#irish coffee chocolate cakes
greatestbakery · 8 months
4 Flavours of Premium Cakes in Nagercoil You Must Try
Looking for premium cakes in Nagercoil? Visit us to choose from our range of custom cakes. Call 9003900374 to order a birthday cake online in Nagercoil.
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punkbakerchristine · 7 months
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chocolate irish coffee cake: chocolate cake laced with bailey’s and espresso with a buttercream spiked with the liqueur and a chocolate ganache in the middle
happy st. paddy’s day! ☘️🍻☘️🍻
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Writing Reference: Food History
10,000 - almonds, cherries, bread, flour, soup
8,000 - wheat ⚜ 7,000 - wine, beer, pistachios, pig, goat, sheep, lard
6,500 - cattle domestication, apples ⚜ 6,000 - tortilla, dates, maize
5,000 - honey, ginger, quinoa, avocados, potatoes, milk, yogurt
4,000 - focaccia, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates
3,200 - chicken domestication ⚜ 3,000 - butter, onion, garlic, apricots
2,737 - tea ⚜ 2,500 - olive oil, seaweed, duck ⚜ 2,300 - saffron
2,000 - peaches, liquorice, marshmallow, pasta, ham, sesame seeds
1,500 - chocolate, vanilla ⚜ 1,200 - sugar ⚜ 1,000 - mangoes, oats, pickles
900 - pears, tomatoes ⚜ 700 - cinnamon ⚜ 600 - bananas, poppy seeds
500 - artichokes ⚜ 400 - pastries, appetizers, vinegar
300 - parsley ⚜ 200 - turkeys, asparagus, rhubarb ⚜ 65 - quince
1st—13th Century
1st Century - chestnuts, lobster, crab, shrimp, truffles, blueberries, raspberries, capers, kale, blood (as food), fried chicken, foie gras, French toast, omelettes, rice pudding, flan, cheesecake, pears in syrup
3rd Century - lemons ⚜ 5th - pretzels ⚜ 6th - eggplant
7th Century - spinach, kimchi ⚜ 9th - coffee, nutmeg
10th Century - flower waters, Peking duck, shark's fin soup
11th Century - baklava, corned beef, cider, lychees, seitan
12th Century - breadfruit, artichokes, gooseberries
13th Century - ravioli, lasagne, mozzarella, pancakes, waffles, couscous
14th—19th Century
14th Century - kebabs, moon cakes, guacamole, pie, apple pie, crumpets, gingerbread
15th Century - coconuts, Japanese sushi and sashimi, pineapples, marmalade, risotto, marzipan, doughnuts, hot dogs
16th Century - pecans, cashews (in India), Japanese tempura, vanilla (in Europe), fruit leather, skim milk, sweetbreads, salsa, quiche, teriyaki chicken, English trifle, potato salad
17th Century - treacle, pralines, coffee cake, modern ice cream, maple sugar, rum, French onion soup, cream puffs, bagels, pumpkin pie, lemonade, croissants, lemon meringue pie
18th Century - root beer, tapioca, French fries, ketchup, casseroles, mayonnaise, eggnog, soda water, lollipops, sangria, muffins, crackers, chowder, croquettes, cupcakes, sandwiches, apple butter, souffle, deviled eggs
19th Century - toffee, butterscotch, cocoa, Turkish delight, iodized salt, vanilla extract, modern marshmallows, potato chips, fish and chips, breakfast cereal, Tabasco sauce, Kobe beef, margarine, unsalted butter, Graham crackers, fondant, passionfruit, saltwater taffy, milkshakes, pizza, peanut butter, tea bags, cotton candy, jelly beans, candy corn, elbow macaroni, fondue, wedding cake, canapes, gumbo, ginger ale, carrot cake, bouillabaisse, cobbler, peanut brittle, pesto, baked Alaska, iced tea, fruit salad, fudge, eggs Benedict, Waldorf salad
20th Century
1901 - peanut butter and jelly ⚜ 1904 - banana splits ⚜ 1905 - NY pizza
1906 - brownies, onion rings ⚜ 1907 - aioli
1908 - Steak Diane, buttercream frosting ⚜ 1909 - shrimp cocktail
1910 - Jell-O (America's most famous dessert)
1910s - orange juice ⚜ 1912 - Oreos, maraschino cherries, fortune cookies
1912 - Chicken a la King, Thousand Island dressing
1914 - Fettuccine Alfredo ⚜ 1915 - hush puppies
1917 - marshmallow fluff ⚜ 1921 - Wonder Bread, zucchini
1919 - chocolate truffles ⚜ 1922 - Vegemite, Girl Scout cookies
1923 - popsicles ⚜ 1924 - frozen foods, pineapple upside-down cake, Caesar salad, chocolate-covered potato chips
1927 - Kool-Aid, s'mores, mayonnaise cake ⚜ 1929 - Twizzlers
1930s - Pavlova cakes, Philly cheese steak, Pigs in blankets, margaritas, banana bread, Cajun fried turkey ⚜ 1931 - souffle, refrigerator pie
1933 - chocolate covered pretzels ⚜ 1936 - no-bake cookies
1937 - Reubens, chicken Kiev, SPAM, Krispy Kreme
1938 - chicken and waffles ⚜ 1939 - seedless watermelon
1941 - Rice Krispies treats, Monte Cristo sandwiches ⚜ 1943 - nachos
1946 - chicken burgers, tuna melts, Nutella ⚜ 1947- chiffon cake
1950s - chicken parm, Irish coffee, cappuccino, smoothies, frozen pizza, diet soda, TV Dinners, ranch dressing ⚜ 1951 - bananas foster
1953 - coronation chicken ⚜ 1956 - German chocolate cake, panini
1957 - Quebec Poutine ⚜ 1958 - Instant ramen noodles, crab rangoon, lemon bars ⚜ 1960s - beef Wellington, green eggs and ham, red velvet cake
1963 - black forest cake ⚜ 1964 - Belgian waffles, Pop Tarts, Buffalo wings, ants on a log, pita bread ⚜ 1965 - Gatorade, Slurpees
1966 - chocolate fondue ⚜ 1967 - high fructose corn syrup
1970s - California rolls, pasta primavera, tiramisu ⚜ 1971 - fajitas
1975 - hicken tikka masala ⚜ 1980 - turducken
1980s - Panko, portobello mushrooms, bubble tea, chicken nuggets, Sriracha, Red Bull energy drink, everything bagels
1990s - artisan breads, Jamaican jerk ⚜ 1991 - turkey bacon, chocolate molten lava cake, earthquake cake ⚜ 1993 - broccolini
1995 - Tofurkey ⚜ 1997 - grape tomatoes
21st Century
2002 - flat iron steak, tear-free onions ⚜ 2007 - Kool-Aid pickles, cake pops
2008 - Mexican funnel cake ⚜ 2013 - cronuts, test tube burgers
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canirove · 3 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 7
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“Olga, do I really have to go with you? I want to go home, I'm shattered.”
“It'll be just a minute. I'll check if I left my wallet in the kitchen and then we can go” she says. “And stop complaining, Liv. You are turning 25 tomorrow, not 80.”
“Feels like it” I sigh. Because today has been chaotic. 
There was a double training session and some meetings going on, which means that I've spent most part of my day making coffees for everyone, going up and down the stairs to deliver them to the offices, and taking meal orders since one of the waiters called in sick and Olga needed help. And as if that wasn't enough, since the game at the Emirates I've been sleeping like shit, constantly having nightmares where my dad finds out about me and Declan and kills him. Literally. In last night's dream he used an axe to do it. 
“I promise I'll be quick” Olga says, opening the cafeteria’s door.
“You better” I reply, following her. 
“Happy birthday!” everyone screams as I walk in.
“Bloody hell!” I yell, my heart on my throat. “What the fuck?”
“Language, Olivia” Madders says. “This is a birthday party!”
“A what?”
“Surprise!” Olga says while hugging me.
“You… you… what?”
“I know your dad said that you don't like celebrating your birthdays, but you only turn a quarter of a century once!”
“Wow, those are some big words for you, Maddison” I laugh.
“So funny, Liv” he replies, rolling his eyes. “Everyone is dying to wish you happy birthday, you know? Sonny made you a card, and I think a certain Spaniard even got you a present…”
“You all seriously need to stop with that.”
“I was talking about Bryan, Liv” Madders smirks. 
“You… Idiot” I say, hitting him in the arm.
“It's not my fault Spanish dudes love you!” he laughs. “Though you prefer them half Irish, don't you?”
“Shut up!”
“Half Irish? What did I miss here?” Olga asks.
“Nothing. James is talking shit as always.”
“Yes, I am” he laughs again. “Anyway, are you coming or not? I can't wait to try the cake. Alex told me it is your favourite, and knowing how obsessed you are with anything with chocolate, I'm sure it'll be amazing.”
“Wait, Alex is here too?” I ask.
For the past few weeks he's been behaving super weird around me, basically ignoring me, and I still don't know why.
We've known each other our whole lives since my dad and his are best friends and  we live close by, and even though we've had our ups and downs (especially because of my dating life and him not liking any guy I did), he had never been like this. 
“C'mon, Liv. Let's go say hello to your guests” Olga says, linking her arm with mine and walking towards where everyone is. 
“Happy birthday, dear Olivia… Happy birthday to you!”
“Don't forget about making a wish!” my mum says.
“Done” I smile.
For my actual birthday I'm having a small gathering with my parents, Alex's and him, the usual every year. After partying way past midnight with everyone at work, it is what I needed. Something chill and at home where I can wear my pyjamas, have crazy hair, and where no one will give me a weird look. Though this year my mum forced me to actually look nice since it is a special number.
“I can't believe my baby is 25 already” she says while hugging me. Or while squeezing me against her. “Where has time gone?”
“She was a tiny loud baby not that long ago, and now look at her. My darling is a beautiful, intelligent and wonderful woman I'm very proud of” my dad says.
“Oh, stop it” I say, trying not to get emotional. 
“Should we start with the presents before everyone starts crying?” Alex's mum chuckles.
“I told you I didn't need anything, guys.” 
“This is just a little detail” she smiles.
After opening a few more presents, it's time for my dad to give me his.
“I'm a bit nervous about this” he laughs, giving me a small box. “Hope you like it, darling.”
“Thank you” I say, slowly opening it. Inside it there is a car key, one that obviously has a Tottenham keychain. And under it, there is a note. “Look out the window? What does it mean?”
“It means exactly that. Look out the window” my dad says, nodding towards the big one in our living room.
“Ok…” I say, walking towards it. And then, I see it. It can't be. “Dad, is that… Oh my God, is that a Mini?” 
“It is, darling. Your Mini.”
“It's yours, Olivia” my mum says.
“But I… you… how?” I mumble, looking from the car to the key in my hand.
“You've always been obsessed with that car for some reason. So much, that when you got your driving licence, I bought you a small replica of it” my dad says.
“You did, yes” I chuckle. “I still have it in my room.”
“Do you remember what I told you when I gave it to you?” 
“That one day… Oh, dad!” I say, running towards him and hugging him.
“I told you that one day I would buy you the real one, not just a toy. And that day has come” he says, hugging me back. “It isn't new, we couldn't afford it. But it is better than that thing from the Pleistocene you were driving.”
“It is perfect. The Mini, I mean” I say, moving to look at him. “It seriously is. I love you so much, dad. You too, mum.”
“Oh, Olivia” she says, joining our hug. 
“Did you film all that?” I hear Alex's dad say.
“I did” he replies. 
“I probably look so stupid” I laugh.
“You look beautiful, Liv” Alex says. And that was… odd. But whatever. 
“Why don't you kids take the car for a spin?” my dad suggests.
“Now? What about the cake?”
“You and your cakes, Olivia” my mum replies, rolling her eyes. “It will be here when you come back. Just be careful, ok?”
“Ok” I smile. “Thank you. Again” I say, giving my parents another hug. “I love you.”
“And we love you too. Now go, darling” my dad says.
“And Alex, don't let her go too fast.”
“I won't, Mrs. Chapman” he chuckles.
“Liv, what did your mum say?” 
“Shhh” I reply, speeding up a bit more. 
“If you crash your car on the first day…” Alex laughs.
“That won't happen. I'm gonna take care of him as if he was my son.”
“Is it a boy?”
“It is a boy” I smile. “The most beautiful one.”
“You'll have to give him a name, then.”
“Urgh, I suck at choosing boys names.”
“Is that why all your pets growing up were girls even if they actually weren't?”
“Then you better not have a son in the future” he laughs again. 
“Yeah” I smile. “I've missed hearing you laugh. Are you ok?” I ask him, slowing down now that we are back in our neighborhood. 
“You've been avoiding me, Alex.”
“No, I just… I've had a lot going on and to like… Organise my feelings and thoughts.”
“Oh, I see. But is everything ok?”
“Yeah, don't worry. Park over there, I want to give you my present.”
“Ok” I say, doing as he has asked me.
“So… ummm… Liv” Alex says, nervously playing with the small box in his hands. “There is something I have to tell you.”
“I'm all ears.” 
“I… You… We…”
“C'mon, Alex” I say, playfully hitting his arm. “It's me.”
“Yeah, I know. That's why saying this is so difficult. Because it's you.”
“I don't understand.” Why does he look so nervous? I think the last time I saw him like this was when he dared to ask out the hottest girl in our class and she… No. No, no, no, no. He isn't going to…
“I love you, Liv.”
He is. Oh, my God, he is doing it.
“And not like the way you love your dad or a friend. I love you like something else.”
“Alex, I…”
“When I told you that I was trying to like organise my feelings and thoughts, I was talking about you. About what I feel for you. Because I… because I've realized that I've always been in love with you, Liv. That if I've been a prick and disliked all the boys you've dated or been around, it's because I was jealous. Because I wanted to be them. Because I love you.”
“Alex, listen…”
“This is for you” he says, opening the little box and showing me what is inside. A ring. He got me a freaking ring, and one that doesn't look cheap. 
“I can't accept it.”
“It is just a birthday gift, Liv. Nothing else.”
“Nothing else?” I laugh. “You just told me that you love me and now are giving me a ring, Alex. This totally looks like some kind of proposal.”
“Well, if you think about it like that… Then yes. It is a proposal. Liv, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
This can't be real. This has to be another of my nightmares. They all start the same, with something really good happening, and then boom! The killing starts. 
“Alex… I… No.” 
Have you seen that episode of "The Simpsons" where Lisa is dating Ralph, she breaks up with him while being live on tv, and when they are watching it again Bart says something like, look, if you slow it down you can see the exact moment where you break his heart? Well, that is happening right in front of me. 
“I'm very sorry, Alex. But I don't love you. I just like you as a friend.”
Wow, Olivia. Wow. You just delivered the most cliché line ever. 
“I see…” he says, closing the small box and putting it back in his pocket.
“I'm sorry.”
“I heard you the first time, Liv.”
“Ok, umm… I should drive us back home.”
“Is there someone else?”
“Are you seeing someone?”
“Maybe...” I say, biting my lower lip. 
“Is it the Spanish guy? The one everyone keeps talking about at work.”
“Who, Pedro?”
“Yeah, him.”
“He isn't anyone from work or related to it.” Which is a lie, but it is best if he doesn't know.
“Oh, ok.” And those are the last words he says to me for the rest of the day.
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scr11bles · 19 days
⋆˚࿔ Welcome to the Café! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
hello,my name's emile! how may i take your order? please pick your fandom and take a look at the menu below and tell me what you'd like!
(don't see something you like? ask anyways and i'll do it within reason or add it to the menu in the future :3)
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⋆˚࿔ Who/What do I write for? 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
- call of duty
- elden ring
- the boys
- dc
- marvel
- certain anime/manga (just ask!)
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⋆˚࿔ Menu: 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
- cappuccino: "Please let me help you."
- latte: "Not in this lifetime."
- frappuccino: "Can we skip the fight this time, please?"
- mocha: "Sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep."
- americano: (other chara talking to chosen character) "You're in love with her/him/them, aren't you?"
- doppio: "It's 3 in the morning, what're you doing here?"
- macchiato: "You said you liked it, so I got it for you."
- ristretto: "Everyone already thinks we're dating."
- affogato: "You're dangerous."
- oolong tea: "I've wanted to ask you for a while now, but I didn't know how."
- chai: "Wanna go get a drink?"
- chamomile tea: "No, I'm not jealous"
⋆˚࿔With a side of.......
- cheesecake: enemies to lovers
- chocolate cake: forced proximity
- apple pie: friends to lovers
- chocolate chip cookie: fluff
-shortbread cookie: angst
- not in stock: (senders request for a specific trope)
- on the house: writers choice!
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⋆˚࿔ 18+ Menu: 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ (minors please DNI)
- espresso martini: "I've met strays who are more obedient than you."
- irish coffee: "Fuck, that's a good girl."
- mudslide: "You gonna beg f'me?"
-prairie buzz: "Use your teeth."
- tequila espresso: "I didn't think you'd be so responsive."
- kirsch au café: "God- Do that again."
- italian espresso: "Try to stay quiet, understand?"
⋆˚࿔With a side of.......
- black forest gateau: cockwarming
-chocolate macaron: rough sex
- vanilla macaron: gentle sex
- matcha gateau: age gap
- tiramisu: oral sex (specify which side)
- chocolate cherry cake: sugar daddy
-lemon cheesecake: body worship (specify which side)
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
What I think my favorite characters smell like headcannons
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Note: these are some of my personal favorite characters. Which means it'll range from marvel to slashers to Stranger things!
Warnings: mentions of Bo murdering, weed
Steven Grant
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Smells like books, coffee and egyptian cotton. Its just so homey, you wanna wrap yourself up in the scent and stay there forever. I feel like he also occasionally smells like good quality chocolate.
Marc Spector
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Smells like cinnamon and vanilla. He also smells like lemon pound cake or something citrus and i cant explain why, i just believe he does.
Jake Lockley
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Jake smells like cigarettes and leather gloves. Also he smells mahogany and bourbon. Like its just so him yeah know
Jack Russell
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Wet dog. Hold on though, its not a bad thing ok, but he also smells like coffee and forest. Its a pleasant mix that makes you feel all comfortable and secure. He also smells like mountain mist which goes back him living in the woods with ted
Steve Harrington
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Steve Harrington smells like hairspray, cashmere musk with a hint of cinnamon. Also i get the vibe he smells like really smokey after shave and maybe honey
Eddie Munson
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Smells like Hemp seed as well as really good weed. He also smells like a cheap drugstore cologne that he five finger discounted one day, it's kinda woodsy and a lil spicy with a hint of musk. He wears it every time he has a gig with corroded coffin. And Irish spring
Vincent Sinclair
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Totally out of left field but he smells like lavender and like those really good quality waxes? Like bees wax, and like chamomile tea that he drinks after being in the workshop all day.
Bo Sinclair
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Cigarettes, blood, motor oil, suede and smoke with like a little hint of wax because he's always around the art that vincent creates. The blood scent isn't constant, he showers and it's gone and it's replaced by the woody scent of his body wash and the cigarettes he's always smoking.
Thomas Sawyer
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Smells like fresh dried laundry more specifically laundry that is dried in the fresh air? Like luda mae didnt raise no stinky boys. He's also got this natural musk that just melds perfectly with it. Also kinda smells like dirt, like hes gardened and ahhhh just *chef kiss*
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tessathegamefreak · 1 year
Tessa? I've been wondering?
What are the candy themes of some of the fusions we got so far? Like, since some of the fusions have a Sugar Rush character in it, what are their candy themes?
Kaneko (Kane Candy and Neko fusion)
Princess Nillacream (Princess Vanellope and Neko fusion)
Camillaron (Theresa and Coalette fusion)
Dalgona (Giul and Berre fusion)
Andres (Lucas and Nala fusion)
Idris (Steep and Nala fusion)
Stella (Steep and Clara fusion)
Good question, my Nintendo-fanatic Neko, hehe!
Kaneko: Assorted Candies, specifically the ones that are pink. Since Kane isn't originally from Sugar Rush, his assorted candy theme isn't authentic. Fusing with Neko only gave their theme a specific color
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Princess Nillacream: Birthday Cake Pudding. Neko fusing with Princess Vanellope added a delicious cream element to the Princess' varied theme.
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Camillaron: Chocolate Macarons. Theresa's theme is typically based off bite-sized chocolates, but Coalette's half-French origins causes her theme to focus more on the macaron element.
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Dalgona: Strawberry Dalgona Coffee [Yes, the item they are based off of is their name]. Giul is based on coffee flavored gelatos. Fusing with Berre gave his theme a fruity twist, shifting his typically chilled theme to a frothy whipped drink.
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Andrés: Green Apple flavored Salsaghetti and green chamoy. Lucas' theme is typically based on all tamarind candies, but fusing with Nala gave his theme a green color, for some reason...
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Idris: Irish Tea. It should be noted that Steep wasn't actually made with a tea theme, he just adopted it. However, fusing with Nala makes his tempting inhibitions feel stronger. They both share the same bad habits, and thus they are twice as likely to endure them. Idris identifies with the Irish Tea theme because Irish Tea is known for its strong, robust flavor and high caffeination [some people even put alcohol in their Irish Tea]
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Stella: Milk Oolong Tea. With the same case as Idris, Stella's theme is only assumed. Fusing with Clara has made Steep more alert, and metaphorically adds a sweet milky flavor to his theme.
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Hope this all does well by you ;3
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
I would like to give every single one of the mim kiddos their comfort food and a weighted blanket in a nice small dark space with only one door
Not to be dramatic but every single Mim kid would now kill for you. I hope you realize this means I'm gonna tell you everyone's comfort food.
Maverick; rose hips. There are climbing roses at Dragon Hall and she used to take breaks from studying all the time to eat the rose hips. And Facilier never got angry at her for eating all of the rose hips. In fact, he started bringing in rose hip jams and jellies from the woods and giving it to her on toast so that she wouldn't need to go out of her way. It was one of her first good childhood memories.
Mordred; chokecherries. As a child, fae would sneak out all the time and break into Grimhilde's overgrown garden to see the stars, and fae would always snack on the chokecherries growing there. Fae thinks of it as faer first taste of freedom
Mara; chocolate, preferably dark. Like Riah she has a huge sweet tooth, and dark chocolate was the only sweet she could have for more of her life because Mim kept it for when they got migraines or PMS. She'd sneak down to the kitchen and eat as much of it as she possibly could.
Maddy; apple chips. Those were the closest thing she's ever had to a snack and they were always a reward for a job well done. They taste like her grandmother's approval.
Molly; tiny egg salad sandwiches. Only the tiny ones, the big ones don't have the same vibe
Malachi; coffee beans. He likes to just eat straight coffee beans. Do not judge him.
Malcolm; dandelion roots. After he helped Evie she was teaching him about plants and mentioned how pretty much every part of the dandelion could be eaten, pulling one out of the soil to show him which parts. Upon hearing the roots could be eaten, he tugged off one of the roots and popped it into his mouth. Evie laughed at him and told him that he was supposed to wash it off first, and her laughter was one of the most beautiful sounds he'd ever heard.
Malvolia- fire cakes. Fire cakes are basically mixing flour and water, putting it on a flat stone, and putting that stone into a fire until the "cakes" "bake." It started as a survival trick but she put so much effort into telling Morwenna that these things were the best ever (Morwenna, like children are, was picky but this was all they had) that Malvolia actually started to love them.
Morwenna- fire cakes because Malvolia loves them and it's something the two share.
Mace- clover. Mace saw the bunnies eating clover, decided to try it, and now he loves it.
Madrigal and Morpheus- salicornia. The two love having the freedom to explore and find edible plants. Salicornia was the first plant Uma taught them so it has a special place in their hearts
Mage- wild onion
Mallory- wild carrot
Mavis- anything with peanut butter
Maxine- pinecones purely for the looks of horror
Mystica- tuna
Morrigan- bread dipped in olive oil
Morticia- elderberries
Mildred- literally any food comforts it
Mabuz- kudzu. Mabuz is the only thing saving the Isle from Death By Kudzu
Midnight- black-eyed susans
Michael- queen anne's lace
Malacoda- wild lettuce
Mora- wild mint
Maddox- Irish mint
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greatestbakery · 9 months
Know Before Buying an Irish Coffee Chocolate Birthday Cake
Here are a few things you must know before you buy an Irish coffee chocolate birthday cake. To order fresh cream cakes and online delivery, call Greatest Bakery.
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daretosnoop · 2 years
What you should eat based on game vibes
Don’t know if someone has already done this but here we go:
SCK/SCK Remastered: PBJ sandwich, grilled cheeses sandwich, deli sandwich, soda in a can by day and glass bottle at night, chips, pigs in a blanket, cheeseits, an apple, milk in those paper cartons, crinkle fries with ketchup mustard mixed
STFD: fruit platters, coffee in a white mug ndwith a 90s logo, sautéed asparagus, stuffed mushrooms, NY pizza ordered late, gyro, sparkling water, strawberry shortcake, NY cheesecake
MHM: meat with a sweet glaze with mashed potato and boiled veggies, Chinese takeout ordered late, apple cider, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, ginger beer, stewed tomatoes
TRT: fondue stand, smoked ham, cebu lechon, pumpernickel bread with brier cheese , jam, jam cookies,hot cocoa, apple cinnamon tea, apple pie, toasted nuts, glazed carrots
FIN: popcorn, taffy, chalk candy, boiled peanuts, roasted corn, red liquorice, unbranded soda, peanut brittle
SSH: fruit platters, fruit drinks in watermelon and papaya, salsa, green salsa, avocados, grilled fish, lemon chicken, rotisserie, tortillas, lemonade, bean soup, barley and chicken in bell peppers, green tomatoes (in any form)
DOG: whiskey, stacked sandwiches (scooby doo style), pickles, banana peppers, fried fish, hot dogs, peach cobbler, blueberry juice, unidentifiable meat in a can stewed slowly over a fire, bread and butter with coffee in the morning
CAR: roasted corn, grilled seafood on a stick, boiled peanuts, cotton candy, ice cream, seafood medley, butter lobster, peach cobbler, aspirin, poutine, fish and chips, vinegar onions, korean corn dogs
DDI: clam chowder, seafood pasta, lemon butter pasta with lobster, steamed clams, rice porridge, blueberry muffins, sherbet, mint tea, coffee in a thermos
SHA: kidney beans stew, steak and potatoes, those tarts your get at bakeries, eggs and bacon with bread to sop up the yolk, hamburger steak with egg, hash browns, diner coffee, pancakes, grits with cheese
CUR: English breakfast, tea, vegetables with no seasoning, stewed chicken,mushy peas, cold cheese deli meats on bread, lamb chops, a ceramic jar of cookies kept just out of reach, hot milk before bed with a chocolate, ale
TRN: ratatouille, glazed veggies, pasta with a rue sauce, béchamel, fruit cocktail, gin and tonic, roasted potatoes, garlic bread, cherries, peach cobbler, smoked meats, fried chicken
CLK: peaches and cream, coffee with biscotti, illegal champagne, ribs, fried eggplant with marinara sauce, biscuits in gravy, rye bread, cherry tomatoes, crisp lettuce, grilled zucchini, stewed tomatoes, soft pretzels, apple pie with vanilla ice cream, iced tea
CRE: fish baked over a fire wrapped in banana leaves, pineapple salsa, grilled veggies on sticks, shrimp, any type of rice dish (jallop, pulao, spanish rice, fried rice etc.), citrus soda/lemonade, upside down pineapple cake, poke bowls
DAN: hot croissant with jam on one side and butter on the other, crème brûlée, mint tea, lavender cake, champagne, onion soup, charcuterie board, coq au vin, spinach soufflé, lobster bisque
ICE: honey cake, pancakes with maple syrup, grilled salmon with a maple syrup glaze served with wild rice and green beans, dijon mustard on bread, cranberry sauce, roast turkey, sweet potatoes
CRY: grilled seafood with cajun seasoning, beignets, doberge cake, couche couche with hotsauce, oysters, gin fizz, cognac, sherry, cafe au lait, dulce de leche, trout, seafood pie, crawfish, jambalaya, gumbo, red velvet cake
VEN: cappuccino, pasta with garlic and parmigiana, Neapolitan pizza, olives and capers, anchovies over bread, fried eggplants (no batter) in olive oil, rosemary and thyme infused oil with bread,
HAU: potatoes in every which way but especially roasted and mashed with butter, shepherds pie, mint tea, boiled peas, lamb chops, bread dipped in fresh buttermilk, Irish stew, sweet bread, Irish breakfast tea
RAN: cut fruit and grilled fish in a hallow pineapple, wild rice, ham or poultry with pineapple glaze, crackers, flatbread with grilled shrimp curry, coconut based curries, rotisserie style poultry, chutneys, apricot jam, jelly
WAV: croissants with orange marmalade and butter, mutton curry with jasmine rice, saffron rice with creamy chicken stew, sushi, seafood pasta, fruit bowls, overnight oatmeals, loaded potatoes, late night peanut butter snacking
TOT: Wisconsin cheese, vinegar pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, (all the pies from the Waitress), scrambled eggs with coffee, buttermilk soaked fried chicken, steak and potatoes, cornbread, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate dipped orange flavoured ice cream, steak and kidney pie
SAW: green tea, soba noodles, clear soups, pickled veggies, salmon on wheat crackers, roasted chestnuts, coffee spiced with oranges and cinnamon, sesame crackers (sweet and salty both), and yes, ramen
CAP: deli meats, assorted bread, honey mustard, butter, romadeur, dumplings, hollandaise sauce, fried potatoes (different styles), sausages, drumstick, cheese sticks, blanched vegetables, green apple sauce, custard, black forest cake
ASH: confetti cake, angel cake, BLT sandwiches, Caesar salad, lemon pasta, dill pickles, potato salad, quesadillas, steak, BBQ, deep dish pizza, carrots in ranch, chips, banana split
TMB: shawarma, falafel, cucumber salad, tahini, humus, garlic pita, grilled veggies, rice and spices baked in an earthen pot, kabob, grilled seafood, saffron rice, baklava, pistachio ice cream, date milkshake, beer
DED: vinegar chips, ice cold water, coffee from a dispenser in a styrofoam cup, stale snacks from a vending machine, peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, baked goods in the morning, pad thai, fast food pizza, salad bar, trail mix
GTH: pecan pie, peach cobler, ground nuts, fried chicken, cheesy garlic bread, pimento cheese, chewy meat, BBQ, lemonade, sherry, gin, crawfish, pulled pork, rolls, soul food
SPY: haggis, mutton chops, Danish pastries, salmon with dill, pheasant, dundee cake, clam chowder, shortbread, coffee, Lincoln logs, smoked meats, clotted cheese, crackers, oatmeal with raisins, ale, whisky
MED: sushi, lemon grass tea, wheat grass shots, roasted sweet potato and yams with spices, pumpkin and squash stews, broiled veggies, rutabaga mash, rhubarb pie, steamed clams and mussels, truffle pasta
LIE: feta on bread with honey drizzle, greek yogurts with fresh cut fruit, fresh mozzarella over chicken salad, gyro, lamb rotisserie, shawarma, collared greens, pan fried seafood, steamed fish with lemon, carrot salad, pickled veggies, kefir, rice pudding
SEA: seafood buffet cooked every which way, skyr, salmon and haddock boiled with potatoes, dried seafood on bread, mutton soup, rice pudding, clear broth, veggie stew, mashed potatoes
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sobredunia · 11 months
hgi i have a spanish exam in like 3 hours that i didnt study for can u beam the knowledg into my brain 🙏
Uhhh u asked this when I was asleep lmao so you're gonna get a bunch of food bc yes
Carne = meat
Verduras = vegetables
Postre = dessert
Dulces = sweets
Jamón = ham
Pescado = fish
Azúcar = sugar
Miel = honey (the name of my cat!! :D)
Sopa = soup
Hielo = ice
Melón = melon
Sandía = watermelon
Chuche/caramelo = candy (singular)
Tarta = cake
Chocolate = chocolate
Pollo = chicken
Leche = milk
Papas = chips (crisps if you're British/Irish)
Patata = potato
Patatas fritas = french fries
Tomate = tomato
Pepino = cucumber
Cereales = cereal
Ciruela = prune
Naranja = orange (it also means the color)
Manzana = apple
Tomate frito = marinara sauce
Yogur = yogurt
Pera = pear
Melocotón = peach
Gamba = shrimp
Arroz = rice
Café = coffee (what you guys call a cafe or a coffee shop we call cafeteria)
Piña = pineapple
Pulpo = octopus
Calamar = squid
Pan = bread
Tostada = toast
Huevo = egg
Lechuga = lettuce
Brócoli = brocoli
Salchicha = sausage
Conejo = rabbit (yes we eat them)
Salmón = salmon
Atún = tuna
Almeja = clam
Ostra = oyster
Langosta/langostino = lobster
Berenjena = eggplant
Calabacín = zuccini
Calabaza = pumpkin
Agua = water
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glorious-spoon · 4 months
Top 5 desserts
new york style cheesecake
chocolate cake, specifically my mom's recipe, which is very chocolatey and rich and not particularly sweet
lemon meringue pie
raspberry sorbet
irish coffee (totally counts)
to be completely honest, i am not really much of a desserts person, and will usually skip it for coffee or a drink, but every once in a while i enjoy it!
(ask me my top 5 of anything!)
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merrock · 7 months
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event: St. Patrick's Day Celebration
location: The Garden, suburbs of Merrock
date & time: March 17, 2024
ooc duration: March 14-18, 2024
Whether you're Irish or not, come out and celebrate St. Patrick's Day at The Garden in the suburbs of Merrock! We're offering something for people of all ages through the day, and everyone is welcome to come out and have a good time!
Starting at 3PM EST, we will have arts and crafts set up for the kids that want to come out, as well as Irish step-dancing demonstrations, for them to learn a little bit about the dance. Decorate shamrock cookies, or do some coloring and creative activities at the craft station. For the adults (or the older kids!) some outdoor lawn games have been set up on our yard and under the patio, such as redneck golf, horseshoe, and bean bag toss, plus the dart boards and billiards tables are available inside!
For food, sample some traditional Irish dishes that are perfect for this time of year, such as irish coddle, soda bread, shepherd's pie, colcannon, corned beef, potato cakes or fish and chips. Sample desserts like guinness brownies, chocolate stout cupcakes, their own version of a Shamrock Shake, a guinness float, and plenty of green cakes and cookies! Grab a drink, like a half and half, Irish coffee, whiskey mules, Tipperary, or just down a Guinness, Smithwicks, Beamish, Kilkenny, or, of course… green beer. There are plenty of green and old alcohol-free options, as well: refreshers, Italian sodas, mocktails. And much more!
Instead of a pub crawl this year, the Garden is sponsoring 'Irish Magic Flights' in alcoholic, non-alcoholic and dessert forms! Alcohol flights contain five cocktail samplers, non-alcoholic flights have a combination of refreshers, sodas and fruity mocktails, and dessert samplers will have frothy frappes, milkshake, pudding and other desserts. If you finish your whole flight (down the last drop!), you will receive a t-shirt!
The party will go on all night, so don't worry if you show up a little late, or can only stay for a while. Just come out and have a good time! xx
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rivetgoth · 1 year
Not to be all mushy and romantic (actually I jest, I never feel the need to apologize for that) but me & Angel were recommended this dessert restaurant entirely geared towards couples, all they sell are super fancy desserts for two and super super elegant fancy cocktails with chocolate-rimmed glasses and all these kitschy over the top romantic lovecore stuff, candied rose pedals, glitter, alcohol-flavored ice creams and frostings, all of the things on the menu have dumb little sex jokes for names (like a peanut butter whisky-based drink called peanut-tration LMAO), super dim candlelit atmosphere, black and white bondage photos on the walls, gold trim and red vinyl seats. All the tables are for two and you could select if you wanted to sit next to your date or across from them. It was just sooooo cute, we had such a good time and it felt like a dream 🥺🥺🥺
We got a salted caramel chocolate cake with irish cream ice cream and one of the tastiest cocktails I have EVER had at a restaurant in my life, it was rose-flavored simple syrup with candied sugared rose blossoms in prosecco, with a white chocolate rim around the glass and edible pink glitter. When we got the drink our server turned on her flashlight to show us the glitter and it was so sparkly and just so stunningly pretty. I love finding little places like this, they just feel like such fun little magical spaces to explore, it’s one of my favorite things ever about living in a big city. I’m still devastated that the first place me and Angel ever went closed permanently after the pandemic-- It was a little cafe that sold kinda arguably overpriced coffee and generally seemed pretty unassuming, but the kicker was that in the back there was a “forest room,” which kinda looked like if the rainforest cafe was the size of an apartment building kitchen. It was a little corner with dark atmospheric lighting, giant fake trees with branches that extended across a ceiling covered in lights meant to look like stars and a full moon, a fake owl peering down from one of the branches, with a little seating area. It was crazy.
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cssnei · 2 years
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✧ Animal: Cissnei is most definitely a cat person. They’re a lot more self-dependent which is good for her since she isn’t at home a lot of the time, and when she is she always makes sure to shower her kitty with love. Their curious nature and instincts reflects very well with her overall demeanour, one might even consider her as the kitten to Zack’s puppy. 
✧ Flowers: Red Chrysanthemum 
✧ Scent: The finest perfume, a scent most alluring that she wears. Every time she steps outside, she always tries to smell her best as if she was attending a formal party or ball. It’s not a strong scent, but a subtle perfume that makes you turn your head and say “Damn, she smells nice.” under your breath
✧ Coffee: Mocha, she loves the coffee taste with the smooth chocolatey aftertaste. She has quite the sweet tooth~
✧ Tea: She likes her tea spiced, similar to a chai tea.
✧ Drink: Milkshakes and dessert cocktails, like Irish Cream liqueur fused with coffee if she really wants to wake up.
✧ Alcohol: Red wine, whiskey, dessert liqueurs.
✧ Food: She loves fried foods, French fries, fried chicken, burgers and whatnot but she only eats these on her cheat days. Other than that, she sticks to a strict keto diet.
✧ Dessert: Cheesecake, red velvet cake.
✧ Clothing: Verse-dependent: if she’s in a fantasy setting, I’ve always placed her as an assassin/thief/pirate type so she would defo wear leather armour providing enough protection while she can move with great agility. In the main FF verse, she wears the Turk suit and in her casual attire, jeans, a shirt, maybe some leather such as a jacket.
✧ Candy: Doesn’t really like candy, but she loves chocolate. Go to her office, she’s always got a tin or a box of chocolate.
✧ Left or Right Handed?: Ambidextrous, left hand preferred.  
✧ Sloppy or Neat Writing?: As a master of subterfuge, she is able to mimic handwriting, but her own handwriting is relatively neat and tidy. Sometimes it’s a little small to read but on the whole, it’s quite nice to look at.
✧ Clean or Messy Home?: Cissnei’s home is clean and tidy, as befitting of someone of her occupation. Some clothes are strewn on a sofa or her bed, sometimes pillows will be on the floor thanks to her cat but her luxury apartment is kept pristine, as if no one even lived there.
✧ Shower in Morning or Night?: Night time showers, she likes to wash away the stresses of the day as well as the sweat and grime before going to sleep refreshed, especially since she exercises after work.
✧ Tasks Done Early or Last Minute?: Tasks are always done early, gives her more time to enjoy herself and have fun.
✧ Love Language?: Affirmations for sure, there’s a certain joy that flows inside of her when someone compliments her in an affectionate way. Add physical touch onto that and she just melts. For her, if you compliment her while brushing her hair or caressing her cheek or holding her close is something that she just can’t resist. Acts of service is also a big one for her, a true follower of the ‘I scratch your back, you scratch mine’.
✧ Believe in Love at First Sight?: Love at first sight is a myth to her, she believes as you get to know someone more you will eventually form a bond. The longer she spends with someone in a personal or intimate way, the more she will eventually fall for that person. She does enjoy the odd fun night every now and then, and she finds it incredibly fun and liberating but truly falling for someone? She knows the difference, and she’s experienced it only once. 
Tagged by: @furiaei​
Tagging: @sometimesrufus , @litoredeem , @honorisen , @blitzrod​ and anyone else that sees this! <3
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callofdutydecor · 1 day
Hey guys!
I'm going to be opening a bar!!
The drinks you order will have little prompt like things!!
Here they are!!
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Straight-up vodka for Oral
Blueberry Vodka for Anal,
Watermelon Vodka for...let's say, 'Shower fun' (aka shower head masturbation)
Spiced Rum for 'Rough play'
White Rum for 'Quickie'
and Dark Rum for 'Role-play'.
Bourbon for 'Slow and passionate'
Scotch for 'BDSM'
and Irish Cream for 'Soft and gentle'
Plain Tequila for 'Wild night'
Jagermeister for 'Kinky stuff'
and Baileys for 'Cuddling with benefits'.
Gin for 'Voyeurism'
Sake for 'Group fun',
and Absinthe for 'Erotic dreams come true'.
Standard Lager for 'Missionary'
Stout for 'Doggy style'
and IPA for 'Experimenting'.
-Red Wine:
Merlot for 'Making love'
Cabernet Sauvignon for 'Reverse Cowgirl'
and Zinfandel for 'Under the table'.
-White Wine:
Chardonnay for 'Against the wall'
Riesling for 'On top'
and Moscato for '69'.
-Sparkling Wine:
Prosecco for 'Fast and furious'
Champagne for 'On the desk'
and Rosé for 'In the kitchen'.
Coke for 'On the couch'
Sprite for 'In the shower'
Dr Pepper for 'On the floor'.
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Green Tea for 'Intimate talk'
Black Tea for 'Slow and sensual'
and Herbal Tea for 'Cozy night in'.
Espresso for 'Quickie'
Latte for 'Cuddle and kiss'
and Mocha for 'Romantic evening'.
-Mixed Drinks:
Long Island Iced Tea for 'Threesome'
Sex on the Beach for 'Beach vacation romance'
and Jägerbomb for 'Kinky public place'.
And here's some food for your drinks!
Mozzarella Sticks for 'Foreplay'
Chicken Wings for 'Wild ride'
and Nachos for 'Messy fun'.
-Main Courses:
BBQ Ribs for 'Slow and sticky'
Burger for 'Classic'
and Pizza for 'Sharing is caring'.
Grilled Cheese for 'Comfort'
BLT for 'Salty and sweet'
and Club Sandwich for 'Stuffed'.
Popcorn for 'Cute and playful'
Potato Skins for 'Filling'
and Onion Rings for 'Nice and messy'.
Chocolate Lava Cake for 'Explosive'(aka squirting)
Brownie for 'Rich and fudgy'
and Ice Cream Sundae for 'Sweet and drippy'.
And that's all for Callie's Bar!!
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