#iris wildthyme
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causalityparadoxes · 9 months ago
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*Puts my Panda themed clown shoes back on*
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melbush · 7 months ago
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if there’s one thing about me, i love an alignment chart
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i-love-you-very-much · 2 months ago
frustratingly, iris wildthyme's best audio stories are the ones where she's intruding on someone else's series, which makes her own 5 seasons of audio rather dull by comparison. so my pitch for season 6 is just one of those "worlds of big finish" audio promos but each episode has iris obnoxiously intruding herself into the story, not realizing that none of these are about her as BF stopped making her audios 10 years ago
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gallifreyanhotfive · 15 days ago
Random Facts about Doctor Who You Might Not Know, Part 74
Putting this here now because I forgot it was in my drafts
After fixing an office printer, the Sixth Doctor told a Constable to try being nicer to to it next time as he had hurt the printer's (she/her) feelings. The Doctor also rejigged her parameters to sing in 15 languages, and the Constable was urged to attend the printer's concerts. (Audio: The Hunting Ground)
The Soothsayer of the Lupari said that the Doctor had forgotten the Lupari before and would have many encounters with them. The Fourth Doctor hadn't wanted to hear about his future. (Audio: The Dying Breed)
At Henrik's in 1948, Polly saw a tin of beans for the first time and lost her toy bear. When they landed nearby, she and Ben went looking for her bear while the Doctor got involved with talking to entities imprisoned within the tins of beans. The bean tins were able to stop time for everyone but the Doctor, Ben, and Polly. Since there were two Pollies there, both were not frozen. (Audio: Lost and Found)
The Eighth Doctor once got stuck in a time loop where he was killed over and over again by Alcestis in a very Prometheus-like fashion. (Novel: Fallen Gods) (Highly recommend this to those who like to see the Eighth Doctor in pain.)
The War Master once posed as a provost at the Braxiatel University. (Audio: The War Master)
One time when the Second Doctor was talking about George III and George VI, Jamie realized that he and Zoe's history were full of many Georges, meanwhile he had been fighting George II. He wondered why history was full of these Georges; where were the McCrimmons? (Audio: The British Invasion)
Eighth Man Bound has been described as a game only the "neonates" of the Time Lord Academy. These students have been imprinted with the codes needed to allow them safe passage through the vortex but has not endured the decades long "rituals of graduation." (Novel: Christmas on a Rationale Planet)
One time, Litefoot recalled that the last time he had seen the Doctor was when they had been in an incident involving the Decayed Master. He had called the Master his friend, to which the Doctor had instead claimed the Master was his archenemy, his archfrienemy. (Audio: The Jago & Litefoot Revival)
In year 50 of the Academy, the Doctor fed a snapping wart fowl with Valyes's summer produce. The Eighth Doctor did not want Valyes to find out because he would "go spare." (Audio: The Next Life)
Tatiana Kregki was a WW2 Soviet Air Force fighter pilot and Night Witch. She was an exact physical doppelganger of Polly Wright. (Audio: The Night Witches)
Edward Marlow looked remarkably like the Eighth Doctor (Audio: Other Lives)
Similarly, Peri looks remarkably like Queen Anne. (Audio: The Church and the Crown) (DW really likes this trope, huh?)
Sissinghurst was a teacher accused of being a witch. She referred to the Sixth Doctor as "Valeyard." After the Doctor stopped the Carrionites, she died. (Audio: The Carrionite Curse)
Iris Wildthyme produced Suitors at her factory called Wildthyme Unlimited. The Suitors were robots designed to look exactly like either the Fourth or Third Doctors. The Fourth Doctor, Romana II, and K-9 Mark II. Harry Sullivan and Sarah Jane Smith also investigated and met up with the Doctor there. (Short story: Suitors, Inc.)
"Gallifrey" means "they who walk in the shadows." (Novel: SLEEPY, The Pit)
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st4rshiptr00per · 1 year ago
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kind of a gmilf. reblog
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volcanicflowers · 11 months ago
sorry to be like "it's jan grinky from the eighth doctor adventures!!!" but i literally get more convinced that mrs flood is iris wildthyme with every passing episode. i wouldn't even say i'm particularly an iris wildthyme fan, i've only listened to a few of her audios, but it's so iris wildthyme to me. who is especially silly and whimsical? iris wildthyme. who is a fourth wall breaker? iris wildthyme. who has mysterious origins that fit with the "beyond the universe" thing going on? iris wildthyme. who is a funny old woman? iris wildthyme. listen. listen. we already had beep the meep, anything can happen. what if i also think iris left ruby at the church.
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inallbutname · 3 months ago
In All But Name An Obscure Dr Who fanzine
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The Doctor Who universe is a huge and lively one. The sheer amount of stories that, upon first inspection, you would never suspect are part of the greater Doctor Who canon are quite literally so massive in number, I suspect no one has counted them.
It is those wacky 90s copyright infringements and those publishing companies in love with making technically-licensed Dr Who material that we wish to pay tribute to.
This is not meant to be a zine you apply for! We don't need to see your portfolio and then make a decision on whether or not you're allowed in. We'd still appreciate if you shared some of your previous works upon joining, but you will not get rejected as long as your ideas fit in the guidelines of what we want to create!
Sign-Ups will be open until January 5th. For more information please read all about the zine on our INFO PAGE
Mentioning all those who expressed interest in the project: @verloonati @transmasc-rose @st4rshiptr00per @partiallithopseffect @c-c-top @softlyblues @notthetraveler @sci-firenegade @peterchu42 @nonbinaryromana @oxbowreality @presidentdisastraofgallifrey @localmilf31 @heimeldat
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vivvision · 1 year ago
It'll never not amaze me the depths and vast expansive-ness of Doctor Who spin-off content. Can any other fandom or show truly say that they have a 'universe' in the same way that Doctor Who does? You have decades of audio dramas, licensed, partially licensed, and unlicensed. Books about the main character, books about the main characters friends, books about timelines that never were or might have been! Movies with villains from the show and promotional shorts that occupy a secret third special place between plain fun and actual canon. Is all of it canon? Is none of it canon besides the show? Are only the bits we like canon? YOU decide, because you have decades and mountains and worlds to choose from.
Not to mention that this all gives fans the easiest in to make fan-content, fan doctors, etc and they do, hundreds of them! They have been for decades!
The Whoniverse is ever expanding, vast in a way that few can truly grasp onto, and you'll never be done discovering it. I'll never not be in awe of it.
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the-worms-in-your-bones · 8 months ago
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I can’t stop thinking about this. Iris is dying, she’s failing to regenerate, and she’s glowing orange. It’s always wild seeing wilderness years stuff that has a direct connection to something that happens in new who and then I have to wonder if it’s coincidence or if they stole it for the show
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vammieposts · 5 months ago
Ms frizzle.
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Ms frizzle?
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Ms frizzle???
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causalityparadoxes · 1 year ago
yknow what? Ive had half an hour to sit on it
I'm doubling down, I'm trippling down. if Mrs Flood is a preexisting doctor who character?
The whole vibe is SO IRIS. The 4th wall break is SOOOO IRIS. She is having a little holiday, doing fun runs, getting into spats with neighbours, having a laugh day drinking at christmas. She's got the bus in a garage somewhere. Its our Absolute Queen I'm calling it
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nitronine · 7 months ago
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👀 interesting. Thank you iris
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melbush · 11 months ago
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eighth doctor adventures (1997-2005)
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laurenfoxmakesthings · 9 months ago
"Mrs Flood is Clara! Look at her outfit and hear her line!"
"Mrs Floods is Romana! Look at her coat!"
Folks, after a lot of you fell for Susan Triad being Susan Foreman like the Doctor did, don't you think that maybe RTD is trolling you rather than using the most obvious clues in earnest?
Look at what she did consistently, break the fourth wall. No one but one (or two if her own companion shows up) character in Doctor Who can do that. No, Clara, Romana, the Rani, Susan, etc, couldn't do that.
She's Iris Wildthyme and she's trolling all of you to filth.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months ago
'Time is more resilient than you can imagine. It's a male ego that thinks it can alter it all by pulling a few strings. Look at the Master - that pitiful, deluded, phallocentric dope.'
- Iris Wildthyme, The Scarlet Empress
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pinkfreakk · 9 months ago
Iris wildthyme is for sure a very complex doctor who character. After the last Mrs. Flood post I made, I've started considering the possibility of the latter being her.
From what I gathered, throughout her regenerations she met herself and them continously. She met the 4th doctor so many times, sometimes the 1th, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 8th.
She had a bus as her tardis if I'm correct! That might explain why she didn't immediately realize what the cabin was when she saw it. Then, after seeing it disappear, she seemed to understand despite the initial shock.
She met the fourth doctor a lot, and Mrs. Flood's civic number on the door is 4... but it could mean nothing. She can't regenerate anymore, so she's definitely gotten old. Mrs. Flood would be, supposedly, her last regeneration.
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I don't know about you guys... but I kinda see it. The BBC loves picking actors that resemble characters a lot, and they try to make them look as accurate as possible. It's a possibility. She gives massive Iris vibes too. It's the only true reasonable explanation for me, but I might be wrong of course.
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