#isaloop if you want it to be
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aeb-art · 8 months ago
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i thought it'd be cute 🥺💕
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pearl-crystals · 5 months ago
i really do have a surplus of Isat sketches. I am gonna share them but if I finally make them in hues (color) and details, I'll have to refer to these. Enjoy!
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basilpaste · 1 year ago
"Fighter." They say, stiff as anything.
You smile at them cordially. You've done this song and dance before. It's familiar in a way you should probably be uncomfortable with. You think you were, at one point.
"Loop!" You say back.
It's the name they've given themself. You won't push. Maybe eventually you will, but not yet. You never have before, and it would just make your already kind of awkward relationship with them worse. When you already feel so crabbing awful, you don't want to cause any more strain! It's a win-win!
Their voice is filled with a false bravado that doesn't (and hasn't ever) reached their eyes. "So!~ What can I do for you this loop?"
Loop is Siffrin. Or was. You've known it from the first time you met them. It's all in the eyes. They have the same eyes. Loop's just turn up most of the time where Sif's turn down. You can tell they're the same when they're shocked or angry, though. It's... different, but still recognizable.
Is that fair? Loop is fundamentally very different from Siffrin. It's like a case of divergent evolution. They come from the same root, but they're different people. You're not actually sure if Loop likes or hates their differences from Sif. You've never asked.
Which is why you're not gonna say anything. They'd probably brush you off, anyway. Make a show of laughing it up and then they'd deflect. Just like Sif. Which… is a really mean thing to think about both of them. When did you start to get mean? Didn't everyone call you nice before this? Reliable?
"The King knows something about Sif." You say eventually. "Or, uh, something adjacent to Sif? They don't actually seem to know each other. Probably."
"Oh? Interesting! Maybe you could look into any similarities they have?" They wink.
You don't want to compare Sif to the King for a second. But… they're probably right. You flex your fingers, strain in your knuckles that you think is probably all in your head. Hah! You have no idea what loop your on, by the way! They'd probably know if you asked. You don't... want to. They can be hard to talk to.
But... Sif and the King. And to the same extent: both of them and Loop. You try to rack your brain for an answer. What's something that connects them? Something you see within all of them.
... Stars.
Huh. You're not sure how you didn't come up with that before. You sigh. Well! There's one place in the House you know for sure talks about stars. You don't go back there very often, mostly because it's kind of a dead end, but you guess it'll probably be useful! Plus: Sif seems to like talking about them. At least for a moment. Then it sort of... slips? You're not sure why that happens. You've got a few theories, though.
"Thanks, Loop." You tell them.
You mean it every time. You're not sure that they've ever believed you.
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pillowspace · 4 months ago
actually obsesswd wtih your audience of vaugarde au btw
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LOOP: I wonder if I should cut my hair... It's not like I exactly meant to grow it out.
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ISA: If... that's what you want, Loop! // MIRA: Ah, really...? // ODILE: A shame, it looks cute.
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Thank you! <3 I haven't drawn for this AU since August so I took this ask as an opportunity to draw for it again
( other posts in this AU: Audience of Vauguarde | Mira's ribbon | Loop's name | extra info | classic mistake | Bonnie's wishes | *unshadows your hat* | long hair | Isaloop comfort )
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octonerd · 4 months ago
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And I don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory I'm not the girl I'm meant to be. ohhhh a second post has hit my blog ooooo, thank you to my bestie for this idea <3 THE maybe like 5 at most- ISALOOP SHIPPERS REJOYCE!!! genuinely my fav loop ship is them with Isabeau, wish there were more fanfics exploring a possible relationship between the two of them tbh
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beneathsilverstars · 3 months ago
au where siffrin takes their time to think about it and decides they don’t actually want to be with isabeau like that, ofc they love him but not in a romantic way that’s any different from their feelings for the other party members
and loop is about ready to throttle him again like. what do you MEAN you get isabeau and you don’t even WANT him!
so, okay, that’s perfect though right, no isafrin means there’s plenty of space for isaloop?
except! being the consolation prize siffrin is actually even worse than being the “date one siffrin get another of equal or lesser value free”!!
bonus points if loop’s identity hasn’t been revealed yet and isabeau does actually have a separate crush on loop. but he feels terrible about it, bc doesn’t it cheapen his feelings for siffrin to be falling for someone else so soon? what if it’s just a rebound thing?? and siffrin and loop are obviously so close what if they like each other??? and then when the reveal eventually DOES happen, that does NOT make it any simpler.
bonus bonus points if loop is also struggling to figure out if they’re actually into isa, or if the only reason they can say “ofc i’d want to date him if i was in your place” so easily is bc they aren’t? they think they want to, but maybe they’re just desperate to be special to someone, to be prioritized more than siffrin for once. maybe they would’ve truly loved isa, once upon a time, but they’re not actually capable of that sort of thing anymore. maybe they really do want to be with him and that’s exactly why they can’t, bc if loop gets something they want it will inevitably be taken away! maybe they want to, but they know it would be wrong to date isa without explaining who they are, and once they do that they’ll never be able to trust that isa wants them back for themself and not as a second chance at siffrin.
and siffrin just wants so badly for two of his favorite people to be happy, and maybe they could be happy together, and it would be so perfect… except for all of the ways that it’s messy and complicated and painful and difficult and imperfect instead. and even if there was anything he could do to help, siffrin is kinda the last person that either of them would want this sort of help from, right now. so he just has to watch, feeling guilty twice over.
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biblicallyaccuratecrow · 5 months ago
in stars and time but ghibli movies au braindump
nobody fucking asked for this but it's been plaguing me for weeks and i need other people to think about this with me
IDEA 1: Howl's Moving Castle x ISAT
I mean, come on.
Isa is Sophie. Listen. A hat shop? the themes around changing and transformation? learning to love someone who believes they don't deserve to be loved? Seriously. its perfect.
Sif is Howl. Self explainatory, but I'll talk a little more about it later.
Loop is Calcifer. Also self explainatory. If you know then you know.
Bonnie is Markl. I need more Siffirin as a mentor figure for Bonnie.
Odile is the Witch of the Wastes. Definitely not the same characterization as in the movie though. Don't think too hard about it I just didn't want to make her Turnip Head or something. Plus I think it's a funny idea that Odile does all that shit to Siffrin bc she suspects he did some forbidden magic shit. Basically Witch Hat Atelier.
Mirabelle is Sophie's sister from the verrrry beginning of the movie. she can be more included in the plot because I fucking said so. Maybe she would meet up with Isa when they settle back into the original town?
The King is Madame Sullivan. I have not been able to get the scene where she says "let's show your mother what you really are" out of my head beacuse. it's so so so much like what siffirn fears. also turning her followers into weird blob monsters? its sadnesses for real it works too well
Siffrin as Howl has been knocking around in my head for a while. A few things to note:
The hair dye scene. Siffrin's hair starts out black, and then turns white after. Initially it seems like it's a vanity thing, but their reaction is more because they're afraid of being seen as different.
Howl is a big crow thing. Odile has a cut line where she calls siffrin "little crow". do i really have to explain.
The "dream" sequence where sophie goes to find howl after he comes home injured. "Tell me what's wrong so I can help you!" "You're too late!" like. FUCK. it's them. it's them it's them it's them...
Actually pretty much any sophie and howl scene from the last act of the movie, in particular the one where sophie tells howl to run away... and howl says that they won't because they've finally found something they wanna protect,,,, bc they have a family,,,, ough,,,,,
i yearn for funny kinda isaloop moments (HE LIKES MY SPARKKK)
do i really gotta say it. the opening scene of isat. Loop's wish. eating the fucking star the entire fucking opening of this game is a howls moving castle reference-
there's a lot more i could say about this one but i also wanna talk about my other ideas....
IDEA 2: Castle In The Sky x ISAT
hi, I love castle in the sky, am definitely normal about it, have definitely not made prior aus about it for totk, definitely not
Siffrin is Sheeta. just a random guy with special powers who came from a sky (star) centric civilization that has been forgotten by everyone? yeah. yeah that's. yup.
Isa is Patsu. not much to say there, just. they share a lot of similarities. except isa has more braincells. Also the idea of engineer Isa workin on the planes is enjoyable to me.
Odile is Dola. Listen. I need pirate Odile in my life. I need it with my whole body and soul. She would be wonderful. So full of piss and vinegar.
Mirabelle and Bonnie are members of Odile's crew, they got picked up along their journeys. Mira is there? because she's running form the secret police (Muska/The King ig)and Bonnie is there bc Nille is a mechanic who basically keeps the whole ship running
Muska is The King. There's not a lot I gotta say about this, other than Muska is genuinely the most terrifying Ghibli villain ever and is the reason why i watch this movie in dub (thank you Mark Hamill), so a lot of the conversations surrounding Laputa kinda remind me of the country
The Lost Country is Laputa, enough said, an entire country that has been forgotten by seemingly the entire world with technology and magic that is so powerful that it could quite literally lead to the destruction of humanity, yep yep yep
i also like the thought of the giant gem in the center of laputa being a star...
Misc ideas that I haven't really fleshed out as much:
Princess Mononoke: Siffrin is San. Isa is Ashitaka???? i guess???? Odile is Moro, Bonnie and Mira are the two unnamed wolf gods. The King is lady eboshi. the universe is the forest spirit, and triggers the red shade when it's head is severed. the kodamas are the little change god statues.
Spirited Away: Siffrin is Haku. the forgotten name, the loss of identity, the badassery... they've got it all. Bonnie as Chihiro, if you make it weird it's ON SIGHT, uhhhh loop as Kaonashi/No Face, The King as Yubaba, Euphrasie as Zeniba, Odile as Lin (I LOVE THE IDEA OF ODILE AS LIN WITH MY WHOLE SOUL, where is more hurt/comfort of odile and siffrin MY GOD-), beyond that i have zero idea who mira and isa would be ;w;
anyways yall have fun with this one
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spacemothes · 3 months ago
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eldragon-x · 25 days ago
loop in isaloop relationship: i dont want to kiss you. you can only hold hands with me if you ask first
loop in sifloop relationship: my timeclone can put his hand inside my heart idc
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bpdloop · 9 months ago
laika ⭐️ they
hai~! its your dearest friend laika~!! you can refer to me as any of my names, but i prefer laika rn~! ( ^^ ♪
main is @twinleafsystem
i have comms open 24/7!! ^^
while this blog isnt nsfw, do bear in mind that we are 24 and this is the penis delirious site. i say and do all sorts of crazy shit
do note that i sometimes vent here. block the tag #gsn if you dont wish to see that <3
im a loop fictive! ^^ be weird on my posts and its all over for you, okay? ^^ )/ i am a faggot about siffrin & isa and by god i will never change
my inbox is open and i loooove attention, so feel free to drop by whenever, mkay~? you should also send me drawings on my strawpage!!! :D
i take doodle rqs on my rq blog @scribbling-one!!!
i also do art trades!! if you wanna do a trade feel free to message me~!!
i dont tag spoilers on any of my posts <3
you should totally read my post canon joining the party fic btw <3 plus its tag on this blog! feel free to ask me anything about it!! if i can answer i will. if i cant i still will, but ill be silly about it :P
oooh you wanna ask me about my siffrin and loop system au sooooo badddd
you should follow my other half as well @butchsiffrin & my other partners @kittenixie & @krisiverse ~ Post Hall Of Fame ~ god bless | your loop is lying to you. | i just want attention | stars your voice is attractive | answer my blindign question stardust . | isat problems animatic you will ALWAYS be famous to me | but we'll make it work~! | my buddy mal du pays
tag directory below
#laikas nebulous narrations - my text tag
#siffy time - siffys text tag
#questions; questions - answer tag
#talking time - reply tag
#rose printed glasses - art tag
#now in technicolor - art colored w more than just b&w or red
#ani - animated artwork
#nonbinary stars - sifloop tag
#stars orbiting the sun - isifloop tag
#of cats and dogs - isafrin tag
#flashbang! - isaloop tag
#feelings buddies - mira and siffrin tag
#stars above -
#loop, #stardust, #mira, #isa, #odile, #bonbon, #nille, #euphrasie, #mdp, #sadnesses
#lulu tag - art of me!! ; #lune tag - art of my fursona!!| #loopy - oh you know | #hoop - human loops :3 | #traveler - start again siffrin
#critters - little guys designed by tawnysoup | #looplet - critter loop | #fritter - critter siffrin | #bunnybelle - critter mira | #beaubird - critter isa | #bonster - critter bonnie
# - stars and such | #️ - words and such | #stawpage - drawings folks made me on my sp ^^
#analysis | #hcs | #edits | #fav / #ult fav | #funs | #lols | #fav art | #comics
#gl - ghostlight fic tag | #sunder - sunder fic tag | #tcss - two coins same side au tag | #oyny - an old you, a new you fic tag
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composeregg · 7 months ago
What's up I'm Egg (they/them) I'm queer, an adult, and this is my pinned post
My queue is a time loop simulator and has been since June 2023, I have diligently tagged all posts with "time loop spam" and "unreality" since September 2023 if you do not want to see them
DO NOT SEND ME DONATION ASKS: I do not answer asks calling for donations, or reblog donation posts, unless it is from a mutual, a friend, or a friend of a friend. All my condolences.
I am irregular at answering asks and doing reblog games, but I do appreciate the thought 💜
Previous pinned post was about my twewy discord server, which you can find here
I am proship, I work in a library, I am a tag wrangler for Ao3. Sometimes I post about it, especially when recruiting is taking place
I am also ComposerEgg on ao3, find my fic there. Browse my bookmarks if you want some good material! You can chat with me about my fics here or at my writing blog, @composereggwrites!
I have a carrd, which I try to keep updated, and it also lists all the zines I've been in.
I have a ko-fi, and as you might expect by this point, it is ComposerEgg
Icon by @medi-melancholy (very good art)
tagging system notes under cut, also a funny list of reasons I've blocked people
Tagging system:
Fandoms: usually acronyms, unless it is 1-3 words
Gravity falls
Tgcf, mdzs, mxtx
Ships: whichever ship name I like best. I should work on standardizing this. Always a smushname. I WILL tag things platonically and romantically with the same ship name
Isafrin, sifloop, isasifloop, isaloop, sifdile, loopdile, mirasif
Jonmartin, jondaisy, jontim, timsasha, dasira
Characters: First name last name, western format. Or first name fandom acronym, for those pesky one-named characters
I'll list more of them here later this is still a wip
Things I've blocked peope for (an incomplete list):
please read this with a fair bit of humor
Bigotry (racism, sexism, queerphobia, ableism, fatphobia, I'm forgetting things)
Technically falls under that but any form of queer separatism like aphobia, transandrophobia, transmisogyny
Posted hate for ship I like where I've seen: joshneku, jonmartin, blupjeans, others but this is off the top of my head at 7am
It's really funny actually in the past there was a 1:1 ratio of blupjeans hater to aphobe, literally all of the haters were
Posted xReader fic in tags I follow
Too many rp promos in tags I follow
Supported the bullying of John Green on tumblr (that was sexual harassment on top of an anti-led crusade)
Disliked cats a bit too much (as in literally the animal)
Saw your takes while browsing replies to a random post and didn't like them a bit too much
At least 1 person for having my deadname
Spam bot
Asked me to boost a donation post (not my friend or friend of friend)
Actively encouraging people not to vote and encouraging "burn it all down" accelerationist takes as if a violent political upheaval won't kill many people who need aid the most
If concrete reasoning no long applies let me know somehow I guess if this is fucking you up lmao, I don't think I make enough hit posts for it to matter but dm a side blog like @composereggwrites or something, I think it works like that, if it doesn't someone let me know ??? Idk just give an contact any way you figure out idc that much
Last updated 11/30/2024
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basilpaste · 1 year ago
hey! the following has themes of derealization and dissociation!! read safely!!
isaloops! hi!
You and Loop have been sitting in silence for a while now. You were trying to come up with something to ask them, but you guess you got a bit distracted. Augh! You need a clear head! You breathe deep, in and out. Things feel a bit less hazy, but the pit in your chest still lingers.
"Hm. It's my turn to ask a question now, actually!" Loop asserts, straightening up.
You jump. "Oh!"
"Okay." They start, "So. Maybe it's a bit presumptuous of me to comment on, but!~ I've noticed you've been touching your friends less. Why?"
… Oh.
You like touch. You like to physically hold onto people. That kind of closeness is important to you. Wrapping someone into a tight hug, squeezing their hand, holding their face gently, it all means the world to you. So you touch your friends all the time!
Except you don't anymore, do you? You used to. Any chance you got! But now? Now you find yourself flinching away. Why?
Because — because none of it feels real anymore. It's all stuff that's happened before! Every time you touch it's something you've already done! And everyone says the same things and does the same things they always do! Like nothing matters!
You feel like you're fake. like a mannequin, stiff and cold and stagnant.
Everything feels fake. When you've done it all before, all the words lose meaning! All the touch loses meaning! You just want to feel real again! You just…
Your gaze snaps up to Loop. They look back at you, eyes wide and pupils small. Their hands hover around their chest, balled into fists.
"Fighter — I… Sunlight. You're here." They stare at you. It takes a minute to realize they want you to breathe. you try your best.
Slowly, carefully… they reach a hand out. They place it atop one of yours and very gently squeeze. There's pressure and warmth. It creeps up your arm and into your chest.
They called you Sunlight.
You twist your hand under theirs so your palms face. After a bit of hesitation, you squeeze back. They stiffen, but don't pull away.
"Thank you, Loop." You tell them quietly.
You still don't think they believe you.
They open their mouth to respond, but you beat them to the punch. "You're here, too."
Loop freezes. Something you can't quite discern flashes in their eyes before they steady themself. Like an actor on a stage. You think they'd hate that metaphor.
"Hah…" it's less of a laugh and more of a breath. "I… I suppose I am."
You're still holding hands. You hope they let you stay like this for a while. Maybe… maybe they need it, too.
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eldragon-x · 11 days ago
im always shocked when i get indecisive and make a poll asking what i should work on and between two isat things and kinnie stuff, kinnie stuff wins out. like do you guys really want to see me draw myself as a unicorn over reading about loop being bitter towards siffrin or see toxic isaloop or see mirabelle and loop as the long quiet and the shifting mound from hit indie visual horror novel slay the princess
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basilpaste · 3 months ago
Hello. we need to ask a very important question. Do you take issue with people taking direct inspiration from your AUs to make their own things?
We've seen your Slay The Savior AU around, and want to tinker with a similar idea, but we cannot think of a better title than "slay the savior". While we generally wouldn't have any reservations against just making the thing and ironing out the issues later, we are aware that using the same AU name may cause some confusion, especially for a similar concept, and we are passingly familiar with the ISAT fandom enough to know that just throwing this out there will probably get people in both your inbox and ours accusing us of plagarism and probably a handful of other crimes.
We do not, personally, want to bother with this. Because of this, we would like to know ahead of time if you are the sort of person who would take issue with someone making an AU partially inspired by your AU, or if we should go elsewhere.
To clarify, we are most likely going to make this either way - we are planning on making an interactive fiction blog and we have a decent chunk of Chapter 1's branching paths done, we just don't want to grapple with painful and quite frankly unnecessary fandom drama from trodding on some unexpected toes, and we find that asking first tends to waylay a lot of potential misinterpretation.
so i feel like youre probably wildly overestimating how much of an issue thisd be? your ask super doesnt make it clear im afraid but there are like. two things here.
if you are writing an isat au specifically that takes from the au i wrote id appreciate you changing the name, yes? but not because the isat fandom would like...... flame you or anything. that is not something i could really see this fandom doing. its mostly because sts is a fic i put 90k words into and id rather avoid confusion with it.
if youre writing the au for a different fandom its not an issue though. name overlap happens. hell, if the title "slay the savior" wasnt a specific version of a "slay the princess au" id really have no problem at all. to take from the isat fandom, itd be the difference between someone making an "isaloops au" and someone making "of stitches in sequence (not by basilpaste)". but if someone just happened to use the title "of stitches in sequence" for say......... a kanaya focused homestuck fic, id have no problem. im sure im not the first person across all of fandom to use "slay the savior".
TLDR: yes change the name if its an isat au. no dont change it if its for literally any other fandom.
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basilpaste · 1 year ago
listen same anon as the big anon from before. uh. you know our identity but there's something comforting about not showing our face directly off anon so anon still!
the isaloops au is genuinely SOOO cool exactly the stuff we want to see, writing that takes ISA seriously instead of just going "oh he's a silly little man who wouldn't last in the loops", writing that genuinely explores LOOP'S character well, it's just like. we don't usually like other people loop aus because sometimes it's just surface level character stuff but THIS genuinely understands and works with the characters well and UAGAHDRHRHR... /pos. you know?
also yes yes yes! i get the impulse to sometimes write isa off in stuff, and im not even saying thats something the majority of people do. but sometimes he gets written off as 'guy who is in love with sif'. and thats okay! especially in isafrin fics. but he has a lot more nuance than that and i have a really fun time exploring it.
its so interesting to see what would fundamentally change about the loops, and the characters within them, if things got shuffled around. this is something that was not supposed to happen. it really puts euphrasie's "something's failing, rotting" line into a different context, dont you think? because the loops were meant for sif. they were always siffrins burden to bear. but now they arent.
... is this better? could it be?
Fighter. you love your friends, dont you? theyre like family to you? when did you stop acting like it.
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basilpaste · 1 year ago
just wanting to say your isaloops au is making me go feral over the potential dynamic between loop and isa here and how much that must be devastating for LOOP and hrghgrhgr the. EVERYTHING there
the more i think about it the more Unwell i get about it. you have no idea. you have NO idea. aughghgh....
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