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freerebelmentality · 1 month ago
Duncan Keith
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freerebelmentality · 3 months ago
Well tumblr, you’re the only place I can post “anonymously”
I don’t know what to do. I started talking to this guy and he was great. Then pulls a disappearing act for a week, with no words. Until a couple of days ago. He gives this sketchy “explanation” about his phone being ran over while at work. Then says he got into this fight with a coworker at work and got fired. Now says he’s “struggling” then disappears again. I’m pretty sure the guy is married and is hiding.
I definitely think it’s time to ditch the guy and continue being unplugged and be closed off. Again.
At first I didn’t even want to talk to the guy and kept telling him to get lost. But he kept being persistent and persuaded to continue in getting to know each other.
Anyways, I think I just decided what I need to do.
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freerebelmentality · 8 months ago
Ok, I’m going to hide in here for a while. I’ve done something that I shouldn’t have 🫣🫣 Aaaahhhhhh!!!! But I’m weak 🫣🫣 Anyways, I think I’m going to turn this into a fanfic. The stuff I just endured 🫣🫣 anyways, that’s my rant. I’m finally gonna go to sleep and goodnight
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
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Loud, rude, when nobody hears you You gotta stand up, you gotta commit Say, “Fuck It,” make the best of it
RICKY OLSON of MOTIONLESS IN WHITE in the “LOUD (Fuck It)” music video, released 03.02.2017
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
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RICKY OLSON ✦ Motionless In White - Break The Cycle M/V
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
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Ricky 🥹 ✨ the voice of an angel ✨
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
[weird noises happen in the wee hours]
Ricky, unaffected: the only supernatural and ominous force in this place is ME and i was here FIRST. so whatever and whoever you are you need to GO
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
The voice of an angel 🥹
No thoughts just Rick’s verse on Scoring The End of the World by Motionless in White 😩🤌
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
MIW history
Hello I want to make a history and facts post of MIW. I been a fan for a few months so I may miss some stuff out. New fans can check this out to understand more of the band.
Motionless in white members:
Name: Chris motionless (cerulli)
Full name: Christopher Cerulli)
Age: 34
Birthday: October 17 1986
Zodiac: Libra
Birth place: Scranton Pennsylvania
Height: 6'1
Role: main singer
Relationship Status: single
Chris says he doesn't want to get married.
Fear: heights and flying
Personality: a really kind person who cares for his fans he's funny and has a dad humor. Everyone just see him as a dad to them.
Interest: Chris really loves dogs. He plays video games halo and call of duty he plays it all the time. His fave bands is slipknot,marlin manson,korn,HIM,and more rock bands.
Name: Ricky Olson (horror)
Full name: Richard Alison Olson the third
Nick name: Rick
Age: 32
Birthday: September 1st 1988
Birth place: Seattle WA
Lives: Scranton Pennsylvania
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5'6
Uni: he studied film production in college but dropped out for the band.
Role: rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist
Relationship status: taken by Jamie L
Fear: dying alone,being hated,failing
Personality: he's a calm sweet person he's very smart and also really kind. He's a good caring friend. However he can be a troll sometimes and mess around with everyone because he loves doing it. He loves his fans so much. He's a shy boy.
Interest: he loves to write,draw,edit,take photos, record videos,run his YouTube channel,create a mini sketch video to post on his channel, being a director,he loves cats and reading books.
Ricky fave bands is: muse,HIM,afi,slipknot,BMTH,Ariana grande,Ellie goulding.
Name: Vinny Mauro
Full name: Vinchenzo Mauro
Nick name: vin,chenzo,sachetti
Nationality: Italian American
Age: 27
Birthday: Nov 22 1993
Birth place: jersey shore Pennsylvania
Zodiac: Sagittarius
(he's also a Sagittarius Scorpio cusp)
Height: 5'6
Uni: vinny study computer programming but he dropped out of college to join the band in 2014
Role: drummer
Bands: MIW,suffer club,trap demon
Relationship Status: single
Fear: being hated by people
Personality: in most of Ricky vlogs vinny seem extroverted he is loud around friends and has lots of fun being silly. But in reality there is a side to him that isn't easy to see you can see it in his twitch stream. He's actually really introverted he said this himself. He's calming and sweet he interact with fans a lot and making sure fans respect each other. He loves to be alone in his room for many days avoiding human contact. Vinny mention being too shy to go up to new people but he is fine if people go up to him. He doesn't feel comfortable talking to new people. He likes being alone.
Interest: creating rap beats,playing video games,making music,dogs and cats,playing drums.
Vinny fave artist are: Fall out boy,paramore,korn,panic! At the disco,HIM,my chemical romance,arch enemy,maroon 5,emeiem,Ariana grande,dua lipa,Mack millo,doji cat,bring me the horizon,pierce the veil,sleeping with sirens,all time low,black veil brides,Rihanna,linkin park,green day,evanescences.
Name: Ryan Sitkowski
Age: 30
Birthday: Jan 8,1991
Zodiac: Capricorn
Birth place: Pennsylvania
Height: 5'11?
Uni: he dropped out of college to join MIW
Role: lead guitarist
Relationship Status: taken
Fear: spiders
Personality: Ryan is a chill person he's shy and caring to fans. He's also a troll he loves to mess around with his friends.
Interest: guitar,video games,trading card games.
Bands: the same as the rest of miw probably.
Name: Justin morrow
Age: 32?
Birthday: May 11th
Birth place: Caledonia, New York
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 6'1
Role: bassist
Relationship Status: married
Fear: ?
Personality: Justin is a kind chill person who cares for his fans and his friends. He left ice nine kills to right away help MIW on tour. Justin is also a troll he loves trolling his friends.
Interest: videos games but not a nerd like the others,bass,cosplaying,putting makeup on.
Bands: the same as MIW
Motionless in white history:
The band started in high school of 2005
Chris,Angelo,Frank p,Kyle white being the first members of the band. Later after college and the bands demo releases Josh joined the band. Frank moved to bass. Micheal and TJ join as guitarist. Later on micheal left the band and Chris met Ryan. Ryan then joined as guitarist of the band. Chris met Ricky in 2009. Frank left the band and Ricky was the new bassist for MIW.
MIW got more popular in 2009 when they tour around the state's in a van. Tj left the band a year later to join escape the fate (Ronnie radke of falling in reverse old band and bless the fall singer Craig band) Ricky then became the new rythmn guitarist of the band. Ghost (Devin) join as the bass player of the band. During the infamous album creation Angelo was feeling ill he couldn't play drums well anymore he gets tired easily and his drum skills wasn't good at all he was eating bad that it make him weak. He couldn't drum anymore so he left the band. The band had other drummers help record their albums. Brandon was the touring drummer for the band till the end of the reincarnated album. The band met vinny and he became the new drummer he was in the reincarnated music video playing drums but you can't see him much in the music video. Vinny then became a member of MIW not a tour drummer anymore but a actually member of MIW. Josh left the band around this time. In the graveyard shift era after the making of the album the whole band kicked ghost out of the band because the fans told the band what ghost did to fans which was very gross. The band kicked him out and Justin from ice nine kills join the band as bassist then he quit ice nine kills to be working full time for MIW. Disguise is the first album where the whole current members of the band created songs without other people doing it for them.
Chris history from high school to now:
Chris grew up in Pennsylvania. He met his friends who end up being the band members of the band he wanted to create he wasn't expecting to be the main singer. At a young age Chris started getting tattoos everywhere.
Chris cared about the band and just went for it.
Demos of the band was created. Chris is a perfectionist he wants the album to be perfect so he was judging everything in order to make a album he liked. Band members left but he didn't quit the band he try to find new band members and try to meet new bands. He worked hard for the band he carry the whole band and make sure the band was doing well. Chris thanks Ryan and Ricky for being the most loyal band members staying with him all these years and not leaving him. Chris had the fear of failing the band breaking up and Chris dreams crushing down but Chris didn't let that happen at all. And here we are today.
Ryan Sitkowski college to now:
Ryan dropped out of college to join MIW at age 17. He was new to the band and Josh didn't like him at all. Ryan was at a young age traveling all over the state with the band. Ryan haven't shared much of his life on the internet he kept it more private. Ryan got a girlfriend and then when the lockdown happen he started streaming on twitch to interact with fans and made a discord too.
Ricky Olson high school to now:
Ricky is the oldest of his siblings. When Ricky was young he was playing with his friends sports and something hit his tooth so half of Ricky teeth is fake. He mention he cry to his mom on the phone because of it. Ricky in middle school wanted to be in a band because his friends played instruments and he wanted to join them. Ricky in high school was a shy boy who had a few friends but they were mostly fake friends. Ricky Olson begin to play guitar and write stories because of the inspiration of Ville Valo from HIM. He became obsessed with HIM. Ricky was in a band in high school as the lead singer but was kicked out for sounding like Ville valo. One of Ricky dreams was to be in a band and also a film maker. In college he study film production. While also working in band merch booth selling band merch to people. But since Ricky was too shy he got yelled at for not speaking up and selling more. Ricky was in a bad time around 2008 and 2009. He share this in a blog years ago about this. He was in a lost place had a bad past and he was thinking of the past all the time and future worrying about failing the future he wanted to be in a band but he was so lost he had no idea what to do in his life. He would day dream about being in a band and then cry to sleep every night about his life. He had depression and gave up with everything in his life. He drank achoul every day. One day on his sister 16 birthday Ricky was drunk coming home from work to go to his parents house his sister was sleeping in her bed.
Tw// self harm and suicide attempt:
Ricky was laying in his sister's bed he cut his arm with a knife it was a lot Ricky was sobbing while watching the blood going down his arm to the floor his dad saw what happen and ask Ricky what happen. Ricky was sobbing and yelling he wanted to die many times. He passed out and went to the hospital he lost a lot of blood and the achoul level was really high he drank way too much. He almost died. He end up getting better and went to see a therapist. He went to see MIW with a friend. Ricky met Chris and the band thought Ricky was cool so he invited them to stay at his house. Chris text Ricky being like should join our band. Ricky would often say idk if I should he didn't know if he would be good enough for the band.
He later on join and quit college but Ricky mention still feeling depressed while in the band. Josh ballaz disliked Ricky when he joined too. 2 years later Ricky moved to rythmn guitarist but he wasn't used to playing guitar since he mostly did bass so he often made mistakes on guitar. He was still learning to play guitar. Things got better for Ricky. But his dream job was always filming he does some film stuff on tour and at home. Though he knew he probably won't be a film maker for movies like he dream of doing he makes whatever he can make. Ricky has stomach problems he often went to the doctor because of it.
Vinny Mauro childhood to now:
Vinny is one of the youngest children of his family. He has many siblings. Vinny mention on stream that he had a bad past. He mention that his dad would take achoul all the time and not give a fuck about vinny. Vinny mom would always go after Vinny. Vinny as a kid was a trouble maker he would disobey his parents and think it was funny. His mom would throw stuff at him and threaten him. His dad gave him a drum set so vinny end up learning to play drums he self taught himself to play drums. He listen to music and got into new types of music he likes all types of music. In middle school a girl that he liked asked him if he can play paramore on drums and vinny played it for her.
In high school vinny was a outcast and loner he made friends in his neighborhood but at school he had no friend. He didn't fit in with anyone. He mention in Ricky Olson podcast his high school life. Ricky ask him how he didn't find friends in high school. Vinny mention saying he didn't fit in with anyone he is also a shy person so he doesn't go up to new people. He was more a loner and was fine with it. Vinny went to uni to study computer programming but he didn't like it at all he was often bored he posted videos of him drumming on his YouTube channel. He knew a guy who knew MIW. MIW was looking for a drummer and they asked vinny to try out for drums in another country which was Australia. Vinny dropped out of college and told his parents what he was doing they weren't happy about that but he end up going over there trying out drums but he was very nervous. He met the band and then went to start drumming. Chris and Ricky were in the same room as vinny they were watching him play drums. Chris being very judgemental. He often scares Ricky when he's on guitar and Ricky fear to make a single mistake in front of Chris and vinny felt that fear. He even said I think I mess up a few times on drums. After he finish drumming. Ricky and Chris went to talk said not a single word and vinny was sweating so much thinking he made a mistake and he won't be part of the band. Later on Chris made vinny part of the band. Vinny became the tour member of the band then he became a member of MIW.
Years later vinny decided to interact more with fans since he had time to so he livestreams on twitch and has discord to interact with fans.
The lock down happen and vinny spend time interacting with fans. He lives with his friend in a house together. But something about vinny these few years mostly months to now that was starting to show. Vinny was suddenly showing signs of depression he often tweet depressing stuff but each year got worst for him. 2020 was the start of vinny's down fall. He had so much self hate he hated his hair,his body,his looks everything about himself he hate. He even tweeted saying I'm sad so I'm going to make a song. He release alone. Even he tweeted about something sad saying 2020 was a bad start for him and Ricky ask if he was ok and hoping vinny was just joking around. During December vinny had back pains because of a sneeze that hurt his nerves so vinny was in so much pain and he didn't see a doctor he thought he could fight it himself just taking pain meds to him. In Jan of 2021 the start of vinny down hill. He was in so much pain he couldn't leave his room or chair he couldn't even drum. He was very depressed. He hated life so much. A month later he got better and went back to streaming but still he was struggling there was some bad stuff happening anyway with him. The covid shot made him sick Saying he didnt eat anything for 4 days he felt like throwing up he even woke up in the middle of the night thinking he was going to do it and other stuff that made him depressed. Around April of this year small amount of fans notice something was going on with vinny he mention so much self hate about himself. In May he mention he was fine but a week later he said he was depressed and talking about what happen months ago and years ago. Sharing something about his family past and he stopped himself saying he doesn't want to get too into it. Vinny mention that he was eating food once a day because he felt like he is fat for over eating food all the time so he end up just eating dinner only everyday. He done it since the beginning of March and still is doing it. He wanted to loss weight. So he doesn't want breakfast and lunch but he eats dinner.
Around may vinny was in rock bottom he talk to no one at all even Ryan was 30 mins away from vinny and he ask him why he didn't go to see him and vinny said he didn't know why. Vinny mention saying he talked to no one for a week straight he also mention he isn't the kind of person to go up to people he said he's very introverted. he stopped streaming for weeks because he was doing bad. He said he felt burnt out and tired.
He took his break off social media for many weeks. Around this time many fans notice vinny was really not doing well.
Then he return to streaming around the 18th of June. Just to say hi he said he miss his fans but he plans to stream again a few weeks later. He mention that he have been avoiding all human contact and was staying in his room playing video games and drums all day still with the once a meal thing he does. Vinny said he's not depressed but people ask him about his depressing tweets and he said is it really depressing. Someone ask him why he is listening to sad music and he said am I not allowed to enjoy music. Now more fans are worried about him. Many more fans noticing that vinny isn't ok and he's hiding it.
That's basically all of MIW history I could give.
I will update and add more to the list later when something new happens. The vinny stuff is true I been watching his streams a lot and he mention those stuff so I just wanted to share what he said. I been a MIW fan for 8 months so I may not know Ryan and Justin as much as the others. Since they don't share much about themselves.
Hoping you enjoy this. Free feel to comment somethings I forgot to add.
Please don't argue about ghost ok. Ty
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
We All Have Our Scars - Part 4
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
When Love Met Destruction - Part 1
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
When Love Met Destruction - Part 2
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
Anonymous asked: Can you do one where you and Ricky are best friends and he does your make up? You can decide why he's doing it
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
Requests are open!!!
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
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Screen commissions ☆゚.*・。゚
Insta: @debbiebalboa
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
A bath is always good with candles
Song: Covet by Basement
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freerebelmentality · 1 year ago
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Dean deserved better. I need a new finale episode 🤨🤨
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