#inter school
inter-sex · 19 days
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day 15 I think
What's a random thing you feel connected to due to being intersex? Ex: stars, angels, frogs, literally anything :)
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rubikor · 3 months
do you think about making products with your art?
i would love to have a pin with some characters you draw
i did actually make a few products once for a vograce collaboration (i never showed them here)
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but for selling the items i probably won't do that anytime soon unfortunately
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mikiusol · 1 year
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Working on stuff. School's been piling up. Fanfiction keeps me going. Anyways have Jack.
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deeyaacademia · 4 months
june 05, 2024. | 01/100 days of productivity.
i have online classes from 8 am in the morning till 3 pm. so, i attended all of three 2 hour long lectures and made notes. i have 2 months-ish worth of backlog because i started the classes this week, while the batch started way back in april lol.
after a little lunch break, i revised for a hour and then went to the gym. i got back after two hours and then i spent the evening studying business law’s chapter and bank reconciliation statement in accounts. my head was hurting like crazy and it’s only day one so i’m stressed how i’ll get through this. i also watched like 3 episodes of suits lol.
at night i wanted to study for another hour but instead i spent making content for my writersgram and writing my novel while listening to music.
i’d say i was productive and had a good satisfactory day xx
with love,
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Cole sees a way to screw with jay and all common sense goes out the window
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crossover-enthusiast · 4 months
Has anyone made a drawing that's Pump staring at Cassandra with his cyan eyes and she stares back with her big yellow eyes
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et-excrucior · 5 months
So I’m going to highlight something I’m not sure people who like skeletons and curiosities think about often:
the human skeletal remains you see for sale in oddities shops were invariably grave-robbed.
I worked with human remains in an academic research context in the US for more than a decade. One of the first things I tried to teach my students was respect for the remains in our collections, not only because they were people, deserving of dignity in their death, but also because most of the skeletal remains in academic teaching collections were not donated voluntarily. In most cases, we have no idea exactly where they came from or to whom they belonged.
Historically, there has been a huge international trade in human skeletal remains for teaching medical students. The trade reached its peak in the 19th Century and continued for much of the 20th, and while ostensibly the practice was banned in India in 1985, it does still exist illegally. In the US and Europe, most of the remains in teaching collections were sourced from India through bone traders. Bone traders were (are) lower caste people charged with disposing of human remains—often by cremation, but also by interring in graves—but instead of doing so, sold the remains on to medical schools in the US/Europe through the intermediary of anatomical and medical supply companies. These anatomical specimens are the remains of people who were, unknowingly and without consent of their loved ones, denied their humanity in death to satisfy the appetite of the West for anatomical specimens, despite the remains of their own people being considered largely sacrosanct.
Which leads me to my next point: this practice originated under British Colonialism in India. I hope I don’t need to draw this point out, but objectification of these remains by medical students and researchers is a furtherance of the Western colonial project and othering of people of colour. As medical students, we’re trained to divorce ourselves emotionally from the remains we learn from in the name of professionalism. Medicine can often be confronting, and it serves patients and doctors alike to be able to continue working calmly and objectively in the face of those challenges. But in a world where empires and scientific disciplines have been (and continue to be) built on a legacy of scientific racism and dehumanisation, it behooves us to consider exactly how those teaching specimens were acquired—and how they came to be for sale.
Any human skeleton or human bones you see for sale in oddity stores are invariably retired teaching specimens, or were otherwise originally purchased through an anatomical specimen supply company that leveraged bone traders for acquiring their wares. In other words, those remains were grave-robbed, or stolen from funeral pyres and morgues. It is vanishingly unlikely that they are remains of known, ethically-sourced provenance like informed donation. If they were, they would not have been relinquished to the general public to be sold for profit. There would be contractual obligations that dictate how those remains would be managed once they need to be retired from teaching/decommissioned.
Please keep this in mind when you see human remains for sale in oddity shops. Buy plastic or ceramic teaching models instead. Don’t unwittingly continue creating a market for stolen human remains.
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thethcministry · 6 months
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here is a question that i probably know the answer to but @ black sails mutuals has anyone else read seminal renaissance epic poem orlando innamorato by ludovico ariosto? because every day i get closer to writing a fic that is just my excuse to cram as many parallels between the show and the poem into one document as possible and i am curious if there is anyone at all out there who would be even remotely interested in reading this LOL
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
I know you recently did a masterposty thing for it, but is there a kitsune anywhere in your Monster AU?
Because the post of Midoriya treating Uraraka like a regular cat had me picture a kitsune being treated like a pet by somebody, then slooowly unfurling its tails until it revealed all nine, the person sweating more and more as they realize just how badly they screwed up.
Honestly idk how to include her but Camie could totally be a Kitsune. Little trickster with her Illusions.
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community of knowers?
yeah im a knower
knower deez nutssss broooooo
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
Much observed but also highly entertaining the extent that fundies are worse at every discernible “home making” skill than many a group that they claim to be part of the Them group keeping women from their true roll as home makers
#I think there are many and highly complicated reasons behind this#A huge portion being the idealization of a past that never existed etc etc#Like the nine kids stay at home mom (with little Inter community help) who homeschools is just not a time equation that leaves time open fo#Cooking/cleaning/taking care of every child in an individual manner#The other unspoken elephant in the room is the extent that in the rare-r occasions there WAS the#Ye olden days Ma with her pristine white dress and nine pristine kids rather than an extended network of relatives/women etc etc#That social arrangement was only possible due to the working class women who did the cooking/cleaning/child care#In the South in particular the work of Black women. And for many of the periods fundies glorify? Enslaved women#Tw slavery#The cult of domesticity inseparable from classist and racist oppression etc etc#There’s just a lot going on with how outright bad fundies are at cooking and cleaning and that sort of thing#We won’t even touch on the parenting because that’s it’s own thing of a cultural structure that just creates intergenerational trauma from#The get go#But I think one of the big things to take away from the soc 101 kind of thing is like#Religious conservatism is deep in us cultural waters#But the whole fundie school of quiverfull related movements is NEW#It’s NEW#It’s a modern self-created culture from the 1970’s/80’s that can be classed in a group of similar religious revival movements#That shook politics around the world from that era as a reaction to “modernity” and which can be found in many cultures and religions#Inside and outside of the us#But as a fairly modern cultural construct there’s parents who assimilated into this culture and kind of formed it based on that idea of an#A past
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ramcharan123penumallu · 5 months
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Hi-Fi Play School is renowned for its innovative approach to early childhood education, blending play-based learning with modern teaching methods. It's committed to fostering creativity, curiosity, and social development in young children. With a focus on interactive activities and a supportive environment, Hi-Fi Play School sets a strong foundation for lifelong learning.
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deeyaacademia · 4 months
june 06, 2024. | 02/100 days of productivity.
i'm going to be completely honest and say that i had no motivation to do anything. i hardly wanted to get out of bed. i woke up at 7:30 and made myself a cold coffee because that's the only thing that helps me wake up. my classes started at 8 am & continued till 12:30 pm. the third class was at 2:30 so i decided to go the gym in the break. after i got back, i was so tired and did not want to study at all so i skipped the last class and watched suits instead 😭😭
then i took a nap for an hour, scrolled through instagram and hung out with my brother for a bit. then two of my friends called & we talked for like two hours lol while i drank another coffee ahm ahm
now it's sort of my bedtime and i promised myself that i'd complete brs today after dinner but my laptop is dead and the lights are off because there is a storm going on outside. so no charge, no lecture video 💀💀
now i'll sleep and i promise i'll do better tomorrow xx
with love,
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never rly noticed but it's interesting how hibike s1 rides on the high of kitauji getting gold for the kyoto competition, then at the start in s2 it starts to explore the downsides of music competition, and how it was basically the catalyst for so much of the conflict between the characters of the story
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divinekangaroo · 6 months
Always fascinated by family dynamics where there's actual respect and grandparents and/or parents who are admirable.
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