#is Anna tragic enough?
yxzvilar · 5 months
can they FOR ONCE give Elizabeth a character that’s not so tragic? Like Jesus christ, i’ve seen her cry more than any other thing in all of her roles 😭
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signed-sapphire · 4 months
Hey Wish rewriters, what Six character do you think your Asha would be?
I think TFS!Asha is Anne Boleyn solely because I don’t think any other Asha can represent that Boleyn drama the way TFS!Asha can
I really want her to be Anna of Cleves but sadly I don’t know if any Asha can pull off the gayness that “my jam comes on the lute *wink* looking cute” and “as he takes my fur *gasp* as you were” gives off 😔
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getvalentined · 5 months
I love when folks ask me Fandom Old questions and I get to be like "Yeah, uh, that's from my old online RP group, no it's not canon at all, yes we just made it up, no we did not claim it was canon but the mid to late aughts were a strange time."
It's honestly a shock to realize how often this has happened. I mentioned earlier that Reno's fanon surname came from this same group, but that's not even the half of it. I once made a bunch of screenshot manips based on the most ridiculous ships anyone could think of—someone slapped a random line of text onto one of them and to this day it's used as a "cringe FF7 fandom" meme. I saw it on the twits a bit back and almost fell out of my goddamn chair.
If you've ever heard Scarlet referred to with the surname "West," read about Tseng fighting with metal fans, seen Elena's older sister being called Anna instead of Emma, come across Vincent portrayed as having a PhD in spite of being a Turk, or caught references somewhere to Grimoire experimenting on Vincent as a child, that started with this group. That was us.
One of the funniest examples of this, for me specifically, is that we don't actually know which arm Veld is missing? The fandom generally goes with his left because that's how I drew him in the first picture of the guy ever posted on devart way back in 2005, but it may very well be his right. I've seen people offer "proof" that it's his right based on a scene in the opening cutscene, but you can't tell there either, and with BC's graphics there's literally no way to tell on his sprite.
Hell, this year we found out everyone's assumed timeline of the Kalm fire is wrong, and that's our fault too because we made some assumptions about Felicia's age for an LJ RP that were entirely wrong. She's around Zack's age, not Sephiroth's! She's old enough to run with a terrorist group in BC, but she was a child when Kalm burned, and that happened in 1997—we know this because NPCs in Rebirth literally refer to the fire in Kalm having happened "just ten years ago." Veld has only had his prosthetic for three years when BC starts. (This also implies that, contrary to popular belief, Veld may actually be younger than Vincent. Vincent may have been the senior partner, and that's why he was sent to Nibelheim alone while Veld was left at headquarters.)
We were really wrong on this! But we were working with what we had. There's no canon evidence for the vast majority of these things (the most notable exclusion here is Vincent being educated) but we weren't claiming there was. We were filling gaps, and canon was so sparse that we had a lot of gaps to fill. So if it turns out that Veld lost his right arm, then I'll just have to start drawing him that way—because losing his left was never canon.
Tragically, there's nothing any of us can do to make people stop assuming these things are canon at this point; there aren't a lot of us still in the fandom, and it's not like any of us have those old chatlogs anymore. People from this RP group have DIED since those days. It's been over 20 years since most of us met, and around 15 since most of us were in a public fannish space together.
"Prove it," people say, and I literally can't. Do you know how many computers I've been through since then? 75% of the platforms we used no longer exist. This all started on a BBCode forum! There is no proof!
But...there's no evidence any of these things are canon, either, so maybe think about that? The Kalm fire, Tseng's weapon of choice, Veld's arm, character surnames—none of these are retcons because there was no lore there to retcon. We made it up for our specific purposes, and it escaped containment in an era when there was really no way to do online contact tracing.
It's just one of the weirdest feelings in the world to see younger folk arguing about A or B point in canon, about X or Y retcon—referencing something my friends and I thought up at like 10 o'clock at night on a now-defunct IM client in August of 2005, because we needed something to refer back to for a specific scene in an RP and the source material had nothing to offer.
Absolutely fucking bonkers.
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cartoonsbyandie · 9 months
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@akai-anna You have made a mistake
SPOILERS FOR MOVIE 9 below the cut (TW: Depression like oh my god severe depression, suicidal tendencies)
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So it's no secret I'm a Kogoro Enjoyer tm, to the point that it's probably more shocking that Movie 9 isn't my #1 pick, and my favorite movie involves Kogoro asleep for 60% of the runtime. BUT it gets the #2 spot on the strength of one scene, which is my favorite moment in any DetCo movie and possibly even the series as a whole.
The moment (which is probably like 20 minutes I'm corralling all into one 'scene') is all of Kogoro's deduction scene and the ensuing fight, basically right up until the point where they have to save Rachel. (The Rachel stuff being where most of my frustrations with Movie 9 are.)
Here's the thing about DetCo: If you're watching Movie 9, you're probably into the series pretty deep, right? You're trained to disregard Kogoro unless you get extremely clear signs otherwise. He's comic relief, he's always wrong, his theories are always wrong. Period. Unless Conan is literally spoonfeeding him clues, or the show goes out of its way to show he's being serious this time, anything he thinks up on his own is completely wrong. The movierunners know this and play into it-- In an earlier scene, Kogoro goes up on stage like always and completely botches a deduction in front of a crowd. He has no evidence and gets called out on it instantly, at which point Conan (via Agasa) steps in and calls out the real culprit, who confesses and the Action Part of the movie begins. Business as usual.
And then the movie proceeds to completely and entirely subvert that.
It's my favorite scene because of just how well the show hid its cards, which your mileage may vary on. Kogoro isn't front and center on the movie poster, but he isn't shoved in the background either, and I did get some inklings beforehand that this movie might have Kogoro playing a more prominent role when he seemed to be acting strange. (I say this is my favorite single scene, but the whole movie does build up to it well with subtle clues.) But during that botched deduction scene, I disregarded all of it-- I've been burned before by this show, thinking they were building to Kogoro doing something cool, only for it to be played for laughs. They fake the audience out by playing exactly to expectations, so Kogoro coming out of NOWHERE to reveal that he was right all along and literally left the botched deduction to go search the culprit's room for evidence and sabotage her murder weapon HAD ME SCREAMING.
Literally all of Kogoro's skills come to fruition here in this scene. He knows enough about guns to sabotage a harpoon gun, knows (almost) exactly what happened for all the crimes at this point, knows how to fight and subdue a criminal (we'll get to that) and is devoted enough to justice and Being A Detective to see this case through to the very end. This should be a crowning moment of triumph, and what's the soundtrack doing?
It's solemn and sad, because where is Kogoro is giving this deduction? On a sinking ship, after he forfeited his spot on the lifeboat, believing that Conan and Ran have already made it out. He gives this deduction alone, with no one but himself and the culprit. He acted like he would arrest the culprit, but... where would he take her? What was his escape plan?
He didn't have one, did he?
The culprit mentions that it's pointless for him to explain her crime to her considering the circumstances, and Kogoro outright says he can't help himself. He knows it's pointless. He was prepared to give his life here, just to stop her plan.
And you know what? That's tragic. The fact that he's willing to die here, for this, leaving behind Ran and Conan, is heartbreaking to watch. The tone of this 'real' deduction scene is a complete 180 from the botched one, because Kogoro isn't playing anything up. He's just calmly explaining the crime because that's what detectives do. That's what detectives live for.
I'm not done, though. There's still the part where the culprit decides her final act is going to be to kick his ass for this stunt. I think it's pretty clear from everything Kogoro says that he's throwing this fight, if not on-purpose then on a subconscious level. Like, Kogoro doesn't really fight for himself, does he? He fights when someone who murdered his friend is attacking his other friends, he fights when Ran and Conan's safety is at risk. He fights for other people, so when it's only himself at stake (and he was already prepared to die, that's why he's here at all), what's the point?
Conan calling out to him snapped him into gear because suddenly it wasn't about him. Suddenly there was someone else to protect.
I haven't mentioned Conan but the fact that Conan is 'present' for this entire scene is great to me too. He got to hear this entire thing, help Kogoro out when he fumbled one detail in his deduction, and even seemed proud by the end. It's so sweet to see Conan proud of Kogoro for once. It's sweet to see just how good Kogoro can be when he really cares, and how good of a team these two could be.
I'm glad we got at least one movie dedicated to that idea.
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
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you're going to do it, and you're getting away with it. you know that.
Ch.1 - The Calm Before The Storm
Next ⇢
genre: psychological horror (in a way), creepypasta, supernatural thriller (in a way)
pairing: none. (yet ;) )
wc: 1.5k
content warnings: echoes in the static contains scenes and themes that may be disturbing or triggering to some readers, including: graphic violence and murder, mental illness and psychological distress, suicide and self-harm, domestic abuse and strong language.
Reader discretion is advised.
Yes this has to do with Creepypastas. Yes, Creepypastas wil pop up and make appearances, it's basically a reader insert into the Creepypasta word.
do not repost my work anywhere, I only post in Tumblr.
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The small city of Greenville, Alabama, was waking up to another mundane day, but not you. Not today. Today was different. The peaceful façade of your life as a fresh college graduate working in a tiny flower shop was just that – a façade. Behind it lurked a storm, one that had been brewing ever since your mother’s death.
Greenville was a quaint place, where everyone knew everyone else, and secrets were hard to keep. But you had a secret, a dark one. Your mother’s tragic end had shattered your world, and the man responsible, your stepfather, continued his life unscathed. He was a police officer, respected by many, but you knew the truth. He was a monster, and you’re going to stop him.
The flower shop was your sanctuary. “Petals and Posies” was a small but charming establishment, filled with the fragrance of fresh blooms. You lost yourself in the simple tasks of arranging flowers and tending to customers. The shop's front area displayed packets of flower seeds, inviting customers to start their own gardens. Along the side walls, ready-made bouquets sat in neat rows, a burst of colors and fragrances that never failed to lift your spirits. Customers could choose to customize their bouquets with the help of one of the two employees, either you or your colleague, Lisa.
Lisa was a warm and friendly presence in the shop, always ready with a smile and a kind word. You appreciated her company, though you often found solace in the quiet moments when the shop was empty, and you could immerse yourself in your work. Next to the employee desk stood a stand with various bouquet wraps, allowing customers to add a personal touch to their floral arrangements. The shop was small, but it had a steady stream of clients, enough to keep it alive and provide you with a modest living.
Your apartment was just a few blocks away, a small but cozy place that you had made your own. It was a simple one-bedroom unit, but you had decorated it with care. The walls were adorned with framed prints of your favorite paintings, and the shelves were filled with books that offered an escape from reality. Your bedroom window overlooked a small park, and you often found yourself gazing out at the trees swaying gently in the breeze, finding a momentary sense of peace.
Weekends were spent visiting your mother, a routine you cherished. She lived with Frank in a modest home on the outskirts of Greenville. It was a place filled with memories, both good and bad. Your mother, Anna, had always been your rock, your confidant. She was a kind and cheerful woman, always seeing the good in people. You admired her strength and the joy she brought into your life. During your college years, she met Frank, a man who seemed to offer her the love and companionship she deserved. They married while you were away at school, and for a while, it seemed she had found happiness.
Your mother’s house was warm and welcoming, a stark contrast to the man who lived there with her. The living room was filled with family photos, mementos of happier times. The kitchen was Anna’s domain, where she spent hours cooking and baking, her laughter filling the air. You loved these visits, the chance to reconnect with your mother and escape the loneliness of your apartment.
But the happiness was short-lived. It was during one of these visits that you first noticed the bruises. They were faint, barely visible, but they were there. As you helped your mother prepare dinner, you noticed the slight wince as she lifted a pot, the dark shadows on her wrists that she tried to hide with long sleeves.
“Mom, what happened to your arm?” you asked, trying to keep your voice casual, though your heart was pounding.
Anna glanced down at the bruise and quickly pulled her sleeve down. “Oh, it’s nothing, dear. I just bumped into the doorframe,” she said with a forced smile.
Before you could press further, Frank walked into the kitchen, his presence immediately changing the atmosphere. He was a tall, imposing man with a perpetual scowl etched on his face. The air seemed to thicken with tension whenever he was around.
“Everything okay in here?” he asked, his voice gruff.
You forced a smile. “Yes, just helping Mom with dinner.”
Frank grunted and walked to the fridge, grabbing a beer before heading back to the living room. You watched him go, a knot forming in your stomach. There was something off about him, something that made your skin crawl.
You decided not to push your mother further that evening, but the image of those bruises stayed with you. Over the next few weeks, you visited more often, trying to spend as much time with her as possible. You suggested outings, hoping to get her away from Frank’s oppressive presence. Sometimes she agreed, and for a few hours, you saw glimpses of the cheerful woman you knew. But other times, she declined, her eyes filled with a sadness she couldn’t hide.
It wasn’t long before things took a turn for the worse. Your mother stopped answering your calls. When you did manage to see her, she looked more tired and emaciated each time. The once vibrant woman was now a hollow shell, her spirit crushed under the weight of Frank’s abuse. She had stopped eating, her clothes hanging loosely on her frail frame. Her eyes, once full of life, were now dull and lifeless.
You tried to talk to her, to get her to open up about what was happening, but she remained silent. The fear in her eyes spoke volumes, though, and you knew she was hiding something terrible. Frank’s behavior grew more erratic, his temper flaring at the slightest provocation. You witnessed him yelling at your mother, his face twisted in anger, while she stood there, her head bowed, taking the verbal abuse without a word.
One day, you arrived at her house to find it eerily quiet. Your heart raced as you searched room after room, finally finding her in the bedroom. She was lying on the bed, her face pale and lifeless. An empty bottle of pills lay on the nightstand, and a crumpled note was clutched in her hand.
With trembling hands, you unfolded the note. It was brief but devastating: “I can’t take it anymore. He’s taken everything from me. Forgive me.”
Your world shattered in an instant. The grief was overwhelming, but what fueled your rage was Frank’s reaction. He showed no remorse, quickly moving on as if your mother’s life had meant nothing. The day of her funeral, you saw him laughing with another woman, and something inside you snapped. The seed of revenge was planted, and it grew with each passing day.
The day of the funeral was overcast, fitting the somber mood. The cemetery was filled with friends and family, all gathered to pay their respects to your mother. You stood by the grave, numb with grief, as the preacher said the final words. You barely heard them, lost in your own thoughts.
You recalled the earlier years with your mother, the warmth and laughter that once filled your home. She had been your everything, the one person who understood you completely. As you stood there, the memories of her gentle touch and kind words played in your mind, a stark contrast to the cold reality of her absence.
As the service concluded, you watched the mourners drift away, leaving you alone by the freshly turned earth. Your mother’s coffin was lowered into the ground, and you felt a part of yourself go with her. The weight of your grief pressed down on you, but so did something else – a cold, calculated resolve.
You watched as Frank, dressed in his police uniform, walked towards his car. His face was a mask of indifference, as if the death of his wife meant nothing to him. A woman was waiting for him, someone you didn’t recognize. She smiled as he approached, and your stomach turned.
Frank got into the car and leaned over to kiss her. The sight was like a punch to the gut. The betrayal, the callousness, it was all too much. You clenched your fists, your nails digging into your palms as you fought to keep your composure. But inside, something snapped.
It was then that you knew, with absolute certainty, that you were going to get rid of him. He didn’t deserve to walk away unscathed. He had to pay for what he had done to your mother. And you were going to make sure of it.
As you turned away from the cemetery, a new resolve filled you. This was just the beginning. The storm was coming, and you were ready to unleash it.
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banners by: @drizztdohurtin
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🏷️: @mimmickmouse @stranger-of-the-internet
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sadoeuphemist · 1 year
Terrible Ideas for Video Games:
—visual novel that's just an actual novel, greatly abridged; the choices you make determine which parts get edited out. You can consciously have Anna Karenina avoid all unpleasantness with Vronsky, in which case the last scene of their relationship is them embracing, planning their trip out to the country. You can choose to have her throw herself under the train, or not; if not, all mention of suicide is omitted and she simply falls beneath the wheels out of nowhere in a tragic twist ending. You could, instead, play as Levin, and ignore Anna's story completely. By playing through the game enough times, you might eventually reconstruct the original text.
—intricately-branching storygame where the gameplay is the most generic first-person shooter imaginable, funneling you down perfectly linear corridors to mow down wave after wave of foes. You are never given the explicit opportunity to make a choice, instead the plot plays out based on a host of invisibly-tracked statistics: your accuracy, most-used weapons, damage taken, whether or not you happened to be looking in the right direction when a scripted sequence was triggered, etc. The consequences of your actions are distant and obscured, some real butterfly effect bullshit. For example: an injured comrade ends up dying, convalescing, or making a full recovery, depending on how many medkits you ended up using three missions prior. The game tells you none of this, it just plays the relevant cutscene and then plunks you down in the next mission. Two players could experience two entirely different stories, without having the slightest inkling that there was any other way the game could have gone.
—colony management sim where you have to control each colonist individually, a impossible feat of micromanagement with a population of hundreds. The moment you stop controlling someone they will immediately wander off to do their own thing, based on their own semi-randomly generated skills and traits. The thing is: every colonist wants the colony to succeed, and so if left to their own devices they are guaranteed to build a basic functioning colony. How long it lasts is up to RNG. You can switch instantly from character to character, interfering in their lives, choosing where and when to intervene with your god-like perspective, and whether the colony survives or thrives or fails completely may or may not have anything to do with you at all.
—game where leveling up means greater automation. You start out with QWOP-style controls, having to flail your character around wildly just to throw a punch. The control scheme gradually refines until you can reliably throw a punch through a series of commands, and eventually you unlock a dedicated punch button. You unlock combos, then hotkeys and macros, then autocast on cooldown. Your character technically never gets any more powerful - you could do all of this from the beginning, given enough skill - it just becomes easier to execute. The final level is an autobattler, where you just sit back and watch it happen. (Maybe this idea would be better done in reverse, not sure.)
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we've all seen the posts about how the stakes in Downton Abbey vary but a think I find most interesting is that everyone gets high and low stakes.
Like, a lesser writer might have had high stakes for upstairs and low stakes for downstairs. Ex: the succession of the estate, the tragic love stories of Edith, the crossed-star romance of Sybil, Matthew is in the war... meanwhile downstairs all that's happening is stuff like "oh no i put salt instead of sugar on the meringue! woe is me" and the wine/snuffbox-stealing plotline, the chicken falling on the floor, and petty power fights between Barrow and Bates.
But no! Because everyone in Downton Abbey is worth the detour! Everyone is important! So everyone gets high and low stakes.
And not just main characters either, because one could argue that Anna and Bates get more high stakes situations than Mr Molesley or Ivy, but still!
Robert has the succession of the estate to organize! He's got deadly health problems! And he is also sent into a fit by some petty jealousy over a man looking at his wife the wrong way, and when Isis disappears he gets completely wrecked, and he goes all the way to a pub on the other side of the country to speak to his former valet.
Cora goes through a surprise pregnancy that could jeopardize all the character development and plotlines of Season 1, but miscarries because (to make it short) she helped her mother-in-law find a new maid! She has these influence fights over who owns the house in season 2, and she covers for the death of Mr Pamuk, but she is also going to visit a museum because she enjoys art and it makes her happy.
Even when Mary and Edith's fights take international proportions (writing to the turkish embassy...) or when one suffers extreme heartbreak (Matthew's sudden death, being jilted at the altar...) they are still sisters who don't want to share a room, and who will, if rolling their eyes all the while, put on a singing act together for the benefit of soldiers.
Thomas gets beat up by scammers instead of Jimmy, he almost kills himself, he almost gets sacked for being gay. And he wrecks his room when he thinks bates put the snuffbox in it. He dances with the kitchen maid to make the footman jealous.
Mrs Patmore almost goes blind! She basically forces Daisy to marry William because of the shock of her nephew dying! Her B&B gets the reputation of a house of ill-repute (cue upstairs people laughing)! And then there's enough petty drama about the kitchen breaking down or Ivy putting on some rouge.
Violet finds a past lover she almost eloped with! She fights the influence of the state in the county hospital! And she's also charged with taking care of a niece for a holiday, and she gives the flower cup to Mr Molesley Sr.
Anna gets raped! Her husband is sent to prison for a murder he didn't commit! The man she loves is already married! And then she's absolutely out of element when she has to buy a box of condoms. She helps her roommate hide a typewriter. She sends an anonymous valentine to her husband.
Matthew almost dies at war! Will he ever be capable of having children and secure the estate? Lucky he was there to prevent Sybil from BLEEDING OUT! Oooh he just kissed Mary in the dining-room! How cute! And where will they live after the wedding? That's a pretty important thing too!
Joseph Molesley is a bit like the opposite because he mostly gets low-stakes plots (the rue allergy, the Shackleton lunch, even helping Daisy with her exams isn't that high a stake except for Daisy herself...) and then he gets hired by Hollywood to write scripts!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years
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So one of Shark Faunus Jaune sister's is a blonde Meroune from Monster Musume
(Change the pink to a Sandy-Blonde, and Indeed you Do!)
{Also Manako and Rachnera best girls. Don't @ me.}
RWBYJNPR are Visiting Jaune's Home
Nora: I didn't know you had an Indoor Pool!
Jaune: That would be My Oldest sister's Room. Her name is Anna.
Weiss: Why Does she need a Pool in her room?
Jaune: This is why.
Something Breaches the Surface of the Pool at terrifying speeds, aiming right for Jaune.
Jaune: *Lifting Anna* HI- Anna! HAH! caught you! This Time!
Anna: Hello Little Brother~ Beacon and granted you evermore strength than Working in the orchards, Hmm?
Anna-Ranth Arc. The eldest Sister of the Arcs. Her Faunus Trait Makes her effectively a Mermaid, the Tail of a Short-fin Mako in place of her legs. She wears a warm red-pink skirt, with what seems to be a similarly colored one-piece swimsuit. Her hair is mostly Sandy-Blond with red highlights.
Jaune: Yep! I gotta set you down now! I'll go grab your chair! *He tosses her to his side. She seems unfazed by it*
Anna: So~ All of you are the ones who Convinced my Baby Brother to stay away so long?
Ruby: Well, He ran away first! We've just been Keeping him Occupied.
Pyrrha: Yes. I have been Doing what I can to give him the skills a proper Huntsman Needs.
Anna: That's all well and Good~ Now just what do you think of My Dearest Brother~?
Ruby: He was my first friend at Beacon! We'd follow each other to the ends of Remnant!
Blake: He's been the doofus he's always been. Same goes for his Kindness.
Yang: He's cool enough. For a dork.
Pyrrha: He was the first person to see me for me, not the four-time tournament champion.
Ren: He is a dear Friend. He's practically a Brother I never had.
Nora: He's our fearless Leader! I'd break Anyone's legs if he asked!
Nora: I wish he would ask me to break someone's legs.
Anna: ...
Anna: And what of you, Schnee?
Weiss: He's ... I did not like him at first. But I've recently realized he has ... Certain qualities that make him a good friend.
R-BY-NPR: ...
Yang: Wow. That's the biggest Compliment She's ever given him.
Anna: ... Oh! I see now!
Ruby: *Whispering* What does she see? She's had her eyes closed this whole time?
Yang: She's using it as an expression.
Anna: You're in love with My Jaune-Jaune!
Pyrrha: WHAT!
Weiss: W-What do you mean?
Anna: Oh! How Beautiful! How Tragic! A Schnee and a Faunus! And not just any Faunus, but an Arc~! Forever separated by familial Values~
Anna: Unless They can forgo all they've learned, and trust each other~ Or perhaps it will end as Romia and Julius, dying for their love of one another, unable to stand the Separation~
Anna: *glaring at Weiss* Don't let it end up like Romia and Julius or I'll bring back to life to kill you again.
Weiss: ʸᵉˢ ᵐᵃ'ᵃᵐᵎ
Jaune: Hey Guys! Sorry I took so long! Her chair was all tangled up. She wasn't too intense for you, right guys?
Anna: *Back to normal, hauling herself into a wheelchair* Of course I wasn't~ For what purpose would I have to be nothing but courteous to your friends~? *They leave the room*
Blake: ... Was it just me, or did she get super hot when she did that?
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the-blue-fairie · 2 years
No, Frozen would not have been better if Elsa was the antagonist.
Whenever someone (like a video essayist on Youtube) says something like, "The first Frozen would have been better if Elsa were the antagonist. It was the original plan and it would have made for a better film," I just have to roll my eyes. No. You're wrong.
"But Hans's whole personality changes." No. The mask drops. There are enough instances that show his true motives - "looking my whole life to find my own place", glancing up at the chandelier and finding a way to kill Elsa while still making himself look sympathetic to her so that he remains in Anna's good graces, etc. He may not be the greatest of the Disney twist villain trend, but he works well enough and fits perfectly into Anna's arc by playing on her insecurities.
"But Elsa is so mean." No. She's not. She's been trained since childhood that she has to "limit her contact with people." The trolls and her parents reinforce to her that she has to keep her powers secret from everyone, including Anna. Are you really going to blame someone who has been conditioned since the age of eight to stifle herself for stifling herself? @hb-pickle who tragically no longer seems to be in the fandom once called this "the adult-ification of Elsa," wherein people place the blame for the separation solely on Elsa's shoulders without factoring in the trauma of the accident and the way Elsa was raised for YEARS afterwards. You're going to be more than a little fucked up after that, and Elsa has been trained that cutting ties with others and keeping her powers secret are the best option.
"But Let it Go is so angry." So fucking what? LET her be angry. She's ALLOWED to be angry. She's been forced to hold in her emotions and "conceal, don't feel" for years. She's allowed to be frustrated with her lot in life. I've said this in the past but I like the way I said it so I'll quote myself directly:
"Aspects of it still feel like a song designed for us to condemn Elsa, but instead of judgment, we get empathy.
And that’s radical."
TLDR: Elsa being the antagonist wouldn't have made for a better movie. It would skew too close to the "sinister witch" trope even if she was portrayed as a sympathetic antagonist. Sympathetic antagonists are a dime a dozen. But Elsa being caught up in this flawed system of thinking because she's been trained for years that it's for the best if she stifles herself and then having her arc be about self-acceptance and unlearning that self-hatred? That's revelatory.
Frozen is good and Let it Go is a good song, you guys are just mean.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
I know I've talked a lot on here about Liz and Jess's backstory being a bit too much for Gilmore Girls to handle (Jess's departure and subsequent attempts to repair his relationships with Luke and Rory are essentially the fallout of a damaged teenager having a major mental health crisis that fans often dismiss as him being a "bad boyfriend": true, but really, really not the point here) but I also think the other half of Luke's backstory is also tragic in a way that this kind of show is ill equipped to handle. Having been through this with several of my own relatives, it's unfathomable to me that at twenty-three Luke seems to have lost his father to a terminal illness, that he likely spent his late teens and early twenties nursing his dad through that illness and trying to save his dad's business, that he failed at both of those things, and he seemingly did it all alone with only a flighty girlfriend as a support system. Then when he finally recovers enough from that to open the diner, he's rewarded with whatever the hell went down in his relationship with Anna that led her to abandon him and hide his daughter away from him for twelve years. I guess it does explain Liz and Jess, though: Liz wasn't sticking around to deal with her dying dad, and Luke wouldn't have been able to intervene if it became obvious that Liz could not care for her son.
I think about that now, and how badly that loss seems to have affected Luke early on, how it affected his ability to deal with people in general and relationships in particular, how it probably explains why he lets Liz jerk him around as much as she does, and why he took "failing" with Jess and not being allowed to raise his own daughter as hard as he did. I think of that now that Lorelai is likely about to go through the same process with her own mother because Richard is gone, Rory is likely busy with her own life and child, and Emily is already eighty one....if she hasn't started deteriorating yet, she likely will soon. There's no one else. It's just going to be Lorelai.
I think about that sometimes and shake my head at people being unable to forgive Luke for agreeing to postpone a wedding date.
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virtual-winter · 8 months
Frozen memories #002
My Frozen story - Part 2
"But, isn't that just a kids movie about some reindeer?"
My dear mother had no idea what her 22-year-old son was getting into on November 20th 2014 😅 Following my introduction to Frozen via ABC's Once upon a time-series, I was eager to find out what all the fuzz about the original movie was about.
I still lived at home at the time (in the countryside) and I had asked my parents to see if the movie was available at the local library. I can’t remember if I watched it the same day I got it or not. Probably a few days later (on my old Philips not-even-full-HD monitor 😅).
Prior to watching it, I had learned a few things about the plot and it sounded unlike any other movie I had previously seen. In addition to that, I had watched the Let it go-scene which was very captivating and I was very much in love with the song and the animation!
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My original Swedish copy of Frozen
Seeing the movie for the first time was a bit of an otherworldly experience. I’m not sure how to describe it. I think everything about the characters, the story and the setting just clicked for me. Even though I don’t even have a sibling, I was awestruck and very touched by the tragic story of Anna and Elsa. And the theme of isolation and feeling of being an outcast was something I could relate to, always having been the introverted quiet one with very niche interests. I think I saw a lot more of me in Elsa than I even realised at the time. I think I watched the movie three times in just a couple of days.
From the first day of experiencing it “properly”, I was very much in love with Anna and Elsa and their world of Arendelle, which seemed so familia to me, being from Norway's neighbour Sweden and having experienced the wilderness of this real-life Disney-like nation just around the corner. I still vividly remembered going there on vacation some 8 years earlier. So, it wasn’t just the characters and the story that made it feel like it was “my movie”. The landscape, the art, the culture and the folklore (trolls) also felt so close to home!
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Sisterly love
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Scandinavian trolls
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Old Norse revival architecture
I had not expected to get pulled into a fandom the way I was because I usually never do and this is still true till this day - I haven't found anything else that I enjoy as much as Frozen. But this movie was just… I couldn’t get it out of my head! All the songs were so incredibly catchy! I think I spent most of winter 2014/15 just replaying them constantly in my head (and on my phone). I also couldn’t get rid of the feeling of how incredible it would be to get to see Anna and Elsa in real life. I guess this was really the first time I got to experience something like this 😊
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And so, my journey into the Frozenverse had begun. I was thrilled when I learned there was a new Frozen short film coming out in 2015 (along with some Cinderella remake that I wasn’t really interested in) and I even brought my mother with me to see it in theatres. She had no clue at this time what Frozen was! She probably liked Cinderella better but I was a blessed Frozen fan! Funny enough, it was my mother who told me Disney had just announced they were gonna make a Frozen II…
I’ll cover my continued journey through the Frozen fandom in part 3.
See ya soon!
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crosbyism · 4 months
Okay, hear me out:
I’ve been thinking more about Sidney Crosby and his masculinization kink and the Sid/nate of it all. But I think there’s also a universe where Sid needs all the dicks and a large variety. And over 18 years in the league he’s been with quite the array of players. In my mind it goes something like this:
- gets to NHL, finds out someone, likely MAF is bi and that he isn’t the weirdo for liking men and being obsessed with cock. MAF ends up inviting him for a threesome with Vero, Sid is only focused on Marc and vero ends up just watching
- after a nasty game between the pens and flyers, Sid ends up going home with Giroux, who introduces him to daddy kink, but with G as the daddy. It gets Sid real riled up and horny, he realizes he wants to be the daddy for someone else
- queue a few younger players that already worship Sid that he introduces to the world of gay nhl players and daddy kinks, taking each boy to his lake house, slowly corrupting more and more of the league and getting a boy on each team. Note exactly corrupting though, it’s more about showing them that they can be their true selves in the league and that he, as daddy, is there for them in more ways than one.
- Nate happens. He becomes the ultimate corruption project. Nate is absurdly into it as well. Sid doesn’t want to be monogamous, Nate is at first upset until he realizes that he actually likes hearing about Sid’s exploits.
- we get to the 2015/16 draft classes and Sid really gets it going with Marner in particular, but also Draisaitl and Tkachuk.
- the USNDTP boys in 2019 almost break him. Especially Cole Caufield.
okay okay sorry sorry but the last two bullet points took me tf out. i have simply been in hrpf fandom for too long and know too much fandom history. bro i cannot imagine sidney crosby, who rode shea weber’s dick throughout the 2014 olympics, before cole caufield even hit puberty, being broken by those little twinks in any way, shape or form. tzegras didn’t even realise he was dating jamie drysdale before drysdale got traded, man, wdym “they almost break him”, those two guys didn’t even know they liked dick lmao
side note: the mentions of cole caufield and daddy kink reminded me that i have an unfinished pwp that’s cole caufield/shea weber where shea weber goes “come be a good boy and fill daddy up with your big cock” and there’s a bunch of size kink involved. if ur interested i can dig it up for u, seems like it might be up ur alley
HOWEVER i think you live in a beautiful world and i fully support you living your dreams of NHL daddy sidcroz fucking all your blorbos. frankly we do not have enough poly/open relationship sid who is like, allergic to monogamy. even though i think it works great for him! personally i’m not too big on the “all the blorbos are queer” trope, so that’s not necessarily my personal jam, and I tend to think about this more in terms of Sid figuring out his sexuality away from hockey. but i think you should go forth and write all your heart’s desires. have fun! i do think it’s both a hilarious and incredibly fun idea to have sid, as the mid-2010s hit, increasingly have a harem of rookies dying to fuck him. like, they all want him so bad and also know nothing about gay sex. i’m sure you could have loads of fun writing about sid inadvertently becoming a daddy and also a gay sex fairy godfather for NHLers. kind of like in Pass It On but more hands-on, raunchy and way less monogamous or vanilla. he uses the house in montana as a sex house. there’s a sex basement. why not.
i LOVE the concept of sid and nate, non-monogamous partners, dirty talking to each other about the sex they have with other people. there’s one or two fics like this out there already and i’m frankly obsessed with them. those guys are SO horny and they deserve to fuck so much.
i love a loving MAF/vero threesome (although i also love a delicious fraught fuckbuddy situationship with geno before geno met anna). tragically i think Giroux only got daddy vibes with his beard, which happened quite late, post-2015, so I would wager that IF sid got introduced to daddy kink by an NHLer it’d probably be more like. someone on the 2010s or 2014 olympic roster. these were unfortunately the years when claude giroux was greasy AF and was giving more “incel in the basement” than “daddy in the penthouse”(and also either banging danny briere or sad about not banging danny briere anymore. although hm claude being a daddy for danny briere? compelling actually).
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literally-just-there · 2 months
Hi Gate! ♡ I have. A question. What's Seeker and your f/os' favorite classic paintings? Or statues etc! 👀🎨🖼
(Putting this under a cut... Not doing just classic... No I did not do every f/o or I would still be here in a week. I just did paintings because that's what I'm more knowledgeable about)
🖌 • For Seeker :
She looks a lot at the eyes and facial expressions, and loves a good romantic scene like the pre-raphaelites do. We got "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" by Frank Dicksee, and "The Shadow" by Edmund Blair Leighton for example.
Strangely enough, she is also captivated by paintings that can be considered haunting, I'm thinking of John Martin's works that depict biblical, historical and other legendary apocalypses. She does not enjoy them per say, but she is captivated, especially since she is not religious but is herself a legendary being. I'm thinking of "The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah" and the triptych of "The Last Judgement".
She also likes "Christ in the House of His Parents" by Millais because it humanizes what is usually seen as only divine and otherworldly, and she relates to this paradox of being some kind of human god (I suggest reading the critics on the painting at the time).
🖌 • For the Informant :
Keywords are emotion and interactions. He loves when the painting displays interactions and especially love, whatever the kind. I have quite miscellaneous painting ideas for him ;
Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne", Karl Gussow's "Old Man's Treasure", but also the more tragic "Tristan and Isolde" paintings by Rogelio de Egusquiza, "Romeo and Juliet" by Millais, or "The Meeting on the Turret Stairs" by Frederic William Burton.
🖌 • For Helen :
She loves paintings with soft vibes and that depict nature. I'm thinking of Rosa Bonheur as I type this. I love the cows she paints. Also pretty paintings like those of Sophie Gengembre Anderson, "The Turtle Dove", "It's Touch and Go to Laugh or No", "Little Helper", "Her Favourite Pets" or "A Fairy Is Made Of Most Beautiful Things" which is one of my favourites too.
🖌 • For Smallcat :
He does look like someone who would like grandiose official portraits. However he is more of a landscape type of guy. He paints some himself actually !! For me Monet is the absolute best, I'm of course thinking about his Nymphéas. And Pissarro !! Pissarro's landscapes !! Can we talk about "Le Grand noyer dans le pré, Éragny" ??!! Pretty !?!?!
🖌 • For Delacroix :
That arse head on the other hand LOVES a good lavish official portrait. It does make sense because he is a noble but also : the more gold, more jewels, more expensive fabric, more symbols of power displayed, the more he is eating this up like his eye dinner. I am thinking of Louis XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud or Napoléon Ist by François Gérard, the good old coronation portraits.
🖌 ��� For Anna :
Most of all she wants to have something to say about the art piece. It has to make her THINK. So she prefers paintings that have intense facial expressions, and / or that tell a story that makes you THINK. I'm thinking of paintings about societal struggles, like "Burning the Brushwood" by Eero Järnefelt, or paintings that are sticking their chin at institutions, like Frank Cadogan Cowper's "Lucretia Borgia Reigns in the Vatican in the Absence of Pope Alexander VI" including more tragic ones like "The Martyr of Solway" by Millais.
But she is also a romantic at heart and appreciates paintings that display romantic interactions. There are the ones I mentioned for Seeker but I would add "God Speed" by Edmund Blair Leighton.
🖌 • For Wei :
MARINES. Anything that has to do with the sea. One name, Monet, again, yes, BUT !! The paintings he did when he was in Belle-Ile-en-mer !! The Port Coton ones !! He did so many !! And Turner !! Depicting the immensity of the sea !!
He would also love Chinese paintings, since this is what he grew up with. I am sadly not knowledgeable about this yet so I can't really go into details.
🖌 • For Hoggarth :
History is the key word, he prefers paintings that interpret historical events, that imagine the people's emotions at the time, especially when it is grave events. I'm thinking of "The Last Day of Pompeii" by Karl Bryullov or "Faithful Unto Death" by Edward John Poynter. Also "The Execution of Lady Jane Grey" by Paul Delaroche or "A Huguenot" by Millais.
Also, paintings that represent people feeling small before the higher powers they believe in, like "The Two Crowns" by Dicksee, or being powerless before them, like "The Ballad of Lenore" by Horace Vernet.
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GH Couples Inspired By Taylor Swift Songs
Had this in my drafts for FOREVER. thought it was a good time to post it haha. 
Alan and Monica: The Last Great American Dynasty
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And they said
"There goes the last great American dynasty"
"Who knows if she never showed up, what could've been"
Luke and Laura: My Tears Ricochet
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Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe
All the hell you gave me?
'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you
'Til my dying day
Luke and Tracy: Better Man
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I know
I’m probably better off all alone
Than needing a man who could
Change his mind at any given minute
Laura and Scotty: New Year’s Day
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Please don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Laura and Kevin: Lover
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My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Kevin and Lucy: Delicate
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This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
Frisco and Felicia: Closure
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Yes, I'm doing better
I know that it's over, I don't need your
Mac and Felicia: Ours
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And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours
Robert and Anna:  It's Nice to Have a Friend
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Call my bluff, call you "babe"
Have my back, yeah, everyday
Anna and Valentin: Sparks Fly
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My mind forgets to remind me, your a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you, imagined I would be
Sonny and Brenda: The 1
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But we were something, don't you think so?
Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool
And if my wishes came true
It would've been you
Sonny and Carly: Haunted
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​​You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
Sonny and Alexis: Blank Space
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So hey, let's be friends
I'm dying to see how this one ends
Stone and Robin: Sad Beautiful Tragic
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We had a beautiful magic love there
What a sad beautiful tragic love affair
Robin and Patrick: This Love
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This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
Lucky and Elizabeth: Tolerate It
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While you were out building other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
Nikolas and Emily: Happiness
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There'll be happiness after you
But there was happiness because of you
Nikolas and Elizabeth: Dress
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Our secret moments in your crowded room
They've got no idea about me and you
Ned and Alexis: Stay Stay Stay
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You took the time to memorize me
My fears, my hopes and dreams
I just like hanging out with you
All the time
Alexis and Julian: Death By A Thousand Cuts
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I get drunk but it's not enough
'Cause you're not my baby
I look through the windows of this love
Even though we boarded them up
LuLu and Dante: Wildest Dreams
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Someday when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
Sam and Jason: It’s Time To Go
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15 years, 15 million tears
Begging 'til my knees bled
I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all
Then wondered why I left
Sam and Dante: Cardigan
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And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
Chase and Brook Lynn: Mastermind
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Once upon a time, the planets and the fates
And all the stars aligned
You and I ended up in the same room
At the same time
Spencer and Trina: Invisible String
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And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Cameron and Jossyln: Karma
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Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant
You're terrified to look down
'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare
Of everyone you burned just to get there
Elizabeth and Franco: Red
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Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes
Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go
Maxie and Nathan: Enchanted
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My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
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misanthropicvampire · 10 months
My Top 10 Cinema Recommendations of 2023
movies/shows that I watched for the first time this year, worth a try, ranked
10. Eastern Promises dr. David Cronenberg (2007)
Nikolai, both ruthless and mysterious, has ties to one of the most dangerous crime families in London. He crosses paths with Anna, a midwife who has come across potentially damning evidence against the family, which forces him to set in motion a plan of deceit, death and retribution.
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9. Thelma dr. Joachim Trier (2017)
A confused, devoutly religious college student begins to experience extreme seizures while in denial of a female friend's feelings for her. She soon learns that the violent episodes are a symptom of inexplicable, and often dangerous, supernatural abilities.
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8. Interview With The Vampire (2022)
Aging journalist Daniel Molloy returns for a second interview with Louis de Pointe du Lac, who presents a new spin on his tumultuous relationship with the vampire Lestat de Lioncourt.
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7. Benedetta dr. Paul Verhoeven (2021)
A seventeenth century nun becomes entangled in a forbidden lesbian affair, but it is her shockingly transgressive religious visions that threaten to shake her Church to its very core.
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6. Femme dr. Sam H. Freeman & Ng Choon Ping (2023)
Jules, a drag performer, seeks revenge on the perpetrator of his sexual assault. But as the facade of his relationship with the man, Preston, develops, this revenge is called into question.
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5. Infinity Pool dr. Brandon Cronenberg (2023)
Guided by a seductive and mysterious woman, a couple on vacation venture outside the resort grounds and find themselves in a culture filled with violence, hedonism and untold horror. A tragic accident soon leaves them facing a zero tolerance policy for crime: either you will be executed, or, if you're rich enough to afford it, you can watch yourself die instead.
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4. Possessor dr. Brandon Cronenberg (2020)
Tasya Vos, an elite corporate assassin, takes control of other people's bodies using brain-implant technology to execute high-profile targets.
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3. High Life dr. Claire Denis (2018)
Monte and his baby daughter are the last survivors of a mission consisting of criminals used as scientific experiments, on a doomed journey to the outer stretches of space. They must now rely on each other to survive as they hurtle toward the oblivion of a black hole.
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2. Crimes of the Future dr. David Cronenberg (2022)
As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. Accompanied by his partner, celebrity surgery performance artist Saul Tenser showcases the metamorphosis of his organs. Meanwhile, a mysterious group attempts to use Saul's notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.
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The Indian Runner (1991)
Talk to Me (2022)
Midnight Mass (2021)
Malignant (2021)
1. Hannibal (2013-2015)
Reclusive FBI profiler Will Graham is recruited to help investigate a serial killer in Minnesota using his empathic abilties. With the investigation weighing heavily on Graham, his superior, Crawford, decides to have him supervised by elusive psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the very perpetrator of these gruesome crimes. The bond Lecter forms with Graham begins to threaten his double life, as Lecter is fascinated by Graham's ability to empathise with murderers and hatches a plan to push the boundaries of Graham's fragile sanity and transform him into a killer.
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celestialcrowley · 10 months
I’m alive! Fashionably late, but alive! I’ve been an exceptionally busy murder hornet bee lately.
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Thank you for the tag @katspause 💚
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Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people!
All of these were pulled from my disaster playlist!
C — can you believe it - ultra sunn
e — everybody (backstreet’s back) - backstreet boys
l — luck - american authors
e — every teardrop is a waterfall - coldplay
s — spell it out - embrace
t — the way you make me feel - michael jackson
i — i miss you - blink-182
a — a little’s enough - angels & airwaves
l — lost - linkin park
c — crazy train - ozzy osbourne
r — rock and roll never forgets - bob sever
o — one more for love - five for fighting
w — what is love - haddaway
l — love song - right said fred
e — enter sandman - ghost
y — yeah - usher
and raven @raven-the-nephilim just because
r — revenga - system of a down
a — anna sun - walk the moon
v — viva la vida - coldplay
e — everywhere i go - hollywood undead
n — night is mine - ultra sunn
t — take a walk - judah & the lion
h — here we go - kb, pkoneday
e — electric avenue - eddy grant
n — no one lives forever - oingo boingo
e — everybody hurts - r.e.m
p — preacher - onerepublic
h — human - the killers
i — it’s time - imagine dragons
l — letters to god pt 2 - angels and airwaves
i — i want to break free - queen
m — moving on (so long) - blue october
Zero obligation tags: @sad-chaos-goblin @ineffabildaddy @tragic-cosmic-magic @peachworthy @argylepiratewd @belladonna413 @crowleysgoat @eevee436 @goldenirishpotato @ineffable-piracy @janeway-lover @justtofollowgaiman @makemyshipscanon @oliiiiiiiiive @paperclipbean @rainbowpopeworld
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