#it was asking for blogs i'm obsessed with
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rosenkranz-does-things · 13 hours ago
I just wanted to pop into your asks to say that your art is so insanely good!!! Every time i see your paintings on my dash I stop and stare for like five minutes, i swear. I’ve been totally obsessed with your work since i first saw your x files stuff on Pinterest a few years back, and I’m always amazed at the incredible way you capture atmosphere in your art. Thank you for sharing!!
thank you, I'm glad you like my work! pinterest has an. unfortunate way to repost art, but I guess as long as they link my stuff back to my blog so people are able to find me, that's fine. have a tiny scully wip that I'm gonna post in a few days! 🧡
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theogbadbitch · 2 days ago
Chile ……..
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“So if it isn't stress then what is it? Just your natural disposition?” A very good question because what IS your problem sir?
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“I can never tell if you're joking” he responds unappreciative of my sarcasm.” Not this😭😭😭😭
“I’m not uptight, he says finally.”
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“Pigs fly. Now we’re both lying, I remark.” Forever obsessed with how she hasn’t let him BREATHE since Switzerland
“Look, I'd better get some rest. I'm a mess of nerves and we already don’t get along well” exactly because why is he steady going out of his way to speak to you, girl🌚
“Why don’t you change into something more comfortable and meet me in the lobby in ten?” Oh?🌚
“So, are you and your parents very close?’ Richmond asks and I realize he has a birds eye view into my phone and no boundaries. “ He so nosey😭 back up a bit
“I’ve seen the food blog - she’s very good,’ he remarks.“ Nah this man is crazy seriously 😭
“Jameson told me you dont value your life’ he says and I scoff.” He’s incapable of having normal conversations.
“ I found out my new recruit Lorence Cole is a woman,” oh?!!! excuse you sir—-
“No. You’re my type Lorence. Cassandra knew that and didn’t tell me ahead of time. I was upset with her to make a point and short with you” OMG—??????
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The way this just GAGGED ME??? (I mean it was so obvious but I wasn’t expecting him to just casually admit it?????)
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“He gets a full look of the photo of me looking like an angel in caricature form while he looks like an angry muscle man with ears so big they span to the margins.” She should get this framed for her new office!😭🌚
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“Richmond the decorated veteran and impeccably polished CEO has a crush … on me? He’s not to be played with, tall, handsome, well off ….. My boss.” Ignore that shit girl
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“Why don’t we start fresh tomorrow? My type is nice” I tell him and he gives me his first genuine smile.” We’re getting somewhere y’all, we all cheered fr
I had a feeling something interesting was going to happen on this trip but this is better than I could’ve imagined. I live.
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Exactly why the workplace enemies trope is SUPERIOR.
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007 | Richmond Inc.
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「 ✦ full library & archive ✦ 」
「 ✦ aaron pierre & characters library ✦ 」
⇚ 006
♠ summary: Lorence navigates the high-stakes world of elite private security under her enigmatic boss, Terry Richmond. But when Terry’s watchful gaze turns unexpectedly intimate, the tension between them ignites—blurring the lines. This ones fluffy 🧸.
♠ pairing: Terry Richmond (Aaron Pierre - Rebel Ridge) X Lorence Cole (Black Fem OC)
♠ word-count: ~3.2K
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⌖ - Monte Carlo, Monaco
I’ve never flown private before, nor have I ever been on such a lively flight. The champagne flows freely, and the chatter is so loud I crank my headphones to maximum volume just to drown it out. The last time I was aboard a plane, I was tossing back flutes of champagne to numb the sting of losing my job. Weeks later, I’m flying private at an elevated position—my new reality. Unlike my more seasoned colleagues, I’m more unnerved than excited.
I check the ETA on one of the screens and go over the expected hotel arrival time, counting down the hours until the big race is over and I can finally relax. I take out my tablet, reviewing my plans for what feels like the hundredth time, searching for any holes in my outline. I replay the live feeds at an accelerated speed, scanning for anything that could derail my emergency plans.
Cassandra smiles, placing a flute of champagne in front of me.
She folds her arms, giving me a knowing look.
“Please tell me you're talking to someone handsome and not reviewing your plans again.”
“I’m talking to someone handsome,” I reply, telling her what she wants to hear. She sighs, satisfied.
“Emergencies almost never happen, and you’ve planned for so many types—it’ll be fine.”
“Well, partying isn't going to help my nerves,” I explain.
“You’re almost as bad as Terry.” She powers off my tablet and takes the open seat beside me.
“Now I’m insulted.”
She giggles, leaning in conspiratorially.
“Also, never suggest staggered flights for operatives again. Your extra effort is already making you unpopular with the weaker links.”
“Unpopular? As if I have the boss’s ear or give a flying fuck.”
“That’s the spirit.” She nudges me playfully. “It wasn’t the majority, but Emerson tried to stir up trouble. Richmond shut it down quickly. That weasel is always looking for a win. Must’ve heard there’s no warmth between you and Terry.”
“The blind know that.”
“Good thing my mouth isn't big. Cause that suit try-on definitely was more Dubai heat than Antarctica frigid.”
I give her a warning look, but she only squeaks, enjoying my discomfort.
“I’m glad you're amused.”
Emerson approaches with a drink in hand and that cavalier smile. He’s one of the company’s top ten most attractive male directors—probably the best-looking among the single ones.
“Emerson.” Cassandra acknowledges him, but his attention shifts to me.
“Lorence, why don’t you come mingle with the rest of us?”
I blink, caught off guard. The only colleague I’m on a first-name basis with is Cassandra. I’ve known Joel long enough to consider him more of a friend.
“I’m a nervous flyer. I’m fine here with my headphones and Gordon.”
“Cassandra didn’t tell you we use first names?”
“Not everyone. It’s Cole's choice.” Cassandra interjects quickly, sensing my discomfort. “Cole, what would you like to be called?”
“Cole it is.” Emerson forces a smile. “You make your friends call you Cole?”
“I didn't realize the two of you were friends.” Cassandra leans in with a smirk.
“I’m friends with all of my colleagues.”
“Hmm.” Cassandra’s brow raises with condescension.
“Well, Cole, we’ll chat once we touchdown.” Emerson flashes another smile before returning to the back of the plane.
“What was that?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.
“Emerson and I may or may not have had a few rendezvous. It also may have ended badly.” she shrugs.
I’m not surprised.
“How did it end badly - hypothetically?” I ask.
“I felt like he was trying to use me to get on Terry’s good side, and when that didn’t work, suddenly Terry and I were too close. Blah, blah, blah. I know how much he makes, and it is NOT enough to afford me full time. So I went cold. Hypothetically.”
Cassandra shrugs, completely unbothered.
“Don’t hmm me. We’re all gorgeous—you’re the only one who hasn't dipped in the office pot.”
We spend the rest of the flight gossiping about who’s been with who, and I’m astounded by the level of secrecy and professionalism. Five office flings had gone entirely under my radar. When the party dies down I turn back on my music and relax dozing off a little. I’ve memorized my routes down to the detail and the timing windows play in my subconscious in a loop. 
When the party dies down, I finally drift off, my subconscious looping the timing windows of my routes. Twenty minutes until clearance, an hour until our clients are safe. I wake with the sun warming the Mediterranean coastline below.
The weight of my responsibilities dampens any excitement. The drive to our accommodations is short, and I snap photos for my parents. The group dinner is the last thing I want to attend, but the chefs' live show and five-star cuisine prove to be a welcome distraction. Afterward, I slip away to the terrace with a glass of wine in hand.
“Still going over the routes?” Richmond’s voice cuts through the night air. I know it’s him by the shift in energy.
“Yeah” I respond.
“If you don't trust yourself—and you should—you should trust the agents on the ground, the drivers, the armed agents, helicopters, and tech. And if you don't trust all that, there's still the local PD, Fire, EMS... and human nature. After that, it's an act of God, and none of us can contend with that.”
I exhale slowly.
“I just don’t want anything to go wrong.”
“When something goes wrong tomorrow, it won’t be because of you.”
“When. It's inevitable.” His confidence is oddly reassuring, though I know better than to assign sentimentality to Richmond. “One of our clients could get wasted, fall over and break their nose, or have food poisoning, require medical attention or be robbed by hookers they’ve hired or local thieves. Something happens here every single year. Transport’s never been an issue and no one has approached it like you have” he says.
I nod, sighing deeply. “That’s some peace of mind.”
“It’s not flattery, it's the truth,” he responds.
“Has to be, flattery seems highly unlikely” I confess. “Maybe now I understand why you’re always so uptight - this is a lot on someone’s shoulders” I sigh looking back down into the city. I swear he snickers but by the time the lights flicker on above us signaling night is here it's gone from his expression.
“I’m the last person you need to worry about,” he says. Looking him over I concur - he’s probably experienced things my nightmares would have trouble conceiving of.
“So if it isn't stress then what is it? Just your natural disposition?” I ask looking away just in case his face shows disapproval.
“I can never tell if you're joking” he responds unappreciative of my sarcasm. The feeling is mutual, I can never read him either. There are too many things at play, this sizzling tension between us born of disdain, or misunderstanding, or the unbalanced power dynamic. His resistance to letting his guard down. Smiling, small talk, pleasantries or being kind. The silence lingers mostly because none of my responses are safe and could put us back at odds. “I’m not uptight,” he says finally.
“Pigs fly. Now we’re both lying” I remark.
“I’m not uptight, I’m what my position requires of me as the lead, founder and CEO” he explains. 
“Look, I'd better get some rest. I'm a mess of nerves and we already don’t get along well” I sigh, not wanting to get into it with him. He smirks this time.
“You’ll toss and turn all night if you head in now. Why don’t you change into something more comfortable and meet me in the lobby in ten?” he says, stopping me in my tracks. He looks harmless when he smiles. It withdraws into his usual disposition and when I turn Emerson is walking up behind me.
“Ok” I agree and he nods giving me a half smile that I know Emerson sees. I wonder if it’s to get my blood out of shark infested waters.
“Emerson” I nod, taking leave. I slip my heels back on once I'm off of the grassy terrace and head in. There’s a sprinkling of people, less than half of those who were at dinner. I head to my room and look myself over. I curse Cassandra when all of the outfits I have packed are transitional, appropriate for the beach, boat, dinner and anything else that may arise in a place like this. Blowing out a deep breath I opt for a black maxi dress. I grab a small purse and fill it with necessities. My reflection is date worthy, not following your boss around appropriate. I tie a scarf around my purse just in case it gets cool. When I arrive in the lobby Richmond is checking his watch and stands up like I've stood him up. He’s changed too into something more relaxed. 
“Sorry I’m late” I tell him once I've crossed the room. His eyes scan over me, his tense demeanour has returned.  “Am I dressed okay?” I ask.
“Fine” he nods. “I just thought we’d take a walk, go over your routes in person, put your mind at ease, tire the body, help you rest” he explains and it is such a simple approach I wonder why I haven't thought of it.
“I can walk in this” I nod and he leads the way. We walk alongside each other. It takes us about ten minutes to make it to the primary route we decided on. “Cassandra said, always look better than you need to while in Monaco” I tell him when the silence has stretched too long.
“That’s what that bill was about” he mutters to himself shaking his head. “I dont think you and Cassandra have the same objectives”
“I don't follow”
“Cassandra likes causing a stir and hooking big fish” he says without condescension or condemnation in his tone as we walk. “Wherever we go” he adds, making a left. I see he’s memorized the route as well as I have.
“I bet she’s a great decoy” I think out loud.
“She is,” he nods, leading us onto the main road. It’s brighter along this path, I smell food and hear music and chatter which is a good sign. We pass souvenir shops, restaurants, boutiques and tourists. There’s so much to see, it's distracting and I don't remember the last time I was in Europe so carefree. I take pictures of postcards and restaurants and send them to my parents. My mom will tell me what to try and my dad will tell me what cheesy thing they want.
“So, are you and your parents very close?” Richmond asks and I realize he has a birds eye view into my phone and no boundaries.
“Yeah” I nod. “They love to travel and my mom runs a food blog” I explain my actions.
“I’ve seen the food blog - she’s very good,” he remarks. Of course he has.
“She’d be happy to hear that” I say with a smile.
“How’d she get into it?” he asks.
“She had an empty nest, she put everything on hold to be a mom and wife. She retired early and I told her to go. It was like we both went to college together. She’s always been great but since it started she’s really happy.” I reflect feeling calmer at the thought of my folks. 
“We have contacts and so many unused vouchers, tickets, everything. You should ask Cassandra and use them up. Go with them too.” he says giving unconventional advice for a boss.
“Are your parents still around?” I ask and he tenses.
“My mom passed. Pops is still around. He’s married to Cassandra’s mom” Richmond says and it's a shock at first then it makes sense. “I was sure she told you.”
“She didn’t and I’m sorry about your mom” I respond he nods.
“It  was a long time ago,” he says. We approach a live band and he guides me in front of him. “Hold your purse close, it's a distraction for pickpockets” he explains, keeping me close until we’re out the crowd. We’re lower down now and closer to the water at one of the intersections I thought would have the most trouble. I assess it quickly before relaxing into my decisions.
“So is this what you recommend before a big gig?” I ask.
“No, I don't advise you to walk around at night in a foreign country,” he says.
“Now it's you who needs faith. We go through too much training to not be fine anywhere in the world that isn't war torn.” I remind him crossing the road. 
“If the richest men in the world need protection, what makes you think you're above danger?” he asks.
“I don’t think I’m above anything, I just dont think danger is likely.”
“You’re naive,” he comments.
“You're a pessimist” I respond.
“Realist. Men jeopardise their livelihoods and lives all around the world for women and sometimes men. Being alone at night is an unnecessary risk” he says, sounding like my father. When we make it to the beach the sound of the ocean is calming.
“Can we stay awhile?” I ask and he nods. I step onto the sand. My dress is too long so I take down my hair and use my hair tie to hike it up to my knees. There’s a breeze in the air but after all that walking it's not too chilly. My nerves are worlds better. I find a spot and sit down, feeling safe. I close my eyes and block out everything aside from the sound of the waves crashing and crackling sea foam. The air shifts and I catch Richmonds cologne as he sits beside me. I can feel his eyes on me but I keep mine closed. He probably thinks I’m crazy, maybe even too trusting given our history but I don't open my eyes until I'm ready. When I do his eyes are on me.
“Jameson told me you dont value your life” he says and I scoff.
“You can't care too much about yours if you joined the military” I shoot back.
“My father was decorated, he had me in mixed martial arts since I was five. I can take care of myself”
“So we have daddy to thank for this personality” I jest and he shakes his head instead of silencing me with a look.
“You really don't like it” he says, looking up at the sky.
“No I don’t, this is the most normal you’ve ever been with me since we met” I tell him.
“I’ve tried but you’re always running”
“Why were you so mean that first day?” I ask.
“It’s complicated,” he says, hardening.
“More complicated than using my trauma as a test?” I ask and he sighs.
“That wasn't my idea to push you and yes, that complicated” he affirms. “I was in a bad state, looked my worst and I found out my new recruit Lorence Cole is a woman,” he explains. 
“That’s a sexist admission”
“No. You’re my type Lorence. Cassandra knew that and didn’t tell me ahead of time. I was upset with her to make a point and short with you” he confesses and the way my cheeks burn im thankful for the nights forgiving lighting. Not was, not one of my preferences, you’re present tense my type.
“The next time your type walks in, try being kind. Most women don't like being barked at, frowned at, scolded. Do I need to continue?” I ask.
“I get the picture” he nods. Then there’s laughter down the beach and I see people laughing around a photograph.
“We should go see” I suggest getting up. I pat the sand off my dress and we make our way over to see caricature artists seated. 
“Come on, beautiful couple,” One of the women artists say.
“I don't want to” Richmond says motioning for me to sit alone.
“Not my boyfriend's bodyguard” I tell the woman in french and she smiles. Mischief lights in her eyes and I smile bracing for the worst.
“First time in Monaco?” she asks with a thick accent.
“Welcome! here for the races?” she asks.
“Yeah, a few friends wanted to check it out” I explain using my cover story and she continues drawing.
“Are you famous?” she asks.
“No” I laugh.
“Then why bodyguard?” she asks.
“He’s a friend who didn't want me out walking alone” I explain in french and she nods complimenting my speaking ability. I sit for another ten minutes and she stands finished. They count me down and when I get the photo I have to stop myself from laughing. I fold the photo immediately as the other artists cackle and pray Richmond hasn't seen it. If he didn't speak French too I’m sure he’d think I put her up to it. We leave the beach heading back on the path back to the accommodation when Richmond snatches it from my hand as I let my dress back down. He gets a full look of the photo of me looking like an angel in caricature form while he looks like an angry muscle man with ears so big they span to the margins. I giggle and he gives me a look of warning handing the drawing back. I’m surprised he doesn't rip it into pieces.
“Aside from the ears it's an accurate depiction of how scary your scowl is” I joke.
“Good to know” he mutters, the streets are more lively now and the party crowds are out. Leading the way gets too challenging. Richmond holds his hand back and I take it following him through the crows he can see over. He's a gentle guide parting the crowd for me with his size. My brain starts to run away with the information I’ve learned aided by the hand holding and a replay of the past few weeks. My realization shouldn't be as charming as it is. Richmond the decorated veteran and impeccably polished CEO has a crush … on me? He’s not to be played with, tall, handsome, well off ….. My boss. My thoughts hit a roadblock there. The uphill trek starts to become a battle and he crosses the street finding a cab stand. His French is impeccable as he orders us a cab barely fitting in the small European car with me. I get my hand back and find myself missing the contact. The ride back to the accommodation is short. When RIchmond and I clear the lobby he’s right I’m no longer worried about tomorrow or my work. This elevator ride is far less tense than last trip. 
“Thanks for walking me through my route” I tell him as he walks me from the elevator to my door. 
“No problem” he nods. “Last call is at noon if you want to see the parade and the royals otherwise you can leave at two” he reminds me of the schedule. I check my watch and see I have a lot of beauty rest to catch up on.
“Sounds good.” I nod heading in my room. I stop turning to face him. “Why don’t we start fresh tomorrow? My type is nice” I tell him and he gives me his first genuine smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Cole” 
“Good night Richmond.” I smile, shutting the door. I call Sin thankful for time differences and we talk for an hour about what it all means before I fall asleep.
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Authors note: thanks for reading loves. things are heading up and these interactions are getting more and more fun to write. Are we here for the new developments?
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fernisfreaky · 3 months ago
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oppy gets super lovey dovey during aftercare proceeding him topping bc he is very conscious of their size diff 😔❤
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herewegobebe · 1 year ago
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 TEN | 'Nightwalker' Choreography @MusicBank 240223
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poyobox · 3 days ago
Hey, so I read this and noticed that I am mentioned in one specific short section.
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I have no issue with being mentioned, I just want to make something explicitly clear so that Kim can't use me as a point to defend the harassment of my friends.
Yes, jokes were made about my AI Cookie obsession. By me. I'm the one who made the worst of the jokes at the expense of myself and this fictional character.
When I was trying to think of a design for my interp of this character, one of the first things that popped into my mind was "what if he was the oncler" and then I thought about it and hated how well it worked so I began making jokes about him being a onceler kinnie. a majority of jokes about my AI Cookie being a onceler kinnie come from me.
If I had a problem with the authors of this doc making jokes about this topic, I would have asked them to stop. But I didn't because I understood that they weren't at my expense; it was harmless banter if anything. I can think of specific instances of us making similar harmless banter about one of the people mentioned in the doc being obsessed with the lamer(/j) Cookie and those were in good fun, just like the AI Cookie comments. We all understood that, except Kim, apparently.
That's all I have to say on this specific section. Please read the rest of the document. I may return to this fandom someday, but for now I'm leaving it at this and this blog is now a Dreamy Gear apprectiation blog/hj
TL;DR: The section on me is entirely truthful. Read the doc.
Kim is taking way too long on her document and me and my friends (and I’m sure EVERYONE ELSE) want this over and done with so here’s our doc. Enjoy 11834 words and 100 pages of explaining, debunking, and whatever the hell else, hopefully everything will end after this and the Jackbox fandom can become normal again 👍
This also has my possible final statement btw so buckle up buckaroos
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asterthought · 2 months ago
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Pre-series msm angst? Pre-series msm angst.
Considering how deep these two care about each other and how volatile they both are, I started imagining how Harry's transition from Midtown to Horizon went and I decided to make a comic-ish thing with that idea. Here's a WIP with love <3
Edit: Here's part one of the final version.
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deepfriedpaddymayne · 2 years ago
girls when they remember that wilfred owen was killed in action A WEEK before the armistice was signed
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TSS compilations need to stop popping up in my reccomended I don't want to be back in the fandom 3 years after I left in the year of our lord 2024 I think my brain would explode
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jjba-smash-or-pass · 1 year ago
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necrotic-nephilim · 8 months ago
Sorry if this might be a rude question but why don’t you just make a seperate account for your nsfw fics?
not rude, it's a valid question! tbh it's a combination of a couple reasons.
i started posting anonymous dead dove batcest fics long before i had the balls to make a tumblr. at first i was content to just leave them unassociated with each other because i didn't really care about them being tied to me. i made this blog to actually show solidarity to my partner who wanted to make a sideblog for Sandman comic stuff so we could cheerlead each other and be brave together, since i've wanted to make a batcest sideblog but i've been nervous about actually having to get it going. (mal ik you're reading this go be brave and actually make your blog so i can cheerlead you damnit-) only did it dawn on me then that i should probably mention the fics i've written on the blog after like, three of them were posted anonymously. and it would've annoyed me to have half of them anonymous and half of them not, because notifications for them would've gone in different places. i could go back and take my fics off anon if i wanted to, but i can't switch the account they're on without taking them down entirely and that'd fuck over people who have them bookmarked already.
which, ties into my second reason, if i made an entire second ao3 account it'd be harder for me to see notifications, reply to stuff, and post things for both accounts because i'd have to constantly switch. and honestly i'd be terrified of accidentally posting on the wrong one on a brain fog day. posting fics is always the most tedious part of writing them for me lol. it's easier for me to stay logged into one account and have all of my stuff in one place for me and just use the anonymous collection when i feel like it. if ao3 pseuds worked like tumblr blogs, where you can't see all my side blogs but i can, i would've used pseuds, but since you can see all pseuds on an ao3, i felt it was a moot point.
and the last reason is i just feel more comfortable being anonymous on ao3 because of the rise in anti culture. on tumblr it's very easy for me to just filter that out and find the people i want to follow and block the people i don't. i don't mind getting hate, on tumblr or on ao3. but i think, for whatever reason you want to blame it on, there's been a massive boom of antis on ao3 who are very entitled about how they read on ao3. i tag extensively, but i just feel safer from getting targeted attacks if everything i write on ao3 isn't attached to one profile. if people like a fic i wrote, want to find more i always link my tumblr in the notes, but if an anti wants to get huffy with me, they can't easily track down my other things. they definitely could if they wanted to, but being anonymous on ao3 just makes me feel more secluded, in a weird way. it's like saying "if you want you can come find me but on here i'm just a weird faceless guy throwing stuff in the void". i've used ao3's anon feature a lot, actually, i used to be a hydra trash party dumpster kid back when that was in it's prime.
i also used to be vaguely popular on a different tumblr blog and my main ao3 and while i think it'd definitely be cool if i got a decent chunk of followers on this blog too, i don't really miss having fanfiction do so well i got targetted hate on all of my fics from the same people, i had my fics stolen, etc. it was really exhausting for me. i have 120+ works on ao3, not counting what's anonymous, and that level of exposure tires me, even when i use my main ao3 to post things that aren't trashy. it's just a weird feeling knowing so many people are subscribed to you on ao3 and what if you post something they won't like because you jumped fandoms again, or you're posting something niche, or you don't think it fills enough fandom tropes to be well-liked. i used to obsessively think like that, and it made me not write the things i wanted to because i cared about numbers. and i don't want to slide back into that hole. writing on anonymous is mostly to remind myself i wrote this for me, and if other people like it, they can come find me, but i don't have to perform like that anymore. if i get a really weird fucked up idea, i can write the really weird fucked up idea. at the end of the day, just makes me more comfortable! but i get it's a super confusing set up from an outsider perspective so, i really don't mind the question, thank you for asking!!
#necrotic festerings#batcest#pro ship#necrotic answerings#tbh asking the question gave me the chance to explain it so ty!#might link this in my about me or my masterlist for ease of access#i don't want to like. overstate how big i was on an old blog bc i was not like. a celebrity by *any* means.#but i had a ship-specific blog and i was certainly a “big name fan” for that specific rarepair#and it like. took over my life when i was a teen#i look back on it fondly now but i really regret that i would obsess so heavily over numbers and what made a fic do well#my favorite fics to write were htp back then bc for htp culture writing on anon was normal since that was during the dreamwidth days#and i just. liked that veil of anonymity and i think i defaulted to that when i decided to finally start posting batcest stuff#(all of this makes me sound so old i'm only 22 i just started fandom really fucking young which i don't recommend)#and when i say one fic got big. i mean it. i have found that fic on instagram and pinterest and tiktok and even. facebook.#do you know what it's like when your fic gets reuploaded to facebook without your permission and you see what boomers think of it.#that was so mortifying.#funnily enough the boomers were actually really nice i was just shocked to find it there scrolling one day.#it was instagram that was super mean to me and traumatized my ass. man ppl dug into me for the tinest things. do not miss that.#anyway the point is#i've tasted vitality and niche fandom status(tm) and i hated both. and i just cannot do that to myself again#ergo#anon on ao3 and a blog to post my thoughts when i have them.#it's a nice system for me#i have some stuff on my main ao3 that toes the line of like. dark dead dove trash.#and i had antis get mad at me bc their fave fluffy fic was written by. gasp. a proshipper.#and yeah that soured me to existence on ao3.#getting into the rise of anti culture is a whole other discussion that'd have me going on for hours but i will shut up now.#wow this got long. i like to fucking talk don't i.
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hiding-under-the-willow · 4 months ago
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Ooooooohhhh don't tempt me man don't tempt me-
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stalkersdiary · 1 month ago
✧ Why are you here? ✧
I wonder how long it's going to take before people find out I'm not the person they thought were hoping I was. A lot of people will follow me and write me while also having "Men DNI" and "No dark/hard kinksters" in their bios. They literally follow a page that talks about abduction, torture, sadism, and blood, from the views of an openly sadistic man. Excuse my insanity, but I may have a solution. Maybe don't follow us in the first place and you won't get this type of thing on your FYP. Sounds a little obvious. I'm not a… vanilla woman? If that's what they're looking for? I'm just an unstable guy. No need to take it out on me. Each post has relevant tags and my intro explains it all. You can block me. I'm not trying to stay on anyone's page. I'm just here to post my thoughts and updates.
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valyrfia · 4 months ago
girl you got called out once and the rpf left your soul fast asf
is this a compliment? an insult? a congratulation? a warning?
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amusing-little-things · 3 months ago
so if your eyes are green, and poseidon's eyes are blue... Then how are Kyms eyes purple?!?
Uh... genetics?
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drawbauchery · 1 year ago
the asks better be careful or they just might genderbend the girls.
now there's an idea
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