#islamic legends
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annachum · 1 year ago
Broke : Helen of Troy literally caused the Trojan War
Woke : While Helen of Troy may have played a part in causing the Trojan War, it was Menelaus and Paris who actually mobilized Spartan and Trojan troops at each other and thus all 3 played a part in causing near total devastation of the Grecian Realms in the Trojan War
Broke : Queen Guinevere caused the fall of Camelot
Woke : It is actually King Arthur's increasing pride that inadvertently driven Guinevere and several of his knigbts away, and Lancelot and Guinevere grew closer over the shared disappointment and dismay in what Arthur has become. Arthur's increasing over pride literally becomes a single and major factor for the fall of Camelot
Broke : Scheherazade single handedly saved the Abbasid Caliphate with her stories
Woke : While Scheherazade's stories may have played a focal part in ceasing the Abbasid Civil War, it is actually also all the royals and nobles siding with Harun AL Rashid and Shahryar ( and Shahryar himself ) then learning to take responsibility and commence efforts in repairing the Abbasid Civil War, after literally waging a civil war at each other over how one of Harun's younger cousins, who is Shahryar's 1st wife, cheated on him with a cook who plotted for Shahryar's demise from his Persian throne.
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calabria-mediterranea · 11 months ago
The Festival of the Giants in Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy
A glimpse of i giganti at a Sicilian or Calabrian festival is a treat for all ages. But who are these folkloric giants – the golden-haired damsel and her dark-skinned suitor – and what are their origins? Just as the evocative figures float and whirl through the streets, their history entwines actual events and colorful myth to create the intriguing tradition.
The legend of the giganti is generally thought to originate in Messina, the northeastern Sicilian city that is separated from Calabria in the toe of the mainland by the aptly named Strait of Messina. Some accounts tell of a beautiful peasant girl, others of a local princess, but whatever her social position, the young maiden came from a virtuous, Christian family. Her name was Marta, or Mata in dialect. One day around 970 A.D. during the period of the Saracen invasions, a very tall Arab named Hassass Ibn-Hammar came ashore with his men to pillage the city. Upon seeing the lovely Mata, the prince asked for her hand in marriage. She refused, causing him to plunder all the more.
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As a good Catholic, Mata resorted to prayer. Some stories tell of her kidnapping, but whether voluntarily or by force, she eventually capitulated and fell in love with the Muslim prince when he converted to Christianity and gave up his barbaric ways. He subsequently changed his name to Grifo and came to be known as Grifone due to his noteworthy physical stature. (The suffix -one denotes largeness in Italian.)
Across the Strait of Messina in Calabria, the giganti are constructed of papier-mâché and rest on the shoulders of their handlers.
Hidden under the giants’ skirts with a face hole to help guide their way, the puppeteers engage in a dance of courtship – the swarthy, mustached Saracen versus the fair, rosy-cheeked girl next door.  Fast footwork to the step of the tarantella conducts the couple through turns, inclinations and other gestures that draw them ever nearer and lead to an embrace or kiss to the delight of the crowd.
The ballo is accompanied by the incessant beating of drums that not only requires great stamina from the puppeteers, but has even inspired legends.
Calabria and Sicily share the giganti as they share the Strait and histories plagued with foreign incursion and domination. The ballo of Mata and Grifone is commonly viewed as a representation of the struggle between Islam and Catholicism. In festive atmospheres throughout the regions, the conflict is peacefully resolved, the people emerge victoriously, liberty is preserved and everyone has a good time. Long histories and engaging folkloric traditions come together to form part of a rich cultural fabric in which i giganti play an important part, both enlightening and entertaining the generations of today and tomorrow.
Video by Giganti Varapodio RC Profilo
Written by Karen Haid
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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mfelewzi · 2 months ago
Severim Ben Seni - Turkish Song
For all he's interested to a piece of Sufism. And for @camcat1320 , of some verses of this Song could help for your Story, and not for One character. And a link to see how the Song was Completed by some breathing exercises (the pauses among the verses and After the refrain, they were all breathing exercises, and they were made with that head's movement in the video).
-Old Turkish Lyrics
Severim ben seni candan içeri (X2)
Yolum vardır bu erkandan içeri (X2)
Beni bende demem bende değilim (X2)
Bir ben vardır bende benden içeri (X2)
Nereye bakar isem dopdolusun (X2)
Seni nere koyam benden içeri (X2)
O bir dilber dürür yoktur nişanı (X2)
Nişan olur mu nişandan içeri (X2)
Beni sorma bana bende değilim (X2)
Suretim boş yürür dondan içeri (X2)
Beni benden alana ermez elim (X2)
Kim kadem basa sultandan içeri (X2)
Tecelliden nasip erdi kimine (X2)
Kiminin maksudu bundan içeri (X2)
Kime didar gününden şule değse (X2)
Onun şulesi var günden içeri (X2)
(not singed by Farya Faraji)
Senin aşkın beni benden alıptır (X2)
Ne şirin dert bu dermandan içeri (X2)
(not singed by Farya Faraji)
Şeriat tarikat yoldur varana (X2)
Hakikat meyvası andan içeri (X2)
(and It would be the refrain of the Song)
Dini terk edenin küfürdür işi (X2)
Ol ne küfürdür imandan içeri (X2)
Unuttum din diyanet kaldı benden (X2)
Bu ne mezhep dürür dinden içeri (X2)
Süleyman kuş dilin bilir dediler (X2)
Süleyman Süleyman'dan içeri (X2)
Geçer iken Yunus şeş oldu dosta (X2)
Kim kaldı kapıda andan içeri (X2)
-English Translation
I love you from the depths of my soul,
My path lies within these truths profound.
I do not call myself "me," for I am not "me";
There is a "self" within me, beyond "me."
Wherever I look, you fill it completely,
Where could I place you, for you're beyond me
That beauty is veiled, with no outward sign;
How can there be a sign beyond the unseen?
Do not ask of me, for I am not within;
My form walks hollow, stripped of its shell.
I cannot grasp the one who took me from myself;
Whose steps tread higher, beyond the sovereign's domain.
Some receive their share from divine manifestation,
While others seek what lies beyond even this.
Whoever catches a glimpse of the radiance of the vision,
Their glow surpasses even the light of the day
Your love has taken me from myself;
What a sweet pain, beyond any remedy. (Farya did not sing these parts)
The Sharia and the Path are roads for travelers, But Truth's fruit lies beyond even them. (Farya did not sing these parts)
To abandon faith is the act of disbelief,
Yet what disbelief surpasses even faith?
I have forgotten religion and ritual;
What path is this, beyond all creeds?
They said Solomon knew the language of birds, Yet Solomon lies beyond Solomon himself.
Passing through, Yunus found himself scattered in the beloved,
Who remains at the door, beyond that threshold.
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wellofhavoc · 2 years ago
very weird to see people seemingly willfully ignoring the actual connections between the fictional kingdom of hyrule to real world historical events and even claiming it's racist to draw those connections
nintendo was the one who put a cross on link's shield first
the only thing that makes link NOT a crusader is the fact that we know objectively in the world of legend of zelda that hylia is a real, benevolent god and that demise (in the body of ganondorf) is ACTUALLY the devil. that's it, that is the only thing that distances the games from real world atrocities committed by christians in the name of their god. you can still enjoy the games! i love the games!!! but acting like people who draw these comparisons are the ones who are insensitive and lacking an understanding of real world cultures is- in fact- the weird thing to do here, so please let other people enjoy their own interpretation of the series- i promise you that you can still enjoy the games as they're written.
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mfelewzi · 2 months ago
This is just the personal view of the author, It isn't a Dogma or an Absolute Truth
The Muslim Fist. That was an other name of the style that authors used as reference for Azula's Fire Bending.
Probably, nobody of the authors and writers had known this origins. But It's interesting for me.
That's why, in my personal view, every Azula's Redemption Arc should be influenced by Muslim Sufism, and as Persian was Fire and Arabia was Earth for Firdouzi and other medieval Persian authors, and Persia had a debt with Arabia for the religion part of Iran's identity, Islam, at the same time Azula's development should happened in the Earth Kingdom, the Place under her dignity but the only Place when She can find a Place to rule (as in Azula's in the Spirit Temple), and a Place that had a part in the formation of Fire Nation (in the Old Lore, when the actual Fire Nation's inhabitants were descendents of Bhanti, a people migrated by Earth Continent). Ah, for @camcat1320 (please, hear when you have time) @akiizayoi4869 and @wingchunwaterbender : here's my two personal themes of this personal interpretation of an Azula's Redemption Arc.
Severim Ben Seni, written by Yunus Emre, a XIII Century Sufi and singed by Farya Faraji
Safawids, a composition of different poems written by Shah Ismayl, Shahanshah of Safawid Dinasty of Iran (and Great Conqueror by the Age of 14 years, just like Azula, but with some mystical exagerations like believe of being the Incarnation of Caliph 'Alī and Master of the Twelve Imams), singed by Farya Faraji.
Ah, I would a Sufi experience for Zuko too. Because Sufi meditation exercises and dhikr are based on respiration exercises, as we can hear and see in the videos (especially in the beginning of the Safawids video).
Fighting Styles: Azula
Today I’m going to take an in-depth look at Azula’s fighting style, which, after much debate between myself and my Sihing and Sidi, has been identified as a mix of Northern Shaolin and Chaquan/Chachuan (查拳). I’m mainly going to focus on Chaquan/Chachuan, because Northern Shaolin refers to a ton of different styles, and thus is not as easily defined, and Chachuan is what makes Azula’s fighting style unique in comparison with other firebenders. So let’s get started, shall we?
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First, what exactly is Chaquan/Chachuan? 
Chachuan (The Cha Family Fist) is a substyle of Changquan (長拳), a Northern style which literally translates into “The Long Fist”. Changquan is one of the most popular styles of kung fu in China, due to the “showiness” of its acrobatic forms, and is often performed at tournaments. While it does not technically fall under the category of “Northern Shaolin”, since it did not originate directly from Shaolin, Changquan contains many elements in common with Northern Shaolin styles, due to the constantly evolving nature of kung fu in China throughout history. It is said that the alleged creator of Changquan, Emperor Zhao Kuangyin, was greatly influenced by Shaolin styles, and the resulting prevalence of Changquan in turn greatly influenced the Northern Shaolin styles. 
The four families of Changquan are: Cha (The Cha Family/Muslim Fist), Hua (The Hua Family/Flower Fist), Pao (The Cannon Fist), and Hong (The Red Fist). Azula specifically uses the Cha Fist (which itself is split into three different families of Zhang [faster, more agile, more compact], Li [more upright, more comfortable, more graceful], and Yang [more powerful, more continuous, and more direct], but due to the limitations of her fighting animations I cannot discern exactly which family style she uses).  
The most notable contribution of Chachuan is the form known as Tantui, or the “Springing Legs” form. Many styles of kung fu, including Northern Shaolin, have incorporated Tantui (or some version of it) into their core curriculum. In fact, it is so ubiquitous, that the Chinese Government adapted the original Cha 10-Road Tantui System as the basis for the contemporary sport of wushu. Though the Tantui System has been adapted into the curriculum for many different styles, and nowadays can be considered a style of its own, the Cha Tantui remains unique due to its irregular, off-beat rhythm and angular strikes, as well as frequent angle changes, which are the defining characteristics of Chachuan.
Other notable characteristics include:
1. Balanced use of both hands and feet
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2. Heavy emphasis on a strong offense, as well as numerous counter-attacks, because Chachuan relies on a strong offense to provide defense…
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(…which coincides with Azula’s general style of fighting…)
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3. Swift, forceful, and economical strikes, usually delivered at angles
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4. Wide extension of the limbs, to maximize the space between the body and the fist, keeping attackers at a safe distance
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5. Arms outstretched and striking in two different directions, in order to increase the user’s awareness of their surroundings and their effectiveness versus multiple combatants
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  6. Sweeping blows, from both hands and feet (Azula is a big fan of the low sweeping kick in particular, which she performs at least 3 times during the series)
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7. Impressive acrobatic kicks and leaps (The 10-Road Springing Legs Form provides the basis for this.)
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8. High degree of maneuverability, in contrast with more grounded forms like Tai Chi and Hung Gar
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Chachuan is a style that is noted for its extreme beauty, elegance, and grace, as well as its acrobatic nature, versatility, and combat effectiveness. During the Tang Dynasty, it was the martial art of choice employed by soldiers in the Imperial Army due to its ability to fend off multiple opponents.
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Unlike Northern Shaolin, where nearly every strike is delivered with a high degree of power, Chachuan’s forms and attack sequences are performed in continuous waves, with each movement leading into another, coalescing into a single (or multiple, depending on the situation) powerful strike(s) at the end. 
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Like any seasoned Chachuan user, Azula attacks in waves. She favors quick strikes that produce smaller bursts of flame, which usually culminate in one large burst at the end. The idea behind this is to chip away at your opponent’s weak spots with quick, soft blows, then finish them off with one or more hard blows at the end. The same applies to Azula, who likes to finish her fights with lightning generation (a Northern Shaolin form, but she performs it with the movement style of a Chachuan user). 
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The odd rhythm of Chachuan lends to its general unpredictability, and, along with a number of “sneaky” moves, makes it one of several styles (such as Drunken or Monkey) that actively relies on deception to evade and quickly dispatch its opponents. Graceful, quick movements transition abruptly into powerful strikes, interspersed with steady stances and sudden stops. It has been said that Chachuan users are like candles blowing in the wind; dancing gracefully one second, but still and steadfast the next. Any time a Chachuan practitioner is standing still, you’d best be prepared to defend, dodge, or block yourself against a series of incoming attacks. 
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Because it is a physically demanding art form that requires a high level of flexibility, Chachuan users must begin training at a very young age, and most competitive performers of the art are quite youthful. It is also a popular style among young girls and women.
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   Chachuan is one of the few martial arts in the world which remains relatively unchanged over the course of time. It is a style that embodies contradiction and balance, and has been heralded as vigorous, yet precise, graceful and authoritative, elegant but forceful. In combat, skilled Chachuan practitioners must be extremely efficient, due to the high physical demand the acrobatic style places on its user. The prodigious skill required of a Chachuan practitioner, along with its renowned beauty and effectiveness, make it the style perfectly suited for Azula’s personality. 
Random Notes:
The first form of Chachuan is called muzi (母子) or “Mother and Son”. The form Azula demonstrates as a child during “Zuko Alone” is very reminiscent of this form. Foreshadowing of her lingering resentment towards Ursa and Zuko, perhaps?
Interesting to note is that from Season 3 onwards, Azula begins wearing heavy armor. This would likely have impeded her ability to perform Chachuan to her full capacity, causing her to tire more quickly than normal.
Though Chachuan and Northern Shaolin have similar moves, the execution style overall is different. You can see the difference between the way Zuko bends and the way Azula bends. Zuko’s strikes tend to demonstrate a noticeable exertion of force and power (heavily external hard blows), whereas Azula’s strikes exert force abruptly and unexpectedly. Another noticeable difference is in the posture; while Zuko’s stances tend to be more upright, like most Northern Shaolin stances, while Azula’s stances more often include angles or leaning due to the elements of Chachuan in her style. (If you’re interested in seeing the differences in these two forms, watch a video of the Tantui form as performed by a Northern Shaolin practitioner and a Chachuan practitioner.)
Chachuan is called The Muslim Fist because it was allegedly founded by Cha Shang Mir, a Muslim General in the Chinese army, and was predominantly taught to and practiced by Muslims in ancient times. Nowadays, it is one of the more popular styles of Changquan taught in China, though it is still extremely popular among the Northern Islamic population. 
The style of Chachuan is deeply rooted in Northern Chinese-Islamic philosophy and spirituality. Its key principle is the idea of achieving harmony and balance by embodying contrasting elements. When Azula is “off” in Sozin’s Comet (Zuko subtly noting her loss of sanity and inner balance), her fighting style suffers considerably.
And that’s the long summary of a short glimpse at Chachuan. If you want moves like Azula, go out and learn some Cha Fist!
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adventourer · 2 months ago
Peony isn't catholic but MAN does he have some catholic levels of guilt in him.
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mimok · 3 months ago
Oman: A Land of Mystery and the Unseen
My brief journey to Oman—just three nights and four days—felt like stepping into a surreal dream. It was as if I had peered behind a curtain into a more subtle reality, a place where the unseen felt closer, and the veil between worlds seemed tantalizingly thin. This enigmatic land had me reflecting on its deep history, a cradle for tales of Djinn, spirits, and otherworldly beings said to traverse…
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Published: Jun 19, 2024
Around 1.8 million Muslims were expected to travel to Saudi Arabia for the religious journey, where temperatures this year reached 51.8C in the shade.
At least 550 people have died during the Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in the scorching heat, it has been reported.
Temperatures reached at least 51.8C (125F) in the shade in the Saudi Arabian city, as huge crowds of Muslims undertook the annual religious journey - one of the five pillars of Islam.
"Hajj is a difficult task, so you have to exert efforts and perform the rituals even in the conditions of heat and crowding," an Egyptian pilgrim said.
Pilgrims used umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, as Saudi authorities warned pilgrims to stay hydrated and avoid being outdoors during the hottest hours between 11am and 3pm.
Stampedes, tent fires and other accidents have caused hundreds of deaths during the Hajj in the past 30 years. Some 240 people reportedly died last year.
This year's pilgrimage began on Friday and as usual coincided with the religious holiday, Eid al-Adha.
Dozens of deaths have been reported during this year's Hajj, with the AFP news agency putting the total at 550, citing diplomats.
Some 323 of the dead were Egyptians, most of whom perished due to heat related illness, AFP said.
A 2024 study by the Journal of Travel and Medicine found that rising global temperatures may outpace strategies to deal with the heat. A 2019 study by Geophysical Research Letters said that as temperatures rise in arid Saudi Arabia due to climate change, pilgrims performing Hajj will face "extreme danger".
A Saudi health official, speaking on Monday before many of the reports of deaths were issued, said authorities had not noticed any unusual fatalities among Muslim pilgrims amid the extremely high temperatures.
The ministry had so far treated more than 2,700 pilgrims who suffered from heat-related illness, he added.
What is the Hajj?
One of the largest mass gatherings in the world, the Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime duty for able-bodied Muslims who can afford it.
Every year hundreds of thousands of Muslims journey to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and of the religion of Islam.
The Great Mosque of Mecca - Masjid al-Haram - is home to the Kaaba. It is Islam's holiest site and the direction in which Muslims all over the world face when they pray.
More than 1.8 million pilgrims were expected to take part this year, according to the Saudi General Authority for Statistics.
What a complete waste of life. In more ways than one.
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alostwanderernotfound · 8 months ago
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Between Religions & the Transfer of Similar Ideas from One Culture to the Next
Summary: All the religions since the very first have passed on ideas from one to another due to similar people passing between regions.
One major common denominator between the two groups of opposing “spiritual beings” or “Good Vs Evil” has been the development & rise of slavery in each corresponding region.
So as slavery came to each major culture & region, pantheons & religious figures rose in opposition to these forces.
Even if not discussed as a core tenant, each religion developed an extreme anti slavery stance vs a pro slavery faction & actively sent their people to free slaves from all cultures, such as: Egypt, Rome, & America.
As these battles continued throughout history, before leaving the region the slavers in the religion & pro slavery followers changed major parts of the religious texts in each region & created incongruences & mysteries to obscure the true story of these real people. Most religious texts hold some sort of major inaccuracies in relation to real events due to this long standing pattern.
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mfelewzi · 4 months ago
From r/AvatarMemes, by u/HAZMAT_Eater: yo
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The Legend of Koran, Book 3: Fitna
Man, I love this parodistical AU! More than original show.
I would have loved some references to the other two Great Traditional Religions of Asia, Islam and Christianity (I intend the Syriac Christianity that was in China and India before Jesuit Missions, especially in the last country with One of the secular Malabarian Community), and not Just those. The Earthlings of South Earth Kingdom (Omashu folks, Sand Folks of Si Wong Desert) could have a more persian and arabic references, and the same could be for the Air Temples, making them more differents Just like Water Tribes.
Maybe Eastern Air Temple Monks could be more like these:
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While Southern Air Temple Monks a fusion between this
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And this
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Chinese representation of Tang Dinasty about a nestorian/eastern christian chinese/turk monk.
And a theme for The Rift and other comics could be the differences among different Monastic traditions of Air Nomads, and a difference between Monks and normal Air Nomads, more similar to turks and mongolians.
That's cause a thing that I loved of Ehasz's ideas was the Return of Air Nomads and Air Bending. And a return without "spirit things" would be more interesting than what Bryke had done.
And speaking about "Spirit things": It would be more Better for Lore and Avatar's Origins some changes about Spirits, especially Raava and Vaatu (maybe a third subject with them: Brahman as one of the Three Great Ones Who would had seen the World's Story and Formation).
A thing like this.
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And yes, I created this Retcon and AU because I had seen a meme!
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jesusislord3333 · 1 year ago
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thenerdsofcolor · 1 year ago
The Middle Geeks Episode 64: LIVE at Awesome Con (Washington D.C.)!
The Middle Geeks are LIVE at Awesome Con discussing all things SWANA representation!
The Middle Geeks are LIVE at Awesome Con, discussing all things SWANA/MENA Representation! Continue reading The Middle Geeks Episode 64: LIVE at Awesome Con (Washington D.C.)!
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xtruss · 1 year ago
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makingqueerhistory · 1 month ago
Stonewall Book Awards Nonfiction Winners 2025-1971
Some years had multiple nonfiction winners. How many have you read?
Sex With a Brain Injury: On Concussion and Recovery by Annie Liontas (Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster LLC)
Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H (The Dial Press)
The Women’s House of Detention: A Queer History of a Forgotten Prison by Hugh Ryan (Bold Type Books)
Faltas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who Isn’t My Rapist by Cecilia Gentili (Little Puss Press)
Dear Senthuran: A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi (Riverhead Books)
Queer Games Avant-Garde: How LGBTQ Game Makers are Reimagining the Medium of Video Games by Bonnie Ruberg (they/them) (Duke University Press)
How We Fight for Our Lives: A Memoir by Saeed Jones (Simon & Schuster)
Go the Way Your Blood Beats by Michael Amherst (London: Repeater Press)
Queer Threads: Crafting Identity and Community by John Chaich and Todd Oldham (Los Angeles: Ammo Books)
How to Survive a Plague: The inside story of how citizens and science tamed AIDS, by David France (New York: Alfred A. Knopf)
Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial, by Kenji Yoshino (New York: Crown Publishers)
Living Out Islam: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims, by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle (New York: New York University Press)
American Honor Killings: Desire and Rage Among Men, by David McConnell (New York : Akashic Books)
Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son, by Lori Duron (New York: Broadway Books, an imprint of Crown Publishing, a division of Random House, Inc.)
For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home, edited by Keith Boykin (New York : Magnus Books)
Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture, by Jonathan D. Katz and David C. Ward (Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Books)
A Queer History of the United States (Revisioning American History), by Michael Bronski (Boston, Mass. : Beacon Press)
Inseparable: Desire between Women in Literature by Emma Donoghue, (Knopf)
Unfriendly Fire: How the Gay Ban Undermines the Military and Weakens America by Nathaniel Frank, (St. Martin's Press)
Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America, 1861-2003 by William N. Eskridge, Jr., (Viking)
Dog Years: A Memoir by Mark Doty, (HarperCollins)
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel, (Houghton Mifflin)
The fabulous Sylvester: the legend, the music, the seventies in San Francisco by Joshua Gamson, (H. Holt)
Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and in People by Joan Roughgarden, (University of California Press)
Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin by John D'Emilio, (Free Press)
How Sex Changed: a History of Transsexuality in the United States by Joanne Meyerowitz, ( Harvard University Press)
The Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin, a Literary Life Shattered by Scandal by Barry Werth, (Nan A. Talese)
Gaylaw: Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet by William N. Eskridge, (Harvard University Press)
My Lesbian Husband: Landscape of a Marriage by Barrie Jean Borich, (Greywolf Press)
Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America by Sarah Schulman, (Duke University Press)
The Shared Heart: Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young People by Adam Mastoon, (William Morrow and Co./Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books)
Geography of the Heart: A Memoir by Fenton Johnson, (Scribner)
Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay and Lesbian Liberation by Urvashi Vaid, (Anchor Books)
Skin: Talking About Sex, Class & Literature Dorothy Allison, (Firebrand Books)
Uncommon Heroes: A Celebration of Heroes and Role Models for Gay and Lesbian Americans by Phillip Sherman and Samuel Bernstein, (Fletcher Press)
Family Values: Two Moms and Their Son by Phyllis Burke, (Random House)
Making History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 by Eric Marcus, (HarperCollins)
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America by Lillian Faderman, (Columbia University Press)
Encyclopedia of Homosexuality edited by Wayne Dynes, (Garland)
In Search of Gay America: Women and Men in a Time of Change by Neil Miller, (Atlantic Monthly Press)
A Restricted Country by Joan Nestle, (Firebrand Books)
And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts, (St. Martin's Press)
The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture by Walter Williams, (Beacon Press)
Sex and Germs: The Politics of AIDS by Cindy Patton, (South End Press)
Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds by Judy Grahn, (Beacon Press)
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970 by John D'Emilio, (University of Chicago Press)
Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present by Lillian Faderman, (Morrow)
Black Lesbians: An Annotated Bibliography by J.R. Roberts, (Naiad Press)
The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies by Vito Russo, (Harper & Row)
The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde, (Spinsters, Ink)
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century by John Boswell, (University of Chicago Press)
Now That You Know: What Every Parent Should Know About Homosexuality by Betty Fairchild and Nancy Hayward, (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book edited by Ginny Vida, (Prentice-Hall)
Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today by Howard Brown, (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
Homosexuality: Lesbians and Gay Men in Society, History, and Literature edited by Jonathan Katz, (Arno Press) [Series of historically significant reprints]
Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantitative Survey by Jeannette Foster, (Vantage Press)
The Gay Mystique: The Myth and Reality of Male Homosexuality by Peter Fisher, (Stein & Day)
Lesbian/Woman by Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon (Glide Publications)
A Place for Us by Isabel Miller, (published in October, 1971 by McGraw Hill as Patience and Sarah )
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goldemas1244 · 2 years ago
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