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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Writing Notes: Poison
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References (Forms, Actions & Examples of Poison; Route of Administration; Some Symptoms; What to do if a Poisoning Happens)
400 years back, Paracelsus stated that, “All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison.”
If the right dose is taken, it could become a remedy, otherwise poisonous.
Poison - a substance which when administered, inhaled or swallowed by living organism causes ill effects on the body. It is defined also as a medicine in a toxic dose. Toxic substance may be solid, liquid, gas or any environmental agent.
Forms of Poison
Physical form: Gaseous/volatile/vaporous forms of poisons act faster than liquid poisons as they are quickly absorbed. Similarly, liquid poisons act faster than solid poisons. Gaseous or volatile > liquid > solid. For solid poisons, powdered poisons act quickly than the lumps. For example, there are certain seeds that escape the gastrointestinal tract as they are solid, but when crushed, they can be fatal. For solids: powdered > lumps
Chemical form: Few substances like mercury or arsenic are not poisonous as they are insoluble and cannot be absorbed when they are in combination with other substances like mercuric chloride, arsenic oxide, etc. In other cases, the action is vice versa. For example, there are some substances that become inert in combination with silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid and are deadly and poisonous when present in pure forms.
Mechanical combination: The effect of poisons is significantly altered when they are combined with inert substances.
Action of Poisons
Local action: Direct action on the affected site of the body. Examples include irritation and inflammation in strong mineral acids and alkalis, congestion and inflammation by irritants, the effect on motor and sensory nerves, etc.
Remote action: Affects the person due to absorption of that poison into the system of that person. For example, alcohol is absorbed in the system and then it affects the person.
Local and remote actions: Some poisons can affect both local and remote organs. Thus, they not only affect the area with contact to the poison but also cause toxic effect after absorption into the system.
General action: The absorbed poison affects more than one system of the body, for example, mercury, arsenic, etc.
Route of Administration
The route of administration is the path through which a drug, toxin, or poison is taken or administered into the body of a person which is distinguished by the location where any drug is applied. It is mostly classified on the basis of its target:
Topical—has a local effect
Enteral—has a wide effect, i.e., affect the whole system
Parental—follows a systemic action
Poisons are given or taken so that death can occur at once by shock due to stoppage of body’s vital systems.
Route of administration plays a very important role in determination of death by poison as time in which death occurs are fastest in inhaled poisons, relatively slow in injected and lastly when ingested orally.
Some Symptoms
Sore throat
Trouble breathing
Drowsiness, irritability, or jumpiness
Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain without fever
Lip or mouth burns or blisters
Unusual drooling
Strange odors on breath
Unusual stains on clothing
Seizures or unconsciousness
Poisons Based on Mode of Action
1. Corrosive poisons
Strong Acid - sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid
Strong Base - sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, ammoniumhydroxide
2. Irritant poisons
(a) Inorganic:
Metallic - lead, arsenic, mercury, antimony, copper, zinc
Non-metallic - chlorine, bromine, iodine
(b) Organic:
Vegetable - croton oil, castor oil
Animal - snake venom, scorpion venom, spider venom
(c) Mechanical: powder glass, diamond dust
3. Neurotic poisons
Cerebral - alcohol, opium, barbiturates, benzodiazepines
Spinal - strychnine
Peripheral - curare
4. Cardiac poisons
5. Asphyxiants - CO2, CO
Poisons Based on Medicolegal Classification
Homicidal poisons - aconite, abrus precatorius, strychnos nux vomica
Suicidal poisons - opium, barbiturate, organophosphorous, organochloro compounds
Accidental poisons - snake bite, CO, dhatura's seeds as it resembles capsicum seeds
Abortifacient poisons - quinine, calotropis
Stupefying agents - dhatura, chloral hydrate
Agents used to cause body injury - corrosive acids
Cattle poison - abrus precatorius, calotropis
Used for malingering - semicarpus anacardium
Poisons Based on Toxico-analytical Classification
1. Gaseous poisons: methanol, ethanol, benzene, toluene, acetone
2. Volatile substances: ethane, butane
3. Organic Non-volatile substances:
Drugs - opiates and synthetic narcotics, sedatives and hypnotics, stimulants, depressants
Pesticides - insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, nematocides
4. Metallic poisons: arsenic, lead, mercury, antimony, zinc, copper
5. Anion poisons: bromide, cyanide, fluoride, hypochlorite, nitrate, phosphate, sulfide, sulfate
Poisons Based on Physical State
1. Solid: lead, arsenic, mercury
2. Liquid:
Organic - ethanol, methanol, chloroform, acetone
Inorganic - liquid ammonia, liquid sulfur dioxide
3. Gaseous: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
Poisonous Fumes or Gases
In the home, poisonous fumes can be emitted from the following sources:
A car running in a closed garage
Leaky gas vents
Wood, coal, or kerosene stoves that are not working properly
Mixing bleach and ammonia together while cleaning, which makes chloramine gas
Strong fumes from other cleaners and solvents
Common Household Products
Oily hydrocarbon products are thin and slippery and can easily suffocate if the substances are drawn into the lungs when ingested. The products can cause chemical pneumonia by coating the inside of the lungs. Products that are required to have a safety lid include:
Baby oils
Nail enamel dryers
Hair oils
Bath, body, and massage oils
Makeup removers
Some automotive chemicals (gasoline additives, fuel injection cleaners, and carburetor cleaners)
Cleaning solvents (wood oil cleaners, metal cleaners, spot removers, and adhesive removers)
Some water repellents containing mineral spirits used for decks, shoes, and sports equipment
General-use household oil
Gun-cleaning solvents containing kerosene
Oil products that are thicker and more "syrupy" are not as problematic, since they are not as easily inhaled into the lungs.
What to do if a poisoning happens
Swallowed poisons
Stay calm, act quickly, and follow these guidelines:
Get the poison away
If the substance is still in the mouth, make them spit it out or remove it with your fingers (keep this along with any other evidence of what was swallowed)
Do not make them vomit
Do not follow instructions on packaging regarding poisoning because these are often outdated. Instead, call Poison Help to get connected to a local poison center.
Take or send the poison container with you to help the healthcare provider find out what was swallowed.
Poisons on the skin
If someone spills a chemical on his or her body, remove his or her clothes and rinse the skin with lukewarm—not hot—water.
If the area shows signs of being burned, continue rinsing for at least 15 minutes, no matter how much they may protest.
Then call the poison control center for further advice.
Do not use ointments or grease.
Poison in the eye
Flush the eye by holding the eyelid open and pouring a steady stream of lukewarm—not hot—water into the inner corner of the eye.
If this is a child, you may need help from another adult to hold the child while you rinse the eye.
Continue flushing the eye for 15 minutes, and call the poison control center for further instructions.
Do not use an eyecup, eyedrops, or ointment unless the poison center tells you to do so.
Poisonous fumes or gases
If someone breathes in fumes or gases, get him or her into fresh air right away.
If they are breathing without a problem, call the poison center for further instructions.
If they are having difficulty breathing, call 911 or your local emergency service (EMS).
If they have stopped breathing, start CPR and do not stop until they breathe on their own or someone else can take over.
If you can, have someone call 911 right away.
If you are alone, perform CPR for 2 minutes and then call 911.
Be prepared for a poisoning emergency by posting the poison center telephone number by every telephone in your home.
Sources: 1 2 3 ⚜ Writing Notes & References
Writing Notes: Fictional Poisons
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finzphoenix · 5 months ago
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Felt inspired by @collisioncomets' amazing scriddler backstory, and thought it would be fun to draw my own! Basically, it's their first meeting in person.
Little Ivy had snuck off into the city and ended up entangled in one of Riddler's plans, which was soon interrupted by a very worried Jonathan, donning his old villain persona to get her safely out of there. Of course not without pissing off Edward for stealing his spotlight and leaving him trying to figure out this new mysterious riddle he was left with, lmao ^//^
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peethepauu · 9 months ago
I wanna swallow ur art and leave it in my tummy forever🥰🥰🥰
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how is it…😈
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“This is fine” by @banefolk
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killjoys, make some noise (click for quality)
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albertonavajoart · 3 months ago
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theartoffresco · 10 months ago
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years ago
Sans Undertale invented HRT. He invented it to cure ink poisoning, but when he discovered its other uses, he donated it to the trans community.
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star-struck09 · 15 days ago
I fear my mother was right. Love is as ugly as they say it is.
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d4rm4nd4 · 2 years ago
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Quick liner sketch made on the road because I had to celebrate Din's return 💜
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ratpoizonz · 2 years ago
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making this post bc i’ve seen some of y’all shipping sherbet and milky way with adult characters
and yes, i know, i kinda messed up with putting candy diver there, you guys can leave me alone in the notes abt it now
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Some Food Poisoning Terminology
Botulism—Life-threatening paralytic food poisoning caused by botulinum toxin from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.
Campylobacter—A genus of bacteria that can cause food poisoning and are found in almost all raw poultry.
Clostridium perfringens—A bacterium that is a common cause of food poisoning.
Dehydration—The abnormal depletion of body fluids, as from vomiting and diarrhea.
Diuretic—Medication that increases the urine output of the body.
Electrolytes—Ions—such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate, bicarbonate, and sulfate—that are dissolved in bodily fluids and regulate or affect most metabolic processes.
Gastroenteritis—Inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)—Kidney failure, usually in infants and young children, that can be caused by food poisoning with bacteria such as Escherichia coli or Shigella.
Lactobacillus acidophilus—This bacterium is found in yogurt and changes the balance of the bacteria in the intestine in a beneficial way.
Listeriosis—A usually mild illness caused by food poisoning with Listeria monocytogenes, but which can be serious or fatal in newborns, the elderly, and the immunocompromised and which can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature birth if contracted during pregnancy.
Norovirus—Norwalk virus; a large family of RNA viruses that is the most common cause of food poisoning.
Salmonellosis—Food poisoning by bacteria of the genus Salmonella, which usually causes severe diarrhea and may be transmitted to the fetus.
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)—Strains of the common, normally harmless, intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli that produce Shiga toxin, causing serious food poisoning; E. coli O157:H7 is the most commonly identified STEC in North America.
Staphylococcus aureus—A bacterium that causes food poisoning.
Toxoplasma gondii—A very common parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis and is a leading cause of death from food poisoning; although it infects large numbers of people, T. gondii is usually dangerous only in immunocompromised patients and in newly infected pregnant women.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Poison ⚜ Fictional Poisons
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dudukbazaar · 4 months ago
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Dumeril’s dagger Value ●●●○○ ; Size ●○○○○ The blade is not very sharp but secretes a neurotoxic poison. The grip wrap itself around the user's wrist.
Appearance :
Éphéméride des Chimères (@chimeride) : n°967
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cookiesrunaus-whitelily · 4 months ago
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These poor schmucks didn't think they were going to have any kind of kids, but they do.
Although Pearl has joint custody with Caviar.
And Clotted Cream is technically Affogato's grandson.
And that Affogato stole Dark Choco.
They regret it? a little.
Do they miss not having to worry every 24/7 about deadly and somewhat stupid children? Definitely.
But they love them, in their own way.
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Amanita & Belladonna
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Wanna come play in my garden with me?
Come join me on my free page!
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