#it works amazingly to show just how impossible it is for either of them to truly be normal
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These two pages work amazingly to show just how unfulfilling a "normal" life can be, as well as showing just how little either of them really know of whats "normal"
#manga#csm#chainsaw man#csm spoilers#chainsaw man manga spoilers#chainsaw man manga#csm manga#chainsaw man spoilers#csm manga spoilers#I think part of what makes it work so well for me is the fact that this still isnt normal#theyre trying to be normal by skipping class and going to a movie but the circumstances in which its happening is fundamentally abnormal#an empty movie theatre with a devil corpse#it works amazingly to show just how impossible it is for either of them to truly be normal#also the last panel is really a well designed 'isolated in a crowd' image
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So since we’ve established wedding impossible sucks and treats the most vulnerable characters terribly, what are some recent shows where you feel the opposite? Shows that you think treated the characters with the dignity and care they deserved? Personally I think love for love’s sake did an amazing job. I didn’t really have any expectations going into it but I was blown away by how amazingly it the narrative was crafted. I think the storytelling was incredible and really hit all the right emotional beats. I also binged let’s talk about chu this weekend and haven’t stopped thinking about it. I honestly actually enjoyed everyone in the show and was invested in everyone’s stories, but I especially loved the BL plot. It felt so well handled and mature and I loved how the ending was clear that despite Yueh going to jail, the show explicitly showed that Yusen and him seem determined to make their relationship work. It felt like a really lovely full circle moment for each character and their relationship. I didn’t go into that one with any expectations either and was also very satisfied with the show.
I mean, Love for Love's sake did a fantastic job of handling grief and depression and what it means to find the way to love yourself and I loved that, how loving yourself was a strength and needed and how much loving other people could help you learn to love yourself and how much love was healing. Absolutely A+.
Let's Talk About Chu was good and the relationship work was good as well but I can't say it was my favorite in those terms because I never got the depth I wanted into the formation of their relationship but it did show how much they're willing to work for this relationship. It was good, though.
I didn't love Cooking Crush overall but they did handle the parental issues with respect and honored that sometimes relationships change and grow even without fixing everything. I had plenty of problems with the show but that was not of them.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? is an amazing exploration of an adult couple and of people coming to terms with their own sexuality and growing together and becoming better people because of their love and what it means to keep growing even after you're an adult. It's truly great and mature.
La Pluie is imperfect but is also an amazing exploration of what it means when you try to rely on fate but also what it means when you are so focused on fate that you need to deny it entirely or when you try to let little things guide you rather than looking at the bigger picture and it really does treat all of those ideas beautifully. Not quite the same but similar.
Not a BL but Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is a beautiful and poignant and amazing story about living and grief and moving past without ever forgetting but finding ways to forgive yourself for choices that accidentally hurt the people you loved and about growing past grief and it's just beautiful.
That's the short list, at least for me, of shows that are at least a bit more recent and really do get into more and deeper issues.
I mean, there's also The Eighth Sense but that's not super recent just really, really good and delves into trauma and pain and loss and grief and depression and what happens as you begin to heal and grow.
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Surprisingly not the end.
The third to final episode begins with a unicorn walking to Canterlot while a familiar looking Unicorn is spreading rumors. If you’ve been following this series, you know this is Chrysalis. She goes back to the trio just in time because Tirek figured out how to use Grogar’s Bell. Making sure everyone gets their fair share, the three now have the power of Grogar. Which means Tirek is buff, Cozy Glow is now an Alicorn and Chrysalis gets more jewelry.
Grogar returns with an artifact and a plan. He said they have to work together in order to succeed. This is followed by the three of them doing just that to overthrow Grogar and take over his bell. And after all his magic is gone, it is revealed that it was Discord all this time. I know a lot of people are upset with the reveal but you could argue this was set up since the beginning. Though another thing is a lot of people felt this shouldn’t have happened.
Thing is, this is entirely within Discord’s character. He’s so powerful, he really doesn’t take things too seriously until some time after, usually too late. There are numerous examples of this. Even Cosmos, the one entity he was entirely serious against from the beginning in the IDW Comics, has him just hiding a piece and trying to run away with Fluttershy instead of, you know, finding the individual pieces and hiding them lightyears away from each other or in a black hole or different dimensions. He either can’t take things too seriously or is an idiot when it comes to planning things.
And let’s face it, those with egos are pretty dumb as they let Discord leave because they felt he isn’t a threat without magic. Thing is he can still warn the others so they could prepare. Speaking of others, it seems Twilight is finally ready to take over the Kingdom. And the first thing she does is make Spike her Royal Vizier I mean Advisor. Meeting up with the others, it seems the trio’s previous work is taking effect as nobody is helping out and not trusting each other. Basically, racism. That’s when Discord arrives and reveals the news...
Discord wanted to test Twilight and show her she is ready for the crown. You saw this in the Beginning of the End where he faked his death to give Twilight the motivation to defeat Sombra. He was a safety net if things went South, but the Evil Trio decided to pull a Robin and ruin said safety net during the final exam. After a small pep talk from Celestia, Twilight has a plan: have the Pillars come to Canterlot to guard the borders, warn Starlight because Chrysalis has a major hate boner for her and the Crystal Empire be the last defense if they have to flee Canterlot.
Luckily they got time as the Trio were bickering for a bit, then debating what to do with Discord’s Magic. Chrysalis wants to use it but Tirek said it is impossible for any other creature to control. While he had absorbed Discord’s magic in the past, you also have to remember he hasn’t used much of his magic. You can argue the bubbles, but ultimately Tirek likely only used it to buff his own strength. Cozy Glow volunteers to test drive it, but her attempts to backstab them after doing so failed. So Discord’s magic is off the table. They’re cool with it since they knew they would have done the same thing if given the chance.
The Trio Split up as Twilight gives a pep talk to her friends. Then Cozy Glow shows up, already defeating most of the soldiers and taking out the Princesses with relative ease. Speaking of ease, Tirek shows up to defeat the Pillars. This is why I am comfortable with scaling the higher ponies to Starswirl but not opposite. He had all his friends there and failed miserably. Meanwhile Starlight did pretty well against Chrysalis one on one. She still lost in the end, but it is still the best showing one on one.
Speaking of doing well, after Cozy Glow cleared out the JOB Squad, Team Twilight did amazingly well against Cozy Glow. They could have beaten her if it wasn’t for the other two showing up to save her. That’s when the Trio revealed that they were the cause of the ponies no longer being united. Twilight’s friends block a big blast while telling Twilight to go get help. The first half ends with that happening. The second half begins with the Trip capturing the others and arguing what to do with them. Cozy wants to destroy them now, Chrysalis wants to torture and then destroy them publicly, and Tirek wants to find Twilight.
Basically, they’re winning because they worked together but their bickering is giving the others an opportunity. An Opportunity that Discord sees. After apologizing, he antagonizes them enough (with the only mention of an IDW concept with Tirek’s father’s name) to reflect a blast to free Starlight Glimmer. Good thing the Crystal Caves have reflective surfaces. Starlight is free, frees the others as the Mane Six look for her as the others fight. And considering their track record, Starlight Glimmer is going to be the Metal Sonic of this fight.
With the others, they find out every pony is looking out for themselves. Even Ponyville seems to be splitting apart. And since Twilight isn’t in Ponyville, they’re going to the Crystal Empire. Twilight is there, but it seems she’s on her last rope. Doesn’t help that the Windigos have arrived since apparently everyone forgot about Hearth’s Warming. But you notice some ponies (like Sandbar) seemingly have doubts on the everyone for themselves mentality. And after a pep talk with her friends, Twilight gets the motivation to do one last attack against the Trio.
Back with the Trio, they recognize the Windigos. They debate for a bit what to do since leaving them alone has their benefits and drawbacks, but they decide to work together to fight Twilight and Friends. Their plan is to get the bell and restore the magic of the others. They do pretty well but after Spike gets threatened they stand down. Luckily for them a blast that would have stopped them was stopped by the combined magic of the Unicorns. We got an Endgame moment. Almost every character who was ever on the show appeared. You even see Tempest Shadow (but no Capper or the Pirates).
Turns out the School of Friendship inspired others to unite their kind to fight against the Trio. Shame the Unicorn and Pegasus are no names. But it is nice to see the Student Six inspire their kind to help out. And despite seeing the ones fighting go down, Twilight does her Friendship speech and with the combination of her friends past, present and future, she defeats the trio and removes the power of Grogar from them. And after restoring everyone of their powers after Pinkie Pie took the bell, Discord and the Princesses turn the Trio into stone despite Chrysalis being the one most likely to never turn good no matter how much you try.
People like to say this is too harsh for Cozy Glow, but there are a few things to remember: being stoned is not permanent punishment, it is not the equivalent to Death (because there is actual death), and she did almost destroy Equestria for a second time. She’ll likely be freed overtime, but for now she’s kept locked away to ensure she doesn’t try for a third time. Though they probably should kill Chrysalis. Even her final act was to try to attack with the other two being scared. The episode ends with them going to Donut Joe’s as Twilight spends a quiet moment with her friends.
It's the end of an era and whatever comes next will be perfect as long as she has her friends by her side. Granted, G5 kind of ruins that idea but considering we really don’t have a solid understanding about how it came to be (if not multiverse theory, the Manga making it Pony Life and then G5 makes the most sense since Trail Trotters came from Pony Life). But if this was the final episode of the series, it is a great note to end on. But it is not. We have one final episode to look through, but before that we’re making a detour.
Starting next week, we’ll be taking a look at two clip shows at a time before we get to the Last Problem. And then we’ll begin the New Year with a goodbye to the old. So stay tuned. Click here for the original review and how it fits in GLAB Canon.
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Fun | Sherlock x platonic!Reader
Pairing: Sherlock x platonic!gender neutral reader
Request ( @a-paper-cut ):

Word Count: 2,202
Contains: Mentions of child abduction, platonic fluffiness and banter :)
A/N: AAAAAAA thank you so much, lovely! This was my first request and I was SUPER excited to write it hehe. I’ve been on a slight creative block lately and I enjoyed writing this so much. I hope this fic does justice for what you wanted and I hope that you are doing amazingly 🧡🧡
It was an early, snowy winter morning in London. You and Sherlock Holmes have been mind-boggled by a puzzling case for the past week. The detective proposed that the two of you go on a walk to allow some fresh air in the brains again. This suggested that even his extensive mind palace and composing weren’t helping the genius. Not that you were complaining about sharing a nice stroll with Sherlock. It had been years after all since you two had spent any casual time together. Like what people normally did in their free time, anyway.
The two of you stepped side by side, feet planting in the thin sheet of snow on the ground in unison. You grinned a little at the matched body language. You and Sherlock always had special ways to subtly communicate with one another. It was like a part of your minds were connected.
“Anything yet?” the tall brunette questioned. Your lip twitched upward. “Don’t rush the process, Sherlock. Just enjoy the moment. Live in it a little.” Sherlock’s long drawl could be heard next to you. His walking strides were growing longer as his patience began to thin out. You could practically hear the subtle gnawing of his teeth.
“We’ve only been walking 5 minutes,” you flouted, “Loosen up a bit.” Sherlock snickered to himself, messing with his gloved hands. “You’re already trying to read me?”
“You’re walking like you’ve got a stick up your arse. It’s clear you’re agitated,” you jested. The curly-haired detective sneered at you and kicked a clump of ice out of the way. “I can’t think, Y/n. We have potential homicide to solve and we’re here drudging in the snow.”
“Remember, this was your idea, genius. Unless you can come up with something else, this is all we’ve got.” Sherlock went silent, chewing the inside of his cheek. His mind wandered to try and come up with something snarky to throw at you. Perhaps a witty comeback that would leave you in doubt. The headache he was dealing with was enough to strike him in his train of thought. He shook it off and his focus returned to the matter of urgency. Unsolved case.
Sherlock lifted his face to the sky, blowing a hot cloud of breath into the chilly London air. He tugged his scarf a little closer to his neck, shoving his gloved hands down into his thick coat. The breath cloud was a common habit of Sherlock’s during cold weather. It mimicked the effect of blowing cigarette smoke, just without the tar and nicotine. Fortunately, the only time the detective abused drugs anymore was when cases had him horribly stumped; thanks to you and John’s efforts, his drug use was much more controlled now.
“Five missing children. All between the ages of 7 and 9. We know that the connection is tied to their private schools. Three different religious private schools within a 10 kilometer radius — so, fairly close together. The parents reported their children coming home with expensive gifts from a mysterious donor shortly before they went missing. They referred to the perpetrator as ‘Ray’. Anyone handing out shiny trinkets to naive children is either a philanthropist or a predator. I’d like to bet on the latter.”
You sighed, mentally reviewing all of the evidence from the case in your head. “But all of the children knew basic safety protocols: don’t talk to strangers, never accept anything from strangers, the whole package. Their parents are terribly traditional. They never would have let any of them see the light if they broke any of those rules. So the chances are near impossible that they would have fallen for such typical child abduction tricks.”
“Near impossible, L/n. That means there’s still a possibility and possible is all we need to screw this up,” Sherlock tutted. He blew another large cloud of air, shaking some light snow off his curls. You frowned, “The suspects. We’ve interrogated the popes, teachers, parents… who are we missing?”
Sherlock stopped walking. You turned to check up on him, finding him with his eyes shut. “Maybe we’re asking the wrong questions…”
“Of course we’re asking the wrong questions! We have all the pieces in our hands but no instructions, Sherlock. We’re running in circles with this case,” you walked over to a public railing, leaning against it and looking out across the long white blanket that stretched to the horizon.
He joined your side shortly after, bending down to pick up some rocks to toss down the snowy hill and watch as they made skinny trails in the frosty powder. Sherlock sighed out, exasperated and worn out. “We’re not getting anywhere by mulling over it, are we?”
You smiled at him and shook your head. You pulled your coat a little tighter around yourself. “That’s why I’m here to keep you in check. It’s good to get some air, you know? Christ knows when’s the last time you did that simply because you wanted to.”
Sherlock’s eyebrow perked up and he faced you with a blank expression. “How do you mean?” Your eyes widened a little, unsure of how you should pick out your next words. “Well… you know, you don’t exactly, uh…” Nervously, your eyes flicked up to his. He was watching your expression very carefully.
“You don’t spend a lot of time for yourself,” you said simply. Sherlock frowned in disagreement. “I spend a lot of time by myself. I thought you knew me better than that,” he teased.
You rolled your eyes, leaning your back against the cold railing now, crossing your arms. “In your mind palace, Sherlock. I mean you don’t do things you enjoy.”
“Who said I don’t enjoy things?” he countered your query. You found yourself forming a cold sweat, debating on how to deliver your message. “Hobbies?”
“Meh. Parties?”
“You disturb me.” Your best friend’s disgust made you cackle. “See, that’s my point! You don’t know how to have fun anymore. What happened to old Sherlock?”
Now this was a personal offense against Sherlock. “What? You don’t think I’m fun?” Sherlock sounded incredibly appalled by your claim. A hot cloud of air rose to the sky when you scoffed.
“Holmes, you are probably the farthest thing when it comes to the definition of fun!”
“Well, probability-wise, that’s highly improbable when Mycroft exists.”
“His poshness makes up for it. You’re just irritating.” Sherlock puffed out his red cheeks, nudging you playfully. “Oh, come on. You must admit that I’m at least an interesting character?”
You pondered in fake thought, scrunching your face together. “Interesting is debatable. Fun? That’s foreign territory, Sherlock.” The tall man grimaced deeply at your bluntness that he clearly had issues with. “What do you mean by ‘Old Sherlock’? What was good about the ‘old me’? I consider myself much more refined in the present day.”
Old memories of the two of you hanging out with one another as teenagers came back to you. A smile melted on your face from the warm feelings of nostalgia, the chilliness from the snowfall leaving your body.
“You used to prank Mycroft all the time. Everything was always a competition with you and me; we would go from racing down the neighborhood to reach my house first or rush to finish homework and claim the telly before the other could. Oh! We would always make up fake cases, too, trying to entertain a mystery that didn’t even exist,” you laughed to yourself, “Look at us now.”
Sherlock grumbled at the reminder of your old shenanigans. He wasn’t always the fondest of his younger self. But he had to admit he was reckless, even as a child. It was a simpler time and kids didn’t have much to fret or fear.
“Now you’re all enigmatic and stoic with your flipped up coat collar and scary cheekbones. The difference is so disappointing, it’s sickening,” you gagged. Sherlock slipped off his glove and jabbed his freezing hand against your neck, making you exclaim at the coldness and shove him backward. He wore a victorious smirk at your suffering. You pointed a hard finger at him, holding back your own laughter to prove a point.
“NO, that’s not being fun, Sherlock. That’s torture- sadism! You’re just an arse!” He threw his arms in the air, tossing his glove in your face. “It’s subjective! I can be fun,” he insisted.
“You’re predictable, Holmes. You don’t remember what good humor is and it shows in your actions. You pick everything up from books and telly. You can’t surprise me anymore,” you declared. Sherlock’s expression contorted into shock as he stared at you in disbelief. You had left the great Sherlock Holmes baffled. The silence was deafening — music to your ears.
When you thought you were winning this argument, a special glint quickly shone in Sherlock’s eyes. Your expression dropped and then you were pushed backward. There was no railing behind you anymore to catch you.
As you were falling, you naturally grasped for something to hold on to. In this case, Sherlock’s coat. The evil smirk on his face was immediately replaced with shock then fear as he was crashing hard into you. Gravity did the rest of the work. With the momentum you had already begun, dragging Sherlock down with you was one of the worst possible outcomes of the situation. A crude curse slipped past his lips and both of you latched onto each other because there was nothing else to brace with.
What was initially meant to be a playful fall down the snowy hill turned into a rolling battle full of frantic thrashing and screaming as both of your bodies thumped and tangled with each other. The two of you occasionally bounced a few inches off the ground and crashed back into the ground, knocking the breath out of both of you. The wild human avalanche down the hill was finally put to a stop when you rolled into a tree. With a loud OOMPH, you and Sherlock flopped into the ground, groaning and croaking in pain. Neither of you moved for the first passing moments, unable to process what just happened.
Your fall was broken when you landed on top of Sherlock, his body sprawled out in the cold snow, rasping heavily. Some snow fell off your form and your arms shook as you propped yourself up, no longer caring about the fact that you applied all the pressure in your friend’s ribs.
“You alright, mate?” you panted, checking up on Sherlock, eyes analyzing him for any serious injuries.
“You take my breath away.” You sputtered and shook your head at his ridiculous humor. “Aren’t you just romantic?” He squinted his eyes and flashed a sarcastic smile but groaned out, “No, really. Please get off my chest.”
“Oh God, sorry,” you scrambled off of him and he rolled over into the snow, gasping for air as he clutched his side in pain. You punched him in the shoulder. “You bloody twat, Sherlock Holmes! Pushing me down a hill by Jove’s sake!”
“I remember it being much more fun when we were younger,” he grunted out, pushing himself onto his forearms. And just then, his eyes burst wide open. His face slack-jawed as his brain computed at top speed. He was onto something.
“FUN, Y/n,” he articulated, scrambling over to you and grabbing you by the shoulders. You stiffened and backed away, startled by his abrupt realization.
“Oh, Y/n, you are brilliant! This is why we work together!”
“What?! What are you-”
“The kids were abducted because they were having fun! ‘Ray’ is Remus Stooge, another private school kid in the area. The Stooge family owns several of the land plots around this corner of London and they’re the ones funding all three schools — The Stooge’s are plenty wealthy. The children were going to Remus’s home, ditching class time to get a personal house tour of his daddy’s money. The fancy car rides, luxurious delights, shiny sneakers and tailored clothing… Who wouldn’t pass up on an opportunity like that? It only makes sense why they were lured in so easily! Their rich best pal Remus has been the one inviting them right into the trap!”
“What- Sherlock! Where is this all coming from?! How do you even-”
“Trust me, Y/n!! I have it figured out- It all makes sense!” he interjected again. The look on your faces was bizarre. You tossed a handful of snow at him as he blocked it with his hands. “NO?? It doesn’t! This is so sudden-”
Sherlock was on his feet in an instant, brushing off the powder from his coat and yanking you up. His eyes were gleaming with excitement. “We have to go tell Lestrade, now! Call John and get over to the Stooge’s place!”
“To arrest the kid?!”
“No, the butler!” He grabbed your gloved hand and dragged you up the steep white hill. You shook your head wildly, “Holmes, you better have a bloody good explanation for this in the cab or there will be hell to pay.” Sherlock smirked triumphantly and squeezed your hand.
“Come, L/n! The game is on!”
Requests are open! <3
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Why Ethical Fashion Doesn’t Need to be Boring (In the Words of a Shopping Addict): Lookbook no.14
Hi to anyone reading,
I never know how to start posts when I literally just uploaded the other week because I tend to follow the very formulaic approach of summarising what I’ve missed due to sporadic posting…I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m still posting sporadically, it just so happens I’ve had more content to get up recently-sometimes lightning strikes twice, ya know, and I have a brief, if chemically fuelled, reprieve from the permanent state of exhaustion. It’s not like there isn’t stuff to talk about- the last month has seen a horrific murder and public outcry in response. There are a lot of important conversations going on about women’s safety and misogynistic violence that I really cannot do justice to in a paragraph and feelings that have been brewing for a long time that I can’t articulate yet and will not attempt to offhandedly do so in this post. Right now I just wanna say that I stand in solidarity with all those with histories of experiencing violence at the hands of men, those who aren’t here with us anymore as a result of that violence such as Sarah Everard, and those marginalised women whose stories don’t make national news. It’s very telling the way Sarah’s vigil was responded to by the same police force that have allowed mostly male anti-mask protests to go ahead with protestors unscathed, and solidarity with the women who were treated with such an unjustifiable amount of force at the vigil too.
That being said, women’s rights are something I wanted to talk about in this post, with regards to the way it ties into ethical fashion. None of us are perfect and it’s easy living in a first world country to detach yourself from the issues stemming from fast fashion, especially when you don’t have the time or money yourself to be selective about where you buy from. Don’t get me wrong, I do treat myself to some new clothes from fast fashion companies like ASOS and Urban Outfitters a few times a year so this is NOT coming from a place of preaching, but I have drastically reduced that to buying about 90% of my new clothes either second hand from Depop or charity shops or clothing stores that are upfront about their outsourcing practices. I love putting outfits together and updating my wardrobe and I don’t want to abandon that as a medium of self-expression because it does bring me joy, but to continue to update my wardrobe with the frequency I do by buying from fast fashion retailers on such a regular basis I accepted was going against the things I care about; around 80% of textile workers on poverty wages in developing countries are girls and women (opensocietyfoundations.org), and whilst fast fashion companies in the West continue to outsource manufacturing to said countries to cut costs and there is little regulation enforcing employers to pay women the same amount as men or even adhere to a minimum wage, they will continue to be forced into these roles where they are subjected to horrific working conditions, impossible production targets and frequent abuse (according to an article published in the Guardian in June 2018, 540 incidences of abuse, often of a sexual nature, were reported by women working in factories supplying the retailers GAP and H&M when they were interviewed on the subject). There is no denying that the fast fashion industry depends on and perpetuates the subjugation of women and systematically prevents them from making steps towards gender equality in their countries, be it through greater financial independence or the freedom to pursue higher education; the popular current practice by western fast fashion companies of outsourcing manufacturing to factories unhindered by workers rights and gender equality laws by association condones the sexual and physical violence that occurs as a means of punishment for not meeting targets, the exploitative pay which affords women little independence from husbands and families dominated by patriarchal values, and the long, exhausting hours which women have little choice but to take in order to avoid their contracts being terminated and to put food on the table. No, one individual completely abandoning fast fashion isn’t going to put an end to these unethical practices but if all of us make a conscious effort to reduce our consumption at least a little and make it clear why we’re doing so, we put greater pressure on fast fashion companies to act in a more responsible way. There isn’t going to be any kind of miraculous change of heart, so to force them to change we have to hit the industry and the people at the top who benefit from such practices where it really hurts: their profit.
SO, for this post I thought I would highlight some of my favourite more ethical online clothing companies to buy from; the more popular these more socially responsible brands become, the more apparent it becomes to fast fashion companies relying on an exploitative business model that how they treat their workers is of growing importance to consumers. It’s all very well and good Missguided and PLT talking about empowering women and making “girl boss” slogan tees but we need to make it clear that we’re aware of the hollowness of the gesture, and that we want less hypocritical talk and more action to actually enhance the lives of the women that work for them, not just the ones they show in their flashy offices on TV. I’ve included my favourite Depop shops too, because if you can shop second hand, that’s even better; though I like to treat myself to new clothes now and again, I’m aware that the impact the manufacturing process in general, whether or not the company acts in an ethical way with regards to their employment practices, has on the environment is more often than not detrimental. Depop has really been my saving grace this past year-if you know what you’re looking for and have the time and patience, you can find so many gems, and at this point the balance of my wardrobe is tipped firmly in the favour of the reuse and recycle approach to shopping. In the vein of reusing fashion, I thought I’d also include a mini lookbook for a cardigan I got from one of my favourite online retailers, The Ragged Priest, just as a reminder that 1). The best way to be sustainable is to rewear and 2). That with tweaks, one piece alone can give you multiple completely different outfits. Like honestly, outfit repeating doesn’t have to be a literal repeat. Sometimes it’s worth spending a little bit extra on something that looks good with everything, and making that investment into your ability to fool people that you’ve got your shit together by wearing something cool as fuck.
Quickly before I get into it, I’m aware that some ethical companies are a bit out of the average consumer’s price range, and so I wanted to sort them into price point categories which will work as follows:
£= most of their stock is £40 & under ££= most of their stock is between £40-£100 £££= most of their stock costs upwards of £100
Now, in no particular order (and starting with online retailers before moving onto Depop shops), here’s the list!

Using recycled fabric to construct their pieces where possible and releasing clothing in small drops designed to sell out rather than following the typical fast fashion model of outsourcing the production of vast amounts of clothing overseas, the Ragged Priest is my absolute favourite clothing brand out there. It’s *semi* affordable and because they are all about those bold, in your face, your-grandma-will-probs-think-it’s-ugly kinda pieces, just one can do SO much for your wardrobe.

I recently bought this cardigan from their The Simple Life drop and had so many outfit ideas for it that I thought I’d put a few of them together for this post just as an example of how you can take the same piece over and over again and still make it interesting, even when you don’t feel like straying too far from your personal style preferences. While we’re at it, I also wanted to use this mini lookbook to point out how fucking great Depop is! Literally everything in these outfits is from there apart from the shoes and the jewellery, the leather blazer on the right I bought a few years ago and then the top and skirt in the outfit from the far left which are both from Ebay. The shoes with that outfit are from Koi Vegan footwear-I didn’t include them in this list because I wanted to keep it consistent and focus on ethical clothing companies rather than retailers that focus on one specific thing such as shoes or jewellery, but they are my favourite place to buy shoes from and focus closely on ethical production too so definitely recommend.

Towards the lower end of the ££ price point, Minga is probably the closest you’re gonna get to an ethical version of the Dolls Kill Deliah’s range. Their focus on being a socially responsible business is a huge part of their ethos and their pieces are put together in Portugal, where they're based, by a small in-house team; the majority of their fabric is sourced from local Portuguese businesses and even more amazingly, they recycle the fabric of the pieces they don’t sell in new designs. They are just a generally amazing company and I wish more people knew about them because their pieces are fucking adorable and wouldn’t be out of place (or overpriced) in your local UO.

A small, black owned business set up by 3 siblings from Coventry, Elsie & Fred have earned themselves a reputation as a staple provider of the festival season wardrobe. Being an independently owned business, they have strict standards that their manufacturers must adhere to and a close working relationship with the owners of the two factories who oversee production in Guangzhou, China, to ensure fair wages and a safe working environment. On the environmental side of things, Elsie and Fred are working to incorporate recycled fabric into their designs as much as possible and have this year introduced compostable mailing bags.

Follow enough British instagram fashion influencers and you are bound to have heard of House of Sunny in 2020-snagging what is probably my all time favourite coat from there in 2019 before all the hype is a humble brag I will allow myself on the basis that I haven’t been able to afford anything since, lol. Along with kooky, one of a kind designs, being decidedly anti-fast fashion is a huge part of their branding; HoS only drop 2 collections of limited stock a year, thoroughly screen suppliers and on their website you can find a tonne of information on how they’re working to offset their environmental impact too. If you can treat yourself to a piece from there at any point, the quality of the garments truly make the price point worth it.

Similarly to The Ragged Priest and House of Sunny, Jaded London go the route of dropping limited collections on a less frequent basis intending to sell out (particularly popular pieces are occasionally restocked) rather than needlessly manufacturing vast quantities of garments to flog for whatever they can get and cutting corners with fair employment practices to offset any losses. By employing independent staff in the manufacturing plants with which they liaise to ensure fair, dignified working conditions and also by working closely with charities such as the Trussel Trust and Stand Up to Racism, Jaded London demonstrates a level of commitment to corporate responsibility that set them apart from a lot of similar online retailers. They are at the top of their game when it comes to daring and experimental yet wearable pieces and so it’s cool that they recognise the need to conduct their business in a considerate way too.

Owned by UK based bohemian queen Naomi Hession, the Hippie Shake is not only a great small independent business to support but is also the definition of slow fashion. With a limited number of opulent 70s style pieces, I have always wanted to purchase something from here. I’ve yet to do so but I’m gonna make it my mission eventually.

An affordable, gorgeous array of quirky handpicked vintage pieces that would probably take you forever to find in a charity shop or that you’d be charged a small fortune for if you found it in a high street second hand store, Vintage Hearts is where you should go if you want a timeless statement piece that may have otherwise ended up in a landfill. The added benefit of vintage clothing is that it is, by its nature, great for the environment, but you can also look fab and groovy as fuck as you do your bit for the planet<3

Offering both original vintage pieces and reworked pieces using recycled fabrics, We Are Cow has both basic branded second hand items but also handmade streetwear style original designs all for a fair price. You can tell that it’s all high quality stuff consistent with their modern, functional aesthetic and it’s clear that the team behind the shop has a real vision in mind when they’re designing.

In the words of Corrie Davis, founder of OOTO "I start with the belief that fashion will be always be worn differently by the individual that wears it. Every collection from Out of the Ordinary is different to the last but undeniably Out of the Ordinary. I champion flamboyancy and embrace the cultures I've experienced around the world, merging the two and creating popular style trends in exciting textiles, prints and techniques to bring to you something a little Out of the Ordinary." That pretty much sums up the vibrancy, vivacity and bold elegance of the brand’s aesthetic perfectly, which is reflected by Davis’ commitment to ethical manufacturing based on relationships forged between the founders and family artisans and the sourcing of fabrics from textile markets around the world. Everything you need for a boujie summer holiday in the Mediterranean-when leaving the country is finally allowed again, lol, EVERYBODY GET YOUR FUCKING VACCINE-is here.
PRICE POINT: ranges from £-£££ depending on the brand

Probs the closest thing you’ll get to an ethical ASOS, Wild Thing brings together a host of sustainable and independent clothing brands and puts them all in one place to present to us all a collection of the sickest festival style fashion out there. Whilst it’s super cool that this already exists and a slice of humble pie for myself to remind me that I am not in fact the revolutionary marketing genius I thought I was, I’m bummed to know that my idea of said ethical ASOS style website is already out there. Fingers crossed for the next grand money making scheme that comes to mind that I can use to distribute some wealth (yeah, there probably won’t be any because very few original thoughts enter my head, clearly, tehe) xoxo

I know it’s 2021 and we all kind hate the idea of girl boss feminism and the connotations of privilege and exploitation that come with it but can we bring it back when we’re talking about women who embody what it was actually all supposed to be about? Because the owner of ShopFluffy, @lulutrixabelle embodies everything good about the term. Somebody who genuinely does (cue Ramona singer voice here) empower other women through her celebration of powerful female friendship and free spirited sense of personal style that should inspire every one of us to wear whatever the fuck we want (clashing patterns and over-accessorising be damned), Lulu handmakes all the designs on her site and very much places an emphasis on slow fashion by releasing only a few collections a year which you can clearly tell a lot of painstaking effort and talent went into. ShopFluffy is on the pricier side but the adorable crocheted coords LuLu specialises in, reminiscent of carefree childhood days and picnics in meadows picturesque enough to be the backdrop of a Jacquemus runway presentation, are a bold and beautiful expression of playful femininity worthy of departing with a bit more than you’d usually spend. After all, if you are gonna spend that money on a piece of clothing, supporting an ethical, independent woman owned business clearly built on carefully honed skill, passion and authenticity is the way to go.

It feels correct to follow up the ShopFluffy mention with ShopEasyTiger given the friendship between the former’s owner with Tigerlilly Winfield (is that not the most wonderfully storybook character sounding name of all time?), owner of Easy Tiger. Up there with my most revered style icons, Tigerlilly’s designs are as flamboyant and glamorous and daring and dramatic as her own personal style, and again, they are ethically made! If you want to get that psychedelic rock n’roll groupie that’s actually way cooler than the band itself kinda energy too, her shop is the place to start.

Founded by the incredibly hot Belle_hott_tramp on Instagram, HottTramp is a collection of both handmade pieces and carefully selected vintage finds that blur the lines between 90s Courtney Love style grunge and 70s summer of love hippy that make me want to start my own all girl rock band and hire a camper van to paint black and road trip through the American desert. Given my complete lack of hand eye coordination, I’ll most likely never have the instrumental skills to do that but I never said it was a realistic fantasy, okay?

Is it just me that always thought Lazy Oaf was within the same kind of price range as The Ragged Priest? Because it’s a lottt more expensive than I thought. That being said, if you’re going for a playful, toned down Molly Goddard kinda look, anything bright and youthful, Lazy Oaf’s clothes 100% fit that brief. You are paying more, but part of that markup is reflected in their transparency when it comes to their ethical code, which includes ensuring that statutory minimum wage laws are adhered to in the supply chain as well as that all workers are of the legal working age for their countries and that their working hours do not exceed the legal limit. They are also steadfastly committed to donating a portion of their profits to charities dedicated to improving mental wellbeing such as Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, and Young Minds, something that is hugely important to me given my own experiences and the line of work I want to go into.

Similar in their aesthetic to Out of the Ordinary, Never Fully Dressed is big on colour, print, and elegance. They have both specially selected second hand pieces on offer and original designs too and the about us section of their website clearly states how passionate they are about their ethical manufacturing process, which takes place both here in the UK and in China.

Offering the dreamiest, one of a kind vintage 90s pieces, Tunnel Vision could just as easily be a grunge girl band come the craft themed moodboard as it is an online retailer. If the 90s isn’t for you-I mean, I don’t wanna question anybody’s taste levels but…-they also have the option of shopping by era, which I think is a really cool feature I wish a lot of irl vintage shops would incorporate.

Everything on Love Too True is fucking gorgeousss and it is no surprise that they manufacture their garments here in London because I feel their brand totally encompasses that stereotypical 90s East End punk vibe perfectly with a shit tonne of chunky boots and show stopping plaid pieces that makes my heart ache for a riot grrrl renaissance. Yes, when it comes to feminism’s place in mainstream culture, making sure the political goals and structural changes we’re aiming for are visible to all is by far the most important, but let’s have a resurgence of the grunge girl’s armour along with that and PLEASE let’s leave athleisure in the 2010s. No more Kardashian nude leggings, I beg (I AM being lighthearted, wear whatever you want! We’re not policing women’s clothes in this neck of the woods).

Eurgh. Nine Lives Bazaar. I want it ALL. Their clothes give me all the Etro, Zimmerman, Torey Burch, modernised Stevie Nicks vibes on a slightly more realistic budget, though unfortunately for me said budget just isn’t realistic enough. You would think pieces being ethically produced is just a given when it comes to clothes within this price range but that’s not necessarily the case and Nine Lives Bazaar is one of the ones you can trust to actually be considerate of their employees needs when it comes to their approach to business. To anybody who can afford to shop here, I am insanely jealous. The rest of us, for now, can just browse the website n feel the fantasy, channel a Valentina level of delusion and pretend it’s just the import taxes from Australia that’s holding us back from making a purchase.

Everything handmade and latex and form fitting to make you the baddest bitch in the room, I’ve got myself a few pieces from this shop over the past couple of years. Customer service is a bit hit or miss and there’s been times when I’ve had to wait a while for my purchases to get to me but because they’re all one of a kind and custom made to fit, it’s worth it, and when they have messed up they were kind enough to add something to my order for free.

If you picture raiding the wardrobe of a biker gang, snatching the Coachella bound suitcases of the Revolve ambassadors at Palm Springs airport, and then jumbling all those clothes together, that’s probably your best bet at getting an idea of Sacred Hawk’s aesthetic. Formerly an ASOS concession, the brand is now available on Depop and is a collection of the most lavish glam grunge pieces, all vintage or reworked vintage. Some things are a bit on the pricey side but I would say they are all priced fairly considering how unique and ornate a lot of the pieces are, and I reeeeally wanna be able to say I own something from there one day.

I struggled with how to categorise this Depop shop in terms of price point because although there are some fairly low-priced pieces, the standouts are the vintage coats which are understandably a lot more expensive-if you want to fully immerse yourself in the Almost Famous Penny Lane fantasy, you’re gonna have to fork out a little bit.

Retro_rail is of a similar vein to IdentityParty, in that the standout pieces are the vintage coats which are usually upwards of £100-if you’re looking for one-of-a-kind statement outerwear to invest in, I can’t recommend this shop enough. If you’re like me and you’re looking for something more within the £ to ££ price range, Retro Rail is still worth a browse as inspiration for the kind of styles you might wanna try and find elsewhere on Depop.

Most of the quirky vintage pieces you’ll find on offer on this Depop shop are within the £25 to £40 price range and though you’ve got coats similar to those you’ll find on Identity Party and Retro Rail and they are sill slightly more than the tops and trousers and dresses on sale etc., they are more modestly priced than the other 2 listed.

Another v pricey one, dreamersrebels specialises in the daintiest, most whimsical 60s style co-ords I’ve ever seen. Handmade upon purchase, which in turn guarantees little textile waste, you can find the kind of pieces you’d expect to see on a 21st century incarnation of Audrey Hepburn, all the soft pastels and timeless, retro silhouettes you could possibly wish for. I mean, wishing is pretty much all I can do rn but anyone with a near minimum wage retail job knows you need something to aspire to, lol. I managed to budget enough to treat myself to a Selkie dress so I’m manifesting that same level of self-discipline to get me a dreamersrebels piece next.

Very affordable vintage pieces that range from cutesy mid-century style dresses and coats to grungy 90s jackets, perfectly styled and presented too in a way that will have you wanting to order something for yourself to replicate that modern spin on old staples and give them a second life.

Another Depop shop where the clothes are styled so well, it’ll have you thinking you can make anything from a floral 1950s housewife style cardigan to a lycra jumpsuit look very intentionally on trend.

There’s also Jahooli, which I will just say ticks all the same boxes as the other two aforementioned stores to avoid repeating myself.

In terms of price, I would put Lovely and Loveless into the same category as Jahooli, Awkward Phase and Evie Hallows, the difference being that the clothes available are more on the dainty, classically feminine side. People who have a Pinterest board dedicated to the cottagecore or light academia aesthetic (whew, the gen Z is showing), this one’s for you.

Finally, we have the ChloeStJohn Depop shop and it’s definitely a good one to end on; picture the wardrobe of Carrie Bradshaw if she’d lived in Camden instead of New York in the 90s and hung out with a slightly edgier crew than Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha and there you have it, the vibe of the pieces on offer. Does it belong to a girl who probs lives near Primrose Hill and has access to all the boujiest second hand clothes shops available which she most likely routinely raids to resell on Depop? Potentially, but hopefully not because I am very here for this whole red wine in one hand and a cigarette in another back when people were allowed to smoke inside bars aesthetic. I’m sorry that the gen Z part of me once again jumped out in such an aggressive fashion with that last sentence, but I know you know what I mean.
And that’s everything!
I did wanna close off the post with a reminder of how nuanced a discussion this is-having the time and money to be more conscious about your ethical footprint when you’re buying clothes is in itself a privilege; fashion shouldn’t be an interest reserved for only those who have the means to pay extra or spend time scouring the internet. It’s also important to be aware of the lack of size inclusivity-a lot of the “trendy” sustainable fashion brands tend to not stock anything larger than a size 14 and attempt to deflect attention away from this by categorising clothes as either XS, S, M, or L, which is in itself a bit of a pisstake considering that 12-14 is the average clothing size here for women in the UK, and so in no way large. Shopping from Depop and Ebay is hard too when so many brands fail to understand how to fit a non-straight size body which in turn necessitates trying stuff on before you buy it, something that isn’t possible when you’re shopping second hand. A lot of Depop shops fail to offer returns and even with those who do, chasing up that return can be a time-consuming and generally all round frustrating process.
Basically, when we’re having these kinds of discussions it’s important to consider everyone’s situations and avoid sitting on some kind of high horse. I feel like things have become even more complicated lately- with the recent closure of once popular high street stores such as Topshop and Miss Selfridge, it has got me thinking a lot about just how many people’s income here in the UK is dependent on fast fashion retailers too and their popularity. The job scarcity resulting from these kind of closures, which are often all that is available to a lot of people with the demands of the job market seemingly becoming more and more impossible each day even for those who have been in higher education, is clearly an issue when the kind of support you can expect from the government as someone out of work is so woefully inadequate and likely to become even more so as the conservatives push for further cuts to UC and PIP. The past year has really shown us just how shaky the ground that an intensely capitalist society stands on is and how quickly everything can go tits up when we don’t invest in a safety net for those who are struggling. People seem to have realised more than ever the extent to which those whose jobs we deem “low-skilled” are actually the backbone of society, and yet even here, whilst the situation may not be quite as desperate as it is elsewhere, we still haven’t seen pay rises that reflect that. Turns out all the clapping WAS an empty gesture, who’d have thought it (for fuck’s sake)? Fair wages really are a global issue that starts with paying people enough for them to comfortably live on and in time should lead to a shift in consciousness away from the concept of profit before everything else and towards an equal playing field for everyone, something we should take every opportunity to speak up about and demand from our “leaders”, however shit a job so many of those leaders do. It’s frustrating how the focus on making ethical purchasing choices is so often on the overconsumption of things that women historically are more actively interested in such as clothes and accessories and make up when the reality is that the wealth of every industry titan on this planet, NOT just the ones who dominate the fast fashion sphere, depends on them continuing to get away with exploiting people-we should be looking at how we can show our dissatisfaction in all areas. Maybe I’m perpetuating that with this post, since a lot of the online retailers I mentioned only sell women’s clothing, but that being said, I’m not about to do men’s work for them, lol-they should make the effort, if possible, to research into sustainable clothing alternatives too.
Anyway, that’s the end of this post! If you read to the end, thank you so much! If I’ve made any errors in my research or there are more sustainable clothing brands that I could’ve mentioned, feel free to inbox me them too, and I can add them to this post if Tumblr allows. It’s usually a little bitch when it comes to editing long posts but I’ll try my best:) Again, thanks for reading! And if you are, I hope you are safe and well!
Lauren x
#sustainability#sustainable#sustainable fashion#fashion#fashion inspo#style#style inspo#grunge#grunge aesthetic#the ragged priest#lazy oaf#depop#second hand#lookbook#vintage#thrifting#mingalondon#minga#vintage finds#vintage fashion#jaded london#house of sunny
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Hello im a Tommy enthusiast who watched that one stream where he monologued to foolish for like hafe an hour bc i heard it was a cool stream or wtv to realize how much amazing character moments it had that barly anyone in this damn fandom is talking about so ill fucking do it
(Only after finishing this i realized i wrote 1.7k words LOL OOPS)
If u dont know what in talking about its this stream (apologies for linking a clips channel the actual vod on foolish's channel is deleted by now)
Also heads up /rp /dsmp every time i refer to someone here by name is their character unless stated otherwise bc writing c! Before every name Is tiring LOL
Also // suicidal idealization , death mentions
The conversation starts off with foolish and tommy mining for Wilbur, and foolish questions how simply mining will solve the problem to which Tommy reponds with "they dont get solved, do they? It just ends uo with some madman screaming 'Hes solved it!' And now look at him." And how he wants to "prevent the problem before it goes outta hand" something that clearly references Wilbur and his destruction of lmanburg, which paired with him collecting stone for Wilbur as the way to stop said problems he believes if he does anything he can for Wilbur and support him by his side enough this time around, that he wont do anything like thay again, which as im writing this makes be realize by doing that we learn hes blaming himself for what happened to Wilbur in November 16th and pogtopia and a whole, by not being enough for Wilbur in his mind.
The conversation continues, foolish off hand asks why would tommy want to stop Wilbur? Weren't they friends at some point? To which tommy leads foolish to lmanburg and tells him the story of the nation (how it was him and Wilbur's nation, how they made it to espace dream's iron fist and how they held an election "which puts your life on the line, which is good- if you're confident but- perhaps we were too confident", how they lost)
Tommy: "You know the phrase: 'treat other how you wanna be treated', foolish? People dont ever listen to it. Wilbur- he decided he wanted to be treated poorly so he treated everyone around him poorly "
This Tommy quote, to me at least, so so amazingly strong in conveying how understanding he is? To the world around him. Like-
I have not seen one person bring this quote up, and yet its (at least to me) shows such growth and understanding in Tommy i saw little to nothing like it in other streams. It shows he understands, he knew Wilbur didnt change just because, he knows he was struggling, that he thought everyone around him were againt him, were going to abandon him the first chance theyll get- and he thought he deserved it. So he, as a last way to defend himself against that, hurt them first, abandoned them first, so theyll see how much of a 'bad' person he was and take him out- and tommy saw right through that, possibly understanding it more after exile.
This next qoute was talked about much more but i still wanna bring it up
Foolish: "Do you believe in second chances?"
Tommy: "Oh, no I don't really believe that its not really a thing for me foolish its just that-" *sigh* "- i believe everyone has a little bit of good in then and this is not about giving him a second chance or a third chance- its not about *chances* foolish. Its about not giving up on the poeple you care about. "
Which. I mean. I dont know how healthy that mindset is, but comign from Tommy it makes so much sense.
Techno, tubbo, eret, sapnap. These are all people Tommy used to be extremely close to, had either a war or had been betrayed by them, and yet still found it in his heart that he still cares for them, with all of these, they did horrendous things, that hurt tommy physically and mentally, while also not being once or twice, but a contentious thing, but while tommy is to this day still effected by their actions he still found it in himself to forgive, because he knows he fucked up too, a lot, and he knoes they learned from their mistakes just as he had (except c!techno FUCKKK c!techno mf doesnt learn SHITTT) and he knows, when the time comes he knows hed want the people he hurt to forgive him too. (And he wants Wilbur to do the same)
Next qoute i will cut to a couple parts because its really so good and full of character i had to bro
Foolish: "Do you consider yourself to be the good guy or the bad guy?"
Tommy: "It really depends who you ask, isn't it? Yknow? If you asked dream he'd say im *his little toy that he plays with* you know? It doesnt.."
This part really stunned me when i first heard it because, and correct me If im wrong, but i dont think tommy ever acknowledged how dream sees him, and how right he has his viewpoint too. Just the fact tommy is so *painfully* aware of how dream doesnt even see him as a person anymore but just a toy to mess around with for a while than just throw it away when it get too boring really hurt me. Someone give this kid a hug
(Continued) Tommy: "...foolish, honestly? I used to consider myself 'the good guy', you know? The fuckin'- second in command! But these past- these past like six months or so, foolish, everything got so much harder than it was before. Because before it was just us vs bad guys, it was all so clear! But- its not been 'clear' for so long, right? It wasn't; 'these are the bad guys! These are the good guys!' Now it's : 'he's doing this and it makes him a bit worse-' i mean, it all got so complicated, so- i don't know. Depends who you ask."
He says this, in response to foolish asking if hes a good guy- but its awfully similar to if Wilbur asked him if they were the bad guys. Because foolish just asked about him, and yet in his answer tommy made sure to keep using the words "us, he's, guys" as if hes not really talking about himself, as if hes explaining how Wilbur was wrong. Which he was. Also something interesting ive noticed, he says "the last 6 months or so", which indicated that with Wilbur he knew better to follow his word and leadership- with Wilbur he was always on the right side but when he lost him he felt much more lost alone, and couldn't trust himself enough to be on the "right side" .
Foolish: "I dont know, it all seems strange because just from, you know- hearing from others and, you know, learing a little bit, its seems like you've been the hero, you've been the villain, the conqueror, the savior, and, even now, i have no idea what you exactly are."
Tommy: "that's up to you to decide, isn't it? Im just- *uh* i dont know. These days, foolish, I'm a little weaker than i used to be"
Foolish couldn't be more right with what he said, another example of this we see where a character acknowledges tommy never sticks to one thing us Charlie when calling him "tommy fron nowhere" which shows more how he cant stick to one thing, during the course of him on the server he had been friends and enemy with nearly everyone, been on pretty much all sides, and while never really intentionally, being in the center of conflict. When foolish says he doesnt know who tommy is anymroe at this point and all Tommy says in return is that "hes a little weaker than he used to be" does to show he misses who he used to be, with lmanburg, with Wilbur, when he knew who he was, now he doesn't know who he is anymore, but still so desperately want to be more demonstrated by the lines coming rigth after that one:
(Continued) Tommy: "..I'm not- I'm now who i want to be, but-"
Foolish: "Being honest with you, Tommy, that's the same case for me as well."
Tommy: "...heres the thing, foolish, unlike you i dont really have a choice. I have to try and be who i want to be, because if i dont, very bad things are gonna happen in this server. And now that Wilbur's back i can't- quite frankly *no one* can risk that. So i dont really have a choice."
Tommy want's to change- he wants to be better than he is now, to be closer to who he used to be, no matter how impossible that might be, but he also sees it as an immediate thing, he wants to change now, or asap, which is why hes collecting stone for Wilbur in the first place- old him would've done that with ease just because Wilbur asked and he wants to have that back so badly, asap. The way he talked about this reminded me of when he tried getting over his trauma stream before he went in the prison to kill dream: he knew he wasnt the best but he tried getting over that asap to go kill dream asap. He didnt wanna take the long road of years of healing and instead thought he could get over it just like that, and that experience clearly didnt teach him anything because now hes trying to slide back to the relationship he and Wilbur used to have and ignoring the drastic changes they both had plus the bad moments that were the reason they feel out in the first place, or maybe he knows, but at this point, after everything that happened to him and the server, he doesnt care anymore? He knows hes not the same he was and he'll never be the same, because thats not how it works, but his mentor, president, big brother is back after so long tommy felt so lost and alone he thinks maybe, this time around, with Wilbur, he could try and be better again.
#mcyt#dream smp#dsmp#dreamsmp#tommyinnit#mcyt foolish#dsmp foolish#dsmp tommy#analysis#character analysis#tommyinnit analysis#dsmp analysis#analysis post#long post#long
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I think we should start a protection squad (although they don’t need it because they can protect themselves) for Sun Wukong and Guanyin
“Begone monkie kid fandom trying to down grade these really interesting characters with interesting personality’s and backstory ( the both of them like seriously Guanyin backstory is so cool) to a villain wile trying to justify your angsty backstory (that are no where near as cool as monkey who fights gods and Person who has 1000 arms and heads to help people in need) for the actual villain”
So who wants to join
Me:*raises my hand*
Ps: sorry if I got Guanyin backstory wrong am not an expert on it.
Haha okay so some critiques on the jttw & associated media western fandom & fandom in general coming up, so please skip this upcoming text wall if you don't want to encounter my undoubtedly ~devastating~ words (i.e. don't like don't read as people love to say, & if I have to be inundated with images of my notp every time I go into the sun wukong tag then I imagine people can be chill with me expressing my opinions & giving people fair warning that I WILL be critiquing common fandom trends, but no need for you to see that if you don’t want to. Cool? Cool.)
PFFFFFTTT oh man there are many times when I feel like signing up for such a protection squad...when it comes to the current western jttw & Sun Wukong fandom I do feel like I'm often swinging at a rapid pace between "well it's fandom & people are allowed to make the stories they want" & "I am once again begging my fellow monkie kid enthusiasts (& sometimes creators) to do more research into the og classic/show it more respect so you can avoid any potentially offensive/off-the-mark misunderstandings of the status & cultural context of the characters in their country of origin (I promise it's super interesting & I can provide you with links to free pdf copies of the entire Yu translation, i.e. the best one ever created, so feel free to ask!) & maybe also stop constantly stripping away all the nuance of Sun Wukong's character for the sake of either making him an entire asshole so your little meow meow can look completely innocent in comparison and/or making the monkey king's entire life & character revolve around said meow meow."
Like I get that fandom's supposed to be a kind of anything-goes environment, but one thing that honestly seems to be true of a lot of fandoms--and the western one for Sun Wukong & co. is certainly not immune from this--is that there often seems to be a kind of monoculturalization at work in what stories are created & what character interpretations are made popular. Across a multitude of fandoms, you frequently see basically nothing but the exact same tropes being made popular & even being insisted on for the canonical work (especially hasty redemption arcs & enemies to lovers these days), the exact same one-dimensional character types that characters from an original work keep getting shoved into, the exact same story beats, etc. And I get it to an extent, as fandom is generally a space where people just make art and fic for fun & without thinking too hard about it & without any pressure.
This seems to, however, often unfortunately lead to the mentality that it’s your god-given right to do literally whatever you want with literally any cultural figure without even the slightest bit of thought put into their cultural, historical, and even religious context, even (and sometimes especially) when it comes to figures that are really important in a culture outside your own. For such figures--even if you first encounter them in a children’s cartoon--you should be a little more careful with what you do with them than you would with your usual Saturday morning line-up. It of course has to be acknowledged that there exists a whole pile of absolutely ridiculous & cursed pieces of media that are based on Journey to the West & that were produced in mainland China, but for your own education if nothing else I consider it good practice for those of us (myself certainly included) who aren’t part of the culture that produced JTTW to put more thought into how we might want to portray these characters so that at the very least (to pull some things I’ve seen from the jttw western fandom) we’re not turning a goddess of mercy into an evil figure for the sake of Angst(TM), or relegating other important literary figures into the positions of offensive stereotypes, or making broad claims about the source text & original characterizations of various figures that are blatantly untrue, or mocking heavenly deities because of what’s actually your misunderstanding of how immortality works according to Daoist beliefs. Yet while a lot of this is often due to people not even trying to understand the context these figures are coming from, I do want to acknowledge that the journey (lol reference) to understand even a fraction of the original cultural context can be a daunting one, especially since, as I’ve mentioned before, it can be really hard & even next to impossible to find good, accessible, & legitimate explanations in English of how, for example, the relationship between Sun Wukong and the Six-Eared Macaque is commonly interpreted in China & according to the Buddhist beliefs that define the original work.
That is to say, I do think it’s an unfortunate, if unavoidable, part of any introduction of an original text into a culture foreign to its own for there to be sometimes a significant amount of misinterpretation, mistranslations, and false assumptions. There is, however, a big difference between learning from your honest mistakes, & doubling down on them while dismissing all criticism of your misinterpretation into that abstract category of “fandom drama.” The latter attitude is kind of shitty at best and horrifically entitled at worst.
Plus, as I’ve discovered, there is a great deal of interest and joy to be drawn from keeping yourself open to learning aspects of these texts & figures that you weren’t aware of! I can say from my own experience that I’ve always really enjoyed & appreciated it when individuals on this site who come from a Chinese background--and who know much more about the cultural context of JTTW than me--have taken the time to explain its various aspects. It often leaves me feeling like woooooaaaahhhhhHHH!!!! as to how amazingly full of nuanced meaning JTTW is like dang no wonder it’s one of China’s Four Great Classical Novels.
And I guess that right there is the heart of a lot of my own personal frustration and disappointment with the ways that fandoms often approach a literary work or other piece of media...like don’t get me wrong, a lot of the original works a fandom may grow around are just straight-up goofy & everyone’s aware of it & has fun with it, yet the trend of approaching what are often nuanced and multi-layered works in terms of how well they fit and/or can be shoved into pretty cliche ideas of Redemption Arc or Enemies to Lovers or Hero Actually Bad, Villain Actually Good etc...well, it just seems to cheapen and even erase even the possibility of understanding the wonderful complexity or even endearing simplicity that made these works so beloved in the first place. Again, I feel like I need to make it clear that I’m not saying fandom should be a space where people are constantly trying to one-up each other with their hot takes in literary analysis, but it would be nice and even beneficial to allow room for commentary that strives to approach these works in a multi-faceted way, analysis & interpretations that go against the popular fandom beliefs, & criticism of the work or even of fandom trends (yes it is in fact possible to legitimately love something but still be critical of its aspects) instead of immediately attacking people who try to engage in such as just being haters who don’t want anyone to have fun ever (X_X).
Anyway, I know I didn’t cover even half of the stuff you brought up in the first place anon, but I don’t want any interested parties to this post to suffer too long through my text wall lol. I was asked to try my hand at illustrating Guanyin, but as with you I’m nowhere near as informed as I should be about her, so I want to do more research on her history and religious importance before I attempt a portrait. I’ll try my best, and do plan to pair that illustration with my own outsider’s attempt to summarize her character. From what little I do know I am in full agreement that her backstory is so incredibly amazing...just the fact that she literally eschewed the bliss of Nirvana to help all beings reach it, and even split herself into pieces in the attempt to do so (with Buddha granting her eleven heads and a thousand arms as a result)...man, I can see why she’s such a beloved & respected deity.
As for what western fandom commonly does with everyone’s favorite god-fighting primate...I can talk about this at length if there’s interest, but for this post I’ll just say that I guess one lesson from all of this is that for all the centuries that have passed since Journey to the West was first completed, literally no one drawing inspiration from the original tale in the west (lol) has come even slightly close to being able to equal or even capture half the extent of the nuance, complexity, religious, historical, and cultural aspects, and humor that define Wu Cheng'en's story of an overpowered monkey who defied even Buddha.
So thank the heavens we'll always have the original.
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Square Filled: Ice Play
Characters: Sam x Olivia (OFC)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Olivia’s fairy tale with Sam continues with a morning spent in bed on the first day of the new year.
Word Count: 4024
A/N: Thanks to @fangirlxwritesx67 and @dean-winchesters-bacon my wonderful betas and just generally beautiful people for all their suggestions and taking the journey through the development of this story with me.
A/N 2: This is Part 3 of the series Surrender to the Truth.
Catch Up: It Begins (Part 1) Texas Magic (Part 2)
Created for @spnkinkbingo
Sam was holding Olivia’s hand in the elevator. His fingers were entwined with hers, and she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this happy. She’d never had a year start out with this much promise. Her heart felt light with possibility, inspired by the way Sam had kissed her at the stroke of midnight just minutes before.
When they reached the 26th floor, the car stopped, the doors opened, and the other two people in the elevator exited, leaving them alone. Sam let go of Olivia’s hand and turned to face her, pressing her into the wall. His mouth covered hers, and she felt herself going weak from his kiss. He could almost make her literally light headed, like she had lost touch with reality, her mind floating in a blissful place created for her by him.
When his hand traveled below her waist to rest on her hip while he kissed her, she had the presence of mind to say, “Sam, the doors could open. Somebody could see us.”
He squeezed her ass. The way he was looking at her made her understand what smolder meant. “They could.” He paused for a minute, letting what he’d said sink in, and the idea of having an audience suddenly became very hot. Then, he raised his hand to caress her cheek. “Everybody on the other side of those doors should envy me because I’m in here with you.”
The bell dinged, and Sam let his hand drop from her face. They had reached their floor. He put his hand on her waist, very respectable for anyone who might see. Olivia thought about what they must look like to anyone who saw them, and it made her smile. They no doubt appeared to be a couple headed back to their room after the party.
The reality was they had two rooms, but maybe tonight they wouldn’t need them both. Olivia’s heart began to beat faster when Sam stopped at his door and took her hands in his. “Will you come inside with me?”
She gave herself a minute to enjoy that this was actually happening after weeks of dreaming about it, already the smile was blooming across her face. “Yes.” She uttered the word that was going to change her life, knowing that if she spent this night with Sam her feelings for him would grow even deeper, and she would be committing herself to a path that she would find difficult if not impossible to leave should things not work out.
He took off his jacket as soon as they were in the room and tossed it on the bed. Sam pulled the shirt from his tuxedo pants and started to unbutton it. Olivia couldn’t take her eyes off him. Sam opened the buttons to the middle of his chest, and he stopped, his hands hovering over the next button. He fixed his eyes on Olivia. “Do you want to finish for me?”
Olivia stepped out of her high heels and walked toward him, and Sam moved his hands so she could take the button in her fingers. She made her way down his shirt. With each button she opened, she exposed more of his golden skin. When the shirt was hanging open, she put her hand on the center of his chest and slipped her fingers beneath the fabric to feel his skin, as warm and soft as she remembered, over the firmness of his pecs.
Sam bent and kissed her again. This time his tongue touched the seam of her lips, asking for entrance. She parted them, letting him in. He put his hand into her hair and lightly grasped a handful while he kissed her. Olivia’s hand slid down his body to just below his ribs, and she let it rest there. She needed to touch him, remind herself he was solid and real; this wasn’t a dream.
He still tasted faintly like chocolate from the dessert they’d shared earlier. She pushed the white dress shirt off his shoulders and down his back. It fell to the floor, and she put her arms around him so she could feel the muscles rippling beneath his shoulder blades while he continued to kiss her and drag her deeper into the kaleidoscope of feelings she had for him. They were ever changing but always beautiful and fascinating as the form of them changed.
She heard herself make a noise somewhere between a sigh and a whimper as Sam kissed down her neck all the way to her clavicle that was peeking out from the v-neck of her dress. He sucked on it gently, and she started to ache for him in her core.
Sam reached behind her and eased down the zipper of her dress. With just as much care, like he hadn’t undressed her before, he peeled the dress from her body, and it pooled on the floor. Sam lowered his eyes and looked down her body like he’d never seen it before either.
“God, you are amazingly beautiful.” His words stirred something in her. She’d heard them before, or some variation. Usually when men said them, it meant “I want to fuck you.” This was different. Sam was looking at her like he actually saw HER, not just her body.
He held her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly, with just the right amount of passion to awaken something in her like a sleeping princess. Olivia hardly noticed him walking her in the direction of the bed while he kissed her; she was so lost in the way he was making her feel. Sam lay her down on top of the plush comforter and lowered himself on top of her.
The feel of him on her made her whisper Sam’s name into his mouth. His weight felt reassuring; she felt safe caged in his arms, even as the fire he had started inside her began to burn brighter and hotter. “Sam,” she called his name again.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered against her lips.
He made her feel so secure, so wanted. She wasn’t thinking. “Make me yours.”
Sam kissed her more deeply, his tongue becoming more insistent as it circled hers. He moved his hand slowly down her body, taking his time to feel every inch of her skin. Then he slipped his hand into her panties and found her clit. He teased it while he kissed her, moving his finger over it slowly, until it was swollen and aching.
Then he started to move his finger in fast circles, causing Olivia to grab onto his shoulders and gasp, “Oh, God. Sam.”
He nuzzled his nose into her neck just below her ear. “Let go. Come for me, Liv. Make my hand wet. Show me how much you want me.”
Her walls clenched hard around the emptiness when she came. “Sam, I need you.” She sunk her fingers into his hair while her orgasm continued to tear through her.
Sam covered her mouth with his and kissed her while she climaxed. “You’ve got me, baby.”
Olivia kissed him back, her lips soft and weak from the pleasure he’d given her. “More, Sam. I want more of you. Give me all of you.”
Sam lifted himself from her to take off his pants and drag her panties down her legs, leaving her bare and wanting before him. She opened her legs, asking him again silently to give her what she needed. Sam positioned his cock at her opening and pushed inside just a little, testing her readiness for him.
Her body accepted him, stretching to accommodate his size. “Does it feel good, Liv? Am I still what you want?”
“Yes, Sam. Yes.” She pulled at his hair and raised her hips, trying to get him deeper. With a smooth motion, he thrust into her and sheathed himself completely inside her body.
Olivia couldn’t have him closer than this, but it still wasn’t enough. She wanted even more from him, never had a man been so completely all consuming when she was with him. Every thrust of his body into hers pulled her a little more into the spell he had woven around her. By the time he came with her name on his lips, she knew she had passed the point of no return. She came with him, biting her own lip to keep from screaming.
When Sam pulled out of her, Olivia felt the loss. He was still right next to her in bed, busy with removing the condom. There was nothing romantic about this moment, but she still felt the pull from within her to reach out and touch him to reassure herself he was still there. Olivia resisted the urge and focused on catching her breath. She could barely breathe after what he’d done to her, the feelings he’d stirred to life that Olivia suspected would now never die. One day she would feel him inside her without that thin layer of rubber between them. She would know exactly what she was feeling, be able to put it to words, and say it out loud.
When he finished the necessary business, Sam laid down next to her and put his arms around her. “Are you okay?”
Olivia nodded. “Y...yes. It’s just that was...intense.”
Sam gave her his softest smile, barely turning up the corners of his mouth. “Yeah. It was.” He shifted a little to grab a handful of the comforter under him and moved to pull it from beneath him. “C’mon. Get under with me. I don’t want you to get cold.”
The covers were warm, but Sam’s body was warmer. As soon as she was in the sheets with him, Sam pulled her close. He kissed the corner of her mouth and reached behind her to open the hooks on her bra that she was still wearing. He lowered his head to her breast and placed a single kiss on her nipple.
She shivered from the tenderness of it. Sam moved his mouth back to hers and kissed her just as tenderly there. “This is the best New Year’s Eve I’ve ever had.” Those were the last words he said to her before she fell asleep in his arms.
The next morning Olivia awoke to an empty bed. A bubble of panic rose up in her, and she grabbed Sam’s pillow. She could still smell him all over the bed. Where was he? Last night was too good to be true. She knew it. It was too much like a fairytale, or some romantic movie. Olivia sat up and held the sheet against her chest, suddenly very aware of how naked she was in Sam’s bed, and he was gone.
That was the moment Sam came strolling out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist, slung low over his hips. He walked over to the bed and leaned down to kiss her. “Morning, gorgeous.”
The smile instantly spread across Olivia’s face again. Sam’s hair was still damp from the shower. She reached out to touch it, wanting to know how it felt wet. It was still soft; she curled the ends of it around her fingers. His hair was the softest thing about him, other than his lips, and Olivia felt a blush beginning to creep into her cheeks, remembering everywhere those lips had been on her body.
She’d been so focused on her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the way Sam was smiling at her. “You’re even prettier in the morning,” he said. Now, the blush that had been on the verge of happening bloomed over her cheeks. Sam kissed her flushed cheek. “Why don’t you take your turn in the bathroom? Breakfast is going to be here soon.”
“Breakfast?” Olivia sat up straighter and tucked the sheet around her like a sheath.
Sam rubbed his thumb over her bare shoulder with an easy familiarity and sensual reminder of the night before. “Yeah, breakfast. I ordered room service while you were still sleeping.”
Sam noticed the way Olivia was holding the sheet around herself. He lifted one side of his mouth in a flirty half smile. “I can look away while you walk to the bathroom. Or….” He stood up and finished his sentence. “You can have my towel.”
He untucked the fold of the towel that was holding it on his body, and it fell away from him. Sam held it out to her. She’d spent all night in bed with this man, allowing him to do all kinds of marvelous and memorable things to her. Still, the sight of him naked made her mouth fall open slightly.
Olivia’s eyes made their way from his hazel eyes that were the green of emeralds shining in sunlight right now, down over his impressively broad and muscled shoulders to the veins in his strong forearms. They moved down farther to his taut abs and the thin line of hair leading down to his cock that was large and thick even while soft and hanging between his legs. Her eyes finished their journey down his legs, as lean and muscular as the rest of his body, and back up to his face.
Sam was still holding his towel out to her. “Go ahead. Put it on.” It surprised Olivia just how well he could read her. She was not feeling nearly as bold or confident as he was on this morning after, but she could certainly appreciate, and was thankful, that he was.
The towel was as damp as his hair, but Olivia didn’t care. She liked knowing she was putting on the same towel that had been around him just seconds before, and it was true she wasn’t ready to feel his gaze on her nude body in the bright light of morning. She told herself she was just being weird to feel self conscious at this point, after how intimate they had been with each other, but it made her feel vulnerable not knowing exactly where whatever this was between them stood.
Sam did turn his back while she got out of bed and put on the towel, but he made it seem like the most natural thing in the world. He was rifling through his suitcase, looking for some clothes, conveniently facing the other direction. Olivia couldn’t help herself. She snuck a peek at his firm ass as she made her way to the bathroom.
Once there, Olivia took a deep breath. She was still waiting for the coach to turn into a pumpkin. So many thoughts and feelings had been coursing through her that more practical matters had completely vacated her mind. Things like she didn’t have any clothes. The cocktail dress she’d been wearing when she entered Sam’s room the night before was still on the floor where it had fallen when he took it off her.
Sam was thinking more clearly. There, on the counter, lay one of his t-shirts that he had folded neatly and left for her. Olivia ran her fingers over the Egyptian cotton, appreciating the luxury of it and the thoughtfulness of the man who’d left it there for her.
She dropped Sam’s towel to the floor and turned on the water in the shower. She checked the stream to see that it was warm enough before she stepped inside. Rivulets of water ran down her body, and she turned so the water could cascade over her hair. She ran her hands through it, pushing it back from her face.
Olivia closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of it. She luxuriated in the water running over her body for a minute or two before she began to bathe herself. The hotel had, of course, provided bath gel and shampoo in an almond scent that was divine; but Olivia wished she had her own that was back in her room. She wanted to smell pretty for Sam, the way she’d smelled last night.
When she was done with her shower, she toweled herself off and slipped Sam’s t-shirt over her head. The v-neck was cut so deep it went nearly down to the top of her stomach, but she was covered. Funny, she was trying to cover herself now. Fortunately, it was also long enough to conceal her lack of underwear.
Breakfast had arrived when she reentered the bedroom, and Sam was arranging food on a tray. He looked up; his eyes skimmed her body, taking note of what she was wearing. Olivia thought for a moment that she saw the flash of a memory in his eyes, or at least she hoped she did.
His smile and the accompanying dimples shortly followed whatever he’d been thinking. “Get back in bed.” His voice was smooth and suggested a hint of a request, just enough to not be an unmistakable direction he expected Olivia to follow.
She climbed back into bed and settled the covers over her lap. Sam placed the tray over her legs. Considering how much food was on it, he must have ordered everything on the menu. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, fresh fruit and cream; sweet and savory were well represented.
The clock hadn’t struck midnight yet; the fairytale continued. “Sam, what is all this?”
He sat down next to her on the bed. “I wanted to make sure you have something you like.”
Sam noticed Olivia eyeing the strawberries. He picked one up, dipped it into the cream, and held it to her lips. She took a bite, and Sam’s eyes didn’t leave her mouth as she chewed. When she swallowed, he kissed the corner of her 0mouth and licked his lips, tasting the bit of cream she’d left there. He lifted his darkening eyes to hers and said, “Strawberries may be the sexiest food there is.”
He was doing it to her again. All her words bypassed her brain and went directly out her mouth. “When you’re holding one, they are.”
Sam picked up a pancake, rolled it, and dipped it into the cream. He painted Olivia’s bottom lip with it then kissed it off. “Maybe it’s pancakes.” His whisper was suggestive, and he tapped the rolled up pancake against Olivia’s lips.
She opened her mouth to take a bite and kept her eyes focused on him while she chewed. Then she answered, “They’re good too.”
They ate breakfast together from Olivia’s tray, alternating between feeding themselves and each other. The looks they shared became longer and more lingering throughout the meal. Between bites of food, there were sweet and sensual kisses that danced on the edge of passion until finally falling over that edge to open need for each other.
Sam’s tongue tangled around Olivia’s, the intensity of the kiss increasing until he broke it to move the tray from between them. He put it on the floor, not bothering to take it back to the table. The only thing he kept from the tray was his water glass which he put on the bedside table.
With nothing in his way, Sam pulled Olivia close and kissed her with her body pressed against him. She could feel the heat radiating from him. Her own body was heating up in response to the way he was moving against her, and when he eased his hand inside the “v” of the shirt to cup her breast she moaned.
“You like that, baby?” Sam pushed the shirt out of the way, freeing her breast, closed his mouth over her nipple and began to suck. Olivia sank her fingers into his hair and held him to her.
He swirled his tongue around her nipple and licked her like she was the best thing he’d tasted that morning, even sweeter than the cream at breakfast. Sam pulled off her nipple slowly, raising his eyes to meet hers. “Do you know how hot you are?”
Her only reply was the raising and lowering of her chest as her breathing got faster. Sam reached for his glass on the bedside table and pulled an ice cube from it. He ran it down the side of her neck, and she shuddered at the cold. Sam continued dragging the ice down her body to her exposed breast.
He touched the ice to the tip of her nipple where the heat of his mouth had been, and she arched her back into it. “You are so sensitive, Liv. I love that about you.”
Sam pushed the other side of the shirt open and latched his mouth onto her nipple while he continued to tease the first with the ice. She was clenching now, yearning to feel him inside her. “Sam, please.”
When the ice had completely melted, he moved his hand down between her legs to stroke her clit with his cold fingers. After a few seconds, Sam moved his mouth from one breast to the other. His mouth felt even hotter on her chilled nipple. “Oh, God. Sam.”
Olivia was so caught up in the sensations he was producing in her body, she didn’t realize what he was doing until she felt the ice cube touch her clit. She grabbed at his back, and when he eased it lower and pushed it inside her; she thought she might come undone. Sam circled his fingers on her clit while the ice melted inside her. He released her nipple so he could watch her.
When the ice had turned to water that leaked from her onto the sheets and her orgasm started to wash through her, Sam caught her mouth with his. He kissed her through every shake and spasm of her body. He felt her body go lax when she was spent, and he slowed his kiss.
Her soft little breaths filled his mouth. Her kiss was equally soft, weakened from the intensity of her orgasm, but her desire for him was still strong. “You, Sam. You.” Olivia’s hand closed around his hard shaft through his sweatpants. “I want you.”
Sam had no intention of denying her. He stripped off his clothes in a matter of seconds, and pinned Olivia’s wrists over her head, encircling them in one of his strong hands. He entered her with one deep, smooth thrust. Sam started to move, using the sounds she made as a guide to let him know when to speed up, slow down, or go deeper.
This time they came together. Sam grunted just before he let go with his release, and Olivia urged him on with her whimpers of pleasure. She contracted around him, milking him for everything he had.
Sam collapsed over her but kept his full weight off her, holding himself up on his forearms. He took a few seconds to catch his breath, then slipped from her and rolled to the side. He lay on his back next to her, his arm over his head. “That was incredible.” His breathing still hadn’t returned completely to normal.
Olivia looked at the ceiling for a moment before letting her eyelids flutter closed, enjoying the sound of his voice and the warmth of his body beside her. “You’re going to wear me out, Sam.” She smiled as she said it, her eyes still closed.
She opened them when she felt Sam shift position. He was propped on one elbow, looking down at her. “I’ve got an idea.”
He looked almost boyish the way his hair was falling in his face, and he was clearly pleased with whatever he was thinking. Olivia smiled up at him. “What’s this idea?”
“It’s New Year’s Day, so most everything in town will be closed, but the parks will be open.” Sam leaned down to kiss her softly, then continued explaining what he had in mind. “There’s a park by the river where I’d go to think when I used to come to Austin. I’d like to show it to you. We could take a picnic. What do you think?”
Olivia reached up to brush his hair back from his forehead. “I think I’d like that.” Her heart was fluttering in her chest. This year was off to a very promising start.
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @shaniquacynthia @tumbler-tidbits @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @jules-1999 @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @volleyballer519 @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @sorenmarie87 @lovealways-j @mrswhozeewhatsis @spnbaby-67 @wayward-and-worn @asthesunwentdown @vulgar-library @petitgateau911 @thinkinghardhardlythinking
Sam/Jared: @girl-next-door-writes @stunudo @feelmyroarrrr @idabbleincrazy @evansrogerskitten @focusonspn @autumninavonlea @durinsbride @deansyahtzee @waywardnerd67 @fullmooner @sams-sass @beskaradberoya @fromsamwtocordellw
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How’ve you never been a Draco anti? Just cause he was a teenager doesn’t mean he had the right to make disgusting racist comments and do other ignorant shit. Age is just a number. I don’t mean that in a creepy sexualising way or anything but there’s never an age where it’s okay or acceptable to be racist and just be a terrible person overall. Sorry I’m all for respecting opinions and whatever but I really can’t comprehend how you apparently didn’t go anti for him. You called him insufferable in the Malfoy TLSQ but that wasn’t even him at his worst 😒
(Going under the cut, this became a #LongPost)
Did I say that? I don't doubt it but I have no memory of this and I don't really think I'd agree with that description anyway. Because he really wasn't insufferable during that quest, you're right. He was pretty spoiled for sure, and if anything I was pleased to see that side of him which the films could occasionally downplay. Like, don't get me wrong, Jason Isaacs is amazing, but he has specifically talked about his motivation during interviews, how he wanted to build sympathy for Draco by being such a cruel father. Which is just...not the kind of dynamic Lucius and Draco had, and I've talked about this before, but Lucius abusing Draco is just very out-of-character if you ask me. It's also the secret backstory of every cheesy Draco redemption fanfic ever and by no means is that limited to his character, but he's a prominent example of the trope. Ben Solo is another.
As far as the books go, Draco is another character like Snape where he gets downplayed. In the early books, he was such a pain in the ass, but I never took him seriously as a threat even as a child. I knew enough about bullying to recognize how small he felt on the inside. In no way does this make it okay for him to behave the way he does in books 1-5, I'm just saying that he was scarcely a character that I would even argue earned the title of "villain." He was Harry's school rival. The worst thing he did, by far, was the entire framing of Buckbeak. Painting this narrative of him being the innocent victim of a savage monster, with Hagrid as the negligent fool who let it happen. Draco felt humiliated and wanted revenge, and he saw an opportunity to try and get Hagrid fired. And amazingly, despite an entire classroom of witnesses who can verify that Hagrid did everything by the books and that Draco's own arrogance got him just a minor scratch....he is still, even next year, telling people like Rita Skeeter about the Hippopriff attack. How is he getting away with that? Well, I say this, and then I remember that the man behind the "Anti Vaccine" study had his license revoked after it was debunked and yet he continued to give lectures about the dangers of vaccines...
Boy, I'm getting off topic. Draco's character just doesn't bother me that much because I don't take him seriously. The Buckbeak Incident was his worst moment by far, but he remains a stagnant character for the first five books. And god damn, how can I not empathize with him starting in Half Blood Prince? Voldemort selects him for a mission that he fully expects to result in his death, all to punish Lucius. It is made very clear to Draco that he must murder his school Headmaster, Albus freaking Dumbledore. I have already on many occasions, documented how much this world reveres him as an all powerful, omniscient force of nature. I doubt I need to reiterate just how daunting and impossible this task would and did start to feel for Draco. But the consequences for failure were plainly stated. Either Dumbledore had to die, or Draco and his parents would die. He was all of sixteen years old, and he was cornered by Voldemort, when his family was already deeply involved with the Death Eaters.
I hold nothing against Draco for any choice he made in HBP. What was he supposed to do? He was trapped. He had no reason to trust Snape or Dumbledore, and they were probably his only lifelines. Even if he had managed to escape Voldemort, his parents would still have been in danger. Dumbledore offers them protection up in the Astronomy Tower, but how does Draco know he's telling the truth? How does he know that to be a promise that Dumbledore can keep? In the end, he couldn't do it. He didn't have it in him to take Dumbledore's life. Despite all that pressure on him. I think that means something. The stress of trying to carry out the mission was making him physically ill. Oh, and this was the year that Harry hit him with Secumsempra. Probably the stupidest thing Harry ever did, and I'd say it leaves them even for Ron and the poisoned mead, however indirectly. After Snape kills Dumbledore, Draco just tries to keep his head down. All he can do is nod or shake his head whenever Voldemort addresses him at Death Eater meetings.
When The Golden Trio is captured and taken to Malfoy Manor...Draco's fear, and his growing moral conflict, show themselves again. He cannot commit to identifying Harry, even though we're meant to assume he knew damn well that it was Harry. Now, sure. You can argue that he wanted to wait and be absolutely sure before they went as far as summoning Voldemort. Or you can argue that he just didn't want Voldemort to show up because he was frightened of him. I think that's more likely. Because Harry under a stinging hex is one thing, but Hermione? When asked if Hermione was who they thought she was, he once again gives an evasive "Yeah, it could be." Like it's not clear as day. Draco flip-flops a lot during Deathly Hallows. He does try to capture Harry during the Battle of Hogwarts...and a childhood best friend dies before his very eyes. Ultimately, Harry's choice to save Draco winds up being a positive inversion of his choice to save Wormtail. Saving Wormtail guaranteed Voldemort's return. Saving Draco, on the other hand, ensured Narcissa's cooperation, and thus, it bought enough time for Neville to kill Nagini, and doom Voldemort once and for all. Harry saving Draco made all the difference.
In canon, Draco is little more than a sleazy coward. His story echoes that of Regulus, and sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like if he had taken on a more heroic role toward the end and had a more complete redemption. That said, I don't strictly speaking, mind that he didn't. I love the image of the Malfoys just huddled together after the battle, unsure if they're welcome or not, but no one is actually sparing them a thought. I also like final shot of them in the film, where they just up and leave. That works for them. There was apparently a cut scene where Draco was supposed to throw Harry his wand and properly defect...and while that would have been pretty cool, again: He didn't need a full redemption necessarily. The books kind of ran out of time, especially since there was no eighth year. Draco was not emotionally ready to do the right thing. But he had learned enough about himself and the world to know that he was uncomfortable doing the wrong thing. It's easy to parrot the slurs you're taught from the cradle, but as you get older and are expected to start participating in hate crimes and things of the like...you might begin to realize just how fucked up it all is. Even if the realization is slow. Even if you're not brave enough to take a stand.
TL;DR: Early books Draco is annoying, but no more so than a fly. I just kind of brush him off. Late books Draco is actually a very compelling character and he has my sympathy.
#Draco Malfoy#Harry Potter#Harry Potter Analysis#Lucius Malfoy#Narcissa Malfoy#Lord Voldemort#Harry Potter Books#Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince#Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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My extremely patient partner has decided to follow me down the Six rabbit hole. Very patient and very bad at names, which means we’ve started referring to everyone with descriptors instead. And it’s made me think about how amazingly diverse these performers are. NONE is quite like another. Which is probably why I would have an impossible time picking a “favorite” in nearly any role. (Aside from Adrianna Hicks as Aragon. That role is HERS.)
Bisaster!Boleyn: Millie O’Connell. She and her Boleyn are absolute chaos queers and I thank her for her service. Moniker swiped from AO3 because it suits her perfectly.
Killer Queen: Andrea Macasaet’s Boleyn. She’s so calculated and conniving. Also known around here as Brat!Boleyn but no one needs our theories about the queens’ sex lives in here. (You know I’m right though.)
Enby-leyn, Works better when said out loud than it does writing. Anyway. Maddison Bulleyment, my partner’s fave Boleyn.
The Actual Infant: Aimie Atkinson’s Howard. So fragile, so sweet, not terribly bright, a bit arrested. Think Cat from Victorious or Aimee from Sex Education. Princess Sparkle Bling Bling is also acceptable.
Harley Quinn Howard: Alicia Corrales-Connor’s Howard (they’re my partner’s fave Howard and she actually knows their name at this point, but the nickname stuck regardless). She has some crazy eyes and crazy energy, at the same time making you believe that she was in love with these men and believed they loved her and wow they’re lucky they stayed dead because she might actually kill them otherwise. (Also I’m using she/her pronouns for their Howard only, just to be clear; I know Alicia prefers they/them, but the characters are all generally considered female, so. I’m sticking with that.)
sweetest: Lauren Byrne, just in general. Small “s.” If you’ve seen her perform literally anything from this show I shouldn’t need to explain this.
She/theymour: Shannen Quan already calls themself this; we just stole it. Prior to this they were just “lil bb Seymour” because they literally look 12.
Beauty Queen Seymour: Kiersten Hodges. Both because she’s STUPIDLY pretty and because her Seymour gives me “former beauty pageant queen” vibes. She knows exactly what she’s doing on that stage and how to work an audience, and her Seymour is in it to win it. Love it so much.
Addict!Howard: Vicki Manser’s Howard has a very specific vibe that I can only describe as “former child star who turned to drugs to cope with the endless abuse inherent in the industry at a very young age and is now barely holding it together.” (I should also add...both of us have been very close to addicts and this is no way meant as either an insult or a mockery; I actually think it’s a brilliant take on Howard even though I don’t think it’s specifically what she was going for.) Probably could be a better name for this one, but...
Wine Aunt Howard: Jodie Steele’s performance at Aimie’s concert. You know the one. The Ginger Queen: Mallory Maedke. Not all of these are complicated, guys.
There are also just the ones that came from nowhere and have stuck, or are based on a single characteristic. There’s “resting bitch face,” there’s “bafflingly heterosexual,” there’s “I wanna Sey-mour” (look, I’m not proud of this one, but I’ve watched the Dance Attic performance like 20 times and I still don’t think I’ve processed a single note Natalie Paris has sung because my brain short-circuits every time I see her in yoga pants and a tank top. It’s not even sexual, her body is just so actually perfect it’s distracting), there’s a dozen or more I can’t think of in the moment. I got so used to thinking of Alexia Macintosh as “Grace Jones Cleves” before I found out her actual name that I still think of her as that. I’ve never gone too deep into the fandom but I can only assume I’m not the only one who sees that resemblance.
And every single Parr is now simply known as “the blue one.” (I mentioned to my mother - she’s nearly 80 and is strongly onboard the Six fandom train, it’s amazing - that Anna Uzele was leaving and she asked which one she was. “Parr.” *blank look* “...the blue one?” “OH.” Anyway this struck the wife as hilarious and now they’re all just “the blue one.”) Yes, even the UK alts.
Possibly the most tragic one, though...see, I was trying to express “she has the absolute sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen and her entire vibe to me is ‘would miss work trying to coax a stray cat out from under a car.’” What I actually said was “you know, sometimes Abby Mueller kinda looks like a cow, but in a good way?” Look, I’m just saying, if you want to see the gentlest, kindest and most beautiful eyes you’ll ever see, go look at a Jersey cow. Whoever decided “cow” was an insult has never actually seen a cow. But...yeah, everyone’s favorite wine aunt Seymour is, in this household, known as “oh, you know, cow eyes.”
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Episode 3
Man, Wandavision was so much better.
The one person I follow on here who also watches this show posts a lot about the politics of the show and how questionable they are, and I think there are some valid points to be made. But I think that this makes it very easy to miss the important truth: The show is amazingly committed to not saying anything at all. It’s mind-boggling.
A key element of this is how little America, as a concept, seems to figure into this. The show is all about two Captain America sidekicks, about his shield, about who gets to be Captain America, about the legacy and about the treatment of African americans… but it goes out of its way to never be about America. The new bad Captain America seems to work for a Generic Recurring Council, and also the german police (and in fact in the opening jumps out of a van that literally has “GRC Polizei” on its side).
You could maybe argue that there is a default assumption of USA-ness here; people keep talking about “your/our guys/side”, and that side seems to include the CIA. But that’s as specific as it gets, and since the other side is explicitly the fantasy evil against everything Hydra, that’s not really saying much. The scene where they introduce the new Captain America and introduce him as an all-american Hero is arguably the closest thing they come to saying something, anything, about the US as such.
Now, MCU Cap has never really been about America much. The closest he came was in the first movie, but even there, he fought Hydra instead of actual Nazis. Aside: ”The First Avenger” is easily the most pro-German american WW2 movie ever. Anyway, even then, he was on the side of the good guys, who happened to be Americans, but he wasn’t explicitly about the US, and in the movies since, he didn’t much touch on the US either; it was always about SHIELD and HYDRATE and Bucky. But in this show this becomes even more egregious, because they keep touching on stuff, apparently on accident, and then don’t do anything with it.
Isaiah Bradley is a big deal, isn’t he? You’d think he’d be a key piece to the question “what does it mean to be a symbol for America, and what is good and bad about that”. But in this show, he doesn’t actually matter. They bring him up because they know he’s important, but they don’t seem to know why.
Who does the new Captain America work for? You’d think it would either be the US government, or explicitly not the US government, but in reality it appears to be the generic world council of badness. Speaking of, what does it mean that there is a generic world council? There is a group called flag smashers who are against borders - or against the generic world council hoarding medicine, or something? It’s all stuff that seems meaningful, and you can read meaning into it (which never works in the show’s favour), but nope, it doesn’t mean anything.
The show seems scared of being political, in this political spy thriller about the meaning of a US symbol, and just ends up dithering about. Of course it’s impossible to be completely apolitical, so the show settles for what it assumes are default political statements nobody can disagree with - which are apparently, in the minds of the show runners, „US interventionism is good“, „everybody loves the US“ and so on. That sure is a choice.
So when the show talks about Captain America being a symbol or an icon, what it seems to talk about mostly is Steve Rogers himself. But that’s boring, because he’s boring, and the show has nothing of value to say about him anyway. „Steve sure was a good guy“ is the one and only note it has, and it bends itself over backwards to say it. When was Bucky into the whole stars-and-stripes stuff? Why don’t any of them remember Steve personally? Do they have opinions about Steve going back in time to destroy the legacy of Marvel’s first good TV show „Agent Carter“? …have the TV show versions of Sam and Bucky ever met Steve? The thing is that they talk about Steve as a symbol, but never as a person. The show knows that the shield is a symbol, and the man wielding it as a symbol, but it doesn’t seem to stand for anything. The shield is a symbol for the man who is a symbol because he has the shield, or something.
Okay, with that out of the way, some more notes:
The banter between Sam and Bucky is fairly good. If they had a better writer, and more of it, then we could almost say that the show had a strong point there.
Breaking Zemo out of prison is a stupid plot point, but Zemo makes the banter better, so I’m not going to complain.
I like Sharon. The mean reason why would be because she doesn’t care about the plot either, which makes her relatable, but honestly, she’s just fun here.
I do recognise the term Madripoor from the comics but I don’t care. Between you and me, I’m not sure I like the concept of „like Singapore or Hong Kong but everybody is a criminal“, it feels a bit racist to me. Are there people who have investigated the concept of the port city that is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, so to speak?
Zemo is supposed to be imprisoned in Berlin, but the uniform he steals to sneak out has the coat of arms of Hamburg. That’s completely unacceptable.
#the falcon and the winter soldier#tfatws#faws#the sambucky show#not sure i'll watch episode 4#probably if i'm really bored
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It’s time we talk about SimsDom again.
Most of you probably already know who and what Simsdom is but for those that don’t, Simsdom (or SimsDomination) claim to essentially be a CC finds website, which in essence I suppose they are... But don’t get your hopes up for a Lana replacement because they are SO much more than that. And not in a good way.
I know this is an old subject, and most people probably thought it was all over and done with, but Simsdom is still around and what’s worse is that I’ve noticed a growing trend among my fellow Game Changers who create content for Youtuber and Twitch/Mixer of promoting the site by using it to do CC shopping haul videos and streams, which is encouraging their viewers to use Simsdom. I’m not going to name names or point fingers but it made me realise that maybe some people don’t understand just how bad Simsdom is for the community in general, but especially for the amazingly dedicated CC creators of Simblr. And it’s just so disappointing to see people that some many in the community, including myself, look up to promoting this garbage site!
If you’re curious to know why this is a problem, I’ll explain under the cut. If not, keep scrolling... But don’t say I didn’t warn you.
If you visit the Simsdom website (which I’ve purposely not provided a link to because you absolutely shouldn’t visit it) you’ll notice a whole bunch of custom content is available there, more than likely you’ll even find quite a bit from some of your faves like @peacemaker-ic, @nolan-sims, @storylegacysims, @crypticsim, @renorasims, @savvysweet and MANY more. My stuff is even on there as well and if you’re a creator, the chances are high your stuff is too; whether you want it to be or not.
But don’t be fooled, myself and most of the other creators whose content appears on their site did not give permission for our content to be shared on there. In fact, most of us have specifically asked Simsdom to remove our content from their site. I say “most” because there are some people who willing uploading their content there (god knows why). The easiest way to the tell the difference is to look at who posted the content. If you see this:
That content has been shared by a bot, without the creator’s permission and more than likely against their many requests that Simsdom NOT share their content. If it says the name of the actual creator instead of “Exchange”, that creator uploaded it themselves.
You might also ask why anyone would care if their content was shared on a CC finds blog, after all, it means more traffic to our blogs and content, right? First of all, whether it brings in more traffic or not, is beside point. These creators have specifically requested Simsdom not share their content and they have been ignored, disrespected, threatened, and harassed. Simsdom claims that their users make up 30-90% of Tumblr creators traffic, but I call bullshit. I check my Google analytics every single month for traffic coming in to both my Tumblr and Blogger from Simsdom and I can tell you that LESS THAN 1% of the COMBINED TOTAL traffic from BOTH BLOGS comes from there. And when you understand how they operate, you’ll understand why that is.
In reference to Simsdom’s response to this post, they linked 5 creators that they claim meet their crazy statement that their site provides creators with 30-90% of their traffic. So I just thought I’d point out some interesting facts I noticed while looking at those sites.
One of those sites is dead; literally, it doesn’t exist anymore, if it ever even did. Another, @simiracle, is a fellow Game Changer who reblogged this post, so I’m guessing they don’t have support there. And the other 3 are alpha CC creators, none of whom have ever uploaded any of their CC to Simdom, nor have they ever mentioned Simsdom on their sites in any way. However, all three earn money on their own content via either adfly, adsense, patreon, or some combination of the three; my guess would be they wouldn’t be too happy to find out Simsdom is making money off them too.
You see, Simsdom might sometimes link back to the original creators site, but often times they don’t. I’ve noticed quite a bit of the content of my own on their site directly links to the file on SimFileShare, completely bypassing both my Tumblr and my Blogger. This might not seem like a big problem, but what about if the creator has put specific instructions, requirements, or notes on the original download page that if the downloader doesn’t read could result in broken/unusable CC, or worse, a broken game?
In reference to Simsdom’s response to this post, they linked to SimFileShare’s page on SimilarWeb and claimed that I was lying about direct-linking to my files there because their site does not appear in the list of referring sites. What they failed to mention is that that list only shows the TOP 5 sites that link to SimFileShare regularly. There are still 385 other sites that aren’t shown and can’t be seen without having an account with SimilarWeb. Convenient, huh?
I also said they only direct-linked SOME content. With my content it was only about 4 or 5 things out of the 15 or so they have on their site and I didn’t check anyone else’s stuff but I have heard other creators say the same thing. So of course they’re not going to show up in the top 5 if it’s only SOME links.
But wait, there’s more.
Anyone downloading from their website without an adblocker is forced to wade through potentially harmful ads as well. Notice the blue button that says “download” at the top? That’s not a real download button and if you click it, it will instantly begin shoving pop ups in your face claiming you have a system error or that your local law enforcement agency has detected illegal activity from your IP. Yes, I clicked it. There is nothing of importance left on my HDD (it’s all stored safely on an external drive that isn’t connected to the PC at all) because this drive has been slowly dying for weeks and I’m destroying it tomorrow and replacing it with a brand new one, so I decided to take a chance.
These ads, which are on pretty much every page of Simsdom, are what’s called “Ransomware”, and it’s whole purpose is to distract you with fake pop up “warnings” when you click on it so that you don’t realise it’s actually downloading a very harmful file to your computer in the background. It’s designed to be next to impossible to close the pop ups, so that even if you somehow became aware of the download happening, you couldn’t get past the pop ups to stop it before it’s had time to finish downloading and automatically begin running it’s payload when it’s done.
What payload? That’s the scariest part, you won’t know until it’s too late. It could be something as simple as a trojan that will force your PC to mine bitcoins, which is still harmful because these mining trojans are resource hogs and put a massive strain on your CPU. Or a trojan designed to target and encrypt specific files on your computer (usually sensitive ones) and demand you pay a literal ransom (usually either in bitcoin or pre-paid cash) and if you don’t, your files will either be complete erased or leaked.
Or worse still, it could be something even more sinister such as a key-logger; a piece of spyware that is designed to track and log EVERY. SINGLE. KEY. you touch on your keyboard. So every password you use, every online banking key code you enter, all the conversations you have via Discord, Twitter, Tumblr, or any other form of instant messaging, that fanfiction you’ve been working on that you are too scared to show anyone in case they think you’re a pervert, your credit card and bank account number you use to shop online, what porn you look for, even your Google search history (regardless of if you’re incognito); all of it will be no longer private and in the hands of someone who could use it to steal your identity, empty out your bank accounts, charge thousands of dollars worth of goods to your credit card, or expose every little strange thing you do on your computer that you thought no one would ever find out about, unless you pay their ransom.
Scary huh?
Also notice that those Get Famous recolours I made don’t say that they actually require Get Famous? Why is that a problem, you say? For most people it’s not, you see “Get Famous Recolours” and you automatically know you need Get Famous to use them, but what about people who are new to using CC and don’t know that for my recolours to work you need the pack they came from? Yeh, that’s a problem, because that particular download is one of those ones that leads straight to SimFileShare:
It leads directly to the merged file, which is NOT the only file available for download in that set, just the largest. But no one who finds my content on Simsdom will ever know that will they? Nor will they read the part of the download page that clearly states Get Famous is required to use the recolours.
I hear you saying “But adblockers are a thing”. Yes they are, but that doesn’t solve the issue of them linking straight to the file. And also, here’s what happens when you try to download something from Simsdom with an adblocker enabled:
You’re forced to wait 180 seconds before the download button appears. THREE WHOLE MINUTES in which you cannot move from that page or the counter will stop, and it will only restart when you go back to that page and stay there for the entire three minutes. Even Adfly isn’t that gross.
So, all of that isn’t enough to discourage you from using this vile site you say? Well, let me introduce you to the person/people who run the site. There are plenty of examples floating around Tumblr of how disrespectful, arrogant, immature, and disturbing the owner/s are (just search for “Simsdom” and you’ll see) but here’s just a few posts showing “receipts” of what happened to creators when they ask for their content to be removed from the site: Here, here, and here.
They have threatened to doxx several creators, tried to blackmail others, threatened to shut down some people’s sites, and even actually refused to remove people’s content unless they say “please”; as though these creators are six year old children who need to learn a lesson for not wanting THEIR content on someone else’s website!
All of this was said AFTER they made a post on their Tumblr saying they would respect creators wishes to not have their content on their site. I myself had a run-in with them as well but I don’t have the receipts because as soon as they finally agreed to remove my content (after almost 4 days of arguing with them and being threatened several times) they blocked me... and they continue to share my content to this day. That’s part of the reason why my motivation to create has been so low lately; I know its just going to end up over there, locked behind a paywall making money for these disgusting people and tricking simmers into thinking they have to pay to access my stuff.
But back to the story! Once they realised 99% of Tumblr creators — the people they get most of their content from — were going to ask to have their creations removed however, they changed their mind and instead started refusing to remove content. In fact, if you go to their website and use the contact form and choose the option “Remove my Content” they literally ask if you are Tumblr creator or not, and if you say you are, this is what you get:
And that “Our Rights here” link? That leads to this nonsense that literally contradicts itself with almost every single sentence:
“Creations can’t be uploaded without the creators permission... but we do not need permission to share your creations” “Feel free to contact us to ask to remove your content... but actually don’t bother contacting us asking to remove your content because we won’t” “SimsDomination is a free website... We don’t steal any content... *literally has other people’s free content locked behind a paywall and charges people membership fees to remove said paywall*”
And as for the EA terms part... I have news for you Simsdom, YOU are the only one breaking EA’s terms of use by putting content behind paywalls. I’m an EA Game Changer, I have actually read the terms of use AND spoken at length on the topics of earning revenue from CC, and why paywalls/memberships/exclusives are against EA’s terms of use with the Sim Gurus, have you? Didn’t think so.
If you had, you’d realise that we are allowed to earn revenue from our CC by having ads on our blogs/sites provided they aren’t deceptive — you know, like that ad with the big blue button you have that shows up on every single page of your site — and don’t lead to anything malicious, which yours do. I clicked several of the ads on your site and they all either lead to disgusting 18+ websites, started producing ransomware pop ups like I described earlier, or tried to download a mysterious file called setup.exe to my computer (which was most likely a trojan as well). We are also allowed to earn revenue via donations and Patreon early access systems provided the content is also made available for free to the general public within 14 days.
We are not, however, allowed to lock content behind Patreon exclusives, memberships and paywalls such as Adfly; which is exactly what you are doing. Like Adfly, you are not only potentially exposing underage children to 18+ content and risking the safety of people’s PCs, but you are also forcing them to wait to click a link and charging membership fees to avoid having to wait to download said content that isn’t even yours; content that you have been asked REPEATEDLY to remove. That is the very definition of a paywall. It is NOT the same as Pinterest or Facebook AT ALL, they might have ads but they aren’t malicious and they do not force people to wait to view content.
In reference to Simsdom’s response to this post, this is probably one of my most favourite Simsdom lies, because it never changes but it’s so easy to prove false! “Users don’t need to pay to download any content and don’t need to wait to download them” Oh really? Shall we take a look at your site on the old SimilarWeb that you love so much?
How strange. If you don’t make people wait, then why do you need adfly? And if no one has to pay, then why do you need premium memberships to get rid of the ads and wait time you don’t have? Odd.
Also, lets talk Adsense. I never said I had a problem with you having ads on your site; I said I had a problem with the TYPE of ads on your site. If you seriously don’t think your ads are in any way harmful, I’d suggest you take another look at your Adsense, because either it’s been hacked or you seriously don’t know what you’re doing. Oh, but that’s right, “Google will never display suspicious ADs“... Mmm hmm, you just go right on believe that. Yeh, it’s definitely not possible for Google to be hacked... Nope, definitely not.
Also, if you use your Adsense revenue to pay for your site.... what happens to the extra? Because based on your SimilarWeb page I can take a rough guess at how much you earn every month through Adsense alone and there’s no way your site costs that much to run. For that matter, where does all the extra revenue from Adfly, Short.st and this mysterious “other” go? And all the revenue you get from your premium subscriptions that you totally don’t charge people money for?...
Is that fish I smell?
You are not doing anyone any favours here, so stop pretending that you’re in this for anything other than money. Stop sharing content you’ve been asked REPEATEDLY to remove/not share and breaking EA’s and many creators TOUs!
If you’ve managed to make it this far, congrats lol I know this has been long and probably boring but thank you for taking the time to read the whole thing. All this post was meant to do was explain why people should not support Simsdom, and why I’m so disappointed in other Game Changers for promoting it, but it kind of got away from me a little.
Oh well, now you know what Simsdom is and why I will NEVER support them or willingly allow my content to be shared on their site. And if you do decide to still use their site, just... please be careful. My content will always be free and safe to download, just like the majority or CC creators here on Tumblr. Don’t pay for something you can get for free from the original source.
Also, if you’re looking for a Lana replacement (aka a good CC finds blogs that isn’t shady af like Simsdom) check out @maxismatchccworld!
This isn’t in relation to anything specific, just the situation as a whole. It seems Simsdom has just removed the search box from their website completely:
I’m sure it was totally legit reasons and not at all because they didn’t want anyone searching for their own content on the Simsdom website. Just like it wasn’t for that reason the last time too...
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Would she?
Here´s the fourth and final part of this story, it’s a bit shorter that the others but I think it’s okay. I´m sorry it took me a bit longer to upload it, I was having exams and didn´t have time. I´m happy about this ending.
In the story there is a song that´s in Spanish, but I put it in English directly, it is still beautiful. If you speak Spanish I recommend it, it´s called La cosa más bella by Eros Ramazzotti.
Relationship: Marcus Moreno x Fem Mexican reader (it is in English and most of the dialogues are too, her being Mexican is more about the story).
Summary: Missy is tired, even Miracle Guy is tired, so instead of waiting, they take matters into their own hands.
Warnings: Age gap, reader is Mexican, a bit of swearing.
Part 4
Today, today was the day you would ask Marcus on a date. After all, he liked you enough to have kissed you, you knew that. Then, why the hell were you so freaking nervous? You had been trying for a week to ask him out and you were always either interrupted, or you chickened out. You had also been waiting for him to take that step, but he was just as nervous as you were. The both of you had been feeling like teenagers since you met each other, but it all grew after the kiss you shared.
Missy had been in the middle of everything. She was really getting tired of your bullshit. She had seen both her father and neighbor practice in front of the mirror how to ask the other out, and it was getting more and more frustrating.
The girl reached her limit one day that you went to pick her up at the Heroics building, you were taking her home because Marcus had to go to a mission. As the fool he was, her father insisted on waiting for you with Missy, and she actually thought he was finally gonna say something, but what happened made her scream to her pillow the second she got home.
It was a pretty hot day, so you were wearing a short-sleeve shirt and a couple of loose pants that happened to highlight your ass amazingly (of course this Missy didn´t notice like her father did). As you walked from your car to the pair, you dropped your keys and bent over to pick them up. On that second Marcus´ words disappeared. He wasn´t the type to care at all about the physical aspect of the people he felt attracted to, of course there were things that drove him crazy, but they were never “necessary” for him to be with someone. The thing with you was, that you had everything he had ever dreamed of, physically, spiritually, mentally, just everything, and that happened to include your ass.
You genuinely didn´t notice his reaction, you were too busy looking at his own ass. He was standing next to Missy, she was facing you but he was facing his side, as if he wanted to look at you and make sure his daughter wouldn´t notice. The pair of black jeans he was wearing fit him perfectly and you wanted time to freeze just so that you could stare for as long as you wanted to.
Both of you tried to erase those thoughts, but it was impossible. The thing that upset Missy so much was that, the whole time you two were together you were occasionally looking into each other´s eyes, immediately looked away, blushed like crazy and repeated. Not one word was said by either of you and the romantic tension between you was so big, even a lady that was walking by started laughing at the scene. The lady and Miracle Guy.
He had met you before, he liked you. He really thought you would be great for Marcus and so did the rest of the Heroics, but they also knew how weird Marcus was when it came to this type of things, so after that particular scene, him and Missy created a plan to get you two together.
You woke up from your afternoon nap by the sound of your ringing phone. You quickly stood up and felt yourself get dizzy by the action. You walked over to where your phone was and checked it, it was Missy.
-Hey, listen, I need your help- she said with a worried tone. All the sleepiness you had disappeared.
-What happened? Are you okay?- you asked worried.
-Yes, yes, I´m fine, I just have a small problem. My period just started and I forgot to pack pads so my jeans are stained. Do you think you could go to my house and bring me a new pair? I´m in the Heroics´ building in the bathrooms next to the main training room-
-Yes, of course, don´t worry, I´m on my way- You said and hung up. You questioned if the Heroics would have extra jeans, you thought they would, but if Missy felt uncomfortable asking someone from there knowing she would have to explain why she needed them, you weren´t one to question her.
You drove fast, not wanting to leave her waiting for too long stuck in the bathroom. The moment you arrived you went looking for the training room. Some of the guards there knew you from the other times you went to pick Missy up, so there was no problem.
You bumped into Miracle Guy, and after saying hi you asked him where that specific room was, saying you needed to talk to Missy and she had told you she was there. He walked you over to the place you were looking for and happened to find Marcus on the way. He seemed a bit nervous and was carrying a bag of something, so you immediately thought Missy had probably asked him to get her some stuff too, or you were too lost in his eyes to really question the girl´s reasons.
-Missy?- You asked. He just nodded.
Miracle Guy smiled for himself, but neither of you noticed. You both walked into the room and immediately heard someone locking the door behind you causing you two to turn your face to said door, not noticing what was behind you.
-Wait, this isn´t a bathroom, what´s going on?- You spoke out loud to no one in particular. Marcus just looked at you with a confused gaze.
-No, this isn´t a bathroom- He said in between giggles- But I do wonder what´s going on.
Shortly after, you jumped at a voice that came out of nowhere.
-Listen you two, Marcus you were told Missy was here at the office -Miracle Guy said your name- you were told Missy needed you at the bathroom-
You looked at each other and saw the same lost look in the other one´s eyes. That was when you saw it. Your jaw dropped at the sight of what was behind you. You couldn´t believe it.
-It will take forever for you to accept how you feel about each other- now it was Missy speaking- so, we are just showing that you do share your feelings.
Now it was Marcus´ turn to look around and freeze. In the middle of what was supposed to be an office, there was a small squared table with two chairs, candles, white rose petals (Missy knew you didn´t like red roses), two covered plates, a CD player with the music you both loved ready to be played and a smaller plate in the middle of the table.
You felt your heart jump in both excitement and fear. You didn´t want to look at Marcus and see disgust or disappointment, but you forced yourself to look for his face and what you saw was the look someone gives to the most precious thing they have ever seen, and he was looking at you. His beautiful brown eyes were staring at you with such a love you never imagined possible, and to your surprise, you didn´t even have to command your brain to do the same thing, you were already looking at him just like that.
He slowly walked over to the table, his eyes never leaving yours. He opened one of the chairs for you and once you were seated, he chose a CD and played it. When you realized what song he had chosen you felt tears running down your cheeks, and before he could seat down himself, you took his hand and led him to the middle of the room, asking with your eyes for a dance.
I don't know how we started, the story that has no end, or how you came to be the woman I asked for all my life. With you what´s needed is passion, and a touch of poetry, and wisdom because I work with fantasies. And if I can tell you that there will never be anything more beautiful than you, something more beautiful than you, unique as you are, immense when you want, thank you for existing.
You danced to the slow beat, both of you singing the song softly while staring into each other´s eyes. You had never been this happy, once more you felt tears running down your cheeks, and even saw one racing down Marcus´ face.
At the same time, you both got closer and in the blink of an eye, your lips were perfectly connected. Your breaths mixed once again and became one. You felt his strong big hands holding your waist, and you settled your own on his broad shoulders. It wasn´t needy, or fast, it was everything you needed. You could have stayed like that forever, feeling his soft lips covering yours and then returning him the favor. You kept kissing as you danced until you were out of breath. He pressed his nose against yours and the two of you had the biggest smiles the world had ever seen. You wanted to stay like this, in his arms. He wanted to stay like this, with you. It was perfect, just perfect. Not even your wildest dreams could compare to this moment, and the more you thought about it the wider your smile got. This isn´t a dream, not anymore.
#marcus moreno x fem!reader#marcus moreno fanfic#marcus moreno#marcus moreno x reader#pedro pascal characters#we can be heroes#pedro pascal fanfiction
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You & Me : chapter 41
A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.6k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: hope the smut isnt too much lol! oh and, couldnt find the gif i wanted but this one will do. this chapter was fun to write and i dont think it was a filler chapter lol! only a few chapters left, im super nervous! at the same time, this story is getting less and less popular sooo idk, maybe its time? idk. if you read and comment and like and reblog, I LOVE YOU!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : posting them at the bottom because of spoilers!
Chapter 41 : His chapter
May 15th, 2018
I was so close to ask her to marry me when we were in Spain. I kept looking at her ring finger, imagining what the ring I had bought would look on her hand, and telling myself that now that we were official, anything was possible, and I wanted it. I wanted the impossible, I wanted everything. The words "marry me" almost escaped my lips exactly 11 times and even now, I was wondering how I actually stopped myself from just doing it.
We were back in California for a few days and I had convinced her to spend her time in my house instead to go back to hers. Most likely, Louis was there with Eleanor or he was spending all his time at her place. Either way, I thought we were better at my house but I knew that eventually, she'd want to see Louis and get back in her stuff anyway.
I woke up and blinked a few times as the sun peeked through the curtains but not enough to light the room. It was dark but I could see clearly and when I turned around, I realized she was laying on her back, completely naked, and the covers were only hiding one of he legs. She was still asleep, her hair messy around her head, and I couldn't help but reach for my cock as my eyes roamed on her. I got on my knees gently, making sure I wouldn't make the mattress move too much, and let one of my hands run on her breasts while I grabbed my dick with the other, stroking it slowly. I rubbed my thumb on one of her nipples until it got hard and finally, I let my fingertips brush down her body to reach between her legs, her skin so soft against mine. Slowly, I moved one of her knees before letting two of my fingers run on her slit. The more I was touching her, the harder I was getting and I moved closer to her on my knees just to rub the tip of my cock on her nipple.
"Jesus Christ." I whispered before she moved lightly in her sleep, letting out a low whimper.
I stopped moving and waited until she did too to continue touching her, my heart skipping a beat. The sensation was incredible and it made me want to rub my dick all over her body. I turned my body slightly and reached for her lips with my dick this time, feeling myself get even hornier when she licked her lips. It brushed on the tip of my cock and I let out a low groan as my eyes fluttered. I knew the whole thing was turning me on more than it should and all I could think about was getting between her legs and pushing my cock deep inside her.
Instead, I reached for her pussy again, rubbing one of my fingers gently on her clit as I felt her get wetter. Her body jerked a bit and she moaned low again before I let out an other curse word and slipped two fingers inside her, moving them in and out of her extremely slowly. I could hear how wet she was and I felt my cock throb in my hand. I was so turned on by her that I could barely believe I was doing that but she was so gorgeous, laying there completely naked in my white sheets, and the way she made me hard was just un-fucking-believable. I finally moved between her legs very slowly only to rub the tip of my dick on her clit. It slid easily due to how wet she was from me fingering her and this time, she let out a louder moan as one of her legs twitched. I jerked off harder between her legs as I pushed my thumb inside of her and rubbed her clit harder with one of my fingers until I was closer to an orgasm and without thinking, I took my hand away and pushed the tip of my cock inside her. Her walls pressed around it and I knew she was waking up. I took my cock out as I felt an orgasm reach me, cumming a bit inside of her before spurting on her pussy.
"Holy fuck."
I let out a moan as I watched her pussy get covered with my cum and when I looked up, her lips were parted and she was staring at me.
"Did you just cum all over me?" she asked in a low tone, her eyebrows raised.
"I.. did. I'm sorry."
Her eyes fell on my still hard cock as I shook it slightly and she bit her bottom lip before spreading her legs apart more and reaching for her pussy. I looked at her fingers gather some of my cum and slide it down until her clit. She let out a louder whimper as she started rubbing herself with the vestige of my orgasm and I couldn't help but let out an other curse word.
"You should have woken me up." she pointed, her voice a mix of a whimper and a whisper.
"I know petal but you looked so vulnerable and hot just laying there, naked and asleep." I admitted, my eyes never leaving her fingers as she flicked them on her clit. "Fuck, you love rubbing your clit with my sperm?"
I didn't know if it was my words or just the fact that she was touching herself but she let out an other moan and her back arched suddenly. I brought one of my hands closer and once again pushed two of my fingers inside her as she kept touching herself and squirming on the bed.
"I want to watch you cum, darling."
It only took her about half a minute before she started shaking and when my named escaped her lips, I could swear I got dizzy and my vision got blurred for a few seconds.
"Oh fuck, Niall!"
Something stirred in my stomach and I just stared at her as she came, grinding on my fingers and squirming even more. When she came down from her high and relaxed on the mattress, I took my fingers out and slowly lied down over her. Her eyes were still closed and her lips were still parted as she panted. I brushed my mouth against hers and she whimpered as I felt my whole body vibrate.
"You did so well, petal. That was so fucking hot."
She brought her hands to my head, slipping her fingers in my hair, before kissing me deeply. I tilted my head slightly, tasting her as she whimpered in my mouth. I swallowed her moans and when i pulled away to look in her eyes, she sighed low.
"I don't want to go to work today." she admitted, raising her nose up and making an amused smile appear on my lips.
"You have to."
"I could call in sick?" she asked, her eyebrows raised and her face full of hope.
I laughed and shook my head, making her groan immediately. "Nope, you have to go. I'll go with you, how's that?"
"Better than nothing I guess."
I chuckled and got up, searching through my stuff to find clean clothes and when I glanced at her, my lips curled again.
"Stop staring at me and get ready. I'll make coffee and we can leave." The alarm on her phone started ringing as soon as I finished my sentence and I raised my eyebrows. "See? You have to wake up. Take a shower, I'll wait for you in the kitchen."
I heard her groan and turned around when I heard a sound only to realize she had tried throwing a pillow at me but had failed miserably. I laughed and shook my head but turned back around and reached the kitchen.
We ate toasts quickly as we walked to the car and remained silent the whole ride until we were there. We should both have gotten out of the car, I knew it, but instead, we remained sitting there, looking in front of us, and I kept wondering how we should act together. We were never the type to show too much affection in public. It happened before with friends around, or family sometimes, but not when random strangers could see. This time, we were with a lot of strangers and I was wondering if I should hold her hand or not. Should I kiss her temple sometimes? Or just go straight for the mouth? I didn't know anymore and if I wanted to be frank, I had never asked myself that question in any other relationships before.
I frowned and turned to her but it took her a few seconds to look back at me. She sighed and shrugged before shaking her head a bit.
"Things have been particularly awkward with Dylan even since Heidi posted all those lyrics about us on instagram." she admitted, closing her eyes tight for a few seconds before opening them again. "We're filming the season's finale today and, I don't know, I'm nervous I guess."
"Anything special about the final episode?"
She stared at me, her eyes roaming on my face, and her lips parted. "His character is breaking up with my character."
We looked at each other in silence and after a while, I reached for her hand on her thigh and squeezed her fingers tight. I knew why it made her feel like this and I knew it was not only because of her relationship with Dylan being awkward. This scene was our scene. It was that day I broke up with her and tore her heart in pieces. I held my breath, feeling suddenly extremely exposed. I had no really realized before how big this was. Of course, I knew her tv show was inspired by our story but it just hit me that people were actually watching it, and I was wondering how many of them now knew almost exactly what had happened between us?
"I'm here with you. It'll go amazingly, trust me." I pointed out, knowing it was not the right time to have a big discussion about her writing. "Remember in Italy? I almost believed you were breaking up with me to go marry your ex boyfriend."
She chuckled a bit. "You totally believed it."
"Maybe I did." I quickly replied. "But only for a few minutes, because I believe in us, I believe in our love, and I believe in you. So you go in there and play that scene and show them how incredible you are."
Her lips curled a bit and she rolled her eyes before finally nodding. I smiled more and we got out of the car to walk in. I thought I'd see Dylan first but when my eyes met Heidi's, I felt my heart jump up in my throat, almost throwing it up. I felt Olivia tense next to me and I held my breath when she saw us. She sent us a big smile but I could read so much pettiness behind it that it made me grimace.
I glanced at Olivia who frowned and licked her lips. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh you didn't know?" Heidi replied, her eyebrows raised and her lips curled into a satisfied smile. "I'm with Dylan now."
As if on cue, he appeared and stood next to Heidi but I noticed his eyes never left my girlfriend and it bothered me more than I wanted to admit. Of course, I couldn't expect him to just forget about her, after all, he was ready to marry her, but at the same time I wanted him to move on as quickly as he could. If that was to be done with Heidi then be it : i was ready to put up with her on the set.
"I hope it doesn't bother you too much." Heidi added, tilting her head and looking at Liv who sent her a smile back.
Dylan and I were just keeping quiet, not really sure what we were supposed to say or do, and I pushed both my hands in my pockets.
"Oh no, not at all. It's all good." Olivia replied with a shrug. "I mean, it's not the first time you run after one of my exes, you know? Oh! Maybe I could make you a list of all the men and women I dated? Would save you some time."
I almost choked on my own spit, not really expecting that reply. I knew what kind of person my girlfriend was but she had always played it low with Heidi because she knew it was not worth it. It seemed like this time, she had had enough.
I thought Heidi would answer something rude but instead, her facial expression changed into a surprised one and finally, her eyes got smaller. She was pissed, I knew it, but she'd never prove it to Olivia. She found her smile back and breathed in, wrapping her arm around Dylan's and looking up at him.
"Can you show me the set?"
He nodded and they left but he glanced back at us when he was farther and I finally sighed, turning to my girlfriend who was smiling. I thought she'd be a bit mad, or upset that her ex boyfriend was now with my ex girlfriend, but she didn't seem to care... until her smile fell down and she closed her eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong suddenly?" I asked with a frown, taking a step closer and wrapping my fingers around her arm.
"I just realized Heidi was going to be there for the finale." she admitted, looking up at me. "She'll... see all of it. She'll see how it went... between... us."
It was the very first time Olivia admitted that her tv show was about us and I licked my lips, feeling something stir in my stomach. I didn't care that Heidi saw it, but I cared that the whole world would.
"You shouldn't care about her. She's with Dylan just to get to you or get back at us. She's here to piss you off and make you feel like shit. Don't let it get to you. Don't let her win."
She turned her whole body my way and her lips curled slightly into a fond smile. Slowly, she got on her tiptoe and pressed her lips gently against mine. It took me by surprise but I just answered her kiss and when she got back down on her feet, she tilted her head.
"Liv, can I ask you something?" I asked seriously, licking my lips as she nodded, her smile faltering a bit. "I know your tv show is based on our story but... for the next season, could you change that?"
I was scared to hurt her but at the same time, it was something I just needed to ask. If she said she didn't want to, I would accept it, but she knew my private life was a big deal for me and when she started nibbling on her bottom lip, I knew she felt guilty. I could read it on her face.
"I'm sorry, Niall. I never thought people would connect the show with our story but that was stupid of me. I mean, when I wrote that, I thought I'd never see you again, so I sort of wrote to... let it all out, you know?" she stopped and sighed. "Of course I'll make it different. I'll think of a whole other story for the characters, and make sure it has nothing in common with our story. Except maybe... well, the fact that they're soulmates."
I smiled and nodded, chuckling slightly. "I don't know if they are, but I know we are."
I wandered around the studio while they were filming, and finally ended up at the cafeteria to grab a bite. I sat alone and started checking messages I got on my phone when I felt a presence in front of me and looked up. I was not surprised to see Heidi but I was not pleased either.
"Niall, we need to talk."
I blinked a few times and licked my lips, not really in the mood to discuss with her, but I finally just sighed and put my phone down as she sat down. I noticed she was holding a sheet in her hands and it made me frown. I didn't have time to ask her about it, she simply leaned against the table to move closer to me and instinctively, I moved my upper body away from hers.
"You know you could have just called me." she let out, confusing me and making me frown. "I know you miss me, and honestly I think we should get back together. I forgive you, I know you were a bit lost and..." she shook her head and I was even more puzzled. "It doesn't matter."
I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts back into place but I just licked my lips again. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
She put the sheet on the table and pushed it closer to me. It took me half a second to realize it was my handwriting and after reading only a few words, I knew it was which song of mine.
"Wait, where did you find that? I thought I lost it!"
The song was not finished but as my eyes roamed on the lyrics, I had a bunch of ideas on how to actually complete it and I held my breath.
"I found it in my boxes... the ones from your place that you've had sent to my place." she explained, reaching out to put her fingers on top of my hand.
I stopped moving completely and my eyes dropped to our hands. I felt frozen in place, a bit startled by her behavior and not really knowing how to react.
"What are you doing?" I just asked, my eyes still staring at her fingers brushing gently against my hand.
"You're right. We should get back together, Niall." she added. "I mean, I know you're trying to make me jealous with her but let's be real. Who could really be jealous of her?"
Quickly, I shook my head and pulled my hand away from hers, mad that she would talk shit about my girlfriend again. "Do you even listen to yourself? You know damn well I'm with Liv and.. aren't you with Dylan? I love her, okay! I'm not trying to make anyone jealous, I'm just trying to love her the way she deserves to be loved... the way I failed to love her the first time. And you have nothing to do with any of this. What even makes you think I want to be with you?" I was frowning, getting pissed at her behavior, and I started wondering why I ever wanted to be with her in first place.
"Because of that song! You wrote it for me and put it in one of my boxes for me to find!"
I rolled my eyes, angry that she could even think I wrote one song about her.
"I wrote this about Olivia! I wrote that in the first week I saw her again at the bakery after not seeing her for over a year. It isn't about you, Heidi. It got in one of your boxes by mistake!" I explained a bit rudely, looking in her eyes to make sure she understood. "I love Olivia, not you. You need to let it go, okay? And those instagram posts you make.. For fuck's sake, Heidi! What's the point? Make me feel bad? Alright, I'm sorry I cheated on you, I should have broken up with you before and that was a mistake, okay? Now please, leave me the fuck alone."
Without giving her time to answer, I got up and left her by herself at the table before hiding in Liv's dressing room. I searched for a pen, my heart racing as I feared I'd forget the words dancing around in my head, and finally found one before leaning against the counter. I started scribbling fast, almost dropping the pen a few times as I held my breath. I scratched the first line and quickly replaced it to 'Maybe we are the champagne lovers' and went to the chorus to add a few lines, too.
'So come on love me when the lights burn low Meet me underneath the sheets Cause you got a hold of me baby, enough to pull me back in deep You used to love me when the lights burned low Now we’re tearing at the seams We've both had enough of this, baby, so promise me that when you leave You won’t say you’ll come back to me.'
I stared at the words and re-read them a few times before licking my lips. I was still lost in my thoughts when the door opened and I jumped a little, turning to see my girlfriend walking in. I sent her a fond smile and moved up from the counter as she wrapped her arms around me. I held her close, the paper burning on my fingertips, and kissed the top of her head.
I couldn't stop thinking about the lyrics and remembered exactly how I felt when I wrote most of the song. I missed her and I missed what we had. I didn't like where we were and I couldn't believe she was marrying someone else. The parts about sheets I had added reminded me of when we would hide under the covers and we had done it quite often in the past few weeks, making the whole meaning even more powerful.
"How did it go?"
"Not bad for now." she admitted, moving away. "But I think we'll film the rest an other day. It took longer than it was supposed to."
"Good, then maybe Heidi won't be there when you film the final scene." I suggested, raising my eyebrows.
"Hopefully." she replied with a smile before frowning. "What's that?"
My traits softened and I brought the sheet up again to read the lyrics. "A song. For you."
"Can I hear it?" she asked making me look up. Her eyebrows were raised and she was biting her bottom lip. She was so endearing that I almost said yes.
"Soon, okay?. I need a piano for this one."
May 19th, 2018
Olivia actually slept a good part of the day and I ended up at the pub with Julia, who was back to California too since her tour was over. I had an other first part for the other half of the tour and I knew I was going to miss her dearly. It was not like me to be super emotional, but with time, Julia easily became one of my closest friends and traveling with her had been a blast. I couldn't pretend that the fact that she listened to me complain about my love life didn't help us to become closer but it would be a lie.
"Where's your girlfriend today? I wanted to see her." I felt my lips curl more as I looked at her and she frowned. "What?"
"Oh no it's just... hearing someone else call her my 'girlfriend' is very cool." I pointed out with a chuckle, scratching the back of my head, feeling a bit embarrassed. I couldn't believe I had said that.
"That's what she is now, right?" Julia asked with a small laugh. "That's what you've wanted for months. You've been complaining about it every single day!"
"What? Come on, don't exaggerate." I argued, raising my nose up.
"I'm not!" she laughed again before getting a bit more serious. "I'm very happy for you, Niall. Now it's time to move forward, you know?"
"Meaning?" I raised my eyebrows after taking a long sip of beer.
"Meaning... plan the future and don't fuck up."
I stared at her and nodded with a small smile. I knew she was right, and she was not the only one who told me to not fuck it all up this time. I really didn't intend to, and I knew I wouldn't. I had lost Olivia before, and I had learned from that. I was not going to lose her again.
I was a bit tipsy when I got back home but she didn't even notice me. I stared at her, wearing only one of my t-shirts and a pair of black panties, standing in front of the tv in the living room as old songs from the 90's played full volume in the background. I was pretty sure I recognized a Backstreet Boys song ending and just as I thought it couldn't be funnier, a Spice Girls song followed and she started dancing and singing very loudly. I started laughing but she didn't hear me because of how loud the music was and it made me happy to know I could watch her a few more minutes. She jumped on the couch and pretended to have a microphone as she sang the lyrics and tried to do the dance and when she just started dancing around my living room, I took a few steps closer and she jumped, putting one of her hands on her chest as if it would help slow down the beatings of her heart.
"Fuck, you scared me!" she let out with a chuckle after pausing the music.
I didn't say anything. I just stared at her with a fond smile, thinking of everything we went through and how much I loved her.
"Move in." I let out as she was taking a sip of wine.
She frowned and chuckled again. "What?"
"Move in with me. Here."
Her lips parted and her eyebrows raised before she let out the air from her lungs quickly from her mouth in a surprised way. She licked her lips and cleared her throat before putting her glass back on the coffee table and taking a step closer.
"Are you... sure you can handle that?"
I knew she was referring to the fact that we were different, but it didn't matter. Yea, she was messy and yea it was annoying, but it was such a small problem and I knew we could compromise. In fact, I knew we'd both be way happier if we lived together and I wanted it. I wanted it so bad I could feel it in my bones.
"Yes." I let out in a low tone. "I want your grumpy face in the morning. I want your way too sweet morning coffee... I-I want your mess all over my fucking house, Olivia. I want to smell you when I step foot here after a long work day. I want to start a life with you. I want you to have your own dressers, not just a few drawers in mine. I want to share everything I have with you. I want to share myself with you."
She pressed her lips together and swallowed and I could swear she was tearing up.
"I want all that, too." she admitted, tilting her head. "I want to spend my life with you, Niall."
My lips curled in a big smile. "Then let's take that step. Move in with me."
It took her about a minute but she finally just chuckled and shook her head. "Okay. Let's do this."
(i changed the first one just a little bit hope its ok!)
#niall horan#niall horan smut#niall horan fluff#niall horan fanfic#niall horan fan fic#niall horan fanfiction#niall horan fan fiction#niall horan story#niall horan writing#my fanfics#yam
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I saw this ask game going around, so: what‘s a thing you love the most about each of your mutuals/that stands out to you? 💓 feel free to ignore if you don’t want to answer!
i have A lot of moots, so I'll do the ones i know best!! (if i didnt add you in sorry i worked 12 hrs today on 4 hs sleep for the second day in a row, my brain is fried!!
this is so cute and positive!! thank you for the ask dear anon!!
how do i pick only one!?!? this is going to be a challenge
@dotheddaengthing - you don't understand this is my irl bestie across the world. love most? Impossible to pick. but, She is so endlessly full of love, and one of the most generous people I've ever known -and doesn't judge me for being slightly more logic based about affection 😂 she's a part of my family (Mika my sister and friend i miss you but I'm so proud of you everyday. you're making this life what you want. )
@kpophours - Compassion and thirst for knowledge. Anna is one of the most emotionally intelligent people I've ever met. she's level headed and we have the same sense of humor! Anna is the person I can have a conversation about almsot any topic and she either knows, or has a thirst to know about it.(Plus your plant updates are actually life giving)
@kihyukhei - Strength of character. (dont clown me until i explain, Inès) Inès is so resolute and unwavering. she has an unshakable sense of self that floors me. She not only knows who she is, and what she wants, but she has no interest in wasting her time on less worthy pursuits. (Plus my fav person to gush about all of Wayv to, and wifey 💍)
@sunmoonieverse - Dis my baby angel. Passionate and logical! Summer is so full of LIFE and comedy but also has the best head on her shoulders. I'm talking chaos one second, and wisdom the next. Plus, She is the first person who will feel righteous anger for loved ones. (ily 🥰)
@excindrela - Empathetic but positive!! Mimi is an endless well of deep water sign feelings in the most beautiful and moving way. She's a shoulder to lean on and while she rarely complains, she has her own problems but just makes the best out of these situations (thank you for being there no matter what!! Mimi you're such an admirable example of perseverance ilysm!)
@dingdonghun - Marie is a gravitational pull . she's surrounded by, and also a giver of so much love! people are drawn to her and she shows the same affection and gratefulness regardless of how long she's known you. anyone can talk to her. (Marie you are like the actual sun, just a huge mirror that absorbs and reflects love into the world . you make me laugh and let me be weak and sad and you dont judge any of it. you're so special to so many!)
@ughh-m - Oh Mays! my beautiful, funny spunky child!! I adore her bright humor, her excitement about life and her interest in subjects so complex that I'm constantly fascinated!!! She's loving and sweet and very positive!! (Mays you're a sponge of brilliance 🥺💕 and youre so heckin cute !)
@doom-daddy-top - Intensely aware, omg pls here me out. Y OU ARE SO SMART and capable and open to new ideas and thinking. you're not afraid to be vulnerable and value the INSIDE of a person. (you're my bb ily 💕)
@kdongyoung - ro is a new moot!!! but everything she posts is A++ CONTENT
amazingly artistic and sweet!! very approachable and cute! (thank you for being you i hope we learn more about each other!!)⚡⚡
@xoxowenninibebe - De s i !!!!!! MY SASSY AESTHETIC QUEEN. She is full of excitement, very in touch with her emotions! and very !! idgaf attitude about being who she is (we love an unapologetically authentic queen !! i LOVE YOU SM!!!💕💕💕)
i feel like there's a theme here. i struggle to express my own emotions or be in touch with them and i so value the people in my life who can do that. it's a sense of emotional intelligence and vulnerability that's so beautiful and TRUE. as a " what are feelings" person i love the balance you bring !! thank you all for being you!!
if any of my moots i cant brain w ell enough to tag wants me to add them just reply and I'll reblog this with additions !!
#tag game#anon asks#thanks anon!#this was cute and fun and I'm full of warm fuzzies now#but dont tell anyone I'm soft shhhh#it's all about queue#i loved queue
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I'm asking again because I absolutely adore your work! You write the Links telling stories amazingly. It truly feels that Wild was telling the stories. Could write the all Links talking about their loves. It would be mix of fluff and angst because we have Sky and Time, who are both happy with their respective partners, but we also have Wild, Twilight, and Legend who I imagine are all lost in their own ways. I have not played all the games so feel free to interpret how you wish!
Hi again! Thank you! I'm so glad you like my work! I haven’t played all the Zelda games either, but I have watched many playthroughs. I have played Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, and BOTW, and I’m going to play Link’s Awakening after I’m done with Hollow Knight, because unfortunately that’s all I have access too with the game systems I have. But I have watched playthroughs of the rest! So thank you for letting me have my own interpretation because I see a lot of the relationships besides the ones you mentioned and more platonic. I think Wind and Tetra would be sweet but they’re twelve during the game ya know? I apologize there is less storytelling in this one, but I feel a lot of them wouldn't be quite ready to spill all the beans. Hope you enjoy!
Time didn’t really know how it had descended this far into chaos. One moment, Warriors was telling a tale of a ‘grand exploit’ in a tavern in his Hyrule, the next, there was screaming and yelling and multiple ‘innocent young ears’ being covered. Time thinks it all started when in the middle of the story, Warriors was telling them about a beautiful young lady he had met, to which Legend groaned and rolled his eyes. Instantly Warriors’ smile grew sharp and his eyes filled with teasing and mischief. Time knew that look, that was the look that promised Warriors was about to do anything to make the other boy uncomfortable, even making up the rest of the story if he had too.
Yes that’s certainly what began this quick but entertaining descent into Hell. Warriors began to tell how this young woman just ‘couldn’t keep her hands to herself’ as he stared right into Legend’s soul. Of course, Legend, not one to back down from a challenge, began yelling about his experiences in the tavern, also probably made up, and started screaming about a young lady who ‘really liked his magic items’ to which led Sky to yelling at both of them to keep quiet as he covered Wind’s ears. Wind then laughed and covered Hyrule’s ears, who giggled and reached up and covered Sky’s ears to create a Triforce of protecting the innocent. Twilight, seeing this happening, smirked and covered Wild’s ears to which he fought vehemently but Twilight wouldn’t budge. Four was shifting expressions so fast it was hard to keep track, from amused, to annoyed, to horrified, to resigned, and then a weird combination of all of them.
Legend and Warriors continued screaming at each other, and as entertaining as it was, if Time didn’t stop them soon they would be screaming all night.
“Gentleman. While I’m sure many of us enjoy hearing your exploits, I think the entire forest doesn’t feel the same way.” Time voiced, causing Warriors and Legend to blush and grumble while the rest of the group laughed.
“Yeah, yeah we get it Old Man. You have a beautiful and loving wife at home.” Warriors teased back.
“Your point?” Time smirked.
“Yeah Warriors, just cause you don’t want to settle down don’t mean we feel the same way.” Twilight called from the other side of the campfire as Wild finally fought his way out of Twi’s strong hold.
“Who said I never want to settle down, goat boy?” Warriors called back.
“You called my wedding ring a shackle.” Time chuckled.
“Well sure it is. But who knows if I want a shackle one day.” The camp laughed at this.
“This mean you got someone Captain? Perhaps your Zelda?” Legend teased.
“No, my Zelda is amazing, and badass to boot. But I don’t really feel that way about her, at least not now.” Warriors smiled.
“Yeah, same with my Zelda. I’m not sure how she feels about me anyway.” Hyrule sighed.
“Same here.” Legend said simply, though the group could see a haunted look in his eyes. No one mentioned it, Legend would speak up if he wanted to, and most likely not in front of the entire group.
“You don’t have to marry Zelda. I love my Zelda but not romantically.” Time stated gently to Hyrule.
“Yeah I know. I guess I’m still kinda shocked you got married Time.” Hyrule blushed when he realized how bad that sounded as Warriors held back a laugh disguised as a cough. “I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant that I always thought heroes didn’t really settle down. They kept saving and saving.” Hyrule finished with his hands up in a placating manner, but Time wasn’t offended at all.
“I know buddy. As I said, it took me years to see through that lie. I’m happy with Malon, and I’m out here with you boys too. You can take time for yourself too, it’s not selfish.” Time smiled softly at Hyrule. Although he didn’t mean to, Time’s words sent a stab of guilt through some of the other members. He should be home with his beautiful and loving wife. Not here on another quest after he had done so much already. But they sure were grateful to have him.
“What about you Wild?” Wind asked. “You and your Zelda seem really close from what you’ve told us.”
“Um, well I’m not sure.” Wild rubbed the back of his neck. “I love her, and I know I did before, but I don’t know if I can imagine us you know, kissing and stuff.” Wild blushed as laughter roared up.
“Very elequantly put, Wild.” Warriors cackled.
“You got plently of time to figure that out Cub.” Twilight clapped a hand on his shoulder as the laughter died down.
“What are you laughing for, Wind?” Warriors ruffled his hair as Wind knocked his arm away. “You always talk about Tetra.” Warriors smirked as Wind sputtered and flushed a deep pink up to his ears.
“Tetra’s awesome! I wish she were here to kick your ass for saying that!” Wind yelled as he smacked Warriors’ shoulder.
Four elbowed Sky. “What about you lover boy. You wanna talk about your Zelda?” Four teased as Sky’s face lit up.
“Ugh don’t get him started he won’t shut up for the rest of the night.” Legend grumbled. But it was too late. Sky had already begun.
“She’s amazing. She can play the harp and sing like Hylia herself.” Sky started with a dreamy look on his face. “One time before the Wing Ceremony, she thought I was being lazy and pushed me off of Skyloft to try and get me to call my Loftwing, but he had been put in a place he couldn’t reach me. So she had to save me herself.” Sky still had that dopey look on his face as his brothers snickered at his story.
As Sky rambled on about his Zelda, Twilight’s eyes had grown clouded, staring at the stars peeking through the warm orange glow of the coming twilight. Wild would catch him doing this sometimes, and it always looked like Twilight was having a bittersweet memory. Wild glanced over at Time, making sure he noticed too, he was Twi’s mentor afterall. Time made eye contact with Wild and gave a small nod to acknowledge he was on the same page Wild was. Before either of them could do anything, Warriors spoke up.
“What about you country boy? You have someone?” Warriors asked and the rest of camp perked up. Twilight had never talked about his love life, besides a few jokes about ‘his heart being shattered’. Hopefully he was exaggerating…
“Uhh no.” Twilight responded after snapping out of his daze to find the entire camp looking at him curiously.
“Does this have anything to do with the princess you talked about when Wild showed us his scars?” Four asked carefully, trying to portray that he wasn’t trying to overstep any bounds.
“Yeah I guess so…” Twilight trailed off. Legend felt something cold in his heart at this conversation. He could tell Twilight lost his love, because he had seen that same expression in the mirror for years. He wanted to help Twilight know he wasn’t alone, he wasn’t the only one that had his heart shattered by things out of his control. The boy had always been a sturdy shoulder for all of them, it was time he returned the favor. He just didn’t know how without revealing too much or making Twilight uncomfortable.
“There was a girl once.” Legend’s voice emerged from the silence. “Hair more red than you can imagine. She lived on an island I… found but… I did something wrong. My curiosity got the best of me, and now she and the island are gone.” Legend got out as little of the story as possible as quickly as possible while still seemingly indifferent. It was one thing to open up to all of his brothers, but it was another to cry in front of them. He couldn’t.
Twilight seemed genuinely surprised Legend had spoken up about what was haunting him. Legend was sure that the others were just as shocked but he only looked at Twilight. He wanted Twi to know he wasn’t the only one. He needed Twi to know he wasn’t the only one. Talking about it was humiliating and almost impossible and just downright painful. He needed Twi to know he had been there too. Twi gave him a gentle and understanding look, one that told Legend he understood what he was trying to do, and that he was more than grateful and supportive of him. Warriors set a gentle hand on his shoulder, slow enough that he could pull away if he needed to. Legend allowed it, but nothing more. It’s more for that idiot’s peace of mind anyway. He didn’t take any comfort in it at all…
“My companion on my quest was awful to me at first.” Twilight’s voice rang out to replace Legend’s in the silence around the campfire. “She was awful to me at first but we started to talk more along the way and we became closer. Then she just… left. I don’t know what I did wrong…” Twilight trailed off, once again looking at the quickly fading twilight above. He wanted to talk more about it, and he could tell Legend did too. They just weren’t ready yet.
Wild bit his lip. Time was much better at comforting Twilight, but he was on the other side of the fire and making a move to be next to him would draw attention Twilight didn’t want. Wild leaned some of his weight against the older boy. He had to at least try to comfort him after all Twilight had done for Wild since they met. Twilight smiled slightly when he felt the weight and leaned back. It wasn’t much, but it was enough.
“I don’t think you did anything wrong Twilight.” Wild spoke quietly, messing with the hem of his tunic. “I mean you talked about your companion being from the Twilight Realm right?” Twilight nodded slightly, looking pained. “Well maybe she had to go for another reason? I’m not saying you should just forget.” Wild rushed to say. “But maybe it was really complicated if both of you were growing closer to each other and she wasn’t as mean as before?” Wild finished his words with a question. Twilight never told him enough about his companion to know for sure what really happened. But he could at least try to comfort his mentor.
Twilight looked down at Wild and smirked, but it lacked the tease it normally had, it held gratitude and love. “Thanks, Cub.” Twilight said simply, then reached out a hand to quickly ruffle the youngers’ hair. Wild yelped and slapped his hand away. Relief overwhelmed the boys in the group, thankful that the atmosphere had lifted slightly.
“I know it’s not the same.” Warriors started once the others had settled down. “But there was this woman. She was the main one who tried to take the Triforce for herself other than Ganon. Apparently she was supposed to protect the Triforce, but she… fell in love with me.” Warriors waited for the teasing to begin. He knew he made many jokes about the women he had met, but it seemed the group could tell this sometimes plagued his mind.
“That was one of the reasons she started the war that I fought in. I found out later that her light was driven from her to create my friend Lana, so she became completely dark. I had to fight in her temple and there were pictures of me all over the walls and…” Warriors paused. He couldn’t talk about his overconfidence yet. He couldn’t talk about his mistakes that led to Dark Link. What if the others hated him for it? “I don’t know it may sound silly. But having someone obsessed with you like that is, scary I guess. I mean, people died in those battles, because she was jealous of Zelda and me but I’m not even sure how I feel about Zelda. She died and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I know I’m not required to have feelings for her, especially after all she had done, but it still made me feel… I don’t know.” Warriors sighed. Legend leaned slightly into Warriors’ hand on his shoulder. He never knew Warriors had that part of his story. The rest of the group felt twangs in their hearts at Warriors’ confused tone.
“It’s not your fault Warriors.” Wind smiled up at him. “You’re right. You shouldn't force yourself to feel that way for anyone. The war wasn’t your fault.” Warriors smiled down at his small companion and nodded in thanks.
“Wind is right.” Hyrule stated quietly. “There were people after me because of the Triforce. That doesn’t mean it’s our fault.” No one mentioned that the word ‘were’ sounded a little strained. they’d have to keep an eye on him in his Hyrule it seemed.
“Thanks guys.” Warriors grinned. It was a little more troubled than his usual grin, but it was a welcome sign nonetheless. Sky looked a little guilty at having proclaimed his love so confidently. Four pat his shoulder and shook his head. Sky shouldn’t feel guilty for being happy. None of the other boys would ever want that.
“Look at all of us.” Legend teased with a wry smile. The rest of the group chuckled slightly. The atmosphere wasn’t as happy as it had been, but there was an odd relief, like the relief after crying. A bittersweet acceptance that hearts had been broken, but they still had brothers to fall back on. The group could tell no one else was ready to talk about anything else for the night, so they began to settle in. Surprisingly, Twilight laid his bedroll near Legend that night. While no tears were shed, the group was still exhausted from a long day of travel. After the other heroes had settled down, Twilight laid awake, looking at the stars. He knew Legend would be up too, the hero never seemed to sleep right away. And now Twilight had suspicions why after his tale.
“Hey Legend?” Twilight whispered after he was positive everyone was asleep, save Four, who was on the outskirts of camp keeping watch, too far away to hear their whispers.
“What?” Legend pretended to look annoyed but Twilight could see the curiosity in his eyes.
“What was her name?” Twilight asked quietly, praying that he hadn’t crossed a line. When Legend didn’t answer, he figured he would apologize and awkwardly turn over in his bedroll and pretend to sleep.
“Marin…” Legend whispered the name with such sadness, but such awe that it threw Twilight for a loop. “Your companion?” Legend questioned back.
#four#hyrule#legend#linked universe#sky#time#twilight#warriors#wild#wind#linkeduniverse#request#prompt#love#marin#midna#queenof-literature story#QoL Story
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