remembering that he got it wrong even though they had just had the conversation
Nicholas gets a question right and he says "point for Taylor" and Taylor is like "no, for you" and Nick corrects himself with "point for Nick", then jokes and points between them like "you're Taylor, I'm Nick, okay, got it"
Taylor asks the bonus question about the major sporting event in Indiana, and Nicholas starts randomly listing names, like "the Big Game, the Big Football Game, the Bowl, the Indiana Bowl, the Great State Champion Lacrosse Game of Indiana" instead of stopping to think or letting Taylor give him the hint you can see he's been waiting to say between laughs
Nicholas randomly starts being sarcastic or hyperbolizing his behavior when talking: - "Taylor is the one American person who knows where London is on a map." - "I believe you competed in [the Cooper's Hill Annual Cheese Race] yourself, didn't you?" - "I'll give him a point." Taylor laughs because it took a couple tries to get the right answer. "The points, they are bountiful and plenty. We don't have to be stingy with them."
Nicholas describing a corndog by holding an invisible "weird thing that goes on a stick" and pretending to eat it while going "nhgnhgnhgnhg" as he spins it.
He also reacts more to Taylor getting questions wrong than Taylor reacts to him getting questions wrong. There's the whole bit about the "chip butty" and "English fry-up" that leaves Nicholas acting all annoyed, whereas Taylor sort of just starts immediately helping him with hints when he gets something wrong.
Basically, Nicholas probably has some form of ADHD and it seems to manifest as hyperactivity. Nicholas being so hyper and enthusiastic is ironic considering how quiet and calm Henry is as a character. It's such a drastic contrast between them.
Taylor is much more chill. He's definitely hyper around Nick, but there is a difference in them. Notice how Taylor just watches Nick do his silly intro, but Nicholas starts making movements with his hands and expressions during Taylor's. Also Taylor was talking completely normally until then, when he ended up doing the point at the end.
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Similarly, Nick is the one who starts chanting USA, and Taylor joins in. We obviously see the difference when they each summarize the film. Nick is basically a hamster in a ball speeding across a room with how he tells it, and Taylor simplifies it a ton and delivers it monotone; yes, it's a joke, but it still highlights the contrast.
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Bradley & Colin
I'm using past tense with Bradley and Colin because we only have videos of them from over a decade ago, so they've definitely changed since then.
The thing is, Colin was funny and vocal, but there were a lot of times where he got quiet, and he always felt more reserved, in the sense of there being more to him than what he's showing. He seemed to have a lot of layers to him that you didn't get to see unless you actually got close to him, if that makes sense.
I wouldn't call him quiet, but like in the video diaries and interviews of him and Bradley, he always seemed much calmer than him.
Colin was always very funny, but he was also self conscious. During one of the behind the scenes quest videos, Bradley talked about how he and Colin would create songs together, but whenever he wanted to show someone, Colin was dead silent. Bradley actually turned to him as was like, "What, is it stage fright?" and Colin is like, "I don't know what you're talking about." in a way that clearly shows he's deflecting the question because he's nervous or embarrassed. Bradley pointed and was like, "And that right there is a perfect example of what I mean".
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Merlin is very bright and outgoing (at least before he develops depression in later seasons 🥲). He basically had no shame about most things. When he met Gwen while in the stocks and covered in food, he acts completely normally, like there's nothing weird about it. Obviously, this boy waltzed into Camelot and called the fucking prince a prat to his face. He was really bold and openhearted. Colin always felt more closed off, even though he wasn't always quiet.
What's crazy is that Arthur is much more refined and serious than Bradley. It's not to say Arthur is never silly or unserious, because he is, but his default mode is very composed because he's a prince and later a king. Bradley was like a fucking hurricane behind the scenes. He was know for driving everyone a little crazy because he was so hyper. He got his video camera taken away cause he was apparently being too annoying to the rest of the cast and crew.
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Here's similarities I thought of in a rapid fire list, including what you said and what I covered:
The brunettes are both the "quieter" or "calmer" of the two.
The blonds both play a prince.
The brunettes both play a character who came from a place of humble beginnings.
The brunettes' characters are both usually the one to start the insults/banter.
The blonds are the more vocal of the two about their affections and admiration for the other.
The blonds are both Libras.
The brunettes are both Capricorns.
The age gap is the same for both pairs: 3 years.
I am going to make an entire post dedicated to the similarities between Bradley, Colin, and Merthur, and Taylor, Nicholas, and FirstPrince, because I have more, but it was getting more into the characters' so I'll save those for later.
What was that you were saying about needing to tell someone something or you would explode again? Nah, not me, could never have that problem. I'm so normal about this.
Thank you for sharing, I have no idea what to do with this information, but I am glad I have it. It will now haunt me 😂
Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed this essay & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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wsknbfanaccnt · 3 days
So, Since you love Akashi can I ask you for any Akashi relationships headcanons you have in your head? Especially I like to read about crush phase. But anything you can imagine is good! Hope this's fine! Have you a great day! I'll answer you tomorrow! With love, Tilli.
but yes I do love Akashi and I would love to do this request heheh~
I hope you enjoy!
Akashi Relationship Headcanons
let's start with the crush phase
so imo this boy wouldn't really have a "crush" phase per se, like the ones that we would have as children and like get nervous around your crush
instead its the opposite. its that feeling of letting his walls down and being himself around you was what intrigued him
since he has to act so intimidating and professional most of the time, he feels relaxed and comfortable whenever he's with you
and he doesn't feel the need to impress you all of the time
that kind of person is exactly what he needs in a relationship
and you were real, unlike those people from other companies where they only really care about money and nothing else
so even if it seemed you were just acting normal, he was so interested in you having such honest opinions, not caring about what others think and prioritizing yourself
i feel like he would kinda look up to you in this sense
eventually he realizes that he started to miss your prescence. Your laugh, your voice, your smile.. everything about you
and soon you're all he thinks about <3
when he's doing work he catches himself daydreaming about you, just replaying in his head your interactions from earlier that day and smiling to himself, feeling warmth in his heart
and whenever you're with him, times flies by so fast and he wishes he could slow it down so that he could feel at ease more in his daily life
but of course, he noticed that you were catching feelings as well. This boy never misses a single hint of nonverbal communication
the way you tucked your hair behind your ears when you talked to him, when you get giddy when you see him, and your voice gets higher pitched when you talked to him
he knows the classic signs lol
and he never misses a single one because he pays attention to you that much
but eventually he decides to make you his, because also he hates it when he sees you laughing and having fun with other boys
this jealous man
he needed to claim whats his LMFAO
he doesnt do anything fancy to ask you, actually he did something really basic
he just pulled you aside after school to somewhere private and asked the magic question
you know him, he doesn't like to brag about his money or anything
and he would like to be a normal boy for once thank you very much
so this was the perfect opportunity to experience something that a lot of people experience in their life, like confessing to their crush while youre walking to your house
when he went home that night he was giggling to himself in private and just randomly smiling whenever hes doing stuff
his servants know exactly whats happening i think
okay the crush section is getting long LETS GO TO THE RELATIONSHIP SECTION
this man is the most green flag man you have ever seen (aside from his personality disorder and his jealousy issues)
he reassures you a lot, ALWAYS makes sure you're safe (he has never missed a day of the sidewalk rule)
he's not much of a texter, but he always always ALWAYS texts you good morning and goodnight no matter what
if he didn't youd be worried tbh
he loves to go on random little dates with you, to the cafe, to the park, just little things like that because what he likes best is to spend time with you and stare at you because he just adores you with every inch of his being (like a lot of inches👀)
occaisonally he'd call you and be like "lets go to Italy this weekend"
yes he doesn't like to show off his money but he loves spoiling you more
he knows how to communicate especially about in a relationship (i say he knows how to but tbh hes just trying his best)
he knows to reassure you with every insecurity and problems that you two might face
he always reminds you that he loves you so much and he'd fight the entire world for you
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zepskies · 2 months
Hi Zep! Buckle up because I have a number of picks for your ask game! How about 2, 10, 17, 40, 48, 55 and 70?
Hey Michelle! Hope you're having a lovely Sunday. ☀️💜
Omg these are amazing questions!!
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Lmfao this is hilarious to me, but I actually had to think hard about this one. My pre-writing/outlining process is pretty methodical. However, I think the biggest time the narrative hijacked my hands was in Smoke Eater (firefighter!Dean x reader).
I had several scenes in the original outline that just weren't fitting right when I got to the drafting stage, to the point where I had to chuck them out entirely. Also, the whole murder mystery that's central to the narrative was complex to tease out, but that also took me by surprise when I was outlining!
I wasn't intending to go that route at first, but when I thought of including John Winchester and Cas as homicide detectives (drawing from my childhood obsession with Law & Order), it kind of just started coming to me.
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So I usually have the premise of the idea before the title. It's gotten easier as I've become more experienced as a writer, but sometimes I just put a placeholder title that kind of encapsulates the idea before I come up with something better, then I start outlining/researching.
Often I get placeholder titles from songs/lyrics of what will likely give me inspiration for the story, and sometimes those titles stick!
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Ooh another great question. 😂 Funnily enough, the ones that come to me off the top of my head are mostly from Break Me Down:
M.M. scoffed, with a subtle shake of his head.  “Nah, man,” he said ruefully. “That’s true motherfuckin’ love.”
And a fun one:
“Alert the media,” you said. “We’ve got the ultimate weapon against Soldier Boy: a slow ride on his dick.”
😂 This one also sticks out in my mind from the Midnight Espresso-verse - Devour Me (Part 2), as a playful one I was weirdly proud of lol:
“Question: do you consider yourself more of a tits or ass man?” you ask him. You’re half teasing, but still curious. Dean snorts at the question.  “More of a connoisseur,” he replies, smirking.  “Ah.” You nod sagely, and you point between him and yourself. “So this is like a ‘sample the menu’ situation.” Dean’s smirk deepens. “Sweetheart, you’re a goddamn buffet.”
Finally, this one from the imagine "You are Dean's one exception":
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Oh man, that's very tough. I've been blessed to get some amazing feedback from you and others, and believe it or not, I do go back and reread comments and reblogs. It puts a smile on my face whether I'm having a bad day, or want to continue smiling on a good one. 💖
I think one of the best compliments I can receive, however, is that a story touched someone on an emotional level and somehow got them through a difficult time in their life, or is one of their "comfort stories." That's happened a few times, and it almost makes me cry every time. 🥲
I can also say that you, @chernayawidow, and @waynes-multiverse have given me some of the best feedback I've ever gotten on stories. Not just because the other two have made me cheese grin/nearly cry of laughter, but also because all of you are writers and have been able to tell me narratively (or on a character development level) what you liked about what I was doing in a story. As a writer, that kind of feedback is amazing as well. 💖💖
Also, some of my favorite feedback of all time has been on Midnight Espresso -- whether it's been people thanking me for the representation of the Hispanic/Latin culture, or sharing experiences with being plus-sized and how that's viewed in society. 💗
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😬😬 Ahh guilty, lol. At the risk of sounding prideful, I think if you're doing it right, you should be writing the stories you want to write. So it stands to reason that you should be able to enjoy reading your own work. 💜
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None on Tumblr, but unfortunately I do have a few on FF.net, which I don't even post on anymore, and maybe one or two on Ao3. Sometimes you just lose the drive to write for that fandom, especially if engagement is down. Sometimes you just move on to other things.
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I'm a voracious editor. I believe good writing is also good editing -- that's just part of the process. So yes I guess I can be self-critical. lol
Sometimes I'll be rereading something, and I'll go in and edit it after it's already been posted for months, whether it's a typo, or a line that doesn't sound quite right for the character, or part of a scene that I think needs smoothing out. I guess I'm a bit of a perfectionist that way. 😅
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Again, thank you so much for these questions, my friend!! I'm going to be sending you some too very soon. 😘
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lylahammar · 1 year
Do you have any tips for developing a healthier relationship to being fat? I'm fat and have a uhhhhh very negative relationship with the physical appearance of my body, despite treating my body well on a physical level. I read a ton of fat liberation stuff and fat positive studies and while logically I know that being fat isn't bad and has no bearing on morality, personality, etc, I still can't seem to apply this reasoning to myself. Most of the content on the internet is geared towards cis abled woman when I'm a trans disabled man, so that probably contributes to some extent, but idk. It also doesn't help that attraction-wise I'm definitely drawn to people who are the exact opposite of me physically (tall, lanky, angular, etc). I've been trying for years to even just be okay with my appearance and none of the common advice has worked. I pretty much only feel okay with myself when I forget that I have a physical body. Your fat positive content makes me really happy and you seem to have a positive relationship with your body, so I thought it was worth asking if you had any tips for me or anyone else who might need them.
Feel free to disregard this message if it makes you uncomfortable! You don't know me and I don't want to put my feelings on you. I appreciate any response you might give, but I also don't want to breach any boundaries. I hope you have a nice day!
Hello!! I've been thinkin about this question since you sent it yesterday, it's a very good question but also a toughie 😅 The thing to keep in mind is that internalized fatphobia isn't a problem caused by personal problems, it's almost entirely a societal thing. I've been working on my body image issues for a long long time now, and honestly sometimes I do still feel down about my fatness. BUT it gets easier and easier as you get older, I promise you that! Especially if you keep working on it. So here are some tips I can think of:
Try to consume a lot of body neutral media! For me, body positive stuff can get a little grating and actually do the opposite of its intended purpose, because the constant focus on "everyone is beautiful!! Love your fat body!" can start to feel... I don't know, like it's drawing attention to it too much, and making it less normal. I like media in which fatness is portrayed as normal and doesn't get alienated so much, even in a positive way. A few good recommendations I can think of off the cuff are Dungeon Meshi (can't help plugging my fave manga heheh, Ryoko Kui is just so loving in her portrayal of different body types), Steven Universe, Hairspray, and Porco Rosso. Couplagoofs on Instagram, tiktok, twitch and youtube are really good influencers for this, watching their content has helped me a lot with my own body image! I've heard that Shrill is a good show for fat representation, but I've only seen this one scene (which is very good) so I can't speak definitively about it's quality! If anyone else has any good suggestions, please reply with them 🙏
Stay off of tiktok until you feel more comfortable with your own body. Tiktok is kind of a trap, because it'll put a lot of really great diverse body neutral stuff on your fyp to lure you in, but then it'll shut you down with the most hateful shit you've ever seen. And if you're not on the body neutral side of tiktok, you'll be in skinny town USA thirst trap hell forever lmfao it's just like not worth it
Surround yourself with accepting people. It's especially helpful to seek out other fat/fat positive friends (especially of the queer and neurodivergent variety). Fat people are everywhere, we're way more common than society and media would have you think!! It's good to have people around you to remind you of that 😁
If you have the money for it, try going on a special shopping trip to find some clothes that make you feel really good. Go alone, unless you have someone who you feel 100% comfortable with, because this trip should be about your needs and whatever makes you feel happy with your own body. You don't need anyone else's opinion for that! I know that this bit of advice is a little cliche, but it's just what has helped me personally.
This might be just a me thing, but practicing with drawing fat bodies has probably done more for my body image than anything else. It forces you to spend a lot of time looking at fatness and really growing to understand it and accept it. I've got a pinterest board for fat poses that I've been collecting (which I've just realized only has feminine people in it, I need to fix that >:/ ). Fat Photo Reference is another good site for practice, but it requires a password, so if anyone wants to get in then just DM me! Self portraits are also a great idea for this, especially if you find fatness beautiful in other people but not yourself, like you've said! Maybe give it a shot on a day when you're feeling up to it 💛
I hope this helps!! I'm not an expert on this, so my advice might be just as cliche and unhelpful as everything else out there 😅 but this is all just from personal experience. Fatness is normal and healthy and beautiful, so I hope you can come to accept your own soon!! 🙏
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toomuchracket · 4 months
Fic thoughts involve general appreciation for the creativity of yourself and all the anons with great ideas for blurbs. I unfortunately am not one of them, but will happily eat up everything y'all come up with!
I've also been re-reading all the sweetheart!George fics/blurbs. Your honour I love him. There are some great George fics on 75blr, but I think yours and heyidkyay's (Birdy/George) are my favorites.
Questions for you! Which is your favourite AU? Either from a writing perspective or maybe just the one you'd wanna be in lol. Also, if you'd like to share, what does your writing process look like from idea to draft to finished product?
oh i love you!! and i also love the george/birdy stuff from @heyidkyay!! sweetheart is a fun AU to write i feel like it's my heartstopper lol. and in a surprise to nobody, birthday partyverse is my favourite - i just love that dynamic of them being intellectual equals (well, girly more so than matty), and it's so much fun to daydream about and write. in terms of my process... most of the time, it takes a while to get from idea to post; it generally begins in the DMs, i outline, and then i write it bit by bit until the narrative works. and lowkey i never proof, i just hit post because i'm inevitably sick of reading my shit lmfao - i'll go back and edit errors, but i mostly keep an eye out for them as i go <3
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Hi! Uh... I might sound a bit dumb for this question but I really can't think of anyone else to ask, how do you fucking go about on making an au? Because like... I don't know. And it's overwhelming me ngl. I don't know.
You know all those random head cannons that float around in your brain.
Or interactions you've thought of between characters FROM said head cannons:
You just make those a reality. X'D
Welcome to the "Character based AU" Idk what else to call it.
Creations AU for example: Born from me having dumb funny ideas like making Bonnie a stoner, or Freddy a literal prostitute and the Night guard a stone faced bad ass who reacts near emotionlessly/weird no matter what bullshit is in front of him.
Shit like that gives way to a LOT of stupid interactions/comedy. Is if objectively funny? Idk. But it makes me laugh.
Fannon Fan cannon ideas I like from a writing perspective. Not exactly a cannon/theory one lmfao can't stress that enough.
Glamrock Freddy being Michael/Josh in Creations instance, Mikebot, William murdering to try and resurrect his children, Golden Freddy being crying child. Those are just some examples of fannon ideas/theories I liked enough to run with.
Cobbled with: Scenes from the actual games I like
Also: A shit ton of OCs cause we're cringe tonight!~ >:)
I mostly focus on CHARACTER based AUs just cause I like writing CHARACTERS not character concepts.... Multiverse Mayhem is a character concept thing, but I'm not ready to write that yet, and it's way more "Character based" when it comes to how it's actually IMPLIMENTED
But you can do em with random concepts too most UNDERTALE AUs I know are more IDEA based than character based:
Have you ever asked yourself:
And my least favorite: "WHAT IF WE SWAPPED THEIR ROLES!?"
The laziest/my least favorite/fun trope lmfao but a lot of people like that one. it's SUPER hard to make interesting At least to me but my opinions are ass so you can throw em out. X'D but if you're a good writer you can make nearly anything work.
Evil character A is the good guy and Good guy is the bad guy. They swap outfits and MAYBE their backstory's are swapped? Idk there's no consistent rules to this AU idea. Somehow we ended up with the reverse of what was there in cannon. I've only seen it done in a fun way when it's like REALLY detailed Reverse Falls I found interesting for example. Underswap is lazy af and we can all admit we only like the skelebros. I virtually ONLY like them when they're accessories to other AUs/playing off other Sans and Papyrus but that's just me....
There's also "What if x plot point from cannon was changed"
Like uhh, you know. A character NEARLY dies in cannon but ACTUALLY dies in this AU.
@james-p-sullivan wrote a fic about that with Four Swords where Vio dies at the fire temple.
That still has one chapter left that i am waiting eagerly for. X'D
Basically AUs like this are "Cannon divergence." I think is what they're called???
These are super fun.
Because if you know the characters really well you can make em react to whatever divergence in cannon in great ways.
And then there's:
Four Swords Returns for example is a sequel with midquel elements.
Midquel: You add scenes where they COULD have fit in cannon or you flesh out scenes mentioned but not seen.
I made FSR: Because I didn't like the ending we were given.
And if you hate an ending: Make a sequel. It's fun.
I started FSR with the simple concept:
How I can split Link in 4 again?
Vaati's curse! :D
Vaati is still alive. Retcon Gannon being in the sword and retcon Vaati being dead. Literally no one has complained because Vaati is wonderful and we love him.
Make it possible for them to split again.
Oh...But what challenges COME from this?
Boom the plot happened.
Basically: Ask yourself a SHIT TON of questions.
"What if this?" "What if that?"
Keep going.
Keep writing cool scenes you would like to see in this AU.
You got yourself an AU. :
Hope this helps.
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connorboyyy · 4 months
With this being my third ask (am the one who recently sent about 'slow and steady' and the generations ask lol), I might need to soon give myself a little moniker to myself so I don't have to keep saying 'Oh, I'm the anon who sent X' lol
I'm just a bit curious, but is there anything in particular you'd change about the DBH storyline, characterization, worldbuilding, or smth like that? I'd personally probably change some plot twists or points or completely remove them, but idk tbh lol. One thing I'm almost 100% certain I'd change is the thing with Alice being an android and/or bringing back her concept design. Maybe the timeline, too, because the main game (post-Hostage chapter) takes place within a week, which... feels a LITTLE fast for a revolution and relationship development lol
I really like this game, probably top 3 or at least 5, but yh, just curious :)
(Also, I think I've started to ship Hankcon, and it's a bit off-putting how quickly my brain did that lmao)
You should! You should get yourself a little identifier! Maybe a fun little emoji or sign off/greeting 👀
Oh love this question—listen, I love this game. I think there are a lot of good qualities, but I can also recognize it’s totally imperfect. In MANY ways
First off, I completely agree about the Alice thing. I feel like it was something added just for the sake of being a plot twist and really weakened their story. Not to mention the plot holes it generates that are technically able to be explained, but you have to stretch the narrative to make it do so (for example: how Todd could afford two androids, was Alice deviant or was she just programmed to be more emotionally available to fulfill human’s emotional expectations of a child, etc, etc). It also took away a lot of cool opportunities with Alice and Kara. If Kara had to actually be responsible for finding Alice food on a regular basis or finding her clean clothes or places to bathe. It would’ve been interesting to see how much more Kara would’ve had to venture into public spaces to fulfill Alice’s needs and there could have been a sort of peaceful vs violent route for Kara—whether she chose to tread carefully to get Alice what she needed, or demand it/take it by any means necessary. Not to mention how heartwarming a narrative of a human girl and her android mother would have been—getting to grow older under her care.
Also what you mentioned about the timeline—I agree. It was too short. I think a lot about the depth of relationships the characters could’ve had if they had spent more time. Hell, even just one month as opposed to a week. It really cheapens the effectiveness of any romantic relationship in Markus’ route especially cause it just feels unbelievable.
I also really wish that Connor had deviated because of Hank. Which I admit, is maybe a little corny and definitely a tired old complaint LMFAO And I get why Markus was the one who pushed him there, because he actually pushed him, whereas Hank sort of just watched in awe from the sidelines as he saw signs of humanity in him. (But to be fair, Kara and Markus both deviated without a push from an encouraging individual too, the circumstance just demanded it). But if maybe the story had a longer timeline, maybe they could’ve reached a point where Hank had encouraged it. Or sort of an Alice and Kara deal where Connor deviated for the sake of protecting Hank in some scenario. Maybe if Connor was supposed to report back to Cyberlife to be decommissioned due to how long it was taking him, but Connor knew Hank would be vulnerable to some instance—something like that.
And don’t even get me started on the way the revolution is handled/public opinion or Markus’ limited romantic options. But I’ll stop there cause this response is already crazy long LMFAOAO
(Welcome to the club. It’s a great ship, they have great chemistry, it’s easy to love ❤️)
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evil8keta · 2 years
Hoe your doing alright:D
Can i have the mercs reacting to the reader making dumb jokes like "OMG YOU HAVE LIGMA.." "LIGMA BALLZ🤣‼️" LMFAO SORRY IF ITS WEIRD😇
mercs x reader who has ligma
- thinks you're hilarious asf and literally bursts into laughter whenever you use a yo mama joke on somebody. however when you use a joke like that on him he stops laughing immediately and looks at you with a straight face.... like how DARE YOU do this to him. also he's definetely gonna unknowingly copy you so now there's two people in the base making annoying jokes. yay
- they do NOT understand any of your jokes and they don't even bother asking you to explain. pyro is just glad to see you happy so chances are they're going to laugh with you, even if they don't know WHY lol. they just like seeing you laugh yknow!!!
- like pyro, he does NOT understand the joke. you're gonna have to explain it to him in great detail but after that he's gonna laugh. VERY LOUDLY. this cycle repeats everytime you use one of your epic awesome jokes. he asks you what it means, you explain, he laughs. "CADET! EXPLAIN!" (insert painfully long explanation that even someone like soldier can understand) "HAHAHA! THAT IS VERY FUNNY" it sounds sarcastic over text but this is his honest reaction i promise
- ohhh PLEASE don't use these jokes on heavy please look at this poor man. look at him. bro is just chilling, eating a sandvich.... are you really going to ruin his day with a candace joke?? /hj no but fr he's gonna be SO confused. like he does understand the punchline, but WHY do you find this funny? everytime you make a joke like that in front of him there's just one big cartoony question mark next to his head...
- loves you fr fr, like genuinely he thinks you're the funniest person EVER. doesn't matter if you use these jokes on him or on someone else, demo's gonna bend over laughing and slap his knee like that was the smartest joke he's ever heard. you received the title of his "funny friend", so everytime he invites you and the others to drink he boasts about how funny you are and how everyone needs to see for themselves
- ohh he also loves you and your jokes, he's just not very vocal about it. he's smart so he gets the punchline immediately, and after a while of you saying these jokes to him, he's gonna get pretty good at guessing the patterns. engie even thinks of new jokes for you to use like DAMN you got yourself a professional joke composer
- surprisingly?? he finds your jokes hilarious?? he's old and insane but funnily enough your deez nuts jokes make this doctor giggle. he likes quoting your jokes when he's operating on other people, it really makes the surgery go by quicker! :D he will also boast about you to his patients. "oh yes zhey are SO funny you just have to meet zhem!" he says as he accidentally puts the liver of someone else into the wrong body. AGAIN
- HATES your jokes, he thinks they're annoying. also he's too smart to fall for them so i recommend to just give up on him. everytime you try to say something funny spy just scoffs and pretends to ignore you smh. BUT, whenever you use a ligma joke on scout and he falls for it, spy laughs. like bro is not even trying to be subtle, he just starts cackling. was it your joke that made him laugh or was it scout's stupidity? who knows. but he DID laugh
- hates your jokes, like ACTUALLY hates them. one time, back when you two weren't that close yet, he even pointed his kukri at you because you kept saying amogus or something. that's in the past though, he's a changed man. whenever you want to joke with him now he just looks you dead in the eye like "...you're going to say joe mama, aren't you". he loves you tho, so he DOES tolerate your epic awesome jokes.....FOR NOW!
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 6 months
going through AHS and there’s just.. So many unnecessary sex scenes especially for Evan. And nudity. In scenes where it adds absolutely nothing to the plot. I know sometimes it’s for horror factor as it’s a horror show. But in some seasons is excessive. I mean, was Ryan Murphy just adding it in to be perverted? To appeal to the perverted viewers? Sometimes I think Evan wanted a break not only for the violent, complex characters but also because he’d had enough of being naked on screen. And then Dahmer happened and no wonder he hesitated to do it. Like oh more nudity.. GREAT 😵‍💫 I know it’s his choice to do these things and I hate to be on the edge making assumptions but it’s a fine line and with him trusting Ryan so much maybe sometimes even blindly. It’s SO easy to be taken advantage of in that industry and half the time you can’t even see it happening to yourself! I see the public are always 50/50 with Ryan too, some love him and others think he’s exploitive.
whether evan was/is fine with it or not, there's no doubt that RM implements a lot of gratuitous sexual/nude scenes to the point it's almost a running joke with him, that he does this for his own pleasure. whether that's the case or as you said he's also catering to viewers who want this type of content, who knows. AHS is just the right outlet for him to do whatever he wants under the guise of pushing the envelope for shock value.. because there's certainly been some questionable things. even on glee, i remember he did this weird plotline about darren criss' character gaining weight with a really unnecessary scene of him struggling to fit into pants and ripping them, body all exposed, that type of thing.. really, it felt like it was made for fetishists and i was uncomfortable watching it. right around the time fans were shit talking darren for gaining weight too which was a choice lmfao
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banamine-bananime · 6 months
the forum werewolf game ever. of all time: day two close
Start reading here!
With Church coming ever closer to death by popular vote with ten minutes to go, Andy asks for the reveal Church had promised:
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Boy does Church deliver!
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Okay, necessary background: an innocent child is a role in werewolf where mods confirm that a player is village. Confirmation generally either happens at the start of the game or immediately after a player calls for the reveal.
This is the one singular roleclaim that can immediately be proven 100% true or almost 100% certainly false.
And this is Church’s choice of fakeclaim.
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In frantic discussion against the deadline, most people agree this is class B Bullshit. Some agree this is probably bullshit, but Church claims the confirmation will happen during night actions so hey, let him cook, we’ll kill him tomorrow if it’s a lie. Caboose and Tucker are still team “lmfao no this is not Church, that’s an alien, bro, kill it with fire” but friendly fire voting is still not enabled so their opinion is useless. 
Church has objections to Donut’s reaction:
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Despite the past ten plus pages being largely focused on how much Church needs to die, with a side of how much Wyoming needs to die, Vic slides into the lead by virtue of blue team being more united on Vic than red team on Church and blue team still not being allowed to teamkill:
D2 Lover's Quarrel Official FINAL Tally
Blue Team: Church (4) - Simmons, Grif, The Meta, Donut Doc (2) - Vic, Wyoming Caboose (1) - Lopez  Red Team: Wyoming (1) - Tucker Vic (6) - Caboose, Tex, Sheila, Andy, O’Malley, Doc Simmons (1) - Church Voting: 15/15 Missing: peace and quiet Leading: Vic
(Let us not forget from day one:)
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Okay, neither village nor a wolf, but a third party. A jester wins by getting voted out. This is not the flip anyone was expecting:
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Church, for whatever reason, decides to triple down on the innocent child fakeclaim (you may know this strategy as “getting yourself completely fucked by lying for no fucking reason”):
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Grif has a friendly reminder:
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What about that “treestump”?
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Great question, player! It means even while dead (so cannot vote or use any night actions), Vic can continue haunting everyone and posting away as much as he likes. You can kill the Vic-arino but you can’t make him shut up.
Vic demonstrates:
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Church won’t let this hiccup interrupt digging his grave:
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Yeah, Church. Yeah. It sure is.
I think by this point Church was fully living in the reality where his role really was innocent child.
Church also doubles down on Vic being “village” also meaning Caboose is wolfing:
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The Meta, in the wolves' private chat:
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Next: night 2
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