#it feels too much like a curse the way yuta and rika are
satellitesunset · 27 days
everyday I'm faced with the fact that yuji might be the one who will die and I don't like that. i truly dont.
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colonelarr0w · 7 months
Hey! I saw that you’re writing for JJK characters - do you have a limit on your requests? I have some ideas!
My first one is yuta x sorcerer reader where they’re starting to develop romantic feelings for each other and reader begins to put themselves down by comparing themselves to rika (yuta is unaware they’ve been feeling this way)
Thank you!!🫶🫶🫶
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Sypnosis - As odd as it was, you were jealous of a curse. But in truth, your own self-worth was to blame for the situation.
Warning(s) - canon JJK violence, mature themes, foul language, RIka (I love her but she terrifies me)
A/N - I feel like this request would actually be me if I was at Jujutsu Tech, so thank you Anon for unknowingly making me feel very seen.
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It all started when you slowly began to distance yourself from Yuuta.  
"Hey, Maki!" Yuuta waves, jogging towards Maki with a smile plastered onto his face. His arm is lifted in a friendly wave, one that Maki returns as he makes his way over to her. "Quick question, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere? I've been looking all over and I just can't find her." 
Maki hums in thought, the tip of her weapon tapping against her lip. She shakes her head shortly after, her shoulders lifting in a shrug. "No idea, I haven't seen her either." 
Yuuta's face falls, an expression of worry overtaking the smile that had previously turned his lips upward. His fingers fidget with one another, nails scraping against the sides of his skin as worry crawls into his stomach.  
"I'm sure she's just caught up with her own missions, that's all," Maki says reassuringly, taking a mental note of the concerned expression that had slowly wormed its way onto Yuuta's face. She reaches out, placing a gentle palm against his shoulder and squeezing, smiling at him.  
He nods in agreement – there had been times where his missions piled up and he was left with little to no time to relax. Maybe you just so happened to be caught up in the same situation, it wasn't unlikely.  
"Right, yeah," he mutters offhandedly, his gaze shifting to the floor. He stares down at his shoes for a moment, feeling the pit of worry in his stomach only deepen.  
< ... > 
"(Y/N)! Hey!" Yuuta smiles widely upon seeing you walking beside Inumaki. He lifts his hand in a wave, pausing as he notices the darkened expression on your face. Your eyes flicker away from him, and through the side of your mouth you mumble something to Inumaki before quickly departing.  
Yuuta slows as he grows nearer to Inumaki, eyebrows knit together curiously. Already, you were halfway down Jujutsu Tech's front stairs, back turned to both Yuuta and Inumaki.  
He watches as you leave, turning then to Inumaki, who also stares curiously at you. The sudden change in attitude was unlike you — and he’d be lying if he said that wasn’t curious as to why you acted out the way that you had. 
“Is everything okay with (Y/N)?” Yuuta inquires, lifting his finger to his mouth, nibbling nervously on it. Just over his shoulder, Rika watches curiously, her head tilted slightly to the side in a mixture of jealousy and intrigue.  
"Salmon," Inumaki responds, lifting his shoulders in a shrug.  
< … >  
Groaning to yourself, you catch your head as it falls into your hands. Laid out on your desk are your schoolbooks, none of which have anything written into them even though your original intention had been to catch up on the homework that you were missing. 
But, of course, your mind had wandered elsewhere, too focused on a different situation entirely – your avoidance of Yuuta.  
You hadn't meant to avoid him as much as you did, but it wasn't as if you could help it. Each and every time you did so much as look at him, she was right there to curl a protective hand around him, tugging him further and further away from you with every interaction.  
Was it a little pathetic that you were comparing yourself to a Cursed Spirit? Maybe. But that didn't eradicate the fact that she actively kept Yuuta from doing anything with anyone – Maki was lucky to be within a five mile radius of Yuuta for training purposes.  
Rika was protective – but it wasn't that fact that bothered you. What bothered you was the fact that, unlike Rika, you weren't able to protect or be there for Yuuta in the same way that she could. You weren't nearly as strong as she was, you were a measly Third-Grade after all.  
You couldn't even keep up with your classmates – even Maki was too swift for you sometimes. Of course, there was always room to improve, but watching everyone else improve while you remained the same stung, like a fresh wound that you had just poured peroxide over.  
Even with your lack of skill, your classmates still respected you like they would any other Jujutsu Sorcerer. Maki always made sure to offer her hand to you after training with you, Panda would offer you helpful advice when you ran the track with him, hell, even Inumaki would fix your form when you practiced your Cursed Technique.  
And, of course, there was Yuuta.  
He was the one to cheer you on during training, he was the one to help you patch whatever scratches your body sustained after lessons, he was the one to crack muttered jokes to you while Gojo lectured, he was the one to cut his lunch in half on the days that you had accidentally forgotten yours in your dorm – Yuuta had been there for you since the very beginning.  
So then why did she make you as insecure as she did? 
Rika was a curse, a manifestation of negative emotions. Her sole purpose is to protect Yuuta in situations where he's incapable of protecting himself. And even then, you had only really seen her in action once – and that was when she had lost control of herself watching Maki overpower Yuuta during a physical lesson.  
You sigh to yourself, fingernails scratching against the sides of your head. A gentle sound rouses you from your thoughts, and it's then that you realize you had unintentionally started crying. You stare down at the tear marks that had fallen onto the pages of your notebook, smudging the lines and your writing.  
You lift your fingers to swipe your tears away, already feeling pathetic at the fact that you found yourself crying over an issue that you genuinely had no control over. It wasn't as if you could exorcise Rika and suddenly all of your problems would have fixed themselves.  
A knock at your dormitory door stops that thought before it can escalate.  
"(Y/N)? It's me!"  
Quickly, you swipe your palms against your eyes, no doubt leaving the skin there red and irritated. Huffing in annoyance, you wipe the end of your shirt against your eyes, praying that he wouldn't be stupid enough to point out the obvious once you opened the door.  
You stand from your desk, not bothering to push in your chair as you stride towards the door. On the other side is Yuuta, his lips pulled upward in that smile that always seemed to brighten everyone's day, no matter how dark it may have been.  
You don't say anything, already feeling guilt seep into your bones. Even with you avoiding him constantly, Yuuta still came to find you. God, you felt like such a bitch.  
"Hey," you say quietly, swallowing the waver in your voice and forcing yourself to smile at him.  
"Hey. I – uh – noticed you've been distant lately. Is everything okay? Is there anything that you want to talk about with me?" Yuuta offers softly, wringing his hands out nervously in front of him. He did that often, mainly when he spoke to Maki. It was cute to you, how nervous he was.  
"Oh," is all you manage to get out. Your eyes flicker away from his, instead watching as a group of students wander the hallways, turning the corner before vanishing from your line of sight. You know that Yuuta is still watching you expectantly, wanting you to say something but also not wanting to force you into an uncomfortable conversation.  
No time like the present, right? 
"It's a stupid issue, really. I wouldn't want to--" 
"It's not stupid if it's you (Y/N)," Yuuta cuts you off, his cheeks immediately burning a bright shade of pink. He swallows quickly, lifting his hands and waving them back and forth. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cut you off! But it's true!" 
You stare in awe at him for a moment, your mouth dry as you stand silently in the doorframe of your dorm. Neither of you say anything for a second or two, staring at the other as if they had sprouted a second head.  
"Sorry...how about we just talk, yeah?" Yuuta offers, his lips turning upward in another one of those smiles that melts your heart.  
You nod, stepping to the side and permitting him entry. He walks past you, taking a seat on the small couch in your dormitory. He had been in there many times before, but recently, many of your little traditions had faded into nothing but little memories.  
Your teeth dig into your bottom lip, tugging the skin upward before you release it just as you feel blood beginning to drip from the self-inflicted wound.  
Hesitantly, you sit on the couch beside Yuuta, lifting your legs and crossing your ankles over one another. He waits patiently for you to start talking – the last thing that he wanted was to make you uncomfortable.  
"I swear I didn't mean to be so distant," you begin. A buzzer sounds loudly in your head – liar. You continue anyway, ignoring the little nagging voice nestled in the back of your mind. "It's just, I don't know, I haven't felt great recently." 
Yuuta remains silent, his hands folded in his lap as he watches you intently. He can feel his heart clenching at your words, how had he not noticed that you were suffering before?  
"Because I'm not like you or anyone else. You all are special, you're all talented in your own way. Hell, even Rika is--" 
You cut yourself off before you bite out an undeserved insult towards Rika. Your jealousy of her was strong, obviously, but you never wanted to verbalize that to Yuuta. What if then he turned his back on you too? Then you'd really be left with absolutely nothing.  
"I just don't feel like I'm supposed to be here – at Jujutsu Tech," you finally admit. Internally, you cringe at just how childish your voice sounds, how it breaks between words and shakes as you bite back the sobs that rise in your throat.  
You pause at the feeling of someone's fingers slipping into your own. Your gaze flickers down to where your hand had been resting on the couch, shocked to see that Yuuta had bravely reached out to hold your hand.  
"You do belong here (Y/N). You're just as good a sorcerer as any of the rest of us, if not better. I mean, who else could take on Inumaki in a fight and stand a chance?" 
Your lips quirk apprehensively into a smile. Yuuta smiles at the sight of it, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his fingers momentarily squeeze your own.  
"I've always thought that you were the strongest," Yuuta whispers, talking as if he's sharing a secret that he wants only you to hear. Your cheeks heat at his words, eyes widening slightly.  
Yuuta nods happily, squeezing your fingers again. "Yeah." 
You find yourself smiling at him, feeling your heart warm at his sentiment. Suddenly, every single negative comment you had ever uttered to yourself fades into the void – replaced instead by the warmth that Yuuta's words had provided you.  
"And I've always love-" Yuuta cuts himself off, pressing his lips together into a firm line before he's able to finish. You glance upward, already feeling your heart sink at the sight of Rika hovering behind Yuuta, her clawed hand resting on his shoulder. It feels like she's tempting him to finish, wanting to have an excuse to begin screaming and throwing a tantrum. 
You retract your hand from Yuuta's grip, but amazingly, he reaches for you again. For the first time, he ignores the curse behind him, keeping his focus solely on you. Only you. 
"I've always loved you (Y/N). And I hate to hear you say that you think you aren't as strong as the rest of us because in all honesty, you're stronger than any of us could ever be," Yuuta explains, wincing as he feels Rika claw into his shoulder, but he continues to ignore her presence.  
"If it wasn't for you, I don't think that any of us would be where we are right now." 
Weirdly enough, you feel yourself tearing up at Yuuta's words, the burning sensation of tears blurring your vision, obscuring your view of Yuuta. He smiles at you, using his other hand to brush away the tears that just barely cling to your bottom lash line.  
He opens his arms to you, smiling as you shift into them, pressing your face into his shoulder and allowing yourself to be wrapped in the warmth of his embrace.  
"Thank you," you whisper, your voice caught by the fabric of his shirt, but he hears you all the same.  
"You don't need to thank me for anything." 
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lxmelle · 2 months
Gojo’s beliefs of “when you die, you die alone” & “there is no curse more twisted than love”.
We know these were his personal beliefs. At least the latter was confirmed by his own mouth as a personal theory in jjk0. What he told Megumi during the 1on1 training wasn’t a lecture but a piece of advice for how he hoped Megumi could overcome his limitations. It must’ve worked for, or been personal to, Gojo himself who reflected on how this was inaccurate in ch236.
It got to thinking about how he came to believe these. It’s normal to philosophise following personal experiences and form our worldview. So within the context of the world in jjk, here are my reflections, right or wrong:
As a jujutsu sorcerer they’re expected to embrace death at any moment. They were trained to take lives and therefore they expect the risk that comes with it to some degree. Those whose lives they wish to take will defend themselves, and they can be killed instead. Those with an exceptional burden, whether it be as a teacher or as a talented sorcerer, they’d have to be prepared to lay their lives on the line for others.
We see even adults expressing reluctance over this - like Kusakabe and MeiMei - who have something greater they wish to protect through their survival. Of course it’s not easy to embrace death. Especially when you have a lot to lose. Nanami said he wouldn’t be married for as long as he was a sorcerer. Maybe that’s why they trained them young... but that’s by the by. The greater the strength, the greater the responsibility. This is what the strongest duo shouldered with the mission from Tengen, and this was what they had to get used to when being sent on missions separately.
Meaning, there was always the need to accept the high possibility of going alone. Risking just yourself. Alone.
And it’s not hard to imagine that Gojo and Geto both accepted that death equated to a sense of being alone after they parted ways.
Because they weren’t a duo anymore. The end, the death of it. Even if they were, like in HI, they might still have “died” separately. Helplessly.
So in that sense we can see how the ideal about dying alone could have come about for Gojo, who tended to learn things experientially (e.g. not only as a talented & gifted sorcerer - a genius, but also in the matters of decorum, love, etc.) so in terms of loss and grief, it should not be any different.
When Geto embarked on his path, he accepted that this alone-ness equated to a certain death. He actually sought to be alone (like killing his parents) aside from the girls he protected and found a family who were considered outcasts/minorities within the conservative Japanese society.
He embraced his own self sacrifice - his death - so much so that he proclaimed it would have meaning for Gojo to take his life. Gege wanted him to caution Gojo not to take others’ lives along with his (since they had opposing ideologies too), encouraging Gojo to stay on that path and not follow him. It was like walking alone to his death, living on borrowed time.
And Gojo for certain left behind.
Maybe the pain of having left behind, feeling alone as the strongest, felt like death too. It was not enough to be strong if you were alone. Loss is grief. Being alone was a loss and grief. Grief and loss have roots in separation, in death.
And in being the strongest, being left behind, being alone, being prepared to die, watching someone be prepared to die, and seeing others die - he might’ve felt that his death would equate to being alone too. This was the worst pain he had ever known after all.
So I HC that, just like “love is the most twisted curse” he believed that “when you die, you die alone” based on his own lived experiences.
And for what reason did his greatest hurt/pain emerge? Why was he left behind…? Well, it was out of love.
Love really could make the most twisted of curses. It can bind someone to your soul. We know the parallels with Yuta & Rika and Gojo & Geto.
From HI we can delve deeper. For the sake of humanity, out of compassion and love, Geto became twisted and cursed himself by having crazy ideals that required him to sacrifice himself and humans. Out of love for Gojo, he also cursed them both to separation & loneliness. Out of love, Gojo was twisted himself, cursed as he couldn’t kill his friend, had chosen to abide by the principles and values shown to him, could not move on … and therefore this personal theory was born.
It of course got worse for Gojo (😭) and all hell broke loose when he had to kill his beloved bff but couldn’t let his corpse go.
Love is also salvation though. Gojo made sure Geto didn’t die alone. And Haibara made sure Nanami didn’t. Maybe Nanami made sure Haibara didn’t all the way back then too.
When Gojo died, Geto picked him up.
Love also gave meaning and purpose. It drives humanity. But it was also a curse and Gojo theorised right.
Maybe the two beliefs are linked, in that if you didn’t know love (humanity?) you might die alone, with regret. If you hung onto love and lived purposefully with humanity in mind, you might die a good death.
Who knows what themes Gege is cooking...
Thoughts? Feel free to comment or reblog with them!
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seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — YUTA x FEM READER
Yuta’s just like a puppy. 
wc — 1k
tags —  mdni, aged up, dog boy Yuta, unfortunately have been reading too much borderline furry (boys with cat ears) manga and was converted, if I was braver I’d make this more intense, gentle fem dom, hand job on a desk, this is going to appeal to exactly one (1) person
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You expected this. Yuta has never tried to hide the man that he is. 
Still, you think this is a bit too much. 
You’ve been standing in front of the mirror for at least ten minutes, trying to figure out how you’ll hide this mark in the summer heat. Yuta loves all of you, but he has a special fondness for the nape of your neck. More specifically - biting it. 
You know he can’t help it. It’s the nature of a guard dog. You had thought as much when you had first met him, all those months ago. 
Yuta naturally assumes the role of the protector. It’s instinctual to him, in everything from the way he shoves you behind him during fights or the way he pushes your favorite foods onto your plate from his. He’s always been like this. 
When you’re in danger, his hackles rise. He’s total in his brutality, an effortlessly efficient killing machine. Although he’s never thought of himself as such, in truth, Yuta is as much a prodigy as Gojo is. Having Rika makes it too easy to play at heroics. He’s never had to fear much when he’s the object of her devotion. 
Perhaps it’s because her love is all he’s ever known that he’s turned out the way he has. 
Yuta loves in the same way the Queen of Curses does. They’re both beasts tamed only by the leash their partners hold, weapons of mass destruction cradled in soft hands. Like Rika, Yuta is single minded in his devotion towards you. 
Dogged, one might say. 
He’s always touching you, like a puppy begging for attention from his master. A hand on your waist or curled around the back of your neck, Yuta needs to feel your skin on his. 
He dotes on you endlessly, constantly at your beck and call. He’ll deliver whatever you want to you on a silver platter. The way he waits eagerly for praise afterwards is adorable. 
Because of this, you’ll usually forgive him for anything. 
But you had woken up unnecessarily angry this morning, and the bite mark just sealed the deal. It had been too hot underneath your sheets, leaving you groggy and irritated. You had lashed out at your puppy, who was such an easy target. Yuta never argued or fought back, even if it was undeserved. He just took it. 
You’re feeling particularly guilty because he’s so patient with you. He had gotten back from a mission hours ago, and instead of cleaning up or resting, he was waiting outside your office patiently. He hadn’t even gotten out of the suit he had been wearing for this undercover assignment. 
His legs are drawn up to his chest so he can rest his head on his knees, staring at the closed door that separates him from you. When it finally opens, his ears perk up and his tail starts wagging. 
It’s hard to repress the urge to coo over him, to pet over his soft ears and praise him for being a good boy. 
Instead, you grab his tie, wrap it around your fist like a leash, and tug him inside your office. 
There’s blood on his face from his work. You shouldn’t find it so hot. 
“Are you still mad at me?” He asks. 
“I was never mad at you, pup,” you say gently, pushing him towards your desk. He lands sprawled across your documents on his back, looking bewildered. 
It’s evident he came here looking to make it up to you. You’d rather give him his dues, instead. 
“Pants off, baby,” you tell him, and he scrambles to obey. His hands are shaking a little as he undoes his belt, fumbling the latch over and over until finally you take pity on him and undo it yourself. 
Yuta goes a little cross eyed at your gentle handling of him. Of course, that only spurs you on further. 
“What do we say, Yu?”
“Thank you, thank you,” he chants.
“Good boy,” you croon, watching as his eyes practically turn into hearts and his tail wags furiously between his legs. You give it a light tug and he whimpers. There’s already a tent forming in his boxers. 
Playfully, you snap the waistband of his boxers against his skin. Yuta throws an arm over his eyes. His cheeks are turning red from embarrassment, but you can’t have that. 
“Don’t hide from me,” you say as you pull his arm away from his face. 
Yuta’s been so good. You don’t want to make him wait for it anymore. You tug his boxers off and wrap one hand around his cock. He’s already leaking so much you don’t need lube. Your giggle only makes him turn his face away, shy and even more embarrassed. 
Yuta’s hips thrust up involuntarily at the first slow, sweet stroke the tight circle of your fist makes around his cock. It’s followed by a string of gasped out sobs as Yuta tries to keep himself still, only to jerk like he’s been electrocuted at the next pump of your hand. 
“You don’t need to restrain yourself,” you tell him, and that’s all the encouragement he needs. Yuta’s loud. He whines and cries and begs even as you’re willingly giving him all he wants and more. 
He chases his high like a man starved, humping into your hand with a sweetly depraved desperation. When you twist your wrist just the way he likes, he sobs, a wretched, pathetic noise that makes something awful inside of you preen in delight. You want to hear him make that noise again.
When you look up again to gauge his reaction, Yuta’s biting his lip. “I’m close,” he whimpers when he catches you watching. “I’m gonna-I’m- fuck-“ 
“Go on, sweetheart,” you tell him. “Be a good boy and cum for me.” 
Praise always works well on Yuta. 
He cums into your hand with a sob, shaking through his orgasm. His knees knock together before you force them apart, pushing him just shy of overstimulation before you finally pull away. Yuta practically melts into your desk, boneless. 
“Was that a good enough apology?” You tease him. 
Yuta blinks at you. His brain is practically melting out of his ears. Then he shakes his head as if he’s shaking water off, his dark hair flying around his face. With the dumbest, cutest smile in the world, he says, “Repeat that?” 
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Maki has the potential to be the ultimate counter to Sukuna right now. Here's how she might play a big role in his defeat.
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For ages, I thought Maki was a terrible match up for Sukuna, but after rereading some of the manga, I realised how she could counter almost all of his abilities if the good guys played their card right.
How she can seriously hurt Sukuna:
Sukunas reversed curse technique is so broken that there is almost no way to really damage him, he has more cursed energy than anyone else in the verse and since he was refreshed by incarnating the chances of him running out are pretty tiny.
But there is one thing we know reversed curse technique can't heal. Damage to the soul
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It's stated twice in the manga that Sukuna can't heal Mahitos Idle Transfiguration, a technique that attacks the soul directly.
And Maki just so happens to have a weapon that can cut the soul of its target, in fact this is even pointed out in the manga.
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Since Gege points this out himself, I feel like there is some real grounds to say Maki might be able to really damage Sukuna.
How Maki would survive Dismantle and Cleave.
Other than the fact we see characters like Kusakabe, Higaruma and Yuji taking hits from dismantle and cleave, (all characters that should be way less durable than Maki).
I think there's solid evidence that Maki could even doge these attacks before they hit her, even though the slashes are invisible we see Mahoraga deflect one, meaning they do travel to hit their target and could be dodged.
How would Maki see them coming?
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It's shown that characters like Maki, Toji and Daido can see invisible things by seeing how they affect the space around them, so her seeing Sukunas slashes makes sense.
How would she survive Sukunas domain?
Since Sukunas domain target inanimate objects with no cursed energy as well as sorcerer's, it's one of the few that Maki isn't immune too, so how would she survive?
Well there is one thing we've seen able to dispel domain expansions and can be used freely only by someone like Maki.
The Inverted Spear of Heaven!
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Toji dispels this cursed spirit's innate domain by bringing out the Inverted Spear.
bUt goJO DesTrOyeD iT
No, Tengen says Gojo either sealed it or destroyed it, we don't know which
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While Gojo definitely wouldn't want the higher ups to know about a weapon that could counter him, I don't think he would destroy something as unique and valuable as the spear. He probably hid it somewhere, only he could get it.
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In the time between Gojo getting unsealed and his fight with Sukuna, I think it's fully possible he would retrieve the spear and give it to Maki, seeing how she had awakened and knowing how well Toji used it.
If he did give it to her, and Sukuna tries to open his domain, it would collapse as long as the blade is exposed to it.
Finally, how would she get close enough to strike?
As much as I love Maki, she is not on Sukuna's level of speed and in a one on one fight she would never get close enough to hit him, but if he was distracted by a bigger target, then she could land a sneak attack since she's basically undetectable.
And who's a better distraction then Yuta Okkotsu, he is constantly described as having overwhelming cursed energy and with Rika manifested that's only going to be more extreme.
Sukuna doesn't have the Six Eyes and remember Gojo was the only person to ever notice Toji when he was standing behind him, I think that while Yuta holds off Sukuna there is a perfect opportunity for Maki to land a clean hit with the Soul Split Katana.
Maki is the only heavy hitter that's been completely absent from the Sukuna fight so far, and I really hope Gege uses her to her full potential here, since he loves Toji comparisons a parallel to this shot would be awesome to see
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I don't think Maki will be the one to defeat Sukuna, that has to be Yuji, but I hope she gets to at least do some serious damage that lets Yuji have an actual fighting chance.
Of course Gege could pull some bullshit "I had a perfect counter to this from 1000 Years ago" again, but I hope he doesn't
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blkkizzat · 4 months
one pet peeve i have about certain anime/manga is the lost potential of a manga-ka not properly developing/exploring the world and characters they created.
after gege finishes this bullshit i want someone to buy them out and remake the jjk anime. ideally (spoilers): season 1 & 2
make jjk 0 the start of the series and yuta the main character (as was originally planned).
flesh out the student relationships that year with yuta, maki, inumaki and panda more
inumaki backstory (apparently he is from a sorcerer family too)
fleshout inumaki feelings/struggles with not being able to speak actual words
laying foundation for future maki/mai resolution later in series and the treatment of non-cursed energy users by zenin family. brief mentions of toji and perhaps megumi.
more history of how jujutsu society works as there's a whole hierarchy alluded to we never find out about and also would help on how they are in or have ties to the government which is revealed later in shibuya arc.
more confrontation between gojo and geto. theres 10 whole entire years between geto's defection and jjk 0. these two were practically inseparable (whether you see them as soul-besties or lovers) and theres an active bounty on geto. there had to be more passing moments, tension and smaller battles/struggles there.
show adoptive family relationship between geto, nanako and mimiko.
in fact theres a whole unexplored dichotomy between geto's mentorship to his sorcerer family he made from his followers and the found family of jujutsu high under gojo.
yuta struggling more with the guilt/burden of rika and mastering his ct
okay then finally we can have 'night parade of a hundred demons' and that resolution.
season 3 - hidden inventory arc
honestly this arc was pretty solid and can stay mostly the same but could be expanded by 3-4 episodes
show more of the dynamic between geto, gojo and shoko give us some more history/backstory of shoko.
give us an episode with haribara. like yes its sad he died but we didnt no anything about him really for it to be as impactful as it should have been as its literally the reason nanami stayed on to be a jujutsu sorcerer and what finally made geto snap.
give more backstory on gojo's family and expectations of him and how him being "othered" as the most powerful makes him more disconnected from people
something a bit more substantial to show even through gojo and geto were super close gojo couldn't emotionally empathize enough to see how much geto actually was struggling and the fact he failed him there
also see yuki interact with the rest of them more as she literally popped up out of the blue
movie break before season 4 for toji backstory movie
season 4 - the actual first season of jjk
i know yuji isnt the brightest crayon in the box but you'd think he'd actually go to the high school library/raid gojo's family library for ancient text/info on the actual curse living inside him. we should learn more of sukuna in this way, hell you could even rope in his old occult club for this.
more of sukuna mocking yuji. we see sukuna show interest in megumi which is good foreshadowing but we have nothing to hint of their actual relationship connection. i don't think sukuna would just be silent i think he would be mocking yuji internally alot.
sukuna should take over yuji's body temporarily due to their vow and we should have an early intoduction to uraume.
can we develop junpei more? he can have the same fate eventually but i feel like he should have joined jjk high briefly (still being manipulated on the side by mahito) before turning on yuji and this also is a good parallel to yuta story of how not everyone can be saved/converted.
introduce ino and show his and nanami relationship. how nanami struggles with it after haibara death
an episode or two just seeing the kyoto students interact and develop more of the relationship between mechamaru and miwa.
more information on how/why megumi sister got cursed. i assume megumi looses his shit later bc his sister is the only family he had that he gave a damn about but we need to see some more flashback scenes with them. i gotta be honest idgaf about her at this point and we certainly didnt see enough for megumi to completely lose the will to live or be as suicidal summoning mahoraga at every inconvenience lol.
season 5 - shibuya arc
things here would have made a lot more sense/felt better if things earlier were developed more as i mentioned so i dont think there needs to be a ton of changes.
we DO need to see how inumaki lost his arm because its so confusing he all of a sudden doesn't have one.
in all honesty zombie!toji should have been able to sense jogo if we are running with the theory he is programmed in that state to fight the strongest. sure megumi may have more potential than jogo but same could be said for dagon then. there was really no need for jogo show up at that point just to leave two minutes later.
nanami not dying to jogo/mahito. i appreciate how they did it and isolated i dont hate it tbh. its fitting although sad af. however choso's death and the subsequent power up yuji gets invalidates nanami's death/power up. Power ups from deaths are fine but it happening twice in pivotal moments is lazy writing. Nanami's death subsequently isn't as meaningful and choso's death (as his bro it is going to hit harder regardless). plus killing sukuna is way more substantial than than mahito.
given what happens later it also would have probably been good for megumi to realize thats his daddy back from the dead. maybe he realizes as toji's offing himself due to tid bits/things gojo or others have revealed to him in the past. but theres no other good time to do this before he becomes sukuna's vessel.
season 6 - culling games & gojo's release
explain in a less convoluted way idk how they are going to do this for anime cause i read the manga and bitch im STILL confused??
honestly though id say keep nanami alive tho just so he can meet higaruma because we need nanami + higaruma scenes they would fr be gojo and geto level besties istg.
would like a bit more on noritoshi kamo backstory and he seems to have this twisted fondness for his "children" so to speak so a bit more on that creepy mofo.
season 7 - prep for sukuna fight & sukuna gojo's fight
we skipped MONTHS here. wtf!? we need to see:
choso and yuji relationship
choso mourning yuki and realizing he probably wont be able to keep her promise as he has to protect yuji
yuji's training
maybe see more of sukuna's past
gojo reflection thoughts on all tf that has happened and his mental state.
season 8 - post gojo, current fight with sukuna
if nanami has to die he can go out fighting sukuna.
thats really all i have so far. the previous changes would make choso's death make more sense and although i hate it, it would serve its purpose more than an earlier nanami death.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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wisteria-lotus · 5 months
Twisting and Turning
By: Wisteria ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
Contains: angst if you squint, fluff, Yuta being a cutie
Summary: You and Yuta were best friends, after an incident it only made your bond closer, right? Then what changed? There was only one meaning, your feelings for him.
(Okkotsu Yuta x fem!reader)
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You and Yuta were like magnets, opposites attract, it's what they say. While Yuta had been the nervous boy he always was, you were like a bundle of sunshine. You guys were known as the best battle duo during your missions with any grade leveled curses. Not even Toge and Panda could beat you in a duo battle. Although currently, the best duo was having a difficult time in the middle of nowhere, fighting a special grade curse, with not just one ability, but with almost billions. It felt like hours passed as your hands were blistered from how much you were attacking with your spear, and so was Yuta. You could see Yuta from the corner of your eye piercing his sword into the horrid curse, but that wasn't the only thing you saw. As you saw the arm of the curse push him away, the sword was still stuck in the curse. You froze not knowing if you should go to Yuta, or continue with the curse. 
“Y/N! Don’t worry about me-” he mustered out from the pain of being thrown.
You trusted your partner and leapt into the curse trying to help as much as you could, getting stabbed, bruised, thrown around, as well as being possibly sprayed by some weird mist. You didn’t know what it was but the pain of all the scars were beginning to numb as you continued to fight. Yuta leaping back to his feet finally twisting his glistening silver ring, summoning Rika, a curse that still made you shake even with the amount of countless times you saw her. In a blink of an eye, the curse vanished slowly, disintegrating like burnt wood, getting crushed, and turning into ashes. Yuta hurriedly ran to you as you went back on your feet.
“Are you okay?!” he said with a worried face, you couldn't help but laugh to see his reaction but also feel the sharp pain in your lungs, for some unknown reason. Your vision became hazy as you slightly swayed while leaning onto a tree,”I’m alright-” you lied, it felt like your lungs were being stabbed with needles. He hurriedly picked you up on his back, leading you to your campsite. ”I told you I’m alright!” But he didn't believe you, as he sat you down on a seat, you couldn't help but smile a bit from his worry. Right as you thought you could settle down from the gruesome and tiring battle, you felt another pain in your chest once again, this time you saw blood, blood on your hands and your uniform. You couldn't stop coughing out blood, the pain in your throat was like sandpaper going against another piece of sandpaper as you continued to cough. “Y/N!” was the last thing you heard before pitch black and a thud. You felt nothing, your body felt numb, as if you were paralyzed. Why did you feel this way? 
 It was blurry when you woke up, your whole body was aching, it almost felt as if it was burning. The blur turned into a more clear, vivid view soon, as you saw big pale hands grasping your own tightly.Yuta was next to you, having his head down on the hospital bed. Weren’t you just fighting a curse, what happened after..? “Y-you're alright..-” it was your beloved partner, looking worried, maybe even tearing up. “I’m alright” you smiled. “I don’t believe you..” his voice muffled from stuffing his face in the blankets. After that incident, he had only been more protective over you, asking for your needs and tending to any injuries you got from your missions. You knew it was for a good intent and allowed him, you were happy about it, but it soon had to come to an end when he had to go to Africa for individual training. Now school life  feels a bit empty, the fifth seat in your classroom empty. Your usual partner in missions, not going out with you anymore. It felt a bit strange but not too strange, since you got over it sooner or later. I mean you could admit, maybe you did miss him at times, yet who were you to tell him if he could or couldn't go to Africa to get better training.
Well, that wasn't a problem anymore, since he was back, in front of the gates of your school.. He had changed, his hair was parted and although his eyes were still the same, they had slight eye bags, his body seeming more refined and formal then before when he was slouching all the time. Everyone gathers to greet him from his return, Maki slapping his back, Panda laughing, and Toge just listing his feelings with ingredients. Yet how come you couldn't have the courage to join them in his return? Yuta took a glance at you, happy to see that you were alive and well. You could only muster a small hello with a smile greeting to your old partner. What was this weird feeling in your stomach? All you knew was that the feeling was unbearably uncomfortable. When you coincidentally bumped into him on your way to your dorm, your eyes couldn’t help meeting with him, only making your face a bit heated for an unknown reason that you still couldn't find out. “Y/N it’s been a while,” he laughed with a small laugh at the end of his sentence. “It has..” your voice trailing off. He notices how you weren't as joyful and playful as you were. “Are you okay?” He asked with curiosity and a hidden concern beneath his gaze. You were startled, he noticed like he always had in the past. You nodded in a hurry not wanting him to worry, but before you could notice he leaned in, his face just inches away while he put the back of his hand on your forehead. It was like an instinct that your face grew even more red and heated. “You don't seem to have a fever..” You quickly grasped his hand away and stepped back. “I’m okay just…a bit hot..?” you tried to laugh it off. Yet you let out a sneeze a bit after, making him show his concern. Taking it out of his jacket pocket he wrapped your neck with a brown and red patterned scarf. “Yeah right..pfft” he couldn't help but laugh at the blunt lie you said to his face.
After the small conversation you had with Yuta, , you hung up the scarf on your clothing rack in your dorm, got onto your spinny chair, and looked up at the ceiling in a daze. It was near the end of the day and you cussed under your breath finally realizing these weird creeping feelings in your stomach. You had missed him, and you actually realized you love him now. You knew he was the last person to even notice anyone had a crush on him, which was a good thing right? Since when did you start liking your mission partner in the first place, your best friend, and also your classmate? You could only think about this the whole night until monday morning soon arrived shortly as you automatically wore your uniform and went to class to hear Gojo, your instructor, to be joking around. Yuta filled up that once empty seat. You couldn't help but notice his calm and comfortable personality which you missed so much. He noticed you leaning on the door blankly staring and he rushed over to talk to you. “Good morning y/n..How was your sleep?”he asked her, as he noticed the slight dark circles under your eyes covered from a bit of foundation and contour you put on. “Huh- oh I’m good.!” you tried to not burst out the door from the once again creeping feeling in your stomach when you saw him. “Class! Today you’ll be working with the first years and mentoring them!” shouted Gojo, yet you knew it was just because he didn't want to deal with it himself. This class assignment led everyone out to the fields.You partnered up with a joyful pink haired boy, Itadori yuuji. He would joke around and compliment you a lot as you helped him. You couldn’t help but laugh because he somewhat matched your personality, which helped you a lot by trying to get away from that stomach-churning feeling for Yuta. Yet still, you couldn't help but notice the glances that Yuta gave you while you were helping Yuuji. You gave him a slight head tilt signifying if he needed something, but he quickly brushed it off in embarrassment, saying it was nothing. 
Later on at lunch, you were eating in your dorm when you heard a knock. You opened the door with a creak to see Yuta, smiling with his warm presence. “Can I come in?” He politely asked for your permission. “yeah sure,” you answered as it was pretty normal to hang out like this again, (though a bit awkward), this familiar room that you always slept in felt a bit unfamiliar now with Yuta. 
“What do you think of Itadori Yuuji..?” he asked, yet you couldn’t read his expression as he was looking away from you, probably observing the new things in your room. “He’s fun, and really cute.”Yuta quickly looked at you again, with a slight pout. “cute?” he muttered, with a bit of depth in his words. You pressed your lips together trying to read this new reaction. Was he…jealous? There’s no way THE Yuta Okkotsu was jealous. Yet you couldn't help but ask, “Are you jealous?” with a slight teasing tone knowing that he would probably just deny it, since there was no way he liked you the way you liked him. He opened his mouth a little, but soon closed it, looking away. “ah.. It’s a bit late.. I should get going to my dorm.” He looked back at you with an innocent smile that you were usually comforted by, but this time it felt a bit confusing. “You're right. It’s late, I’ll see you tomorrow at class,” you replied, smiling. Right as he left the room, the comfortable feeling of being in your dorm came back to your senses.you're probably just imagining things right now, you thought to yourself. You considered the option of taking a shower to clear away these thoughts, which failed miserably as you thought of what just happened thirty minutes ago while getting ready to sleep. He was acting a bit strange the next few days, glancing at you, yet avoiding you at the same time, you couldn't really seem to understand him, but it hurt to know that he was avoiding you. It was unusual without his soft good morning greeting to you in class, snice now he would be ignoring you. You felt suffocated, maybe you had done something wrong, but you knew whatever it is, it won't make you and Yuta’s relationship fall apart whatsoever. As you stormed off to him, grabbing his wrist tightly when he was walking in the hallway, you could see the way he turned as if he thought it was someone else and almost gave a smile until he processed it as you and quickly looked away. “Why are you avoiding me?” was the only thing you could blurt out after seeing his hurtful expression. “Why aren’t you looking at me?” the next sentence just spills out, these suffocating emotions getting in the way. “I-.. I’m not avoiding- well..I mean..I’m sorry” it made you furious to see him looking at the ground while apologizing, not even saying it while looking at you because he was too ashamed. He notices the way your hand which was once on his wrist falling down to your side, while a teardrop fell on the wooden floor of the hallway. He immediately raised his head up to see your crying face, just standing in the hallway. “I’m sorry..it- you didn’t do anything wrong..” he paused in the middle of finishing his sentence and took you to your dorm holding onto your wrist. You didn’t want to face him right now, not when he was the one avoiding you. “Let me go Okkotsu.” trying to budge from his grasp while you two were in your dorm. You raised your head, finally getting the courage to look back at him, the expression on his face was a worried and caring one, just like the expression on the last mission you guys had. “I just.. I didn’t realize it before, not until sooner that I really was jealous of Iadori Yuuji, I-” he was stuttering on his words while still holding onto your wrist. “I like you-,no, I love you, so please..call me Yuta again..” Your immediate reply, was not actually a reply, but a reaction as you looked away from him, covering your face with your arms, Yuta had that same look, you knew it, even without looking at him, but now he was leaning to your face, taking the arm that you had which was covering your face, revealing your obviously rosy pink cheeks.
 “You- could’ve just told me.”  as you tried to avoid his warming gaze. This gives him the sign, the sign which he took to wrap his hands around your cheeks, leaning down, and kissing you. The kiss felt blissful like the warm sun warming you up on a chilly day, or when you finally got near the fireplace after you were outside in the snow. From one light kiss, to another, making your arms wrap around his neck holding him closer. Giggling after with both your cheeks flushed red, “I love you y/n”. “I love you too Yuta”.
(AAA thank you for your likes and support!!)
(sorry for the late uploads, both me and lotus are quite busy with school, we appreciate you guys for the wait!!)
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reveluving · 2 years
oh, to be happily married to gojo and toji, unaware that geto has been perving on you ~
warnings: smut obv (includes voyeuristic!geto, dp, mmf/threesome, unprotected sex, 'baby' as your petname, dumbification, dacryphilia, possessive husbands who are also menaces in the sheets <;3)
c'mon im offering (pls)
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voyeur!geto watching you get dp'ed and doted by your husbands?? hello???
like, it's a miracle geto didn't unleash the ultimate catastrophe as soon as he learned about your marriage to the two?? it was initially a plan made by the higher-ups to ensure you, a special grade, aren't loitering around but you've known gojo and toji even before the arrangement was made, so they willingly ask for your hand, much to the old geezers' displeasure.
oh, how he despises the thought of even sharing you.
he also wonders if things could've been different for him? had he not turned out the way he was now, would he have the chance to ask for your hand, too?
poor geto tries his best to control himself—his anger isn't towards you, no no. but now, he has to live with the fact that his future queen is married to not one but two men he hated most—the infuriating smart-mouth he once called his best friend, and Zenin's very own disappointment.
absolute forces to be reckoned with.
so, the best he can do is wait for the right time. though he wouldn't be caught dead with his ways as a peeping Tom, how could he resist learning more about what makes you smile the brightest?
or what makes your cheeks burn the hottest?
or what makes you scream the loudest?
earning and receiving your affection have become a competition between those two—from buying you your favourite treats to being the first to give you a massage after a long day.
but, even when the two fight for your attention like the rent is due, it's when they'd put aside their differences for you that never fails to make your face grow hot.
having to control his own anger and raging hard on as he watches you—pretty blissful you, cock drunk pressed up against you, toji against your chest while gojo against your back. gojo licks your sweat off the back your neck, letting out the most lewd groan in your ear.
toji holds your head up by the cheeks, his signature wolfish grin as he continues to stare in your tear-stained yet lustful eyes.
"it's too much isn't it, baby?" toji's condescending tone was clear, but you couldn't care less nor feel shameful about it, "aw, it is? oh, my poor baby."
gojo's was no different, opting to hear your mewls even more by thrusting deeper into you, the smack of his hips against your much more obscene than the rest. your toes continue to curl and dig into the stained sheets, unable to stop yourself from dripping down their cocks.
not when the whole point of having you in between them is to turn your brain to mush and mark you both in and out with their cum.
"of course it's too much," he cooed, shooting toji a quick yet frightening glare for hogging your attention before the usual lilt in his voice returns, "she's my sweet dumb baby."
you raise your head a little higher, releasing a shaky moan as toji licks a stripe up your neck—absolutely unaware of the menacing pair of eyes staring at you on the other side of your window, craving to see you in your most intimate, practically taking in the sight of your delicious body glinting from the sheen of sweat and the beads of cum that decorated across your face.
also, there's something about toji and gojo knowing that there is in fact intruder watching, and it doesn't take them long to know. they may not agree with each other on a lot of things but more often than not, they can be quite similar at times, including now.
being the only ones who are allowed to see you this way, to feel you, to mark you.
to protect you.
this man has a breeding kink, and you cannot tell me otherwise.
but his urges have only escalated after the Cursed Child arc, where he not only learns about Yuta and Rika, but also the fact that they're under your care. something in him just gets released upon seeing you protectively push Yuta behind you.
just the thought of having his own little ones, possibly raising a bundle of joy, a reminder of two powerful beings looking after them; you and him.
the overwhelming yet pleasant urge only turns into something darker when both gojo and toji stands before you, widening the distance and keeping a close eye on geto for the way his eyes linger on you for too long.
he takes his leave after declaring a war, satisfied to meet Yuta and watch your husbands barely able to restrain their outrage as they watch geto kiss the back of your hand.
his goals may not be something to achieve overnight, but he'll kill thousands if not millions more if there's a silver of hope to have you by his side.
he's all too pleased with the thought of his future, looking forward to the day he finally gets to call you his and ravage his bride-to-be.
right in front of your husbands.
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gojosbf · 8 months
Sorry, but I need to say something I've been thinking about for a while. I found geto's death forcing. 1.he loses to a boy with no experience and the power of ''love''. 2.he was stronger and had more knowledge and experience than the boy yuta. 3. It seems that the author just wanted to get rid of geto so that this annoying villain Kenjaku could come. 4. In my opinion, Geto is the best villain. I don't understand why the author didn't want to continue with him. 5. His death was forced because Saturo already had a change in character and personality. What I'm trying to say is that in the film, Satura is already different, he's no longer that immature young man. 6. the serious work was much more dramatic if geto had survived saturo blow he would have become stronger and returned as a villain again with sukuna. Sorry if it's big, but I have these doubts that such a good and well-constructed character had a horrible ending and very little.
I have mixed feelings about this anon but first I'd clarify things point by point for you and then give my opinion if possible
1. Yuuta Okkotsu has a special grade curse, the queen of curses Rika, the power of "love" you speak tho it might sound cliché does fit here well and it was explained in the manga that love is considered the most twisted curse (if you saw the movie you'd have seen that gojo said this line to him too).
2. Yes sure geto had more experience and knowledge but yuuta is an acclaimed prodigy, his cursed technique is mimicry, rika was so scaringly powerful even before she fully evolved, geto KNEW that if he absorbed rika he'd have everything needed to form his "ideal world". He wasn't just any nobody who managed to get lucky.
3. Okay now here there are two reasons and I am trying my best to find words to explain it, yuuta was meant to be the original mc of jjk, he is the op character. Geto wanted rika (as I mentioned in the previous point) to accomplish his dream so if geto won that battle the story as whole would've taken a very different turn, we wouldn't need itadori and the whole first years and their stories. Remember how I said yuuta was supposed to the actual mc? Yeah that's were gege actually made changes so he could make a better and elaborate plot.
4. Geto Suguru was infact an amazing villain, yes. But you've also got to understand that he was sympathetic towards jujutsu sorcerers, he'd never risk harming them (his own last words being "I never hated anyone from jjk high") unless they're in his way. He had to die because we needed someone who'd go all out, no mercy to anyone, no regard and sympathy for anyone and that's exactly why we needed someone like kenjaku, who was equally powerful, evil and not shy to bring hell.
5. Geto's death had nothing to do with "changing gojo's personality", that change already happened after hidden inventory and premature death arc. His death was an important decision for future plot points (explaining why yuuji was special, sealing the strongest etc).
6. This is where I fully give my opinion, sure Suguru would've come back as stronger and even more powerful villain but would he have achieved what kenjaku did? Geto Suguru that we knew would choose any other route than sealing Gojo, he literally did not even try to protect himself and gave gojo a chance to kill him (during kfc breakup), he never attacked jujutsu high until yuuta happened, he worked with rejected sorcerers and never paired up with evil curses like hanami, jogo and mahito. So, to put it simply it was important part of plot that geto first turned evil and then died, that shaped so many important arcs of the manga and it was well thought out for long run. Sure it's sad and frustrating but that was one good writing move on gege's part and there's no denying that.
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honeysunai · 2 years
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Suguru Geto x y/n
When you first stepped into the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College as a teenager, you first fell head over heels over Suguru Geto. As the years went on, he chose a path of evil and violence that you couldn’t follow him to which led you to a heartbreak. Years later, you became a teacher at that same school and you weren’t expecting to ever see him again and you didn’t think an old flame could spark again even in the midst of war.
warning : 18+, smut with plot because I can’t write anything without plot for the life of me, angst, swearing, kidnapping I guess, Suguru being toxic and jealous and somewhat a bit soft.
author’s note :  This is like my first ever smut and I wrote it super quickly, so I hope you still enjoy it no matter!
word count : 4k+
You had a really bad feeling. It was crawling all over your skin since you woke up like something bad was about to happen. You got ready to early to stop for coffee and when you opened the door, you finally got a glimpse of that bad feeling. The white haired teacher with his infamous sunglasses was standing there with two coffees in his hands.
"Rise and shine sweet girl, we've got a big day." He chanted and you wanted to grab the coffee and slam the door on his stupidly handsome face. You grunted and slammed the door shut behind you and took one of the cups off his hands. "Couldn't sleep?"
"No. I have this bad feeling, I tried to take a steamy shower and wash my face with cold water to maybe shake it off, but it's still there." He hums at your words. "We'll have to watch Yuta a bit more carefully." You add as you take a sip of your coffee. You have been substituting Satoru's students with him just in case Yuta's curse, Rika would be unstable. You would use your own abilities to keep her calm.
You were the wielder of the Ten Commandments, these chains were in form of golden bands on all ten fingers. Your abilities was used by the school and many others to sooth curses to be able to study them alive or to destroy them.
"You overthink too much, the kid is doing great!" He pats you on the back. "I can think of a way or two to get this off your mind." He smirks and you elbow him, but still, you giggled anyway.
"I'll take you up on that offer if you pay for the drink this time." You tease.
"It is seven in the morning and your thinking of drinking, what kind of teacher are you?" He gasps in a dramatic way.
"And you about sex, what does that make you?" You retort.
"A... flirt?" And with that you rolled your eyes, he was a lost cause, but you loved him anyways because he had been your friend for so long... Too long. Recently, something between the two of you happened, a few drinks and there and you woke up naked in his bed cuddled to him. It became a casual thing between the two of you since that day.
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The day was long as you predicted and you really couldn’t shake it off, it was like a bug crawling with its little spiky legs all over your back. You were in your office still sipping your coffee while reading boring reports your superior gave you. You were lost in your reading when the crawling suddenly stopped. You looked outside your window to see a gigantic stork made its way to the entrance of the school. You sprinted out your office with your heart beating out of your chest, it had to be him and if it was... it wasn’t a good sign. 
Once you reached the door you saw Satoru standing proud in front of his students and in front of him was a tall man, with thick long dark hair halfway in a bun and as you approached closer, his features became clearer to your eyes. A sharp jawline, piercing dark eyes and a smile that only meant no good... It was him. It was Suguru Geto. 
You made your way in front of Satoru and the kids to protect them against him if he tried something. You knew him better than anyone and you knew he wouldn’t dare to hurt you no matter how much he might want to. There was only one reason he was here in the first place and it was Rika and you wouldn’t let him get to Yuta. 
“Leave my students alone.” You bared your teeth at the man who used to be yours. He towered you with his height and only smiled at you. “Satoru might play nice with you, but I won’t.” You were clenching your fists ready to use your cursed objects on him. You never have been bashful in front of him and you wouldn’t cower now. He took a good look at you and scoffed. 
“I’m here to declare war.” He finally speaks his gaze never leaving yours. “Don’t get too busy on December 24, you’ll need all of your energy because I will commence the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.” He simply says as if it was nothing. “ Thousand cursed spirits will be unleashed in both Shinjuku and Kyoto and all will be ordered to kill every non-sorcerer in sight.” His chuckle his dark and dry. “I challenge you to try to stop me. It will be like the good old days.” He glared at Satoru. “You have one week until war is upon you. Until then, I’ll borrow this little one.” He was too fast for everyone and grabbed you yanking you in the curses mouth. You didn’t even have time to comprehend the speed he had before the stork flew away. 
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You were in a bedroom that had no windows and one door that was locked. You can barely remember what happened. You were in a storks mouth and now you were here. Someone must’ve knocked you out really good. Your rings were gone too. You paced around the room, not knowing what your plan was. You were going to kill the first person that enters the room and you were going to escape, as simple as that. You have done that a few times in your younger days, it shouldn’t be too hard now. 
You breathing was heavier and you were angry, your face flushed. You waited and waited until the door unlocked and a tall muscular figure appeared. His long black hair loose, only wearing a blue kimono that you bought him at some point. You didn’t waste a second before running towards him and crashing your fist against his jaw.
“You motherfucker!” You yelled at him.
“So feisty.” He teased. “But I deserved that one.” He chuckles and you were not in the mood for jokes. A lump in your throat was forming and your fist were shaking. After all these years you wanted to kill him, but now that he’s in front of you, you just want to scream and cry. 
“You left me.” You tone was dry as if he had sucked the life out of you. Your fists tried to connect with his face once more, but he was faster than you were and knew your technics because he was the one who thought you how to fight. At each missed attempt, your tears were filling your eyes. “You betrayed me and you killed so many of our friends— You— You—” At every word you were jabbing at his face hoping your fist would connect with his jaw at some point, but he still moved out of the way of each and every single one.
He finally catches your first in one hand and smiled at you. “I missed you too, y/n.” You were caught off guard. He yanked you closer to him and tears were falling down your cheeks. “You were always a crybaby, my love.” You pushed yourself away from his grasp like it was burning. You held a hand before you to put space between the two of you. 
“Don’t—” You spoke as you dried your own tears. “You are nothing to me anymore.”
“Aren’t I?” His smug smile annoyed you and yet comforted you at the same time. You were angry with him as anyone should in your situation. He started to circle you as if you were his prey, his little crying lamb. “I know you and I know you love me, just as you did all those years ago. I still do.” He admits.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. “But loving me wasn’t enough to stay.”
“You’ve got it all wrong, in fact it was your love who gave me strength to leave and to become who I am.” He was proud of what he was and you were disgusted.
“A murderer?” You scoff. “Should I be flattered you’re putting the blood on your hands on mine?”
“Your words, my love, not mine.” He came to a stop behind you and walked closer to your frozen body. “No blood should ever tarnish that beautiful skin of yours as long as I’m alive.” You hummed in disapproval. “You know why you are here, don’t you?” His presence drew closer to your back and you were shivering. “Join me.” His voice his as soft as his thumb caressing your jaw. “I can give you anything you want, only if you chose me over Satoru.”
“That’s what this is about, jealousy.”
“What if it was?” You can feel the smugness in his tone. “You put yourself in front of a man who can’t be touched, ready to accept any punishment I wanted to unleash at that precise moment. You grew fond of him over the years I was gone.” He sounded disgusted. “Enough to die for him.” The stroke of his thumb came to a sharp stop, before going up your cheek to wipe a tear you silently cried. Why were you crying? You weren’t scared of him, so what was it? Was it guilt perhaps? Because you let yourself have other men when he left you? “Do you love him?” His purrs. 
"Why is that any of your business if I love another man than you.” The last word was like a stab at his cold and dark heart. “You weren’t there anymore.”
“Because you are mine, you were mine the day I first saw you.” His lips were near your ear sending shivers down your spine. “And when I first kissed you” His hand left your cheek to trail down your neck, your collar bone... “And when I tasted your sweet cunt...” He gently caressed your breast, his touch burning your skin beneath your shirt. You leaned against him, savoring him and the burning lust you feel. “you were mine only.” His warm and soft lips met with your shoulder, slowly making his way up your neck. His hand still kneading your breast, you let out a low moan as you gave in. “There you go my love, it wasn’t so hard was it?” He whispered against your ear. “Building a new world without you would mean nothing. So say it, say yes.”
It was wrong. You swore an oath to protect innocent, not annihilate them. You couldn’t give up who you were for him. He had left you with a trail of blood behind him, shattering your heart into millions of pieces you still were picking up. He was your first love and the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, but he chose a dark path you wouldn’t follow him into no matter how much you yearn for him . Not then and not now.
“I would do anything for you, my love.” You turned around and locked gaze with him. His pupils were blown, filled of lust, waiting for you to make a move. 
“Anything?” He nods. “Answer truthfully.” You wanted to ask him if he would stop the war, but he wouldn’t, it wasn’t like him to back down from a fight. He wanted something now and he was impatient to get it, enough that he would dare to come back at the very place he despised most. “Why did you take my rings away, don’t you trust me?”
“I do.” He speaks. “But I think I like you better with only one on this finger.” He speaks before pressing his soft lips to the knuckle of your ring finger. Was he asking you to marry him? “But if you want them back” He starts while shuffling a hand in the pocket of his kimono. “you can have them.” Ten golden bands were in the palm of his hand and inside one of them was engraved with something. You picked it up and analyzed it.
My salvation
On the band of your ring finger, he had wrote these words he once called you. A soft smile crept on your lips innocently and something warmed his heart for the first time in a long time. You looked up at him with the same innocent eyes that made him fall in love with you and the way his lips were curling upward was a genuine smile. There he was, your Suguru.
You were his salvation, the one who would either save him, deliver it from all evil or be his ruin. Whatever it meant to him, it meant a lot. 
He brushed his thumb on your lower lip, gazing it with such lust. “You broke my heart too all those years ago when you refused to join me, but there wasn’t a single day I didn’t think about what those beautiful lips of yours could do.” Your heart was pounding in your chest as his eyes went back to yours. “They could bring the mightiest sorcerer to his knees.” 
Why don’t you find out? Was what you wanted to say, but your action spoke louder as you pushed yourself on your tip toes and crashed your lips on his in one swift moment that caught him off guard. It wasn’t slow or soft, it was feral and hungry. You wanted him, all of him as if he was slipping away from your grasp. He tossed the rings on the ground before grabbing a hold of you with one firm hand on your hip and the other to the back of your neck. He picked you up with only one of his arm, his mouth never leaving yours, and sat you on top of the dresser next to him. He pulled away and deep inside you, you were afraid he was going to leave again, but instead of leaving, his blown pupils were observing you and your blushed face.
“My pretty girl.” He whispers before dragging his lips across your jaw, while leaving a trail of wet kisses down to your collar bone. All the while his hands and yours were working on the silk blouse you were wearing. You shuffled out of it and Suguru smiled against your skin before his lips found the globe of your breasts still covered with a bra. He unlatched it with ease and freed your nipples only him to cover one back up with his strong large hand and the other teasingly licking the sensitive nub.
You arched your back and your hand found his thick hair that you grabbed hard, making him groan against your nipple. His hands let go of you shortly to undo your pants and taking them off for you. His mouth leaves of your breasts and you are burning up, everything about him is setting you ablaze. The skin of your stomach remains untouched by him and he his not satisfied as wet kisses made their way down until he was on his knees before you, his head near your naked cunt and you nearly begged him to fuck you at the sight of him like this.  
His teeth graze your inner thigh and you mewled at that, you were melting. His bite was soft and what sent you to the edge was when he started sucking the gentle skin getting closer to your core. He was so close to give you what you wanted, but he stopped before even allowing his lips to devour you and looked up at you with a devilish smirk you knew all too well.
His fingers were digging in your thighs as if he was restraining himself to act in his impulses “So what is your answer, my love?”
“Please," You begged, panting like you've been running a marathon. "My King." He smirks satisfied before dipping his head inside your thigh to lick one long stripe off your fold. The sound you made was ecstatic, it felt relieving to have him this way. You sigh in pleasure and it wasn’t enough of a reaction for him and so he buried his face into you, dinking, eating, licking at your pussy like he never had before.
Your back was off the wall and gripping at the furniture beneath you. You screamed as he sucked at your throbbing clit. You didn’t care if anyone was outside. He didn’t care either. Not by the way he laughed against you. “That’s it. That’s it” he said. “You want me to stretch this pussy for you?” You hummed waiting eagerly for his fingers to fill you up. “Use your words.” He whispers before sucking harshly on your clit making you jolt.
“Yes!” You cried. 
“Yes what?” He was getting cocky because you were never one to beg, but for him you seemed to always were and it was getting to his ego.  
“Yes sir.” You breathe hard as you can feel the tip of one finger circling your entrance, lapping the juice all around it and the tip of his finger. 
“Atta girl.” He leans down to kiss your clit and diving his slender finger all the way inside you, making you gasp, eyes shut as you focused on the building tension in your gut. The way it enveloped you, tugging at every nerve in your body.
"Fuck- yes, Suguru.” You moaned.
It was never enough, not until he filled you completely. But he couldn't resist the satisfaction of your pussy clenching around his finger, especially when he added a second, listening to the vulgar sounds of your wetness squelching around him.
He marveled at the sight of your climax; head falling back, a whimper ascending into a moan, your forehead prickling with sweat. It was impossible to tear his eyes from you, to deny himself the vision of you coming undone on his hand. Your ribs shifting with every breath, hugging your breasts as you leaned back. He lifted his other hand to run over the ridges.
You shivered, relaxing against the wall as the last of your orgasm died out, breathing hard. He stood back up and your eyes met, his predatory gaze on you as he put the two digits he used on you in his mouth, licking your juice off of them.
“I could spend hours drinking you, my love.” He leaned closer to you, kissing your lips once and slithering both arms beneath your ass, lifting you back up in his arms. “But I want to fuck you, so desperately.” He admits and you could’ve cum from the way he sounded as he spoke those words. He laid you there on the bed, so gently, but you had other plans. 
You flipped him under you and he chuckled lowly. “I do like my woman in charge.” 
“You said you were thinking about my lips and what they could do.” You smile as you so slowly undo the belt of his kimono freeing his long erect cock out. “And I too want to have my way with you.” You leaned down over the large head of his dick already wet with precum. You looked at him through your lashes and gave him a taste of his own medicine as you licked the slit of the tip in one long swipe. He hissed loudly, his dick twitching, hitting your upper lip. 
You let a dripple of spit slithering down his shaft and wrapped a hand around it, barely closing around it. You lowered your head against him swallowing him the further you could with your hand slowly jerking the base of his cock as you slowly bobbed your head up and down.
“Fuck...” He groans pulling your hair away from your face to get a better look at your wet lips working up and down his length, adding more pressure with your tongue when you get closer to his tip, making him trust in your mouth. You gagged at the sudden jerk of his hips and he chuckles. “Such a dirty girl for me.” He smiles looking at the curve of your ass in the air, before his eyes return to the heavenly sight before him, his lover with his cock in her mouth, barely taking it all in her mouth. He was greedy and he knew it, but he wanted you so close to him. “Relax your throat for me, my love, I want you to take me all in before I fuck this tight pussy of yours.” And you tried to do as he asked as his grip on the roots of your hair tightened and forced you down his shaft. He let out a loud moan that turned into groan when all of his disappeared down your throat. Your gags made him shiver and he decided to use your face as he fucked himself upward in your mouth until he was satisfied. 
You could only comply to him and let him use you, you hummed in pleasure when you tasted his precum on your tongue and it being pushed down your throat by his shaft. Tears were wielding up in your eyes, he was so big, but you wanted this so badly. 
He finally pulled your head back to admire you, his mess. Your lips were puffy and red with spit down your chin. He yanked you under him and pressed his lips to your hungry to taste your mouth again. 
You swallowed thickly as you him lining it up with your pulsing hole.
He laid his hand on your pelvis, his thumb rubbing over your clit as he pushed himself into you. “Fuck” he spat, his head thrown back. He buried himself to the hilt. “Still so tight. But feels so good”
You could only moan, words not being enough for how it felt. 
He caged your head with his forearms as he leaned over you and began to thrust his cock into you. He always started with a steady pace. His length effortlessly stroking over every sweet spot in your pussy. The protruding vein rubbing deliciously over your walls.
The room now being filled with pants and moans from you both, and squelching sounds from your soaked pussy. Your noises were nothing short of pornographic. Both of you. Suguru was just as loud as you were. Moaning your name and swears. His mouth hanging open and eyes in the back of his head. He was lost in the pleasure and that only made him go harder.
He wanted to feel your tight pussy strangle his cock. Squeeze out every last drop of come into you. He wanted you to be his cumdump. He wanted to watch his come ooze out of your still spasming pussy.
“Does he fuck you like I do?” Suguru’s large hand wrapped around your jaw forcing you to look him in his eyes when you’re going to answer him.
“No!” You cried. 
“That’s right, because only I can make you feel this good.” His pace became faster and you could feel your walls tightening, you were so close. “You’re mine.” He grunts. “Only mine.” His words had you shaking. Had you coming. Coming on his cock. He groaned, growled, damn near barked into your ear when you clenched around him. Chanting ‘yes’ in your ear over and over and over. Drilling himself into you. Your body twitching from the overstimulation now taking over you. Your nails were digging in his back as you rode your orgasm at his pace.
But he kept on going. Kept on pounding into you. Ignoring how you screamed. Ignoring the way you thrashed underneath him. The pleasure becoming too much. But still so good.
You could feel it.
The long, thick stings of burning hot come shooting into you. The sensation had you coming a second time. Suguru shivered. A new tightness around him. Tighter than he had felt before. He cried out your name and continued to drive himself into you.
He slammed his lips to yours. His tongue finding it’s way back down your throat. He swallowed all of your noises. Swallowed them and matched them. 
His pace slowed and he finally pulled out of you, his lips never leaving yours. He laid beside you and smiled at you in a way that made your heart ache and yearn for him. 
“I love you Suguru.” You spoke as you caressed his cheek with that same expression you always had towards him, filled with love. He wrapped you in his arms, bringing you closer to his chest. 
“You’re all I’ve ever wanted, my love.” He whispered against your hair as he caresses your back so gently. “In this new world, we will be undefeatable together.” You brought yourself closer to him and kissed the column of his neck as an answer before closing your eyes. 
As you laid there hours later, wide awake your thoughts were running wild. No matter how much you loved him, in this world you were bound to be enemies. You hoped in another you were together with a family of your own, happy, passionate and in love. You scooted out of his grasp, dressed up silently, you carefully picked up your rings scattered across the room and you, his ruination dressed as a salvation, left his compound without ever saying goodbye as he once did to you. No. Your last words were that you loved him, because you still did, you never stopped. You hoped the words you spoke so lovingly will hung in his mind when he will wake up alone. Your heart is slowly breaking at each step you took. It was the last time you would see him until you both meet on the battle field on opposite sides. 
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runabout-river · 8 months
Thoughts on JJK Chapter 250 (spoilers)
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This chapter is marked by us getting to know Yuta's DE and Sukuna being pushed around in it. Next chapter will most likely be about Sukuna finding a counter against the trio and maybe destroying Rika.
That's one hell of a Sukuna face up there.
We learn that Yuta's DE provides him an infinite number of CTs he can draw from with the only weakness that he doesn't know which CT is in which sword. Holding more than two swords would also hinder him from fighting and blocking but he might put one sword in his mouth in a pinch
Sukuna is still weakened by the fight against Gojo (RIP Kashimo) and can't use his DE. His RCT is also sluggish and his total amount of CE is on par with Yuta right now. Which is still much of course, Yuta had always been known as the sorcerer with the most CE
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Yuji being thrown by Rika is hilarious, absurd and fitting because he's tough in a HR kind of way.
This chapter is also the first one where rescuing Megumi actually feels like a possibility and sth the good guys want to do primarily. Yes, we had that short moment with Gojo but his fight had a different focus most of the time.
It's also worth noting that Sukuna speaks about himself as a cursed object inside Megumi. In case he meant that literally then they're not as fused together as I always thought. That might be sth that only applies to Yuji, Megumi and Hana though. For every other vessel, we know that their consciousness gets erased.
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Even Sukuna asks how they trained in the last month because of the sophisticated way Yuta's Domain barrier is constructed as well as the defences of the others. While Yuji answers with good old discipline, Yuta slips up and says that they cheated.
HOW? Was this the body swapping technique that Yuji had used? Or some other way where they collectively powered up? Did the evil trio train too? Probably not.
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French boy gets a moment to shine after not being seen for... 100 chapters? I'm baffled at the 3rd CT that Sukuna mentions though. I don't remember a sorcerer like that and who knows how many more CT there are in Yuta's arsenal.
My thoughts on Yuta's DE deleting the copied CT isn't the case apparently, except that kind of drawback will be revealed after the domain collapses and Yuta survives long enough to use his CT again
Yuji is loath to admit it, but Sukuna is The Strongest Sorcerer on Earth now and even when Gojo comes back, that title will be lost for him forever
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And Cleave on Sukuna! It's not annihilating but it still gave him some deep cuts. Yuta probably hoped for more damage but their strategy to chip away at Sukuna is working until now.
But what about Megumi? I can't even imagine how this will play out. Even if he is roused from his Bath, will he want to take control? He feels responsible for Tsumiki's death and that won't be different for Gojo.
Tsumiki's soul is with him but I don't think they're able to communicate at all. As far as Sukuna knows, Megumi was also completely dormant in the last month, however much that is true we'll hopefully see in the next few weeks.
Some thoughts about Megumi from the last year:
Sukuna will put his hands together to finally expand his domain again but instead of his hand seals, the hand seal for Chimera Shadow Garden will form and Megumi will expand his domain
Inside the domain, Megumi forms a clone of himself and faces off against Sukuna face-to-face.
Megumi might also have gained the collective knowledge of everything that Sukuna and Gojo know. For Sukuna by having a reverse memory grab like how Sukuna knows Megumi's memories. For Gojo because of his Unlimited Void hitting Megumi 5 times with every piece of information Gojo imparted into his technique.
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khlorhine · 3 months
Jjk Oc info dump
Cuz I'm weird like that and I've had this for a while. Also I shaded that drawing of her from my last post and I feel annoying posting it again but I needed a coloured image of her that doesn’t look fucked up because I can’t consistently draw her face right.
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Tamaki Kitagawa 珍亀 北川
The first character in her name means rare, the second means turtle, third (or first in her family name) means north and the last one means river.
Innate technique: Mould
There are three states of mould (all of which branch off from the actual word mould)
Sculpt which is a state of cursed energy that can shape other people's cursed energy. While in sculpt mode it can only be used to shape (or mould hahaha) cursed energy, it's pretty much impossible to exorcise a cursed spirit since they're made of cursed energy.
Blueprint which creates an information graph of other people's cursed energy and techniques through contact. Like the six eyes but with contact. Obviously it doesn't work on people like Toji or awakened Maki. The user can also make their own blueprints from scratch or from adjusting previously existing blueprints. Too much information from the blueprints can give you a headache and possibly permanent brain damage. It works like computer memory, you can optimise a blueprint by deleting unnecessary stuff while keeping around about the same level of quality. She could change the way a blueprint is registered in her mind but she’ll have to either manually change her old ones to match or make a blueprint to do it all for her.
Mould which is the culmination of these two states, using blueprints as moulds (haha get it? I'm so cringe) and sculpt to shape them into the moulds. It'll only work in battle if the opponent is two grades below the user, which sucks considering the technique can't even be used to exorcise curses in its base form, and only work on the recipient if they're the same grade or below as the user if they're willing to. This can be used to change a cursed spirit into another cursed spirit if their grade is the same or higher than the curse the user wants to turn them into. Theoretically she could give herself multiple techniques but she'd end up with major brain damage so she'd need a medium to put those techniques onto (like Rika for Yuta's copy technique).
It sounds weird but imagine having the knowledge to build a shelf in your head compared to having an actual shelf in your head. You can't fit a shelf in your head without destroying your brain to make room for it.
Since she can’t use the techniques of other people, she wears a bracelet of reshaped curses, semi-first grades or above to apply cursed techniques onto so she can utilise them in battle. Of course, when a sorcerer has any kind of jewellery it’s usually safe to assume it’s cursed for the purpose of aiding the wearer so it’s better for her to shape her curses as weapons so people will just assume it’s an ordinary cursed weapon since the ones with techniques are expensive as hell and why would a high schooler even have that unless they're part of a well known clan.
She can manipulate others' cursed energy and by extension use their technique through their body but her cursed technique is contact based so she has to be touching them, skin to skin, the entire time. It takes a lot out of her when she doesn't have permission because their cursed energy will just end up clashing. It's really better for her to get their blueprint and apply it onto one of her curses.
Kinji Hakari’s rough cursed energy signature isn’t considered a technique so Tamaki will apply that signature onto her cursed energy though her blueprint technique during a fight. I'm assuming cursed energy application is kinetic and Hakari’s energy is just kinetic too just moving in a back and forth movement causing a cutting feeling while Kashimo’s is electric so going off of energy types like kinetic and electric, there's also chemical, heat, mechanical. Mechamaru developed a heat blueprint for her.
She also knows rct. Surprisingly it wasn't taken from another person; she actually learned it when her bf was dying. I don't know how rct works but Tamaki applies her rct in her stem cells and rebuilds her body bit by bit with the help of her technique. She really doesn't value her body that much because she can just heal it over and over again which is a problem when she tries to make a binding vow to exchange parts of her body for something else. Instead of sacrificing an arm she could make one that prevents her from regenerating her arm during the fight.
Her domain expansion is just her technique but instead of it being contact based, it now works if you’re within the range of her domain. It gives her guaranteed control over a third or more of all the cursed energy in the domain. She can do it but it still takes a lot out of her to manipulate a technique without permission. She can also apply your technique on someone else so if someone had blood manipulation she could use them as a medium and manipulate someone else’s blood.
All of this is just a way to say her technique is overpowered when applied correctly. If she collects a lot of blueprints and optimises the heck out of them she's a force to be reckoned with but at the start she doesn't think it's useful because in its base form it's main use is support through information gathering which is something Tamaki doesn't enjoy.
She's also a fucking Mary Sue. Really the only drawback she has is having less options for binding vows due to her mentality, very few options for ranged attacks, and high cursed energy consumption with her average sized cursed energy reserves which is negated by the fact that she can literally minimise the loss of cursed energy with her cursed technique just like Gojo with his six eyes. Does having to collect cursed spirits count as a drawback because she doesn’t have to consume them but having to collect high grade spirits for her technique is really time consuming.
Did I also mention she can hide her cursed energy signature by compressing all her energy deep in one part of her body? The only person who could even notice it is Gojo with his fucking six eyes. Really, I want her to be second or first grade but after writing all of this out I realised it’s better to class her as special grade.
Personality and backstory: Reserved and shy at the start. She knows she's different (wow guys she's different!) from most people since she's a sorcerer and she's been told by her uncle not to show off that side of her but she desperately wants to since it's the only thing she's good at.
She also knows she doesn't think like most people. She doesn't feel sad when people she doesn't know die and she feels more guilty over her lack of a reaction rather than the actual thing she should be reacting to which is a big problem in her mind because she understands what empathy is but she can't feel it. She has dead parents (and her bf also dies) and she's sad that they're dead, she cares about people close to her but she couldn't care less about anyone else and in her mind it's a bad thing because like her these people have people that care about them and care if they die but she's not apart of that group of people.
Her dead parents are the reason her uncle doesn't want her to practise jujutsu. Her mother died from a cursed spirit, her father had a heavenly restriction that weakened his body so he just died from sadness so she does it in secret and sneaks off and works for Geto.
After her boyfriend dies she finds his vengeful cursed spirit. She was really disheartened when he died and seeing it made her think that he really was back and she could fix him and rebuild him to make him human again.
She experiments with her boyfriend's spirit, transferring organs from his dead body to the spirit, essentially creating a half curse half human amalgamation which kick-starts her weird obsession with evil Noritoshi Kamo. It also makes her feel guilty-er about her lack of tact in this and any other situation, how a normal person wouldn't do surgery on a cursed spirit to try to revive their dead lover, how normal people shouldn't be obsessed with Kamo Noritoshi (idk how to even describe him cuz he's a rapist but saying that to make a point about my oc being gross and weird is just iffy) just because they wanted to experiment with half curses.
Her hair is naturally white from her mom. She grew out her eyebrows because people could see them when they are white so she needed to make it obvious she wasn't balding to the other kids. She eventually dyed it black and used makeup to hide her white hair for school but then grew it out after she left.
She gets a head injury during the night parade of a Hundred Demons. It fucked up her prefrontal cortex which further decreased her empathy skills, now she rarely ever feels guilt over not experiencing normal emotions unless someone points it out but, hey at least she's not as shy anymore. She also has a little change in her technique in the way blueprints are registered, not too drastic, just thought I'd point it out since that's where cursed techniques are stored.
She gets picked up by jujutsu high after Geto dies, thanks to Gojo but she's not a big fan of him and she attacked his students so she doesn't really want to attend the same school as them. She gets sent to Kyoto tech instead which was a decision from the higher ups to keep the new generation in line and it's something Gojo couldn't stand in the way of because this is what Tamaki wanted.
Shinsuke Kita from Haikyuu
I mean look at them and look at their names
Yuta Okkotsu
because her technique literally takes from others and she has a cursed spirit that is literally her first lover. I have to take traits for source characters and put them onto my oc because I have no creativity in me whatsoever.
The Black Tortoise
I based her whole name and general aesthetic on it. Her original name was Genbu, the Japanese name of the black tortoise because I changed it. "kita" means north and the black tortoise is associated with it. I'm gonna call it Xuanwu since it's the Chinese name for it. The second kanji in her given name means tortoise but the hanzi "wu" (or the kanji reading "bu") doesn't mean turtle, it means martial or warrior because Xuanwu isn't really Xuanwu if it's just the tortoise, it has to have a snake which is where her cursed spirit bf comes in.
her domain hand sign borrows from the God of warfare since she likes fighting (im not exactly sure if the image I took from him could be like his signature hand sign since idk how to actually pick one but the image is down below). It's similar to Kinji Hakari's domain hand since his hand sign comes from Benzaiten and both Bishamonten and Benzaiten are part of the seven lucky gods. They’re also both part of the twenty four devas originally being sixteen then twenty in Indian Buddhism before being twenty four in Chinese with Benzaiten being conflated with the god Saraswati who was called Biancaitien in Chinese where the name Benzaiten came from. Vaisravana is also one of the four heavenly kings which are all in the twenty four devas, representing the north. He has two names in Chinese, Pishamentian and Duoweng Tianwang, the latter meaning listening to many teachings.
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Two of my ocs
her design was basically, if they had a child, what would it look like
Satoru Gojo
the appearance of one of the ocs was based on him but it changed so much that you wouldn't even think to relate him to the oc but he is the reason why Tamaki has white hair so Geto can project and imagine she's his and Gojo's kid cuz he's freaky and gay like that it's actually one of the reasons why he picked her up as a student
I got stuff written about her boyfriend too and I’ll post it either tomorrow or the day after that.
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totallybakedcake · 2 months
And back to JJK. Demon slayer? Unfinished anime and how I got into anime..
This is just pure dumb stuff, randomness, and even cringe stuff thrown here, so feel free to skip!
For starters, JJK was one of my first animes. I had been dying to watch it, but I could not watch it because my brother was against it. But eventually, I did watch every episode until the Shibuya arc, and after that, I stopped because there would be too much violence and all that.
This led to my biggest mistake: starting anime and watching spoilers
Naruto was actually my first anime, and I binge-watched so many episodes at once and cried so much. It was super fun, and I even watched so many fillers, but my brother eventually said that season 2 of the series has too much of a serious tone and did not let me. So, what did I do?
Spoil the whole damn anime for me
And then finally, I was going to watch. I watched about another 200 episodes, and then that was the end of my Naruto saga. I know what happens in the war: Boruto, Naruto marrying Hinata, and all the Akatsuki backstory, so I just gave up.
And the same happened with JJK. I saw way too many spoilers, and I still watch the later chapter spoilers too; even JJK ended with me.
I was just going to start the manga from the Shibuya arc yesterday, but then I started Demon Slayer, which I also know the ending of.
The reason I am so into Windbreaker, Kaiju No. 8, Sakamoto Days, Spyx Family, the Millionaire Detective, Buddy Daddies, and even Gakuen Babysitters is because I did watch any spoilers for them.
The reason I even got into Quotev, or my first app where I read fanfiction,.
I had an obsession with Yuta from JJK, now that I think about it. I cannot help it; he is just too good, but writing fics about him is kind of awkward to me because of Rika.
It was from my grandmother's phone that I read my first��anime fanfiction, It's Pure Love by Whale Crumpet. If you want a good Yuta fic, I would totally say to try this one out, but the author hasn't updated it since 2022, and I feel my heart breaking. Even though they said they would return to quotev, they never did.
The Yuta fic I loved the most was Cupid's Cursed Arrow by Strawberry Belle. Damn,  did I fall hard for this fic. I would tell everyone in my house that Cupid's arrow was updated as I read it; it would give me giggles each time. That fic also hasn't been updated for 5 months.
Honestly I am not a sucker for crossover manga. It has to be super specific to my liking but Euphoria by Sceretstarlight was just too cute. Made me fall harder. Even the author of that fic on quotev is like the real life version of Mitsuri. I love her a lot♥️♥️
It was then a random day where I suddenly got an idea to write a Yuta fic, and I wrote it, rewrote it again, and the rewritten one has ten chapters in my notebooks, which I still have for the memories. I did read it a while ago, and it was terrible, but I had no freaking experience, so what can I do for that?
If anyone does want to read and give me some opinions on that chapter 1, I did upload it in my random ideas thrown here as a quote. You can read that here.
The only original story I have made is Lost in Dreams, which is again on quotev.
And for Tumblr, I clicked on the website once and was reading what I thought was a Yuta period cramp comfort, but it required me to sign up and all, so after a while, I did do that, but that fic was a Yuta vampire smut fic, and I ended up not liking it.
I just read fics, I have no idea how to make my own blog, about tags, dashboard, you could follow people and even like there works.
One thing I do know is I had a Sung jinwoo fic reading obsession like I loved reading about him okay. The first Jinwoo fic that stole my heart was by @catboyfics. Hunter is a series and it was the first Jinwoo fic I read and was so so in love with. It was my first non JJK fic I read and it felt different than the others if you know what I mean. I didn't understand how to save or like a fic on tumblr so I lost it and I was super devastated truly I was super duper upset and sad that I spent what 2 hours searching the Jinwoo tag on tumblr and when I did not find it I could have even started crying BUT I found it again and I saved the upload in my folder where I can easily read it and also followed catboyfics. I hope they are alright because they haven't been/ updated their blog in 2 months.. I also have no memory on how I got to know about tumblr but now it is my most used website..
That is the current problem with JJK fics, imo; the tags and stories are just almost pure shit. I am not saying bad to the writers; they have fun and they do what they want to do, but seriously, we need more JJK fluff, comfort, taking care of female readers, and overprotective fics. I just stated what I like, but whatever.
I have so much to write, but will I write that? No
Will I write dumb, stupid, and nonsenseful things? YEAH
I feel so stupid writing this but whatever let me rant/write random things for compensation for this horrible day
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gojonanami · 4 months
[lovely sab, if you do me the honor of answering this, please consider tagging it as jjk manga spoilers for those who haven't read it yet]
the way the manga is going imma crawl once again in your inbox and BEG you to keep up the fanon work cause
I was upset when junpei died but i thought, well, it DOES serve the story somehow-
I felt so sad with Rika and the whole becoming a curse thingy, the bittersweet ending of her helping yuta let her go kinda added to it but, well, it DID have a pivotal role for a special grade with so much potential-
amanai's death was so sudden I had to close the manga for a sec, but it starts off geto's villain era and well this IS a major point-
and geto, I was DEVASTATED when he died he is my FAV and while it did stay true to the tragedy of his story it was HEARTBREAKING-
haibara did NOT deserve to die and that is ALL that needs to be said-
toji was kinda going for it, but still his last memory of his wife was a tad too much to bear, still-
its WAY too soon to talk for nanami, that man is still gnawing at my mind, all the pressure he had and he never got the chance to get the rest he wanted, still it was probably done to turn yuji to the state he is currently, losing a mentor he had-
i did not like mai to begin with, guilty as charged, but her becoming a sword for her sister, and requesting she destroy everything, it made me bawl-
the zenin clan can die all they want no rant for them
and yuki, well, she did tick me a bit but her dying without even accomplishing her goal-the black hole and all-
hell, NOBARA ????? why ???? WHY GEGE ????
no literally anon, I feel the same way. I feel like we were all fooled by the first season in a way (despite junpei and the other horrors) but we were lulled into thinking it would be okay for our main group.
but it wasn’t.
I’ll never be over nanami tbh — that death literally hurt so bad and mappa made it worse somehow — don’t know how they did it. all the death is supposed to demonstrate how cruel jujutsu is, but at some point I feel like I become both numb but too sensitive to it — like a scabbed over wound that won’t heal because it’s picked at.
gojo hurt so much the first time and 261 feels like I’m mourning him all over again — I honestly am so glad for break week because I don’t think I could take it personally. I’m so worried for yuta - I don’t even know how to deal. and gojo being inflicted to the same fate as geto will never not hurt me.
I am trying 😭 my actor au is my way of acting like everyone is fine and that it’s just a show (I mean it is a show but you know what I mean) - I’m Gege now guys, cannot deal with that one eyed cat anymore 😭😭
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lesbiansanemi · 11 months
Read the Yuuji curse fic and i am EATING YOUR WALLLLLSSSSS MY SKRUNKLIES
Okay but like. The potential of Yuuji-Kenjaku partnership au. The dynamic shift between picture perfectly self-serving sorcerer Sukuna and twisted, loving King of Curses Yuuji.
Maybe Suguru's faction is waylaid early on by a stranger with stitches lining their forehead, because they heard that a member of Suguru's family was a girl from the countryside with a penchant for dolls. Suguru can't focus on those damn monkeys or even Jujutsu Society anymore because some bastard is working with filthy "intelligent" curses and kidnapped Mimiko. That's just as unforgivable as being the reason those curses exist in the first place. So Suguru is still around to cause problems, maybe.
Either way, years later, "Kugisaki Nobara" swaggers into Ryomen Sukuna and Uruame's first year class at Tokyo Tech.
And you know. Hey. What if. While Maki was still born with nothing. Mai was born a year later with Ten Shadows. Consider toxic, tragic, doomed since conception Nobamaki in the midst of clawing for someone else they can't bear to live without.
And Megumi gets to trans his gender cuz that's always fun
Anyways these are all just ideas since I have self-inflicted brainrot now jdfhskdl
Yuuji being the King of Curses, but specifically it stemming from how much he loves Megumi and Nobara. Man hang on a second.... hang on second !!!!! Like we all know I adore the whole "love is the most twisted curse of all" and so that being reflected in the King of Curses... Yeah, that hits.
Also Yuuji and Kenjaku having a partnership is really interesting too! Because like canonically, Kenjaku just kinda did things without really consulting Sukuna (or at least, that's what seems to be implied) so Yuuji working with them specifically because he doesn't just want to be incarnated again, but so Megumi and Nobara can be... Making sure they have suitable vessels and bodies.... It would be a super interesting dynamic between them! Kenjaku working to make/find those bodies for all of them
And Kenjaku deciding to go after Mimiko is so fun. It creates such a messy conflict for Geto, which in turn affects Gojo, and would also spiral into the Yuta and Rika consolation if Geto isn't as focused on him because he's preoccupied with Mimiko.
Kenjaku likely wouldn't incarnate Nobara without knowing they could incarnate Megumi and Yuuji. One of them by themselves likely wouldn't mean the most stable incarnated curse! But Kenjaku having Sukuna for Yuuji, and having heard about Mai, knowing if they can get their hands on her, she's likely to be a good vessel for Megumi. So they make the decision to incarnate her in Mimiko once they have their hands on her. Mimiko growing up already having Nobara incarnated in her, Nobara developing a fondness for her vessel because she sees herself in this girl. Oh, it would be such an interesting dynamic!
Forgive me, I'm bouncing all over the place, but the implications of Uraume and Sukuna with this being a role swap AU! I'm not sure if this is what you intended, but where my brain is going, is Sukuna being in a similar position as Yuuji is in canon, with him being created specifically to be Yuuji's vessel. But instead of being separated from jujutsu society, growing up in it, being involved in it, as you said, being a picture perfect cutthroat sorcerer. Maybe a bastard child from one of the big three clans? Being connected with them, but looked down upon. Feel like it would be interesting circumstances for him, with Uraume being what feels like his one true ally. Uraume being the one to find the cursed object that allows Yuuji to be incarnated in Sukuna. Sukuna deciding to consume it because he wants more power. And them being enrolled in Tokyo Tech!!! Making them Gojo's students!!! MM. Yeah. Yeah, I'm having a lot of thoughts about that
So Yuuji incarnates in Sukuna, and Kenjaku releases Nobara/Mimiko into the world so she can be enrolled in Tokyo Tech and be by Yuuji's side once again.
Gojo now suddenly having access to Geto's missing adopted daughter, but not realizing it.
And then. Ugh. The Zenins. I'm obsessed with that little plot thread like you don't even know!!! Maki being enrolled at Tokyo Tech, and a year later, Mai is enrolled in Kyoto. Maybe Nobara originally decides to get close to Maki so she hopefully has a chance to get to Mai so they can use her to incarnate Megumi. That's the plan after all! But it's difficult to get access to a Zenin. Kenjaku hasn't been able to manage it yet, but now that Nobara and Yuuji have incarnated in their vessels (even if Nobara is essentially sharing a body, and Sukuna is able to repress Yuuji) they decide it's up to them now to get Megumi's vessel. It's not right without him! But Nobara gets attached to Maki. Maki gets attached to Nobara. Feelings develop, and Nobara begins the miserable spiral of desperately needing Megumi's vessel. Everything pales in comparison to that. She won't give up on it just because she's developed feelings, but that doesn't mean she doesn't start to feel guilt for it. It's the first time she's felt guilt in a long time, and Yuuji is having a difficult time understanding her feelings. After all, this is for Megumi. Nothing matters except that!
But they're finally able to get access to Mai, maybe during the exchange event. Maybe that was the plan the curses worked on for that rather than stealing the fingers as it was in canon. So Megumi is able to incarnate in Mai, and Maki is enraged and hurt. Yeah. Yeah
I am.... so sorry, I just fucking ran with this, it's just!!! Such a fun and interesting concept for an AU and my brain is EATING IT!!!!!
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guiltycorp · 1 year
jjk 236 manga spoilers !!! -
Extremely funny how the high school reunion party followed by Gojo's body reveal was framed in that way for the sole reason that this shocking resolution would have been boring as fuck if done straightforwardly hahaha... Honestly i still believe in the potential of Gojo turning into a cursed spirit (because that obvious aspect of the world-building hasn't been delivered on WHATSOEVER yet) or the next 6 eyes somehow being immediately ready to throw down, but i no longer believe that any of it will be written well.
A thing that has been bothering me for a while due to spending too much time on twitter is how shonen bros are very keen on praising the technical aspect of the magic system in jjk, how the fights are so good they balance out the lack of emotional weight. ...but was any of the fighting actually good on that technical shonen level? There are a lot of implications about how various Heian era sorcerers came up with techniques and items that are used today but none of it has any real elegance since every new technique and artifact just conveniently came up whenever characters needed to use them. Did Toji's possession of Inverted Spear make sense? Suuure, and maybe it has some ties to Angel whose technique maybe helped to make it. Doesn't change the fact that it was introduced purely to have a way to deal with Gojo's infinity and Geto's curses. And even the attempt to bring back Yuta-Rika bond in terms of Toji-Worm made no real sense since Rika was created by and bound to Yuta intrinsically while Toji just... tamed and trained the Worm off-screen somehow? Why would Geto's technique not work on it then, how is it different from some cursed spirits being loyal to themselves or the places they are guarding. His use of cursed spirits is clearly different from a regular 'taming' situation. And similar problems happen with techniques like Simple Domain or Falling Blossom, they were just ~invented~ in the past somehow so now people can use that. How do they actually work and why can't people come up with their own bullshit techniques then? Well don't worry about it, it might come up again or probably won't because there is no need for that pesky logic in our magic worldbuilding systems. You could even say that the absence of sense and balance is on purpose since the story on the whole is about how everything is Unfair, but it's not like that's communicated well either so? At this point it feels like anything can happen and not in a good way. Gojo got sealed in a poignant emotional way that im looking forward to in the anime but then... he got released by some convenient technique from a new character? Then didn't give much of a reaction to his plans falling apart in front of him, didn't acknowledge Megumi's situation beyond what it meant for the fight (nothing acknowledging how he both lost one of his strongest potential assets and how he participated in robbing both Megumi and Tsumiki of their youth - this at least might come up in a flashback alongside Nobara's situation, if Nobara is 100% dead then the writing is even shittier for not bringing her up properly), went to have a fun fight, had fun and died rip. Even his dying hallucinations were a generic pat-on-the-back 'u did well haha it's great that u had fun' rather than anything meaningful. You could say Gege is salty towards Gojo specifically but it's not like other main characters are faring any better so far... Yuji vs Sukuna is set up in a way where it's just too simple of a straightforward revenge battle with the side of getting Megumi back or killing him, the only thing we can look forward to really. And i can't be excited about Kenjaku vs anyone bc it's not like Yuji ever showed any interest in his parentage (and no mommy issues agh) or got to know Gojo's backstory or anything that would have given him a personal interest in going against Kenjaku at all and none of the other characters have personal beef with Kenjaku either... Like, Yuta a little, but much less so now that Kenjaku is just another big villain for everyone to defeat rather than 'need to kill him myself so that gojo doesn't have to'. Sukuna vs Kenjaku could also be fun if we learned about their past but a Heian flashback would probably just make the story even less engaging at this point. Plus any fight will still do a bunch of that 'actually i had THIS technique/item/skill all this time or i just came up with it even!!' Probably that's what's going to happen with unrevealed Sukuna techniques and Yuki's research. Yeahhh anyway...
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