frizzybearprteam · 1 year
The new episode is here! Go read it before Mermay runs out!
Heeeey, it's been a while...
There are no excuses this time, adult life is difficult, even if we are two people working on the same story. Even so, we hope you enjoy a chapter twice as long, both to try to make up for the absence, as a gift for Mermay, the best month of the year and also... WOW This story has already turned one year old?! Snails, how fast time flies, it seems like yesterday when we started writing Doc's adventures with his marine friends and everything became so mysterious and dramatic that we didn't realize it!
Both are deeply grateful to those who still patiently await the updates and delight us with their nice comments, we really appreciate them and rest assured that they motivate us to continue writing. No more distractions, I hope you enjoy
Special thanks to the friends who helped with both writing and translation, they are a sweetheart!
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frizzybearprteam · 1 year
Esto es precioso! Miren a nuestro lindo chico tan relajado y saludable, es tan agradable verlo con una expresión pacifica 💛💛💛 Muchísimas gracias por tomarte el tiempo para elaborar esta bella pieza arte, y también nos alegra haberte abierto las puertas al maravilloso mundo de las sirenas, nos consta que hay muchas historias que valen la pena leer ya que nosotras mismas nos inspiramos gracias a algunas. Nuevamente gracias por tu bello fanart, siempre nos alegra el alma ver arte de nuestra humilde historia ;3
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Un pequeño fanart para @frizzybearprteam
Por que su fanfic hizo que comenzara a buscar mas cosas de la temática 💙💙
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
The sea jesters are real science UPDATE!
Chapter 25, 4000+ words!
You can read it here! ☀️🌙
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[Happy new year everyone! And if you're in America, happy future new year 🎉🤗]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
Siren TSJARS Dr0p-1 and Dr0p-2!
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We're so glad to provide you all with real Sun & Moon pictures. Now that they're in full health, we can see them as beautiful as they can! A little Christmas present for you all :)
Do you like them?
[Lineart made by the gorgeus @chlxtown <3
Painting done by Mato
Concept idea for The Se Jesters Are Real Science! Of course, we encourage you all to imagine the sirens as you desire! This is just our idea just in case anyone wants to know ^^]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[Hi everyone! Today is my (Mato) birthday! Having a birthday so close to Christmas makes it difficult to celebrate it, but I hope you all have an awesome day. Don't forget to feed your fishies!]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[I should be finishing the new chapter, I know, I know, but holy moly you all MUST read Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse, such a masterpiece, cheff kiss. I read the whole fanfic in 2 days, worth it.]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
(Para las autoras) Rayos, lo siento mucho. Perder a un familiar siempre es horrible. ¡Espero que sigan mejor! No se preocupen por el capítulo y súbanlo cuando puedan.
Lo que me gustaría para Navidad serían Pops o las figuras de Funko de FNaF, pero aquí en Costa Rica es difícil conseguirlas, asi que no creo que sea este año XD
¡Espero que tengan unas bonitas fiestas a pesar de lo que ha pasado!
Traduction for those who don't speak Spanish and everyone can read:
(For the authors) Damn, I'm verry sorry. Losing a family member is always horrible. I hope you feel better! Don't worry about the chapter and upload whenever you can.
What I would like for Christmas would be Funko's FNaF Pops or action figures, but here in Costa Rica it's very difficult to get them, so I don't think it'll be this year XD.
Hope you have happy holidays even with everything that happened!
[Gracias por tu apoyo y hacer traducción al inglés <3 Estamos trabajando duro en el cap ya, así que pronto lo tendremos finalizado. ¡Prometido!
Ay, ojalá hicieran figuras Funko de Sun&Moon, sin duda las compraría (? Espero que obtengas las figuras que quieres, a lo mejor en un evento anime se venden por casualidad o:
Estas navidades van a ser tristes, pero lo importante es que sigamos juntos y celebremos. ¡Espero que tú también tengas unas bonitas navidades!
[Thanks for your support <3 We're working hard on the chapter already, so we'll have it finished soon. promise!
Oh I wish they made Sun&Moon Funko figures, I'd definitely buy them (? I hope you get the figures you want, maybe at an anime event they'll be sold by chance or:
This Christmas is going to be a sad one, but the important thing is that we stay together and celebrate. I hope you have a nice Christmas too]!
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[oof, he estado esperando todo el año para esta época! tal vez pida... no sé, una tacita que diga "i ‹3 fish"? /j
yup, a ambas, solo vine porque quería decirles muchas gracias, y que (si es invierno allí???) no olviden abrigarse /pat. tómense su tiempo así como se tomarían un café, no necesitan apresurarse :D
así como gracias a su historia pasé tantos momentos bonitos, solté tantas risas (y sentí tanta desesperación jakdjks lol), apreciaría que ustedes dos también puedan disfrutar de su tiempo libre; allí donde estén, cuídense mucho siqsi, mwak]
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[Muchas gracias por tu precioso comentario 🥺 Sixty es de Venezuela así que ella no se tiene que abrigar mucho, yo desde España sí, se me queman los nudillos del frio que hace 💀
El capítulo sigue en espera, pero nos lo estamos tomando con calma con tantas cosas a la vez. Al menos arreglé mi ordenador (no me preguntes cómo)...
Espero que Santa se porte bien contigo este año, aparte de la taza uwu!!!]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[Hi everyone! This is just a little update. The new chapter is almost finished, but a bunch of things happened at one. I'm sick, my aunt lost the battle against cancer, and my computer broke. So we'll be unable to post the chapter yet.
Sorry for the trouble. We'll try to finish the chapter asap :)
Hope you all are getting ready for holidays. Will you ask a gift for Santa? What will it be? Let us know!!! :D]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
"But you HAVE TO share with us what you create!!!! Obligatory rule" If I have too /j (ignore that this isn't my art blog)
Its rare I draw for fics but anything to do with marine biology in any form possess' me so here is Rónán (He/They/It)! He's pretty similar to how Y/n is written but its a bit more eccentric and outspoken but besides that basically the same www, I never send asks but heres what he looks like and some doodles (no idea if its going to crop Rónán's head off but lets see) Also i remember reading in an authors note a joke about y/n losing a finger or two, they might've gotten out scot free but Rónán took the finger loss wwww
anyways im really nervous but! i really like the story so far and im going to stop myself before i ramble about Rónán (they sewed their labcoat themselves btw hence why its so colourful :})
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[O... M.... G... HE'S IS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! The design is so freaking good, I love his hair and lab coat!!!! You're an amazing artist and designer, Sixty and I are stunned. Rónán is superior 10/10. Thank you very much for sharing he/them with us! We love it!! 🥺
Sixty says: does he perhaps have a phone number? Wink, wink]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[to writers] Are we allowed to put our ocs in the place of y/n and or draw stuff based on this au with our ocs?
[YES! Totally! Y/N is you, so you can add to them what your heart desires!
But you HAVE TO share with us what you create!!!! Obligatory rule 💙🧡/hj]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[Uh, oh, that's 100% accurate to what would happen 👀
Thank you very much for drawing these, it means a lot for us 🥺 They're absolutely beautiful...! And btw I noticed the little tiny bity detail you added 👀👀👀👀]
In relation to this beautiful Fic about merman by @frizzybearprteam, I got a question...
What would the reaction of the mermaids be if Doc decided to go swimming with them?
mmmmm Sun would be the most excited and would be somewhat clingy(?)
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... instead Moon
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yeah i don't think he want to say hello
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[EVERYONE LOOK AT THESE AMAZING FANARTS MADE BY @shadowdashinyumbreon 🥰💙🧡💕🥺💘, and I love the fact that we can still see Cat as Moon's menu(?)
Message from Sixty:
Your drawings are awesome and I'm truly grateful that you took your valued time to draw the precious merboys! Seriously, it means a lot for us.
But, please, DON'T encourage Mato's taste for these bad jokes, I am the one who suffers the most(?)
Again, Sixty being mean to me ;(]
@frizzybearprteam sixty I’m sorry have this as an apology
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
I love it with all my soul, omfg, sixty is going to hate us so much..... worth it. Thank you for this amazing fanart <333333]
[sixty doesn't allow me to write posts as Doc saying "my fishes just ate my cat" im so sad rn she's mean to me]
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
How’s your team treating you?
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They are a good team! I trust them and they work well. That's all I could ask for.
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frizzybearprteam · 2 years
[holaholaaa >:) /pat
if it happens that i, hypothetically, made some minifanarts of this prettyyy 'fic and i'd like you two to see it-
mmmmm if i tag this blog in the (future) post... jajjsjd doc won't be the one to see it, will she?]
[HOLIIIII! Nice question!
Fanarts will be commented by us, Sixty and I! At the end, they're arts of our fanfic, and we want to scream and cry and smile about all you give to us<3
We'll be (hypothetically) waiting for the fanarts, they will make us so happy!!!]
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