#is this about the dicking down comment
beefjerkyoff · 1 year
I'm glad how much u love Jason todd
Jason is a character I am incapable of having normal thoughts about <3
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 7 months
I keep thinking about this post and this came out...
"You were quite hard to catch, I have to admit," Nightwing said, stepping into the window-less room. A line of blood blossoms circled the room, their fresh scent heady in the air. He grinned down at his opponent, the only moral that genuinely threatened his rule over Earth. "If you didn't try to save those humans, you would've gotten away. Instead, you fell into my trap, Phantom. Or would you prefer I call you Danny?"
Danny Phantom glared up at him, shackled to a chair and unable to move. His jumpsuit was pushed up extremities and ripped off his chest to expose as much skin to the air. Needles and tubes stuck out of his veins, all leading back to the dialysis machine that sucked out his inhuman living-giving blood and replacing it with the blood of a vampire.
Dick's blood, to be precise.
Danny sneered, his teeth glinting in the light, already fanged. He was practically made to be a vampire. "You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid," he spat.
The Vampire King only smiled. "Well, if you had made it easier to turn you, I wouldn't have had to tie you down."
"Aw, and deprive you of your favorite kink? I don't think so-Gah!"
A sickening crack filled the air as Dick broke the other man's leg. Dick didn't care, as the wound would heal upon Danny's turning. He stroked Danny's jugular with a single pointed nail. "Such a smart mouth," he crooned. "I'm looking forward to seeing what else this mouth can do."
He was ecstatic; finally, the irritating mortal who could turn a vampire into a human with his blood would be under his thumb. And the world would finally be his.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Can just picture Eddie posting videos from back in the 80’s and everyone going so wild thirsting for Steve that Eddie starts feeling some type of way even though that’s his husband lol
Eddie has never been insecure about his relationship.
Don’t get him wrong though.
It is annoying when you’re closeted in your hometown and have to watch girl after girl shoot their shot with your boyfriend. It is irritating when you take your boyfriend to his first gay club and every five minutes someone tries to interrupt you dancing with him to try to grind on your boyfriend. It is borderline rude when you’re married and on a date, and your waiter tries to slip your husband her phone number.
Eddie gets it – Steve is too hot for his own good – but he isn’t insecure.
He bagged Hawkins’ most eligible bachelor right after the worst week of his entire goddamn existence. Steve had a front row seat to a lot of his lowest of lows and still made out with him. Eddie had been happy to just fool around with his old high school crush but then Steve had to go pull the rug out front under him and get disowned for telling his parents that he was in love with him.
So, yeah.
There are always people thirsting after Steve but Steve Harrington wears his love so completely and openly in every ounce of his being that Eddie has never had any doubt who it’s directed towards. He is not insecure.
Some of these people need to calm the fuck down.
Eddie posts a clip of Steve and Dustin bickering at each other from an old home video that he must’ve borrowed from Jonathan and forgot to give back. It from before Eddie’s time with the party.
The greater context of the video is that someone was throwing a going away party for Dustin before he left for summer camp, but it’s very clear that Steve did not know this when he walks into the house. He very clearly showed up post-workout.
In the clip, Steve is complaining about Dustin not telling him about the party and Dustin is telling him that he did tell him (“That’s not true. I told you to come here at six and bring me my flashlight. What else would I have meant?”). Eddie captioned it something like, “Some things never change.”
It’s a pretty innocuous video about two brothers giving each other a hard time but then if you read the comments, you will feel the need to go to church and repent. All the comments are about Steve’s spandex-y workout shorts. All the stitches are people trying to enhance screenshots of the video to see the outline of Steve’s dick, and really it’s – “Jesus H. Christ.”
Eddie ends up deleting the video because, “He’s seventeen in it, sickos.”
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potatoesarecheese · 2 months
fics that have forever altered my brain chemistry
(organized by fandom)
read me poetry by dead men by demigodbeautiies
Major Character Death (but like, he's already dead)
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, background Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, ghosts, ghosts only exist in the moments they are remembered, Non-Linear Narrative, Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurt/Comfort, this one will leave you actually sobbing, implied sexual content
Word Count: 16792 words. 1/1 chapter
Wylan suits bright colours better than anything else: especially the warm tones that bring out the gold shine in his hair. He doesn’t look good in black.
Or: Jesper watches the living carry on without him.
origami butterflies by focacciaherbs
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Background Nina/Matthias, road trips with a stranger, first meeting, modern au, miscommunications, so much bickering, Jan Van Ick is a terrible father but karma catches up to him eventually, implied sexual content (not really)
Word Count: 54536 words. 8/8 chapters
“Are you Jesper Fahey?” Just say no, Jesper thinks as he stares at the man in front of him. Deny it and drive off.  “Yeah, that’s me.” He sighs. “Get in.”
or: as part of a job for kaz, jesper agrees to drive a weird, annoying, definitely not at all attractive stranger across the country. shenanigans ensue.
Only One Reasonable Plea by Frick6101719
fear of noncon (it doesn't happen, and Kaz never has that intention, but Inej is very convinced that it might for a moment)
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Inej's early days in the Dregs, she also gets a better explanation of her contract with the dregs, Kaz is trying his best to be a good boss but he is just so confused and emotionally incompetent sometimes
Word Count: 3883 words. 1/1 chapter
Inej realises that she was so eager to leave the Menagerie she neglected to ask a few important questions about just what her duties as a Dreg would be, and what exactly her new boss expects from her.
a good myth is hard to kill by MajorGodComplex
Kaz Brekker/Darkling, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker/Jesper Fahey (kind of), Sun Summoner Kaz, Canon-Typical Violence, Mostly Kazling, unhealthy relationships, the slowest of burns (death threats are involved), Kaz learns how to open up to people the hard way, meanwhile the Darkling is busy gaslight-gatekeep-girlbossing, no seriously is gets bad, the Crows have so many shenanigans, oh and Nikolai is there too I guess
Word Count: 231561 words. 97/97 chapters
“Kaz Brekker…Sun Summoner...I’ve been waiting a long time for you.” “Hope that means you’ve built patience, then, because I anticipate you’re going to wait a fair bit more.”
Kaz is the Sun Summoner, and boy is he pissed about it.
Batman Media
what you're longing for (you claim to abhor) by ghost-bxrd
Violence (mostly canon-typical, but there are some graphic-er parts)
They're All Good Siblings, Identity Reveal, jason pretends to be a hallucination, the bats get kidnapped far too many times to be healthy for them but it's ✨for the plot✨, the batfam has a collective identity crisis about Red Hood, Hurt/Comfort, oops Jason accidentally got emotionally attached to someone he's supposed to hate
Word Count: 52036 words. 12/12 chapters
He smiles, all teeth, “Come on Replacement, I even got to the door with both legs busted. This should be nothing.” “You’re right. Jason… Jason wouldn’t have given up. He would fight, I can still—“ The boy wobbles, and Jason has to suppress the mortifying impulse to jump to his aid. “I can still fight. Batman needs me.” “That’s a terrible idea,” he muses aloud, and if there’s a hint of real concern somewhere under all the roiling green, well, nobody can prove it.
aka. the not-actual-hallucination Jason Todd tries the less hands on approach to getting revenge. It ends up backfiring spectacularly.
aka. the non traditional way to (reluctantly) reintegrate into the family after being dead, coming back to life, and becoming a crime lord, Jason "Red Hood" Todd edition
On The Record by oldmannapping
Social Media, Crack Treating Seriously, mostly about Roy & Bernard & Jason but there's a bunch of other characters in there too, mini stories and vignettes that kind of connect
Word Count: 9,652 words. 7/? chapters
Bernard and Roy start a TikTok page. Red Hood reads thirst tweets. Nightwing is a troll. Roy gets candid.
Gotham isn't prepared.
I will probably add to this...
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xamaxenta · 8 months
Its pretty cute if Ace has a huge cock but he doesn’t get to use it bc hes too busy bending over and taking it from Marco like awh look at u so endowed and u dont even get to play
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jacqcrisis · 4 months
'Am I writing Astarion with too much emotion regarding the sun/daytime?'
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waterwindow · 6 months
You're getting old (positive) (affectionate)
Nice try. I mean if disliking stuff getting stolen, retooled and reposted out of context irreverently as an inferior version of itself makes me old then I'm embracing my new primordial status wholeheartedly.
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slushiecafe · 1 year
need to get my gender dysphoria comic project done asap i am so sick of being misgendered by my twitter followers lmao :')
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driftwithme · 4 months
This map about the most popular swear words by state in the US proving that Raleigh and Yancy Becket were the type to make dick jokes about anything to annoy people.
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mavspeed · 2 years
hi! a daily reminder that I write fic for free because I want to and I feel like doing it. not gonna change the updating schedule, what I have planned, or any other plot details for a reader’s opinion no matter how important you seem to think imparting that opinion to me is. takes relatively little effort to leave a comment and takes even lesser effort than that to make sure that comment doesn’t come off as condescending or presumptuous to the author.
because I’m sorry but comments like THESE
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aren’t gonna fly with me! just- and I’m begging here- be nicer with your local fanfic writer lmao. go easy on them. we’re doing this shit for FREE. having a bad day and coming online to see comments like these (because I have received multiple all from the same person) feels exponentially worse than it probably should
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heartofstanding · 9 months
8 and 15 for the fic writing ask? 👀
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
I have so many possible answers to this question, one of which I shared here. There's a lot of stuff that is #problematic where the fear of being judged holds me back (that and my already massive WIP list). There's one recurring idea I've got that's like, Richard Courtenay gets the medieval equivalent of summer job as a clerk in Richard II's court in between terms at Oxford and it's a bit like Andrew Holleran's Dancer from the Dance. Young, idealistic gay comes to a big city where homosexuality is more accepted, loses their head with all the partying and sex, and ends up wondering if this all there is, if there's any hope of love for him (and occasionally seeing Richard and Edward and being like "well they're in love so it must be possible"). There'd also be some less-than-ideal sex, Courtenay turning up hungover to do some clerking, Courtenay listening to Thomas Hoccleve moaning about his poor aching back and how he has no money, and seeing the seeds of Richard II's deposition playing in the background. The reason I'm not writing it? a) it'd be really long and require a lot of investment, b) there'd be a fair bit of #problematic content, c) who tf besides me would read a massive fic about some obscure historical figure getting dicked down while Richard II gets deposed in the background? and mostly importantly, d)
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(i.e. too many characters named Richard playing important roles)
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks? 
Oh, probably. Come winter, I'll probably get sick or someone in my family will get sick and I'll not have much time or energy to write fic. Organising the Histories Ficathon is a massive drain on my spare time, energy and braincells so that's going to affect my writing time. The thing that worries me is another Loki Trash Era or equivalent, where I'm just so focused on something I don't even want to create fanworks for (because there's so many great ones that already exist) that I just... can't do any fanworks for things I would otherwise be making fanworks for.
fanfic asks for the new year | ask box
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hourcat · 1 year
i cant write that fic for real btw because that would mean charles would replace dj and i cant do that to my baby girl
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roseworth · 2 years
what do you think of the rhato webtoon so far?
tbh! more than anything i think its just kinda boring.
i dont think the jason characterization is TOO terrible. i hated the "bad robin" stuff they were doing in the first few issues but they havent really brought it up since so whatever. honestly the plot immediately leaves my brain right after i finish reading it so maybe im misremembering this but?? they took the job to get the idol from just some guy and didnt ask any questions,,, including when martian manhunter tried to get it back,,,,,, idk! like babygirl you know better than this what r u doing!!! it seemed very odd to me that the fact that a justice league member was trying to stop them from taking this "family heirloom" wasnt an immediate red flag
as far as artemis and bizarro go its kinda eh. i hate hate hate how artemis's face is drawn, it looks too yassified to me. also she had some kind of she ra moment in one of the eps which felt very weird. i dont read a lot of artemis content so i cant rly say whether or not shes being written in character. shes a lot like she was in rhato 2016 and i liked her in that so! sure! but bizarro-wise ive mentioned this before but. the opposite talking gets old FAST. the one (1) thing i will give lobdell credit for is that he knew biz was gonna be a recurring character so he didnt do all that because it def gets annoying
anyways. aside from me being picky, overall its just kinda boring. the plot isnt very interesting and it feels like even when things happen, nothing is rly happening ??? idk. i think that webtoons are one of the worst ways to tell an actual story. like wfa works because its just a little slice of life thing and it shouldnt be taken seriously, so the webtoon is a nice format for that. but when rhato is trying to like. Tell A Story it doesnt really work to tell it in a webtoon
but i do like things about it! i think there are fun moments! i rly liked the ep where jason could tell that someone had replaced artemis because he knew exactly how she drew her sword :) that one was a nice one that stuck out to me. i also still think the art is very pretty even though they do artemis dirty
tldr: its fine, there are things i like about it and i have no strong moral objections to it, but its mostly just not very interesting
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blamemma · 1 year
I think another thing to consider with the sim times is that bahrain and jeddah are both tracks that checo is known to do well at like comparing sim times will become a lot more interesting further into the season not just in terms of daniel genuinely improving on the sim but also as we get to tracks that daniel in general has been more competitive at than checo over their entire careers
i'm not going to think about monaco, i'm not going to think about monaco, i'm not going to think about monaco, i am nOT going to think about monaco :))
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lvminae · 1 year
"you know the author/creator would think you are a freak if they knew you thought of their creation sexually" okay and? i don't know them, they don't know me, what makes my pp hard isn't their problem and their opinion of me isn't mine
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sigh. just thinking abt how much sniper's (adoptive) parents must've cared for him. like he may not have actuallly met them in heaven but I DO believe they just wanted the best for him. disagreement over career choice aside
Oh I think he did meet them in heaven and I was under the impression that that was what we as an audience were supposed to believe. I really do think they would be proud of him and want him to succeed. Whether or not that was a legitimate interaction depends on how you read it, but I do think the sentiment is what they would want him to know
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