#is that what yinz are calling it now?
hp-hcs · 11 months
mattheo riddle if you beat the shit out of him in a fistfight <3 — mattheo riddle x gn! reader
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Requests open
implied Slytherin (non-pureblood reader)
tws: violence… duh
OOC. LIKE AS OOC AS IS POSSIBLE. i am so sorry for whatever this is 💀 i’m like, borderline delirious kind of sick, so that’s my excuse ig 😌
homeboy is not doing fine
his bruised ego 😔
he’d been teasing you for years with his group of lackeys, and you just snapped
he made a comment that went too far about your blood status, talking shit about your family
you just dropped your shit, spun around, and decked that mf
obviously he wasn’t fuckin expecting that, so he just kinda froze like 👊💥😳🧍‍♂️
he has no idea what to do
((he’s also just a little bit turned on bc manwhore duh))
everybody in the hallway freezes too like,
“you dumb bitch the fuck are you doing??”
his friends are jeering, and he just kind of shakes his head like a goddamn etch-a-sketch and like, gently shoves you back by your shoulders (cause you cute bae 🩷 he don’t wanna ruin that pretty face of urs <3)
you, on the other hand, are just ready to FUCK someone UP
and if that someone turns out to be the dark lord’s son, c’est la vie
he makes one more lame attempt at a scathing comment and you just fucking TACKLE him
you’re on top of him (not like that you silly little sluts get your mind outta the gutter) in the middle of the hallway just beating the s h i t out of him
homeboy has no idea what to do lmfao
lowkey he’s falling in love just from your knuckles smashing his face in (masochist manwhore)
he def thinks it’s hot as fuck
one of the professors comes to separate yinz, (probably hooch, cause there ain’t no way she puts up with any shit) and has to fucking DRAG YOU OFF of him
he's got like, a broken nose, a busted lip, a probably-going-to-become-a-black eye, and yk, decimated ego
but he’s just looking at you with those fuckin PUPPY DOG eyes
congrats, he’s obsessed
he won’t shut up about you for the rest of the day, to his friends, his enemies, madam pomfrey when he’s in the hospital wing…
they're all like “ah. i see the mommy and daddy issues are making an appearance”
when you get out of detention and go back to the common room, he LEAPS off of the couch and over to you
you’re standing there with still-bloody knuckles and a try me, i dare you face
he apologizes profusely, like, to a kind of pathetic extent
you’re like “dude, you’re not pureblood either, dipshit”
he got called out 😔
you apologize for OvErReAcTiNg (you had to apologize as part of your detention & punishment lmfao) and getting ‘unnecessarily violent’
and cause manwhore he’s just like “oh no it’s fine that was hot”
y/n: 😶🤨🫠
he’s got a lil giggle ✨
literal heart eyes for you
so ur like “yeah i gotta mess with this guy even more”
you kiss his cheek and make his brain stop working
baby is bluescreening rn
he then ends up shadowing you for the rest of the week, following a half-step behind you wherever you go like a lil puppy
(i’m of the opinion that he’s just a slightly more violent golden retriever white boy)
((i’m not saying himbo but himbo))
walk him like a dog, sis
alexa, play lovefool by the cardigans
he’s ur bitch now, enjoy <3
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anamelessfool · 9 months
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Ribbons & Ties (AO3 Link)
Terzo x Omega, Terzo & Family, Cardinal Marian is in there for like ten minutes
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Commitment, Rom Com Energy, There's a Wedding, Secondo is Papa Emeritus, Gift Giving, I can't have Fluff without some Angst sorry
For reasons beyond Terzo's understanding, he wants to give Omega a present for the ghoul's "birthday". It proves to be a lot more complicated than Terzo realizes.
Art by @kabukiaku used with permission
Chapter 1 Below the Cut! (We like Reblogs, Comments and Kudos omnomnom)
I was an impossible case. No-one ever could reach me... But I think I can see in your face there's a lot you can teach me...So I wanna know what's the name of the game?
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Papa Elect Terzo tried to look busy. He attempted a regal sigh, a pace. Killed time with what he hoped was a thoughtful, intelligent stare out his office window. He did everything possible to bide time while he collected his thoughts in a way that would hide his true intentions.
This was all about Omega.
He had called Cardinal Marian, Sister Imperator’s Personal Assistant not due to any sort of friendship or confidence. His brother Papa Emeritus Secondo barely considered him as human these days and with his wedding a week away he had bigger things to fuss about.
Terzo’s other two ghouls Earth and Alpha could not be trusted to answer honestly. And Brother Copia was, well…Copia.
So then that left Marian.
She was obligated by her job description to interact with him as he needed. For business purposes, of course.
And buying the right birthday present for Omega Ghoul was definitely a high stakes business venture as far as Papa Elect Terzo was concerned.
“Thank you for your time,” Terzo said, pressing his hands together and slightly bowing.
“Hey, anything to give me a break from planning my ex-partners’ wedding,” she replied with an indifferent shrug, although her eyes looked bleary. “How yinz doing on musical entertainment for that, by the way?”
“I have a few choir selections, and I have been working with Papa’s ghouls and my own on some light entertainment during the dinner. Copia has been fussing with finding the right wedding march on the organ for about six weeks now.” And Terzo had been locking his office doors to keep Copia from talking his ear off about it for about six weeks as well. “So…all coming together.”
“Great. Want to be perfect. For them.” She didn't sound too enthused. "But don't worry, I'm completely fine about it." Marian froze, then patted her sides. “Mind if I smoke?”
“Please don't, it gets into the curtains,” said Terzo.
Marian slumped in her chair slightly. “Ok, now you have to tell me the real reason I’m here.”
Terzo closed his eyes and collected himself. “I need some help picking out a gift. For a friend. I'm having trouble,” he said.
“Don’t you give people shit all the time? Flowers, erotic notes, pornographic photography, whatever…” Marian raised an eyebrow. “People talk. In the Dining Hall. A lot.”
Terzo winced and then gave her a defeated shrug. “This is em…different.”
At that Marian’s face immediately switched into a wicked grin. She leaned forward on his desk, hand on her chin with such force her biretta hat went crooked. “Why? Why is it different, huh?”
“Because…” And then Terzo threw her a haughty scowl. “I don’t need to tell you. You work for me, sorella. This is a business meeting. A consulation.”
“Fine, suit yourself.” She glanced at the clock. “But If I’m your employee you’ve got like ten minutes to spit it out before I leave for the day. So…what is it?”
“Omega…is an important friend to me. I want a gift that is…worthy of him.” Terzo started to pace again. “Something that is special, but ghouls are difficult to shop for! They don’t need to eat, or drink. Omega doesn’t seem to want to visit anywhere or do anything beyond whatever I want to do…”
“Well, isn’t he…basically you?”
“Yes but also, no.”
“And you’re psychically linked, right?” Marian thoughtlessly played with her pen, clicking it idly. “So, even if you wanted it to be a surprise, he’d already sort of know about it.”
“Cazzo, you see now why this would be so difficult?!”
Marian shrugged. “It’s the thought that counts, at the end of the day.”
“I know that,” Terzo snapped. It was definitely the thought that counted.
Except, he had never truly sincerely thought about someone else when giving a gift before. And that is what made his hands clammy and his mind race.
Terzo decided he needed to gift something really important. Something that reflected how much his heart pounded when Omega held him. Something that was big, essential, eternal. Just like his ghoul.
“A…a diamond! Yes.”
Marian smirked. “A diamond? For your very best friend?”
“Yes…” Terzo began weakly, but then remembered Marian's status as his minion. He frowned into her. “Yes, a diamond.”
“Whatever,” she replied, then opened her steno pad. “Although you know purchases over a certain amount I got to run through Treasury Director Brother Copia.”
“Then forget the diamond,” Terzo backpedaled.
Marian checked the clock on the wall again and snapped her notepad shut. “Ok, fine I've dated quite a few guitarists over the years and they like practical stuff. Like, for their instrument. How about um…a guitar strap, huh?”
“How about a guitar strap?” suggested Terzo.
Marian frowned. “What's his favorite color?”
“Second favorite color?” Marian sighed.
“Violet, he likes violet!”
“Violet and black guitar strap, coming right up,” Marian intoned. “And look, you got ninety more seconds until I go home, is there anything else you need, your Eminence?”
“No, that would be all.” Terzo returned to staring out the window with an extra dramatic flourish of his black cardinal cassock. He took a breath, feeling his nerves start to settle as he heard the squeak of Cardinal Marian's chair as she exited. All of a sudden he had a thought. "Oh, and Marian?"
"Twenty seconds left, your Eminence." Marian's hand was already on the doorknob.
"You're certain he'll like that?"
Marian's brow furrowed, but then it seemed like a thought passed through her, and her expression softened. "Of course," she said, "Who wouldn't like a gift?"
My AO3 | Tumblr Fic List | My Terzo/Omega Fics
Chapter 2 here
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linguistics-and-such · 5 months
Every linguist and their grandmother knows about the "thou"-"thee"-"ye"-"you" situation.
(In older English, "thou" was used as the singular subject, "thee" was used as the singular object, "ye" was used as the plural/formal singular subject, and "you" was used as the plural/formal singular object. Eventually, though, "thou", "thee", and "ye" faded into obscurity, and "you" became acceptable to use in the subject, object, singular, and plural.)
For centuries, people have been trying to find a solution to a certain linguistic gap in English. That is, there is no singular 3rd-person pronoun for referring to people animately and unambiguously. "It" is inanimate and can thus be perceived as dehumanising, and "they" can be confusing because it can be both singular and plural. (No hate to people who go by "it" or "they" - I'm just pointing out the linguistic issues with them.)
Since at least the 1800's, various educated people (linguists, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc.) have been trying to find a solution to this linguistic gap by attempting to implement neologistic pronouns (they're now commonly known as "neopronouns" but, back then, they were usually called "epicene pronouns").
The attempt to introduce a new pronoun into the English language actually had a lot to do with early feminist movements. Historically, many people viewed a statement like "Everyone has to choose his own poison" as sexist (it is), and they viewed a statement like "Everyone has to choose their own poison" as grammatically incorrect (it isn't).
Neopronouns are making some headway in the English language (as well as in other languages, like French and Spanish) since the advancement of trans and non-binary discussions. But progress is slow in English, likely due to the fact that pronouns are considered a closed class of words in that language, as well as general social pushback towards trans and non-binary people. I have no doubt that at least one set of neopronouns will pass into common usage eventually, though I have no idea how long that will take.
In the meantime, I was made aware of a very interesting compromise from the podcast, Ling Thusiasm (episode 02, I believe: "Pronouns. Little words, big jobs"). The podcasters talked about the "thou"-"thee"-ye"-"you" situation I mentioned at the start of this post.
The podcasters said that, because "you" is now ambiguous, many makeshift plurals for it have been invented over the years, many of which are now words in their own rights. The most common ones I've come across are "youse" (possessive: "youse's") and "y'all" (possessive: "y'all's"). I'm from Australia (mate), and I constantly run into "youse" and "youse's." I also have friends from the USA, and many of them make liberal use of "y'all" and "y'all's". I've also seen/heard of "you'uns" (from "you" and "ones"), "yuys" (from "you" and "guys"), and "yinz" (not sure what that's from).
The podcasters suggested coming up with makeshift plurals of "they" in the same way, so "they" could be (mostly) singular, like "you" is now. This interested me because some of my linguist friends and I have previously come up with this exact idea.
So, this would be things like "theyse" (or "themse", though I think "theyse" is easier to pronounce), "th'all", "they'uns" (or "them'uns", which I think rolls off the tongue a bit better), "thuys", "thinz", etc.
We already have sort of a workaround for the ambiguity of "they", and that's popping in words like "both" and "all" to specify when we're talking about more than one person. For example, if I were talking about my non-binary friend who goes by "they", and I were talking about them giving cookies to three other people, I'd say something like "They gave them all cookies." If my non-binary friend were the one receiving the cookies from the other three, I'd say something like "They all gave them cookies."
But I think it would be cool to have an "official" plural or two of "they", since "you" has so many already. Plus, it'd be quicker to say "Th'all gave them cookies" or "Theyse gave them cookies" than "They all gave them cookies." Yes, pronouns are closed class in English, but that doesn't mean that members of that group can never change or come about. It just means that it's more difficult to change or invent members of that group than, say, a noun or a verb.
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datasoong47 · 9 months
English pronouns have had some interesting developments over the past few centuries
In the second person, the old singular thou has been lost almost entirely (there's apparently still a few dialects that preserve it, and of course it retains some religious use), and the old plural you is developing a specifically singular meaning in many dialects, while in others it remains non-number-specific. But even in many dialects where you can be used regardless of numbers, a specifically plural form has arisen, with different dialects coming up with different terms, such as y'all, youse, yinz, you guys, you folks, etc. It seems quite likely that this development will continue and a future stage of English will be left with you being specifically singular and some other form as a plural. The only real question is whether one of the competing dialectal forms will win out in all dialects, or whether there'll remain dialectal variation in the 2nd person plural (both are plausible scenarios I think)
In the third person, they has recently acquired a use as a singular specific pronoun. It has long had a singular indefinite usage going all the way back to Middle English - that is, being used to refer to an unknown or unspecified individual (e.g., "someone left their umbrella behind"), but it's recently come to be used to refer to a specific known individual. I've even heard some people using they as a general-use pronoun, including for cis people and animals. It's conceivable - though by no means certain! - that it will eventually replace he and she, and future English will have two 3rd person singular pronouns - an animate pronoun they and an inanimate pronoun it. This leaves the 3rd person plural without a dedicated pronoun, so I suspect that, similar to the 2nd person plural, some form of new plural will develop. My guess as to what would be the most likely development is those ones (possibly shortened to just those or some other contraction like "those-uns" or "tho'nes" or something) being extended to personal use, but other possibilities exist (conceivably even something like they-all → th'all by analogy with y'all)
I also wonder if agreement might change in the future with singular they. At present singular they still takes plural verb agreement - they are not they is, despite singular nouns and other third-person singular pronouns (including neopronouns like xe!) take the singular. It seems probable to me that singular agreement might, at some point, come to be used with singular they, so that future generations might happily say "they is" for singular they, just as "themself" has come to be accepted for many speakers
(Side note: I would love to read a study of child language acquisition focusing on singular they and verbal agreement - there are plenty of families today where children are growing up with a parent or other relative or close family friend who uses singular they, I would be fascinated to see if children in such contexts have difficulty using plural agreement with singular they)
The 1st person, meanwhile, has been pretty stable in most dialects since the Old English period, with only changes in pronunciation and the loss of the OE dual, and there's no reason to suspect that that will change anytime soon (especially outside of any broader changes like loss of case distinctions in pronouns in general - which has happened in some dialects already!) (there are some specific contexts where "we" is used in place of "I" or "you", but I don't see that being likely to spread outside of those contexts)
I suspect that future linguists will describe these changes in the pronoun system as a characteristic of what we now call Modern English (which they'll presumably give some other label to), perhaps even using the conclusion of that process to define the cutoff between our stage of English and the next stage. Middle English saw the loss of grammatical gender, adjective agreement, and the near-complete loss of the case system outside of pronouns, while Modern English saw the loss of the old 2nd and 3rd person (animate) singular pronouns and the replacement of the old male-female-inanimate distinction with a new animate-inanimate distinction, along with the development of new 2nd and 3rd person plural pronouns
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the-francakes · 2 years
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
i think if someone gets smitten at the other's laugh, you can be like 'oh this is a fran fic.' laughter and smiles are just... such the definition of love to me. I love the theme of happiness being attractive. and it doesn't have to be a sunshine person, it can be a moment of happiness in a forest of angst. just a small smile because of a nice gift or compliment or moment of beauty, making everything better for a moment.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
ugh i already did this. i dunno how much more I have left. I call myself a monster as a compliment most days. I'm trash! fine. I really like how I've played with different pairings and found my rare pair niche. its really a lovely community and made me a lot of friends!
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Summer Changes! Harry discovers Draco babysitting 18-month-old Teddy one afternoon and keeps showing up for Teddy's protection... yeah... for Teddy... not cause Draco is kinda fit now and nice to talk to and yeah... no... he doesn't have a crush. Nahhhh. Totes not. Yeah, well, Teddy gets real tired of their shit and keeps fucking with the weather to get them together.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I dunno how up-and-coming this one is, I only have an outline and the first few pages, but it's a time travel Hermione/Theseus fic where she is sent back to 1915 and helps Theseus rally Wizards to help fight WWI and ultimately why he's known as a war hero before the Fantastic Beasts movies.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Yinz are gunna hate me for this, but lately, I've really liked writing Ron??? To the point my editor told me I should write even more of him cause I've made him so likable and figured out his redemption for his fuckboi-dumb days. IDK, go fight her.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
idk you tell me, you’re my editor.  you probably notice my dumb patterns more than me. describing dracos eyes as diamonds i think? tattooing the dark mark? you once told me i needed to stop writing mc’s that think theyre not worth the love interest but i’ve been trying to work on that. 
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cheapsiuu · 2 years
Vcu Rams Ncaa Mens Basketball A 10 Champions 2023 Shirt
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Vcu Rams Ncaa Mens Basketball A 10 Champions 2023 Shirt So, I’ve been working at this company for nearly a Vcu Rams Ncaa Mens Basketball A 10 Champions 2023 Shirt from January. I needed a job as was being made redundant and this popped up so I took it, it’s a night shift but work is work. Now, after about three months, I was asked by my colleague if I could cover his shift as he had an evening event to go to which I said that’s fine I came to find out it was a company event where everyone is invited to it but me. I shrugged it off as I thought I’m new so I guess they had it booked for a while. Kinda still sucked having to cover someone’s shift though as they were having fun and I’m stuck in the office. Anyways, fast forward to about a month ago I was doing paperwork and I came across an email stating Christmas party, I brought it up with my colleague he said is there? To which I said yeah at this place he said oh yeah I know I’m going to that. I was struck as I had not been approached or invited to it, what makes it worse is as there has been a boom in work lately they have took on about 6 new people about 3 months ago and they have all been added to the guess list and they class each other now as “family” while I’m stuck covering the guys shift and I was told I need to have the on call phone over Christmas because he has a family?! Well so do I!!!
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yardsards · 2 years
If you ever have any more head brain thoughts on Hunter and Amity becoming siblings against their will I would love to hear them
(question is referring to this post)
i came up with this au as a joke but it has honestly started living in my head rent free because i just want these four kids to be happy
it probably wouldn't work out this well in canon but my city now, y'know?
(under readmore bc this accidentally got long)
note that i have no idea what kind of timetable any of this happens on okay it is just a timeless void:
-the resentment between amity and hunter is less about the eclipse lake incident than you'd expect. hunter seemed pretty fine with amity at the end of that episode. amity's really mad about him threatening luz but kinda empathizes to a degree
-a lot of it is just. you know those times when someone is really similar to you but SOMETHING about them makes that be the basis for a rivalry rather than a friendship? yeah.
-amity also kinda feels this weird mix of pity and hatred of hunter because he reminds her of her past self a lot. she sees both the scared lonely girl desperate for validation and the girl who bullied willow when she looks at him. he's of course untangled a lot of his Issues by this time but he's still several steps behind her because this stuff takes time
-hunter feels kinda jealous of amity (and the twins to an extent, but mostly amity because she's the one that directly compared their situations). at first it's because he's never met odalia and only met alador after he started improving himself so he doesn't understand what amity's issue is at all. and then he learns but he doesn't yet understand that, just because the abuse/neglect the blight kids faced wasn't as bad as what he faced, it doesn't mean their circumstances were *okay* by any means. and THEN he's just jealous of amity because she seems to be handling stuff so much better than him and he just doesn't get how (she's struggling more than she lets on, though)
-but over time with enough conversation and growth this eventually ends up in a weird kind of Understanding between the two of them and it fizzles down to a normal amount of sibling rivalry and they end up actually being close and helping each other improve
-amity still occasionally holds the fact that she could've kicked his ass at eclipse lake over hunter's head tho. at the beginning she genuinely means it as a threat but later it's usually in really silly situations like "hunter you better not eat the last bowl of cereal, i can and will end you" because that's how siblings Are sometimes (the latter only happens once they're on good enough terms to joke around like that and hunter's stable enough to know that she absolutely does not mean it, though)
-on that note, i think there are some hiccups between hunter and the twins at first. the twins tease and prank him as a sign that they've accepted him as their brother. but hunter is just. wholeheartedly convinced that they're genuinely trying to hurt him. and he's flipping between the idea that they just plain hate him vs the idea that family members deliberately hurting one another is normal (he's still unlearning that from belos). they talk it out eventually and hunter learns that they weren't trying to hurt him and the twins learn to lay off
-the twins kinda take hunter under their wing. at school, hunter clings to them like an orphaned duckling despite being their same age. ironically, as cool as the blight twins try to act, they don't really have many close friends outside of each other. so it's two kids with not-great social skills trying to teach a kid with zero social skills. even more ironically, hunter HAS his own friends in the flyer derby team, and ends up helping the twins make friends with them.
-hunter sometimes looks to the twins (or sometimes amity) as an example of how you're supposed to act in a decent family unit. little does he know they barely understand much more than him
-darius, as we've seen, encourages some healthy teenage rebellion. however, he's not at eda's level of "you should cause chaos just for the heck of it". also, he does know how to lay his foot down when the kids do something dangerous/harmful to themselves or others. he's never had kids of his own but i like to think he had pretty good parents and it sounds like he canonically had a pretty cool mentor, so he understands at least hypothetically how kids should be handled
-alador is TRYING but he still hasn't figured everything out yet. for example, he doesn't know the line between "so permissive that it's kinda neglectful and not giving kids the structure they need" vs "being overly controlling (like his ex wife. or like belos)". a lot of parenting advice boils down to "just listen to your kids" but he doesn't know the right way to implement that yet so. he sometimes just straightup ASKS his kids like "hey, you did [x]. should that be against the rules? do you want me to ground you now or something?". it's obviously not the most effective parenting strategy. he eventually learns to see the line on his own but it takes some time
-amity usually gives truthful, thought-out answers to this. hunter (at least at first) always just assumes this is a test and says he should be punished (or just genuinely believes everything he does is wrong), but does learn that it's a genuine question and learns to think about it. the twins (at least at first) always just say that whatever they did is fine, but after a few times they start testing the boundaries of what they can get away with without alador putting his foot down, or what would happen if they did admit that what they did should probably be forbidden
-to a lesser extent, i think amity and hunter (especially hunter) end up acting out and testing both of their dads' boundaries sometimes. it's not even a deliberate thing. it's just that irl, a lot of kids who come from bad situations will subconsciously act out and push boundaries when they first get to a safe environment as a way to process that even if they break rules they won't be hurt or unloved, and that their parents care enough to lay down clear guidelines to keep them safe
-the twins, who built so much of their identities around rebelling, are kinda having an identity crisis. their overly strict mom is no longer in the picture. one of their dads is really chill and the other one doesn't know how to set appropriate rules yet. and getting in trouble at school isn't really the same if they're not also pissing off their parents. the only things they can think to do to make their dads mad are either more danger than they'd wanna put themselves in or are things they'd feel guilty about doing
-they probably do a couple of those last two types of things before it hits that... rebelling like *that* actually doesn't feel good
-and they also realize that, aside from maybe a little resentment leftover towards alador, they don't really *want* to upset their dads
-and now they can get attention from adults that ISN'T negative. edric got a taste of that from eda, but it's still a pretty new concept that adults will pay attention to them outside of punishments. it's even more new when said adults are their *parents*. adults that will praise them for their achievements instead of acting like they've simply done the minimum of what was expected of them? adults that will talk to them even when they didn't *do* anything to grab their attention? previously unheard of.
-emira's used to having to protect and care for amity and edric. and once she realizes that there are now people that will care for her siblings for her it's pretty overwhelming. she no longer has to make "the caretaker" her identity and it's simultaneously confusing, reassuring, exciting, and scary. it's even stranger to realize that now there are people who can and will take care of HER when she needs it, that she can ask for support without worrying about putting that weight on her siblings.
-hunter went from 0 decent parents to 2 decent parents (and 3 siblings, and flapjack, and multiple friends) in a very short span of time and. consciously he's learned that your guardians/loved ones aren't supposed to hurt you or threaten to abandon you, and that everyone constantly backstabbing one another isn't normal. but it's taking a while for that lesson to really sink in.
-he grew up in a really authoritarian environment and he's still figuring out what what kind of things are permitted for normal kids. sometimes he asks his dads stuff like "am i really allowed to sleep in til 8 am on weekends?" or will ask his siblings if he's feeling nervous that day. it's usually an "of course that's allowed", but sometimes he'll get answers like "sneaking out without telling anyone where you're going is ALSO generally frowned upon here. but you don't need to sneak out anyway, we're not gonna keep you locked in your room all day, you can just tell us where you're going"
-amity has already learned that there are people out there who genuinely love her unconditionally. and she's seen enough from her friends' parents to know what good parents are supposed to be like. still, it's weird to have parents of her own that will show her unconditional love. especially when one of said parents is the same guy who used to be neglectful to her. she takes a while to really trust it.
-the blight kids' feelings about odalia and the divorce are very Complicated, i'll leave it at that
-towards darius there's some messy "you're not my real parent!" feelings, or apprehension that he'll end up being just like odalia. but at the same time, in some ways they trust him more than alador because unlike alador, darius has no history of being a bad dad to them.
-hunter accepts alador just as fast (if not faster, now that he's done it once before) as he accepted darius. idk exactly *how* fast either of those cases were tho
-i originally thought that ghost and flapjack would initially hate each other, part bc their witches started off hating each other, and also cats and birds generally aren't a good match. but ghost made friends with owlbert so has no issue with birds. and i think flapjack would realize, long before either of the two witches, that hunter and amity could be good for one another, and ghost would agree. until amity and hunter make friends with each other, they're just always a little annoyed that their palismen are besties.
-hunter is so lumity-phobic that he makes boscha seem like an ally. it's his friend who acts like his irritating little sister dating his actual irritating little sister. he can't NOT tease them.
-darius and alador keep a joking spirit of competition between the two of them but it's over stuff like who's the cooler dad (the answer is obviously darius tho)
-all the kids go to darius for fashion advice. it's especially a nice bonding experience with the twins, who will get to experiment with their looks without as much pressure to look perfect or to match
-meanwhile darius frequently struggles to convince alador to take a shower and put on clean clothes. "yes dear, *every* day -could maybe be every other day if you didn't constantly get covered in sludge. i'm not even going to touch you until you clean that off." and "it's our day off, why are you still wearing a labcoat? don't you own anything else?" he is Suffering.
-he also has to regularly remind hunter to perform basic self-care
-alador and hunter work together to invent ways to combine glyph magic and machinery (in ways that feel more natural and useful than that fake staff hunter used to use). sometimes amity joins in. it's a weird form of family bonding
-hurt any of their kids and you will be personally hunted down by two of the most powerful abomination witches on the isles and maybe the other 3 siblings
-you know how in canon, amity and alador combined spell circles to make an extra huge and powerful abomination? well now there's the potential for a 3-way alador-amity-darius spell circle. whoever finds themself on the receiving end of this (probably someone who hurt one of the other siblings) will be absolutely obliterated from existence. it is a peak dads-and-daughter bonding experience. (jokes aside i did make a post earlier about my headcanon the combining spell circles is kind of an expression of emotional closeness between witches)
-alador ends up being one of those parents that is just excessively proud of everything their kids do. like one of those soccer moms that act like little timmy just won the olympics. it's a little embarassing but (and none of the kids will openly admit this) it's kinda nice to have someone be that proud of them
-(darius is equally as proud but he's cool about it)
-the relationships between the 3 blight siblings is already getting better in canon but it gets even healthier once there's no stress at home. i mean they're still lil shits to each other but they work all their actual issues out and have a good and healthy sibling dynamic
-amity learns abomination magic from two dads who have vastly different styles and incorporates some of her own styles too. she is very versatile and a force to be reckoned with.
-willow and gus are friends with hunter. luz talks to edric, emira, and hunter. amity cannot Escape her siblings
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princessphilly · 4 years
All Bets Are Off: Chapter 1
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Word Count: 2068
CW: not yet, except for some bad language
Note: I don’t always write long chapters. Some may be closer to 2000, some closer to 5000, it depends on the chapter and what is going on. 
taglist: @nazdaddy @texanstarslove @shortstacks-blog @missymore @hockeywocs @puckbitchesgetmoney @defiant-mouse @myhockeyworld87 @chicagostylehockey​ @barriesweet
Join the tag list here!
Chapter 1
“Look at my girl, moving up in the world!”
Nina could hear her mother’s voice in her head as she moved around in her office in the Lemieux Training Complex. Today was her first day working not just as a physical therapist for UPMC but as a physical therapist for the Pittsburgh Penguins and Nina felt like she was going to burst from nervousness. ‘Not bad for a girl from Clairton,’ Nina thought as she went through her schedule.
Nina had pledged never to come back to Western PA when she graduated from Clairton High. Now, almost eight years later, she was back and working with the hometown hockey team. After doing undergrad at Penn State, aka grades 13-16 with everyone from the area usually going there, Nina went down south to the University of Florida for her Doctor’s in Physical Therapy after getting her B.S. in Kinesiology. The warm weather was so much better than the fucking snow of Western PA but UPMC was offering the most money out of all of Nina’s job offers. After thinking about her student loans, UPMC was a no fucking brainer.
Taking a centering breath, Nina pasted her best professional smile on her face and got ready to go meet her first client. Before she could do that, her door opened and three men stepped in.
“Here is our newest physical therapist. Unlike Mike and Trent, Nina is a DPT,” Rick Dvorak, the head physical therapist explained to the two men with him.
Nina smiled and reached out her hand. “Good morning, my name is Nina Jackson, nice to meet you.”
Of course, she knew who the two other men were. One was Super Mario, Mario Lemieux, Pittsburgh legend and co-owner of the Pens. Next to him was Sidney Crosby, superstar who had just won his third Stanley Cup. Mario had a friendly professional smile but Sidney was looking at her like she… Nina didn’t quite know how to place that look. She kept her professional smile on her face while inwardly grimacing. Of course, the star of the team would feel some way about a black physical therapist.
“Sid looks a little starstruck,” Mario joked.
Sidney laughed self-consciously, his cheeks reddening adorably. Nina kept a straight face, thinking, ‘I hope I never have to treat him.’
Sidney smiled and his whiskey-brown eyes brightened. “Just a natural reaction to a pretty girl.”
Nina rolled her eyes inwardly, her professional smile getting strained. Sidney wanted to give himself a bag skate as he could tell that she was turned off. He felt awkward as hell and he wanted to curse but this wasn’t the time. He laughed, wishing that he wasn’t anywhere but here. Nina replied, “I’m used to turning heads but I didn’t quite expect to do that here,” with a laugh.
Sidney had met his fair share of gorgeous women, probably more than his fair share. Yet, his breath was taken away when he first saw her. Clear brown skin, dimples when she smiled, and dark brown hair pulled into a bun, nothing unique. But when Nina smiled, all Sidney wanted to do was drown in her smile and see what he could do to keep her smiling like that forever. Then, he got a look at the rest of her body and Sidney wanted to not only keep her smiling forever, he also wanted to find out what would get her to scream his name.
Then he faltered and realized that he really had goofed. Nina’s hand was still outstretched and he forgot to shake it. Sidney gave Nina an apologetic look and took her hand.
Nina didn’t know what happened when Sidney took her hand but she felt something electric, hot, and intense as hell. It was scary and she carefully pulled her hand back as soon as she could. Whatever it was, Nina was sure it was just another omen that today was going to be the worst day on earth.
Sidney gave Nina his best smile when she let go. He never felt such a connection when he had met a woman before but fuck, he had to change her mind about him.
Nina spent the next five minutes mentally willing the team owner, the captain, and her boss out of her office while making small talk. Luckily, the men left pretty quickly after wishing her luck on her first day working with the team. Sidney Crosby was the last to leave and Nina busied herself with arranging her papers. She could feel his eyes on her and Nina had no desire to interact with him. Then he finally left and she sighed deeply. Nina took several deep breaths before refocusing herself on her day ahead.
“Nina Latreice Jackson, now you know I ain’t raise no fool!”
Nina let out a low groan as she thought about another thing her mother loved to say. As much as it seemed like Crosby didn’t like her, Nina decided that she would be completely professional in every way. It wasn’t that hard; athletes were pretty much the same no matter where they were. Just like the Florida Gators players she worked on while in school, the Pens players fell under several categories. There were the jokers, the serious ones, the ones who lived to flirt, and players who fell under all of the categories.
For her first weeks, Nina worked at creating a professional boundary with the players she was working with. For the majority of the time, they were decently behaved. It was mid-season so there were all kinds of lingering issues, some more serious than others. Nina figured out pretty quickly that some of the players were going to follow directions while others were going to slack off until their issue made it impossible for them to ignore it.
However, today was her first day working with Sidney Crosby after her first day. Like she expected, it was a little awkward and his teammates didn’t help. The leader of the chirping was Geno Malkin. The guys kept walking by, sending suggestive looks and comments. Sidney’s cheeks were a dull red midway through the session. After a while, Nina got annoyed. 
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Geno and Jake came by for the third time, making kissing noises. Nina snapped, “Unless you need treatment, I don’t understand why you are in here.”
“Ouch,” Geno replied as Jake laughed. “She mean.”
Sidney rolled his eyes as he gave his teammates a warning look. As Nina wrapped his ankle, Sidney tried to take several deep breaths. He had rolled it a bit during practice. It wasn’t major but with the other trainers unavailable, Nina had decided to look at it.
“Why are you so stiff?”
Sidney looked up at Nina. She was checking out his ankle with pursed lips but when her eyes met his, Sidney sucked in a breath. Nina was really… words failed.
“I’m waiting,” Nina prodded with a sarcastic chuckle. This was making her feel really uncomfortable. All of the others players were relatively easygoing but the captain, he was so stoic around her. It made her feel like he didn’t really want her and Nina had observed enough over the last weeks that whatever Sidney wanted, he got. If he said one thing, she would lose the extra money from working with the team and Nina couldn’t afford that.
Sidney gulped before deciding just to admit the truth. “It’s a bit hard to be around such a beautiful woman like you.”
Nina laughed before giving Sidney a sardonic smile. Sidney felt his heart break into two. He didn’t even get a chance to ask her out before fucking it up. “It’s true,” he whispered.
Nina swallowed before focusing back on his ankle. “You should be good, Mr. Crosby. I don’t diagnose injuries; I just help treat them but you should be good to go for the next practice and everything.”
“Call me Sidney.”
Her eyes met his again and Sidney was looking at Nina with the most earnest expression she had ever seen.
“Ok, Sidney,” Nina forced out with a fake smile.
Sidney groaned before getting off the table and sliding his feet into his crocs. Nina took a deep breath and rolled her eyes after he left.
Gretchen, one of the athletic trainers, came in and snickered. “I’m surprised he made it without self-combusting.”
“Yinz don’t know? He likes you, Nina,” Gretchen explained.
Nina shrugged. “Yeah, right.”
“He’s always staring-“
Nina interrupted Gretchen as she said, “I’d rather go and get lunch. Panera Bread sound good?”
 Nina counted herself lucky that she was able to avoid Sidney after that day. Her luck ran out in the worst way. Nina was rushing out to make it to a dentist appointment when she ran into a hard chest. Tripping over her feet, Nina fell on her butt. 
“Are you okay?”
Nina looked up and it was Sidney Crosby, of course, holding out a hand. She cautiously grabbed it and let him pull her up off the floor. Like the first time they met, Nina felt the electricity when their hands touched. This time, Sidney held her hand even after she was off the floor. 
“Seriously, are you okay,” Sidney pressed. 
Nina felt her cheek feel hot as she replied, “Seriously, I’m fine. It was an accident.”
“I mean, I don’t want to give you more reasons to hate me.”
For the first time, Nina noticed that Sidney looked vulnerable. Pulling her hand out of his grasp, she murmured, “I don’t hate you. I think you’re the one who may hate me.”
Sidney blinked in surprise. “I don’t hate you! But I would love to take you out for dinner sometime.”
Something made Nina feel instantly happy at his words that he didn’t hate her and wanted to take her out but it couldn’t work. “Nice to know that you don’t hate me but dinner isn’t going to happen. I gotta go, I’m going to be late!”
Sidney watched Nina race out of the building to her car. He was losing and he wasn’t used to losing. Gritting his teeth, Sidney vowed to himself that he would get Nina to warm up to him, sooner or later.
“Hey girl, how was your appointment?”
Nina smiled as she FaceTime with her best friend Lauren. “Not bad, no new cavities or anything. I talked with Dr. Smith about maybe getting adult braces and she said I don’t really need them.”
“Sounds good for someone who was freaking out,” Lauren teased. “So, what’s going on at work? Meet any hot players? Anyone you’d hook me up with?”
“Girl, no. I keep it strictly professional with them. I don’t even want them thinking anything is going to happen,” Nina replied. She half considered sharing her interactions with Sidney Crosby with Lauren but her BFF had a bad case of loose lips when drinking. So, Nina kept that to herself. 
“Is Sid hotter in person than he is on TV? You know I love my Steelers but I gotta know.”
Nina snorted before saying, “Meh. He’s alright.”
“He’s alright,’ Lauren said in disbelief. “Oh, there’s a story here.”
“There’s nothing because I deal with him at work now and then.” Nina rolled her eyes as Terrible Tess, her cat jumped in her lap. Steely, her dog, was at her feet. “Anyway, did you get the tickets for the game yet?”
Lauren was a lawyer and one of the perks was tickets to Steelers games, usually either in a box or on the 50-yard line. As diehard fans, Lauren and Nina tried to take advantage of that perk as much as possible. Lauren stated, “Oh yes, we got tickets. And there’s this guy…”
Nina listened to Lauren talk about her newest guy she was interested in as she petted Terrible Tess. As much as she didn’t want to, she couldn’t help but think of the look on Sidney’s face when she basically told him thanks but no thanks. He actually looked hurt; not an egotistical hurt that most men got when they were told that they aren't as great as they thought they were. But it was like an honest hurt. It didn’t matter though; past heartbreak taught Nina that getting involved with anyone even affiliated with work was the worst idea ever.
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backburnerdio · 3 years
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Fight Friday
cw: Language, oh my god such bad language, violence Words: 1904 Taglist: @everlastinq, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @spacetimewraithwrites, @stormharbors, @dustylovelyrun, @idreamonpaper, @jaimistoryteller, @abalonetea, @kaiusvnoir, @writeouswriter, @reininginthefirewriting (Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)
Beau wrapped his arms around himself, tugging his sleeves down trying to retain some heat. There seemed to be no heat in the holding cells, temperatures dropping into the twenties making him feel slow and drained. His signal was still jammed, leaving him with only the clock he’d started since Bryant had started his questioning.
Huddling on the bench, he stared down at some sort of splatter on the cement. Black and faded, making him wonder if it had come from an A.I.. Perhaps that’s where the questioning would lead him. To Human violence.
A buzzer pierced the silence, clattering between cement walls. Beau startled, scrambling to turn and see out of his undamaged eye. Garnet stepped inside, barred door rolling closed behind him as he crossed his arms in a show of superiority. Of anyone, Garnet probably believed Beau had something to do with this AstroCoral.
Beau looked away, back at the floor, hoping as much as he could that Garnet wasn’t here to question him. Of anyone, he had no limit to what he would do, wouldn’t care to see Beau gone.
Maybe that was the goal –Bryant had called reinforcements.
Beau didn't dare move as Garnet approached, slow and gloating, more than likely enjoying the sight of Beau held in a cell like a criminal. Soles shrieked to a stop. He was close enough now Beau could see his reflection in the toe of his boots. A looming shadow, waiting for even a twitch of movement.
“Look here,” Garnet growled, but Beau only ducked his head lower. The way Garnet was built, Beau knew from simple calculations he could throw a punch with a solid 750 pounds of force. Enough to detach Beau’s jaw, vocals, or finish off his visuals.
He stared at the black stain on the floor.
“I said look at me, Roomba.” After a moment of fear swallowing hesitation, Beau turned his face up, not daring to look him in the eye, settling on the chest of his leather jacket. Even worse, Garnet wasn’t in uniform, wasn’t on the clock –completely off record.
Beau tried to regulate the alarms in his system. HUD warning of danger. Screaming as it had when Bryant had cuffed him to the table. Garnet wasn’t moving, didn’t speak, didn’t raise a fist, merely boring down on Beau with the weight of his glare. Every so often he worked his jaw, shifting his weight.
“Which one of yinz brought him in?” he shouted at no one in particular. Beau tried making himself smaller, looking away to the dark stain.
“Bryant, I think it was.” Someone from the hall answered.
“Lemme speak to him.” Garnet stepped back for the door, Beau gripping the bench to try and stop his shaking. This was a feeling Beau had experienced before, the day after Ives got sick and Garnet met him at the station entrance, cursing him every way imaginable and refusing to let him come back. When he knew everyone there was afraid of him, that they no longer liked him, and he sat in Ryker’s dark apartment as the sharp emotion clawed at his throat. Except this was worse.
Moisture rushed to his eyes, the feeling threatening to set fire to his systems as if he were involuntarily trying to self-destruct. Beau had done something so absolutely terrible everyone had turned on him, even Ryker, and the worst part was he didn’t know what it was. Had he been corrupted? Caught the BIOSerker virus without even knowing it, or remembering it? Did he hurt someone?
Weight slammed into the door before it could completely open, shuffling as two people wrestled. Beau tried to get up, frightened, legs too weak to hold him, bad eye going in and out making it difficult to differentiate what was happening. He slid down the length of the bench, away from them as they banged and flailed against the wall. It was Garnet, all snarled teeth and bad attitude, dragging Bryant into the cell.
Garnet more or less slung him to the floor, heeling him the rest of the way to huddle at Beau’s feet. “Get up. Get the fuck up,” Garnet growled, seizing the back of Bryant’s collar and yanking him up on his knees. “Look at him,” louder, seizing Bryant’s jaw to force him to look up at Beau. “Look. At. Him! What doesn’t seem right?” His fingers dug into Bryant’s cheeks, causing the man to grimace. “Huh?!”
“Garnet, what the hell are you doing?” Someone called from the door but didn’t dare approach.
“Shut up, we’re having a conversation. Anyone who steps through that door is fired on the spot!” Garnet never tore his stare away from Bryant, leaning down to growl in his ear. “Tell me what doesn’t seem right?”
“I-I don’t know,” Bryant choked out, struggling to swallow. “He’s an A.I.?”
“Don’t be fucking stupid!” Garnet yelled with every ounce of sarcasm he was made of. “Look at him and tell me what isn’t right!” Beau wanted to interrupt, to tell him to let Bryant go, that he couldn’t breathe.
But Garnet was furious.
“Look at his face! Look at his fucking face! You’ve hit him so hard you’ve fucked up the substrate of his eye! The whites are gone, Bryant! He’s fucking bleeding, Bryant!!” Garnet’s face wrinkled with his rage, brows bent into a sharp V, flashing teeth with every word as his nails sank into Bryant’s face. “Why is our friend injured?!”
“He was… trying to resist.”
“Why did you arrest him in the first place? Did he commit a crime? Do you have probable cause that he’s done something wrong? Or did you just think I wouldn’t come looking?” Bryant nervously glanced over.
“Captain Burnett wanted every A.I. we crossed brought in for questioning.”
“So you’re profiling?!” Garnet squeezed hard enough Bryant hissed a wince, throwing him to the ground. “Get the fuck outta my sight, jagoff! Get down to the claim and get everything Beau had on him. I want a report written by everyone in this fucking joint turned into me before morning shift. And then, tomorrow, you’ll have Ryker to deal with. Got it?!” He screamed at Bryant who scrambled on hands and knees for the door, slipping and clawing for a footing.
“Garnet, we didn’t know—”
“OH, SHUT THE FUCK UP! You did! He’s wearing his goddamn uniform!!” Garnet swung at the air for good measure. “Coñazo! Get his shit, now!” Anyone who had been watching disappeared from the door, Garnet cursing as he smeared at his face. Pacing to the door and back several times, he finally drew in a deep breath, exhaled, and whispered, “Come on, let’s go.”
Beau grimaced to his feet, legs aching from being seated for so long. He managed a few steps before a knee gave out.
“Whoa, easy,” Garnet scrambled to catch him, keeping him out of the floor and getting him back up on his feet. “You alright?” Beau could only nod, shaking again at the sharp relief. With extreme contrast, Garnet gently strung one of Beau’s arms across his shoulders. “Christ, it’s freezing in here. You’re fuckin’ ice. Come on, let’s get you back.”
They hobbled into the hall, officers peeking from doorways and around corners as they made their way to the front. A young intern met them with the plastic bag containing Beau’s few things. Bryant was nowhere to be found. Garnet immediately took out his patrol jacket, helping him string his arms into it.
“You tell that coward I don’t ever wanna catch any of yinz even near him, again. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” She nodded, taking an eager step back.
“Got that?” Garnet raised his voice again to address everyone in earshot. “Not one jagoff from this sorry excuse of a precinct should even look at him!”
“Garnet, let’s go,” Beau whispered.
“I’m sending the Chief down here, and he’s going to turn you all fucking inside out!” Garnet nearly tripped in his attempt to continue his rant. With more coaxing from Beau, he eventually gave up, leading them through the station and out to the sidewalk.
Message after message came through as his link connected back to the network. Everyone had been trying to reach him, calls, p2p’s, texts, emails, pings. Well over the two hundred mark. They hadn’t been angry. They were worried. They couldn’t find him.
|Beau!| Mikki connected first |Where are you?! Are you alright?!|
|Garnet has me. I’m okay.|
|I’ll tell Ryker.|
It wasn’t long before Garnet’s phone rang, cursing as he struggled to reach for it. “Yeah what?” he finally answered. “You won’t fucking believe it. Bryant took him in. N'at Burnett knew about it the whole time… No, I don’t know –how long were you in there, Beau?”
“Six hours and four minutes.”
“Over six fucking hours… Yeah, I know. You should see him. They roughed him up. No! It wasn’t me! Thank you very much –yeah, he’s right here.” Garnet paused, glancing to Beau with an unspoken clue that Ryker wanted to talk to him. By some miracle, he understood Beau wasn’t up for it.
“Look, my hands are full. Okay? We’ll call you when we get somewhere. He’s not gonna keel over before then. Yeah. Alright. Bye.” Garnet hung up. “Call your dad when we get back, alright?”
“How did you know where to find me?” Beau asked, letting Garnet take him back across the shoulders.
“Is that a serious question? Because I’m a Mediator. I’ve done this all my life. Don’t be stupid.” But there were no edges to Garnet’s scoff, minding their step as they approached the motorcycle haphazardly propped in the middle of the sidewalk. He paused, taking a moment to look around before shuffling even closer to the bike. “Look, I don’t, uh… I can’t risk you falling off and ending up with more damage. So, you get on first. I’ll hold it steady, think you can?”
“I think so,” Beau’s weight returned to his feet in allotted amounts as Garnet gradually slid his arm from his shoulders. His legs were steady enough, hand balancing on the center cover before kicking a leg over. Even near the front his feet barely touched the ground, little help to steady the bike, thankful Garnet kept it righted by the handlebars. Without letting go, Garnet got on behind him, heeling it off its stand and eliminating any hope of Beau reaching the ground.
“Here,” Garnet shifted, toeing footpegs out from the front of the chassis. “So, no one on our shift is back at the station. I should take you to a SoulMedic, but I can also take you back to the station or to my place. It’s up to you, where you wanna go?”
“I… I think I just want to go somewhere safe for now. Away from people. So, to your place, if you don’t mind.”
“Nah,” Garnet chuckled, turning the engine over and framing around Beau to reach the handlebars, “we can catch some terrible infomercials before the B-rated shopping network comes on if we hurry.”
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I apologize to all my followers for my behavior tonight.
I am so fucking feral over these two I don't know what the hell I'm going to do if when they do reunite.
That twitter thread has me trippin. I'm just losing it. If that had been televised, even parts of it, I would have McLost it completely. No, it probably wouldn't have gone down nearly as funny (they would NOT have said tabarnak repeatedly on TV) but I saw the cameras rolling around so it was officially recorded. Perhaps part of it will end up on the network or YT?
I feel like there was very important plot development in that segment which will be needed later. The bit of them getting into an argument over the Bloodline and Sami showing defiance over it seems, I dunno, IMPORTANT? The part where Kevin told Sami that he'll stop calling him Roman's bitch the day Sami's balls grow back seems like something that will be relevant to the plot in the near future. I feel like that part at least will end up on Talking Smack or somewhere official.
Anyway, not the point. Point is, I really am a feral clown woman for these two and I'm so sorry to all yinz for being this way.
I'm also warning you now - I will not stop.
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drabbleitout · 3 years
Find the Word Tag
Tagged by: @winterandwords over here my words: Fire, Water, Earth, & Air tagging: @spacetimewraithwrites, @kaiusvnoir, @dustylovelyrun, @abalonetea, @ashen-crest, @asomeoneperson and anyone else who would like to join! (As always please don't feel pressured or rushed!) your words: Argue, Paid, Rain, Steal, & Voice
“Which one of yinz brought him in?” [Garnet] shouted at no one in particular. Beau tried making himself smaller, stare fixed on the floor.
“Bryant, I think it was.” Someone from the hall answered.
“Lemme speak to him.” Garnet stepped back for the door, Beau lowering his face again. This was a feeling he'd experienced after Ives got sick. When he knew everyone was afraid of them, that they no longer liked him, and he sat in Ryker’s dark apartment as the sharp emotion clawed at his throat. Except this was worse.
Moisture rushed to his eyes, the feeling threatening to set fire to his systems as if he were involuntarily trying to self-destruct. Beau had done something so absolutely terrible everyone had turned on him, even Ryker, and the worst part was he didn’t know what it was.
Water & Earth
"Beau, I dunno where you are but get out of the building. Now."
Beau was on the second floor, taking his tablet to maintenance when Garnet's message came through. Ives' signal disappeared shortly after. He stopped in the hall as an odd sensation started in his TLN lines.
|What happened?| he asked with no answer. The network was down, his HUD was blank, unable to even make a phone call. One of the doors down the hall opened, a dispatcher leaned out and noticed him.
"Hey, do you have signal? None of our radios are working."
"N-no, I don't."
"Great, we're dead in the water." She stepped back in, shutting the door behind her. Garnet’s message played over and over in his head, turning to start for the back stairwell.
Beau's reflection stood at the end of the hall. They had his eyes, his face, his height, but they weren't him. Beau felt the earth tilt beneath his feet, an almost electric sensation light through him. The thing that wasn't him charged, Beau dropping his tablet as he turned to flee.
Ives stood attentive at the front of the waiting room, refusing to sit.
Beau blew air from his mouth, leaned back in one of the waiting room chairs, attempting to move a mylar balloon stuck in the steelwork of the ceiling. It was too far away. He rest his head against the wall, scrolling through his HUD for the thousand and thirty-second time since he’d arrived with Ives. It had been hours since a nurse had given them any update on Ryker.
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agentcherricola · 3 years
oh handholding 33 with jet and cherri??
Bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go. Warnings for vague mentions of light injuries (splinters). Enjoy :^)
prompts from here!
With a grunt, Jet lifted the last rickety wooden crate of records well above his head and set them down on the topmost shelf.
“There! That’ll…probably hold for a while,” they heard Ghoul say. “‘Least it’s better than what yinz were doin’ before. Like…I dunno that much about ‘proper storage of vinyl’ or whatever Show Pony’s always goin’ on about, but I know that ain’t right.”
Truly, the back room of the radio station was a sight to see. All kinds of boxes filled with all kinds of records, CDs, cassette tapes, strewn about the room with barely enough room to walk between. But now, thanks to Jet’s strength and Ghoul’s building know-how, a few makeshift shelves lined the walls. Whatever couldn’t fit was haphazardly organized into extra plastic or cardboard crates lining the floor in somewhat of a path.
Show Pony had been organizing since they started, and she looked up and blew a strand of hair out of her eyes. “‘F you listened to me once in a blue moon maybe you’d know why all yer music sounds like shit,” xe said.
Fun Ghoul just stuck his tongue out at her. Xe returned the gesture.
“Shit! Looks awesome in here, guys,” came Cherri Cola’s voice from the doorway. He stood, leaning on one shoulder with a six pack of soda cans draped on one arm. “I didn’t know how long yinz would still be workin’, but I had the good Doc cover my broadcast so I could run out an’ try to find somethin’ cold to drink. Got the last pack ‘a sodas at Tommy’s.” Everyone cheered a little and crowded around him.
“I want the orange one!” Pony called. She made grabby hands for Cherri as he started pulling cans free.
“Aw, wait, that one’s my fave,” Ghoul whined.
“Bummer. But Cherri’s gonna give it to me since I’m his favorite, right?”
Jet laughed as Cherri started to look a little like a cornered animal.
“Uh…how about uh…you guys just leave me the grape one?” he said before gently placing the cans on the nearest surface.
Jet stepped carefully around Ghoul and Pony as they squabbled and instead leaned their back against the opposite end of the doorframe. “Thanks for the drinks, Cherri, s’really sweet of you.”
“Dunno, I’m afraid I started a feeding frenzy,” he laughed awkwardly in return. He took a step away and found himself bumping his back against Jet’s chest. “Oh! Ah, sorry…”
But Jet casually draped one of his arms over Cherri’s shoulder. They watched with mild amusement as Ghoul and Pony scrapped over sodas until they eventually made their picks and sat side-by-side to go back to organizing.
“D’you mind grabbin’ me one, Cher?” Jet asked.
“Oh! Oh, yeah, sure.” Cherri immediately picked Jet’s favorite soda, lemon/lime flavored, and handed it over. Their fingers brushed, just a little. He kept eye contact with the can.
“Thanks– ow!” Jet winced and shook his hand when the cold condensation came in contact with his palm and made it sting.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, just–”
“Lemme see.” Cherri didn’t let Jet protest before taking their hand and flipping it over. His palms and fingertips were littered with little cuts and splinters, no doubt due to the cheap scrap plywood he’d been working with. “Oh, c’mon, lemme help you get cleaned up.” Before Jet could even reply, Cherri was already half dragging them down the hall. “We’ll be right back!” he called over his shoulder to the other two.
Cherri ushered Jet into the station bathroom and shouldered the door open. He set their soda on the edge of the sink.
Jet, knowing it wasn’t worth it to fight when Cherri got fussing, sat himself down patiently on the closet toilet seat. “Really, I’m ok,” he said anyway, just to be polite.
“Nuh uh, yer gonna get so infected so fast. We just restocked the station’s first aid kit, so you’ll be back out in no time. Y’know, you really gotta be careful!” He dug out the battered plastic case from the supply closet in the back of the spacious bathroom. Popping it open, Cherri first fished out a pair of tweezers. “Lemme know if this hurts, ok?”
“Can do, doc.”
Slowly and methodically, Cherri knelt in front of him rested Jet’s hand in his, and held it so gently as he searched every line for splinters. His thumb dragged softly over the weathered skin of their palm when he was done. He looked up with a smile to see Jet’s face warmly smiling back. The bathroom suddenly felt a lot smaller. And warmer.
“Feelin’ better already,” Jet said softly.
Cherri couldn’t keep back a laugh. “I still hafta…still gotta clean it.” He fumbled with putting the tweezers back and digging around in the kit for some rubbing alcohol and gauze pads. It was hard to juggle everything with one hand, but the absolute last thing Cherri wanted to do was let go of Jet.
“Here.” Leaving his “injured” hand still resting solidly in Cherri’s, he screwed the cap off the rubbing alcohol Cherri held in his hand, and held the gauze out for him to pour some on.
“Yer s’possed to let me take care of you,” Cherri said, a lighthearted tilt in his voice.
“I know, I know, don’ let me interrupt yer flow.” Jet settled back down.
Despite an initial look of hesitation, Cherri’s hands were steady, practiced, as he wiped down the cuts and nicks that littered Jet’s hand and wrist. It did sting, a little, but the steady warmth from Cherri’s other hand soothed any pain that might have lingered.
“There,” Cherri said when he’d finished. “I dunno if a bandage would be worth it but…I think you’ll be ok.” He breathed a little laugh. His eyes flicked up to Jet’s then back down. Before he could stop himself, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to Jet’s open palm.
Jet actually froze. “Uh…”
“But that should help. Just…in case.” He felt his whole face going red. That was so forward, why did he do that, was it a million degrees in this bathroom or what–
But Jet turned their hand around to take Cherri’s, and covered it with their free hand. He brought his hand up to his lips and just kissed his knuckles, gently. Cherri could barely make himself look.
“Think you missed,” he heard Jet say with an unmistakable grin in his voice.
Cherri sat up to kiss them so fast it made his head spin.
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seeingstarks · 3 years
Flesh for Fantasy
please do not claim my writing as your own, i will have this posted on here and quotev. i made this a few months ago but hesitated to post it since the ship is not so common. i will not tolerate hate and yes i do take requests, i am new to doing this through tumblr but i hope it goes well. love yinz.
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pairing : damien darhk x sara lance cw : cursing, sword/katana fighting, kissing, drinking, mentions of fire and death, drunk john constantine and mick rory, implied sexual jokes, french kissing, SMUT, male recieving oral, gag reflex, moaning, breast touching etc., female being fingered by male, sex a/n : i just wanted to be safe with adding triggers since this is my first story i'm posting on here. <3 probably some spelling errors.
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It was a normal day for Sara and the rest of The Legends. Well, as normal as time travelling could get. They were all still trying to figure out how great of a threat Mallus was. The team was still mourning the loss of there beloved friend and team-member, Martin Stein. They had recently got back from Earth-X. Mick had met a doppleganger to Leanord Snart, that was gay and asked to be called Leo. Sara had decided to let most of the team figure stuff out, John Constantine had surprised her last night by sneaking his way onto the Waverider, all she honestly wanted was something easy to take care of before having to take on Mallus with the team. Sara left Nate in charge of the Waverider. Sara decided to take Ray with her out on the current mission, she would call for more backup if need be.
They were set on a mission in the 1980's. It was only a level five anachronism, for now. "Do you even know what we're looking for?" Ray asked Sara as the two of them made there way off the Waverider, wearing 80's garb. "I thought Gideon filled you in, I told her to." Sara replied to him as they continued walking, they were making there way to what seemed to be a music festival. "Jax is doing a few repairs on the Waverider, I think he may have broke Gideon." Ray attempted to joke with Sara a bit, but she wasn't having any of it. Sara never gave herself a chance to mourn the loss of Stein. She didn't want to seem weak in front of the rest of the team. "Someone assassinates Billy Idol and it royally screws up the timeline from now until 2018. Who better to go after the assassin then one of their own kind?" Sara questioned Ray rhetorically. Ray could honestly tell that something was up with Sara, he wanted to help but she would hopefully tell him when she was ready. "How is that only a level five anachronism? In my opinion, I think it should be about a eight or even a nine." Ray rubbed at the back of his neck, they were nearing the music festival entrance now. "I don't know, maybe it became less of a threat because they could sense me coming." Sara rolled her eyes up at Ray ever so playfully. Sara saw the entrance, "We need to find somewhere to blend in and to find the assassin before they get a chance to get anywhere near Billy Idol." she informed Ray before mixing in with a crowd of people.
"These people reek of cocaine." Ray implied while following Sara. "Never smelled the stuff before?" Sara teased Ray as she kept her eye out for the assassin. "If you can't handle it, then maybe you should go back to the Waverider." Sara stated confidently. Ray could definitely tell that something was up with Sara now. She would never leave the rest of the team on the Waverider or want to be out on the field alone at that. "I'm not leaving you out here alone, I can handle the smell." Ray responded as he plugged up his nose with his hand, causing Sara to roll her eyes yet again. She was getting really impatient with Ray, it wasn't even his fault. Holding emotion in for Sara was never a good thing, ever. Sara glanced around at the stage, seeing if she could spot anything. No luck. Ray also scanned the place, he looked at the guards. They all seemed normal except for one, it was a young woman that had glowing red eyes. Ray tapped Sara on the shoulder and pointed up to where the figure was standing. It was Nora Darhk, possessed by Mallus. Sara growled under her breath, "What!?" she yelled at Ray before looking up, "Oh." Sara's eyes now met with possessed Nora. "I'm going to call for backup. We have Nora and the assassin to deal with. No offense, but I don't think that you can handle her all on your own. I'm going to call for Amaya and Zari." Sara informed Ray as he nodded in reply, "Are you sure that you will be okay facing the assassin alone?" "Yeah, it will be a piece of cake for me. All I have to do is find them." Sara growled under her breath again, thinking about who the assassin might be. Since Nora was here, it was no doubt that it was Damien trying to mess with her and the team. Sara honestly wished that she killed Damien when she first got the chance to, but for some reason she always hesitated. Sara was hoping that Ray didn't come to the same conclusion that she did, but he was honestly more focused about the fact that Amaya was joining in on the mission. "Amaya-but-I'm still getting over our breakup. I mean, I still love her and I honestly still want to be with her but I respect our choice." Ray stated as he felt someone tap his shoulder, causing him to turn around swiftly. It was Amaya and Zari, they came from the Waverider to help out as Sara asked them to. "Look, I don't care who was with who. I only care that we get this mission done and over with so I can finally get some peace and quiet." Sara told Ray harshly, which made him frown. "Hey-uh, Sarah, there is no reason to be that mean. I know that we are all mourning in our own ways but that gives you no reason to bring others down with you." Amaya stated truthfully as she pulled Ray into a awkward hug, trying to cheer him up. It had been a while since Ray and Amaya broke up, he was still trying to get over her, she was dealing with her own breakup issues involving Nate. "I guess you're right. I've lost so many people in my life before though." Sara looked down as she was thinking about her sister for a moment, then shaking away any bad thoughts she was having. "We have all lost people. It's part of the job description." Zari added while standing there awkwardly. Sara took a moment and looked at there surroundings. She saw a glimpse of white hair, causing her to take a double take. She was certain that Damien was somewhere near the stage. "I'll look for the assassin and you three take care of Nora, don't get yourself killed." Amaya, Zari, and Ray made there way off to find Nora. Sara started to push her way through the crowd and made her way toward where she last saw that glimpse of white hair. Damien Darhk could be anywhere by now.
Sara eventually made her way through the crowd, security was posing to be a problem though. "Move, or I will slice your throats." she threatened the two men standing in front of her, she knew that she would be able to take them down easily. The security moved out of her way swiftly, they honestly looked scared out of their minds. Little did Sara know that the two men were scared of their boss, Damien Darhk, and not her. Sara took careful steps backstage, looking around every corner. Still no Damien. "Nate, can you see anything?" Sara asked over the com, before Nate even got a chance to answer, she spotted Damien. "Yeah, he's right in front of-" Nate was cut off. Sara approached Damien Darhk, "Now, what would a guy like you need to assassinate Billy Idol for?" she questioned Damien as she pulled out her swords. "He has poor taste in music." Damien implied which caused Sara to roll her eyes at him.
"That's not a valid reason to kill someone." Sara retorted as she made sure Damien didn't even take one step closer, "Look who's talking, we've both killed before. I could kill your sister over and over, as many times as I pleased if I wanted to." His comment caused Sara to growl under her breath, she wanted to kill him right then and there. She stepped closer to him which caused Damien to shake his finger at her, "Step any closer and I will tell Nora to kill your friends." "You're lying! I sent all three..." Sara stopped herself from telling Damien how many people were out on the mission but utterly failed. "I know that they are all safe!" Damien could tell that he had hit a nerve with Sara, which caused him to make his signature smirk.  The team was safe but were struggling as they fought Nora. Ray made the decision himself to call for even more backup. Jax managed to pull himself together enough in order to fight. Nate didn't exactly have to go, but he would do anything to be around Amaya. Leo was ready to help out his new friends too. That left John Constantine and Mick Rory on the Waverider. Whoever thought it was a good idea to leave those two alone and unsupervised on the Waverider were batshit crazy. They were all lucky if it wasn't on fire by the time they all got back. Sara had no clue of all this happening. Sara rolled her eyes as she started to drag her feet closer, hoping that Damien wouldn't notice. That worked until she ended up dropping one of her swords. "Shit." she mumbled under her breath as Damien sent a piercing glare her way. "I honestly wasn't up for fighting this time around but you asked for it." Damien stated with a loud huff as he walked toward Sara, picking up one of her swords and then walking back. "If we're gonna fight, can we at least make it a fair one!?" Sara questioned Damien harshly. "Deal." he responded swiftly as they were literally about to have a sword fight backstage. Damien shooed away all the other people who were around. Sara was curious as to why no one backstage batted there eye once at two people holding swords, ready to fight. She shrugged it off because she knew that she had to prepare for the unexpected when fighting Damien, "By fair I mean no magic." Sara made sure she made the rules clear, causing Damien to roll his eyes. "Less talking, more fighting!" he yelled. Sara grasped at the hilt of her katana, squaring her body up as she was now ready for battle. Damien did the same, but he was the one to make the first move. The other katana that Damien stole from Sara was making a scratching noise up against the backstage floor. Sara wanted to cover her ears, but she couldn't. She knew that Damien was just trying to get to her even more, trying to find a weakness. Damien soon charged Sara with his katana upheld, going to his foreswing and following it with a backswing. Sara's katana met Damien's, their eyes interlocking with each other. His piercing blue eyes with her brown ones. They stared at each other for what felt like a eternity before moving again. The both of them could see all of the pain that they had to endure throughout their lives. Hate, anger, fear, loss, maybe even a small glimpse of love? No, no way... Two mortal enemies, and one killed the others sister, that's just downright wrong.... Sara pushed Damien back with her katana, she somehow managed to throw a kick to his stomach. Damien didn't even flinch. The two circled each other. Damien was the first one to take another shot again. The arching shot of the katana was swift, it tore the fabric of Sara's top right below her breast. It was less than inches away from tearing her skin open. Damien managed to smirk as he saw this. Damien turned left and swung his katana but Sara was able to parry it. Sara managed to push forward and started to hit Damien with a vast number of attacks. The fist two hits found Damien's katana but the last one caught his upper shoulder. To his luck, the wound wasn't that deep but it was enough to catch him off guard. Damien coddled his wound, as well as he could with one hand
because the other one was still holding the other katana he stole from Sara. Sara dropped her own katana to the ground as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead. It was a nice relief getting her feelings out this way. Sara took her eyes off of Damien for only one moment. He dropped his katana to the ground as silently possible, smirking a bit as he noticed that Sara wasn't watching him. He wasn't going to take this opportunity for granted. "Who said our fight was over?" Damien questioned, but before Sara got a chance to answer, Damien used some of his magic on her.  She was pinned to the floor but Damien made it where she could get out of it if she really wanted to. Damien continued to smirk as he walked over to Sara and hovered over her, each of their bodies inches apart and their lips even closer. Damien took a breath in and out of his nose before he did what he was about to do....
Damien kissed her. He fucking kissed Sara. He must be crazy. Damien inched closer to Sara's lips as he closed his eyes, then placing his own lips subtly against hers. He felt Sara kiss him back for a second, if she were going to admit it, that was a whole different story. Sara soon reached a hand up to Damien's face and slapped him hard, "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" she questioned him and shot him a death glare. "Don't lie, I know you liked it. Otherwise you wouldn't have kissed me back-" Damien let out a chuckle. "I didn't like it at all. Now get the fuck off me so I can kill you once and for all." Sara remarked with a loud huff. "You honestly know that you could have moved anytime you wanted. I may be evil, but I still ask for consent." Damien stated truthfully. Sara rolled her eyes up at Damien before they met with his again. Something must be messed up in her head if she is actually considering sleeping with Damien. I mean, he killed her sister...so you would think that means no sleeping with the enemy, especially that one, right? Well..... Sara rolled out from under Damien as she got up from the floor and started to walk away. "Keep the swords." she insisted with a huff as she walked further away from him. Damien smirked to himself as he picked up the swords and set them down on a nearby crate. "I hate when you're fucking right." Sara huffed under her breath and made her way back over to Damien swiftly. "If you tell anyone about this, then you literally are a dead man." she threatened. Sara wrapped one arm around Damien as she let her other arm fall to her side. Damien did the same. They both shut their eyes and started to kiss each other. It started out soft and gentle but then it became rough and hungry, their tongues each fighting for dominance.
Meanwhile....on the Waverider- John and Mick had already started three kitchen fires and were both drunk out of their minds. It was surprising that they were actually able to stand. The kitchen reeked of burnt popcorn and cheap beer. Mick took a sip of his beer while he heard something unusual on the coms. He heard kissing. "Johnny! Come over here, listen to this!" Mick yelled out as John stumbled his way over to a chair, knocking one over on his path to get to that one. "So what? It's just Sara kissing someone. I wish it was me though." John remarked jealously then taking a handful of popcorn from his bowl. The two of them were so drunk they didn't know what they were hearing. Little did they know what they were hearing was actually what it made out to be. "Bloody hell, that other person lip-smacking with Sara is Damien Darhk. I would know that sound anywhere." "How would you-" Mick thought to himself for a moment, "Nevermind, I really don't want to know the answer to that." Mick's statement only caused John to let out a chuckle. "I don't think Sara realized that she left her com on so we gotta be quiet." John informed. Mick nodded to John in reply, the two of them stayed quiet as they listened. "Maybe we could have Gideon pull the two of them up on a video somehow." Mick suggested. "I thought I was the dirty wanker here." John joked but the two men were so drunk that Gideon managed to set the video feed up where they could see everything and Sara and Damien couldn't see them. "You're a bloody genius, Gid." John told Gideon as he raised a glass with Mick, "Cheers to Gideon!" The two of them were making so much noise that they were surprised they didn't get caught themselves, all they were doing was making sure their fellow captain was safe.... John and Mick had made a absolute mess of the Waverider. It was full of food crumbs and beer bottles. The two were lucky if they didn't get even more rats on the Waverider. Next....locating Nora Darhk-  It took Nate, Amaya, Ray, Zari, Jax, and Leo a good while to actually find where Nora ran off to. Ray and Nate wouldn't stop bickering about who could get with Amaya next. "If you two don't kindly shut up, I will freeze your balls." Leo informed them which caused Amaya to let out a brief chuckle, "Yeah, I already told you two to stop fighting over me. I'm not someone that can be won." she stated. Jax stuck to the very back, he wanted to be alone at the moment but he knew that the others had his back if he needed anything. Losing Stein really hit him hard. Ray wanted to help him out the most but Jax pushed him away. He was going to mourn and grieve in his own way before talking to anyone, but he knew that eventually he would feel okay. Zari was walking in the front of the group with Leo. It was quieter up there and had less bickering. Leo was someone that she soon confided in, she found out that he gave great advice. "Leo, c-c-can I tell you something?" Zari questioned as she dragged her feet up against the ground. "Yeah, you can tell me anything." Leo grinned at her as they walked just a bit ahead of the others. "I know that he literally just came on the Waverider last night....but I think I am crushing on John Constantine. I know..it sounds absoutely crazy but I can feel it deep down in my soul." Zari grinned to herself as she talked about him. Leo raised a eyebrow up at her, placing a hand up against her forehead, "Just making sure you don't have a fever- because you sound delusional." Leo joked with Zari as he punched her shoulder playfully. "I'm being serious." she rolled her eyes slightly at Leo. "I know you are, I just don't think either of you are ready for love? If that makes sense-" Leo shrugged to himself, he wasn't trying to sound offensive but it may have came off that way. "He does look like a total snack though. Maybe I can have him to myself for a night-"
"Leoooo-" Zari crossed her arms at him jokingly, "Not funny!" she stuck her tongue out at him as the rest of the team caught up with them. "I don't think Nora is around here anymore, but let's keep our guard up just in case." Ray informed the team. "Does that mean we can go back to the Waverider now?" Nate questioned as Ray shook his head, "I don't think any of us want to see the mess John and Mick have made. I rather face Sara's wrath first before having to see that mess." The entire team heard something weird over the coms. They just thought it was static interfering with their communication, so they turned them off. "I want to make a mess with John-" Zari mumbled under her breath lowly, Leo was the only one who heard her, "So do I." Back to....Whatever the fuck this is- Damien battled his tongue with Sara's. One moment his tongue was on top, the next it was under Sara's tongue that was nearly halfway down his throat. Occasionally one of them let a moan fall from their lips, which only turned the other one on even more. This was so foreign to them that both of them wanted to make a move but they were also frightened to do the wrong thing, almost like they thought if either of them made a wrong move then they would have a knife to the back. That was the right kind of mindset though, they each had their own reasons not to trust each other. Sara and Damien soon found both of their arms intertwined with one another. Sara finally found a way to get out the emotions she was holding back, even if it wasn't in the most healthiest way people would think. This was her way of mourning and showing feeling. No matter how fucked up it may be. Damien was honestly happy either way...well...happy is a strong word. He didn't exactly have the words to describe what was happening because he was currently dominating Sara with his tongue. This was each a fantasy of theirs at least once. Sara pulled her lips away from Damien because she needed to take a breath, she still stayed close to him though. That kiss sent literal shockwaves through her body, it left her wanting more. Feeling bold, Sara unbuttoned Damien's shirt, leaving it hanging open. She stared at his chest for a few moments. To her surprise, Damien was actually quite fit. Damien's mouth trailed down Sara's face, over her chin and down her neck, where he kissed and sucked on sensitive flesh. He left quite a few hickeys. Sara was going to have fun explaining that one to her team.... Damien discarded his button up, revealing his full chest and abs. Sara unknowingly started to gnaw at her lower lip as she saw him without his shirt for the first time. "I'm beginning to think that you actually like me." Damien stated with a smirk as he looked over at Sara gnawing her lower lip. "Please, you're just a pity fuck, a way to get my emotions out- It's me acting on my very last impulse from one dream I had. Don't get fucking cocky with me now or I won't hesitate to slice your throat right here and now." Sara informed Damien. Damien listened to Sara speak, he chuckled. "No one said anything about fucking- If I'm going to be honest, I had just one dream about you too. I don't doubt that you still have knives on you, so do I. I would be stupid not to." Sara rolled her eyes over at Damien, "Then why trust me enough for this?" she questioned him and raised her eyebrow. "We both want the same thing and it's a one time thing at that. Unless-" Damien stated. "I told you not to get fucking cocky, but I will give you one free pass. We will call a truce just this time..." Damien nodded his head in agreement to Sara. Damien took his turn and pulled Sara's shirt up over her head, revealing a extremely lacy black bra, Damien licked his lips when he saw her nipples straining to tear out of the fabric. Sara watched carefully as Damien's face lit up, seeing her matching black thong. As Sara's clothing was discarded to the floor, all you could hear was knives clanging against it. "Hold on a sec-" Sara mumbled as she pulled out a small switchblade from her bra. One can never be to careful. Sara kissed
Damien's chest, feeling him get goosebumps with the excitement. Sara was swift to take control and move her hand lower on his body, then cupping Damien's growing erection. "Oh", Damien let out a moan.
Sara teasingly licked down his chest to his stomach, and then lower, getting down on her knees.
Looking up at Damien with hooded eyes, Sara pulled Damien's pants down with one swift movement. Sara then hooked her fingers at the hem of his boxers and slid them down, freeing his erection. "I-I didn't think it was that big. It's fucking huge." Sara grinned as she looked up at Damien once more. "Do you like it?" Damien questioned Sara as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Of course I like it." she admitted truthfully. "I thought you only liked girls-" Damien added.
"Don't push your luck, Daddy Darhkest." she rolled her eyes up at Damien and flicked her tongue up against the tip of his member. Sara rather liked the nickname that she gave Damien. Sara took his entire member in, sucking on him lovingly. Damien let out a unexpected moan. Sara didn't even know that she had a gag reflex...but she soon found out. Sara continued to suck up and down his length for a few moments, every once in a while his member hit the back of her throat which caused her to gag. Damien entangled his fingers in her hair, pulling at it ever so often. The only noise filling backstage was the sound of Damien's moans and the faint noise of Sara sucking on him. Since the two of them both had a really high endurance, they could honestly go all night if they wanted. Sara sucked on Damien for about six minutes before he was coming close. When he was close, she started to suck him faster. His sweet juices began to drip off the sides of Sara's mouth, he let out a loud moan as Sara swallowed all that she could. Sara slowly pulled herself off of his member, licking her lips. "I hope you liked that." she stated before standing back up. "I loved it." Damien stated honestly with a smirk on his face. "Aye, we don't use the L word around here." Sara informed him with a smile that wasn't forced for once. Damien pulled Sara closer as they started to kiss again. Damien's hand wrapped around Sara's back as he unclipped her bra, watching it fall to the floor.  Sara rather not admit that she was already soaked but Damien would find out sooner or later. Damien gently placed one hand upon Sara's breast. The look in Damien's eye told Sara that he wanted her thong off, and fast. Damien brought his head down, taking her nipple into his mouth, nipping at it with his teeth. Sara threw her head back in pure bliss and let out a rather loud moan in reaction to this. Damien then used both hands to swiftly push Sara's thong down and off, bringing one hand up to cup her breast, the other hand found it's way between Sara's legs. Sara let out a gasp when he started to stroke her folds. The look on Damien's face told Sara that he was excited to already find her moist and ready for him. "Damien, I need you-" Sara mumbled lowly as she looked up into his eyes. "Sara Lance begging? Now that's a sight to see." Damien joked which only caused Sara to punch him on the shoulder. Damien curled his fingers up inside Sara's clit, she let out another moan for him as she leaned into his shoulder, "I fucking hate you-" she rolled her eyes at him. "Well-if you hate me then maybe I should stop." Damien teased. "Go ahead. I don't care if you do." Sara lied, Damien pumped his fingers in and out of Sara. "Mmm-fuck you-" she moaned out against him.
Damien smirked, the two of them could play at this game forever but he was going to give in to Sara. He picked her up swiftly and set her up against some comfortable stage props. Sara hooked one of her legs over Damien's as he eased into her, their hands continuing to caress each other as the their tongues fought for dominance. One of Damien's hands helped hold on to her leg, as his other was still on Sara's breast, caressing it lightly. After Sara got adjusted to Damien's size, the only thing that could be heard was skin slapping against each other and moans that echoed. The two of them did this for a good twenty minutes. Damien began to pant in pleasure as Sara dug her nails into his back, his moans encouraging her along. Damien thrusted into Sara a few more times, her moans filling the room. That was what sent her crashing over the edge. Sara's insides clamped down on his hard member, which sent Damien over the edge, filling her completely. The two of them were breathing hard and had a sheen of sweat covering their bodies. Damien rolled off of Sara and onto his back, trying to catch his breath. "That was....wow." Sara gasped out, causing Damien to give out a light chuckle. Sara inched her way closer to Damien and placed another kiss on his lips. When the two broke apart from the kiss, Sara laid her head on Damien's chest and listened to his heartbeat. It was so melodic that she nearly found herself falling asleep. Damien snuggled up against her warm body and wrapped his arms around her. "Do you think we could ever do this again?" Damien questioned curiously. "Depends..." Sara responded while snuggling into Damien even more. "Depends on what, love?" Damien asked. "Depends if I will ever find time to do this again." Sara responded. "We have literally all the time in the world." Damien replied while placing a kiss to Sara's forehead. "I know...but I have that same world to save. Try not to cause more anachronisms please?" Sara punched Damien's arm playfully as he nodded in reply, "I would really like to do this again, at least one more time." he grinned down at Sara for the first time ever. "I'll think about it. How about we each keep one of my swords as a memory of this day?" Sara questioned Damien and he nodded, "Sounds like a plan." "I better get going-or my team is going to suspect something is up if they don't already." Sara wanted to stay with Damien longer but she knew that it was probably the best choice to leave. "Do me a huge favor and don't kill Billy Idol for me, please." Sara added while looking up into Damien's eyes. "Deal. It's the least I could do." he replied and gave Sara a goodbye kiss that lasted about ten minutes. Sara got up and grabbed her clothes, slipping them on swiftly. Sara made sure not to forget any knives as she was putting them back in her clothing. She left one of her katanas for Damien while she grabbed the other one for herself. Sara watched Damien put his clothing back on, leaving her to gnaw at her lip. The two of them waved goodbye to one another. Each of them having a smile going from ear to ear. Sara made her way from backstage, Damien was gone in a blink of the eye. It was getting dark out, Sara just realized that she forgot to turn her com off... After a few minutes, Sara went on board to the Waverider. It still smelled like cheap beer and burnt popcorn but this was the first time tonight she was smelling it because she was kind of...busy. "Nate? Where the hell are you?" Sara questioned as she looked around the Waverider, no one else was anywhere to be seen but the condition of the kitchen told otherwise. "Who's wise idea was it to leave you to knuckleheads in charge?" Sara looked between Mick and John. "I don't know, whose wise idea was it to let you go knockin' boots with the bloody enemy?" John questioned Sara with a raise of his eyebrow. Mick was busy finishing off a beer at the moment. "I-" Sara was honestly speechless. No reason she came up with would be a valid one. She was honestly glad that it was John and Mick on the Waverider currently because they were
easier to persuade, well at least Mick was. "Please don't tell the others." Sara looked down but still smiled from ear to ear, "I'll owe ya one."  "Hmm, deal. I honestly didn't enjoy seeing Damien's bloody cock but your body is marvelous." John stated as he licked his lips. "Mhm, I'm sure you didn't like his cock. You're just jealous that I sucked his and not yours." Sara teased John lightly as he shrugged, "It's your loss love, mine is bigger than his and I'm probably more skillful too." Sara rolled her eyes at John and decided to leave the conversation at that. Sara turned her attention over to Mick, "Is there anything that I can get you so will keep my secret?" she questioned as he finished his beer. "More beer." he uttered, Sara went and grabbed him one more. Mick honestly looked wasted but she knew that if he forgot about what Sara did, John would just remind Mick anyways. "I heard Zari say that she had a little crush on you, Johnny boy-" Mick spoke up as John grabbed himself a beer and practically chugged down the entire thing. "That is sweet if she really did say that. I'm honestly flattered but I'm not a relationship kind of a bloke. I'm more of a one and done type of bloke. I wouldn't want to hurt her, she would deserve a lot better than me." John rubbed at the back of his neck and stated truthfully. The rest of The Legends were now making there way back to the Waverider. It didn't take them long to get there since they had no luck finding Nora Darhk. She probably was just a distraction for the real 'threat'. Ray was the first one to board the Waverider, he immediately plugged his nose because of the smell. Next came Nate and Amaya. The two of them were talking about movies that they should watch together, coming to a agreement that they should just stay friends as planned before. Leo walked on to the ship, he looked around and saw a trail of crumbs leading from the kitchen to the wheel of the Waverider. Jax went back to doing repairs on the Waverider as soon as possible, it was his way of coping with the loss of Stein. Zari was the last one to board. She honestly didn't realize that she didn't turn off her com before revealing that she has a small crush on John. The whole team was honestly beat. Leo walked back to his bunk and crashed as Nate and Amaya went to watch a movie together. Ray and Zari made their way to the kitchen and saw a passed out Mick. John was chugging down another beer. Sara was cleaning up some of the mess that John and Mick had made, but it was a lot for one person to clean. "How did it go finding Nora?" Sara questioned Zari and Ray, "She was a no show, how was it fighting the assassin?" Zari asked as she started to help with the clean up. She picked up a few bottles off the ground as John stumbled out of his chair, taking the empty bottles from the table and throwing them away. "It went well. They look more worse than me." Sara lied and realized that she had hickeys on her neck, she swiftly covered them. "I-uhm-need to get cleaned up. I think I'm going to take a cold shower. Are you guys going to be okay here?" Sara questioned. "I think so. I can help clean up around here for a bit." Ray replied with a grin. "Okay, that sounds good. Ray, I'm sorry for being so snippy with you earlier. It wasn't right of me." Sara apologized. "It's fine, Sara. We all have bad days." Ray grinned even more before pulling Sara into a hug. She hugged him back briefly before walking off toward the shower. Ray picked up a few bottles and he picked up the popcorn crumbs up off the ground. No matter how many times Ray told Mick to pick up after himself, he never did it. Ray sighed as he looked down at the passed out Mick. "Would you two mind if I carried him off to bed?" Ray questioned as he helped Mick up. He ended up waking up but still needed help standing, Mick was clearly wasted. "No, we don't mind." Zari and John replied in unison.  Zari and John continued to pick up his and Mick's mess. The room was filled with awkward silence for the most part. Zari finally worked up the guts to speak up. "Uh, how
was your day?" she questioned while throwing away a bottle at the same time John did. Their hands ended up brushing against each other which caused Zari to blush. "My day was good. I got to learn more about Mick and I drank my pain, sorrows, and feelings away like usual. How was your day?" John admitted bluntly. "Drinking this much isn't good for you-" Zari sighed as she picked up a few used cigarettes off the kitchen counter. "Neither is smoking but I guess we are all going to die one day. My day was good too, other then having to listen to Ray and Nate bicker over who gets Amaya. I got closer with Leo too, he's like my best friend now."  "That is true, we all die one day. It happens to the best and the worst of us," John face formed into a grin, "I could tell. Seems that some little lass has a crush on me." Zari looked away from John and blushed, "I do not-"  "Your cheeks tell otherwise." John let out a chuckle as he pulled Zari into a hug, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "It's quite fine, just know that I'm one complicated bloke." he rubbed at the back of his neck a little bit. "Well, I'm one complicated lass." Zari stepped up on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on John's forehead.
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angelrunners · 4 years
This is my fucking mood when people bitch and threaten me over cookie pronouns. The cookies do not care. It is a game for all ages. And this will be my last ramble. But lemme give yinz a fucking wake up to how cr haters see us.
Tumblr media
Video i found awhile ago and hated that i can agree with on some of it.
Ive had good experiences and bad ones with the fandom. But hot damn the fact this person calls the tumblr part of us out should be a wake up call. I originally saw this video and got upset. But after ive got death threats over cookie pronouns. YEAH I AGREE MORE WITH THIS GAL. Like holy fuck. I love the fandom and not everyone gatekeeps. But good lord. What the fucking shit is wrong with you? Let people enjoy things that arent hurting anyone.
Calling someone out for aging up characters to draw porn is deserved. Sending threats and harassing people over the fact they aint using the pronouns you headcanon for x cookie, THAT'S FUCKING TOXIC. I dont wanna hear it.
I do my damned best to keep my ask blogs as sfw as possible. As well as keep my main safe too. Granted on main i do reblog gore on occassion.
I honestly think some of yinz need to fucking chill out. I was in homestuck back in 2011 - 2017. Maybe 2010 i can't remember. But we all were fucking batshit shippers. We all had opinions on what could be what ship. But ya know what? At the end of the day. Hussie was like "all ships are canon" and that was that. I will literally go full homestuck to prove a point here. I know damned well how i used to act. Heck even in roleplay on ye olden sites i can't remember. We all were civil. If you didnt like someone then you ignore them. You know how many people i blocked because i hated the ships they liked to share? A fucking lot that's what. Hell me and a friend back then disagreed on so many ships but we fucking shut up and just mellowed out. We did full on roleplays for the middle ground stuff. Which is fucking badass.
So it begs the question. Why can't cookie run chill? Why can't the gatekeepers just go block the people they disagree with over fighting? Because you aint gonna get anywhere. Now if you ask me politely and we're friends, sure I'll do it in pm. But i aint gonna bend over. I don't even do that shit for my best friends i know in person. Hell when i went to a con in fursuit years ago. My bff called me the wrong pronouns and i dealt with that the whole con. And that's something i care about. But yet when its fucking fake characters, nobody can have nice things.
Tell me how this is ok? Gatekeeping makes people see that first. Then they make judgments off that as "everyone must be that way since these dummies stick out." Same shit happens with any fandom. But hot fuck. The dumpster fire these things turn into.
Sending me death threats via pm is fucking disgusting. And its happened for M O N T H S. Yeah i don't give a fuck about your shitty gatekeeping. Go fuck yourself. Because that is literally proving my point as well as why people hate the cr fandom as a whole. They see that shit that's innocent then have to rip everyone apart.
Its a game for all ages. Its literally got an E rating in the Google play shop. You think kids who play this give shit over genders?? Its a g a m e.
So either block and move on. Or shut the fuck up and don't gatekeep.
Yo newsflash. This is the internet. Everyone sees what you say and nothing can truly be deleted.
- Lilac
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hoodoo12 · 5 years
Beetlejuice Squared 2:  You Asked For It (1/3)
Yinz are thirsty for this and I absolutely love it. As requested, this features the same characters from Beetlejuice Squared (read here), heavy on the Blumjuice.  Also, just to remind, this one will feature your (you, the audience’s) choice of ending. I’ll provide more details to that when we get closer to it. Word count is ~7000, not including the endings.  (Much and many thanks to @beejiesbitch! Reading through this, catching my typos, making suggestions that in turn made me cackle: every second you helped was much appreciated! 💖) @beetlebitchywitch @beetlejuicebeadoll @sapphic-florals @turtlepated @realmonsterboyhours @monsterlovinghours @witchyrem-ains @beebeyjuice NSFW. Beetlejuice/f!reader. Adult language and hardcore, heavy smut. Enjoy!
You wiped your eyes and nose. You were so sick of crying! At first you couldn’t stop because you felt like you were in the bottom of a hole, where it was dark, and sadness crushed you. But recently, something shifted inside you. Sadness was still there, the pathetic animal that it was, but a new beast reared its head. You were so angry about crying this much!
You didn’t need to feel sorry for yourself! It wasn’t your fault! It was his. You shouldn’t be crying over him. You weren’t crying over him any more! Besides, you didn’t need him. He left, but you didn’t need to be alone. As a matter of fact--
With a shake, you pushed yourself off your bed. You stripped the dirty sheets that you’d been crying into for so long, that still held a faint whiff of him. Earlier you hadn’t wanted to change them so you could still pretend that he was still around, but now? Fuck it. You balled up the sheets tightly, took great pleasure in punching them for a second, and dropped them down the laundry chute imagining the entire time it was him. After the bed was tidied with fresh sheets you cleaned yourself, using so much hot water you were surprised it didn’t run out. Leisurely you blew dry your hair. You went through your closet and scrutinized each bit of lingerie you owned, before settling on a black bra and panty set with white lace trim, a matching garter belt, and some black and white striped stockings. Over all that, you slipped into a black dress designed for clubbing and applied some light makeup. Finally looking presentable and feeling human again, you smiled to yourself. You didn’t need him. With your mouth still stretched into a grin, you called, “Bheteljuz, Bheteljuz, Bheteljuz!”
⁂ ⁂ ⁂ 
With the same flash that had burnt out your retinas before, he appeared in front of you. “Oh my god! Babydoll!” he exclaimed, excitement lilting his voice and lighting his face.
He held his arms out for a hug and you stepped into him, wrapping your arms where they were comfortable, around his waist, pressing your cheek against the tie on his chest. Beetlejuice 2.0--not that you would ever say that nickname aloud--hugged you tightly back, resting the side of his chin on your head. “Hi Beej,” you muttered into his shirt.
After standing in the embrace for an amount of time that would’ve been awkward if you both hadn’t already been naked together, it naturally paused. Not moving away, you looked up at him, dislodging his chin. “I’m glad you came.” “Of course I came, babydoll! You whistle and I come running! My name from your lips--it just makes me gooey on the inside and I can’t get here fast enough,” he said with a wink, then glanced up and around the room. “Where’s the short asshole version of me?” You wiggled your arm out from under his to take his jaw so he’d look down at you again. “He’s not here,” you said, and were pretty damn proud this time tears didn’t fill your eyes. “And he’s not coming back. His is an asshole, and after I found out--” You cut yourself off before explaining more by pinching your lips together; the wound was still fresh. “--doesn’t matter,” you finished instead, with a shrug. “I told him to fuck off and kicked him out, and decided I’d rather get to know you better.”
Beetlejuice’s eyes were bright. “Am I a rebound for you, babydoll? Is this rebound sex? Are you getting back at him? Because--” Immediately you protested, no, no it wasn’t, you hadn’t stopped thinking about him since the last time, you really did want to get to know him better, it didn’t have anything to do with him, he wasn’t coming back--
Beetlejuice leaned down and put his mouth right next to your ear as you babbled.
“--because I’m totally cool with that,” he finished in a husky whisper. He pulled back enough that you could see the smirk on his face, and then his mouth covered yours and his tongue was between your lips.  
⁂ ⁂ ⁂
There was desire and glee in that kiss, all flavored with a base note of desperation. This Beetlejuice took great pleasure in keeping you held tightly against him. You didn’t fight him on it; you’d missed the taste of him, and he was taller, so it was like something new but familiar at the same time.
This time, however, not being stoned made everything sharper. You’d never noticed his teeth were just a smidge less pointed as he nipped greedily at your neck, or his hands so much larger as they roamed your body. You were steadier on your feet, too, so standing tip toe wasn’t as taxing as it’d been before. Your hands returned the favor over his body, petting from shoulders to lower back to ass to crotch, squeezing him and groaning in anticipation.
It was obvious what you’d wanted, so he didn’t hesitate to flick away your scrap of a dress. His eyes widened at what you’d chosen to wear underneath, however. “You dressed up for me, babydoll?” he murmured, his black-nailed fingers following the edge of your garter belt, around your hip to where it hugged you at the small of your back.
“I wanted to look nice,” you agreed. “Something special.”
Beetlejuice smirked again, muttering something about how even that much clothing was going to get in the way. You grabbed him by the tie and yanked him downward, kissing his open mouth as he gasped. Then you took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom.
Once there, when you turned around again, you couldn’t help but laugh in surprise: he’d shed his suit without your knowledge and was wearing only striped boxer briefs. “Something special,” he announced, gesturing theatrically to himself.
You had to agree with his earlier assessment that even that one piece of clothing was too much.
Falling onto the bed, you ravished him.
You spent an inordinate amount of time sucking and playing with his nipples. You discovered you could just barely fit the tip of your tongue under the ouroboros shields and strum them lightly. Beetlejuice mewled with each tug on them and occasionally, when you took a larger chunk of his flesh around his nipple between your teeth but still continued to flick at his piercings, he grabbed the back of your head and held you in place, crying out more loudly.
When you finally left off his chest, both nipples were deeply colored, stiff, and shiny from spit. Your chin on his sternum, you grinned up at him before continuing down his belly.
You left a wide path of wet suction marks though the hair on his abdomen, winding your way down to his groin with no set pattern. Like the time before, he seemed a little sensitive, like this attention was just shy of being overwhelming. You could feel the tension in his thighs as you settled further between his legs.
There was a damp patch on his underwear and his erection strained the fabric. You stroked him through the barrier of his underwear for a second, before looking back up at him. Beetlejuice watched you with dark, lust-blown eyes. He’d hiked himself up on his elbows for a better view. “What’ll it be, Beej? Mouth or tits?” you asked him, although you didn’t exactly give him a fair chance to answer when you mouthed his shaft through the fabric.
He jerked a little at such a minor touch, and reached down to brush some of your hair out of your face. He followed that gesture with cupping your jaw, so you couldn’t drop your head to tease him again. “If I say both is that going to make me sound too much like a slut?” he asked in return.
You laughed and replied, “Not at all. I like that you know what you want,” and stripped him of his underwear before he could just snap it away. He returned the favor by making your bra disappear. You settled back between his thighs. His cock rested stiffly against his belly. A small bead of pre-come was already re-forming at the tip, and the line of hair that led from his belly button to his groin had taken on a decidedly pink hue. After taking all that in, you glanced up at him to find him still watching you with bated breath. His tongue touched the corner of his lip, but he was frozen besides that.
Keeping eye contact with him, you raised an eyebrow to him and smirked, then dipped your head and dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock. He gave a breathy, almost silent moan. When you reached the head, you lapped the pre-come from the slit delicately. He repeated the sound. Then, still watching him watch you, you opened your mouth, licked your lips, and swallowed him.
Because his cock was dry, you didn’t make it all the way to the base, but Beetlejuice didn’t restrain himself and jerked, driving it to your throat. As he was slightly lengthier than him, the Beetlejuice you’d kicked out of your life, it made you retch just a little before you could control the reaction.
When you had yourself under control, you glanced up at him but didn’t wipe the tears that had come to your eyes away. “Sorry not sorry, babydoll,” Beetlejuice told you. You rolled your eyes and sucked him, hard, as a response. He jerked again, involuntarily, but you were ready for it this time and chuckled around his cock.
Then you blew him in earnest, sucking and licking and occasionally keeping him so deep in your throat that your nose was crushed into his now vibrantly pink pubic hair. You liked holding him there until you had to pull off with a gasp because your lungs demanded air. You stroked him by hand too, for variety; holding the base of his cock while your mouth worked the head, twisting and pulling when you gave your jaw a break. In short order, his entire groin was dripping with spit. The lower part of your face was too. Through it all, Beetlejuice groaned and gasped. He trembled and once, when you glanced up, you saw that he didn’t know what to do with his hands: they clenched the air, then his outer thighs. With your free hand you grabbed one of his and directed it to the back of your head. Immediately his fingers tightened in your hair, pulling it a little. You gave him an appreciative little groan to encourage him more, and he took the hint. He pulled and released, and you followed his non-verbal directions, moving up and down his cock in time with his hand, at the pace he dictated. When his fingers became too tight and his hand immobile during another deep moment and his moans ratcheted upward, you fought against his quickly approaching, inevitable end by shaking your head minutely to dislodge his grip and dragging your mouth off him. A thin string of saliva bridged between his cock and your lower lip.
Beetlejuice cried out at the sudden lack of stimulation and opened his eyes, staring at you for a moment in a mixture of disbelief and relief.
“Shit, babydoll, your mouth is fucking amazing--” he started to say, but you didn’t give him much time recover. You hiked yourself up to kneel over him, pushed his cock between the valley of your tits, and rocked to fuck him that way too.
There was so much wetness on his cock it lubed your skin. He curled a little, at his core, and grabbed you over your own hands, pinching them and your skin too hard, crying out as his cock plowed between your tits. Looking up at him you saw his hair was deep magenta, his eyes screwed shut and his mouth open; his moan undulated as pleasure wracked him. You dropped your chin to swirl your tongue around the head of his cock and he stilled abruptly--
--with no warning you threw yourself backwards away from him. His moan choked into almost a sob as once again he was left hanging on the cusp of coming. This time had been closer; his cock, deeply flushed, bobbed against his lower belly ominously.
One of his hands went towards it. It was an involuntary reaction, you knew, but you grabbed his wrist and kept it away from his cock nonetheless.
Beetlejuice’s eyes opened, looking slightly vacant. “Fucking hell,” he croaked.
“Are you sorry I stopped?”
His gaze dropped to yours and sharpened. “Not at fucking all, babydoll. I needed a break. I want to return the favor--”
And in the next blink, you found your positions reversed: you flat on your back and Beetlejuice between your legs. Your panties had disappeared too, leaving you with just your garter belt and stockings. He shoved his hands under your ass to lift your hips a bit, and grinned up at you, keeping eye contact while he kissed the skin above your stocking on your inner thigh. You recognized that smirk; you’d given the same to him before you’d gone down on him. It made your breath catch in your throat.
“Your pussy smells so sweet, babydoll,” he murmured, and dropped his mouth onto you.
Just as he had, you gave an involuntary jerk and gasp. Beetlejuice ate you out like this was a competition and he was vying for the championship title. No dainty, perfunctory licks like was shown in some porn before the real action started. He was sloppy, using his entire mouth to engulf you while shoving his tongue deep inside your pussy. He dragged his tongue in a wide solid line through your folds. He nuzzled in and found your clit; when he sucked a bit too hard on it, you cried out more sharply in borderline pain and yanked roughly on his hair. He immediately backed off to blow gently on the sensitive nub instead. You writhed at that treatment, and, having learned your boundary, the tip of his tongue lapped at your clit instead.
Between the waves of pleasure that were threatening to drag you under, you somehow managed to pick up your head and look down at him. Although back to being tongue deep in your pussy, Beetlejuice glanced up and caught your eyes.
“You taste so fucking good,” his voice said, in your ear. It was smoother, more like raw silk than the gravel you were so used to with him, and you shivered. His thrown voice continued. “I could eat your pussy for hours, babydoll. Would you like that? Would you like my tongue to fuck you, would you like my lips to tease your clit till you were crying? I wouldn’t edge you. I’d make you come over and over until you lost your voice--”
You felt you were on the verge of that already, having moaned and gasped the entire time he’d been at your groin.
“--that’s be so delicious, babydoll, I’d like to lick up all your wet, I’d drink it all down if you squirted on my face--”
His wicked tongue--both physically and metaphorically--sent you over the edge. You did lose your voice for a moment, wheezing as you ran out of breath because the orgasm he drew out of you started as an explosion but stretched long and thin.
When you were finally able to focus on the real world again, Beetlejuice hadn’t moved from between your legs. He still glanced up at you, and his tongue was more gentle, slipping along your pussy now, but he continued to whisper in your ear.
“That was fucking beautiful, babydoll. You taste so good. Some people think it’s not fair that women can come multiple times in a row, but I like it, because I like being able to give them to you. Ready for another, babydoll? Want my fingers in you?”
He didn’t wait for an answer, which was good because you wouldn’t have been able to reply anyway. You felt his fingers delve through your pussy, collecting the mixture of his spit and your juices before dipping inside your cunt. You arched your back and cried out as he opened you up, and when he began finger fucking you in earnest while using the tip of his tongue to make circles around your clit, you couldn’t control yourself as another orgasm rushed you.
Your legs snapped as shut as they could around his head and your hand once again tightened in his hair as you came once again. You also couldn’t prevent yourself from canting your pelvis to grind down on him at the same time, and over the blood pounding in your ears you heard his disembodied voice chuckle.
This time as you gradually relaxed and drifted back to reality, your limbs shook.
Beetlejuice was still stationed between your legs, ready to dive back in, but you needed a break. Gently, you pushed his head away. Your hand came off his head with strands of pink hair caught between your fingers; you’d yanked some of it out during the force of your orgasm, and you hadn’t even realized it.
“Sorry, Beej!” you apologized in horror.
“Don’t worry, babydoll, it’s nothing,” he replied with a grin to assure you. “I fucking loved that you couldn’t control yourself. Losing a bit of hair is a price I’m willing to pay for you coming on my mouth.”
He grinned at you, then crawled his way back up your torso. Laying belly to belly as he supported himself on his elbows, you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer. His mouth tasted like your pussy and you sucked the flavor of yourself off his tongue like you were sucking his cock. While he was distracted, you dropped your hands from his back to his front, slipping them gently between your chests to tweak his nipple shields again. Beetlejuice gasped and jerked, then groaned. He looked down his chest to watch your fingers play. He dragged his eyes away from what you were doing to say, “I wanna fuck you, babydoll. Is that . . . is that all right?”
He sounded so concerned. Like there was the possibility you were going to say no. You cupped his cheek. “Beej,” you told him, trying to convey sheer sincerity, “I want you to fuck me.”
He lit up then, as if he had seriously thought you were going to banish him back to the Netherworld with blue balls. Still, he fretted, “It’s just . . . just . . . I don’t get called on often, people call on the short asshole version of me because they want him more, and--”
You shushed him with a kiss before saying, “Haven’t you been paying attention? I called you here because I want you. Okay?”
He nodded quickly, like he was worried you’d get upset if he didn’t agree. He was such an odd mix of dirty and sweet. You decided you liked it. “So then . . .” you prompted, rocking your hips as best you could under him. The movement made his cock shift a little from where it pressed against your pubic bone. When he didn’t adjust himself quickly enough, you slipped your hand between your belly and his to give him a suggestive shove on his hip to move him lower. He lifted himself and complied, but seemed content to watch your hand do all the work positioning him correctly. He gave a soft moan as you ran your hand down his cock, then followed your hand with his eyes as you brought it back to your mouth to coat your palm in saliva before grasping and stroking him again. His moan was louder with that and you grinned. You wanted to hear it even louder.
Taking the base of his cock and holding him steady, you urged him forward with a gentle tug. The head of his cock slipped inside you then and, once started, he continued smoothly until he was sheathed deep in your cunt. You got your wish: Beetlejuice moaned the loudest at that. So did you.
He hesitated for a moment. You couldn’t tell why; he didn’t need to catch his breath because he didn’t have any. Then it dawned on you he paused for you, you were panting. His length inside you felt delicious, fucking divine, and you told him so. “Fuck, Beej, your cock--it’s so good, so good, please, please fucking fuck me--!” Maybe it wasn’t the most poetic, articulate sentence in the world, but it got your point across.
Beetlejuice grinned and started. His smile faded almost immediately, replaced by a slack jaw and a tongue that occasionally dragged itself over his lower lip. His moans were deep, reverberating in his chest. He thrust into you with single-minded determination, like once again he was afraid you were going to send him away mid-fuck. You’d have slowed him down, tried to make him realize there wasn’t any danger being banished. You’d learned from the other one to curtail your natural tendency to call out his name during sex. But feeling his cock so deep inside you, the friction he created as he thrust, him burying his face in the side of your neck and taking a hunk of skin between his teeth like that was grounding him--all of that increased your pleasure. He’d made you come twice already, which always primed you for more. You found yourself begging for his cock, pleading with him to fuck you harder, please Beej, harder, fuck me harder--
As little as you’d done, and even with the break he’d gotten, you’d teased and edged him too long. He accommodated your requests as best he could, but not long after he started he shoved himself as deeply as he could into your pussy. A sudden stillness came over him. You grabbed him at his waist and ass, squeezing, continuing to try and rock up onto him. He gave a small, involuntary judder of his hips, and gave the deepest moan yet as he came inside you. He was motionless for a moment as euphoria dragged him under, then he collapsed atop you. His weight, now fully pressing his pubic bone against your clit while his cock still throbbed the last stage of his ejaculation inside your pussy, was enough to make you tumble off the edge too. You came hard, holding him tightly as your pussy clenched around him. Beetlejuice felt it too, and gasped next to your ear. Then you were both trembling messes, in the afterglow. You made no move to push him off you. You held him in place and combed your fingers through his hair while you tried to catch your breath. Beetlejuice kissed the spot on your neck he’d grabbed with his teeth, and sighed contentedly. When he finally did unstick himself from your chest, he groaned as he pulled out of you. You did too. Even dripping with his come, you felt empty without his cock inside you. Beetlejuice lay down beside you and stared at the ceiling. You groped for his hand and laced your fingers between his, happy this evening had been so good. “So what did happen between you and him, babydoll?” he finally asked, breaking the silence. “I’m not complaining you called me up, but for everyone else, he’s their main squeeze.” If you hadn’t been in such a blissed out state, or if he hadn’t hit the nail on the head, you might not have answered. But as it was . . . “That was the problem. He’s their ‘main squeeze’,” you spat, using finger quotes around the last two words. “I found out he was fucking around on me!” Beetlejuice picked up his head and cocked an eyebrow at you. You continued. “He’s been fucking all these other people! Men, women, whoever! He’d just go and fuck them however they wanted, and, and didn’t think anything of it--”
“You know that’s what I--we--do, right, babydoll?” Beetlejuice asked. “People summon me--us--and we go. It’s part of the whole ‘say my name three times’ thing. Did you think you were exclusive?” You glared at him, a little. “Yeah. Yeah, kind of,” you admitted. “He always came back here. I assumed I was the one he wanted to stay with--” “Assumed?” Beetlejuice interrupted quietly. “You can’t assume anything when you’re dealing with a ghost or a demon. We like things--and it’s in your best interest to make things--very clear.”
You sighed at his damn logic. “Well, it doesn’t matter now. I kicked him out. I don’t want to be some notch on a bedpost, just some random lay. Or worse than that, just some place holder till something better comes along.” “Am I some random lay to you, babydoll? Am I a place holder?” he asked, his voice even more quiet. You looked over at him. He looked a combination of resigned of his lot in life but with the faintest air of hopefully eager that maybe, just maybe, he’d gotten luckier this time. His hair was shot through with purple. He was so similar to but different than the Beetlejuice you’d told to fuck off, and you realized you really did like him, minor insecurity and all.
“I’d like to think it’s not,” you admitted to him. “I liked tonight. Would you like to stay?” A smile broke over his face. “I’d like that a lot, babydoll! I think we’d make a great pair--”
He leaned in to kiss you sweetly on the mouth. Your hand automatically came up to his jaw, and your tongues explored each other. You were still mostly naked but felt flushed. Realizing that you couldn’t handle the other Beetlejuice’s popularity and reputation had turned out to be fortuitous. You’d enjoyed what you’d done tonight. You enjoyed summoning and having a good time with this Beetlejuice and, selfishly, you hoped he did too and would want to stick around. You were just about to say something more, something sappy, but from the other room a familiar voice that sounded like sandpaper in your ears called out, “Hey honey, I’m home!”
tbc . . .
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lingbooks · 5 years
Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language
While I know a lot of linguists who are feminists, there is some tension between feminist ideals and the anti-prescriptivist approach that linguists take towards language. Linguists, as a general rule, aim to document and examine language as it is used, without providing their own opinions on how they think language should be used. This approach to language allows linguists to show that certain forms of language, from split infinitives to singular they, are not bad or wrong or “grammatically incorrect.” However, when it comes to sexist language, it’s a lot harder to say that there’s no such thing as “bad” language use. 
Some of the questions that arise are easily answered. It is fairly easy to distinguish between using slurs and splitting infinitives, as slurs are meant to hurt or disparage people, while split infinitives only offend the sensibilities of some long dead men who desperately wished English were more like Latin. But what about less malicious language use that still has sexist undertones? What about calling ships or storms she? What about using the word guys to refer to groups that contain women?
 I thought a lot about this contradiction while reading Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language by Amanda Montell, a book that attempts to cover a wide variety of topics related to language and gender. Montell’s background in linguistics admittedly isn’t particularly extensive—she has a bachelor’s degree in linguistics, but she’s primarily a journalist who only occasionally writes about linguistics. (I should probably also state that, depending on how you count my graduate work in a related field, I have the same amount of linguistics education, so I’m not going to make any judgments on who “really counts” as a linguist.) That said, Wordslut is definitely a linguistics book—and a pretty good one at that.
 Wordslut covers a broad variety of topics in sociolinguistics. Some are expected. The first chapter discusses the variety of (often derogatory) slang words used to describe women, while another chapter discusses the ways women speak to each other. Other chapters cover topics I see less frequently. One chapter, for example, looks at how women swear, while another looks at the vast array of slang words used to refer to genitalia. (I’d warn you that this book is NSFW, but if you’re reading a book entitled Wordslut at work in the first place, you’re a braver soul than I am.) One of my favorite chapters focused on how gay people speak, including both discussions of gay slang as well as examining why there’s a “gay voice” but no real “lesbian voice.” While I already was familiar with some of the topics in the chapter, I was not aware of Polari, a sort of code once used by British gay men as early as the 1500s that gave us such words as twink, camp, and fantabulous, and now I definitely want to know more about it. On a similar note, throughout the book, Montell makes sure to discuss queer, trans, and nonbinary experiences when relevant, which provides perspective that’s usually lacking in older writing about language and gender.
I did find that the quality varied from chapter to chapter—or even within the same chapter. Consider, for example, the chapter on catcalling. One section of the chapter compared catcalling behaviors with linguistic studies on compliments, breaking down precisely why catcalling is not a compliment. I thought this was a really interesting analysis, but I found the rest of the chapter fairly dull; some of it discussed facts I (and most other feminists) already know about how men dominate conversations and interrupt women, while other parts talked about the act of catcalling more generally. (A problem I found throughout the book is that Montell sometimes chose to discuss general feminist issues without really tying them back to linguistics.) While some of this unevenness is to be expected in a book with such a broad scope, one pattern emerged: I generally enjoyed the portions discussing how women speak, such as the chapter about conversational norms in groups of women or the section about the many uses of like, more than the portions discussing how women are spoken about. Perhaps this is because the former read like a celebration, while the latter was more of a rant. Montell is not happy about how our culture talks about women, and while I don’t disagree with her, I often found myself more frustrated than properly fired up.
It is worth noting that Montell is not an impartial voice throughout the book. She wants our language to become more equitable. Mostly, her ambitions are good. (And in her defense, she notes that certain approaches to making language more equitable, such as attempts in 70s to create a “women’s language” or storming a dictionary headquarters to demand the word slut be removed, are unlikely to be successful.) But in doing so, sometimes her own linguistic biases shine through. Consider, for example, an anecdote from the intro of the book, where Montell gives the following speech to a woman who critiques her use of the word y’all:
I like to see y’all as an efficient and socially conscious way to handle the English language’s lack of a second-person plural pronoun. I could have used the word you to address the two girls, but I wanted to make sure your daughter knew I was including her in the conversation. I could also have said you guys, which has become surprisingly customary in casual conversation, but to my knowledge, neither of these children identifies as male, and I try to avoid using masculine terms to address people who aren’t men, as it ultimately works to promote the sort of linguistic sexism many have been fighting for years. I mean, if neither of these girls is a guy, then surely together they aren’t guys, you know?
 It’s a nice “take down the prescriptivist” story in some ways, but while I agree that y’all is a perfectly acceptable and useful word, Montell tries to argue that she chose to use y’all not just because her geographical and linguistic background make it the natural choice for her but because it’s the best choice, thereby turning an anti-prescriptivist argument into a prescriptivist one. Later in the same speech, she dismisses the option of using the pronoun yinz because it “doesn’t roll off the tongue nicely.”  I’m more intrigued, however, by her insistence that it would be sexist to use you guys. Montell notes, “Many speakers genuinely believe guys has become gender neutral. However, scholars agree that guys is just another masculine generic in cozier clothing. There’d be no chance of you gals earning the same lexical love.”  However, she provides no real evidence that guys isn’t truly neutral to speakers who use it, only that it is less marked than gals and that only masculine terms can ever reach this level of unmarkedness. I can’t help but wonder if it’s speakers who are excluding women when using phrases like you guys or if Montell simply hears it that way due to her own linguistic background.
 Another issue I had with this book is that it heavily focuses on English. While the topics discussed throughout the book are fairly universal, only one chapter provides any non-English examples. However, given how Montell handles these non-English examples, especially those from non-Western languages, in that one chapter, that might be for the best. The chapter examines how grammatical gender affects speakers’ perceptions of natural gender, as well as the political consequences, and at points, it’s very effective. I was particularly intrigued by her discussion of French feminists’ attempts to introduce feminine terms for certain jobs in a language where words like doctor are obligatorily masculine (and l’Académie Française is trying very hard to keep them that way). A few pages later, Montell moves onto talk about more complex gender and noun class systems. She gives the now famous example of Dyirbal, where most animate nouns belong to one noun class but “women, fire, and dangerous things” belong to another. She then concludes that this demonstrates that this shows something about Dyirbal speakers’ worldviews—that they see everything as masculine unless it could “literally kill you.” It’s a compelling argument in some ways, but it’s hard to discuss Dyirbal speakers’ worldviews without remembering one thing: Dyirbal is an indigenous Australian language with a single-digit number of native speakers. Yes, it has an interesting—and perhaps problematic—approach to gender, but it’s tied to a very specific (and mostly eradicated) cultural context, and it simply isn’t problematic in the same way as l’Académie Française. 
Overall, while I had my issues with Wordslut, I had a good time reading it . It’s not a must read, but if you’re looking for a fun, modern source on gender and language, it’s certainly entertaining and informative. It’s also a book that can definitely be enjoyed by linguists and non-linguists alike; there’s not much jargon that would trip up a non-linguist, but it covers a wide enough variety of topics that linguists (at least those who don’t specialize in sociolinguistics) won’t already know everything it covers. In general, if you’re interested in linguistics and feminism, you’ll probably have a good time and learn something new.
Overall rating: 3.5/5 Good for linguists? Yes, unless you’re already an expert in sociolinguistics Good for non-linguists? A definitive yes, since this assumes no background in linguistics Strong points: Broad scope and a fun, modern overview of the intersection between language and gender Weak points: Very English-centric, and the author’s outrage overshadows the actual information sometimes
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