Not A Mawmouth
439 posts
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not-a-mawmouth · 10 months ago
Before voting, spin the wheel and get a Lord of the Rings character.
Not sure who your character is? You can look them up on this Tolkien Gateway character list, or just vote based on vibes.
For the purposes of the game, assume your vote is not "LaCE compliant." (That is, fucking an elf does not instantly mean marriage or death for that elf.)
Poll concept from @pollsnatural.
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not-a-mawmouth · 10 months ago
Spin this wheel first to get a Silmarillion character. Yes there are a lot of options.
You don’t get any other choices sorry. No nuance no nothing. Pick one or die (but feel free to elaborate on your choice)
Don’t know who they are? Find them on this list
(Assume there will be no canon consequences, you do not necessarily have to LaCE marry the elf you fuck, and there are no dubious circumstances regarding your choice. inspired by this poll <3)
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
Ryoko Kui is so fucking real for showing us the complete backstories of rando side characters and introducing us to their loved ones through supplemental material but also being so vague about the actual married spouse of a main character that people online argue about what colour her hair is. Absolute fucking queen
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
Their eye spikes pop out and they just fall over dead
If a Steel Inquisitor sees someone hot do you think their eye spikes stick out like AWOOGA
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
ngl I'm a little uneasy about the prospect of Lulu piloting Superbia because piloting a Deathdrive is such a strong sex metaphor. while Lulu may technically be an adult she's only been a conscious, functional person for like a week and so far the show has depicted her as very childlike, and I wouldn't be comfortable if the same "I felt Isami come inside me" style dialog was applied to her.
that being said the show has also been very respectful in its depiction of Lulu, so I'm reasonably confident they'll skip the uncomfortable innuendo. but still, like I said. I'm uneasy.
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
when you offer to pilot the super cool robot because your crush doesn't want to but the super cool robot refuses because it's actually you from the future and he only wants his crush to pilot him so your crush comforts you for being rejected by yourself
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
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Lewis is haunted by that rejection
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
Patrick Collasour is the epitome of "no thoughts, head empty."
Graham Aker has one brain cell and it permanently belongs to Billy Katagiri.
Soma Peries is the only enemy ace in Gundam 00 who has any semblance of a functioning brain.
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
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The chit-chat that they didn't give us on screen
They deserve to be happy and have communication too, love both of them, they're my fav characters in g-witch!
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
Ezra would be the type of person to call Grogu "Baby Yoda".
luke's been singlehandedly fixing the old Jedi-Mandalorian feud, and Ezra's been singlehandedly reigniting it
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
anyway its 12 am but i had to make this before being allowed to sleep
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
having spoilery thoughts about The Archive Undying in the context of that post that someday the queer couple that says "let's fuck it all and run away together!" should actually do it:
Sunai and Veyadi don't actually run away but I do think that's what emotionally/ethically happened in the last quarter or so of the book?
Sunai's initial motivation was to prevent the totalitarian state from getting to keep an enforcer mecha to oppress his home city. Made perfect sense. Despite the emotional upheavals and betrayals and murders, that kept being true pretty much up until the Maw eats him. We learn that the Passenger trying to help him do this is the same entity that has caused Corruption aka the deaths of AIs who became tyrants.
And there's a whole ethical quandary there bc the AIs who died were tyrants and Iterate Fractal ate people and there should be some force that can stop even gods. But also the Passenger killed these AI in ways that led to the deaths of millions of people and left their corpses as weapons that could be used by the Harbor and left their remnants as hungry scavengers who kill people.
And so as various characters align with/against the Passenger I am just lost on how I should feel. It's cause is noble in abstract! It's methods cause great suffering! It's unclear why the Passenger cares about killing the Maw at this point given that it is no longer controlling a large group of people. Perhaps it is just that Sunai asks and Veyadi asks and Ruhi asks and the Passenger always answers when people ask because that is it's purpose.
And then Sunai is one with the Maw, who is a remnant of Iterate Fractal and that larger plot goes out the window. His friends want to separate them or mercy kill him or kill the Maw with him as collateral damage. He can't be separated from the Maw, who had always wanted him as their conscience and thus horribly abused him his whole life. Veyadi, on realizing that they can't be separated decides he wants to protect Sunai more than he wants to kill the Maw. They fight the Passenger and Ruhi, who remains laser fixated on the larger cause.
And that's the point where the pair of them decide to leave and they leave. Sure, the Passenger might be the only force capable of protecting humans from tyrant AIs. But they no longer care about that compared to the fight to live and get to be together. They imprison it and Ruhi (and, if I understand correctly, entomb Ruhi alive in eternal torment??) to prevent it from ever trying to kill them again. They survive together. The End.
And, well. The gays sure did run away from their problems together for once! but boy howdy was I unsure of how to feel about that final arc.
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
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I'm no expert on tieflings, but i'm fairly certain this is Not Normal
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not-a-mawmouth · 1 year ago
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Introducing our final artist @eggtempest. Her cute and lively art is precisely what our book needed!
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