#isolated ig?
cistematicchaos · 2 years
What’s a person got to do to start their own fucked up boy/girl band in this world...
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dyingbuck · 5 months
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who do you think taught him those pick-up lines ?
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iliketoreadstuf · 9 months
i mean this in the nicest way possible but jegulus and solangelo are not variants of each other i’m sorry
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never lay down in bed right after eating. don't think about staying on your phone for nearly two hours in that position. don't sleep either. acid reflux is real and i hate that guy
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ikiprian · 6 months
The DC Universe is unstable. Danny goes to investigate.
All realities are connected to and accessible from the Infinite Realms Hub through natural portals. These portals dot the surface of random planets within each universe— some are familiar, like alternate versions of Earth, some are wholly unique, like… Well, like nothing else. When Danny’s got downtime, he loves to explore them. Frostbite appreciates his efforts to expand the Infini-Map.
One universe, though, and all its affiliated pluralities has got its ecto-connection on the fritz. (And there are. So many pluralities. The timeline wraps back on itself, it’s duplicated a thousand times over, it keeps crossing over what should be parallels and resets every couple decades or so…) Something is definitely wrong.
Danny goes in as the Infinite Realm’s self-assigned plumber to see what’s what. It’ll be fun!
He pops out the other side screaming, dragging his half-melted body out a Lazarus Pit.
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janetbrown711 · 18 days
Stay with me here but I think I just had a realization about Wukong.
I think Wukong's biggest weakness as a mentor isn't his overwhelming lack of proper communication/"just swallow your trauma lol you'll be okay if we just don't think about it"-- but instead it's that he doesn't believe in teamwork-- which is the exact opposite of how Pigsy (and Tang) raised MK, and is probably why he hates that monkey so damn much
Pigsy, Tang, and MK have all said "there's nothing we can't do together", leading me to believe it's some kind of family motto/philosophy they all share, but Wukong would rather zip MK up the mountain so that they aren't bogged down by the rest of the group (maybe because he believes, like with most problems, only he can help).
But isolation makes MK weaker and more anxious because he truly relies on his friends and family for everything (bro has never defeated a villain by himself lmao)-- but Wukong doesn't understand this bc he's so used to being so goddamn overpowered that he's never really had to rely on others (and/or when he has, it doesn't end well/he ends up handling it anyways), and he (probably accidentally) drives this into MK's own head, despite it not being the same.
tl;dr MK's habit of isolation (especially when it comes to his self-sacrificial desires) is low key Wukong's fault because Wukong doesn't know how to rely on others and has accidentally overridden MK's childhood teachings (which is also why Pigsy has so much beef with that monkey maybe)
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witchydykebitch · 3 months
I feel like what I'm able to bring to a relationship will never outweigh the burden of loving me.
But I still hold out hope to be cherished one day. That I'll have someone to make me feel loved and to give love as abundantly as I desire.
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teastarfall · 10 months
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shout out to little nightmares for teaching me how to draw things other than generic anime girls, ily little nightmares ^_^
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t4tozier · 2 months
consider: porter meets jace's family. would it be a mess or would porter flex the "paladin IS a charisma caster" so much that jace is like WHO are you
ohhh my god. those three levels of paladin are really pulling the weight here. okay okay this is my first time posting about jace's family in like. a relatively canon au so now i have to decide things.
ik i'm in the minority here but i feel like he actually has a pretty normal family? (normal being subjective of course) but i think he has a high elven mother, human or maybe half-elf father. i was pretty dead set on divine soul jace for a minute at the beginning but now i'm partial to wild magic sorcerer so i think he maybe got that from one of his parents and the other is a ranger. maybe elven ranger mom and wild magic sorcerer dad.
he's definitely an only child to me, so his parents were pretty doting, and it's a huge deal whenever he starts seeing anyone because they want to make sure the person is treating their baby right. when jace is in his 20s, he has a pattern of bringing people home to meet his parents and then, anywhere from a week to a year later, coming to them crying about how it didn't work out or he got tired of them or they got tired of him. and then there's a long stretch of time where they don't hear anything about jace's prospective partners.
so then, when he finally brings porter up to them, they're like. oh?? our boy has finally (maybe) settled down?? and he's like. you Cannot embarrass me okay. i Mean It. and they're like. well. we're going to embarrass you we're your parents.
and porter doesn't really know how to feel. he's met some partners' parents in the past, but not many, and most of them turned their noses up when they found out he was a goliath or a barbarian. so he's kind of on edge actually. and jace simultaneously is trying to comfort him being like no it's fine they're nice i swear and freaking out because he's like i haven't brought anyone home in over a decade they know this is a Big Thing i really need this to go well for everyone involved.
but it actually ends up being...okay?? they set up in the backyard so porter doesn't have to awkwardly make himself fit into their (modest, but not exceedingly large) house, and he brings them a nice bottle of wine that zara recommended and flowers and he is charming, so much so that it does throw jace a little, but it's not even that he's turning it up for jace's parents--he just genuinely is that charismatic when he's not being a dick. and he knows jace wants this to go well--and so does he, okay, he has feelings, too, sue him--so he does his best to be nice. but it's not even that hard, in the end; he bonds with jace's mom over her explorations into the mountains of chaos and only slightly humiliates jace with stories of his surges that his parents then proceed to top with talking about his surges during puberty.
as jace is saying goodbye to his parents that night, they both give him little thumbs up and are like you picked a good one. and jace flushes and goes off to the car as porter comes out of the bathroom, and jace's dad is like so. cliffbreaker. i expect to see a ring on that finger next time you two visit. and porter chuckles a little and nods and says, i'll do my best, sir, and heads out to the car where jace is wine-loose and smiley, and he reaches over to pull porter in for a kiss as he gets in the car and murmurs i love you against his lips and porter grins and kisses him harder before pulling out of the driveway so that he can show jace just how much he means it when he says i love you, too.
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beverageartblog · 4 months
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more character art, this time from the nearly ten-year-old video game Alien: Isolation. This game (and Markiplier's playthrough of it) have been nothing short of formative for me the past decade and it's high time I drew something about it.
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maranull · 1 year
most horror games will need a monster or smt to scare, Alien Isolation almost made me quit with a moving lamp.
so. you know. good game? godly sound design? yeah.
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nukacourier · 2 months
Brain damage can trigger some forms of psychosis so I'm thinking about how James more than likely went through a lot of general + religious psychosis before his brain was stolen and fixed up a little at Big MT (which probably didn't even entirely fix it so I feel he still has episodes every now and again. He likely manages it better post OWB though)
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rapidhighway · 1 year
Knuckles and Sonic both not being fans of physical contact but also touch starved and that's why they constantly pick fights with each other
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pikslasrce · 8 months
The thing about Brian and his makeup is, I—I don't remember him being that over the top to begin with. I guess he might've been dabbling with a bit of foundation at the time, but he certainly wasn't standing in the middle of Camden in a dress. I think that sort of came after, I think he started the band and he played with this sort of, you know, being a bit of androgynous and all that. But he was never really over the top. And I think after the first few records when people said he sounded a bit, you know, a bit girly, that I think it sort of started manifesting itself after that, and then by the time they were doing Brixton Academy, yeah he was a bit more feminine than PJ Harvey — God bless her.
Androgyny (watch the whole thing here)
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jimahalangel · 11 months
Gelatin Skeleton
Apparently the multiverse doesn't need your permission to Isekai you. It doesn't even have to give you the courtesy of letting you know it happened.
Undertale is gone, like it never existed.
You would know—you've looked.
"Wait- so you're telling me the void ate my universe? I'm living the weirdest 'I survived' book?!! Introducing to scholastic book fairs everywhere: 'I survived the destruction of the universe when the void decided to get all schlorpy schlorpy!?'"
"I am unfortunately fully aware of what information your universe had in the way of… fanfiction about my friends and family-"
Formatting is better on AO3 (italicized font and such)
Update schedule: AO3 will get new chapters earlier (probably about a day) than Tumblr. (Aiming for once a week, on Thursdays or Fridays - not set in stone)
Link to read on AO3:
Chapter 1: Wikipedia, my beloved.
(read chapter 2 here)
Going to sleep in one universe and waking up in another sounds like the kind of thing people would write about in various types of fiction. Because it is . It's such a prevalent trope that it has its own genre: Isekai .
As defined by Wikipedia, "Isekai, ( Japanese: 異世界, transl. "different world" or "otherworld") is a genre of speculative fiction—both portal fantasy and science fiction are included. It includes novels, light novels, films, manga, anime and video games that revolve around a displaced person or people who are transported to and have to survive in another world, such as a fantasy world, virtual world, or parallel universe. Isekai is one of the most popular genres of anime, and Isekai stories share many common tropes…"
You'd think someone would notice being Isekai-d; that you might feel different upon waking up in a world where things are changed in new and mysterious ways—perhaps feel empowered? Surely when one is suddenly transported into another reality, they might remember the day it happened?
Apparently the multiverse doesn't need your permission to Isekai you. It doesn't even have to give you the courtesy of letting you know it happened.
Or, well, you think this is another universe, at least? Because an entire chunk of internet-culture/pop-culture was missing when you went to Google it yesterday.
Is missing.
Undertale is gone, like it never existed. You would know—you've looked.
It's not like years' worth of memes and fanfiction and fanart pertaining to a game that changed the entire gaming industry could just up and disappear out of nowhere, could it?! But you can't find any sign of it anywhere online or offline—and you definitely had physical evidence.
You'd stayed up all night last night searching for a single trace of the game and fandom you'd spent years of your life looking toward for comfort and entertainment. You’d looked everywhere.
But it's gone.
All of it.
It's impossible.
There has to be an explanation.
Which brings you to your current Isekai theory: Maybe it's not gone— you are. You might be somewhere new where it never existed in the first place.
Either that or your brain is really majorly messed up and created an alarmingly huge chunk of false memories.
.... Actually… How long has Undertale been missing for you?
Has this happened before and you just can't remember it?
You check your search history. Nothing about Undertale before yesterday. Which is definitely strange because you'd been on AO3 looking through Undertale tags two weeks ago. And there's no need to delete your search history when you live alone. Your most recent search history from right before your rabbit hole yesterday is still the same Wikipedia article you remember reading.
So Undertale being wiped from the face of the Earth must've happened sometime in the past two weeks.
You check the Google search trends for the words, 'Undertale' and 'Meglovania,' among several other words and phrases more unique to the game and fandom than 'Sans,' and 'Papyrus.' You want to get to the bottom of this, but you're pretty sure those character names won't get you any closer to an answer with how common they are to describe non-Undertale related things.
It's somehow not a surprise to you when search trends show that exactly zero people are looking for the answers you are.
Okay, so that kicks the possibility of finding anyone else who remembers Undertale.
You check search trends for 'alternate reality,' 'alternate universe,' and 'alternate dimension,' and you also open up a separate tab to the Wikipedia article for 'Isekai.'
It seems like there's definitely a good amount of search queries related to each term, but upon further inspection, they're mostly about isekai anime and tv shows like Dr Who.
Not really all that helpful, but maybe when you're not dealing with the real-world issues of dimensional travel you can take a break and watch the ones that seem interesting.
You bookmark a few articles that seem to be about actual science and not sci-fi media, but besides scientific papers and articles misquoting those same scientific papers, you've hit a dead end. You turn your attention towards finding discussion posts or forums on the topic —Maybe something on Reddit?
Okay, nope.
You're not going to have much luck bringing in other people to help you with this unless you're looking to end up institutionalized. Not that there's any shame in that, but you don't think it'd help you much in this particular situation.
Man, you are really hoping for your Isekai theory to ring true. Otherwise, you're SOL with no way of finding out what's going on here. You feel like that guy who had to rewrite all the Beatles songs from memory in that one movie. What was it called? Yesterday?
Not that you think you could reproduce any of the content you remember about Undertale.
No, you definitely couldn't, especially not the game itself. You aren't a one-man game dev team, and the idea of trying to profit off someone else's ideas like that makes you feel slimy. Even if you're in an alternate dimension or if your brain actually came up with everything and created false memories, you couldn't bring yourself to claim what you feel is someone else's intellectual property. You'll just have to quietly remember on your own and create fan-content privately from now on. That thought makes you feel kind of alone…
You push that down and bottle it up for future you to deal with. Right now you need to determine how and why this happened through some gentle research. No need to end up on any government watchlists.
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butchviking · 1 year
actually 2 b honest most of my Emotional Issues rn just boil down 2 im lonely. im literally just lonely.
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