#instant pot cooking
mydnyt02 · 8 months
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Chicken and veggie tikka masala
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spectrumgarden · 6 months
Anyways food that requires no prep/ very little prep to be edible is accessibility. If you supplied me with a weeks worth of veggies I have to cut up and boil and season and fucking stir fry, and pasta and rice (...) I'm still going without food for majority of my meals. Unless you personally want to prepare 3 meals a day for me you better shut up about me relying on frozen / instant / pre cut (etc) food.
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Instant pot chicken breast
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Instant Pot pot roast recipe
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ramenwithbroccoli · 3 months
Local robot has a first successful interaction since being locked in the basement in 1941. Joy and happiness to be expected.
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once again thanks to @boneinator for the amazing art of robots having fun together :3
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cutsfood · 3 months
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Easy Instant Pot Chili Recipe | Instant Pot®
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unganseylike · 1 month
the “im hanging on by a thread” “im telling you you gotta try apricot jam that thread will turn into a rope” is me with miso paste. my friend casually mentioned one day that her go-to easy vegetarian meal was miso soup and i was like making miso soup isnt easy (or vegetarian) you got to deal with the dashi and its a whole thing. she said well i mean i just use the miso and some tofu. truly a life changing interaction. now whenever i am sad and need easy hearty meal i make a bare bones miso soup…this has perhaps been a pillar holding me up this year
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californiaquail · 2 months
what's everyone's favorite cheap (!) instant pot recipes? major bonus points if the only dish i have to wash is the pot
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omnivorescookbook · 10 months
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Chinese Braised Pork Trotters (红烧猪蹄) These braised pork trotters are fall-off-the-bone tender and have a rich savory taste.
Recipe: https://omnivorescookbook.com/hardcore-chinese-braised-pork-feet/
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chefcarolb · 2 months
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Don’t boil away the delicate flavor of artichokes! Steam them in the Instant Pot instead! These Instant Pot Artichokes are super easy to make and they’re ready in about 30 minutes. A simple garlic butter dipping sauce is the perfect accompaniment!
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andmaybegayer · 9 months
sucks that controlling heat on a stove relies on an extremely opaque measurement that humans really don't have vocabulary for. How do you discuss heat flux without relying on engineering terminology.
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clatterbane · 8 months
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Tonight's pot roast plan. (With probably half of that giant rutabaga chunked up. Some of the carrots are looking pretty scabby, but that will hopefully peel right off.)
The fransyska seems to be a pretty popular cut here, though I haven't actually bought one before. Got a pretty good sale deal on this one, so why not. Meat in general has been running relatively pricey enough that I've been falling back more on, like, ground and cheapish chicken legs.
Getting used to British meat cuts was already fun enough, and not at all surprisingly they are even more different here. Though I have been very glad to readily be able to find something that corresponds to chuck again.
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That steer on the right looks so reproachful, and no wonder.
That appears to be out of the round, and apparently sometimes gets called "beef knuckle" in English even though it's located nowhere near what anyone who is not a butcher would refer to as a knuckle. Where by "knuckle", they apparently mean near the hip joint. (?!) It may correspond to sirloin tip elsewhere, if you're further breaking down the round? Seems to depend on the details of exactly where it's cut from. Idek. I am not a meat expert, just an idiot trying to figure out how to cook new-to-me hunks of the stuff.
So yeah, as I was thinking, a good braise (if under pressure to speed things up) is probably not going to be too wrong. We'll see how it turns out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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pressurecookrecipes · 5 months
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Get Recipe: Instant Pot chicken adobo
Quick and Easy Filipino chicken adobo and rice is a flavor-bursting one pot meal.
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Instant pot beef short ribs
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epersonae · 11 months
The cooking project - Rice Pudding
It has been a minute since I've done one of these, partially because it's been hot (not today, but off and on for a while), but a few weeks ago I was making one of my Blue Apron meals (they're fine, it's fine, it's probably too much money for what it is but it means I cook a meal or two most weeks) and ended up with rice that was not quite done but still had a lot of moisture, and I didn't want to eat it. (I think it was fish and rice and veggies, just fish and veggies turned out pretty good!)
So, a couple of days later, it became an ingredient for one of my most-cooked recipe card recipes!
I don't know where I got this recipe, possibly just from searching? I have a vague recollection of going to some event and having rice pudding and thinking hmmmm could i make that? And then I did.
I used to make this a LOT, would just make extra rice whenever, and then rice pudding, which I discovered I like a lot as a breakfast. But I'm pretty sure I hadn't made it in a couple of years.
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Recipe text, transcribed
Rice Pudding
1 1/2 c. cooked rice 1 1/2 c. milk 1/3 c. sugar 1/4 tsp salt
medium heat until thick/creamy 15 - 20 minutes
1/2 c. milk 1 egg
(temper) - add & cook 2 min stirring constantly
remove from heat- 1 tbsp butter 1/2 tsp vanilla
Yeah I still like this a lot
There's not a lot more to say about it? Ha, I just typed that and then thought of the handful of little things I have in my head and not on paper:
somewhere I read that you get a better texture letting the rice and milk warm up somewhat before adding the sugar, and that seemed to be true, so I add the sugar and salt once the milk is lukewarm
"until thick/creamy" is kind of by eye, I usually get it to not quite the right texture when I add the egg and milk
I always beat the egg into the milk in the measuring cup for easier tempering and pouring
Honestly, I kind of like this one best the next day, warmed slightly in the microwave. I thought I was going to have some for dessert but decided I'd rather have ice cream (Tillamook black cherry, pictured).
For me this makes about three "breakfast" servings, just enough to enjoy without getting bored of or going bad.
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Easy Instant Pot pulled pork recipe
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