#i forget are alpacas also pack animals
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JNPR Berries Week 2020
Day 6: Alternate Universe
Okay guys i hate aus and i always avoid au days for ship weeks but i actually have so many Pyrrha Lives/Fall Maiden!Pyrrha AUs and i got carried away i wrote almost 2k in bullet points
After Fall of Beacon Pyrrha has two options: 1) enroll at Haven with JNPR and continue to chase her Huntress dreams while paparazzi continue to make most things she does public, indirectly informing Salem where she is at all times. 2) drop off the face off the Earth both to avoid Salem/Cinder and to continue the Fall Maiden's job
Pyrrha being Pyrrha (self-sacrificing) goes with option 2
JNR decides there’s no way they’re going to let (a freshly discharged) Pyrrha go running into unknown with no friends or backup
She’s worried about putting them in danger (even though that’s the Hunter job description) but Goodwitch reminds her that she’s only at half power so she should accept the extra protection, and friends since she’s about to leave her whole life behind to live as a nomad which makes making friendships difficult to create and maintain
(Pyrrha doesn’t mention that she’s pretty sure she sees all of them in the more romantic light)
JNR help Pyrrha change her whole appearance. Which is very important since she’s also famous
She looses her iconic armor and has to leave her weapons behind
JNR tries to convince her to cut her hair but she’s worried about not being pretty
Jaune unhelpfully reminds her that that’s probably a good thing considering they’re trying to make her as non-noticeable as possible (poor boy just meant she’s so pretty already she'll probably never be able to blend into the background of any crowd)
Ren is actually the one who has to go "Pyrrha you’re gorgeous shorter hair isn’t gonna change that at all"
Then Ren goes "look at Nora she has short hair and she’s stunning for all we know you’ll look even better with short hair"
Pyrrha and Nora are practically speechless because Ren thinks they’re beautiful
Pyrrha is like okay but I won’t let you cut it any shorter than here (gestures to mid-chest level). (JNR tries not to look at her boobs)
Nora then tries to get her to dye it. Pyrrha holds out
JNR end up in Vol 4 outfits
Pyrrha makes the difficult choice of deciding to fake her death. She makes sure her friends (she unfortunately is unable to contact Blake or Weiss) and family still know she’s alive (but they still grieve her as if she’s dead. They most likely will never see her again. The only ones likely are her parents) but to the world Pyrrha Nikos is dead, killed in the Beacon Massacre
JNPR sets off through Vale (Fall Maiden's territory)
Pyrrha has a hastily made vaguely similar weapons to her last set. She may be a professional but she’s a professional with her chosen weapons and semblance, not most other weapons
JNR sees how Pyrrha dies inside every time a little kid or random citizen tells her "did you know you look a lot like Pyrrha Nikos?"
Pyrrha is also now getting hit on without her celebrity pedestal to keep people at bay
The first few times its truly pathetic how Pyrrha responds
JNR doesn’t intervene because they remember how sad she was about no one asking her to the dance
What JNR thinks is they’re coming into rescue her only occasionally. The truth is Pyrrha is getting rescued every time by a different member and lots of times one of them will step in before anyone even approaches her
Most of the time she’s happy one of them intervened
Some times she’s mad that no one will let her handle this herself (no one has realized that yet)
A lot of the time she feels all warm and fuzzy because for a few moments she gets to pretend. She’s given a free pass to slow dance with Nora, or to lean into Ren when he puts a arm around her waist, or get away with kissing Jaune on the cheek
(JNR are also very happy when they get these excuses.)
Jaune typically intervenes because he’s a nice guy and watching Pyrrha flounder is horrible. Ren and Nora always intervene because they’re either being protective or jealous (Ren has perfected the evil eye. People will back off before they even finished crossing the room)
They almost always camp out but when they stay in town they usually share beds to save money
Originally they were doing girls in one bed boys in the other but Nora is the whole kicking, sprawling, blanket snatching package so they typically pull straws on who gets to share with her
Sometimes even her bed buddy will leave in the middle of the night and see if they can squeeze in with the other two
On the other hand Jaune drools, Ren sleeps like a vampire, and Pyrrha snores
With Pyrrha, Jaune, and Ren all pushing six feet whenever two of them pair up touching is unavoidable
Most of the time everyone but Nora (who can fall asleep instantly) stay up freaking out about being so close to their crush. Ren actually freaked so much the first time he moved to the floor and activated his semblance just so he could sleep
Pyrrha is a side sleeper so she always ends up tangling her legs with her bed buddy. She’s always embarrassed but tries to stay in that position as long as she can (its the only selfish thing she allows herself)
Winter however quickly forced JNPR to start sharing sleeping bags
They always zip both bags together but all decided spooning is the way to go after too many cold nights. They also bought a tent just big enough for the four of them in order to trap escaping body heat
Jaune is dying from so much close contact. Was it not bad enough he has to see all of his (recently discovered) crushes get changed twice every single day? Was accidentally seeing Nora's abs and walking into a door frame in Beacon not enough?
Nora and Pyrrha on the other hand are loving it (when its not absolutely freezing)
Ren has caught all three of them arguing over who gets to sleep with him that night several times. Apparently he’s the best big spoon
A pack mule joke turns into them actually looking into getting one
Originally they wanted a horse, but when they actually were looking they ran into the problem of 1) its too tall for Nora to pack the bags 2) horses are massive and JNPR quickly realize they're scared of them
So that leaves either a pony, donkey, hinny, small mule, or llama
They end up with a donkey and name her Betty. Nora wanted "Bessie" but Ren refused to give in on the basis that she’s a donkey and not a cow
They also take this opportunity to purchase more bulkier items that would make their life more comfortable that they were unable to carry by themselves before (tents, pots and pans, extra shoes, more jackets, books)
They're over a year in when Ren of all people gets high and talks about his feelings
He thinks he’s talking to Betty but really he’s been talking to a tree stump for the last hour
He got high by taste-testing the mushrooms he was cooking
The team came back from getting firewood and unpacking Betty to find him laying in the mud giggling at the sky with their questionable mushrooms burning on the fire. It was pretty clear what happened
JNP have been making sure he wont hurt himself but mainly they’re enjoying the show
"Psst Betty. Betty. You wanna hear a secret?" JNP lean in "I’ve managed to fall in love with my entire team. You can’t tell anyone though. I don’t think I’ll ever tell them either. Im not good with feelings, and that would probably make me a terrible boyfriend"
He then goes on about what he likes about each person. He goes off on a tangent about someone’s eyes for seven minutes. He talks about his favorite facial expressions everyone makes and the best parts of their personality. Nora's been red for awhile now, Jaune is leaning so far forward Pyrrha's worried he’s gonna catch on fire, and Pyrrha is actually tearing up
He says how he feels guilty whenever he cuts in on whoever is moving in on Pyrrha, that he feels guilty about being jealous but also about sending someone away when he knows Pyrrha wants that experience, and how he doesn’t realize he’s already moved in to stop the person until they’re walking away
That he feels like he could mess up everything he has with Nora, not by going into a relationship with her but by being unable to open up any more emotionally than he is now which he knows she'll expect (they’ve talked about being “together-together” before)
He laughingly mentions that one time Pyrrha said she wanted a guy taller than her because Ren gets it now because when he’s bunking with Jaune in the winter he’s found he really likes being held by someone taller than him
Ren then goes "oh no. No no no its bad enough I’m talking about my feelings out loud I’m not going to tell you who has the best ass. Aren’t donkey's also called asses? What’s it like being a donkey?" And everyone is laughing
Pyrrha is the first to break after they fall back into listening. She looks at the fire the whole time. She admits she feels the same way about all of them, that she also planned on never saying anything.
Then Jaune pipes in that he just figured it out for himself pretty recently. That at first he was worried it was either teenage hormones or that he was reacting to a vastly shrunk dating pool and therefore the feelings weren’t real. (Unlike Ren and Pyrrha his feelings didn’t begin romantic and then expand his started sexual until realized what he thought was strong platonic feelings might actually be romantic)
Nora is still red with her hands over her face but eventually she says that she’s been attracted to all of them since team JNPR formed and "since we all clearly feel the same way about each other can we stop with the super embarrassing love confessions and makeout already"
When Ren wakes up that morning he remembers very little since he doesn’t know what were dreams and what were hallucinations. He has a dehydration headache and rolls over but Pyrrha sees he’s awake and she comes sits next to him. Ren doesn’t uncurl until she started playing with his hair. "How much of last night do you remember?" "Mostly just colors." "Ummm okay. Remember anything anyone said?" "I think I had a conversation with Jaune about rocks." "That was to Nora actually. But you did think she was Jaune." "Mmhm." "So last night there was a development, but since you were high I wanna ask you again now that you're sober." "Okay." "So ummm, we're kinda all dating now? But if you wanna back out now that you're sober you totally can." "What do you mean by 'kinda all'?" "All four of us." "And you all want to date me?" "Yeah, you don’t remember all the love confessions that happened last night." "Oh. Did my rock conversation interrupt all that?" "No. You actually confessed first." "I WHAT."
#hinacu rwby#rwby#jnprberriesweek 2020#jnprberriesweek#polyam jnpr#poly jnpr#hinacu au#i forget are alpacas also pack animals#are elephants#i figured they prob couldnt find a camel since Vale seems to be a pretty wet place#jaune arc#nora valkyrie#pyrrha nikos#lie ren#fall maiden pyrrha#fall maiden#au#alternate universe
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The Farm
Damian Wayne x Jon Kent
Summary: just 2 boys in love but won’t admit it. I have the attention span of a butterfly so this is as close as I get to a slow burn lmao. I just think they are adorable and I headcanon Damian as demisexual. I did actually age them above 18 but this is sfw. Only a little kissing. There’s a bigot but he gets punched.
“I heard about the farm,” Damian said as they sat on a rooftop in New York. “Sorry.” They were drinking milkshakes after saving the city. Well Jon was as Damian had a vegan smoothie instead.
“Yeah, they foreclosed,” Jon said, his bright blue eyes uncharacteristically stony. “Thanks. Just wasn’t expecting it is all.”
“You know I could help you.. financially. If you need,” Damian offered carefully. Jon shifted in his seat and took a drink of his shake.
“It’s not your job. I’ll figure out how to keep it. Don’t worry,” Jon said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Congrats on vet school. Not that it’s a surprise. You were top of your class.”
“Oh thanks. But seriously, I have no problem writing a check right now, Jon,” Damian emphasized. Jon stared at him silently. It was so tempting to let Damian solve his problems but that wasn’t the Kent way.
“I don’t know,” Jon said shifting uncomfortably. Damian noted that it wasn’t a no.
“I will be going to school in Metropolis in the fall. The farm in Smallville is a lot closer to the university than my place in Gotham,” Damian said hoping to come off as casual. Apparently not as Jon almost fell off the roof in shock.
“Live- with me,” he asked, his eyebrows rose quickly.
“Oh, I suppose. Yes, that is what I would be proposing,” Damian answered. Jon looked at him with wide eyes before clearing his throat and softening the look on his face to more neutral. Damian definitely wasn’t meaning ‘moving in’ moving in. He was just being practical. He wasn’t in love with Jon the same way Jon was head over heels for Damian since he was like 13.
“It would be practical for us both,” he said and Jon relaxed. Yep, normal Damian not thinking of the social meaning of his words.
“I don’t have a butler,” Jon warned. “And I sometimes forget to do laundry or dishes.”
“Then I will make a chore chart,” Damian answered and Jon’s heart soared a little at the domestics of it all. Jon nodded with a grin.
“So when do I get my roommate?” Jon asked lightly. Or what he hoped was lightly. His farm was saved and Damian was moving in. He was surprised he wasn’t levitating yet.
“I need to sell my apartment first. And pack,” Damian contemplated. “Also I need to buy the farm. I’ll need 4 days.”
“4?!? I mean- that’s fine,” Jon answered. He began immediately imagining all the work he needed to do before Damian could move in. “You work fast.”
“Yes, money talks,” Damian answered as if it was normal for a 20 year old to say. Jon nodded and resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
True to his words, a moving truck showed up 4 days later. Jon had cleaned and organized everything, even scrubbing the walls and sweeping the barn. The workers quickly set up everything in the spare room just as Damian arrived.
Damian arriving was a sight Jon would never forget. Damian wore a black turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up and a tan pair of dress pants over shiny black leather shoes as he carried in a large paper bag of produce. Damian had grown so much from the tiny 13 year old Jon had first known. He was now a full inch taller than Jon and probably 10 lbs heavier. It was funny since Jon was the one currently running around as Superman.
Damian sat his bag on the kitchen counter and wiped sweat from his brow. Jon was much more casually dressed in old blue jeans and a white t shirt with a rolled up and open red plaid button down over it. An old blue baseball cap was thrown over backwards on his head and little curls stuck out.
“You brought food. You know this is a farm, right?” Jon said with a smile. “We’re kinda known for having food.”
“I brought food to cook tonight,” Damian said trying to be casual. He had actually taken far too long deciding on the perfect food for him and Jon to eat their first night as roommates.
“Are you cooking for me?” Jon said with a pleased smile. The moving company was leaving and it was just the two of them.
“Yes, I thought it would be a good start,” Damian said formally. “No need to be so happy. It’s just dinner.”
“Of course,” Jon said trying to straighten his face. But how could he when Damian was living with him and cooking for him? Impossible task.
Damian busied himself in the small kitchen, looking in every drawer and cabinet. He noted that in the dying evening light, it perfectly captured the sunset. That was something that people paid huge amounts to even glimpse from their place in Gotham and Jon got a 360 view everyday.
“Well I have to feed the animals but I’ll be back soon. Do you need anything before I go?” Jon said in the doorway to the kitchen. He had thrown on a pair of rubber boots.
“Tt, you dare care for animals without me?” Damian said with a frown.
“Well I just thought- I mean you can- but you’re cooking,” Jon sputtered and Damian smiled.
“I’m playing with you. I’ll see them tomorrow. Otherwise the meal will be ruined,” Damian said. Jon laughed and shook his head as he left.
Damian looked at the photos that lined the hallway, smiling as he saw pictures of Jon as a child. Jon holding a fish he caught. Jon swinging a baseball bat. Jon holding up one end of a tractor. Right above it was a young Clark Kent doing the same. Damian shook his head with a little smile. He would never admit it but he was head over heels for Jon. Had been for a few years now.
“That’s the first time I lifted a tractor,” Jon said beside him. “Dad was so proud.”
“I imagine,” Damian answered. Clark was such a sore subject for Jon. His father had only been presumed dead the year before. Jon took it hard. He didn’t speak but watched Jon from the corner of his eyes.
“He never wanted to force me to be Superboy. I practically begged him. He was scared it was too dangerous,” Jon said with a sad smile. They both walked in the kitchen and Damian finished the food. Damian brought it to the table just as Jon shyly brought out a bottle of wine.
“Mr Kent, where did you get that?” Damian said with a little smile.
“Actually there’s an entire wine cellar full of the good stuff. Your father is quite fond of giving wine as a gift and Dad never liked to drink. So he stored it here,” Jon said pulling out a wine opener. “I thought we could drink it for him.”
“That’s very illegal,” Damian said expertly opening the bottle. “We’re both technically underage.”
“Anything is legal with enough money,” Jon said with a little grin and Damian laughed.
I’m an awful influence,” Damian replied. They spend the rest of the night eating and drinking wine before both crashing in their separate rooms in the early morning.
Jon crawled out of bed only a few hours later to feed the animals and get started on his day. He thanked his Kryptonian DNA for the lack of hang over he worried Damian would have. He crept quietly past his roommate’s door on his way out.
Jon returned a few hours later, still rather early, and was surprised by the smell of coffee. Damian was cooking breakfast for him. For them, Jon reminded himself. Damian was just his roommate. Damian nodded and poured Jon a cup of coffee.
“I thought you would still be asleep,” Jon admitted.
“I don’t require much sleep. Plus I want a tour of the property,” he said. Practical Damian as always, Jon thought.
“Sure, I’ll take you around. The farm and then town,” Jon added taking a huge plate of scrambled tofu and fried tomatoes. Damian had anticipated that.
“That’s a good plan. I don’t want to stand out in town. Should I wear a plaid shirt,” Damian asked.
“Uh, yeah. If you want. T shirts and jeans are fine too,” Jon said.
“May i borough these clothing from you? Mine are not appropriate for a farm,” Damian said casually and Jon willed himself to not have any emotion that Damian was going to wear his clothing.
Damian was extremely handsome in Jon’s plaid shirt and a pair of jeans. His bright green eyes and tan skin popped in the shirt and he had brushed his black hair neatly back as it had gotten long enough to fall in his eyes. Jon couldn’t help but stare at his Damian in his clothing. Logic be damned.
“What?” Damian asked looking at himself. “Does it look bad? I don’t want to appear foolish,” he said about to pull off the plaid shirt.
“No! No you look good. Nice,” Jon said and Damian’s lip twitched towards a smile.
“Thank you. Would you like to show me town first? Before we get muddy,” Damian said.
“Sure, that sounds good. I need to pick up feed anyways,” Jon said. They loaded into Jon’s old pickup. Krypto hopped into Damian’s lap as if he always had done it and they set off to town a few miles away.
“Here’s the library and the best Waffle House in Kansas. Second only to Ma Kent’s,” Jon said as they drove around. He showed Damian all the important sights in town. Damian had a hard time believing that everything was so compact and so small. Even the diner that Jon said they would eat lunch because they had the best pie short of Ma Kent.
They both, and Krypto, got out at the feed store and they treated Jon like old friends. He grabbed a basket and pushed it to the back as he chatted about all the interesting animals people owned to Damian. The Ferguson’s owned a pair of alpacas and old Skipper Smith had a parrot and monkey as pets.
Jon didn’t pay any attention as he easily lifted 4 50 lb bags of feed and casually put 200 lbs of feed in the basket. Damian looked around to see no one near. Jon did it again.
“Should get us through the week,” he said with a grin.
“You do know that most people don’t pick up 4 at once?” Damian told him quietly as they moved to the register. Jon stopped before nodded and laughing.
“You know I’ve never thought about it. Let’s get going before the diner gets a lunch rush,” he said. Jon tried to act more normal putting up the feed bags but tossing them one handed like bags of bread into the bed of a pick up truck was far from normal. Damian couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
The diner had about 12 booths and a row across the counter like old times. It probably was an older restaurant with the light blue tile and actual jukebox. Damian didn’t know what rush hour could possibly look like with all 7 people he’d seen since entering town but Jon seemed pleased to be earlier than them.
An older lady laid down a menu between them both and offered them coffee with a big grin. Jon ordered a chicken fried steak and Damian ended up getting the waffles. It was the only thing probably vegetarian on the menu.
“Oh shoot, I forgot you don’t eat meat. Sorry. Should I change my order,” Jon said raising his hand.
“No,” Damian said grasping Jon’s hand and pulling it down to the table. Jon’s heart just about beat out of his chest. “It’s fine. You don’t have to change what you eat for me.”
“Okay,” Jon said and the waitress came back to the table with drinks and eyed Damian’s hand on Jon’s.
“This your new partner, Kent,” she asked and Jon noted the judge tone to her voice as she sat down their glasses. Homophobia was still alive in the country. Damian didn’t notice.
“Yes, I just moved in last night,” Damian answered and Jon was frozen in time. Damian doesn’t understand what he means, Jon thought. He can’t.
“Oh, is that right? Took off to the city and brought back a city slicker. Well, each to their own,” she said with a passive aggressive smile. Jon sighed as she walked away. He didn’t know how to explain that to Damian. Was Damian even gay? Too late now. The whole town thought he was.
After eating their meal, Jon asked the waitress for pie to go. The diner had filled up and far too many people were glancing at the pair. Damian assumed it was because he was new in town or possibly they recognized him as a Wayne. Jon knew it was that he had brought home a man. Damian also didn’t quite pass as white with his tan skin and Arabic features so probably a dash of racism too.
Jon drive down to the park at the edge of town and parked by the pond. He put on a nice face but worried that Damian wouldn’t have as easy time in Smallville as Jon hoped.
“Something on your mind, Kent,” Damian said, sitting on the back hatch of the truck watching, the ducks swim.
“Nothing. Maybe I’m a little tired. Should have gone to bed earlier last night,” he said with a laugh. Damian looked at him out the corner of his eye but said nothing and continued eating his pie.
“This pie is made with quality,” Damian said and Jon smiled.
“Better than Alfred’s?”
“Different. Alfred makes amazing meat pies but he never quite understood American pies,” Damian answered. Jon nodded.
“I have to work the rest of the week,” he warned Damian.
“I have plenty of paperwork to keep me busy,” Damian answered. Jon knew he never had to worry about Damian that way. He always kept busy. This was probably his longest break.
The next 3 weeks consisted of getting up early to care for the animals before Jon left to work at the local paper. Damian would jog 3 miles down the dirt road that the Kent farm sat at the end of. By the end of the first week, a few of the neighbors would even wave at him. Jon counted himself as having the will of a Green Lantern to leave before Damian returned every morning. Damian was a sight to behold in his post workout glow pre-shower. He would come home and most of the time Damian was cooking dinner for him. Jon was really falling for the domestics of it all.
“Don’t get used to it, Kent,” Damian warned after Jon complimented an amazing dish Damian made. “Once school starts I can not act as a housewife to you.”
“You aren’t- Dami, you’re far from a housewife,” Jon sputtered. “I know that Flamebird has been seen in metropolis a few times this week alone.”
“Well, I needed to keep busy,” Damian said with a shrug. “Eat your eggplant.”
“I’ve probably eaten more vegetables this week than I have since I would summer with Ma,” Jon said. “But this is pretty good.”
“You’re welcome,” Damian said with a pleased smile. After dinner they sat on the swing on the porch and swung as they watched the sunset like an old married couple. Damian looked at Jon more often than he needed to as they talked about nothing. Jon was so pretty in the golden light. His bright blue eye and freckles looked adorable to Damian.
“And then in August we harvest-“ Jon had been saying before Damian cupped his face and pushed his lips against Jon’s. It was rough and their teeth clanged together and Jon pulled back with an “ow.”
“Shit,” Damian said, moving to get up. “I shouldn’t have- forget I-“
“Wait,” Jon said and Damian froze. He looked so uncertain and Jon had never seen that before. “Can we- can we try again?”
“You don’t have to pity me,” Damian said curtly, getting up. “Forget I did that. I apologize,” he said going inside.
Jon sat for a minute in shock. He had been in love with Damian forever and Damian finally kissed him and he couldn’t even enjoy it. Jon went inside and stood in front of Damian’s door. His hand tentatively considered knocking but Jon couldn’t do it. Just as he turned to walk away, Damian opened his door.
“I have to go to Gotham,” he said suddenly.
“What? If it’s me, you don’t have to leave,” Jon said quickly.
“No. My brothers need me,” Damian said and Jon noticed he had his suit on under his clothing.
“Do I need to come?”
“No. It’s okay. I’ll be back later this week hopefully,” Damian said dashing outside. The screen door swung and slapped the doorframe loudly. Jon ran on the porch.
“Week?” He called as Damian’s car pulled out the drive.
Jon fretted and obsessively watched the news everyday. Krypto was getting anxious without his 3 mile jog every morning. Late on the fourth day after Damian left, Jon heard the front door open. He raced to the door. Damian looked weary and had a slight limp.
“Hi,” Jon said looking Damian over and Damian offered a tired smile. Nothing broken. “Do you need help?”
“No. I need to sleep and I will be fine,” Damian said stubbornly. Jon rolled his eyes and helped him to his bed.
“Do you need anything?”
“No thank you. I will probably sleep late tomorrow,” Damian warned.
“Sure. Of course,” Jon said slowly closing the door as Damian fell asleep. Jon barely slept that night and got up early and called out of work for the day. Damian got up uncharacteristically late around 10 am.
“How are you?” Jon asked, offering him coffee. Damian took the drink before sitting next to Jon. He had a black eye and that limp was still around. The sun shone in bright in the kitchen and Damian was once again reminded the vast difference between smallville and Gotham.
“I’m fine. Thanks,” he said quietly. Jon didn’t want to pounce Damian the first second he got home but it was very hard to not want to talk about the kiss.
“You got mail,” Jon said, handing Damian a big Manila envelope that had come in the day before. Damian wordlessly opened it as he sipped coffee.
“Oh it’s yours,” he handed it over to Jon. Jon opened it with a confused look.
It was a deed. The Kent farm deed. The Kent farm deed in Jon’s name. He looked up at Damian who had a tired half smile.
“It’s in my name. You put it in my name,” he said. “W-why?”
“It’s the Kent farm. There’s too many things with the Wayne name on it,” he shrugged. “Plus I’m far from a farmer. It should be yours.”
“God Damian,” Jon said with tears in his eyes. He pulled Damian into a hug who squawked a protest that Jon ignored. “Thank you. I can’t- thank you,” he said wetly. Damian ignored how Jon was quietly crying on him. His grandma and dad passing had affected him hard and Damian knew he was crying over more than a house and land.
“You’re welcome,” Damian finally whispered and Jon cried even harder. Damian softly pat his back awkwardly. Jon leaned back but didn’t let Damian go. He gazed at Damian with the softest look.
“God Damian,” Jon repeated. “Do you even know how much I love you?”
Damian froze and just blinked at Jon who had pulled back but not out of the hug. “What?” He simply said and Jon’s face started to contort in pain. “Hold on,” Damian said and Jon warily looked at him. Damian knew he had to lean in or Jon would take it back and Damian would be too scared to do anything until Jon did this again. And he wasn’t sure how long Jon would wait.
Damian gently cupped Jon’s face in his hands and Jon breathed in quickly. Damian was clearly nervous. Damian noted how his face was soft and his skin warm. This time he gently bent over and softly pressed his lips against Jon’s. Jon quickly reacted by leaning in toward Damian. Jon could feel the rough pads of Damian’s fingers and taste the coffee Damian had been drinking. After a short while, Damian pulled back but not away.
“I truly care for you too,” he said softly and Jon grinned. “I’ve cared for you for a long time.”
“Same,” Jon said before leaning in to kiss Damian again. Damian kissed for another few seconds before pulling back again. This time Jon tried to follow his lips before stopping. Jon’s breath was erratic and fast. “Sorry,” he muttered.
“No. It’s okay. I’ve just never- I’ve never“ Damian started a bit lost for words. Jon understood what he meant.
“You’ve never been with a man,” Jon said gently.
“I’ve never taken the time for relationships with anyone. I’ve always been too busy,” Damian admitted. He played with the edge of a napkin nervously. He would never openly admit to being worried that his lack of experience was a flaw.
“We can go slow. Whatever you want,” Jon said and he finally looked at Damian the way he had never let himself before: like he was in love with him. Damian nodded.
“I’ve just never found anyone that interesting. I mean, beside you. After a while. I wanted to throw you off a bridge at first,” Damian said and Jon smiled.
“I know. You told me,” Jon said. “We should go out to eat. There’s a place downtown that has vegan options.”
“I didn’t even know there was a downtown here,” Damian admitted and Jon laughed.
“It’s a small town. Not a hut in the woods.”
The place wasn’t ‘rush hour’ packed but had plenty of tables with patrons. Damian and Jon sat at a booth and Damian almost couldn’t handle the lovey way Jon was looking at him. Jon was staring at Damian like he was the moon, even though Damian stood out like a sore thumb in the rural town in his turtleneck and dress slacks. But that was his comfort clothing and he had given up on fitting in long ago.
“I’m going to the restroom. Order for me?” Damian asked and Jon nodded. As Damian walked towards the back of the restaurant, a man in a brown jacket and rubber boots purposefully shoved Damian with his shoulder as he walked by. Damian turned to glare at him.
“Sorry, didn’t see any fruitcakes around here,” the guy said and Damian bristled. Before he could make a scene, Jon moved over to them.
“Hi Tyler. Do we have a problem here?” Jon said uncharacteristically cold. That guy didn’t realize that he picked the worst pair to insult. Tyler looked between Damian and Jon before deciding the fight wasn’t worth it.
“Nothing worth it,” Tyler said turning around. “Bad enough to bring a fruitcake to town, it had to a brown one too,” he muttered and Damian stiffened. He knew that he got looks when he went into town. He was probably the only person that spoke more than English or Spanish in town and certainly the only one to speak Arabic.
But before Damian could do anything else but feel disgust, Jon had punched the guy in the face. Well it was more of a flick with his fist but the guy went down like a rock. Damian hid his smile as him and Jon were hurried out of the restaurant with their food to go by a worried waitress who apologized to the pair.
As they walked back to the pickup truck, Damian reached out and grabbed Jon’s hand who lit up almost instantly. Damian ignored the butterflies in his stomach as he walked. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Jon either.
“You know, it’s not everyday that a guy gets Superman to defend his honor,” Damian said quietly but playfully and Jon laughed.
“Can’t handle bigots. I’ll let you punch the next one,” Jon said with a shrug.
“I would have punched that one,” Damian answered. He turned and pulled Jon to face him before taking his free hand that wasn’t carrying a bag. Damian gently cupped Jon’s face to place a kiss on Jon’s lips before going back to walking. Jon had a stupid smile all the way back home.
#Damian Wayne x Jon kent#Damian Wayne#damijon#mlm dc fanfic#Jon kent#robin x Superboy#Damian is flamebird and Jon is Superman#Jon kent x Damian Wayne#fns pride edition
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CRK headcanon time!
Remember how I headcanon Avocado Cookie of being a mom to, say, seven cookies. Yeah, I would imagine that there would be some interactions between her and the kids. And what better way to do that than to do mom jokes!
With Muscle Cookie:
Muscle: Hey mom. I'm going to workout near the forest. I'll also buy some apples for later.
Avocado: Alright. Oh! I have a question for you.
Muscle: *suspicious* Okkkkaaay?
Avocado: What workout do apples love?
Avocado: Core workout!
*Muscle Cookie groans before leaving*
With Ninja Cookie:
Ninja: Mother, I will heading out on a Balloon Expedition. I will be back later tonight.
Avocado: All right. Make sure you have everything.
Ninja: Of course.
Avocado: And don't forget that the sky is the limit.
Ninja:.... I'll see you later tonight.
*Ninja Cookie leaves*
With Cherry Blossom Cookie:
Cherry Blossom: Mom! I'm done packing lunch for the picnic as well as snacks for the animals. Is there anything you want?
Avocado: That should be all. So let Alpaca truck and get going.
*Cherry Blossom Cookie strain a smile*
With Roll Cake Cookie:
Roll Cake: Hey ma! I'm going to help the Sugar Gnomes clear out some land. I'll be back later!
Avocado: Well before you go, do you want to hear a construction joke?
Roll Cake: Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhh.
Avocado: Unfortunately, I'm still working on it.
*Roll Cake Cookie groans in pain*
With Gingerbrave:
Gingerbrave: Hey mom! I'm going to travel to the Dark Cacao Kingdom to see Dark Cacao Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie!
Avocado: Alright! Just answer me this. What time is it?
Gingerbrave: Adventure time!
Avocado: I was going to say snow joke time. But that works too.
*Gingerbrave cheers*
With Cherry Cookie:
Cherry: Hey mom! I'm going outside to test some cherry bombs in the forest!
Avocado: Okay! Do you want your favorite snack? The Fire Cracker?
*Cherry Cookie giggles*
With Pancake Cookie:
Pancake: Mama! Can we do a joke together!?
Avocado: Of course! Now did you hear about the angry pancake?
Avocado and Pancake: He just flipped! *Both laughs*
#cookie run kingdom#crk headcanons#cherry blossom cookie#gingerbrave#cherry cookie#muscle cookie#roll cake cookie#pancake cookie#ninja cookie#avocado cookie#dad jokes#mama avocado cookie
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Invisible String
23rd of December
“Will?” Niccolò mumbled, as the other climbed in the bed. His words were slurred by tiredness and sleepiness. “Did you talk with your family?”
Will nodded, hugging the blankets around himself. It was warm enough to fall asleep in a second. He didn’t want to, not yet, not when they had so little left, so he kept his eyes open, just for a little while. He could only make out Niccolò’s shape in the darkness of the room.
“Yeah. They’re doing fine.” Will’s throat was still dry, his breath uneven.
Niccolò’s voice was little and soft when he said, “Will, have you been crying?”
Will nodded. For a moment, the air around them turned stiff and awkward, then Niccolò turned on his side, and held out an arm. It was scary, how Will didn’t think twice about it, before diving right in. His body fit perfectly against Niccolò’s. It hurt Will’s heart in a way he had never experienced before.
Slow, soft, gentle. Everything Niccolò’s fingers were, when they sneaked to Will’s curls and massaged his scalp.
“Do you miss them?” His words tasted of the minty toothpaste they used.
Will nodded. “Yeah. I just–I think that–can I tell you something else?”
“Of course you can, principino.”
Will took a deep breath. “I don’t talk to my parents anymore. My father is a thoughtless bastard, as you’ve gathered. My mother just–I don’t think she really sees me. I’m just the result of her relationship with my father, and they didn’t really have the best thing going on. They fought a lot, fucked up a lot. But they were soulmates, so they had to stay together, you know? They had to make it work, because it’s your soulmate or nothing. If your soulmate can’t love you, then no one can.” Will sniffled. He snuggled closer to Niccolò, the hand around his hip tightened. “And people look at them, and keep saying that it’s true love, how they finally renounced the pieces of each other they loved, because they were ruining the rest. And maybe it is, maybe that’s what true love is about. But it still hurt me, you know?” His throat was dry when he swallowed. “I’m sorry I hated you before even knowing who you were.”
“You hated me?” There was no hurt in his voice, but Niccolò was good at hiding his emotions.
“I did. I thought you would treat me like my dad treated my mother, or how my mother treated my dad. That we would ruin the people around us. I thought we’d make something horrendous.” The realization hit him suddenly. Or maybe not suddenly at all, as it was a thought that had been building up in his head for days. “I don’t think we did, though.”
“And that’s good, right?”
Will closed his fist around Niccolò’s shirt. His warmth passed through the soft fabric, Will wanted to bury himself in it, let it warm him from inside out. “It is. What did you think about soulmates?”
For a moment, Niccolò’s fingers stilled. “I liked the idea, someone to love you no matter what.” His voice had never been so vulnerable before. “My father and Persephone are soulmates, much to her mother’s displeasure. But he had three children out of wedlock. Bianca was the eldest of us, before Persephone came in the picture. Mom got pregnant with me little before she and my dad broke it off. They did before he and Persephone found each other, but he got scared or some shit, and met Hazel’s mother.”
Will caressed Niccolò’s collarbones. He realized he was doing it only when Niccolò’s breath hitched. He blushed, but didn’t stop. Niccolò didn’t ask him to either.
“I thought Hazel was Persephone’s child,” Will revealed.
Niccolò skin was covered in goosebumps. He hummed. “She is barren. That’s why I’m heir to the throne. She sees a child in Hazel, sometimes.”
“But you lived in Venice not in Elysium when you were little, didn’t you?”
Niccolò took a deep breath. “With my mom and sister. Sometimes Bianca traveled to Elysium. I never did. Persephone could like Bianca. Everyone could, really. She was kind and gentle, but fierce. She couldn’t stand injustice. She wanted to be a lawyer, study the law.”
Will smiled in the darkness. “What did you want to be?”
“Prince. And when I couldn’t be, I wanted to be a pirate.”
Will chuckled around a yawn. “You are prince now.”
“Because there was no other choice. I wanted–when you said you’d be a doctor to make your grandparents proud, I was a hypocrite. When I was younger, I only wanted to be prince so that my father would be proud of me. So he could look at me, and think I wasn’t a total waste of space. And the people of Elysium wouldn’t only see their king’s bastard child in me.” As he talked, Niccolò’s fingertips tapped on Will’s hip. “I lived in exile, and after they took my sister from me, they took me, too. My mother’s body was long since cold when I moved to Elysium. They just made me pack my bags, and now we don’t talk about the fact that I used to have a whole other life.”
“Do you miss it?”
“I don’t remember enough to do that. I spent so much time not thinking about it, that when I try to now, I just can’t recall more than bits and pieces.” His breath shook. “I remember running down Canal Grande in Venice. The sun on my back, and my own laugh. Bianca’s smile when she turned and looked back at me. Our mother shouting. I don’t even know if that memory is real, or if I was so lonely, I created it.” He stayed silent for a long moment, and Will thought he had fallen asleep. “If that was real, then I miss it. If it wasn’t, I miss it anyway.”
Will rubbed his cheeks away against the mattress, hoping Niccolò hadn’t noticed.
“There’s something I haven’t told you,” Will said. “About my parents. About who I am.”
“I know.”
Will’s whole body went stiff. “You know?”
“I know you haven’t told me something. You don’t have to tell me, though.” Niccolò passed his fingers through Will’s hair. “I’ll trust you, if you’ll let me.”
Less than an hour earlier, Will had talked to Drew about Sherman, about dating someone else, but the thought stayed far from his head as he snuggled even closer to Niccolò.
“Thank you,” was all he said. And then he felt something tug in his chest.
Longing. More. He wanted more. He was hugging Niccolò in his bed, and they were alone, and Will hadn’t wanted to find his soulmate, but his soulmate was Niccolò and he had never stood a chance against something so big. His walls had crumbled down, and he had been too blind to notice.
“We shouldn’t do this,” Will said, his words whispered against Niccolò’s skin. “We shouldn’t do this when there’s not a chance for us.”
“Tomorrow. Tomorrow we’ll wake up and we won’t do this anymore.”
“It’s already tomorrow.” Will sniffled. “I used to play a game with my brothers, when our–my parents fought loudly. One had to choose a letter, and the others named a city and an animal with that letter.”
Niccolò hummed. “P.”
Will bit the inside of his cheeks. “You need to?”
Niccolò took a moment to understand, and when he did, he broke out laughing. “Stop being an asshole.”
“Alright. I’d like to live in Philadelphia, with a, uh. What animals are there with the letter p? Uh.” Will furrowed his eyebrows, pouting in the dark. “You ruined the game.”
“You just suck.” He groaned, as though he were lifting something heavy. “Paguro.”
“It’s an animal with a p. It means, uh, hermit crab.”
“Such a cultured man.”
And Niccolò laughed. They kept on talking for a bit, and Niccolò said he’d like to live in the outskirts of Austin, Texas, and be a farmer. He wanted to have an alpaca.
“What are you laughing at?” Niccolò asked when the silence was broken by Will’s raucous laughter.
“You just make me laugh.”
“Yeah. A lot.”
“But like, are you laughing with me or at me?”
And Will laughed again.
“Persephone called me. There’s a flight booked for you on the twenty-sixth of December. Four in the morning.”
“There’s still three days before that, though.”
“What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.”
“We should do the gift exchange. Between the two of us. We’ll be here on Christmas, right?”
“Then do your worst. The one who picks the worst gift wins.”
Mornings had never felt as long as the one they spent apart. From the moment they stepped out of the house, Will’s mark began burning slightly.
“I think the bond has settled,” Nico said when they met up in the restaurant for lunch. “For me, at least.”
Will spoke in a breath. “Me too.” He smiled, but it turned bitter quickly. “It’ll hurt when we separate.”
“What if we don’t?” Nico asked. His heart thrummed in his chest, as he leaned forward a little, his elbows on the table. “There will always be a place for you in Elysium, you know?”
“My life isn’t there,” Will said. “I–I don’t want to be a doctor, but I also don’t want to–I have my life in New York.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Nico smiled, but it didn’t meet his eyes. “It was just a stupid idea, anyway. I mean, it will hurt, but it’ll pass eventually. We won’t even remember it’s there.”
“I will,” Will said softly. “I won’t just forget about it.”
Nico didn’t have anything to say to that. They ate in silence.
24th of December
“You can say it when you want something,” Reyna said. “It doesn’t make you selfish. And even if it does, it’s okay to be sometimes, for the things that are worth it.”
Nico clutched the phone tighter. “He doesn’t want to come to Elysium.”
“Convince him somehow. Or you could go to New York, frequent university there. It’s an option.”
“But then what? University doesn’t last forever.”
“What you have with Will, could that be forever?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes–sometimes I think it might be. As a friendship.”
“Are you saying that because friendship is all you both want, or because it’s what people expect of you?” Her soft smile was heard even through the phone, and was reflected in her tone. “It’s your life, live it as you deem, not as people tell you.”
“I know. I just–I don’t even know if he could ever like me like that.”
Reyna huffed. “Self-deprecation isn’t a good look on anyone, Nico. Does he know you like him like that?”
“Oh my God, I don’t like him!”
She groaned, but almost sounded like a laugh. “Nico.”
“Alright, he doesn’t of course. We talked about it once, and we both said we weren’t ready for a relationship. Maybe he even has someone back home.”
“Have you seen articles recently? Because I sure as hell hope he hasn’t, or that if he has you two have talked about it. Someone said you have a girlfriend, probably to cover up the possibility of you and Will choosing to have a romantic bond.”
“He wouldn’t like that. His parents were soulmates, and they fought a lot and–he just wants to be friends.”
“It seems to me, like you’re hiding behind well-crafted excuses.”
“It’s true.”
“I’m not saying it isn’t, I’m just saying that you’re using it as an excuse. You like him, and what if he likes you?”
“Even if he did, we could never be together. He lives in New York, Reyna. He doesn’t want to leave New York, and I can’t leave Elysium. With the bond settled, things just get harder. It will hurt every time we talk and every second we don’t.”
“What is your biggest fear right now, Nico?”
“I don’t know.”
“Are you sure?”
Nico took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. “Losing him, I guess. I’m afraid of losing him, and missing him for the rest of my life.”
“It will be hard, but I think you two can do it. I think you can work out a way to be together. You are not the first soulmates to have completely different lives.”
“So I should talk to him.”
“Of course you should.”
“Yeah. Right. Talking. I can do that.”
As it turned out, talking wasn’t so easy.
In the afternoon they took a walk through the city. Everything made Will smile, to the point his cheeks must have hurt. If they did, he didn’t say. Nico realized he was following Will around like a lost puppy, but he didn’t know what else to do. In the morning they had been given a Christmas tree, and now Will wanted to decorate it. Nico huffed and sighed, calling him an overgrown baby, all the while hiding a smile.
“It could become a tradition,” Will said. He had his hands in his pockets, and refused to look up from the stand of handmade Christmas balls they were in front of.
“You ordering me around?” Nico asked, cocking an eyebrow. He clasped his hands behind his back, leaning forward to take a peak to the stand. It was covered in red balls. Even through all the layers he could feel the heat radiating off Will’s body. Even more so when the other leaned back, resting against Nico’s shoulder.
Nico’s breath hitched.
“No, spending Christmas together. No wait, you probably have galas or something. Sorry.” He scoffed.
Nico couldn’t see Will’s face. He immediately missed the his warmth when he stepped forward. With his heart thumping in his chest, Nico did the same, hooking his chin on Will’s shoulder, with the pretense of taking another look.
“I will miss them for you,” Nico said, speaking so quietly it was a mystery how Will heard him.
He did, and tensed up. When he spoke, his voice was as soft as cotton balls. “Would you?”
“I don’t like them much to begin with.” Nico cleared his throat, the tension unbearable. Will’s fingers were shaking. Nico stepped back, taking his wallet from his pocket. “So, which ones would you like?”
They didn’t speak much. They found themselves in a café a while later, with steaming cups of hot chocolate and coffee on the table. As soon as Nico was recognized, they were gifted cookies.
“Something I never understood,” Nico said, trying to break the tension. “Is why they always gift rich people with food.”
Will choked on his hot chocolate, falling forward on the table. He laughed so hard other costumers turned to look at them. Glare at them, more specifically.
“You’re such an old man,” Will finally said, shaking his head. He sighed heavily. “God, my grandmother will love you.”
“Oh, you plan on introducing us?” Nico asked, learning forward, a small smile on his face. “Let me tell you, every mother and grandmother hates me before knowing I’m rich. They think I’m a gangster.”
Will snorted, in a way he would later realize didn’t make him more attractive at all. “Oh, shut up. You’re a marshmallow.”
Nico clasped his lips. “Wow. That I’ve never been called.”
“I find that hard to believe. Don’t you have pet-names with your girlfriends?”
Nico furrowed his eyebrows. “Girl…friends? Like, girls who are my friends?” Reyna’s words came back to him in full force, as he watched Will tilt his head to the side. “You mean like a…a…?”
“A romantic partner who is a girl?” Will tried. His eyes roamed around the room, before setting back on Nico. He tapped his fingers on the table, at the same rhythm as the music passing on the radio. “Don’t you have one now?”
Nico turned red in less than a second. “I don’t. But, like, I also won’t. Never. I won’t ever have a girlfriend.”
“Oh my God, do you still do arranged marriages?”
Will seemed outraged, and for a moment Nico wondered if he was being serious. Was he always so dense? It took him a moment to remember that yes, he was. With no doubt at all.
“Will, I’m gay.”
Will’s eyebrows shot up so fast they should have fallen from his forehead. “Oh.”
He furrowed his eyebrows even more. God. God, had Nico fucked up? Why did he have to listen to Reyna of all people? What did she know? God. Fantastic. Perfect. He would never, ever–
“Is that how you know French?”
Nico looked at him for a long moment. Will, and the smile he was trying to suppress, his lips half-upturned but not completely, and his eyes, they shone so bright, and–
“Oh my God, are you being serious right now?”
And Will laughed.
Will threw himself over Niccolò on the couch. He could start thinking about the future the next day, or the day after. They had turned on the lights on the Christmas tree, and they were now flickering with red, green and yellow.
Niccolò huffed, letting his hand fall between Will’s shoulders blade. “God, are you always so hot?”
Will put his chin on Niccolò’s chest, batting his eyelashes coyly. “Are you always such a flirt?”
“I–” He turned red, his Adam apple going up and down. “I meant warm. Not, like, hot as in sexy. I mean. I mean, you–it’s not like-”
Will laughed. “Sometimes I forget you’re shy.”
Niccolò’s whole face transformed into a frown. “That’s because I’m not. Fuck you, Will.”
Will laughed some more. Niccolò was avoiding his eyes, so he propped himself on his elbows, getting in Niccolò face with a blinding smile.
It was almost anticlimactic the way it happened.
Will was laughing, until he wasn’t. Niccolò was sputtering, until he wasn’t. They had been on their own, until someone had thrown them together, closing them in a house in Livigno. They had been strangers, until they weren’t.
Will had despised the idea of soulmates, until he hadn’t. Because with Nico, with Nico he could envision it. Waking up together, planning a life together. Having a dog, and then another, maybe even a cat. Walking down the streets together, holding each other’s hand. Traveling Europe train by train, without having a route.
For once in his life, he could imagine it all.
Nico had a light stubble from the day, and Will wanted to touch it, run his fingertips over the curves of Nico’s face. Touch his skin where it wasn’t so perfect, where Prince Niccolò met Nico. Remind himself that, after all, Niccolò was just Nico, who liked black coffee and sputtered when he was nervous.
And then they were on the ground. Will’s arm had given in under the weight of his body, and he fell to the ground. Nico’s limbs were tangled with his, so they fell together. Nico’s head touched the carpet with a loud thud.
“Oh my God!” Will shrieked. He tried to stand, but only entangled himself further in the blanket that had been covering Nico. “How’s your head? Oh my God, can you even hear me?”
Nico groaned, making no move to stand. He covered his face with his hands. “With the frequencies you’re speaking at, I’m also probably losing my hearing.”
“Fuck, I’m getting you some ice.” He bolted to the kitchen, and a new sound of despair echoed through the house. “Do we even have ice?”
Nico took his phone out of his pocket, and sent a message to Reyna.
I almost kissed him and fucked up.
She responded after a few moments.
I bet you didn’t talk about it.
Nico huffed.
You don’t say.
With some dizziness, he stood and reached the kitchen. He sat on the counter, watching Will roam through the freezer, and only come back with a bag of iced peas.
He must have not heard Nico, for when he saw him sitting there he completely paled, almost dropping the peas.
“Careful, those are sacred around here,” Nico said.
Will nodded, with a little smile on his lips, that didn’t seem natural at all.
Nico chewed on his lower lip. How did he bring it up? Sorry I tried to kiss you, I was just vibe checking? Was that something normal kids these days said?
“You know about the soulmate ceremony?” Nico blurted out, reaching forward to take the bag of peas from Will’s hands.
“Yeah?” Will prompted, sitting on the other stool and swinging his feet.
“Well. We’ll have to choose a color palette. One day. When we actually have it.” Nico nodded. “Well, that was it. All I had to say. Yep.”
Will snorted through his nose. “Is that really all you have to say?”
Will leaned forward, taking the wrist of the hand in which Nico was uselessly holding the bag, and brought it to Nico’s temple. Nico adjusted his grip on it. Will’s hand seemed to linger forever, and if Nico were honest, he would have admitted he wished it would.
“No.” Nico’s heart stopped beating. It literally stopped beating, then did so hard it broke his chest. “It’s not all I have to say.”
“What else is there, then?”
Oh. Oh, Will’s eyes. They had resumed their puppy resemblance, or maybe puppy eyes should have just been called Will’s eyes, because Nico was pretty sure he had invented them. There was no other explanation of why he would ever look so good with them.
“Before the ritual, we have to decide what we should be. Platonic or romantic.”
“You’re gay, I’m bi.”
Nico’s breath resembled a sob. “Yeah.”
“But you’re a prince.”
Will’s eyes were still so sweet, even with the hurt so clear in them. “We don’t really have a choice then, do we?”
“I can’t offer you a relationship.” Nico shook his head; he couldn’t bear Will’s knowing gaze anymore. He looked away. “If I keep seeing you, then I’ll fall in love. But even then, we’d have to sneak around, keep being in secret.”
“Just–I just have a question. Why can’t you be gay? Are your parents homophobes?””
“Not my parents. They know. But it would cause problems if I were to create a scandal. My sisters, my mother, my father’s past… everything would be thrown right back on journals. I have to keep quiet, so I can live peacefully. And I can’t ask that of you. You deserve to be loved in the open.”
Will’s smile turned bitter. “So do you.” Slowly, oh so slowly, his hand covered Nico’s. His skin was soft and warm, much like he was. “You deserve to be happy.”
“Our happiness doesn’t overlap, does it? I’ll be a prince for the rest of my life, famous forever.”
“I know.” Will gripped his hand tighter, and Nico let the peas bag fall to the counter. He tried to smile again. It looked more like a grimace. “Star crossed lovers, aren’t we, my darlin’?” He tilted his head to the side, causing the blonde curls on his head to move, and the perfume of his shampoo to expand through the air. “If you could be selfish just for this one moment, this one night, what would you do?”
Nico didn’t hesitate. He stood, and cupped Will’s jaw. Was Will’s mark pulsing as his own was? Could he feel the sparks where they touched? Nico leaned forward, and kissed him. The first kiss was little more than a lingering peck, but it was followed by another, and another again. They separated, keeping their foreheads resting against one another’s. One of Will’s hand was on Nico’s shoulder, the other on the small of his back.
Their breaths mingled. Nico was sure that, if he looked away, he’d never have the force to meet Will’s eyes again. So he didn’t. He didn’t have to either, because Will kissed him again, and it was heated and perfect, and their marks were really pulsing this time.
Spending Christmas Eve with a stranger hadn’t been on Will’s to-do list. As he lays in bed later the same night, he wonders whether Nico has ever been one at all.
25th of December
Will has never spent a Christmas quite like this. He sits in front of the TV, with Nico’s chest against his back, Nico’s own back against the sofa.
“What time is the flight, again?” Will asks. His voice is low, a bit raspy.
“Five in the afternoon. They’ll come pick us up around three, I think.”
Will rests his head on Nico’s shoulder, dropping a little to the ground, and looking up at him.
“We have to open the gifts,” Nico says. He makes to move, but Will is quicker, and puts his hand on Nico’s knee, stopping him mid-movement. But Will doesn’t know how to start when his heart is beating like this, and Nico looking at him like this. “Will?”
“Remember when I said my name wasn’t William?” he asks.
“Yes. What has that to do with now?”
YouTube is open on the TV, and Taylor Swift’s Christmas Tree Farm playing quietly. In the music video are some photos of her childhood, and Will finds the force of turning to look at Nico by seeing little Taylor fall in a pile of snow.
“If I tell you the truth, will you forgive me for not telling you sooner?”
Once again, Nico doesn’t hesitate in cupping Will’s cheek with his hand. His touch is so tender it shouldn’t be legal. Eve and Adam must have felt like this, when they ate the forbidden fruit. “Everything that happened between us, happened with me knowing you were keeping something from me.”
Will nods. “But I–it might change what you think of me.”
“Unless you tell me you’re an assassin sent to kill me, then I don’t think we’re in that kind of trouble.”
“My name.” Will wraps his fingers around Nico’s wrist, keeping it there. He wets his lips, almost laughs at the way Nico blushes. “You know Apollo’s real name?”
Nico furrows his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side. He still seems so confused. “No? Don’t they say it’s one of Hollywood’s best kept secrets?”
The warmth of Nico’s skin against his and the softness of the carpet underneath them are the only things keeping Will’s head above the waters his mind has turned into.
“Lester Papadopolous. That’s his name.”
Nico still doesn’t understand. “Were you a groupie or something?”
“God, no, I–listen.” Will sits straighter, without even thinking of letting Nico go, with the fear of his touch never coming back. “People don’t know where his children ended up, right? But he had a lot.”
“Yeah. I mean, I don’t really keep up with Hollywood gossip or whatever, but I don’t get where you’re going with–”
“My name,” Will interrupts him. “My name now is Fitzwilliam Andrew Solace. But it used to be Fitzwilliam Andrew Papadopolous.”
Nico is silent for a long moment. His hand slips from Will’s cheek, passing through his fingers, wrapped too loosely, and to the ground. It makes the same thud his head has the night prior. His face is unreadable.
“You are his son,” he finally says.
God. Why is his voice so carefully blank? Will doesn’t want them to be careful around each other, not after they’ve got so far.
Will nods. “His and Naomi. They–I didn’t really want to stay after what happened with Lee and Michael. I had a big fight with my father.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it makes sense.”
What? What makes sense? Will wants to scream, tear his own hair out, but he can’t. He’s not a child anymore.
Will sniffles. “Well, we can open the gifts now that that is in the open, anyway.” He claps his hands, willing the knot in his chest away. When he can’t, he starts ignoring it. “Just felt like you should know and everything.”
He uncrosses his legs to stand, but Nico’s fingers wrap around his wrist. This time it’s him trying to keep Will close.
Nico takes a deep breath, and talks so fast he could be an undercover rapper. “You know I don’t think any different of you for that, right? And I hope I didn’t do anything to make you feel pressured to tell me, although I am glad you did, and I think it might help to know in the future.”
Will stares dumbfounded at him. “Future.”
“Yeah. I still want to know a lot about you.” He turns as red as the jumper Will has found in the back of the wardrobe, and forced on him. In Will’s defense, Nico hasn’t put up that much of a fight, and red really suits him. “Even when we go back to platonic. You’re wonderful as Fitzwilliam Andrew Solace, I’m sure you were wonderful as Fitzwilliam Andrew Papopolous.”
Platonic. They were good when they were, so the thought shouldn’t hurt Will so much.
“Yeah, that.”
Will laughs. And then he cries.
It’s dark outside when a car pulls up in the driveway. They have already brought their luggage downstairs. Nico’s phone pings with a new message, and after he checks it, he stands in front of the window to wave at the driver. In silence, they put on their coats. Will has left his gloves in the pockets. Nico takes one of the scarves from the coat hanger, and then puts the other on Will. They stand there for a long moment, looking at each other, no one wanting to go out, meet the outside world again.
“I’ll miss you,” Will says, so quietly he isn’t sure Nico will hear.
“So will I,” Nico responds. And then it’s silent again.
Will wraps his arms around Nico, and the other reciprocates. Will swallows, shutting his eyes and willing the tears away. Why does it feel so much like a goodbye?
26th of December
Will’s siblings and Drew are waiting for him at the airport. He smiles, laughing at Drew and Kayla’s intertwined hands, wishing he and Nico were allowed to do the same. He looks down at his finger, the way the artificial light catches on the ring Nico has gifted him. As they pass the Brooklyn Bridge, he looks East, and in the way the sun shines on the surface of the river, he almost thinks he will forget Nico.
#solangelo#solangelo fic#riordanverse#rick riordan#will solace#nico di angelo#solangelo au#soulmate au
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Roses & Thorns | Chapter 13
Genre: Hybrid!AU, fluff, angst
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x Female!Reader | Alpaca!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Fox!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Bear!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook
Summary: Y/N is a rehabilitator of hybrids who have been abused or being sold for auction. It’s an illegal thing to do, but she feels strongly that this is the right thing. For many years, she has saved hundreds of hybrids who have needed her help, even for her young age, and six of them decided to stay with her. Namjoon, who was the second saved, initiated an intimate relationship, which Taehyung, who was the first saved, wanted in on. Over time, some of the hybrids that came after the two wanted to join in on the relationship. Now, Y/N has saved a very rare fox hybrid named Hoseok, who is very curious and even more broken. He has the choice to stay with these people and maybe join their relationship or move on to a rehabilitated district where he can have a life of his own. What will he choose?
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Sexual Assault, Suicide & Mental Illness! Read with Caution <3 | Suggestions of Smut? (I’m not good at writing smut, so it’s just implied… ^_^); Profanity
Word Count: 1,423
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 14 // Chapter 15 // Chapter 16 // Chapter 17 // Chapter 18 // Chapter 19 // Chapter 20 [FINAL] //
Author’s Note: Welcome to Chapter 13! Please let me know what you think of this chapter, I love getting feedback! I hope you enjoyed it!!! ^_^
The rest of the night was a blur. I decided this was the best thing for them, much to their argument. They’d leave in a couple of days, so as I continued to sit on the couch, they began to pack their things. I sighed, my body all cried out. I went to the one place I felt comfort, and that was the garden. I sat there, looking up at the sky and wondering what my life has become.
“Y/N?” A soft voice said, making me look. It was Hoseok, and he seemed a bit bashful. I gave a small smile as he walked over, sitting next to me and putting his face into my neck, licking it, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
“Hobi, I’m not really in the mood,” I mumbled, continuing to look at the forest as he gave butterfly kisses up my neck to my cheek.
“What? I’m just giving the most perfect girl kisses,” He replied, giving a toothy smile as I looked at him, a couple stray tears falling.
“Hobi, I’ll miss you boys so much,” I choked out, closing my eyes and letting out a shaky sigh. “I don’t know what to do. I feel like death would be easier than this….”
“No, Y/N,” He whispered, making me open my eyes and look at his sorrowful face.
“Hobi… I just don’t know what to do,” I said, making him frown. Jin came over, sitting on the other side of me. He must have heard everything because he looked upset.
“Hobi, babe, mind if I have a moment with our girl?” He asked. Hoseok nodded, pecking both of our lips before leaving. A couple more tears fell as I didn’t meet Jin’s eyes.
“You’d rather die, huh?” He asked, making me sigh and snap my eyes shut.
“Jin, I won’t try anything, I promise,” I said as he grabbed my hands, making me completely face him. “I just feel it’d be easier than this life.”
“I don’t want you to ever think that, Y/N,” He whispered, bringing his forehead to mine. I sighed again, shutting my eyes.
“I know, Jinnie. Just, don’t tell this to the others, yeah?” I asked.
“Too late for that,” Yoongi sounded, and I winced, not looking at him. “We. Aren’t. Leaving you.”
“Yoongi, you have to,” I said, standing up. Jin sniffed the air, and Yoongi’s eyes seemed to darken, his tail twitching. What did they smell?
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but you can’t get rid of us that easy,” He replied, eyeing me, making me shiver at his gaze. It was almost… sexual?
“You think I want you to leave? What we have is good here!” I said, sighing and running my hand through my hair. Yoongi came over, pressing his lips to mine roughly, making me freeze in surprise. He picked me up, making me wrap my arms around his neck and my legs dangle opposite of me.
“What’s going on?” I ask, completely forgetting about Jinwoo.
“We’re going to show you how much we love you, and how this Jinwoo won’t be shit compared to us.”
Before I knew it, it was morning. We were all naked in my bed, and I felt a soreness to my core, making me wince as I turned to face Jungkook, who slept peacefully. His nose twitched, along with his small tail. I smiled, leaning over and kissing his nose, making his eyes flutter open. He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. My phone began to ring, making all the boys growl.
I reached for it, my heart going into my stomach. I sat up quickly, answering it with hesitation.
“Jinwoo, hello,” I said, causing Namjoon to shoot awake, sitting up. Yoongi and Jimin gave a small growl, making Namjoon shake them awake.
“Y/N, my fiancé. I was just calling to let you know I’m on my way over. I want to take you out to lunch, and meet my future hybrids,” He said, each word dripping with cockiness. I looked at the clock, noticing we slept through breakfast. I crawled over the boys, beginning to get dressed as I nodded to Namjoon, who took everyone out to get ready.
“Alright, I’ll see you soon,” I said, hanging up.
Just as I finished getting dressed, I ran downstairs to see all the boys waiting. Yoongi, Jin, Taehyung, and Namjoon all had on collars and vests, making me wince and frown. Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook were in there regular clothes, also frowning.
“Okay, you three get to the safe house. He said he wants to take me to lunch,” I said, making Namjoon and Yoongi growl.
“I’m coming with you,” Yoongi said, making Taehyung and Jin nod.
“No. You three have to stay and watch Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook. I’ll go with her, he knows me well,” Namjoon said, glaring.
“Go, he should be here any minute,” I told the three, kissing their lips.
“Please be careful,” Jimin said, hugging me as the three went into the basement.
Just a minute later, a knock sounded. I went and opened the door, causing Jinwoo to smile and walk in, kissing my lips, making me freeze in surprise. His kiss was rough and horrible, it made me want to throw up. He looked to the four boys, who was using all there power not to attack. Taehyung was clenching his fists, knuckles turning white.
“Jinwoo, this is Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Namjoon, who you met yesterday,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
“Ah, yes,” He said, eyeing them. “No, the tiger goes when I move in.”
“What?” I said, eyeing him. Taehyung frowned, clearly getting angrier by the minute.
“The other three are okay. You will address me as your master,” He said, making me angry.
“No, they won’t,” I replied, making him turn to face me. “We aren’t married yet, so they are still mine. They will listen to me until then, and I’m saying they call you Jinwoo.” He chuckled, walking over and grabbing my chin roughly, making me look at him.
“Well, when we’re married… you’re going to regret saying that,” He said, throwing my head to the side and walking to the door. “Let’s go, don’t want to be late.” Namjoon followed me over, and Jinwoo eyed him, scowling.
“Not the animal,” He spat, never taking his eyes off him.
“I’m sorry, sir, but she doesn’t go alone,” He replied, nodding.
“Fine, but you wait outside,” Jinwoo replied, grabbing me roughly and dragging me to the car, where we got in for our lunch date.
Lunch was boring, and he was even more upsetting than I thought. We had nothing in common, and he had a very horrible way of treating hybrids, one that was eerily similar to my fathers. Namjoon was waiting outside in 100-degree weather, and I felt horrible.
“So, tell me, Y/N,” Jinwoo said, sipping his wine. “We’ve been here a couple of hours…. What do you think your other hybrids are doing?”
“I’m not sure, Jinwoo. Maybe cleaning?” I said, innocently.
“Listen, Y/N… I’m a smart man, and I think I know a lot more than you think I do,” He said, smirking at me.
“I’m not understanding,” I replied, my heart sinking with worry.
“I know what you do, Y/N,” He said, eating his food as if he wasn’t ruining my life.
“What do I do, Jinwoo?” I asked, wide eyed.
“You may want to go home, Y/N…” He whispered, smirking. I stood up, walking out and grabbing Namjoon.
On the car ride home, I relayed the conversation to Namjoon, who was just as fearful and angry. We had to take a taxi since Jinwoo drove, and when we got in front of my house, I threw the money at the driver, getting out with Namjoon.
We ran up to my door, freezing in place. The door was wide open, and it looked like it had been kicked in. Namjoon was the first to run in, and when I heard him scream, I quickly followed. I gasped at the sight I saw.
My home was completely trashed, and I tried to ignore the blood spots scattered around the room. Namjoon was running all over the house, shouting the names of our boyfriends to no prevail. He came back down, wide eyed and tears streaming down his cheeks. I was too shocked to cry. I watched Namjoon start picking things up, throwing them and trashing the place even more. The boys were taken….
#bts#bts reactions#Bangtan boys#Bangtan boys reactions#bts hybrid au#poly bts#poly bts ot7#poly ot7#seokjin#jin#yoongi#suga#hoseok#jhope#namjoon#rm#jimin#taehyung#v#jungkook#kookie#hybrid jin#hybrid yoongi#hybrid hoseok#hybrid namjoon#hybrid jimin#hybrid taehyung#hybrid jungkook#roses & thorns
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Duster Part 9 - Quadrum 8

Last quadrum the colonists packed their things up and left their old colony behind and are now on the move! Will they make it to their new location and set up safely?

As a reminder, this is the journey they’re making, which should take about 5 days. It’s Winter now and a cold snap, so it may not be easy, but they’re getting closer to the equator so the temperatures shouldn’t be too bad.

A couple of days in and there’s an ambush on the caravan!

... It’s literally one person with a mace. I mean, she looks to be skilled, but the colonists have ten people and eleven animals, and some of the people have guns. I’m not sure what this woman thinks she’s doing on her own here.

Between the brawlers and the gunners, it really doesn’t take long. Not sure I’d want to live with shattered nose and jaw and one of my eyes cut out!

I thought it’d be interesting to keep an eye on the old base until they settle at their new location, and as you can see an electrical fault broke out on some of the wiring... It’d be interesting if other people came to settle here now that it’s empty, but they’ll have to fix some of the wiring now first. They’re just lucky it didn’t spread into any of the buildings, because a lot of the furniture is wood.

Nearly at their destination, and the colonists get a request for help. It wouldn’t sound too bad, except that these people clearly haven’t got the message about the colony moving yet, as this is days back the way they came. These people will just have to sort it themselves.

The same day and the colonists are ambushed by manhunting arctic foxes!

... Make that manhunting arctic fox, singular. Must be desperate for food or maddened by something, this fox is apparently on a suicide mission, and living a lot farther north than I would have expected.

Sometimes you wish these things could just have some common sense.

And that some people could be more precise with their shooting. But Henry will fix Jethro up again, I’m sure...

On the bright side, one of the muffalo calves has been born on the journey, and is already carrying some share of the weight. I think these colonists are lucky there aren’t any animal rights groups on Duster, or else I think they might be in trouble using animals so young.

And at 5pm on 5th of Jugust, the colonists make camp at their new location, which apparently means dumping everything on the ground immediately? They’re now north enough that it’s effectively permanent summer, which is a good thing for growing food, but is going to mean that it’s consistently pretty hot.

One of the first things that happens is that their prison decides that she may as well join them now! Just as well; they didn’t have anywhere to hold prisoners anyway.
Eri’s the eleventh colonist now, and may be one of the best at mining, which the colonists haven’t done a lot of so far. Regardless, a lot of hands are going to be needed to get this new site going, so I’m sure she can be helpful.

One priority task they set to is taking out the more dangerous animals in the area; it could be a while before everyone and all the animals are secure inside, and it wouldn’t take much for a warg or something to decide to eat the hen or one of the young alpacas or muffalo, if not one of the people! Fortunately it’s a much easier task with machine guns...

The next day work really begins, and apparently the toll of their journey and the poorer circumstances they’re all now in has really gotten to Lion! Honestly, if you had asked me to guess which colonist this would happen to, she would not have been the one by a long way. You’d think her previous life, the raiding, or being taken prisoner might have done it, but apparently this is. Maybe it’s a cumulative effect? Well, she can talk to Henry about it, she’s very experienced in anxiety...

Lion’s far from the only one struggling though, and I don’t think Dead will be the last...

This is not going to help people’s relationships. Or actually fix the problems they’re complaining about...

Now this one actually does help, but you know it’s bad because Priscilla would never normally clean, even if you paid her to.

Lucya’s also had a switch of personality, she who would never normally be violent. And don’t be fooled; they do still have plenty of food, but none of it’s cooked, and it’s spread between ruined buildings across the map, so she’s probably just grumpy she couldn’t get it in time.

This is a lot of the reason for the unhappiness, all eleven colonists crammed into a small room, but until they can get a good supply of stone to build a base of their own, at least they are sleeping indoors and in bedrolls, instead of outside on the ground.

This is really not what anybody needs right now; enough people are still on the brink of breakdown, the women don’t also need pain on top of it...

Well, it’s not the worst she could be doing, but eating raw meat might not be the best idea for her health...

This is more frustrating. We’ve also noticed that Henry does appear to have lost her mayor status since the move, probably because there wasn’t a colony location for a while. I wonder if she’ll stand again if it comes up?

There have been so many mental breaks, I’m not even sure who insulted Julio. Everyone’s in a bad mood, so it could have been anyone.

At this rate there’s going to be nobody who hasn’t had a mental break in this colony. They’re lucky nobody’s gotten into an actual fight and hurt anybody else so far.

The dangerous animal hunting continues whenever they show up. This lynx terrified Morales for a moment, before he remembered that he was the one with the automatic gun and mowed it down properly.

They hadn’t been hunting boomalope though; killing them tends to cause more problems than it solves. Unfortunately this one isn’t giving them much of a choice...

Yeah, that did not go to plan. The colonists don’t have enough stone to enclose this planned base yet, so the boomalope wandered right in and has caused a lot of issues right in the middle now. Lucya’s probably going to want to get off that one completed chair before they all go up.

And amongst the flames, barely visible, is the hen. We knew something was bound to happen to it sooner or later, but we mostly expected a wild animal to get it for lunch, not that it would be cooked alive by an exploding boomalope...

Vas was the only human hurt, and it’s just a few moderate burns, so it shouldn’t be any trouble.

Errr, we are being informed that apparently burns can get infected, which does make sense now that I think about it. Still, this colony even has some glitterworld medicine, so I wouldn’t get excited thinking we might lose another colonist.

Of course this is a lovely time to get raided, so a small group of raiders shows up. This looks suspiciously like the Leobrin of the Brook kind of people, who have traditionally not given the colonists much trouble, but we shouldn’t take that for granted...

Priscilla and Morales headed down quickly to ensure the safety of the closest storehouse, and none of these people have weapons to face down automatic guns.

Two of them died very quickly, and the large one could flee a lot faster than you might have expected. Normally the colony would take in this survivor, but they don’t have anywhere to keep him and not enough to build it and take him there before he bleeds out. He’ll be buried with his friends anyway.

Another muffalo calf has been born, this time female.
And you can see what we mean about there not being enough stone to finish the walls of this base. Still, it’s better than being completely out in the open.

A call for help from a relative who’s not an ex! And only running from LotB archers, those should be simple enough to handle. There’s no way the colony’s turning this down.

And now we have a 12th colonist! The colony probably didn’t particularly need any of his skills, but you don’t want to turn down family on a hellhole like this!
Though you do wonder how a vatgrown assassin wound up with a younger brother who’s a civil servant... They must have an interesting family history. And why this is the brother called ‘Steroid’.

And here we have the poor LotB archers on his tail, apparently oblivious to the fate that will await them...

It was over very quickly, but one of them has survived to be taken prisoner now that the colonists have a small cell to hold them! This guy really took a lot of bullets, you have to give him credit for still being alive and even slightly conscious right now.

Yet another muffalo calf has been born, this time male. And you can see that the walls and flooring of the base are really coming along.

Just when you think the animal pregnancies might be done, it turns out the first one is pregnant again. They’re really going to have to think about animal control at some stage.

We’ve now come to the end of Jugust, the second year since the start of the challenge, and a good few miles closer to the spaceship. Although the new main building is coming along, this is still the sleeping arrangement for now. Really going to have to work on that next quadrum, before the mental breaks start all over again.
Final stats:
Henry: No longer Mayor
Jethro: All-enduring
Zeiph: MVP
Dead: In the distance doing some farming
Lucya: If you forget about her, she’s pleased
Vas: Reunited with younger brother! And cured of burn infection.
Sky: So background you barely notice he’s there
Priscilla: Maybe if she can’t get back her man, get with his brother?
Morales: Surprisingly useful
Julio: Insulted :(
Eri: Recruited
Steroid: Rescued and recruited, the less impressive brother
Animals: -1 hen, + a bunch of muffalo, an alpaca is pregnant
Colony: +2 people, +1 new prisoner
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Stocking Stuffer ‘Stravaganza
I don’t know about you, but I love a good stocking. They were a pretty big deal in my family when I was young and I’ve tried to carry on the tradition of presenting them ridiculously overflowing. Sometimes putting together a truly good stocking is almost more work than all of your other gift shopping combined, so we thought you might want some stocking stuffer inspiration.
Fiber Flair
First, we’ll go for the cute fix with our Fiber Flair. Enamel pins are all over creation lately, and they frequently fall into the A+ gift game category of things-you-really-like-but-would-never-buy-for-yourself. If your knitters are of the sincere and heartfelt variety, we have the lovely message pins: Handmade is Love and Happiness is Handmade. For the snarkier crowd, you might consider more of a knitter’s-only inside joke, like the Coffee. Knit. Sleep. Repeat. or Feelin’ Superfine. And our coterie of crafty critters is sure to please the most curmudgeonly of spinsters (literal spinsters, I mean, with spindles): Knitting Sheep, Scarf Alpaca, Yarn Kitty, and, most fabulous of them all, Sparkles the Knitting Unicorn.
If you want to go with something more practical, but just as endearing, you can always go for a handy key chain. Choose from the Yarn Kitty, Sparkles, or Happiness is Handmade and you can even give a set with the matching pin. Even consider going for a non-traditional approach and using one of our project bags AS a stocking. (Bonus points if you include the matching pin with a Handmade is Love, Coffee. Knit. Sleep. Repeat., or Sparkles bag.)
Perhaps you’re the practical type that’s more interested in knowing that your gifts are useful and make their recipients’ lives easier. Cable Needles are one of those things that many knitters don’t want to admit they need, but are grateful nonetheless to have (get them in Caspian, Majestic, or Rainbow). The Emergency Fix Keychain is the ultimate inexpensive and impressively useful doodad, perfect for picking up dropped stitches, doing provisional crochet cast-ons, and generally being the kind of tool that you never knew you needed until you have one. And it’s also hard to have too many stitch markers (personally, it’s because I keep losing them. . .), and every knitter would appreciate more, whether metal, flexible, or locking.
And scissors! I’ve developed a bad habit of just pulling my yarn apart when I need to break it, which gives you unraveling, feathery ends that don’t weave in very nicely, and usually end up digging up some scissors to get a crisp end anyway. Help your knitting friends avoid that with the lovely and safety-friendly Yarn Cutter, a nice addition to any notions bag. You can also let them try our stylish new Susan Scissors, available in Red, Black, and Silver, or tickle your animal-loving knitter friend with Owl or Cat snips.
Frequently Overlooked Inexpensive Usefulness. . .es
You know what is small, inexpensive, and ever knitter always needs more of? Cables. You can’t go wrong with classic black, or stylish green. I prefer 40″ in general, but some people like the short mid-range 32″. Don’t forget the IC tips! Even if your knitter owns a full IC set, consider giving them another color to try (Sunstruck, Rainbow, Caspian, or Majestic), or some Nickel Plated to experiment with. The extended sizes that don’t come in our standard IC set, US 10.75, 13, 15, 17, are also something that many knitters don’t often have and might inspire some ideas or save them the frustration of not having these unusual sizes when that inspiration strikes. And having multiple sets of the most common sizes (4 for lighter weights, 6 for worsted, 9 for bulky) is a godsend when you need them. I have three pairs of size 6’s and I’m still constantly having to swap them out for random tasks.
If you know a knitter that doesn’t have a full interchangeable set already, they definitely need to try them and our Try It Sets are an easy way to introduce someone to the amazing convenience of our Options system. You can get them in Rainbow, Caspian, and Majestic, and they can try both wood and Nickel Plated needles together.
Yarn care products are something that many of us overlook in favor of snazzier goodies, but make for the kind of thoughtful gift that will only be more and more appreciated as time goes on. The Knit Picks Gleener might take up the bulk of a stocking, but it’s something any knitter will use for years. Though not quite as comprehensive, the Save our Sweaters Brush is a more stocking- and budget-friendly option. A few cedar blocks will not only be useful for years, but will also make any stocking smell lovely (also butterfly-shapes!). And don’t forget the wool wash! Soak comes in a stocking-ready Travel Pack, Kookaburra comes in a 2 oz size (we like the delicate version too), and an assortment of Eucalan (my personal favorite) single packs gives the opportunity to find a favorite scent.
Hopefully that will give you plenty to add crafty spice to your stockings. Unfortunately, we don’t sell any of the delicious candy you’ll almost certainly be including. If you need any more ideas for inexpensive fibery stocking gifts, check out the section of our Holiday Store for Gifts under $10.
The post Stocking Stuffer ‘Stravaganza appeared first on KnitPicks Staff Knitting Blog.
from KnitPicks Staff Knitting Blog http://ift.tt/2C8j0nm via IFTTT
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Nylon Guys Magazine Interview
By the time Hayden Christensen suggests that we hop on a couple of snowmobiles and go explore the extent of his 200 acre farm, it’s getting dark outside and the temperature is 10 degrees below freezing. The two hour drive from downtown Toronto up here into bleak, rural Ontario had taken close to four in a rented Toyota Corolla, the last 15 minutes of which were essentially tobogganing down roads closed to all but local traffic. Traffic was invariably composed, I noticed as I slid helplessly down tracks entirely covered in packed ice, of vehicles with very large tires and four wheel drive. Christensen purchased the farm, which is just up the road from his parents; home where he grew up, eight months previously. It’s his first house, and he’s clearly proud of it. “I did those,” he says, gesturing at his kitchen cabinets that are painted so that they appear cracked and aged, and launching into an explanation of the process-‘it takes forever but it sure is worth it.’ He has also tiled the surfaces, painted the walls, replaced the floors, and amassed a healthy collection of antiques from the shops in the surrounding villages, which are scattered throughout the house. Christensen, who was born in Vancouver, is a hands-on kind of guy; the sort who likes to chop wood and rear animals, build decks and grout, hike, fish, ride horses, grow crops, and construct barns. He’s most certainly not predisposed to sitting around and talking about himself and so far now it’s on with full body snowsuits, snowboots, touks as Canadians call beanies, gloves, and goggles and off to an outhouse to start up the snowmobiles. He seems excited, as if he’s waited all day for an excuse to get out there. Out in the barn, though, where he keeps his snowmobiles, ATVs and tractor (“I’m just learning how to use that-it’s harder than it looks”) there’s a problem. One of the machines won’t start. Christensen is crestfallen. “Man, this really sucks,” he says as he pulls one lever after the other on the sleek black machine. “I suppose we’ll have to go on the same one.” It’s a situation that raises an important question; just what am I supposed to hold on to? In the absence of any handles the only options are the actor’s waist or shoulders. I opt for the latter. “Ok, man,” he yells as the engine roars to life, “remember to lean when I lean, and hold on.” It’s been snowing for the past few weeks, but the clouds have parted for the time being and the bright halogen headlights of the snowmobile illuminate fresh powder, at least three feet deep, ahead of us. We fly through open gates, following a recently made trail (“My family came over yesterday,” he shouts. “We hitched a trailer to the tractor and took it out for a picnic”) impressed on the ground. On a gentle slope lie two discarded sleds, one pink one and one blue. (“We were going down the hill on those yesterday.” He says. “Very fun” ) Eventually we get to the top of the hill-Christensen takes off his goggles and stops the engine. “That’s the highest part of my land,” he says, with a grin, “and the highest in the county actually.” At the base of the hill evergreen wildwoods stretch, oblique and forbidding, across the countryside. In the dwindling light the snow, which lies very thick on ever fence-post, branch, and thorn bush, has taken on a blueish hue and the sky-the dark silver of mercury-seems to rest heavily on the land; the moon a chalky thumbprint. Every few miles, off in the distance, the warm lights of a house glow sleepily and implacably against encroaching darkness. “You see that clearing?” says Christensen, pointing to a pale spot a few miles into the woods. “That’s the boundary of my land. There’s a river that marks it, Isn’t it great? I really want to go down there and show you some more. There are trails that I haven’t been on this winter yet, they’d be fun.” And so we head back to the house, where he calls his dad, who informs him where the choke is on the other machine, and what to do with it. Now, with a working snowmobile each, we tear across unblemished snow and down into the forest. Christensen leading and ducking this and that to avoid the low hanging boughs of trees that are covered in snow that scatters like glitter as he passes. “Man.” He says as I pull up next to him by a copse of Douglas Firs, “how fun is this?” “I really want to do everything with the farm,” he says later, sitting one of two large white couches in his living room. The only light is coming from his 60 inch plasma TV showing a hockey match on mute, five or so large church candles, their wax dripping in pools around them, and the fire crackling in the hearth. “There will be dairy cows and probably some sheep. Maybe an alpaca-I hear they’re good for warding off predators. For some reason lavender really appeals to me. I’d like to grow a lot of Lavender. I think that front hay field I want to turn into a big lavender field. Apparently, it’s pretty easy to maintain.” He takes a long drag on his cigarette. “But it’s meant to be a bitch to harvest-you have to cut it all by hand.”
These are the words of a man entirely at ease with himself. Someone, who rich from the success of a starring role in the biggest franchise in movie history, can choose what projects he wants to do and when he wants to do them, and make all his decisions from right here on his couch, watching hockey. (he played competitively until he was 17. “A lot of the guys I played with are pro now”, in front of the fire in the middle of nowhere. “I had a lot of success really quickly but then I was happy not to have anything to do with it.” He says. “I need to not live the insulated life that I think a lot of the people in Hollywood live. I had a really odd relationship with my first agent, because he could never figure out why I wasn’t in L.A. and taking advantage of opportunities there. Star Wars was financially beneficial and all of a sudden I didn’t have a need for my next check and I got to look at acting and my work as really just sort of my own creative expression, and nothing else is really going to affect that. I was turning down what would be considered a lot of money because it wasn’t creatively what I wanted to do at the time.” Today Christensen is such a far remove from Hollywood that it’s easy to forget that he’s still an incredibly in demand actor with the ability to secure lead roles in big budget movies, should he want them. And while his interests mostly lie in developing smaller scale projects like 2003’s Shattered Glass-based on the story of the New Republic journalist Stephen Glass who invented a large percentage of the stories he wrote for the magazine-that Christensen starred in and produced with his brother. His latest project, the Doug Liman directed “Jumper” in which he plays a man with the ability to teleport, is nothing, if grand in scope. “When my agent first called about it. He was like, ‘so there’s this big Fox movie, science fiction, they possibly want to turn it into a franchise,’ and I was like ‘why are we talking about this? Don’t you remember those other movies I just did?” He’s laughing, spluttering over his cigarette. “Then he said “Doug Liman was directing it, I was like “Oh! I was a huge fan of his movies.” In Jumper, Christensen and fellow teleporter Jamie Bell find themselves in the middle of a war that has been going on for hundreds of years between the jumpers (of which there are evidently quite a few) and those who have sworn to kill them; a group led by Samuel L Jackson. Taking place all over the world (We even closed down the Colosseum for three days to shoot a scene”) the film is full of Wachowski brothers-like visual effects and dramatic camera angles. At first it might seem an odd choice for an actor who says he chooses his movies if “there’s something inside me that needs to play the character and needs to be part of the story”. But working with Liman, who insisted Christensen be part a part of a process of ‘figuring the movie out’ wasn’t an opportunity the actor was prepared to pass up. “I felt like I was working with another visionary filmmaker,” Christensen continues. “George Lucas was clearly one of those, and I feel like Doug is too.” Of course George Lucas is the reason anyone knows who Christensen is at all. The reason he is able to afford this house, the one he just closed in on in the Bahamas, all the mechanical toys in his big barn, and the fancy paint for his fancy cupboards. Before Star Wars, Hayden Christensen was an unknown actor living in Vancouver and working on a TV show called Higher Ground that aired on the Fox Family Channel. An agent suggested he audition for Star Wars in LA, which was annoying, he recalls, because he wasn’t making that much cash and had to fly himself down there. “The meeting lasted for maybe 10 minutes and George didn’t even mention Star Wars the whole time so I assumed it didn’t go very well. I was like, “Well, shit, I just flew all the way down here.” A month went by and Christensen, along with five other actors of which, reportedly Leonardo Dicaprio was one, were invited back to Lucas’s Skywalker Ranch to read with Natalie Portman. “They made sure we never saw each other,” he says with a smile. “Although, they have guest houses on the ranch and when I went for my audition I stayed in a room that I guess one of the other actors had stayed in as well and there was a voicemail on the phone from his mom saying, “I’m sorry it didn’t go well honey, but don’t worry, something else will happen” I was like ‘one down!” A few months later the call came. But as exciting a project as Star Wars was, as guaranteed as it was to be internationally successful, provoke hero worship among oddly dressed fans around the world, and set box office records, George Lucas is not exactly a director known for bringing out the best in people. He is, let’s not forget, the man who made Harrison Ford, Ewan Mcgregor, and even Alec Guinness look like puppets operated by puppeteers who had flunked out of puppetry school. “There were battle ships being rolled across the soundstages and you got to put a lightsaber in your belt every day: You were a hired hand,” Christensen says. “You weren’t there for your own creative expression. It’s a very specific style of acting and it’s all so preconceived…And the dialogue isn’t the easiest to say.” “Sometimes he would even do line readings with us,” Christensen glancing idly at the hockey score. “I would tell him that it’s easier if I don’t hear someone else saying the line because then I have that in my head and I’m just going to try and do that. And he was like, ‘No that’s ok, that’s what I want you to do.” He takes a drag on his cigarette and rearranges himself on the cushion. “It didn’t allow me to do my best work, nor did it any of the actors, but I always went to work thinking ‘This is the most unique experience’-I was just lucky to be there.” The fame that followed Star Wars would color Christensen’s perception of Hollywood forever. “From the day they made the announcement, there were people camped out in front of the apartment I was staying in,” he says. “I would go to a restaurant and all of a sudden there were paparazzi. It wasn’t something that happened over time and it wasn’t because of the work I was doing. This was all because I had a meeting with someone that no one knew about and because someone else decided they liked the way my nose sat on my face so my life was going to change.” Christensen’s understanding that it was the Star Wars name, not his, that was attracting his attention allowed him a “removed perspective” on it that seems to have endured ever since. “They offered me coaches to help me deal with it, but I felt like that was silly,” he says. “But then later I almost wished that I had met with them, because it was so overwhelming. It just caught me off guard and made me have a real sort of distaste for that because it was so extreme and so foreign that I didn’t enjoy it. I shied away from anything that I didn’t absolutely have to do. Everything just happened so fast and so dramatically that it allowed me to keep my distance.” And Christensen made some sacrifices for the films. Contractually obligated for five years, he once had to turn down a part in an Al Pacino movie in order to re-shoot a few scenes in Star Wars. “That really bummed me out,” he says. “When we wrapped, it was definitely bittersweet-I definitely enjoyed the sense of career freedom when they were over.” One of the projects Christensen took on afterwards was Factory Girl, with Sienna Miller, in which he gave a much-arraigned performance as Bob Dylan. “I wouldn’t mind talking a bit about that because that was not the performance I gave,” he says earnestly. Because of legal reasons Christensen’s character wasn’t called Dylan in the final cut. “I signed up to pay Bob Dylan and it’s a biopic. A true story,” he says. “I learned how to at least pretend to play the guitar and did a scene where I wrote a song and performed it. But later, because he threatened to sue, I had to go in and do ADR, redub my whole performance and change the way my character talked, because I has been doing the Dylan voice. I don’t know what’s onscreen in the end because I never saw it, but I do know it’s very different from what I did, and I was sort of pissed with the people who made the movie.” Far from lamenting his lack of privacy while attending exclusive parties at LAX and Cinespace, relaxing by pools of Hollywood’s most famous hotels, or perhaps grabbing a bite at the Ivy, Hayden Christensen just goes about his business 3000 miles away from all that and I’ve never met an actor who seems more at ease with their lot. “I think I do a pretty good job of staying out of tabloids. Paparazzi don’t come up to the farm ever,” he says. A lot of actors, though they complain about it, secretly relish the attention of the press, I suggest. “Absolutely, I’ve met a lot of them,” he says. “I always have an odd feeling about them. It’s like ‘I don’t know how you could really want that sort of change in your life.’ It’s really foreign to me. I don’t have a computer so I’m not exposed to any of the stuff on the internet. I can’t do that.” Suddenly from upstairs, I hear what sounds, unmistakably like an oink. Christensen hears it too. He smiles. “Oh don’t worry about that. It’s just my pigs.” There’s a scrabbling on the floor above-the unusual sound of trotters on polished wood. “I should probably go up and feed them,” he says, stubbing out his cigarette and stretching-it’s getting on a bit and he is hosting his family for dinner later. “Wanna come see?” Buddy and Petunia are a pair of pygmy pot-bellied piglets that Christensen acquired a few weeks earlier. (“I only wanted one, but apparently they get lonely”) and that are currently living upstairs in his house; running around in the hall, the spare bedroom, and the newly finished bathroom floor, upon which the four of us are now sitting. He leans over and rubs the tiles. “This wasn’t easy,” he says as Buddy climbs up onto his lap to be scratched behind the ears. “You have no idea how hard a simple pattern like this is to do. I cut the tiles myself!” “I feel really content,” he says. “I think for a while I was having a hard time enjoying the privileges I incurred from working and was pretty much living out of a suitcase. I’ve really enjoyed getting to collect toys and having a dirt bike that I can ride. And in my personal life I’m at a healthy place right now with my relationships [Christensen is dating Rachel Bilson whom he met on the set of Jumper]. I’ve done a lot of growing up since I was 19. I’ve learned a lot. And the more I learn the more I realize how little I know. Before, my agents and the people that I’m in contact with for my work wanted me to be something I wasn’t. They wanted me to pursue things I didn’t want to do, but now I feel more comfortable in my own skin.” “I don’t think I’ll ever have the desire to become something else and give up acting,” he continues. He glances out of the window; it’s dark now and his yard-skeletal trees pitched against the wind-is illuminated by Christmas lights wrapped around the fence. “You know there’s enough space down on the other side of the hill to put a landing strip for a little prop plane,” he says wistfully. Both pigs have now climbed onto him and are snuffling into his stomach. “I’m actually going to try and get a pilot’s license.” I read an interview with you from about five years ago in which you said it was a struggle to protect your integrity and dignity in this industry, I say. But you don’t seem to be struggling now. Holding Buddy up so they’re snout to nose, Christensen scrunches up his face to mimic the pig’s. “Well, I think that’s because I did struggle with it before,” he says putting the pig back on the floor, where it promptly falls over. “But now I’ve got no problem with telling them all to fuck off.”
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Doll mail to confirm and send!
I’ve promised to send stuff to people for ages, and I’ve absolutely taken too long in some of these cases. But I’m starting to do consistently better lately, and I’m getting my feces coagulated (as my mother used to say).
@oak23 @cheshiretiffy @adirotynd @sycamore @mmymoon - Your stuff is listed under the cut.
@modernwizard - I haven’t forgotten you, even though it’s been 4 years. I will re-inventory the stuff I’ve set aside for you later. It’s stuff I owe you for all the wonderful things you sent me back when we were both on LJ.
If there’s anything listed that you no longer want, lemme know. There are also some things on flickr that I can add to your loot. I have more to add later, too.
John @oak23 - Nearly everything is already packed. Did you want GG Mari’s body?
Tokidoki Barbie - still in box
50th Anniversary Francie - still in box
Uhura - nude with boots, stand, and the necklace I made
Hunger Games Gale - nude with boots and stand
2 Tokidoki blind box figures
Generation Girl Mari heads, one stock and one blank
Two 2015 Fashionistas with the goddess sculpt (and their stock)
Disney Descendants signature Evie stock outfit
mini embroidered pillow (need to find it)
Tonner head to wipe and repaint for me (details later)
Tiffy @cheshiretiffy - Mostly things I’ll pay you to clean. I’d like to add more for you to keep. Do your large (SD) dolls wear shawls? Might ask you to repaint another head; still thinking on that.
Adex’s head - detangle hair
Disney Animator Cinderella - detangle hair
MLP Beachball - detangle hair (white hair changes to pink originally)
Lollipop Girls head - wipe off current paint
LPS cat head - wipe off current paint
MH minis to keep - signature Abbey, ragdoll Cleo, potentially candy Catrine (not sure anymore)
Adi @adirotynd - delayed until I finish sewing
MH Robecca and blue wig
mini embroidered pillow (need to find it)
surprise pin-back button
misc. MH accessories?
hand sewn Cap shirt, when I finish it
Sycamore @sycamore - I feel like I’m forgetting something?
rainbow cowl
alpaca fingerless gloves
Skipper-Alice (nude)
Mmy @mmymoon - Not sure if you’re still interested. I’m unsure about parting with them just yet. If you’re hard-set, I’ll send ‘em, but I won’t be heartbroken if you pass.
MH Gooliope (head opened), with orange wig, stock shoes, and leopard leggings sewn by dollsahoy
MH-LPS pink bunny with ears sticking up, partially painted but unsealed
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All of the 'Get to Know Me'.
Aaaah tysm!!!
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
(Jokes on you I only usually have 3 songs on repeat at any one time :’-D ) Atm though: Work Song - Hozier, Rats- Miw, Wastelands- Amber Run, Dragula- Rob Zombie, Fireflies- Owl city (yh really), To build a home- The cinematic orchestra.
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
I…don’t know. I’m really not that into meeting ‘idols’ or anything. I guess it’d be pretty cool to meet Kaitlyn Alexander but honestly I’m not sure the anxiety would be worth it.
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“It’s a body,” I said, “A dead body.” lmao
4: What do you think about most?
I imagine what life is going to be like when I get to uni or who/what it’ll be that finally makes me happy.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“Off to stuff my face with chinese food, talk to you later bro”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Clothes on unless it’s above 25 degrees bc I don’t wanna die (like that)
7: What’s your strangest talent?
Lmaooo talent?! Me?! Idk I’m learning how to do special effects makeup and a couple of people have said its p cool. Also I can do this weird thing with my tongue where it basically rolls in on itself (seems to be genetic)
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are all ethereal goddesses out of my league.
Boys are not my area of expertise.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
As if lmao! Ain’t no one ever liked me that much.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
I can’t remember so I did it just now to make up for it.
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I hate cuddly toys with battery packs in them with a passion.
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
13: What’s your religion?
Don’t have one, I’m an atheist.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Cleaning up my rabbits’ mess.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind it I think
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Honestly it depends on the time of day, when I last ate, the luna cycle… I genuinely don’t have one I can’t answer that
17: What was the last lie you told?
Um, I lied about what I watched on TV last night lmao
18: Do you believe in karma?
I’m not sure, I kinda just hope it exists and that helps keep me sane.
19: What does your URL mean?
It’s pretty self explanatory lmao
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I don’t know, for the weakness I’m torn between caring too much and saying the wrong thing.
And I wouldn’t call it a major strength but I have a lot of patience.
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
I don’t know (I barely have an interest in anything atm), given I have an entire fanblog dedicated to them I’ll say Kaitlyn Alexander again
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Nope not yet
23: How do you vent your anger?
I have a personal blog ( @the-emotional-equilibrium ) that I rant on
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I have an embarrassing number of kermit memes on my phone
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video chatting for sure, I like to be able to see people’s faces (also I hate phone calls they’re too awkward).
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I think I’m a work in progress really. I’m happier with myself than I used to be, but there’s always things I want to change or could improve on and I know I’m never going to be perfect.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate the sound of fabric being ripped, it makes me shiver but I love, idk, that sound when you’re just lying outside and you can hear the birds and stuff. Idk, I don’t listen to much besides music.
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
Argh, erm, I wonder how different life would have been if I’d learnt to stand up for myself earlier. I’d probably have fewer regrets.
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Ghosts I’m really not sure about. Up until recently I would’ve said no, but honestly I don’t know what to believe anymore. As for aliens they’re definitely real.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Right arm: A cushion on the sofa. Left arm: The wall. Exciting right?
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
Chicken! (Making lunch atm)
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
Lmfaooooo idk???? Not a physical place anyway. When I was really little I once had to stand outside in the snow for about 3 hours and I remember being pretty sure I was gonna die, like it was such a horrible feeling being that cold.
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
East coast! I mean, that’s just based on where my friend lives and nothing else but
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Lmfao opposite?! Okay so let’s just assume that means a guy but erm? Idk? Okay I admit I have a slight thing for half the guys in MIW so lets just go with that
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
To have the best time possible and end it with minimal regrets. Also to try to help other people to have a better time to.
36: Define Art.
Stuff you can look at that takes actual talent and imagination.
37: Do you believe in luck?
Not really? I mean sometimes I might consider things Unlucky but tbh I have no idea what I mean by that.
38: What’s the weather like right now?
Pretty boring tbh, it’s just a grey sky with a bit of a breeze.
39: What time is it?
2:49 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
I passed my test a few months back but I haven’t driven since so thankfully I haven’t had a chance to crash yet
41: What was the last book you read?
The 5 people You Meet in Heaven….and that was last July smh
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Love it. It’s the smell of my childhood.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Most people at school call me Scaz and most my friends outside of school refer to me as Chorlo. (or Wholemeal Chorlo if your name is ellie)
44: What was the last film you saw?
I watched Shrek 2 last night lmfao I forgot how good it was!!
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I’ve broken quite a few bones but I’m lucky never to have done anything awful. Um, the worst was probably when I broke my elbow or when I tore my side open on a nail jumping off a fence.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Aaah yeah I used to catch them every summer!
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
I guess I’m between obsessions at the minute; though I’m kind of hooked on supernatural ngl
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
Fuck knows. Not straight. I defo like girls but idk about guys.
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Multiple smh. This one girl once spread a rumor I was a lesbian and I was gay for her (before I even came out) and tbh she’d have been lucky. (She was kinda obsessed with me, she was probs suppressing something). It did kinda ruin my confidence though because of all the reactions so I didn’t come out for another 2 years.
50: Do you believe in magic?
I don’t know what to believe anymore, but I’m kind of open to learning more about it.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Yeah smh. I have a pretty high Grudge Threshold in that I give people a lot of chances but once they reach that level there’s no going back and I won’t forget what they did.
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
I either save it for months or blow my savings in an hour.
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A bus ticket?
55: Love or lust?
Love defo
56: In a relationship?
As if lmao
57: How many relationships have you had?
Three, but none of them lasted that long
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
At home all day working
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
I’m sitting on a pink sofa lol
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
Yeaaah, one is glittery the other has skulls on which sums me up pretty well tbh
62: What’s your favourite animal?
I love so many animals I don’t know!! Capybaras? Alpacas? Giraffes? Chimps? Idk?!
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Lmaoooo I have no idea I haven’t found it yet
64: Where is your best friend?
3918 miles away on the east coast of the USA (I get to see her in 9 days though I’m so excited!!)
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
(I won’t tag them but in no particular order) Pansexi-unicorn, onetinygay, shrekthelesbian, oneshappyplace and only-slightly-dangerous
66: What is your heritage?
I’m white as a toilet m8. Nah a lot of my family comes from Denmark/scandinavia which you can kind of tell from looking at me tbh
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Sleeping. Sorry that’s not more interesting.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
I think it’s like, double barrel as in May-Trump or something
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
Errrm, sort of? I try to make an effort, so that’d be nice. But I’m so quiet and shy sometimes that if I was friends with myself we’d probably never talk lmao
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog, no doubt about it. If my boss is that much of a dick I’ll probably lose my job sooner or later, so I might as well lose it helping out a doggo.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I’d tell the people closest to me, but maybe not straight away depending on how I thought they’d react.
b) I’d probably blow my saving and go travelling. I mean, what else is there to do? Oh and finish bingewatching all my shows at that time bc dying on a cliffhanger would really piss me off.
c) Maybe a little? Just because once you die you’re alone with whatever the hell comes after (pun not intended).
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Argh?! Trust? I guess? No point having love if you can’t trust people.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men and Fireflies by Owl City. They both bring on such nostalgia.
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
6666 as far as the internet is concerned.
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Just like, having someone you can chill with and open up to. Someone where you don’t have to care about embarrassing yourself with or worry about constantly because you trust them. Just like, a super cool friendship but with kissing.
77: How can I win your heart?
Don’t be afraid to be yourself I guess. I love interesting people that don’t pretend to be someone else. Also interesting people with swords.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Who am I to answer that? Idk, I suppose yeah.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Cutting off shitty people and actually valuing myself enough to find new friends.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
7 (could be a lot worse given my height)
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Something along the lines of “I’m just dormant” or “Nothing is set in stone.”
82: What is your favourite word?
Un sacapuntas
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“I amuse myself” or “what the fuck”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Alive (i think its called) by Sia
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
Black, red and purple
87: What is your current desktop picture?
It’s a galaxy spacey thing
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
I’m torn between Putin and Kim Jong Un (no need to worry about Trump, I’m sure someone already has a plan.)
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
The third question in my inbox rn lmao
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
(I was so tempted to say “ask if they prefer being the big or little spoon” why am I like this)
Idk id probs strike up a convo whilst looking around the room for the best weapon just in case.
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Hmmm, I think mind reading would be useful but it might make my anxiety even worse! So that or teleportation.
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Any half hour when I wasn’t stressed about exams lmao (bonus if the weather was good)
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
A guy did something that I wish he hadn’t and I’m still fucked up by it sooo that.
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
I honestly don’t know, it’s not something I’ve thought about with “music-celebrities” lmao
Edit: Hold up I’ve just remembered Halsey exists.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
The place I’m going in 9 dayyys!! (Or Copenhagen)
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not that I know of.
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
When I was really little and hopefully never again
98: Ever been on a plane?
Yup a couple of times
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
For fucks sake can’t you all just educate yourselves and get along? Stop. Killing. Each. Other.
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Sunday, May 26, 2019
Today was equally stressful and exciting. My week started by having a conversation with the hotel receptionist in hopes of getting some of my dirty clothing laundered prior to leaving for Aguas Calientes (the small town next to Machu Picchu). Then I headed to the Cusco Selina hotel a few blocks away, where I was fortunately able to store my suitcase in anticipation of my return from Aguas Calientes very late tomorrow night. Inca Rail’s website states that passengers may only bring a light backpack or other small item (no suitcases), which was both a challenge to pack and a relief to carry. I then visited the nearby church which was―you guessed it―Catholic. This one was named for Saint Francis of Assisi. Unlike other churches I have seen so far in Peru, all of the Cusco churches have at least one large cross directly outside. Standing at approximately 8 feet (but I’m poor at estimating, so don’t quote me on that), these beautiful crosses are positioned directly alongside the churches, usually near doorways, and are garbed in expensive-looking fabrics which are usually satin, beaded, and/or embroidered with golden thread. I am not sure of the name of these crosses as of this moment, especially since I only just recently noticed them upon my arrival in Cusco last night, but I intend on identifying their official name (if there is one) and purpose (if there is one besides for aesthetic reasons). I didn’t see any locals kissing or touching said crosses, which was surprising as that was such a prominent behavior of the residents of Lima. Going to this church made me eager to explore Cusco more upon my return and it also made me disappointed, again due to my lack of time to thoroughly experience the unexpected wonders of Cusco.
This church of St. Francis was adjacent to a small plaza, which was adorned in beautiful beds of blooming flowers. I met a traditionally yet extravagantly dressed local there with her super cute baby alpaca, with whom I was able to get photos. After this, I headed to the Inca Rail office, where I had to wait for nearly two full hours to finalize my tickets to and from Aguas Calientes, but luckily was able to “exchange” my old tickets to help cover the cost of the correct tickets. I met two very interesting men from Wisconsin at this office and we had such a good conversation that the time wasted in said office, away from the beautiful sights of Cusco, was actually bearable. I also met a local little girl, who I’d guess was about three or four years old, and after I made enough silly faces at her, she came to trust me and we had a conversation (in Spanish). Her soft voice and tendency to cling to her mother’s legs was so adorable and also made it difficult to always understand what she was trying to tell me. Nonetheless, I feel honored that a girl in a multicolored rhinestone-bedazzled hat with a animal backpack gave me any attention at all… if I could pull off that look I’d be running the world with little time for disheveled foreigners.
Unfortunately, I was unable to secure a ride on the Inca Rail bus from Cusco to their Ollantaytambo train station, so instead I took a smaller bus from a local station for only ten Soles! The driver/workers were pushy and the area was somewhat sketchy, I admit, but this endeavor led to one of my absolute favorite afternoons of this trip. The drive from Cusco to Ollantaytambo was breathtaking. I understand that the sun was bright and that some people make this commute on a daily basis, but I simply could not understand why anyone closed the curtains, blocking their view of this journey. Not only is the sky a gorgeous light blue in this area of Peru (unlike foggy, white-skied coastal regions), but the hills were painted a rich golden hue and bursting with fields of crops as well as bushes and plants of deep green. Not many trees grew in these areas, so every bend and edge of this landscape was defined, shaded, and beautiful to for the eye to drink. An hour or so into the bus ride, we were still surrounded by these lush hills, but the mountains were also in our midst. I regret to admit that I am unable to describe just how breathtaking this landscape was and, especially since I was behind glass in a moving vehicle, none of my photographs do it justice, either. I am extraordinarily jealous of the residents of the many, small communities which are scattered within these valleys. This experience also made me understand why so many people in Peru are religious. There was simply no way to gaze up at those magnificent mountains without speechless praise for our spectacular God and Creator.
When I arrived in Ollantaytambo, I tried cuy (guinea pig) for the first time! It was delicious, but difficult to navigate, for I am unfamiliar with where the meat is vs where the bones are within a guinea pig. The skin is also very thick and hard to cut through, but the owners’ dog and I enjoyed this treat all the same.
While I waited in line to board my train, I commented on a fellow passenger’s Georgia Tech shirt, saying that Georgia Tech is my sister Anne Marie’s alma mater, my college sports team of choice, and THWg. It turns out that her mother, who was also there, graduated from Georgia Tech and is now a nuclear engineer. We all had a nice conversation up until boarding time.
The train ride had many views just as beautiful as those of the bus ride, and yet again the photos or any of my descriptions could not do them justice. These angles were closer to and below the mountains. The sun was also setting during our ride, so its resplendent beams hit the snow-capped mountains in clever ways. There was also a medium width, rocky stream on the opposite side of the train from me. I sat with a group of professional fighters who reside in California, where one owns a gym and they practice MMA, but very frequently travel to perform fighting shows within Texas, Arizona, Mexico, and all across the globe yet aimed at the Latina community. We had these delicious cookies and the most perfect coffee I have ever had (or maybe I felt that way because I hadn’t had any in nearly a month).
We arrived in Aguas Calientes, which is lively, built on a hill, and very different than I had pictured in my head. The sky was pitch black at that point, so one could barely make out that we are surrounded by towering mountains every which way. The sensation of this discovery and at their ability to hide so well was both creepy and thrilling. Water runs directly through Aguas Calientes (who would have guessed?), so a couple beautiful bridges connect the two sides in a pleasing and romantic manner. The main plaza contains a Catholic church, which also had one of those crosses extravagantly draped with decorative cloth. I was able to check into my hotel (Golden House) and then I got my Machu Picchu admission ticket printed at the local cultural center (I forget the exact name), where I made friends with a worker who was impressed that we carried a full conversation in Spanish after I began said conversation in apology for my mediocre skill at understanding it in conversation. I walked outside for a bit only to realize that I had more questions, so I returned to the center, where I was met with an “Oh, Lucía!” and a laugh from the man working there.
I was also able to purchase the ticket for my bus to Machu Picchu for tomorrow, then I explored in order to check out shops and to find the hours of operation for the hot springs in anticipation of tomorrow. I ended the night by trying alpaca with vegetables and quinoa in a creamy sauce. Alpaca basically tastes like good sirloin steak. And I made sure to tell this to my dear friend Jillian, who is Pennsylvania’s 2019 Alpaca Princess. The more you know.
I was excited to get a shower after last night’s sad excuse for a bathroom/plumbing, yet upon twisting the water knob, it came off and water gushed out in its absence. Luckily, I was able to use the bathroom of a nearby room, or I’d look like Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove in all of my Machu Picchu photos tomorrow.
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How to Crochet a Scarf
When you know how to crochet a scarf you have the foundation of skills needed to create blankets and clothing from yarn. Learning how to crochet a scarf or knit or weave increases our personal preparedness to the next level of sustainability. Now you will be able to go on to making other garments for warmth and protection. Connecting threads to make cloth is the foundation for making many useful items.
Many people shy away from learning how to crochet a scarf or even a pot holder or dishcloth. Often patterns are written in a type of symbolic shorthand that makes little sense to a beginner. Crocheting and knitting are relaxing hobbies. Taking the time to learn how to knit or crochet will provide you with a lifelong pastime.
When you learn fiber techniques like crocheting a scarf, knitting a sweater, weaving a bed cover or felting slippers, you increase the amount of products provided by livestock animals. Sheep kept as wool-yielding animals do not need to be slaughtered for meat in order to use their fleece. If you raise sheep for meat production, the wool fleece can still be used including the fiber, hides for leather, bones for tools, and of course meat for the table and bones for stock. This method is the essence of homesteading today, creating as little waste as possible.
Our best sheep advice revealed...
Even old pros say they got dozens of tips for their flocks by reading this guide. YES! I want this Free Report »
The History of Crochet
There is no clear date or historical beginning noted for crochet. Sometimes called poor man’s lace, crochet work was used to make utility gear. There are references to crochet in the 16th century and earlier forms of similar stitches even further back in time. Early uses of crochet were found in ceremonial costume embellishments and personal decorations. The Potato Famine in the mid-1800s in Ireland created a surge in crochet and sale of crocheted items. The famine-stricken farmers crocheted collars and doilies to sell in order to stay alive. During the Victorian Era, crochet was used for chair headrest covers, bird cage covers, and tablecloths. Surprisingly, the potholder was not a common crocheted item until the early 1900s.
Items Needed to Crochet a Scarf
There are three things you will want to have handy when learning how to crochet a scarf. A hook, yarn and a ruler. Scissors are nice to have or some yarn clippers, although I have been known to use my teeth or a pocket knife when I forget to pack the scissors!
The Crochet Hook
Crochet hooks are commonly found for sale in craft stores, sewing stores, and yarn shops. Early crochet was done using the fingers when necessary or a crochet hook was fashioned from a long needle with a hook bent at the end. Even a piece of wire was used to make a crochet hook. Today we have many options. There are more than 25 sizes of hooks available in the shops. These modern crochet hooks are made from metal, wood, and plastic. Since we are learning how to crochet a scarf I recommend using sizes F, G, H, or I to begin.
The Yarn
Choose the yarn depending on the item you are making. A scarf is generally made using a sport, DK or worsted weight of yarn. In some patterns, chunky style scarves are made using a thicker yarn. Socks are normally knit but can be crocheted using a sock or other lightweight yarn. There are many styles, blends, and colors to choose from. I prefer to use natural fibers, including wool, alpaca, mohair, and llama. Plant fibers are found in yarn too, with bamboo, cotton, and silk. If you are creative you can even make your own yarn by purchasing the raw fleece, combing, carding and spinning the yarn blend that you prefer. Perhaps one day you will want to try natural dyes for wool, too. There is no end to the creativity once you learn how to knit and crochet.
The amount of yarn needed to learn how to crochet a scarf will depend on how long and wide you want the scarf to be when complete. The normal range would be 100 yards to 250 yards. Purchase all the yarn for the project at one time. You may be able to return unopened skeins of yarn, so check with the individual store for the return policy. Purchasing all the yarn you think you need at the outset will prevent disappointment if you near the end of the project and run out of yarn. The dye lots might be different for different skeins so check that on the label before purchasing the yarn.
Granny Squares are another simple project once you know how to crochet.
The Basic Crochet Stitch
The technique of the basic crochet stitch has evolved over time to today’s standard. The single crochet stitch is made holding the hook in the right hand and the yarn in the left hand. (For right-handed people.) The single crochet stitch is used when learning how to crochet a scarf and other useful items.
Begin the single crochet stitch by making a loop and a knot at the end of the yarn.
Holding the yarn in the left hand, pull the yarn through the first loop using the crochet hook. Now you have one loop on the hook and one hanging below the hook. Repeat to make a chain of 16. This is the foundation row.
Chain one additional loop for turning. Turn the work and begin to make a single crochet stitch in the first loophole of the foundation chain.
Single crochet to the end of the row.
If you prefer, you can single crochet an entire scarf this way. Make sure you always chain one stitch at the end of each row, for turning.
Count the stitches in each row from time to time to make sure you are staying consistent with 16 (or whatever number you chose to have in the row).
If you prefer to add a slight variation, the pattern below is a very simple to make a beginner level scarf. It looks different than a long traditional scarf and closes with a buttonhole and button. To make the pattern below you will also need to learn the double crochet stitch.
You can practice the double crochet with this video.
Page 2 of the Button Hole Scarf pattern.
For a PDF print out version of this pattern – click here.
Let’s get started learning how to crochet a scarf. If you have already learned how to crochet a scarf, please try the simple pattern for crocheted hand warmer gloves, I created and shared here. I would love to know how you are doing as you learn to crochet a scarf. Please let me know in the comments section below. What types of patterns would you like to learn to crochet next?
How to Crochet a Scarf was originally posted by All About Chickens
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5 important aspects For Salkantay trek business
Generally I have a sewing needle so I am able to drain them, but I’d forgotten. The good news is, the German Female experienced 1 to spare. We have now published an incredibly detailed on the net guidebook on acclimatisation and altitude sickness that we advise you are taking a instant to read through. Click the link to browse the guidebook. there have been nonetheless sections the place we had to walk within the loose rock of the railroad tracks, on the other hand it was a really flat walk in the valley that runs up powering Machu Picchu. Here's the altitude profile with the Salkantay Trek. As you can see the very first two days are hard, after which the trek will get quite a bit easier! such as the Porters over, this is a thing that is outlined by us normally. Our chefs are amazing and pretty basically the best inside the Andes. everyday we hear that our clients consume superior about the trek than at any restaurant in Cusco. They can be nicely educated and so are cooking only for you. book inca trail permit All foodstuff restrictions are honored, but we constantly advise you convey to equally the Office environment plus your information. consume numerous water. And enjoy the coca tea. machu pichu mountain If nearly anything does take place and also you unfortunately get Ill, Enable your information know immediately – all Alpaca Expeditions guides are properly trained in how to assist you to get through it. Every single Alpaca Expeditions porter is offered a suitable uniform which includes wicking clothing, heat jacket and hiking boots. They Every single get a suitable salary and insurance coverage. We also Be sure that we hire horsemen that have nutritious animals that are well cared for. in the event you have an interest in Understanding more about our porters and horsemen and also the function we do to assist them and their people, make sure you Get hold of us at details@alpacaexpeditions.com. ** five working day Salkantay will not likely have horses out there on working day three from the hike. Check out itinerary for more particulars. They are all a great deal of fun to generally be around, but know when they should be Expert and may generally look after you to make sure you are safe and happy – making the most of the tour. The entire trail was scree and free rock, just like a dry riverbed. inca trail route I desired practically nothing in excess of for getting to Camp two so I could lay down and rest. Our Place of work will electronic mail you again that working day with your confirmation. We always ship out confirmations, so in the event you don’t listen to from us, Test your spam or Make contact with our offie and We're going to resend. PACKING listing: We do Possess a prompt packing list around the facet of this trek to print for packing. But please don't forget, that levels are essential to maintaining factors mild. A few wicking t-shirts, fleece and climbing/yoga trousers is all you would like for that hike. A heat jacket, hat and gloves and comfortable sneakers are very good with the campsites then some thing Pretty for Machu Picchu day and pajamas. There are two primary seasons from the sub-tropical Peruvian Andes – a dry time that runs from late April through to early Oct, as well as a damp year that begins mid to late October and attracts to a close in April. GRATUITIES: We go out of our way to make certain our crew is properly looked after with a suitable income, but tipping is always appreciated. From this stage to the wilderness experience is in excess of, and several route / exercise choices are available. These are typically agreed with your business / trekking team prior to deciding to get started the trek, or When you are a private team could be resolved before you reach La Playa.
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Ramblings From An Alpaca Farm In South Wiltshire: August 2017
Yeah thats what I believed, they closed it only for me. They have been just putting the signs up as I approached, how suspicious is that? I guess you a pound to a pinch of brown stuff that as quickly as I used to be out of sight they loaded them again into the lorry with a smile and buggered off for a cuppa. Anyway a 15 minute journey took half-hour because each tractor in south Wiltshire was coming the other approach and the lanes had been narrow. I stared at each tractor driver by way of slitty eyes as they waved at me as they passed. They knew what was going on, certain they did. I inform you it's a conspiracy. Anyway we obtained there and Clump performed his spitting off duties very nicely, an orgling masterclass, oozing testosterone, leaping on every thing that moved, good lad. It was then house for some spitting off with the ladies of the mighty Patou. For individuals who need to invest in alpacas now but who don’t personal a farm or don’t have the time to manage their very own herd, we offer a full vary of agistment providers. For purchasers who purchase from Funny Farm Alpacas in Lecanto,Florida, we will gladly board your alpacas and supply them with the identical standard of every day care, feeding, and veterinarian services that we provide our own alpacas. This may afford you the chance to reap the funding development benefit and pleasure of alpaca ownership without the personal time loss. Contact us and we'll gladly work out an possession program that most closely fits your private life fashion and time profile. Come see for yourself what superior genetics, reliable assist and a full-service Florida Alpaca farm can imply for you. When you visit us, you’ll perceive how trust and quality could make all the difference in a way of life change you may keep.
Yard hen farming is turning into increasingly fashionable all around the world, and is taking off in major cities round North America. You not need a ranch to lift your individual chickens and reap the benefits of the recent, delicious eggs they produce. Here are three tips that will help you get started elevating your own chickens. Writer: John O Toole Raising chickens and building hen coops have grow to be extremely common actions nowadays. And there are sound monetary, environmental and health reasons for this enhance in recognition. Writer: Sparrow Darling Since most of us do not live on a farm as of late, but we want to reconnect with the land, we are able to begin by raising chickens in our backyards. There are just a few issues when acquiring chickens, as we'd like proper housing for them. Publisher: Clem Johnston When you have made the decision to lift chickens, you'll find your experience way more gratifying by choosing the right breed of rooster for you. Your alternative of rooster will largely depend on your dwelling situations, yard space and the kind of egg you choose. Publisher: Stan Simmons When you raise older chickens, they do not need you to take care of them as a lot as you do with youthful chickens. That is when you really have to be concerned. Read this text on some tips about learn how to take care of younger chickens. Writer: Kathy Barnhardt Now that you have decided to begin raising chickens, there are a couple of easy things it would be best to know. Elevating chickens could be a rewarding experience, but at instances, it can seem a daunting activity. You'll know you've got achieved success when the full grown chickens are snuggled contently of their nesting packing containers.
The unique strategy for emus was to create another market for meat, like chickens and turkeys. But an emu meat market never materialized in the U.S. You never noticed emu roasts in your supermarket, packages of emu drumsticks, smoked emu within the deli, or emu on a restaurant menu. That is because the emu industry created the infrastructure to harvest the meat and byproducts, process the meat for consumption or get it properly packaged for supermarkets. The emu business by no means purchased advertising to bring the meat to the general public awareness and create a demand. Emus also produce a beneficial oil on their rump pad, although they have to be slaughtered to get this oil. However the emu business never developed an infrastructure to process and market the oil. So there was no real profit from emu oil. Alpacas produce fiber, not meat. So you don't should slaughter the animals to acquire finish product. However, to an experienced eye, the dual-goal breeds are each beautiful and useful. A standard breed of twin-purpose hen in North America is the Rhode Island Pink. It comes with rust colored plumage. Typically the pink goes to deep maroon near black. The comb and waddles are rose purple. The ft are yellow and the beaks are reddish-brown. Hens present up to 300 large brown eggs every year. Female Alpaca for Sale UK When egg and meat production hit trendy levels, breeds specializing in a single or the other emerged. Egg laying is one specialization. The most typical breed for large egg laying manufacturing facilities is the Leghorn. This smaller breed of hen produces 6 to 7 good-sized eggs every week. The White Leghorn is the breed most preferred in the United States. The males do not get above 4 lbs, whereas females are usually much less. Their small sizes are usually not good for meat manufacturing. In the case of totally different breeds, chickens focusing on egg laying are fashionable innovations. Meat production is the opposite main specialization among chickens. Amongst totally different breeds, chickens focusing on meat production are even more modern than egg laying breeds. Within the thirties, breeding between the double-breasted Cornish and the big boned Plymouth Rocks developed the beginning of the modern Rock-Cornish strain. These birds provide a large amount of flavorful meat. They develop full body weight by eight weeks which makes them very environment friendly sources of poultry. Phil J has over 20 years expertise in numerous chicken breeds. To learn extra go to http://www.TheChickenCoopPlan.com immediately! Log in or Create Account to submit a comment.
When most people think of pursing an occupation revolving around animals they suppose about being a veterinarian or veterinarian assistant. However, there are other occupations in this industry which you can explore to meet your wishes. These careers might have less education or certifications then the careers in veterinarian medication. Listed here are a few of the opposite careers to explore. As an animal trainer you will help train animals for riding, obedience, efficiency, safety and to assist people with disabilities. Relying on the actual job you acquire, your academic necessities for the place may fluctuate. Many kinds of animals might require more specialised training such as coaching marine mammals like whales. Some organizations offer certifications for animal coaching; nonetheless, it's not required for all positions. As an animal trainer you should have a love of animals and have a sensitive and patient nature. Animal trainers might discover positions in zoos, aquariums, tv and associations for the disabled. Animal trainers often work with canines and cats in the various totally different competitions and shows. Oftentimes animal trainers are chargeable for holding academic programs for visitors to the centers, such as instructing youngsters about different animals. The perfect Pet Alpaca -- or -- Know When to Run! I have declared myself an professional on male alpacas, having had 11 of them out of my final 12 crias (and over a 5-12 months period!). As hard as that has been on my financial image, I must say that I like MY BOYS! Younger male alpacas are extra curious and more adventurous than the young females, talking typically, after all. They're faster to strategy humans, and simpler to handle when younger. And therein lies the issue. These guys are SO cute when small, that all of us have trouble resisting their pleasant overtures. Some folks even discover that they cannot resist making actual �pets� out of them---cute little �kissy-face� boys. Yeah. Proper. They're forgetting that these adorable little crias do grow up, and like kids, what could also be unbearably cute at a very young age doesn't translate nicely into maturity.
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Duster Part 6 - Quadrum 5

Last quadrum the colony suffered its first death thanks to a lethal mechanoid on a rescue mission, but it still gained more people than it lost. Hopefully there won’t be any more for a while...

After rescuing Lucya’s ex-husband Vladimir it seems that everybody’s exes are getting in contact! There’s only one enemy, but two turrets. At least there are no mechanoids this time, though...

A prisoner has chosen to join! Sky is a fairly young local and it’s useful to have another medic and farmer.

His former prison-mate is not so pleased, perhaps realising it’s only a matter of time before they are won over too...

The cruel woman goes after the first thing she sees - beating up the poor heavily-pregnant alpaca! Everyone else jumps in to defend it, so she won’t be able to hurt the alpaca any further.

She’s quickly put down and back in the prison, where Henry will tend to her shortly I’m sure.

It seems the colonists have decided to bring some democracy to the proceedings! Both candidates are from our original three, so they’ll retain control of the colony either way.

We even have their platforms! Henry seems to be appealing to equality, which is surprising given her misandrist tendencies - at least she’s not trying to put all the women above all the men...

Zeiph, meanwhile, seems to be very outcome-oriented. We wonder what he means by ‘good’ citizens - morally? Skilled? Some of the colonists might be alarmed if he means the latter... It’ll be interesting to see who they all vote for!

Speaking of dubious colonists, this might be the last time Beryl collapses from a combination of being stoned and withdrawal symptoms - it looks as though he may finally be breaking from his addiction, and may become a much better worker for it, perhaps in time for a scary Mayor Zeiph.

An intriguing trade offer has come through for the colonists! They have a lot of materials with which they could craft the requested goods if they want to, so that should not be a problem. Nobody actually needs a new eye at present, but given some of the wounds so far and how good it sounds to be, it seems likely they will take up the offer anyway.

They were already struggling for storage space, so the colonists mine further into the mountain to create more. We have heard that there can be dangerous rooms in mountains, but the one they’ve discovered here seems to be empty and safe for use.

7th of Septober and the voting begins! We know Henry is always prone to anxiety, but perhaps even Zeiph is right now... Also it’s only mid-Spring, but it’s already heating up a lot at the colony. They’ll have to invest in cooling systems once again.

And Henry has won the very first election of the colony and of our show! I’m frankly not surprised; it sounded as though Zeiph might have wanted to kick some people out if he had won. Hopefully she can take the pressure on top of her anxiety...

Her reign’s not off to the best start though - the same night a couple of raiders have shown up! This man doesn’t appear to be very well equipped or skilled...

This one is better equipped but not that well skilled either. Hopefully the people who are still awake can handle it without waking everybody...

Henry and Zeiph were still around from the voting, so they and Henry’s more aggressive animals come out to fight, perhaps still wanting to prove themselves to their fellow colonists.

Both animals are downed, but both men are badly hurt without getting close to Henry or Zeiph as yet. This one appears to be trying to flee, but he’s not going to get far bleeding that badly...

Instead he winds up going for Henry directly, and dying for his troubles. Hopefully the other raider will think twice before trying anything now.

With the raiders killed or captured, it’s tending time. Poor Jethro has now lost a leg to match his tail! He should still be able to walk to a degree, but it must be a struggle.
Just a quick reminder that Henry did sign the waiver for herself and her dog, so we cannot be sued for anything that happens to either of them!

The ibex ram got battered again (it must be very tenderised at this rate), but should recover from the bruising fine given time.

It’s not just the animals though! Henry’s copied Dead and gotten her right ear destroyed! Shame it’s not a bionic ear they’re hoping to pick up! Hopefully this won’t affect her ability to listen to her constituents too much!

But the worst was suffered by the raiders. This one’s lucky the colonists have such skilled medics to hand, or he’d bleed out very quickly.

Perhaps she just didn’t want to share a prison again, but we have a tenth colonist as the other prisoner has chosen to join! She’s not very skilled, and I’m not about to forget the time she beat up the pregnant alpaca, but the colony does need more people if it is to send people out on trades and requests.

Speaking of requests, with this extra colonist on hand, it has been decided to try and rescue Vas’ ex-girlfriend. Vas, Vladimir and Beryl are all brawlers so were probably itching for the chance to smash some enemies, and Fuego has the sole gun for range.

So they set out west, across the rivers and plains, to their destination.

Whilst they are on their way, the alpaca manages to safely give birth to another female alpaca, seemingly unaffected by the beating its mother received earlier.

The travellers arrive at their location and we can see our first glimpse of Priscilla, and the one guardsman on patrol. We’re more worried about the turrets, however...

The plan was for the brawlers to go in and take the turret down while Fuego shot from a distance- But wait! What’s Fuego doing there instead of Vas? And what’s that hissing sound?

The damaged turret exploded! And Vladimir is dead instantly! It looked like all three of them tried to run, but none of them got far and Vladimir has been especially slow since his psychite withdrawal kicked in, so he got almost nowehere. Beryl and Fuego are still alive, but badly hurt...!

Of course all the commotion had the guard come running, but Vas is able to make short work of him so he can focus on his fellow colonists...

Poor Beryl, not long since his withdrawal symptoms wore off, now he’s had shots to his head and torso, and both legs shredded - he needs medical attention and fast!

And Fuego’s not much better off, with her torso, leg and arm all shredded too. She won’t last long without help...
Of course, the colonists weren’t so foolish to leave the colony without some herbal medicine - except the only medics who came were Vladimir and Fuego herself! Vas is unable to help them at all, and it’s too far back to the base!

In desperation, Vas tries to batter the wall away from the remaining turret, to free his ex and hopefully get help for his friends!

He gets through in time and she gratefully joins the colony- But the one thing she cannot do, for all her skills and interests, is medicine! Is there nothing they can do for Beryl and Fuego?!

There is certainly nothing to be done for Vladimir. It seems that the explosion shredded his head and torso, killing him instantly. Perhaps Lucya will be relieved? Who knows...

Beryl bleeds out first, as expected, probably the saddest loss of the trio.

And then Fuego. For all that some danger must have been anticipated, this must be much worse than anticipated. Their first turret, they didn’t realise it would explode! Next time ranged weapons, it seems.

Meanwhile Priscilla’s not even being careful, wandering into the remaining turret’s zone! She’ll be lucky not to get infected when there’s no medic around. Still, they have subdue the guard, so they’re fixing the hole in the wall to keep him in until they can leave. They could kill him, of course, but they could use new recruits at this rate...

And while all this has been going on, a dry thunderstorm has caused fires near the home base, getting close to a new storage room that still has a wooden wall! It hardly compares to the massacre elsewhere though, even if it would be annoying to lose some of the new tuques Zeiph is making.

Frustratingly, the one gun’s range isn’t quite far enough for Priscilla to destroy the battrey to the remaining turret without letting it shoot her. Hopefully she can manage it before she joins the rest of the dead colonists...!

She manages it, but not without shots to her torso and kidney! 20 hours isn’t enough to get back to the main base and they still have no medic here, so they’re just going to have to try to pack up and pray that the bleeding dies down enough for her to make it, or Vas will be returning alone with the guard he didn’t even come for.

It seems that without animals, only one prisoner and one colonist badly wounded, the party simply doesn’t have the strength to carry the bodies home. Not all of them, for sure, and not any if they want to also carry enough food to get home too, so the deceased are going to have to be buried here instead.
I am only reluctantly giving Fuego a montage, I’m not convinced she deserves it after beating up that pregnant alpaca for no good reason, and she was barely a colonist anyway. Also, if she had stuck to the plan and sniped from a distance, maybe none (or less) of this would have happened.

*Vaguely sad and very half-hearted unlicensed music plays*
The colonists came across Fuego Grande keeping Vladimir hostage, kicked her ass and took her prisoner.
She did eventually decide to join, but not before trying to break out and beating up a pregnant alpaca along the way. No I will not let this go.

She might have had promise if she had stuck with ranged attacks instead of trying to melee, but instead she’s dead.

On to the other deceased members: we didn’t really get to know Vladimir much, but we’ll give him a montage anyway.

*Generic unlicensed sad music plays*
Vladimir Black, 63 years old. There are still so many unanswered questions. What was an urbworld politician doing in this backwater planet? What happened between him and Lucya to break them up? Why would you ever shave off that magnificent beard? Maybe Lucya knows, but she’s not talking and now he can’t either.

We can’t say for certain that Vladimir was a ‘good’ man, but he had his skills, got on with people for the short while he was a colonist, and despite his psychite withdrawal he never broke down and took it out on anybody, which is better than many could do.
I’m not sure that he’ll be missed, but he at least had a good run.

This is the saddest case, and the one that the colonists would have wanted back most of all, but food is more important to save those who are still alive, and Beryl’s not alone here.
Get some better sad music!

*Some genuinely quite sad and still unlicensed music plays*
Joel ‘Beryl’ Gemhunter made it nearly a year as a colonist after being rescued. It wasn’t always easy, and he struggled for a lot of that time with withdrawal symptoms from his Wake-Up addiction, but he kept trying.

He may have been 78 chronologically, but his 29 actual years showed in his behaviour. He wasn’t good at much, but he put all his effort into the things he did, helping to fearlessly take down the mechanoid, taming animals... getting stoned.
It’s a real shame that he died so soon after getting clean, with all his future ahead of him, he could have continued being a good defender of the colony.

I still don’t know if Gemhunter is a real name, but we’ll let him keep it in his grave. May he toke away* as much as he wants in the afterlife.
*Again our network must confirm that we do not endorse drug use. If you or any of your loved ones have issues with Wake-Up, Psychite or Smokeleaf, please speak to your doctor.

Anyway, with everyone buried, the two remaining colonists start back with their prisoner, despite Priscilla gradually bleeding out from her wounds. I don’t think she’ll merit a montage if she dies on the way; everyone’s just seen the entirety of her time with the colonists! She’d never have even seen the home base!

Speaking of the home base, all the forests have been burning down while we have been distracted.
Fortunately, nearly as soon as we paid attention to them again, it started raining, saving the fields and the new half-wooden storage room.

We can’t get visuals on the travellers, but we can get some vital health details - while Priscilla is still barely conscious, it looks like she may have stopped bleeding? I don’t want to speak too soon, but if the men can help or carry her on, she may survive...!

In clearer good news, the pregnant muffalo safely gave birth to another female muffalo. Makes you wonder what the colonists’ plans are for moving on from their current site, with the increasing number of pack animals...

The travellers arrive back safely, and it appears that Vas and Priscilla are in good health now too! The prisoner still looks quite battered, but at least there are medics to hand now.

Vas and Priscilla barely get to sleep and they’re sent out again! Zeiph had filled the order of tuques and Vas and Priscilla are used to travelling, so they’re sent off to make the delivery. Presumably they aren’t too awkward despite their ex-lover status?

It’s a long journey though, much further in distance than the one they just made, though at least they have a clear road to follow. It will probably be the next quadrum before they return. Hopefully they won’t drive each other mad!

I feel like they’ve had quite enough drama for this quadrum, but it seems bad influence and ex-raider Deedee has persuaded still-injured Morales to break out with him. I don’t reckon their chances...

No, not the best idea he had there. I’m not convinced they’ll ever win over any of the pirate faction, they all seem like pretty bad eggs. Foolish ones too - if he’d just run for it he might have outpaced them, but for some reason he ducked into the mountain and then tried to bash his way out through a wall using a log. Strange man.

Morales should have stayed in bed, but I’m sure Henry will be back along again shortly to fix him up again. Man needs to learn to resist peer pressure, though perhaps that would make him harder to win over for the colony too.

Oh! Surprisingly, it seems the pirate managed to destroy one of Dead’s fingers, presumably with that log, must have been a lucky shot!

Away from the action for a moment, Vas and Priscilla managed the journey and trade and have started on their way back, but definitely won’t be in time for the end of the quadrum, so we’ll have to have a look at them and their new item another time!

But just before the quadrum ends, Dead has her first mental breakdown, wandering around apathetically. Losing an ear wasn’t enough, but perhaps a finger as well, and all the people who have died lately, has made her realise what she’s gotten into. This is not an easy challenge, folks! We have literally seen people die, if not our original colonists! Dead probably ought to consider herself lucky that her name is not also a description, but perhaps that is what is weighing on her, when that will happen...
Who knows? We’ll just have to keep watching!
Final stats:
Henry: Lost an ear, but now mayor!
Jethro: Lost a leg :(
Zeiph: Lost an election
Dead: Lost a finger
Ibex ram: Beaten up again
Lion: Incredibly fine, as usual
Beryl: Dead :(
Lucya: Minus an ex-husband, maybe for the best?
Vladimir: Dead...
Vas: Took some shots and forced to spend time with an ex-girlfriend, but alright
Sky: Recruited, doing alright
Fuego: Recruited, dead.
Priscilla: Recruited, got a bullet wound scar on her kidney, but alive
Other animals: one poor alpaca beaten up, but a muffalo and an alpaca born
Colony: Went up to ten people, lost three, gained one, now at eight again (and one prisoner). 1 husky, 1 ibex ram, 3 muffalo and 3 alpacas.
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