#it is SUCH a massive pet peeve of mine
pugwitharug · 1 month
Btw if you purposefully mispronounce words, *especially* if they're things that come from different cultures, and think it's funny, I will hit you with a bus
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nyancrimew · 2 months
i'm a us liberal and i think you're cool
i highly doubt you're a liberal then and just think liberal = leftist which it very much does not
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allamericandogboy · 2 months
hey. hey. look me in the eye. stop with this “big bro” “little bro” nonsense. no one fucking talks like that. i promise.
it’s less awkward (and way hotter, in my opinion) to refer to your own role.
“just do this for your big brother”
“take your big sister’s cock”
“i can’t believe you’re fucking your own sibling”
that’s hotter. that’s objectively hotter and sounds less forced. you are welcome.
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ratatatastic · 3 months
he is quite literally every techie's worst nightmare girl please stop touching the mic STOP TOUCHING IT. YOU DONT NEED TO CONTINUOUSLY BRING IT CLOSER TO YOU AND MOVING IT BACK THATS THE PERSON ON SOUND'S JOB. STOP IT.
post practise interview | 6.23.24 (x)
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keshetchai · 1 year
As someone who enjoys religion blogging/discussions, I've come to realize that it's a good practice to be aware of the general signs/symptoms of religious-OCD thinking (aka scrupulosity), because if the conversation is taking on all the hallmarks of scrupulosity, it's actually a definitive sign that we cannot meaningfully and compassionately engage in a conversation about religion in a healthy way. I've actually had this play out a significant number of times online, and when I realized what it was, I also began to realize that the intrusive thoughts/obsessive and compulsive thinking are only ever fed by continuing the discussion with that person.
[[ Important edit to clarify why I am saying it's not healthy — made after I went back to look for more concrete facts about OCD or anxiety (I have GAD, not OCD, but many resources overlap since they're both anxiety disorders):
When Reassurance is Harmful — this explains how/why reassurance-seeking specifically about an OCD fear is a compulsive behavior, and engaging with reassurance-seeking interferes with recovery/management/treatment.
This table from the Anxiety Disorders Center lists key differences between Information Seeking and Reassurance Seeking.
This IOCDF page on Scrupulosity info for Faith Leaders identifies "symptom accommodation" as enabling. Two of the examples of doing this by participating in the OCD behavior are: "Engage in excessive conversation focused on if-then scenarios (e.g., "If I did this, then would X or Y happen? And what if Z was involved? How about W?")" And, "Repeatedly answering questions about ‘correct’ religious or faith practices."
That page also goes on to outline more info about reassurance seeking. "Although providing answers to (often simple!) questions may seem harmless, providing reassurance serves to maintain the anxiety disorder cycle." (This BMC psychiatry article cites a lot of related studies establishing this.)
The IOCDF page on What is OCD and Scrupulosity? ]]
Imo, the responsible thing to do is to recognize that (even if the other person hasn't outright stated it/isn't diagnosed)* the conversation is not about religion, it is about needing mental health support from professionals and experts. Talking to me, the layperson who enjoys chatting theology and my religion — is not only not helping, but is actively harmful. I'm not just talking about the person who I replied to today, either. Like I've said, I've seen this happen dozens of times in various online forums.
*[while I am against diagnosing strangers on the internet, it's important to realize A) lots of people don't know what Scrupulosity is, so it's possible they've never considered this is a mental health concern that could be treated, and that B) for the purposes of my concern, it doesn't matter if they actually have diagnosed OCD. The only thing that matters is that their thought-process causes them genuine distress/fear, and every response given to them seems to only incite new/additional distressing questions/thoughts, or further entrenches the original distress.]
Ultimately, any discussion aside from "you might want to speak to a mental health professional about scrupulosity OCD" seemingly puts me in the position of feeling as if I am being used for their self-harm. I hate that feeling. I do not want to be leverage for fear and pain. I have GAD, I despise the idea that I am making things worse.
No matter how much I love religious discussion, the answer in these cases is always "please reach out to an OCD specialist/mental health professional. I am not qualified to discuss this." And then to stop there. I have never once seen anyone stuck in this compulsive thought spiral be reassured or feel any better by hearing from someone else's approach to theology handled with things like empathy, compassion, logic, or even atheism. It doesn't matter what we say, how we say it, or how we relate to our own religion. The urge to engage in this kind of conversation in order to chat about religion is a sign that we are not equipped to help.
You can't have a conversation here, because intentionally or not, ten times out of ten, you are adding fuel to the fire. Just like people can't simply tell me something that would erase/talk me out of my ADHD/depression/anxiety disorder, you also cannot simply argue/reassure/persuade people out of scrupulosity. We should not try. We have a responsibility to consider that it's outright harmful to do so, and to disengage.
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wistfulwatcher · 2 months
"we need to deliver the profile" nails on a chalkboard nails on a chalkboard nails on a chalkboard
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WHAT is it about neurotypicals and squeezing your arm or shoulder, putting their arm around you, or patting your back completely unprompted and without permission
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monadocyclone · 10 months
I really wish that more people were willing to attach a canon divergence tag/warning to their self indulgent sequel stories if they're gonna flat out ignore canon stuff.
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steelycunt · 1 month
In answer to the the oh my gods question I often see it by those with Percy Jackson brain rot
couldn’t tell you a single thing about Percy Jackson but this makes sense to me
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imsodishy · 2 years
what is with fandom and wanging an S on the end of the first syllable of a name and calling it a nickname??
I just saw 'Heaths' as in short for Heather. Please say that out loud right now. It sounds like you're trying not to hurl.
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asaxophony · 4 months
Wtf is with people on this site acting like Canada geese are literal evil hell spawn??? Its a fucking bird. Like not the bird I'd choose to be scared of but if you get so scared bc a bird hissing at you you think theyre evil maybe you just shouldn't be around wildlife or like cats.
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strixhaven · 9 months
honestly nothing annoys me more than whenever medieval fantasy characters have like. modern underwear. your outwear can be whatever fine go ham but the second you put people in normalass bras and panties and dudes in regular underwear. disbelief completely suspended. they would not fucking wear that.
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chaos-of-the-wilds · 1 year
Why do people call Phoenix Wright white???
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alpinelogy · 8 months
Til that both č and ž are on my English keyboard on phone. Slay my life will be easier
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The one thing I enjoy the most in fanfiction about buffy is the fact that a lot of writers be putting her friends in their place, my girl finally stands up for herself in them.
I've had marathons, and my mouth starts souring towards the later seasons because of Xanders AUDACITY, and Willows as well when it comes to dictating Buffys life, constantly judging her as if they have a right as if she weren't the reason why they've lasted so long. Like she can't do anything without worrying what her friends are going to say, what Giles is going to say because she knows the second she does something they don't like, they're gonna guilt trip her so hard, and make her feel like the bad guy.
That one episode in the last season made me so angry when they kicked her out of HER house, and she just stayed quiet and left. If it had been me I would've cussed every single one of them out, and I would've put Dawn in her place like miss girl you're her baby sister, shut your mouth. The pure AUDACITY of all of them, especially Kennedy, omfg I was so angry. I couldn't stand Kennedy, holy fuck I wanted to rip my hair out in every scene she was in, and the sad thing is that the first time I was introduced to her, I genuinely thought I was going to like her, and the more I watched her the more I hated her. So many seasons, and she is legit the worst character, in my opinion at least. Willow deserved better. Holy fuck, like that was a massive downgrade from Tara. I will always be angry over that, especially how wrong they did Tara.
I refuse to watch the last season, once the potential slayer shit storyline creeps in, I'm OUT. All of them piss me tf off, the only ones that didn't was spike because he went off on all of them, and Faith because well... she's faith. Both Buffy and her will always clash, but they understand each other at the end of the day even though they like to pretend otherwise.
Once Riley comes in, that's usually when I become disgruntled as the episodes continue because her friends get worse, and the thing is, besides that, I like Willow, and I used to like Xander, younger Xander, but the whole trying to control her part just gets worse from there on. More than usual, and they just ruin it even more which is why I love some of the stories written because she puts her foot down, and stands up for herself.
She deserves to be understood, deserves friends that are actually grateful, deserves to live her life the way she wants to with all the sacrifices she makes. She's at the brink of death every day, I think she of all people deserves to live freely, and happily, as well as she can manage as a slayer, but still.
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missbaphomet · 1 year
Friendly reminder that some words have specific meanings and using those words in other context expands their meanings to uselessness.
For example, let us examine the word "Nazi".
Nazism is a specific ideology, specifically a mix of Prussian Militarism and German Romanticism, and part of which proclaimed that Exceptional Individuals (in the case of the Nazi party, Germans) were above the law. It emphasized that not being German meant you were subordinate to the state and inherently lesser. They justified this by sorting people into races and believing that it was the right of the strong (Germans) to rule the weak (all others).
If they do not fit this specific set of beliefs, they are not a nazi. To call someone without these beliefs a nazi for a brief while elevates their supposed crime (say, for example, disagreeing with you politically) to the level of a Nazi. After a while, when enough people who are objectively not nazis get "called out" for being a nazi, the public picks up that odds are the person being called a nazi isn't actually a nazi. Then suddenly one day you find a real, actual nazi and no one believes you.
"That couldn't happen." There have been at least three incidents in recent memory of c-list YouTube celebrities being attacked with false sexual assault allegations, and the reaction gets smaller and smaller each time. It took three incidents to destroy credibility. Now imagine what happens when there is an ACTUAL victim who comes forward.
Know the definition of the words you use, and then use them correctly.
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