#it wasnt until i was driving home that i remembered her name and was like GASP THAT WAS THE FUCKIN PORK LOIN LADY
jorstar · 2 years
im gunna do a little psa on how buy one get one sales work using examples from a customer that uses our pickup dept to shop and has done it incorrectly each time and treats me like im stupid and we messed up her order :) 
also from more of a pickup perspective but im pretty sure it all applies to normal in store check out and in others stores not just my chain.
if youre buying buy one/buy 2 etc get one free products through a pickup service do it exactly how you would do it if you went through the store. the best way i explain it to people is order how much you want to leave with. so if you want bogo bread you would bring 2 ( if you want to pay for 2 and get 2 free you bring up 4 yada yada) up to the cashier and it will be taken off when the sale goes through, and you can always ask the cashier to double check. so my first example using this lady is she ordered 2 pork loins that where bogo i take her order out and shes asks where her other pork loins are “it says you ordered 2″ “well i wanted 4″ “then you should order 4 we cant just assume and add 2 on without your permission” “ well why not thats stupid” :)))))))))) “BECAUSE what if you DIDNT want 4 and only 2, then you wouldve been charged for shit u didnt order and then youd have to come back for a refund and say why did u give me 4 when i only ordered 2 u idiots are you trying to scam me :))))” (ok did not say that last part but in hindsight is still a good explanation) “well now im going to have to comeback later and get the other 2″ hmmm sounds like a learning experience! :) spoiler: it was not. 
the only time we add stuff on is when someone orders only one of a buy one get one product and we will only add it on carside where we’ll say this was buy one get one but you only ordered one and we’ll usually get  “oh i didnt know that! cool!” or “oh i thought thats what i did? did i do it wrong” or “no, i only need one”
and lastly a lot of bogo can be mix and match meaning they dont have to be the same product. a lot of the time the tag on the shelf will say get one free of equal or lesser value. so what the lady did today when i brought out to her was ask where her missing vitamins were. i thought they were straight up missing so i went back to our room to see if there was a missing bag and she came to our door saying she got the vitamins she ordered she just didnt get the free ones. me, whos shift is over and just wants to get out of here, says “ :))) ok, ill have to go grab those for you then :)))” she ordered like..5 different kinds of vitamins. one of each of course! so whoever picked them for her probably saw the equal or lesser value tag and thought thats what she was doing. but nope! we just have to know somehow that she actually wanted 2 of each! so i gave her the other vitamins she wanted FOR FREE bc i had already processed the payment before she brought up missing stuff. and then she was kinda pissed off when i brought them out and had her check that i had everything like lady you essentially only paid for 3 OF THE 10 OF THESE. I HOPE YOU LOOK AT YOUR RECEIPT LATER AND FEEL FUCKING STUPID. maybe when this has happened to you  a couple times maybe maybemmabye mmmaybe MAYBE! its not us :)
this wasnt really an educational moment out the goodness of my heart i just wanted to rant about dis lady
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Round 2b Match 1
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Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon (Entropic Float)
Fic count: 0
Milo/Piers (Pokemon)
fic count: 29
Rashmelie propaganda under cut!
"this essay is going to be reused whole cloth from the submission of them to the 17 million years of pining poll! because unfortunately i do not have the energy to go insane enough to write up anything new oh.
my god. where the fuck do i start with them for real.
okay so, theyve been friends since early childhood, and before either of them came out (Rashmi is agender, they/them, while Amelie is a trans girl, she/her, and they are both mspec which is a bit less relevant but is also there). the earliest time that we know that they have feelings for each other is when theyre both 14, and Rashmi - already out, with their entire family (parents and grandma) supporting them without question - is moving. uhhh 90% of american geography names are the same to me so i might lie there. from Nevada, where they both grew up, to New York, where Rashmi is planning on studying dance further, which has always been their plan; around 14 is when they ran out of teachers at home.
they quietly hope Amelie doesnt confess her feelings for them, as they fear it might tempt them to stay, which they cannot allow themself to do. Amelie, meanwhile, is very carefully not thinking about gender, because her parents are quite frankly the worst. over the course of the years before they meet back up, Amelie has had some dates, but each time, they dont work out, and in her own words, put logs on the flame she carries for Rashmi.
Rashmi, meanwhile. gets married. one of Rashmi's biggest struggles in their romantic pursuits has been the fact that they are both Indian and queer. it has been a struggle for them to find someone who respects both - someone who respects their gender identity while not throwing their culture under the bus. that is one of the factors contributing to the way their relationship with "Ajay" (we learn that this name isnt his real one, but it was magically replaced in Rashmi's memories of him and we dont know it) played out: he is also Indian, and the first thing he asked them upon meeting them was what their pronouns were. and it was all good.
until it wasnt.
i would love to get into that deeper, but the important point is that "Ajay" is kind of a piece of garbage, whose crimes include finding Rashmi's address when they didnt give it out, deliberately not sending Amelie her wedding invitation because Rashmi told him they used to have a crush on her, driving them to drop out of dance school, and general possessiveness (notable being the fact that, whenever he is home, he always asks them to stay home too, which leads to them dropping their social circle and their hobbies). one of the places it grows from is "Ajay" being ace and not quite believing that Rashmi accepts that. he also has a substance abuse problem.
all of that culminates as they return from a short visit to their parents, and he in a fit pushes them down a long flight of stairs.
in the meantime... god, i cant even figure out what parts of information are important about Amelie here. i would put as notable the fact that she only figured out she was a girl something like a year before the events of the game - and only ever came out to Rashmi, who in turn told their parents...
and who didnt realize that Amelie's workplace didnt know. her workplace is just. terrible in social terms. she loves the work itself (its food industry, a restaurant in a casino, dont remember the exact job description) but her coworkers are being the absolute worst. a cesspool of toxic masculinity. also an environment for Amelie's undiagnosed psychosis. she is prone to auditory hallucinations.
after being outed to her boss while also hearing from Rashmi's parents that their husband is... lets just say bad for them, she, while safely at home, hallucinates that her boss or maybe her father is breaking down the door.
simultaneously with Rashmi as they are falling down the stairs, they make Wishes.
these are not widely understood; from the context of the game, it seems as though some people get a Wish when in significant peril, or in distress. you do not need to use the Wish immediately as you get it, but they both did.
essentially, what Rashmi Wishes for is a way to escape from their husband that wouldnt raise a fuss; and Amelie Wishes for a place where she and Rashmi can both be safe. (i am very muddly on the details there) their Wishes create the anomalous clocktower where the game takes place."
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bridgyrose · 5 months
AU where Neo’s ascension sends her to a Modern AU, with all of her powers stripped in order to live in this new world. (Maybe she becomes a child as well? Could be adopted by loving parents in order to have a second chance at childhood)
(I think I can run with this one)
“Over here Trivia!” 
Neo paused for a moment as the noise and lights of the city practically overwhelmed her. She had remembered jumping off the tree and then a bright light as she fell… only to be met with concrete against her hands along with bright lights and loud cars driving down the road. She picked herself up and looked over at her mother, almost not recognizing her. 
Carmel smiled at her and held out a hand for her to grab. “We dont want to be late to dinner. Your father has been making sure that all the preparations for your birthday are perfect.” 
Neo nodded and took her mother’s hand, still not used to hearing her old name. But what really caught her off guard was that her reflection looked like a child again. She looked like she was almost seven again, brown hair pulled back into braided pigtails, the dress she wore was just like the one she had worn all those years ago, though she did notice she wasnt wearing any of the contacts she was forced to wear before. Her mismatched pink and brown eyes werent hidden like they’d been before. 
“Dont lollygag,” Carmel said as she pulled Neo forward. “We’re going to be late if we take too long.” 
Neo sighed but walked a bit closer to keep up with her mother, already dreading her birthday. She still wasnt entirely sure what the plan was, but at least here, she didnt seem to be expected to conform to a particular look. And beyond the lack of dust, Vale still looked mostly the same. Busy streets, shops that catered to particular tastes in fashion, food, hobbies and the like… it all seemed… normal. 
She followed her mother into a restaurant that seemed to have just opened up for the day, still empty as a few of the staff made their way around the tables to make sure everything was set up and in place. Le Mistraili, a name she was familiar with as a favorite of her mother’s for a restaurant. Not that she was ever allowed to go when she was younger, always left at home to be kept out of sight. 
“Carmel!” Jimmy called out from near the back of the restaurant. “Over here! I made sure to get a great table for us and our little Neo!” 
Neo raised a brow when she heard her father call her Neo, not quite sure how she felt about it. 
Carmel sighed. “Do you have to call her ‘Neo’ out here?” 
“Its just a harmless nickname. Her eyes remind me of the icecream flavor-” 
“And you know she doesnt like attention being drawn to them.” 
“She’s too young to care. Besides, she might grow to like the name.” 
“Like you used to be called ‘Sprinkles’ in college?” 
Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Lets focus on our daughter. She doesnt turn eight every day.” 
Neo smiled a bit as she listened to her parents and climbed up into her chair, still just a bit too short to see over the table well. It was strange to see her parents get along, let alone want her around, though she had to admit that it felt nice to be included. Even as she waited for the smiles to fade and the fighting to start, she relaxed as she watched a waitress come over with a few menus while other patrons started to file in and take their seats. For once, she could admit she was happy. 
At least, until she felt a piece of her missing. A piece she couldnt place as she stared at her reflection in her silverware, almost as if something had been stripped away. 
Carmel put a hand on her shoulder. “Everything okay dear? If its too loud, we can find somewhere else to eat.” 
Neo shook her head and slowly signed as the knowledge of the language almost seemed to flow into her mind. “I’m fine. I feel a bit…” she stopped for a moment as she tried to think of the right word, finally signing once more. “...lost.”
“She’s probably feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything,” Jimmy answered. “We’re in a new part of town, she’s going to be starting school again in just a couple weeks without the friends she had before, I’d be nervous too.” 
“Let us know if you need us to leave, okay Trivia?” 
Neo nodded and tried to push her feelings aside. She’d figure out what was missing later. For now, she wanted to enjoy spending time with her parents, a dream she never thought would come true.
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bi4pan-polls · 1 year
okay so! i am here with propaganda for Rashmi Jamil and Amelie Macon (Rashmelie) from Entropic Float!
most of my propaganda is reused whole cloth from what ive said for 17 million years of pining, so there will be a significant amount of focus on how long it took them to get together
oh. my god. where the fuck do i start with them for real.
okay so, theyve been friends since early childhood, and before either of them came out (Rashmi is agender, they/them, while Amelie is a trans girl, she/her, and they are in fact canonically bi4pan - or pan4bi, if were going by name order, since Rashmi is pan and Amelie is bi). the earliest time that we know that they have feelings for each other is when theyre both 14, and Rashmi - already out, with their entire family (parents and grandma) supporting them without question - is moving. uhhh 90% of american geography names are the same to me so i might lie there. from Nevada, where they both grew up, to New York, where Rashmi is planning on studying dance further, which has always been their plan; around 14 is when they ran out of teachers at home.
they quietly hope Amelie doesnt confess her feelings for them, as they fear it might tempt them to stay, which they cannot allow themself to do.
Amelie, meanwhile, is very carefully not thinking about gender, because her parents are quite frankly the worst. over the course of the years before they meet back up, Amelie has had some dates, but each time, they dont work out, and in her own words, put logs on the flame she carries for Rashmi.
Rashmi, meanwhile. gets married.
one of Rashmi's biggest struggles in their romantic pursuits has been the fact that they are both Indian and queer. it has been a struggle for them to find someone who respects both - someone who respects their gender identity while not throwing their culture under the bus. that is one of the factors contributing to the way their relationship with "Ajay" (we learn that this name isnt his real one, but it was magically replaced in Rashmi's memories of him and we dont know it) played out: he is also Indian, and the first thing he asked them upon meeting them was what their pronouns were. and it was all good.
until it wasnt.
i would love to get into that deeper, but the important point is that "Ajay" is kind of a piece of garbage, whose crimes include finding Rashmi's address when they didnt give it out, deliberately not sending Amelie her wedding invitation because Rashmi told him they used to have a crush on her, driving them to drop out of dance school, and general possessiveness (notable being the fact that, whenever he is home, he always asks them to stay home too, which leads to them dropping their social circle and their hobbies). one of the places it grows from is "Ajay" being ace and not quite believing that Rashmi accepts that. he also has a substance abuse problem.
all of that culminates as they return from a short visit to their parents, and he in a fit pushes them down a long flight of stairs.
in the meantime... god, i cant even figure out what parts of information are important about Amelie here. i would put as notable the fact that she only figured out she was a girl something like a year before the events of the game - and only ever came out to Rashmi, who in turn told their parents...
and who didnt realize that Amelie's workplace didnt know.
her workplace is just. terrible in social terms. she loves the work itself (its food industry, a restaurant in a casino, dont remember the exact job description) but her coworkers are being the absolute worst. a cesspool of toxic masculinity. also an environment for Amelie's undiagnosed psychosis. she is prone to auditory hallucinations.
after being outed to her boss while also hearing from Rashmi's parents that their husband is... lets just say bad for them, she, while safely at home, hallucinates that her boss or maybe her father is breaking down the door.
simultaneously with Rashmi as they are falling down the stairs, they make Wishes.
these are not widely understood; from the context of the game, it seems as though some people get a Wish when in significant peril, or in distress. you do not need to use the Wish immediately as you get it, but they both did.
essentially, what Rashmi Wishes for is a way to escape from their husband that wouldnt raise a fuss; and Amelie Wishes for a place where she and Rashmi can both be safe. (i am very muddly on the details there) their Wishes create the anomalous clocktower where the game takes place.
Oh my gosh,,,couple of all. Not just Pan4bi couple of all time. Just couple of all time in the world.
*Propaganda for Rashmelie from Entropic Float Part 1
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alrighty, so i was 9 think. the school day was ending, i even remember the sun going down. i was alone with my teacher until a odd woman id never seen before came in. she came in with whatever permission to take me, not sure in what medium, papers/documents? maybe. i cried when we left, so was my teacher. then i was in her car in the back, leaning a bit, really tired and bored. it was a drive all the way up to maine.
the big house was beautiful and near the water, but thats about where the beauty ended. this woman used to be my moms partner, though they seperated a short time after my grabdmother passed, i never met my grandparents either. so this woman is Paula, and she had a partner of her own at the house, dont remember her name but she slim and tall. always yelled at me,
that slim woman is the reason i came back to my mother petrified of showers and water in my face
i was showering just fine on my own (i think maybe) but she seemed like she had a horrible, anoyying job to do. stuck my face direct into the shower. i wasnt okay but she tried and i guess succeded in having me stay like that, like as if for my own. i flaided and scratched at her, but she threatend putting a bar of soup in my mouth if i didnt stop.
that was also the same time i slipped and fell tummy first on the side of the bathtub. id never gotten the wind knocked out of me before, so i thought i was dying.
and my siblings lived in the same house.
thatcher was my brother, he was nice i think, autistic like myself to, but somewhere on a different spectrum. didnt exactly seem interestd in anything, but content. didnt really talk.
my sister……..hunter. hunter hated my guts the second i came. and still did by the end, horribly so. she hated me because of paula, paula lied to her from the start, making her think my mom, her actual mom, didnt want her. i tried looking up to her, like a example, but she always was embarred to be around me, pushing me back into a feeling i didnt get at the time, just broke my heart, i was aware siblings loved eachother so i really blamed myself around her, and i was isolated even further. i stopped trying to please her a bit later, i didnt want to try anymore.
my room was the closet, my bed was a sort of sitting up camper bed. it was really narrow, but….i have to admit, i loved that one small window inside my room, i really liked just sitting there looking at the sky, and wishing to go home.
i was also forced to eat many foods at any quanity, it was vile, distgusting.
i was always yelled at, because i couldnt seem to do a single thing right, the whole year, i was isolated and taught i was a problem.
thats why i say sorry too much. its also the reason i flinch when mom even tries to hug me, how i get so frighted by any loud speaking because im in trouble,
i was used as a tool to hurt my own mother by that woman. i was used as a weapon.
used as a weapon on my own mom
its the main reason i wish to kill myself everyday.
i do not beleive in kind words and comments. i am a monster.
i am a monster
my mom tried everything in the book back then to come get me, nothing worked for a entire year. near the end of the year, my moms new-ish girlfriend was close to her grandfather. her grandfather was in the mafia.
that man, he gifted my mom enough money to come get me, without hesiation. i…..i owe that man. he's long sinced passed, and i even never met him either. but i owe him.
i came back home not as a child
but as a monster. and thats how its always been
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: this is kind of an au like what if you were
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i would like to request a seijoh!manager reader who’s a first year and is siblings with ushi and the team’s reaction to finding out that she was supposed to go to shiratorizawa with ushi and their reaction with her getting along with the shiratorizawa volleyball team and maybe the manager is a small cute soft little energetic ball of sunshine 🥺🥺 also hewwo, hope youre doing well! ☺️ -🎷🐛
- Ir seijoh manager series is so gooood. Can we get something where by some weird reason yn-chan is close to ushijima and tendou and the seijoh boys dont know about it and how they'd react to her being so affectionate w them ahahwindkdn
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so this is a what if thing
like what if ushijima was your older brother
you didnt exactly have the best relationship with your mom
you remember when you were younger that she used to yell at your brother for using his left hand and you got angry a lot because you were fiercely protective of your brother
this caused her to yell at you too for being nosy and being involved in something you shouldnt be in
duh we know that ushi’s dad takashi actually supported him for this and protected him too and you were also a papa’s girl so you always ran to him
he understood you both better and while your mother worked, he was at home taking care of you two
then when they mentioned wanting to separate, you were very sad but somewhat relieved
mostly because you hated hearing your parents arguing and you felt bad for your brother as he constantly did whatever to get you out of the house
thats what brought on your love for volleyball
you werent exactly the best player but you were interested in it and often watched matches with him
but you also liked volleyball because your brother liked it
you liked whatever your brother liked
he adored you too and he was a boy who didnt talk much due to your mother but he was always a talker with you
especially when you couldnt sleep, he would sneak you out of your room and you both would run to the kitchen and eat ice cream
even with just a 2 year age difference, he looked as if he was older than you due to his massive height
‘just wait nii-chan! i will drink enough milk to reach your height!’
*insert lenny face*
when they divorced, you thought your father would take both you and ushi
like the lady at the court even asked you where you wanted to go and not a breath of hesitation you chose your father
you weren’t very concerned because you knew your brother was going to choose your dad as you both were closer to him
so imagine your surprise when he said he didnt care and naturally, the mother would get the child
lowkey you felt hella betrayed and when your dad whisked you away overseas, there was this grudge you held against toshi
yall youre like 5
i would be hella mad too if my brother chose the person who yells at him all the time
in california, your father made sure you still remembered your brother and you tried to detach from the japanese lifestyle to your new one but you just couldnt
maybe around 6 years you were already fed up with the hot california heat and you wanted to go back to japan to see toshi again
you got over that grudge years ago but your mother refused to have any contact or anything to do with your father and so that included you too
she refused to let you both video chat and any type of connection
your dad obviously noticed your sad expressions and your obvious longing to go back to your brother again and so he arranged something
you shut the door gently before taking off your shoes by the doorway
the large house was often quiet except for the constant typing of a keyboard in your father’s study
you meekly mumbled but his sense of hearing never wavered so he heard your voice
‘oh? y/n?’
his voice echoed through the hallways and you heard his chair squeak as it was moved back so he could stand
your sock-cladded feet padded against the hard wood floor and you walked towards his study where indeed he was standing there
your father has definitely aged yet his job as a coach made him as fit as he was decades ago
as much as it disgusted you, you could tell what your friends meant when they said your dad was good-looking
they actually said your dad was hot but you refuse to acknowledge that
you and your friends are like 12 tf
you closed the door and sat down on the loveseat at the corner of the room as it was your designated spot
‘hey, papa’
you greeted with a smile and he gave you the same grin
‘i ordered f/f (favorite food) for dinner tonight so try and listen for the bell to ring, okay?’
you nodded
there was bit of small talk and you asked about his team while he asked about school and you both arranged to hang out over the weekend at some ice cream shop
the conversation dragged on until you heard the doorbell and you ran to the door to answer the delivery man
your dad put out the plates on the table and you excitedly dug in
‘also, you remember your grandmother? and her terrible back?’
oh god of course you did
they lived about 30 minutes away from your house in japan and she constantly worried your father bc the woman was approaching 90 and was still picking peppers!
with old coach ukai
‘what did she do now?’
your father chuckled at the exasperation in your voice
‘she misses you. says something about the family’s princess needing to go back to her country or something’
there was a smile in your face
your grandmother was your favorite and she always said you were the princess
she hated your mother because of how insensitive she was so she only acknowledged you as the only other female in the family
obviously your brother was also liked but there was just a special bond between you and your grandmother
‘so when are we going back?’
you asked and it was clear that you were excited at the thought of going back to japan as you havent been back since you moved due to your father’s busy job and your school
takashi swallowed his food before revealing the news
‘actually, if you want, you could finish your schooling there. but only until college first though because your old man needs you over here too’
nah bro you didnt even care about the last part
literally your fork fell to the table and you shrieked 
and thus brought you back to japan
you stayed with your grandmother on your dad’s side and you quickly got accustomed back to japan life
so waka-chan def heard you coming back
your mother was grumbling about it the other day and he was sure he heard your name in there
‘sdkfjkdslfjdkslfj y/n dkfjlsdkfjldkf’
there was a mutual giddiness in there too and he was excited to see you again after many years without contact
there was a bit of fear in there that thought back to when you were younger and his choice of not really having a specific parent despite your pleads to stay together with him
but he was going to make sure your bond was still intact!
he would do anything in his power to do so!
when you arrived
your dad accompanied you back to japan and you both were walking out to the exit of the airport when you saw your grandmother excitedly waving a sign around
in bold sparkly letters, it said ‘USHIJIMA’
okay wait i love grandma usui 
you quickly ran over to her and she grasped you into her arms
you sobbed and she hugged you tightly
‘im so happy youre back home’
your father shook hands with the friend she brought to help drive you guys back home
old man ukai was basically the chauffeur but hes really good friends with your nana so it was okay
the entire ride you guys basically caught up with each other and you couldnt help but laugh whenever your dad would go on a rant about your grandma being too reckless and your nana defending herself
‘oh stop it, takashi. i was only given one life and if it’s over, it’s over. for now, ill live it how i see fit!’
your old family home was exactly as you remember it but you didnt expect the 6′2 boy in the living room
you meekly whispered and he let out a soft smile before opening his big arms
you ran into them and he held you tightly
‘i missed you. so much’
he whispered and you nodded 
it was def such a nice thing to have your brother again
oooo your dad been knew that you would be sticking to waka like you did when you were itty bitty young
so when you practically begged waka to stay at your nana’s house the entire summer, he couldnt refuse you
duh your mom went to see you but you just quietly sat there and smiled at her
polite but distant
due to being around waka so much, you naturally went to his volleyball practices and their training camp
you met his friends and you guys quickly got acquainted especially with tendo bc he was just so fun
and he was your brother’s boyfriend best friend
the others were still kinda distant with you ahem ahem im looking at you shirabu
but they were mostly amazed at how powerful the genetics played in your appearances because wowza you were beautiful
lmao dont let waka hear them say that bc they would be benched all season in a single snap
during training camp, you usually sat at the sides or you would be their stand-in manager
goshiki absolutely LOVES you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
him and you were the same age so there was an easier way of being friends and your energies just matched so well
he would run up to you whenever he got a play right and you would ruffle his hair affectionately
hell even ushi was getting annoyed at goshiki’s constant need for you
tendo would steal you away and he would be giggling to you about how adorable you were and you just giggled along bc wow this beautiful man is really talking to me right now
‘cmere, y/n-chan. i taught toshi this the other day and he was very impressed and wanted me to do it again. okay so it goes in a rhyme, ya ready?’
you nodded along and he shot you a close-eyed smile before starting to draw on the dirt with a stick
‘there once was a man with-’
lets just say
you were definitely your brother’s sister
sometimes though
you would try and go towards the calmer players to get away from the rowdiness from baby daddy tendo and baby goshiki
you would find them at the gym just doing drills and at the sight of you, they would turn red but continue playing
they didnt really mind seeing you there bc youve always been such a positive energy and cheered them on which gave them strength
you were like a cute ball of serotonin >o<
‘wah, of course its expected for you guys to be the top in the prefecture. youre like,,,,, silent but deadly~!’
duh a compliment from a girl?
shirabu’s bangs would get in the way of his vision sometimes yall i will never stop making fun of that ridiculously adorable haircut so you would use a clip and tuck it away for him
this big babie is so awkward that he turns red when you whisper in his ear that you were done
semisemi baby and you got along bc you guys had a similar taste in music and because you lived in california, he was fascinated that you were in the music capital of america
‘did you see celebrities down the street?’
he asked you excitedly one day during lunch
you stopped then smiled softly
‘semisemi-kun, i didnt live at that part of california’
nah to him, america is just filled with celebrities
taichi is a generally quiet guy
like you thought he was actually selectively mute when you first met him
but you gradually got him to talk and you would help him whenever he would want to practice
usually it was during the ungodly hours of the morning
you woke up and went to grab a drink from the common room but you noticed his large build exiting the door so you followed him into the gym
you called out and felt guilty when he jumped 
‘oh, hey’
he aknowledged
you stopped to yawn causing your eyes to close making you miss the brief second of softness that flashed in his eyes
‘what are you doing?’
you tiredly asked
taichi dusted off his trackpants after kneeling down to rummage through his bag and you couldnt help but gawk at his height
‘im training early’
he answered
‘why? is it because you want to keep up with the others?’
you mumbled and he was surprised for a second but reverted back to his stoic expression
‘i have to make sure i am able to reach my seniors level for next year’
taichi turned away to grab a stray ball and you moved to go to the storage room for the ball cart
‘oi, what are you doing? go back to bed’
he said from the other side of the gym but you just looked back at him with a tired grin
‘meh, i want to spend time with you, senpai’
you reasoned
he shook his head before walking over to you then ruffled your hair
‘no wonder youre so tiny. you dont sleep enough and let your body grow’
yep that was the closest youve gotten to taichi joking with you
usually, hes training and when hes in the zone, nothing else has his attention but the ball
maybe thats why the others ahem goshiki has said that he was very scary
his game face was practically a mean face
basically you spent the entire training camp with them and then soon, you were going back to school
duh everyone hmm maybe not shirabu bc he most definitely read the school book of rules thought you would be going to shiratorizawa with them 
but you broke the news to them one afternoon and imagine the tears from both tendo and goshiki
‘why can’t you?’
semi asked and you were about to answer when shirabu beat you to it
‘the school doesnt allow late transfers’
oh right
the american school system was set in a different schedule than a japanese school system
it was considered the summer for them yet school already started a few months ago
since shiratorizawa was a very academically and physically prestigious school, they refused anyone who would potentially be late or behind their curriculum
‘so where ya headed to then, chibi?’
tendou pouted and you leaned against his arm
‘hmm some school named aoba johsai? i dont know its near my grannie’s so that’s all that mattered’
oh dear
they consider seijoh a rival bc theyve played against them practically in every prefecture tournament and they were worried for that infamous setter
‘ne, y/n-chan, promise us that you won’t be swept away by them! especially a guy named oikawa tooru!’
tendou’s warning was kinda ignored bc you ended up being seijoh’s manager
but they weren’t really really shocked tho bc they knew you liked volleyball so you would naturally be in the volleyball team
even as a manager
meanwhile in seijohhh
OooOOOoOoOooooo sEiJOOhHHHH~~~~~~
okay so you were actually registered under your father’s last name usui rather than the ushijima last name
therefore you werent exactly immediately known as HEY! USHIJIMA’S SISTER!
you still became the manager the way you did as mentioned in part 1 
and you still are their adorable baby manager
you were aware of their oikawa’s hatred for wakawaka so you try not to talk about him even though youre literally the closest person to him
was it traitorous? 
but you actually even help them when they practice
duh the boys are like eyebrow raise emoji 
‘wow youre really into volleyball, huh, manager-chan?’
matsukawa commented and you just smiled
‘hmm, my family likes it so ive picked up a thing or two’
little do they know your brother is literally the best volleyball player around and is a member of the under 19 team and your father is a volleyball coach in america and would someday be someone iwaizumi hajime (19) would apprentice under
there was a lot of times you thought you would slip up like your home screen was of you and waka but youve been careful to cover it up
you cant always be sneaky
it was during the first day of the tournament and you were filling up their water bottles I SWEAR WHY IS MANAGER-CHAN ALWAYS FILLING UP WATER BOTTLES when you found a familiar bunch of boys at the end of the hallway just chatting
you havent seen tendou and the boys in so long so you placed the bottles down and rushed over there so quickly
you shouted and the oddly-haired boy turned and he gasped before grabbing you into a large hug
this grabbed tendou’s attention and he cheered then hugged you too
your giggles and happy cheers were so infectous and they just absolutely missed you so much 
these tall boys were at a advantage so someone scooped you up and you were just affectionately being talked to and hugged and LKDSJFSLDFJ SO LUCKY SO LOVED
the plant babies were wondering where the heck you went to 
‘y/n-chan?! where is she?!’
oikawa panicked quickly while iwaizumi hit him to shut up
‘be quiet! you won’t find her if you’re too busy freaking out!’
‘ill find her’
matsukawa volunteered and they nodded, feeling at ease of him being capable to find you if you were in trouble
but when he returned empty-handed and with large eyes, they knew something was up
they ran behind mattsun to stop and copy his shocked expression at the sight in front of them
is that
oh my god
oikawa shouted, being the first to speak
you jumped and your own eyes widened
‘oh. oh no’
you mumbled
the others were so stunned and seijoh itself was so hard to make speechless but they were just shocked
‘what is happening’
iwaizumi mumbled
yea the others were just shocked period
‘hey guys’
you waved and you motioned them closer
‘uhh,,, well,,, um they are my friends’
you smiled uneasily and they could see that
oikawa signalled you to say everything bc he knew it wasnt the whole story
you sighed
‘ushi,,, jima is my brother’
you mumbled the last part
but they heard you
you cringed and the shira boys were about to move to protect you but they saw you glare at them
‘what? what about it? hes my brother? and?’
you babbled
‘but,, why are you,, in seijoh? dont get me wrong! its just,, youd naturally go to shiratorizawa right?’
mattsun waved his hands around and asked the question thats bugging the team
‘i came to the country late’
turns out you havent exactly told them everything about you yet :/
even when youve cleared the air and introduced waka as your brother, seijoh still didnt say anything
they were stuck in this shocked and surprised moment even at the end of the day and when you went straight to the shiratorizawa team,
they watched with wide eyes as you laughed with goshiki and was jumping around with tendou
wow you were actually really beautiful when youre happy
‘i dont think ive seen her this happy with this much energy’
makki said and they nodded
it was true
you were usually calm and collected and was the perfect balance to this chaotic team
so seeing you so free and loose with them was so refreshing, even if it was with damn ushiwaka
you finally went back to the seijoh boys and they all sent glares to the violet team before sending you a smile
‘you ready to go, manager-chan?’
watari ruffled your hair before handing you your bag to start walking to the bus
‘yea. lets go home’
as you all walked, oikawa was already starting his tantrum
‘y/n-chan~! why aren’t you that happy around us? are we not enough for you?’
oikawa whined and pouted
but you just turned to smiled at him and stopped walking to pat his head
‘im not their manager, therefore im not pressured to act like anyone except as a friend and a spectator. but i try to be as professional as i can with you guys to make sure you dont appear bad to others. and you guys are perfectly chaotic enough, adding me into the mix will just about kill coach’
oikawa didnt seem satisfied though
‘but! thats not fair! they get to see you smile and i dont!’
iwaizumi growled at him to be quiet but you beat him to it
you smiled at tooru but your eyes shone maliciously
‘i knew you would act like this, oikawa-san. as punishment, i gave nii-chan your phone number. good luck avoiding him now’
oikawa screamed
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grvntld · 3 years
okie so my first chika is actually about boyfie's fambam which are gonna be my in-laws in just a few months. IN. JUST. A. FEW. MONTHS. im gonna get married in just a few months and i still couldnt believe it but also i could not wait bc i love my man i love him so much y'all hv no idea how much and i cant wait to like officially build a life w him even though we hv started doing that already with our plans and all that
anyway, so yeah, boyfie's fambam — theyve always treated me with nothing short of warm. even from the v start and boyfie and i were not like a steady couple yet, like we were just dating and seeing where the tides will take us, they have always treated me like im already part of their family, like they know where our relationship was heading back then. it was heartwarming.
so uhm, i was in lipa, batangas last friday, right? and boyfie's fambam is actually from batangas so of course, i messaged them and told them im in batangas but im on a tight schedule and im not sure if i could meet them but hopefully soon we would be able to see each other again. i didnt know they were out doing errands though and they were near my place of werq that time so i was really surprised when they messaged me if they could maybe drive by just to see me. ngl i panicked. i told my bosses right away if i could excuse myself for a few minutes once my future in-laws are near so i could just say hi and good thing they said yes. they texted me when they were at the golf and country club's gate so i could wait for them in the hotel lobby since i was really on a tight schedule and the owners of the whole property were there too. so there i was in the hotel lobby waiting for them and they got into a problem by the gate since the place is kinda exclusive + of course, under strict protocol so they had to give my name and our contact's name and at first, the guards still wont let them until they called me and i got to talk to the guards on the phone and told them who i was and what was my business there and they were aware of what my team was doing there anyway so after that call, boyfie's fambam was finally let in. i even told the guards they were my future in-laws and right then and there i kinda aggshsjsjskll got shy bc well, im actually a rlly shy person, okkkkk?¿¿?¿??? plus i know they could hear my conversation with the guards since im on loud speaker + i got rlly soft when i was even waiting for the guards to be available to talk to me bc boyfie's dad was on the phone and he was like, "hello, aina. sandali lang, ineng, ha? si tatay ito" 🥺 im soft, you guys!!!! he's basically telling me that it's fine to call him tatay, right? 🥺🥲😭
ok so fast forward to them finally reaching the hotel lobby. i thought it was only boyfie's parents that i was going to see that day so my mind was running wild when i saw figures on the back seat. turns out, boyfie's eldest sister and her hubby — who i both havent met ever since as they were destined in the middle east before and our schedules just wont meet every time they go back here in the ph — were with the parents. i was even kinda in denial as i was going down the staircase of the hotel lobby to meet them by the driveway bc i was telling myself maybe those were actually boyfie's other siblings that i hv met olredi, but then as i got closer, i was just seeing clearly that they were indeed boyfie's eldest sister and her hubby and i was agvsgsbshdnfubeudbfjndjdkdkslsllsl i dont know, mahn, i just rlly wanna make a good first impression. dont shit me, you would want to make a good first impression too when it comes to your partner's family, especially when your partner is part of a tight-knit family. DUH. so yeah, boyfie's mom took lead of the conversation and she was the one who made the introductions between me and boyfie's eldest sister plus her hubby. i could feel their eyes looking at me while boyfie's mom and dad were talking to me. boyfie's eldest sister and her hubby actually asked me stuff abt the golf and country club and honestly, the conversation was almost a blur to me bc i was trying my best to hold my self together as it was the first time that i was meeting them and boyfie wasnt with me and im just an awkward person overall and i was scared im gonna say the wrong things aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh but then everything turned out well. i think i did good. they also asked me of my schedule so i told them my team's gonna cover the whole place amd then we'll head to tagaytay the next day to cover a cafe, and then we're going home. hehe. it was a nice catch up × first meet session. they were nice, they were all smiling. they even gave me dragonfruits to take home. 🤚🥺
boyfie's fambam loves me. dont get me wrong, im not bragging or anything but i know when people actually like me and when they dont, and i just know that boyfie's fambam hv accepted me with their arms wide open, and i am vvv much grateful for that. i love them. i could not ask for better in-laws. theyre all wonderful and i hope they know and feel how much i love their son and brother.
okie so dazz all. at least diziz all i could remember from that time bc really it was kinda blurry to me. i felt like time slowed down but also it all happened so fast and i was just there being: ☺🥺🥲☺🥺🥲. srsly, even after that time, i was kind of shaking bc i got butterflies in my stomach for seeing them without boyfie right by my side. boyfie knows how nervous and tense i get around people so he usually holds my hand to remind me he's there and he wasnt physically there when it all happened, so when i got back to my job, i had a bit of a struggle to go back into my werq mode zone. lol. good thing i was able to push through, though, and i even hosted a live with the chef and the golf and country club's general manager, so i guess i could say i did a good job — personal-life-wise and werq-life-wise! hehe. 🙆‍♀️🦋💖🌻
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Round 1a Match 1
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Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon (Entropic Float)
Fic count: 0
Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero (Teen Wolf)
Fic count: 336
Propaganda under the cut
"this essay is going to be reused whole cloth from the submission of them to the 17 million years of pining poll! because unfortunately i do not have the energy to go insane enough to write up anything new oh.
my god. where the fuck do i start with them for real.
okay so, theyve been friends since early childhood, and before either of them came out (Rashmi is agender, they/them, while Amelie is a trans girl, she/her, and they are both mspec which is a bit less relevant but is also there). the earliest time that we know that they have feelings for each other is when theyre both 14, and Rashmi - already out, with their entire family (parents and grandma) supporting them without question - is moving. uhhh 90% of american geography names are the same to me so i might lie there. from Nevada, where they both grew up, to New York, where Rashmi is planning on studying dance further, which has always been their plan; around 14 is when they ran out of teachers at home.
they quietly hope Amelie doesnt confess her feelings for them, as they fear it might tempt them to stay, which they cannot allow themself to do. Amelie, meanwhile, is very carefully not thinking about gender, because her parents are quite frankly the worst. over the course of the years before they meet back up, Amelie has had some dates, but each time, they dont work out, and in her own words, put logs on the flame she carries for Rashmi.
Rashmi, meanwhile. gets married. one of Rashmi's biggest struggles in their romantic pursuits has been the fact that they are both Indian and queer. it has been a struggle for them to find someone who respects both - someone who respects their gender identity while not throwing their culture under the bus. that is one of the factors contributing to the way their relationship with "Ajay" (we learn that this name isnt his real one, but it was magically replaced in Rashmi's memories of him and we dont know it) played out: he is also Indian, and the first thing he asked them upon meeting them was what their pronouns were. and it was all good.
until it wasnt.
i would love to get into that deeper, but the important point is that "Ajay" is kind of a piece of garbage, whose crimes include finding Rashmi's address when they didnt give it out, deliberately not sending Amelie her wedding invitation because Rashmi told him they used to have a crush on her, driving them to drop out of dance school, and general possessiveness (notable being the fact that, whenever he is home, he always asks them to stay home too, which leads to them dropping their social circle and their hobbies). one of the places it grows from is "Ajay" being ace and not quite believing that Rashmi accepts that. he also has a substance abuse problem.
all of that culminates as they return from a short visit to their parents, and he in a fit pushes them down a long flight of stairs.
in the meantime... god, i cant even figure out what parts of information are important about Amelie here. i would put as notable the fact that she only figured out she was a girl something like a year before the events of the game - and only ever came out to Rashmi, who in turn told their parents...
and who didnt realize that Amelie's workplace didnt know. her workplace is just. terrible in social terms. she loves the work itself (its food industry, a restaurant in a casino, dont remember the exact job description) but her coworkers are being the absolute worst. a cesspool of toxic masculinity. also an environment for Amelie's undiagnosed psychosis. she is prone to auditory hallucinations.
after being outed to her boss while also hearing from Rashmi's parents that their husband is... lets just say bad for them, she, while safely at home, hallucinates that her boss or maybe her father is breaking down the door.
simultaneously with Rashmi as they are falling down the stairs, they make Wishes.
these are not widely understood; from the context of the game, it seems as though some people get a Wish when in significant peril, or in distress. you do not need to use the Wish immediately as you get it, but they both did.
essentially, what Rashmi Wishes for is a way to escape from their husband that wouldnt raise a fuss; and Amelie Wishes for a place where she and Rashmi can both be safe. (i am very muddly on the details there) their Wishes create the anomalous clocktower where the game takes place."
"THEYRE SO FUN !! liam and hayden went to the same middle school and absolutely hated each other because they got into a fight right before picture day in 6th grade and they had black eyes and bruises and shit in their yearbook photos. they meet again in their sophomore year of high school and both of them are still holding that grudge a little bit, before liam tries to make amends. plot stuff happens and liam ends up saving haydens life, and their romance kinda begins. teen wolf has this lore where werewolves can take pain from people (it’s a weird show with weird lore) and they both take each others pain by kissing. hayden (temporarily) dies in liams arms and when she comes back she says nothing feels right anymore, except for him. during their first season they also have this fun romeo and juliet/opposite sides dynamic. and in their second season hayden puts her literal existence at stake because she trusts liam enough to save her. theyre so good."
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lifeinthegladhouse · 3 years
i always sat with reverence and fear. after that ordeal, i did not know how to approach you. your name became an obscene burden that reminded us of the harsh realities of life. the fragility of the corporeal form, death, and inclement weather. 'i dont petition to anyone' she said bitterly one evening.
in the beginning i knew you as an omen from my mother. you seemed quiet and not very open to talking. i was afraid, but nonetheless, one day after consistent determination i felt like i had encountered a breakthrough. the warmth of a father-figure, providing me the kind of warmth i once felt from my mother, the fleeting time when she was not raving mad and drunk and screaming, the warmth i once felt in a fever dream where she comforted me.
one night i heard a man singing on the main road, operatically, boldly. he sang with glee and what sounded like a full stomach of alcohol. i was dizzy when i stood after hours of reading. i read about 'odr' as a concept. i was enlightened by something i do not now remember. i felt as if i gained something.
when we embarked on our journey, i had left a hefty offering asking for protection and guidance. i was afraid of the airplane. i was afraid of whatever was to come. i thought we were going to missouri after all, which would've been just as profane and shocking as when we did get there, but maybe more of a slap in the face if we arrived there first. i felt my cousins hand on my shoulder in the uber. i watched the forests rush by under the highway.
the airport is a solace for me. a place ive been many times and for many reasons both high and low. a liminal place where i have felt desperate, elated, heart broken, and standing on the turning point of fate. we saw your name on a beautiful dog's jacket. sitting next to us. the handler was shy and turned away. the service dog flashed his name once and they got up and left. why did they sit by us at the terminal only to get up and leave? did they even fly with us? did they only sit next to us to rest, for us to see? we heard your name calling over and over on the intercom. a different name, as you have many, but yours nonetheless.
the plane was peaceful until it wasnt. then it was the white knuckling turbulence that made me feel like I was going to die. the man next to me slept through it all, muttering to himself, talking to himself the entire flight. we flew back to the town where my cousin froze to death. we got gas. we flew back to houston.
on the drive to the hotel, after hour of missing our connection to missouri, they played that fucking boxer's biography film commercial segment over and over and over. i pulled the hanged man from my deck over and over. we drank and ate and planned for tomorrow. a wednesday. why would we fly on a tuesday and think we would succeed?
wednesday we try again. we board the new flight with a layover in denver. the plane is malfunctioning in some way so they get us off the plane. we decide we will miss our connecting flight again and likely be stranded in denver which is further away. even in texas, even lost in houston, it is my home state. it is the land that devours my heart and burns me from the inside. it is every passing stupid sweet benign cow chewing grass that is hot and sweaty leather jacket on my back. the barbed wire fences and deathzones permeate my soul with the sterile militancy that i was raised with from the void mother who brought me into this world.
'im going home' i call dad. as we head away from the terminal, a few steps and tuff en*ff is playing from some airport steakhouse. his band. she cries. i stare.
we go back to the hotel. we wait and wait and wait and wait for missed shuttle after missed shuttle. we uber. i try to pull a classic trick. ive never done this before. 'ill pay you to drive us north' i say. the girl seems like a college student, she's quiet normal and innocent and i feel like i am about to psychically take her hostage for ten minutes. 'i need someone to drive us north'. there are no rental cars. none in houston. none in austin. none in san antonio. we cry on the floor of the rental car place. how the hell will we ever leave this place? but she picks us up to take us back to the hotel so we can plan. 'my dad could drive you' she says. 'he's old and kind of looks like santa'. 'does he have one eye missing?' i joke to her grave discomfort. she declines the real offer for the ride.
we take an uber the next day to the mall. the giant pf changs horses await us there. we carry our luggage through the harsh tile floors of the mall. past the weird messianic jewish mall stall. ive never seen so many stars of david next to crosses in the middle of texas in a mall before - a sight to behold as they do not know their own religion, nor those they steal from, nor their audience - at a fucking mall. we laugh.
we go to the barnes n noble. then the pf change. starving. sushi. i leave a small bit by the giant marble horse. it's beautiful, somehow i never seen one growing up in texas, or ever before this, and somehow after, i always see them at these weird corporate malls. someone gets paid to make these massive horse statues, but because there are two of them, i jokingly decide that 2 horses makes 8 legs and 8 legs only means one special deity.
it's time for our greyhound equivalent type bus to the dfw zone, to the hilton where comfort, safety, Tequila (the song) and many other moments await us. a strange old man is behind the shopping complex where the bus comes. it's only us and him. and a horse-cop. yes in houston at the mall there is the texas equivalent of a fucking canadian mountie, all dressed in red and everything, on a horse. he talks to her. we watch. he talks to us. he says he teaches art to prisoners and owns an art gallery in the city we are all making our way back to. he says he's one of the best artists (he isn't, by far, in fact, I myself am better). he says capitalist overlords are evil, and incarceration isn't the answer. he's speaking my language, in a place where it is rarely spoken, and to do so could be fatal, and historically has been. ironically, he also appears to be a raging narcissist.
we get on the bus. he sits rows behind us and proselytizes everyone on the bus to quit their jobs and become artists because anyone can do it and the world needs more of them. we watch the grass and other cars and cows and fences and nothingness go by on the stinky hot disgusting bus while this man never shuts up. we here him go on and on and try to tune him out. i see familiar names on the cars passing by. i see the name mercury. i see the family name of two brothers very near and dear to my departed cousin who sent us on this trip after death. we pass through dallas, the giant tired buildings, the overarching highway overpasses. something about the underbelly of dallas reminds me of my dreams. how many dreams did i have of this place, where my mother ran away with me as a child, and i never knew why until now?
golden hour shines on the glass towers of dallas but it is empty. no homeless. no bottles. no suited business men. no family women pushing strollers. no teenagers dancing in the wrong side of town. nothing. it is desolately empty. strange billboards, one for topo chico water. the billboard is impressive and has a fake waterfall which is a nice oasis in a dusty and sad place like dallas.
he says your name.
my face drains of all color and so does my beloved partner's. i don't move my head. and then i do. i slowly turn to her and we stare at each other wide eyed. 'did he?' 'he...' we try to listen for context but understand nothing else that he says. "i think ive heard of him" says the gentlemen across the aisle talking to him. "maybe in the mythology". under our masks we are smiling.
when i ask him about it, as we are getting off the bus, the man seems flustered. 'did i hear you, talking about-" "oh, um, yes, he's the god of wisdom, and um, all of that, um, after all, well, i really have to go-" the man is rushing off the bus. he gets so far along and gets into a black car with a woman driving. we sit in the park with our luggage. it's almost sundown. we look for the hilton hotel in FtW.
we move with purpose on a spiritual warpath. outside the hotel, a loud truck, bedecked in christmas lights is blasting Tequila and I think of peewee dancing on the tables. we uber to my father's, late at night, and talk. on our way home, an Escalade takes us back to the hotel, bumpy over the 7th street bridge and into the belly of down town. i watch the city rise up, outlined in lights. it hurts my heart. f*rt w*rth cuts like a hot knife, like a cattle brand. it is the beginning of my paternal line, and like a salmon, i feel compelled to return to it time and time again.
the hotel staff and the others find us bizarre and strange. theyve never seen tattooed, mulleted, bleached and dyed queers with such purpose grace their fancy hotel usually frequented by affluent conservative politicians, poor moms on holiday abusing the pools and pretending to be rich, and bougie high school girls with waxed and oiled bodies and minds corrupted by the protestant church and boys who wear camo and chew tobacco and work for the railroads.
when we leave the hotel, the woman at the desk is wearing your ravens. 'i like your ravens' i touch my own fondly to show her. we had been there for days, with luggage issues, profiled by wannabe cops nearby, stared at by the others who frequent the hotel. f*rt w*rthians are like walking knives and they fix you with their hostile white eyes but i tell them my great grandfather died on the courthouse steps. my unfortunate forefathers slaughtered men to make the buildings they stand in and eat in and fuck in. they built this city. it's a shit truth. but i am not a stranger to this town.
'theyre od*ns ravens" she says with a guarded look. "i thought so," i feel sheepish but i couldnt say nothing. "it's quite beautiful." you could cut the air with the same knife in everyone's proverbial back pocket. we head out the door. it's pouring. they thank us for being some of the most kind guests they've ever had. the door man is covered in tattoos, including a hanya. he seems dark and strange in his eyes, like the rest of us, who are all hiding something. he opens our doors for us, puts away our luggage begrudgingly but it is his job.
we set off for my father's house, and then tulsa. we spend some time loading up, and then stop in gainesville due to tornado watch. gainesville is quiet. but there is traces of g*ne everywhere in tulsa. my heart aches as i grow to love tulsa, and it becomes a place of solace away from texas and away from missouri. i wish i could ask him, what did he think of tulsa?
in missouri your crows fly over us. i whisper your name silently, mouthing, "- be with us" in this land of jesus freaks and murderous cult right-wingers. we almost get hit with a car, and robbed, in sweet christian br*nson. as i say your name, the crow flies far over head from the powerline, right over my head, and onto the roofing above. my partner stops and looks at it, looks back to me, unknowing of my silent words.
we reconvene in the belly of new mexico, I suspect, en route to arizona. the lightning and the wide expanses all around us. i pray that you dont take our lives on the road that very minute, as white hot rods split the sky and the ground and hail pummels everyone's wind shields. by the time we get to arizona, en route to california, we leave the evil flagstaff hotel to truly sentient ravens.
now there are ravens in our current home. they caw deep and watch from the trees. but these urban ravens are not like the flagstaff ravens. these corvid devils sat atop the lamps and watched us as we left the hotel. they watched us keenly, and spoke in strange clicks and noises. they are huge and greedy looking and beady-eyed in a visceral way i have never before witnessed in my life.
after 8 long hours we end up in california.
this is the abridged version, but, one-eyed one, i wanted you to know that i remember. i remember those days like a dream, a fantastic film, a beautiful vision of fear, excitement, grief, and purpose. the proof of divinity, of the power of honor, of the power of self-sustenance, the arousal of the road, state by state, the lessons we learned and the fear we braved. i was at my most self-ness i have ever been, in those moments, all of my selves came back to me. in those moments there was nothing to stop me but the sheer brashness of the earth or physical violence. and each day and each night we prevailed against the highway dangers, the storm shooting rods at us, like you were pitching fuckin' tiny curveballs of hail at us, the people who hated us deeply in their soul, hotel after hotel with decrepit deskmen, broken locks that seemed hopeless, strange happenings and coincidences, and the beauty too, of camaraderie even in a place like 'home'.
i didn't know what to think after that. i was angry. i questioned you. i questioned myself. i questioned the sheer insanity and the magnitude of it all. time has healed me. now i must remember the faith i put in myself then, i must put in myself now. i must not forget what we prevailed through, the ordeal. i must not forget his wishes, what he would want if he were alive still, for me to carry on. i must not forget the power of faith i have put in you, so that i may also put that in myself.
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 1 — Surprise!
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x fem!reader
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — uh, non rlly, just enjoy :D
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(Sent September 15th at 6:32 am)
Y/N: [Good morning Tobio!]
You turned your phone off before sitting up to stretch your arms. The warm sunrays peeked through your thick curtains, your room taking the shade of an idigo hue. You let out a bronx cheer before hopping out of bed, looking around at your nearly empty room. bzzz!
You smiled to yourself, hands finding your small hand held device before opening your notification, seeing a text from Kageyama.
(Sent September 15th at 6:33 am)
Kageyama: [Morning.]
Y/N: [How did you sleep?]
[Also, I have a surprise for you Tobiooo!]
Kageyama: [I slept fine. What is it?]
Y/N: [It wouldn't be a surprise if you told ya!]
You set your phone down gently on your drawer and you heard a light knock on your door, then the nob turning. Your mom peeked her head through the crack in your door, smiling as she watched you open your blinds.
"Hey honey," she whispered, knocking again lightly. You faced your mother with a sleepy grin, "good morning mom." You grabbed two bags from the corner of your room, slinging them over your shoulder.
"I'll load up the car mom, don't worry okay?" You walk over to the door and she moves over, allowing you to get through the door. "We leave in 20 minutes okay?" She pats your back before walking off to her room, leaving you to your job.
You slipped on your fuzzy pink slippers sitting at the front door and your turned the lock to go out. You went back and forth, in and out of the house loading up all of your luggage and baggage needed for the move. Your mom had finished her loading and was turning on the car as you grabbed your phone and locked up the house.
You climbed into the backseat with a fluffy, warm blanket for the long ride, buckling yourself up and checking your notifications.
(Sent September 15th at 6:35 am)
kageyama: [you're quiet annoying you know?]
(Sent September 15th at 7:01 am)
Y/N: [I wouldn't be y/n if I wasnt, am I right?]
After hours of sleeping, snacking and playing video games, the ride had come to an end. "We're here baby, wake up." Your mom shook your arm softly and your slowly forced your eyes open. You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning.
You and your mom unloaded your luggage into the empty house, your new home. It was a house way smaller than your previous one, two rooms, a bathroom and a small livingroom that connects to the kitchen. You decided that you wanted it to feel as much like a home as did your old house, so you decided to start decorating.
(Sent September 15th at 2:13 pm)
Y/N: [Hey tobio, ill tell you about the surprise in a week! :3]
Kageyama: [okay.]
As you went through some boxes you found old photos of you and Kageyama, the male with a blank expression but you could barely stay still that you were slightly blurry. You smiled at the memories of being an energetic kid and decided to put up the photos of you and kageyama on your pin board.
After your room was decently put together, missing a desk and a bed of course, you texted your friends from your old school and went to your moms room to see her folding her clothes. "Hey mom, can we go to the school to pick up my stuff?" She turned to you and smiled, putting her shirt down and standing up.
"Ah, yeah lets go now." She grabbed her keys and lead you to the car, you bouncing with excitement behind her. You opted on riding in the front with her, smiling at her as she turned the keys to start the car. The ride was filled with your conversation with your mom, talking about what you two should do since you arrived in your new home, your school and how you live closer to the rest of your family.
You pulled up to your new school and you eyed the entrance, reading the signs and inspecting the buildings. Your mom parked and unlocked the car, allowing you to hop out under the cold breeze. "Lets go honey," your mom grabbed your arm lightly and pulled you along with her, entering your new highschool. Karasuno highschool.
The principal greeted you and your mother and started to show you around the school. You saw your classes, your locker, the gym, and other important stuff that you mentally noted. Lastly was the office, where he gave you your printed schedule, needed textbooks and school uniform. With a wave goodbye you and your mom left to go back to your house, the car ride was silent this time.
It was the day, the day you started your first day at your new school. It's been a week since you settled into your new home, finally having a bed and a desk, some drawers and other things. You felt like you were at home, finally ready for a new start. Your mom decided to drive you to school for your first day, despite living close to the school.
"Are you excited?" She asked, eyes on the road with a proud smile. "Yeah, I am, time for a new start," you smiled, looking at your phone. "Well, im just glad you're feeling well. About your dad, you know–" your mom started. Your parents divorced, and your dad bringing in the most income, you and your mom had to leave tokyo, no longer able to afford the house that you had lived in since the age of 3.
"Mom, its fine, really. It didn't work out and thats okay, because now we have a little home of our own," you smiled widely, grabbing your bag as your mom parked at the side of the road. "Oh! Can we get a puppy?" You asked, bouncing in your seat and she laughed.
"I'll think about it. Have a good day, and if you see Kageyama tell him I said hi," she waved as you climbed out the car and you nodded at her before crossing the street and entering the school. You were so excited, seeing other students who noticed your foreign presence.
(Sent September 23rd at 6:54 am)
Y/N: [Good morning tobio!]
[I'll tell you the surprise later, are you busy after school?]
Kageyama: [morning, and yes I have volleyball.]
Y/N: [ah, okay! Have a good day today]
You spent your day alone, just taking in the new setting and adjusting to the classes you had. You had a few students talk to you when they found out you were new, but you decided to eat lunch alone that day. The day went by pretty fast and while you were slightly tired, you were still pumping with excitement. After all, you were going to see Kageyama today.
School ended, and after class you went down to your locker to put away some of your books and take anything you needed out of there. You remembered that Kageyama said he would be doing volleyball club today, and you assumed it would be held in the gym. You turned to see a tall blonde headed male with glasses from one of your classes.
"Excuse me, sir?" You tapped the male, causing him to stop and face you, removing his head phones and putting his hands in his pockets. "You're the new kid, y/n? Right?" He asked, but before you could answer he scoffed, "what do you need?"
"Ah, do you know where the volleyball club is meeting today?" You stood on one foot, bouncing slightly, which wasnt unnoticed by the male. "Im in the club, we're meeting in the gym." He answered before he turned to head to the gym.
"Is it cool if i walk with you then?" You asked, leaning to your left side to peek at the boy who scoffed before nodding. You smiled and he started walking, so you waddled after him. "Ah, whats your name?" You asked taking big steps to match the tall males natural stride. "Tsukishima Kei. Call me Tsukishima."
You realized that maybe he wasn't the type to like conversations based on the annoyance in his tone, so you just followed behind silently until you arrived at the gym. The team were doing warmups of their own already while a few males had stood around and talked amongst themselves. "Woah, Tsukishima! Is that like, your girlfriend or something?"
You saw a small male, with a noticably bright streak of blonde hair smack dab in the middle of his forehead. "Im Nishinoya Yu!" He grinned and stuck out a friendly hand, which you took. "Ah, actually im new here, I just asked Tsukishima to show me the volleyball club." You giggled at the charismatic member.
"What– what did you come to the club for? Are you trying out to be the new manager or something?" A taller, nearly bald male said, appearing behind the shorter male. Tsukishima groaned and walked off to the other side of the gym. "Ah, im actually here to see a friend." They both looked at each other then turned to the third years.
"Daichi, do you know her?" Nishinoya asked, pointing at you and the gyms attention was on you. You put your hands up and waved in defense "ah wait, im actually here to see–"
"Oh, whos this?" A familiar voice said and you turned to the entrance of the gym to see Kageyama Tobio. His eyes widened in shock and he froze, dropping his water bottle as you smiled widely at him. "Kageyama!" You shouted and ran to the male, wrapping your arms around his neck, giggling lightly as he stood frozen in shock.
"Y-y/n..?" He asked and softly pushed you off of him, looking at you with a glare that also had a hint of confusion fused in. "What are you doing here?" He asked, even though he knew exactly what was going on. He saw your uniform and heard about a new student who had transferred to their school. But why you?
"Well, I moved here and thought, why not transfer to your school?" You smiled as all the boys headed over. A orange haired male walked around you, inspecting you, bouncing around with an energetic presence. "Are you and Kageyama dating?"
"You moron!" Kageyama yelled and slapped hinata on the back of the head, causing the orange haired males expression turn sour. You jumped lightly and rubbed the short males head "ah, tobio." He whines and looks up at you and pouts at Kageyama. "Your girlfriend is way cooler and nicer than you."
"Ah, im not Kageyamas girlfriend, we're family friends," you say to the small male, and he thinks for a minute. "Ah, this is y/n?" Hinata asks and Kageyama pinches his ear, dragging him away while yelling at him. You smile and turn to the other males, seeing the captain walking over towards you.
"Hello, im Daichi Sawamura, call me Daichi." He says and bows. "Im Y/n L/n," you greet back. You were allowed to stay and watch the practice, and he even introduced you to the other team members and the coaches. The whole practice you watched Kageyama, who would occasionally shoot glances at you. You also noted that he wasn't doing really well, he seemed really distracted.
After practice ended, you stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder and attempted to approach him, but he exited the gym as quickly as he could. You were slightly shocked and just decided to text him, hinata sneaking up on you. "Hey y/n, how do you know Kageyama?"
"Hmm, oh! Our moms are best friends, so kageyamas family was always welcome at out family get togethers," you stated, not taking your eyes off of your screen.
(Sent September 23rd at 8:05 pm)
Y/N: [hey kageyama, do you want a ride from my mom?]
Daichi called for everyone to exit the gym, so you put your phone into your pocket and exited with Hinata and Nishinoya. "So, Kageyamas girlfriend?" Noya asked and you laughed, "im not his girlfriend, again." You correct as you two walk to the bike racks for Noya and Hinata to grab their bikes.
"Hmm, well a friend of kageyamas is a friend of mine!" Hinata smiles and mounts his bike, wide and bright smile, when you hear a honk. "Ah thats my mom, I'll see you guys again!"
"Wait, do you want to eat lunch with us tomorrow?" Nishinoya asked, mounting his bike. "Ah, I'll think about it, it was nice to meet you guys!" You wave goodbye to the males and jog over to your moms car, climbing into the passenger seat.
(Sent September 23rd at 8:09 pm)
Kageyama: [no.]
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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freerebelmentality · 4 years
The Ghost of you
AN: Hi could I request a story where reader is they're little sister she was often forgotten by them shes a year or two younger then Sam for the first 16 years of her life they were always there for her but slowly they forgot she was there she often risked her life for them but they never helped or thanked her eventually she leaves you can go from there - @lexy586. Well here it is and I hope you enjoy reading this. I really enjoyed writing this out and I had fun with this even though it made me cry a little. But still made me a little emotional.
Hope you all enjoy.
Word Count: 1,496
You look to your brothers Dean and Sam. They are getting ready for the next case in a different town, you see them doing their research as you sit at the table in the library of the bunker. They arent even phased out or even looked at you to even know you are sitting right across from them. They just sit there and go about their business.
It was never like this before, as you were growing up, Sam left and it was you, dad, and Dean. The four of you going from town to town, you got left in the hotel room while dad and Dean went out hunting. But they always came back for you and always came back with a surprise for you. Always.
The surprises didnt last long though, as you got older you were finally allowed to join the hunts. When dad went missing is when you went nuts in trying to find him. Same with Dean. He went to get Sam from Stanford and he wasnt so thrilled you were hunting but he was happy to see you.
‘Was’ you thought as you sat there researching as well and you found a few things and tried to voice your opinions but nothing from Sam or Dean.
“Alright, lets pack up the car and head out” Dean gets up from his chair and walks toward the garage
You and Sam get up from your seats as well and begin getting ready.
Sam packs his things into his bag and walks out of his room and went to the garage. Dean waits in the car, when he sees Sam is when he starts the car.
You are back in your room thinking they will wait for you. By the time you are done and walk to the garage is when you noticed they are gone.
“Son of a bitch” you yell in frustration and threw your bag against the pavement
“I cant believe they left without me” you mutter to yourself as you look to an empty lot, where baby was suppose to be parked.
Then again it doesnt surprise you, nothing should at this point. Its as though you were completely invisible to your brothers. Your very own blood brothers. At this point they even forgot your birthday. Its as though they have forgotten about you for so long.
After dad died or even after Bobby died. Or even after Sam got his soul back or when the Darkness came or after Charlie died.
When Charlie died that ruined you, it was as though she was the only one who ever saw you. Really saw you.
A smile breaks as you think about your dad and Bobby. They never forgot about you, ever. Not like your brothers did.
A lone tear falls as you think about Charlie, she was the best friend you could ever ask for. Sister really. Well best sibling really.
“What the hell happened?” you yell as you begin throwing your bags on the bed
You take one good look around the bunker, you look into your brothers rooms. Dean has pictures out of the family but not one of you. Or with you. Same with Sam’s room.
“Why the hell do I even stay? Not like they notice if I just leave and not come back” you say to yourself as you start packing the rest of your stuff
You finally made the decision in packing up and leaving. Finally.
“Where’s y/n?” Sam looks to Dean.
They finish up the case and solve the problem like as if it was nothing. Well to them it was nothing cause it was easy. For the most part
“What do you mean where is y/n? She’s back at the room” Dean replies while putting the guns away into the trunk.
“No she isnt. Dean we have been leaving her out of everything and I dont ever asking if she wants to tag along” Sam replies while feeling bad.
Well Sam is feeling more angry with himself for not including you in anything. He’s beginning to realize he has been doing this a lot. Not once does he ever asked if you would want to tag along or anything.
“What the hell are you even talking about? Of course I asked her if she wanted to come?” Dean replies in his defence, he was pretty sure he asked.
So he thought.
“Really? You had a conversation with her and asked if she wanted to come along for our hunting trip?” Sam asks not convince he has asked either.
Dean thinks long and hard about the day before taking on the case. He remembers getting out of bed, hungry and not in the mood for anything. Well until he’s had coffee anyway.
He thinks to the rest of the day and not once does he ever remember talking to you. Or even acknowledging you. Period.
“Son of a bitch” Dean mutters
He couldnt believe how long its been going on, he is more ashamed with himself than Sam. He knew better not to treat you this way.
“We need to head back to the bunker and forget the rest” Sam says and begins to pack the car.
Dean pulls out his phone to call you. But no answer
“My call went straight to voice mail” Dean says while getting in the drive side and stepping on the gas.
“She isnt answering any of my texts” Sam says next while constantly checking his phone
“How did we take it this far?” he asks while looking to Dean
“Honestly, everything” is all Dean says and keeps his focus on the road.
Sam continues to talk about how they continued for so long to ignore you and not even acknowledge you once. Not even for your birthday. Nothing.
Dean let him vent about the things they did cause he had nothing to say about it. He had nothing to defend himself. There was nothing to defend.
“She better be home” Dean says while pulling in front of the bunker
“Y/N” Sam yells for your name as he comes down the stairs.
“Y/n?, we’re back” Dean yells next in hopes you would be walking out the hall way.
As they look, they hear no foot steps, no door opening or closing. Nothing, they hear nothing.
Dean walks down the hall and is face to face with your bedroom door. He is hoping that you are taking a nap after feeling frustrated with your brothers. Thats his hope
Sam hopes for the same but he has a feeling you are gone.
The both knock on your door and when they heard nothing is when they walked into your room.
They see how empty your room is, Sam checked the dressers and no clothes in them. Dean looked in your night stands and saw all the guns given to you were in there.
“She left these” Dean says as he pulls out the drawer and shows Sam
“She leave anything else? Cause all her clothes are gone” Sam says while looking around your room.
All the other things were left behind, the books, the notes and everything else that you did to make your room, yours.
“Im calling her again” Dean says while pulling out his phone and calling you.
All of a sudden they hear a phone ringing, they look to each other in frustration.
“She left all her phones too” Sam says while pulling out the box from under your bed.
You debated about breaking them and throwing all of them away but you didnt bother. You just left them back at the room in the bunker.
You were hours away from Kansas and not exactly sure where you were going but youre going. Far away from your brothers, where you wouldnt be in their way anymore or just not be ignored anymore.
You left everything behind, including the weapons you were given. Everything.
Dean and Sam searched every where for you. Asked other hunters if they seen you and they got nothing. Even Castiel couldnt find you. Not even the other angels. Well then again the other angels wouldnt know you either, not like Dean or Sam took you any where to meet anyone. You only ever met Castiel once and that was it.
All Dean and Sam were reminded was just the ghost of you, roaming the halls and in the kitchen. They were defeated.
Dean was the best tracker but he couldnt track you, he couldnt.
“Son of a bitch” Dean yells as he begins to tear his room apart.
Sam is down the hall hearing his big brother tear his room apart from the anger, heart broken and frustration. He winces every time something big hits the wall or floor.
Every restaurant you went to, you ordered the things you liked to eat and not what Dean wanted or what Sam wanted. For once you did things for you.
You were free.
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WandaVision au! Newsies Part 2
There aren’t much for me to explain here but I am working on the main bases of each episode/part in the show and that will honestly have more to it then this.
But besides that, I have made a list of the character with small details of each character and some actual backstories to them as well!
Katherine Plumber
A lil backstory: Katherine doesn’t really remember much about her childhood; just that her mother died young and her father wasn’t the best father so she decided to go off on her own at 17 and try to make a life of her own. She had no clue she had the power to move things with her mind and read others minds until she left her house. And then, all the voices filled her head. Beside one person and that person is none other than Jack Kelly. 
Lost Jack when he went to work and the building was under attack 
But he left after they had a big argument so it wasn’t on a good note
Didn’t find out about the incident till it was too late, and finding out that Snyder had his body 
Not as upset about it as people think 
Once she leaved snyder, she just drives around until she finds his sketch book in the back seat of the car
She gets home and cue mental breakdown and BOOM the whole town is now in sitcoms
And she is somehow able to bring Jack back 
Thanks to all the grief and her obsession with sitcoms when she was younger, she made this town go through various sitcoms as it goes through the decades
At the same time, she and Jack end up having a child. Twins actually 
Jack Kelly
A lil Backstory: he has thought he was a normal human orphan boy until he was 18 and finally able to leave the lodge house, where he had been staying for what seemed to be his whole life. But when he meets the love of his life,Katherine, she senses something wrong and as they get to know each other, he gets to figure out things about himself. Like how he is actually an android built for Snyder so someone could keep an eye on the kids in the lodge house. 
Was brought back by Kath’s anger/sadness about everything 
Snyder had his body though so she couldn’t have a funeral 
Even though he is an android, he prefers his ‘human looks’ and the New York accent he has but when he’s around Katherine, he tends to relax and lets his disguise go
Director Snyder
A lil backstory: He’s a bad man. Bad bad man and he just doesn’t want to have to deal with the kids at the lodge (since he also has a better job as the director at S.W.O.R.D. but only after Davey left for his “break”). So he decided to get something to help and that something ended up being Jack Kelly. Someone built Jack Kelly for Snyder but he lost him when Jack turned 18 and left. Ever since then he has been on a hunt for him. 
Has been wanting Jack back ever since he Jack left the lodge at 18. The place had gone haywire 
Joe/ Joseph Pulitzer 
A lil backstory: Had been married to Katherine “Kate” for years and when Kate had a child, she was beyond excited. But joseph wasnt. Not long after the birth did Kate end up dying so Joseph was left alone to raise his daughter, Katherine,(Yes, she named after her mother). Since he didn’t care too much about her, he just kinda let grow herself up or let some work friends watch her. One work friend was a scientist who did some slight experiments on her. Which gave her the powers to move things with her mind and read minds. But Joseph didn’t like the idea so they found a way to keep her powers under control while she was in her house, until she ran away. 
Ever since, he had been after her. Which brought him into getting into that town.
Katherine and Jack’s next door neighbor whose wife,Kate, tends to pop in at the best times
The scientist gave Joseph some powers as well but he didn’t come out as powerful as his own daughter, which is also why he’s after her
He liked the feeling of the powers and wants to absorb hers so he can be more powerful
Both crutchie and billy are sooo wholesome ™
Has the same powers as his mom 
(sorry, not much to say here lmao)
Well first off people who tend be fast race and this kid is a speedster 
The more chaotic twin and tends to get into trouble 
(sorry, not much to say here lmao)
Dave/Captain David Jacobs
A lil backstory: His mother and father both started S.W.O.R.D in hopes of helping out the world and everything and then they passed onto their kids, Davey and Les, when they passed. But not long after the two got put in charge did Les end up getting shot and bleeding out. So he left S.W.O.R.D and (although he hated it) Snyder in charge. It wasn’t until 3 years later and the town disappearing did he come back to help.
Only really slightly knows Katherine and Jack but was sent to meet up with Agent DaSilva about a missing person 
Then he gets pulled into the town and put into the little fasle life Katherine had created
Until Katherine catches on to Davey not being “of this area” she sends him right out and back to S.W.O.R.D. waiting outside the barriers. 
Dr. Medda Larkins
A lil backstory: She was always seen as a quiet and timid woman or wanted to get her doctorate in college but no one believed her. 
She was invited to come help by Agent DaSilva 
She was the only to figure out the wavelengths were from an old tv and everything 
(sorry, not much to say here lmao)
Agent Albert DaSilva
A lil backstory: Worked his ASS off to be an FBi and is now one. Yay but people don’t really have faith in him either. 
Tried to get in contact with the missing person because he was also in witness protection but when no one knew who he was, he went to the town himself 
But then no one knew the town either
So he called Captain Jacobs 
(sorry, not much to say here lmao)
Spot Conlon
Uh… well… its a surprise when I explain the parts and episodes!
Works in the same office as Jack and is kinda a work friend 
Tends to make a lot of jokes and can get along with everyone 
(sorry, not much to say here lmao)
Hope you all are enjoying this so far! I am working on moodboards and making the various episodes/parts. Debating about doing actually fanfic/story style or just bullet points. However, I am also working on a Pitch Perfect au! So I am busy working lmao.
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“(y/n)” the nurse called out from the door. You stood up and walked over with an anxious smile. She handed you a clip board of medical information that you needed to update and then said she would grab you once it was completed and turned into the desk. You sat back down in the waiting room and flipped through the pages. Ugh I wish my mom was here...am I allergic to anything? I mean I don't think so but maybe Im just unaware of it..I don't remember having surgery-well my tonsils were removed but does that count? You were filling out the page to the best of your ability when your phone buzzed. You looked down and saw his name flash across the screen before immediately ignoring the call. You rushed to finish the paperwork and handed it in as the nurse came back. “Ready?” she asked.
“Yeah.” you followed her down the hall where she took your height and weight before escorting you into the room. You hopped onto the chair and anxiously tapped your foot as she checked your temperature, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. After finishing up she sat on the stool and smiled. 
“So, what are we here for today?”
“Uh...” you looked at your feet and shifted in the chair. “I think I may be pregnant.”
She smiled and nodded, “when was your last period?” 
“My period tends to be irregular but the last one I had recored was around two months ago.”
“Okay, were you on any kind of birth controls, or using any type of contraceptives?”
“I was on a birth control, am on a birth control but I missed a few days while I was on vacation which is when I believe this all happened.”
“Okay. Have you had any symptoms other than your missed period?”
“No, not really.”
“Okay. Have you taken any pregnancy tests at home?”
You nodded, your brain flashing back to that day. 
*Tears were flooding down your cheeks as he grabbed his last hoodie from your closet. All you wanted was for life to stop. You wanted him to say its okay, to make a change in the relationship, to stay. You sat on the bed crying as he walked out the door for the last time, taking with him every once of happiness you had. You ran to the bathroom, physically sick from the situation. It wasnt until you were hunched over the toilet that you realized the box of tampons had gone unopened. Missing periods was normal for you, they had never been regular. There was a slight doubt in your mind though. You had never missed a period more than once, so the fact that you were going on two means something was wrong. You had been under a lot of stress though, the distance, the lying, the excuses, all of it. Wiping the snot running from your nose, you had gotten up, washed your face, and thrown on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. You had mustered the courage to drive all the way to the drug store, purchase three pregnancy tests, and drive home. You had gotten three, you wanted to be sure. You wanted to be positive before making any other decisions. You sat on the bathroom floor after peeing in a cup and dipped each end, turning them over so you couldn't see the lines. You set a timer on your phone and closed your eyes. The only thing that could've possibly made this situation better was having him here. Of course he was gone already but you could still dream right? When the alarm on your phone went off you anxiously flipped them all over. Picking the first up and squinting you saw the dreaded double lines. Picking the second one up: dreaded double lines. And the third: PREGNANT in bold. You dropped them all on the counter and threw your phone. Of course, of course this this happens. He leaves and I end up pregnant with his baby..just like the movies except he won't be coming back. The rest of the day had been a blur. You had kind of just ignored the fact that there were three positive pregnancy tests in the bathroom. When your friend Luke had come over, you had cried into his arms. Cried about him leaving, about the break up, and finally about being pregnant. “(y/n) if you have positive pregnancy tests you need to call him.”
“No. I can't do that. Im not doing that.”
“(y/n)...hes the father, he deserves to know.”
“I may not even be pregnant though..they come up wrong all the time.”
“Not this wrong though.. this seems pretty sure.”
“I mean I've been stressed lately maybe its just a hormone thing.”
“I think you should go to the doctor and check. And if you are then you need to ball up and tell him. Seriously he needs to know”
You had nodded and cried some more before Luke left. Then you had called your doctor and made an appointment.*
Now here you were answering questions about your sex life and body. The nurse handed you a cup and showed you where the bathroom was. She said the test would take only around ten minutes but that she would be coming back to the room to do a blood test as well. Great, what a fun day... You quickly peed in the cup, leaving it on the counter for the nurse and wandered back to the room you had been assigned. Your hands were sweating and you felt dizzy. Having your blood drawn was probably your least favorite thing. In fact, you fainted almost every time. You checked your phone and thought about texting him...instead you texted Luke and told him how terrible the doctor was and that you were going to die while having your blood drawn. His only response was “lol” and you rolled your eyes. Typical guy.. The nurse came back in with a smile and sat down. “Well it does look like you are in fact pregnant so congratulations! We want to do a pelvic exam and ultra sound today just to see where everything is at and then have you come back for a blood draw in the future.” 
“Thanks.” you smiled and relief flooded your face. At least you didnt have to have your blood drawn today. On the other hand, you were pregnant, which was a whole other nightmare in its own. Not that you hadn't wanted and dreamed of having kids. You just thought it would be under different circumstances and that you would be married. 
“Im going to leave this gown here if you just want to change real quick we can do an ultrasound and hopefully see where the little baby is at.” She left for a minute and you quickly changed, your warm body freezing against the chair. When she came back in, she had an ultrasound machine on wheels. She started with the pelvic exam, lightly pressing all around your pelvic region. Satisfied she got out a tube of gel. “This is going to be cold at first.” You had nodded and watched as the clear gel squirted out and the ultrasound machine rubbed against your skin. You watched the screen as she moved it around looking for the baby. After what felt like months, she found a small white dot looking blob and smiled. “There it is...looks like you are measuring around 2 months right now which makes sense to when you thought everything happened.” She looked at you and smiled. “I know it can be a lot to take in..I’m guessing this is your first?”
“Yeah...its just a lot I guess.”
“It is, but it gets easier. Want to hear the baby’s heartbeat?”
You smiled and nodded. She pressed a button and you heard soft thumps. Tears slipped out of the corner of your eye and you wiped them away. “Thats pretty cool.”
She smiled and nodded before handing you a towel. “You are all set to go, we will have the pictures at the desk where you can make your next appointment. It was nice meeting you (y/n) good luck on your pregnancy and congratulations again.” You smiled and thanked her before climbing back into your clothes. 2 months pregnant...theres a living being in there...my baby...mine and Harry’s baby...oh god, what am I going to tell Harry? At the desk you scheduled another appointment and the receptionist handed you a picture saying congratulations. You looked at the little pea shaped blob inside you and grinned. Thats mine...thats inside me. 
Luke surprised you by standing at your car door with an ice cream sundae. “Soo did you faint? did you die? did you live?”
You laughed, “Yeah I lived. I didnt have my blood drawn at all actually.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” You took the sundae from him and smiled taking a bite, the hot fudge melting in your mouth. 
“Because of this.” you waved the picture in your hand and he grabbed it his mouth dropping. 
“Is that what I think it is? Do you have an alien growing inside you?”
“Lukeee seriously”
He laughed and looked into your eyes. “Okay okay but wow, a baby. That’s amazing. How are you feeling about it?”
“I feel like it hasn't sunk in yet....but that I’m really happy. I mean Ive always wanted a baby...why not do it now? I don't need a man in my life. Im a strong and independent woman.”
“That you are, but don't worry you will have me too. Im going to be a great uncle, its the best job anyways. But uh- are you going to tell Harry?” 
You shrugged your shoulders and continued eating. “(y/n)...it is his baby right?”
You rolled your eyes and nodded. “It cant be anyone else's.”
“So then you're going to tell him.”
“Idontknow” you mumbled, your mouth full of ice cream.
“You have to..you know he would want to know.”
“Theres a lot I wanted to know and he didn't tell me so I’m not sure yet. I haven't decided anything.”
“Okay...” he gave in and hugged you. “I’m happy for you I really am.” 
You hugged him back and smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad you're here...I’m glad I have someone to go through this with. And I’m so so glad you brought ice cream.”
“It’s okay. What are friends for right?” You nodded and jumped in the car after saying goodbye. You didn’t quite know who to call yet so you decided to just enjoy some time with yourself. You did the only logical thing you could think of after finding out that there was a baby inside you: you went shopping. You picked a local baby store and walked in, looking at all the onesies, furniture, blankets, binkies, and bears. 
“Hi! Anything I can help you find today?”
“No, thank you I’m just looking.”
“Okay well we are having a two for one deal on onesies and bibs so make sure to check those out.”
“I will thank you.” you smiled at the girl working but she kept looking back at you. 
“Are you (y/n)...the girl dating Harry Styles?” she asked shyly.
“I was dating him, not anymore actually.” She nodded and gave you the look, you know the one of pity and sorrow? You went back to shopping looking at all of the little outfits, there were so many choices. You also had no idea if you were having a boy or a girl..something told you it was a boy but obviously you had no clue whatsoever. You decided on a cute grey onesie with little animals on it...gender neutral. You also grabbed a cute binkie that had a stuffed bear attached to it. 
“These are super cute.” the girl said while checking out. “There's a whole collection that goes with this if youre interested.”
“No, that's okay this is enough for now?”
She nodded and wrapped the stuff in a bag. “So how far along are you?”
“Not very far, only a few months.”
“Well congrats! I hope everything goes smoothly and I hope to see you back here soon for more stuff.”
You smiled and nodded. “I for sure will be back.” 
You drove home, your phone blowing up the entire way with twitter notifications, instagram tags, and more. Inside you scrolled through it, only to find pictures of you shopping for the baby clothes. Your name attached to headlines stating you were expecting but not far along. Great...this is not what I need...how do they even know.... you were scrolling through more twitter notifications. Harry’s name was now being brought into this. Another daddy in One Direction? Harry Styles Expecting? ugh...this literally cannot be happening.. and then everything got worse.. Harry’s name and photo popped up on your screen as he called. “Harry?” you answered anxiously.
Part 1 of my new series, hope you all enjoy! Goal is to have another part posted tonight or tomorrow! This is kind of just an intro to the story, I’m hoping to have them be a little longer but let me know what you all would rather: longer and less stories (may take more time to upload) or shorter and more stories (updated a little faster)
Let me know what you think so far and what you think will happen.
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kingofbr00klyn · 4 years
Newsies prompts! Yeah! Um... 1. Jack being a big brother to Race. 2. Crutchie and Racetrack getting into some trouble together. 3. Jack and Spot caring for some of the littles. Pick one or write them all idc. Can’t wait to read!
Hi this took me like 4 days to write, I thought it was longer than that but okay, I have loads of other stuff in the works, this is just the first one I finished. Sorry for the wait. So this is for the prompt we’re Crutchie and Race get into trouble.
I tried to mix both 1992sies and livesies in this, but I don’t think it really comes across. Also, this story is ever so slightly exaggerated, but oh well. But it’s been a while since I’ve written anything, so this probably isn’t the best.
This will also be found on my AO3 account.
"Remind me ta never listen ta you again."
"How was I'se suppost ta know this would 'appen?"
"Well, I dunno. But now I’m in trouble because a’ summing I didn’t even do."
“Oh c’mon! Nuthin’ bad happened. I came out worse than you did. You get to go home scot-free.”
“But still. This is all your fault an’ I’m gonna make sure everyone knows it.”
"Wow, Crutch, whatta' way to throw a pal under da bus."
"You'se deserve it."
Race rolled his eyes and sulked further down into his chair, only to regret it when the hard plastic rubbed uncomfortably into his back. He glanced at his companion, who looked just about as shit as he felt. Crutchie kept nervously running a hand through his hair and fidgeting with the helm of his shirt, he looked like someone who had just been caught doing something illegal. Oh wait, that's because he had. Let's take a step back, shall we?
2 hours earlier.
Crutchie stood outside his door step, awaiting Race's arrival. The two had decided to spend the evening together, since none of their other friends were available. Race had said he would pick him up at 6. After Crutchie's watch ticked 6:15, Race's old TP Cruiser pulled up. He wore a bright, cheeky grin as he leaned over to open the passenger side door. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" Crutchie gleefully obliged, grabbing his crutch and sliding into the front seat.
"Are you ready for the funnest night of yer life?" Race asked, a unlit cigar hanging loosely from his mouth.
Crutchie laughed. "We'se just goin' ta the diner on 4th, ain't we?"
"Nope," Race grabbed something from the cupholder beside him and handed it to Crutchie. "Just got this from my guy. Thought we'd treat ourselves tonight." It was a fake ID.
Antonio Higgings
"Yer guy?" Crutchie snorted, handing the card back. "You'se mean Albert."
"Maybe I do. Anyway, I'm low on cigs and shit, so I thought we'se stop by a corner shop and see how well this baby works." Starting the engine, Race pulled out of Crutchie's drive and set off for the nearest place that would give them what they wanted.
"What if we'se get caught? I don't wanna be done just because you'se got a nicotine addiction." Crutchie offered, messing with the diles for the radio.
"Then I punch Albert in the face," Race resorted. That drew a snicker from the blonde. "But seriously, don't worry 'bout it. Everthin's gonna be a-okay!"
Spolier altert; it wasn't.
After 10 or so minutes of driving, Race pulled to a stop and poorly parked the car. "Eh, good enough." He got out, with Crutchie tailing right behind him.
"You don't gotta come in. Ya know, cuz yer so scared of gettin' caught." The taller boy mocked.
Crutchie retaliated by hitting Race in the leg with his crutch. "I'm comin' wit' cha so you don't get punched in the face." Race forged offence, but waved off the comment.
The shop was small, just your regular off-licence, cheap booze with an even cheaper taste, the perfect thing to fuel Race's needs. A little bell rang as they opened the door, there weren't many people inside the shop, Crutchie noted the few middle aged men who were likely in there for similar reasons as themselves. Race swaggered to the front counter, an air of confidence around him. The shop clerk, a young man with a stoic expression, rolled his eyes at the tall blonde.
"What can I get you?" The clerk's tone was as cheerful as expected.
Race grinned cockily. "A smile would be a start, sweetheart," The shop clerk didn't respond, but continued to glare the boy down. "Okay then… A box o' ya finest Corona's and summa that scotch ya got up there." Race slapped $50 on the counter, along with his fake ID.
The clerk picked the card up, eying it suspiciously. Crutchie had a feeling this wouldn’t end well. “Yah think you’re funny, kid? Think I don’t know what a fake ID looks like?” The clerk said. “I’m gonna have to call the cops, you know.”
Race’s expression floored. Disbelief and fear quickly made itself at home. Crutchie felt a similar dread rise up in his stomach, he looked to Race for an inkling of what to do next, but the tall boy just continued to stare dumbly. Until he finally said, “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill Albert.”
As it turns out, the shop had an undercover officer outside the shop to deal with instances like this. The clerk called him in, and he escorted Crutchie and Race to the local station. Luckily, they had pretty much just been given a slap on the wrist and a call home. Except, since this wasn’t Race’s first offence, so he had also been slapped with a $50 fine.
The boys anxiously awaited the arrival of the parents. Race had already had a million and one messages from his brother, Jack. The sonva’ was having a field day with this. Text after text about how much trouble Race would be in, how he was grounded and how much shit Jack’s going to give him for this. Race ignored his brother, instead opting for spamming Albert with a variety of angry messages in all caps.
GottaGoFast - RedHeadHoe
RedHeadHoe: ???
GottaGoFast: im at the police station
RadHeadHoe: oh what did u do now???
RedHeadHoe: OH
RedHeadHoe: HA
RedHeadHoe: how is it my fault???
RedHeadHoe: dude u didnt have to use it
RedHeadHoe: also i dont make them so it aint my fault
RedHeadHoe: blame my guy
GottaGoFast: ur guy?????
RedHeadHoe: ye
RedHeadHoe: skittery
GottaGoFast: ok but ur still dead
RedHeadHoe: cool
GottaGoFast: dentys gonna be here soon so gotta go
RedHeadHoe: good luck my dude
GottaGoFast: fuck u
RedHeadHoe: :)
Race slipped his phone into his pocket, just in time to see some familiar faces walk though the station door. Bryan Denton, Race’s foster father, walked up to the receptionist desk, before being pointed towards where the boys were sitting. Race looked at Crutchie, before straightening his back and putting on his most charming smile. "Heya Denty!" Race beamed, hoping to the gods above that this would go in his favour. Bryan didn't look particularly mad, but Denton never really got mad. It was like the man was incapable of it, it was great, and Race had done a lot of things that would cause any parent to flip their shit.
"Race," Bryan started, calm and collected as always."What were you thinking?" Okay, maybe it wasn't as great as Race thought, Denton's tranquill state was quite unsettling at the moment, Race had no idea what he was thinking.
"We'se just wanted to have a bit a' fun, ya know, teenage stuff," The blonde rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Did they'se tell ya 'bout da fine?"
"Yeah, they told me over the phone," Denton said. "I'll pay it and then we'll go home. Jack's waiting for us in the car.”
Race rolled his eyes. "Oh yay."
Crutchie didn't really pay much attention to the scene in front of him, he was too caught up in his own head. Fear and worry filled his thoughts, his grandmother wasn't the most forgiving then it came to things like this. Crutchie remembered once when he was 7 and snuck out of his room in the middle of the night to get one of the freshly baked cookies his grandmother had made that day, the elderly woman had found out about his midnight snack and boy was there hell to pay. She wasn't particularly mean or nasty, she could just be strict at times.
Times like these, Crutchie thought as he saw his grandmother barrel towards him with an expression that would make the toughest of men wet themselves. "Charles Andrew Morris! You are in so much trouble, young man!" Oh no, she used his full name. He really was a goner.
"Race, I don't think I'm comin' outta this alive…” Crutchie said.
Race snorted. "Don't worry, my dude, I got this." Crutchie didn't have time to ask what 'this' was, as Race stepped in front of him and greeted his grandmother.
"Mrs Morris, so good ta see ya 'gain," Race started. That diverted the woman from her path of destruction, as she instead gave the blonde a striking glare. The Italian tried not to shrink under her gaze, opting to continue with his sentence. "So um, ya see, Ma'am. It wasn't actually Crutchie's fault, it was mine. So, err, don't punish him for my mistake."
Crutchie was in complete disbelief. And he wasn't the only one, Bryan shared a similar expression. While Race was a good friend, he was also a bit of an asshole, so him taking all the blame for this (even though it was his fault), was a surprise.
Crutchie’s grandmother eyed the boy suspiciously, before she turned on her heels and walked away. “Come on, Charlie, it’s time to go home.”
Crutchie was slightly dumbfounded, but didn’t question as he hugged Race. “Thanks man.”
Race winked and smiled. “No problem, Crutch. Text me if you ain’t dead!”
“Will do!”
RiceCrutchies - Racer
RiceCrutchies: Guess who aint dead :)))
Racer: yayyyy
Racer: so what happened
RiceCrutchies: Gran wasn’t very happy but she wasnt too mad
RiceCrutchies: Im grounded for 2 weeks tho
Racer: oh well at least we had 1 last night of fun before that
RiceCrutchies: Yea so how’d it go with Denton???
Racer: not too bad
Racer: im also grounded but they took my cigs at the police station so i need to get more from Albert
RiceCrutchies: You think you would have learnt your lesson but ok
Racer: 👌
Racer: i gotta go crutch see you in school???
RiceCrutchies: Yeah, see you and try not to do anything illegal between then
Racer: no promises
RiceCrutchies: 🤦‍
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Wow, I love unlocking trauma I forgot:
- my mum constantly threatening to commit suicide and telling me that it would be my fault
- my parents telling me all about how we couldn't afford our bills (even though we most definitely could) and how this was all my fault for being so selfish for constantly asking for new things (I didnt ask, they got them without asking and got mad if I wasnt grateful)
- one time I tried to goad my mum into stabbing me with a kitchen knife because I wanted to die so badly but didnt know how to do it myself...because I was about 6 at the time
- my mum grabbing my thighs in the car on the way home from swimming practice because I didnt do good enough...gripping them tightly enough that they were constantly bruised, scratched and bleeding
- my mum getting mad because I sprained my ankle so badly I couldn't walk...then made me tell people I tore the ligament (and deluded herself into thinking that this was what happened)...then took away my crutches after 3 days even though I could still barely walk
- whilst I did have my crutches I also had to walk home (about a mile and going uphill at some points) even though my mum was at home and had a working car, purely because she couldn't be bothered with the 5 minute drive to school to pick me up
- telling my mum about a minor argument I had with a friend and her responding by systematically going through each point of the argument and telling me exactly how it each part was my fault until I cried...then got mad at me for crying...I was 8...I never went to her with a problem again
- me being the one who had to clean out the cages of my brothers Guinea pigs...guinea pigs who I didnt choose, name or get to play with, only clean out and feed
- when I took paracetamol for a headache I was accused of being addicted to drugs...I was 11 and could barely reach the medicine cabinet without a stool
- when I took my dogs out for a half hour walk every night I was accused of being, and was punished for, using those walks to smoke, drink and take drugs...I was a 14 year old straight A student who to this day has never taken drugs, smoked a cigarette and dislikes drinking
- when I was doing my first lot of exams my mum used to beat me in the kitchen when I didnt understand course content...to this day she still berates me for not 'trying hard enough' even though I only got a single B grade in all my exams in a subject I couldn't understand...she still takes full credit for this success though
- it was during this time that I began to self harm...I would gouge and scratch the back of my hand and my forearm and I still have scars
- when I found out I had a skin condition that meant I was literally allergic to water (after I had been getting out of swim training for months in tears because I was in so much pain) I was told that i had to suck it up and my mum (who was a coach) refused to let me leave sessions early even though I was in pain to the extent that I would be swimming and sobbing at the same time
- my mum getting drunk at a musical and loudly talling throughout the whole thing...she got mad when I tried to hush her and i ended up crying the whole way home
- I'm only allowed to tell my family one 'fact' a day, and I'm constantly mocked for knowing these weird facts that nobody cares about
- my parents having huge arguments that lasted for days and that my brother and I were forced to pick sides in...both parents telling us that the other was an abusive piece of shit with mental problems
- me telling my dad that I was scared to be left alone in the house with my mum...he told her this and I got beaten even worse the next day...I was 5 or 6
- not being allowed to close the door to my room until last year...and even then, only when I was getting changed
- not being allowed to stay upstairs or in my room for any extended period of time...I always had to be with my parents who constantly mocked and berated me
- being banned from books and television for weeks at a time and if I was found reading anything during that time then the book would be destroyed and thrown away...as someone who possibly has ADHD and autism being forced to sit completely still, not talking and not allowed to do anything was torture
- my parents making me think I lost my phone when in reality they just took it...they beat me and told me off for 'losing' my phone for 2 months before they finally gave it back
- almost developing an eating disorder when I was 13 and still a size 4 (in UK sizing which is a size 0 in the US) because my mum told me I was getting fat and I still have body dysmorphia because of this
- my mum getting mad at me and not speaking to me for days because I was at a family function (with my dads side of the family who dont like her) and didnt text her often enough because I was busy playing with my cousins
Theres so much more that I cant remember but holy shit I need so much therapy when I move out and can finally get it without worrying about my parents reaction.
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Twice the love,
Twice the fun,
Twice the tears.....
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Steven and Natalia loved being parents, their family was whole and had never been happier.....
Our character's have been married for nearly a year and have two beautiful twins; Ivan (named after Natalia's father) and Sarah (named after Steven's mother). Previous storylines have been told, but we may share drabbles, storylines etc in the near future.
Since she had become pregnant, Steven had always been set on doing the night feeds so his wife could have some decent rest and almost three months later, he was still happy to do them. It wasnt always easy, some nights they would feed and fall back to sleep and other nights Steven would have a baby on each arm as he stood outside on their porch facing the ocean, rocking and humming their cries to sleep, yet he never complained and why would he? They had the two most beautiful gifts and despite, what people would assume, considering what era he was from, he always believed it took two people to make the babies and so two people to bring them up.
Tonight was no different, apart from the fact that both babies seemed to have developed croup, which seemed to be worse at night, not that Steven made a point of it, so there he was on the porch, rocking Ivan and Sarah in his arms, the sound of the ocean waves and breeze trying to caress them, their Daddy humming an 1940s lullaby which normally settled them but tonight it wasnt working. Not wanting to be outside for much longer, incase they caught a cold, he headed back in , stepping over Liho and Teddy, sitting down on the rocking chair "come on little Angel's, just one more hour of sleep" he softly trying to hush them into nod land and consciously also not to wake Natalia up either. Teddy laid at his feet and Liho jumped and curled up at the back of the chair as Steven rocked them all in an attempt for a visit from the sandman.
It felt like forever until they all nodded off, apart from Teddy, who realized they had fallen asleep, jumped on the sofa and pulled the blanket over to the chair tossing it over his best friend's knees before settling down himself. The sun started beaming through, stirring the Captain, looking down at the beautiful twins asleep in his arms and smiled. He was as tired as hell and by the look of the clock, he had only grabbed an hours sleep all night but seeing their adorable faces made it all worth while. He gently tried to move and place them in the living room crib but as soon as he walked away he stubbed his toe on the corner of the coffee table and growled, then heard the crying of Sarah. He couldve cursed at himself for waking her, he really could, but he smiled and picked her up "ahhh little one it's okay, Daddy's here" he rocked her in his arms, conscious both Mommy and Ivan were still asleep.
Sarah gave out a barking cough, a furrow of worry creasing her Daddy's brows and yet he knew it was croup. "Okay little one, it's okay. Weve got this together" he took her medication out of the cupboard and tried to coax her to take it , only by sucking the medicine off his knuckle, making him wonder if it was too early for her to be having the first signs of teeth pushing out. Another dose then he shook the bottle, damnit how did they let it get empty? Her next dose was in the next four hours, that would be fine.
She had just started dozing off when he glanced up and saw his wife coming down stairs, welcoming her with a smile. "Good morning, love" he walked over and kissed her cheek. She looked concerned, it was probably clear that he hadnt really slept, the dark circles under his eyes, the tired look and yet he didnt make a fuss out of it. Placing Sarah down with Ivan to sleep, he walked back to his wife and hugged her, wrapping his arms around her waist firmly as his beard nuzzled into the soft crook of her neck as he breathed her in and sighed happily, leaving a trail of small, sweet kisses up her neck, along her jawline and softly kissed her lips "hmmm, definitely a good morning" he smiled more, admiring her , his wife, his everything. Reaching up, he threaded his fingers through her red locks then cupped her facial cheeks "I need to nip to the shops as they sleep, Sarah needs some more medicine and I have a feeling Ivan may have a touch of it too so I'll get some back up as well. I'll pick up some diapers and other things we'll need as well, I wont be long. I love you..." he smiled as his thumbs caressed her cheeks. "God, I love you" before she objected of him going to the shops and not to rest, he kissed her lips again, grabbed the tee and shorts from the kitchen stool, hurried them on then grabbed the keys to their car. "I'll be fine, rest while I'm gone and they're asleep. Love you" and with that he was out the door and in the car.
The store was busy, Steven hated it busy, he just wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible and it seemed everyone else had the same idea. Grabbing diapers, wipes and food like he was on Supermarket Sweep, he made it to the till in record time. He was certain he had the slowest cashier, every item she scanned she checked before and after then slowly slid it down to the bagging area. Steven chewed his inner cheek to keep his tired self from speaking up.
Eventually, everything was packed and he happily paid and walked out to the parking lot, packing all the bags into boot of the car, only to sit in the driver's seat, about to turn the engine on when he remembered the main reason for coming out in the first place "shit" he muttered to himself, leaning over to the glove compartment to pull out the prescription for the twin's croup medication and ran back into the store.
Joining the queue for the pharmacy, he sighed a little to himself, he really wanted to be back home by now with his family. Two people infront of him and his eyes started to close, staying still like this made his body remember just how tired he was. Shaking his head, he blinked rapidly trying to wake himself up, "Sir?" Steven looked up, it was now his turn in the queue and he was sure he looked like he was having some kind of fit to her. Smiling he greeting her and handed over the prescriptions and cash "I'll have these too" he picked up two bottles of Calpol, adding more money to the existing medicine money on the till counter. It wasnt long until he had the medications in the bag and ran back to the car. Looking across the carpark, he noticed the coffee shop, it would had to help. Grabbing a coffee and a blueberry muffin for Natalia, he made it back to the car and headed home.
Pulling into the drive, he switched the engine off, before it had even started to cool down, he was closing the boot , with arms full of bags and heading to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he was met with loud crying from both babies, Teddy barking and doing circles and his wife holding Sarah in her arms , with tears trying to stop her from crying. He had been gone just over an hour and yet he knew how quickly their cries could get you down.
Dropping the bags on the counter, he turned to Natalia, wiping away her tears with his thumbs "I'm a bad mother, Steven, I cant get them to stop crying. I cant do this"
Steven stroked her cheek "shush now, you're a great Mommy, theyve been up all night and arent feeling their best. You're amazing, this is hard but you're doing so well, honey. It's going to be okay. Come on, let's get you into a nice, warm bath to relax in" he kissed her lips before she could say anything and protest and took her hand , picking up Ivan as he walked them all up to the bathroom. Natasha looked emotional, and Steven didnt love her any less as she tried to still hush their baby daughter. Crouching down slightly as not to tip Ivan who was crying still, he ran her warm water and poured in her favorite oils, walking over to her , he took Sarah and kissed her lips "have a nice bath, take time for yourself and relax. It's okay, I love you so much, my beautiful one" he kissed her lips again before leaving her in the bathroom.
Carrying the twins downstairs, he opened the porch doors, the pets dashing out. They loved the twins but after a while of their crying, they always wanted to escape. Steven smiled softly at them before rocking the babies and humming to them "shhhh it's okay, it's okay, weve got you, little ones. The bad croup will leave us soon" he kissed both their foreheads and carried them out to the quiet beach, rocking them still as he walked up and down the length to the house on the beach.
Both sets of lungs were working, but then Sarah would do a set of barking coughs followed by Ivan doing the same "if I could have it instead I would little ones. Come on darlings, its okay" his tone was low and calming. His wife was relaxing in the bath, their babies were trying to settle, despite the chaos, this was the perfect family and a dream come true. He loved his wife and so proud of her in so many ways, he hoped their children would grow up to be as loving and funny as her. He had the most wonderful wife and children. Nothing else mattered.
"Teddy dont go too far" the Golden Retriever puppy turned and pounded back towards him. He looked towards the part of their home that his wife would be having a bath in now and smiled more . Noticing the twins had stopped crying, he looked down and saw them completely asleep. "Sweet dreams, little ones" he kissed their foreheads and headed back inside, Teddy on his heels.
Once inside he gently placed them in the crib and quietly put the shopping away, leaving the muffin out and headed back to the sofa next the cribs, looking at them, gently rocking the crib with his feet. An unexpected yawn escaped his lips as he leaned back into the sofa, one hand on the crib and his other tapping beside him on the sofa, looking at the dog with the puppy dog eyes "come on then Ted, cuddles for you too" Teddy jumped up and curled next to him as Steven ruffled his fur "good boy" before long he had fallen asleep with their fur babies and human babies surrounding him. Sleep taking over them all, it had been a long night and an even longer morning for them all, he just hoped the bath would help his wife too.
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