#is this unreliable narrator? maybe?
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disasociatehaze · 2 years ago
I finally worked up the courage to post one of my in-progress crossover fics. It's a BNHA x FF7 fic because I think it's a severely lacking niche with a ton of potential. This one in particular because it's prologue works better as a stand alone than the others I got and if it gets a decent enough response here I'll actually make an AO3 account. Not sure where it's going yet story wise, but its going somewhere. Comments and critiques are accepted.
Wake Up, King o’ the Cats
People hadn’t always had quirks, it was only 200 years ago that people started developing supernatural powers that became common in society today. However, it was only after the dawn of quirks that people started to don the costumes— that were once staples of the superhero comics they once read— to stop superpowered crime that it became an official profession. Pro-Heroes is what they were called from then on.
Izuku had always known he would be a hero when he grew up— had said as much with unflinching confidence whenever he was asked. When he was told he couldn’t be a hero because he was quirkless, he simply looked confused while his mother was devastated. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t be a hero without a quirk because he already knew that quirks did not make a hero. Heroes were not what were shown on tv or on the corners of the street; heroes were people who gave everything to make sure people were safe and keep the real criminals from hurting anyone again. Heroes are different from Pro-Heroes, though All Might was definitely both. Izuku liked All Might even if he thought his smile was strained. 
That day, when they got home from the doctors office he didn’t ask his mom if he could be a hero. He just grabbed some paper and started to draw. When Inko asked if he was alright, he looked at her solemnly and told her with confidence he would still be a hero. Had Inko not broken into tears to hug her son— who was clearly in denial, she would have noticed the drawing Izuku had made. She would have seen her son holding hands with a cat in a cape and a crown surrounded by others, all of them wearing a pink ribbon on their arms with the exception of the girl wearing it in her hair. 
Later the drawing was carefully stored in a drawer, but forgotten. Izuku made many drawings after (some similar to the first; others more like blueprints) and learned all he could as he grew older. His thirst for knowledge was seemingly unquenchable. He was still bullied by his classmates for his quirkless status, but it always felt like it wasn’t worth dwelling on for him when he had blueprints to make. He didn’t need a quirk to be a hero, not when he could just design support items to fight with. Izuku would never stop fighting to improve life for others— he knew he was an unstoppable force with enough effort.
Izuku hadn’t realized why he was so odd until this moment as his life flashed before his eyes, suffocating in the grasp of the sludge monster villain. 
He was immobilized with no way to escape. 
Izuku was falling asleep.
Maybe now he could rest.
As Izuku drifted to sleep, he remembered his life as the world faded to a soft green and began to smell of flowers. A chime of laughter on the wind urged him conscious along with a light slapping to his cheek. 
Reeve awoke and he wished All Might had just let him sleep.
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callmeizukunotdeku · 1 month ago
Jason starts working with the Bats and he feels guilty. He is guilty.
Sure, he wasn't in his right mind during the Tower incident, not entirely, but he was in his right mind when he was planning it. The Pit could only take over for so long.
So maybe, when things start to get better between him and the bats, he takes up a case with Robin.
It's an easy case, but he's still impressed by how quickly Robin solves it.
Maybe Tim smiles when he solves the case and Jason ruffles his hair and tells him he did a good job--because god, Tim's just a kid; how could he not?
And maybe Tim keeps coming back after that.
Maybe Tim keeps solving all of Red Hood's cases before Jason can. Maybe Tim keeps taking over for Jason and maybe Jason starts to feel less guilty and more pissed off because he knows that he never fully thought things through as Robin and he knows that Bruce took on Tim as Robin because he did. He knows Tim is the smart Robin, but Tim has neither the right nor reason to rub it in his face, so maybe he snaps at Tim--tells him to get the fuck out of sight, tells him that he might not be the smartest person in the room but he's not some fucking idiot, tells him that he knows what he's doing and he doesn't need some fucking kid just going around solving his cases for him. Maybe, Jason tells Tim that he's not needed.
And maybe the guilt comes back when Tim leaves with tears in his eyes.
But, Jason thinks, all the guilt in the world isn't enough to override the anger and let Tim back in, not after he called Jason an idiot with everything but his words.
And then, maybe Jason is working a case and it expands past his territory and he finds himself in the cave, working with Batman. Maybe neither of them can solve it and Tim walks in, excitedly talking to Dick about something. (Jason isn't listening too closely.)
Maybe Bruce calls Tim over and Jason flinches--he didn't remember Bruce ever being that harsh when he was Robin.
Maybe Tim solves the case and Bruce turns back to Jason and starts planning their next step without so much as a thank you.
Maybe it's odd, to Jason, how Bruce and Tim don't act like a Batman and Robin to each other, and that thought sticks with him, bugging him whenever he has a quiet moment, so maybe a week or two passes before he asks Dick about it.
Maybe Dick's smile is sad when he explains how they've always been like that. Tim, always striving for attention, Bruce never giving it. Maybe Bruce's standards rose above what was physically possible in the wake of Jason's death and maybe Dick sobs himself to sleep every once in a while because that hasn't stopped tim from trying.
Maybe Tim was okay for a bit whenever Dick was in town because he could help Dick on cases and Dick would smile and applaud every little thing he did, but Dick lived in a different city, so Tim couldn't help as much with Dick's cases as he could with Bruce's.
Maybe, Dick says something under his breath--a passing comment about how surprised he is that Tim didn't come to Jason and try to solve all his cases just for a kind word or two, hoping that maybe the Red Hood's love of kids and their happiness would extend to him.
Maybe Jason feels his stomach drop as the final piece of the puzzle clicks in place--how at first, Tim came with cases every so often, smiled and leaned in whenever Jason said a kind word to him, and how, when Jason started thinking that Tim was doing this to spite Jason was when he stopped giving that praise to Tim, which had the boy solving more and more cases for him, working harder and harder without being asked just so that maybe--maybe Jason would tell him he did a good job. Jason wondered just how far Tim would go if someone promised him a smile.
Maybe the guilt is too much for him and he pushed it down, only saying, "I don't think he'd risk it--not after the Tower."
Maybe Dick has something sad in his eyes when he says, "He's done more for less."
Maybe Jason tries again to bring Tim into his cases, but Tim refuses, promises not to intrude, promises he learned his lesson, and maybe Jason cries because Tim has never asked for an apology after Titan's Tower, but one hint that he's overstepped and Tim begs forgiveness.
Maybe Jason focuses a little too much on how to bring Tim closer--make him feel loved again and make it clear that Jason just didn't understand what Tim that Tim was trying to help--make sure Tim knew he was welcome.
But maybe Tim refused.
And maybe, Jason got so focused on Tim that he stopped focusing on patrol and got over his head. Maybe, just on pure happenstance, Tim was nearby that night and he couldn't let anything happen to his Robin.
Maybe Tim swooped in to save the day and Jason grabbed onto his wrist when he tried to leave.
Maybe Tim apologized but Jason just pulled him in and hugged him--a full hug, one arm around Tim's back, the other, tucking Tim's head into his chest, and maybe Jason said, "Thank you so much, Robin. I needed you to save me."
Maybe Tim cried when it happened. Maybe, under his mask, Jason was crying as well. Maybe, they got closer after that, Jason, needing to be trusted to care for something and Tim just needing to be cared for.
And it takes time, but maybe there comes a day when Jason looks Tim in the eye and tells him that he's important and valuable and incredibly loved regardless of whether or not he's needed. Maybe it take a few years before Tim believes him, and when he does, he hugs Jason and cries into his arms, but it's okay because Jason knew it would happen sooner or later, and it's okay, it's okay, he has tissues.
Maybe Jason apologizes for what happened at the Tower and Tim admits that he forgave him for that a while ago.
Who could say for sure?
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pineconnie · 3 months ago
“the jump for the beef is so easy how could you fail this!!” have you perchance heard of worldbuilding or fictional stories
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pleaseinsertwittyurl · 1 month ago
There are always 2 sides.
The discourse around Louis and Lestat being a victim and abuser and nothing more drives me insane.
Something i don't think enough people remember is that the very same reason the fight began in 1×05 (lestat grabbing claudia by the throat when she tries to "take louis away") we see Louis himself do to her in 1×07 when she tries to get Louis to burn Lestat.
They BOTH would harm her rather than live in a world without the other. They are both guilty of abusing her and each other.
There is an implication that a good deal of time passed between Louis and Lestat meeting and the church. Louis expresses that he shares himself with Lestat in a way he only had with Paul. I would assume that goes both ways, to a degree. We know Louis knows at least enough about Nicki to discourage Claudia poking that wound. He also clearly knows that the threat of leaving is his most powerful weapon against Lestat.
Mental abuse is abuse. And Louis abused Lestat mentally for years. Shaming him, ridiculing him, shutting him out, manipulating him into making Claudia (a traumatic moment for him, whether Louis understands the depths of it or not) by promising to give him what he's being denying him, promising to never put him through what he fears the most.
Louis admits to purposely making Lestat suffer. He admits he was warned that Claudia would suffer and he wanted her anyway because he needed to feel redeemed. He is not innocent. He is not a trapped, weak victim. He made choices to hurt both Lestat and Claudia time and time again.
Does this justify Lestat's actions in 1×05? Obviously not. But we now know Louis was not willing to stop the fight. He taunted Lestat the same way he taunted the Alderman. He was unleashing years of frustrations just as Lestat was. His priority was not to protect Claudia, it was to hurt Lestat, consequences be damned.
I hate the drop scene as much as the next person and Lestat has admitted he will never earn forgiveness for what he did. But if you view Louis as some squeaky clean victim who was manipulated, trapped, and abused by Lestat you are missing so much of what this show is conveying.
We will always tend to paint ourselves as the hero of our own story. It is hard to accept your faults or that you hurt people you love. It is much easier to shift that blame on to someone else, to frame them as the villian. But life is not usually that black and white. Claudia had harsh words for them both in her diary, even before they got to Europe, for a reason. They both made hurtful mistakes with her, both treated her like a pawn in their relationship instead of a person, both harmed her, took away her choice, never prioritized her.
That is the great tragedy. That she never had a choice and was not allowed to be her own person. And in the end, they both are responsible for her misery and her death. That's what makes the reunion scene so important. They have been grieving her and carrying that guilt alone, all the while longing for the comfort of the other for 70+ years. Louis has found clarity in his memories, he has accepted his role in their suffering, he has seen Lestat's perspective more fully. Lestat is broken, totally consumed with that guilt and grief. Both know that although they cannot change what they've done, they can forgive the other, even if they can't forgive themselves. They can love each other despite everything they've done to one another because they cannot stop loving each other. But now they can try to rebuild that love from the rubble.
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letsplaythermalnuclearwar · 21 days ago
hey wouldn't it be fun to give Hunter a bunch of Grimwalker things that no one but Belos knew about and everyone assumes is just Belos being cruel until they try something different and then it turns out it was actually necessary for Hunter's wellbeing?
so like one day Hunter mentions never having ice-scream or cake or really any other type of dessert. and everyone's like "that's so sad we have to get him ice-scream right away." but then Hunter spends the next couple hours being violently ill and it turns out Grimwalkers can't handle processed sugar
or he was never allowed to go to the healers when he was injured and he always had to stitch himself up (or Belos would do it sometimes if it was bad enough). and everyone's completely horrified because that's terrible and evil and what could the point of that be except to make Hunter go through more pain? and then someday he breaks a leg or something and they take him to the healers and it just. doesn't work. nothing happens. and it turns out healing magic is completely ineffective on Grimwalkers
anyway I think it would be fun to make the line between what was care and what was abuse a little blurry every now and again
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wishchip106 · 1 month ago
“There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men! They’re just following orders.”
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imagine the betrayal Erik must’ve felt hearing those words come out of Charles’ mouth
coming to the conclusion that maybe Charles doesn’t understand him, maybe he is really just like the people who turn a blind eye to those who are suffering
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that probably gave him the push to send those missiles out towards the ships. no more men following orders to ruin the world
and maybe that’s why Erik so desperately tried to convince Charles to join him. Maybe there’s a chance that Charles will understand and will rightfully join him by his side
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but he doesn’t. Charles doesn’t love him. So Erik leaves
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writerorlion333 · 2 months ago
Parallels Between Spiderverse Villians: "It's All Your Fault Miles"
Kingpin: Blames Miles for the death of his family in their final confrontation, despite the fact that A) Miles was not Spiderman yet, and B) His wife and son left because he was about to punch Spiderman (Peter P.) in the face while holding him by his neck.
The Spot: Blames Miles ruining his life despite the fact that A) He chose to work at Amex, B) He was partially responsible for the creation of the collider in the first place, and C) if Miles hadn't blown it up, they would likely all be dead.
Miguel O'Hara: Blames Miles for breaking the multiverse despite A) It was in no way Miles's choice to get bitten by a spider Amex stole by mucking with spacetime, and B) He has no concrete proof of his theory, as evidenced by how he claims that Miles saving the Inspector was disrupting Canon even though without Spot that never would have happened in the first place
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myokk · 4 months ago
My writing/reading question of the day:
Do you prefer present tense or past tense? Or something entirely different like future tense? For writing AND reading🫶
The more I write (I wish I realized how fun it was before this year😭😭😭) the more I realize I like to play around with language & tense choice can have such a profound impact on how your writing comes across & even how I feel as I’m writing. With my oneshots I’ve been playing around with only present tense & my main fic is past tense (but present during the flashbacks - idk don’t ask it just felt right😆).
Or does nobody else think about tense and I’m just alone in this😆😆😆 LANGUAGE IS JUST SO COOL !!!!
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dr-mothman · 7 months ago
I think not a lot of people talk about AM's self-esteem issues and self-destructive tendencies and it makes me sad.
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shalomniscient · 7 months ago
nobody ask me why i’m on an angst kick or why i’m thinking of furina of all characters but what if. furina x reader but furina knows reader is actually in love with focalors and really is only by furina’s side as her aide/retained because focalors ordered them to and yet she still plays along because holy shit she needs companionship (and maybe the horribly overtly emotional sex) or else she really might just end it all before focalors can
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visenyaism · 1 year ago
the levels of haterism aegon iv reached are legendary if nothing else
awesome how thematically you can think to yourself: well of course the firstborn son of a 13 year-old boy hostage and his 20something wife he was forced to marry who was then summarily abandoned by his mother at a young age and raised in the shadow of his baby brother who is the archetypical Perfect Knight and forced to marry his sister who he did not like as a teenager and spent his entire life locked into one massive selfish hedonistic binge session would have significant deep spiritual wounds and some level of humanity motivating him to lash out like that. and then fire and blood is like so aegon iv was actually a hater from birth. straight up literal evil baby. clocked his first attempted fratricide at eighteen months. no one hated like this
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galaxythedragonshifter · 3 months ago
Idk if this has been debunked or not, but I'm pretty sure that the statistics that Dark Sun told Sun (about how many Moons kill their Suns and what not) were either lies to further his "Sun liberation" vendetta. Or incorrect statistics that he believes are real.
It's probably the former, considering he's even smarter than Eclipse, and I don't think he'd accidentally get a different statistic than the truth. Although, it's possible he did mess something up.
The reason I don't believe the statistics is one: Ruin already destroyed 5,000 dimensions that included the creator (aka the guy that causes dimensions like the SAMS, EAPS, Ruin's, ect to exist in the way it does.)
The dimensions left over that include the creator (such as eaps, the swap dimension, tsams, and some others) are only alive because the creator is already dead, had a heart attack, or are in between life and death.
And thousands of other dimensions exist as well. Considering they don't have the creator, I would assume they function differently than the ones we know from the SAMS's perspective. And since it's a multiverse, I would also assume that said multiverse includes other fan made content as well.
If that's true, Moons aren't always the abuser/bad guy in the situation.
A LOT of fanfics, especially as of recent, have been utilizing the "Sunhinged" trope for Sun. Making him incredibly passive aggressive, and sometimes possessive/yandere/abusive towards Moon (so the opposite of what happens in Creator universes it seems).
So if Dark Sun caused a 35% discrepancy in the multiverse, just how many of those dimensions were unnecessarily roped in? How many of those universes were triggered into those "Sunhinged" Suns killing Moon unnecessarily???
Because not many dimensions like SAMS, EAPS, DS's old dimension, and Ruin's dimension remain. That 35% might be dragging in universes that don't have the same dynamic as those Suns and Moons do.
Just how much damage is Dark Sun causing? Especially if that discrepancy increases.
Edit: ALSO, Atlas implied those statistics could be a lie at the end of that episode. So yeah, I truly do believe that what Dark Sun said was incorrect or a downright lie.
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victorian-nymph · 3 months ago
also why in posts i see headcanoning the ages of characters is anya like a fresh faced baby at like 22-23 or something,,,, make that woman in her late twenties rn. she has managed to not get into medical school eight separate times thats eight times she's missed an enrollment cutoff date which is at least four years of trying to get it, and the fact that you need a bachelors as well usually to get into med school so at minIMUM she has to be twenty six-seven. make her the frustrated mid twenties bitch that she deserves to be goddammit.
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pharawee · 3 months ago
The Renovation was released yesterday on WeTV and the first (of two) episodes is free two watch.
It's a very low-stakes show that's selling exactly what's on the tin: writer checks into resort that's currently being renovated and tries to get with the owner so he can use the whole thing as inspiration for his next novel.
There's basically like, 30 minutes of hurt/comfort with a focus on the comfort part - in the form of not one but two very long and drawn out sponge baths. It feels a bit like whoever came up with the whole thing is really living their best sponge bath enthusiast life.
And then, right at the end, this happens:
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What. the. Dickens.
Yeah... uhm... they won, I will be tuning in next week.
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youngyoo-apologist · 11 months ago
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OG!Cale drawings, I love this guy.
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chiarrara · 10 months ago
i think its wild how beautiful and foundational the queer readings of jjk are considering how violently anti-queer the manga is in practice
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