#is star fruit good for diabetics
3 Best #FRUITS FOR #DIABETICS with low Glycemic Index
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Ahhh mimi the image of cute little sena trying to charm her appa to let her eat dessert is just too cute to handle 😍 jin would try to be stern saying she had to eat her meals first but he just can't deny his princess 🥰🥰 imagine her cute voice saying "appa pweaaase??" acting all cute, He would be putty in no time 😂
The Light of Dead Stars Masterlist
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“Appa, I’m hungwee.”
Jin places the lid back on the boiling pot as he waits for the ribs to soften and looks down at the little girl who’s tugging on his shirt, asking for attention. She has her signature pout on, the one she’s learned to master because, well, like you told him once, Sena’s got him wrapped around her little fingers and she eventually figured that out.
“Dinner isn’t ready yet, Princess,” he says, kneeling down. “We have to wait for a little while, okay?”
“But I’m hungwee. And I want cupcake.”
“Princess, that’s for dessert,” he shakes his head. “Didn’t appa say that dessert comes after dinner?”
“Appa also said that when I’m hungwee, I should eat.”
Sena’s pout intensifies, and if it wasn’t for her adorable cheeks that gets poofy when she does this and the adorable way that she can’t say her Rs, Jin would giggle and kiss her nonstop and tickle her to get back at her for being too smart for her own good. But this is his kid, the one he made with you, and she’s bound to be a little stubborn, fierce, and incredibly charming while trying to get her way. Just like you.
“There are tangerines here that you can munch on,” he bargains. “Uncle Yoongi got them for you.”
He takes the fruit from the bowl and starts peeling them. He stops, though, when he sees his daughter’s unchanged reaction.
“But I want cupcake. Pwease, appa? Just a small one.”
“Sena,” he says, only ever calling her by her name when he’s trying to be stern. He tries his hardest to keep a calm face whenever he does this because at any second, he knows he’ll easily give in. “We always eat dessert after dinner, okay? Can you listen to appa this once?”
She doesn’t answer, but she does harden her pout one last time and then turns around to walk away, exaggerating her steps and causing her tiny pigtails to bounce with her.
“Ooh, you’ve angered the queen,” you tease, nudging your husband by the hip. “Good luck with appeasing her later on.”
“No thanks to you,” Jin frowns. “Why didn’t you back me up?”
“Because I already said no to her yesterday when she asked for another toy,” you say. “And I would’ve been on her side. So what if she eats a cupcake before dinner? It’s still food.”
“It’s sweets! Eating it before a proper meal is not a good habit to have!”
“I always got cookies and pies before dinner behind my parents’ backs. I’m not diabetic or anything.”
“Well, I always followed my parents’ rules and we don’t want her to be breaking our rules, do we?” Jin argues.
“Not if they’re silly rules,” you counter. “It’s literally a tiny piece of cupcake, love. Something you made that she enjoys. It won’t hurt her.”
Jin massages his temples. Between the both of you, he’s the one constantly freaking out. You’re so good with her, she follows what you say, and she never seems to ever get upset with you. But like you’ve told him, his relationship with Sena is special - full of silly arguments with tons and tons of hugs and kisses. This is just one of those things that’s gonna be so natural and every bit a part of their incredibly adorable relationship because you’re right - he won’t really be able to say no.
“She hates me,” he pouts now.
“No, she doesn’t. The ribs won’t be ready in another 15 minutes. Go and make it up to her,” you order him, passing him the mini cupcake that he baked because it’s currently her favorite thing to eat.
Jin takes it and goes to the living room, trying to see if she went there or to her playroom.
“Princess,” he calls out. “Where are you? I got you something.”
“I’m hiding!” Sena yells to his amusement, now knowing exactly where she is.
He peeks inside the little tent that’s next to the couch. “Hey, Princess. I’m sorry I didn’t give your cupcake. Do you like it a lot?”
She nods, pouty lips and all. “It’s very yummy.”
“If I give you one now, do you promise to finish your dinner later?”
“Yes, appa,” she looks up now, her eyes getting a little brighter.
“Okay. Here you go,” he says, passing the unicorn cupcake to her inside the tent.
The smile she gives turns him into a puddle.
“Thank you!” She squeals, hugging him before she takes the sweets from his hand then proceeds to eat it.
It takes her 4 little bites to finish it, all the while smiling giddily.
“Did you like it?” He asks, wiping the icing off her lips.
“Yes!” She says, kissing his cheek. “I love you, appa!”
The way she looks at him is truly one of those things he treasures the most. It’s no surprise that this is one of his weaknesses. It’s also what prompts him to say, “do you want another one?”
It’s something that she obviously doesn’t pass up on.
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orionlancasterr · 8 months
Oc interview
I was tagged by @adelaidedrubman !
Judas King and Mary Hart agreed to sit down with Lauren Westfield for a couple preemptive interviews with her podcast and YouTube series, Case Files.
“Judas- oh you probably want the full thing, um, Judas King.”
“The Chosen One, Wrath, Sinner- I think Jacob called me the executioner once…”
Upon seeing Laurens growing discomfort Judas trails off, his face growing red
“Sorry that’s not what you meant. No I don’t really have any, Judas doesn’t really lend itself to nicknames. Skunk tried Jude once but it didn’t feel right.”
“Male, mostly.”
star sign
“Aquarius I think? Mary talks about it a lot.
personality type
“I dont want to be a dick but I don’t really know what this has to do with Edens gate..”
Laura frowns a little, scratching at the back of her head. “We just want to get to know you a little better before we y’know get into the juicy stuff.”
“Oh right, you’re just gonna have to bear with me on some of these, my um, my whole world has been about this stuff uncensored for like five years.”
“Right, of course!” Lauren gives a sort of forced laugh.
“5’5 I think, they measured at the last doctors appointment.”
“I’ve mostly been using gay but I’ve been reading a lot online and I think I like queer more- I don’t like specific labels.”
“American, obviously but I think French? I have a second cousin twice removed something or other that lives over there but I’m not really sure.”
fave fruit 
“I love oranges- more than anyone should and I had one for the first time in years the other day and I gotta say even the best batch of bliss couldn’t beat that shit.”
Lauren, while still uncomfortable makes no move to change the subject this time.
fave season
“Early fall-late summer. The rain brings a chill and I think the mountains are best when it’s wet out.”
fave flower 
“I think bindweed flowers are really cute, unfortunely bindweed sucks.”
fave scent 
“There is this polish I use the interior of cars, mothers, it’s like a plastic restorer anyways that shit smells so good.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“I didn’t like coffee or tea for a while but I’ve recently gotten into iced coffee, I like caramel iced lattes apparently.”
average hours of sleep: 
“Good nights, 5-6 but I can easily go a night or two without sleeping. Night terrors. But the guys say I still flail around and shit on the good ones.”
Judas chuckled at this one.
dog or cat person
“Bears. I volunteered at a wildlife rehab center before the reapings and we had this bear, cheeseburger, a big old boy who was found by one of the senior members found him shoving trash in his face behind Chad’s old place. Burgers, fries, onion rings you name it Cheeseburger ate it. So he took him in anyways after everything went down Wade radioed in saying he had to release him because the Jacob wanted to experiment so I tracked him down. Found out he was diabetic and needed insulin so we became buddies. He’s in Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary now and I visit him every few days.”
It’s at this point Judas pulls out a phone and starts showing the staff pictures of a severely obese grizzly bear wearing a collar, at which they coo and awe. In newer photos he has lost a considerable amount weight.
dream trip 
“Climb every mountain range in North America. I met a guy when I was a kid on a hike that did that, his name was trinket and he was like 70 years old climbing the continental divide in colorado. Said he sold everything a few years ago to fund his mission. I’d like to start in the south, Saturn says the Appalachians are pretty.”
“I don’t want to assume anything but wouldn’t you be sick of mountains at this point I mean…after everything that happened in the whitetails?”
Judas laughs. “It’s not the mountains fault some lunatic decided to murder and maim a bunch of people.”
favorite fictional/real character
“Optimus Prime, they made like three more transformers movies and I made everyone promise to watch them with me when we get home.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“I have a weighted blanket and, okay don’t make fun of me, my baby blanket under that. It’s basically like a two foot square of worn out fabric at this point but we found it in the house after. Um. After.”
It’s at this point Judas begins to look upset for the first time during the interview. Lauren quickly asks the next question.
random fact:
“I thought it would be fun to teach boomer how to launch himself off my back but now he does it at random. It hurts, I’m sorry it’s been nice do you mind if I um. If I go sit outside for a little bit?”
“Of course not, take your time.”
“Marilyn Ellen Hart, please don’t call me Marilyn.”
“Mary, it’s the preferred name.”
She smiles charmingly, directly at the camera.
star sign
“Aries sun, Capricorn moon and Sagittarius rising. This should be a shock to no one.”
This draws a laugh out Lauren.
personality type
“ENFP, crowds really get me going, I love talking to people. It’s why I love playing shows. Yeah sure the music is the thing that keeps me going after everything but the people make me feel alive.”
“Five feet two inches exactly. I got my drivers licence a few days ago. It’s crazy how many rules there are to driving in the real world. Skunk and Nick had two rules. Don’t hit anyone and stay on the pavement.”
Another laugh bubbles out of the staff and is met with a brilliant smile from Mary.
“Lesbian but Judas and Daisy keep reading articles too me and maybe I’m also asexual. I haven’t decided yet.”
“Raised in America but I was adopted from Ukraine.”
fave fruit 
“Strawberries. Like good fresh sweet ones. The ones from the store aren’t nearly as good.”
fave season
“Summer. Hot, sunny days, as dry and bright as possible.”
fave flower 
She winks at the camera
fave scent 
“BBQ, I love a good vinegar based sauce.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“Saturn got me hooked on sweet iced tea.”
average hours of sleep: 
“Recently I’ve been getting full nights sleep without smoking now that’s wild to me.”
dog or cat person
“Does peaches count as a cat?”
She looks past the camera and grins at someone. Laura asks who peaches is.
“Peaches, my dear, is this badass cougar we found eating so- I’m not allowed to say that am I? We found her in the Henbane.  Her owner just. Handed her to us, a trio of eighteen year old kids. She’s the sweetest thing…most of the time. She’s at Yellowstone with Cheeseburger. Apparently they tried to separate them but I imagine it didn’t go well because they were together again within like two days.”
Dream trip
“The ocean, we’re driving down California in a few weeks and I made them promise to take me to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.”
favorite fictional/real character
“Misa Amane, from death note. I was obsessed with her in middle school.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“Whatever is in the back of the van. Usually a throw and Judas’s weighted blanket.”
random fact:
“I had to learn how to whittle my own sticks because the ones we’d scavenge kept snapping on me. I still use my own at shows.”
I’ll tag @vault81 @bleumanouche @chaosintheavenue and anyone who wants to!
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milletry · 28 days
Unlock the Nutritional Benefits of Foxtail Millet Rava | Milletry
Welcome to Milletry, your trusted source for the finest millet-based products. Today, we're excited to spotlight one of our star offerings: Foxtail Millet Rava. Known for its impressive health benefits and culinary versatility, Foxtail Millet Rava is quickly becoming a favorite among health enthusiasts and food lovers alike. Let's dive into what makes this ingredient so special and how you can incorporate it into your diet. 
What is Foxtail Millet Rava?
Foxtail Millet Rava is made from the tiny, yellow grains of the foxtail millet plant. It's finely ground to create a coarse, semolina-like texture, making it an excellent substitute for traditional rava (semolina) in various recipes. This guilt-free grain is packed with essential nutrients, making it a powerhouse of health benefits.
Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet Rava
Rich in Nutrients: Foxtail Millet Rava is a great source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It provides a balanced mix of essential nutrients that support overall health.
Guilt-Free: For those seeking healthier alternatives, Foxtail Millet Rava is an excellent choice. It offers the same texture and versatility as traditional rava without the guilt of consuming refined grains.
Supports Heart Health: The high magnesium content in Foxtail Millet Rava helps maintain healthy heart function and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Promotes Digestion: The dietary fiber in Foxtail Millet Rava aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation. It promotes a healthy gut by encouraging regular bowel movements.
Manages Blood Sugar Levels: Foxtail Millet Rava has a low glycemic index, making it an ideal choice for people with diabetes. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and provides sustained energy.
How to Use Foxtail Millet Rava in Your Cooking
Foxtail Millet Rava is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Here are some popular ways to incorporate it into your meals:
Upma: A traditional South Indian breakfast dish, upma made with Foxtail Millet Rava is both nutritious and delicious. Simply sauté vegetables and spices, add Foxtail Millet Rava, and cook until it reaches a porridge-like consistency.
Idli: Swap out regular rava with Foxtail Millet Rava to make soft, fluffy idlis. These steamed cakes are perfect for a light breakfast or snack.
Halwa: For a sweet treat, try making halwa with Foxtail Millet Rava. Cook it with ghee, sugar, and water until it becomes a rich, aromatic dessert.
Dosas: Create crispy, golden dosas using a batter made from Foxtail Millet Rava. Pair them with chutney and sambar for a satisfying meal.
Porridge: Start your day with a warm bowl of Foxtail Millet Rava porridge. Add your favorite fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey for a wholesome breakfast.
Why Choose Milletry for Your Foxtail Millet Rava?
At Milletry, we are committed to providing the highest quality millet-based products. Our Foxtail Millet Rava is sourced from trusted farmers who practice sustainable farming methods. We ensure that each batch is carefully processed to retain its nutritional value and purity. When you choose Milletry, you are choosing a product that supports your health and the environment.
Foxtail Millet Rava is a versatile, nutritious ingredient that can elevate your meals while supporting your health. Whether you're making savory dishes or sweet treats, this guilt-free grain is a fantastic addition to your pantry. Explore our range of Foxtail Millet Rava products on the Milletry website and discover the difference that quality makes. Embrace the goodness of millets with Milletry!
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cathygeha · 7 months
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The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook
by Jackie Newgent RDN, CDN
125+ Nourishing Recipes to Satisfy Every Taste Bud
Interesting recipes that are easy to follow and sound delicious. This is a book I can see someone using to create healthy diabetic and/or vegan meals for one or for a family. In the tips and Tools section I liked the simplified for meal planning that suggested 45grams carbs on a 9” plate that will have 1/2 non-starchy vegetables, 1/4 carb rich foods, 1/4  protein plus some healthy fat
Table of Contents
* Acknowledgements
* Introduction
* Plant-Filled Tips and Tools
  - Following a Plant-Forward, Diabetes-Friendly Lifestyle
  - A Well-Stocked Plant-Based Pantry
  - Tips to Punch Up Protein
  - 12 No-Recipe Required Vegan Recipes
  - Sample Plant-Based Menus (with an empty template)
* The Recipe Collection for Diabetics
  -  Party Apps and Snacks
  - Main Dishes: Breakfasts and Brunches
  -  Main Dishes: Lunches and Dinners
  - Main Dishes: Burgers, Sandwiches, and Wraps
  - Bowls and Skillet Meals
  - Salads: Bean, Grains, and Leafy Green
  - Sides: Bean, Grain, and Vegetable
  - Soups and Stews
  - Desserts and Drinks
  - Glossary
  - Index
  - About the Author
Each recipe is introduced with comments, a title, suggestions for use and what to eat with it, serving numbers and the size of a single portion, prep and cook times, an ingredients list with quantity and preparation, directions, comprehensive nutritional information that includes exchanges for diabetics, boxes that include information on swaps, ingredients, leftovers, and tidbits of interest.
This is a book I would like to add to my cookbook library and hope to do so in the future even though living where I do would mean not having access to all of the ingredients that would be more common in the West.
Thank you to NetGalley and Health Communications, Inc. for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars
A delectable plant-based cookbook and eating guide for preventing and managing diabetes and pre-diabetes from award-winning cookbook author and registered dietitian Jackie Newgent. Diabetes is an epidemic in the United States. More than 11 percent of the population is living with diabetes, and 38 percent of U.S. adults have prediabetes. Diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, and lower-limb amputation. Recent research has also shown a connection between diabetes and dementia, hearing loss, and some forms of cancer. Experts point to diet as a key component in preventing and treating diabetes and prediabetes—particularly one featuring fruits and vegetables. That’s where The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook comes in, helping people with diabetes—or at risk for developing it—enjoy more plants. The key word is “enjoy.” Here, Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN, an award-winning cookbook author and classically-trained chef, offers 100 percent plant-based recipes that are full of flavor with fresh, modern appeal. At the same time, the dishes appeal to all eaters, not just vegetarians. The book is packed with more than 125 recipes, plenty of hearty main dishes, tasty menus, and hundreds of helpful tips. Following today’s current nutrition therapy guidelines, readers can follow a flexible plan without being overly focused on calories, carb-counting, or other strict macronutrient or micronutrient parameters. People with diabetes and prediabetes—and their families and friends—will benefit from the deliciousness The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook brings to the table, and the good health it brings to their lives!
240 pages, ebook
Published October 24, 2023
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paatmccashin · 9 months
Eating Whole Plant Based: A Guide for Beginners
So you've decided to give this whole plant-based diet thing a shot. Good for you your body and the planet will thank you. But where do you even start? Transitioning to a diet free of meat, dairy and processed foods can seem overwhelming. The options seem endless and confusing. Don't worry, you've got this. The key is to start simple by focusing on whole foods like fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Bulld from there by trying new recipes and discovering your favorites. A healthy plant-based diet can provide all the nutrients you need and then some. Before you know it, eating this way will become second nature, Get ready to feel more energized and healthier than ever while doing your part to go green. The plant-based life is calling your name are you ready to answer?
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What Is a Whole Plant Based Diet?
A whole plant based diet focuses on eating foods that come directly from plants, such as:
The diet avoids or minimizes animal products like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.
Why go plant based? For starters, it's good for your health. A balanced plant based diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. It's also good for the planet since Industrial animal agriculture strains natural resources.
The Benefits of Eating Whole Plant Based
Switching to a whole plant based diet comes with some major benefits.
Improved Health:- Eating more plants and less meat and processed foods can help reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. A diet high in fiber, vitamins and minerals but low in saturated fat and cholesterol will do wonders for your health.
Environmental Impact:- Industrial animal agriculture strains natural resources and contributes to deforestation, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. By eating lower on the food chain, you'll be doing your part to reduce environmental damage.
Cost Savings:- Whole plant foods like grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables are typically cheaper than meat and processed snack foods. You'll likely save money on your weekly grocery bills by making plants the star of your plate.
Increased Energy:- Carbohydrate-rich whole plant foods provide your body and brain with glucose - their primary fuel source. You may find yourself feeling more energized and focused after adopting a whole food plant-based diet.
Improved Mood:- Complex carbs, healthy fats and plant-based proteins provide the amino acids your body needs to produce feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin. Many people report Improvements in mood, decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression, and an overall increased sense of well-being on a plant-based diet.
Eating more whole plant foods and less of everything else can do your health, wallet, and the planet a lot of good. Make the switch today your body and the earth will thank you!
So there you have it, a beginner's guide to transitioning to a whole food plant-based diet. Making big changes to your diet and lifestyle is challenging, but take it slow, be kind to yourself, and focus on adding in more whole plant foods over time rather than cutting things out. The benefits of improved health, decreased disease risk, and environmental sustainability are well worth the effort. You've got this! Start with a few simple swaps each week, discover new favorite recipes, and before you know it, you'll be well on your way to reaping all the rewards of a whole food plant-based diet. Eating this way is truly life-changing. Why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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mr-divabetic · 1 year
Divabetic's 9th Annual Mystery podcast, "Tomorrow Is Not On The Menu", is packed with loads of diabetes information and self-care tips wrapped up in a cozy mystery radio drama. The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic, lands his to-die-for job as a caterer for the nation's hottest health guru, Wendy Wattage's Wellness Retreat on the Jersey Shore. Everything seems low pressure and low calorie until the body of the nasty food critic, Marilyn Macaroni, is found stabbed to death with one of Max's new chef knives. Now he's the prime suspect in a big, fat murder investigation! Can he and his team of friends, diabetes educators, and his nosey Italian mother, Mama Rose Marie, find the killer before the police arrive?
Or will he be trading his fruit suit for coveralls with stripes? Weight loss murder never tasted so good.
Starring Mr. Divabetic, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Mama Rose Marie, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES, Maryann Horst Nicolay MEd, NTDR, Kathie Dolgin aka 'High Voltage,' Seveda Williams, Catherine Schuller, Dave Jones, and Lorraine Brooks. Produced by Leisa Chester Weir. Special thanks to our colleague, the multi-talented Wendy Radford.
Divabetic Mystery Podcast's goals are: Encourage people with diabetes to problem-solve issues related to their self-care, like their favorite TV detectives (ie. write things down, search for clues and share information with your healthcare collaborators and ask questions) Manage diabetes as a team rather than go it alone. Make learning about diabetes fun and interesting.
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heynamastewellness · 1 year
Chill Out, It's Dairy-Free: The Joys of Chocolate Ice Cream
Chocolate ice cream is a delicious treat that is enjoyed by people of all ages. But for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan, traditional chocolate ice cream is off the table. That's where our vegan, sugar-free, oil-free and Dairy-free Chocolate Ice Cream comes in.
Our Chocolate Vegan Ice Cream is made with only the finest, plant-based ingredients. We use fresh nut milk, Medjool dates, cacao, and pink Himalayan salt to create a rich, creamy, and decadent ice cream that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
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The star of the show is our Medjool dates. These sweet, chewy fruits are a natural source of sugar and fiber, making them the perfect sweetener for our ice cream. They also add a touch of caramel flavor that perfectly complements the chocolate.
We don't use any added sugars, oils, or dairy in our ice cream. This means that it is a guilt-free treat that you can enjoy without worrying about your health. It is also a great option for people with diabetes or other dietary restrictions.
Our Vegan Ice Cream is perfect for any occasion. Enjoy it as a snack, dessert, or even a breakfast treat. It is also a great option for parties or potlucks.
We offer free delivery on orders over $80. And if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
So what are you waiting for? Order your own pint of our delicious Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream today!
Here are some of the benefits of our Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream:
Dairy-free: Made with fresh nut milk, our ice cream is a great option for people who are lactose intolerant or vegan.
Sugar-free: Sweetened with Medjool dates, our ice cream is a guilt-free treat that you can enjoy without worrying about your blood sugar levels.
Oil-free: Made with coconut cream, our ice cream is a healthy option that is low in saturated fat.
Gluten-free: Made with gluten-free ingredients, our ice cream is a safe option for people with gluten allergies.
Diabetic-friendly: Made with natural sweeteners, our ice cream is a good choice for people with diabetes.
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yogahealthexpo567 · 1 year
An insight into switching to a vegan diet. Learn how to stick by it.
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A vegan diet has been trending in the town for a while now, and it is not at all difficult to comprehend why. The proven health benefits and positive environmental impacts of this plant-based diet are enough to support the fact. These sole benefits make it an optimal approach to follow. 
What made the vegan diet’s popularity rise?
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People’s growing consciousness of how their food choices affect their bodies, the environment, and animals is the main driving force behind this trend. Studies have shown that a vegan diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cancer. Due to the diet being naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants make it another major factor in following a vegan diet for weight loss.
Celebrity backing has played a crucial role in heightening the levels of this trend. With more and more stars vocalizing their support for veganism, the movement has become more mainstream and accessible to a wider variety of people. This is obvious because when a celebrity follows a vegan diet, it encourages fans to do the same.
In addition to its health benefits, a vegan diet is more sustainable and better for the environment. The diet that is healthy in itself may also turn out to be the healthiest for the world since recent studies have shown that adopting a vegan diet can reduce our carbon footprint by up to 73%. This is because animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of climate change. Reducing the demand for animal products can help reduce the amount of deforestation, water and air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. 
Finally, a vegan diet is a great way to help animals. Eating vegan helps reduce the demand for animal products, which helps reduce the number of animals living on factory farms. This means fewer animals are killed for meat and other animal products.
These factors make the consumption of this diet appropriate to follow at every stage of life. 
What is a vegan diet?
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Well, a vegan diet consists mainly of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. However, it should always be kept in mind that a vegan diet can be plant base, but not all plant-based diets can necessarily be vegan. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients.
A vegan diet may be low in specific nutrients, such as calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B12, so it’s necessary to ensure that you get enough of these nutrients through fortified foods or supplements. 
How does a vegan diet benefit your health?
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The plant-based diets are naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol, which help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, plant-based diets are generally high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients, which help flourish health.
According to the facts stated by studies, people who follow a vegan diet have lower rates of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Second, plant-based diets are often more sustainable than diets that include animal products. These require fewer resources to produce, meaning they have less of an environmental impact than animal-based foods. 
At many points throughout life, such as during pregnancy, nursing, infancy, youth, adolescence, and older adults, and for athletes, a well-planned vegan diet is a good, nutritious choice. Finally, plant-based diets are beneficial for your mental health as well. Eating a variety of plant-based foods can help reduce stress and provide a sense of well-being and is often associated with lower rates of depression and anxiety. 
Overall, a vegan diet is a wonderful option to navigate for the betterment of your health, your mental well-being, and the environment. 
However, It’s important to note that a vegan diet may not necessarily be a healthier option for everyone. People with specific health concerns may need to take extra steps to ensure they’re getting all the nutrients they need, and those with allergies or intolerances may need to avoid certain vegan foods. It’s always best to work with a registered dietitian to develop an individualized meal plan that takes into account your health needs and lifestyle.
Simple tips to make the switch to a healthy vegan diet :
Transitioning to a different diet can be intimidating in the beginning, however maintaining it with the right attitude can help you finish the race strong.  
Here are a few steps which can make this shift smooth for you. 
1. Go Slow
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Going for a plant-based basket is important for a healthy, balanced diet. Experiment with different recipes and flavors to find healthy and delicious dishes you enjoy. Also, try to buy organic, locally-sourced produce whenever possible to help support sustainable farming practices.
2.Take time to plan your meal
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3. Cut down on meat and stock up healthy
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Change the proportion of animal and plant based food on your plate rather than completely eliminating animal products. This will help you make a gradual but successful transition to a plant-based diet. 
Also, you may try some plant-based alternatives. If you’re used to having a certain type of animal-based dish, try to find a plant-based version of it. This will make the transition easier and more enjoyable. 
4. Experiment with your food by knowing it
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Also, don’t be afraid to get creative with your food. Vegan cooking is versatile,and gives you the opportunity to try something you’ve never tried before. 
5. Never shy away to take help
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Changing your diet might be overwhelming initially however when transitioning to vegan diet, it’s important to have a plan of action in place. Setting achievable goals for yourself and tracking your progress help you stay on track and stay motivated.
Source- Discover the benefits of a vegan diet & learn how to stick to it! Join us at YogaHealthExpo for expert tips & guidance. Elevate your well-being now!
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the-bottle-tree · 1 year
Drunken Sailor Vine
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Name: Drunken Sailor Vine / Rangoon Creeper / Chinese Honeysuckle
Latin Name: Quisqualis indica
Type: Perennial, Tropical, Vine
Plant Date: Here when we moved in.
Color: Blooms are white at onset and gradually darken to pink, then finally red as it reaches maturity.
Bloom Time: Flowers in the spring through summer. Star-shaped aromatic blossoms are clustered together. The fragrance of the blooms is most striking at night.
Light: Full sun to partial shade.
Water: Water on a regular basis with time in between to let soil dry out. Do not overwater. Can lead to root rot.
Fertilizer: Fertilize twice a year in spring and fall with a granular fertilizer. Supplement with liquid fertilizer to encourage heavier bloom.
Deadhead: Deadheading not necessary. Prune or cut back hard in early spring / late march.
Propagation: Propagates from seeds, root division, and cuttings.
Temp: Tolerant of humidity/heat and very poor growing conditions. Does not like the cold. Loses leaves at slightest frost.
Width: 20 to 70 ft
Height: 20 to 70 ft
Planting Distance: 4 to 5 ft apart
Edible: Young shoots of the species can be eaten, either raw or steamed. Plant has edible fruit that tastes like almond, and the flowers can also be eaten though there is no taste. They can be mixed into salads to add color.
Medicinal: The leaves can be used for skin problems such as boils, ulcers and abscesses. It is also used for headache if applied to the forehead. You can also make a tea by boiling the leaves which help to get relief from pain while urinating. Dried seeds of Rangoon Creeper works to treat intestinal worms and parasites. The ripe roasted fruits and leaves of Rangoon Creeper help diarrhea and fevers and coughs. The fruits of the creeper also help to reduce inflammation of kidneys or treat nephritis. Good for pain relief and toothaches. The roots can be used for rheumatism. If eaten daily can help with birth control. Juice of leaves relieve flatulence.
Kidney Disease: Include Rangoon creeper fruits in your daily diet. It helps to alleviate Kidney inflammation. Abscess: Apply the crushed leaves of Rangoon creeper externally. Headache: Finely chop some leaves and apply to the head to get relief. Fever: Take roasted fruit of Rangoon creeper to treat Fever. Diarrhea: Roast the ripe fruits of Rangoon creeper and taken internally. Spematorrhoea, Weakness: Take leaves and flower of Rangoon creeper. Wash to clean dirt and then grind to extract juice. Take this juice twice a day empty stomach. Leucorrhoea: For treating white discharge drink flowers and leaves juice of Rangoon creeper. Diabetes: Extract 4 ml juice of Rangoon creeper flower or juice of fresh leaves. Drink regularly twice a day. This juice can be added to bitter gourd juice. Digestive disorders: Rangoon creeper leaves juice can be drink to cure digestive disorders. Or chew few leaves of this vine few times a day. Cold, cough, coryza: Take Rangoon creeper flowers and leaves, tulsi leaves, clove in water and prepare decoction. Drink this decoction few times a day. Parasitic worms: Eat ten seeds of Rangoon creeper two hours before last meal to expel parasite form body. Children should take four seeds only. Dysuria or painful urination: Decoction of boiled Burma Creeper leaves is taken as tea to relieve pain while urinating Precautions — In large doses they cause hiccups, dizziness, vomiting, and pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and even unconsciousness. An allergic reaction can cause skin rashes with or without itching, painful swelling of ankles and increase body temperature. Avoid heavy consumption of Rangoon creeper herbs when pregnant and while breast feeding.
Mundane uses: The long, flexible stems are known to be used to make baskets, fish weir and fish traps in West Africa.
Magical: unknown
Notes: Attracts pollinators like butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.
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snehabasu68 · 1 year
Vegan Diet for Diabetes Management: 5 Superfoods to Add to Your List
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We all know how following a proper vegetarian diet is the key to keeping your blood sugar stable. Fluctuating blood sugar can give rise to various unwanted health problems. So, if you’re diabetic, you must supplement your regular meals with plant-based food. Instead of meat, you should focus more on the consumption of fiber-rich veggies and fruits. Keep reading to discover which are the 5 low-carb superfoods you need to include in your vegan diet. Connect with a reliable diabetes ayurvedic cure online retail shop to find out what type of vegetarian diet for diabetes you should go for.
Leafy greens that are rich in healthy fibers not only fill your tummy but also assist in restricting changes in your blood sugar levels. Did you know that the glycemic index of spinach is 15? Also, the low-calorie content in spinach makes it a suitable option to manage your weight, which is essential for diabetes management.
Sweet potato
Being full of carbohydrates, potatoes are a no-no for diabetic patients. But you can always opt for pink sweet potatoes or shakarkandi that are packed with good carbs that do not metabolise quickly and maintain steady sugar levels. Having glycemic index that’s less than 55, sweet potatoes are a tasty and healthy food to include in your meals in moderate proportion.
Bitter gourd
Not that fond of the bitter taste of this vegetable? Well, keeping that aside, there’s no doubt that bitter gourd is a must-have vegetable in a good diabetes diet. The anti-diabetic properties as well as insulin-resembling compounds present in karela make it the healthiest superfood for improving your system’s insulin activity.
As per the American Diabetes Association, citrus fruits have been found to be exceptionally effective in managing blood sugar levels. Oranges have large amounts of fibers too. These fibers inside this delicious fruit don’t breakdown quickly and stay in your body for a long period, incorporating eventual release of sugar. Have whole orange instead of orange juice as the former is richer in fiber content.
Chia seeds
Full of antioxidants and packed with anti-inflammatory properties, these super seeds contain loads of fiber, iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium. Chia seeds are a fantastic choice for diabetics to regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes-related illnesses. You can soak them in water or sprinkle them over your cereals, salads or smoothies to enjoy a wholesome plant-based diet.
Visit a high-starred ayurvedic cure for diabetes e-store to find out about a standard healthy vegan diet for diabetes so that you can follow it judiciously.
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healthlineocean · 1 year
Health Benefits Of Star Fruits
what is star fruit
Star fruit contains essential compounds such as vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Why should you eat this fruit regularly? There are several health problems that can be solved by eating this fruit. Learn more about the health benefits of carambola in this blog post.
Star fruits contain compounds that are essential for the body. For example, they contain fiber, protein, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, copper, and potassium. They promote quality sleep, improve digestion and prevent aging. The fruits do not contain chemicals. When buying, check the color so as not to carry premature fruit. For example, when unripe, it is green and firm, while when ripe, it tastes amber, yellow, and juicy. This blog discusses the health benefits of carambola.
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Promote digestion Have you ever suffered from digestive problems? Star fruits provide a solution to various digestive problems such as stomach pain. The fruits contain fiber and calcium, which reduce the symptoms of indigestion such as constipation, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. In addition, carambola acts as an anti-ulcer medicine that reduces stomach ulcers.
Controls blood sugar levels
Star fruits control blood sugar levels, a risk factor for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, dementia, and kidney failure. In addition, in diabetics, high blood sugar leads to type 2 diabetes. Raw star fruit, rich in potassium and folic acid, lowers blood sugar levels.
Reduce the risk of inflammation Star fruits have anti-inflammatory properties that protect the body from the effects of oxidative stress. In addition, they reduce the effects of toxins that affect the cells of the body, such as inflammation. Unlike commercial preparations, carambola does not contain harmful substances that cause health problems.
Protects the heart Star fruits protect the heart from normal attacks. Cardiovascular disease affects everyone, even though older people are at higher risk of having an attack. Eating raw carambola fruits lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. They contain calcium, which relieves tension in blood vessels and arteries, reducing the risk of heart disease. They also contain potassium, which lowers blood pressure in sick people.
Promote weight loss Star fruits are good for controlling weight loss, especially for people who don't exercise much. Natural products have recently gained popularity when it comes to the weight loss journey. The weight loss journey requires maximum concentration on natural products. Star fruits are rich in antioxidants that help burn belly fat. In addition, they contain fiber, which in combination with water forms a gel-like substance that enhances the feeling of satiety.
Reduce the risk of stroke Star fruits reduce the risk of stroke. They are rich in potassium, which significantly reduces the risk of stroke. In addition, potassium deficiency leads to hypokalemia, a metabolic imbalance.
Promotes night sleep Irritability and bags can also be resolved with carambola. The fruit also contains magnesium, which promotes quality sleep. For example, they maintain levels of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. In addition, carambola promotes quality sleep by regulating metabolism. You can improve your sleep by eating a fruit or drinking its juice.
they are lipid-lowering Star fruits are a good substitute for commercial supplements used to lower blood cholesterol levels. They reduce the content of lipid-protein complexes in the blood, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. If you're spending money on statins, it's time to save money by turning star fruit.
Protects the skin Star fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, gallic acid, quercetin and polyphenolic flavonoids, which protect the skin from wrinkles and make it look younger. For a moment, the role of vitamin C in the production of collagen to reduce wrinkles. In addition, the antioxidant neutralizes free radicals so that they do not damage the skin.
Help with anemia Anemia is a condition resulting from low levels of iron in the body. It is characterized by fatigue, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. However, star fruits contain vitamin C, which aids in the absorption of iron.
Conclusion Star fruit is one of the most nutritious fruits with numerous health benefits. The fruits contain compounds that enhance human health. For example, they contain fiber, protein, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, copper, alkaloids, flavonoids, phytochemicals, steroids, and potassium. They promote quality sleep, improve digestion, speed up metabolism, fight germs and prevent aging. The fruits do not contain chemicals.
Also Read: What does star fruit taste like
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11 Ways to Completely Sabotage Your Billy Gardell weight loss
Fat reduction journeys tend to be challenging, but they may be exceptionally gratifying. Many individuals locate inspiration in stars who have been through prosperous fat loss transformations, like actor and comedian Billy Gardell. On this page, We're going to investigate Billy Gardell's weight loss journey And exactly how he realized his remarkable outcomes.
That's Billy Gardell?
Billy Gardell can be an American actor and comedian best noted for his function as Mike Biggs while in the hit tv sequence "Mike & Molly." He has also appeared in numerous films and various tv shows, like "You, Me and Dupree," "Determined Housewives," and "Younger Sheldon."
Billy Gardell's Weightloss Journey
a. Start line
Ahead of embarking on his fat loss journey, Billy Gardell was overweight and struggled with medical issues connected with his measurement. He understood that he required to generate a change in his Way of living to boost his wellness and quality of life.
b. Food plan
Billy Gardell began his weightloss journey by altering his diet program. He eliminate processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats and focused on taking in more fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and full grains. He also practiced portion Manage and ate lesser, additional Recurrent meals during the day.
c. Training Routine
Besides modifying his diet plan, Billy Gardell integrated typical exercise into his regimen. He started off with straightforward functions like going for walks and gradually labored his way up to far more intense exercises, for example weightlifting and cardio.
Advantages of Weight-loss
a. Physical Gains
Dropping excess weight might have several Bodily Gains, together with reduced hazard of Persistent ailments like diabetes and heart disease, enhanced mobility, and enhanced Electricity concentrations.
b. Psychological Health and fitness Positive aspects
In addition to physical Positive aspects, weightloss can also have good results on psychological wellbeing. Dropping body weight can Enhance self-assurance, lower stress and anxiety, and make improvements to overall mood.
Problems of Weightloss
a. Plateaus
One of many most vital problems of weight-loss is achieving plateaus. Plateaus manifest when weight-loss stops, In spite of ongoing initiatives. To beat plateaus, It can be important to continue Billy Gardell weight loss and transformation to be according to nutritious having and training behavior and also to attempt new workout routines or combine up the work out routine.
b. Temptations
An additional problem of fat reduction is resisting temptations like harmful foods and skipping exercise sessions. It is vital to keep in mind that tiny setbacks are standard also to get back again on track immediately.
Tricks for Effective Fat reduction
a. Consistency
Consistency is essential to thriving fat reduction. It's important to keep on with a healthy ingesting plan and exercise routine, regardless if development appears to be slow.
b. Accountability
Owning a person to hold you accountable might be unbelievably practical when seeking to eliminate fat. Think about joining a support team or locating a training buddy to assist stay determined.
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c. Self-Care
Taking good care of oneself is important for weight-loss good results. Prioritizing self-care pursuits like meditation, yoga, or finding sufficient slumber may help decrease anxiety and make improvements to Over-all health.
Billy Gardell's Transformation
Billy Gardell's weight reduction journey was a gradual system, but he attained outstanding success. By focusing on wholesome having and normal workout, Billy Gardell misplaced about fifty lbs . and remodeled his system. He appears to be and feels better than at any time ahead of, and his weight-loss has improved his health and All round quality of life.
Billy Gardell's weight-loss journey is usually a testament to the power of regularity, hard work, and commitment. By producing little, sustainable improvements to his Way of living, he was capable to obtain major weight loss and make improvements to his well being and perfectly-staying. If You are looking to start your fat loss journey, remember to choose it 1 stage at a time and focus on healthier behaviors you can maintain about the long run.
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shinycreatoryouth · 2 years
10 No-Fuss Ways to Figuring Out Your steroids by Billy Gardell
Fat loss journeys are frequently challenging, but they can be incredibly worthwhile. Lots of individuals locate inspiration in stars which have been through thriving weight-loss transformations, including actor and comic Billy Gardell. In the following paragraphs, We'll discover Billy Gardell's fat loss journey and how he accomplished his outstanding results.
That is Billy Gardell?
Billy Gardell is surely an American actor and comic ideal recognized for his position as Mike Biggs from the hit tv series "Mike & Molly." He has also appeared in a number of movies together with other tv exhibits, like "You, Me and Dupree," "Desperate Housewives," and "Youthful Sheldon."
Billy Gardell's Weight-loss Journey
a. Starting Point
Ahead of embarking on his weight-loss journey, Billy Gardell was overweight and struggled with health issues relevant to his measurement. He recognized that he required to generate a modify in his Way of life to boost his overall health and Standard of living.
b. Diet plan
Billy Gardell https://canvas.instructure.com/eportfolios/1895473/milozfdr703/How_to_Explain_Billy_Gardell_weight_loss_surgery_to_Your_Grandparents started out his weightloss journey by altering his diet plan. He cut out processed foods, refined sugars, and harmful fats and focused on ingesting more fruits, greens, lean proteins, and entire grains. He also practiced portion Command and ate smaller, more Repeated meals throughout the day.
c. Exercising Program
As well as changing his diet plan, Billy Gardell incorporated regular exercise into his regime. He started with simple routines like strolling and little by little worked his way around much more intensive workout routines, such as weightlifting and cardio.
Advantages of Fat reduction
a. Actual physical Benefits
Dropping bodyweight may have numerous Bodily Added benefits, like minimized danger of Persistent diseases like diabetes and heart problems, improved mobility, and greater energy ranges.
b. Mental Well being Benefits
As well as Actual physical benefits, fat reduction can also have optimistic consequences on psychological well being. Losing body weight can Raise self-self esteem, decrease strain and panic, and strengthen overall mood.
Challenges of Weight-loss
a. Plateaus
One of many most significant difficulties of weight-loss is reaching plateaus. Plateaus arise when weight loss stops, Irrespective of continued endeavours. To overcome plateaus, It truly is vital to keep per healthful feeding on and training routines also to check out new workout routines or mix up the training schedule.
b. Temptations
Yet another problem of weight-loss is resisting temptations like harmful foods and skipping exercises. It's important to bear in mind little setbacks are typical and to get back again heading in the right direction as soon as possible.
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Tips for Prosperous Fat reduction
a. Regularity
Regularity is key to profitable weight reduction. It is vital to stay with a healthy ingesting plan and physical exercise schedule, even when development appears to be gradual.
b. Accountability
Acquiring a person to carry you accountable can be exceptionally handy when endeavoring to get rid of bodyweight. Contemplate becoming a member of a assist team or locating a training buddy that can help remain motivated.
c. Self-Treatment
Taking good care of oneself is important for weightloss success. Prioritizing self-treatment activities like meditation, yoga, or acquiring ample rest may also help minimize stress and make improvements to General overall health.
Billy Gardell's Transformation
Billy Gardell's weight reduction journey was a gradual course of action, but he reached outstanding outcomes. By focusing on healthy taking in and normal training, Billy Gardell misplaced around 50 lbs . and remodeled his human body. He appears to be and feels much better than at any time just before, and his weight loss has enhanced his well being and In general Standard of living.
Billy Gardell's weight loss journey is often a testomony to the strength of consistency, exertions, and determination. By creating little, sustainable variations to his lifestyle, he was ready to achieve major fat loss and enhance his wellbeing and well-getting. If you're looking to start your weight-loss journey, make sure to get it one particular stage at a time and center on healthier behavior which you can keep about the long term.
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jmreyes9 · 2 years
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Photo from the Internet
By Jesse Reyes
Although I’m not, never was and never will be a ranger, I was alone, as before, my wife being stuck at my son’s home because of baby-sitting constraints.  I was at the Royal Buffet, my favorite Chinese Buffet where you can eat all that your heart desires for three hours (12:00 noon to 3 p.m.)  
By the way, I have not been paid for this free (no wonder it’s free!) advertisement but I’m expecting a hefty discount the next time I eat here in addition to the 10% senior discount I now enjoy, hoping that the owner reads this.
I included in my title, the Lone Ranger, a 2013 western film, starring Johnny Depp, just to arouse your curiosity, more or less.  Speaking about “more or less”, I remember the story of Miss Palawan who was being interviewed during a Miss Philippines contest.  The interview went something like this:
Host: Miss Palawan, what is the population of your province?
Miss P: I don’t know, sir.
H: Just tell us what it is, more or less.
Miss P: More, sir?
Host: No. 
Miss P: Less, sir?
H: Let’s go to the next question.  Can you name an exotic animal in Palawan?
Miss P: A crocodile, sir.
H: Very good. Can you name another one?
Miss P: Another crocodile, sir.
H: Oh boy. By the way, Miss Palawan, coming here, did you walk or did you ride?
Miss P: Of course, did you ride, sir.
Suffice it to say, Miss Palawan was eliminated right away!
Now, back to the Chinese buffet. Today, I “forgot” I’m a diabetic, so my gastronomic adventure went wild and I went berserk, devouring everything the book states isn’t good for a diabetic: fried plantain bananas (one of my favorites), fried onion rings, fried zucchini, New York steak, lo mein, fruits with high glycemic indices like pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew and finally 3 scoops of ice-cream. Of course I tempered these with sautéed green beans, mushroom, turbot fish, kim shee (I don't know if I'm spelling that right) and cucumber.
I didn’t have the nerve to check my blood sugar after this binge.  I just doubled the dose of my anti-diabetic meds. 
Written on Feb. 11, 2023 in Chicago, IL. Other writings and poems of Jesse Reyes can be found in his blog: anadventurecalledlife.com. Posted in FB 2/23.
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mr-divabetic · 1 year
Join us for Divabetic's 9th Annual Mystery podcast! Enjoy loads of diabetes information and self-care tips wrapped up in a cozy mystery radio drama. 
The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic, lands his to-die-for job as a caterer for the nation's hottest health guru, Wendy Wattage's Wellness Retreat on the Jersey Shore. Everything seems low pressure and low calorie until the body of the nasty food critic, Marilyn Macaroni, is found stabbed to death with one of Max's new chef knives. Now he's the prime suspect in a big, fat murder investigation!
Can he and his team of friends, diabetes educators, and his nosey Italian mother, Mama Rose Marie, find the killer before the police arrive? Or will he be trading his fruit suit for coveralls with stripes?
Weight loss murder never tasted so good.
Starring Mr. Divabetic, Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes, Mama Rose Marie, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDCES, Maryann Horst Nicolay MEd, NTDR, Kathie Dolgin aka 'High Voltage,' Seveda Williams, Dave Jones, Catherine Schuller and Lorraine Brooks. Produced by Leisa Chester Weir. Special thanks to our colleague, the multi-talented Wendy Radford. 
Music from The Pink Panther and The Return of The Pink Panther soundtracks by Henry Mancini courtesy of SONY Music. 
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