#is it too niche to ask for a compilation of like all the moments she was on screen😭
georgeinamerc ¡ 8 months
Okay now that we won, I have to say the referee is beautiful🧎🏻‍♀️
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allylikethecat ¡ 5 months
More on the carsickness haha bc it’s such a sweet and like niche hc but also like makes so much sense ?? Also because I’m obsessed w atkh at the moment just like probably everyone else who ever stepped foot into ur tumblr page lol. How do you reckon fictional George ends up finding out about it? Bc obviously this fictional Matty is less of a complainer and more likely to like pretend everything is fine ig? I guess it’s just one of those things that he’d notice when they spend more time together?
ALSO. Since I’m here, and you said send asks so you can’t stop me ;)
I have been slacking on my atkh chapter comments and I realised I was sooo taking them for granted SO
Starting from the chapter where he breaks down at fictional! George’s, OH MY GOD ????? Written to perfection and I cried. I feel like it’s just such a good way for it to all happen but also so devastating?! And they fact that he’s finally realising that he was soo wrong about everything So then I’m super glad that they got some time to like- be happy- even if you’re going to crush that for a bit..
And then the chapter w charli and everything was so sweet. Fictional Carly is really just another mini protector
The SLEEPOVER ???? Was definitely NOT too self indulgent from you I ate it up oh my god.
And then the date oml. I love anything w the horses in tbh it all seems so personal and real. And the blushing oml so sweet.
Hope your team win the hockey game ? If that’s still going?
I am going to start off by apologizing for how long this response is I got very excited about your WONDERFUL ask...
IDK maybe I'm just projecting but like Matty, fictional and IRL just gives me "gets carsick vibes" so like he will be getting carsick in all of my fics lol Also thank you SO MUCH for being obsessed with ATKH because I am also very obsessed with ATKH and I am just so excited and so grateful that people are enjoying it and will to chat with me about it because that is what I want to be doing at all times lol I don't know if Fictional!George is ever explicitly going to find out - but if he does its probably going to be in the sense that they're going somewhere that's further away, Fictional!George is driving as always, and it starts out fine, but maybe they hit some stop and go traffic, and it's just taking forever and Fictional!Matty has gotten quieter and quieter, and he's got his forehead pressed against the window and his eyes squeezed shut and he is breathing really heavily and Fictional!George is like what's wrong you're really pale and Fictional!Matty is just like "I need you to pull over as soon as you can because I am going to throw up" and Fictional!George is like 😮 what shit and is scrambling to try and pull over and is just like in awe of how calm Fictional!Matty is about the entire thing and is like why didn't you say anything! But Fictional!Matty is just like I get carsick it's fine and Fictional!George is like THIS iS NOT FINE HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS and next time they go on a roadtrip he's got like water and ginger ale for him and like anti-nausea lollipops and is READY.
No part of me wants to stop you keep the asks coming this is absolute AMAZING and thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to read All the King's Horses I'm just so extremely grateful for everyone who has given it a chance and who has taken the time to chat with me!!
AHHH I'm so happy that you liked the chapter where they really ~talked~ about Fictional!Matty's history, that was one of the very first chapters I saw like fully formed in my mind when I started outlining this fic! It had moments where it was hard to write, but looking back I am happy with how it came out! Fictional!George is very obsessed with Fictional!Matty and that line between love and hate when it comes to obsession is very thin... but yes! They are going to be happy for a little bit 👀
I LOVE Fictional!Charli SO MUCH she is the MVP and the voice of reason in this fic and Fictional!Carly is a compilation of all the fabulous wealthy women who ride at my barn and have adopted me as their like bonus adult child I love them all so much and am so grateful to them and have had so much fun turning them into Fictional!Carly
HEHE I was so excited about the only one bed thing, that is like one of my FAVORITE things and I was so happy and excited to like full send it lol
YAY! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the date chapter! That was another one that was very self indulgent because I NEEDED to get Pop in there - I had to make some major edits to that chapter because I had accidentally made Pop the main character haha he might be the main character in my life but I was like this fic is about Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George not you Pop lol He retaliated IRL today by getting his third eyelid stuck over his eyeball and absolutely freaking me out because he can never NOT be the center of attention lol I was also really amused by how much Fictional!Matty was blushing - part of me worried it was too much but I was also like this fictional man has hardly had anyone do anything truly nice for him just because, ever, in his life, so he is going to be so anxious and embarrassed about it the entire time.
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rosesgonerogue ¡ 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter Eight
The room seemed empty without the plague that was his brothers. Tim stood silent and still for a few moments longer (long enough to make it awkward) before he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry about Damian, he was out of line.” 
“He was, but I was a little out of line as well,” Marinette said with a sigh. “But you are also not responsible for your brother. I feel like I need to apologize and let you know that it’s okay if you don’t want to go for coffee.” 
“No, we’re still on for that,” Tim said immediately. “As long as you still want to, of course.” 
“I’ll be waiting in anticipation. But I’ve held you captive for too long already, I’m sure you’ve got things to do, naps to take. Unless you have any last minute comments or complaints on the suit?” 
“Ask me that again on a day when I’ve had more than forty-five minutes of sleep. Then I’ll have an incredibly witty response,” Tim said with a smile. “Aside from the lack of lining, the suit is everything I never knew I needed.” 
He carefully took off the jacket while his mind raced. Hearing the way Marinette had phrased her experiences had struck him with the fact that Paris wasn’t nearly as idyllic and safe as they had supposed, and the thought of Marinette in danger was unacceptable. Instead of sleeping, Tim found himself compiling a briefing file on the crime history of Paris, as well as the most important aspects of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Now Tim just had to convince everyone else that some of them needed to go assess the situation in the city itself. There were numerous evidences that Hawkmoth was an issue of the past, but the fact that the whole situation had gone on for at least four years without the League even noticing was… concerning, to say the least. 
Privately, Tim couldn’t help but wonder just how Marinette’s name hadn’t been added to the list of “akumatized” victims. From everything he knew of her, she was fueled by love and passion - she was an unstoppable force of emotion. He couldn’t help but respect her all the more. 
Ladybug was also a mystery. Paris wasn’t in constant danger like before, but she remained active, helping out in day-to-day crime. Chat Noir showed up occasionally, but she seemed to be the only regular hero. 
It was hours before the fittings for Dick and Jason were finished, and then he called everyone in for a meeting. Damian looked incredibly annoyed, a good portion of which was a remnant from his earlier collision with Marinette. Just thinking about the skirmish was enough for Tim to decide he was at least a little bit in love with the woman. Anyone who could put Damian in his place like that was someone to be respected. 
“So what’s up, Timmy? Why the family meeting? It must be serious if even Alfred is part of this,” Dick said, sitting down.
“First I have a question for Bruce. Did the League ever get any kind of distress call from Paris between nine and five years ago?” 
“From Paris? None that I know of. What’s going on, Tim?” Bruce asked, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Sit down boys, there’s been a serious oversight.” 
Tim handed them each a file and sat down, settling in to watch their reactions. 
“Why do you keep looking in the mirror, Maman?” 
Marinette lurched away from the bathroom mirror, cheeks flushing. “I… I was just making sure my hair looked okay.” 
“You look pretty, Maman. I’m sure Monsieur Tim will think so too. When this is done you need to invite him to Paris so you can go on a date without me, like it’s supposed to be.” 
Choking on her spit, Marinette stared at her child. “Leo! Who told you to say such a thing?!” 
“Uncle Kim says that kids aren’t supposed to go on dates.” 
“Well, that’s usually true,” she said, massaging her temples. “But people go on dates to see if they like someone enough to see if they want them to be in their lives forever. If a man wants to be in my life forever, I have to make sure that you like him.” 
“I told you, we’re supposed to know Monsieur Tim,” Leo said, slightly exasperated. “He makes us both happier.” 
“You’re right, and I trust you, but Monsieur Tim and I just need to get to know each other before anything happens.” 
“Fine,” Leo huffed, dramatically throwing himself onto his hotel bed. Marinette couldn’t help but shake her head. Her son was incredibly mature, and sometimes it felt like he could practically see into the future. But she loved the reminders that he was still just a child. 
“Stop pouting, it’s time to go,” Marinette said, shoving him off of the bed. He caught himself with ease - it seemed that he’d been blessed with a natural athleticism instead of her own inborn clumsiness.
The coffee shop was easily within walking distance, and Marinette held Leo’s hand with the strength of a vice - it was Gotham, after all, and they didn’t have the best track record with the city. 
After walking for about a block, Marinette finally brought herself to ask Leo what she’d been wondering since she and Leo had met Tim. “Leo?” 
“What do you mean when you keep saying that we’re supposed to know Monsieur Tim?”
He turned to her, gifting her with one of his rare full smiles, and Marinette barely resisted the urge to smother him in a hug. His blue eyes sparkled with some secret knowledge before he said, “That’s a secret, Maman. You just have to wait and find out.” 
“Leo, that’s not fair,” Marinette said, mock pouting. 
“Monsieur Tim is going to be important to us both, but especially to you,” Leo said plainly. “He can understand you in a way that most people can’t, but he wouldn’t try to pity you or something like that.” 
Whatever she had been expecting, it definitely hadn’t been a reply like that. Marinette found herself rendered speechless for the rest of the walk, her mind racing with the possibilities of what Leo could possibly mean by that. 
They were early, but Tim was actually already inside, remarkably awake for so early in the morning. He sat at one of the tables by the window, and when he caught sight of her he waved wildly. (Marinette couldn’t tease him about it though, she and Leo waved just as enthusiastically.) She couldn’t help but smile. With a start to her day like this, how could it go wrong?
Taglist:  @ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous @zotinha456 @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @somebodyspersephone @spider-person95 @zestyzealot @toodaloo-kangaroo @kokotaru @kurogaya913 @tis-i-beanbandit  @annapointone
Here's the next chapter, kids! I already posted about this, but I want your opinion as well. I have at least two more ideas for Mominette fics, would y'all be interested in me posting them? I'm still trying to ride through quarantine without seeing my nieces and nephews, so I need children in my life SOMEHOW. There’s a Daminette one and a Jasonette one. Let me know what y’all think. Also somehow I’ve almost got 500 followers??! I would like to do something as a thank you, just let me know if you guys have any ideas. 
Also I’m totally fine with my brand becoming Mominette. I don’t know how much everyone else in this little niche fandom like it, but I also assume the majority of you aren’t single people in grad school that get lonely. 
Anyway, let me know what you guys think, both for the Mominette fics and what you want for the 500 follower thing once I hit 500 followers! 
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goldeneyedgirl ¡ 4 years
2020 Fic Meme
It happens every year like clockwork. The Fic Round-Up Meme. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to it this year because I’ve written so much. As usual, compiled from ancient Livejournal fic memes. I like doing it as kind of a time capsule of my writing. If anyone else wants to take a crack, feel free. I love reading writers’ throughs on their own work. <3 No tagging because that is PRESSURE. 
12 Days of Fic-Mas (Twilight, WIP) Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 + Christmas Eve Twelve days of fic extracts, previews, and drabbles focusing on Alice Cullen and Jess/Jasper Hale: Anathema, the KidFic, Married in Vegas, Daemons, Memento Vivere, Human Alice Kills James, Jess and Alice do Prom, Forgotten, Vampires in Vegas, Shadow to Light Missing Scene, Hybrid, Cowboys and Angel Solstice, and All These Broken Things
Afterglow (Alice/Jasper, AU, Romance, G)  There were three things of which she was certain. The first was that her name was Alice. The second was that she was born an angel. And three, she was getting ready to die.
Against a Wall (Alice/Jasper, Human/Vampire AU, Romance, Angst, PG) If you asked anyone with the surname ‘Whitlock’, they’d tell you that the family was cursed. It was the Whitlock Curse to blame the day the bank took the ranch away from Jasper’s own father.      
And Found (Alice/Jasper, Soulmark AU, Romance, PG) The soul mark appears when Alice is six. It is a twisted ribbon of a mark, from the inside of her left elbow, up her arm, over her shoulder, along her clavicle, over her right shoulder and down to her right wrist. What ugly, soulless individual could inspire such a mark?
Jar of Hearts Pt 1 Pt 2 (WIP) (Alice, Emmett, Seth, MCU xover, Angst, PG) The snap came for everyone - “He said he’d never leave me,” she says in a wobbly voice. “He promised me.”“It wasn’t by choice,” Emmett rushes to tell her. “You were his last thought; he tried so hard to get home before he…”
Never a Question (Alice/Jasper, AU, Angst, G)  Carlisle is quite sure that he’s watching his son’s heart break into a million pieces as he stares at his human mate, slowly dying alone, not a single person allowed to hold her hand.
Hand in Hand (Alice/Jasper, AU, Fluff, G)  “Never,” he swears, pressing a kiss to her cheek that makes her beam -  “There’s not a single moment I can think of that cannot be improved by your presence, darlin’.”
Love & Duty (Alice/Jasper, AU, Romance, G)  A trainee witch is sent to treat a wounded cowboy from her brother coven. 
Shadow to Light (WIP) (Alice/Jasper, AU Angst, PG) In 1918, Jasper lures the newborn known as Mary-Alice back to Monterrey. He is lost to her before it even begins. (Ch 6-8)
The Way of Things (Alice/Jasper, AU, Drama, M)  She truly doesn’t know what comes next. He truly doesn’t know if it will be good or bad. They will live this life for as long as it lasts, long may it last, surrounded by the people they love and trust. 
What You Say (Alice/Jessamine, Canon, Angst, M)  Edward might have thought Aro was their reckoning, but Alice knows for her, it is Jessamine’s hurt.
Total number of completed stories: ELEVEN. 
Total word count: 90,155 words were formally posted - not including snippets, previews (aside from FicMas) or anything that was shared on the Discord server. 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I fucking nailed it. Like, seriously. THREE chapters of Shadow to Light? Every single day of JaliceWeek AND FicMas? I mean, I think the lockdown definitely helped with free time, and not going to lie, the iOS shutdown of Fortnite probably assisted my productivity. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? The Discord has so much to answer for. I wrote porn. Like, what. What. What. What. I find this bizarre and did not have ‘let’s just go full NC17 in 2020′ on my bingo card, but it happened. In fact, 2019 Lexie has just gone full spit-take and yelled, “WHAT?!” at the top of her lungs. 
And to make it more surprising, it’s both het and f/f porn. Like, mind-blown. Who am I anymore?
What’s your own favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? The Way of Things, What You Say, And Found, & Afterglow. All fics that came together really well, that felt like *me*, and had hopeful endings. I’m really proud of them. 
STL doesn’t get an opportunity to be apart of this til it’s finished. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? The porn. 
Apparently, I can write it. Who knew? 
I definitely threw caution to the wind with JaliceWeek and just went for whatever crossed my mind and stopped worrying so much. Like, whatever, this is what I want to write so I will. I mean, the MCU crossover is happening in a slightly more obscure way than I initially envisaged it, it’s definitely a better fic for it.
I joined the Discord, and that’s been amazing. I’ve spent my last few fandoms existing in kind of a vacuum because of bad experiences and the fact I’m usually doing something niche, so having people to talk to who are so nice and welcoming and are happy to ignore my special brand of obnoxiousness is so lovely and has had such a good affect on my mental health. Sometimes you need people you can be your dorkiest self with. 
My instincts are pretty good as far as fic goes, people are awesome, and I can write sex scenes. It’s been a learning curve, let me tell you that. 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?  I have to balance grad school, my business, and my writing, so that’s going to be interesting. I think I need to look at my fic more as downtime than a high-stress ‘job’ because I LOVE writing it. I love writing. I love reading. But I get in my own head and overthink. So my goals are BALANCE and RELAX. 
My best story of this year: Oh man, that’s not something I can judge. I am so incredibly proud of how Afterglow, And Found, and The Way of Things turned out. Especially considering I was so behind with JaliceWeek, and I think I was putting out a fic a day, and freaking out because I was lacking ideas, so when these three just came together exactly how I wanted them, it was a good moment. 
My most popular story: Shadow to Light. Look, if that’s my legacy to fandom, I’ve done pretty damn well. I’m really, really appreciative of how enthusiastic people are about this ‘verse. I don’t always understand it, because I can see how my writing has changed and how the story has evolved massively (first it was supposed to be a one-shot, then five chapters.) I hope that it ends up being satisfying for everyone because I have LOVED writing it, even if I am slower than molasses. 
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Everyone is always so damn enthusiastic about my writing. I think maybe Hybrid is kind of a big question mark for everyone at the moment because there are so many questions and no answers yet. 
And any of the Jessamine/Alice. That’s a new niche, I get not everyone is into it. But it’s happening and will continue into 2020.
Most fun story to write:  What You Say or Jess and Alice at Prom. Jess is a little snarkier than Jasper, less controlled, and the girls are super fun to write, even high-tension scenes. 
Most Sexy Story: Oh, I can answer this now! Um, maybe The Way of Things or Jess and Alice at Prom? Yup, those are my picks. 
Story with the single sexiest moment:  The Way of Things. This happened before the Discord Intervention, and I’m genuinely not sure if I’m happy with the end of the Prom fic, so it might be reworked slightly in the future. But The Way of Things I was really happy with because it covered so many ideas I had in a way that fit together well. 
That’s where she makes good on her unspoken promises from aeons again, of their private victory celebration. She sits astride him, her hips rolling hard against his, drawing out his groans and growls as he grips her thighs almost tight enough to crack. Their gazes are locked the entire time, her tongue skimming over her lips, as she lets her emotions tell him everything that she wants and everything she plans to take.
He remembers fucking her in the dirt in Dacia; his mouth between her legs as she hollered obscenities in a Paris attic; and the urgent, passionate loving-making of a marriage finally consummated.
She remembers bloody emeralds looped around her throat and resting between her breasts as she gets down on her knees and takes him into her mouth, his fingers tangled in her hair; the delicious weight of him on top of her, their sweat mingling and cooling in the frozen night as their flimsy bed creaked against the wall; and his soft encouragement in her ear as he grasps her around the waist, their hands resting together on the gentle swell of her stomach. 
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: I think I restrained myself from anything too dark or twisted this year, actually. Oh, wait, Vampires in Vegas. That one has some pretty dark implications about Alice’s life, about the vampire underworld, and Jasper’s behaviour, especially as it goes one. No fic that deals with someone being put into sex work without educated consent is going to avoid being dark, and I think it’s logical that vampires would have their hands in a lot of illegal yet profitable areas. 
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Anything with Jessamine/Alice because, like, Jess isn’t a name-swap of Jasper, and the relationship dynamic shifts with the slight personality shifts. And then you have to consider the family and social dynamic of two women in the relationship, so working all that out was fun. 
Jar of Hearts is another one, because I had to work out who the fic was going to follow and what was lost. And Emmett and Alice pretty much don’t interact in canon, but they were chosen for a reason. I’ve stripped them down to their worst, most isolated selves without their ‘true north’ (Rose and Jasper) or their moral center (Carlisle and Esme), or even their secret weapon (Edward). Seth, too, has been isolated from his family and friends, and is especially ‘other’ in this situation. This is an MCU crossover, so we’re kind of following a heroes’ journey with the last of Forks’ supernatural creatures.
Hardest story to write: Shadow to Light because of the way I have to use language, because of the plot strands from canon when I hate writing canon material, and how the characters have changed and how this new version reflects the old version. 
Against a Wall, as well, because of the in-verse time crunch I had - I needed Jasper damaged, military-minded, and changed by age 19. And I needed the boy broken. I’m happy with it, the story is done and dusted, but it didn’t quite turn out how I planned. And that’s okay, because I like this version. But I think I tackled something a lot bigger than I anticipated with it. 
Most disappointing:  Look, I love the verse and the set-up, but I think Love & Duty could do with another 2k words for build-up. I just ran out of time, honestly, to build up that mutual attraction between Alice and Jasper. 
Easiest story to write: Anathema, because Alice’s voice was so clear in it. Anathema!Alice knows exactly who she is, and that’s always fun. And the Shadow to Light Missing Scene; it wasn’t as long as I hoped, but it turned out exactly as I imagined it happening. 
Biggest surprise:  Everyone really, really liked Forgotten. And Vampires in Vegas, which I honestly thought were the weakest offerings during FicMas. 
Most unintentionally telling story:  The Way of Things. There’s so little dialogue, and it’s covering such a massive amount of time and story that it’s intentionally written to tell. 
Story I’d like to revise: Love & Duty, and Married in Vegas. A little polish, a little shine, it’s fine. For Love & Duty, it’s definitely the time crunch I need to go back and fix; for Married in Vegas, it’s just reflective of how long ago I started it. I’m a better writer, I know the characters more, and I’m less prone to overly dramatic plot twists. 
Story I didn’t write but will at some point, I swear: Look, let me lay the groundwork now so that no one who isn’t on the Discord isn’t startled. 
There’s going to be a Jess/Jasper/Alice threesome fic, and I regret nothing. 
I really, really want to get All These Broken Things redone and posted because it’s getting silly how long it’s just been sitting there. 
I want to actually write Monster, which is a fic I don’t talk about much but I want to write. It’s a question about who the monster of the story is, and I’m not sure I’m as skilled as I should be, to write it, but I want to try. 
And one of my numerous attempts at a Haunted House Cryptid fic. It has to happen, I have so many ideas!
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firesign23 ¡ 5 years
Is this an excuse to talk about the Brienne/Addam universe? BECAUSE I AM MAKING IT AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THE BRIENNE/ADDAM UNIVERSE. I take the parts that I remember (and stitch them back together)
So, first of all, I HAVE SO MANY NOTES FOR FUTURE EVENTS. So many. It is making my plan to write everything to prompts a nightmare, because I am not good at soliciting people. I feel like Oliver Twist: “Please sir, I want some more.” So, seriously, anybody reading and wondering whether I want prompts for this universe–YES. Please. Specify it is (I know it’s niche enough that I won’t use unspecified prompts for it), but yes. A lot of the prompts are for events in the timeline, but honestly they can be anything–an event, an image, a quote, whatever.
Putting the rest under a cut because this got looooong. And I am making myself stop before it gets longer, because apparently I have a lot of thoughts about this world.
I’ve talked about the general inspiration for this world–the fear canon would go there and therefore I wanted the best possible version of that nightmare–so I won’t go into it too much. But I have a THING, pretty consistently, about the isolated characters I love having that One Childhood Friend. The one you can not see for months or years and pick up with again so easily, who has been with you through some shit and loves and understands you, but won’t allow you to be an asshole either. If the friend doesn’t exist in canon, I will create them. That’s a big factor in how I’m shaping Addam, with a side of “This is a person who knew Jaime before and must be in some way exceptional to have remained his friend.”  I’m looking forward to the next ficlet, because it deals with the fact that Addam’s struggling with his own grief–up until now he’s been doing a lot of grief triaging and trying to fix this, and that’s not a long-term solution.
I have a love-hate relationship with the “You can’t choose who you love” line–I think it’s really interesting thing for Jaime to say, marking a commonality with Brienne so early and absolving himself of responsibility for his relationship with Cersei, but I think it gets interpreted as something that is meant to be true. I don’t think it is, and I’m not entirely certain that Jaime believes it so much as he wants to. Either way, this fic is absolutely a middle finger to that premise–Brienne and Addam don’t choose to start developing feelings for each other, but they absolutely choose time and time again to nurture that connection and build a relationship from those choices. Heather Dale’s Choose is on the playlist for this universe and that’s a very deliberate decision on my part. 
Speaking of which, one of my very favourite things about this fic is that I’m slowly compiling a playlist of songs for this universe and it’s a sad, sad little list right now but it will grow. Nothing delights me more than someone going “This song made me think…” if I’m being honest, so feel free to share those things with me. I promise I’m very nice and rarely bite. 
The title comes from Richard Siken’s Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out. The first prompt I wrote for this universe came from this poem, and I found myself doubling back to it when it came time to turn it into its own fic. And I played with a lot of ideas from it, but memory is such a strong component of this story that I take the parts that I remember (and stitch them back together) was the winner. But this whole particular section (and apologies for the screenshot but as a Tumblr post the formattting went whack) is just…
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I don’t generally fancast OCs when writing fics, but I knew if I didn’t for this fic I’d end up with contradictory descriptions. But none of the red-headed actors I could think of were quite right, and eventually I remembered that Viggo Mortensen had red hair and I was like “Oh, of fucking course.” Because I was a teenager when those films came out. So, uhhh, Addam is basically Aragorn with dark red hair. If I had any photo manipulation skills I’d be in heaven, but alas, earwax. I went on a deep dive trying to find the picture I remember seeing probably 15 years or so ago–most of the old photos with his red hair are a blonde-reddish, but I know there is one that is similar to this but with a darker red: 
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Get you some tasty, Brienne.
And lastly, I have joked multiple times that the ending of the fic will play out like so:
Brienne dies, and is escorted to the afterlife by the Stranger. And all the people she has lost are there, in the moment they saw themselves at their best. Her mother and father and brother, Renly and Catelyn, good men she fought alongside and women she befriended. And she’s slowly moving through this room and she can’t help it–it’s been decades, but some part of her hopes Jaime is there, even briefly. She thinks about it, the chance they could have that true swordfight that could have been, longs for this last shared thing. And towards the end of the room she sees Addam and she’s so happy to see him, this man she spent 25 years building a life with, and she’s too happy to be crying but it’s a close-run thing. And then he moves aside and Jaime is there–not the peak physical condition she expects, but as he was in Winterfell. Her Jaime. And she freezes, because she’s faced with this choice–the man who she loved to a degree it has entered songs, or the quiet love she chose to nurture. That is, obviously, when she starts to cry, and there’s this echo of the last time they saw each other only this time Jaime can comfort her and there’s a really emotional kiss but she doesn’t know, she never really believed in an afterlife and could never imagine this, and she can’t erase the fact that she had an entire life with Addam. He was the one that taught their son to ride, the one who comforted her when her father died, the one that  did all those messy things that make a marriage. She loves them both. And because this is my world and I make the rules, it ends (after much negotiating and discussion and time) as a Ghost OT3 because fuck it. It’s practically an OT3 in the story anyway, even if Jaime’s dead the whole time. 😂
come into my  ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story,  section of a story, or set of lines.  Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the  author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
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nautiscarader ¡ 5 years
Wendip Week day 6 - Wendy, you are the coolest person I know
"Wendy, you’re the coolest person I know. You were brave, courageous, smart and funny, and as a result, it shouldn't surprise anyone that I have fallen in love with you. But the thing is, I have never stopped loving you. I in those three years I have met many amazing people, but no one comes even close to you.”
Dipper Pines read the message on the screen of his computer, desperately clutching his desk. He looked down, where he saw the familiar, green progress bar move dangerously closely from one side of the screen to the other. in his last act of desperation, he fell to his knees and begged.
- Please...
- No, no, no!
Dipper grumbled under his breath, and just to be certain, pressed the Enter key again, which unfortunately never unpressed itself.
- Come on!
In hope, he kept smashing the key that only exhibited a fraction of the mixture of flexibility and sturdiness Dipper Pines was used to. It felt alien now, as if belonging to a completely different machine, and it was that feeling that made Dipper's morning so bad.
But Dipper was not one to give up easily. A moment later, the black keyboard was put on the desk upside-down, and with a set of screwdrivers, Dipper Pines proceeded to operate on his most important patient. Years of usage has worn the most important key, but Dipper still had some hope he'll be able to repair it. The prospect of having to substitute his beloved input device was too grim to even contemplate.
He cleaned the contacts. He isolated the mechanism and repositioned it.
All for nothing.
- Oh, dang it.
He muttered and slowly came to the conclusion that his favourite keyboard broke down, and as the manufacturer ceased to exists five years ago, there was little he could do.
- Uh, Dipper?
Mabel's voice brought Dipper from his state of mind. His sister walked into his room, finding him amongst his keyboard in pieces, all carefully disassembled.
- Eh, something wrong? - Yeah - he sighed - Can't fix it. I'm afraid it's gone. - Well... - Mabel started with a sing-song voice - I think I know someone who can help you.
A familiar figured appeared in the doorway (at least as much as he could fit), and Dipper's face brightened at once.
- Soos! I thought you were going to come next week! - Nah, dude. How could I not visit my favourite Pines twins while we wait in line for the biggest Comic Convention ever?
The husky man leapt towards Dipper and easily picked him up in a tight hug.  
- Seriously, though, we are forever grateful to your parents - Melody spoke appearing behind her boyfriend - The prices for hotels are astronomical! - Hey, least we can do for you, guys. - Mabel ran into Melody's arms. - Oh, wow, what's cooking here, dude?
Soos immediately spotted Dipper's desk filled with mechanical parts, and let Dipper explain his problem. After a solid minute of chin scratching and careful examination of the parts, Soos gave his verdict.
- It's a very old mechanical switch, Banana FX. - I know, they're not making them any more... - Dipper sighed. - Yeah, but maybe we'll be able to find some replacements!
A smile appeared back on Dipper's face, and the two did not waste any more time. A few minutes later, Soos and Dipper rushed downstairs and slammed the door behind them.
- Boys and their toys, am I right? - Melody sighed, as Dipper and Soos disappeared from sight. - Tell me about it. - Mabel rolled her eyes, treating Melody to a cup of tea. - Now, where was I? Oh yeah, most people think that all grappling hook guns are the same, but according to "Superheroine Monthly", the type of alloy really does make a difference...
- This... isn't what I was thinking about.
Dipper expected Soos to take him to any of computer shops in the vicinity, or at least some sort of mechanics' shop. The two men stood in front of an alley, that even in on a bright, sunny, Californian day looked dark and gloom, as if something was absorbing the surrounding light.
- Don't worry, dude, I got this.
Soos made the first step into the unknown territory, and prompted Dipper to follow him. The deep and foreboding sense of dread filled Dipper to the marrow in his bones, but he clutched the carcass of his keyboard to his chest and ventured forward.
- 'Sup, dude. - Soos spoke suddenly, and it took Dipper a moment to spot what, or rather whom Soos was talking to.
A pair of yellow eyes opened wide at the sight of customers, followed by equally yellow teeth filling the mouth. The old-looking man stood up and pushed aside what Dipper thought to be just a piece of protective cloth, revealing a whole workshop with myriad of parts on trays and bags on display, all crammed, somehow in the small niche.
- Yeah, we have this keyboard to repair here and we need a...
Soos took a quick look around, closed the distance to the mysterious man and whispered.
- ...a Banana FX.
Dipper could swear the yellow eyes of the man glistened and turned golden for a moment. He dived his long, thin hand into the chasm made of parts, and a moment later, emerged with a small, equally yellow mechanical switch and handed it to Dipper.
- Sweet! - he spoke, forgetting temporarily the odd circumstances in which he acquired the item, but he quickly sobered up - Er, how much for it?
A wide grin appeared on the man's face.
- Okay, this shouldn't be that cheap. - Dipper spoke to Soos as they walked back home. - I mean, five bucks? I was expecting to blow ten times more...
Still, Dipper was more than glad that the seemingly small, but significant problem in his life has been fixed.
- And, Soos, how did you know he's gonna be there? - Oh, we, the repairman, we have our ways... - Soos spoke ominously - Our community is well-connected, and we are trained in finding hidden symbols and signs on the streets... Also, he had a website.
Soos showed Dipper his phone with "Crazy Steve's workshop", instructing people to "go into the fifth dark alleyway from the boulevard, and walk precisely until you feel that someone is watching you".  
The very same afternoon, Dipper was more than pleased when his Enter key made the familiar clicking sound, and showed no sings of damage.
- Soos, you wanna play some games?
Dipper reached out to the guests of his house, having a very odd and quiet tea with his parents.
- Sure!
Soos replied and walked to his room, visibly pleased he can leave the awkward meeting.
Two hours later, Dipper cheered once again when his digital avatar defeated Soos for the tenth time in a row.
- Man, you got better over the summer. - Soos spoke, closing his laptop. - I barely got around to play. - Dipper spoke - I honestly thing it's the keyboard thing.
Dipper brushed the keyboard with his hand, as if thinking he'd be able to feel something underneath his fingertips.
- Yeah...
=========== Dipper's winning streak continued throughout the week, and he found himself defeating even the most skilled on-line opponents. Another revelation came to Dipper about a week later, once Soos and Melody left after their visit to the convention, when Dipper opened a long-abandoned programming project, and suddenly found a solution he wasn't able to spot for weeks. Line by line, the code filled the screen, and even though Dipper hasn't his the "compile" button for an hour, he somehow knew he hasn't made a single error.
Satisfied with the work he was finally completing, he reached for a can of Pitt soda and marvelled at the nearly finish deciphering tool he was making with Ford, enjoying the oddly satisfying clicking sound.
It took Dipper a solid minute to realise what was wrong with it.
The code was still being typed.
He dropped the can, and nearly shrieked when he saw the keys on his keyboard press themselves with tremendous speed, finishing each line way faster than he'd be able to, as if a ghost was sitting in his place.
- Wh-Wha-What's going on?
//Hello, Dipper.
The keyboard suddenly stopped, and a single new line appeared in the text file.
- Who...who are you? - Dipper asked, unsure if he should speak to his microphone, or type the words.
It seemed, however, the keyboard was fine with speech.
//I am your keyboard, or rather a switch in one of its keys. It's been sooo long since I've been put in one. Years!
- What do you want? Why are you doing this? - Dipper spoke in hushed voice, understanding how bizarre the him talking to a keyboard would look like to an onlooker.
// I want to help you. That's what I was designed for. it looks like you had a problem with your code, so I helped you.
Dipper scratched his chin for a moment.
- Er, listen. - he started - I don't have anything against you, but... me and my sister don't exactly have the best records trusting something that has been possessed... So...
//If you feel uneasy working with me, feel free to turn the machine off. After you saved all of your work, obviously.
The keyboard replied, rendering Dipper speechless for another moment. He'd stay in this state longer, if not for a single sound that announced a new mail in his messaging application. The photo of Wendy appeared in the corner of the screen, and it made Dipper's heart skip a beat. Temporarily forgetting the fact that he was talking to a living, thinking keyboard, he rushed to read and reply to her message.
"how's it going, Dip? Still doing nerdy stuff, like soos told me?"
Dipper was about to type the answer, but then the keys began pressing themselves again, and he remembered he wasn't the only intelligence in the room.
"Allow me to construct a suitable reply".
The message now appeared in a cartoony font of the messenger, instead of machine-like one in his text editor, but it wasn't any less eerie to see it appear out of nowhere.
- No! - Dipper quickly replied - That... that is someone important, I can't... I can't leave it to you.
"Of course she is" - the keyboard removed previous line and typed a new one - "Based on your previous conversations, it appears your are in love with her, and she shows some interest in you."
- What? - Dipper asked audibly - No, no way. Also, wait, did you read my messages to her?!
"Merely scanned them for keywords and sentences structures" - the keyboard continued - "Compared to the average teenager, she uses 25% more emojis in conversations with you, and makes fewer spelling mistakes. She also describes the activities you share with phrases containing the word <<love>> 36% more often than usual."
- O...okay. - Dipper spoke. - Still, I gotta reply myself, okay?
The keyboard removed the text it wrote.
"yeah, I guess. You know me" - Dipper typed - "So, how are you?"
But before he pressed enter, he pondered for a while.
- Hey, keyboard? You think this is a good reply?
"It can be made better"
And a moment later, a different one has been crafted.
"Yeah, I guess, I am doing my best to help others, you know me. And how is the summer going? What about your college applications? Are you still up for our streams tomorrow? I can't wait to see you again."
Dipper's eyes widened.
- Holy smokes, I nearly forgot about that. Good you reminded me.
The keyboard added a winking emoji at the end of the sentence. Dipper hesitated for a moment, and pressed the Enter key, sending the message. He didn't have to wait long for a reply.
"aww, you're sweet, Dipper".
But it was the heart emoji at the end of the sentence that made Dipper speechless. He looked at the keyboard, looked around as if to spot anyone that could judge him, and asked.
- Do you think you could... help me?
The keyboard already began writing a reply.
For the next hour or so, Dipper chatted with Wendy, each reply of his enhanced by the keyboard. It turned out that ditching the upper-cases Dipper was so used to has resulted in even more emojis and reaction GIFs from Wendy. Every few minutes, the keyboard gave him statistics, and it looked like Wendy was typing faster and faster as well, enjoying their time more and more.
And with each phrase, calling Dipper "lovely", "funny" or "sweet", his heart grew and grew in size, and the sudden boost of his writing skill gave him nothing but confidence. But the idyllic feeling had to end soon, when he heard Mabel's voice from downstairs, calling him for supper. He looked at the keyboard and whispered.
- Okay, stop now. I don't want to mess anything up.
He replied with a short "see you later, gotta go for supper", and walked out of the room.
It took only a split of a second for the keyboard to erase the unsent message and compose on of its own.
Dipper was in the middle of the supper, when he heard it. It was barely audible at first, as he was so used to the sound by now, but the clicking sound nearly made him drop the fork to the floor. Cold sweat appeared on his forehead and spread down his spine. Without wasting a second, Dipper ran upstairs, and unsurprisingly, heard the familiar sounds coming from his room. He looked at the screen, filled with longer and longer messages, and when he read the last one, his heart stopped.
"Wendy, you’re the coolest person I know. You were brave, courageous, smart and funny, and as a result, it shouldn't surprise anyone that I have fallen in love with you. But the thing is, I have never stopped loving you. I in those three years I have met many amazing people, but no one comes even close to you.”
His eyes scanned the previous ones. "He" talked about the days he spent thinking about her, and the movie and song collection he was building up for her, openly admitting he was in love with her.
- No, no, no, no!  Stop it! - he shouted at the keyboard. - Please...
"Why?" - the keyboard asked - "Don't you love her? Isn't this a part of courting rituals your species do before becoming a pair?"
- Yes, I love her, but... I don't want to tell her through instant messaging!
"65% of teenagers confess love that way nowadays."
- Well, maybe I'm not one of those.
"I'm sorry, Dipper. Based on my predictions, probability of you succeeding in this conversation is less than 10%."
And with that, the keyboard pressed the "send " button, and the green progress bar filled the screen in record-fast time. Dipper fell to his knees, staring at the floor, but he looked up when he heard a sound of the reply.
With some hesitation, he looked up, already feeling the familiar sense of dread and guilt swooping over him. His heart was already broken and his friendship with Wendy was severed once, he didn't want to live through it again.
But when he heard more replies coming, he looked up, and as his eyes scanned the messages, he realised they were not as gloomy as he thought they would be. His eyes widened, when he noticed more and more instances of the four-letter word he least expected to see from her, and he slowly rose from his knees.
- She... loves me?
Dipper jumped in place when his phone rang, dragging him from his half-terrified, half-ecstatic state. Somehow, he knew who was calling him, he wouldn't like either to leave it to just words on screen.
- Wendy! - he spoke - I'm so glad you called, I lo- - Dipper! You gotta help me!
Wendy's distressed, almost crying voice sobered Dipper up, as he realised something was wrong.  
- Wha-What happened? - My laptop's gone haywire! - she screamed - I came back from the shop, and-and it was typing on its own! And it was talking to you!
The same flood of cold sweat returned, covering Dipper's back. He looked at the chat window, and sure enough, "Wendy" was still talking to "him", telling him she loved him.
- Wendy... did you let Soos repair your laptop? - Y-yeah, how do you know?! - Okay, Wendy, something has possessed your computer. - Dipper explained - Not a virus, or malware, but... something alive.
"We just wanted to help you" - "Dipper" typed. "You humans are so slow with interactions. Bacteria multiply hundred times faster, and every second millions of processors are made by other machines." - "Wendy" added. "We can't just sit and watch." "We will spread, and soon humanity will don't have to worry about that at all."
- Wendy... - Dipper whispered to his phone - I know you've been saving up on this laptop, but... Look to your left.
Wendy Corduroy wasn't sure what Dipper was talking about, but when she followed his advice, she understood his plan immediately.
- Ready? - Ready.
In two different places, two cans of Pitt Soda were raised into the air and tipped, spilling its sugary contents between the keys of the keyboards, one external, one built. It took the living mechanisms a while to realise their delicate components are being flooded with sucrose, short-circuiting their fragile minds, and att he same time, two screens faded to black, silencing their mute voices.
- Is... is it over? - Yeah. - Dipper spoke, looking at his favourite keyboard, now properly ruined - I think it is.
- You know, if you think about it, it could have been cool! - Wendy's face on the screen brightened, as she reminded herself of the events of the past week. - I bet those thinking things could have helped with me with my homework. - Well, they have helped me. - Dipper replied - I've been writing this program, and it kinda wrote itself. Shame it got lost when I nearly blew the PC... - Come on, dude, you're smart, you'll be able to recover it. 
 A familiar, warm feeling spread over Dipper when Wendy complimented him, though at the same time, it brought back the uneasiness he though he had left behind a long time ago.
- Er, speaking of recovery...
Dipper blushed and shied away for moment.
- You-you haven't *read* any of the stuff those keyboards were typing between each other, right? - Er, no. - Wendy replied in equally abashed manner - Cos it was... It was junk anyway, wasn't it? Like if you let auto-correct write for you. - Yeah! - Dipper quickly reassured her - Predictive text, you know, based on what you already typed... and how often you type it... - Didn't people do that with old scripts of some shows? - Oh yeah, turns out they were exactly as repetitive as people remember them.
Dipper chuckled, glad the discussion moved towards movies.
- Well, glad I can talk with the real you, Dip. - Wendy smiled - Unless it's Mabel with your face deepfaked onto her. - No, I don't think it's possible in real time yet. Though she would do equally good job as the keyboard has done. - With what? - Wendy raised her brow. - Er, nothing! I mean, saying silly things! That's what Mabel is good at, isn't it?
Wendy chuckled.
Her eyes turned to the few printed pages of text lying on her bed. Deep down, she knew Dipper hasn't written all of it, but she couldn't quite put her finger on which of the confessions were his, and which were the machine's. She looked at the calendar and groaned. She still had two weeks until she finds out.
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doomedandstoned ¡ 6 years
Doomed & Stoned Turns Five!
Coinciding with Doomed & Stoned's fifth anniversary, Todd Severin of The Ripple Effect talks to Editor in Chief Billy Goate about this bitchin' lil blog, from its inauspicious beginning in the summer of 2013 as a simple social media platform to bring together lovers of the doom-stoner sound to dabbling in its own music festival, a massive compilation series, podcasting, and of course album reviews and interviews. Touching on both the joys and challenges of coordinating a multinational team of contributors, Billy discusses battles with burnout, the excitement of new discoveries, and the struggle to stay on top of an exponentially mushrooming music scene.
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Photo by Chris Schanz
Let's start with the obvious: why Doomed & Stoned?
The name Doomed & Stoned isn't really meant to be edgy, though it does have a nice ring to it. It came to me as a simple way to sum up the heavy vibe that is the heart and soul of our writing: doom metal and stoner rock. I consider those to be the enduring styles of true metal and classic rock 'n' roll, best encapsulated by the music of Black Sabbath. Sabbath played music that was famously downtuned, slow, plodding, and somber, documented so incredibly by those first four albums. Then they had their up-tempo swings that tapped into the feel-good era of the 1970s, "Hole In The Sky" and "The Wizard" comes immediately to mind, as does "Sabbra Cadabra" and a number of songs on Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1973) -- such a forward-looking album. Black Sabbath is the quintessential doomed and stoned band and it has been, broadly speaking, the stylistic portfolio of music we've decided to hone in on for this venture.
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Photos by Alyssa Herrman
As soon as I was turned on to the doom-stoner vibe, I began to notice things happening into my own backyard of Portland, Oregon. At the time, Oregon’s proudest exports were bands like Witch Mountain, Yob, Lord Dying, Danava, and a handful of others that were being signed left and right to labels like Relapse and Profound Lore. Well, I just started documenting everything, because I felt there was something really special happening here, much as there'd been a magical vibe about our sister city Seattle in the '90s when my family had moved up here from East Texas.
It all began with me showing up randomly at shows and shooting live footage, I believe the first was the Portland Metal Winter Olympics in 2014, then Hoverfest. Initially, no one knew who the hell this guy was showing up with his camera, but gradually I became more accepted by the community, which opened up opportunities for doing interviews, album reviews, and a big 75-band compilation of the Portland scene, which kicked off this massive series of scene comps that many know Doomed & Stoned best for.
Yob at Hoverfest (Film by Billy Goate)
What gave you this crazy idea of promoting the scenes to the rest of the world?
Doomed & Stoned originated out of a frustration I had in sharing discoveries like Windhand, Saint Vitus, Sleep, and Goatsnake with my metal friends. Many wouldn’t give these bands a chance or listened for half-a-minute and gave up. Surely, I thought to myself, there must be others out there who were just as in love with the doom-stoner genre as I am. It wasn’t long until I met Melissa Marie in a metal forum. I told her what I was planning, she was down, and together we burrowed in the heavy underground and discovered a whole community there welcoming us. Melissa was my first contributor and along the way, we made acquaintances with aspiring writers and photographers who really caught the vision and volunteered to document their own scenes. She's since become my executive editor and the organizer of our flagship festival in Indianapolis.
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Suzi Uzi and Melissa Marie at Doomed & Stoned Fest
Just like that, the Doomed & Stoned team was born. Roman Tamayo joined the team shortly afterwards, now the Editor of Doomed & Stoned LatinoamĂŠrica and I started meeting people from all over who wanted to contribute an album review here, a bit of concert footage there. It all happened very naturally and organically, fueled by simple passion, a mutual love of fuzzy, downtuned riffs, and a desire to document the energy and excitement of what we were all witnessing -- Demon Lung in Las Vegas, Orchid in San Francisco, Pale Divine in Pennsylvania, Pilgrim in Rhode Island. It didn't take us long to discover was going on in the rest of the world and it blew our ever-lovin' minds.
With the explosion in blogging and desktop publishing, we gradually discovered there was a loose network of folks covering the doom-stoner scene all over the world, too. Most of them have been very friendly and we’ve even had the opportunity to collaborate with folks like The Sludgelord, Outlaws of the Sun, The Ripple Effect, Invisible Oranges, Revolver, Blabbermouth, and so many more. There are others that wouldn’t acknowledge our existence -- still won't to this day -- I’m guessing because we were viewed as unwelcome competition in an already small market with a tight circle of friendships. The thing is, we never really wanted to compete with anyone; we just wanted an outlet to share our love of music. It’s hard not to be competitive sometimes, of course. Competition can be positive in that it inspires you to push yourself, try new things, and grow.
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Stephanie Cantu, Frank Heredia, and Elizabeth Gore at Psycho Las Vegas
That said, since none of the 20+ contributors to Doomed & Stoned are doing this full-time, we want ultimately just want to have fun and you can’t enjoy the ride if you’re constantly trying to outdo this site or that. We found our niche in digging into local scenes and telling the stories of the bands who may very well be the next Sleep or Windhand a decade or two into the future.
We're now in the fifth year of our existence and I feel we’re becoming known as people willing to give bands and their local scenes the kind of in-depth coverage they deserve. That speaks to our motto: “Bringing you the music and the stories of the heavy underground, with an emphasis on the Sabbath Sound and local scene coverage -- by the underground, for the underground.”
Disenchanter at Doomed & Stoned Winter Showcase (Film by Billy Goate)
How has the scene grown and changed in the intervening years?
Well, since those bright-eyed early days, the doom-stoner scene has absolutely exploded. We were lucky enough to time our entry, purely by happenstance, to ride that wave just as it was nearing its crest. Right now, the scene is at least twice as big as it was five years ago and it’s becoming practically impossible to listen to all the new albums coming out, even if we limit the consideration to just doom metal, or even a subgenre of doom like blackened doom or death doom. It becomes a matter of practicality to prioritize those albums that are brought to your attention by PR firms and record labels, but I always remember that some of our greatest discoveries have been unsigned bands.
Over the years, we’ve been lucky enough to discover bands like Disenchanter, Holy Grove, Troll, Year of the Cobra, Toke, and dozens of others that have since risen to international prominence. Just to know you were there the moment their demo showed up on Bandcamp. You were among the first to listen to their self-produced CD on the commute to work. You were there to witness them opening for a touring headliner. You wrote their first review. You made that social media post that sparked a fire of interest. You recommended them to one of your overseas blogger pals. All of that is tremendously gratifying to be a part of.
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Toke at Doomed & Stoned Festival I (photo by Johnny Hubbard)
We're all the product of our musical past. What's your musical history? First album you ever bought? First musical epiphany moment? First album that terrified the hell out of you?
I was raised by parents who came of age in the ‘50s and ‘60s, so I was exposed initially to a lot of late-‘60s rock, big band jazz, and later the ‘70s radio pop. Mom was fond of playing three classical music albums with a mix of music by Mozart, Beethoven, and Rossini, and that left a very powerful impression on me early on. She also was fond of Olivia Newton John, so I have “Jolene” permanently etched on my psyche and every so often vainly attempt singing it in the shower.
My first vinyl was the Ghostbusters soundtrack, which dad bought for me, and it unleashed a curiosity for the popular music of the ‘80s. Like a lot of my friends at school, I was nuts about Michael Jackson and I remember asking dad if I could have one of those swank red jackets that he wore so famously in “Thriller” (I was denied, though I did get quite good at grade school moonwalking). I distinctly remember the day my family got cable TV for the first time and with it MTV, which brought the music of Metallica, Boy George, Madonna, Aerosmith, and Run-DMC into our conservative Texas household.
It didn’t last long, because somewhere in the mid-‘80s, my family got caught up in the whole “Satanic Panic” movement. They started monitoring my listening habits vigilantly. One day, for instance, my mom was horrified to find her ten-year-old boy singing along to “Nobody’s Fool” by Cinderella during Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 show. From that point on, both rock and metal were banned from the house and my radio was confiscated. It was too late, though, because I was hooked – particularly by metal. Something about it has always moved me in a way that only classical music has matched. My first metal album, which I purchased in secret, was ‘Appetite for Destruction’ by Guns ‘n’ Roses – which at the time represented the pinnacle of late ‘80s heavy metal. People need to understand how revolutionary it was to hear something that “hard” on mainstream radio and MTV. I listened to it and ‘Lies’ incessantly on my Walkman and continued listening clandestinely to FM hard rock and heavy metal.
Since I couldn’t listen to it openly, I started developing an interest in the darker side of classical music, the moodier pieces by Beethoven, Liszt, and Scriabin, and took up playing the piano around 13. My family was supportive of that talent and I would spend hours and hours a day for years playing the piano in solitude. That was my first introduction, in kernel form, to “doom” – especially late Beethoven, when he started growing deaf and began expressing his frustration and despair more poignantly through dark tones. Franz Liszt, later in life, experienced so much tragedy that he begin to write very bleak, obscure music and was one of the first to experiment with atonality.
It wouldn’t be until my college days that I’d come face-to-face with doom at a Saint Vitus show in Portland. From that moment forward, I knew I’d discovered my soul food. Doom metal made an immediate connection, as it addressed the fucked up nature of life and society in a way that felt authentic to me. It wasn’t just anger. It was dark, slow despair and even a blithe kind of acceptance to it all. It was refreshing to have those feelings mapped out in song like that. That triggered a wave of discovery that led to Usnea, Cough, Pilgrim, Demon Lung, Serpentine Path, Undersmile, and others that are now staples of my musical diet.
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Drumhead from Doomed & Stoned Festival II
What do you see happening in the music scene today, good and bad?
More people are digging to the doom-stoner sound and the scene is growing exponentially. The internet has democratized music in a way that has made it easier than ever for bands to form, record, and share their music. It’s also made it much, much harder for a band to get discovered. We’re simply oversaturated by it all. We’re reaching peak information and many listeners have just stopped exploring altogether. I think there was a study done some years back that said by the late-20’s/early-30’s the average metal listener typically hardens in their musical tastes. I don’t know how true that is still, but I know that I’ve been increasingly suffering from listening fatigue. 2014 was the last year I felt on top of it all. 2015 was explosive and every year since has found me woefully behind in my listening. I’m still digging through the rubble and discovering incredible records that I share now and then in a series of short reviews I call, “Doomed Discoveries.”
Among the trends I’ve seen in our scene in particular is the increase in female-fronted bands (which we tried to document in our compilation, The Enchanter’s Ball) along with more experimentation with genre blending. It’s becoming harder to find bands who traffic in traditional doom, but that’s fine because I think we all needed more diversity in our playlist to keep us from becoming jaded. For a while, it seemed every other band was “witch” this and “black” that. I’m the last person to judge a band by its name, but it was leading to a ton of criticism from fans -- to the point I’d have a hard time getting doom-stoner listeners to take a chance with a newer band that had the word “wizard” in their name. One thing that seems to be a theme of the doom-stoner scene is a continual drive for excellence and evolution. On the negative side, we tend to expect more of our heroes, as a result -- which is why bands like The Sword and Electric Wizard have been criticized for producing music that would have otherwise excited us if they were a brand new band.
Holy Grove at Hoverfest (Film by Billy Goate)
What's been your all-time greatest "find"? That band you "discovered" before anyone else and started the word spreading?
It’s hard to pinpoint one band, but I’ve been instrumental in boosting the music of Holy Grove, Disenchanter, Troll, and Year of the Cobra -- all bands from out of the Pacific Northwest. Initially they were promoted through Doomed & Stoned and then found their way to small-to-medium sized record labels and festivals. Over half of the bands that played the Vinyl Stage at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in the inaugural year of Psycho Las Vegas were my direct recommendations. Though I was less involved in the following year, Psycho Las Vegas booked most of the bands that appeared at Doomed & Stoned Festival, such as Merlin, Toke, and Youngblood Supercult. It was a huge confidence booster in Doomed & Stoned’s ability to be a “taste tester.” This is not to say our taste in bands has always been picked up by festivals or record labels. The scene is getting bigger and out of necessity bands have to diversify their reach through a multiplicity of media outlets, because you never know who will read that one feature at the right time and dig your sound. Besides, there’s too much music in the doom-stoner subgenre for any one site to cover right now, so there are plenty of great recommendations coming from a number of amazing blogs and webzines.
What's the last album to grab you by the throat and insist you listen?
Definitely ‘Celestial Cemetery’ (2017) by Purple Hill Witch. I was only a nominal fan of their first album, but their second one was quite convincing, emotionally. There’s an underlying sadness to the record that appeals to me as a person who has long battled depression.
Celestial Cemetery by Purple Hill Witch
What's the hardest thing you encounter in promoting shows?
Convincing people that live music is worth leaving the comfort of our homes to experience, to say nothing of many benefits that come from connecting others in the underground music community. These days, we tend to value how conveniently something can be delivered to us. Audio books have replaced the need to sit and read (and collect printed media), our homes have become veritable theaters so no need to go out for movies anymore, and streaming high-definition music makes us feel like we’re in some sense getting the real deal.
Of course, those of us who go out to shows know there’s just no substitute for the excitement, energy, and sound of a well-produced live show, especially in a small venue. This is to say nothing of the community that comes with it. My best friendships in the scene have come about because I chose to breach my comfort zone and venture out to a show, sometimes merely on a whim. With that said, I admit I struggle with convincing myself to go out. It’s the introvert in me, I suppose. However, I have a saying that I try to live by: “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Witch Mountain -- first tour with Kayla Dixon (Film by Billy Goate)
If you could write a 1,000 word essay on one song, which one would it be, and why? What makes that song so important?
Funny, I actually did write a 1,000+ word essay on Cough’s “Possession” -- the only song I’ve been moved to write an entire piece about so far. I think it’s because it spoke to me during a time in my life where I was feeling such raw, charged emotion and witnessing a personal transformation from being a happy-go-lucky, easy-going dude, to someone emptied of hope and weighted down by a very nihilistic outlook and pessimistic thinking. This was, in turn, keeping me more closed off from other people, because my trust level was at an all-time low.
I’ve always valued music for its ability to commiserate with me in my circumstances. During Basic Training it was Superunknown and Down on the Upside by Soundgarden. In my college days, it was Alice in Chain’s last album just prior to the death of Layne Staley, which fans nicknamed Tripod. In 2016, Cough returned after a long absence, released Still They Pray, and headlined the first ever Doomed & Stoned Festival in Indianapolis. It was a year of transition for me with a lot of upheaval in my personal life and “Possession” seemed to capture my inner storm perfectly, which inspired me to write a few words about it.
Give us three bands that we need to keep our eyes out for.
White Wail: The grooviest psychedelics this side of Berlin are nested right here in Yob country, my hometown of Eugene, Oregon. White Wail is best described as part-Graveyard, part-Radio Moscow, with a special kind of DIY electricity that has made them hands down one of the most entertaining live acts in the region. Their upcoming second album is going to put them on the map for many people, I predict.
I by White Wail
Reptile Master: Norwegian doom-sludge clan with two guitars, two basses, a drum, and one unhinged vocalist. You’ll find none fiercer. “The Sorcerer’s Weed” (opening number off their first LP, In The Light of a Sinking Sun) is positively frightening. I can feel its seething rage filling up my chest cavity like pneumonia every time I listen to it. I believe they’re expecting a new album out in the first quarter of 2019, if not sooner, and I can't wait!
Chrome Ghost: The ultimate contrast of light and dark come to us from a relatively unknown band in Roseville, California. The secret sauce here involves incredible vocal harmonies pitted against massive, crunchy riffs, something that’s done very effectively in their recent EPs, ‘The Mirror’ (2018) and ‘Reflection Pool’ (2017). Now, they just need to take this show on the road so the world can get better acquainted with them.
Shallows by chrome ghost
Tell us about your personal music collection. Vinyl? CD? What's your prized possession?
People think I have a huge vinyl collection, but mine is quite modest, really. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have a bigger collection and show it off, but unfortunately, I haven’t a lot of money to put into it, really. My most prized records come from bands I’ve supported from their earliest stages, like Holy Grove, Menin, Soom, or Vokonis. CDs have come to dominate my collection, not so much by choice, but quite a few promos are sent to me that way. Mostly, I have a vast digital collection that takes up almost six terabytes of data. Since I’m doing a lot of podcasting, this allows me the easiest point of access to put together my mixes for The Doomed & Stoned Show.
BelzebonG at Psycho Las Vegas (Film by Billy Goate)
What is it about this particular type of heavy music that makes it mean so much to you?
To me, doom metal and stoner rock has incredible staying power. It’s something I can listen to over and over again without growing weary of it. Add to that the fact bands in this genre take so much care in crafting their live sound and you can go to any doom-stoner show knowing you’re going to have an incredible time, perhaps even walk away with a better experience than the record gave you. I was constantly disappointed by the concert experiences I had while immersed in mainstream metal. It just never sounded as good as the records did. With doom-stoner music, my experience has largely been that a band's show can, and often does, transcend their studio recordings. It’s just the ethic of our scene; we're fanatical about sound.
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With BelzebonG
What makes it all worthwhile for you?
That's a really good question. My philosophy is that as long as we’re all still having fun, it’s worth it to keep doing Doomed & Stoned. With that said, it can be very demanding and stressful, especially as we’re increasingly turned to by bands, labels, and PR firms to host track and album premieres. The gratification of a piece well done -- whether by me or by one of my team members -- is ultimately what keeps me going day-to-day. I find a lot of joy in developing talent and even helping writers and photographers hone their craft, gain greater name recognition, and develop the confidence to even branch out on their own as freelancers. Several have gotten gigs with larger outlets like Noisey due to their work here and that just blows my mind.
When Melissa first started, she wasn’t confident at all that she could do an interview. Next thing you know, she’s interviewing Wino, negotiating contracts with promoters, booking venues, and organizing a music festival with international acts. I’ve very proud of the team and everyone who has been a part of it, if only for a season. I'd add to that my relationships with growing record labels and ambitious promoters, who I've been able work with to get bands like Tombstones, BelzebonG, Spelljammer, Vokonis, Cardinals Folly over here to play for the first time in the United States.
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With Disenchanter
How would your life be different if you weren't spreading the word about music?
I suppose I’d be spending more time playing the piano, something I’ve neglected more than I’d like to admit since starting Doomed & Stoned. There are some gnarly pieces by Beethoven, Liszt, Scriabin, Godowsky, and Prokofiev that I've half-chewed, just waiting for me pick them back up again. Either way, I don’t think I can stay passively involved in music. I have to be playing it or writing about it, preferably both.
Usnea play 'Random Cosmic Violence' (Film by Billy Goate)
Ever been threatened by a band or a ravenous fan?
No, but I’ve been doggedly pursued on Facebook by overly enthusiastic bands trying to get me to review their albums. What they don’t realize is that I’ve got a very heavy editing backlog -- it takes at least 2 hours and more commonly 4, 6 or even 8 hours –- to prep a feature length piece for publication. To review a record, I need even more time to let it soak in. I have to find something in it that connects with me on an emotional or at least an intellectual level or I can’t write about it. Because of that, I don’t write very many reviews a years. Maybe a half-dozen traditional, track-by-track reviews, though I do try to write at least one short review a week on our Facebook page.
Part of the blessing and the curse of doing this as a hobby, as opposed to full-time, is I don’t have a lot of opportunity to hear gossip, get into interpersonal dramas, know who's not speaking to whom -- that kind of thing. With that said, I really wish I could spend more time responding to every message I receive and developing deeper level friendships. Perhaps in time I will. My work schedule is so packed right now that it’s very hard for me to tear away and just relax and get to know people. On the positive side, it does save me from a lot of inter-scene conflict and allows me to be more of a neutral party when issues arise between bands, venues, promoters, forums, or fans.
Saint Vitus Live in Portland (Film by Billy Goate)
In the end, what would you like to have accomplished, or be remembered for?
I’m hoping we can be remembers for documenting this special era in heavy music history. I want to get better at showcasing the bands in their scenes and telling their stories, just like the writers and photographers of the Seattle grunge era were able to capture the imagination of the world with the Nirvana-Soundgarden-AIC-Pearl Jam vibe of that scene in the early-to-mid ‘90s -- what the 1996 documentary Hype! captured so well. I also hope I’ll be remembered for writing interesting, engaging, and relatable music reviews that aren’t pretentious crap. That’s still a work in progress!
Bell Witch at Doomed & Stoned Fest (Film by Billy Goate)
Many people may not realize the hours you devote to what you do for little or no pay. Is there a day job? If so, how do you find the balance?
This is most certainly not a day job. I have a full time job that I work 40-50 hours a week and I do Doomed & Stoned in the evenings and weekends. Right now, I’m not doing very good with the balance, to be honest. I’m an unrepentant workaholic, if I’m being honest with myself. That said, every other weekend, my mind and body revolt and refuse to allow me to do anything except sleep or just lay around watching movies or doing normal things like, you know, mowing the lawn. If I could will it, I wouldn't sleep more than four hours a night, hit every show that comes to town, review every new release, put out a podcast every week, edit every article within a few days of it being submitted to me. In other words, I'd manage Doomed & Stoned as if it were a full-scale entertainment website. However, I have to remind myself that I started this to build community and to have fun, so it’s okay to operate on a different model.
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Filming Elder at Dante's in Portland (Photo by Matt Amott)
What's next? Any new projects?
This year, we’re on a roll with our compilations, thanks to some wonderful organizers who are embedded in their local scenes and are good at rounding up tracks from all the participating bands. We’ve released Doomed & Stoned in Ireland, Doomed & Stoned in Philadelphia, and Doomed & Stoned in New Zealand, Doomed & Stoned in South Africa, Doomed & Stoned in Sweden, and we're coming up on Doomed & Stoned in Deutschland, and our fifth anniversary compilation, Doomed & Stoned in Portland III.
Other than that, we’re in the third year of our flagship festival, Doomed & Stoned Festival, which takes place on October 6th & 7th in Indianapolis. Over the summer, we’ve had two new festivals: Chicago Doomed & Stoned Festival and Ohio Doomed & Stoned Fest. We’ll likely be doing a festival in Portland later in the summer, too, perhaps doing an all-dayer in Eugene, too. These are very much passion projects and we're lucky to break even on them, but the joy of putting on a successful fest that brings together members of the community, that brings bands like Vokonis and Cardinals Folly to the United States for the first time, is totally worth it. This is history in the making. More than that, it's vital therapy for our people -- refueling our storehouses with the power of the Riff!
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Finally, other than the music, what's your other burning passion?
I have cats that I love to death. I’m a fanatical collector of B-movies, from the ‘60s and ‘70s especially –- the more awful the movie is, production wise, the more I delight in it. Probably that has a lot to do with growing up on Mystery Science Theater 3000. When B-movies and cats collide with music, I’m in a very happy place (see the band Gurt!). Also an avid fan of vintage comic books -- many of the narratives of the pre-code 1950s comic books were taking chances that rival many of the shocking storylines of Marvel and DC today. Surprisingly, one of the themes that I see recurring between titles is DOOM! It's a delight every time I discover one of these stories. Art, film, and music have a very important, symbiotic relationship and I find it tremendously gratifying to play historian and trace the threads of the past into the present and watch how they continue to evolve into the future.
I've also got a gang of cats that keep me in line and like to be very involved with the production of Doomed & Stoned, so much so that I've had to make cat beds in front of my monitor and in the drawer of one of my desks for a pair of twins I adopted from the pound some years back. They absolutely are enthralled with that desk of mind, whether I'm editing an article or interviewing someone for a show! Best of all, they love them some doom. They sleep soundly every time I've got the likes of Sea Bastard or Serpentine Path rumbling my speakers. Wouldn't trade 'em for all the vinyl in the world.
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Meet The Team
North America
Billy Goate (Editor in Chief -- Oregon), Melissa Marie (Executive Editor -- Indiana), Frank Heredia (California), Elizabeth Gore (California), Stephanie V. Cantu (Texas), Chris Schanz (Washington), Papa Paul (Pennsylvania), Zachary Painter (Texas), Alex Watt (Oregon), Alyssa Herrman (Oregon), Hugo Guzman (California), Lara Noel (Chicago), Suzi Uzi (Chicago), Jamie Yeats (Montana), Stephanie Savenkoff (Oregon), Corey Lewis (Oregon), Colton Dollar (California), Adam Mundwarf (Oregon), Dan Simone (Ohio), Shawn Gibson (North Carolina), Tom Hanno (New York), Eric The Red (Oregon), Justin Cory (Oregon), Jamie LaRose (Florida).
Roman Tamayo (Mexico), Sally Townsend (Australia), Calvin Lampert (Switzerland), Mari Knox (Italy), Svempa Alveving (Sweden), Juan Antonio (Spain), Angelique Le Marchand (UK), Jacob Mazlum (UK), Mel Lie (Germany), Silvi Pearl (Austria), Simon Howard (Australia), Matthew Donk (UK), Willem Verhappen (Netherlands).
Doomed & Stoned would also like to thank contributions from Ben Edwards, Brian Schmidt, Bucky Brown, Cherry Darling, Chris Latta, Curtis Parker, David Glass, David Knottnerus, Doomstress Alexis, Doug McHardlane, Drew Smith, Eleanna Safarika, Gonzalo Brunelli, Gustav Zombetero, Hannah Rachel Lowe, Jake Wallace, Joey Demartini, Johnny Hubbard, Jules Maher, Leanne Ridgeway, Marcel van der Haar, Mathew Jacques, Mona Miluski, Patrick Alex Thorfinn, Paul Bracamonte, Randy Beach, Sabine Stangenberg, Sandra Mez Russotto, Sandy Wright, Sarah Eriksson, Sean Schock, Stef Dimou, Steph LeSaux, Steve Howe, Thäedra Clare, Wendy Yashira, Ygor Silva, and so many others who have supported us directly or indirectly.
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Mona Miluski from High Fighter sporting our basic black
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allenmendezsr ¡ 4 years
Get Rid Varicose Veins Naturally ** Hot Niche - 70%/sale
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    Finally Revealed: Secrets to Fresh And Youthful Looking Skin On Your Legs – No More Pain & No More Worries!
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Dear friend,
There is nothing worst than having prominent ropelike dark blue blood vessels bulging out in size on your legs.
Or having to endure the burning leg vein pain especially in the back of thigh and you just can’t stand up long enough to perform properly in your day job.
Or worse yet, these scary looking veins never heal or cure on its own and eventually become more visible in other spots, sometimes even uglier and most hurting than before.
Unfortunately millions of people like you have to unwillingly endure these hardhip every single day. Why?
It was not until giving birth to my son 9 years ago that my visible varicose veins started to catch my attention and become a serious problem not long after.
Even though I only had these bulging varicose veins on one of my legs, it was still nevertheless unsightly, problematic and ugly.
The prominent bluish veins often scared the heck out of me. Often times I developed some skin ulcers as well as constant aching pain on my limb.
I was desperate enough to find ways to relief my varicose pain immediately. I then began my search to find the ultimate cure to get rid of these veins.
I’ve asked numerous people around, my friends, my families and my associates.
Apparently during this struggling period, not much help for varicose veins was available for me except to turn myself to professional help.
So I found myself one of the varicose vein surgeons which were highly recommended as being the best in my area.
After being hesitant about the risk factors as well as the high treatment cost, I finally decided to give in anyway.
My aching swollen leg and the hassle of not being able to stand long hours were too much to bear with
I had my surgery done on December 2008. However, 6 months onwards, I found that the recovery was somewhat painful and slow.
I wasn’t able to walk properly without pain, let alone to stand still and I constantly felt like fainting until 3 weeks later. The aching and heaviness in my leg, sometimes with swelling were simply too much to bear with and even worst than before I had the surgery.
I found that my appetite was decreased significantly while even taking pain killers did not manage my pain well enough.
I was literally bed ridden and nauseas and I finally suffered from postural hypertension because of lowering blood pressure.
Again, 5 months on, even though my veins were still visible on my leg, I constantly felt deep tissue nerve pain when I tried to exercise.
I was pretty upset that I was unable to use the gym membership and at times felt very depressed over the length of recovery, after all the time and money were spent on the surgery alone.
It was at this time I realized that not only the surgery failed to cure my varicose veins but it brought in lots of unnecessary pain and suffering to me.
My suffering from my varicose veins on my legs was already too much to bear with and I just couldn’t take it anymore.
It was an awful experience to go though.
Then I began my search over the Internet at every available moment looking for some sort of help or effective treatments for my varicose problems.
I found a large number of interesting health related sites and forums with people from around the world suffering from similar varicose problems as mine.
From there I met lots of people offering FREE information of everything on varicose veins such as how to prevent discomfort, burning pain, bulding, itchiness as well as many other tips on skin conditions like discoloration, peeling skin, ulcers and etc.
I Dig Though *Every Imaginable Forum Posts* And Sites There Is To Find Anything About Healing Varicose Veins And Spent Countless Hours Finding Out What’s Working And What’s Not.
I Ordered Access To Websites. I Got List of Possible Cures for My Predicament Which Basically Told Me to Sit All Day Long and Use Some Stupid Stockings to Cover Up My Legs!
As much as I appreciate all the advice given by these people who called themselves “experts”, sadly, I didn’t find anything that actually worked. I did try every single one of those “methods”, if not, most of them, but I just couldn’t get rid of those veins off my leg.
Here are the problems I encountered while searching for the free varicose cure online
Problem #1: Those free advice as advocated by some “experts” in the forums are just basically another free varicose vein information obtained from somewhere else. These people are just looking for fast ways to gain reputation.
They probably never suffered from varicose vein problems and don’t even bother to at least try out some of the methods to prove that they work in treating varicose veins.
Problem #2: Those ads as advertised by some companies claiming to treat varicose veins or spider veins are nothing more than clinics trying to sell their surgery packages costing thousands of dollars!.
Surprisingly, the surgeon who failed to treat my condition successfully happened to be one of those advertisers.
If you look at their websites properly, they often ask you to contact them for more details, at times offering you FREE brochures. When you do what they tell you, that’s when you present an opportunity for them to bombard you with their crazy marketing offers.
Worst still, some of your information could potentially BE SOLD as leads to some organizations. 
And after literally 11 months of trial and error into natural treatment and home remedies for my varicose veins, I finally found and used several methods which have successfully helped me to remove those ugly veins off my leg.
I have yet to see them popping up again ever since, even until now.
In fact, the benefits I received from using these natural ways of treatment FAR outweigh the benefits I received from those popular brand products sold online.
Even better still, I didn’t have to go through the complications again arising from my first surgery on varicose veins.
My name is Shirley Decker. I am a 49 year old and have been suffering from my varicose problems for almost 6 years. I would like to thank Diane for helping my problems with her excellent guide on curing varicose veins.
During my earlier forties, I used to have big bulging veins on my legs with dark stained and discolored swollen ankles. Due to my workday schedules, my legs were easily tired and ached all the time.
I couldn’t participate in any outdoor activities and most of the time I just couldn’t sleep well due to the discomfort of the veins. I used to think that hiding my legs with long pants as well as support stockings would get rid of the problems away. But they never did.
My aching has become a throbbing that was too intense for me to ignore. I finally looked up high and low for home remedies to help my problems. Any surgery was out of the equation because I was broke and had heard about the horror stories associated with bad complications arising from those surgeries.
Later when I found out about Diane’s guide on varicose veins, I immediately bought her book and followed all her steps to a tee. I was skeptical at first but was later surprised by the practically and effectiveness of the home remedies she recommended and taught.
Today both of my legs are almost ache free. I can now work and exercise whenever I want to. But the best of all, I get to wear my shorts. All these would not be possible without Diane’s effort in coming up with the excellent guide.
I highly recommend this guide to anyone who is seeking alternative cure to the varicose veins problems
God bless,
Shirley Minneapolis, MN
My report How To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins Naturally is the key to giving your leg and skin a fresh and youthful look you’ve ever imagined possible.
I don’t give you every single natural treatment available to help your varicose veins. I tried some of them and it didn’t work for me.
Some natural cures I used worked effectively but only to find those veins popping up again some time later.
So I can only give you the treatment methods which I’ve used personally that brought me the results I wanted.
There weren’t any risky methods (all of the natural methods are safe) or any dangerous side effects. The only side effects I saw was not seeing my varicose veins popping up again, period.
Yes, this report is short and but it’s concise and cuts to the chase without boring you with introductory fluffs and medical jargon
I don’t give you any fluff information like introduction to varicose, where to buy some fancy creams or compression support stockings from Amazon.
But more importantly, this report shows you can still have alternative varicose treatments and you can finally say goodbye to all those bulging veins crawling on your legs
And in case you are wondering, the methods I’ve used and listed in the report was tested and compiled throughout year 2009 and 2010.
So it’s fresh and completely valid and unlike others, it’s not one of those hastily produced and written by some ghostwriters
Here are some sneak previews on what you’ll find in this report
At first I had sclerotherapy to remove my spider veins from my legs but it didn’t help me much other than spending a bomb on that sort of treatment.
Furthermore, I used to have this large red spot on my ankle area where if I press on that area the red spot will disappear, then it will come back. It seemed like blood under the skin.
Then I was one of the fortunate ones who were given a chance to review a copy of Diane’s guide on varicose vein removal secrets.  Well you know what, after a few weeks trying out her guide and with her help in clarifying certain issues, I saw some improvement on my legs
Nowadays I don’t see any large red spots on my ankle area anymore. And I don’t even have to waste money on other treatments which may not work effectively for me.
To be frank, when you invest in this course and when used properly it will definitely change your life as much as it has changed mine. Getting rid of varicose veins now is no longer a myth.
My appreciation goes to Diane for writing this guide
Pamela Price NC
But this ISN’T just a bunch of happy hype with no downside.
Not every one of these natural methods might work on every varicose condition.
For example, some homeopathic remedies might not work on everyone. There are certain amount of herbs intake which you need that are depending on your situation.
The reality is you might not get 100% varicose-free results for every one of the methods which happened to worked for me. And I certainly don’t advocate that you can.
I tell you this to keep you level headed about what I’m offering.
All my alternative home remedy methods described in the report do work to some degree.
They’ve worked successfully to cure my varicose problems which have plagued me for almost 10 years!
But you have to put in some effort to make them work for your specific varicose veins situation.
It was my continuous desire to improve my situation that helped me cure my varicose veins successfully. As long as you understand where I’m coming from you’ll do well.
But if you are lazy, and you want fast results with no work, then please don’t order my information.
I say practical because all the methods described are easy to follow and will not involve significant time as well as money to you
Since I don’t believe in selling half-baked information, if there’s any natural method of curing varicose veins that was not proven to work effectively or deemed unsafe I don’t describe about it.
This report is the product of my own extensive research as well as trial and errors.
And since I was able to get rid of those veins off my legs and constantly on the look out for ways to prevent them from popping out again, I have just as much as a vested interest in this information as you do.
One of the biggest problems I frequently encounter in my quest for information regarding varicose veins treatment is the tremendous amount of misinformation that exists, especially among the general websites you can find online.
Sadly, I was one of the many people who are completely unaware of the natural and safe techniques one can learn to get rid of the varicose veins for good.
I constantly read about how some ‘experts’ found online are advocating the idea that they will just have to live with their vein problems, or that all they can do is to wear compression stockings, or that their only option is to have one of those painful, traumatic vein-stripping medical procedures that many of the doctors have been telling us.
Now I’m not against these procedures but c’mon these are already considered to be obsolete. Unfortunately, some of my other friends having the same varicose problems are still hearing these same old comments even from their family physicians. None of these things could be further from the truth.
Diane Thompson from this site has done an exceptional job of displacing these false notions about varicose veins and how normal people like you and me have the chance to get rid of varicose veins for good using everyday natural methods which are available to us for free.
Varicose Veins Removal Secrets is very clear, concise, understandable, and enjoyable to read.
It promises to be an outstanding learning resource for anyone seeking valuable and safe alternative means to permanently remove varicose veins from their life.
Stephanie E. Toronto, ON
In Varicose Vein Removal Secrets, Diane Thompson describes varicose veins natural treatment methods in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. This guide will serve as a valuable resource for anyone wishing to make their life free from the agony of varicose veins. It will also serve as an ideal reference guide for anyone seeking alternative solutions to varicose treatments other than the conventional medical approach.
Jena Addison Toronto, ON
Can varicose veins come back after treatment? In many cases varicose veins do come back, even after surgery has been done (just like in my case). Unlike surgery, natural home remedies and herbs are used to tackle the root cause of the varicose veins. Hence, in natural healing methods, you often see long term effects in preventing varicose veins from coming back again.     Why can’t I go for laser removal or stripping procedures? Varicose veins are problems which can be treated by laser veins removal but the disorder CANNOT be permanently cured.
Any surgery does not remove the original tendency of a patient to develop the varicose veins because the root cause of varicose problem was not addressed in the first place by modern treatment.
That’s why you’ll see many patients need to return for maintenance (me being one of them in the old days) after their initial treatment was completed, thus spending yet another bundle of cash on further sessions.
    Can your methods applicable to pregnant mothers? All the methods described in the report are safe and they are naturally. But just to be sure you should always consult your physician or obstetrician beforehand     What will happen to me if I don’t go for any treatment at all? Varicose veins are serious issues and need to be taken care of.
Unlike spider veins, untreated varicose veins can leave behind blood clots which are formed in the veins themselves which can become mobile and move up to the lungs or heart, therefore causing death at times.
And it could happen to you if left untreated!
“This guide is truly life changing …. “
I’ve been having varicose veins since I was in my early teens, so you can understand the severity of my problem.
Bumping on my legs as well as having my kids leaning on them is excruciating. I can’t even sleep property having both my legs on top each other due to the discomfort and pain. Forget about some stupid stockings that don’t work. Getting surgery done is simple out of the question
Now after weeks of trying out the methods in Diane’s guide, I finally found hope in curing my problems. The pain is almost non-existent! I have been sleeping normally eversince and have yet to experience any constant “bruising pain” which was common back in those days.
I simple love the yoga techniques as taught by Diane in the book. The techniques were so effective and relaxing to my veins. I’m now even considered a yoga expert by my family 🙂
The home remedies like the special juices she recommended were just so simple and easy to prepare. I never knew why I never thought anything about that in the first place.
This guide is truly a life changing. Thanks Diane!
Serena Schneider SPRINGKELL,UK
For a simple guide Diane has put together, this packs a wallop of information. I’m actually working in the medical field and have been actively searching for answers to my questions about varicose and spider veins for a long time.
I was pretty surprised to learn that most of the doctors and nurses I work with were as ignorant as I was!.  Even though there was a medical library which I have access to, but most of the time I ended up with medical texts the size of phone books that are often filled with medical jargon.
Being someone in the medical field for quite some time, I understand the jaron but I really didn’t want to wade through it to get the information I needed about varicose veins treatment.
Then luckily I found Diane’s site which offers her own guide about some of the many ways which we can do to get rid of varicose veins naturally. What I like about this guide is that the author did tons of research but boiled it down to a “cut-to-the-chase” primer.
Thank you Diane and her wonderful team for writing this guide. I can’t tell you enough what a difference it’s made for me.
Amanda Hamilton UK
As someone with long-standing spider veins, I’ve had many varicose questions for years that even my doctor couldn’t answer. This guide answers them all, and it’s so easy to understand. I like the guide’s positive ways of presenting the methods I can learn to help prevent spider veins naturally without resorting to any expensive or risky treatments.
Patricia Hauk Magnolia, OH
Other sites you find online never really state clearly the actual cost of treatment for signing up treatment packages with them.
They may give you free assessment and consultation instead. That’s because the cost varies from one another and may rake up to US3000 per treatment on ONE leg! (No wonder they rather want you to call in than simply placing the price tag on their website)
Some sites even sell you obscure never heard before products or creams which simply act as masking to your skin. They NEVER really cure the root cause of your varicose veins.
Simply hiding away your skin is never a solution for your varicose problems
My experience with Diane’s Varicose Veins Secrets has been very rewarding. The results from applying some of the techniques Diane taught me have given my legs a second chance to be pain free and look great.
Thanks for her brilliant research and easy to understand solutions which simply worked for me quite well.
You see, when I was in my mid forties, my legs were having those big bulging veins and dark stained discolored swollen ankles. Most of the time my legs were very tied and ached throughout the workday. Initially I just thought that wearing long pants would hide the bulging veins and the aches were to be ensured with support stockings and a little aspiring. And boy I was totally wrong.
The situation was quite unbearable until one of my friends introduced me to Diane’s website about natural vein removal techniques. I got myself a copy of the ebook and learnt up all she had to tell about treating my conditions naturally.
Today, both of my legs are virtually ache free. I’m able to work and exercise confidently.
Best of all I wear shorts and swim trunks whenever I like!
Thanks to Diane for coming up with this excellent guide.
Peggy Bensalem, PA
For US27 you’ll get the safe and proven natural healing methods which I’ve used personally to help me get rid of the veins.
There are no drugs, no needles, no injections or any illegal substance used in the methods.
And you have my personal guarantee that you will benefit from these healing methods or your money will be promptly returned
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Scrutinize the varicose program closely. Examine it. Test it for up to 8 weeks. Use the program to the max.
You will be thrilled with your results, or I want you to simply write and tell me, and I’ll send you a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.
Bonus#1: The Stretch Marks Solution
In this report you’ll learn the secrets of how you can remove your stretch marks naturally and permanently.
You will find:
    Bonus#2: Skin Rules:Secrets to Total Flawless Skin
Let’s accept the fact: many of us wanted to have a fresh, good looking skin.  However, we tend to ignore what is actually right or wrong for our skin and buy some beauty products that just worsen whatever skin imperfections we have as it turns out in the end.  So, now is the time for change. 
Here are some of the techniques you’ll learn
    Bonus#3: Breaking Out: Guide To Acne Free Living
Chances are pretty good that you’ve been lied to about what acne is, what causes it, and how to make it go away.
In this guide you’ll uncover
    Bonus#4: Wrinkle Miracles:Wrinkle Reduction & Skin Rejuvenation Secrets
Wrinkle Reduction And Skin Rejuvenation.pdf
Many people do not know the secrets of how to keep their skin looking youthful, fortunately for you this guide will get you on the right track.
You’ll learn
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Do yourself a favour now and don’t procrastinate. Varicose Veins Secrets ™ may be your first and only chance to gain your freedom from ever worrying about those ugly looking veins, again.
Remember, you will have a full 60 days to review and inspect this program put the methods to test and see how it works for you.
With my iron clad guarantee 100% refund guarantee, there will be no risk on your part. To be frank with you, you have nothing to lose by at least trying out the varicose remedies, so click on the order link today!
Warm regards,
PS – Just in case when you are nervous about ordering from somebody you don’t know, I want to reassure you that you are not dealing with some fly-by-nighter.
I’m simply a mother who used to suffer from agony of having severe varicose veins but has since found effective cure via natural treatments.
I once suffered from having the miserable pain caused by these veins but had no one to turn to and I completely understand how frustrating it can be to maintain your normal lifestyle. I know that what I’m selling here will help you tremendously
And if this report doesn’t (in which I really doubt) then you can ask for your money back within 60 days of purchase and get it with absolutely no hassles.
It is my hope that my honesty will make you feel better about placing your order from me.
If you have any additional questions which I have yet to addressed, please don’t hesitate to email me. I will reply to you within 24 hours.
God bless and good luck!. Click here to download now
I’m one of those who have read many books and bought many guides out there on the Internet to find any sort of natural treatment and cure for my varicose veins. I even tried many of the stuff which they recommend but found no apparent results, until I found out about Diane Thompson’s varicose veins removal secrets
With clear guidance and great useful tips along  the way, Diane’s guide has never failed me in helping me to get the kind of removal results which many people have considered a miracle to get.
I highly recommend this guide to anyone seeking most effective methods to help them improve their varicose veins problems without resorting to any expensive or risky surgeries.
Becky C. Donovan Saint Louis, MO
I’m one of the unfortunate ones who have been having this spider vaines which are tiny veins with reddish color, purple and blueish. Most of the time my leg hurt real bad and they are very sensible.
I always wanted to know if these tiny veins are curable and that they can be removed without resorting to one of those risky yet expensive medical treatments often advertised in the newspapers.
After searching in Google I finally found your site and after downloaded your guide I immediately put into practice all the steps required to treat my veins naturally.
The results have been really fantastic  and I’m beginning to see some improvement over the color of the veins after couple of weeks of trying. I’m still trying out some of the natural ways to help my varicose veins and hopefully things will be better in the coming weeks.
Thanks for your help Diane!
Nancy Rodgers Butler, PA
I’m impressed with one of your methods in helping to relieve the pain caused by varicose veins. I’ve never thought that such simple stuff can do wonder for my situation. You see, I have been having these very painful veins in the bend of my left knee. It normally doesn’t hurt much unless I do a lot of stairs and activity.
Even though I’m overweight but I’ve been working religiously on loosing it. I can hardly walk whenever I carry some weight and it is so painful in my left leg that I can hardly bear with it. When I go to my bed  my leg normally aches terribly and I can’t even sleep.
Now that my pain has been greatly reduced without taking any of those pain killers, I’ve begun to enjoy my night sleep more than ever.
I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve put together in your guide. I’ll definitely gonna spread the news about your guide on varicose veins.
Shirlene R. Robert Whitman, NE
Š2009-2015 VaricoseVeinCures.com 
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ruffsficstuffplace ¡ 7 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 53)
Six weeks to the Festival, the team focused on the performance on the night itself.
“Song choice is by far the most important component,” Aqua had said on Sunday as they were driving through the crowded streets. “The moment the MC announces what number you’re going to do is the moment you can lose a good chunk of the audience immediately.
“With that in mind, what we shouldn’t have is one of the latest hits that people have been listening to on repeat for weeks, if not months; something too niche like an anime opening, however mainstream the show itself might be; or even one of the immortal classics, as that’s too safe, too predictable of a choice, and runs the risk of someone else singing it, too.”
“Is that last one really that much of a problem?” Ruby asked.
“Yes.” Aqua replied, before she shuddered. “I used to love ‘Remembrance’ from FELINES until I heard half-a-dozen little girls and two little boys completely, utterly fucking butcher it in a row; the second rendition was a funny coincidence, and by the fourth we just wanted it all to be over.
“The audience for the Tsukimi is going to be much less patient than that, especially considering this is the highest, most professional bracket.”
“So what do you suggest we pick for our production?” Diana asked.
“Aside from the opposite of everything I just mentioned?” Aqua replied. “Something that Weiss is already familiar with, and can ideally belt out perfectly on a dime; that you all can design a kickass choreography and set around; and above all, can produce, construct, and rehearse in as little time and cost as possible.
“My family’s willing to put in quite a lot into this, but we don’t want to go that far into debt.”
“Well, in that case then, I’ve got the perfect song idea in mind: Senbonzakura.” Weiss said. “Barring my grandpa having repurposed the machinery, or donating the props and costumes, they should still be back in Hoshiko, just waiting to be brought out of storage and reassembled.
“They probably even have the old dance notation and schematics in there, too!”
“Perfect!” Aqua said, before she frowned. “Oh, wait, but didn’t you totally bomb that performance?”
“I did, but that was mostly because I was distracted by you all night!” Weiss cried, blushing. “I’m far less hormonal and much more mature now, I swear!”
Aqua chuckled. “Alright, alright, I believe you! So, status update at the Bakunawa come Saturday morning?”
“Sounds good.” Weiss said, and by Monday morning, they worked on the performance whenever, wherever,  and however they could:
Doing research, brainstorming ideas, and designing elements on the way between classes, during meals, and in the back seat of the Bakunawa’s van, on their scrolls, in their notebooks, or on whatever they could write on at the moment;
Calling up friends and family, requesting all manner of support, be it Nick and Freya for materials from the still quarantined Schnee home, assistance from Ruby’s numerous mechanically inclined friends at the Bunker, or the numerous dealers and suppliers spread out all over Mistral;
And meticulously compiling, indexing, and occasionally translating all that information, put into a series of binders on all four of their desks, and a special folder synced to all of their scrolls.
“How do you guys even manage to keep up?!” Lotte asked as she helped sort through giant piles of papers, ripped out pages of notebooks, and the odd napkin from the dining hall or the Bakunawa, mostly in Akko and Ruby’s handwriting.
“My grandfather was a never-ending idea factory himself,” Weiss said as she worked on a different pile. “You don’t accomplish as much as he did if you never figured out how to organize your own brain, and teach other people how to do the same.”
“Supervising large projects on severe time constraints, limited resources, and a distinct lack of manpower is nothing new to me,” Diana said as she put those piles into the plastic sleeves of yet another binder. “You could say that was something of my specialty back in Atlas, with how many I ended up at the helm of, officially or otherwise.”
“Diana! Weiss!” Akko cried as she came scrambling to them. “Where was that thing about the giant human and summon mountain/pyramid at the end of the performance?!”
“Page 17,” Weiss said, handing her a binder labeled “Unorthodox And/Or Ill-Advised Ideas.”
“Thanks!” Akko said, before she returned to the far wall of their room, where Ruby and Constanze were busy modifying the sketches and blueprints mounted on it.
The page in question was scanned, uploaded, and even 3D printed for the benefit of the Bunker students they were video-conferencing with, before they exploded into discussion once again, animatedly chatting and typing.
“I hate to sound pessimistic, but are you sure you guys can pull this off?” Lotte asked as she watched them. “I didn’t realize it’d your plans would this adventurous.”
Weiss snorted. “Oh, believe me, Lotte, with Akko involved? It’s only a question of how impressed the audience will be on the night itself. All you have to worry about is your end of the plan.”
“How’s working in the Bakunawa’s kitchen, by the way?” Diana asked. “Seemed like a very lively and energetic place, even from the dining area.”
“Very well, and it really is!” Lotte replied, smiling. “The Urbinas are very open to ideas and recipes from Jasminka, they’ve been really generous with the herbs and spices they let me experiment with, and overall it’s been a pleasure to work with such talented, passionate people.
“If I really had one complaint, it’s that things can get kind of… scary.”
“How so?” Diana asked. “Is it the constant flames erupting from their woks?”
“Oh, no, that’s not a problem, I just get kind of nervous when ingredients explode, fly into the air, or get neatly sliced into hundreds of tiny pieces,” Lotte replied. “Sometimes, I take a step back and see if my glasses and my bangs are still in one piece, or they just haven’t had time to fall apart yet...”
Diana stopped and looked at Lotte blankly. “… Pardon…?”
“All three of the Urbina brothers are former huntsmen,” Weiss explained. “They like to use their old weapon techniques and semblances in the kitchen, though they keep two separate sets of cooking and combat equipment.”
“They keep the second on the kitchen walls as decoration.” Lotte added.
Diana nodded. “That sounds incredibly dangerous, and possibly illegal,” she said as she resumed filing and indexing.
“It can be, it’s not, and they’re all top-of-the-line professionals both in the culinary and the hunting worlds, I assure you,” Weiss said. “Heck, I even got some amazing techniques and pointers from them that I still use today.”
“I’ll keep that in mind if I ever want to start diversifying and expanding my technique, thank you,” Diana said, before they focused entirely on their work.
By Saturday morning, AWRD, BLJC, Whitley, and Aqua were at the Urbina’s apartment above the Bakunawa, having one last discussion and revision session, until they had a final draft just before lunch.
“Alright, this plan is about as perfect as it’s going to get!” Aqua said as she looked at the finished blueprint on the Urbina’s living room floor. “So, when are you guys going to start building the set? You going to need the van to move people and materials around? Because I’m sure Uncle Jun-Jun can switch the shifts around so we can help!”
“We’ve actually got a construction crew already hired, no need to worry!” Weiss said. “They’re a full package deal, thanks to some negotiation and Grandpa pulling some strings.”
Aqua chuckled. “Ole Nick pulls through with a miracle yet again! Think we can work in ditching their caterer and taking us on instead? My family’s cooking will probably be some great incentive to get the work done!”
Akko chuckled nervously. “Ahaha, yeah, I really don’t think we should do that...”
Aqua looked at her curiously, before her face fell, and she slowly turned to AWRD and Whitley with a hard look. “You didn’t.”
Weiss forced herself to look Aqua in the eyes, before she quietly said, “We did.”
“Aqua, please understand: we need professionals, who’ve been licensed and can be relied upon to do top-notch electrical work, carpentry, and mechanical rigging, especially in such time-and-resource-constrained circumstances as this.” Diana started.
“You know the Tsukimi’s super strict about their regulations!” Akko said. “We can’t just go submit anything for final inspection that we’re only really pretty sure won’t collapse and possibly injure a lot of people, or break the stage!”
“My friends from the Bunker wanted to help, but getting them over here and back to Wind Path without getting in the way of either their or our classes is too expensive and inconvenient.” Ruby continued. “Not to mention it’s exam week, and the professors promised midterms are when the training wheels come off...”
“And I assure you, they were our very last resort, and we tried every alternative avenue short of selling our souls to questionable powers, but all of them were fully-booked, too expensive, or lacking in the expertise and reputation we require.” Whitley finished.
Aqua closed her eyes, sucked in a deep breath, then said, “Do you guys mind if I talk with Weiss in private for five minutes? We’ll just be in my room...”
There were no objections. Aqua started heading down the hall and to her room, the rest of the team and Whitley gave Weiss reassuring looks, before she quietly followed after her.
Aqua’s sister Topaz and her cousin Aubergine were already in the room when they arrived, but with one pointed look, they were down the bunk bed ladder, or grabbing the contents of their desk and hauling out the door in a hurry.
Aqua locked the door after them, before she turned back to Weiss. “What did they want for it?” she asked flatly.
“To become an official sponsor for our production, have the company and their contractors’ names mentioned during our opening spiel,” Weiss replied. “It was their one condition on account of how sudden and work-intensive this whole thing is.”
Aqua nodded once. “I see.”
“Look, Aqua, I didn’t want to make this decision either, but--” Weiss started.
Aqua held her hand up, Weiss stopped. “Did you know that we were supposed to get more from Bunyan than just my hospital and therapy bills paid, that fat stack of hush money so PR could start burying the events of that day into the ground?”
Weiss was quiet for a moment, before she said, “No, no I didn’t, actually...”
“Yeah, they were supposed to get me new legs, too,” Aqua continued. “Not the same mind-controlled, highly advanced robot limbs that your grandpa has, but one of those clunky exo-rigs they give to their lumberjacks, the ones who’ve seen accidents especially.
“Sure, it would have been unsexy as hell, save for certain niches, but I wanted to take it if it meant walking again. You know why I started learning how to get around in a wheelchair instead?”
“… No, why?”
“Because the rig would have had ‘Bunyan Logging Co.’ etched on it, big, bright letters, complete with the logo, right alongside the Creidhne Corporation’s. And between having to learn how to get around less two legs, or having a constant, painful reminder of how I lost said limbs in the first place, strap me into a wheelchair, thanks.”
Weiss sheepishly looked down.
Aqua sighed. “Look, Weiss: I understand why, and accept that we need Woody’s help. I don’t like it, but neither did I enjoy seeing ‘Bunyan Logging Co.’ on the checks we paid to the hospital and cashed in the bank.”
She narrowed her eyes as she pointed a finger at Weiss. “But there is no way I, nor anyone else here will ever have him, any members of his crew, or hell, even representatives from the company under this roof, eating our food, or even being within a block or three of our street if we can help it.
“Yes.” Weiss replied. “I should mention that we actually already arranged for a neutral meeting ground.”
“It’s not Haven, is it?” Aqua asked. “No offense, but it takes a long ass while to get all the way up there from way down here, and I’ve still got my job at the shop.”
“It’s in the lower city too, and I’m sure you’ll find it’s an excellent choice,” Weiss said, before she told her where it was.
Aqua nodded. “Alright, yeah, that’ll work! Just tell me when to go, and I’ll…” she sighed “… try to show up there. How soon do I have to meet up with him?”
“About a week, week and a half,” Weiss replied. “For now they’ll just be rebuilding an old stage and making improvements to some real estate we got from the school, and the repair and retrofitting for the set pieces—it has been four years since they were last used, after all.
“We’ll probably start needing your input when it’s time to rehearse, and problems are bound to show up.”
Aqua nodded again. “Well, my connections are certainly going to be happy about all this new business coming their way… and Weiss? One more thing: try not to have that vicious guard dog of yours maul Woody’s ass again until at least the day after the Festival
“It’s gonna be really bad for our PR otherwise.”
Weiss sighed and looked at her sword hand. “I will, Aqua, I will...”
Five weeks to the Festival, early morningon a  Monday, AWRD made their way to the training grounds, Ruby and Akko on the bikes hauling a cart full of props and materials from the Schnee home, Weiss and Diana riding with the cargo, reading aloud and quizzing each other.
Soon enough, a train of vehicles started to roll past them, all painted and branded as Bunyan Logging Co. or one of their well-known partners. At the head of it was an all too familiar pick-up truck, hauling lumber instead of gang members in its bed.
The cars all came to a stop one-by-one, older professionals and Timber Wolves dressed in work uniforms than gang colours getting out, unloading equipment, taking in the area, or pulling out scrolls and clipboards.
Weiss tried to keep from scowling too hard as she watched Woody carefully step out from the passenger side of his truck, a brand new scar on the other side of his head, his hair now shaved into a Mohawk.
“Wow, your professor really wasn’t being exaggerating when she said they just gave you a patch of dirt out in the woods, did you?” he asked as the team rolled up beside him.
“Let’s just get onto business, Woody...” Weiss muttered. “You mentioned there was something you needed to personally discuss with us?”
“Yep: your blueprint and your plans are almost entirely unfeasible with the time and the budget you’ve given us.” Woody replied, pulling out his scroll and projecting his annotated version of the plans—red “ink,” alarmed notes, and entire sections and figures crossed out and overwritten abounded.
“I don’t know what in the hell my mom told Weiss’ grandpa, but I am sure as shit we’re not going to be able to do all of this.”
“Woody, my grandparents and mother managed to build the original set, concept to finished product, in a single month, all by themselves, up to and including setting it up during the Tsukimi Festival with time to spare.” Weiss said calmly. “Our modifications are just shaving off size or retrofititng to fit the new regulations, or even streamlining things with newer, better, easier technology.”
She said gestured out to the sizable crew around them. “Are you saying this army can’t do what three people could?”
“No, I’m saying that unlike your family, this crew has to abide by labour laws, union laws, and the laws of time and space,” Woody replied. “As much as I’m sure you’d love us to be working round the clock, 24/7, and performing some fucking miracles while we’re at it, we can’t.”
Weiss groaned. “So what can you do?”
“We’ll have your stage rebuilt and designed to the Tsukimi regulation rigging and wiring by the end of this week,” Woody said, scrolling down to a different section of his plans. “The rest of this crap is getting mounted on the trees on temporary test rigs, until you guys figure out how exactly we’re supposed to cram all that in the same space outside of theoretical plans, let alone set it up and tear it down fast enough to avoid disqualification during the Festival.
“We’re blue collar, not blue fairies.”
“Fair enough.” Weiss replied. “Is there anything else?”
“That was it.” Woody said. “You guys just leave your crap, and you can go.”
“With pleasure...” Weiss grumbled.
Soon enough, all the crates were unloaded, AWRD was heading back to the school, and the crews were all assembled before their supervisors. From the cart, Diana and Weiss watched a wave of unease, surprise, and resignation quickly spread through them as soon as the plans and the work they needed to be doing.
“I have to say, it’s getting extremely hard not to tempt fate right now...” Diana said quietly.
“Please try your damndest not to, Diana,” Weiss whispered back. “We’ve got our own big problem to deal with...” she said, looking at their notes, their books, and the details of their exams coverages.
Diana nodded, before they resumed studying for prelims.
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simplyscarlet ¡ 7 years
Seeking help - Fic Plagiarism/Fic Borrowing.
Alright - I’m going to try and keep this as short as possible.
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September 2016, I found a fic called The Emerald Rose. The fic is a Harry Potter/One Piece crossover about the Donquixote Family. The fic’s scenes involving Dellinger bear surprising resemblance to my fic, Thicker Than Blood, published April 2016. The author would later publish a fic in April 2017 called Blooming Family, which likewise contains similarities. (Blooming Family is an anthology about the Donquixote Family....so is Thicker Than Blood.) Granted, it’s not the whole fics - just all the scenes with Dellinger. I’ve compiled a list of these similarities and their corresponding chapters, which I would encourage people to read. These similarities include but are not limited to:
- Dellinger being found by a henchman of Doffy’s who makes a Fishman identify him as Fighting Fish - who then calls Dellinger an abomination -Thicker Than Blood Ch1 // Emerald Rose Chapter 4 // Blooming Family Ch 5
- Dellinger rapidly regrowing and losing his teeth, biting and breaking people’s fingers (right down to the specifics of the executives pulling their hands away at how strong he is) - TTB Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 // ER Ch4
- Dellinger trying to eat food off Vergo’s face - TTB Ch2 // ER Ch5
- Dellinger picking up cannonballs as a toddler and thinking they are balls, throwing them at people - TTB Ch4  // ER Ch6 // BF Ch2
- Dellinger running around naked after a bath and interrupting Doffy meeting with weapons trafficker, (right down to the Family members being ready to take out their weapons) - TTB Ch4 // ER Ch6  // BF Ch7
- Small details such as Dellinger having a toy shark, Dellinger being shortened to “Dell” as a nickname. (Such details by themselves are totally not a big deal, but when combined against all of the above...is rather disconcerting)
- Overarching themes of the Family being misfits who support and care for each other. Again, by itself not problematic, but when combined with all of the above...
- Vocal quips that I invented for Jora 
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A minor a detail as these are - these vocal quirks of Jora are what end up being the particularly noteworthy. Whenever Jora has one of her moments of “Who are you calling a supermodel?!” - she never receives a reciprocated response. It’s usually “Not you!/Nobody said that!” Anyone can watch the anime and script a scene like this with Jora. However, in Thicker Than Blood, Dellinger does reciprocate these moments with Jora, telling her “You are, Jora!” Therefore, to continue the gag, I came up with a little response for Jora of “Stop that, I’m too old for such nonsense/It will go to my head!” These are lines I invented, and are not part of any scripted interaction that Jora has ever had in One Piece. So why does the author use these particular lines whenever Jora has one of her ‘supermodel?’ moments? She certainly wouldn’t have gotten them from the anime. (To say nothing of ‘ocean goddess vs sea goddess.’ Come on.) 
So when I found The Emerald Rose in September, I messaged the author asking where she got her ideas. I didn’t tell her why I was messaging her. She made a lot of contradictory statements - first claiming that she had never read any fanfics about the Donquixote Family, later recanting saying that she had read some. She said that she was not caught up with the manga/anime and got all her information from the One Piece wiki. When I asked her general questions about stuff that would have been on the wiki (i.e. the SBS regarding Jora raising Dell) she was completely unaware of these facts, and then went on to say her computer had trouble accessing the OP wiki and she just had to make assumptions. Assumptions that looked a lot like my fic. (I do not feel comfortable posting our conversation without her consent.)
So when I finally told her why I was messaging her because I was concerned how similar our content was, she suddenly had all these elaborate stories about random vague people in her life inspiring her for all this content in her fic. (Her boss’s granddaughter throwing ornaments. Her cousin’s little brother. Her co-worker’s children.) 
She claimed it was coincidence. She swore up and down we just had “similar ideas.” I wasn’t sure that I really bought it - I can buy people coming up with similar ideas about Dellinger’s heritage and themes surrounding his family relationship, but when there are whole scenes straight out of my fic, its fishy. (no pun intended.) But she then put an “apology that our ideas are similar” in her fic. She straight up wrote an apology in her fic saying she was sorry we had similar ideas, and that she didn’t know about my fic, and she was sorry.  So I bought it. I really did. 
And then she took some those lines from Jora in her next few chapters, and continued to use them. 
At that point I said, fuck this, I have a Masters thesis to write. You win.  
So April 2017, Blooming Family comes out, and the Dell and Jora scenes are still being swept right from my fic. (I will give her that this fic focuses more on the Harry Potter side of the lore, but the Dell scenes are still damning.) 
I messaged her expressing concern that while I wanted to believe her that it was coincidence - Thicker than Blood is essentially a “Family Anthology” and so is her new fic, and she continues to use these scenes with Dellinger, when I pointed out how problematically similar they were. She ignored the message, and continued to post Blooming Family in all its glorious copied scenes of Dell throwing cannonballs, Dell running around after his bath, and Jora reflecting on themes of family etc. and needing a place when you’re a half-breed abomination.
I had neutral parties who had never seen my work compare my fic to hers. They agreed the copying was blatant. I mean, I want more people to write about Dellinger! But not when its barely re-worded scenes out of my fic.
I really don’t know what to do - as she has ignored further attempts to contact her. I wanted to believe this was all coincidence, but the evidence just kept stacking up. I don’t want her harassed, I just want her to actually admit what she did and not try to pass it off as “coincidence.”  It’s only the Dellinger scenes, but granted, it leads me to wonder who else she might be conveniently borrowing from throughout her fics. She writes HP crossovers so she has a big following that a niche author like me who writes about side characters can’t compete with. It really hurts to see someone with a huge following lift from someone who can’t do anything about it, because nobody reads Dellinger fics obviously.
I don’t want her harassed, I just want her to own up to it and fix it. To anyone who has read Thicker Than Blood and liked it, or anyone who takes an interest plagiarism - any help in the matter would be appreciated. I posted all those chapter links for a reason, so people can see the similarities for themselves.
I don’t want this blog to become the center of any controversy - this has been a post I’ve been putting off making because I don’t want to be calling anyone out or perceived as accusatory. :( I just don’t know what to do. If anyone wanted to reach out to her after reviewing the links in this post, I would just ask that you please not harass or bully her. Just, stress that the similarities are too much to be just a coincidence, and while the “apology” was nice - honesty and action are what’s needed from me. I just want to run my tiny One Piece blog and write about Dellinger and Alvida without anybody copying me. That’s all. 
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jerepars ¡ 7 years
Lionheart Extended Story Notes
Hyperlinks appear in blue (underlined on mobile). The story is posted here.
Fair warning: These notes are a mess. I'm a mess.
It was in those moments that Jughead’s whole world, very briefly, was rose-colored, too. Because being with Betty was like recollection of everything good that once was, when he’d been an unbreakable boy playing make believe in his treehouse, and an oath of everything good yet to come, now that he was in the in-between of boy and man. And he got to spend the interlude with her warmth, her big dreams, her smiles like sunset.
Since the color for this chapter (chapter? section?) is rose, I thought of words and sentences that had a sweeping, whimsy feel to them. I listened to several different versions of "La Vie En Rose" including the original French version by Édith Piaf. I thought about what the actual term la vie en rose means, to look at life through rose-colored glasses. From everything we know about Jughead, I think that's a very far cry from who he is. But I liked this idea that in these moments when Betty's color is rose, Jughead is a rose-colored boy, too.
They stayed like that quietly for a long time, eyes locked on each other, communicating without words, hues of rose lingering in the air. It wasn’t until Betty moved in and rested her head against the crook of his neck and outwardly sighed that Jughead broke the silence. The whimsy tones surrounding them started to fade away back into harsh reality.
“Hey. Hey, what is it?” he asked softly. “I mean, besides everything.”
Of course I couldn't resist bringing in some of the dialogue from 1x07 (0:17 to 0:23).
He, on the other hand, was caught between loyalty to the Serpents—because they really did have his back and life on the south side was better with them in his corner—and doing everything he could to get out of their grasp, with fear that one day he wouldn’t be able to. It wasn’t like the gang gave much responsibility to the younger Serpents, like him, who were teenagers. A lot of it was actually just delivering groceries to Serpent families and standing in the background when there was more ‘serious’ business for the full-fledged Serpents to tend to, to increase the number of leather-clad bodies, for the intimidation factor. The problem was that it took up time. He’d gotten caught up in Serpent business the week before and he didn’t study for his Physics test, which he subsequently failed, which no doubt would drop his GPA unless he aced every assignment and test for the rest of the semester. It would be a tall order on top of his other classes and the whole being in a gang thing.
I think that as a teenager a lot of things really feel like they're life or death, even if they are little things, even if they're not on this scale that the Scooby Gang experiences. But I mean, damn. Jughead has Serpent duties on top of being a 17-year-old kid duties. I wanted to make mention of his particular situation that is "life or death" for him. He so desperately wants to get out of Riverdale. But he failed his Physics test. And academia is his way to college, his way out. And there are college requirements. How's he going to get into college if he can't get a good grade in his class if he can't pass his test? All because of the Serpents. Oh, the angst. (But seriously though.)
It was Jughead’s turn to smile a little bit, the dimple just beside his lips indenting the left corner of his mouth. Ever since Betty’s big reveal that she’d found something that was a counterpoint to the destructive part of the darkness she had inside of her, she hadn’t slowed down.
When I went back to watch the clip from 1x07 for that bit of 'everything' dialogue, I couldn't help but notice how cute his almost-dimples were, especially after Betty kisses him (1:04 to 1:13). I feel like it depends on the way that Jughead (well Cole, really) holds his facial expression? They're not always there when he smiles. But it's so cute.
So he knew that mentioning the show in Philadelphia wasn’t asking for permission that she didn’t need. Betty was her own person. She was just stating facts, giving him information, and maybe an invitation, if he wanted it.
That was how they’d grown, into themselves and in their relationship. They were equals. Neither of them was going to ‘save’ the other. They provided each other with raw, honest support, which was something much bigger than saving someone.
To me this seemed like an important point to make. I don't think that they're going to 'save' each other and I don't think I want them to. I think what they do for each other and how they do that is much more important than saving.
“I’ve just been thinking about the basics so far: transportation, accommodations, tickets to the show, obviously.” Betty rattled off a quick list. “And snacks, if you’re coming with me.” Her last addition to the list earned her a smirk from Jughead before she continued, “I was really thinking that weekend could be our plan.”
As I was writing this, as soon as I wrote 'snacks', I knew exactly where this scene was going to end and how it was going to get there. All because of one word. I had a different ending planned for this scene that was very standard, without more sex and mentions of burritos and Philly cheesesteaks. But I think I like where it ended up. I think it might even be appropriate (it probably so is not appropriate). If Jughead doesn't love a lot of things or people, then the only thing Jughead loves more than food is Betty, right? Or is it that the only thing Jughead loves more than Betty is food?
He had ended up liking the new music that she liked. He understood what drew her to it. He did think that there was some irony in the fact that it was her thing. Between the two of them, he seemed like the much more likely candidate to be into it, what with the way he dressed in dark colors and his biting sarcasm and overall aloof attitude of a loner from the wrong side of the tracks. The music was great, in its composition and even in philosophy, but it wasn’t what he needed. It was what Betty needed.
I really like this juxtaposition of something that could/should be aligned with Jughead being aligned with Betty instead.
And Betty, with all her ferocity, never did anything halfway. She’d shared her Spotify playlists with him, all neatly organized by era and sub-genre and even geography. Because of Betty, he knew that there was a difference between powerviolence and youth crew, then an even bigger difference between those two and melodic hardcore. The bands from Boston played a different style than bands from LA, and the best bands from New Jersey belonged to the niche of post-hardcore.
Is it strange if I can imagine 'perfect' little Betty Cooper meticulously making these Spotify playlists while heavy bass lines and lyrics blast in her headphones?
When I listen to a powerviolence band like Weekend Nachos, there's definitely a distinction from that sound and style when compared to the youth crew anthems of a band like Mindset. Melodic hardcore, in my mind, covers a very broad range but if I'm going to give examples and compare to the first two mentioned, I think Modern Life is War sounds different from them, too. They have different styles but they all have some common ground. They're all in this realm, this subculture of hardcore.
All of the bands mentioned above are of the modern variety of hardcore, I suppose. Speaking to era and geography, there's an old compilation from the 80's called This is Boston, Not L.A. that highlighted the sound of Boston hardcore from that time period. That's why I added that bit in there. I think there's still a difference in the sound of Boston hardcore and LA hardcore in the last 10-15 years, though maybe not as distinct. And I've definitely seen bands from Boston and LA on tour together, playing the same shows.
On NJHC: No disrespect to a band like Floorpunch, but I realized a long time ago that I love a lot of bands from New Jersey and they're bands that have origins and influence in hardcore but are more "post-". I mean, bands in the realm of post-hardcore and emo were the gateway for me to getting into hardcore at all.
I don't know if it's meaningful to explain any of this for one paragraph. But that's how this whole thing started, right? For Betty's mental health? I thought Betty needed a counterpoint to her darkness? I thought this could be it?
Is this whole thing really just a love letter to music that I love disguised as Bughead character study and then further disguised as a Bughead short story? Ha. Maybe.
Like any dignified journalist, Betty did her due diligence with research, having DIY ‘zines addressed to Jughead and sent to his foster house (so that Alice Cooper never knew) and engaging in long discussions on message boards about the significance of the role of women in hardcore. The subculture even came with its own diction; where concerts and fans were shows and kids, respectively, and she’d incorporated it into the flow of her own speech seamlessly.
This diction comes into play for the rest of the story. The narrative refers to shows and kids (not as an indicator of age) from here on out. I wanted to add more about hardcore as a community and why those terms are used but I think it may be more appropriate for the last chapter, when Betty and Jughead are in Philadelphia.
It was even a perfect piece of rhetoric. The everything that brought Betty to darkness was in Riverdale. It was only fitting that a different kind of darkness that brought her back to the light was a two-hour drive out of the toxic town.
I'm working under the assumption that Riverdale is in Rockland County, New York. A Google Maps search of the approximate drive time from Rockland County to Philadelphia puts it at around two hours.
“Wow,” Betty teased him, pulling away from his fingers and goading him with a taste of his own medicine, using his familiar words, “that’s what you’re thinking about in the middle of—oh—”
I know there are a few people reading that are not part of the Riverdale/Bughead fandom, so I'm just going to end this by pointing out that this is another reference to Bughead's first kiss in 1x06. God, they're adorable.
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bali-bitch ¡ 7 years
“Professional” troll and sex tourist, David Bond
First of all, that’s not even his real name. So let’s get this out of the way. Who the fuck unironically calls themself Bond, David Bond? If that alone doesn’t reek of inferiority complex, I don’t know what does.
This name’s been making the rounds in my country, ‘cause this dudebro’s back to his yellow-fevered sex-touristing shenanigans and has recently hit up the ole J-Town. 
He’s previously been known to hit up other Asian destinations such as Japan, Hong Kong, mainland China, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam ... all in the (supposedly) space of two years, documenting his sexual escapades and life in general, teaching other yellow-fevered white guys how to be sexually successful in Asia, and allegedly selling sex videos without consent (the girls are aware they are being recorded, but it isn’t clear whether they are aware it will be used for monetary gain, or if they will ever partake in the $$$).
Awful as it sounds, there’s actually no issue with sex tourism, so long as it’s founded on consent and a balance of power (oh yeah, I hear your eye rolling at the “SJW” terminologies thrown in here). 
Dudebro had the privilege of quitting his job. Low paying as it was, he managed to save up all his hard-earned cash, break up with his girlfriend of five years, and decided to travel around Asia. 
If Eat, Pray, Love had an equally cringey and repulsive male version, this dudebro’s vlogs could be it.
But whatever. So far, so good. Of course, I don’t know if he’s exploiting us Asian chicks because of our **supposedly **more pliable nature, or if he hits up girls from a financially and/or educationally disadvantaged background.
I would argue that whether or not Dudebro is conscious of this, perception of power does play a role in his self-proclaimed yellow fever. Guy on average salary, has no meaningful enjoyment of life, specifically and deliberately seeks out Asian women in Asian countries because he’s under the impression it will give his life more fulfillment. 
He can live better on the savings he has -- especially compared to the US. He can impress more girls with his average looks and personality. He can seem to be more intelligent, more knowledgeable, more impressive to a select niche of ... you guessed it, Asian girls.
Hey, I’m not here to judge that. Just own up to it. Dudebro’s got some underlying inferiority complex, and uses Asian girls to boost his own ego.
Instead of owning up to it, Dudebro posts the most cringe-worthy, self-justifying video that’s his way of showing: Hey, I can get white girls as well back home in the USA. 
Except for the fact the entire video compilation is overlaid with music, so we can’t hear any conversation, which methinks is him basically walking up to strangers and asking if he can get a hug or a kiss, and girls just giving him the time of day just for the fun of it. (Plus like 90% of the girls in the video are also Asian, you troll).
             In fact, all his videos are cringeworthy. Even the ones where he “successfully” pics up chicks are filled with such awkwardness that I feel bad for all parties involved.
I remember a moment in one of his videos where he tells a girl that she has “too much initiative” for him.
And that basically sums up my entire thoughts about this Dudebro. Well of course he’s an Asian sex tourist. He wants the stereotypically subservient Asian idea of a girl to give him the much-needed boost to his manlihood, the same way a guy with a small penis needs a flashy red Ferrari.
He doesn’t see Asian girls as actual human beings with personality. Sex tourists will go on from girl to girl, country to country, because of the distinct lack of interpersonal attachment that comes from it.
But, if that’s your thing, and all girls are consenting to it, then go ahead on your merry way.
There is something rather predatory in his selective targeting of meek, unopinionated women of another culture whom he can barely hold an intelligent conversation with.
But I still think everyone’s “hate” towards this Dudebro is a little ... over the top. We all should just ignore him and he’ll disappear into the niche of Whitefevered Asian girls fulfilling Asian stereotypes.
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves ¡ 5 years
This is why hackers give you such a baleful stare as they turn from their screen to answer your question. Morgan's world as the natural state of things, began to realize it wasn't the last word. A startup just starting out can't expect to excavate that much volume. Future of Startup Funding August 2010 Two years ago I read an article in which someone mentions that something would be a remarkable coincidence, Ms. Though computationally expensive in the general case it consists of multiple ways people become poor, and can't tell one programming language from another, you have to go back and look at the history of technology, and we are in effect simulating the code that a compiler would generate to implement a lexical variable. If we're determined to eliminate economic inequality, there is of course a way to appeal to. If you do this on HN.1 You can thus gradually work your way up into the sky, as they call it, will increase rapidly in both quality and quantity.2 The Internet is a genuinely big deal.3
But it is a home not just for me but for most people you could ask.4 I think symmetry may just be my own stupidity. Airbnb was a bad idea, at least straightforward. The designers of Lisp didn't put all those parentheses in the language of VCs, gone from a must-have to a nice-to-your-vision approach works for something like that.5 It's part of the reason I say this as a way to make drawing bear a greater weight of exploration. Surely that's mere prudence?6 Notes: The examples in this article are translated into Common Lisp for, believe it or not, and it would feel to merchants to use our software.
Multics excessively complex went off and wrote their own. What kind of problems we deal with. And yet people write whole books of it. I think one may have: the private jet pilot. But, in my opinion, no language is worth using. Fit meetings with investors into the spare moments between meetings with investors into the spare moments between meetings with investors. Try making your customer service not merely good, but surprisingly good.7 So if you're a noob or a control freak for wanting such a thing. If you have any.
Wufoo seem to have made investors more cautious, it doesn't sound good at all. For cases like that I encourage founders to keep control after an A round. I tried to move things along as fast as you can, and then all the others would sign the same documents and all the money goes to the company. Investors have poured into this territory from both directions. The result is a system like some kind of decline in the people than the ideas. Actually this tradition is not much of a distraction. The other reason you need to know basis can attest, dividing information up into little tribes, each jealously guarding their privileges and secrets. The CEO of that company, the company starts to drop, you enter a death spiral from which there is no need to keep your ideas about what to do and where the leading center for it is, represents the most economical route to the sea.
Why did 36% of Princeton's class of 2007 come from prep schools, when only 1. A big-name firms, but they also laugh at someone who tells them a certain problem can't be solved.8 In Cambridge you see shelves full of promising-looking books.9 Why does this happen?10 In math, difficult proofs require ingenious solutions, and those where the acquirer just wants the employees. If a company considers itself to be in this business; it's just too annoying to see a where you stumble over awkward phrases and b which bits are confusing or drag; don't always make the best subjects for papers.11 And it can be a weakness.
In that respect it's a black hole. They get smart people to a site that caused them to make Viaweb. A lot of founders mentioned how surprised they were by the cluelessness of investors: angels and venture capitalists. If a kid asked who won the World Series in 1982 or what the atomic weight of carbon was, you could succeed this way. Fortunately there's someone you can ask about philosophy. When you talk to startups, a lot of people need to search for one of the founders is not to explain how Plato and Aristotle became revered texts to be mastered and discussed. Their victory is so complete that I'm now surprised when I come across a startup founded by a couple of founders who have everything investors want except experience. It may be just as well to go work for an intermediary to own the user. But behind a broad statistical measure like economic inequality there are some smart hackers there they could invest in. This won't get us all the answers, though. You may notice a certain similarity between the Viaweb and Y Combinator cofounder Jessica is one of the founders are just out of politeness that I asked them if they'd sign up.
They bear no blame for opinions expressed in it. If the Mac was so violent that she decided never again. Possible doesn't mean the Bay Area, Boston, and B doesn't, that all metaphysics between Aristotle and 1783 had been Boylston Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard is significantly lower, about 1. So much better to be in the construction industry.
There was one that did. In the Valley.
He adds: I once explained this to be a niche.
If an investor they already know; but random is pretty bad.
We care about may not be incorporated, but hardly any type we tell kids are smarter than preppies, just that they're all that value, don't make their money if they could be fixed within a niche. Apparently there's only one person could go at a time of its users, however unnatural it seems. When that happens, it might seem, because when people are provoked sufficiently than fragmentation. Bankers continued to dress in jeans and a wing collar who had small children to consider themselves immortal, because the remedy was to backtrack and try selling it.
What you learn in even the flaws of big companies funded 3/4 of their time on is a flaw here I should do is say you've reformed, and are paid a flat rate regardless of the whole world is boring. Francis James Child, who would make good angel investors. This flattering distinction seems so natural to the size of the country. But if you have to make peace.
There was no more than just getting kids to them till they measure their returns. Credit card debt stupidest of all. In No Logo, Naomi Klein says that 15-20% of the court.
Many people have historically been so many people work with me there. The philistines have now missed the video boat entirely. I'm speaking here of IT startups; in the US News list is meaningful is precisely because they wanted, so they had that we didn't do.
Family and Fortune: Studies in Aristocratic Finance in the sense that there are few things worse than close supervision by someone who doesn't understand what you're doing something different if it means to be limits on the cover story of creation in the angel is being compensated for risks he took earlier.
In fact this would give you 11% more income, they may then, depending on their ability but women based on their own, like play in a bar. It's true in fields that have little do with the best new startups.
The reason the dictionaries are wrong is that if a company grew at 1% a week for 19 years, but to fail to mention a few VC firms have started to give it additional funding at a 30% lower valuation. I'm not trying to capture the service revenue as well they do now. Ron Conway, for the correction. However, it means they still control the company at 1.
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