#interview author
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skyrigel · 20 days ago
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cloudabserk · 1 month ago
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a quick comic with some headcanons about what happened to armand’s art
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interact-if · 27 days ago
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Our second edition of the Black History Month Author Spotlight series features beloved author, C.C. Hill (@when-life-gives-you-lemons-if)!
(CC is an absolute institution. What better way to celebrate Valentine’s than by doing a feature of the slice-of-life romance queen herself? CC is one the most inspiring, supportive IF writers out there, and it was a great honor to pick her brain! Read on for pandemic-setting feel good stories and Creole-based spells!)
Author: C.C. Hill
I'm from Haiti, born and raised. I love red wine, ice cream, and I'm obsessed with true crime podcasts.
Games: When Life Gives You Lemons (Slice-of-Life)
Synopsis: You play as an MC starting a new life in a small town called Lemon. It’s a story about self-discovery, love, and parenthood—a comfort story where the love interests want to sweep you off your feet.
Games: The Midnight Saga (Horror)
Synopsis: After finding yourself trapped in another dimension, you and your friends must fight for survival and defeat the monsters that lurk in the shadows. Make sure to grab a weapon as your quiet Halloween night turns into an out-of-this-world adventure!
Quote from the interview:
What mostly inspired Lemon in particular was the need for a feel-good story—a story where the character just needs a break. No magic, no monsters, just going through life and having the romance options fall in love with them no matter what. It was just the need for comfort, for feel-good moments, for romance, and a little bit of drama.
Read on for the full interview!
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Tell me more about yourself! What are some things new readers or long-time readers might not know about you?
I'm from Haiti, born and raised. I love red wine, ice cream, and I'm obsessed with true crime podcasts.
Can you tell me a bit about what you’re working on right now and your journey into interactive fiction? What inspired the game/story you’re currently writing?
I'm working on so many things it should be illegal for my brain to operate this way. But mainly, When Life Gives You Lemons. My plan is to focus on the final part in March, do some beta testing, and submit it to Hosted Games in April for my birthday month.
I'm also under contract with Heart’s Choice, writing Spices of the Heart, with hopes of completing it this year. On top of that, I’m working on publishing my first visual novel, The Wedding. It’s close to completion, and I have the third quarter of 2025 planned for publication.
I only started writing interactive fiction in 2020. When the pandemic hit, I needed something to keep my brain occupied, and five years later, I’ve published three games and still have a ton of projects in progress.What mostly inspired Lemon in particular was the need for a feel-good story—a story where the character just needs a break. No magic, no monsters, just going through life and having the romance options fall in love with them no matter what. It was just the need for comfort, for feel-good moments, for romance, and a little bit of drama.
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How has your identity, heritage/background, upbringing, or personal experiences influenced your storytelling or writing process? OR How does your work feature aspects of your identity / experience?
My first game, The Midnight Saga, was heavily inspired by my background and where I'm from. The story itself is based on an old Haitian folklore about not staying outside after midnight—if you do, the Keeper of Midnight will eat you. I took that idea and built the characters around it.
I even managed to include some spells written in Haitian Creole. It was a lot of fun to write, and even though Book 2 is currently on hiatus, this story has a special place in my heart because it was my first game. The characters are a representation of my people and the struggles they’ve gone through. I’m really happy that it was my debut story.
What are some of the most rewarding or challenging aspects of writing Interactive Fiction for you?
For me, it’s branching and being able to write an MC and other characters in a way that readers can truly connect with. Lately, I’ve been writing a lot of feel-good romance and slice-of-life stories, and I’m starting to feel like this is my comfort zone—and I want to stay here forever.
I never want to create a romance option that is inherently bad or purposely deceitful. My biggest challenge is writing characters who are flawed and complex—where readers can love them or hate them—but making sure they aren’t just villains for the sake of it. They’re simply existing in the world they were created in.
What does your writing process look like? Any rituals or habits? Any tips, tricks, philosophies or approaches that have worked very well for you?
My writing process is a mess. My brain gets pulled in so many directions. When I get an idea, I have to code it, shape it, and give it life—otherwise, it’s going to bug me forever. That’s why I end up with so many WIPs. I need to see them through, at least to a short demo, to see if they make sense.
My desk is also full of notes, and I basically write on anything—pieces of napkins, tissue boxes, whatever is nearby. One weird habit I have is that some of the best changes I’ve made to my games, those "spark" moments, happen when I’m in the shower. It’s weird and strange, but it works.
What’re you excited to tackle/implement/work on next? Or anything you’re looking forward to in the year ahead?
Keep writing romance and feel-good slice-of-life stories. Get When Life Gives You Lemons published this year. Focus on doing this full-time. Publish my visual novel.
Overall, just stay busy and be productive.
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If you were to say one thing to your readers, other authors, and/or the interactive fiction community: what would it be?
To the readers—us authors don’t have all the answers. Sometimes, we start writing a story and end up forgetting certain plots or characters, which is easy to do when writing interactive fiction. So yes, we often write ourselves into a corner and just put a period there so the story can progress.
To the authors—write stories you love, something you would want to read. It makes it easier to keep going because if it’s a story you love, you’ll want to see how it ends, and that will push you to persevere.
This-or-that segment: (red = CC's pick)
Coffee or tea?
Early mornings or late nights?
Angsty or Cozy romances?  
Steady progress or frenzied binge-writing followed by periods of calm?
Introvert or extrovert?
Plotter or pantser?
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homosexualworkaccount · 1 month ago
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Someone get Christian Linke off the mic please im begging
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bookstofilms · 10 months ago
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Jacob Anderson as Louis de Pointe du Lac INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (2.01) “WHAT CAN THE DAMNED REALLY SAY TO THE DAMNED” Adapted from the series “The Vampire Chronicles” by Anne Rice
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gayboymolloy · 3 months ago
IWTV Fic Recs: Part I
You all pinky promised to listen and not judge 🫶🏻
Please mind tags for all of these. This list is certainly not exhaustive, just the ten I could find. As I’ve said before, I’m really bad at keeping track of my favorite fics.
Headlock by caxemira - Rated E. 16k words. Human Office Romance AU. Louis works through his internalized homophobia as he develops feelings for what was supposed to be his one time hookup. A little angst, miscommunication. Happy ending.
for years or for hours by dulacourt - Rated E. 29k words. Lestat and Louis work on Louis’ sexual stamina. There’s so much kissing and coming in pants in this one. Like, so much kissing. It’s genuinely very sweet and soft. Lestat and Louis’ religious conflicts are very present.
body of water by peacefrog - Rated E. 19k words. Post-reunion. Getting back together is not as simple as it seems, especially when you’ve been through everything Loustat has. Grief is the backdrop until it’s the foreground. Technically this is a sequel to a reunion fic, you are the moon that breaks the night for which i have to howl, which you should also read, but body of water is my favorite.
only us, in this room by accideadly - Rated E. 3k words. Still human, first time, mutual masturbation, sickeningly in love. I’m a little obsessed with Lestat talking Nicki through it here. So sweet, I love Nickistat, have I mentioned that on this blog before?
just the pure virgin light by exsanguinate (transjon) - Rated E. 5k words. Armand experienced genital mutilation as a mortal in the brothel; Louis is determined to find a way to make him feel good regardless. Sounding, prostate orgasm. Emotional + we love to see Loumand actually loving on each other.
two-headed mother by tisiphones - Rated E. 8.6k words. mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink. I cannot stress how much you should not read this fic if you don’t want to experience insane psychosexual pseudoincestual bullshit between Armand and Lestat. If you do, however… this might be the most sad and pathetic I’ve ever seen these two.
break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored by SheOfBadIdeas - Rated E. 3k words. Armand is neglecting Daniel. Lestat and Daniel fuck about it. I like this one because Lestat and Daniel aren’t in-love but they do like each other and Lestat is genuinely trying to make him feel better 🥺 Plus, it ends in Armandaniel smut. Which leads us to:
Devil’s Minion
may through december by savorvrymoment - Rated E. 15k words. Ongoing. Human AU, briefly professor/student. Armand and Daniel spend a lot of time being very domestic and even more time not talking about it like they should. I have no words for how good this is. Armand is autistic and traumatized. Daniel is old and navigating his own feelings. Nobody is saying what they really mean. I love how much they love each other. *chef’s kiss 👩🏻‍🍳💋*
Camboy Molloy by GrayGiantess - Rated E. 39k words. Ongoing. Human AU. Old Daniel is a camboy who, in a probably ill-advised move, agrees to an in-person session with his favorite viewer. And as you can guess, they keep meeting. Sweet moments, sad moments, classic Daniel asshole moments. This was recommended to me recently and I’m obsessed!
Morning by CloeLockless - Rated M. 2.5k words. Classic Devil’s Minion era. To Daniel’s surprise, for the first time, Armand stays the night. Unfortunately, the spontaneity of it all means they don’t properly account for the sun… (no major character death… well outside of vampires being dead sort of inherently.) When Daniel cried, I cried, and not for the reason you’d think based on my blurb. Angsty, sweet.
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idontcaboose · 3 months ago
Haunted car au part 19
Previous. Masterpost
Out of all the days the past week, today was pretty good. He has an actual day off that he plans to use by getting to hang out with his little brothers. He hasn't spent time with Duke in a while. Maybe he should plan a brother bonding hour with him, then have lunch with Tim, take Damian to that one documentary about the ecosystem of Madagascar, and wrap up the day by dragging Jason back to the manor to have an impromptu kids dinner. Alfred might be convinced to make a pot of Mac and Cheese and hot dogs if he gives him some pictures he snuck of Tim and Damian ‘tolerating each other's presence’ while comparing lighting in a picture Tim took vs a painting Dami did of the same alleyway. Dick was proud of his little brother's artistic abilities. Even if they all use it to mock his fantastic skills at drawing stick figures. 
Dick was just about to open the cave door when it opened without his input and the Batmobile roared out, barely missing him. 
“Ooooh someone is going to get Grounded™.”
Dick sped into the cave and changed into his gear in record time, and followed where the Batmobile may have gone. It wasn't hard with all the daytime gothamites filming and excitedly talking about the Batmobile showing him where to go. He caught up soon after, making ‘wee-woo’ noises in his com to try to get whichever sibling in the car to respond. 
“Hood, please pull over.” Dick asked, voice full of affection and exasperation.
“Only if you ask Danny nicely N.” Duke laughed out.
“Ok? Danny, could you please pull over?” 
Dick was half deafened by the song ‘Fuck Tha Police’ over the coms before the Batmobile revved it's engine and went faster though Gotham.
“Well, Sugar Honey Iced Tea.”
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism
@atinygracie @okami-love
@lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple @ehobep
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tavolgisvist · 2 months ago
It feels good to have a gig. If you’re just recording it’s very nice but you get a bit sterile. It’s a bit testtube, a bit like being in the laboratory. And if you go out and play, it’s the difference between sex and artificial insemination. Do you get what I mean? That’s what I think…audiences. It’s true enough, isn’t it?
(Paul McCartney, 1973, interview with Steven Rosen)
Add to this. Thank you, dear @gardenwalrus <3
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mirefireflies · 9 months ago
haven’t recovered from that scene yet btw and i don’t think i ever will. the way that when louis tells armand that he’s going to turn madeline and asks him to be there, he’s genuinely asking because he thinks it might be beautiful and he wants to share that moment with armand.. the way that armand can’t handle that intimacy and so he retreats into arun instinctively, “are you asking or making me” and then immediately regrets it .. louis physically pulling away and stepping back… when he takes armand’s hands off him, there’s a moment before he reaches back out where you can see him fall into that role for armand, even as he doesn’t want to.. like he was asking but armand’s answering question isn’t a question at all it’s just him saying that he needs louis to make him or he won’t go..the way that louis wanted this outside of the maitre/arun dynamic they’re developing but armand can’t allow himself to be intimate without falling back on that dynamic.. even when it’s just emotional intimacy that louis is asking for. theyre just so… and they both know it too, like the way that louis goes “okay” and the look on his face as he slips back into the role.. the way armand apologizes but it’s too late the line has already been drawn… most normal couple ever !! no unhealthy power dynamics or complex displays of intimacy over here !! they make me insane .
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furaill · 1 month ago
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Read from right to left :)
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mariocki · 2 months ago
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RIP Christopher Benjamin (27.12.1934 - 15.1.2025)
"That was another reason, in a way, that I decided to give [stage acting] up, because I was getting a bit - a bit dicey with the lines. People sort of wrote down, quite often, the things I said... instead of the things I should have said. They were known as my bloopers: 'Benjamin bloopers'. Some of my inventions were very good, I must admit. My feeling was, if I dried, I had to say something - and so that something was something that amused the rest of the cast considerably, quite often."
#christopher benjamin#character actors#death ment tw#rip#doctor who#henry gordon jago#jago and litefoot#the avengers#danger man#the prisoner#the saint#armchair thriller#the sandbaggers#the man in room 17#special branch#baffled!#the fellows#the forsyte saga#pride and prejudice#hawk the slayer#with thanks to The Sirens of Audio on YT from whose interview i paraphrased the above quote#in many ways the archetypal character actor; although he'd played leading roles in repertory theatre at the beginning of his career‚ once#he made the move to TV in the early 60s Chris soon found himself in supporting parts and guest spots. not perhaps the route to stardom‚ but#it ensured a long and healthy career; he made appearances on pretty much every major brit tv show of the 60s 70s and 80s‚ often as jocular‚#vaguely authority types. but he was by no means typecast; there were cold and calculating villains too‚ dangerous criminals and insidious#manipulators. he may not have become quite a household name‚ but his range and clear ability won him many fans in his long career#perhaps mostly he'll be remembered for his work on DW (both classic and new but especially as rascally Jago opposite Trevor Baxter's more#genteel Litefoot; I'd also rec his delightful work on (surely the greatest version of) Pride and Prejudice‚ or his Armchair Thriller serial#or perhaps his first Prisoner ep for a little glimpse of how well he could do sinister on top of jovial#plus more than 20 years with the RSC... that's not a career to be sniffed at‚ stardom be damned. rip
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kellmareshgf · 8 months ago
and when we get daniel sketching armand in the flashbacks and armand being taken aback because it's the first time that someone has shown him a sketch that looks like him what will we do then
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interact-if · 1 month ago
Black History Month Author Spotlight: Lapin
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To kickstart the Black History Month Author Spotlight series, I'd like to introduce everyone to our first IF author, Lapin (@harlequinoccult)!
(I had a ton of fun reading Lapin’s answers, and I’m sure you will too! Read on for a celebration of ‘weird,’ Lapin’s Black southern gothic / horror influences, and how a D&D game could lead to interactive fiction!
Lapin, thank you again for your candid, humorous responses, I am very honored to have gotten to know you better :D)
Author: Lapin
Black creole and cajun, artist and writer, and wannabe game developer
Games: Slaughter Squad (Horror, Slasher, Romance)
Synopsis: YOU HAVE A HUNGER A HUNGER THAT YOU’VE BEEN NEGLECTING For the most part, you’re a pretty normal mid-20-something year old who lives in a shitty apartment in the city. Well, except for one thing. Your.....”Associate” Carter “Dollface” Abernathy. Who is a murderer, and quite frankly, a sloppy one at that. And you’re the accessory to his crimes. No matter what way you’ve gotten to know the man, or how you feel about him, you’re stuck with him, and stuck with just being his little “helper” ........Or are you? Especially when you’re suddenly given a....Unique opportunity.
Games: The Valley of Luck (Fantasy, Adventure, Romance)
Synopsis: The Valley of Luck was said to be a myth. Something that grandparents would tell their grand-kids around a campfire. Even those who worshiped Lucian, The God of Luck, thought it nothing but an old wives tale. Until, one day, a man with an arm made of solid gold started telling people that he'd been there, that he'd seen the Valley. Word spread quickly, and suddenly, every continent was alight with the rumor that The Valley was real, that it could give you all the riches you could ever want, and then some. However, your quest, whether related to The Valley or not, will lead you down a much stranger path.
Quote from the interview:
My upbringing was a bit odd. I am the youngest of three, two older brothers, one being a half brother, in a black military household… Middle school Lapin was a jock. But, lo and behold, the internet started getting more popular and that kid's brain exploded from internet exposure, for better and for worse. ��� I feel that there is a specific and niche demographic of people like me that were raised by early 2000s to 2010s internet. And on that era of internet, were creepypastas, online horror, early ARGs….I ADORED internet horror, which was my gateway into classic horror, funnily enough. Slaughter Squad, in my eyes, is a letter to that black kid that wanted to be weird. Be weird, be messy, see a fucked up movie, get more out of life.
Read on for the full interview!
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Tell me more about yourself! What are some things new readers or long-time readers might not know about you?
Both parts of my family are 100% from Louisiana, New Orleans and the deep south. My moms side have been there so long, we have two streets named after us.
Can you tell me a bit about what you’re working on right now and your journey into interactive fiction? What inspired the game/story you’re currently writing?
My main project, of course, is Slaughter Squad. I love slasher movies and horror media in general. But what I always noticed with horror/romance, at least in the visual novel scene, is that the main character is nearly always the one getting screwed over, so I thought, well, what if the bad guys actually are your peers? How would this dynamic change if they don't see you as prey? I never thought that premise would appeal so much to so many but hey, I can't complain! I adore seeing people having fun with the silly little concept I had.
Now, my secondary project, The Valley of Luck. Some may not know this, but this story is based off of a D&D campaign I DM'ed back in the day with my friends. All the ROs are NPCs that my friends had, or where going to encounter. I won't lie, I did shy away from it and changed some things when the whole debacle with Wizards of the coast (the company that "owns" D&D) Where making some...questionable decisions. But this story is my baby. My first born. This one has been in the works far longer than SLSQ and has a lot of background lore that I hope I get the opportunity to share.
I do have a few other projects bumping around, One I am particularly excited for, But that one will have to wait a little bit~
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How has your identity, heritage/background, upbringing, or personal experiences influenced your storytelling or writing process? OR How does your work feature aspects of your identity / experience?
My upbringing was a bit odd. I am the youngest of three, two older brothers, one being a half brother, in a black military household. I never felt that I truly had a sense of identity until that household inevitably split up. Everyone talks about being the weird kid in middle school, but no one mentions being the "normal on the outside but wants to be the weird kid so bad its painful on the inside but can't because you were told that stuff is 'white people shit' " type of kid.
Middle school Lapin was a jock. But, lo and behold, the internet started getting more popular and that kid's brain exploded from internet exposure, for better and for worse. I was a little shitter on the internet, I can't lie about that, as much as I want to. But I feel that there is a specific and niche demographic of people like me that were raised by early 2000s to 2010s internet. And on that era of internet, were creepypastas, online horror, early ARGs....I ADORED internet horror, which was my gateway into classic horror, funnily enough. Slaughter Squad, in my eyes, is a letter to that black kid that wanted to be weird. Be weird, be messy, see a fucked up movie, get more out of life.
What does your writing process look like? Any rituals or habits? Any tips, tricks, philosophies or approaches that have worked very well for you?
Let your characters speak through you like you're being possessed by a demon.
What’s the one thing you’re really proud of that you’ve written so far? Do you have a favorite character or scene that you’ve written?
I am so serious.
is it wildly inconvenient? yes. does it help your writing a ton? also yes. Doing Roleplay with friends is a fantastic way to learn to do this. being a DM for a D&D game has basically made it so characters can simply speak from my brain at any given moment. It's also annoying because some of these people do NOT shut up. Learning how a character would react on the fly does wonders for dialogue writing and character analysis. Roleplay with your friends, or hell, strangers who are down to clown that could become friends. Be cringe. be free.
I love the opening to Slaughter Squad and if you told me to rewrite it with a gun to my head I would tell you to shoot me. I love how punchy it is and it came out exactly how I wanted it to. I don't play favorites with characters (<- lying) but my two favorites to write are the stinky little bastard cat Sterling in TVoL and.....Carter, from SLSQ. I love writing complete bastards. One being lighthearted and gets a pass for it because he's just a kitty cat and the other you want to actively beat his face in with your bare hands. It's SO funny.
If you were to say one thing to your readers, other authors, and/or the interactive fiction community: what would it be?
Write. Write it now. Doesn't have to be good doesn't have to be polish all that matters is that you WROTE IT. All the bells and whistles can come later!!!! Stop thinking about the later and think about the now!!!! Write what you love and never give two shits about if it's cringe!!! Be excellent to each other!!!
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Any books, music, movies etc. you’re obsessed with at the moment, or which changed your life (or perspectives on something)?
This-or-that segment: (bold = Lapin’s pick)
Coffee or tea?
Early mornings or late nights?
City or countryside?
Angsty or Cozy romances? (Or enemies-to-lovers or best-friends-to-lovers?)  
Steady progress or frenzied binge-writing followed by periods of calm?
Summer or Winter?
First drafts or editing?
Introvert or extrovert?
Plotter or pantser?
Characters or plot first?
Lapin’s custom “this-or-that” pairing: Rain or Shine
More on Black Southern Gothic:
Black southern gothic can vary a lot, but when I think of it, I think of old semi abandoned wood shotgun houses in the swamp, all white tiny baptist churches where the white paint is peeling from the heat and humidity, riding horses down a dirt paved street while people still ride by in their old busted down 1960s chevys. Old plantation houses that have been reclaimed by the swamp. The dark, humid heat of the night on a street with no streetlights. Every house you see is absolutely haunted by something and not just ghosts. Voodoo and hoodoo is different than what people will tell you it is.
Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo by Ntozake Shange, Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jessamin Ward, and anything by Toni Morrison 100%.
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nerdyten · 1 month ago
to this day, this is probably one of the best author’s notes I ever read on a fanfic lmao (and I’ve read a lot in the last…15 years?)
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bookstofilms · 1 year ago
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (1.07) | THE THING LAY STILL Adapted from the series “The Vampire Chronicles”, by Anne Rice 
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thesunoficaruss · 3 months ago
daniel publishes his interview with louis. almost immediately, people start posting RPF fanfic about louis and lestat on ao3, but one writer frequents the tag way more than anyone else. louis starts getting anonymous letters with countless pages of printed out fics. he hires someone to figure out who it is because it's getting relentless and frankly, killing his vibe. frequent trips to the rock room are made. they find the author. it's lestat.
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