#it just gets to me
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gncbozo · 9 months ago
The fact that people portrait Hornet as a walking dynamite and a feral child when she is literally the most regal (well spoken) and royal behaving person in the inter game, is just mind blowing (it also makes me crazy)
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lloydfrontera · 1 year ago
A familiar voice graced Lloyd's ears before a certain someone joined him on the stroll so naturally and nonchalantly, like a veteran driver changing lanes without breaking a sweat. Lloyd took a glance and noticed Javier walking side by side with him, shrugging his shoulders.
c'mooon javier falling into step with lloyd so easily, so casually, the way he's done for years. lloyd not even flinching or being the slightest bit surprised about it. javier's presence at his side being such a normal part of his life that it just. happens. it just is.
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pandasaurio-espacial · 1 year ago
Arthur throwing childish tantrums over something to do with Merlin means so much to me
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not-a-mawmouth · 2 years ago
Hm. Something about how Avrana Kern partially despises humanity for its history of genocide, hates them for being so prone to ideological stupidity, and yet not only is she actively advocating for the genocide of humanity (despite those humans being victims of the same awful event that caused her to believe humanity wasn’t worth saving) pretty much the only reason the humans are willing to resort to genocide is because her “humans are bastards” ideology meant she kept trying to kill them. And refused to grant them asylum when they asked for it. And told the spiders time and time again that the humans were an ancient enemy that would inevitably destroy them.
So, naturally, the humans stopped trusting anything to do with her. Including the entire sapient species they had no idea existed as a result of her experiment.
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moonsmourning · 2 months ago
when i tell you guys that i almost CRY at the scene in JJK when toji realises he’s fighting megumi then asks for his name. he goes from frantically ENJOYING fighting the curse to then looking as if he wasn’t enjoying fighting megumi all that much then to realising this was his son. THEN HE SPEAKS AND?? HIS VOICE IS SO GENTLE?? he’s so soft spoken to megumi and while yes i am aware he sounds tired i choose to believe that’s not the case, i choose to believe he’s just talking to his son… like a father should… gently… it was the “i’m glad” specially in the sub (bc i don’t watch dub) that had me screaming n crying n throwing up because toji fushiguro loved his son. anyway thanks for listening 🫶🏻
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sleepycloudia · 8 days ago
The amount of times I’ve cried over this album should be illegal. Fucking lock quadonka up, he should not be moving me to tears with these stupid fucking songs.
I think sometimes i forget that this album has so much emotion attached to it (for me at least) that when I sit down and listen to it again im just punched in the face with feelings.
FUCK, stop making me feel quadayka >:(
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allergic--to--people · 3 months ago
Still thinking about Viktor not being able to keep up with his toy boat as a kid and him then running and not only keeping up with the big boats but also outrunning them
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years ago
When fics have Roy look at Phoebe and think about the stuff he went through at her age and how it fucked him up, that hurts so good.
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tummy-pain · 1 year ago
In celebration of the November 5th Tumblr holiday, I’d like to turn our attention to one of the many events that happened on that day three years ago and give a little update on it..
The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict in Armenia
On November 5th, 2020, System of a Down released two new songs (Protect The Land and Genocidal Humanoidz) after being in hiatus for 15 years in an attempt to raise awareness to the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict. See, the regimes of Aliyev in Azerbaijan and Erdogan in Turkey were betting on the world being distracted by all the other events occurring at that time to make an attack on Armenia to claim it and Artsakh as their own.
The release of this new music was attached to a fundraiser to bring aid for displaced persons of Artsakh and to not let this attack go unnoticed.
As of November 5th, 2023, System of a Down has raised $281,091 in aid for Artsakh!!
But the fundraiser is still open! Click on the links to the music videos to find the fundraiser in the video description if you want to pitch in!
The attack in 2020 turned into a mere 44 day war that was won by Azerbaijan and ended in the displacement of almost 120,000 ethnic Armenians and the death of at least 6,500 people.
Even still, conflicts are ongoing. In the beginning of October of this year the last of the ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh had to flee west to Armenia.
It’s another case of “ethnic cleansing” brought on by the predominantly Christian Muslim nation of Azerbaijan. And guess who’s backing them up? Turkey and, of course, Israel.
Since September of this year, peace efforts have been made by Azerbaijan, but the process is slow and the details of these peace talks are rather uncertain. They hope an agreement will be signed within the coming month, but response from Armenia has been elusive.
While this is progress, many ethnic Armenians and Artsakh compatriots are struggling with being forcibly displaced from their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh.
To provide aid to them, please visit the SOAD music videos and head to the description, or visit this link here.
Happy November 5th
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frommybookbook · 1 year ago
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I did it. I watched Raymond Burr's final movie as Perry Mason tonight and I'm not ashamed to say I cried a little. In just shy of a year, I've watched every minute of Burr playing Perry Mason—every episode of the show and every TV movie. This character has come to mean so much to me and Burr's portrayal of him was so good and so special. I'm glad I still have a handful of the books left to read because I'm not ready to be finished with him.
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meanderfall · 1 year ago
something about the way Livane says "The Netherworld is for the Living" really gets to me, and has been echoing in my mind ever since i first heard it, probably a decade ago
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corcracrow · 2 years ago
I think a lot of the debate about whether characters are truly good (or evil) in sjm’s books is caused by a flaw in consistence.
sjm will establish at the start that her characters are fae, and not bound to human norms, then proceed to write them exactly as if they were human, while still excusing their ‘fae’ actions.
It makes it difficult to excuse a fae for behaving like fae, when they’re written in all other respects (except for their morally grey or outright evil actions) like a human.
It also makes the line between ‘villain’ and ‘hero’ heavily blurred, because if the hero can do awful things and be excused by the narrative, why can’t the villain?
And I get that it’s probably difficult to write truly fae feeling fae and still make the characters relatable, but that is sort of a curse brought on by herself, isn’t it
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madetrial · 2 years ago
some thoughts. the line that really got to me during my violet playthrough was eri's ❝ i know you're a part of operation starfall, but i could tell from our battle you're not a bad person. ❞ it was the first time in a game that really puts the player in a position of feeling like the antagonist -- or, at least, making an unpopular, hard choice before a better solution comes along. just the quiet horror from the perspective of team star -- someone new to paldea, entirely unfamiliar, barely a part of the academy, felling their bases one by one. and we KNOW that those bases are safe havens to protect bullied and ostracized kids from what's happening at the academy. that they see team star as their greatest treasure even when they're distancing themselves from school altogether.
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bitchfitch · 5 months ago
writing advice for characters with a missing eye: dear God does losing an eyes function fuck up your neck. Ever since mine crapped out I've been slowly and unconsciously shifting towards holding my head at an angle to put the good eye closer to the center. and human necks. are not meant to accommodate that sorta thing.
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beholdthemem · 3 months ago
My fellow bitches under 5'5. Whatever the money, do not take a job working at a middle school. A fellow adult tried to put me in detention last month and would NOT give up until I showed her my badge proving Yes, The School Hired Me To Work Here. It's not meant for people our height.
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