#it also has a photo card in it of i think three sisters
starswallowingsea · 6 months
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I got some historic books for Christmas and found these absolutely endearing drawings by a child in one of them. I believe the book is Little Journeys to the Homes of American Authors, published in the 1890s, though I'm missing the first 60 pages including the title page and any sort of publication date it would have had.
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lawlietscaramels · 6 months
Headcanons ╾ Matt
Because Matt.
they get more fun after the first few
he seems like the kind of guy who grew up with lots of sisters
I'm bouncing forth between "all older than him" and "all younger than him" so let's just say some older some younger
somewhere between three and five
I don't think he would be an orphan actually (I have some headcanons for Wammy's House that I'll expand on some other time), he probably ran away or was kicked out maybe
I feel like his family would be really poor maybe he ran away to take on barely legal contracts and send them money
Matt's favourite Mario character is Rosalina, closely followed by Luigi
he has stuck a nicotine patch on his forehead before - yk like Amy did in Brooklyn 99
he tried to eat Mello's chocolate once when he had the munchies
oooeuggnhheuehh that was a mistake
he has never elaborated ↑
His favourite mythical creature is the wood nymph but if he himself could become a mythical creature he'd be a leprechaun
star wars is a fantasy star wars is a sci fi NO, YOU IMBECILES, STAR WARS IS A SPACE OPERA!! the only thing that can get him riled up is this debate
even though he actually hates Star Wars
Matt has a blonde wig and he doesn't know where he got it
watched Breaking Bad and cried
watched My Little Pony and cried
watched John Wick IV because he got lost when tracking down a target. accidentally shot the screen halfway through
Terrified of any and all old black and white photos of a young girl because he's convinced they're all vengeful ghosts. He would like to meet a ghost actually but NOT a young Victorian girl dying of tuberculosis thank you very much good night
Matt will drive through the city at night because it relaxes him. plays 80s or 00s grunge rock and takes pictures when he's stopped at traffic lights.
can play the cello
His weird-stare-without-blinking rivals L's
I headcanon him as Belgian
when he was little he wanted to be a park ranger. his favourite animal is deer.
his favourite word is "undiagnosed" and I think that says a lot about why he likes Mello (that said he likes the word because of how it sounds)
I feel like he has dyscalculia
HE LOVES LEGO. like so much. he has played all the Lego games like Lego Batman and stuff. steals sorry borrows Near's Lego. he actually will return it.
Matt is actually a really sweet big brother figure to a lot of the younger kids.
he'd play games with them n stuff
He was in Japan when Haunted Mansion came out but figured it would be fun to watch it. He bought soy sauce popcorn (he was trying to buy caramel popcorn) and did not understand half of the movie but it was fun
oh yeah I don't think he knows that much Japanese. he speaks Dutch + English fluently though
does that thing where he glues a coin to the ground and watches as people try to pick it up. has laughed at this for hours. sits in a nearby garden and has a picnic
rolls his ankles a lot
gets sick relatively easily but will just continue on with life cause he doesn't get very badly sick. minor cold.
accidentally got himself abandoned on a desert island once. luckily he saw a helicopter while cloud watching. it found him easily because his hair looked like it was on fire
oh yeah speaking of his goddamn HAIR
it's brown, but bleaches red when he's in the sun. I also draw it with little green bits. because all the colour hcs are cool. and I'm indecisive.
he's really good at card games
has been on several popular TV game shows. always loses.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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morallyinept · 7 months
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Shoot: Solar Magazine, November 2017, Issue 3
Photographer: Stefan Ruiz
Interviewer: Igor Ramírez-García Peralta
Grooming: Unconfirmed
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below. 👇🏻
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
• Cover shots and original images used in the magazine, including outtakes
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• Close ups
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• Full interview
Bad Hombre Pedro Pascal
Pedro Pascal belongs to a refreshing type of Hollywood stars, who is well educated while remains unpretentious and free from any level of insufferable diva attitude. He understands very well going against his nature will drift him away from his goals. 
Success came relatively late, at 38, with his breakthrough role by polysexual Oberyn Martell, in the fourth season of 'Game of Thrones.'
Between his overseas filming, photo sessions and visiting his family in Chile, a mutual friend put us in touch. One of the countless voice messages that we exchanged to coordinate the interview, breakfast, photo shoot, dinner and drink contest between Colombia, London and Manhattan he said: “Welcome to … [dramatic pause] Colombia”. 
I arrived at the Narcos set in downtown Bogotá on Thanksgiving Day. His two American colleagues (Eric Lange and Brett Cullen) were desperate with the elasticity of the South American minutes in a day that seemed to have no end, while a DEA agent - a real one - was waiting for them at home with a lot of turkey, whiskey, American football - a good portion of testosterone.
Meanwhile, Lucas - Pedro’s younger brother, who will have a small role in the next installment of the series - and I amused ourselves by breaking the mythical folding chairs with the protagonists’ name of the series. 
Interviewing and photographing Pedro has been a luxury that rarely occurs in journalism. A process of months, but continuous, in different contexts and in stages that has allowed me to know him much more than I can normally know who we put onto our covers. At the whims of fate, in addition to Lucas, I also met his sister, in Miami, and it turns out that Francisco Celhay, the other Chilean actor we include in this issue, is his first cousin.
From what escapes from the talk that we transcribe below, I can add that Pedro does not have any food allergies, but that, since he was 20 years old, he knows that he is allergic to cocaine; that his animal spirit is Tigger, the companion of Winnie the Pooh; that he claims not to be handsome - someone told him that he looked like Orlando Bloom after being slapped in the face - and that, from time to time, he remembers a dog, with a bitten ear, that usually visits the set in Cali, and stands outside his trailer. Pedro: we beg you, adopt it.
Narcos adds salt to wounds that are still very open in Colombia. The history of Escobar and the cartels of Medellín and Cali is very recent. How do you digest this and what has it meant for your role?Did you imagine that you would stay until season three?
Honestly, no. I knew I was going to participate in two seasons, regardless of the success of the first. They had a script for Escobar that lasted two seasons and my role, Agent Peña, was part of both. After the success of the first, I knew that the series was going to continue. After all, the plot was never intended to focus exclusively on Escobar, but also on the history, politics, and reality of drug trafficking.
But what I didn’t know, and I really didn’t expect, was that I was going to be in the third season. Out of the characters around Escobar, I thought he would be the last person to be invited back.
Netflix has changed the way television series are produced, distributed and consumed. What do you think about it?
It’s amazing, the whole industry changed in five years. Okay, actually in one. They started with the success of House of Cards, which was not even the first series - it was another that nobody knows called Lilyhammer. The year that we started Narcos, they are going to do, I think, twelve original productions. Now I have lost count… And I confess that I am a victim of what they do, because I see everything. 
I know it sounds absurd but, compared to what is happening in the politics of the western world right now, where everything is so bleak, disappointing and alarmingly retrograde, television is progressing in terms of themes, culture, representation of diversity and the risks that are assumed with the stories that are narrated.
Do you prefer to work in cinema, television or theater?
For me, the ideal is to work in the three media, as all my colleagues do. I moved to New York when I was 18 to study, and I swear, I almost gave up trying to get roles in off-Broadway productions. My friends were actors who mainly did theater, but also television and cinema, some with more success than others, obviously, but in our community we understood that it was time to do everything. I think television is the most arduous medium because of schedules.
A colleague who worked with Holly Hunter on her first television series, after a very successful career in film and theater, told me that she had said to him, “Television isn’t for pussies”. It is curious that she has affirmed that, after having split her back all her life working as an actress, but it is true. The hours are very intense, the days are endless … In this sense, Narcos is a peculiar challenge, because, in a way, it is invented as we go along. It depends a lot on the locations - and these are unpredictable - but, at the same time, we have a script that must be respected.
To summarize, I would say that I do not prefer a specific medium. Television is the heaviest; Theater is the most familiar experience for me, and cinema supposes, in a certain way, the dismantling of a children’s fantasy, because it is truly the least glamorous experience you can have. At least in what I have had to live. You are in a 150 million dollar production, but sitting in the mud, in an absolute plague and surrounded by flies.
You work a lot in locations: China, Colombia, Croatia … And for very long seasons. What about your private life?
What about my private life? Simple answer: I do not have one. My life is work and tourism. It's strange to have this type of adventure being an adult. As a child I fantasized about working in the cinema and after surviving the inevitable broken heart that comes with maturity, being alive and, above all, wanting to be an actor, it is still ironic and funny to achieve your childhood dream at 40.
You miss your house, your bed, your friends, your comforts and the routine, but it is interesting that all of that is interrupted, and more at this age, because I think I can absorb the experience with much more perspective and maturity.
How was your experience in China filming The Great Wall?
I loved it. I had never set foot in China until I stood there for five months to work with one of my favorite directors [Zhang Yimou], whom I never even imagined crossing paths with. And next to fucking Matt Damon and Willem Dafoe! Matt, frankly, is one of the best people I’ve ever met; not from the best famous people I’ve ever met, but from the best people and that’s it. He was there with his family, with his wife - who is even better than him - and his children. On the other hand, I have seen all the Dafoe films since I was a child, so it was a privilege that they served me him on a silver platter, although, at the same time, very hard work, because it is a complicated film, also shot in multiple locations.
The concept of the previous issue of Solar was “Respect your idols!”, a kind of vote in favor of not losing emotion when meeting them and remembering what they have meant to you; Don’t let the fan die inside of you, regardless of how close your childhood idols can become as you enter the industry. How has this been for you?
It’s funny that you ask, because I’m still a big fan. I think this characterizes me as much as my work. In addition to being an actor, I am a spectator. I associate it with being a Chilean immigrant in the United States, with how young my parents were and how unstable their life was when I was born and how pop-culture, film and cable television socialized us and, in a way, they educated my sister and me. Later it turned out that a fantasy became a hobby that, in turn, became my profession.
Come on, I don't hide being a fan. Kingsman was a particularly interesting experience, because it was a fucking circus with fabulous movie stars: Halle Berry, Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Colin Firth, Channing Tatum and Taron Egerton, who, despite being new to the industry, is a fucking love. It’s all a bit overwhelming and scary, but I think the little fan inside me is so dominant that I managed to overcome the fear of working with them.
I have to say that I managed to contain myself, until we finished filming. As soon as they released Halle Berry, I tearfully told her that I had seen Jungle Fever, that it fascinates me, that her character in Monster’s Ball killed me and that I cried when she won the Oscar. I did the same to Julianne Moore and everyone else, until they got fed up.
I know you are a good boy. I feel it, I see it in you, in your family and in how you relate to the people around you. Have you always been like this?
I can’t even imagine what my parents had to go through when they escaped from Chile and that has left me an inheritance of guilt that, perhaps, has determined the way in which my brothers and I navigated the world. We’ve also had very tragic losses in my family, and that helps you focus on what’s really important and how you should treat people. I don’t know what I believe in. I am completely agnostic and the idea of ​​a god seems silly to me. I do not mean that spirituality is alien to me, but I have not developed any link with that concept either, but I do know that the most valuable thing is to be a good person. 
Deep down, I think that’s a lot more important than being famous, powerful or such. I can’t take all that shit to my grave. But I have not always been like this. When I was 12 years old, we were already enjoying a very privileged situation and, compared to others, I was quite a spoiled boy. Then all that was over, and I had to learn the hard way in New York. Maybe if things had continued to be as easy as when I was in high school, I would be a douche now. Maybe the combination of genes, the education my parents gave us, and the fact that I broke my ass for more than fifteen years in New York that shapes you and also teaches you how you should behave.
You spent almost twenty years auditioning. What motivated you to continue, and not to give up?
I didn’t know how to do anything else. There really does come a time, especially when you are a movie and theater nerd, where it becomes part of your identity. In the end, training, practicing and fighting ends up becoming an everyday thing and stop feeling like the big challenge. In fact, changing was what scared me. I think I definitely accepted the possibility of being the typical actor who is always fighting, until the day he could no longer go upstairs to audition, because, as I said, I did not know how to do anything else, and was too lazy to learn. And well, I also had the unfounded hope that I could do it.
And luck, I’m very lucky. As screwed up as the times were, there was always something: a job, a theater play, an experience, a royalty check for an episode of Buffy, vampire slayer - which paid half of the rent - or a play outside of Boston. Every time it seemed like I wasn’t going to make it through the month financially or emotionally, something came up at the last minute that kept me afloat and allowed me to keep going.
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
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btsyeonu · 7 months
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ the way i already have a whole love interest in mind for this man who is literally absolutely perfect 😍😍 i wanna see if anyone can guess who from the ‘ideal type’ desc lol but at the same time i also have somebody else in mind hmm, anyways enjoy!!
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕birth name - kim yeonu ( 김연우 ) !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕nicknames - korean hinata shouyo , prodi-g , international rizz master , prince of daejeon , hype boy , bangtan’s ace card , mr “he’s large but i’m in charge” , worldwide moneymaker guy , ceo kim !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕birth date - december 30th , 1995 !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕age - 29 ( korean age ) / 27 ( international age ) !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕zodiac sign - capricorn !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕birthplace - daejeon , south korea !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕hometown - yuseong-gu , daejeon , south korea !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕residence - gangnam-gu , seoul , south korea !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕nationality - south korean !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕ethnicity - south korean !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : languages - korean ( 100% – mother tongue ) , japanese ( 80% – fluent ) , english ( 40% – amateur ) , mandarin ( 40% – amateur ) , spanish ( 30% - learning ) , tagalog ( 10% – beginner ) , hindi ( 5% – beginner ) !
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕height - 5’5 ft | 165.1 cm !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕eye colour - black !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕natural hair colour - black !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕modifications - multiple ear piercings , nose piercing ( temporary ) , tattoos !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕blood type - o negative !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : faceclaim - lee jihoon a.k.a woozi ( seventeen ) !
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕stage name - YeoniX !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕positions - lead rapper , main dancer , vocalist , face of the group , centre !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕representative emoji - 🦊 !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕debut date - june 13th , 2O13 !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : group - bangtan sonyeondan ; bts !
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕mbti - enfj-t !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕family - mother , father , younger sister , younger brother !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕positive traits - receptive , reliable , passionate , altruistic , charismatic !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : negative traits - unrealistic , overly idealistic , condescending , intense , overly empathetic !
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HE WAS BORN in yuseong-gu , DAEJEON , south korea.
HIS FAMILY CONSISTS OF: mother , FATHER , younger sister and a younger brother , BUT HE only regularly keeps IN TOUCH with his father.
EDUCATION: daejeon JUAN elementary SCHOOL ; daejeon OESAM middle SCHOOL ; korean ARTS high school ; global cyber UNIVERSITY.
he is TRANSGENDER ftm ( female to MALE ) and was OUTED against his WILL in 2O15 after a series of BABY photos ARISED of him looking ‘feminine’.
YEONU has always had a PASSION for making MUSIC ever since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. he HAD his own little BAND that would often PLAY at TALENT SHOWS.
he was very POPULAR with the GIRLS in school BECAUSE of his IMMENSE musical talents and OUTGOING personality. he THINKS the boys didn’t LIKE HIM so much because of this.
he was easily SCOUTED by the BIG THREE and various AGENCIES after a VIDEO of him and his BAND playing at a TALENT show was uploaded online.
he CHOSE to go with BIGHIT for many REASONS. he wanted more CREATIVE FREEDOM with his music, he WANTED to be able to COMMUNICATE with management openly and he just LIKED the vision that BIGHIT had.
he was the SECOND member to join BIGHIT after NAMJOON. yeonu and namjoon have KNOWN each other the LONGEST out of all of the MEMBERS.
HOSEOK SAID yeonu drinks MILK at least twice a DAY. he thinks it WILL make him TALLER at some point and that YOONGI actively encourages this THOUGHT PROCESS. (14.09.16 VLIVE)
YEONU says the BODY PART he is most CONFIDENT about is his BICEPS.
he also states that one GOOD thing about his HEIGHT is that he can be CARRIED around by the OTHER MEMBERS all day. YEONU is actively the member who has to use his FEET the least to GET to PLACES because he has a PERSONAL CHAUFFEUR at ALL TIMES by his SIDE.
initially his MEMBERS did not know YEONU WAS TRANSGENDER until he was OUTED.
his FAVOURITE colour is RED & GREY.
when ASKED to rank the MOST ATTRACTIVE member, he said that PERSONALLY, namjoon was EXACTLY his type, but JEONGGUK comes at a CLOSE second. he thinks RM is the most ATTRACTIVE member in BANGTAN.
he is described as a ‘MUSICAL PRODIGY’ for his all roundedness in MUSIC. he can play many INSTRUMENTS, produce and COMPOSE songs, as well as WRITE lyrics etc.
he has 220 SONGS attributed to HIM as a SONGWRITER and a COMPOSER as of 2O23.
he is a GREAT COOK but doesn’t LIKE to do it often unless it’s for himself. ONE of his LOVE LANGUAGES is when he COOKS for someone to show his GRATITUDE.
he CHOREOGRAPHED the dance for NEWJEANS’S debut single ‘ATTENTION’.
HE SAID he often CHECKS his hashtag on X to see the type of content ARMY posts about him. (19.08.22 WEVERSE LIVE)
he was nicknamed ‘KOREAN HINATA SHOUYO’ for his INCREDIBLE ability to defy GRAVITY. he can JUMP the highest within BANGTAN.
he went to HIGH SCHOOL with JIMIN and TAEHYUNG. the three BOYS were said to be the ‘RADIATING TRIO’ amongst their PEERS.
YEONU’S BIRTHDAY is on the same day as TAEHYUNG’S. it was on THEIR REQUEST that the two always do JOINT lives for their BIRTHDAYS to celebrate with ARMY.
IN THE DORM, YEONU is in charge of keeping the TOILETS clean.
HOBBIES: working OUT, writing POETRY, learning to PLAY VARIOUS instruments, reading, GOING on WALKS.
he knew he WANTED to be a RAPPER after coming across hip hop duo OUTKAST. he has MANY of THEIR albums still to THIS DAY.
HE IS deemed the SCARIEST member within BANGTAN, especially during COMEBACK season.
YeoniX’s MOTTO: “NOT everything is a LESSON. sometimes you just FAIL and that’s OKAY TOO.”
when they were living TOGETHER in the dorms, YEONU said he would OFTEN scare the other MEMBERS unintentionally because they would COME INTO the kitchen to FILL up their water BOTTLES at night whilst he was THERE eating a SNACK without any LIGHTS ON.
he is the FATHER to two pet DOGS. one is a MALTIPOO and the other is a GERMAN SHEPHERD. their names are LUCKY and CHAM.
people’s FIRST IMPRESSION of YEONU is that he’s a CHARISMATIC sweet talker. everyone always GRAVITATES towards HIM and he is said TO BE the life of the PARTY.
YEONU is ranked as one of the BEST dancers within KPOP. he stands AMONGST others such as TAEMIN, hoshi, KAI and his fellow members J-HOPE and JIMIN.
YeoniX’s IDEAL DATE: “i WANNA go to the GYM together and WORKOUT. then after that, we CAN go to my house and we can learn a CUTE dance COVER, maybe do SOME karaoke TOO. and when we’re really tired after SUCH A LONG day, we can CUDDLE up against EACH OTHER and fall asleep. that would be MY ideal date.”
RM: “i like to THINK i know him VERY well. he may ONLY seem CUTE to some PEOPLE, but there’s a MULTITUDE of SIDES to his personality. he’s built HIS CAREER, his LOVE, EVERYTHING, from the ground up. he’s a real FIGHTER. i admire HIM.”
V: “he’s like a MIX of the OLDEST and youngest COMBINED. SOMETIMES i’ll see him and i think he COULD easily fool others into THINKING he’s the MAKNAE, but then his SERIOUS face intimidates ME. he could be the HYUNG type too. he’s an all rounder in EVERY WAY.”
SUGA: “the FIRST time i saw him, i had to PAUSE for a SECOND. it was like looking INTO a MIRROR. we have very similar faces, BUT THEN i found out about all of his talents. THIS GUY is way beyond my LEVEL. some people JUST have that gift. YOU CAN’T rival IT.”
JUNGKOOK: “he ALWAYS looked out FOR ME when i FIRST joined the COMPANY. not that he DOESN’T now, but i really WANT TO return the FAVOUR towards this HYUNG. i want to PROTECT him with MY LIFE.”
JIN: “ah, THAT GUY? he thinks BEING CUTE will get him out of trouble. he makes THESE silly sound effects and then SMILES at me… i have to tell MYSELF, ‘aish i CAN’T lose this battle.’ it’s like a WAR ZONE out there.”
J-HOPE: “he’s way TOO COOL, honestly. for SOMEONE of his talents, i don’t think the K-POP category is enough to CONTAIN him. he’ll PROVE his international WORTH. he’ll outdo all of US. i don’t doubt it.”
JIMIN: “i think we’re the CLOSEST. we went to HIGH SCHOOL together and he was very POPULAR then. seriously, it was like EVERYONE wanted his attention. i have to TAKE certain measures now when we’re AROUND STRANGERS. he’s too IN DEMAND.”
IN THE DORM he used to HAVE a room to HIMSELF, but it WAS always RAIDED by the other MEMBERS. (180327: BTS’ JHOPE & JIMIN – MORE MAGAZINE MAY ISSUE)
YEONIX’S IDEAL TYPE is someone who will LOVE ALL parts of him EQUALLY. he wants SOMEONE who is attentive to their SURROUNDINGS and is SOFTHEARTED underneath a FIRM persona.
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deadinside8675 · 1 month
Why the Zone is not canon: a long post
Official sources As much as we wouldn't like to admit that the thoughts of the community are not canon, they are not. I would define canon as "what is indicated or mentioned by Nintendo, in the game, or anywhere else." For example, Harvey x Harriet is most likely canon; CJ and Flick are 50/50, since for all our hopes, "partners" can still mean business partners; the idea is clear. Nintendo both did not give any reason in the game for the existence of this video and did not react to the clip in any way, which makes it not canon by definition. tldr: no
And what exactly could be "canon" there If we're talking about "Ankha and the speaker had sex": In Animal Crossing in general relationships of villagers between each other or someone else are not predetermined. The closest thing I can remember is Felicity liking Tortimer (e-reader card), Chevre and Nan (having a photo of each other) and the rabbit sisters (having a photo of each other). Residents on the island may have positive/negative interactions with each other and speaker, but they depend on their personality, version of the game and randomness. Nothing suggests that Ankha likes speaker more than other villagers do (especially in older games lol). If we're talking about "Ankha theoretically could have sex": this is closer to "how ethical is it to depict eroticism with anthropomorphic animals, especially from a game for kids", and answer to this question depends on the perception and depravity of the respondent. tldr: 1 - nope, 2 - depends on your viewpoint
"Okay, but there is a game community. Naan and Chevre, Flick and CJ are not officially together, but many people consider them to be so. What about Ankha?" "What people think in general" is also a very subjective question, because everyone has different circles of communication, but I'll still express an opinion about my own. This blog often mentions "people think Ankha is a whore," and I have no idea where this is coming from. I remember this was a thing in 2021, but 3 years have passed, and the situation has changed. It seems that the situation in the main part of the community has finally stabilized. Three years ago, opinions of "Anka is a slut" or "wow, this messed up my perception of the character" were common, but now it has turned into "yes, there was a popular meme with her". People still have bad associations with it, but much less often, and it's probably as good as it get, the meme is pretty forgotten by now. This whole situation seems to have made her a more likable character for a while, although judging by animalcrossingportal she has always been in the top of the most popular villagers Group chats with older players (under 30 years old) are generally very strict - to the point that some people actively condemn tt and mods (why are you worried about how other people play, it doesn't affect you in any way :/). It seems that they said "ugh, disgusting" back in 2021 and did not respond in any way. However, the increased popularity of the character has led to more players wanting to settle her on their island tldr: To be honest, it seems to me that people have mostly stopped taking this meme seriously or actively talking about it. Of course, not completely, but you can't just erase something from the memory, especially of a large number of people
I agree everything except this the meme still hasn’t ended and it still pisses me off and I don’t think it made her any more popular I think it almost destroyed what made everyone like her in the first place I don’t want everyone to forget the porn meme but I just want the meme to end it’s been three years yet anytime we search ankha almost anywhere it’s nothing but porn or porn memes it doesn’t help when sick people in TikTok and Twitter and especially YouTube gos around praising the joke like it’s the funniest thing in the world and all this happened just because one pork eater on Twitter or YouTube
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notyetneedcoffee · 2 years
Kicking Up Dust - Part 3
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None in this chapter. Slow burn to NSFW
A/N: Takes place after ‘Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ with one major exception - Steve Rogers is not dead. He stepped down. This is in line with my Crossroads story. There will also be a parallel Steve story coming.
Part 2 or Master List
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You paused, pointing the large kitchen knife in Bucky’s direction. “Straight or diagonal?”
He looked up from the box of black and white photos, “Huh?”
Holding the knife over one of the thick BLT sandwiches, you motioned which direction to cut. He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”
“Bull. Everyone has a preference.” You smirked. “It’s a universal truth.”
He looked back down at the stack of pictures. You waited. Finally he mutter, “Diagonal.”
You smiled, cutting his three sandwiches in half and plating them along side the stack of potato chips. He mumbled a thanks as you slid the plate to him. Taking your own, you sat down beside him. The box of pictures had been in the cabinet. Bigger than a shoebox, it was packed full. Unfortunately, few had any writing on the back.
He held one out, staring at it with sorrow in his eyes. The card stock was yellowed and the edges were worn. It was a slightly blurry shot of a couple sitting on a stone stoop. Judging by the clothes it was around World War I or thereabout. Bucky sighed heavily. “That’s my Ma and Pops.”
“Good looking pair.” You commented before biting into your sandwich.
“Ma was an angel.” He stared for a long time before continuing. “Pops was,” he shrugged. “He did his best I suppose.”
You watched him put down the picture with the others that he’d laid out on the table instead of the pile in the lid of the box. He fell on his food like a well-mannered starved man.
“Must have been tough.” You mused. “Taking care of a family during the Depression.”
“Didn’t see him much.” He said through a half mouth of food.
“How old were you then?”
“It was real tough from the time I was eight or ten to when Pops died when I was seventeen.” Bucky chewed thoughtfully for a while. “I remember being pretty angry, not seeing him around. Guess I never thought about what he was doing. Ma was good at canning and making this really good bean soup. She traded with others on the block. A jar of bread and butter pickles for laundry soap. Pot of soup for some eggs and butter.”
It was the most he’d said at one time, so you stayed quiet. He started on his second sandwich before continuing.
“I took whatever work I could, but Ma wouldn’t let us drop out of school. It was all odd jobs.” The corner of his lip tipped up. “Becca would take off with this little old German woman in the afternoons. They were just supposed to be going for walks, but she’d always came back with her little satchel full of greens and nuts or berries. I think they went foraging through the parks. Ma would make dandelion salads. Stevie would stay a lot. He loved helping Ma cook.”
“Rogers? Really?” You cocked your head. “I don’t really know him, but for some reason that surprises me.”
“Ma said the little punk actually made biscuits better than her.” He pointed to another picture, this one of three youngsters. A dark haired boy, maybe fourteen, had one arm around a smaller blond boy. His other hand held that of a little girl with long dark braids. “That’s us.”
“You look happy.”
“Yeah,” he wiped his hands after finishing the last of his food. He picked up the picture, staring at it. “Tough times, but we always managed to have a laugh. At least when Steve wasn’t getting his ass beat.”
You chuckled as you drank down the last of your lemonade.  
By the late afternoon, you’d gone through most of the drawers and cabinets in the sitting room. A recycle bin overflowed by the back door. Multiple boxes were set aside for Bucky to rummage through and one box of vintage magazines were set aside for sale.
Bucky sat in a chair on the front porch, reading his sister’s journal. He hadn’t moved in more than four hours. You took a couple beers from the fridge and wondered outside. Holding out the open bottle to him, Bucky gave a nod of thanks before turning back to the page.
“I think I’m going to order food to be delivered tonight.” You commented. “Pizza okay?”
“Sure.” He didn’t look up.
“What do you want on it?” You asked as you pulled up the order form on your phone.
“Whatever.” He paused. “No pineapple.”
Smiling to yourself, you ordered a large traditional combo and medium veggie. Sitting quietly, you shopped on your phone for some of the stuff you would need for the house. The two of you drank your beers. Bucky continued to read, lost in his sister’s words.
It was easy to sit in silence with this man. You didn’t feel awkward about it. Neither of you said a word until a car pulled up forty minutes later.
A woman climbed out of the dated Honda with a large pizza carrier. She gave a tired smile. “I sure am glad this wasn’t a prank. This place has been empty for years.”
“No prank.” You met her on the porch steps. Her left eye sported the purples and yellows of black eye. “I, ah, I hope you don’t mind that I put your tip on the app. I don’t have any cash on me.”
“That’s great. Thanks.” She opened bag, pulling out the pizzas.
“Looks like that’s painful.” You leaned your head a little. “You okay?”
She nodded, though her body tensed. “Playing with my friends Rottweiler and he accidentally head butted me.” When she looked up, the woman went absolutely rigid. You looked over your shoulder to see Bucky standing at the top of the stairs, his brows drawn together in a hard scowl. The woman swallowed hard. “Here’s your food. Thanks.”
You watched her leave in a hurry.
“She was lying.” Bucky sighed.
Turning, you joined him on the porch. “About the shiner?”
“Yeah. That was made by a fist.” He frowned.
“Maybe she got in a brawl.” You led him back to the kitchen.
“With someone a foot taller than her.” Bucky scoffed as he pulled two more beers from the fridge.
“You could tell that?”
“Most likely a downward hit, judging by the bruise.” He shrugged, tossing the cap into the bin. “What? I know things.”
He dug into the pizza as seriously has he had the sandwiches at lunch. You watched him eat three pieces before you asked. “What do you think of Becca’s journals?”
“I think I would have liked Archie.” Bucky slowed, and picked at the edge of his pizza. “Seems like he really made her happy. She was proud of him, too.”
“Good.” You smiled.
“She missed the city.” He said after her ate more. “Missed going dancing and to the shows.”
“It’d be hard running away from everything you know.” You agreed.
“Becca felt like it was worth it.” He pushed his plate away. “She didn’t want to risk her husband. He was the only family she had left.”
This silence weighed heavy. What could you say? Sorry you were a brain washed assassin for Hydra while your little sister was facing down the mob?
He suddenly stood. “I’m going to read some more. Do you mind leaving that out? I’ll eat more later.”
“Yeah, no problem.” You rinsed off your plate. “I’m going to take a bath and head to bed early. Do you mind locking up?”
“I’ll take care of it.”
You gave him a gentle goodnight and climbed the rear stairs.
He watched you leave. Almost unconsciously, he cleaned up his dinner plate and straightened the kitchen. When the sound of the bathtub filling reached his ear, Bucky leaned heavily on the counter. His face crumpled. His breath turned shallow. It felt like he would explode. Tears burned in his eyes. Sorrow. Relief. Pain. Joy. He had no idea how to process it all. So many conflicting feelings battered his chest from the inside.
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
Ninjago Google translated
== Way of the Ninja (cute ninja) ==
Tw, guns, death, cigarette
(The semester begins with a visit to Ignacia, who works at Kaichenia Four Hands.)
What: (Make a sword.) To make a perfect weapon, it must be strong and warm. Wow... it's great! (It hurts when the sword is broken).
Nia: (laughs) Hey, hurry up. I'm sorry, Dad.
Purchase: I know. No matter what your motivation, experience doesn’t come overnight. It may work for Nia, but I am more creative than my father.
Wu: (entering the shop) Hmm... your car is fast and heavy. It helps you feel better. Hidden insects. All samurai weapons but no ninjas?
What is a ninja? Hey, you don't see ninjas in these parts, old man, the name of the shop isn't Crowlo's, it's Cake Cool. Buy something or sell your curse elsewhere.
Wu: Yeah! That’s a terrible thing. I think I see something different here. (Kai goes to change Wu's clothes.)
Kay: I mean if you see anything strange... (if it works).
News: What is it?
Ki: Just forget it.
(A dark cloud appears above Ignite, signaling the arrival of the Skulkins. When they arrive, three Skulkin Police appear from a skeleton car.)
Nickel: Ah! I'm the first! Please. I have to go!
Kruncha: He's dead! Try fighting King Smokekai! (Voice change, back to Smokey.
Smokekai: I'm sorry, friend. Remember what we need and get a card. attack!
(All cars in Scotland fill up quickly, Igniti guarantees a car will arrive).
Smokey: You're tired!
(People turn and run, soldiers call).
The: (looking at the store). What a bye
Kay: (does something) I don't know. Stop here
(Kai rallies the Skulkin army, and one of them strikes Kai and decapitates him.)
You: Ah! Stop! (He kicks Scullen in the head. As the two skeletons celebrate their victory, Nia wakes up and sees them.)
Ki: (surprised by Nia's attack) Like I told you to stop!
Me: So what is it? Do you want everything?
(As the brothers fight the skeleton army, Kurosa and Nickel casually enter the restaurant and start looking around.)
Kroncha: You're not stubborn! (He played Nickel in a samurai helmet.)
Nick: Ah! Don’t be too harsh! (He kills Kruncha in retaliation. When the two Scottish managers fight, he turns the sign outside the shop and finds the card Somoki is looking for.)
Crunch and Nickel: (disgusted) Card!
(Outside, Kai finishes killing the last of his Skulkin warriors as Sumokai approaches him. Kai pulls out his gun and reveals that Sumokai also has four arms.)
You: (I know it’s him.) Oh.
(Koagu grabbed his gun and drew it.
Wu: (angrily) Ninja! (He attacks Smokey again.)
Yang Kai: Look Wu! Your sponge has become dusty.
Wu: Smokekai, don't let anything happen.
(Samakai saw Kai holding a bucket of water on the ground, lifted one knee and slammed the bucket onto Kai).
Ki: (looking at the tank) Oh...!
Wu: Thank you very much! (He used Spongjutsu again to save Kai.)
Smokekai: (returns to the car with the map and skull, instead of dispatching Wu first) Lord Garmadon said take the girl!
Wu: (inaudible) Lord Garmadon?
(Kruncha laughs and grabs Nia by the handle of the car.)
Ki: no! (A bone is equal to a liver.)
Kay: (sadly) got the word…
Wu: I already said. (She hits him over the head with a bamboo stick.) Don't go.
Amy: (angry) Come on! you have to do something! You can use... Twist or -.
Wu: Spanish: Uncle!
Kai: But you didn't do anything! Bring my sister!
W: No one can go anywhere. King Smokai is undefeated. Mr. Mani also feared that if he had taken Gamadon's advice seriously, he would have been in dire straits.
Kai: Are you Gambi-san? World of humans? What's important to them? Why did they arrest my brother?
Wu: What? What about Ninjago? You can take it Combine all your strength. When he died, he promised to protect his two children, but the darkness betrayed his parents: an old man who was defeated in the war and thrown into the desert. The brothers hid their weapons, but they did not want the police to see them, so they sent a guard. And there are maps where his followers can hide in fear of death. (Last photo) The righteous is his father. His older brother is Lord Grimdon. I have to find him before he uses the gun.
Amy: Are you young? So do you have everything in the recipe?
Wu: Absolutely not. I am here for something important. You are the only one. My brother couldn't come, so he arranged for a cigarette. Collect all 4 weapons. I can't stop you But there is fire within you. I will show you how to use it. Please use it. Be a holy teacher.
AMY: Well, I'm glad you said that, but I have to save my brother! I'm not going to fight your brother. (Mr. Conan overwhelms Kai, who tries to leave.)
Wu: And it's not good to laugh too much. You're not ready to get your finger on it. If you want your sister back, you must control your inner fire. You can meet Lord Gamadon for the first time after meeting SpongeBob.
Tui Pui: Yes. So when do we start?
(The next day, Kayuk climbs to the impossible height of Spinjitsu Monastery).
Q: (pause) How long have you been training? See a map above?
Wu: (offers) Wait. (goes to school) I'm done, I'm done. immediately
* (surprised) Daddy? Do you want to learn how to fight peacefully?
D: No harm. To become a true ninja, you must know the unknown.
* But there is nothing here
(Clicking the dragon icon reveals a secret button that activates all the trainers in the monastery).
* (surprised) Oh! Can you teach me how (go to campus)?
Wu: (somewhat confused) Oh.
(K shoots the dragon and it falls to the ground).
Answer: We will end the lesson before tea. Then realize that you are ready. (He drank the whole bottle.) Not today. I'll try again tomorrow.
Question: (angry) Really? But it hasn't started yet.
Wu: (closes the barn door) Wait.
(Kai trains the following week, but misses Wu several times, contrary to Wu's wishes).
Wu: They failed. Haha, no need! I won! And... it won't happen.
(Kai decides to look for fitness equipment one day to find Wu. He pours the tea into another cup and goes up the stairs, Kai can't find it.)
Kei: (Takes a bowl of sugar and threatens Xiao Wu) Is the sugar ready?
(Wu enters the monastery and admires Kai's success.)
Kai: Okay, do you want to learn how to play?
Wu: Done. Final exam tomorrow. (laughs) My advice is to sleep more.
(That night, while Wu is sleeping and Kai is getting ready to sleep, the monastery is attacked by three alien ninjas).
SH: (Thoughtfully) My advice is to sleep.
* (looks at herself) Oh! (The first ninja slowly enters the door.) Here he comes. (A ninja comes around the corner with a shuriken.) Look. (Who has the third ninja?)
(3 ninjas prepare to attack).
* (annoyed) Oh.
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inkabelledesigns · 2 years
Splatoon 1 and 2 Amiibo/Amiibo Cards: What you need to know about using them in Splatoon 3
Hey fellow lovers of Splatoon! It’s your girl Kat Alyst, here with some funky fresh findings about amiibo cards.
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These are the mini amiibo cards! Very small, am I right? I got them from ebay (link for those of you who want to see for yourself: https://www.ebay.com/itm/195386966549?ViewItem=&item=195386966549), and I’m happy to report that they work! But there’s a few things I think are important to know if you want to use them on multiple consoles/get the gear faster.
So a little background info: I share my amiibo collection with my little brother, who has a switch of his own, so I had to make sure that I could use these both for myself and for him (he really wanted Pearl and Marina’s gear). We ran into some interesting complications though, with both the figures and the cards, and this is where my advice comes in.
If you have a copy of Splatoon 1 or 2, register your amiibo there first. Here’s why.
Number 1: When you register an amiibo on Splatoon 3, you will only be able to get gear from it on your account. When my brother tried to borrow my amiibo and cards that were freshly registered on 3, he did not receive the option to get gear like I had, he could only take photos. If you want to share you amiibo with your friends/siblings/cousins/pet rabbit so all of you can get the gear, this is crucial. You can just go and delete the amiibo save data every time you want to use it on a new console, but it’s still better to register them on an older game, because of the next point.
Number 2: If your amiibo reads as having save data from 1 or 2, it will give you all three pieces of gear right off the bat instead of having to level up and tap them multiple times to get all three pieces. We found this out because I decided to use 2 to overwrite the data to see if that would be enough to get them to work for my brother’s switch, and unlike when I tapped them on 3 for the first time and got one piece of gear, he got all three of them. The only amiibo we haven’t gotten this to work with are Callie and Marie, and that’s because I never beat the story mode of 2, and you can only use those amiibo in 2 once you’ve done that. I imagine if you have story mode beaten, the same can be said for them. I say this having tested it with regular amiibo from 1 and amiibo cards from 1 and 2.
Here’s the downside: You won’t be able to take pictures with any of your amiibo in photo mode unless they’re registered in 3, which is a bummer, but I get why. Important thing to know: using amiibo in photo mode is the only way you can pose your player character, so that’s one reason why people are searching amiibo and amiibo cards out. So do everything you want to do with them in the way of gear with save data from 2 before you register them with 3, and you should be golden. I’m actually gonna keep mine with 2 save data on them for a bit, since I have a sister that also plays 3 who’s visiting soon, and it makes more sense to re-register them with three once she’s gotten the perks. The only thing I will say is that if you register them with an older game first, you miss out on what the character dialogue is in 3, which is unique and different from the previous games and for each individual character, but if you don’t care about that, then it doesn’t really matter. Though I will say, it’s very interesting on the Octoling amiibo that came when 2 got Octo Expansion, their dialogue has changed significantly, screenshots below.
Octoling Boy in Splatoon 2:
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Octoling Boy in Splatoon 3:
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I didn’t know they spoke like that, totally missed out on that last game! And it makes sense if you know what the DLC story is in 2, what an interesting detail to tie it all together! Also he is so sweet and I just want to hug this guy so much!
One thing to note if you’re new to Splatoon amiibo is that some amiibo have the same function. For Splatoon 1, there was a second three pack introduced with a green inkling girl, purple inkling boy, and orange squid. I don’t know why they did this, but I happen to have those figures since I didn’t know any better, considered using them for customs at some point. These three amiibo give you the exact same gear and dialogue as the original three from 1 and are completely unnecessary unless you want those colors/are sharing with a friend. Unfortunately on my set of mini cards, the renders for green inkling girl and purple inkling boy are incorrect. They’re both wearing gear that isn’t featured on their amiibo, and the boy has the wrong skin tone. Also, my set of cards includes 17, and that’s because there’s an extra orange inkling girl for some reason? No idea why, but hey, I’ll take it!
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In conclusion, the amiibo cards are well worth your time if you want to get the gear and take fun photos without having to pay the astronomical scalper prices for the previous game’s amiibo (or if you just don’t want/don’t have room for the statues themselves). All 17 cards cost me about the same as one regular retail price amiibo ($12.99, not including tax and shipping), that is an absolute steal. I haven’t collected amiibo in a long time, not since Smash Bros where I was casually on the hunt. It’s actually kind of ironic, I first got an ebay account because of Smash Bros amiibo, my other sister found a set of Sonic and Shulk from Japan that was a good price,  so one character for me and one for her, and that was my journey into looking for stuff preowned online. I’m really happy with these, can’t wait to throw on the witch gear for spooky month. Hope you found this helpful! Have fun out there squiddos and octokids, see you on the turf!
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australieh · 1 year
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Good afternoon from Perth! My Aussie home base. I am back here after three months working in the Kimberley; the wild untouched lands of northwest Australia. It is a 3.5 hour plane ride north of here and yet somehow still in the same state. 
I arrived here much different than I left. Shins scratched up, split ends, a cavity that needs to be filled. Red dirt in my nose and my lungs. I am 3 pairs of shoes poorer; one lost to mould, one worn out from walking through spinifex and pandanus, and the other with souls so thinned by the rock I didn’t bother wasting space in my bag for them. I left my towel, stained by red dirt and grass, hanging on the communal clothes line, and I donated my worn out SkipBo cards to the staff games pile. My sunglasses are at the bottom of the Chamberlain Gorge, no doubt sitting there with a hundred other pairs. 
What I did fit in my bag were polaroids from sunset drives, swimsuits that still smelled like the Pentecost River, and a pair of blue jeans that will never be clean again. A new beer coozy made it in there, and a card from the girls saying how much they’ll miss me. A crocheted Mario Kart mushroom, a decorated envelope with gift cards inside, and a sketchbook full of crocodile paintings. Even my phone has a crack in the screen from dropping it on the broken-up sandstone they call a road, while we drove up a ridge to a lookout point. The speaker on it isn’t the same, either, but there are hundreds of photos on it to remind me where the dirt in the charging port came from. 
The other thing that’s different is my heart. When I got to Australia I was afraid of opening it up. My recent years in Canmore and Calgary held a lot of love but also a lot of hurt, and it felt scary to move to a new place and meet new people who I’d inevitably have to leave again. The last 4-5 years of my life has been so full of exploration and travel and new people, which is beautiful and exciting but also sometimes so sad. Nobody ever talks about the part of travelling which is the feeling of constantly missing people. Over and over again meeting gorgeous people and then saying goodbye to them. It’s hard on the heart. 
El Questro forced me to open up again. There is only so much living and working and eating together you can do before you fall in love with the people around you. Our little staff village became a community so quickly, and parts of it felt like family. The girls at reception were my sisters by the end, reminding me I need to eat before I get hangry and teasing me about my bedhead. We bickered and hugged and laughed like family, and without even realizing it I was loving fearlessly again. Staying at dinner to chat instead of taking food to my room, singing loudly to music while we dance around the fire, painting with friends rather than by myself. Those were the bigger things but in the smaller things, opening your heart helps you notice the beauty that this silly little world is absolutely riddled with. The wind rattling leaves off of the batwing trees, ants carrying small snacks over branches, the way the moon changes paths every night. You notice how every evening exactly 10 minutes before the sun sets, the Corellas take flight and squawk so loudly you’d think they are announcing the end of another day. Looking around in a group of people you really actually care for so much, it becomes so un-scary to love that you can’t believe you were ever stupid enough to close off your heart. 
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #057
Are you anything like your siblings? I mean in some ways, sure, but I really am mostly dissimilar to most of them. According to Mom though I AM very much like my oldest half-sister Katie. I wish she lived around here. Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? I do; my boyfriend is my best friend, and I am also close to my WoW "big brother" Sam. I need to reach out and say hi again, it's been a while since we've chatted. Back in the day we used to play the game together while talking on Skype like all day. What can you smell? Lysol. Mom tested positive for Covid today so is tryna keep the house sterilized. Do you want to see somebody right now? Yeah; it's Girt's and my anniversary and he was gonna spend the day with me but Mom being sick threw a wrench in that plan. He himself just got over Covid and I obviously don't want him getting it again. Him staying healthy is way more important. Are you a forgiving person? I'm too fucking forgiving.
Who did you last fall asleep with? Besides my cat, Girt. Would you hug the last person you hugged again? Ha ha yeah, that would be my mom. Maybe TMI but she was measuring me for bra sizing and she ended up squeezing me into a real tight hug when she put her arms around me. She's adorable. Can you be your complete self around the person you like? Yes, and I am extremely grateful for that. Have you had “the best night of your life”? I thought so. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? Probably no but idk. Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning? In the morning, primarily because that's when I have more strength, but also because I feel like I started off my day productively. Who’s the most controlling person you know? Probably my sister's fucking husband. To name just one bullshit thing, he refuses to let Ash go to the gym because that MUST mean she's going to see other guys. I hate his guts. Does anyone keep a photo of you in their purse/wallet, and if so, who? I doubt that. How many instruments do you own/have you owned? Three: recorder, flute, electric guitar. Do you own a microphone? No. Do you enjoy trailers at the cinema? I do. Have you ever been burgled? No, thankfully. Do males look good in skinny jeans? Yep, I was into that in high school especially. For or against guyliner? I LIVE for guyliner asldkfjalkwsejr;awe What’s the name of one of your friend’s dog? Uh I mention Charlie enough so how about Mazzy and The Love of My Life named Beemo. :') I like all of their dogs' names but Beemo is just special to me ok Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. A giant centipede, like African ones and stuff. They are mega cool animals but are also terrifying at the same time; they are SO fast and their bites are notoriously horrendous. What’s the last thing you bought from eBay? Uh, good question. I think MAYBE back when Mom was trying to get the game Ico for me, she used it. We got the game twice from there and each time the game didn't work, boo. It's an old PS2 game so is no longer produced and is hard to find anywhere at a reasonable price. Do you have a picture of you throwing up the peace sign? Yeah, I actually - shocking - quite like that picture of me. Does your father have any facial hair? Yes. Did your grandparents teach you anything? How to not be an old-fashioned, bigoted witch, yes. Have you ever been to Arizona? Did you like it? No, but Arizona is actually a place I would like to visit to herp primarily just to see a Sonoran coachwhip snake (they're mostly pink!) as well as tarantulas. Maybe even a Gila monster and/or rock rattlesnake! When was the last time it rained where you live? Last night. Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? Did you like it? Yeah, and it's gotten some laughs outta me for sure. You just caught your bf/gf kissing someone of the same sex. Reaction? Well he's straight so I'd be very confused and also very angry because we're together. Reach your right arm out. What do you touch? Girt's pillow. You have to write a story for English, due tomorrow. What do you write? Realistically it would probably be like a random spin-off of an RP story or something relating to meerkats in general. Any concerts you’re attending coming up soon? Not that I know of, but Rammstein will be announcing more US tour dates next month and I am PRAAAAAYINNNNNNNNG they pick somewhere near here. ;_; What part of the body did you last get pierced? Uhhhh I wanna say tongue? But it may have been my tragus, idr. Any of your friends getting married? My friends Rachel and Tommy have their wedding soon! They sent out a Facebook RSVP and honestly I'm thinking of going. I'd love to get closer with them. Who was the last person you took a picture with? My niece and nephew, I think? Are you currently talking to/texting/instant messaging anyone? Not at the moment. What’s one thing you’d like to accomplish in your lifetime? Publish one relatively successful piece of artwork. What’s your biggest concern right now? My mom being okay. She feels really, really sick and is immunocompromised so reaslitically, just frankly, she could die. She hasn't had her booster shots, so... that makes things worse. How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over? One romantically, another in the platonic/familial way. Ever been to a friend's house and starved the whole time? Aha, yeah honestly. Who’s the last person you had a sleepover with? Girt. What’s the biggest bruise you’ve ever had? I'm actually not sure. Who is the youngest person in your immediate family? My two-year-old niece. I actually don't know if nieces/nephews are considered "immediate" family, but I consider them such. Do you remember the last song you slow danced to? lol kindly fuck off Do you plan on having alcohol at your wedding? I've never thought about this, but probably not. I wouldn't want even the risk of guests driving home intoxicated being present. Are you one of those people that are always cold? No, I'm absolutely always hot. Have you ever gone spotting deer? Oh my god, this brought back SUCH a treasured memory. When I was a little kid, sometimes at sunset my dad would take my sisters and me across the street between our neighbors' houses where there was some woods and a field, and deer frequented the spot. God, it was always so beautiful. The memory is really faint, but it's there for sure. We'd get so excited if they were out. Do you think your ex still wants to be with you? Most likely not. Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever put alcohol/drugs before you? No, I would never tolerate that. Are you listening to music right now? No, I'm watching Game Grumps play I'm On Observation Duty 5. What are your initials? BMD. What was the last thing you ate? I had a chicken sandwich for dinner. When was the last time you ran? It's literally been years. How did you get one of your scars? Fainting straight onto my chin in the bathroom. Who do you text the most? I pretty much only text my mom. I talk to my boyfriend and friends via Discord nowadays. Do you wish you had a pool table? Not especially. We used to have one when I was younger, though. Ash's kids have it now. Ever been to Olive Garden? Many times, it's my favorite "fancy" restaurant. What is something of which you need more in your life? Adventure and fun, really. Money. Do you tend to view your existence as more pleasant or unpleasant? Unpleasant, quite honestly. When was the last time you ate a great deal of food in one sitting? Not sure. Do you enjoy talking about music with others? YES. Is acting something you enjoy? No, I feel VERY awkward. Who was the last person to do something kind for you? Uhhh Mom brought home dinner yesterday. What was going on the last time you were in a bed with someone else? ... stuff lol What color of hair do you find the sexiest on the opposite gender? Of natural hair colors, usually black, but in like, ANY individual I am generally more attracted to colored hair. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yeah. Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? Just checked, it was my sister Misty. We briefly chatted recently, just checking in on each other. What was the last thing you said? I told Mom as she was laying down for bed that if she needed anything during the night to wake me up. Do you ever get flu shots? The only flu shot I've ever gotten was the initial Covid vaccine. I really do need to get my boosters as well as the regular influenza shots in the future, though... I just don't like getting shots because they burn and I never feel like going out of my way to get them, either. Plus I'm like, always home so feel less at risk. I should get them regardless, though. Do you turn your computer off completely at night, or just standby? I never turn it off, honestly. Is there one show you just can’t stand? I might get hell for this, but the show Teen Mom upsets me extremely. Teenagers ARE NOT meant to be parents and I will always believe the show glorifies it, even if it's not intended. Some topics are not meant to be the focus of a television show. Do you watch Disney Channel and Nickelodeon still? No. Do you like white Christmases? Absolutely!! Can you shoot a basketball? Yeah, at least I used to be pretty good at it. I know the basic idea of how to correctly; I actually used to quite like playing it when I was a kid. Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator? omfg no, thank GOD Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever had a home grown tomato? Yes, they're actually not bad for a sandwich, and I generally hate tomatoes. When we were still friends, Colleen would sometimes give me some of her in-law's from their garden since I helped a lot out there (even though I hated every second of it lmao) and they tasted like, NOTHING like those from the store. Have you ever lived through a hurricane? Many; hurricanes are common where I live. Do you like to draw? I love to draw, I just wish I was better. Do you have soft hands? Do you like holding hands? I have EXTREMELY soft hands, so soft that I frequently can't even open bottle caps because it hurts too much. I only like holding hands with my partner or if you're my niece Emerson and she wants to drag me somewhere, ha ha.
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So I was being a basic bitch the other day and listening to my true crime podcasts when it occurred to me just how suspicious Nile’s “death” would look to everyone not in the Guard, leading me to a train of thought that, 2200 words later, absolutely got away from me but I can’t let go so I’m inflicting it on all of you!
To set the stage, we know the movie takes place over approximately a week. Here’s what happens to Nile from the military’s point of view:
She dies is very seriously injured
She heals without a scratch
Just before she’s supposed to be shipped out to Germany, she vanishes, leaving two men concussed (and presumably reporting being knocked out by a woman with short hair wearing civilian clothes)
She goes AWOL for several days
They get word from the CIA that she is to be reported killed in action (details unclear)
So, at the beginning of this very weird week, the USMC has to tell Nile’s family of her death critical injury. What her family was told depends on how long she was dead – a Google search tells me that family will be notified in person within 8 hours of a soldier’s death, but we don’t know how long her first death lasted. For an injury, however, they’d get a phone call to notify them and the unit would arrange for them to visit as soon as the soldier is transferred out of a combat zone. Like I remember when I was in high school, a guy from my church who was a Marine was really seriously injured in a helicopter crash in Iraq and from what I could tell, his parents were told immediately and were flown out to Germany to see him, so it stands to reason that Nile’s family would have been informed relatively quickly after her throat was slashed, one way or another.
And then, she goes AWOL. Her family would be notified while the USMC tried to figure out where she went, not least because the military would want to know if she’s contacted them. (And it’s possible that her family may have been on the way to Germany to see her since we know that’s where she was supposed to go!) So for several days:
Nile’s mom and brother have no idea where she is
They know she was seriously injured and most certainly should not have been moving around on her own
They can’t get a hold of her
The military can’t tell them anything
And the next thing they know for sure is that she was “killed in action.” After being injured and vanishing into thin air. And they presumably cannot produce her body or any concrete evidence of her death. In any case, something sketchy is going on, so they’re like. SMELLS LIKE A MILITARY COVERUP.
In a surprise to probably no one, there is a well-documented legacy of mysterious US military deaths, particularly of women of color (TW for sexual assault in these links). The cases of LaVena Johnson and Vanessa Guillenin particular have made national news because of their families’ persistence in seeking justice. Likewise, Nile is a Black woman, and her mom and brother are most certainly hypercognizant of (a) state violence against Black people and (b) these high-profile cases of suspicious military deaths. So her family are seriously side-eyeing the situation, knowing that (a) the military has a serious incentive (and a documented history) of covering up things that make them look bad and (b) nothing about Nile’s disappearance and supposed death are adding up.
And Andy’s right. Nile does come from warriors. And you know who else does? Her brother.
Don’t get me wrong. Nile’s mom would absolutely not back down. She’d know something was up and want to get to the bottom of it. But based on what I know about Gen X parents (mine), they’re not the most technologically savvy. Like they can use the internet, but they didn’t grow up with it the way we young millennials and Gen Z did. So Nile’s brother takes the lead. And what do zillennials do best?
Social media.
Nile’s brother starts going hard on any site he can, trying to get the word out to see if anyone knows what happened to his sister. He starts a Reddit thread. He starts a Facebook group. He reaches out to the media and true crime bloggers and podcasters à la Sarah Turney, getting loud and being a general nuisance in hopes of getting some answers. He gets his friends and Nile’s friends involved. Maybe eventually Dizzy, Jay, and others from Nile’s unit hear about it and reach out, telling him what they saw and how weird it all was. He’s drumming up interest, and soon “Nile Freeman” becomes a household name (at least among the true crime fans).
Copley is, of course, trying his best, but at this point there is just so much that it’s impossible for him to scrub everything. Sure, he can erase new footage of Nile and the Guard, but what can he do about Reddit threads and podcast episodes that are speculating something weird has happened? Maybe he could hack the sites and shut those things down, but honestly, that’s the last thing he’d want to do, because that only adds weight to the theory that Nile’s disappearance is a military coverup. So eventually he has to tell Andy what’s going on.
Andy, obviously, does not take the news well. However, she is also completely computer illiterate, because that’s Booker’s job and he’s the only one who ever bothered to learn what the internet is in any meaningful way. (She probably calls Booker for advice, and for the record, I think Booker would have no qualms about shutting down conspiracy threads, tinhats be damned, but Copley is too concerned about the consequences. He’s ex-CIA for crying out loud, he knows how it’ll look if they scrub every mention of Nile’s name from the internet.) Maybe she confers with Joe and Nicky but, let’s be honest, they’d be equally unhelpful. So at this point, she knows they have to bring in Nile.
But the thing about Nile is that she, too, knows how to use the internet (duh). Aside from her being a young millennial/digital native, we know from the cave scene where she’s giving Booker suggestions on how to track Copley that she clearly is even more computer savvy than the average person. And for that reason she almost definitely took over the day-to-day tech stuff after Booker’s exile. So I think it would be foolish to expect her to be unaware of what’s happening. She’s not contacting her family or posting on the message boards or anything, but she knows what’s up. So Copley and the team probably sit her down to “break the news,” but we know the girl does not have a poker face (see: literally shooting herself in the foot and not being able to play it cool whatsoever) and cracks immediately, telling them she’s seen everything about her case – she’s not interacting with any of it, she certainly didn’t instigate anything, but she knows. (And she is so goddamn proud of her brother.)
At this point, I’d like to pause and consider Nile’s role in the overall narrative of this movie. She’s set up as a foil to Andy, obviously, but she’s also a foil to Booker. Booker, who, like Andy, is a serious pessimist, but who, unlike Andy, still has very fresh memories and trauma associated with being the new kid, which have destroyed him. In his mind (and Andy’s), if Nile communicates with her family, she’ll become just like him in a century or two – bitter, alone, and stuck with her grief and memories of watching her family die and knowing they died resenting her. It’s a small sample size, but this is the only experience they have to go off of.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
There’s been a lot of discussion of TOG being a fundamentally queer movie – a group of people brought together because of something inherent about themselves that is different, that must be hidden, that causes others to hate, fear, and reject them. Booker’s backstory is the archetypal traumatic “coming out” story – his family learns who he is, hate him for it, and attempt to cast him out of their lives. He’s stuck with his trauma, his pain, his loss, and it consumes him.
But what if Nile’s family would be the opposite? What if her “coming out” to them as immortal is met with acceptance, love, celebration? What if her family is just overjoyed to have her back, and they don’t care what the circumstances are? I'm reminded of this incredible post from @shitty-old-guard-deaths a while back, where Nile’s mother hits Booker with a frying pan because “my baby let me believe she was dead for FIVE YEARS based on your bad advice???” (which may or may not have inspired this whole tangent). Nile takes the advice of someone who did the same thing she wants to do because she doesn’t want to risk her family’s rejection. She wants the good memories with her family and is afraid that showing them her true self will bring her unbearable pain, forever replacing those memories. But, with high risk comes high reward.
Anyway. Nile and the team are trying to come up with a plan for how to handle this whole thing, but she’s not really participating because she’s too afraid to hope. Until finally, quickly, so she doesn’t lose her nerve, she suggests she reach out to them, knowing that, realistically, that’s the only solution before things snowball even further out of control. The team is shocked, but realize that she has a point. They decide that Copley should actually be the first point of contact, posing as a US government official to talk with them and test the waters.
So Copley goes to Nile’s family’s house to talk with her mom and brother. They’re probably distrustful and apprehensive, but nonetheless secretly ecstatic that their work has paid off. They talk and review all of the information that they’ve collected, including testimonials from the people on Nile’s base and recent sightings (along with photos) of Nile (with the same three people) over the last few years that people have sent them but they haven’t posted publicly. At this point, Copley’s like, yeah this is about to blow up, we gotta put our cards on the table. He convinces them to come with him to some safe house/black site/whatever he can get that is technologically impenetrable (I’m picturing them in like, an interrogation room at a police station kind of deal), takes their phones, locks the doors, and brings in Nile.
What follows is the most delightful reunion scene of all time, bringing Joe, Nicky, and even Andy to tears as they watch and listen from outside the room. With Copley’s help, Nile tells her mom and brother about her immortality and what’s been going on since she died (within reason, of course), and they are thrilled. They don’t understand why (because no one does) but they don’t question it and they see it as a gift from God – she’s been resurrected, she will live, and she has a purpose. Her mother and brother are so happy to see her again and are willing to agree with pretty much anything to stay in her life as long as they can.
So. They set up some complicated agreement (they bring in the other three for support/intimidation as needed) setting the terms of their relationship. They swear Nile’s family to secrecy, maybe bringing up the lab to show how high the stakes are, and they readily agree. They come up with some cover story for Nile’s brother to share on the message boards (maybe that the government has opened an investigation but because it’s an open case he has to shut it all down? Tells people to direct their tips somewhere else? Something to that effect). There’s still speculation, of course, but without Nile’s brother at the helm providing the energy, the hype dies down as news stories are wont to do without any movement. And Nile’s family goes to work for the team. The experience has taught them that Copley can’t possibly do everything himself, especially when it comes to social media, so Nile’s brother takes the lead on the day-to-day tracking/social media while Copley and her mom focus on finding jobs and scrubbing their traces afterward.
So there you have it: Nile gets to integrate her biological family into her found family and spend the rest of their lives with them as it should be, Copley gets some badly needed help managing the reality of social media, the team finally has a positive narrative surrounding outsiders Knowing About Them AND about interacting with people from their previous life, and the audience gets the happy ending to this very lovely and very queer story to counteract the pain associated with Booker’s family.
Plus, you know, I’m a sucker for both a good government conspiracy theory and for Nile getting every good thing she deserves.
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 A3! 5th Anniversary Book: EARTH (Q&A)
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creator Q&A about miscellaneous A3verse trivia, focusing on year three!
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
Please tell us about Omi’s workplace situation.
Currently, he's working alongside a senior photographer in his department, and generally provides assistance during photoshoots. He's known for his height so he's often used as the model for camera tests. In return, they seem to be quite flexible with him taking any paid leave or holidays off.
Kabuto is basically indifferent to anything besides theater. Does he have any certain requirements when choosing things like clothes or housing?
He's the type of person to hate being bothered with anything other than theater, but he does value comfort in everything he owns. He just always buys what he feels is comfortable and doesn't even bother looking at the price tag. Because of that, sometimes he wears reasonably priced clothes, and other times he wears extremely expensive clothes without even realizing it.
Tsumugi isn’t very good with technology and social media. Is there anything he’s managed to learn or do recently?
He's learned that you can add text, stamps, and various effects to photos uploaded to social media websites. Currently, he only knows how to add stamps to photos, and many of the photos he uploads online have flower stamps on them.
Shift often makes ‘croquette udon’. Please tell us of any special techniques he has.
To maintain the desired crispiness of the croquette, pull the croquette out of the broth and onto a small plate when you go to eat. However, Shift seems to enjoy eating a soggy croquette at the end of his meal.
What kind of fortune telling does Tsuzuru’s younger brother, Noburu, specialize in?
*reference to the ‘Fortune Festival’ event story.
He mainly does tarot card readings, but he's also studied various other divination methods, such as runes and numerology. Noboru's fortune telling is very popular at his school, with even students from other grades and teachers coming to see him
Now that Itaru and Banri’s older sisters have appeared in the story, please let us know if they have any specific favorite company member.
(minor act 11 spoilers)
It seems like after Spring Troupe's 8th play, Itaru's older sister (Konomi) was completely captivated by Citron. She asks Itaru to send her bromides of Citron from past performances.
*referencing SSR Family's event story
Banri's older sister has always been a fan of the muscular Omi, but after meeting Juza in person at the MANKAI dorms, she's began to support Juza more than ever before.
*referencing ACT 11
Please tell us about any recent popular MANKAI Company menus.
Probably oatmeal-based menus? Apparently Azami and Yuki have gotten addicted to eating overnight oatmeal filled with fruit in the morning. Oatmeal pancakes and oatmeal cookies (that have been improved upon by Omi) are also popular. If possible, he may post his recipes on inste.
What kind of V-talents are MochiMan and YO-KAN, who Citron and Akashi enjoy watching?
*referencing SSR Family’s event story iirc
Both are V-talents who mainly produce gaming related livestreams and videos. MochiMan specializes in FPS games is known not only for his pro-gaming skills, but also for his light-hearted commentary. YO-KAN has their own unique world building and hosts online TRPG sessions.
*mochiman is a literal translation, his user can also be read as mochio
* fps = first person shooter
*trpg = tabletop roleplaying game (think D&D)
Please tell us about the three good deeds Muku did one day, since he tries to do ‘three good deeds each day’.
In the morning, he ate the carrots that unavoidably ended up in Tenma's pot-au-feu.
During his lunch break, he carried an injured classmate on his back all the way to the infirmary.
On the way home, he lent his umbrella to a stray cat getting soaked in the rain. (Later, Misumi, who was heading home from his part time job, found the umbrella and returned it to Muku safely.)
Where can I find a free copy of the troupe’s newsletter?
Besides the theater itself, you can find them at cafes, stores, and many of the other members' favorite places in Veludo. If you want to guarantee yourself a copy, we recommend going to the Veludo Shopping District. Almost all of the stores there provide them, and if you tell them you're a fan of the troupe, they might even give you a free bonus gift.
Other than GOD Troupe, are there any other theater troupes that have appeared on the show, ‘Exciting Archipelago’?
*reference to the ‘Twin Kingdoms’ event story (show is aka ‘hype in japan’)
The only other theater company has been Hyakka Troupe. Syu's troupe has received numerous offers to appear, but he rejected all of them. Rumors say Yuzo's troupe, Furin Kazan, is next, but there's many people who have been suggesting MANKAI Company for the show... It may not be long before Sakuya and the others are featured
Throughout the third part, GOD Troupe has become a familiar presence. Please tell us about their theater.
The theater is located near the front of Veludo Way and is the largest one in the area. Equipped with all of the latest technology, it allows for a wide variety of effects during productions-though what Reni was most particular about was the audience seating. He focused heavily on the comfort of the seating as well as reclining so that audience members would remain comfortable even throughout the long hours of a play. This might be one of the reasons GOD Troupe has so many repeat customers.
MANKAI Theater had to be repaired due to the fire, but please let us know if any equipment that has been upgraded since then.
The sound and lighting systems have been essentially completely redesigned. With the help of Rento and Akashi, productions have become even more powerful than before, and the new system is well received by fans. However, the size of theater itself is still the same, so only the bare minimum amount of equipment can be permanently installed. Rento and Akashi bring any missing equipment along with them for each performance
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
All I Want is You (Part 4)
Chris Evans x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Warning: swearing.
Main Masterlist ♡ Chris Evans Masterlist ♡ All I Want is You Masterlist
Summary: How Chris & f/Reader deal with the aftermath of her car accident.
Chris Evans POV:
It has been exactly three weeks since YN's car was hit by a distracted driver. We found out today after the man turned himself in.
He was texting and wasn't paying attention and I almost lost the love of my life to his stupidity.
When the officer who was in charge of our case called to tell us that he turned himself in, my brother had to almost hold me back as I was ready to go to the police station and let the guy have it.
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"Chris, let the cops handle it. You have to be here for YN." Speaking of which, who was sleeping soundly in her hospital bed.
I knew he was right so I took a few deep breaths to ground myself and went and sat back in the chair that I have claimed as my own since I got here.
I looked her over like I do every day, noticing how the bruises are slowly fading, which made me softly smile.
YN asked to see herself a few days after she woke up and I was extremely hesitant but YN insisted.
"I'll be fine Chris." She said with a brave face. So I took out my phone and put it on camera. When she saw herself, a few tears escaped and fell down her cheeks.
"Hey hey love. No tears." I told her as I wiped away her tears. I knew her seeing herself would be a shocker to her.
"How can you even look at me baby? I don't look like myself." YN said as she handed me my phone and turned her head so she wasn't facing me anymore.
"None of that love." I put my hand under her chin and gently turned her tear stained face to look at me.
"You YN LN, are still the most gorgeous woman I have ever met and I will show you every damn day how true that is." I gently kissed her lips.
"Okay enough of that you two, who is ready for lunch?" Scott asked. We have been going out to get food as the hospital food isn't the greatest.
YN picked the restaurant like she has been doing and we gave Scott our orders and now it was just YN and I.
"You excited to go home soon beautiful?"
"Yes but you didn't have to switch up your entire house for me Christopher." She said to me with a glare.
"Nonsense. We are just sleeping in the guest room on the main floor until you can climb the stairs."
Yes, YN is moving in with me...atleast for her recovery. I am hoping I can convince her to completely move in with me.
"Also just think love, Dodger will be with you all the time."
The smile that came over her face at the thought of Dodger made my heart melt. He really adores her and she adores him.
"Yeah, he will be the best babysitter a girl can have." She said with a pout. YN is very independent and when I am not going to be with her, someone else will be.
Unless it is just me running to the store or somewhere else quick, then Dodger will be the one home with her.
My thoughts were broken up as a nurse came into the room to look after YN.
It has now been almost two months since that horrible day and now we have the all clear to bring YN home.
I have everything set up for her. A nurse or PSW will be coming in to help with the bandages and the bathing.
I got the name of a good physio therapist from my Mom and I am paying her to come to my house three times a week and use whatever she needs to use.
YNs hospital room is empty now. My Mom and sister had taken everything to my place. Every card, every gift, every bouquet of flowers.
Even though I didn't have to, I made a donation in our names to the hospital after how well they took care of her.
"You ready to go baby girl?" I asked her as I helped her into the wheelchair.
"Yes, I can't wait to go home." Home, I like the sound of that.
I wheeled her down the hall and the staff stopped to say goodbye. I also made sure to talk to head of the children's ward as I am going to be coming in dressed as Captain America with Anthony as well.
I got YN into my car and made sure she was comfortable and even had her Spotify list ready to go as we pulled out of the hospital parking lot.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see her visibly relax. I placed my hand gently on her thigh.
"Happy love?"
"More than you can even imagine it Chris. I feel like it has been so long since I have been outside."
"Mmm, do you want to do anything? We can go to a movie? Lunch or an early dinner?" I asked her.
I know whatever we do will tire her out but it will be nice to take her out. The bruises are gone from her face and her arm is out of the cast.
Her leg is another story. Even though it is out of the cast, she still can't walk on it fully yet.
"Lunch, oh Chris I want a burger with the works and onion rings. Good pub style burger."
I laughed to myself as she was getting excited about lunch.
"Whatever the lady wants." I took us to my favourite restaurant that has the best pub style burgers.
I watched my girl dance in her seat as she happily ate her food.
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"Want any dessert love?" I asked her as we finished our food.
"Cheesecake to go?"
"Anything for you gorgeous." I ordered our dessert and paid for our meal.
A few people stopped to talk to us and when I say us I mean her. They were offering their sympathy to her and YN is still shy around this stuff but she did well.
She said thank you and we even took a few photos with fans.
Now we are home and I have YN all set up in our room. Dodger was laying on our bed with his head in her lap, just happy that we are home.
Been almost three months since YN came home. The first couple of days were good but then her physio started.
I watched as my girl tried to do upper body exercises that she was supposed to do for her arm.
I could see the frustration on her face as she could barely lift five pounds. I held her as she cried in my arms.
"YN love you will get there. This takes time and effort and you are doing amazing baby. You know that? You know how far you have come?"
I said to her as I wiped her tears away. "My love, you are amazing and I couldn't do what you are doing. You are learning how to do things all over again."
"I know it's just frustrating." She said as she looked at me. I kissed her forehead and I just held her, wishing I could take away her pain and suffering.
"Look YN, you will soon be lifting more weight than me." That made her giggle and I was hoping she would.
"How do you put up with me Chris?"
"Because I love you baby and I always said that I am with you through thick and thin and love, this is thick."
She didn't say anything else as she kissed me.
The real frustration came when she got told to start walking and full weight-bearing.
Like with her arm, I wish I could of taken away the pain. When she first started to walk again she was shaky and almost fell a few times, but I was there with her every step of the way, making sure she didn't hurt herself.
The physio therapist had her walking, and swimming and doing exercises with her legs.
After the physio therapist left one day, YN literally went to our room and screamed out her frustration.
I stood in the door way and listened and watched, letting her get it all out.
"Feel better baby."
She nodded her head yes. "Do you want to go swimming?" I asked her as I hugged her.
Swimming helped to relax her and I can also sneak in some exercise as well.
"Yeah, I think I will like that."
Whenever I couldn't find her, she was in the pool. Dodger never far from her.
One afternoon I had to leave to do the appearance at the hospital and when I came home she wasn't there.
I was panicking as I looked in every room of the house and I couldn't find her. I was seriously about to call the police when I saw the text she sent me.
"Out with Scott."
That made me relax alittle bit but I also got worried knowing how tired she gets when there is alot of walking.
I heard the front door open and in walked Y/N, slowly and with out the cane she has been using.
"Baby, you okay?"
"Yeah I'm good. Tired but good." She flashed me a smile.
"Did you have fun with Scott?"
"Yeah. He came by looking for you and when I said you were out he asked me to join him."
"What did you two do?"
"Went to the movies actually." I was happy that he didn't have her out there doing something too strenuous.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah but I am sore. Want to join me for a bath?" YN asked me as she bit her lip.
"Like I could say no to that." The happy squeal that left her mouth brought a smile to my face as I took her upstairs to the master bath as it has the biggest tub.
I watched her undress and kept the moan to myself as I saw her gorgeous body. Yeah, it has scars now but they are her battle scars in my mind.
They remind us what she has gone through and how she keeps fighting every day to get stronger and stronger.
I got undressed as well and got into the tub first, and then I helped her to get in.
Her back against my chest. The two of us in our own little world, content and happy.
Part 3 ♤ Part 5
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Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @deepintothenature @thehuntresswolf @nelly-belly @thummbelina @lauracontisstuff @fanficworld
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babyloposts · 3 years
Jealous Baby Bakugou
Head empty no thoughts just my manz Dilf!Bakugou tryna find love but his daughter is not having it
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(Photo creds @/cammmy_chan on Twitter)
For 7 years of his daughter’s life Katsuki had been happy just doing the dad thing. Sure it was hard being a single father on top of being a high-ranking pro-hero, but who would this man be if he didn’t take on challenges
But as his baby grew older and wasn’t so much of a baby anymore Bakugou’s friends pushed him more to start dating again (mainly because knowing all of the actresses and schedules of his daughters favorite shows was getting to be a bit sad) either way with a bit of coercion and confidence boosting Bakugou started to date again.
Now Bakugou should have known that bringing just any woman around his daughter was not a good idea, she was raised by him the girl has no fucking filter.
“Daddy she looks corny.” She would whine when Bakugou brought home a woman that he had saved while he was working. They had hit it off pretty well and the job had ended with her slipping her phone number into his pocket before leaving in an ambulance.
Anyways baby girl was not rocking with her. To her defense the girl was corny looking and she didn’t like kids, she was a clout chaser who wanted to be the only woman in Katauki’s life, so suffice it to say corny bitch #1 did not last long
After that incident Bakugou learned to bring women to the house only after at least three dates and knowing that they weren’t opposed to kids (he took finding love very serious and couldn’t get down with any lady that wasn’t down with his number one girl)
It took a few more failed attempts before he found you. You both had a total meet-cute moment in a park or something cliche like that and after a few coffe dates, a dinner, (and several sneaky links here and there) Katsuki was finally ready to introduce you to his daughter.
Off the bat the vibe was immediately better than the first go-round. “Daddy she has curly hair and skin like me! We look like we could be sisters.” You ofc thought the interaction was adorable, but that wasn’t the impression he wanted to give off. After explaining your relationship to the little girl it was all attitude and sass all the time.
You weren’t expecting her to warm up to you immediately, but you hadn’t expected her to be so territorial. The only alone time you and Bakugou could get was at your place, which he had gone to less and less because of work and after school activities. But your seldom moments of intimacy only brought you two closer and closer til one day you both realized you were in love with each other.
The day of reckoning was upon you and Katsuki as you told his daughter that you two were going to have some changes.
“Princess, Y/N is gonna be coming around more. And I know it’s going to be a big change, but we’re gonna take it slow and you can tell us if you’re not comfortable with anything.”
Baby girl took the news hard. Hysterics, tantrum and all. You couldn’t be mad though, it had just been her and her dad for so long. It could be hard to share. So when she calmed down you shooed Katsuki out of the room to have some girl talk.
“I don’t want you to take my daddy from me.” All the attitude was back and she sported the cutest lil pout.
“Oh honey. I would never try to take your daddy away from you. I know you love your daddy very much and I’ll never try to get in the way of you and your dad. I just want to know if it’s okay that I give him some love too. Between us girls he needs all he can get.”
“You love Daddy too?”
“Yeah I do. Very much.”
“Are you gonna be my new mommy then?”
There it was. You never imagined being a stepmom, but it just happened to be in the cards for you and Bakugou’s little family. “If you’ll let me be, I’d love to.”
She didn’t answer. Just gave you the biggest hug her little arms could muster. That was answer enough. As you embraced you saw Katsuki’s head peeking from around the corner smiling at you two. You beckoned him over back into the room.
“You’re such a helicopter parent Katsuki.”
“No I’m not.” He huffed and that caught the attention of his princess. She bounded into his arms eyes full of excitement and ideas about family life with you in it.
“Daddy, Y/N is gonna be my new mommy. Is she gonna be your wife? And can she do my hair like hers? You’re not good at braids and she is. And can I be in the wedding? I think we would look cute in the pictures. And me and y/n could match. And she can live here with us! As… as long as I don’t have to share my room.”
You and Katsuki were both laughing at this point. You don’t know how lucky you got to have found a great man, with a great daughter. You also didn’t know where you’d found an eight year old wedding planner, but you sure were grateful for the family that found you.
A/N: ahhhh I’m losing my fucking mind also in this au baby girl’s mother is not around at all. Maybe she died, maybe some other traumatic event ion know. But yeah lil mama doesn’t know her biological mother. Just thought I’d throw that out there
Kinda feeling like creating a continuation of this, but I’ll see how it’s received first
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
BRF Reading - 10th of January 2022
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 10th of January, 2022
Question: What does Prince William think of Catherine's 40th birthday photographs?
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Interpretation: William thinks the photographs show Catherine as she truly is - a future queen.
Card One: The Two of Cups. This is a card of relationships, especially romantic relationships, of soulmates, of deepening a relationship. Here it stands for a soul mate relationship. The energy is of William looking at the photos and saying yes, that is MY wife. I am getting a lot of proud energy from this card. William is very proud of his wife, his soulmate, and he is bursting with that pride whenever he looks at the photographs. He feels more in love with Catherine than ever on her 40th birthday.
Card Two: The Queen of Pentacles. This is the card of an earth sign person, particularly a Capricorn, and here it stands for Catherine herself. Prince William thinks that the photographs reflect the true Catherine, the person that he knows. He thinks they have captured her true self (as opposed to a more formal photograph which, while beautiful, would not show as much of who she really is).
Card Three: The Empress. This is the card for a female ruler, a queen. I am getting two energies from this card. One is that William thinks Her Majesty will love the photographs. The other, stronger energy is that William thinks Catherine looks very regal/royal in those photographs. He thinks she looks every inch a future queen, especially in the 'official' photograph (the side profile). This is the only major arcana card in the reading, so this is a strong energy in the reading.
Underlying Energy: Four of Cups. This is usually a card of emotional boredom or dissatisfaction, but in this deck it has another meaning of people talking and gossiping about things, and that is the meaning here. The card shows Psyche seated between her two sisters, who are talking to her, telling her all the gossip. The energy of this card is that of talk, something that everyone is talking about, and that is exactly what happened with the photographs. Everyone is talking about them and praising them. William knows this and it makes him very happy that such lovely images of HIS wife are being discussed and spread around the world.
Clarifier: The Eight of Wands. I drew a clarifier for this card to make sure I wasn't missing anything. The Eight of wands is a card of haste, of blockages being removed and things happening quickly. The energy from this card is of speed. Everyone is talking about Catherine's photographs, and they have spread all over social media very, very quickly. This energy is supporting the meaning of the Four of Cups given above.
This card is sometimes called the Arrows of Love, and it shows falling in love or being in a relationship very quickly. Prince William is very much in love with his wife and, if anything, the photographs have made him more in love with her than ever - a silent, quick and complete conquest.
Wands can also be PR, and this card shows that the photographs are giving Catherine all sorts of positive PR that is spreading very swiftly on social media and across the world.
Conclusion: Prince William loves the photographs and he loves that everyone is talking about them. He thinks they reflect who Catherine is as a person and that they show her as a future queen. He is very proud of HIS wife and loves her more than ever (emphasis on HIS wife, a lot of pride and a bit of male possessiveness here, in the best possible way).
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Investigation | Spencer Reid x reader
Requested by @maybebanks​ / Summary: The BAU is investigating you for a case against your brother and you won’t say a thing, until Dr. Spencer Reid walks in. 
A/N: Hope you like it! xx 
Warning: talks of claustrophobia 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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“Miss y/l/n, we only want to know about your brother.” The man in front of you explains. You were seated across from him at the steel table, inside a room without windows. If you weren’t freaking out about your brother, you might have been freaking out about being enclosed in a room that you couldn’t get out of or see a way out and wonder if the walls were suddenly getting smaller. 
They’d brought you in only a couple hours ago. The BAU team had entered your workplace and cornered you at your desk, basically ordering you to come with them or you’d be arrested. So, you did as you were told. However, you’d seen this before and you weren’t going to speak to them about anything especially if it could be used against you or your brother later on. 
There were men close to your age that had turned up dead in ditches and for some reason your brother was their number one suspect because his DNA is on one of the victims. Your brother, a murderer? There was no way. He was protective of you, his little sister, but he wasn’t that protective, not a murdering type because you looked at my sister wrong kind of guy. 
“When is the last time you spoke to him?” You’d learned the name of the man across from you. Agent Hotchner. 
Your arms remained crossed over your chest as you said nothing. You didn’t even make contact with him. He’d been in here for almost half an hour and you could tell the man was growing impatient. 
He gave a hard sigh and finally stood, “Fine you won’t speak, we’ll just have to find another way to get you to talk.” As he neared the exit, he added, “How about I bring in one of your exes? James? I think he is on your emergency contact list.” And with that he slammed the door shut behind him. 
And suddenly the room grew smaller.
“Hotch, you can’t threaten her with an ex boyfriend.” Spencer defends, “That’s wrong and you know it.” 
“She won’t speak, what else am I supposed to do?” Hotch tosses the file on the table next to him in frustration, “She has to speak at some point. We have a deadline before the next body shows up and we need information on her brother to find him.” 
“Let me try-” Spencer started, but when he looked through the window into the interrogation room, he knew something was wrong. 
You were panicking and breathing heavily as the walls continued to close in. Your ex boyfriend couldn’t come here. He couldn’t know where you were. 
Spencer rushed into the room, “hey hey, breath.” He pulled you and your chair out from the table so you were in the open and facing him, “Just breath, what’s wrong?” 
“The walls. The walls are..” You choked out and Spencer knew. 
“Open that door.” He instructs the guard before turning his attention back to you, “Breath in and out with me.” Spencer takes in a few deep breaths and you follow along, finally calming down. 
“Get her some water and keep that door open.” Spencer looks you over once more, “And get the cuffs off her. She’s claustrophobic. There’s no need for the cuffs. She’s not a suspect.” 
Your grateful for the man in front of you, “Thank you.” You say quietly as he unlocks the cuffs from your wrists. 
His eyes meet yours, “We’ll keep the door open from now on. Is that alright?” 
You nod, “there’s no windows.. the room just kept getting smaller.” 
He hands you the cup of water, “I know, it’s alright. May I sit in here with you?” He motions to the free seat across from you. 
You answer with a nod and take a sip of your water. You were finally calmed enough to take in the man who’d saved you. His hair was a mess on the top of his head, but it worked for him. He wore a button up shirt with a vest and a tie around his neck. You read the badge clipped to his shirt, SSA Spencer Reid. 
“I’m Dr. Spencer Reid by the way.” 
“You look a little young to be a doctor.” You say quietly. 
He chuckles, “I get that a lot.” He points to the shirt your wearing, “Las Vegas. I’m from there.” 
“Went for my 21st birthday. My parents took my brother and I.” 
“It’s a great place. However, I’m banned from casinos there.” 
“Banned?” You laugh, “What could you have possibly been banned for?” 
“Um.. being too good at cards.” He chuckles. 
“Ah you were costing them money? Yeah I can see why you’d be banned.” 
The two of you continued to make small talk. Spencer took a friendly approach instead of Hotch’s aggressive approach and you seemed to open up more to him. From the entire 30 minutes he’d sat with you, he’d managed to find out more than Hotch did and found out that you weren’t great with men who shown aggression. He confirmed that theory when Hotch had walked in and asked you a couple questions but you’d shut down and didn’t say a word. 
“We only want to find your brother. His DNA is on one of the victims shirts.” Spencer explains as he opens the file in front of you. He wanted to get you comfortable with him before going straight into the case and it’s details,  “If he is innocent, great, we’ll prove it. But we have to find him first.” 
You nervously looked over the few photos of the men and recognized one, “That’s Brad. I went on a date with him the other night. It.. it didn’t end good and my brother had stepped in.” You look up at Spencer, “Is that who had his DNA?” 
Spencer gives a nod, glancing back at the window where the team were already listening and watching. 
“My brother had to.. he had to stop the guy. He made some advances when I got home and wouldn’t stop so my brother stepped in to help. He’d never.. kill these men.” 
“Can someone confirm that? And confirm your brother had an alibi the nights these men went missing?” 
You quickly nod, “My brother’s girlfriend and her niece. The three of us live together and her niece was there with us over the weekend. And also our neighbors. They can confirm my brother was home because he spoke with them while bringing up groceries.” 
“This is great information. Let me go talk with the team.” 
It was only a little while later that Spencer was back in the room, “You’re free to go.” 
“My brother?” 
“He’s cleared of anything. He’s no longer a suspect.” Spencer hands you your things they had confiscated at the door. 
“Thank you.” You give a grateful smile, “And for being so kind during all of this.” 
“Of course.” He apologizes for Hotch’s behavior, “he’s used to taking that aggressive approach with other unsubs. He sometimes forgets that it doesn’t work with everyone.” He motions to the door, “I’ll walk you out.” 
The two of you walk out of the room and through the police department, “Well, I hope you catch the man who did this.” 
“I believe we will. It could also be a woman. Statistically when the victims are men, 85% of the time the killer is a woman.” He notices the look on your face and blushes, “Sorry, I like statistics and sometimes I get overly excited.” 
“It’s fine.” You laugh, “I’ll see you around, Dr. Spencer Reid...” 
He watches as you walk out the door and he makes it look like he wasn’t watching you leave when you glance back at him, however, he runs right into the water dispenser, almost knocking it over. 
Criminal Minds tag list: @thelovelydreamer17​ , @la-vie-en-amour1​ , @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25​ , @astra-inclinant-sed-non-obligant (possibly: @astra-x-inclinant​)  , @bluerose512​ , @lolychu​ , @varsityalthete​ , @televisiondreamstomorrow​ , @harry-hollands​ , @lumineshawn​ , @lyss-xo​ , @rexorangecouny​ , @sassy-hades​ , @britishspidey​ , @ateez-star​ , @l0ve-0f-my-life​ , @ceeellewrites​ , @newtkyloskywalkerstiliski , @in-some-fandoms​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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