#is he worried about not having a ticket
fazcinatingblog · 17 days
An ex coworker tried to ring me to talk footy this morning but no, the phone calls are diverted to Sophia's mobile (because of Monday's cyclone when we weren't here) so now I just have to talk about Nick Daicos in the office and bore all my current coworkers and
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psqqa · 1 year
okay but if we’re going to go with theatre major phoenix we need to go full fucking theatre major phoenix
like he shows up in germany the first time like “if there’s time for it i’d love to catch a show while i’m here, germany has such a vibrant theatre scene”.
and edgeworth's like “absolutely we can make that happen, i believe there’s a major schiller production running at the moment and it should have english surtitles”.
and phoenix is like “oh yeah no i’m sure it’s really solid but actually there’s a shakespeare production i’m interested in”.
edgeworth is like “okay odd choice for someone supposedly interested in the german theatre scene, but yeah who can say no to shakespeare". but they get there and it turns out it's this like peak weird experimental avant-garde german theatre production of coriolanus that’s set in a bdsm club. for like four hours edgeworth keeps looking over at phoenix like “what in the actual fuck is happening right now right now” but no matter what is happening onstage, phoenix just keeps watching it intently, finger pressed to his lips, the same pensive furrow to his brow that he gets in court when listening to testimony.
but afterwards when they're sipping their after-show aftercare tea in the lobby phoenix is waving his arms all over the place as he's like “SUCH an effective use of consent! the way they just continually wove it into everything. the almost brechtian emersion it created. the way it laid bare the underlying themes around consent of the governed. and then tying that in with the obvious angle of the performative masculinity of militarism and an audience that demands to be played to, and drawing the comparison between that and both bdsm AND theatre itself. an obvious comparison of course, but SO well done! just wow!"
and edgeworth who still hasn't quite managed to process anything beyond that first moment when coriolanus walked onstage in full leather daddy get-up and has a white-knuckled death grip on the after-show aftercare blanket wrapped around his shoulders just nods weakly and croaks out a vague “i'm glad you enjoyed it”
like he's gotta be into weird and experimental theatre. he can't have been a theatre major and NOT be into weird and experimental theatre. sure he'll go see the schiller production and enjoy it, but bdsm coriolanus is what gets his Theatre Kid blood pumping, y'know.
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alexturner2005 · 2 months
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one of his crew members handed a few out and it looked like that was it, and then he walked up and pulled something out of his pocket and put it in my hands, and it was another setlist 😭😭😭
it was brutally hot in the crowd and i’ve literally never sweat so much in my life, but hozier was magical ✨ and somehow i managed to get barricade thanks to some nice girls in front of me <3
*he didn’t play unknown even tho it was on the setlist and he ended ten minutes early :(
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burningfaith · 27 days
next month me and my grandma are going to visit my godfather who lives in Spain, but instead of being excited (it's gonna be my second time abroad in my life) I'm anxious af, because even though I'm an adult I live with my parents and I need to tell my father about it. normal parents would - y'know - be happy that their children have opportunity to visit another country, but instead he's gonna be insufferable about it, because it's my mom's side of family and he despises my uncle. but what is he gonna do? kick me out of the house even though he promised that as long as I'm studying or working I don't need to worry about such thing, humiliate me as usual, tell me that I'm childish and spoiled or make my mom's life a living hell again? I'm aware of the fact that the longer I'm putting it off the worse his reaction is gonna be, but I'm just not mentally able to tell him that, because I don't know how he will react. I don't need any money from him, I don't have to use my phone during this trip (I dunno how the roaming and stuff work), I just want to be sure he's gonna behave like a proper human being towards my mom and my siblings when I won't be at home and not act like a total asshole while talking with me about it.
#i know that at my age i should be more mature and handle such situations better but as long as he's the way he is it's impossible#why can't both my parents be normal#and the fact that i wasn't able to get any summer job this year isn't making it any better because i know it's gonna be one of his argument#(czaicie to że nawet do żabki mnie nie chcieli. dosłownie emotional i brain damage)#'you didn't work so from where do you get the money for that'#don't worry definitely not from you because you can't even pay for my monthly train ticket to college#and at the same time have the audacity to call me dumb for commuting there instead of living in that city#while knowing that neither me nor mom can afford renting anything without your help#(okay i'm a bit exaggerating in my mom's case but she earns much less than him and he still makes problems with literally anything#even buying food even though he's in a very good financial situation and there are times when my mom has to make everything work all alone#because he's getting mad at her out of nowhere and only pays the bills that fortunately aren't that bad in our case)#(and unfortunately the bills include my telephone subscribtion because all of our numbers are in some kind of special offer where you pay#much less for one number when they're registered for one person so it's another problem in this situation because when i offered paying for#mine he refused and probably it'll be his another argument for becoming mad that i dare to spend time with the part of family that cares#about me unlike majority of his relatives)#i hope that at least when academic year starts i'll be able to get any part-time job on the weekends so i can save up more money#although i'm not sure if i'm gonna move out in the nearest future. i mean he's fucking insufferable and toxic but i just can't leave my mom#and especially siblings there even though i can't even fucking protect them from literally anything. at this point i'm just powerless.#there are times when he tries to change for the better but then he starts creating problems on purpose and everything is coming full circle#and the sole thought that my little siblings would tell me that i just ran away from this problem is fucking killing me.#niedziela wieczór i humor niegituwa. zawsze kurwa kurwa coś.#chuj idę słuchać myslovitz#pau.txt
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deadandphilgames · 4 months
oversharing in the tags time :)
#i think it’s time i go back to therapy#i keep having recurring nightmares about my ex best friend#or dreams where she reaches out to me. and explains why she cut me out#backstory. in high school had a lesbian toxic situationship with my#bestie. THEN i had another one. which kinda overlapped? the first one was open but also just messy#anyways. jade and i were like together for a year. then she got a boyfriend one day and i had a breakdown#it happened just after high school and i was sooooo … unwell. wasn’t out to my family felt like i was gonna die etc etc#(this is all pre dnp btw) anyways next year i found dnp. a couple months later she broke up with her bf#and we sorted dated for a while (this whole time we’d been just friends and i was still not really over it but hiding it)#and then she dated ANOTHER guy. they broke up and she had a breakdown and moved 9 hours away. i went#to visit her for a month. we like kinda dated again then and i thought we could make it work. then 2020. no travel#so she started dating a guy. didn’t tell me. even though we spoke every day. she moved in with him#then she breaks up with him mid 2021. i started dating my gf. but Jade was clingy and it was awkward#she started dating a sketchy guy who was homophobic. i went and visited her a few times#start of 2023 she tells me she wants to make more of an effort cause he didn’t like her friends so she cut everyone out. then she ghosted#in feb 2023. we had tickets for#mcr in march. i had to text her cause she’d blocked me on messenger and said im going to the concert whether she’s there or not#she said ‘yeah no worries! you can take someone else in my place too 😎’ she used that fucking emoji#and I haven’t spoken to her since. I think she quit her job . and that guy was not a nice man#so I still worry about her#writing this all down makes me realise she was a bitch and I deserve better#but I just want closure. it isn’t fair she replied so casually to my text when I said ‘you’ve blocked me’#it isn’t fair she HAS MY SIGNED COPY OF DANS BOOK#anyways. I need therapy to get over this#and I haven’t even written about my family issues (im#out and they’re supportive but my god they fucked me#up as a kid)#if you read this hi 👋 hope you are having a lovely day#don’t get in lesbian situationships!!!
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pogging out of my fucking gourd over here, lads, the sondheim well has dragged me down further still. the new merrily is on broadway and tickets for the first cast are at $100 or so for February, which is still a slow fucking month at my job. let’s gooooooooo
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loumauve · 12 days
the little girl at the bus stop just had the most enthusiastic, info-dump-y of rambles about how the bus that's coming is "literally the best bus" bc it's apparently bigger than the others which you "can see from its shape" and how great this bus ride is going to be
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supercantaloupe · 2 months
sleepover saturday :)
i just got back home and i am with My Beast…….
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i enjoy how the second one looks like a big foot sighting. anyway :)
how are we feeling about vaopera don giovanni Drawing Nearer (and carmen. their whole season actually looks very neat)
i’m gonna try and see both dg + carmen
your creature looks so much like a giant weird bug it's so fascinating
va opera's season looks Great this year and i was so happy to see them replace siegfried (i think?? it was one of them rings) with don g. BUT i'm pissed off that don g for some reason is not playing in fairfax, only in richmond and norfolk. i was straight up going to get a season subscription this year but now i'm not gonna because i can't because only two shows are near me!!
i'm still planning on seeing carmen and probably loving v virginia though. i love carmen, and i think it's one of those shows that's hard to fuck up unless you're actively trying (cracknell carmen sucks shit but even still the performances are great, it's just the production that's terrible). and loving v virginia sounds interesting. and i've really enjoyed the productions i've seen from va opera so far (barber of seville and pirates of penzance). i trust them to do something good and interesting and fun, though i'm curious to see that play out for something that isn't a comedy this year.
i still might see don g. i'm not sure. richmond is like a 2 hour drive for me, which is not out of the question entirely, especially for a weekend matinee which they do have. and thankfully the matinee is on sunday, not saturday, which is an Absolute no go this year considering that's yom kippur. and as much as i love don g i am not skipping services for that. so...idk, i'd love to see it, but i'm not sure yet, given the timing and the fact that it means a lot of driving in a single day. it's not out of the question yet, but i'm still on the fence i guess.
[ask meme]
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kiwidotcom · 2 months
hes been doing research on anxiety ever since i told him i have it. his responses have gone from "dont worry about xyz" to fully acknowledging my feelings and doing what he can to make me feel better.
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liazrad · 2 months
trying to stay fed with only the money i get from art commissions is actually so fucking rough like all the business i was getting instantly died once my June sale ended. i have 8 cents left and am surviving on crackers and poptarts.
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letterstotheflre · 1 year
i hate that taylor and her team always take down every video or podcast on spotify w one of her unreleased/exclusive songs. like let people enjoy your music?? if you're going to exclusively sell it to one group of people then you know people who couldn't get it bc of different reasons are going to come up w ways to listen to it. why are you so hateful
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ishikawayukis · 2 years
to go or not to go to jackson’s concert
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artemisbarnowl · 1 year
When you're not staying up past your bedtime tell us your thoughts about checking up on people via social media!
Thank you for indulging me this long weekend why would you do this
Warning I'm gonna be pathetic because i am still grieving a nine year relationship and grieving, especially in this context, feels so UNDIGNIFIED. Also its my grieving thoughts about the socials thing not like well srticulated thoughts about the socials with some grieving mixed in. I just have a lot of feelings and i need to get them out.
1. Like, ultimately don't. Its not helpful at all i think. Unless if literally is just idle curiosity about what happened to someone in your class from ten years ago and you actually dont care what you find.
2. I am experiencing the urge to check up on my ex CONSTANTLY. (They do not really use social media this doesnt amount to much btw). I understand why people be lurking on someones insta or whatever to see what theyve been up to. Sometimes you hope theyre failing and miserable because they did you wrong and you want to feel validated. In my particular case i am worried, and i miss them. There are no posts for me to see or wonder about so this is useless but i think i also want to see that my ex is sad (because i was important to him for such a long time) but also, not like, too sad. And I'm fantasising about him sort of DOing something about it. I want to see what he's up to. Is is dancing? Is he injured? Is he Making? Is he finding small joys in life like hanging out with friends or seeing a cute creature on a walk? Seeing posts about these things would not help me! Because i would likely assume he was not sad, then i would feel angry and bitter and disappointed in myself for wasting my time. We dont share when we are sad (or why) on socials. I am NEVER going to see a post that effectively says "my smart and beautiful and extraordinary girlfriend of 9 years left me, and I am sad i couldn't be what she needed. I miss her a lot and wish i could have showed her this garden i saw today, she would have loved it. I will never forget her and dont know how to be okay with this". No one is going to see that. But ultimately i think we check up on people because what we want to see is some variation of that, so we can feel validated and know that they UNDERSTAND how were feeling.
Because this is tumblr I have made stupid posts a bit like this! I miss him all the time, i made a facebook post about a doco that I watched in the hopes that he would see it and watch it, because i think he'd like all the adorable english woodland creatures. This is also stupid! As are posts showing how well youre doing in hopes ypur ex seems them and feels stupid. Devoting this much energy to a game in your head where you will never get an outcome that satisfies you cannot help you move on or heal. But i do think its weird that we look for any possible thread that tied us to people we are without, even the terrible online ones that can never retie us! We talk to gravestones like the dead can hear us. I am currently checking my mailbox every day for a letter that might not ever arrive, and even if it does it sure and shit wont contain any information that helps me live my new single life where no one thinks I'm special, and there's no one I'm 100% comfortable to be all of myself around and who I dont get tired of being with.
I will never know if he saw the fb post, let alone watched and had opinions on the doco I talked about. Knowing wont help. He knew i have a tumblr but i dont think he'd go through it as its a huge pile of memes and stuff he wouldnt understand to look for 3 things that say im sad. And again, knowing I'm sad won't help.
Normally im very good at being like "well this is unproductive/not the best course of action" and then, you know, STOPPING but unfortunately I will continue to wonder how he is and what hes up to and cling to actually unreasonable, unfounded fantasies of what happens IF he sees.
Anyway this is a long vent that basically says i think i get why people do it now but ultimately it will never bring the carthsis we hope for (:
He knew i had a tumblr but I dont think he's checking up on me coz. Whats the point. Its a lot of stupid memes for 3 im sad posts. Which accomplish nothing as discussed.
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When you really love a ship or a series, you want to imagine extremely low-stakes scenarios for them to just interact. Chloe and Nadine going on a miniature golf double date with Elena and Nate because Sam cancelled on them last minute
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icharchivist · 2 years
“Matsukawa is one of the people i’d qualify as the heart of Mankai, responsible for making sure that the company is still running and wouldn’t give up in the good it can bring. Without him there wouldn’t be any Mankai, and we can count on him when time are hard because even if he’s confused he at least has the determination to try as hard as he can, even if it’s not a lot, and he should be respected for the fact during very tense moments in act 2 he’s the one keeping Mankai together because of that and we wouldn’t be anywhere without him”, and, “Matsukawa truly is the dumbest dude of our company and it’s a miracle we didn’t sink because of him” are takes that somehow manage to coexist. 
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izacore · 2 years
in reference to you talking about what your breaking point was, i literally had the same breakthrough where i was feeling bad for them and then i realized that they are better off in every possible way than me and that really we are better off worrying about ourselves. like why have sympathy for two multimillionaire pop stars for making blatantly wrong decisions where they could make better ones when i can just worry about fixing my own life
yeah, there's no need to waste our time worrying about 2 people making their lives a mess when they literally don't have to 😅 i hope they'll have a good night sleep on all their millions when they see each other 3 times next year again 😅 keeping my fingers crossed for you and wishing you luck in all you decide to undertake 🩶
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