#it should be playing on him being a hunter. he should start hallucinating people with fangs or demon eyes. an excuse to take them out.
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
SAM: Nice work back there. "Look at me, bitch"? DEAN: Well, hey, you got another snappy one-liner, I'm all ears. SAM: What I'm saying is – it looked to me like you were enjoying it. Maybe too much.
this exchange is hilarious. sam, what are you talking about. he literally always acts like this. he loves insulting monsters and then beheading them, it's like his third favorite thing to do. i'm sorry, the only reason i'm being clued into the fact that dean's being hit by mark of cain madness is because the music gets scary, i really don't think sam would notice when dean is just kinda. being normal. this is just how he does his job. he's a bit of a freak.
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mirrorthoughts · 6 months
WIP Whenever
I got tagged by my two lovely people, @dear-massacre and @aurevell!
So you get a snippet of a one-shot I'm currently editing and that probably will be posted, soon 😂
Also, this seems to be a rarepair that I couldn't (yet) find on AO3 😂 so have fun with my first Stannetopher fic! 😂
"Fuck." "There there, sweetheart. You of all people should know when to hold back, shouldn't you?" Stiles groaned in answer when he put pressure on his injured leg despite Peter supporting him. The wolf was probably only seconds away from gathering him up into his arms bridal style and carrying him home - or at least to his jeep - but Stiles couldn't let him do that. There had been a time when he'd welcomed Peter's flirting and mother henning very much. But by now he knew that despite the, sometimes on sexual harassment bordering, flirting, Peter was in a dedicated relationship. Stiles couldn't even fault him for that, but he definitely wouldn't be the asshole to get in between Peter and Chris Argent. He had to admit he'd never guessed the two being together at all if he hadn't seen them. And he would have dismissed it as a hallucination or maybe a joke but, well. The heavy make out session they started after Peter had seen him watching, spoke volumes. Allison's pitying face when he'd asked her if she knew about the relationship did, too. Stiles was used to being in love with people he couldn't hold a candle to. First there had been Lydia who hadn't given him the time of day until their unlucky stumble into the supernatural when they had become friends, to his surprise. Then there had been Danny at around the same time, who had made him realize that he might play a lot more for the other team, actually, which luckily hadn't become as weird as he'd feared during the times he'd spent in the locker rooms before and after lacrosse. Well. It had become weird and he'd become stupid around Danny, but that was something he'd already been used to in life. Other than the whole supernatural thing that had brought not only sexy evil werewolf Peter Hale but also just as sexy DILF Hunter Christopher Argent in his life. None of them had ever given him the time of day. Well, there had been that prom with Lydia who'd tried to make Jackson jealous and there always was Peter's flirting, but obviously, none of them had ever meant what they had tried to sell him. Or rather Peter obviously didn't mean it. After all Lydia had only smiled and nodded and not lied at his face while holding him upright after a fight with another one of their weekly monsters. Danny and Chris at least were honest enough to just tell him that they didn't want anything of what he had to give to them. He could work with that. A no was a no, after all.
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mamuzzy · 8 months
GOSH sorry its like days since that post but I only just noticed and I hope no one asked these ones but what is Sleepy Hunter and/or Parasite
It's okay, I'm always happy when people interacts/reacts to my posts, no matter how much time passed since the posting! :))) I already answered Sleepy Hunter, you can find it [HERE] , it's an unfinished art about Hunter who... sleeps. Yeah. :D As for the "Parasite" one... This is my oldest wip along with Merkasen from the list, so old I actually drew it with my old tablet in the summer and probably the reason I've never finished it because I felt miserable whenever I tried to work with that tablet and almost gave up on digital drawing until I came with the genius idea to invest in a touchscreened one. Maybe I should give it another chance to redraw it and finish. Soooo... Here you go.
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... ... ... *mamuzzy tries to be normal about when someone asks about OC* *mamuzzy tries to be completely normal about OC* *task failed* SOMEONE ASKED ABOUT MY PRECIOUS BLORBO OMGPOASIHOFUSDHGUSDHGSOIDGHSOIDGHSDIG-
So far I only doodled about him being a miserable wet dog and making a running joke of his existential dread but never really explained why he feels so miserable all the time. This is one of the first art I drew about my main OC, ARC Trooper Deadshot of the 501st, my designated emotional punchbag and also the protagonist in my still unwritten AU. The story is a bit clichéd, the trooper got amnesia from an explosion accident and he tries to find out who he was. He eventually finds out that it's not just amnesia, but he was, in fact, reconditioned. And the more he knows about his past self and the people who are connected to him, the more messed up he starts to feel about himself, like someone who doesn't belong to his own body, an impostor, a PARASITE in his own body, who disrespects the previous owner with his mere existence. I'm lately playing with the theme of formication, a hallucinated sensation when you feel bugs crawling on/under your skin, so whenever Shots feels distressed about his identity, he has the urge to scratch himself to make the itching stop or more like "make a way the bugs to escape because they can't stand the host body who is also a parasite". The voices won't shut up, ever. He is not alright. :(((( Thank you for asking about this particular one, talking about my OCs especially makes me happy. ^^
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
People seem to misinterpret what I’ve said in the past about mike “projecting his feelings for Will” on to El. So I’ll clarify.
When I say mike is “projecting his romantic feelings” for Will on to el. That doesn’t mean mike doesn’t care about El (at all) as a friend. Or sees El as Will (that’s not even how projection works -or what I’ve said). Although Mike isn’t perfect, he’s naturally empathetic and grateful for all El has done to help him and his friends. And he does see Will & El as 2 different people- despite the romantic projection. And unlike Will, he sees El in a more familial way- rather than romantic (despite him trying to force it to be romantic) .More on that later.Heck, Mike has already incorrectly  projected his NON-ROMANTIC emotions on to 3 other characters other than El (it’s a pattern of his to project his feelings about one person on to another)- which yes I’ll also discuss.
I guess I have to specify what projection is -like i’ve already inferred in prior posts .There’s a difference between projecting  “feelings” you have for one person on to another VS thinking those 2 people are literally the same person with no differences between those 2 people/or not acknowledging the unique personal relationships you have with both.  This misconception is used as a popular counter-argument/strawman argument -rather than just debating the points i’ve made) .  Ex) It’s like if you’re anger at your boss- but you can’t yell at them so you (subconscious or otherwise) are (unfairly) angry/irritable to your romantic partner later. It doesn’t mean you literally think your romantic partner and boss are 1 in the same - or there is no distinction between those 2 relationships. The same goes for how Mike views El and Will, despite “projecting”  his “romantic feelings for Will” on to El (although Mike does so poorly).
 Mike most likely projects his romantic feelings for Will on to El
In s3) he kisses El with a drawing of Will behind her head -that he can look at as he kisses her ... that should be an obvious hint he’s projecting (subconscious or otherwise) . 
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That’s Will -light brown hair/bowl cut, has fire powers like ‘Will the wise’.There’s also the fact that multiple characters in s1 mistook El for a boy (specifically Will) . Benny saying to El, “trying to steal from me boy?” Another man at Benny’s place mistook her for Will and said she could be “the byers boy... same height”. Hopper tracked El for most of s1 thinking it was Will. Homophobic Troy who harassed mike / talked about Will being gay said about El “ her head’s shaved she doesn’t even look like a girl”, officer callahan said “what’s Will doing with a shaved head?” The writers of ST are trying to tell you to pay attention to the fact el had a “ boyish /Will-like” appearance (and despite this- Mike was supposedly into her in s1). Then we had s2 byler parallel s3 mileven to show him fail to project his romantic feelings of Will on to el: Crazy together vs blank makes you crazy, , shed scenes: most important thing vs it was the best thing, Will & El calling for mike in the upsidedown (and mike coming for Will only), “they’re not in love they’re not even from the same planet” vs “welcome to my world”,  Will having pics of Mike smiling on Halloween looking at him vs El having a pic of Mike glaring on Halloween,  mileven paralleled to luke/leia & byler to king tristan/Han, byler paralleled to Venkman/Dana a ghost busters couple vs El just being a ghost and mike a ghost hunter, the s3 fight vs breakup  and the various contrasts between all 3 (showing Will upset and El happy - and mike caring more about resolving his fight with Will than El- and never apologizing to El for lying ). I went into more detail here about the parallels between mileven/byer, mileven,stancy,Karen/ted , etc here.
And when he tells El “I can’t lose you again” It’s supposed to be ambiguous-cause Mileven like stobin is a straight bait. The fact is 2 prior times in season 2 (when mike was in the center of the group) he sadly watches Will as Will gets in a car and drives away. 
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Hinting to the viewer he’s actually thinking and worrying about losing Will (that 3rd time in s2 when he’s talking to El and seeing the cars with El/ Will drive away) . He once again is in the center of the group like the prior  2 scenes. And he already lost Will before and Will  (like el) also had a fake d*ath. So yeah...we hear mike tell el that line and mike watches both El and Will leave in cars (and starts to cry) since mike knows that Will (unlike superpowered El) may d*e from his possession and he may never see him again. And it’s not like he can tell Will that line when he’s unconscious/possessed (especially in front of his friends) .
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Just like in s2, when mike watches El and Will drive away .... he does so again in s3. And it’s similarly ‘ambiguous’, on who he’s upset seeing drive away.  But, Mike turns to looks at the byers house, and  tries to catchup with his friends (which has identically framing to an earlier scene in s3 of Will sadly turning to look at mike leave with El and then turning back to rush and  catchup with the gang). Will turned around cause of Mike (not El) just like Mike turned around thinking of Will (not El). Just like s2,s3 uses earlier scenes in that particular season to give us hints about who he’s actually sad about driving away .
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And in that moving away montage -  it only pans to mike and Will .
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And has Mike hug his mom in the same way he did in s1.  Both represent moments representing him ‘losing Will’ (through his fake d*ath/moving away).  Mike both times storms into the house and Karen rushes to him nervous and unsure why he’s upset , but goes into hug him when mike reaches for her (needing comfort). Unlike the mileven hug that’s outside and he doesn’t reach for her at all- she hugged him because she was worried  (was he upset -sure but it’s not a parallel to the s3 hug). And they played “we can be heroes” for both hugs - cause both times mike lost Will.
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And that s2 car scene where he talked to El (just like the prior s2 car scenes) was indicative of his fear of losing Will (not El).  Which happened at the end of s3. It all ties together. Cause again , he was thinking of Will!
They even had several movies on the st list (altered states / children of paradise) have this concept of projecting romantic feelings of someone they’re in love with on to someone else. Altered states -has a guy just like Will hallucinate flashing to another dimension . People say about him and his wife “he’s crazy and she’s crazy about him”. And when they weren’t together she says she had to pretend everyone she dated was him (but that it only made her feel worse cause it wasn’t him) .And she says about doing so “’it’s crazy”. And her friend says “i think that’s how it’s supposed to be.” CAN THEY GET MORE CLEAR with the projection?
Heck, even El projects on to Mike. While mileven is separated between s1-2 she watches the soap opera (’all my children’) and pretends to be Erica kane (who in the episode El was watching) got into a rushed elopement to MIKE ROY (who was a writer).Aka she projected romance from soap operas/her possible crush of MIKE roy onto MIKE wheeler.And Erica/Mike weren’t endgame- even had a lot of st*liking after the break up (similar to El’s spying)
Mileven and Byler are very different- much to Mike’s annoyance. And Mike projects this anger of not being able to love El romantically on to Max,Will, & Hopper.
Mileven and byler are very different even if mike wishes he had romantic feelings for El (like he does for Will). Mileven is paralleled to hopper/el cause mike truly sees her in a familial way- both teach her the definitions of compromise vs promise (and make promises to her), say to eat “real food” and not eggos, keep her hidden away and safe. Both say her new look is “cool” and El in response to both says it’s “bitchin” and both say back “yeah bitchin”. Both claim someone is “corrupting” El (when trying to dictate her romantic decisions ) and Joyce/Max tell both guys they don’t respect El’s ability to make her own “decisions”. And El says to both of them “you lie” while Max says El should figure out what she likes and not simply listen to Hopper and Mike.  Also similar to what she does with kali /Max (a sister/friend) El copies expressions from all 4 of them ( bitchin,  i make my own rules , not stupid, mouth breather/friends don’t lie).  Mileven is also paralleled to Luke/leia, and multiple people say El is like a “sister “ (lucas) and “cousin” (dustin) in s1. Even El asks before he first kisses her if Mike will he be “like (her) bother.”
In s2, Max (with the gang at Will’s house) asks how mike can still trust Will despite being possessed and in s3 max (with the gang at El’s house) calls out mike for not trusting El.  “El has saved the world twice. And Mike still doesn’t trust her!”And instead of Mike admitting that truth -that he doesn’t trust El who he doesn’t know well (who spied on him) he projects all the blame/distrust wrongly on to max saying “you want to talk about trust ?REALLY?! After YOU made eleven spy on us!” And when max says it was el’s idea he yells exasperated into Max’s face “guess girlfriends don’t lie they spy!” He shows he’s aggravated with the fact El is so against lying but had no qualms with spying. But only yells at Max (not El) and he even tries (incorrectly) claiming Max is “corrupting” El and making her do things she didn’t want to do . Cause he’s still in denial and wants to fall in love with El- and doesn’t want to see any of El’s flaws that would make it harder to do so ( so he just  projects that anger on to max instead).
And we know during the byler fight: Will calls El “stupid” but he was just projecting his own feelings about himself on to EL-since right after this he calls himself “stupid” 4x. So it’s likely when Mike yells back “El’s not stupid. It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!”   Like Will, It’s AGAIN Mike PROJECTING his insecurities about himself (aka not liking girls) and his relationship issues with El - on to Will. Rather than an actual statement on Will’s se*uality. Sort of like Mike lashing out and projecting his anger about his failing romantic relationship with El on to Max .
The simple fact is el is mike’s safe option (she physically resembles Will but is a girl and thus he’s allowed to be attracted to her- in conservative 80s America). However, we see the more El develops into her own person and differs from Will in personality (plus , the fact puberty is making the distinction between genders more apparent) the harder it is for Mike to fool himself and project.The writers in s3 make a telemarketing joke just to have mike say “el, no, not interested” (aka his true feelings).Mileven in s3 was called “b*llshit” like stancy (which have multiple parallels and weren’t in love ). And nancy admitted to Jonathan (a byers ) she wanted to be with him the whole time. But ,despite that, got back with Steve (and continued to kiss Steve all the time, and even lied saying she loved Steve for an entire year) essentially mileven. Karen /ted also is paralleled to Stancy & mileven- who were “never in love” . Then , Max says friends don’t lie but “boyfriends (mike) LIE all the time” (aka he’s lying about his romantic feelings), and when lucas asks WHY he lied to el -it pans to Will (the real reason he lies to El about his feelings for her). When El asks “why do you lie” (he just is silent and stares up guilty).  Lucas says about mileven (right before Dustin says they’re “bullsh*t” that “they’re lying”.And when he tries confessing to El, he never apologizes for lying and just used the similar ‘crazy’ line he used on Will (in s2). Cause if he actually stopped lying - he couldn’t continue to use her as a beard and date her/try and get back together.  Plus he also fought with Hopper in s2 (’about El’) in WILL’S ROOM . He wasn’t actually calling Hopper the liar he  was PROJECTING and calling himself “a stupid disgusting liar”out of self hate .  That scene was foreshadowing his lying to El in s3 (about his feelings for her). He blamed Hopper for his feelings for Will cause he told himself it wouldn’t have escalated if El had been around to ‘fix him’ . “I BLAME YOU! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK. YOU STUPID DISGUSTING liar, liar, liar, liar”.starts crying. And then it zooms to Mike’s crying face and pans to El (who he would lie to constantly the next season).
I  also discussed in detail here how the bathroom stobin confession paralleled the mileven grocery confession- and again 1 in each of the couplets is gay. Heck, the “first i love you” plays only 2x in s3: when steve confesses to gay-robin and  when el confessed to mike and kisses him and Mike doesn’t kiss back or say he loves her back. When she kisses Mike- it’s in WILL’S ROOM room AGAIN,  Will’s old teddybear between them, as they kiss in front of Will open closet door) .  in s2ep1 the lyrics are “just a little more time can open closing doors” (as Mike kisses El and it pans over the ‘Will the wise’  drawing & a rainbow-heart-Mike drawing, that blend together). But , In the same ep- when Will says he won’t fall in love the lyrics are “love that is new to you, you open up the door.” Later in the song it even mentions the “wheeler house”. So yes- after “a little more time” (3 months) mike and El kiss once again like ep 1- but it’s  in front of Will’s open door and Mike is not feeling it- and it shows what is going to begin in s4 (byler). That after some time- despite the byler-doors appearing to ‘close’ they open up again after the mileven breakup/mike realizing the depth of his feelings and the fact he can’t ‘fix himself’ and be straight.El saying she loved him- and him not feeling any different after... was probably the catalyst for that realization.
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Before this, we saw him project “his feelings” for Will on to El in romantic situations. But, he refused to integrate her into his friend group like his straight friends did with their gfs-unlike lucas with max, or how dustin tried to do so with Susie) . Cause he’s unfairly used El as a beard and wanted to compartmentalizes his friends and romance as much as possible (since faking it all the time not only with El-but with his friends would be exhausting).
Does he care about El- sure in his own flawed way. But, sorry (in my opinion) to act like mike” loves Will and El equally “ is kind of ludicrous . His actions show the opposite. And he’s only known El for 9 months as opposed to knowing Will for 9 years. And he’s known all of his other guy friends and the Byers much longer. What do they have in common?Are they friends ? Sure...  technically but “friends don’t lie”. And mike has done plenty of that to her - so until they sort that out- and are honest to eachother- they can’t really have a strong foundation of friendship in my opinion. It’ll only improve once they start being honest and respect each other’s autonomy (aka stop dating and actually establish a friendship... and  stop lying /spying on eachother). At the moment- Mike stunts El’s character growth and tries isolating her from the outside world, doesn’t respect her autonomy/ability to make decisions, doesn’t trust her in general, lies to her, and treats her like he’s her overly controlling dad. The relationship isn’t balanced or healthy (like byler or Mike and his other peers). In s1 he called her “a weapon”  they could use to save Will (a lesson he appears to have learned from).But Max has to yell at Mike in s3 “she’s not yours! she’s her own person-fully capable of making her own decisions!” And EL says Mike treats her like “a pet” and “garbage”. So yeah...  I don’t get people being ‘offended’ by me pointing out the romantic projection he does- and saying it supposedly ‘destroys’ the ‘beautiful relationship/friendship’ they have. Before I can consider mileven a “beautiful/loving friendship’: Mike needs to stop projecting and seeing El as a perfect beard to ‘fix him’- AND see El as her own person and NOT someone he needs to ‘take care of’ (cause he wrongly infantilizes her) . I think the 2 will eventually become good friends- and Mike will see he was wrong. But they’re not there yet- in my opinion.
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Hey... this is generally a DW blog, but I've been watching Obi-Wan Kenobi and have a theory I needed to share, so consider this a temporary break in our scheduled programming I guess? I've tagged for spoilers, and they'll be below. I think part 3 should be below the read more cropping.
I think each episode is going to correspond to Episodes I - VI of the original "Anakin" saga (prequels + original trilogy).
This could even be why we don't have individual episode names this series. This came from people joking about 'that scene' happening in both episode three of the Skywalker saga AND Kenobi and it got me thinking about other parallels:
Part 1 / The Phantom Menace
Much of the action is centred on Tattooine, with both light side and dark side users arriving unexpectedly.
Luke playing as a podracer directly evokes young Anakin, who himself appears quite prominantly in Obi-Wan's dreams.
The question is raised about training Luke, as it was with Anakin.
Leia makes use of a decoy, just as Padme did.
In general, the Organas and Alderaan evoke Naboo and its royalty, with galactic politics also coming up prominantly with Bail and the party. Leia is targetted, as Padme was.
A stretch maybe, to evoke the title, but we find out about Qui-Gon failing to appear as a 'phantom'. Alternatively, in a more general sense, Anakin's shadow looms over the episode despite no appearance a la The Phantom Apprentice, and indeed, Obi-Wan, Bail etc. quite literally still think Anakin is dead.
Part 2 / Attack of the Clones
Literally an appearance from a clone.
The entire thing is also focused on Obi-Wan investigating and infiltrating the undercity, as with Corsuscant in Ep II.
Even the spice dealing calls to mind the death sticks Kenobi was offered.
Speaking of spice, we also get a scene in a lab environment which could be seen to parallel Kamino's bio labs.
Leia running off and falling vs Anakin running off and jumping out of speeders etc.
"Granddaughter maybe" / "You're the closest thing I have to a father"
Bounty hunters being sent after Obi-Wan and Leia, similar to Jango.
In the climax, someone (Dooku / Obi-Wan) only just escapes on board a ship. Also quite similar to Jango vs Obi-Wan in this regard.
Part 3 / Revenge of the Sith
It happened in the previous episode, rather than the beginning of this one, but the Grand Inquisitor being taken out of commission by Reva, who wants to usurp him, brings Dooku's death to mind.
Mustafar appears, of course.
The rest of the episode is set on an industrial planet, again a bit like Mustafar.
Vader's assembly, cross-cut with Obi-Wan on the other side of the galaxy.
Stormtroopers play a pretty big role through the episode in targetting Obi-Wan and Leia after they are betrayed.
While Obi-Wan has been getting force dreams already, now he has outright hallucinations, which brings Anakin's nightmares to mind.
The obvious: Vader and Kenobi fight. Vader attempts to get revenge by recreating his fate on Mustafar for Obi-Wan, who is similarly burnt (though not as badly obviously) and rescued.
So let's make some very broad, probably wrong predictions for the rest of the series.
Part 4 / A New Hope
With Leia recaptured, now directly by Reva, we will see her rescued, possibly by infiltrating an imperial base (the Fortress Inquisitorius, Vader's castle?).
Vader/Leia meeting?
First hints of Qui-Gon reaching Obi-Wan.
Might get some space combat?
Someone (Tala, NED-B?) will sacrifice themselves so the others can get away.
Maybe Obi-Wan's lack of hope will start to be confronted?
Part 5 / The Empire Strikes Back
Obi-Wan will train, to get back in practise for a rematch with Vader?
Will end with a reveal during a duel, maybe of Reva's history.
Emperor cameo maybe? Or the Grand Inquisitor could return to play a similar role. This could also occur in part 6.
Part 6 / Return of the Jedi
Some sort of redemption will be played with. It could be Obi-Wan redeeming himself, it could be Reva, or maybe just a failed attempt to get through to Vader.
Speaking of which, we'll almost certainly get another Vader/Obi-Wan duel in the final episode.
In the most literal sense, Obi-Wan will return to Tattooine, his faith as a jedi likely renewed in some way.
Just a reappearance of Tattooine will evoke Return in a sense. Maybe we'll see some of the criminals there, perhaps even Jabba's men, harrassing the Lars and Luke, which Obi-Wan will put a stop to.
Qui-Gon will appear as a force ghost to Obi-Wan (could happen in one of the previous two episodes too of course, but this is where we get the famous 'force ghosts' moment).
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emily-the-fae · 3 years
Sound of a Heartbeat
Part 4. Negotiations, Exortions and Stories of the Past
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5 - Part 6
Surprisingly, this story continues to move further for me.
Back to the characters where we left them in the previous part - with some heated arguments and intimate talks.
Pairing: Dracula x OC
Warnings: none, apart from lung diseases, wounds and Adrian being a total sweetheart
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Next morning Shari woke up to sounds of footsteps and hushed speech. Straight away she knew the upcoming conversation will have to be one hell of a diplomatic achievement – how do you explain your sudden desire to leave to a group of half vampire, speaker and a vampire hunter who were most probably fighting for your life during the last three days. Trevor would be completely furious. Better stand next to Sypha when presenting the decision, just in case he suddenly has the wish to use his whip. You never know how the Belmont reacts, though possibly Shari could still drag it through without making a big fuss – Lisa was definitely right about one thing: she has made a habit of negotiating her way with people, especially the ones that were apprehensive or disliked her. Truth to say, nine out of ten were either of the two.
- And don't forget, you are our healer, how are we...!?
- And don't forget, you are our healer, how are we...!?
- So far I wasn't so much required, you guys can carry on perfectly well without me.
- I'm still not sure if it is a good idea, Shari, if you want to get some rest by leaving... It may only be more dangerous for you, - Sypha argued.
- Don’t you even think of supporting her! She took a few years off our lifespans with this incident! We can’t just let you…
- No, wait, you don't get it, I...
- Shari!
- Stop bossing me around, Trevor, I am not a child! I have not finished.
- Trevor, please calm down, she is neither under your command, nor your sibling. If she wants to leave, it is her choice, - Adrian stepped in, clearly annoyed with the three.
- See? I can perfectly… - Shari tried to pick up.
- Shari, - Adrian interrupted. – Can I speak with you privately?
The healer was genuinely startled for a moment. She turned to look Adrian in the eyes – probably for the first time since the incident – trying to estimate his emotions and plan her defense strategy. She was never scared of him – or at least she never showed that he scared her sometimes, because surely being sane and realistic she could not ignore the obvious danger presented by those sharp fangs and golden eyes. Still Shari was used to considering him a friend, his malevolent side almost unable to turn against her.
Now she was startled and – honestly – slightly scared. For a moment she thought she saw it in his eyes that he looked right through her: that he perhaps watched her and Lisa or sensed her thoughts or some other vampire telepathy kind of thing. That maybe he thought she was a traitor.
Then he smiled warmly and nodded his head to the side, gesturing for her to follow him away from Trevor and Sypha – and Shari straight away knew whatever it was, he was ready to be on her side.
- Are you sure you need this resting? I mean clearly you do, you are paler than father when he wakes up, but still… Sari, I know you are stronger than you look, but a witch traveling alone during such a time doesn’t seem the brightest idea to me, - Adrian spoke quickly and quietly, for others not to hear their discussion. Shari felt ashamed for how it continued to surprise her that he sounded genuinely concerned.
- Adrian, I’ll be fine. I swear. I just… I don’t feel well…for, let’s say, various reasons, not only the attack. It just suddenly occurred to me that since your father seems to be watching and purposefully slowing you down, it may be a good decision for me to…
- To not stick around and lower the risk of encountering him or strong specifically directed demons? – she nodded in response. – Well, I can get that… And Shari, - he suddenly took her hand, his tone turning uncharacteristically warm. – I’m sorry.
- You don’t have to. We already spoke about…
- Not about that. About your disease. I’m so sorry. If only I knew how to help you – I could have known the way, you know, I once had the access to knowledge that could have… I’m so sorry for you.
They stood in silence for a few moments. Shari found herself unable to look into his eyes, staring at the ground.
- For how long have you known? – she rasped, barely recognizing her own quiet voice.
- Almost as soon as we met… Shari, I…
- Don’t. It’s alright, Adrian, I just didn’t realize you knew and this struck me a little…
- Do you know where you will be heading? – if she ever was grateful to him for anything – though she was grateful for plenty of things to be fair – it was his ability to catch onto the atmosphere and change the topic when it is very much needed.
- I… yeah sure, of course I do, I have a rough plan of what to do. Thanks, - she coughed dryly a few times, still refusing to lookup and meet his gaze.
- Shari?
- Yes.
- Promise me you will be fine. Not to be dramatic, but I… have gotten used to you quite a lot.
Shari chuckled.
- Will do my best, - she finally looked up at him and saw the half-vampire smile broadly. – I’ve gotten pretty used to you too, you overgrown puppy, - they stood in silence for some time.
- Almost forgot, one last thing before we face the storm of unacceptance named Trevor, - he blurted out, when she moved tostep away and turn back to the campsite.
- Yes?
Adrian did not say a word – he simply opened his arms and Shari fell into the embrace without even thinking. She felt utterly childish for being this familiar with him. She also felt it was nice to have someone to turn to when feeling torn and exhausted without having to explain the whirlwind of emotion in your head.
Shari shouldn’t have been surprised that it was Adrian who let her go with such ease. He knew he could trust her decisions, he always did. She was somewhat flattered by the way he treated her as an advisor and assistant even though she was no way as knowledgeable as him; the half-vampire always showed that he believed she had an own analyzed perspective of things, that she wouldn’t be reckless. This time though his trust in her rationality might have failed him. Any way it was, he openly supported her decision and expressed the hope that she would be able to catch up with them in some time.
Shari knew Trevor thought Dracula hypnotized her into surrender and laughed at it to herself. If only he had a clue that it was the human Dracula's wife who controlled her.
In the end of that emotionally exhausting morning they finally parted ways: the trio went in the direction of the closest town, hesitant to leave their friend, but unwillingly agreeing it should be done for greater good; Shari stayed at the campsite with Rodo for a bit longer, motivating it with the need of rest. Adrian threw a concerned glance in her direction, but said nothing. The vampire felt there was something wrong, but decided to let it slide, since he had already supported her decision; if she said she needed rest, then so be it.
In fact, although Shari did tell him she had a rough plan of further action, in reality she had little to no ideas in which direction to move and absolutely no wish of discussing it with thin air in front of her disbelieving friends: they would definitely not see Lisa and they would definitely think she was hallucinating after the attack. To be fair, she could never herself be sure if that wasn't exactly the case. Maybe she was talking to an imaginary friend. However, since she had already decided to believe in the ghost's existence, she had to play along that assumption.
Lisa didn’t leave her waiting and appeared as soon as they were left alone, Shari sitting by the campfire a little lost and a little tired; a victorious smile played on the ghost's lips, as she sat by the fire next to the girl. Rodo made no sign of noticing their guest, only slightly shaking his furry head and letting out a jawn.
- What? - asked Shari, annoyed by the constant attention of the ghost. She took the cattle off the fire and set it aside to cool down a bit. She needed something warm to drink if she wanted to keep her blood and lungs inside her body.
- We have to move out, - Lisa smiled, now more gently, watching the human's movements.
- It would be nice if I knew where we went, - replied Shari, slowly looking around, taking in the little amount of her personal belongings lying about - there wouldn't be much packing when she would have finally decided to pick herself off the ground.
- I'll guide you.
- What if you disappear?
- I won't.
- What if I don't want to go? What if you only tell me that you are leading me to the castle, while in reality you will lead me to Dracula? That is actually most probably what is going to happen, - Shari finally expressed her greatest worry and doubt. She could not just trust Lisa, she wanted to, but couldn't bring herself to do so. The woman was most probably still here because of them - Dracula and Adrian - so her greatest concern would be to stop their fight in any way possible in order to finally peacefully leave them, not care about some girl getting hurt in the process.
- I believe you will just have to trust me. I have told you already, I only want to stop this war with as little blood as possible, especially when it comes to Adrian’s or Vlad-I meant Dracula’s blood. You will be of very little help to me if I simply spend time leading you to your death. Besides, I shall remind you, that your illness is not exactly leading you to a happy life, so you decided trusting me on that one, - Lisa winked at her and stood up; Shari clenched her teeth: well, that was a very good point, but definitely a blow-below-the-waist strategy. - We should move out, the sooner we start - the quicker we'll be there.
- You know, you're like an older sister that I never wished to have, - Shari huffed in annoyance, but finished her tea quickly and proceeded to pack. The fact that she was annoyed didn't cancel the fact that Lisa was right. She had to move out.
The day trip was completely uneventful. The few villages they had passed didn't show any signs of having been attacked, but Lisa still made Shari keep away from them - maybe it was for the best, people were very unsafe these days, the fear made them aggressive to any newcomers. Especially to ones possessing magical powers and followed by black wolf-demons. Going alone to such a village could be suicidal.
It was only at the age of ten, that Shari found out she had it in her. That one trait that made people wish your head on a pike no matter how you behave. Animals weren't just "friendly" with her, no-no, friendly is one understandable thing, especially with a little child. However, "friendly" is definitely not the most accurate description of the behaviour of the large black wolf that almost attacked her one day on the edge of the woods, stopping in mid-jump as the girl turned to face it - next picture: the wolf rolling on the ground before her like and ordinary dog demanding bellyrubs. The animals would not simply like her, they would obey her as if she spoke to them directly. She had no idea where the power came from and so preferred to think she was born into her witchcraft. Her mother insisted upon it too, saying that poor old gramma was the same odd thing in her youth. At least that was what Shari remembered her saying when they did discuss her little problem. That was until she turned sixteen – until she suddenly was separate from her family and out on her own. Until the first time the people wanted to get her burned. First of many more to come.She had learned to control herself and make use of herself, never expressing anything people would see as dark wizardry, nothing even seemingly malevolent, working for the local healer, helping out as much as she could and learning some things here or there by herself about herbs and illnesses - not a study, barely a child's curiosity.
Then it was a year of particularly poor crops after an awfully dry summer, Shari sensed it was coming before she ever knew why it was so - the villagers had no other way of dealing with such misfortunes. They placed all the blame on the odd girl who learned to cure wounds and diseases and spoke to the wild animals as she pleased. Burning witches was a very common sacrifice, after all.
The night before the burning was the night she ran. She knew they would come for her, so she escaped before they could get her, left her home to set to travel into unknown. And never truly stopped running ever since.
Lisa pitied her for that, even though Shari tried to brush it off as nothing. She was a witch after all and turned to be quite a good thief, quite some reason for the other humans to hate her already, even though she couldn't say theft pleased her herself - she was surviving the way she could: moving about and healing didn't ever buy her enough bread or material. The longest she ever stayed in a town was three months - then the cycle had to start over.
Lisa understood her reasoning for that quite well. At first she wanted to argue that staying longer might have bought Shari some trust, but held her tongue - she wasn't one to give that sort of advice, not now, not after everything that happened to her exactly for staying a little too long.
When they finally stopped for the night, Shari was almost falling - her legs unwilling to carry her anymore - and bending over in loud wet coughs, feeling the taste of her own blood in her mouth and suffocating in attempts to hold back from even more coughing. The freezing weather and bloodloss, even compensated with Sypha's magic, were not going to make this journey easier for her. Shari felt the feather light caress of the ghost's hand on her back and breathed in deeply, trying to calm her heartrate.
There was pain in her ribs now too - she was scratched quite badly a few days ago by one of the attacking demons. They were fighting off several of the things and one jumped her from behind: neither she nor Rodo had noticed it before. Shari succeeded in turning to face it, making the demon bounce off her and back away as soon as she made eye contact - these things were usually not much harder to control than wolves, especially with Rodo at her side. Unfortunately, before she managed to kick it off completely, the demon had left an unpleasant scratch across her ribcage, making her fall to the ground and lose the mental contact - the beast jumped back on her in a matter of seconds and for a moment Shari thought that would be her end. Only by luck Adrian was swift enough to protect her, fighting the thing away and aiding her to recover later - the sharp claws left three deep gashes on her skin and the girl had to spend a long time tending to herself after the fight, hoping the wound would not get infected with whatever those things could carry on their paws.
The wound had been nicely bandaged before, all was going well, but apparently Dracula's attack had erased that bit of responsibility from her memory and now Shari suddenly faced yet another problem: rebandaging was not only desirable, but very much a necessity by the time she dropped to the ground, settling for the night. The soaked and dried blood on the old bands now scratched and tore at the healing wound, causing her pain.
- ‘T is okay, - she told the ghost, quickly going to sit down on the ground. Removing the band did not take much time as well as putting on a new one-not when she was used to doing it anyways, but removing a part of her clothes let the cold bite her even more in the process, so when she was finished, she was freezing to the bone, so she wrapped herself in whatever warm cloths she had left and pressed closer to Rodo, to keep at least some body heat to herself. They decided to make no fires, as Shari was now mostly defenseless and the girl already felt how much she would regret parting ways with her friends. Lisa's care and Rodo's warm side couldn't do much to keep away the cold and her lungs were almost screaming in protest. She looked at Lisa's pitiful apologetic face and whispered: - I'm already used to it, - no you aren't, this is getting worse by second and you desperately need a fire.
- You have to fall asleep quickly. Tomorrow we'll start off at dusk, - Shari lay between Rodo's back and a large tree trunk; Lisa sat next to her head, looking down at the tired healer.
- I wish it was just as easy for me to move as it is for you, - Shari whispered sleepily.
- Trust me, you don't, - both laughed.
- How much is there left? Of the way?
- If you're lucky - and persistent, we may be there by tomorrow night, - Lisa answered reassuringly.
- Really? That's so fast... Too fast, to be fair. I thought the castle was hard to catch, - she stared back at Lisa.
- Parts of it yes, it moves as a whole. But there are stable parts - that one particular entrance was the one I used when I first found him. It was very hard to track - not many know about it, it's kind of in magically protected grounds or something - nobody has the incentive to go there, - the ghost explained.
- But you had, - Shari smirked.
- Of course I had.
- I wonder how he hadn’t killed you straight away.
- Oh, but he wanted to. He tried to frighten me – told me he would drink my blood, all that classical stuff.
- So what did you do?
- Told him his manners needed repolishing.
Pause. Shari chuckled. Then snorted. Then laughed out loud.
- And he did not murder you for such an offense?
- I believe he wanted to for a moment, but was too startled to act… And then it sort of…happened. I believe it was a big “why not” for both of us, until we suddenly saw something deeper to it, - Lisa smiled to herself, seemingly diving through memories.
- Sounds a little like me meeting Adrian for the first time – God knows I saw those large fangs and yellow eyes straight away, I knew very well what he was, just couldn’t…
- Can’t beware the dark, when it’s choice between stepping in or watching someone suffer?
- Something of the kind. My self-preservation goes way below. I called him in when I saw him bleeding out by the edge of the town – half expected him to drain me as soon as I bandaged him and when he… well, as you can see, didn’t… We just talked. He stayed over for a week gaining strength, not attempting to eat me – I guess that was the first out of the only two occasions when someone I have helped did not try to accuse me of devilish business in one way or another and just accepted the help. Of course he had to be not human.
- The second time that happened was with Rodo, wasn’t it? Humans don’t tend to be overly grateful.
Both chuckled.
- Adrian seems quite attached to you, - Lisa turned to Shari. – Thanks for that. For accepting him. I was always worried that he will have a hard time fitting in…pretty much anywhere, being what he is. So thank you.
- No need to. He is nice, your son. Feels like having a friend for once.
Pause. Shari shrugged and sighed.
- Tomorrow, you said, right? Though I can't say that I'm exactly lucky, so your prediction about the time is probably too optimistic, we are bound to have some struggle tomorrow,- she huffed, turning to her side and snuggling to Rodo's furry back.
- The castle shouldn't be so far away, it is quite close to Tragoviste, shouldn't have taken us long, - Lisa explained. - And you are lucky, sunshine - remember? You survived Dracula's bite. That mark on your neck is your lucky ticket now, - Lisa winked and lay back against the tree trunk. Shari wanted to think of a witty reply, but was interrupted by another violent fit of cough and decided to let it go. The healer cuddled into Rodo’s warm side and fell into uneasy sleep, hoping that the morning would bring at least some relief.
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Well, you're a hot mess (and I'm falling for you)
Written for this moodboard and I totally forgot to finish this, but here we are now! Thank you @fanficmakesmehappy for the permission and amazing moodboard, I had a ton of fun writing this!
Stiles was so ready for his first college party.
After surviving werewolves, hunters, literal demons, and a multitude of other supernatural creatures hellbent on killing him and his friends, a party was nothing. He was ready to get drunk under neon lights and forget about his (not so) normal life, thank you very much.
But then Derek Hale showed up.
Stiles knew he’d never escape the supernatural. He didn’t want to, not really. After four long years of running around Beacon Hills from some threat or other, he figured that was just his life now. But he also deserved a break, okay? A break from multi-colored eyes, from fangs and sideburns, from anything that had to do with Derek literal Hale.
Derek Hale, the guy Stiles had been pining after for years. Derek Hale, who he was planning on finally forgetting with lots of drinking, dancing, and whatever else started with a ‘d’ and ended with him pretending the supernatural didn’t exist.
And that was supposed to start tonight; at his first college party. 
Except Derek was such a stalker.
Stiles wondered if he was hallucinating at first. Sure, he got the occasional visit from one packmate or another. Sometimes they stole his clothes, sometimes they just curled around him and refused to leave until morning. But Derek only got in contact when he needed something. Research, a status update, questions about the bestiary.
And Stiles was supposed to be forgetting him, remember? Only, he didn’t know how he was supposed to do that when Derek was standing across the room looking like literal sex on legs.
This really wasn’t fair. The man looked downright sinful underneath the neon lights and why the hell could he never wear jeans that actually fit? It was way too hot in the room for a leather jacket, but Derek was definitely wearing a v-neck underneath and Stiles might have a heart attack if he took any more layers off. In fact, he might have a heart attack anyway.
He had two options, Stiles figured, turning his back toward Derek and gripping his cup tighter. Go over there and chew the asshole out for obvious stalking, or pretend like this was a hallucination and get as drunk as possible. Because Stiles had a plan; drinking, dancing, forgetting.
And you know what? He was so sticking to the plan.
Like a godsend, that came in the form of a blond-haired guy slipping onto the stool at Stiles’s side, a smirk going up to sharp blue eyes.
“Hey, there.”
Stiles was quick to down the rest of his drink, wrinkling his nose at the taste of cheap beer. But anything to give him a bit of an edge on this conversation, right?
The guy smirked when Stiles turned toward him, offering out a hand. “I’m Chet.”
“... Stiles?”
“It’s a nickname,” Stiles said, grimacing. He got enough strange looks from his professors to know that he was going to be explaining this to everyone for the rest of his college career. That was one thing he wouldn’t miss about high school. At least there, people had learned to just not ask.
“Weird,” Chet said, looking a little more disinterested. Stiles laughed a little, glancing across the room involuntarily. 
Derek was still staring at him. And now, the man was starting to look a little murderous.
“It doesn’t matter,” Stiles said, wrenching his gaze away. He smiled at the other boy, nodding toward the open floor. “You dance?”
Chet studied him for a long moment, then smirked back. Stiles firmly avoided looking in Derek’s direction as the guy grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him off the stool toward the neon flashing lights, a strange pit already forming in his stomach.
It wasn’t excitement, exactly. Or… Stiles wasn’t sure. Maybe it was. Maybe it should be. He swallowed hard and let Chet pull him closer, suddenly wishing he had drunk a bit more.
Or maybe had something stronger.
“You are so fucking gorgeous,” Chet said, lips brushing against the shell of his ear. “You do know that, right?”
Those words were enough to snap Stiles out of his thoughts. He looked at Chet in surprise, who tilted his head, eyes traveling all the way down Stiles’s body appreciatively.
“Guy like you shouldn’t be sitting at a party alone.”
“I don’t usually do this,” Stiles said, the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. Chet tilted his head and Stiles flushed bright red, internally cursing himself. “Parties, dancing. Uh—”
“Well,” Chet said, cutting him off. “I guess I get the privilege of being your first, then.”
Despite everything, despite the intoxicating closeness of guy, Stiles felt his eyes drifting across the room again. Only to realize that Derek was gone. The place he’d been was empty, as if the werewolf had never been around in the first place.
“Hey,” Chet said, catching his chin and guiding his gaze back forward. “Stiles. Eyes on me.”
Stiles nearly pulled away. Because Derek— Derek— he hadn’t imagined the man, had he? That could be typical Stiles, though, he supposed. Getting out to his first party to forget about the fluffy asshole only to imagine he was seeing him everywhere.
“You,” Chet said, kissing him on the neck. “Are so fucking—” another brush of lips— “Hot.”
Drink, dancing, and forgetting. That was the point of tonight.
“My kind of fucking hot.”
“O-okay,” Stiles said, finally tugging away. He offered the guy his best apologetic smile, although he didn’t really feel it. “I’m sorry, man, really. But not tonight.”
Chet’s smile wavered. Stiles chuckled nervously, stepping back.
“I’m just, uh, tired. I should get going.”
“Oh, come on,” Chet said, catching the front of his shirt again. He pulled Stiles close enough that Stiles could feel warm breaths against his face, making him wince. “Stiles. Nobody likes a tease.”
“Okay, dude—”
But Stiles didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before there was a pair of lips crushing against his own. He squeaked in surprise and tried to yank back but before he even could, there was a loud roar and Chet was ripped away from him. 
A loud crash filled the air as the guy went tumbling sideways into the punch table.
The sound of chattered died like someone had fired a gun. Stiles froze, his heart still thudding against his chest, and then he realized it was Derek standing in front of him. Fists clenched, shoulders squared— like a guard dog or something.
Derek Hale. Real and totally here, not just a pining part of Stiles’s stupid brain.
“Oh my god,” Stiles said, slowly coming back to reality. The music still played and the lights still flashed, but people were definitely staring now. And when Derek looked over his shoulder, meeting Stiles’s gaze, there was definitely a bit of red in his eyes.
Oh, god.
Stiles laughed nervously, grabbing the man by the jacket and pulling him away from the overturned drinks table. Chet looked like he was in shock, white shirt doused with beer and punch, his face as pale as a sheet.
“O-kay, Sourwolf,” Stiles said, guiding Derek toward the frat house door. His heart was still thudding against his chest and he could feel every eye staring them down. “We’re just gonna go get some fresh air now, okay?”
Stiles managed to get him to the door, but before he could pull him out, Derek pulled away and gave Chet a full-on death glare. The guy whimpered, shying even further into the floor, and Stiles could’ve sworn there was a growl in Derek’s voice when he spoke.
“You ever so much as look in his direction again, I’ll rip your throat out.”
Chet’s eyes rounded and he averted his gaze. Stiles’s heart was in his throat as he pulled Derek out the door, into the fresh night air, and all but slammed the door of the now-silent party at his back.
They barely made it to the sidewalk before Derek was grabbing Stiles by the arms and searching him up and down.
“Dude, dude, dude,” Stiles said, trying to wiggle free. “Stop it, Sourwolf, I’m fine!”
“I should have thrown him harder,” Derek growled. “Maybe out a window.”
“Woah, no,” Stiles said, raising his hands as he finally managed to pull free. “Manslaughter would definitely not be good for any of us, dude. Especially not you.”
Derek scowled, but some of the red was gone from his eyes, at least. Stiles searched him down, his brain still playing slow catch-up to everything that had just happened.
“Dude,” he said. “What the hell was that?”
“What was what.”
“What was— Derek! A simple knee to the nuts would have sufficed! You nearly wolfed out in front of everyone.”
Derek looked at him, face betraying nothing. Though, he didn’t look bothered by that fact. Stiles stared, then rubbed a hand over his face, groaning. 
“Oh my god. What are you doing here anyway?”
“I was in the area.”
Stiles lowered his hand, blinking at the man. “You were in the area?”
“Derek, you’re never in the freaking area! Not without a text about some stupid thing that you need me to research, anyway. What the hell was that back there? How the hell did you know where I’d be anyway?”
Derek held his gaze, then growled, tearing it away. Stiles stared in shock as the man started down the sidewalk, hands shoved into his pockets. He bit down on his tongue, cursed, and then chased after the werewolf.
“Derek, dude, stop!”
“I was nearby,” Derek said, spinning around. “And— and—”
“And what?”
“And Erica told me you were going to a party!”
Stiles blinked. Faintly, he remembered texting Erica a few outfits to get her professional opinion before he’d left his dorm, but he’d never expected the beta to report back on him. Even in the darkness, Derek’s face was bright red, and Stiles nodded carefully, trying to process that information.
“So,” Derek said, glowering. “Clearly, it’s a good thing I was there.”
“Clearly— hey! That’s an asshole move.”
“The guy kissing you when you didn’t want it was an asshole move.”
Stiles swallowed hard, dropping his gaze. For a moment, the silence reigned, the cool air filtering around them, and Stiles shivered.
Then Derek sighed. Before Stiles could even react, the man was slipping off his jacket and wrapping it around his shoulders, easily avoiding Stiles’s surprised stare. The stare didn’t last long though, as Stiles took in the man’s freaking too tight v-neck, and dammit, that so wasn’t fair.
“Dude,” Stiles said, averting his gaze. “Really?”
Derek raised an eyebrow. Stiles just flushed, unconsciously pulling the jacket tighter around him.
“Do you,” Derek said hesitantly. “Want to go back inside?”
Stiles looked at him in surprise again. The man didn’t look happy at all about the words that had come out of his mouth, but he just shrugged.
“I can leave, Stiles. I didn’t mean to ruin your night.”
“Oh my god, Sourwolf,” Stiles said. “Please never apologize for threatening someone like Chet ever again.”
Derek scoffed slightly. Stiles grinned.
“Though, I thought the whole ‘rip your throat out’ thing was our thing.”
One eyebrow raised. Stiles blushed.
“Not like that. Er, you know. In like a sexy threatening Alpha werewolf kind of way.”
“Shut up,” he said. “Stop smirking.”
“Okay,” Derek said, a hint of a smile still tugging at his lips. And why hadn’t Stiles seen him look like this before? “So, your first college party was a bust. But it’s usually not the only one, you know.”
Stiles blinked. “What?”
Derek rolled his eyes. “Don’t look so surprised.”
“You… went to college.”
The man’s face did something strange. “Stiles, you do realize werewolves do things like that too, right?”
“Yeah, uh, yeah,” Stiles said, shaking his head. “I just…”
It was Derek. The words died on his tongue as he eyed the man, some strange emotion forming in his chest again. But this time, he thought it might actually be excitement. Or maybe nerves. Or maybe a mix of both.
“Hey, Derek,” he said carefully. “Take me out?’
The man’s eyes widened. And what had Stiles been telling himself earlier? Drinking, dancing, forgetting. But the last thing he’d expected was to see Derek Hale. All green eyes, too-tight jeans, and a v-neck that was literally the sexiest thing Stiles had somehow ever seen.
Derek Hale.
There was no way he was getting over him tonight.
“Take me somewhere,” Stiles said, heart thudding against his chest. Derek’s eyes sparked a little red.
“So,” Stiles said, sitting on the edge of the sidewalk. When Derek had taken him to get streetside hot dogs of all things, Stiles had thought he was joking. But then there they were, sitting in the dark, eating street meat. “Tell me about your college.”
The man glanced over, mouth full. Stiles snorted.
“Where did you go, dude? What was your major? Why have I never heard about this before?”
“I don’t like to advertise my life,” Derek said, swallowing. “But I went to NYU. And got a degree in Engineering.”
Stiles’s blinked. Derek’s ears turned a little red.
“I like fixing cars.”
Stiles huffed, grinning out at the street. It looked like there was a bar or something across from them, music coming from the open door and bright lights dancing out onto the sidewalk.
“You should start your own business or something,” he said thoughtfully. “Fixing up cars.”
Derek snorted. Stiles grinned over at him, elbowing the man.
“Shut up, I’m being serious!”
Stiles rolled his eyes, sticking the last of his food in his mouth and jumping up. Derek gave him a surprised look as Stiles hauled the man to his feet and started across the street. There was a loud honk and a cab barely swerved to avoid them, making Stiles bark out in laughter.
Derek gave him a slightly terrified, slightly confused look.
Stiles just grinned brighter, stumbling through the door of the lit up the building and pulling Derek with him. And, turning around, he realized it was more of a club than a bar.
Which was even better.
“Okay,” Stiles said, eyes sweeping over the crowded dance floor. “This is so much better than a college party.”
“Oh, come on, you big lump,” Stiles said, pulling the man along again. “We’re going dancing.”
Derek made a noise of protest, but Stiles barely heard him. Tugging him into the crowd, he nearly lost the man’s hand in the throng of people twice. The lights flashed, almost blinding, the smell of alcohol hung heavy in the air, and Stiles spun around on the middle of the dance floor to see Derek looking wide-eyed and red-faced, the color going all the way to his ears.
Stiles raised an eyebrow. “You ever go dancing at NYU, Sourwolf?”
“Shut up.”
“Because,” Stiles said, stepping closer. “That’s what tonight was supposed to be all about.”
“Stiles, I don’t know if—”
“It’s a necessary college experience,” Stiles said, glancing up at the werewolf. “That’s what I’ve heard anyway.”
Derek’s eyes darted from Stiles’s own, to his lips, then back up. And for a moment, Stiles was almost nervous. Because what if he’d taken tonight one step too far? Oh god, what if he was pulling a Chet?
But then the man pulled Stiles forward by the folds of his jacket and slid closer to where he was obviously welcome. And Stiles smiled brightly at that— he couldn’t help it. 
If he was going to drink and dance with anyone tonight, it was going to be Derek Hale. 
Only Derek Hale.
“I want you to touch me,” Stiles said, guiding the man’s hands down to his hips. Derek’s eyes flashed red and he wrapped an arm around Stiles’s waist, pulling him even closer. 
Stiles exe. almost logged off, but somehow, he still managed to keep his head. Raising his chin, Stiles searched the man’s face, teeth sinking down into his lower lip.
And fuck, if Derek wasn’t the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Under the ever-changing lights, his eyes were a kaleidoscope of colors. Stiles didn’t often see the Alpha let down his guard, but Derek was open and gentle with his arms wrapped around Stiles’s waist now. And Stiles didn’t know such a tight grip could be so careful when the man held him close, forehead brushing against Stiles’s own.
“Derek,” Stiles whispered, closing his eyes. The man’s breaths were soft and warm against his face. And it so, so different than earlier.
“Fuck, Stiles.”
Stiles’s heart skipped a beat and he huffed a small laugh. “Language, Sourwolf.”
“Oh, yeah?”
He glanced back up, smirking softly. The man searched his face, eyes dropping a little lower again, and before Stiles could stop himself, he was meeting Derek halfway, pressing his lips against the werewolf’s own.
He’d had a few rules going into college. Stay on track. Don’t eat curly fries for dinner every night. And try to move on from Derek Hale.
This was so far from trying but Stiles couldn’t find it in himself to even care.
Because dammit, Derek had been what Stiles had missed the most. Derek had been the one Stiles had always hoped to see when there was a knock on his door. It was Derek, it had always been Derek. And maybe, maybe that was just how it was supposed to be.
Derek kissed him soft, open, and warm. Fingers brushed over the skin above the waistband of Stiles’s jeans, looping through the belt loops and pulling him even closer. And hell, this was better than the stuff of Stiles’s best fantasies. Teenage daydreams when he’d been sixteen and slowly coming to reality with his sexuality.
“Goddammit,” Stiles murmured against his lips. “Fuck, Derek.”
Stiles laughed and kissed him harder, stubble rubbing against his cheeks, sweat beading on his forehead. It was so freaking hot in the club and Derek’s jacket wasn’t helping— except for it, for everything around him smelled like Derek.
Leather, pine, and aftershave. 
Faintly, Stiles realized loved that smell. He loved the fit of Derek pressed up against him. The way the man felt kissing him.
Faintly, he realized he just might be in love with Derek Hale.
Stiles didn’t know what kind of song was playing when they drew apart, heart thudding against his chest. Glancing up, he was almost pleased to see the red in Derek’s eyes, the hunger on his face. Stiles grinned, tilting his head.
“So, Sourwolf. Maybe it is a good thing you showed up after all.”
Derek raised an eyebrow. Stiles laughed.
“And maybe, I might just need you to attend other parties at my side in the future. You know, because no one would ever cross a werewolf and what belongs to him.”
The man’s eyes sparked even brighter. Flashes of pure red in the neon lights. Stiles leaned forward and brushed his lips against the man’s again, just barely not making full contact.
“So, Alpha? What do ya say?”
Derek’s grip tightened, and all assumptions of ‘careful’ from earlier went down the drain. Stiles could help the way his heart leaped into his throat as Derek growled, nipping sharply at his lower lip. “Mine.”
Derek kissed him again, hard and hungry. Stiles closed his eyes again, drinking in the taste of the man, the feeling of the hands tight around his waist. And yeah, he could be that, he thought. Down the drain with with ‘careful’, down the drain with drinking, forgetting.
Down the drain with almost all things except for a few beginning with the letter ‘d’.
He thought Derek Hale might be a good start.
I had a slight idea where I wanted this to go and then it didn't go there at all XD But I'm alright with how it turned out!
(if you enjoy my writing, consider sending a coffee? You can also request a prompt if you’d like!). https://ko-fi.com/rh27writer
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seven-oomen · 4 years
If You Are Going Through Hell, Keep Going
These are the words that Marin Morrell – Druid, Emissary, Guidance Counselor – says to Stiles Stilinski in “Battlefield” (02x11) And I think they suit his character just perfectly, because Stiles has been going through Hell all his life.
The Teen Wolf Fandom don’t talk nearly enough about Stiles’ traumas, so I’ll try my best to do it myself *I won’t even remotely touch on the Void Stiles, Dark Stiles, Donovan and the Nogitsune trauma though, because it’s extremely complex and deserves its own Meta*
It’s Canon that Noah was an alcoholic (as Rafael pointed out to Stiles in 03x11 Alpha Pact), that he neglected and lashed out at his own child (Stiles’ memory in 02x09 Party Guessed), and that Stiles was verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by his mentally ill mother, Claudia, throughout his childhood (there’s a whole magnificently acted, heart wrenching scene about it with flashbacks and all in 05x06 Required Reading.) It’s Canon that Stiles had to take care of himself and of his father before AND after Claudia’s death. And it’s Canon that Stiles – who was only an eight years old child at the time – was at the hospital with his mother when she died, nobody else:
[Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 11, Alpha Pact]
CHRIS: You knew… I remember meeting you once, before you were Sheriff. You questioned me about a body. You knew something was up. You just weren’t ready to believe it.
NOAH: You’re right. There was a night eight years ago… the night my wife died. I was at the end of a shift, and a call came in. There had been a pile-up, and a young woman… she was a teenager, actually. She was trapped under an overturned car. We had to wait for the paramedics. We were never getting her out, but I was able to hold her hand. She knew she was gonna die. But I just kept telling her “No, no, listen. The paramedics are on their way.” And then I remember her hand suddenly gripped mine so tightly that I literally thought she was gonna break the bones. And she looked me in the eyes, and she said “If you wanna be with her, go now.” And I knew she was talking about my wife… But then that other part of my brain — the part that looks for clues, for fingerprints, for logical connections… that part told me that there is no way that this girl could possibly know about Claudia. And so I stayed. I stayed until the paramedics pulled her out. Until her heart stopped beating and they declared her dead.
NOAH: When I finally got to the hospital, I saw Stiles sitting in the waiting room with his head in his hands… He was with Claudia when she died.
NOAH: But I wasn’t. I wasn’t with her because I didn’t believe… I just did not believe.
It’s also Canon that Derek Hale is a rape victim and that the hunters slaughtered Derek, Cora and Peter’s entire pack/family (including humans and children.) And it’s Canon that Stiles immediately sides with the Hales and openly confronts Chris about what Kate had done to the Hales in 01x12, Code Breaker:
CHRIS: Let me ask you a question, Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?
STILES: No. I could put it on my to-do list, if you just let me go.
CHRIS: Well, I have. And the only thing I’ve ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?
STILES: Not really. No offense to your storytelling skills.
CHRIS: He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head. The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?
STILES: No. And it sounds like you need to be a little bit more select—
CHRIS: Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?
STILES: Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator. Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?
CHRIS: I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that.
STILES: Oh, right. Derek said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it.
CHRIS: Never!
STILES: What if someone does?
CHRIS: Someone like who?
STILES: Your sister.
Unlike self-proclaimed hero and ruler of Beacon Hills Scott McCall, who immediately sides with the Argents and tells Derek Hale that his family deserved to be burnt alive by the hunters in front of his comatose uncle………..
I feel like there is a lot to unpack on Stiles’s trauma. And I will go over these moments one by one, why they’re damaging, what I think the context of the scene is supposed to represent ft how people might take it. And what my personal thoughts are regarding Stiles’s trauma.
First of, I would like to say that the following words are my take on this. I am a 29 year old trans man of caucasian descend who is an domestic violence and abuse survivor. I am diagnosed with ADHD since 12 and diagnosed with CPTSD since this year. I understand trauma and I understand what it does to people. But I am not a professional. I am a fan, who’s responding to the submission of another, anonymous, fan.
You are completely free to have your own takes on this matter and your own headcanons. That’s what fandom is for.
That said, I would love to have a discussion if you can have it peacefully.
Stiles is a character who was (Unwillingly) neglected, emotionally traumatized and both emotionally and verbally abused by both of his parents. There is even evidence of physical abuse by his mother.
I think it does need to be said, that neither of his parents intended for this to happen. What happened in the Stilinski family was by and large a very traumatic event for everyone involved.
Noah is an alcoholic, as Stiles also confirms in the episode that Noah never really stopped drinking. His alcoholism is a result of his own traumas and possible ND mind and an unhealthy coping mechanism.
As a result of this, Noah most likely was verbally and emotionally abusive during his drunken tirades.
I personally think that before Claudia was diagnosed and got sick Stiles had a good childhood. His parents tried their best to be good parents for him and laid a good foundation for him. This is evidenced in the bond Stiles seems to have with his father in general. He’s not afraid of his father, he’s nervous about consequences. But he never gives off a vibe to me that truly says; I fear this man and I have to stay in line to stay alive.
Unlike Isaac and his father.
This also tells me, that unlike Elias Stilinski, Noah never lashed out physically at Stiles. He was trying to break a cycle of abuse but more than likely still fell victim to it himself when he could no longer cope with trauma and his neurodivergency and started drinking.
That doesn’t mean that he’s not guilty of abusing his own son. We know Noah can be neglectful and dismissive towards Stiles (even though he tries his best not to be) and has a tendency to low key insult Stiles from time to time. Whether or not he truly means to or not is up for debate, I personally think he doesn’t mean to do it, but Stiles is clearly heartbroken every time Noah accidentally lashes out. 
As evidenced by sentences: “I’ve never believed a word he said since he was born.” “Thank you, son I should have had.” (To Scott)
Stiles already has a deep founded fear that he’s not enough, that he killed his own mother, that he’s not believed by the people around him, and that people don’t want to take him seriously.
This is clear in every interaction he has with the people around him.
Which also brings me to what happened in 2x09. Now based on the context clues of that scene, I actually don’t believe Stiles saw a play-by-play memory. But rather, Stiles saw his greatest fear play out in a hallucination. 
Why do I believe that?
Because in the same scene, Allison has a hallucination about becoming her own worst nightmare (a huntress like Kate) and Scott sees a hallucination of Allison and Jackson making out. (Aka, losing Allison.) 
I think the scene both has fabrications and truths in it. The truth is that more than likely, Stiles saw his father getting drunk at his mother’s funeral and lashing out at people around him in his drunken stupor. (Which on one hand, one can understand if you take the pain and trauma into account, but it’s not a healthy or an okay thing to do, obviously. This is definitely where Noah fell apart.)
I also like to think one of the other adults put a stop to Noah’s behavior before he could get out of hand. But we never really see her funeral play out, so that is speculation.
The fabrication is the scene that follows. We know that Claudia was the one that actually said the words to Stiles. “You’re killing me, he’s killing me.” 
And that Noah was the voice of reason in that scene. “No, he’s not. You’re sick, let’s go back inside.” (Or something along those lines. I can’t remember the exact words.)
What I think is more than likely is that Stiles’s greatest fear is that his father actually believes he killed his mother. As that is what his mother said to him before she died.  And so that’s what he hallucinated under the influence of the wolfsbane.
Stiles’s greatest fear is losing both of his parents, no matter in what way that is. He also fears that he failed as a son, and failed to take care of his father. All of this is fueled by losing his mother and watching her die at a very young age.
And that is where Stiles’s trauma truly lies. He watched his mother die (at the age of 10) slowly while she lost her mind to a terrible illness. 
His father couldn’t handle losing his wife and not being able to help her and the previous traumas he endured in his own childhood. And Stiles had to step up to take care of him. That changes a child and leaves a mark. A mark that Stiles can’t shake.
We know Noah neglected Stiles by not being able to care for him as he should have, we know Noah tends to think Stiles has wild conspiracy theories and tends not to believe him.
Which traumatized Stiles even though Noah didn’t intend for that to happen. That doesn’t mean that Stiles’s trauma isn’t real though. It’s very real. This is also the reason why he immediately chooses Derek’s side in 1x12.
For Stiles, not being believed is a daily reality and he doesn’t want anyone else to go through that as well. Which is why he chooses Derek’s side. Because Stiles, due to his own trauma, is hard-wired to believe the victim and tends to defend them.
Now I think a lot of people take a lot of Stiles’s scenes literal because they identify with what’s happening on screen. Because Stiles isn’t being believed by the other characters, the audience tends to take his perspective at face value. Even in situations where it’s made clear that Stiles, like other characters, is hallucinating at the time.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I do think it’s something to consider.
Tagging a few people who might want to add a thought or two to this.
@mostly-vo1d @artemisa97 @msmischief101
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
How Scars MIGHT Relate to Leah and Daryl
Okay Everyone, this is a post that I wrote like 6-7 months ago. It was after we learned about Leah and 10x18, but before the episode actually aired. It was really just conjecture on my part. Me, trying to connect patterns and similarities I was seeing.
Why didn’t I post it back then? Because we decided we thought Leah was a hallucination, and at that point, I thought this less likely to pan out.
What I’ll say now is that, if she IS real, this may still be true. And if she isn’t, this pattern may hold but it might be about some other character, other than her. 
Even if it turns out to be completely untrue, just see this as patterns I’m seeing that may come into play in the future. And I wanted to post this today, before ep 1 airs and ep 2 shows up on AMC+.
Also, someone sent me this yesterday:
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Norman saying there’s some double agent stuff going on DOES suggest she might be a villain. It’s hard to interpret exactly what he meant by that, but this is one possibility. So here’s what I wrote to my fellow theorists several months back:
Here’s what I have to say about Scars, and I’m still grappling for how best to frame this, so I’m sorry if it meanders a bit. And honestly, it’s nothing super ground-breaking. It’s a lot of what we’ve already talked about concerning Leah, and it comes from what you found about the “masks” lines in the Michonne/Zeke convo, as well as between Daryl and Michonne in Scars. I’m really just giving more evidence for this and predicting a future storyline. You know, like I do. ;D
And one thing I will say is that, while I WANT to tie this to Leah because both her storyline and Jocelyn’s happened during the 6 year time jump, I’m not 100% sure this even has to do with Leah. It might, but it also might not. So, I think this is a coming storyline one way or the other. But it may have to do with Leah or may be completely independent of her. No way to tell, yet.
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So, in both conversations (both between Michonne and Zeke and Michonne and Daryl on the swings) they talk about people wearing figurative masks. Daryl specifically talks about someone who has so much evil in their hearts that they actually lie about who they are and present themselves in one way, as one type of person, when really they’re the opposite. 
We see this theme played out all through Scars, because obviously Jocelyn did that. But now that I’m alert to it, I’m seeing it a lot. Even in 10x17, the Sniper fell under this theme. Mostly literally in his case because he was wearing camouflage (a kind of mask) to hide out and kill people. But figuratively, that’s kinda what Jocelyn did, too.
Okay, so let me start at the beginning. I’ve watched Scars twice now and I’m thinking more and more that the thing with Jocelyn happened BEFORE Leah. Now that we know Daryl’s story spans 5 of the 6 years, I think Leah must happen after Jocelyn. Michonne is big and pregnant, so Scars can’t be more than 6 mos after Rick disappeared. 
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Michonne asking Daryl if he’s okay being alone definitely hints at the Leah storyline (another reason to link Leah and Jocelyn). But I think it’s a jumping off point for his story. Because he tells Michonne he’s okay being alone, and in that moment, I think he really is. Or at least he really believes he is. The story with Leah will be him realizing he really doesn’t want to be alone. Romantically or otherwise. Which pushes him back toward TF when Carol comes knocking with Henry.
But let’s get to the good stuff.
After Jocelyn shows up, she tells Michonne that some of her kids aren’t with her and she wants to go get them. Jocelyn is hurt and Michonne’s about to pop, so neither of them go. But this is interesting. The three people who go to get her kids in the one building are Gabriel, Aaron, and Eugene.
It was Eugene that really caught my eye. I started going, “hmm. What could this foreshadow?” And I don’t know the answer in detail, but I think it may foreshadow his entanglement with Beth’s return in some way. And of course Aaron and Gabe are both major proxies for Beth, with Gabe being the resident Sirius character. So yeah, kind of side-eyeing that.
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The next thing is that we see two hand-drawn posters detailing, through pictures, how to skin and drain both a deer and a rabbit. These are things Jocelyn has obviously made to teach the kids to survive. And I know we noticed them before, with the deer and rabbit being big Beth symbols. But I’m seeing a much bigger theme, having watched the episode several times.
The poster of the deer shows the deer strung up by its legs (head pointed down, I assume). Then, after they bring all the kids to Alexandria, we see several deer strung up this way, and Michonne comments that Jocelyn’s kids are amazing hunters. So, we learn that two of them, Winnie, the blond, and Linus, one of the boys, killed the deer and even prepared them for everyone at Alexandria.
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But here’s where it gets more interesting. When Jocelyn captures Daryl and Michonne, she strings them up over pipes in exactly the way the deer being slaughtered are strung up. And of course she brands them like animals. So, in a way, they’re meant to be the deer that she’s going to slaughter.
And I’m not even sure exactly what to make of that where the deer symbol is concerned. I thought about how killing the deer does keep people from the danger of starving to death, so it fits with Deer = Tractor = getting rid of the threat, as I discussed HERE. But I also wonder if deer is synonymous with captivity in some way.
Then there’s the rabbit. I have less to say about it except that the biggest place we saw rabbits were around Lizzie and Mica. And the poster specifically lays out how to kill a rabbit, which is what Lizzie did to Mica. And I think it works here because we’re dealing with evil kids. Like Lizzie. (I will have more to say about the rabbit theory next week. We’ll see them in a big way in 11x01.)
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This is where I’m going to link it to the good twin vs evil twin theme. Remember I talked about this with Noah’s twin brothers and of course Lizzie and Mica, even though they aren’t twins. I don’t think we have to have twins or even siblings for this theme, though it’s common for them to do it with siblings like Lizzie/Mica and even Daryl/Merle. Back in S4, there was Pete and his brother as well.
It occurred to me that we have a representation of it here, with Michonne/Judith on one side and Jocelyn/Winnie on the other. Sorry to go racial, but even the ethnicities match up. Michonne, a black woman with a Caucasian daughter (Judith) who isn’t biologically hers (good). And Jocelyn, a black woman with a Caucasian daughter (Winnie) who isn’t biologically hers (evil). See what I mean?
One scene that really jumps out at me is when Michonne and Jocelyn talk in the kitchen. Jocelyn goes out of her way to REALLY earn Michonne’s trust in that scene. Michonne even says, “I’m so glad you’re here,” so she’s obviously fully trusting and loving having her friend around. This is the biggest place where we see Jocelyn’s “mask.”
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Then, when Michonne and Daryl are on the swings, Michonne says, “she was a friend. Like, a real one.” She talks about how they’d been through a lot together before, like heartbreak, losing parents, etc. And then she says, “I wanted it to be that way again. I believed her. I let my guard down. I should have known. Should have sensed something.”
Okay, so many ways I could go with that. First of all, it’s REALLY close to what Carol said about Lizzie. “I should have seen it. It was already there.” So, another link to Lizzie/Mica.
But I was also thinking that I can see Daryl thinking this about Leah. Like, he wanted to believe that she would stay with him, that he could love her, but it was all just a mask.
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Okay, that may feel like it came out of left field, but it’s essentially where I’m going with this. Let me keep going and I’ll circle back.
When Scars first aired, I said I thought Jocelyn was an anti-Beth parallel. I don’t think many people agreed with me, but I believe that more than ever. And @wdway​’s X/Chevron stuff actually backs it up. My biggest reasoning, originally, was just all the child/baby stuff around Beth. I can see her doing something similar to this—raising an army of mini-Daryls—but of course she would be good and raise them with good values. Jocelyn will be a foil to her.
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Watching it again, there are SO many Beth symbols around this Jocelyn story. There’s the deer and rabbit, which I’ve mentioned. At one point, Gabriel is telling a story to all of Jocelyn’s kids, and he covers one of his eyes, showcasing only his Sirius eye. We have Eugene going to find the kids. And of course, the X-shaped brands in Michonne and Daryl’s backs, which is where the Chevron stuff comes in.
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So, one way or the other, I feel like this is a foreshadow of something to do with Beth and/or her return.
Then, at the end, I paid close attention to what Michonne says to Judith, and I picked up on a few things that had never registered for me before. Remember that, in this episode, they juxtapose these Jocelyn flashbacks with Daryl coming to Alexandria with Lydia and Henry, and Michonne doesn’t want them to stay, but Judith does, etc. And at the end, Judith takes off on her bicycle and Michonne has to go find her.
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So, at the end, they’re sitting on the rock together and Michonne is telling Judith about the Jocelyn situation. She says that when Judith came out of the trailer, it “was like you were looking right at me and didn’t know it was me. I thought you’d changed, or that I’d lost you.” (Emphasis mine.)
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Think about that. It’s a really odd thing to say about a two- or three-year-old kid. Like she thought Judith had turned evil or something. And I think plot-wise, she means that she thought Judith would think differently of her because she’d just killed all these kids. Michonne had a lot of guilt about that. But it’s a really odd wording, and kind of hearkens back to the mask symbol. People wearing masks, appearing to be something they aren’t.
We’ve also discussed extensively the idea of Beth’s memory loss: (X, X.) Maybe her seeing Carol but not knowing who she is, or Daryl seeing or hearing Beth but not believing it’s really her. It just sort of plays into the whole hallucination theme obliquely.
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Judith then says that Michonne just didn’t look like herself because of all the blood, but after a moment, she saw it was her. So, more masks. And Michonne was kind of right. At first, Judith really didn’t recognize her, or at least thought she looked like someone else. More of the same theme.
But that bicycle is a big deal. It’s showcased obviously in the episode, and bikes almost always represent kidnapping or captivity. We saw them around Glenn in S1 when he was taken by the Vatos gang. We saw one outside the Claimer house when Rick got away. I feel like this foreshadows Judith being kidnapped. She already was once by Jocelyn. But Michonne sees that bike in the present-day scenes, which makes them a foreshadow, not a callback.
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So, I’ll be the first to admit that this is mostly speculation and at least half head canon, but I’m really wondering if Leah and Beth will be the good and evil to one another. (This is obviously going to be the case in terms of a good/healthy vs unhealthy romantic relationships. And if Leah is a hallucination, and Beth will obviously be real, you can already see how they’re doing this with Beth and Leah.)
Leah is wearing a mask when Daryl is with her. And once again, she may not be totally evil like Jocelyn was. But she may be misrepresenting herself in some way. Toxic at the least, evil at the most. But maybe the reason she’s practically wearing Beth’s clothes is that she’s a foil or anti-parallel to Beth.
And you see what I mean about how, if Leah turns out to be a hallucination, clearly this won’t apply to her in a literal way.
I still think there’s a good chance she’s a hallucination, but I think this still applies. It wouldn’t be literal or physical if that’s the case, but she’s still the “bad” relationship as opposed to the good one Daryl will have with Beth. We all talked extensively about how unhealthy the relationship was right after 10x18 aired. How Leah gave him an ultimatum, didn’t seem to want to meet his family, etc. So, you can see that, real or not, the relationships will be juxtaposed, with one being good and the other, bad.
The other thing want to mention is that it’s interesting that they did this story (Scars) with Michonne instead of Daryl. It makes me think that something about Michonne and Rick’s reunion story might follow this template as well.
We’ve discussed how Leah might be part of the New Mexico symbolism, and I’ve had people message me that they’re afraid that when Daryl and Carol take off together for the spinoff, he’ll be looking for Leah. Now, I obviously don’t think he would be looking for her in a romantic/looking-for-Beth sort of way, but it’s possible that she may be involved.
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And like I said at the beginning, I think there’s a good chance of parallels between Leah and Jocelyn, because they both happened during the 6-year time jump, and then there’s all the other ties like, “are you okay being alone,” the mask theme, and that Carol knew about her/the acorn conversation.
I’m actually thinking this less and less, now. I really don’t think the New Mexico symbolism will be fulfilled until the spinoff, and we already know Leah will be in s11. So, I suppose if she survives S11 (and depending on whether she’s real or not) she COULD still be involved, but the timelines just don’t seem to match up to me. At least, not right now. This may change depending on what S11 brings us.
So, total conjecture here, but I’m really wondering if Leah (or if not her, someone else Jocelyn foreshadowed) will kidnap Judith, and that’s why Daryl and Carol leave to go after her. It would fit with the TWB template for Daryl and Carol (Felix and Huck on TWB) to be following Judith (Hope and Iris on TWB). If so, Daryl might really might be following Leah to New Mexico, but not out some romantic inclination, but rather because she took the kids.
Another possibility, of course, is that Leah is real, but Daryl was drugged or is just remembering things wrong. If that ends up being the case, then this could still happen. But again, we’ll just have to wait and see.
So yeah. Let’s just say I have plenty of head canons filed away in which Beth kicks some evil Leah butt. I would enjoy that very much. :D Granted, it probably won’t play out quite that neatly for us, but that’s what head canons are for, right?
And as I said, I can’t be sure this has to do with Leah. It’s possible this storyline is completely independent of Leah, and she’ll be something else entirely. But I think something like this will happen either way. And I’m sure I’ll recognize it as fulfillment when it does.
Any thoughts?
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sanjuno · 4 years
You're doing NaNo?! Can you tell us anything about what you'll be doing???
No Evil Abolishing Resentment System
Transmigrator!Madara meets Reincarnator!Tobirama (… 55 times in a row.)
For NaNoWriMo 2020 – How Many AUs Can I Fit In One Fic?
·      0 Tails Interlude
o   Meet Sanzan-han
o   Introduction to System driven Quick-Transmigration isekai plot
o   “The seeds of evil are as follows, to hear of evil and take no action against it, to see evil and take no action against it, to speak of evil and take no action against it.”
o   “To do nothing in the face of evil is not a neutral act.”
o   “The only thing required for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.”
·      1st World:
o   Crystal Nuclei Zombie Apocalypse with Ability Users and levelling up AU
o   Politician!Madara ended up being shoved into a zombie tide by people who thought he was too strong/disliked him before the apocalypse
o   Scientist!Tobirama really regrets not preventing that when Zombie Emperor Madara breaks through the city walls and kills everyone in Konoha Base
o   Reborn!Tobirama is determined to complete the vaccine he was working on in his first life – also keep Madara alive so he can’t become a super zombie
§  Tobirama would like to say he is surprised by Madara’s competency in zombie annihilation but he remembers how terrifying Zombie King Madara was so he really isn’t shocked that Empowered Human Madara is just as much the living embodiment of Nightmare Fuel
o   Madara as evolved Zombie catnip with a mouthy pet fish
§  Madara is absolutely disgusted by the Z-poc Virus undead they are gross, rotting, and go squelchwhen he hits them.
§  Some zombie bits get stuck in Madara’s hair. He has a screaming tantrum and promptly sets the entire horde on fire.
§  Pro-tip: Career politicians should avoid indulging in a crying fit over getting their precious beautiful hair dirty during a fight if they want to be taken seriously by their military escort even if they areso hilariously OP they can indulge in whiny hysterics and not die horribly as a result
o   The Zombies are Zetsu
o   Oh look Madara’s blood has the key component to creating the zombie vaccine who would have thought
o   There is so much angry sex for stress relief, just… so much
·      1 Tail Interlude
o   Madara is pissed off that he accidently ended up in a relationship with Tobirama
o   Madara wants a refund on this System
o   Sanzan-han explains the fine print of “No Evils Abolishing Resentment System” – the Target must have resentment both towards Madara and from Madara
o   Madara’s first world was intended to lock his target
o   Switching targets will result in a full reset of his karma to level 1 – no cheating by using his previous incarnations accumulated points to get a head start any more
o   Madara’s only other valid targets approaching Tobirama’s stats were Hashirama and Mito
o   Madara could target someone else but without the heavy accumulation of karma like the Senju-Uchiha bloodfeud situation it would take thousands of lifetimes to accrue 10 tails
o   Madara is so mad ^_^
·      2nd World
o   Japanese Classic Fable AU
o   Crane Wife!Madara being Tsundere with his husband
o   Madara is accused of theft and Scholar!Tobirama is convinced to spy on his wife’s weaving
o   Madara gets caught ripping out feathers to weave into silks that are sold to pay for Tobirama’s exams
o   Madara flies away and is shot down by hunters
o   Reborn!Tobirama who is more than a little obsessed with making sure his wife doesn’t have a reason to fly off again
o   Madara doesn’t really understand why Tobirama is trying to prevent him from doing anything productive this is weird
o   Zetsu is a corrupted monk trying to capture Madara for his feathers/demon core
·      3rd World
o   Galactic Empire Mecha Pilots with psychic powers and enhanced bodies versus the Zerg Horde
o   Arranged Marriages for the noble class occur based on genetic advantages rather than affection
o   Ace Pilot/Mecha Engineer!Tobirama pays less than zero attention to his nominal spouse and heir in favour of developing weapons to fight against the Zerg
o   SSS Ace Pilot!Madara resigned to being ignored by spouse, makes friends with in-laws for sheer spite
o   Madara framed for sabotage – dies holding off a Zerg swarm
o   Science child!Kagami killed by kidnappers
o   Reborn!Tobirama pays better attention to his spouse and child while fighting to end the Zerg threat
o   The Zerg are Zetsu
o   Madara rolls his eyes and sets the Zerg Queen (Kaguya) on fire – Tobirama confused and aroused by his spouse
·      2 Tails Interlude
o   Madara wants to know if he’s going to be required to save the world every single time he’s due to earn a new tail
o   Sanzan-han: Sources say “probably”
o   Madara would question the heavy-handed implication that Zetsu was just using him but he’s still super pissed off about being trapped in a cave for 50 years and then possessed by a demon goddess thing so he’s more than willing the blame Zetsu for all the horrible things that happened
·      4th World
o   Japanese Mythical Creature AU
o   Kitsune!Madara saves the life of War General/Prince!Tobirama from Yin poisoning
o   There’s a snowstorm and Madara has to warm Tobirama up
o   Madara is a Calamitous Beauty and killed by cultists who wanted his demon core
o   Reborn!Tobirama is doing his best to take responsibility
o   Zetsu is the cultists who poisoned Tobirama and killed Madara
o   Madara is super pissed off but the shrine and the garden Tobirama builds for him are really nice so maybe he won’t claw the pasty bastard’s face off
·      5th World
o   Super Heroes and Villains in a Megamind AU
o   Pyromaniacal Villain!Madara “Moon Eye” is obviously an alien and the arch nemesis of the city’s most beloved Hero, Treeman
o   Aquatic Hero “Flying Thunder”!Tobirama’s civilian-marine biologist ID keeps getting kidnapped
o   Reborn!Tobirama needs to keep Madara sane and honestly that’s easier than it sounds because Madara gets adorably flustered when given sincere compliments and is hilariously easy to distract with questions about his obviously-also-alien pet fish
o   #I accidently started dating my brother’s arch nemesis #what do I do? #waiting online for answers
o   Sanzan-han is Minion and really likes the exo-suit
o   Zetsu is an evil shadow organization trying to take control of the heroes for world domination reasons
o   Madara has an invisible Susanoo and as ridiculous as this world can be he’s having fun in it
·      6th World
o   Immortal Cultivators AU
o   Borderline-demonic/Unorthodox Sect Leader!Madara is getting chased around by Righteous Sect Inner Disciple!Tobirama because Madara keeps nabbing all the good secret treasures that Tobirama needs to prevent the demon realm from breaking free and invading
o   Reborn!Tobirama realizes in hindsight that Original Goods!Madara was also trying to prevent the Demon Realm invasion because the Righteous Sects didn’t listen to his initial warnings
o   Tobirama eventually pins Madara down as his Dao companion to get access to the booty loot Madara has collected/protect Madara from being targeted by unscrupulous treasure hunters
o   The demons/demonic spirits are Zetsu
o   Madara is playing whack-a-Zetsu and doesn’t have time for Tobirama’s nonsense
·      3 Tails Interlude
o   Sanzan-han praises Madara for his top-notch seduction skillz
o   Madara is So Done with this stupid godsdamned fish
o   Sanzan-han mentions but doesn’t explain that the accumulation of “affection points” will start having a notable effect on Tobirama soon – so gambatte, Mada-sama!
o   Madara tries to ignore the constant hooking up in favour of plotting new ways to kill Zetsu – seeing as the creature is the only thing he can kill in the Other-Worlds without losing the “ExP” that will allow his return home
·      7th World
o   Geode Betting Modern AU
o   Carver!Madara is a picky spoiled artiste who got blamed for ruining Tobirama’s family
o   Reborn-with-Treasure-Senses Appraiser!Tobirama is determined to “get revenge in advance” on Madara only to realize what a dork Madara is
o   Tobirama frantically backs off on his face-slapping plot only to overcompensate his way into dating a crazy artist
o   #oops
o   Zetsu are the yakuza involved in rigging the Geode betting
o   Madara is confused by the lack of open warfare but thinks this is a nice vacation
·      8th World
o   Greek Monsters AU
o   Gorgon!Madara has the strongest stone-gaze in History
o   Heroic Demigod!Tobirama arrives to take off Madara’s head for prophecy reasons
o   Tobirama’s Quest ends in tragedy – turns out ghosts/guardians of the Underworld don’t turn to stone so Tobirama can’t bring his little brothers out using Madara’s decapitated head
o   Madara is hiding from Reborn!Tobirama because he wants to keep in head on his neck, fuckdammit and accidently interrupts the murder of Kawarama and Itama via even more accidental kidnapping
o   Tobirama just wants to apologize for overreacting to a very ambiguously worded prophecy that he self-fulfilled – Tobirama is really, really very sorry, really – also wtf give him back his baby brothers
o   Zetsu is the Oracle of Kaguya who killed Tobirama’s little brothers and wanted Tobirama/Madara cursed/dead
·      9th World
o   Sentinels and Guides are Known AU
o   SSS Guide!Madara is 100% going to cut a bitch if these special fucking snowflake godsdamned Sentinels don’t piss off and leave him alone
o   6-sense Alpha Sentinel Prime!Tobirama does not want a Guide who will only slow him down with their coddling nature
o   Tobirama rejects Madara/doesn’t acknowledge their nascent connection
o   Reborn!Tobirama wakes up out of a zone – wakes up after pulling the Guide he recognized far too late as his own out of the depths of the bay – and promptly terrifies his entire family by going hyper-focused and borderline feral as he takes off to hunt down his Guide
o   Tobirama’s Guide – his Guide who is still alive – still alive and not drowned
o   Reborn!Tobirama has some lingering trauma to work through btw
o   Madara terrifies so many people when he starts inducing hallucinations as a defense mechanism
o   Zetsu are dark Sentinel cult masquerading as a shady government organization
·      10th World
o   Classic D&D AU
o   Harpy Queen!Madara is being plotted against
o   Necromancer!Tobirama regrets killing Madara and keeping his soul in a jar when he finds out the truth
o   Tobirama let’s Izuna “mete justice” – protip: Uchiha Harpies are actually Furies
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides he quite enjoys being Madara’s concubine
o   Madara lays an egg
o   The Demon Gods trying to break loose and destroy all life get kicked back into the Underworld – insert Zetsu smiting here
o   Hashirama is traumatized by his little brother’s loincloth
·      4 Tails Interlude
o   Madara throws an epic tantrum over the egg-laying thing
o   Sanzan-han doesn’t understand his deal but obligingly flees screaming in terror anyway
·      11th World
o   Imperial Court AU
o   Fire Priest!Madara is given as a “bride” to Imperial Prince Tobirama to remove Tobirama from the line of succession
o   Tobirama considered a “holy child” by the Fire devotees due to his red eyes
o   Tobirama realizes too late that his opinion of his “wife” was manipulated so that he wouldn’t be able to gather his full strength to compete with his enemies
o   Reborn!Tobirama has goals to 1. Be gay, and; 2. Commit Treason
o   Zetsu as the scheming Minister who is actually the bastard child of Empress Dowager Kaguya
o   Madara turns the court upside down and shakes because he’s bored and vindictive
·      12th World
o   Beastmen in Space AU
o   The Tribes are even more stupidly competitive than shinobi Clans but have more space (lol) to spread out so they aren’t at full war with each other
o   Snow Leopard!Madara has a female beast form as most Uchiha males do – Uchiha females tend to have male Beast Forms
o   Uchiha Do Not switch forms in Public/on the Battlefield and also the Uchiha don’t gender the way the other Tribes do
o   White Tiger!Tobirama only discovers this after the Uchiha are destroyed by hostile invasion of Borg-type enemies
o   Zetsu are the Borg knockoffs
o   Reborn!Tobirama starts courting Madara because rowr and peace happens because kittens – yay!
o   Madara uses his carving skills to create power stones that allow High Level Beasts to control themselves
·      13th World
o   Castlevania-esque Vampire AU
o   Vampires and Humans share a world but live in different realities thanks to magic sub-dimensions
o   Vampire Prince!Madara is lazy and hedonistic
o   Vampire Prince!Tobirama is disdainful of Madara’s magpie brain
o   Zetsu is the Religious extremist Vampire cult that realizes that Madara is the key to tearing down the veil and bleeds him dry to shatter the barrier separating the worlds and free the first vampire Kaguya
o   Reborn!Tobirama absolutely refuses to allow the Veil to get torn down again so he gets stupidly “devoted and jealous” over his previously despised betrothed
o   Madara is rather offended that the blood drinking is sexy and also that Tobirama is a tasty snack
·      14th World
o   Merfolk AU
o   Devil Firefish Mer!Madara always knew that the merfolk from the deeper waters would only visit the Volcanic Reef to mate and leave, especially the sharks – but he had still wanted to hope for something more…
o   Great White Mer!Tobirama only ever left the Kelp Forest to guard his more hormone driven kin when the pod headed to shallower waters to spawn and let the fry gather strength in the protection of the cove before heading back home
o   Tangling with the pretty, poisonous leader of the Uchiha pod was a mistake that could be entirely blamed on his brother’s tendency to overindulge in urchin-spines and share his vices with every mer in the vicinity
o   Someone (see: Zetsu) fucks up and pisses off the Ocean
o   Seaquakes and the resulting tsunami’s drive all the mer to the deepest-water cities to wait out the disasters
o   Madara gets eaten by a giant kraken while defending the fry – Tobirama arrives just in time to see Madara and their son get torn in half
o   Reborn!Tobirama courts Madara properly and the Uchiha pod moves into the sea-caves because the coral as too fragile for Tobirama’s peace of mind
o   Zetsu are creepy seaweed/anglerfish things
·      15th World
o   Virtual Reality Game AU
o   Code-writer!Tobirama develops Kenjutsu Mania Online in an attempt to revive his comatose little brothers
o   Overworked Detective!Madara gets suckered into the VR game with his little brothers
o   Crazy Person (Kaguya) traps all the players in a death game – as you do
o   Tobirama gets exposed as a game designer and PK’d
o   Reborn!Tobirama parties with Madara and gets married for the ExP bonus
o   Zetsu are a computer virus AI like Agent Smith
o   Madara uses IRL weapon skills to break the game and his character build before he smashes the Crazy Person open like an overripe melon
o   All the little brothers wake up
·      5 Tails Interlude
o   Sanzan-han is very proud! Mada-sama is halfway there!
o   Madara is throwing a huge fit over giving birth in 2 out of 5 worlds
o   But Mada-sama, the massive amount of affection points!
o   Fuck your affection points!
o   That’s the spirit, Mada-sama!
·      16th World
o   Modern Wizards AU
o   Dragon Keeper!Madara trips over poachers/dark wizards who kidnapped Ancient Runes Master!Tobirama for evil-ritual-sacrifice purposes
o   They accidently end up in a Marriage Bond
o   Tobirama suspects Madara of being a Dark Wizard
o   Madara is framed and executed – only for the real culprit to be exposed a few months later
o   The real culprit is Kaguya and Zetsu natch
o   Tobirama explodes a Time Turner
o   Reborn!Tobirama drags his new spouse Dark Wizard hunting
o   Couple Therapy for dumb Wizards go
·      17th World
o   ID Porn in a Miraculous AU
o   Masked Hero Phoenix is consistently pursued and wooed by his partner in crime fighting, Dragon
o   PoliSci TA!Madara has a raging brain crush on Bio-Chem Doctorate Student!Tobirama
o   An ill-advised insult/rejection causes Phoenix to darken and self-destruct
o   A grief-stricken Dragon “teleports” his mind back in time
o   Madara is so confused by Tobirama and his new stalker tendencies
o   Kaguya is RabbitMoth and Zetsu are the Akuma
·      18th World
o   Really Cheap Silmarillion Knockoff AU
o   Spell-Singer!Madara is driven mad by an Oath that was forced on him by a Messenger done Dark
o   Kaguya as the evil god and Zetsu as her evil Messenger
o   Forger!Tobirama doesn’t pay attention to extenuating circumstances until it’s too late and the bodies are buried
o   The World goes to shit for 3 ages because Tobirama’s shinies are the shiniest
o   Reborn!Tobirama devotes himself to fucking over Zetsu’s evil schemes and making pretty baubles for Madara
o   The fact that Madara’s new hairpin can level a mountain range is incidental and has nothing to do with Tobirama’s paranoia
o   An ancient mystery re. parentage is solved when Madara sings Kagami into being right on schedule – Tobirama is delighted to assist this time
·      19th World
o   Steampunk AU a la FF flavour
o   Enemy Nation!Madara is the Prince/General who goes crazy due to infection from alien viral lifeform
o   HoL Companion!Tobirama as a Prince of the protag Nation who are prophesized to save the world from Calamity
o   World goes to shit
o   Zetsu is the Scourge and Kaguya is Jenova/the Accursed
o   Tobirama is too impatient to wait out the “time-skip”
o   Reborn!Tobirama sneaks into the enemy stronghold – finds pre-infection!Madara imprisoned with tiny clone-child Kagami and steals them both
o   Cue roadtrip shenanigans as both sides try to track them down
o   Madara gets to one-man-army the forces of evil – Tobirama is very impressed
·      20th World
o   Demon Hunter AU
o   Incubus!Madara has a “food allergy” and has been stuck at the physical age of 13 being fed energy by his family members for the last 200 years
o   Functionally Ace Demon Hunter!Tobirama pegs Madara for a sex demon on sight because the lust whammy is legit the most distracting thing to ever happen to him and that incubus looks like a child ew
o   Tobirama sets a trap for Madara and is mean about it because he doesn’t appreciate the second-hand bad-touch feelings – trigger warning: allusions to non-con gangbang
o   Madara kills the “bait” and Tobirama bursts into the room
o   Tobirama sees adult!Madara in the aftermath of the carnage and is horrified to recognize his soulmate
o   Madara proceeds to vomit blood and dies at Tobirama’s feet – the allergy is no joke
o   Tobirama learns about Madara’s “allergy” from revenge rampage Izuna – recognizes that Izuna is Touka’s soulmate and doesn’t fight back
o   Tobirama regrets so hard he magics his soul back in time to the day he first saw Madara
o   The most awkward dating adventure begins
o   Zetsu are the actually evil demons who eat people for real – and not in the fun way Uchiha do
·      21st World
o   Gods AU
o   Ocean Kami!Tobirama realizes too late that he loved Volcano!Kami Madara and was unable to rescue him from the Underworld – that trick never works
o   Reborn!Tobirama starts bringing Madara tributes, averts the Twilight of the Gods via shameless debauchery, and accidently builds a tropical island honeymoon palace to spoil Madara in
o   Zetsu are the evil servants of the “god-eating Titan” Kaguya
·      6 Tails Interlude
o   Lots of Madara screaming about how the Powers That Be are far too fucking obsessed with seeing Madara get railed
o   Sanzan-han goes no-duh, most lifeforms devote about 99% of their spare life energy towards reproductive efforts
o   Madara is very grumpy about being a SSS Class Ninja Nightmare reduced to pillow-book wish-fulfillment fantasy fodder
·      22nd World
o   Noodle Dragon AU
o   Dragon King of the Northern Ocean!Tobirama and Quetzalcoatl!Madara courting shenanigans
o   OTL!Tobirama fucked up and led Hunters (Zetsu) to OTL!Madara’s nest and they stole his heart for black magic doomsday ritual
o   Madara ended up a stone statue curled around the shattered remains of his first egg
o   Reborn!Tobirama is determined to be a properly attentive mate
o   Madara is resigned to laying eggs again
·      23rd World
o   GoT-knockoff Medieval AU
o   Madara gets burned at the stake as a witch, doesn’t die, and then gets torn apart by a terrified mob
o   Northern Lord!Tobirama realizes that he done fucked up and needs Madara to beat the evil ice zombies
o   Reborn!Tobirama starts wooing an extremely cranky pyro-prince while trying to give the Uchiha Crown Prince more positive PR with the peasantry to avoid another riot
o   Zetsu are the Others, Kaguya as the Night Queen
·      24th World
o   ‘Taur AU – Tribal Setting
o   Leopard-Taur!Madara lives high up in the Mountains
o   Tiger-Taur!Tobirama is poisoned and delirious during a fated encounter – he doesn’t learn what happened or who saved him until after both prides are mostly destroyed
o   Reborn!Tobirama manages to avoid delirium induced amnesia and starts stalking Madara with the intent to make love not war
o   Zetsu are corrupted from using radioactive/poisonous Power Stones to boost strength, Kaguya is actually parasite queen
·      25th World
o   Exorcists and Ghosts AU
o   Cursed Ghost!Madara lingers in the courtyard he called home while he was alive
o   Kagami wanders in during the ghost hour and Madara shoves him into a cabinet to protect him
o   Exorcist!Tobirama finds out that Madara was still protecting Kagami from the devil spirits – not haunting him – only after the devils grow stronger and get free after ghost!Madara is destroyed
o   Reborn!Tobirama needs to figure out a way to woo his past incarnation’s very justifiably angry murdered consort before Madara denies Tobirama visitation rights
o   Zetsu are devil spirits who cursed Madara to death, Kaguya wants to consume Kagami for power
·      26th World
o   Midsummer Night’s Dream AU
o   Fairy Prince!Tobirama gets dosed with love potion
o   Meets Dark Forest King!Madara
o   Falls in potion induced love – which gets Tobirama invested enough to forget his previous prejudices and fall in True Love
o   Then Madara dies
o   Reborn!Tobirama is now immune to Love Potions because he is in True Love with Madara – fuck you, cheating bastard traitors to the Fairy Crown
o   Tobirama runs off into the Dark Forest to snag himself a Goblin King (and break Hashirama out of Love Potion induced insanity, natch)
o   Zetsu as the dirtbag fiancée, Kaguya as the dark fairy trying to take over both kingdoms
·      27th World
o   Naga AU
o   Banded Sea Kriat!Tobirama tangles with in-heat Black Hooded Tiger Snake!Madara and doesn’t realize until later that the whole situation was a bloodmage trap
o   Zetsu are the bloodmages
o   Tobirama finds Madara’s still bleeding skinned body a few weeks after they tangle – manages to get Madara’s skin and their still-curing egg back from the hunting team
o   Tobirama tries to save their egg and fails – it was taken from Madara too soon
o   Tobirama hunts down the bloodmage and dies in killing them
o   Reborn!Tobirama gives Madara proper aftercare – notes the bloody wound from the unwanted heat inducing potion – and hauls Madara back to his den for proper nesting
·      28th World
o   Magical Knight AU
o   Storm Knight!Tobirama damages Evil General!Madara’s control seal during the battle of the week
o   Tobirama then runs into amnesiac in civilian ID Madara after the fight and goes on a date
o   Tobirama still end up killing Madara when the brainwashing is reapplied – prolonged death scene reveals that Madara was mind-controlled not committing betrayal
o   Reborn!Tobirama puts significantly more effort into ensuring that the control seal is completely removed from “General Indra”
o   Madara helps defeat the Ancient Evil while wearing leather booty shorts
o   Kaguya as Mettalia, Zetsu as the Youma
·      7 Tails Interlude
o   Forget about the indignity of being Tobirama’s go-to baby incubator – Madara is absolutely flipping his shit over the booty shorts
o   Sanzan-han thought they were quite flattering on you, Mada-sama!
·      29th World
o   Blood Magic AU
o   Demon Lord!Madara gets honeytrapped by Blood Mage!Tobirama and stabbed from behind by Hashirama
o   Tobirama turns Madara’s body into a scrying gem to steal his powers and secrets
o   Snooping through Madara’s memories of their courtship lets Tobirama discover that Madara’s “evil plot” was a baby Kagami now cold in his cradle
o   Reborn!Tobirama is doing everything in his power to keep his family from finding out about Madara because the Senju’s whole “thing” is demon hunting and stealing their magic
o   Kaguya as the creepy Ancestor of the Senju clan who started the demon killing habit, Zetsu as the twisted remains of Senju elders who cursed themselves due to magic addiction
·      30th World
o   Phantom Thief AU
o   Kaito!Tobirama has to watch as his dear Detective!Madara gets gunned down by the Black Organization
o   Reborn!Tobirama first tries to send Madara away for his own safety – has a control freak panic attack when he can’t see Madara
o   Tobirama proceeds to go full disclosure overcompensation trying to keep Madara safe
o   Madara is a Sigh and steals all nine bijuu tama while Tobirama is sorting himself out
o   … Tobirama would like to know when his dear Detective learned to pick locks but before that there is a very serious problem that has arisen in Tobirama’s pants that needs to be dealt with because that was the smoothest heist Tobirama has ever borne witness to holy shit
o   Zetsu as the Black Organization looking for the magic gem Kaguya
·      31st World
o   Transformers AU
o   Decepticon!Madara is Sunspot and Autobot!Tobirama is Whitespace
o   The Great War happens – Kaguya-as-Unicron wakes up and eats most of the planet and population
o   “That’s no moon.”
o   Whitespace yeets his spark back in time and attempts to if not stop then at least delay the start of the Great War
o   Reborn!Whitespace ends up pair-bonding with Sunspot to rob the Decepticons of their Air Commander
o   A 3rd faction forms separate from the High Council versus Violent Terrorist Extremists options
·      32nd World
o   Beauty and the Beast meets Hanahaki Tragedy AU
o   Imprisoned Guest!Tobirama heads home for The Visit and stays away too long – not longer than he promised, but Beast!Madara was days away from suffocation
o   Tobirama comes back to a silent castle and finds Madara on his bed surrounded by blood and the flowers that had burst out from under his skin
o   Reborn!Tobirama is determined to break the curse – Madara is just really tired and in pain
o   What kind of fucking sadist curses a kid with roses growing inside their body – Madara was 13 when this shit started and his body knows it
o   True Loves Kiss ensues (and also Itama and Kawarama beat the shit out of Zetsu for cursing their new brother in law)
·      33rd World
o   ABO ElfQuest-ish AU
o   Alpha!Tobirama thinks he was tricked into marriage hunting Omega!Madara as part of a plot against the Senju Kingdom – everyone knows that you can’t trust Dark Elves
o   Tobirama finds out too late that there are evil forces on the loose that only the Uchiha are aware of – that’s why the Dark Elves are called Dark Elves, because they hunt evil in the dark
o   Madara is caught and left mutilated for Tobirama to come across just as he made up his mind to treat his mate better
o   Reborn!Tobirama misses his cue from the original setup – but he still finds Madara hiding in a waterfall cave because fuck no, no more fucking fucking
o   Spoiler: Madara gets fucked good and hard
o   Tobirama and Madara go demon hunting together
o   Zetsu are the Madkin demons created by Kaguya’s twisted flesh-shaping
·      34th World
o   Wonderland AU
o   Evil Dictatorship ruling family Uchiha Clan are actually held captive by their Palace – it’s a seal keeping a demon asleep and powered by the Uchiha who live inside the castle – the Uchiha don’t actually do much ruling, the Council of Elders is where the majority of the corruption is
o   Revolutionary!Tobirama kidnaps Crown Prince of Hearts!Madara during the siege to “free” Wonderland which lets the demon loose so Tobirama is forced to marry Madara and have kids quick due to being responsible for the plan that killed off 99% of the Uchiha
o   Also people born with red eyes get married to the Uchiha in the Kingdom of Hearts – those with red eyes have hearts that cannot be fooled or controlled (meaning they’re able to see through the demon’s tricks)
o   Reborn!Tobirama has just enough time to alter his plan for the attack on the Palace of Hearts – then he walks in on the turncoat guards who gave the Revolution entry to the Palace making comments about sexually assaulting Madara
o   Tobirama bursts in before Madara can break their skulls and “saves” his future husband
o   Most of the Uchiha survive this time – only the Elders get killed
o   Tobirama marries Madara again and gets to work on revamping the bad laws
o   Zetsu is the Jabberwocky
·      35th World
o   Werewolf Fighting Ring AU
o   Alpha Werewolf!Tobirama was unwillingly mated to Alpha Werewolf!Madara when he was caught and held prisoner by slave traffickers
o   Tobirama rejects Madara once they’re free of the arena but makes sure to “payback” Madara for his “humiliation” first
o   Madara had been given heat drugs the entire time and didn’t remember what Tobirama resented him for
o   Madara ends up dying from mate-loss
o   Tobirama is focused on bringing down the slavery ring and doesn’t know Madara died – until Hashirama sends him a letter about how his mate “didn’t make it through the birth” and asking him to get back for the funeral
o   Tobirama finally slows down – reads the file on Madara he has been ignoring since he found it – and breaks
o   Reborn!Tobirama is focused on treating Madara as a proper mate while also getting revenge on the Slavers
o   Madara is going to rip out so many throats out over being pregnant again
o   Zetsu as the warlocks running the slave rings to feed Kaguya power
·      36th World
o   Star Wars AU
o   By-the-Code Jedi!Tobirama tends to bisect all the “darksiders” he runs into – kills Izuna during a mission
o   Madara does full dark-side rage and Empress Kaguya takes over
o   Zetsu as the Darkside clone army
o   Reborn!Tobirama is a lot less saber-happy and has learned that the Uchiha are not dark – more wild/grey
o   Ends up Force Bonded to Madara to bring Balance
·      8 Tails Interlude
o   Madara has a screaming breakdown to the tune of “why fucking Tobirama?!?!?!”
o   Sanzan-han is like “He resented you the most? Duh? No Evil Abolishing Resentment System?”
o   Madara tries his best to fry the stupid gods-be-damned-twice fish
·      37th World
o   Sex Slave Soulmate AU
o   War-Mage!Tobirama uses borderline-forbidden magic to make Kagami – shatters his soulmate link to do so, which is what makes the magic unpopular but not illegal as nobody is actually “harmed” by the spell
o   Note: Kagami is now the living embodiment of the link
o   Kagami finds Courtesan!Madara in a high-end brothel that is a front for nobles to buy magically bound sex-slaves – this is actually super forbidden magic, btw
o   Tobirama saves Madara and the other enslaved thralls while rescuing Kagami
o   Madara had enough magic to fight against the enchantment and managed to get Kagami out of the brothel – that’s how Tobirama knew where to attack
o   No follow through after the rescue – Madara and the others are left under the enslavement seals
o   Madara ends up assaulted/dead/silenced by the nobles who used to patronize the brothel and slave market
o   Reborn!Tobirama moves faster and has already figured out how to break the enslavement curse – gets to the brothel before Madara manages to get Kagami out again
o   Mexican standoff ensues – Tobirama rescues his soulmate and kid
o   Madara gets freed from the curse
o   Courting ensues when their soulmark repairs when they touch after the curse is broken
o   Kaguya as the evil mage who was using the brothels as a power source, Zetsu as her simulacrum servants
·      38th World
o   Mythos AU
o   Dragon!Tobirama is married to Phoenix!Madara and resents it
o   Madara has bad PR and Tobirama listens to rumours so he ignores Madara as much as he can
o   Civil War erupts – Madara hides Kagami when their Palace is attacked and is a distraction
o   Tobirama finds his spouse ritually violated to steal his “fire”
o   Reborn!Tobirama is a much more enthusiastic spouse and realizes that Madara is a fluffy sap
o   Zetsu as the invading horde of magic thieves
·      39th World
o   Angels AU
o   Angel!Tobirama is “tempted” by Fallen!Madara
o   Tobirama kills Madara and kicks off a new War In Heaven
o   Regret hits when Tobirama finds Kagami’s body after Danzo kills him… in an exact mirror of how Tobirama tricked Madara
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides to “prove” that Madara is “evil” before killing him this time to keep the War from happening again
o   Tobirama gets his nose rubbed in Madara’s ability to love his family
o   Zetsu as actual demons who are trying to kill off both Angels and Fallen
·      40th World
o   Fae Marriage Hunt AU
o   Winter Fae!Tobirama was a petty bastard and resisted his betrothal to the point a Marriage Hunt was the only option
o   Skinchanger!Madara wins the Hunt
o   The peace between the High Court and the Wild Hunt collapses after Madara is killed during a diplomatic meeting
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides to play along/use his “marriage” to make the peace permanent
o   Tobirama gets his misconceptions challenged when Madara rides his cooperative “willing” bride into the ground
o   Kaguya as an evil Fairy Queen with Zetsu as her Greymalkin
·      41st World
o   The Mummy AU
o   Archeologist!Tobirama accidently triggers mummy!Madara’s awakening and the crazy demon cultists take advantage
o   Madara lets Tobirama kill him rather than let the cultists sacrifice Tobirama
o   Tobirama gets an info dump on Madara’s trauma
o   Reborn!Tobirama uses the evil cult to resurrect Madara properly and woos the ancient shogun like a boss
o   Kaguya as even more ancient evil Mummy and Zetsu as obsessed cultists
·      42nd World
o   Labyrinth AU
o   Adventurer!Tobirama keeps meeting a mysterious “king” in his dreams – King of the Labyrinth!Madara keeps a veil over his head and his hands covered by extra-long fluttery sleeves
o   Tobirama has to beat the Labyrinth to rescue his little brothers
o   Paranoid Tobirama gets tricked into betraying Madara by goblin Zetsu – the Labyrinth collapses
o   Tobirama’s little brothers are killed along with all the other kidnapped children – the energy from their deaths and the destruction of the Labyrinth is used to fuel the resurrection of a Demon God Kaguya
o   Tobirama dies taking his revenge after learning the full story
o   Reborn!Tobirama is much more willing to “dance” with Madara now that he knows Madara is as much or more a prisoner than the stolen children
o   Madara was used as a lure – his fingers bound in wire and his eyes sewn shut – but they miscalculated because Madara was still the King and wouldn’t let anyone who can’t complete his Labyrinth reach the children
o   Tobirama completes the Labyrinth… after he frees Madara
o   Yay romantic dance sequences
·      43rd World
o   Four Kings AU
o   Byakko!Tobirama gets trapped in a blood-and-wine seal
o   Suzaku!Madara runs afoul of Tobirama’s enemies, kills them all in a rage, and trips into Tobirama’s trap with him
o   Violent coitus ensues
o   Madara breaks the seal once the trap’s power has been exhausted and runs away
o   Tobirama wakes up with a blank memory as a result of the seal
o   Madara lays an egg – Kagami hatches
o   Zetsu as Minions of the God-Eater Kaguya catch Madara while he’s weak and sacrifice him thinking he still contains the combined essence of Byakko and Suzaku
o   Hey but actually Madara’s power was at a low ebb because he spent it all on Kagami so no resurrections for you, stupid doomsday cult
o   Tobirama rescues Kagami – baby bird begs the tiger to save his mama – is too late
o   Reborn!Tobirama gets to watch his past!self deflower the avatar of Suzaku and oh shit that means Kagami is my son? Tobirama is a scream
o   Time to gather the Four Kings and destroy a Demon Cult! Mito is Seiryuu and Hashirama is Genbu.
·      44th World
o   Warprize Ger AU
o   Imperial Prince!Tobirama is given as a consort to Ger Emperor Madara as part of a Senju plot
o   Tobirama is unaware that his attendants are using him to poison Madara but is super pissed at his father for giving him away as a treaty gift
o   Madara dies birthing Kagami but reveals to Tobirama that he was glad to marry him – Kagami is worth it and Tobirama was the only man to ever give Madara flowers
o   Kagami learns that it was a Senju plot that killed his mother and hates Tobirama for his part in it
o   War erupts between the Uchiha Empire and the Senju Kingdom again and destroys both countries
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides to overturn all his father’s plan and dotes on his Imperial Spouse – so manyflowers are given
o   Madara is an amazing Emperor and newly crowned Emperor Hashirama is super thrilled to have such peaceful relations with his neighbour thanks to Tobirama’s beautiful love story
·      45th World
o   Buddy-cop StarTrek Federation AU
o   Senju-With-Tentacles, Psychic!Uchiha-With-Horns
o   Zetsu are the Borg
o   Kagami is a Tube Baby
·      9 Tails Interlude
o   Madara is freaking the fuck out the last set of worlds were uniquely traumatizing – especially the Labyrinth one
·      46th World
o   Loveless AU
o   Sacrifice!Madara has learned to fight on auto – the first Sacrifice to figure out how to do so, and he doesn’t stop fighting even when his Fighter shows up
o   Fighter!Tobirama never wanted a Sacrifice because he didn’t want them to get hurt and he sees Madara acting as a Fighter so he doesn’t believe that Madara is a Sacrifice
o   The name of their Bond is Devotion
o   Madara gets targeted by a swarm of Dr. Kaguya’s fake-bonded Zetsu
o   Tobirama finds Madara’s body in Kaguya’s lab and uncovers the Bond too late to save his Sacrifice
o   Reborn!Tobirama is hyper overprotective and Madara trounces his Fighter’s ass up and down the street until he feels better about living in a reality with a world-wide virginity fetish
·      47th World
o   Witch Madara and Magical Creature Tobirama
o   Tobirama is cursed into a human form
o   Tricked into thinking that he has to kill Madara/a Witch to get the curse broken?
o   It was all a lie
o   Tobirama twisting the curse to go back in time instead of dying
o   Madara is too gods-be-damned-again tired for this nonsense
·      48th World
o   Stargate AU
o   Head Scientist of the Expedition Tobirama
o   Leader of the surviving “Ancients” Madara
·      49th World
o   Welcome to Nightvale AU
o   Tobirama, the Scientist
o   Madara, the Sherriff of the Secret Police
·      50th World
o   Tobirama IDS as a Switch but he’s service oriented non-dynamic instead
o   Madara thinks toys/scenes are silly – demi-romantic/grey-ace Madara rides again
o   Tobirama has cultural dissonance meeting a “Dom” who likes being the one fucked
·      51st World
o   TRON?
·      52nd World
o   Tyrant CEO/Entertainment Circle
·      53rd World
o   From another world AU
o   Tobirama drops into Fantasy Land from a Modern-ish Naruto World
o   Madara as the Villainous Noble who was “jealous” of Tobirama’s magic power
·      54th World
o   Last Unicorn AU
o   Madara is the Kirin
o   Tobirama as a Wizard who likes Science more
·      55th World
o   Dragon Raja AU
·      10 Tails Interlude
o   Sanzan-han reveals why they were helping Madara – and fade to black
·      Return to the Warring Clans Era
o   Canon is About to Be Diverted
o   Madara is back on the battlefield where Izuna died
o   Promptly summons Sanzan-han to stop this fucking bullshit – Sanzan-han has ascended and become a massive dragon so yeah the battle is definitely over now
o   Tobirama appears to be having a migraine – whoops looks like the arrival of Sanzan-han has started the data-dump of all Tobirama’s System-generated memories into canon!Tobirama
o   Peace and Konoha happen
·      Epilogue/Extras
o   Tobirama has Suspicions regarding his shiny new memories – especially because he remembers seeing that fish. Everywhere. All the time. Stupid fish.
o   Everyone is very confused by how fast Tobirama and Madara get over the war and hook up but yay peace? Also Madara and Tobirama somehow make a baby and everyone is too busy trying to figure out how that works to complain anymore.
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JNPR Berries Week 2020
Day 6: Alternate Universe
Okay guys i hate aus and i always avoid au days for ship weeks but i actually have so many Pyrrha Lives/Fall Maiden!Pyrrha AUs and i got carried away i wrote almost 2k in bullet points
After Fall of Beacon Pyrrha has two options: 1) enroll at Haven with JNPR and continue to chase her Huntress dreams while paparazzi continue to make most things she does public, indirectly informing Salem where she is at all times. 2) drop off the face off the Earth both to avoid Salem/Cinder and to continue the Fall Maiden's job
Pyrrha being Pyrrha (self-sacrificing) goes with option 2
JNR decides there’s no way they’re going to let (a freshly discharged) Pyrrha go running into unknown with no friends or backup
She’s worried about putting them in danger (even though that’s the Hunter job description) but Goodwitch reminds her that she’s only at half power so she should accept the extra protection, and friends since she’s about to leave her whole life behind to live as a nomad which makes making friendships difficult to create and maintain
(Pyrrha doesn’t mention that she’s pretty sure she sees all of them in the more romantic light)
JNR help Pyrrha change her whole appearance. Which is very important since she’s also famous
She looses her iconic armor and has to leave her weapons behind
JNR tries to convince her to cut her hair but she’s worried about not being pretty
Jaune unhelpfully reminds her that that’s probably a good thing considering they’re trying to make her as non-noticeable as possible (poor boy just meant she’s so pretty already she'll probably never be able to blend into the background of any crowd)
Ren is actually the one who has to go "Pyrrha you’re gorgeous shorter hair isn’t gonna change that at all"
Then Ren goes "look at Nora she has short hair and she’s stunning for all we know you’ll look even better with short hair"
Pyrrha and Nora are practically speechless because Ren thinks they’re beautiful
Pyrrha is like okay but I won’t let you cut it any shorter than here (gestures to mid-chest level). (JNR tries not to look at her boobs)
Nora then tries to get her to dye it. Pyrrha holds out
JNR end up in Vol 4 outfits
Pyrrha makes the difficult choice of deciding to fake her death. She makes sure her friends (she unfortunately is unable to contact Blake or Weiss) and family still know she’s alive (but they still grieve her as if she’s dead. They most likely will never see her again. The only ones likely are her parents) but to the world Pyrrha Nikos is dead, killed in the Beacon Massacre
JNPR sets off through Vale (Fall Maiden's territory)
Pyrrha has a hastily made vaguely similar weapons to her last set. She may be a professional but she’s a professional with her chosen weapons and semblance, not most other weapons
JNR sees how Pyrrha dies inside every time a little kid or random citizen tells her "did you know you look a lot like Pyrrha Nikos?"
Pyrrha is also now getting hit on without her celebrity pedestal to keep people at bay
The first few times its truly pathetic how Pyrrha responds
JNR doesn’t intervene because they remember how sad she was about no one asking her to the dance
What JNR thinks is they’re coming into rescue her only occasionally. The truth is Pyrrha is getting rescued every time by a different member and lots of times one of them will step in before anyone even approaches her
Most of the time she’s happy one of them intervened
Some times she’s mad that no one will let her handle this herself (no one has realized that yet)
A lot of the time she feels all warm and fuzzy because for a few moments she gets to pretend. She’s given a free pass to slow dance with Nora, or to lean into Ren when he puts a arm around her waist, or get away with kissing Jaune on the cheek
(JNR are also very happy when they get these excuses.)
Jaune typically intervenes because he’s a nice guy and watching Pyrrha flounder is horrible. Ren and Nora always intervene because they’re either being protective or jealous (Ren has perfected the evil eye. People will back off before they even finished crossing the room)
They almost always camp out but when they stay in town they usually share beds to save money
Originally they were doing girls in one bed boys in the other but Nora is the whole kicking, sprawling, blanket snatching package so they typically pull straws on who gets to share with her
Sometimes even her bed buddy will leave in the middle of the night and see if they can squeeze in with the other two
On the other hand Jaune drools, Ren sleeps like a vampire, and Pyrrha snores
With Pyrrha, Jaune, and Ren all pushing six feet whenever two of them pair up touching is unavoidable
Most of the time everyone but Nora (who can fall asleep instantly) stay up freaking out about being so close to their crush. Ren actually freaked so much the first time he moved to the floor and activated his semblance just so he could sleep
Pyrrha is a side sleeper so she always ends up tangling her legs with her bed buddy. She’s always embarrassed but tries to stay in that position as long as she can (its the only selfish thing she allows herself)
Winter however quickly forced JNPR to start sharing sleeping bags
They always zip both bags together but all decided spooning is the way to go after too many cold nights. They also bought a tent just big enough for the four of them in order to trap escaping body heat
Jaune is dying from so much close contact. Was it not bad enough he has to see all of his (recently discovered) crushes get changed twice every single day? Was accidentally seeing Nora's abs and walking into a door frame in Beacon not enough?
Nora and Pyrrha on the other hand are loving it (when its not absolutely freezing)
Ren has caught all three of them arguing over who gets to sleep with him that night several times. Apparently he’s the best big spoon
A pack mule joke turns into them actually looking into getting one
Originally they wanted a horse, but when they actually were looking they ran into the problem of 1) its too tall for Nora to pack the bags 2) horses are massive and JNPR quickly realize they're scared of them
So that leaves either a pony, donkey, hinny, small mule, or llama
They end up with a donkey and name her Betty. Nora wanted "Bessie" but Ren refused to give in on the basis that she’s a donkey and not a cow
They also take this opportunity to purchase more bulkier items that would make their life more comfortable that they were unable to carry by themselves before (tents, pots and pans, extra shoes, more jackets, books)
They're over a year in when Ren of all people gets high and talks about his feelings
He thinks he’s talking to Betty but really he’s been talking to a tree stump for the last hour
He got high by taste-testing the mushrooms he was cooking
The team came back from getting firewood and unpacking Betty to find him laying in the mud giggling at the sky with their questionable mushrooms burning on the fire. It was pretty clear what happened
JNP have been making sure he wont hurt himself but mainly they’re enjoying the show
"Psst Betty. Betty. You wanna hear a secret?" JNP lean in "I’ve managed to fall in love with my entire team. You can’t tell anyone though. I don’t think I’ll ever tell them either. Im not good with feelings, and that would probably make me a terrible boyfriend"
He then goes on about what he likes about each person. He goes off on a tangent about someone’s eyes for seven minutes. He talks about his favorite facial expressions everyone makes and the best parts of their personality. Nora's been red for awhile now, Jaune is leaning so far forward Pyrrha's worried he’s gonna catch on fire, and Pyrrha is actually tearing up
He says how he feels guilty whenever he cuts in on whoever is moving in on Pyrrha, that he feels guilty about being jealous but also about sending someone away when he knows Pyrrha wants that experience, and how he doesn’t realize he’s already moved in to stop the person until they’re walking away
That he feels like he could mess up everything he has with Nora, not by going into a relationship with her but by being unable to open up any more emotionally than he is now which he knows she'll expect (they’ve talked about being “together-together” before)
He laughingly mentions that one time Pyrrha said she wanted a guy taller than her because Ren gets it now because when he’s bunking with Jaune in the winter he’s found he really likes being held by someone taller than him
Ren then goes "oh no. No no no its bad enough I’m talking about my feelings out loud I’m not going to tell you who has the best ass. Aren’t donkey's also called asses? What’s it like being a donkey?" And everyone is laughing
Pyrrha is the first to break after they fall back into listening. She looks at the fire the whole time. She admits she feels the same way about all of them, that she also planned on never saying anything.
Then Jaune pipes in that he just figured it out for himself pretty recently. That at first he was worried it was either teenage hormones or that he was reacting to a vastly shrunk dating pool and therefore the feelings weren’t real. (Unlike Ren and Pyrrha his feelings didn’t begin romantic and then expand his started sexual until realized what he thought was strong platonic feelings might actually be romantic)
Nora is still red with her hands over her face but eventually she says that she’s been attracted to all of them since team JNPR formed and "since we all clearly feel the same way about each other can we stop with the super embarrassing love confessions and makeout already"
When Ren wakes up that morning he remembers very little since he doesn’t know what were dreams and what were hallucinations. He has a dehydration headache and rolls over but Pyrrha sees he’s awake and she comes sits next to him. Ren doesn’t uncurl until she started playing with his hair. "How much of last night do you remember?" "Mostly just colors." "Ummm okay. Remember anything anyone said?" "I think I had a conversation with Jaune about rocks." "That was to Nora actually. But you did think she was Jaune." "Mmhm." "So last night there was a development, but since you were high I wanna ask you again now that you're sober." "Okay." "So ummm, we're kinda all dating now? But if you wanna back out now that you're sober you totally can." "What do you mean by 'kinda all'?" "All four of us." "And you all want to date me?" "Yeah, you don’t remember all the love confessions that happened last night." "Oh. Did my rock conversation interrupt all that?" "No. You actually confessed first." "I WHAT."
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jediknightmcardle · 3 years
Suns of Tattooine
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My first fic. I am marking this Explicit NSFW 18+ because of the smut in later chapters and the cussing. I want to Thank @nightsisterct7567​ for her help and encouragement, with out you this wouldn’t of happened. 
I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on this. I hope you enjoy!
Suns of Tattooine, Chapter 1
Just like before, this time will be no different. When the drop ship comes in for a landing, you know that no one will be waiting for you. Your fellow soldiers and brothers all have wives, kids, parent’s, hell one even has his Aunt and Uncle coming to see him. For you though, nothing. Not that it upsets you, you are used to it. It’s been this way since you first left your home planet, when the call came out to help the Republic. You heard that call and was part of a non-clone unit assigned to fight the CIS.  
On this return back, this was for a block leave for your unit. After spending months on the front backing up clone units on Christophsis. We didn’t have a luxury of special training or fancy armor that the clones had. Hell, we didn’t even have a Jedi to lead us. Our Commander was one of us, except he bought his commission and had little to no combat experience.  
After all that hard fighting, we finally get a few weeks off to blow off steam. First place you go is your tiny apartment in town. Dump your bag and hit the shower.  
“Kriff... how long has it been since you have felt warm water on your body”.  
After taking a shower long enough to use up the hot water in the place, it was time to get out to your favorite drinking hole. Not a flashy place by any means, actually more like a dump but the drinks are cheap and everyone leaves you alone.  
Last time you were home, no one bothered you about the war, last thing you want is to talk about it. They wouldn’t understand even if you told them. Most people only want to hear about the Jedi and Clones anyway, they have their own following too.  
You arrive at Screed’s; still looks like the dump you remember from the last time you were home. You enter the bar and try and find a place to sit, preferably alone. Motion to the bartender for a drink, Nik knows you from over the years and knows that you order the same thing every time. Just as you like it, no extra talking.  
Nik hands your drink off to the waitress, who proceeds to bring it over and place it in front of you. “Thanks”, as she puts it down. “Don’t mention it handsome, it’s not every day we have a war hero in here”. You sigh, “yeah big hero alright”. You think to yourself, “can’t she just not do this right now”.  
A couple hours and a few drinks later, you start to feel a little more “human”. Even have had a couple quick conversations with people in the bar, mostly about what is going on here. Moisture farming mostly. Ugh moisture farming, before the war that is what you did. Helped out on a couple farms just outside of town. You joined up to fight to get out of this place. Yet here you are, back home again.  
As you sit and dwell on your thoughts, the door opens and figure stands in the door. You look over to catch a glimpse, the person appears to be female but you can’t really tell because of the sun glare coming in the door.  
“In or out, but you need to get out of the door” yells over the bartender. Just then the figure makes its way into the establishment. As the door closes you get a better look, you almost drop your drink. It was indeed a woman, but not just any woman. Possibly one of the most beautiful women you have laid eyes on. Flowing red hair with the most striking eyes.  
“Have I been in combat too long?” you think to yourself as you continue to stare at her as she walks down to the bar. She glances over and notices you staring at her, but doesn’t pay it no mind. It’s not like you are the only one looking, at once everyone in the establishment stopped and collectively stared at her.  
As she approached the bartender, she reached into pouch on her belt and pulled out a holo disk.  
“Barkeep, have you seen this man” she asks as she lights up the holo disk. “No, no I haven’t. He hasn’t come in here. It’s all regulars in here.” She turns from the bar, with the holo disk still going. Looking around the bar, “1000 credits for anyone who can tell me where I can find him” she says out loud. The response is mostly grumbling and they go back to their drinks. She notices you looking over and checking her out. “Hey you, have you seen this guy?” she asks as she heads towards you. Quickly you focus back on your drink.  
“Kriff, why me? Why does she need to bother me.” You think to yourself.
“No, I haven’t seen that guy, I just want to be left alone.” you say out loud to her. She stops right at the edge of your table, and looks right at you. “Are you sure friend? You didn’t take much of a look.” she says to you. You continue staring at your drink, not daring to look up at her knowing full well that she is by far one of the most beautiful women you have seen and don’t want to embarrass yourself.  
“No, no, no, she can’t be that beautiful, it’s your mind playing tricks on you. Has to be. Maybe the sun has bleached your brain” Has to be that you think to yourself.  
SMACK, you get jolted out of your thoughts as she slams her hand down on the table. “Look buddy, I’m talking to you. There are a lot of credits if you could help me out.”.  
You sigh deeply, and start to look up at her, you notice she is wearing armor with some sort of jump suit under it. Almost Mandalorian ish but not really, and missing the helmet for sure. As your eyes keep moving up, you notice the curves in her hips first, then her chest. You don’t know how she keeps those breasts in that top but my gods. You finally look at her face and the first thing you notice is her eyes, her pale skin and flowing red hair.  
SMACK, again she smacks the table and you come back to reality. “Look buddy you’re not the first guy to check me out like that, but I’m not here to get laid. I want to get paid, so how about you help a girl out and tell me where he is?”  
You take a swig from your drink, wipe your mouth then motion to the bartender to send over another drink. “Look doll, I can give you some advice. I would keep yourself covered up here.” She looks back stunned, “Why? Do you think someone might try and man handle me?” she laughs out loud. “I have dealt with my share of men, meaner than anyone in this dust bowl.” she snorts back. “No doll, I mean because with the twin suns here, your pale skin will burn in about a minute out there. But if you want to walk around with your skin out, by all means go ahead.” you chuckle back at her.  
She steps back, with a bit of a shocked look on her face. Like she isn’t use to guys talking to her as a human being. “Well, um. Thanks. BTW where did you serve?” she says as she nods to the tattoo on your left arm. “Christophsis, we were brought in to support the 501st and the 212th clone battalions. I am just on leave and scheduled to go back to the front in a couple weeks.” you explain.  
The bartender interrupts the tention by bringing over a couple drinks and puts them down on the table. “Well looks like the man has brought you a drink, I guess you should pull up a seat and join me. You can tell me about where you are from and how you became a bounty hunter.” as you motion to the chair beside her.  
For the next couple hours, you both ended up chatting it up, trading war stories. Lots of laughing and comparing visible scars. You both lose track of the outside world while you drink and talk.  
“My gods she’s beautiful, why would she be still here talking to me, you think to yourself. I must be hallucinating” you think.  
“What makes you think your bounty is here?” you ask.  
She looks surprised as if she almost forgot she was on the job and not out for a good time. “We first my tracking fob brought me here, but he booked passage thru this system and I think he stayed. Trying to throw me off his trail.” She speaks. “Why did you come back here instead of going to another system like Scarif or Naboo?”  
“Well, those are the systems the clones go to, I don’t want to be around them. I have to fight with them but I want my time for me. Plus, have you seen how women go gaga over them? Makes me sick.” you reply with a disgusted look on your face.  
As you look at her, she giggles. “Yeah, I know all about it. They are kind of cute though.....” as she laughs. You look back down at your drink and say “This is why I came here, I figured if I want to be lonely, I should just go home instead of somewhere else in a crowd of people. At least here people will leave me alone because that’s what we do here, not drooling over some guys made in a test tube.”  
“Kriff stop feeling sorry for yourself” you think. “This is not what she would want to hear.”
“What were you planning to do after you were done here at the bar?” she asks.  
“I don’t know, haven’t really thought that far yet. Maybe go to the edge of town, slaughter some Jawa’s?” you say with a chuckle.  
She looks a little concerned at first, but then realizes the joke in your tone.  
“To be honest, I planned to come here, drink then go home and crash. Rinse and repeat daily” with a bit more of a serious tone this time. “My plans though are out the window as I never planned to meet a beautiful woman today”.  
You both stop and look at each other, “Kriff what did I just say, dumbass, why would you say that? Now she is going to think you are a weirdo.” you think to yourself.  
As you look up at her, you notice she starts to crack a bit of a smile. “Well show me this woman, I would love to meet her.” she says while smiling. You crack a bit of a smile after that comment. “Look let’s get out of here, I hear the setting of the twin suns is something to behold and I have never seen it before” she comments.  
You think to yourself,” ugh I have seen these hundreds of times, but I guess we should.”  
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jawritter · 4 years
Your Dean...
Request: Heyy! I'm sorry to be a bother. I was wondering if you can do a one-shot where the reader is prone to severe panic attacks and her husband Dean is the only one who knows how to calm her down? She gets a really bad attack but Dean for some reason ain't there, and no one is able to help her but eventually, he comes back and takes care of her. Sorry if this is a lot haha.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Trigger Warning... Anxiety, Panic Attack, Angst, Some fluff. That’s about it I think.
Word Count: 1447
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please don’t copy my work! Feedback his golden! I hope you all enjoy this one!!
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It doesn’t start out hard and in your face, not always… 
Usually, it’s a slow build over a course of days, sometimes hours, depending on what brought it on. 
Not this time… 
This time it felt like it hit you out of nowhere, and you didn’t even see it coming, not until it had already started to take hold of you.
The feeling like you’re being watched, paranoid over every little thing. That spine-tingling feeling that someone is following you, or watching you, judging you, and you know for a fact that no one is there. 
The way your mind overplays things, making them out to be worse than what they are. Constantly playing over and over again like a broken record things that normal people wouldn’t even pay attention to, but you, it drives you crazy. 
Every little mistake on a constant repeat in front of your mind’s eye, not letting you let it go…
Like this morning when you were in the gas station for a supply run. Dean would be home today, and he needed beer when he got home from a hunt because he liked to have it, and you knew it. 
So as a good girlfriend you always try to be, your OCD says you must have beer at the bunker by the time Dean got home.
They had the counters cluttered, you set your purse down on the counter, in a hurry to get home before the storm hit and the rain started, and in your hurry, you knocked over a small display of candy bars onto the floor. 
There was a line of people behind you… 
They saw your clumsy moment… 
That was all it took…
Your mind hyper-focused on that one moment, playing it over and over again. It wasn’t your fault really. They shouldn’t have had all that shit stacked up on the counter, but your mind wouldn’t let it go. 
It just kept playing the way people stared at you as you fumbled and tried to pick up the candy that had fallen over. 
Even though they weren’t really staring at you, your mind made you think that they were, because that’s how anxiety works. It takes a situation that’s small and just makes it seem like this unforgivable, insurmountable thing. 
Everyone that was in there had probably forgotten all about you and the candy display by the time they got to their cars.
You though, you could feel judgment that wasn’t there. 
You know the signs, you dealt with anxiety all your life. 
You know what’s coming….
You need to get home to Dean… He’s your distraction… Your grounding… Your safe space… He knows how to pull you out of your head before it goes too far…
Your Dean…
When you finally made it home and walk through the doors of the bunker Dean still wasn't home…
You slip a level deeper into your spiral, this time you don’t even notice it, your mind still hyper-focused on what happened in the gas station. Your subconscious now mixing with the gut-wrenching questions on top of your own humiliations…
Where’s Dean? 
He and Sam should have been home an hour ago? 
Has something happened? 
Are they hurt? 
Did they get in a wreck?
Should you go look for them?
Taking a deep breath you shove it down and try to rationalize it…
They just ran into traffic or stopped for lunch. They’ll be home soon…
So you put away the supplies and go take a shower, trying to relax yourself and stave off what you know is coming.
Your heart rate feels higher than normal. Your hyper-focused state doesn’t allow you to see that it’s just stress and you’re doing it to yourself.
“Oh God, something is wrong with me. I’m going to die. I won’t ever see Dean again…”
Your Dean…
Just that simple thought causes your hands to shake and your chest to tighten around your lungs. 
“There was so much I wanted to do, and now I won’t get to because I’m dying..”
“I wanted to see Dean one more time. Let him hold me one more time. See his smile. Feel his warmth… But my heart rate is up, and I’m going to die before he gets here… Now I won’t get to see him again…" 
Your Dean… 
You just wanted to see your Dean…
Your heart is now pounding in your ears as you try to dry yourself off and make your way to the bedroom you shared with Dean… 
You feel a little dizzy. 
“Oh, God… Is this it…” 
“How will Dean find me?”
“On the floor in the hallway. On the floor of our bedroom… In our bed? Would he think you were just sleeping… Leaving your dead body there for hours?”
“Will he burn your body? Give you a hunter’s funeral?”. 
“Will he do something stupid to try and get you back?”
Your chest grew tighter and tighter as your mind continued to reel.  Your breaths felt like they were becoming harder and harder to take as you slid down the wall not three feet away from the door of your shared room.
Everything started to sound like it was underwater. Your world started swimming around you. Your vision is blurring as you start to lose consciousness. 
You could hear a roaring sound like someone was yelling, but you couldn’t be sure everything sounded so far away…
Out of nowhere thick, strong arms wrapped around your shaking form and Dean’s cologne invaded your scenes…
Were you hallucinating? 
Did you die? 
Is this your Heaven… Dean shouldn’t be here… He should be alive…
"Y/N, sweetheart, breathe, you got to breathe for me okay? Breathe with me baby.”
You heard Dean take a deep breath, and you desperately wanted to do what he was telling you to do, but you couldn’t make your body do what your brain said you need to do. 
Dean’s large hand came to the side of your face, making you look at him. His piercing green eyes invaded your vision, making you focus on him.
“Y/N/N, come on sweetheart, focus on me. It’s not real, whatever happened to you is not real. I’m real. I’m right here with you. You need to concentrate. I need you to breathe, baby girl.”
Dean was real. He was there… You weren’t imagining it… Your Dean was there… He was home…
You take a deep breath with him this time, your lungs burned in protest, but you did it; counting to five in your head before letting it go. Then again… Every breath becomes easier…
“That’s it, baby…That’s my girl… I gotcha just breathe,"  Dean’s deep voice vibrated through your body as he held it to his thick chest, his hands making a trail up and down your spine, calming you, grounding you like only your Dean could.
Slowly your world came back into focus after a long time of just sitting the hallway in Dean’s lap as he brought you back down from your panic attack. Probably the worst one you’ve had in a while. 
Dean whispered comforting words to you until he was sure you were completely out of it before standing up with you in his arms like you weighed nothing at all, bringing you into your shared bedroom, and laying you down on his bed. Sliding in behind you, and wrapping his arms you, pulling you back to his chest, your head laying right over his heart. The sound of its steady rhythm helps to calm your own racing heart.
"That was the worst one I’ve seen you have since the night we got married, baby girl. What happened? Do you want to talk about it?” Dean asks as he plays with your hair, placing little butterfly kisses on your face, letting you know he was there, and that he loved you.
You thought back to that moment in the store when it all started to happen. When you knocked the candy display off the counter, but that really wasn’t what triggered it. You could see that now.
You’d been in your head for days, and you knew it. This hunt was a long one, and time away from Dean always was stressful, making your anxiety levels higher than normal.
“I really don’t know Dean… Guess I was just missing you… Got all in my own head… Blew little things out of proportion. You know me,” you tell him, and you nuzzle yourself into his neck, breathing him in and letting him feel all of you and wash it all away like only he could. 
Your Dean… 
Dean placed a chaste kiss to the top of your head and tucked the covers around the two of you tighter. Exhaustion was pulling at you, and he knew how much a panic attack on that level took it out of you.
“I’m right here sweet girl. I’m not going anywhere. I’m safe, you’re safe, I’ve got you, baby girl. I’ll always be here." 
Dean started humming slightly, and everything faded to black as consciousness gave way to a peaceful sleep. 
The first one in days. 
Your Dean… Your world. He was home. You were safe. He was safe. Everything was right again…
Tag List: 
@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​
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pastel-rights · 4 years
IDV AU Masterlist
I think Masterlist is the correct term?
Anyways, all the IDV AU’s I got at the moment-
Normal IdV AU: So this is my normal IdV AU! Obviously. Ehehe. This one is similar to the game, where they play these dangerous games with the goal of a grand prize. It differs in the character backstories however! Some of these new changes are:
Lucky Guy: In the original game, we don’t know his reasons for playing in such a dangerous game, only that he played in it. He’s known for being the stand in for the detective during the tutorials (as Leo is for the hunter) and the guy doesn’t have much personality. In my AU, Luckster gets an invitation to the manor after an incident that resulted in him losing his memory (and basically his identity lol) which he is offered help with figuring out who he was before everything happened if he played their games. Spoilers, Luckster has no choice but to go.
Aesop Carl: In the original game, it’s noted Aesop’s “mentor” was a serial killer, and Aesop himself had assisted in these murders. He found the manor invite off the person of a woman he had embalmed. In my AU, Aesop still basically helped commit murder, but instead of finding the invite kind of randomly, he meets the Manor’s owner in person, where the owner employs Aesop to embalm the corpses of former participants of their game. Aesop acts more like staff than a participant, but he is still allowed to play in the games. The hunters just aren’t allowed to kill him/let him bleed out. Rocket chair is fine though. (Melissa hates that Aesop has special privileges, she wants to kill him so badly sometimes, this man is so sassy and so snarky and she hates it)
Luca Balsa: I dive into his story a lot more in the Death AU actually! But basically, Luca is blamed for the death of the inventor, goes to prison, gets bailed out and receives manor invite and is tempted solely by the money. In my AU, Luca never got to work of his own choice, and didn’t get to work on his own inventions. He was a prisoner to his work, quite literally. His mentor ran a lot of different experiments on Luca, one of which caused Luca to be able to conduct and control electric currents, instead of the incident being the cause of it. Also this man is like, super touch-starved because his mentor never let him out of the estate. Luca was treated more like an object than a human. The invitation to the manor, to Luca, was an acknowledgement that Luca indeed was a person, and it allowed Luca to do the things Luca wanted to do. 
Also, the more games they play (and win) the more money they get, and depending on their score depends on how much money they get.
IdV Death AU (Normal): If you’ve ever looked at any of my IdV content, you should know about this AU. This is basically the “Timmy murders a bunch of IdV characters she loves starting with Nort and making her way down the list” AU because it’s an AU that follows certain ghosts (Like Norton and Luca) and certain humans (Naib and Edgar) and to get certain characters as ghosts, I have to kill them. Sorry Norton 🤷🏻‍♀️
Here is a more detailed post for this AU. It’s also called the fantasy AU sometimes cause I’m dumb and can’t keep consistent naming.
IdV Racer AU: This is an AU based off the COA IV trailer, as well as incorporating the COA III suits! It takes place before the final race, a couple races before it actually. The moments from before the final race, is told as a flashback by Mike, and after the final race with the COA III team would be “reality”. As for the 5 suits in the essence (Molten Hound/Gamekeeper, Pumping Tires/Acrobat, Fueling Agent/Barmaid, Highway Cavalier/Prospector, and Reflective Mirror/Priestess) and the COA III suits (Netherwalker/Smiley Face, Puppeteer/Mechanic, Whiplash/Cowboy, Trickster/Embalmer, Surveyor/Seer and Vile Blossom/Female Dancer.) Here are the breakdown of the individual suits and their roles.
Molten Hound/Gamekeeper: Bane serves as a challenge for Norton, Demi and Fiona, and has chains on the 3 of them. Out of the three of them, Norton has the most chains on him. Their lives belong to him. And over the years, they’re trying their hardest to break the chains Bane has on them. It’s only after Mike, not bound by Bane’s chains, gets involved that they get their freedom from Bane. Bane notes that there will be more challengers after him, and becomes a spectator to their journey after defeated. He even trains them to be better.
Pumping Tires/Acrobat: Unlike the others, Mike is unbound by Bane‘s chains, meaning he’s free to do whatever he’s like. Growing up in the circus, after a terrible incident that leaves only two survivors, Mike grew up wild, jumping from hyperfixation to hyperfixiation, not caring how well a job paid or not. He always got himself into trouble, and often acted without thinking (such as crashing his car into Bane’s, and drowning in the river because of his actions) which causes a bit of trouble and panic for the others. Before COA, he was known as a very famous acrobat named Mr. Swifts and was well known for his disappearing juggling acts and incredible flexibility. He joined the COA IV team towards the beginning of their final races against Bane, and he was able to bridge the gap because of his chain free status, which helped earn Norton, Demi and Fiona their freedoms, even if it meant giving up his own life. He gets along well with everyone, he isn’t really disturbed by their “strange” habits as other racers are, he finds them very interesting. If anything, he considers himself stranger. He doesn’t give his own life much consideration, he’s too busy trying to save other people’s lives. He would gladly lay down his life to make sure other people could live theirs without fear, and that shows up till his last appearance in the COA IV race, in which the aftermath has him meeting the COA III group. Don’t worry, he reunited with his newly freed friends... after almost a year. The two COA teams see different sides of him. With the COA III team, he gets an outfit similar to the one Vile Blossom wears instead of his COA IV racer outfit or his Mr. Swifts outfit.
Fueling Agent/Barmaid: Demi grew up with the other two COA III racers (Norton and Fiona) and is one of the racers Bane has chains on. She doesn’t really have her own free will, and has (unwilling) done some terrible things, such as sabatoging the engines of other cars. It was her who introduced Mike to the gang initially as one of Bane’s plans to torment the trio, seeing as Mike was pretty well known in the community in general for being a sole Acrobat (He was known as Mr. Swifts at the time) and having something bad happen to a celebrity like him could spell bad news for the crew. Little did Bane know, Mike isn’t the typical celebrity. Far from it. Demi became really interested in Mike after first meeting him, and Bane twisted Demi’s feelings of admiration and crushing into almost an obsession that prevented her from properly functioning (aka daydreaming while driving, dangerous stuff like that) while makes Mike a bit uneasy, but he seems to get over it rather quickly. Like, really quickly. Demi often is the one tending to Norton and Fiona’s wounds, as she doesn’t seem to get hurt as badly. She gets really emotional at times, going from one emotional extreme to another one. She can be unsettlingly happy one moment to extremely angry the next for no reason.
Highway Cavalier/Prospector: Norton has had the most experiences with Bane’s control. He’s also one of the few people Bane has used to make an example out of (the scar of his face) to instill fear into the others. He’s suffered through a lot trying to win his freedom and his friend’s freedom, but no matter what he does, he can’t break Bane’s chains. Not alone at least. When Mike is introduced to the trio by Demi, Norton can almost hear Bane’s thoughts. He knows Bane wants to hurt Mike to get the trio to do something or to get the public to act a certain way towards them, he just knows Bane’s intentions aren’t good. So he distances himself, he tries to drive Mike away so that Bane can’t use them to hurt him, but his harsh exterior is pretty quickly and easily broken by Mike. He goes from tolerating Mike to starting to enjoying Mike’s presence, although he’s very hesitant letting Mike race with them (cause of Bane and all), he generally is very open to hanging out with Mike. Norton gets hurt a lot, before forces himself to keep going, because in his mind, no matter what he goes through, it’ll be worth it when he earns his freedom. Bane likes to hold this over his head, and more times than not, Norton’s in critical condition and depressed by the end of it.
Reflective Mirror/Priestess: Fiona is very cold and closed-off. She used to be this upbeat, outgoing friendly figure, but Bane’s broken her to the point she feels everyone is out to get her. She often feels like everyone is using her, and only through confirmation from Norton and Demi is she able to get over this type of mentality. She’s also very unsure about Mike, but for different reasons than Norton. She feels like Mike is hiding something, she has this image of Mike that isn’t what the other two have. She doesn’t really mind Mike but she doesn’t trust him. It isn’t till Mike saves her after Bane crashes her car initially that Fiona realizes Mike isn’t all bad. Fiona still stays a bit cold towards Mike, but Mike doesn’t really care. Although, the Mike Fiona sees is more of a hidden personality, and the Mike Demi and Norton sees is more of Mike’s surface personailty. Being a priestess has granted her many abilities, after all.
Netherwalker/Smiley Face: Similar to Bane, he serves as a challenge. He’s a bit worse than Bane if I’m honest, he exceeds in mental torture instead of physical torture. He often messes with people’s thoughts, as well as the way the see the world. He acts like a hallucination almost. He can reveal himself to whoever he decides, and uses it to drive the COA III team insane almost. He often overlooks everyone, and takes pride in his abilities. A certain acrobat’s actions catches his eyes though... needless to say, he is not prepared to deal with Mike. No one ever is. He’s able to strike up deals, and is very convincing. Knowing Mike was the one who broke the Molten Hound’s chains interests him, he wants to see how far he can push Mike before Mike shatters. He makes a deal, to bring him back to life to discover the truth, but awakens a much darker side of Mike in the process, corrupting the Acrobat as a result.
Puppeteer/Mechanic: Being a very curious soul, Tracy struggled to understand the predicament she found herself in. Tormented by the Netherwalker, she is driven crazy by everything she doesn’t know. On top of that, when a certain Acrobat arrives (assumed dead at first), this just adds to her frustration. Yet she’s curious, intrigued by what happened to him.
“He looks like a racer, no?”
“Did you hear about that big incident on the racetrack? One of the racers swerved off the race track and straight into the ocean. They never found a body, you think this may be him?”
“I heard he wasn’t even a racer, but a jack of all traits. He did whatever he wanted, most famous for being an acrobat.”
“How curious... I wonder if he survived his trip.”
She’s obsessed with finding out what happened to Mike, as well as the COA IV team, and it’s this burning desire to uncover the truth that brings the two COA teams together. So ya... Mike’s recklessness and Tracy’s curiosity is what brought the two teams together.
Whiplash/Cowboy: The poor guy has no idea what’s going on. He goes out for an hour and comes back to a washed up body, and Tracy making a new journal dedicated to finding out the truth. He’s very serious, very protective over the whole group. He’s rather levelheaded, yet once you get to know him, he shows his softer side. He isn’t that phased by the Netherwalker’s attempts to break him, but he’s always concerned for his companions. He’s also pretty knowledgeable, he keeps up with the news a lot.
Trickster/Embalmer: Aesop is very gentle in the way he goes about things. He is careful with what he says, and often hides things from the others. He’s very cryptic, and often twists things to sound worse/better than they are. Puppeteer hates it when he does this, because it shows he knows the truth of the incident and he’s purposely withholding it from her. More times than not, he gets in trouble for it. But after Mike’s arrival, it almost seems like the play field has flipped. He’s no longer the one in control. He’s just as clueless as the rest of the COA III team. And that is what drives him mad. No Netherwalker involved. Yet.
Surveyor/Seer: Eli chooses to see the world from a bird’s eye view. He comes at every issue objectively, and often will lean in whatever direction is better to his advantage. It’s Brooke Rose who finds Mike a couple minutes after he washes up on shore. At this point, Eli can tell Mike is no longer among the living, yet he can feel something special about him, so he (painstakingly) drags Mike to the others. Like Aesop, Eli knows things that the others don’t because of the way he can choose to view the world, but he doesn’t tend to hide it. He only says what he thinks is important. He is very thrown off by the whole situation. In the end, Eli’s the one who takes up The Netherwalker’s offer to bring Mike back with the intention of learning why Mike was brought to them. In Eli’s mind, there has to be a reason, right? There always was. He eventually gets everyone else on board too.
Vile Blossom/Female Dancer: Margaretha knew Mike before everything happened, and to Margaretha, it all seems to happen at once. From losing her only job to becoming her favorite poetry’s champion, she didn’t have time to wonder. She knows she left Mike all alone, she takes full responsibility for what happened to him. Of what he became. Margaretha was like a motherly figure to Mike, she let him down. She would do anything to make it right. She knows that when the Netherwalker offers to revive her deceased companion, that he isn’t doing it with kind intentions, yet she wants to know his story, she wants to know what happened, for different reasons than everyone else. She oversees Mike while he’s in the care of the COA III team.
IdV Cameras AU: In this AU, Joseph is the most powerful, as implied by the cameras in the name. It basically explores the pasts of the characters in the Death/Fantasy AU, as well as exploring different character paths entirely if he tweaked small things (like having Xie Bi’an come back before Fan drowns, or having Luca bailed out before he gets hanged.) to use those versions of those characters. He can create custom versions of whatever character he so pleases, and then use them to his advantage. It can be a precursor to the Death AU, but in this AU in particular, he explore these alternative paths to see where they led, finding out some things (like the inventor’s death, as well as Fan’s death) are inevitable.
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diamo-chan · 4 years
A bit of lore and backstory
(snippet of the ninth chapter of my unfinished unpublished fanfic in the classical trope of “let me put as much info as possible compressed into a tiny dialogue”)
not beta-read/ written on a tired mind/ english is not my native language/ my list of excuses goes on and on...
Word count: 1.7k
It was at times like these when Pheebe noticed that she was way too emotional to do her job the way it should be done. Binding her hair back into a loose ponytail she threw an exhausted glare at the blonde aristocrat who barely lifted his eyes from the book he was currently reading. A if they did not just have a war council, as if death itself was not waiting just around the gates.
“Vlad this is serious. If we want to survive this we have to work together, we have to talk like normal people.”
He turned the page, uninterested. ‘What the fuck was so important, he had to read it now?!’
“I will survive this, I’ve been through worse. And you are just food to us. A blood bag to satisfy Ivan’s needs. Why should I treat you, like you are anything special?”
Pheebe wanted to scream and flee the room. Hadn’t Vladimir disagreed to listen to her plan, they would already be all on their way to a safe place. But no, instead he was clinging to this mansion. They had more important things to take care of. And for once, she knew that Beliath would agree.
This is not about me. It is about Mary. About Ethan. Both are on the edge of death and you talk about waiting and planning”
He turns another page. But she saw the hand that held the book upright tighten against the Bordeaux hardcover. He took a deep breath to maintain his poise, before speaking with the certainty of a head of house, no room for discussion: “Ethan will manage, and if your friend doesn’t make it we can still share her blood, drain her before the battle. But we will not run into a confrontation unprepared!”
The last drop broke the barrel. How dares he even suggest using Mary in such a gruesome way? How dares he put organization above life. And at once, the words poured out before she could stop them. “I cannot understand how you can live with yourself, let alone how other people can live with you. You only care about yourself, don’t you? You don’t give a damn about the suffering of others”.
A reaction. He looked up. There was shock in his eyes, as well as a tiny warning of the storm that was rioting in his thoughts. Through tiny slits and gritted teeth he growled at her.
“You have no idea what it’s like to be immortal. Have you ever watched everyone you care about die, with nothing that you could do to stop it? You know nothing of pain and suffering!” His voice became louder and louder until, at the end, he was screaming in rage, at such a volume that Pheebe was sure, even Ivan in his room two floors above them, could hear every single word. She did not fear his anger, and he was powerless to lift his hand against her. At last, she got what she wanted and he was no longer as emotional as a stone. But he would not guilt trip her with a sad back-story or the typical “I-am-a-poor-misunderstood-immortal”-farce. Eyes hard, she brought her face closer to the blond man’s, who backed away in irritation.
“Do you know what it feels like to drive a knife through the heart of the person you love?”
At first he was taken aback by the question. Then a condescending smirk appeared on his face “Oh, yes, go on. Tell me the story of the vampire that fell in love with a hunter and gets staked down in return.”
Patience! She told herself. Think of him as a child that questions the whole world. “He was sick. Do you know what bloodlust does to a vampire?” His discomfort became more and more apparent. His eyes danced over her face on the search for some kind of weakness. She felt the threatening waves that he tried to sent off, but once again she thanked Miss Ginaldi’s team for her training. Not many Vampires have encountered bloodlust and survived it. None of the ones that Pheebe had known, at least. ”Incurable, it turns him into a feral beast, with no recognition of anything but blood.”
“How do you know that it was bloodlust? Maybe He attacked you because he just found out what you are and-“
“Because I was there when he caught it. I was there when he fought it.”, every word was pressed out with anger and frustration about Vlad’s stubbornness. About his way of denying anything he didn’t want to see or hear. “He always hoped that maybe it would go away. And he trusted me to step in if it didn’t. Because he knew who I was from the very beginning, or rather, who I was supposed to be.”
“That’s what vampires get for trusting a hunter.” Voice cold, face empty.
His expression remained calm and neutral, there was not one muscle that gave a sign of consideration, no empathy left for her words and it made her fume. Pheebe had tears brimming on her lashes, so short of falling to his ignorance. But her anger was without cause. Vlad could not have known, there was nothing he knew about her but her name and the fact, that she did not like him.
“I wasn’t a hunter back then. I was just…” she searched for a suitable word, an attempt to justify the unjustifiable, “an employee who wanted to help maintain peace.” But then her emotions dropped as pictures flashed in her memory, vivid as if she was at that place once again. Laughs, smiles, congratulations. Hands ruffling through her hair and telling her that it was time she grew up to the expectations.  So much positivity over a lost life. “You cannot imagine how proud my family was when they found us, when they saw what I have done. I don’t even know why I had that dagger with me in the first place. I swore to never touch these damned murder instruments!”
They were both breathing hard with keeping this discussion on a verbal level. The need to shake the pale boy was stagnant in Pheebes chest. Meanwhile Vlad has stood up to put his book back into the shelf, as it was apparent he would not be reading in peace with the hysterical girl in the library. Eyeing her from bottom to top his voice turned almost soothingly intrigued: “A Vampire willingly associated with someone who was connected to the circle?”
The facepalm was only mental. Of cause Vladimir would not know how the circle worked. For most of the vampire population it would remain a secret for all of their drawn-out lifetime. Meanwhile, for others, well…
“There were many vampires who worked with or for us, some voluntarily, some not.“ To sum up the whole picture Pheebe went for both extremes: “some came to council meetings, others were chained up and starving in the basement… With all those doors that my parents opened for me, to proudly present my new future, with that blood on my hands I could no longer play friends with your kind. I started my training so I can bring hope to those who don’t deem themselves worthy of it. I have saved almost fourty vampires, and it was never necessary to shed even a drop of blood for them to cooperate. Maybe they felt that I was a little like them, damned from the depth of my blood. A curse that already shows on my hands.”
Once it was pronounced the black eyes of the vampire scanned her arms to hind her hands unexpectedly bare. There were soft lines that faded on their way towards her elbow, as if drawn up with coal, fingerpainted with ashes of burned purity and hopes.
“Is that why you wear gloves?”
Pheebe nodded. “They are so I can touch my weapons. The vampire blood in my system keeps rejecting contact with the cursed materials. But it is also what keeps me immune to hypnosis and manipulation.” This was what made this discussion so hard for Vlad. She had seen the way he talked to the humen at Nikita’s party, and felt that he instantly surrounds them with his commanding aura to get his points across more easily. But talking to her was like talking to  the other house members. Futile, if she was as closed off to his point of view, as he was to her.
“Where did you get blood from our kind?” There was a little bit of disgust in his expression. But who would blame him, for not finding the aspect of being drained of your life essence, so someone else had it easier, appealing. He had never lived on that side of the food chain after all.
Suddenly she felt like a walking tome of hunter knowledge to Vladimir’s eyes. Maybe it was the way he looked at her, with morbid interest. Just how much was he allowed to know? Or rather how long would he survive to pass that knowledge on?: “It was an integral part of my training to regularly get vampire blood and venom injected, so it does not cause  turning if I die in battle or cause hallucinations when I am bitten.”
His eyebrow rose. “The effects of vampire blood in the human system are dangerous. You never know what it might cause”
Something rang in her memory as he said that sentence. She must have heard it somewhere. Or read it in a book. There were not many objectively useful tomes about vampire blood, the only ones are lost, stolen from the hunter association’s library, written during experiments and updated regularly. The last ones who were working on the manuscript were Monsieur and Madame Martine-Blanc, or so it was told.
“You know…There were two hunters who are kind of a legend in the circles, scientist, who were obsessed by the idea that the cure to any disease could lie in the blood of the elder vampires. My instructor, Doctor Ginaldi told me about them. One night they just disappeared, and took half of the inventory with them. After searching for their whereabouts for 3 month, they gave up.” And with a tiny laugh that was only encouraged by the uneasiness on the blond vampire face, she added:” And now, twenty years later, I read their names on a doorbell in the middle of fucking nowhere. Crazy, isn’t it?”
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sope-and-shine · 5 years
Christmas Special: Day 18
-> Pairing: Taehyung x Reader -> Dragon Shifter!AU // Fluff -> Word Count: 2.3k -> Summary: Taehyung just wants to experience what humans do, whether it’s Christmas related or not. -> Warning(s): None
A/N: I really tried to make it under 2k guys. Also, I only skimmed this before post :)
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“Good Morning, (Y/n)!” Jin greets as you enter his bakery so early in the morning.
You smile as you approach the counter, “Good Morning, Seokjin. Can I have two muffins please?”
He nods. He goes to collect your usual banana nut muffin, unable to hold his curiosity back, “Who’s the lucky duck to get the second one?”
“No one special.” You shrug, ignoring his knowing stare to grab some coins for him.
“Whatever you say~” He sings, handing over the goods and taking the coins for your breakfast. He waves to you, “Have a good day.”
“Goodbye, Seokjin.” You call behind you.
You were indeed meeting someone special today, but it was none of Seokjin’s business to know who this someone is. Only you needed to know, and it was better that the information wasn’t discovered by any unwanted listeners. Especially in the town you reside in.
As you get closer to the edge of town, you approach the farm owned by your friends Hoseok and Yoongi. Both of whom happen to be outside working at the very moment you walk by. 
“Are you going back to the woods already, (Y/n)? You were just there last week.” Hoseok calls out, pulling your attention to him.
You shrug, “I’m meeting with someone today.”
“Oh, well, enjoy your time together.” He says, nodding and moving back to his work.
“Thank you, we will.” You say.
Yoongi, however, is not pleased by this answer. He comes to the edge of the fence where Hoseok won’t hear and narrows his eyes, “This special someone wouldn’t happen to be that dragon shifter, would he?”
“Why would that be any of your business, Yoongi?” You ask.
“Look, you know what they say about shifters.” He starts, already shaking his head and prepared to lecture you.
“And you know what they say about attractive, grumpy men, yet here we are.” You challenge.
He chuckles, “Cute. Very cute.”
You place a gentle hand over his, “I’ll stop by on my way back to assure you that I am very much alive.”
“Just watch for hunters if not the shifter.” He says, more of a plea than a warning.
You only nod and continue on your way to meet with the friend you had met months ago while searching for a good spot to rest. You’d come across the shifter right after a terribly violent change, and you didn’t have it in your heart to leave him so miserable. You aided the man until he could move on his own once again a few hours later, but you both had already grown a strong bond by the time it came to say goodbye. But now, standing in the clearing where you met, you can’t seem to find the man who promised to wait here for you.
“Taehyung?” You call out, scanning the area around you for the beautiful blonde hair you’d become accustomed to.
“Boo!” The noise in your left ear shocks you more than it should, sending you feet into the air out of fright. You turn to make sure you aren’t hallucinating and find the man behind you laughing as you try to catch your breath. “You should see you face!”
You’re shock is quickly turned into rage as you gain your senses once again. You step forward and playfully slap his shoulder, “You jerk, I brought you a muffin!”
“Wait, you did?” He asks. Gone is the laughter he just couldn’t hold in, now replaced with curiosity.
“Yes, but I’m not giving any of it to you now, you heathen.” You spit. Taehyung looks at you with a pout, resembling a small child who’d just had his toy taken away. You’ve seen this look before, but unfortunately for you, you haven’t mastered the art of ignoring it yet. You sigh, “Fine, but I hope you hate it.”
“I promise you I’ll hate every bite.” He takes the treat for your hands in excitement, licking his lips before taking a heafty bite of the treat. He lets out a moan, one that has you turning away to feign frustration to mask your embarrassment. Even if you hadn’t Taehyung was far more concerned with everything that you had planned for the two of you. “So, where are we going today?”
“Down the road to the next town over. It should only be an hour by horse once we stop by the farm on the way there.” You explain, already prepared for the journey you’d be taking today.
“Or I could get the both of us their in twenty…” He suggests, taking in another mouthful of muffin.
You sigh, “You know how stupid it is to fly in the open Taehyung.”
“But I’m always careful! Please, let me fly with you just this one time.” He begs. Once again, he uses that pout on you, and you can’t help but give in to his wishes once more.
“Alright.” You say.
Taehyung smiles and shoves the last bit of muffin into his mouth. In the few months that you’d known him, you’d never seen him shift before, so this would be a first for you. He has you stand behind a tree, watching from afar in the event he shifts and you’re too close to his wings. You watch as the blonde boy turns into a beautiful yellow dragon with two large twisted horns on his head and spikes going from the top of his head all the way down to the tip of his tail. You’re surprised, especially when you climb onto his neck when he offers it to you. He allows you to cling onto him as tightly as you require before he soars into the air with one leap of faith and a flap of his large wings. He takes you into the sky and you’re amazed by how beautiful everything is from so high up, and you’re even more amazed when true to his word you’re in the next town over within twenty minutes.
“What’s going on?” Taehyung asks after shifting back. The both of you listen to the music coming from the town just a mile ahead of you, hearing the happiness of the people within.
You turn to the hornless shifter with the biggest smile, “Welcome to the Winter Festival, Tae. This celebration is held every year in honor of Father Christmas before he makes his journey down from the highest mountain to spread love and cheer to us humans young and old. You said you wanted to partake in human customs, so I thought this would be nice.”
“You really were listening to me…” He says. He has a soft look in his eyes as he looks at you, and you can’t hide the blush that paints your cheeks from his intense glare. You reach for his hand and tug him towards the path leading into town, “Let’s go have fun.”
And fun you had. Thanks to Taehyung’s lack of horns and tail when he shifts to a human, he’s able to enjoy the festival without any suspicion of being a dragon shifter. This allows him to join you in the festivities the town pulls out for this day every year. You get to enjoy the smell and taste of fresh hot chocolate - and a small taste of some ‘special’ eggnog - you were able to enjoy the frozen pond that others skated on, join in on the games the children of the town would play together, and even enjoy the play held by the towns church. In every activity, you got to see the pure joy on Taehyung’s face, and it made risking everything to bring him here even more worth it.
“You humans are strange, but this celebration really is amazing!” Taehyung cheers. The two of you had moved away from the festivities for a short breather, watching from afar as couples and children danced in the town square to the music being played once more.
“The festival is really the best one of the towns.” You say. You catch the sight of something passing by you, and look up to find white flakes of snow beginning their decent for a fresh coat of snow. Even though you’ve seen it many times, you can’t help but to watch it fall with childlike wonder, “It’s snowing again…” 
Taehyung observes you as you watch the snow fall, taking the moment to appreciate how your hair frames you face and the way your eyes light up at the sight of falling snow. You radiant smile makes his heart clench, and he has to use everything within him to turn away and focus on something else. Thankfully, he finds a distraction. 
“We should head back now, I don’t want you walking home in the dark.” Taehyung says, pulling you out of your trance.
You sigh, “I can take care of myself, Taehyung.”
“I know, but let’s just get going anyways.” He suggests.
You’re not one to argue, and you both take your leave from the festival. You make the journey back to your special clearing and are ready to bid Taehyung goodnight when you hear shouting close to you. In the distance, you can spot lights that seem to keep getting closer and closer as you watch them and listen.
“What’s that?” You ask.
“Hunters.” Taehyung says. He grabs your hand before you have much time to think and immediately starts pulling you after him deeper into the woods to get as far away from the hunters as possible. “We need to move away from the town.”
You shake your head, still allowing yourself to be lead away, “But I need to be heading home.”
“If the hunters get you then you won’t be going home anytime soon.” He reminds you. You both knew very well that if the hunters found the two of you together, there was little chance that they would even think of sparing you. 
So, you continue on after him, following him as quickly as you can in the snow and dimly lit wood. You’re surprised when you finally come across a strange looking cave, and suddenly it’s like you’re somewhere else entirely.
“What was that?” You ask.
“The entrance to my home. I know a wizard who resides in your town who charmed the entrance so no one but me and my friends may enter. I won’t say who he is, but he’s promised my protection from hunters in return for protection of his own.” He explains. His pace changes to a languid one and he leads you through the cave until he makes it an area much larger in size with very little decoration. “Welcome to my nest! Make yourself as comfortable as you can and I’ll be right back.”
You watch him walk away to another entrance that was obviously made for his dragon form rather than his small human body. This must be the main area of his nest for him, so he’s probably gone to another area. You can’t help but begin to wonder how big Taehyung’s nest may be until he comes back with a large ball in his arms. He throws it to the floor closest to his fire it and it unrolls to become a mattress. “This isn’t much, but I use it when I feel like sleeping in my human form.”
“It’s fine, Taehyung...Taehyung?” You’re taken by surprise when the dragon shifter begins to nuzzle into you, rubbing his face all over you in anyway he can. You’re stunned by his actions, almost appalled! But you can’t find it in yourself to stop him.
“I have to scent you while you’re here. Other shifters live close by, and I can’t have them thinking they’re in enough danger to find and kill you when it comes time for you to leave.” He explains. He continues with his ‘scenting’ until he pulls away to scan you over, nodding in affirmation that he’d done a good job with you. “That should do.”
You clear your throat and smile in appreciation, “Thank you. I’ll just get settled in for the night then.”
You bid Taehyung goodnight and settle onto the small mattress he brought you. It has a nice quilt to go with it, and being placed by the fire makes it even better. But you can’t shake off the cold that you can still feel seeping in through the cave walls. Taehyung’s quilt doesn’t do enough for you, being his body temperature can withstand this type of weather.
“Are you cold?” Taehyung asks after several minutes of you shuffling to get warmer.
“Just a bit.” You sigh. There was no use in denying that you were cold. What was he going to do anyway? Laugh at you? Taehyung wasn’t that kind of person- or shifter. However, you’re surprised when he begins to climb into the mattress behind you. You sit up and turn to him,  “What are you doing now?”
He shrugs, “You’re cold. I may as well sleep next to you and help you warm up.”
“That’s highly inappropriate.” You remind him, refusing to give in to his albeit sweet gesture.
“Would you rather freeze?” He asks.
Thinking it over, sleeping next to Taehyung couldn’t be that bad, could it? Especially if it was going to keep you from freezing halfway through the night. Besides, just him sitting next to you was enough to spread more heat into your body. You sigh, “I suppose one night won’t harm anyone.”
“Good choice.” You don’t miss the way his boxy smile appears proudly on his face. He’s happy to pull you back down and press his chest against your back, letting his arms wrap around your body to pull you close. He nuzzles his face into the side of yours again, but this time you have no complaints on the matter with how warm and comfortable he is.
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