#is this because im aromantic
platonic shipping is very underrated. like no i dont want these people to make out when there is a bomb ass friendship sitting right there
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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disco-orange · 7 months
You have to understand that when I say "I ship these two" I mean "I want them to be interested in each other romantically across a rooftop while fighting. Never kiss. Never get together."
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transonlyspace · 9 months
theres this certain bond between the aromantic community and the trans community and i cant describe it but i feel like its there
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drh3nryj3kyll · 2 months
shoutout to aromantics who don't exactly or always fit into the asexual experiences or aren't asexual because most of the aromantic content is always tied to asexuality and that gets tiring. I love you guys
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the-agent-of-blight · 9 months
as an aro/ace man. i'm aromantic and because of that im queer. being a man does not make me any less queer. and neither does being aromantic. if you disagree with this i hope you have wet socks for the rest of your life
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october-cryptixx · 7 months
aro/ace themed valentine's day teddy bears ^^ because i just recently found out i might be arospec but also just cuz like..... why not
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redysetdare · 1 year
Everytime I hear someone say "love is what makes us human"I think of that one guy who was trying to describe humanity and said humans were featherless bipedals and another guy responded to that claim by bringing in a plucked chicken saying "BEHOLD A MAN"
Like I could hold up a million animal species and say "BEHOLD A HUMAN" because they feel love. Something that isn't just a human experience.
The point being that describing a group based solely off a few features or emotions makes the definition too broad to claim that it is what makes that species said species.
Saying humans are humans cause they have no fur would include furless animals. Same with saying love is what defines humanity. Like either you think elephants don't feel love or elephants are human. Your dog doesn't actually love you or your dog is human.
You can't use vague overly broad concepts to define humans as a species. So maybe stop trying to dehumanize people for not feeling the same emotion as you in the same way you do?
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aroacewolfic · 8 months
I hate it when people's first reaction to me saying I'm aroace is "oh but don't you wanna have a partner and kids in the future, won't you be sad without that" Like no bitch I'm gonna be happy living alone in the peace and quiet with my cats and dogs and 1000 books to keep me company and I'm gonna be just as happy and complete as every other person out there if not happier.
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genuinely why are you not allowed to decline someone's affection. why do you have to trap yourself in situations and relationships you don't enjoy in order to protect someone else's feelings. it's not really fun to be 'friends' or 'partners' with someone out of moral obligation. it's not fun for anyone involved. but you have to stay, because they mentioned they have abandonment issues once and now you feel like cutting ties would be the most evil fucked up thing you could ever do. it's not my fault if i don't like someone. it's not. but it feels like it is.
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aconfusedkitten · 8 months
okay, as someone on both the ace and aro spectrums, there is nothing wrong with shipping aroace characters.
it is a Spectrum, and just like there are sex favorable aces, sex neutral ones, and sex averse ones (or people like myself who are somewhere in between!), there is more than one way to identify as aro. for fucks sake, please stop harassing people in fandom for shipping things because it doesn't fit your definition of what being aroace means.
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wandering-aloneo-o · 17 days
okay i think all of these are easily some of the coolest things i own now
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thank you so so much @bloggingboutburgers for doing this kickstarter!!! (and also everyone who made it possible to follow through with!)
i absolutely adore all the comics you make about your aroace experience, they seriously mean so much to me :D
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“Aroaces can still date/have sex” do you non-aspecs actually understand and respect that or do you just want an excuse to ship canonically aroace characters?
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75screamingtoads · 3 months
I've heard recently that a lot of people don't know what an ace/aro ring is and I'm curious now
Aro ring is a white ring worn on a middle finger (typically the left hand)
Ace ring is a black ring worn on a middle finger (typically the right hand)
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meaningless-mayhem · 10 months
Being asexual and possibly aromantic but also being a huge shipper and hopeless romantic is such a wild experience ngl. I'm always freaking out about my favorite ships and giggling internally reading ship fics, getting invested in characters finally kissing or reading about their pining and their love and I think "I want what they have!!"
But then sometimes you have a slamming realization that your sweet shipping scenarios you imagine in your head look totally different irl and that you are extremely aspec.
One time I went down a YouTube rabbit hole and stumbled across Vsauce's "Why Do We Kiss?" video and let me tell you. When I saw that stock video footage of two people kissing each other I was a little flabbergasted lmaooo
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steviecrowdude · 1 year
Hey shout out to my aroace people who are sex and romance repulsed and feel like they have to be comfortable with sex and romance to be accepted. you don't, and you deserve a space where you can feel safe.
This is including arospec and acespec people too
Y'all (and me ig) deserve characters who are allowed to be hot and not sexualized
Y'all deserve a place where stories dont have to have sex to be fun/interesting
Y'all deserve a space where people dont get annoyed at you for disliking overly sexual or romantic stories
Specifically for arospec people who are romance repulsed, yall deserve a place where friends are valued and its ok to have sex/be attracted to people without any thought of romance. Yall also deserve characters and stories about this.
Specifically for yall acespec people who are sex repulsed, yall deserve a place where you can feel safe knowing that sex wont be expected of you, a place where you can date someone and not be expected to have sex with them, and most of all, yall deserve characters and stories about people like you who's story and sexuality isnt erased.
Yall dont need to be comfortable with sex or romance, theres been an uptick in people talking about aroacespec peeps who are comfortable with that stuff, and are very prominent in fanfic and smut areas of the internet, which is very cool and good, but that does not need to be you.
If youre romance and or sex repulsed, that is completely ok, you should not have to feel like you have to be comfortable with that to be accepted by people.
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