#interaction: henry
fateschallenged · 3 months
"Heck, look who showed up in this neck of the woods!" He swung in, pivoting on the balls of his feet to whirl up to Chrom's face. The crows hovering overhead carved out a greeting in loud caws and guffaws. To think, Chrom of all people was here in this boogie house, undaunted by the abandonment of his post and the vastness of an entirely different culture. Well, Henry was a kettle, but he wouldn't snitch for a pot being black. "Nya ha ha, don't tell me you lost a bet with Vaike or something. Who's the teach now?"
"Well, now's as good a time as any to play it by ear. The kids are here, d'ya know?" While he doesn't expound on that note, there was only one set of kids they shared between the lot of them, Shepherds and all. "Though they've all got different names, different lives, and new stories, since we last saw 'em. So they're essentially in the same leagues as us now!"
"Which is, well, weird. But when hasn't it been, ahaha~" He whirled a finger in the air, yapping up his usual storm of nothings.
"Anywho, maybe with you and Lissa poking around, the other Shepherds will come waddling in. Ha! I quack myself up."
"Juuust, take a hint, will ya?" There's a discoloration in his voice that made all his jokes fall away to a gentler, more sinister tone. Even his smile was painted a touch differently, like he knew a little too much and could say fairly little to make up for it. "This place is like a graveyard. There's a million and one things buried in it that I end up tripping over bones by the time night falls. It's not as obtuse as my ol' institution, but at this point, I think spikes may be preferable. Ouchies aside."
Seeing a Shepherd again was always more sweet than bitter. He liked Henry quite a bit as well and was glad the mage had stopped by to greet him. This place was unfamiliar but Chrom was no stranger to unfamiliar places and the challenges that arose from them. Still all things were easier beside friends.
The information was useful too. He hadn't left home lightly of course and though he knew it would be in good hands while he was away (learning just as much as he was teaching he hoped if not more) he missed familiar places and he found comfort in familiar people.
It was good to know some of the kids were around as well. He had missed them, Lucina most of all but all of them. Comrades in arms and family of their own sort. He wants to ask about her but refrains. It wouldn't do to be the overbearing father would it? He'd say hello to her soon and that would be better than asking after gossip about his daughter.
"I'll say hello to everyone as I settle in. It's good to hear Lissa made it safely." She had come before him after all and he was glad the trip was safe (someone would have mentioned it if she had already gotten into any trouble).
"I'm glad you're doing alright as well. I'll make sure to check in on everyone little by little. As for tripping over things or not...I'll try my best not to get into any trouble but I have a habit for finding things even when I don't mean to."
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valentinaflorcs · 1 year
starter for: @henryxmonroe location: on the beach during the elves vs reindeer football match
Val had thought the football match would be ok. Sure, there would be a lot of people yelling in different directions and a lot of back and forth that she might have trouble keeping track of, but she had thought it would be fine. Unfortunately for her, she didn't take into consideration just how run down and tired her brain would be after a somewhat wild night out on Friday. It was simply too much for one weekend. Either evening would have probably been fine on their own, but throwing them at herself in the span of one weekend was causing a headache to bloom in the back of her head that she could tell already was quickly on its way to becoming a migraine.
During a moment on the sidelines, she apologized to Callum and then headed off the makeshift pitch. She needed to get home, take off her cochlear implant, close all the curtains and just rest. As she navigated her way through the sea of onlookers, Val found her headache only getting worse as the crowd roared over a almost goal made by the elves. Tilting her head to the side a bit, she cracked her neck, a habit she had never even realized she did when her headaches from her hearing loss got bad. She was almost past the crowd, almost out of the sea of bodies, when she bumped into someone. But her head hurt too much to stop and see who it was. "¡Mierda! Shit! Sorry." she murmured over her shoulder, folding her arms over her chest in an effort to make herself smaller.
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cameronbishcp1 · 1 year
starter for: @henryxmonroe location: spring festival arcade
"Don't tell me you've lived here all this time and you haven't been to one of these before?" Cam asked incredulously as he picked up one of his mini basketballs and shot it neatly into the hoop in front of him. Okay so maybe he was being harder on Henry than was completely necessary. He knew there were tons of annual festivals and the like back in New York that he had missed over the years he lived there. And he had been a NYC resident for a lot longer than Henry had lived in Siesta Keys. Life just got busy. Especially when you were a professional athlete with professional training to keep up with. As he picked up another ball, Cameron added, "I heard fucking Taylor Swift is headlining the concert this week." He was still trying to wrap his head around how an artist as big as her doing a show in Siesta Keys.
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Michael is very subtle about his daddy issues in FNAF..
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cameronbishcp · 1 year
starter for: @henryxmonroe location: henry's place
"I'm telling you man, for a second there I was worried the town was going to be blaming me for aggravated assault." he said with a laugh, referring to the ridiculous fight two drunk men had gotten into during the Elves vs. Reindeer soccer match that Paradise Point had hosted. Cameron had been so preoccupied with making sure things had gone well, he hadn't really had a chance to catch up with Henry at all during the event. So he'd shown up tonight, now that it had been a few days and he'd had some time to recuperate a little, with a six pack and lots of stories.
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mulderscully · 2 months
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O, fathers of my bloodline! O, ye kings of old. If only you had known the mighty work of thine loins would be undone by a gay heir who likes it when American boys with chin dimples are mean to him.
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dannyfandomphd · 2 months
I'm reading Textual Poachers properly for the first time for a research project and even in the first few chapters its insane how much of this applies to antis. In the 70s-90s, the mainstream was looking down on fans as a whole (using Trekkies as an example) as weird, perverse, unable to differentiate fiction from reality, unacceptable... now fandom culture has become normalised and antis are using these EXACT arguments but within fandom.
The call is coming from inside the house!
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daikunart · 8 months
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gubler-garbage · 1 year
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Uncle Beard
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year
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There's this charity polo match in Windsor next month that my mate Percy's foundation organizes.
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honeyspotpie · 28 days
Vague spoilers for the Dungeons and Daddies Areas Tour Indianapolis live show recording!
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Enjoy some kinda unfruitful live listen doodles... posted them on my insta story so it would only be appropriate to drop them off here as well^^
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valentinaflorcs · 1 year
starter for: @henryxmonroe location: septima poinsette clark library
One of the unexpected perks of moving to Briar Ridge was definitely how active the deaf community was in the town. There was always at least one monthly event and lots of volunteering opportunities. With planning for the yoga studio in full swing, Val had been incredibly busy lately, but her schedule finally matched up and she was able to attend an ASL reading event at the local library. With a bit of a pep in her step, Val walked into the library and after greeting some of her friends who she had gotten to know from past events, she headed over towards the organizer to ask where she could help. The woman signed that Val would be paired up with someone who would be reading a book out loud to a group of kids and Val would then translate into ASL. Val nodded emphatically before asking who she should pair up with. The woman checked her spreadsheet and found that there was only one other volunteer left and pointed towards the back of the room. Val headed in that direction, only to stop dead in her tracks when she spotted just who the lady meant. "Henry??" she hadn't even meant to say his name out loud, but the shock of seeing him after all this time had so completely caught her off guard.
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skyblueartt · 3 months
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idk what compelled me to draw this LMAO Henry knows EXACTLY what he’s saying
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hawkeyeslaughter · 5 months
the fact that radar clarifies to henry that pierce and mcintyre are hawkeye and trapper respectively despite that fact that henry almost always refers to them as pierce and mcintyre implies the fact that henry rarely remembers who has the last name pierce and who has the last name mcintyre , and the only explanation i can draw from that is that hawkeye fully just responds to the name ‘ mcintyre ‘ as though someone were talking to him and trapper does the same thing with the name ‘ pierce ‘ , therefore th
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smol-soop-spoon · 7 months
the amount of "i can fix him" energy henry winter (or any other tsh character tbh) produces in people should be studied
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culssi · 26 days
Hey. I was drained yesterday, hopefully I’ll get to it because I have an idea for it.
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Ink demonth 29: Queer
Why do I have a feeling a didn’t do it right?
Today, or yesterday by now, I just did jokey stuff. Yes there is more. These were all drawn at 12 to 1 am.
I drew most of these when I was really tired so please forgive me for these.
That’s Norman and Sammy by the way. Norman looks a lot off but it’s good enough I guess.
There’s more underneath. There’s three drawing for this.
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Don’t ask about the first one. It wasn’t my idea. My best friend said this is what happened after the last post.
I just woke up so I don’t know what much to say.
Hope you have a good day/night :)
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