#it hasnt slowed down or anything either
bugjomes · 7 months
I think I'm in my fat girl era
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
place your bets friends am i getting sick again for like the 500th time this last few weeks or nah
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just while im going through ep6 for a different meta - suddenly struck me that it isn't until the (seemingly coincidental) finding the matchbox that uriel, michael, and saraqael* seem to even know that gabriel has gone down to earth specifically:
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and yet gabriel pressing the button for earth is blatantly in the heavenly cctv files:
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so first thing: *im, at this point, refusing to believe that saraqael isn't, to some extent and in some manner or other, working against the metatron/archangels. why wouldn't their first thought be to check this obviously very clear and unequivocal surveillance footage? isn't that what their role in heaven is portrayed to encompass?
and second, the timeline of the gabriel footage is now seeming a little strange to me, when considering the events that chronologically follow in the narrative. because he's seen, fully clothed, putting the matchbox straight into the cardboard box (1) (im presuming so it's in there, safe, before he removes his clothes). then, he moves off screen to remove his clothing (2). then, he's seen putting the note on the bottom of the box (3). then, he's seen fumbling with matchbox - i think he's tipping the fly into the cardboard box but dropping the matchbox in the process (4).
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presumably, in order to have put the note on the box (3), he - gabriel - would in some capacity have to have known what he was planning (ie. putting his gabrielness into the fly). that would indicate he hasnt removed his gabrielness by that point, and instead it happens at some point after (3)*.
and i think it happens just before (4), because it looks like he's emptying the fly into the cardboard box, out of the matchbox - presumably in a weird process like we see later on, when the fly (ick) enters his eye and his memories return. so, essentially, by the time he enters the lift, im assuming his memories are out of his body and safely in the fly.
so, to summarise, he puts the matchbox in the box before he disrobes to keep it safe, writes the clue on the box, gets out the fly to do the memory-wipey-thing at some point off-screen, and then is seen haphazardly turfing the fly into the box before getting in the lift:
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(slowed down to 0.7x because the beginning fumble is so quick)
so, braindump thoughts:
so if we can be clear that gabriel has left the figurative building between (3) and (4), is it possible that another entity takes his place? or sneaks in to cohabit with 'jim'? (if so - god?)
alternatively, is 'jim' even jim? (if saraqael is controlling the BOL, is this a switcheroo they orchestrated? presuming that the cctv footage is happening concurrent to gabriel getting in the lift, not consecutive? and lastly; it was a shitpost, sure, but does this have any merit - has god somehow gotten themselves saved as a .zip file in the system, awaiting upload?)
this is a little unrelated, but honestly... why bother undressing? besides the jon-hamm-bum-factor, why wouldn't he just... immediately beeline to the lift? is it just so if any of the archangels came looking for him, they'd find him doing exactly as he said he would? it seems completely unnecessary, unless you take into account the potential symbolism behind it when he arrives at the bookshop (see above re: god/jesus, and the "who told you i was naked?" line re: adam and eve in eden)
another thing actually: if gabriel has transferred his memory into the fly by the time the lift opens, the last thing he presumably saw was the quote on the matchbox. which would explain why he immediately pressed the button for earth, rather than hell - given his his line to beelzebub of, "i was coming to you, but i... forgot!" but then again, if he cannot remember anything that gabriel saw... why would he link the quote to either aziraphale or crowley?
i don't think ive necessarily noted anything clever here, on my part - more that a couple things suddenly seem... iffy.
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flooficandii · 6 months
thats got me thinking actually . i havent rly had the energy nor the interest to update nuniq's doc to include interactions w/ the newest agents . including harbor and tjats literally her boyfriend lmao 😭😭😭😭 but anyway lemme make some poorly drawn depictions of what nuniq thinks of the newer agents (starting from clove to gekko)
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honestly. nuniq wasnt too jazzed about the idea of hiring a kid (grown adult but theyre a kid to her), especially an untrained one . she understands they might have a link to omen going rogue but is still iffy about the whole situation
also oof. the whole immortality thing? yeah it must be a lot to bear for clove, theyre just very good at hiding it. but like with a lot of the young radiants, nuniq lets them know they can approach her about this stuff bc shes been through it too
she can admit she gets pissed at clove bc their immortality causes them to make more reckless decisions on the field . she wants to get it in their head that you still have to be smart about these things no matter how much power you have
but! she thinks clove is very nice. very silly very sweet guy who is an excellent storyteller. storytelling is very intertwined in both nuniq and clove's cultures so she loves listening to whatever clove can whip up
clove has probably dragged her into dnd at least once
she took a while to grasp it but thats ok shes trying her best
anyway yeah clove talks a lot and sometimes nuniq cant understand them so she has to ask them to slow down
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valorant hired him because he was a kingdom killer and nuniq was ALL FOR THAT !!!!
she can tolerate the cocky smug little shit thing bc hes professional at least
hes not very hard to work with and is very cunning and calculating. nuniq likes that
iso has most definitely heard about nuniq before and was surprised to see her alive bc a lot of media made it seem she was dead to quell the uprisings against kingdom
nuniq is fascinated by iso's radiance but it definitely makes her think about how fast and how complex the concept of radiance itself is evolving . to think he could create his own pocket dimension with prismatic energy
besides that i feel like they mostly mind their own business
theres a mutual respect for eachothers skill and grit and they just *nods*
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like the thing says. theres currently some weird tension between deadlock and nuniq rn (and its surprisingly not gay)
theyre both so cold its kinda hard for either of them to approach eachother
deadlock is. working on her relationship with gekkos creatures! which nuniq appreciates
but idk nuniq never forgets anything and its hard for her to get over the fact she almost killed wingman multiple times
+ proposed awful countermeasures to keep the radivores in check
yk that one headcanon someone made about gekkos friendliness and critters winning over a lot of the protocol?
and how they immediately had beef w deadlock because of it?
yeah thats the situation with nuniq
things have simmered down with the creature situation but nuniq mostly ignores deadlock outside of work
and frankly i think deadlock's scared of nuniq too so
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last but not least GEKKO !!!!
nuniq loves gekko!!! hes so silly
hes fun and lighthearted while still being a good fighter
being around gekko makes nuniq feel. Friendlier idk how else to describe it
also his critters have 100% stolen her heart sometimes she asks to babysit wingman when gekkos busy
she has had to apologize for aput using dizzy as a chew toy though
gekko has dyed nuniqs hair temporarily; it was northern lights-colored streaks that looked really cool when braided, she kept it for about a month until it washed out
overall she thinks hes very sweet and she and reyna can get along over being protective of him
anyway yeah i think thats every agent so far after harbor! wow !!! i cant believe we've already made it this far to agent 25 .. and agent 8 still hasnt been revealed yet i love valorant lore (tired
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
Omg thank you for the innsights!!! I also find Naruto hard to write and I personally find him very annoying lmao. Bleak!primadonna au is amazing because it builds on the last big conversation shikako and naruto have before he leaves, in the land of birds, where shikako tells him to find a better solution then years later in a similar situation (avenging a twin!!!) he can’t. We all know that if shikamaru is not okay, shikako is also not okay. And if shikamaru died shikako would burn the world for him. Also this is your ‘verse, but i headcannon that after the war the twins find a bit more balance in their relationship (not amazing but not a cold war either) and without shikamaru, even if she hasnt needed him to orient her in this world for a long time, post canon without him she just loses her need/will the be a ninja. Nothing matter anymore. She has been close to breaking for a long time already in canon and i just think she was closer to breaking as a person than everyone realized. Also i think tsunade would find it naruto is the one who mismanaged his ninja and deprived konoha of it’s seal master and jonin commander in the same move. Like i think she would totally ask him if losing shikako, purely as a resource (sensor, seal mistress, political, reputation, former anbu) is worth the slight to his morals? Like to tsunades reign she was probably one of her most valuable resources and the loss of such a resource is not to be taken lightly. But she 100% thinks shikako was rash and foolish, but thinks naruto should have had the foresight and known shikako better.
Also i headcanon that shikako resigned from anbu under kakashi, so she never swore absolute loyalty to naruto, which i think would be a very interesting dynamic, especially if he tries to use the tattoo function to (like the hyuga main line!!!!!!!!) to remind her of her vows and his orders and will and then she just turns around and reminds him she was never anbu under his command. (Like i don’t know if this is in character for naruto at this stage of his life, but naruto loves to remind people of their responsibilities and doing the right thing so???). Ahhh delicious delicious conflict!! (Hope i didn’t step on your toes or anything, i am like 99.9% sure i will never write anything in any form for this so it’s all up for editing/interpreting/ignoring) i love this verse and your writing thank you so much <3
Hi again, anon! Let's keep this bleak!primadonna AU brain rot party going! :D
Because, oh my god, I agree so much.
Naruto is hard to write! Or, well, he’s hard to write in such a way where his naivety/stubborness is charming/endearing instead of annoying/ridiculous :( I think SQ does thread that needle pretty well in DoS, but I think there’s also a reason why Sasuke has more “screen time” than Naruto even if you take into account the whole “Naruto is traveling with Jiraiya and Sasuke didn’t defect.” Even in the fandom, there’s more fanfic with Sasuke than Naruto because he’s just so difficult to write him well! He is a moral compass in a fandom that loves nuance, RIP.
I also think that the twins find a better balance in their relationship, especially because so much of Shikako’s secret keeping was because she wanted to keep Shikamaru safe from the incoming S-rank threats. Now that the war is over, no more S-rank threats (theoretically) and so significantly less secrets that need to be kept from Shikamaru. (She does still keep secrets, because I think that’s just how she functions, but a lot less than before.) But yes, definitely for her to be so blindsided by his assassination and then being denied her right to avenge him IS so final straw for her that she would just snap. Like I said before, it almost would have been understandable to her if their dad had been the one assassinated or, at least, Shikamaru would have been alive to slow down Shikako’s immediate, brutal revenge, but for her to lose Shikamaru after EVERYTHING they’ve been through? Like if it were the Akatsuki or something, then she’d almost understand it—or, at least, it would be justified for her to take out that level of S-rank threat. But some weird political bullshit trying to get Temari to go back to Sand, and then when Kankurou sends the councilors over as weregild, Naruto DENIES her that justified revenge? WHAT?! HOW DARE HE? It truly would be a betrayal to Shikako that Naruto would hold his own moral opinions above the Nara clan’s political/legal right to mete out whatever punishment they choose for the Sand councilors that killed their heir.
And yeah, Tsuande definitely thinks Naruto made the first mistake. Shikako reacted extremely to it, which was a mistake as well, but the FIRST mistake was definitely on Naruto for that reason.
I love the headcanon that Shikako resigned from ANBU under Kakashi—less because of the “oath to the Hokage” thing, but more because of a matter of timing? Because the reason why she even joined ANBU in the first place is because of her rapid promotions and also the fact that her (and Sasuke’s) reputation(s) were growing much faster than their skill. They needed to be able to gain experience without having a major target on their backs while also leveling up skill-wise enough to match their reputations. So by the time Naruto would have been Hokage, there’s no need for that subterfuge anymore. Shikako’s time better serves Konoha by being open about her movements/missions/abilities. I see it a lot in Kakashi-centric fic, but the idea that after the Uchiha Massacre in particular, they really flaunted Kakashi’s reputation around as a sort of “see we still have a Sharingan and it’s sooooo powerful, woooow” kind of thing to the point that they wouldn’t even let him do ANBU missions anymore because they needed him doing missions under the Sharingan no Kakashi PR as opposed to the (semi-)anonymous ANBU Hound.
Like. If Naruto is to a level of being Hokage, then Shikako (who in all practicality, is the better Hokage candidate) is similarly such an overt S-rank nin that being in ANBU would, if anything, hinder her abilities since she’d have to anonymize her skills.
I also don’t know if Naruto would try to use the tattoo function in that way—although, that would absolutely be such a… hm… not dark arc, per se, but a “you have crossed a line and we can never go back to what we were” sort of thing. Like in a desperation to just get her to listen he tries it and it doesn’t work but that fact that he even tried it. I don’t think it does torture/pain like the Caged Bird Seal, but it probably does a “pay attention to me” type of thing. Like if the Hokage needs to signal their ANBU guards without being too obvious about it kind of thing. So it’s more of a “hey, listen, I’m about to drop a secret mission on you” than a “you must submit to my will or else” but I think it is the chakra equivalent of grabbing someone’s arm when you’re in the middle of an argument which is sort of like escalating from words into potential violence. Especially if the argument started as Shikako to Naruto, former teammates and childhood friends, both feeling betrayed by each other and mourning Shikamaru but then Naruto trying to use the ANBU tattoo to make her listen to his side suddenly brings in his Hokage status and how legally he can do whatever he wants—it is a military dictatorship, after all, “peace” or no—but then it also highlights the whole issue of this bleak!primadonna AU which is that, legal or no, Shikako literally can do whatever she wants due to her power and ingenuity.
Oh, the Hokage says these people are going to jail instead of receiving the capital punishment? What, is he going to protect them personally 24 hours a day for the rest of their lives? And so what if he does? Shikako’s far sneakier than that. What obstacle has Shikako ever been up against that she couldn’t solve eventually? And it’s so easy for her to do harm, she often has to actively curb her more harmful ideas, it’s so much harder for Naruto to enforce his incorrect decision than it is for Shikako to enact hers. Which, again, the whole issue of this AU.
Anyway, anon, I really appreciate your enthusiasm for this weird AU I made. It makes me so happy that other people are thinking about it as often as I do :D
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Laying Down Ground Rules
Palais de Roufort, Pierreland
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Louis: Um...hi?
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Magnus: Good Morning Your Imperial Highness.
Louis: I don't want to be rude but...what are you doing here?
Magnus: Waiting for Magdalena. She said Their Imperial Majesties wouldn't mind and your security team has already thoroughly searched me.
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Louis: I see...I..I thought Mags was going to be here today
Magnus: She's graciously offered to show me around Windensen today, since I've never been.
[Awkward silence]
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Magnus: May I be frank with you?
Louis[cautiously]: Sure?
Magnus: I understand that I'm a new person in Magdalena's life. I also know that the two have been friends since diapers.
Louis: Your point?
Magnus: Why do you seem to hate me so much?
Louis: I don't hate you-
Magnus: Let us not kid ourselves. You don't like me. And I would like to know why?
Louis: You...you're older than Mags, you're some prince from a foreign land....you don't know anything about her
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Magnus [chuckling]: Did we not just attend the same wedding of our mutual cousin? Who shares the same age gap as Magdalena and I with his wife. And I may be a prince, but there's no way I'll be King unless God forbid, some apocalyptic scenario happens where half my family is wiped out. I also know. I know why she's here. I know why she was scared to tell me she was a princess....but I also know her hopes, her dreams, what she wants from life. Do you?
Louis: She's my best friend! Of course I do!
Magnus: Hmmm...you have a interesting way of showing her that you do.
Louis: What is that supposed to mean-
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David: Louis. I do hope you are not interrogating our guest.
Louis: Uh...no Papa!
David: hmph.
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Magnus: Your Imperial Majesty. I am grateful for you and the Empress allowing me to wait for Magdalena inside. I know that you did not have to-
David: Nonsense Your Royal Highness! I would've gotten an earful from my sister if you waited else where [slight chuckle from Magnus] But also, you have been such a welcome addition to Maggie's life and I'm glad to have run into you this morning. Hopefully my wife will have the opportunity to speak with you as well.
Magnus: Of course sir. If either of you request a meeting-
David: It will not be formal. We're merely caring adults in her life. The real test are her parents. My cousin Minerva could've been a lawyer in another life, so be careful.
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Magnus: I...I...I greatly admire the Crown Princess...but I honestly haven't thought about meeting Magdalena's parents...[a snort from Louis] I just...want to take this slow
David: I know. I just wanted to give you a warning
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David: Again, I'm glad Maggie has met you. You've brought back a light in her eyes again. The whole family is happy to see Maggie opening up again.
Magnus: It's been an honor to get to know her sir.
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Katalina: I'm glad you are doing well with your classes. Good to know your boyfriend hasnt been a distraction. What are you two going to do today?
Magdalena: We're going to walk around Windensen, look at some museums, look at the Opera House. I'm just...worried about cameras
Katalina: If anything pops up, I'll have you come in to look at it so you can decide if it gets released here in Pierreland. Scotland or Lunaria, I have no control over.
Magdalena: The small amount of power here is reassuring enough for me.
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David: I got to say Maggie, you've got a good one here.
Magdalena [laughing]: Glad to know he's got your seal of approval Uncle David!
Katalina: David I'll have to ask for your notes on His Royal Highness here.
Magnus [nervous laughter]: Hopefully it'll be positive.
Katalina: Trust me when I say, Louis's opinion is the lone minority in this family. Now, we should let these two get on with their day as we go have a chat with Aisha and Henri on what their going to be doing for the rest of their summer.
David: Whelp, I have my orders now. It was great to meet you Magnus.
Katalina: I look forward to seeing you again.
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Louis: So...a tour of Windensen? You sure you want to risk that Mags?
Magnus: I think we'll look pretty inconspicuous walking around.
Magdalena: I'm sure Lou...If someone wants to try and find something awful in me walking around the city with a guy, then I can't do anything in public anymore.
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idealspawn · 1 year
fuck. i feel so fucking bad. i hate how i sometimes shut down and cant communicate my thoughts right away. and i cant really even vocalize that i need time either. i just lose my voice and freeze. i made the guy feel uncomfortable i think. like he said everything is fine but like. like . like. he is confused but like like like like like its not like i wasnt ever planning on elaborating bc im actually really good at communicating i just like. am weird sometimes. and i told him that. and all is well but i feel so bad that i literally just said nothing when he tried to talk to me about it. he wanted to sleep w me and i was okay w it at first bc i want it too but i was high for the first time after like 2 months and literally so disoriented and i freaked out like i barely even recognized him, i was THAT high. and then just froze and shriveled and said nothing and kept repeating that i dont know anymore and cant explain it rn. he stopped immediately the moment he noticed sth was off and asked if i was uncomfortable and/or afraid of him as in nervous. and he tried to talk abt it even when we werent high anymore and he blamed himself a lot which is so sad bc thats not it and then tried to like i guess move slower and said its ok if im not ready but the next 2 days we were together i literally just said nothing when he tried to make advances or talk abt why both of us acted awk and i like just acted like nothing happened but like still made moves on him and was okay with like other stuff just not like sleep-sleep w him. i kept sending mixed signals. i also was like so weird and quiet in general the entire time i was w him and i said i was in an odd mood and he pinky promised it wont affect anything and that he likes multidimensional people and its okay that im diff sometimes. i drank alcohol the entire time i was there too and fuck. idk im just. so fucking weird. he said its ok he is nervous and scared too and like i just fucking said nothing i dont know whats my fucking problem. fuck. like it was actually really fun too most of the time. we did graffiti and looked at the stars when we were lying down in this tower near like mmmm a big beautiful singing stage (???) and smoked his last lucky cigarette and did fun stuff on playgrounds at night and the moon and the clouds were so beautiful. the clouds were exactly like in suzume when the sky collapsed. then we cooked together, it was so fun to shop together and then we watched moomins and it was actually really nice. i picked him a nickname by opening a book on a certain page number and picking a word blindly. and he read me the little prince in french bc we both know french too and its a sentimental book to him. he sang me songs and played the guitar. he also surprised me by playing one of "our" songs and i literally started to cry. and he altered these lyrics in this one song so it applied to us and it was so sweet. i wear oversized clothes and he put my sweatshirt on and i had his jean jacket and bracelet on the entire time. he looked so nice in my hoodie and he didnt want to take it off and kept hugging it. i think probably bc it smells like me. i said i came from the moon, that they switched me when i was 5. he said he isnt even from this solar system. it was cute. made me not feel insane lol. its just like.. im a literal idiot sometimes. he was supposed to come to my place today and he asked if its okay if he comes tomorrow bc he is very confused and scattered and slow today and i think its bc of me and i feel so bad. like its okay he comes later but i intended on explaining what happened w me to him today and i just want to fix everything fast and i dont want him to feel bad and fuck. i fucking dont know. i asked him if he is confused bc of me but he hasnt answered yet. i feel so fucking bad. like all is well he said that a million times but i just want to fix everything now and immediately but not over texts....
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femalehieronymusbosch · 2 months
how special friendship is so pure and so sinful at once, it feels like poison fr, you were right. it's like 1 season cesare and lucrezia, you know where it's going but it hasnt yet, and their love is as pure and all consuming as the love of god
i see you're a person of culture as well! i didn't see similarities before but now you mention it i can't unsee - their scenes together have this tunnel-vision on each other and slow honey-like quality as if the time stops when they're together. check! their desire to compare themselves to historical figures too. check! they have enchanting love theme that plays over their scenes too. check! however, notice how Georges and Alexandre's theme is quite sombre and reminds more of season 3 "Cesare and Lucrezia spend the night together" rather than season 1 "Cesare and Lucrezia's love theme (by the fountain)". and the whole vibe you describe so well, of course.
Georges is dreamlike romantic hero, Romeo, beautiful, elegant, noble, softspoken, with patrician bearing and quiet charm, Alexandre is cute and soft but lit from within with his unbreakable spirit, he truly has “not of this earth” charisma, fire burning too brightly is destined to went out quickly. Their first date is dreamy, sweet, cute… the way they instantly cling to each other! The moment when they exchange blood is subtle eros incarnate, Alexandre’s gaze is full of love and tenderness as he looks at Georges licking his blood, and Georges’s enigmatic and sensual flutter of eyelashes as he looks down… Humans are equally body and soul, true love is both heavenly and earthly, you know.
Alexandre’s unshakeable confidence in Georges’ feelings, he knew that “you love me and I love you” before they ever spoke to each other from glances alone, “glances that are like kisses, and words are like caresses” he’s sure of it and he won’t back down. Only in childhood we can ever be this devoted, without considering anything else. That’s why after Georges’ presumed betrayal he’s got nothing to live for anymore. Georges is older that’s why he can see the benefits of pretending to comply, to lay low, to play along with well-meaning holy fathers (and they do mean well and while being nosy and insistant, that’s their job, they’re teachers, parents entrusted these boys to them).
Georges no matter how much of a lovesick poet he is, lives in the real world, while Alexandre doesn’t, he’s uncompromising, it’s either love or death for him, and if Georges doesn’t love him… with Georges’ love Alexandre was willing to be against the whole world, but if Georges has forsaken him… As father Lauzon says “give me back his soul, it was yours for too long”. And gives Georges a photograph of Alexandre, taken before he was wounded and forever changed by love, “when his heart was untouched. when there was nothing, no one”. Love for Georges was his religion. One shouldn’t look for love and death, for they find one on their own. Georges was looking for love, he wanted to fall in love and tried it with Lucien first, when he was shot by Amour’s arrow at the sight of Alexandre, and Alexandre was looking for death when the love he thought was as strong as death failed him.
They properly meet on a train but even before they’re introduced to each other they already know they love each other and are connected by the string of fate. Are you acquainted? – No, but we are in love. they speak with their eyes, melting, basking in their shared feelings. They’re saying words, but they don’t need them, it’s just a lovers’ meaningless babytalk to enjoy hearing each other’s voices. You love me and I love you, we’ll be united forever, run away together and don’t care for anything else, I will never forsake you, I don’t care if we’ll be caught, as long as we are together and never separated… murmurs like an endless stream. There’s no internal torment, they instantly give themselves to each other. I like the way Georges always positions himself lower as if putting Alexandre on pedestal, sitting/standing on the stairs slightly below to look up at him with adoration. When father Lauzon catches a whiff of Georges’ lavender perfume on Alexandre’s hair... What implication is more damning, the gifts – exchange of perfume and perfumed locks of hair, or frolicking together in a haystack?..
Book’s moment when Alexandre confesses “I love you more than life itself” is omitted, but there is another equally important one added. When Alexander sneaks into Georges’ music lesson, he looks at him with eyes full of tenderness and sorrow, and touches his hair with gesture too familiar. It’s when “I love you more than life itself” is palpable, even if unspoken. The realization, the surrender to feelings. It’s unusual and unsettling to see such an expression on the face of young boy, this expression is kind of reserved for romance heroines in specific moments when her hero is weak (wounded in attempt to protect her for example) and she’s looking at him slowly realizing how much she loves him, caresses his hair with “now it’s my turn to be stronger one and protect you” notion. And it’s after they got caught! So Alexandre is doubling down on their love. Showing that he’s unafraid. He felt that he can lose Georges and it made him brave, made him feel that they have to seize every moment they get. It made him understand himself and acknowledge the fact that he’s found the meaning of life now. And that meaning is Georges. It’s as dramatic and life-changing and deadly as only first ever love can be.
Then Alexandre's demise is ambiguous on purpose. Georges is left with this eternal bleeding wound, guilt. Was it an accident? If it wasn't - did Alexandre repent in his last moments? Was he saved and forgiven? Where is his soul now? Georges cannot even follow him in death because what if Alexandre did repent and went to heaven? And if he didn’t? And Georges won’t meet him even if he drags through life till the natural end? There's no answer.
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decafbat · 1 year
In regards to the art influences ask game, I'm gonna guess that maybe both the works of Kiyohiko Azuma and Alison Bechdel have some influence, specifically in regards to attention to clothing choice and rendering (Azuma) and the sort of feel that the dialog and settings can have (Bechdel). I'm not too certain on either of these (especially the latter) since I feel like there are plenty of other artists that have these traits, but I wanted to take this moment to just compliment your amazing art!!
azuma for sure. azumanga daioh is one of my favorite anime and yotsuba is one of my favorite manga, i think the settings and pacing of yotsuba have inspired me a lot. since i read it so young im sure its been formative. the peaceful urban slice of life feeling is something i really appreciate. the environmental design of yotsuba has lodged itself into my skull forever and youll probably see more and more of that as time goes on, since im working hard on environmental design rn (partially why my art posting has slowed down so much…)
i love Alison Bechdels art, i cant say it hasnt been influential. though i can’t take credit for any inspiration in terms of dialogue and setting because, while ive had a copy of the essential dykes to watch out for for ages i still havent gotten around to actually reading anything shes made. shame on me, genuinely. ill read it soon i promise.
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oorevitcejda · 1 year
the beginning when gwen is fighting the vulture the reason she gets so beat down by him is bc shes been so depressed. she hasnt been sleeping, shes just been wandering the city, if the reflection is anything to go by, her mind has been racing nonstop about her peter and miles and wanting to give ANYthing to see either of them again. her house doesn't feel safe enough to sleep, just keep her things and make sure her dad knows shes still breathing. she hasnt had a super villian fight in a while and the da Vinci vulture (so cool by the way he needs more love for his hammer space seeming to write the instructions around his attachments/ fixing his wing)
and it becomes more pronounced when she takes the first hit. her spidersense is slow, she hasnt slept, she hasnt fully recharged her webs, im sure shes barely eaten and she certainly doesnt have a safety net (actual safety, not her dad will protect her from spider woman safety) so no wonder he has the upper hand most of the fight.
then miguel and jess show up and the first thing she does (besides antagonize miguel) is ask if the watch can go anywhere, if she could maybe get one. just to try and see miles.
then she gets caught with no webs, no way out, and confronted by her dad and she basically jumps on a passing, unscheduled train to leave.
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mothpile · 1 year
equal parts saddening & amusing to me when i take a look through going home’s archive because on one hand its so sad 2 me how .. slowly. & often i just Wouldn’t post shit during chapter 1... & i wasnt great with chapter 2′s start either. like theres just a month i didnt post anything but theres a single drawing someone else made & then after that i just was consistently posting & then upgrade to 2 pages a week and . he hasnt slowed down.
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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technowoah · 3 years
could you do 21 and 23 from the prompt list with george x gn! or fem!reader?
btw i adore your writing!! i love all your ideas and your imagines are so original ahhh i love them sm
So Cliché [3:41 am]
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Also sorry this came out so late
I am guessing the prompts are from the fluff list, but if this isn't what you wanted I'll do it from the angst list!
21) "Are you up? Do you need me to stay up?"
23) "Pinki promise kiss"
⚠︎ swearing, fluffy stuff, i didn't proofread 😪
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Your eyes adjusted to the dark bedroom you were in. The door was closed and the curtains were slightly opened letting in the slightest slither of light inside. The sun hasn't rose yet and your body felt heavy. You turned around under the warm covers of your bed and looked at the clock beside your bed that shined 3:41 am.
You groaned as you rotated around in bed until you found a comfortable way to lay down. Time seemed to be going slower when you woke up, the need to sleep flooded your mind but you just couldn't relax. Turning around again you faced your closed door that led to the hallway. The door always had to be at least cracked and not completely closed, but your roomate was making too much noise at an ungodly hour.
Living alone wasn't good for you at all, you didn't feel comfortable living alone. It was so quiet all the time and no one was around to entertain you or comfort you when things went bump in the night until your friend George suggested that you moved in with him. You always complained that you needed a roommate so he proposed the idea that you two moved in together to make you feel safe.
A few days from that conversation you packed your things and moved in with George. Slowly but surely you moved all of your things into George's place and he was always there to help. George had two bedrooms in his house and they were right next to eachother. You both woke up around the same time and went to bed at totally different times.
George and you always made breakfast together, sat around the house thinking of things to do and just end up sitting on the couch watching anything interesting he finds, doing chores and going out quickly to then inevitably end up back to the couch to do absolutely nothing. George always ended up sleeping while you two had this time together because he stayed up so late you dont know how he could sleep like a baby like that all the time. He ended up either laying on the armrest of the couch or on your shoulder. You always thought that was uncomfortable for him, but he always ended up there. The last couple times he ended up laying on your thighs which flustered you the first time, and the second, basically anytime he goes to lay on your lap you tense up.
You weren't afraid of physical touch, but this was new to you, you've grown accustomed to George and you think you a crush evolved from nothing. You two have been really close and it all started with a stupid Minecraft server. Ever since you moved in you two have grown closer than ever and your complicated feelings if you would want George as a boyfriend or not flooded your mind as we speak.
You still couldn't sleep and it was becoming a problem. You tossed and turned until you felt comfortable and began to count sheep, but you already got to 40 and didn't feel sleepy at all. Encasing yourself underneath your covers didn't help, it only made you hot. You were wide awake at this point. You had sat up and got out of your bed slipping on some fluffy socks and quitely opened the door and shuffled your way to the living room. You tried to stay quiet trying to keep George asleep as you turned on the TV.
Turning down the volume you sat there for a while underneath a blanket you and George had on the couch for times like this. You had a throw pillow underneath your head while you layed horizontal, across the couch. Two shows later and your eyes began to droop, it was a sense of accomplishment because you were finally sleeping so you stayed there still so you continue to lull yourself to sleep.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" George asked with tired eyes and gravelly voice. "Are you up? Do you need me to stay up?"
"Fuck you George. I was about to go to sleep. I kinda want you up with me." You complained as you pulled the blanket over your head with your eyes still closed.
"C'mon silly get in your bed. Were you here all night?" George said while leaning against a wall, clearly still tired.
"No. I couldn't sleep. Why are you here?" You asked, but your words mumbled together.
"I heard the TV." George pointed at the TV that was illuminating objects in the dark.
You hummed and he did as well. "Are you okay bub?"
You had a small smile on your face, you loved the small petnames he gave you. You had a small feeling that he didn't mean it in the romantic way you wanted it to be.
"I woke up and cant sleep now. I was almost asleep, but you came in so.." You said still drowsy from staying in the state of in-between being awake and sleep.
"Im sorry." George said with his head against the wall, eyes closed. "Mm sorry I'm tired." George wiped his face.
"Could you sleep with me?"
"What?" George asked laughing slightly.
"No not that, just sleep in the same bed." You said. Your brain was just working on his own. You wouldn't have said this if you were awake, but you were desperate and needed sleep. Also you were touch starved and your crush on George was becoming more apparent each day, but that wasnt the point now.
"Yeah I'll do that." George said while pushing himself off of the wall.
"What?" You said thinking he would reject the offer.
"You sound like me. Come on." George said making his way over to you and reaching his arms out. You sat up looking at him with half open eyes and ended up grabbing both of his hands to pull yourself up.
Once both of you were on your feet you both lazily made your way to your bedroom. You mad yourself comfortable under the covers while George sat ontop, restricting the cover's movements.
"You're ontop of the blankets, it's weird." You mumbled.
"Sorry, sorry. Um, what would you want me to do?" George asked as he got off of the bed and stood there awaiting for an answer.
Your back was facing towards him when you answered. "Come on under the covers, I dont bite." You faced towards him when you said that.
He smiled a bit and then got under the covers with you, he layed on his back facing the ceiling and his hands on his stomach. He was uncomfortable.
You turnedon your side facing George. "Are you uncomfortable? If you want you can leav-"
"No! No. Im just- Ive never done this before you know. I've never comforted anyone like this." George quickly said.
"Like cuddled anyone?"
"Like cuddle, yeah."
A silence fell upon you two until George laid on his side facing you. His face was close to yours and you tried not to freak out right in front of him. He reached his hand across your body and started to rub your back. You shuffled your body a little so that your heads weren't at the same level, you were level with his chest and you got closer leaning your forehead against his chest. You both got more comfortable and got closer in touch, he soothingly rubbed your back trying to lull you to sleep.
It was a while that you both layed like this, basking in eachothers comfort
"I wish I could sing like Wilbur. That would make this moment better." George whispered against your hair.
"You being here makes this moment already great though." You whispered as well hoping he could hear you.
"Really. I mean it. I love this." You pulled him close.
"I love 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ."
"I love you too."
You smiled with your eyes closed. "Promise you love me?"
"Pinki promise I love you." George lazily locked both of your little fingers together.
"Pinki promise kiss." You puckered your lips hoping he would get the hint.
You heard George chuckle and he softly pecked you lips, it was like he was testing the waters. You opened your eyes and he had a small tired smile on his face, the two of you ended up giggling like little kids and then going back into the calming state you both were in.
Thank God for you both being in that state of tiredness. You just hoped that you both remembered what happend at [4:32 am] when you both wake up.
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You were alone in the kitchen this morning making pancakes. George hasnt met up with you yet and you questioned why. Yes you remembered last night and you're glad that you finally had the courage to say that you loved him, but it wasn't how you pictured it happening.
You flipped your pancake as George came put from around the corner looking fresher and more awake than last night. He smiled at you and made his way over to you. He closely stood by you and reached over your head to grab a glass from above. He only stepped that closely to you to grab a glass.
You begun to think that he forgot about last night's kiss. He had filled his glass with ice and then with water he stood over by the refrigerator for a while until he walked over to you.
You had just finished the second pancake of the day and faced George who was stood beside you waiting for your attention. He smiled at you and slowly leaned down and gave you a kiss on your lips. It was slow and longing, like he wanted to do this for quite a while. One of his hands found the side of your face and the other one pulled you closer by your waist. He then pulled away having a big smile on his face, you matched his smile clearly glad that he did that and remember.
"This is so cliché you know that right?" You laughed.
George rolled his eyes playfully. "Exactly, I feel like I've read this somewhere before."
"Like on Wattpad?" You jokingly asked.
"Yeah I read a bunch of DreamNotFound fanfiction on there." George said as he swayed you back and forth along with him.
"I'm just kidding! And I pinki promised didnt I?" George rose his eyebrows.
"You did! You did!" You smiled at him and he matched your smile again.
"I love you." George said.
"I love you too." You replied.
"I could get used to this!"
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
[𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬]
hi i dont see enough content for him so here we are. little tw for sexual content because my mind tends to wander but other than that we’re cool. if you have any requests, let me know!
⚠️𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠⚠️ : Sexual Content
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- OKAY so im convinced that this man has a thing for plus sized women (or just partners in general) and i cant really pinpoint why??
- like its not even a fetish thing he just,, loves the squish so much like there is no way that his hands won’t wander to your belly fat if the two of you are cuddling okay he will not be able to keep his hands to himself
- it’s also a stress reliever to be able to just idly touch and squeeze and kiss your body at random so he might do that after a long day out of habit
- DEFINITELY the sugar daddy type. he barely spends any of the money he earns anyway so why not just spend it on you??
- buys you literally anything you want no matter how big or small PLUS SOME. the clothes he gets you are always revealing too okay he wants to show you off
- but god forbid anyone else stares at you the way he does. his possessiveness isn’t like concerning or anything but he definitely makes it clear that you’re not for anyone else but him
- doesn’t get jealous tho, he trusts you and knows you’d never do something like that to him
- however, if you hypothetically teased him a little bit by pretending to reciprocate the flirting... yeah it’s over for your ass
- you will not be able to walk for a good week and a half and the marks you have coming out of it are enough to remind you of who you belong to ;)
- overall though he’s pretty gentle and lazy during sex cause he’s like,,, tired most of the time SKDKKF
- like he puts in effort but he’s either being really slow and teasing about it or just letting you ride him
- on that note: favorite position is cowgirl/reversed cowgirl cause he likes watching everything jiggle
- like bro there’s a REASON he likes plus sized partners and it’s not just for the squish. he likes the way your body bounces when you ride him and how you have to jump to get into jeans and how your thighs spill over thigh highs and- you get the idea
- on top of that he also loves someone who’s a foodie like he is (whether you’re plus sized or not)
- nanami cooks a lot since he has a fascination with food, and you bet your ass you’re going to be his taste tester
- all of it is great so there’s really no need to test it? but he likes having your stamp of approval before sitting down to have dinner with you
- oh also remember what i said about spoiling you?? he definitely brings you out to REALLY fancy restaurants then asks your review of them
- he really values your opinion and is interested in what you have to say so telling him what you're thinking about is like crack to him. and it doesn’t even have to be about food man like tell him ANYTHING
- do it ESPECIALLY when he’s at work. like i know you’d think he wouldn’t want to be distracted but the last fuckin thing he wants to be is away from you so it helps to have you tell him about things throughout the day even though he might not always respond to them
- like he likes to see little texts from you every time he looks at his phone because it makes him feel one step closer to being home: you in his lap on the couch and your fingers entertained in his hair. just the thought of it gets him through the day
- however calling isn’t a good idea though since he unfortunately needs to get shit done, but if you don’t text at least twice in a day he gets worried and calls during his lunch break
- on that note: although it may not look like it he’s actually fuckin pretty clingy
- like in public he’s a little bit more reserved about it since he doesnt like drawing attention to himself unless it’s to show you off ofc but behind closed doors?? oh my god
- his hands are EVERYWHERE
- his favorite thing to do is to have one hand holding a book and the other on your hip as you sit in his lap, reading with him and stealing kisses every once and a while
- like this man LIVES for the domestic feel of just being alone in your house together that you’re surprised he’s not hellbent on getting married and having kids already
- he is, but he hasnt said anything about it since he doesnt want to scare you skdjfdnjk
- but he’ll save the marriage discussions for later; right now he’s perfectly happy as is and will remain so as long as you choose to stay by his side
𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚: His favorite body part is probably your chest cause he likes to rest his head there after a long day and listen to the way your voice reverberates there when you speak.
[-𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.-]
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mikyouknow · 3 years
Please! Rewatch the quiz! I need something to remind me that that actually happened.
I still vividly remember that day. Going out on a chill bike ride with my two best friends for the first time in months. Sitting in the cool grass. Having a picknick. Not too hot out, nice weather. AND THEN I GET HOME TO THE ABSOLUTEL SHITSHOW THAT HAPPENED THAT DAY! Because what the HELL even was that, I still haven't processed anything. My mind keeps erasing that memory until some days the it just hits me square in the face and knocks me out 😀
So yeah! I would love it if you talked more about it, might help to cope a bit xD
Okay anon you motivated me, you were my Final push, I’m Doing it ! 🗣
Also I love that story tho you really have a Vivid memory connected to this whole thing and I’m living for it 😂 you were just having a nice day and then Boom, all this mess 💀
But aight so I’m Watching it rn and will be taking notes Live as I watch Here we go:
My first thoughts is, when Dream decides to do the quiz, he seems so like, confident? And then as soon as he reads the description, his voice falters at ‘and now things are changing’ and I’m Dead 💀 his confidence from two seconds prior in that moment goes like 📉 then cue flustered laugh lmao
“Do you ever catch yourself staring at your bff?” Dream’s flustered laugh and being all like “these questions are gonna be so weird” uhhhhh dude what are you expecting you’re taking a are you in love with your best friend quiz 💀
HES SO DEFENSIVE ON THIS ONE LIKE- he keeps wanting to make excuses aww drema aww 😭 it’s okay !! George is pretty we Understand you staring king 😌
Like legit that’s the first question and he’s already so flustered and- MY GOD GEORGE HASNT SAID A THING I JUST REALIZED WAIT HOLD ON I NEED TO GO BACK-
Two scoffs. That’s it 🧍‍♀️
Even when Dream first goes ‘aight imma take the am I in love w my best friend test’ George is SILENT 💀
Listen- listen, I’m having a moment over this cause I don’t remember him being silent from the start I thought it was like a slow descent into him just going silent eventually, BUT NO he’s just Silent from the moment the quiz is brought up 💀 but gives like a slight scoff when Dream’s voice wavered at “changing” like he’s very much Listening, just being So silent.
I just can’t wrap my head around how he doesn’t answer any of Dream’s comments, Dream keeps being like ‘right? Like that’s normal, right? Like that’s not weird. Right?’ And George is just SILENT 💀
“Do you get jealous if he or she has a bf or gf” LMAO THIS QUESTION MY BELOVED
His answer is so weird I will die on this hill.
ALSO GEORGE S P E A K S for the first time in the quiz 😭🗣 but not much, he says ‘but’, cause, yk, they both know he do get jealous so.
Which, again. Weird as hell. Imma say it, I’ve never felt jealous of my best friend getting a partner like what ???? W h a t
But ofc when they’re so clingy on each other, like a partner would take the others place because they pretty much have each other in that spot already, so it makes sense huh
And that’s not platonic btw I wanna make that clear LMAO
I think the points of which George laughs are interesting. And there’s something interesting to his laugh too. I don’t see his face lighting up with it, if that makes sense. It’s like a, I wouldn’t say ‘nervous’ laugh but, I struggle to find a better word for it 🤔
I have to sit with this one for a second like . What ? 🧍‍♀️
I’ve never. In my life. Like.
That’s not- you can’t say you don’t know- THAT MEANS LIKE-
Dear lord.
Aight I’m moving on (not actually imma be awake thinking about this later. Not by choice, absolutely not. This just won’t leave my brain unfortunately.)
Hang on. George says something here when Dream says ‘I have no idea’ but I can’t tell what he’s saying ? Like he mumbles something whilst Dream starts talking at the same time and I can’t make it out and I wanna know what he says 💀🗣
I Think he says ‘what do you mean you have no idea?’ Which like, YEAH, you Should question him on that king 🧍‍♀️ but it’s interesting how quiet he is, like he barely pushes the question, and this is like the second ?? Time he’s spoken so far. 🧍‍♀️
Also Listen to how flustered Dream sounds my god💀
This quiz never should’ve happened what’s Wrong with him like is he this blind ?? Did he Really think taking this quiz was gonna end well ?? 💀
“My future is your future”
I feel like we’ve talked abt these LMAO such Romantic phrasing my god
Again him going ‘right?’ And George is Dead Silent 💀
It’s interesting, like I’ve reached the ‘dreams’ question now, and it’s hitting now and throughout this quiz how, Dream is Loudly deflective, but George is silently deflective. If that makes sense? Like he’s choosing not to speak so his words can’t be thrown back at him cause he Knows if he speaks it’ll be obvious. Whilst Dream over explains and fucks himself over p much lmao. They’re both just a mess around this subject 💀
“How would You be in my dream” is such a funny sentence from George LMAO he’s so defensive 💀 like even I have had dreams abt Dream, like you’re his Best Friend, ofc you have dreams abt him my guy 💀 deflecting it is so weird. So Weird
“I’ve never hugged you” Sad hours 😔
It’s interesting here. Cause they speak abt the whole ‘do you go out of your way for this person’ and Dream is stuck on if he should say ‘more than anyone else I know’ or not. Which, there’s ofc observations to be had here as well.
But ! What I found interesting here was how George goes onto say ‘you made me pay you’ when Dream says he edited his video for him. And how George keeps the ‘lie’ going for a very short bit before laughing slightly, by god he sounds so.. different? Like when he usually makes little lies to troll or stuff like that, he’s much more extra and keeps the bit going and- idk how to explain it but the tone of his voice is usually way different. Here he seems to, idk, struggle to keep that up. His laugh is also just like, somewhat toneless?
LMAO The MOMENT Dream got the question ‘what do you think abt their laugh’ George’s laugh Stops. 💀
“Do you ever think abt what it would be like to Kiss your best friend?”
how Dream read ‘kiss’ 🤝 how Dream read ‘changing’
Some words hit this man different huh LMAO
“Why did that take you so long” on the kiss question, CALL HIM OUT GEORGE 🗣
God, for real, I wish Dream would get to sit down with someone one day who just Listened to him speak and allowed him to slip up and just sound so in love with George like give himself away simply because nobody is saying how weird he’s-
Hold on.
Wait. A minute.
George is doing that LMAOOOO
Him sitting there silently and not responding to all his small questions abt what he Should answer and such, he’s so smart🧍‍♀️
George’s laugh keeps sounding very, like, strange😅
Anyways the way Dream Had to have a ‘yes’ answer to the kiss one will forever keep me up at night. Now along with the butterflies one🧍‍♀️
I rly wonder what options it is Dream is looking for when he says ‘none of these options’ so often. What is it you wanna say king ?
WHY IS THE BUTTERFLIES QUESTION TWICE AND WHY IS HIS ANSWER NOW DIFFERENT LMAO - drema it’s okay it’s Safe Space 🗣 I feel like he probably saw chat responding to his first answer and realized ‘oop, that’s not platonic’ and changed his answer LMAO 💀 he’s- Ahh hard to find the right words for my Thoughts here, but he’s doing that thing where he looks for others what is ‘normal’ instead of seeing what he feels, cause what He feels is, uh, well we all know what results he got at the end there,,
I mean the kiss question is all u need really. The butterflies one puts icing on the whole cake.
“Do you compare this person to others you’ve dated? Noo...” AIGHT AND THERE WE HAVE THE CHERRY ON TOP OF THE WHOLE THING
This was the one of the Most sus ones imo from when I first watched it. It had my head spin, head in hands for Days.
What do you MEAN you compare him to others you’ve dated? Why does he tell George to shut up, why do they both Know there’s a story there- I have so many questions on this and- this isn’t platonic 💀😭 AT ALL - and there’s no excuse or explanations for this one, they just Move On 💀
The Speed at which they move on 💀
And then George goes So silent 🧍‍♀️
Dream is cruising through the questions and George is so silent now. He was Stunned into silence from that shut up LMAO
I like how Dream picked ‘absolutely’ on being able to tell George everything :’)
Why does George not say anything on the ‘do you think your best friend is in love with you’ question? No joke, no protest, no- no nothing?
That leaves us to fill in the blanks king, just saying🧍‍♀️
Why does Dream sound sarcastic when he says it’s a tough question LMAO
“I have no idea” aight good answer ig LMAO let’s Pretend
George’s silence is for real very sus there. Very. 🥴
Dream putting ‘no’ on thinking he’s in love, is Very funny and shows just how blind he is to himself.
He rly put ‘I don’t know’ for the butterflies one and found the nearest ‘yes’ option for the kiss one and then still put ‘no’ at the end - he’s a lost cause and owns no mirrors I see how it is. (/j btw lmao I have hope in drema ofc, he too can become more self aware one day<3)
“You are a little in love with your best friend” cue both of them laughing in just the weirdest ways. George just sounds absolutely toneless like, I don’t think he’s even smiling with that laugh, gaze absolutely dazed at what he’s being witness to, not even knowing what to do with himself in that moment. And Dream’s laugh is also just, weird?
“You don’t wanna ruin it, Dream.” Followed by Dream’s immediate, “oh what? It says-“ like immediately moving on lmao 💀 that “oh what?” Sounded like “oh what’s that there oh that’s rly weird wow let’s move on from what you just said ahem wow really weird thing over there” LMAO
“There’s a two percent chance there” LMAO
Then Dream going onto pretending like he’s gonna do another test As If he’s not been planning his escape excuse from the very moment he got those test results LMAO
And the silent pauses are taking me out 💀
‘I think we’re done’ HOW COULD HE LEAVE AT THAT POINT 💀💀💀
The tone of his voice is so off my guy is so ready to leave and sit and stare at a wall whilst looping heatwaves for five hours 💀
:((((( drema my beloved :((((( it’s okay to be in love !!
Not him leaving- he full on ignored George’s ‘where are you going?’
He’s not going anywhere istg the moment he left that discord he put his head in his hands and just Stared 💀
Poor George 🥺
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eternitas · 3 years
To be perfectly honest i have my issues with episode 10.
You are absolutely free to like it, its my personal take and i thought maybe i could reach some likeminded people
I did not really like this episode and I'll be honest I think it is the weakest of the ones we had so far. The animation was rather stiff, with a bit too many wide shots.
The direction was... Interesting? I dont want to say bad because its interpretation and preferance but that one moment i anticipated the most- "oh how will they animate that! How will that moment specifically look??" -
This one
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I thought they would linger more on Vanitas expression and make it stand out more. That is THE first proper look into Vanitas vulnerability and I think it was not as impactful in the anime as I wouldve liked.
Also the scene adaptation of this-
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Was a bit goofy. They completely FROZE him, not slowed him down, they froze him completely to a point where it, to me at least, almost looked goofy- like a joke.
I do like however the decision to not slow down the book falling. Could have been an option and they didnt do that. I comend them for that.
*sighs* now. To the actually cut things.
Lets start with the minor issue (well "minor"):
1. Maria
Okay they have been doing my ladies dirty. First cutting Dominiques flirting, then making Jean trip on her own feet because Vanitas stepped to the side, -she is the Hellfire Witch for gods sake!- and now they cut as much as all characterization from Maria. In episode 9, she is actually in an attack team wirh other Chasseurs, circling Vanitas and Noe with Roland and the others, then she keeps following and keeping up the attack, thinking about her own motivations, THEN being knocked out by Vanitas and Noe working together. And this time they cut even more. I think in itself cutting Noe saving Maria, or Roland showing concern for her, not a majour change, but together with the cut from the previous episode it basically makes her an uncharacter and just a hooded figure in the background, when she had a bit of a character established. Now that Noe hasnt saved her we also aren't treated to her saying "i dont want to owe that vampire anything", which, once again, isnt going to change the plot of the story drastically, but was a nice bit in the manga.
now... The bigger fish...
2. The Vampire of the Blue Moon.
Now I will not say anything about the design or the voice, that is not why I am here. My gripe is with them cutting out Vanitas thinking back to the VotBM actually telling No.71, sitting on his lap, and Vanitas further away as if he isnt interested, or doesnt want to come close, about the Malnomen.
This is our first look into the "real" VotBM, because so far everyone only talks about them from folklore and instilled instincts. Vanitas is so far the ONLY ONE that actually knows the true face of them and what they are like and this is SO important, because we are shown the VotBM in an almost domestic setting, teaching what we can assume are either his apprentices or his family. We are told, not that Vanitas learned all the Malnomen from the book himself but that the VotBM taught him that!!! That's such a crucial piece!!! A CHILD IS LITERALLY SITTING ON HIS LAP!!! How can you cut that???!! Its the one scene before the big Backstory drop in which we get a glimpse of this character and they decided to cut it.
It baffles me. It actually baffles me. If done right by a good writer and a good director that could've been such an amazing scene transitioning from Vanitas to the VotBM talking and then back to reality, but still showing that Vanitas is in the past because of his prior induced shut down.
But no. We dont get that. Maybe they thought it was revealing too much? WHO KNOWS? I SURE DONT!
Maybe the Anime staff knows things we don’t. After all they are weirdly focusing on Vanitas earring and I don’t think that is a pure stylistic choice. Maybe Mochijun told them something and they decided to cut it out because of that! I don’t know! But I was disappointed!
3. ... Olivier
Allright. So. I am not that obsessed with Olivier like some are. I think he is a cool character, but I am not as obsessed with him like my absolute brainham for Vanitas. And having cut out such a big chunck of Olivier talking to and especially ABOUT Roland is... Almost insencere. Will they add it later? I dont know, but this is definitely the biggest material cut from this part of the story.
Then... There are minor things like
-I will need to get used to no 71s voice bc i always thought more of a Ayumu Murase voice for him.
-i also didnt know about Oliviers voice, but that is my personal opinion.
Alright i am done being negative.
I like the anime. I think it really portrayed several scenes really well, the humor just hits right with me (Vanitas and Roland is my absolute favourite part), the voice actors (apart of what i said) are absolutely magnificent (I did not expect our leads to get such awesome performances, but here we are!), the music is atmospheric and beautiful as expected and the anime looks mostly fluid and 1-1 to the manga.
This episode however, a moment in the story i was anticipating with fluttering heart, left me rather disappointed. And this is not an "the episode is objectively bad and if you like it you're stupid!" situation, no no not at all. Just for me... I had my issues with it and wanted to let it out. That's all.
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