blackblooms · 4 months
Irredeamable is out!
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Go and give it a try this weekend, it's fun, it's short, and it's free!
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ramseyr · 7 months
I hope zionists are happy with the title "next-gen nazi".
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stardust-sunset · 1 month
i hated dallas winston until the musical came out.
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 10 months
I'm in a hellhole that is the God of War Heimdall fics
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mongeese · 5 months
Seen a bunch of people rescinding their Kipperlilly Copperkettle support after this episode so I would just like to say: I'm still on her side I love evil angry women
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in oublic when i walk thru someoens second hand cigarette smoke i take a big whiff like mmmmm delichious dont mind if i do. but when i have to walk thru someons wretched ass cotton candy vape cloud i find myself wishing violvence upon them
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chunkecheeks · 5 months
girl i'm so tired of frozen hate. i'm so tired of frozen hate. can we get over our 2013 liking frozen is cringe phases collectively and acknowledge that the movie is enjoyable and perhaps even means something to some people. like it's not a perfect film by far there's multiple things i would change about it but it's NOT a bad movie and frankly you probably need to rewatch it without your biases that have been built up by the jaded opinions of the internet over the years
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alternis · 2 years
sometimes I remember sandalphon was supposed to be a one-off event villain but he was so gay and pitiful that six years later he's a playable character with multiple alts, who regularly wins character polls, has a character song (about his gay yearning), and has so much merchandise with his dead gay love interest that you could get a fucking toaster press that printed a ship design of them onto your sandwiches
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lesbianjarvan · 9 months
There's something really funny about seeing people go "This character is unforgivably evil!!!" about a fictional 12 year old
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blackblooms · 3 months
The stepping stone, an irredeamable post mortem
A big challenge when making any creative product is being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of ideas you want to express. It can be very difficult to decide what will be part of the first story and what will have to remain unknown. Irredeamable was a particularly difficult case as i wasn`t only trying to make a cohesive world for the game itself, but the first building block of a greater setting that require its own lot of setups. In such conditions, everything felt important and it took a lot of restraint to cut things down until only a tease of the true scope remained. Overall, it was a huge mess to work out, but I'm happy with the result and i feel a lot more free and focused in the pursuit of my future projects now that the foundation has been set up to build upon and i can use the previous reveals to do a lot of foreshadowing with very little.
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
do i dare write the post looking at and trying to explain Queen Kristina's behavior? probably. i swear im trying to be less annoying about it but also like. i do what I want.
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
me and like three other ppl on ao3 singlehandedly trying to make jimmy pesto into a good father despite all canon evidence
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jamesleoherlihy · 3 days
I can never hate emerald fennell bc she put robert mitchum night of the hunter preacher scene in promising young woman to parallel her being a preacher-type character and that's the kind of annoying shit I and the true detective writers would do.
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As expected I didn't get as much time to draw as usual because im getting back into 3D art for school, so all I have to offer are messy doodles from my yet-to-be-finalized AU which basically boils down to "what if Aoki survived the end of Y7 because Kume got thanos-snapped out of existence off-screen at some point"
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It is planned to be a logical and "serious" AU but for now everything is pretty much up in the air. I'm just rotating them in my head until they give me something that makes me smile or laugh and I'm happy with it for now
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astralleywright · 5 months
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would kill myself before tagging the actual post with fandom shit but. this is essentially the perspective ppl want the hells to take re: any nuances in the ideology associated with the ruby vanguard and its membership
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smallhatlogan · 9 months
trying very hard to shut up and not contribute to anything resembling discourse after I said it was annoying
but something about how the bg3 fandom treats mystra vs gortash...hmmm....
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