#it can’t change
ian-gallagher-is-hot · 3 months
you can drive all night, lookin' for the answers in the pourin’ rain.
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you wanna find peace of mind, lookin’ for the answer…
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stuckinapril · 8 months
guys i actually beg of you to not let palestine become an unpleasant flashback, a transient tumblr trend, a hasbeen subject that just faded away. as an arab—and specifically iraqi—girl, i know what it feels like to have family displaced all over the world as a result of western imperialism. i know what it feels like to not be able to step foot into your homeland because it’s no longer safe. as an american iraqi, raised in the us and insulated from my roots, it wasn’t until last summer that i was able to visit iraq for the first time, and even then my family was worried for my safety—in my own blood country. although nothing like what palestinians are experiencing right now, it might be the tiniest semblance of what it feels like to watch your country disintegrate in front of you.
and this is a universal arab experience. i volunteer weekly at a refugee center that serves middle eastern refugees, and every day i see the longing in their eyes when they speak of where they hail from. it’s safe to say that we will be getting a wave of palestinian refugees very soon: just another generation of arabs who can’t inhabit their own country.
arab culture is so rich, so profound, so beautiful. i am tired of being told by the world—through literal genocide—that it doesn’t mean anything. please never let this be forgotten. free palestine. free palestine. free palestine.
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Cassidy loves to scare the FNAF night guards..
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tariah23 · 7 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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evyltalks · 2 months
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remus study
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ya’ll calling a headcanon a ‘mischaracterization’ is so funny bc Tim Drake drinking 40 gallons of coffee a day is a headcanon and Duke Thomas having 0 personality and being the ‘normal’ one is a mischaracterization but ya’ll seem to only have a problem w the first one.
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nonbinarytoast · 7 days
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rotzaprachim · 3 months
i don’t think Jews should have to extend grace to people who engage in Holocaust denial. I don’t think people should engage in Holocaust denial no matter their politics. I think Jews have a right to be angry and cut off contact with those who do engage in Holocaust denial, no matter their politics. I’m so fucking angry we’re at this line I’m the goddamn sand and antisemitism is this rampant
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lgbtiwtv · 4 months
god it’s just like. what if your guardian angel was actually real and a vampire and he almost killed you but he saw your spark and your pain and himself in it and your beautiful messy human potential and he looked you in the eyes and he put the same hand he grabbed you with on your shoulder to comfort you and with the same mouth that almost drained you he said you matter. You matter. and you never even knew that the voice in your head was his all along. what if it saved your life more times than you can count. what if you’re finally in the position to return the favor. what then!!!!!
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yingxtkm · 3 months
Anyone ask for aeriseph sibling nonsense? No? Well too bad they live in my head rent free.
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ineffablerainstorm · 9 months
You know how Aziraphale always wears clothes that have been out of fashion for at least a hundred years and Crowley just miracles himself up whatever he thinks is modern, right?
So why on earth is he wearing sleeve garters in 2023 then?
(Not that I’m complaining..)
You can just see them when he turns here ⬇️
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For me the answer is clearly either:
because he thinks it’s hot
or (better):
because he thinks Aziraphale thinks it’s hot
(Bonus option: they are part of his bookseller cosplay)
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bloomeng · 2 months
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Obligatory halfway there peek (wip)
(jason seems to be the most anticipated and i got the most suggestions for him which is very sweet and a bit overwhelming but unfortunately i’m just one guy so i just ask for everyone to play nice please even if your request didn’t get used)
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Michael Afton knows the FNAF Mimic’s secret..
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kierancaz · 10 months
Does anyone else not like the way Damian is drawn in the new Batman and Robin comic ????
Like, after his solo Robin series, I just cannot look at him like that. He looks almost exactly like Jon.
Where is his tan skin ??? His green eyes ??? HIS HOOKED NOSE ???? They took away everything that made his design cool and interesting and new and pretty and also just like a huge part of his ethnicity.
It just bothers me so much like I want to read the comic bc it does seem pretty interesting but Damian’s design is making it soooooo hard. It extra sucks bc the art style is amazing. I actually love the way Bruce is drawn and also White Rabbit is super cool. Damian is just throwing me off so hard like that’s literally not him that’s Tim or Jon or Dick but that isn’t Damian Wayne/AL GHUL like tf look at this
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He’s pretty yah, whatever, now look at this:
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THESE ARE NOT EVEN THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE ???? It’s not even a difference in art style bc there was plenty of variations in art style in the Robin series but he still had his main features I mentioned earlier.
Idk call me a nitpicker or smth but this bothers me so much if it doesn’t change at some point I don’t think I will be able to read the new Batman and Robin series.
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puppyeared · 4 months
the fact that they made the gameplay mechanics actually lean more on solving puzzles and strategy because her element is wisdom
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ineffable-and-galore · 4 months
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