#iron workers
escapingpurgatory · 13 days
chat ... I got a free brand new bike today. Like.. what?? My brothers got one each too. I just feel so incredibly spoiled and blessed today. So many other kids got them too, which is amazing.
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redruin01 · 1 year
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been practicing drawing quite a bit some paintings soon
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"COMMUNICATION WITH FLIN FLON CUT BY STORM," Winnipeg Tribune. July 2, 1934. Page 1. --- Latest Reports From Mining Town Are All Quiet After Clash ---- Electrical storms Sunday cut off all communication between Winnipeg and Flin Flon. Telegraph and telephone wires were out of com mission and it was impossible to learn whether fighting between contending factions of striking miners, which broke out Saturday afternoon, continued Sunday, but latest available reports indicated that order was maintained.
A special train left Winnipeg at 3.15 p.m. Saturday with a squad of 20 R.C.M.P. constables under Sergt. J. J. Molloy, to reinforce the 18 men who went north with Inspector James Browne on Sunday, June 11, and have been quartered in Flin Flon since that date.
Several heads were broken and two arrests were made when trouble broke out at noon Saturday, as some of the unemployed workers of the Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. tried to enter the Community club hall to register their ballots in a secret vote to decide whether the men should go back to work.
The ballot was called off at 2.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, after R.C.M.P. and special constables had quelled the trouble. When it became known that the balloting had been abandoned, strikers and their sympathizers - many of whom were women-left the vicinity of the club building.
The Canadian National railways despatcher at Dauphin, Man., said Sunday evening that at 11 o'clock in the morning, before communication was interrupted, Flin Flon reported all quiet.
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almaadst · 2 months
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You have no idea how hard I fell for Franky thxbdjk.. (*/ω\*)♡ Oda just has this talent for making characters which at first glance I am like "I am not gonna like him" and then I am in love lmao It happened with Luffy and Usopp and then blue Johnny Bravo 🫠 Also, I love his two squares ✨🙌 Other: Commission info Art Raffle OC's Sanji and Yuna
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newyorkthegoldenage · 1 month
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This young man from Austin, Texas is making good use of his summer vacation by learning, by the sweat of his brow, how tons of steel become giant skyscrapers, August 21, 1925. He is an iron worker on the new 15-story physics building being constructed at Columbia University. Besides not being afraid to balance himself atop the highest girders, the student iron worker is quite a boxer, fighting under the name of "Wary" Wade, the proceeds of the fight going towards paying his way through college.
Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images/Fine Art America
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I have some funfact
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I don't know if anyone remember this but I was rereading some of the chapter and I see this note
And yup like the note say is was quite ironic for them to be like this
I think other than the two fukus they really should put fukufuku too but it a note so meh
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kerrste · 2 months
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Quick sketch cause I watched the first movie yesterday
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supplyside · 3 months
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heavy welding
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sanshofox · 8 months
Well… riot games is next in line with a huge layoff.
Massive amount of people losing their jobs in the gaming industry yet again. Over 500 from what I’ve read. What a fucking shame.
Just frightening to see how this industry is crumbling (especially if you’re trying to get a job in it like me. Feels hopeless at this point also) 😔
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vroomian · 5 months
How powerful is Vocx compared to Vox? Is either more powerful than the other? How differently is the Voxtech run and what's their reputation like in Hell?
Vocx is more powerful by far. I picture vox as one of those people who smiles on the surface but attempting to teach him anything makes him resent the fuck out of you. Vocx doesn’t have that problem. He’s got pride but he’s got no problem putting away to learn from his betters. So he both has more tricks just from the other overlords and more social connections and powerful friends. Letting other people teach you things is a sure fire way to make friends. People, no matter how awful, all like feeling smart and helping.
Plus I’m kinda yanking the Yrz method of contracting and having Vocx be one of the fairest overlords to work for (except without yrzs moral objections to literally owning people lol. When in rome etc). He treats it like an actual job, with performance reviews and everything. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so being one of Vocxs people is considered pretty desirable. The grunts in the company don’t get contracts but above a certain level, being promoted means being contracted to Vocx.
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book--brackets · 6 months
Suggestions for fantasy books:
In Other Lands - Sarah Rees Brennan
Beauty - Robin McKinley
Uprooted - Naomi Novik
The Broken Earth (series) - N.K. Jemisin
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
The Deep - River Solomon
Poison - Chris Wooding
Inkeeper Chronicles (series) - Ilona Andrews
The Witcher (series) - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Poppy War (series) - R. F. Kuang
The Live Ship Traders (series) - Robin Hobb
Sorceror Royal (series) - Zen Cho
The New Moon's Arms - Nalo Hopkinson
The Curse Workers (series) - Holly Black
Alice (duology) & Lost Boy - Christina Henry
Ring Shout - P. Djèli Clark
Kingkiller Chronicle (series) - Patrick Rothfuss
Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree
Iron Widow - Jay Zhao
Coraline - Neil Gaiman
Pet - Akwaeke Emezi
Thursday Next (series) - Jasper Fforde
A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness
The Bloody Chamber - Angela Carter
The Dark is Rising (series) - Susan Cooper
Wicked - Gregory Maguire
East - Edith Pattou
Knights of Liofwende (series) & The Welkin Weasels (series) - Garry Kilworth
Old Magic - Marianne Curley
Book of the Crow (series) - Catherine Fisher
Mongrels - Stephen Graham Jones
The Last Binding (series) - Freya Marske
Sorry, I know that's a lot! Anyway, thank you for running these polls and breaking my heart again and again, lol.
What a list! You've got a lot of great ones in here (I love you, Poppy War, Uprooted, and Iron Widow). I've added them all, though some of the names changed due to series vs book titles
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musubiki · 7 months
fun tcwg fact but one of the hardest opponents lime has ever fought is actually corven, murdas (taller but younger) brother. because post-timeskip lime has zero magic attack capabilities and corven has a broken defense stat
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tornadoyoungiron · 6 months
Bittern when Scotsman and Mallard team up to harass him.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"Weeks of Strike Leave Flin Flon, Real Mining Town, Strangely Quiet," Winnipeg Tribune. July 2, 1934. Page 1 & 2. ---- Rancor Underneath Breaks Out in Melee Between Miners on Saturday ---- By FRANK BOWNESS ==== Strangely silent the northern Manitoba mining camp of Flin Flon has been for three weeks, since 1,300 miners, smelter workers and other employes of the Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company quit work after presenting peremptory demands for restoration of wage cuts and readjustment of working conditions.
No smoke arose from the tall brick stacks; no roar of machinery came from the $27,000,000 plant; the atmosphere was cleansed of sulphuric fumes, and buildings in the town did not quiver to the impact of heavy dynamite explosions in the underground workings.
Beneath the calm surface, however, bitter rancor seethed. The disagreement between the company and its workers was almost lost in the conflict of ideas among the idle men; one group leaning toward a course of near-revolution, the other inclined to accept the assurance of R. H. Channing, Jr., president of the company, that the causes of dispute would be given consideration if the men would return to work.
Will Not Re-Employ "Reds" Mr. Channing made it plain that a group of strike leaders - "red agitators," he calls them - will not be re-employed under any circumstances. This group, realizing that their personal cause is lost, stood out for direct action, and were responsible for the clash, Saturday noon, when an attempt was made to take a secret ballot of all the workers to clarify their position on the question of returning to work.
The vote, arranged by a committee of citizens, was to have been held in the Community hall, use of which has a bone of contention between the two factions for more than a week. At the outbreak of the strike, J. D. Carr, president of the club, and the executive committee, ruled that the building could not be used for any closed meetings.
Later, they barred non-residents from addressing the strikers at the evening meetings. The hall was used by the strikers as a kitchen and dining-hall, where meals were served to men on picket duty.
Rail Bed Provides Missiles The balloting was called off Saturday afternoon after militant strikers had resisted a squad of 45 special constables assigned to the duty of keeping the way clear for those men who wanted to register their votes. Several heads were broken in the melee.
The Community club hall occupies a perfect strategic position for defence. It stands on a rocky eminence a short distance north and west of the end of Main st. To reach the building it is necessary to cross two lines of roughly bal- lasted railway tracks, leading to the new C.N.R. station yards. These tracks are elevated two feet or more and rest on heavy rock ballasting, which furnishes missiles of all sizes.
At the company's staff-house, 200 yards away, a squad of 18 R.C.M.P constables, under Inspector James Browne, has been quartered since June 11. Only a few of them were at the scene when the tr broke, Saturday, but the full force with two constables of the Flon detachment, quickly reached the melee.
May Return Tuesday A reinforcing party of 20 con stables, under Sergt. J. J. Molloy left Winnipeg by special train a' 3.15 p.m., Saturday, and reached Flin Flon at 9.50 a.m., Sunday.
Citizens generally believe now that a sufficient number of men will be back at work Tuesday warrant reopening of several departments of the plant. With arrival of additional police, who are willing to take up tools will do so with more confidence.
Until the outbreak of Saturday the R.C.M.P. squad remained inde background. Incoming trains re Inspected by two constables, sought for undesirables at Cushing, six miles south, then rode ahead on a gasoline speeder as the train pulled up the grade into Flin Flon. A perfunctory patrol of the picket line was maintained, bus constables and pickets were on amicable terms.
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argumentalist · 24 days
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One of the fun things about the Iron-Blooded Orphans line of gunpla was all the extra weapons and accessories you could get for them. Unfortunately most of those add-on kits are out of print and hard to find now... But I did get my hands on the Option Set 1.
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This kit includes the smoothbore rifle we see Barbatos using in the first season of IBO, as well as a gun/lance thing and a shield that I didn't really recognize.
The main reason I wanted this set, though, is the CGS mobile worker. I love getting little vehicles and figures like that to set the sense of scale.
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Right away, this kit was pretty disappointing.
I know it's just a set of optional accessories... I wasn't expecting anything amazing... But I was genuinely disappointed that it's all molded in dark grey.
I really expected a multicolor runner or two. There's some obvious opportunities for color separation here - the mobile worker could've been molded in brown, the lance in white, maybe a couple separate green pieces on the shield.
But, no, it's all grey. And then we've got some ugly color-correcting stickers for the smoothbore rifle.
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As you can see, these accessories look absolutely nothing like the box art. And I know that box art is typically painted... But usually it's close? Similar? And in this case they're just way off. I'm absolutely going to have to paint these if I wind up actually using them at all.
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Again, I love how the addition of the mobile worker helps set the scale here. That's a fairly big vehicle. We routinely see a couple people riding around in/on those. They're something like tank-sized... And it's just about ankle-height on Barbatos.
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The iconic smoothbore rifle actually looks halfway decent in this picture - as long as you don't look too closely at the white bits. And it actually attaches to the backpack arm things.
I do wish this option set had included some alternate hands though... An open/supporting hand would've been great for a two-handed pose with this rifle.
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These accessories aren't really intended for Barbatos, but I don't have a lot of other IBO kits available. I think they belong on a Graze?
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Worker Discovered Two 2,500-Year-Old Gold Necklaces in Spain
wo gold necklaces dating from around 2,500 years ago have been found by chance in northwestern Spain by a worker for a local water company.
Sergio Marciandi was working in Cavandi, Asturias, on August 29 when he spotted a gold necklace among some rocks.
He got word to Pablo Arias, a professor of prehistoric archeology at the University of Cantabria, who recounted the story of the find on Wednesday.
Arias traveled to the scene along with experts from the Asturias Archaeological Museum and carried out an initial investigation, which uncovered a second necklace that had been broken into several pieces, he said.
“It’s really impressive,” said Arias, who added that the find could boost our understanding of the Iron Age, the period in which they were made.
While other gold necklaces from the Iron Age have been found, most were discovered in the 18th and 19th centuries, when limited archaeological techniques meant much of the information about their provenance was lost, Arias explained.
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In this case, the site is intact, giving archaeologists a much better idea of their context, he added.
“We have very precise information about where they were found,” said Arias. “It’s quite exceptional.”
The discovery opens up many potential fields of study, he said, which could shed new light on a period about which little is known.
As things stand, the necklaces show signs of wear on areas that would have been in contact with the wearer’s skin and clothes.
“We know that they were used,” said Arias.
Necklaces of this kind were associated with the upper echelons of society, he added, explaining: “Not everyone could afford one of these necklaces.”
Dating the objects is difficult, but Arias believes they are unlikely to be more than 2,500 years old.
The regional government in Asturias praised Marciandi for informing officials of the find straight away, and said in a statement Sunday that the find was “an extraordinary development considering their quality and the skill of the artisans that made them, and most of all for opening a window to the study and knowledge of the most emblematic type of jewelry of Iron Age gold work, which until now had been closed.”
By Jack Guy.
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