#ismael mohamed
dozydawn · 2 months
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“A Palestinian woman sits on the rubble of her destroyed house after it was demolished by Israeli bulldozers at the Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip on November 4, 2004. Israeli army bulldozers demolished at least 20 houses in Rafah refugee camp during an incursion in southern Gaza Strip, witnesses said.”
Photographed by Ismael Mohamed.
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fdelopera · 1 year
What parts of Kay’s novel do you consider “canon”?For example, what do you think about Erik’s past with luciana? How do you view the “relationship” they had? Also what do you think about his addiction with drugs?
I mean, I don't consider any of Susan Kay's Phantom to be "canon" to anything other than her own story, in the way that I don't consider any phanfic to be "canon." Kay is "canon" to herself.
Kay uses elements that are canon to Leroux's backstory of Erik's life, such as him meeting the Daroga when Erik was working for the Shah of Persia, back when the Daroga was still the chief of police. But she invents a name and backstory for her Daroga, Nadir Khan, which isn't the backstory of Leroux's character.
Of course, Kay didn't know that Leroux based the Daroga on an actual Persian expat and exile, who frequented the Paris Opera during the Salle Le Peletier days (he died seven years before the Palais Garnier was constructed). There was likely no way for her to know that his name wasn't Nadir, but rather was Mohammed Ismaël Khan, and that he went by Ismaël.
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Perhaps if she'd had access to Les célébrités de la rue and Revue encyclopédique (that's where I found Ismaël's portrait and biography), she would have given him his name and incorporated some of his history into her character. She did conduct a fair amount of research in writing her novel, and in her defense, this information about Mohammed Ismaël Khan was probably only available on microfiche at the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris when she was writing her novel back in the late 1980s.
As for Kay's description of Erik's time in Rome with Giovanni and Luciana, as well her description of Erik's morphine use, that was Kay's invention alone. It's certainly not "canon" outside of her novel. The morphine use specifically was possibly due to her borrowing tropes from the Sherlock Holmes canon and fanon. She certainly leaned into many of the "tortured genius" tropes that were popular in the Sherlock Holmes fandom when she was writing.
All of that said, Kay's novel has stood the test of time. It's kind of extraordinary, if you think about it, that a published phanfic (the first in the post-ALW phandom) is still being read in the Phantom fandom today.
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calciopics · 2 years
Qatar World Cup squad 2022: Final list of 26 players for national team
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channeledhistory · 4 months
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uboat53 · 11 months
You know, for all the chatter back and forth in the discussion (argument?) about Israel/Palestine right now, people seem to be missing that what Israel is doing is actually not very good for Israel, just what's good for Netanyahu. Let me explain (SHORT RANT (TM) ahead).
At this point, Israel has been carrying out a massive campaign of artillery and air strikes against one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. This seems to be in preparation for a massive ground invasion in which they intend to physically take, hold, and administer territory.
Not remotely. There are still a few hundred hostages held by Hamas. Air and artillery strikes aren't exactly precision, and the sheer amount of them (more bombs have been dropped on Gaza in a month than were ever dropped on Afghanistan in a year) means there's a high risk of killing those hostages if the targeting of Hamas strongholds and infrastructure is at all accurate. More importantly, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have nothing to do with Hamas have had their homes destroyed and their friends and relatives killed in strikes that have likely killed orders of magnitude more innocent civilians than actual Hamas fighters; even if one percent of those people decide to take up arms against Israel they've more than doubled Hamas' membership and it's now extremely unlikely that any Palestinian is going to provide Israel with good intelligence in the next several years, meaning that their ability to predict and prevent any future attacks has substantially diminished.
It would be in Israel's interest to make precision strikes based on clear intelligence, not what appear to be widespread strikes on just about anything and everything. Weakening Hamas is a key interest as would be gathering intel that allows them to locate and rescue any hostages they can, all while continuing negotiations to see if they can get the hostages returned peacefully. Oh, and doing all of this without inspiring a large population who were otherwise uninvolved to take up arms against them and not cutting off any human intelligence sources.
Yes, Netanyahu is the Prime Minister of Israel, but is horrifically unpopular. As in nearly 80% of Israelis think that this catastrophe is his fault and he should resign unpopular. Literally the only thing that is keeping a widespread call for his resignation at bay is that Israeli's are wary of changing leadership in the middle of active combat operations.
Netanyahu's interest in the short term is for this conflict not to end. Once it ends, after all, he'll likely be forced out of office and into a courtroom to face one of the many criminal charges that have been brought against him. A sustained bombing campaign followed by a long and bloody ground campaign and occupation certainly serves that interest.
In the longer term, however, it's also serving the political interests of Netanyahu and the settler and Jewish supremacist parties that make up his governing coalition. They have spent decades working to prevent any viable peace process with the Palestinians and creating a large movement of Palestinians committed to violent resistance against Israel servies their interests as well.
So this is your reminder, countries do best when the interests of their leaders are aligned with the interests of the country as a whole, but the fact that we have to say that should be a solid reminder that those interests do not necessarily align. Caesar's famous quote, "I would rather be first in a stinking village in Gaul than second in Rome", is a stark example of a person who would ruin their nation or even turn against it, so long as they get to rule it.
Today, we see this tragedy unfolding on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both sides would be well served by an equitable peace, but those who have control over the armed conflict, Ismael Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif of Hamas, who have called for the extermination of Israel among many, many other statements, on the Palestinian side and Benjamin Netanyahu, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who has called for the extermination of Arabs, even Arab citizens of Israel, and was convicted of supporting anti-Arab terrorism, and Bezalel Smotrich, who has referred to Hamas as an asset in preventing the formation of a Palestinian state and has declared even the existence of Arab citizens in Israel a "mistake", on the Israeli side are calling the shots.
Neither sides' leaders have the broader good of their people in mind and both are sure to cause far more violence, bloodshed, and damage to their own compatriots in the name of their extremist views before all is said and done.
I recommend you think about what you want to have happen rather than just blindly supporting a side. For me, I believe that Israel as a state has a right to exist and that all people involved have a right to dignity, security, and self-determination. Because of this, I refuse to support either the actions of the current Israeli government or the actions of Hamas; both have committed and are committing horrific atrocities undertaken by violent extremists in the name of unending war.
Support what you think will be best for the people you care about, but be careful about just blindly following the political leadership of a side that may not have the actual best interests of those people in mind.
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sumechiayuu · 7 months
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Noury (@/Noony_Boony on twitter, she is a Palestinian JJK fanartist who unfortunately lost her eye due to the attacks) has recently made a reply thread post of Palestine donations on march 1st, going to try and link all the ones I can on here due to twitter thread links unfortunately not working if you have no account
Donations to Noury’s cousin who recently lost his uncle and home
Donations to the Zack Family to escape from Gaza
Donations to Ahmed Abu Rabea
Donations to Mai and her family
Donations to the Daniel family
Donations to help this family escape Gaza
Donations to help Farah and her family
Donations to help Ahmed Hamouda’s family
Donations to help this family escape Gaza
Donations to help this family of 7 escape Gaza
Donations to help the Abdelwahed family escape Gaza
Donations to help Hamza
Donations to help Mohamed Hallam Abuzaid and his family
Donations to help Saja’s family escape Gaza
Donations to help Mohammed’s family
Donations to help Sohad’s family escape Gaza
Donations to help Ismail Morshed’s family
Donations to help Mohammad’s family escape Gaza
Donations to help Hala Nassar’s family escape Gaza
Donations to help this family escape
Donations to help this family escape
Donations to help Akram’s family
Donations to help this family in Gaza
Donations to help this displaced family in Gaza
Donations to help Saif
Donations to help this Palestinian med student
Donations to help this family evacuate Gaza
Donations to help Loai’s family escape
Donations to help Sarah’s family
Donations to help Nour and her family escape
Donations to help Ahmed’s family
Donations to help Mahmoud rebuild his bakery
Donations to help Walaa’s family escape Gaza
Donations to help Hafez Badawi’s children
Donations to help these children in North Gaza
Donations to help Miar’s family
Donations to help Ismael’s family escape Gaza
Donations to help this handicapped child escape Gaza
Donations to help rescue this family
Donations to help this family whose home was destroyed
Donations to help Jenin’s family
NOTE: If I missed any others you are free to respond with other links. Also, here is a link to Operation Olive Branch, a spreadsheet with other 100+ funds. All your help counts to help the Palestinians
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a-shade-of-blue · 12 days
New Gaza fundraiser asks I've received (12 September)
Mohammed & Diana (@melhindips): They have 12 members in their immediate family. Diana is currently pregnant with their third child, and their daughter suffers from a neck injury. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/4e1d146f) (vetted by PaliLiberation and is documented as Family #132. (FYI PaliLiberation is an Instagram and Tiktok based initiative, and they only document campaigns who have passed their verification process))
Ali Jundia (@ali-manar2024-family, @ali2024-family): Ali is from a family of 9. His son Yazan has been injured in the foot by a sharpnel. Ali is raising funds to evacuate his family and provide treatment for Yazan. (https://gofund.me/c76c2983) (vetted by association. Ali Jundia is a friend of @samerpal (#196 on the verified fundraiser list vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi)) (kr959 SEK raised of kr550,000 goal)
Mohammed Ayman (@mohammed-gaza): Mohammed is 19 years old. He is trying to evacuate himself and 7 family members including 5 children. Their house has been destroyed and they are now living in a displaced people camp in Mawasi Khan Younis. (https://gofund.me/a0fe2508) (vetted by association. Mohammed is a friend of @maram-gaza (#196 on the  Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list. Also vetted by association. Maram is a friend of @yousefjehad3 (#255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi))) (€40 raised of €70,000 goal)
Alaa (@alaa-syam): Alaa has 3 children: Raghad (15), Ahmed (10) and Ismael (14). Ahmed suffers from a serious eye condition but has not been able to receive medical treatment. Alaa is fundrasing to provide for basic necessities and medical treatment for Ahmed. (https://gofund.me/0a8f5756) (vetted by association. Alaa is a sister of @yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost and listed as #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi)) ($206 CAD raised of $30,000 goal)
Noha Ayyad (@nohaayyad19): Nour lost her only child (two-and-a-half-year old) and her husband in the 2014 war. Her home has been destroyed. Her mother suffers from arthritis and back pain, and her brother Darwish suffers from paralysis in his right leg and needs regular treatment. She seeks to evacuate her 17 family members out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/00cf57d2) (#78 on the Operation Olive Branch verified fundraiser list) 
Anas Al-Sharfa (@anasalshrofa): Anas dreams of being a doctor but his uni has been destroyed. Their younger siblings are at risk since they haven’t received their vaccinations and there is an outbreak of polio. His brother suffered from jaundice and there is no treatment. (https://gofund.me/589a25a1) (#913 on the Butterfly Effect Project vetted fundraiser list) (€1,961 raised of €50,000 goal)
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 13 - 25 July.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 26 -29 July.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 30 July - 1 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6 - 10 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 11 - 14 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 15 - 18 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 19 - 21 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 22 - 24 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 25 - 28 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 29 August - 1 September
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6-10 September.
How does vetting and verification work? See post here. (also read comments regarding 90-ghost and why we trust the campaigns he has shared)
Click here for my Google Doc with my complete masterlist of all the Palestinian gfm asks I've received, updated daily (along with other verified ways to send aid to Gaza).
See post here for other verified ways to send aid to Gaza.
Don't forget your Daily Clicks on Arab.org, it's free!!! and Every click made is registered in their system and generates donation from sponsors/advertisers.)
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dailyomegakids · 1 month
Links to Palestinian fundraisers'
Mohammed Hamouda
Yousef Alaqraa
Abdulrahman Awad
Muhammad Shabat
Em Yousef
Sallah Qassem
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yesterdayandkarma · 2 months
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Happily Never After by Mohamed Ismael
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othmanibnaffan · 2 years
Zainab al-Khalidi (1 marzo 1989) è un'insegnante presso l'università di Stoccolma mentre in precedenza era un'insegnante presso l'università di Falluja una venditrice per la bibita aranciata Mirinda,cameriera presso il ristorante halal Griled Grand Turkish Restaurant, lavoratrice per Pepsi Arabia e militante per Free Syrian Army di nazionalità saudita, è sorella minore di Umar al-Khalidi e discendente del guerriero Khalid Ibn al-Walid.
È attualmente sposata con Ibrahim al-Badri
Breve biografia
Zainab al-Khalidi nasce l'1 marzo 1989 mentre suo fratello maggiore Umar al-Khalidi nacque il 20 aprile 1986 da una famiglia saudita a Riyadh in Arabia Saudita.
Nel 2019, Zainab iniziò a lavorare presso Pepsi Arabia quando le condizioni lavorative per le donne hanno iniziato a migliorare e rimase in stretto contatto con suo fratello maggiore Umar al-Khalidi che la protegge.
Nel 2022, Zainab dall'emiro dell'Arabia Saudita viene proposta come moglie per l'ex califfo Ibrahim al-Badri che era allora nel centro riabilitativo saudita per ex jihadisti Mohammed Bin Naif Counseling and care center ma venne rifiutata di essere sposata perché voleva conoscerla prima meglio.
Il 30 ottobre, viene inviata ad Idlib in Siria in Free Syrian Army come militante e sposò Ibrahim al-Badri tramite l'imam saudita di origini irachene Mohammed al-Iraqi.
Il 12 novembre, Zainab si trasferisce a Samail in Oman insieme a suo marito Ibrahim al-Badri dove inizia a lavorare come cameriera presso il ristorante halal Griled Grand Turkish Restaurant.
Il 17 novembre, Zainab si trasferisce insieme a suo marito Ibrahim a New York dove inizia a lavorare come venditrice per la bibita aranciata Mirinda.
L'1 dicembre, Zainab si trasferisce a Falluja in Iraq insieme a suo marito Ibrahim al-Badri dove inizia a lavorare come insegnante presso l'università di Falluja.
Il 24 dicembre, Zainab si trasferisce a Stoccolma in Svezia insieme a suo marito Ibrahim al-Badri.
Il 4 gennaio, Zainab si fece l'estetica femminile dipingendonsi i capelli biondi e indossando le lenti di contatto azzurri soltanto durante il lavoro e quando esce con il marito.
Pesci con ascendentein Scorpione è una personalità enigmatica, difficile da conoscere. Il suo umore è molto fluttuante.
Adesso è gentile, un minuto dopo freddo come il ghiaccio. Tuttavia, è socievole e conquista facilmente le persone.
Cerca di essere ammirato dagli altri. Poiché è così chiuso e difficile da conoscere, può essere più ruvido e sembrare più freddo di quello che è in realtà, nascondendo emozioni profonde sotto una copertura indisturbata.
Molto intuitivo, può avere doni paranormali o una sensibilità extra psichica
Chiunque sia nato con un ascendente Scorpione è una persona misteriosa, che di solito gli altri hanno difficoltà a capire.
A prima vista, è freddo, riservato e sembra passare inosservato. Tuttavia, quando le persone acquisiscono la loro fiducia, diventano sempre più affettuose, affabili, mostrandosi persino estroverse se si sentono in un ambiente accogliente.
Quando si innamora è intenso, dominante e possessivo, ma anche molto fedele. Le relazioni intime non sono solo necessarie ma vitali: quando incontra qualcuno di cui si fida abbastanza da donarsi, diventa un amante meraviglioso.
L’amore per i bambini è una delle cose più importanti della sua vita e per loro è capace di tutto. Professionalmente, apprezzerà i lavori che  consentono di approfondire la ricerca e il potere della leadership.
Gli piacciono le professioni che permettono loro di analizzare a fondo e in cui possono mostrare le loro abilità. Come dipendenti, sono persone molto intuitive e si sforzano di fare tutto il lavoro che gli viene chiesto di fare, ma a loro piace farlo a modo loro, per dargli un tocco personale.
Non amano però essere disturbati mentre fanno il loro lavoro, né ricevere ordini.
-al-Khalidi (discendenti del guerriero Khalid Ibn al-Walid)
-Quraysh (tribù discendente di Ismaele e nota per i califfato islamici)
Relazione con il marito:
Rapporto misogino che portato alla segregazione,violenza fisica e verbale,sottomessa con niente libertà,sogni e passioni, ridotta solo alla schiavitù e vive con tristezza e depressione tutti giorni.
Sin dal primo giorno, Zainab era stata ingannata sin dal primo giorno che ha incontrato Ibrahim e fu separata dalla sua famiglia che vive ancora in Arabia Saudita e suo fratello Umar al-Khalidi l'aveva tradita ignorando intenazionalmente che sapeva già che Ibrahim è un criminale.
Abu Bakr al-Khalidi (padre)
Asma al-Hashimi (madre)
Ibrahim al-Badri (marito)
Aisha al-Khalidi (sorella, 1981)
Asma al-Khalidi (sorella,1983)
Umar al-Khalidi (fratello,1986)
Muhammad al-Khalidi (fratello,1992)
Abd al-Rahman al-Khalidi (fratello,1994)
Abdullah al-Khalidi (fratello,1996)
Othman al-Hashimi (cognato, cugino materno e marito di Aisha)
Alì al-Hashimi (cognato, cugino materno e marito di Asma)
Aafia al-Hashimi (cognata,cugina materna e moglie di Muhammad)
Fatima al-Hashimi (cognata,cugina materna e moglie di Abd al-Rahman)
Khadjia al-Hashimi (nipote,cugina di Il grado e figlia di Aisha al-Khalidi e Othman al-Hashimi)
Qasim al-Hashimi (nipote,cugino di Il grado e figlio di Aisha al-Khalidi e Othman al-Hashimi)
Safiyya al-Hashimi (nipote,cugina di Il grado e figlia di Asma al-Khalidi e Alì al-Hashimi)
Umm al-Hashimi (nipote,cugina di Il grado e figlia di Asma al-Khalidi e Alì al-Hashimi)
Raghad al-Hashimi (nipote, cugina di Il grado e figlia di Asma al-Khalidi e Alì al-Hashimi)
Jafar al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Muhammad al-Khalidi e Aafia al-Hashimi)
Husam al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Muhammad al-Khalidi e Aafia al-Hashimi)
Walid al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Abd al-Rahman al-Khalidi e Fatima al-Hashimi)
Hassan al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Abd al-Rahman al-Khalidi e Fatima al-Hashimi)
-Emeraude Toubia
-Helena Mattsson
-July Namir
-Amanda Seyfried (pv attuale)
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choicesthot · 1 month
Gazans You Can Help
They all reached out to me, and they all have confirmations on their page from trusted Tumblr accounts and outside sources helping Palestinians. I have donated to them all; I'm only sorry I couldn't give more.
Please give what you can and reblog 🙏🕊️
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Mohammed Hussein Ismael, his parents Raja and Hussein, and two sisters Iman and Noor
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Mohammad Taysir, his wife Basma, and daughter Yazan and son Joud
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Dr. Mohammed Al-Deeb, who is still working at Al-Aqsa Hospital in Gaza
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Ahmed Jehad, his wife and daughter
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dozydawn · 4 months
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“A Palestinian girl sits near a destroyed house demolished during an Israeli military operation yesterday. Seven Palestinians were killed and 16 were wounded when Israeli tanks and bulldozers, backed by attack aircrafts, entered the east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza.”
Photographed by Ismael Mohamed.
28 December 2007.
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partidosdeportugal · 6 months
¿Cuáles son los jugadores destacados de Al Ain FC esta temporada?
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¿Cuáles son los jugadores destacados de Al Ain FC esta temporada?
Jugadores titulares de Al Ain FC
El Al Ain FC es uno de los equipos más emblemáticos y exitosos de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, con una rica historia llena de logros y títulos. Entre los jugadores titulares que actualmente destacan en el equipo se encuentran varios talentos destacados tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Uno de los jugadores más destacados del Al Ain FC es el delantero Marcus Berg, que ha demostrado ser un goleador letal y una pieza clave en el ataque del equipo. Otro jugador importante en la alineación titular es el centrocampista Tongo Doumbia, conocido por su habilidad para recuperar balones y distribuir juego en el mediocampo.
En la defensa, el Al Ain FC cuenta con jugadores sólidos como Ismael Ahmed y Mohammed Fayez, quienes se han destacado por su solidez y experiencia en la zaga del equipo. En la portería, Khalid Eisa es el guardameta titular indiscutible, con grandes reflejos y habilidades para mantener su arco en cero.
Con estos jugadores titulares, el Al Ain FC continúa compitiendo al más alto nivel tanto en la liga nacional como en torneos internacionales, manteniendo vivo el legado de éxito y pasión por el fútbol que caracteriza a este histórico club.
Rendimiento de los jugadores de Al Ain FC
El rendimiento de los jugadores de Al Ain FC es un elemento clave para el éxito del equipo en la liga. Cada jugador aporta habilidades únicas que contribuyen al desempeño general del equipo. Desde los goleadores hasta los defensores, cada posición es importante para lograr la victoria en el campo.
Los delanteros son fundamentales para marcar goles y asegurar la ventaja en el marcador. Con su habilidad para desbordar a la defensa rival y finalizar las jugadas, los delanteros de Al Ain FC juegan un papel crucial en el éxito del equipo.
Los centrocampistas son el motor del equipo, controlando el centro del campo y distribuyendo el balón a sus compañeros. Su capacidad para recuperar el balón y crear oportunidades de gol es fundamental para mantener la presión sobre el rival.
Los defensores son la última línea de defensa del equipo, trabajando juntos para proteger la portería y frustrar los intentos de gol del equipo contrario. Su solidez defensiva y capacidad para anticipar las jugadas del rival son esenciales para mantener la ventaja en el marcador.
En resumen, el rendimiento de los jugadores de Al Ain FC es fundamental para el éxito del equipo en la liga. Con su habilidad, trabajo en equipo y dedicación, cada jugador contribuye a la grandeza del club y a la satisfacción de los aficionados.
Estadísticas destacadas de Al Ain FC
Al Ain FC es un equipo de fútbol con una rica historia y un desempeño destacado en el fútbol de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Este club ha logrado numerosos logros a lo largo de los años, y sus estadísticas son realmente impresionantes.
Una de las estadísticas destacadas de Al Ain FC es su récord de títulos de liga. El club ha ganado la liga de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en múltiples ocasiones, consolidándose como uno de los equipos más exitosos del país. Además, Al Ain FC también ha tenido un buen desempeño en competiciones continentales, llegando a ser subcampeón de la Liga de Campeones de la AFC en más de una ocasión.
Otra estadística impresionante de Al Ain FC es la cantidad de seguidores y aficionados que tiene en todo el mundo. El club cuenta con una base de seguidores apasionados que lo respaldan en cada partido, creando un ambiente único en el estadio y demostrando el impacto que este equipo tiene en la comunidad futbolística.
En resumen, las estadísticas de Al Ain FC son un reflejo de su grandeza y su legado en el fútbol nacional e internacional. Con múltiples títulos de liga y un gran número de seguidores, este club continúa destacando en la escena futbolística y dejando una marca imborrable en la historia del deporte.
Mejores jugadores de Al Ain FC 2021
El Al Ain FC es uno de los clubes de fútbol más destacados en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y cuenta con un equipo repleto de talento para la temporada 2021. Entre los jugadores más destacados del Al Ain FC en el año 2021 se encuentran:
Omar Abdulrahman: Conocido como "Amoory", es un talentoso mediocampista creativo que destaca por su visión de juego y habilidades técnicas.
Kodjo Laba: Delantero togolés que ha demostrado ser letal frente al arco rival, con una gran capacidad goleadora y velocidad en el campo.
Caio Canedo: Centrocampista brasileño que aporta equilibrio al equipo con su calidad en la distribución del balón y capacidad para marcar goles.
Mohamed Abdulrahman: Defensor sólido y experimentado que aporta seguridad a la zaga del Al Ain FC con su inteligencia táctica y fortaleza física.
Bandar Al Ahbabi: Joven promesa emiratí que destaca por su habilidad en el regate y su velocidad en la banda, siendo una pieza clave en el ataque del equipo.
Estos jugadores son solo algunos de los talentos que conforman la plantilla del Al Ain FC en el año 2021, demostrando su calidad y compromiso en cada partido. Con su habilidad y determinación, el equipo aspira a alcanzar el éxito en las competiciones locales e internacionales.
Jugadores clave en Al Ain FC
Al Ain FC es uno de los clubes de fútbol más destacados de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y ha contado a lo largo de su historia con jugadores clave que han dejado una huella imborrable en la institución. Estos futbolistas han demostrado su talento, habilidad y compromiso en cada partido, convirtiéndose en piezas fundamentales para el éxito del equipo.
Uno de los jugadores clave en la historia reciente de Al Ain FC es Omar Abdulrahman, conocido como "Amoory". Este talentoso mediocampista ha sido un referente en el equipo durante años, destacando por su visión de juego, creatividad y precisión en los pases. Su habilidad para desequilibrar en el centro del campo lo ha convertido en uno de los ídolos de la afición.
Otro jugador emblemático en la historia del club es Asamoah Gyan, delantero ghanés que brilló en Al Ain FC con sus goles y su instinto goleador. Gyan fue vital en la consecución de títulos para el equipo y dejó una marca imborrable en la memoria de los seguidores del club.
Además, vale la pena mencionar a Ismail Ahmed, defensa sólido y confiable que ha sido una pieza clave en la defensa de Al Ain FC. Su liderazgo, entrega y capacidad para anticipar las jugadas lo han convertido en un pilar fundamental en la estructura del equipo.
En definitiva, estos jugadores clave han contribuido de manera significativa al éxito y la grandeza de Al Ain FC, dejando un legado que perdurará en la historia del club y en el corazón de sus seguidores.
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at-what-is-my-name · 2 years
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 aujourd’hui 9 février. il y a des cadavres, conséquence des politiques des frontières européennes criminelles -stop-
jour international de la pizza - sinon. Une personne non identifiée originaire d'Afrique de l'Ouest meurt à l'hôpital après avoir été secourue d'un bateau sahraoui à la dérive au sud des îles Canaries (Espagne) - Mohamed Idris et 27 autres personnes non identifiées originaires du Soudan, du Niger, du Mali et d'Iran meurent noyées, leur canot pneumatique a disparu alors qu'ils se rendaient d'al-Qarbouli (Libye) en Italie ; 2 corps sont retrouvés. - Un jeune homme non identifié se serait noyé et son corps aurait été retrouvé en état de décomposition dans un filet de pêche près de Benabdelmalek Ramdane (DZ) Abdul Basit Adam Juma (garçon) se serait noyé avec toutes les personnes qui se trouvaient sur le même bateau disparu en route de Libye vers l'Italie.  Les proches ont recueilli les noms des personnes disparues, qui sont : Abdalaziz Hassan Ibrahim Aboubacar Abdallah Ahmed Adnan Saleh Zakariya Ahmed Abaker Rijal Alfadhel Aloomda Moussa Bakr Alhaj Abdulrahman Jomaa Wadi Alseed Hasballah Eyas Ayman Alhabshi Gazzafi Edris Hamad Hamd Hamid Adam Omer Shaw Ibrahim Abdelrahim Abdullah Ibrahim Adam Khaled Youssef Khafir Aka Muzamil Abdallah Khadir Osman Mudathar Ali Alzein Estik Mohamed Abood Bahraldin Wadi Mohamed Abdelkarim A. Bakhat Mohamed Haroon Hassan Khatr Hamad Dafallah Jomaa Mohammed Tamr Montassir Issa Adam Ahmed Mustafa Tanqis Nasrladin Adin Yahya Osman Babiker Osman 'Alshibly' Rasheed Musa Jomaa Wadi Sameer Aldoma Adam Ibrahim Wiz Yassin Aboo Yaqoub Ali Abdel-Qader Yasin Abaker Abdulr. Mostafa Ahmed Gamal Abdallah Bedi Abu Baker Ibrahim Mohedine Salah Adam Mubarak Haroon Mussa Yaakoob Adnan Salah Ahmad Bakar Rijal Abacar Ibrahim Abacar Mohammad Haroon Mahjoub Aboud Omar Musa Osman Yusife Jaro Ammar Alnel Ahmed Ismael Idrees Adam Abaker Mohamed Suliman Yagoub S. Nour Maathin Mahdi Moussa Badradin Eissa Mohamed Hamid Amir Abdulrahman Ahmad Omar Mustafa Karbino Omrane Jabralla Mohammed Abaker Ibrahime Hissean Abdallah Sharif Hagar Jogle Abdulrahman Mustafa Othman Abkar Othman Mobark Salim Abdallah Gaid Bahar Said Hasb Allah (...) toujours plus de cadavres -paix à leur âme
liste des 48.647 décès documentés depuis 1993, des personnes sur les routes de l’exil dus aux politiques restrictives de la " Forteresse Europe " Documentation par UNITED -https://unitedagainstrefugeedeaths.eu/about-the-campaign/about-the-united-list-of-deaths/
à partir du travail fait par l'association  UNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees  - https://unitedagainstrefugeedeaths.eu/

et NOMBRANDOLES -espacio de mémoria- https://www.instagram.com/nombrandoles
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sports-live-result · 2 years
FIFA world cup 2022 squads: Canada and Ghana Squads
The FIFA World Cup, often simply called the World Cup, is an international association football competition contested by the senior men's national teams of the members of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, the sport's 
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The FIFA world cup 2022 is an upcoming international Football tournament held in Qatar from November 20 to December 18, 2022. the 32 national teams involved in the tournament are required to register squads of up to 26 players, including three goalkeepers. only players in these Squads are eligible to take part in the tournaments.
The Canada men's national soccer team represents Canada in men's international soccer competitions at the senior men's level officially since 1924.
FIFA World Cup 2022: Canada Squad:
Goalkeepers: James Pantemis, Milan Borjan, Dayne St Clair
Defenders: Samuel Adekugbe, Joel Waterman, Alistair Johnston, Richie Laryea, Kamal Miller, Steven Vitoria,  . . .
Midfielders: Liam Fraser, Ismael Kone, Mark-Anthony Kaye, David Wotherspoon, Jonathan Osorio, Atiba Hutchinson, Stephen Eustaquio, Samuel Piette
Forwards: Taejon Buchanan, Liam Millar, Lucas Cavallini .
The Ghana national football team represents Ghana in men's international football, doing it since 1957. The team consists of twenty players including the technical team and here you see the FIFA 2022 Ghana Squad.
FIFA World Cup 2022: Ghana Squad:
Goalkeepers: Lawrence Ati, Donald Ibrahim, Manaf Nurudeen
Defenders: Joseph Aidoo, Daniel Amartey, Baba Rahman, Alexander Djiku, Tariq Lamptey, Gideon Mensah, Denis O . . .
Midfielders: Andre Ayew, Mohammed Kudus, Daniel-Kofi Kyereh, Elisha Owusu, Thomas Partey, Salis Abdul Samed
Forwards: Daniel Afriyie, Jordan Ayew, Osman Bukari, Issahaku Abdul Fatawu, Antoine Semenyo.
And all squads and news in detail you can see on the SportsTiger website here you get the all information about the FIFA world cup 2022 and many sports news so follow now and be fully updated about FIFA world cup news.
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nabeiradocampo · 2 years
Postado num sistema baseado no 5-3-2, a seleção anfitriã da Copa do Mundo é um time curioso de se observar. Isso porque, por mais que jogue com uma linha de cinco atrás, não atua em blocos tão baixos e, muitas vezes, salta pra tentar roubar a bola e acelerar.
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O técnico espanhol Félix Sánchez faz com que seu time, em sua grande maioria, abdique da bola, até pela limitação técnica e de peças, mas sempre tentando controlar e vencer duelos no meio de campo e acelerando com os alas até chegar na dupla de ataque, grande destaque técnico.
Resumindo um pouco, o Catar não vai e nem quer ser, exatamente, o protagonista das partidas em questões de posse. Por mais que possa ter, em determinadas fases e momentos do jogo, o controle, a princípio vai tentar roubar e acelerar. A limitação, obviamente, pode acabar pesando.
Em tese, a única grande dúvida de Sánchez no time para a estreia deve ser a ala-direita. Pedro Miguel se destaca pelo maior equilíbrio, tanto que até já atuou como zagueiro pela direita. Porém, Ismael Mohamed é o favorito e tem o apoio como maior destaque (era ponta).
DESTAQUE ⭐: Akram Afif Sem dúvidas, Akram Afif é a grande referência técnica da seleção do Catar. Um dos melhores jogadores do futebol asiático nos últimos anos, o atacante se destaca pelo seu bom refinamento técnico e poder de finalização, além da versatilidade.
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FIQUE DE OLHO 👀: Almoez Ali Companheiro de ataque de Afif, Ali tem um entendimento bem interessante na referência do Catar. Assim como Afif, também é um atacante versátil e que tem bom funcionamento num sistema de dois atacantes. A movimentação e entrosamento será legal de ver.
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