#hoooooooooooo boy I need therapy lol
10518 · 3 days
no one I know follows this afaik (thank god) but ohhhhhhhhhh god when will I stop being like this. I’m not even in a place to be in a relationship rn but I’m utterly miserable over someone who barely gives me the time of day anymore & may or may not be openly flirting with someone else in front of me even after everything & like. kms forever and ever
#if you do no you don’t <3#but yeah no#why am I always the most into people who (maybe) don’t like me back#he *says* he does but also says he can’t be in a relationship rn & we should revisit it a couple months down the line#which is fine bc same#but he doesn’t even flirt with me anymore#and I can’t ask him to take it elsewhere if he’s found someone new bc like where else is he gonna drink this cheap#but#man this is why I don’t fuck coworkers#it just sucks bc we went from talking & flirting all the time & getting handsy on the dl to#nothing#he’s been texting me more the last few days tho & I’m sooooooo hopeful but I know it’s probably just cope#I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried over this & I feel so stupid#i feel like a dumb asshole#and a simp#i mean given the circumstances I don’t blame him but like#i wish he would just tell me if he doesn’t want to be involved at all instead of stringing me along#tho maybe he’s not and is trying to ease out & im just being delusional#it wouldn’t be the first time!!!#but again if that’s the case just fucking say so#not that I’m one to talk tho lbr this is karma#alas#should I just give up?#tho maybe he does mean what he says & is just taking a step back across the board so things don’t get confused#which would be fine with me I’d just like to know & there’s no way to ask without looking insane#but what if he’s just saying *that* to buy time#hoooooooooooo boy I need therapy lol#rocd go brrrrrrrrr#maybe it’d be easiest if I let it take over & make me stop liking him#but…
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