#it outsourcing market
yesitlabsllc · 2 years
The best programming language for small businesses and startups
C# is a fantastic option for small businesses wishing to create mobile applications because it is a cross-platform language. This implies that software can be created once and then distributed across several mobile operating systems, including iOS and Android. Small firms can use this to save time and money and focus on other areas of their operations.
The use of IT outsourcing services can be advantageous for small enterprises both domestically and abroad. They can acquire a development team with the knowledge and expertise required to provide high-quality software solutions by outsourcing their development requirements to an IT outsourcing company. Also, they can affordably engage American developers, which enables them to save money while still achieving the greatest outcomes
Hire a Software developer
A few factors should be kept in mind if you’re a small business wanting to hire a software developer for an idea. Think about your budget and the amount of experience you need first. Next, find a developer, development group, or agency with expertise in your sector and the particular technology you require.
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imarcresearchreport · 6 months
The global IT outsourcing market size reached US$ 575.2 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 827.3 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4% during 2024-2032. The constant pressure to minimize expenses and increase profitability, the ever-changing regulatory landscape, and the escalating demand for the latest technologies and IT specialized skill sets are among the key factors driving the market growth.
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genericpuff · 2 months
Webtoons Is Making Moves - So Should You.
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We all saw it coming ages ago and now it's finally here. There's no more beating around the bush or doubting if anyone is "reading into it too much", Webtoons' use of AI in its more recent webtoons is not an accident, not an oversight, but by design, it always has been. And I guaran-fucking-tee you that the work that already exists on the platform won't be safe from Webtoons' upcoming AI integration through scraping and data mining. Sure, they can say they're not gonna replace human creators, but that doesn't change the fact that AI tools, in their current form, can't feasibly exist without stealing from pre-existing content.
Plus, as someone who's tested their AI coloring tools specifically... they're a long, LONG way away from actually being useful. Like, good luck using them for any comic style that isn't Korean manwha featuring predominantly white characters with small heads and comically long legs. And if they do manage to get their AI tools to incorporate more art styles and wider ranges of character identities... again, what do you think it's been trained on?
Also, as an added bit that I found very funny:
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Um, I'm sorry, what fucking year is it? Because platforms like WT and Tapas have both been saying this for years but we're obviously seeing them backpedal on that now with the implementation of in-house publishing programs like Unscrolled which have reinvented the wheel of taking digital webtoons and going gasp physical! It's almost like the platform has learned that there's no sustainable profit to be had in digital comics alone without the help of supplementary streams of income and is now trying to act like they've invented physical book publishing!
"The future of comic publishing, including manga, will be digital"??? My brother in christ, Shonen Jump has been exclusively digital since 2012! What rock have the WT's staff been living under that they're trying to sell digital comics as the "future" to North Americans as if we haven't already been living in that future for over ten years now?? We've had an entire generation of children raised on that same digital media since then! This isn't the selling point you think it is LMAO If anything, the digital media market here in NA is dying thanks to the enshittification of digital content platorms like Netflix, Disney+, and mainstream social media platforms! That "future" is not only already both the past and present, but is swiftly on its way out! Pack it up and go home, you missed the bus!
Literally so much of WT's IPO pitch is just a deadass grift full of corporate buzzwords and empty promises. They're trying so hard to convince people that their business model is infinitely profitable... but if it were, why do they need the public's money? And where are all those profits for the creators who are being exploited day after day to fill their platform with content? Why are so many creators still struggling to pay their bills if the company has this much potential for profit?
Ultimately even their promised AI tools don't ensure profit, they ensure cutting expenses. The extra money they hope to make isn't gonna come from their content generating income, it's gonna come from normal people forking over their money in the hopes that it'll be turned around, and from Webtoons cheapening the medium even further until it's nothing but conveyer belt gruel. Sure, "making more than you spend" is the base definition of "profit", but can we really call it that when it's through the means of gutting features, retiring support programs, letting go editing staff, and limiting resources for their own hired freelancers who are the only reason they even have content to begin with? That's not sustainable profit or growth, that's fighting the tide which can and will carry them away at any moment.
I'm low key calling it now, a year or two from today we're gonna be seeing massive lawsuits and calls to action from the people who invested their money into WT and subsequently lost it into the black hole that is WT's "business model". This is a company that's been operating in the red for years, what about becoming an IPO is gonna make them "profitable"? Let alone profitable enough to pay back their investors in the spades they're expecting? The platform and its app are already shit and they're about to become even worse, we are literally watching this company circle the drain in the modern day's ever-ongoing race to the bottom, enshittification in motion, but they're trying to convince us all the same that they're "innovating".
Webtoons doesn't want to invest in its creators. We as creators need to stop investing in them.
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grocerystoreanxiety · 11 days
my brain switching into god-complex mode whenever I’m going through available jobs websites like ”CEO? I could do that. Save link”
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emonnbd · 22 days
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🚀 YouTube SEO & Google Ads Specialist | Digital Marketing Expert 🚀
Hi, I'm Emon, a seasoned professional in YouTube SEO and Google Ads. I help brands and creators amplify their online presence through strategic optimization and targeted ad campaigns. With a deep understanding of the digital landscape, I drive traffic, boost engagement, and maximize ROI for my clients.
Let’s connect and explore how I can help elevate your brand in the digital world!
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dropservicez · 1 month
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shinycloudtheorist · 2 months
we will continue to work tirelessly to pursue new growth opportunities while remaining true to our values of focusing on technical projects, providing qualified experts and industry leaders, providing the best solutions in a lean management environment, and demonstrating every day that we respect our employees, consultants, and our clients by always providing honest, professional, and ethical solutions and service.
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rajender123 · 2 months
We deliver value by identifying opportunities that align with business objectives and adopting an agile approach to implement them.
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We will strive to surpass our clients’ expectations by providing innovative solutions that are grounded in science and experience, developed by recognized experts, and delivered in a trusted manner above reproach. We will remain steadfastly focused on our clients’ goals and work every day to ensure that the issues of current importance, which they are charged with solving, are moved closer to a proven and cost-effective resolution.
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gopinadhreddy · 2 months
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We deliver value by identifying opportunities that align with business objectives and adopting an agile approach to implement them. We take full accountability for the IT and operation initiatives we propose and help you accomplish business goals faster. click here for more
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jobs2024 · 3 months
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mdcallcenter · 8 months
Comment Augmenter la Productivité des Agents des Centres d’Appels au Maroc
Introduction : L’efficacité opérationnelle des centres d’appels à Casablanca, au Maroc, repose largement sur la productivité de leurs agents. Dans cet article, nous explorerons des stratégies pratiques visant à améliorer la productivité des agents de call center au maroc, renforçant ainsi la réputation de la ville en tant que hub de services client de qualité.
Formation Continue et Développement Professionnel :
Décrivez l’importance de la formation continue pour les agents de centre d’appels. Mettez en avant la nécessité de développer constamment leurs compétences pour rester compétitifs dans un environnement en constante évolution.
Utilisation de Technologies Avancées :
Explorez comment l’intégration de technologies avancées, comme l’IA et les systèmes CRM, peut automatiser certaines tâches, permettant aux agents de se concentrer sur des interactions plus complexes et d’améliorer ainsi leur productivité.
Optimisation des Processus de Travail :
Discutez de l’importance de l’optimisation des processus de travail. Mettez en avant comment des processus plus efficaces et rationalisés contribuent à une utilisation plus judicieuse du temps des agents.
Mise en Place d’Objectifs Clairs :
Insistez sur la définition d’objectifs clairs et réalisables pour les agents. Des objectifs spécifiques et mesurables les motivent et facilitent l’évaluation de leur performance.
Gestion du Temps et Priorisation des Tâches :
Abordez l’importance de la gestion du temps dans un environnement de centre d’appels. Offrez des conseils sur la manière de prioriser les tâches pour maximiser la productivité.
Mesure de la Performance Individuelle :
Mettez en évidence l’utilisation de métriques de performance individuelle, telles que le nombre d’appels traités par heure et la résolution du premier appel. Ces mesures aident à identifier les points forts et les domaines d’amélioration.
Encouragement de l’Autonomie Responsable :
Explorez comment encourager l’autonomie responsable. Donnez aux agents la flexibilité nécessaire pour prendre des décisions tout en veillant à ce qu’ils restent responsables de leurs actions.
Gestion du Stress et du Bien-Être :
Soulignez l’importance de la gestion du stress et du bien-être des agents. Des équipes épanouies sont plus susceptibles de maintenir un niveau élevé de productivité.
Conclusion : À Casablanca, au Maroc, améliorer la productivité des agents de centre d’appels est un élément clé pour garantir la réussite opérationnelle des entreprises. En mettant en œuvre des stratégies axées sur la formation continue, l’utilisation de technologies avancées, la définition d’objectifs clairs et la gestion du temps, les centres d’appels contribuent à renforcer la réputation de Casablanca en tant que centre d’excellence pour des services clientèle productifs et de qualité.
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chinakhatun123 · 9 months
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emonnbd · 6 months
Well, you might have heard that the first impression is the lasting impression. And your thumbnail is the first impression of your YouTube content. So, it is important to make your thumbnail as engaging as possible. A YouTube thumbnail is usually the first thing viewers see when browsing on YouTube. That image might make them want to click or look at the next result in the list. They also build anticipation of what’s inside. So thumbnails play a role in getting you a) traffic, and b) watch time. That’s why are they so important.
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moneyupacademy · 9 months
Chapter 3: Growing Into a Company
Tip I: “Somebody once said in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it; it’s true. If you hire somebody without[integrity], you really want them to be dumb and lazy.”(Warren Buffet. Investor, Business Magnate)Tip II: “If we weren’t still hiring great people and…
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dropservicez · 2 months
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