#it wouldn’t be the first time!!!
10518 · 3 days
no one I know follows this afaik (thank god) but ohhhhhhhhhh god when will I stop being like this. I’m not even in a place to be in a relationship rn but I’m utterly miserable over someone who barely gives me the time of day anymore & may or may not be openly flirting with someone else in front of me even after everything & like. kms forever and ever
#if you do no you don’t <3#but yeah no#why am I always the most into people who (maybe) don’t like me back#he *says* he does but also says he can’t be in a relationship rn & we should revisit it a couple months down the line#which is fine bc same#but he doesn’t even flirt with me anymore#and I can’t ask him to take it elsewhere if he’s found someone new bc like where else is he gonna drink this cheap#but#man this is why I don’t fuck coworkers#it just sucks bc we went from talking & flirting all the time & getting handsy on the dl to#nothing#he’s been texting me more the last few days tho & I’m sooooooo hopeful but I know it’s probably just cope#I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried over this & I feel so stupid#i feel like a dumb asshole#and a simp#i mean given the circumstances I don’t blame him but like#i wish he would just tell me if he doesn’t want to be involved at all instead of stringing me along#tho maybe he’s not and is trying to ease out & im just being delusional#it wouldn’t be the first time!!!#but again if that’s the case just fucking say so#not that I’m one to talk tho lbr this is karma#alas#should I just give up?#tho maybe he does mean what he says & is just taking a step back across the board so things don’t get confused#which would be fine with me I’d just like to know & there’s no way to ask without looking insane#but what if he’s just saying *that* to buy time#hoooooooooooo boy I need therapy lol#rocd go brrrrrrrrr#maybe it’d be easiest if I let it take over & make me stop liking him#but…
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writeouswriter · 1 year
My followers: And is this “writing” you’ve been “working on” in the room with us right now?
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trauersinfonie · 5 months
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kinda incredible to say that you think god isn’t that big a deal cuz u know a guy
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taeiris · 1 year
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they’re gonna find out just how huge and horrifying the mind flayer is in his true form next season…
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yourlocalabomination · 7 months
This is Hatchetfield, People go missing everyday!
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missgreeneyartz · 5 months
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Bruce: I don’t want this…
Clark: No, come on. It’ll be so romantic, shut up -writing his will-
Bruce: What am I going to do with your heart if you die?
Clark: I dunno you could transplant it into your chest? Then you’ll always have a part of me with you.
Bruce: Why would I do that?? Is my own heart not working in this scenario?
Clark: No, but-
Bruce: If I had a human heart transplant I would have to take immune suppression drugs for the rest of my life even with a close match.
Bruce: Is your alien heart even compatible with a human body? Do you even know?
Clark: You could put it in a jar and light it from underneath.
Bruce: I would do that.
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ode-to-fury · 1 month
Fitz and Beloved being the opposite of Orpheus and Eurydice do you understand because Fitz wants to look back so badly and he comes so so close so many times but he just cannot make himself look back no matter what he does and the Fool is doing everything in his power to keep silent keep still keep him looking forward because thats what will save the world but inside he’s screaming for Fitz to please look back please prove you want to please prove you love me
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edsbacktattoo · 2 months
nothing brings me more joy than seeing some innocent soul experience ofmd for the first time, not knowing that the trajectory of their whole life is about to be changed. i see people watching before 1x09 and being like “am i crazy or is there mad chemistry between the two leads? 🤔” oh my love. my dear sweet angel pie. your nuts are about to be huffed clean off
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stormbluestories · 1 year
so just in case the tumblr peeps don’t know: yugipedia is down, it has been down for two days, they have lost three years worth of backups, and if you want to volunteer some minor inconvenience towards fixing it u can google ‘yugipedia recover’ and let it search your caches for whatever files you have in there. psa over.
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Track list for Fig and the Cig Figs independently published Junior Year album (officially named “Infaethable”)
Teenage Rebellion
Night Yorb (a heavy metal banger)
Summer Scaries
Devils Nectar
Time Quangle (a love song about Ayda)
Multiclass (Gorgug sings on this!)
The Ballad Of Lucy Frostblade (Kristen was the one who convinced Fig to write this)
So Late, So Tactical
Do You Have A Fucking Warrant
Cassandra (Can You Hear Me)
Hall Of Mirrors
President Applebees (written entirely in the night after Kristen gets elected by a drunk Fig with extremely drunk notes by Kristen)
Raging For Love (inspired by Gorgug, of course)
The Elven Oracle (Has A Day Job) (So Stop Bothering Her)
Maximum Legend
Fury Of The Ball
The Bad Kids
#i neeeeed fig to go indie it’s her destiny#she promises each of them that she’ll dedicate at least one song to them and then dedicates a track to each of them individually#sklondas seething a tiny bit that she called riz the ball but he won’t stop playing it so it keeps getting stuck in her head#adaine summons mephits to help with her track#you can hear her in the background near the end yelling ‘yeah!’ and ‘fuck off!’#fabian wanted his to sound like a shanty but fig said it wouldn’t go with the vibe of the album#they eventually compromised by having the noise of waves and seagulls subtly in the background throughout#kristen actually cried the first time fig played the ballad of lucy frostblade for them#summer scaries sounds like an olivia rodrigo song#gorgug gets a sick drum solo in raging for love#time quangle opens with fire crackling and a bird cawing and a quiet clip of ayda saying ‘I love you’ before the instrumental starts#fig stuck a quiet sound clip of gilear saying ‘oh fuck’ and then a louder sound clip of her saying ‘oh fuck!’ in cursed#devils nectar is one of the slower tracks on the album#hall of mirrors is heavily inspired by the events at evil mordred and baron so you can hear a lot of influences from baronesian music in it#fig has a fucking sick as hell guitar solo and a couple of samples from just the bottomless pit in general in infaethable#Gorthalax also gets some lyrical input on it#fig manages to get a clip of riz saying ‘the ball bitch!’ to kalvaxus in freshman year to put in fury of the ball#is this too long for an album? maybe but who cares I love this#a good portion of the profits made from the album goes towards college for the party#having thoughts about fig and the cig fig’s Junior year album#autism (mads) speaks#fantasy high#fhjy#fig faeth#fantasy high junior year#dimesnion 20#d20 fantasy high#fig and the cig figs
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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cannot STAND this guy
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ninjaaa-go · 9 months
I was just thinking that, if we do actually get amnesiac Jay, him eventually getting his memories back could be really interesting. Because obviously you’ve got all the great memories with his family and the people he loves, but at the same time just— the horrors. The guy has so much trauma piled up from over the years and I feel like that would be A Lot to have dumped on you all at once.
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pizzaqueen · 9 months
One day I will write a fic that is not a first kiss fic, but today is not that day! This is mostly dialogue, but I might expand it at some point. Brief mention of Mary Jane (sorry, I don't know what Tumblr censors these days lol) / rated T
“You know, Steve…”
“I do know Steve.” Steve's lips tilt in a proud smile.
Eddie snorts. “You’re a funny guy. Anyone ever tell you that?”
“All the time.”
“Anyway. Like I was saying: You know, Steve…” Eddie looks at Steve, waiting for him to interrupt again, but he doesn’t, so he goes on, saying, “Sometimes I wish you were a girl.” Why hasn’t he ever told Steve this before? High Eddie is so much smarter than sober Eddie. Steve should know this.
“What? Why?”
“So I could kiss you.” Eddie scrunches his nose up. “But now that I’ve said it out loud, that’s dumb, because I don’t want to kiss girls.”
“Maybe I wish I were a girl so you would kiss me.” Eddie scrubs a hand over his face, shakes his head. “Except, I don’t wanna be a chick. And, like, I’m basically a dude version of Buckley, except cooler—”
“Robin’s cool.”
“—and you don’t want to kiss her.”
“Wait, do you?”
“Not lately.”
“So, you guys…”
“Right. Well, I don’t wanna be a girl—”
“—but I still wanna kiss you, and I can’t as a guy, well I could, but—”
“I want to kiss you.” Steve’s lips twitch and he adds, “As a guy.”
Eddie opens his mouth, closes it again. “You do?”
Steve nods, pushing himself up on one elbow, leaning over Eddie. Leaning down, so close, and, oh, he’s going to—
Eddie pushes a hand in Steve’s face. “Wait. Why didn’t you ever kiss me before then?”
The next words Steve says are muffled by Eddie’s hand.
“I said,” Steve says, moving his face so Eddie’s hand is cupping his jaw instead, “because I didn’t know you were gay.”
“I didn’t know you were gay.”
“I’m not. But I still want to kiss you.”
“You…” Eddie’s brow furrows. Does that make sense? It has to because Steve wouldn’t say it otherwise. He looks up at Steve, still leaning over him, so pretty and right there and he wants to kiss Eddie and Eddie’s head is still pleasantly fuzzy from the weed they smoked and, wait, why is he just looking at Steve?
“Okay, yeah,” he says, “that works for me,” and slides his hand to hook around the back of Steve’s neck, pulling him down for a kiss. “I’m so happy you’re not a girl,” he murmurs against Steve’s lips.
“I’m pretty happy about it too,” Steve says, and then he kisses Eddie properly and they stop talking for a long while.
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astrobei · 9 months
mike developing a propensity for laying with his head on will’s chest while they’re alone because he likes listening to will’s heartbeat and feeling how solid and steady and safe will is under him — we know her, we love her, i will be thinking about this concept until i die.
more specifically, though, the first time they fall asleep this way — mike, dozing off on will’s chest, feeling will’s heartbeat slow and his breathing even out and jolting awake, panicked for the briefest second before he realizes what’s happening. the movement startles will awake too. he blinks and looks up, a little disoriented, only to find mike staring down at him with wide eyes, because the realization has just struck him: not only is will safe and okay in a physical sense, but he feels safe around mike — he’s happy and comforted and trusts mike enough to fall asleep next to him. being absolutely bowled over by that conclusion vs. will who thinks mike is so stupid for ever assuming it was a question at all
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qourmet · 1 month
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Sm1 planted the idea of a stubbly xie lian in my head & all I could consecutively think about was a xie lian with a working endocrine system, pit & chest hair & a happy trail & kinda muscular & just 🥵 idk I kinda lost myself in the sauce a bit
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bibuckagenda · 3 months
Ravi “who’s Tommy?” Panikkar meeting Tommy for the first time and he asks him if it’s weird being eddie’s friend and dating Buck since they’re divorced.
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