#two cakes and all that. id just rather the cakes be decorated differently if theyre at the same party yknow?
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basilpaste · 3 months ago
Hello. we need to ask a very important question. Do you take issue with people taking direct inspiration from your AUs to make their own things?
We've seen your Slay The Savior AU around, and want to tinker with a similar idea, but we cannot think of a better title than "slay the savior". While we generally wouldn't have any reservations against just making the thing and ironing out the issues later, we are aware that using the same AU name may cause some confusion, especially for a similar concept, and we are passingly familiar with the ISAT fandom enough to know that just throwing this out there will probably get people in both your inbox and ours accusing us of plagarism and probably a handful of other crimes.
We do not, personally, want to bother with this. Because of this, we would like to know ahead of time if you are the sort of person who would take issue with someone making an AU partially inspired by your AU, or if we should go elsewhere.
To clarify, we are most likely going to make this either way - we are planning on making an interactive fiction blog and we have a decent chunk of Chapter 1's branching paths done, we just don't want to grapple with painful and quite frankly unnecessary fandom drama from trodding on some unexpected toes, and we find that asking first tends to waylay a lot of potential misinterpretation.
so i feel like youre probably wildly overestimating how much of an issue thisd be? your ask super doesnt make it clear im afraid but there are like. two things here.
if you are writing an isat au specifically that takes from the au i wrote id appreciate you changing the name, yes? but not because the isat fandom would like...... flame you or anything. that is not something i could really see this fandom doing. its mostly because sts is a fic i put 90k words into and id rather avoid confusion with it.
if youre writing the au for a different fandom its not an issue though. name overlap happens. hell, if the title "slay the savior" wasnt a specific version of a "slay the princess au" id really have no problem at all. to take from the isat fandom, itd be the difference between someone making an "isaloops au" and someone making "of stitches in sequence (not by basilpaste)". but if someone just happened to use the title "of stitches in sequence" for say......... a kanaya focused homestuck fic, id have no problem. im sure im not the first person across all of fandom to use "slay the savior".
TLDR: yes change the name if its an isat au. no dont change it if its for literally any other fandom.
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chaostwofold · 5 years ago
1-41 on the asks? Also gn
1. if you were to have Hanahaki disease, what flowers would you cough up?
Morning glories!! not only are they already my favorite flower, theyre extremely toxic and mean unconditional love! i have a tendency to fall for the wrong people and not realize until after,, BUT thats only half and half!! some people i loved unconditionally and contine to love them and others set me back in the recovery process,,
2. if someone were to catch Hanahaki disease for you, what flowers would they cough up?
Begonias id assume? not only are hanahaki flowers supposed to represent your feelings, they should also represent the person. begonias are known for misfortune, dark/unpleasant thoughts, and caution to new situations. on the flip side, its harmonious communications, understanding, and gratitude.
3. if you were any historic trope, what would you be? (i.e., the knight, the town baker, the witch of the forest, etd.)
hm. well, what about the urchin whos actually a prince? someone who originates from grand places, a great misfortune turns them into something undesirable and possibly bitter, and then when theyre brought back to the light of stability they provide for those who are in the same situation as he was
4. tell us about your ideal battle outfit
im long range magic tactics and healing always bc im too afraid of conflict :pensive: but the closest thing would probably be something flexible but strong, in black and the more sensitive areas like the neck and thighs covered more carefully (read: shadowhunter gear)
5. what would you be a god/goddess of and what would people sacrifice to you?
change on an emotional and mental plane. they would sacrifice those who refuse to change for the better. i determine what is better, and if they choose the wrong person to sacrifice they would pay depending on why they attempted to sacrifice someone who didnt deserve it.
6. name five iconic quotes that make you feel things.
“there is a difference between wisdom and intelligence... a person may have one without the other.” is an all time favorite from my favorite book The Soulforge by Margret Weis!!!!!!!
“plant your trees and watch them grow.” OUGH
 “There is a thin semantic line separating the weird and the beautiful. and that line is covered in jellyfish.” NIGHTVALE
“Ive been good sir / so very very good for what? / and ive given you / every single thing ive got / its feeling strange man / this whole arrangement / is gonna end with / me totally deranged” From Disobedient, from su:tm!!! it slaps man
“ What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? / What are you wondering? What do you know? / Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me?” Ah. billie eilish ily
7. scythe, battle axe, broad sword, spear or trident?
Scythe! the weapon of fate and peace,, it is used to reap the souls of those deemed to die and its used for harvesting crops!! the end of all thngs, its a graceful and symbolical weapon.
8. what combination of natural scents would you use as perfume?
Vaniila, star anise, and clary sage
9. ancient scrolls or leather-bound books?
leather bound books!!
10. describe yourself as if you were a storm.
a cyclone, probably. something threatening on the outside but extremely calm on the inside.
11. what type of flower (other than a rose) would you offer someone you were trying to court?
amaryllis, which is splendid beauty and worth beyond beauty
12. honey in milk or cinnamon in tea?
cinnamon in tea!!!
13. cabin in the woods, apartment in the city or mansion in the suburbs?
apt in the city
14. curtains of beads or lace?
bead curtains!!! retro AND can be like “hoohoo welcome to my brewery pick your literal poison im a witch”
15. vocal or instrumental music?
yall know i could never pick,, music is too much of an intimate thing too be taken lightly (whch is one of the reasons i have a burning hatred for jokey nursery rhymes like baby shark)
16. describe your ideal fantasy outfit
SOBS okay so. ough it depends man. i rlly like the idea of like. ponchos and shawls n stuff,,, id prolly go for a witch in the woods ngl (the prince REPRESENTS me the best but. witch of the dark woods is my aesthetic) so prolly like a heavy green shawl over a black shirt and jeans and combat boots or smth,,, i WOULD have a flower crown of poisonous flowers, yes
Changeling or shapeshifter definitely!! to be able to constantly change form in super mecore
18. hard candy, fruit preserves or spice cake?
fruit preserves
19. show us an a picture of your ideal crown.
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you all knew it was gonna happen ( its a mountain laurel!! poisonous. of course)
20. tying your hair up using ribbon, yay or nay?
my hair is WAY too short for that but i used to do it when i had longer hair and its a definite yay
21. an evening in the forest with elves, a night in the caves with vampires or a morning in the garden with fae?
an evening in the forest with elves or a morning in the garden with fae!! i cant decide man,,, if it had been a night in a victorian castle w vamps i wouldve been tied w that too but caves are a dwarven thing
22. tell us, in detail, about a curse a witch would put on you.
hm. maybe like. a true self thing? where im forced to say what i mean, i cant say sorry for things im not sorry for, i have to say when things make me uncomfy, i just become less timid (the witch who cursed me got pissed off bc i said sorry too much and didnt answer questions properly)
23. talking with sylphs or singing with nymphs?
talking with sylphs prolly??? i dunno man ive always loved sylphs ngl
24. mint, rosemary, basil or sage?
def mint
25. favorite childhood story? (doesn’t have to be a fairy tale)
what childhood lmao (honestly?? i loved reading the grim fairytales just over and over)
26. tell us about an experience you’ve had that seemed unreal or supernatural. (doesn’t have to be scary)
uhhh one time i was accused of witchcraft bc i was “guessing” peoples fav colours at a christian summer camp and our supervisors asked me to stop bc it was freaking them out bc im not christian (i had them close their eyes, think of their colour, and i would see it bc id close my eyes) OH also one time luke spoiled some pl stuff bc he was thinking abt the spoiler too loudly
27. would you rather have poison or healing ointment in your traveling pack?
oh healing def!! i already know a bunch of native poisonous plants so itll b fine
28. tell us three sayings that you live by.
only two chances for everyone, and then i cut them off entirely
cringe culture is dead. the only cringy people are assholes
hurt luke youre dead
29. vials or mason jars?
no. no. you CANNOT make me pick. its illegal
30. describe your ideal masquerade ball outfit (mask included).
uh! moss green, its a onepiece thats baggy and tied with a golden decorative rope at the waist and tightened at the ankles!! its loose at the sleeves and the shoulders are showing whereas the neck is turtled!! there are designs showing black mambas and lilies of the valley (poisonous...). the mask is black and covers my right eye, with subtle smooth scales on it.
31. splashing around in a river with mermaids or flying through the sky with harpies?
BOTH are p mean uh. i said sylphs earlier so ig ill go mermaids??? plus im afraid of heights
32. what would you end up in the dungeon for?
as the royal magician/wizard/witch/alchemist/magic jester? calling the royal family out on their bullshit
33. if you were a fairy, what color would your wings be?
they would be black owls wings!!! (if you meant pixies, like tinkerbell, you shouldve said pixies fam :pensive:)
34. if you could have any magical item, what would it be?
deaths cloak or a truth charm to get people to tell me, you guessed it, the truth
35. what song would the bards sing about you when you passed by?
a song about grim ends ad new beginnings.
36. would you rather be a pirate or a king/queen?
royalty! so i can fuck shit up from the inside
37. would you spend more time in the field of flowers, the tavern, the docks or the marketplace?
field of flowers or marketplace!! seeing the things people create and natural beauty and solitude are both wonderful
38. would you have a painting of yourself?
a modest one with a very dark palette, with my eyes painted a gleaming golden.
39. what skill are you famous for?
i talk rlly fast
40. if you could live any fairy tale, which one would you?
im not sure,, 
41. stained glass windows or fairy lights?
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