#islamic legends
annachum · 10 months
Broke : Helen of Troy literally caused the Trojan War
Woke : While Helen of Troy may have played a part in causing the Trojan War, it was Menelaus and Paris who actually mobilized Spartan and Trojan troops at each other and thus all 3 played a part in causing near total devastation of the Grecian Realms in the Trojan War
Broke : Queen Guinevere caused the fall of Camelot
Woke : It is actually King Arthur's increasing pride that inadvertently driven Guinevere and several of his knigbts away, and Lancelot and Guinevere grew closer over the shared disappointment and dismay in what Arthur has become. Arthur's increasing over pride literally becomes a single and major factor for the fall of Camelot
Broke : Scheherazade single handedly saved the Abbasid Caliphate with her stories
Woke : While Scheherazade's stories may have played a focal part in ceasing the Abbasid Civil War, it is actually also all the royals and nobles siding with Harun AL Rashid and Shahryar ( and Shahryar himself ) then learning to take responsibility and commence efforts in repairing the Abbasid Civil War, after literally waging a civil war at each other over how one of Harun's younger cousins, who is Shahryar's 1st wife, cheated on him with a cook who plotted for Shahryar's demise from his Persian throne.
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calabria-mediterranea · 5 months
The Festival of the Giants in Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy
A glimpse of i giganti at a Sicilian or Calabrian festival is a treat for all ages. But who are these folkloric giants – the golden-haired damsel and her dark-skinned suitor – and what are their origins? Just as the evocative figures float and whirl through the streets, their history entwines actual events and colorful myth to create the intriguing tradition.
The legend of the giganti is generally thought to originate in Messina, the northeastern Sicilian city that is separated from Calabria in the toe of the mainland by the aptly named Strait of Messina. Some accounts tell of a beautiful peasant girl, others of a local princess, but whatever her social position, the young maiden came from a virtuous, Christian family. Her name was Marta, or Mata in dialect. One day around 970 A.D. during the period of the Saracen invasions, a very tall Arab named Hassass Ibn-Hammar came ashore with his men to pillage the city. Upon seeing the lovely Mata, the prince asked for her hand in marriage. She refused, causing him to plunder all the more.
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As a good Catholic, Mata resorted to prayer. Some stories tell of her kidnapping, but whether voluntarily or by force, she eventually capitulated and fell in love with the Muslim prince when he converted to Christianity and gave up his barbaric ways. He subsequently changed his name to Grifo and came to be known as Grifone due to his noteworthy physical stature. (The suffix -one denotes largeness in Italian.)
Across the Strait of Messina in Calabria, the giganti are constructed of papier-mâché and rest on the shoulders of their handlers.
Hidden under the giants’ skirts with a face hole to help guide their way, the puppeteers engage in a dance of courtship – the swarthy, mustached Saracen versus the fair, rosy-cheeked girl next door.  Fast footwork to the step of the tarantella conducts the couple through turns, inclinations and other gestures that draw them ever nearer and lead to an embrace or kiss to the delight of the crowd.
The ballo is accompanied by the incessant beating of drums that not only requires great stamina from the puppeteers, but has even inspired legends.
Calabria and Sicily share the giganti as they share the Strait and histories plagued with foreign incursion and domination. The ballo of Mata and Grifone is commonly viewed as a representation of the struggle between Islam and Catholicism. In festive atmospheres throughout the regions, the conflict is peacefully resolved, the people emerge victoriously, liberty is preserved and everyone has a good time. Long histories and engaging folkloric traditions come together to form part of a rich cultural fabric in which i giganti play an important part, both enlightening and entertaining the generations of today and tomorrow.
Video by Giganti Varapodio RC Profilo
Written by Karen Haid
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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saturnshari · 6 months
tiny fandom rant
thinking abt how being an Intellectual Brown woman isolates me from fandom experiences bc since i call out orientalism/racism against swana and my people in media that makes me too "anti" but the shit id be into and ship since i was 13 would land me 100ft deep into "proship" territory....
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wellofhavoc · 1 year
very weird to see people seemingly willfully ignoring the actual connections between the fictional kingdom of hyrule to real world historical events and even claiming it's racist to draw those connections
nintendo was the one who put a cross on link's shield first
the only thing that makes link NOT a crusader is the fact that we know objectively in the world of legend of zelda that hylia is a real, benevolent god and that demise (in the body of ganondorf) is ACTUALLY the devil. that's it, that is the only thing that distances the games from real world atrocities committed by christians in the name of their god. you can still enjoy the games! i love the games!!! but acting like people who draw these comparisons are the ones who are insensitive and lacking an understanding of real world cultures is- in fact- the weird thing to do here, so please let other people enjoy their own interpretation of the series- i promise you that you can still enjoy the games as they're written.
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takunwilliams · 5 months
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Muhamed Ali arrows death
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chillinaris · 2 years
Menangis bukanlah tanda kelemahan, itu adalah tanda kedewasaan emosional.
KHAMZAT CHIMAEV | A beast a monster but not one with a dead heart ❤️
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xtruss · 9 months
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discoverislam1 · 1 month
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alostwanderernotfound · 2 months
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Between Religions & the Transfer of Similar Ideas from One Culture to the Next
Summary: All the religions since the very first have passed on ideas from one to another due to similar people passing between regions.
One major common denominator between the two groups of opposing “spiritual beings” or “Good Vs Evil” has been the development & rise of slavery in each corresponding region.
So as slavery came to each major culture & region, pantheons & religious figures rose in opposition to these forces.
Even if not discussed as a core tenant, each religion developed an extreme anti slavery stance vs a pro slavery faction & actively sent their people to free slaves from all cultures, such as: Egypt, Rome, & America.
As these battles continued throughout history, before leaving the region the slavers in the religion & pro slavery followers changed major parts of the religious texts in each region & created incongruences & mysteries to obscure the true story of these real people. Most religious texts hold some sort of major inaccuracies in relation to real events due to this long standing pattern.
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jesusislord3333 · 6 months
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thenerdsofcolor · 7 months
The Middle Geeks Episode 64: LIVE at Awesome Con (Washington D.C.)!
The Middle Geeks are LIVE at Awesome Con discussing all things SWANA representation!
The Middle Geeks are LIVE at Awesome Con, discussing all things SWANA/MENA Representation! Continue reading The Middle Geeks Episode 64: LIVE at Awesome Con (Washington D.C.)!
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Published: Jun 19, 2024
Around 1.8 million Muslims were expected to travel to Saudi Arabia for the religious journey, where temperatures this year reached 51.8C in the shade.
At least 550 people have died during the Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in the scorching heat, it has been reported.
Temperatures reached at least 51.8C (125F) in the shade in the Saudi Arabian city, as huge crowds of Muslims undertook the annual religious journey - one of the five pillars of Islam.
"Hajj is a difficult task, so you have to exert efforts and perform the rituals even in the conditions of heat and crowding," an Egyptian pilgrim said.
Pilgrims used umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, as Saudi authorities warned pilgrims to stay hydrated and avoid being outdoors during the hottest hours between 11am and 3pm.
Stampedes, tent fires and other accidents have caused hundreds of deaths during the Hajj in the past 30 years. Some 240 people reportedly died last year.
This year's pilgrimage began on Friday and as usual coincided with the religious holiday, Eid al-Adha.
Dozens of deaths have been reported during this year's Hajj, with the AFP news agency putting the total at 550, citing diplomats.
Some 323 of the dead were Egyptians, most of whom perished due to heat related illness, AFP said.
A 2024 study by the Journal of Travel and Medicine found that rising global temperatures may outpace strategies to deal with the heat. A 2019 study by Geophysical Research Letters said that as temperatures rise in arid Saudi Arabia due to climate change, pilgrims performing Hajj will face "extreme danger".
A Saudi health official, speaking on Monday before many of the reports of deaths were issued, said authorities had not noticed any unusual fatalities among Muslim pilgrims amid the extremely high temperatures.
The ministry had so far treated more than 2,700 pilgrims who suffered from heat-related illness, he added.
What is the Hajj?
One of the largest mass gatherings in the world, the Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime duty for able-bodied Muslims who can afford it.
Every year hundreds of thousands of Muslims journey to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and of the religion of Islam.
The Great Mosque of Mecca - Masjid al-Haram - is home to the Kaaba. It is Islam's holiest site and the direction in which Muslims all over the world face when they pray.
More than 1.8 million pilgrims were expected to take part this year, according to the Saudi General Authority for Statistics.
What a complete waste of life. In more ways than one.
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goldemas1244 · 1 year
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Nothing has ever been truer
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johnbrand · 2 months
Zamzam's Blessing
With @next-pharaoh
Thomas could not believe he had made it. After toiling through what seemed to be all of Saudi Arabia, he had finally found himself in front of the Zamzam Well. According to the Islamic narratives, the well was a miraculously generated source of water which had opened up thousands of years ago for the son of Ibrahim, Ismaʿil. The legends and lore went on and on, and Thomas could see why. What stood before him was incredible.
Stepping a bit closer to the fount, Thomas could only imagine how silly he must have looked. Some scrawny white tourist, already sunburned after two days barely spent in the desert. Atheist nonetheless; he was certainly not the well’s typical affair. But he had had a passion for worldly monuments ever since he was little, including religiously-affiliated ones. When he had decided to take this journey, he had known it would be difficult, but now Thomas could finally find it worth it.
Smiling, Thomas peered a little farther forward, not noticing his foot catch on the edge of the gate protecting the holy well. With a small yelp, he felt himself lose his footing and tumble directly into the hole. Thomas immediately descended into the hole, each second flying by before splashing into the water. 
Thomas took a quick gulp of air as his panic began to rise. Questions began flying around as if they were bouncing off the well’s walls. How could he have been so careless? Was he going to be able to survive this? Did someone see him fall? Would he be deported? And last but not least: why was he not drowning?
With an awkward blink, Thomas considered that last question again. Timidly, he just barely opened his mouth to relieve some pressure. He was not prepared for his breath to be restored. Hesitantly accepting this realization, Thomas tested a bit more, until eventually he realized he could breathe while underneath the well’s water. It was strange, unsettling, and frankly exhilarating to the non-believer. It was as if he was trapped in a womb.
And like a womb, the water was getting warmer. The panic began to resettle as Thomas realized just how quickly the pool was heating up. The hot water was cooking him, streaming through every hole and crevice it could into his body. Thanks to the smallest amount of light from above, Thomas was able to witness his miraculous transformation.
It started first with Thomas’s skin. The low boil of the water burned him, but instead of leaving reddish scars, it darkened his exterior. Thomas’s skin crisped into a warmer brown, his hair darkened to a rich black, and his facial features subtly shifted to reflect a new masculine, Middle Eastern heritage. As his nose grew wider and eyes inhabited a deep, rich brown, Thomas could not help but emit heartfelt moan underneath the water’s surface.
The masculinization came next, for the well gifted Thomas with the prime body to carry out its will. Broadened shoulders now led to massive arms meant to carry the Qur'an's wisdom. A sturdy chest then traveled down to impenetrable legs to carry the new man across the world to aid in reversion. Larger feet to stomp out the dissension, a virile pouch to spread the Arabian seed. Thomas’s body was built to be an unstoppable Islamic machine.
And finally, his mind would become one with his new mission. In ecstasy, Thomas cried out as his past was rewritten for a new destiny. His old beliefs and ideals dissolved, replaced by a new understanding and acceptance. The atheist wonder that had once fueled his rhetoric was rewritten by Islamic empathy and peace. The passion Thomas once derived from multiculturalism was extinguished, replaced with an appreciation for full reversion.
As his transformation settled in, the well’s water level began to rise. Thomas’s metaphorical womb was ready to give birth to its newest disciple. The warm embrace rushed around him as he was pushed up and up, his magnificent body adapting to the masterful current. As his final change was instituted, the water exalted its creation to the top, leaving the Arab man dry beside the well.
“Ah, I thought I heard the well’s waters again,” a gravelly voice chuckled. “It had been a while since anyone was blessed.”
From the other side of the well stood an old janitor. The rest of the exhibit was empty, suggesting that the historic site had been closed for a while now. The janitor came around the fount and helped the sturdy Arab man up, leading him to a small room off to the side of the exhibit.
“What’s your name, brother?” the janitor asked.
“Tariq,” the Islamic disciple answered with the utmost clarity. “What just happened?"
“The well blessed you” the janitor replied, now searching through a drawer. "I thought it was fairly obvious."
Looking upon himself, Tariq was surprised to have not noticed earlier that he was bare besides a pair of underwear. By its branding, he knew the janitor's words were true.
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“You can have these.” The janitor tossed a pearly white thobe to Tariq. “Now go out, you know your mission.”
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Writing Reference: List of Aphrodisiacs
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Here is a brief list of some of the foods that have been considered, at some time or other, to have aphrodisiac qualities.
Almond - As well as being the same shape as the vesica piscis, the sacred doorway through which matter emerges into spirit, the almond is a nut and therefore carries the potential for new life.
Aniseed - Falls into the category of seeds. Also aids digestion and sweetens the breath which could explain why the Romans considered it a useful ingredient for seduction.
Apple - Infamous as the fruit that Eve gave to Adam, a symbol of sexual awakening.
Asafetida - (or Asafoetida) This is the ground root of a fennel-like plant. It has a powerful odor, and despite its folk name, Devil’s Dung, it is used as a sexual stimulant in Ayurvedic medicine.
Avocado - The Mexicans called the avocado tree the “testicle tree,” since the fruit dangles down in pairs. The sensual texture of avocado adds to its reputation.
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Banana - The banana flower resembles the phallus. Islamic tales say that Adam and Eve covered their sexual parts with banana leaves rather than the more common fig leaves.
Cherry - Sensuously red and juicy, and containing a potent symbol of new life inside the stone. “Popping the cherry” is a slang term for losing one’s virginity.
Chocolate - The melting point of chocolate is the same as that of blood temperature, and so its mouthfeel alone is a sensual experience. Added to this, chocolate contains mood-lifting substances, including phenylethylamine which, when released into the bloodstream, induce feelings of euphoria. Still arguably the most popular food given as a gesture of love. When the 16th century Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés heard about its reputation as an aphrodisiac, he planted two thousand trees.
Cinnamon - The glorious scent of cinnamon was reputedly used as oil by the Queen of Sheba to help her capture the attention of King Solomon.
Cloves - Because they resemble little phalluses, cloves were considered to enhance male potency. The clove tree was planted to signify the birth of a baby boy in certain parts of Indonesia, the health of the tree reflecting the health of the child as it grew up.
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Coriander - Also comes under the category of seeds. Reputed to stimulate appetites of all kinds.
Fennel - The Egyptians who used this as a sexual stimulant cannot have known that it contains plant estrogens that can help balance female hormones. These estrogens also enhance the breasts.
Fig - The plethora of tiny seeds inside the fig is symbolic of fertility, and the moist plumpness of the fruit has a very sensual, feminine element to it.
Ginger and ginseng - Considered to have aphrodisiac powers because of their sharp sensual taste, and because their roots resemble the human form.
Honey - The sweetness of honey made it a rarity for ancient man. It is likely to have given humankind its first instance of alcohol in the form of mead, and its intoxicating effect has distinct aphrodisiac qualities. Bees are themselves symbols of fertility, and honey gives its name to the honeymoon period spent by newlyweds immediately after their marriage.
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Mint - A Greek legend says that Menthe, a beautiful nymph, was transformed into the herb because Persephone was jealous of the beautiful scent that captivated her husband, Pluto.
Oyster - The oyster’s resemblance in form, scent, and texture to the female genitalia is renowned. Oysters have had a long history as an aphrodisiac and their reputation is well known. The pearl that is sometimes found inside the oyster was said to increase the powers of arousal, because it resembles the clitoris. Other shellfish, such as mussels, fall into this same category.
Raspberries and strawberries - Libido enhancing because of their color, their many tiny seeds, and their resemblance to nipples.
Star anise - Because of its shape, the star anise was sacred to the Goddess and therefore a potent fertility symbol.
Tomato - Also called the “Love Apple” and is regarded as an aphrodisiac, because of the prolific number of seeds contained within it. However, the name itself is the result of an accidental misinterpretation. Because they were originally a yellow color they were called “Pomo D’or” in Italy, the Apple of Gold. It was also called the “Pomo d’Moro”—the apple of the Moors, referring to its Spanish origins. From here, it was just a slip of the tongue to the French, “Pomme d’Amour,” or Love Apple.
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Source Writing Notes: Aphrodisiacs
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