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awalkwithmindfulness · 2 years ago
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🌬️ Take a deep breath, darling! In the rush of life's chaos and the whirlwind of emotions, sometimes all we need is the gentle reminder that the power of renewal is just a breath away. ✨✨
Breathe in the tranquility of the present moment, letting go of worries with each exhale. Feel the rhythm of your breath, a dance that connects you to the very essence of life. 🌱🌬️ Let the inhale inspire you with hope, and the exhale release any tension that no longer serves you.
Inhale courage, exhale doubt. Inhale love, exhale negativity. With each breath, you're writing a story of self-care, resilience, and mindfulness. So, my loves, take a moment to breathe—it's a small act with boundless impact. 🌬️💕 #BreatheEasy #InhaleExhaleRepeat #MindfulnessMagic
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ramyeonupdates · 5 years ago
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{ #liveinthemoment } || source: skybanyes
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luglowrs · 2 years ago
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今年の花粉量は恐ろしいですね。 朝見たら車が花粉塗れになっていました。 皆さん、やられてないでしょうか? 先日からご紹介しているCBDベイプブランド 「HIGH FLYING REMEDY」から Tシャツが入荷しました。 @highflying_remedy Californiaらしさを感じるデザイン。 とにかくカッコイイ1枚です!! HIGH FLYING REMEDYは違いがわかる大人のCBDブランド。 自然治癒力を最大限に活かす、人生100年時代のヘンプレメディー。 米国でカンナビス・ソムリエ資格を取得したテルペンマイスターがプロデュースする 香りと品質に拘ったCBDベイプブランド、ハイフライング・レメディー。Chill more, Stress less. 半袖Tシャツ HIGH FLYING REMEDY ハイフライングレメディー HFR LOGO S/S TEE https://www.luglowrs.com/shopdetail/000000004044/ HIGH FLYING REMEDY 全商品 https://www.luglowrs.com/shopbrand/hfr/ SHOP:http://www.luglowrs.com/ LINEの友達登録はこちら https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40gle3450x #surf #beach #california #la #skate #newarrivals #shoping #luglowrs #inhaleexhalerepeat #chillmorestressless #cbd #サーフィン #カリフォルニア #サーフィン #Tシャツ #新商品 #新入荷 #ハイフラ #CBN #CBDオイル #CBDリキッド #ベイプ #自然治癒力 #睡眠改善 #不眠症 #免疫力向上 #更年期障害 #焚き火 #CBDベポ #疲労回復 #効果がわかるCBD https://www.instagram.com/p/CpT7sfEPnVk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tweetiamedia · 4 years ago
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*Happy #FunFriday IG FAM* 😘🌞 #Fridayfunfacts #Fridayvibes #Fridaymood #TGIF #realscience —> wearing masks for long periods of time can cause hypercapnia, hypoxia, headaches, risk for bacterial pneumonia, suffocation and #deathnobueno👎🏽 #SayNOtoSLAVEMASKS #SayYEStobreathing #inhaleexhalerepeat #SayNOtomandatoryvaccines #SayYEStohealth #FunandFitness #LessStress #enjoyLife #payitforward #kindnessmatters #dountoothers #touchboostsimmunesystem #stayconnected #family #friends #churchfamily #prayergroups #stayintouchgroups #FacilitiesforMigrantChildren #Saveourchildren #dailymultivitamin #vitaminC #zinc magnesium selenium vitaminD elderberry manuka honey (at White House, Washington DC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLw0569BHiu/?igshid=laikltb2uc64
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healingwithtania · 5 years ago
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Yoga Outdoors ‣Physical distancing ‣Getting off screens ‣Being in nature ‣Breathing fresh air ‣Getting your wellness/self-care on ‣Socializing ‣Connecting with Nature ‣Grounding Nothing beats all these benefits <3 DM me for exact locations. #yogaoutdoors #outdoors #outdooryoga #yogaoutside #yoga #yogapractice #yogaformoms #sunsetyoga #freshair #grounding #connecting #beonewithnature #nature #inhaleexhale #inhalethegoodshit #inhaleexhalerepeat #breathe #breath #alllevels #sfvalley #woodleypark #encino #tarzana #shermanoaks #balboapark #donationbasedyoga #donationyoga #namaste (at Woodley Park Archers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_yvYNBgId/?igshid=a6mppvsgvrtj
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justbreathe13xo · 5 years ago
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#truth #justbreathe #motivation #goodvibes #toxicpeople #yourealright #keepyourheadup #movingforward #keepgoing #knowyourworth #youareenough #staystrong #italwaysrainsbeforearainbow🌈 #dontholdback #inhaleexhalerepeat #covid19 #isitoveryet #bored #newnorm #newdays https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6w_YRJc-f/?igshid=pc1i466w5lo2
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hookndhaul · 5 years ago
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I’ve Been Told 🤪 #8c3v3do #8c3being8c3 #8c3belike #8c3flow #vibes #johnnybeingjohnny #8c3piritual #truefacts #facts #realshit #inhaleexhalefuckit #inhaleexhalerepeat #fuckit #lifefacts #factsoflife #blessed #thankful #grateful #humble #respect #knowyourworth https://www.instagram.com/p/B3COTX4B8hv/?igshid=147apwyhi2l91
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nirvanayogasthal-blog · 6 years ago
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Nirvana Yoga Sthal Registered Yoga School Certified by Yoga Alliance USA (RYS 200 hour) https://bit.ly/2pBroHV #hatha #yoga #vinyasa #hathayoga #ashtanga #meditation #yogaeverydamnday #namaste #yogalove #asana #yogalife #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogastudio #yogaeveryday #inhaleexhalerepeat #yogainrishikesh #yogaindia #rishikesh (at Rishikesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/B097yhPg1LJ/?igshid=1rr2qflma1pwy
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luglowrs · 2 years ago
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少しずつ暖かくなってきて、夜も過ごしやすくなってきましたね。 夜はHIGH FLYING REMEDYでリラックス。 本日は夜にオススメのCOMFORTABLY NUMBをご紹介。 コンフォータブリー・ナムはCBNがメインのカートリッジです。 CBNはCBD同様、向精神作用の無いヘンプ由来の希少カンナビノイド成分です。現在多くの研究が進行中の成分でもあり、CBNは特に睡眠緩和に効果があると多くの研究結果が報告されている新しい存在です。 吸引直後、少しふわっとするのも特徴です。 体がゆったりするので、1日の終わりにストレッチして体をリセットしてみて下さい。 HIGH FLYING REMEDYは違いがわかる大人のCBDブランド。 自然治癒力を最大限に活かす、人生100年時代のヘンプレメディー。 米国でカンナビス・ソムリエ資格を取得したテルペンマイスターがプロデュースする 香りと品質に拘ったCBDベイプブランド、ハイフライング・レメディー。Chill more, Stress less. CBDオイル カートリッジ 510規格 HIGH FLYING REMEDY ハイフライングレメディー COMFORTABLY NUMB HFR002 https://www.luglowrs.com/shopdetail/000000004015/ HIGH FLYING REMEDY 全商品 https://www.luglowrs.com/shopbrand/hfr/ SHOP:http://www.luglowrs.com/ LINEの友達登録はこちら https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40gle3450x #surf #beach #california #la #skate #newarrivals #shoping #luglowrs #inhaleexhalerepeat #chillmorestressless #cbd #サーフィン #カリフォルニア #サーフィン #新商品 #新入荷 #ハイフラ #CBN #CBDオイル #CBDリキッド #ベイプ #自然治癒力 #睡眠改善 #不眠症 #免疫力向上 #更年期障害 #焚き火 #CBDベポ #疲労回復 #効果がわかるCBD (California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPk7fyPl2h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#compassionatetogether #inhaleexhalerepeat 🥰☕️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BtouaAvHyOj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cs5aikpvqkja
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oggibe · 5 years ago
Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. #yoga #yogaoggi #yogatoday #itripplesout #breathe #inhaleexhalerepeat (at Half Moon Pond State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgt87EhBnH/?igshid=k82wr23v4n6i
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fitnessentrepreneur24 · 5 years ago
90 CRUNCHES‼️. Read 📝below👇 90 Crunches name comes from the fact that we keep our legs 🦵in 90 degrees while performing this variation of abs exercise🏋️‍♀️ This workout is an excellent exercise🏋️‍♀️ for the upper abdomen.I 🙋‍♂️did a total of 100 repetitions in total with 25 repetitions in each set Try to start the crunches by pulling yourself with your shoulders rather than pulling with our neck first. Pulling with neck might put extra weight on our neck We also need to take care of the fact when we crunch up , air has to be exhaled and when we return to the floor we inhale oxygen. Would you like to join us in our daily group workouts❓DM us🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ 90 क्रंचेस‼️नीचे 👇दिया गया पढ़ें📝 90 क्रंचेस का नाम इस तथ्य से आता है कि हम एब्स व्यायाम🏋️‍♀️ के इस बदलाव को करते हुए अपने पैरों 🦵को 90 डिग्री में रखते हैं यह कसरत 🏋️‍♀️ऊपरी पेट के लिए एक उत्कृष्ट व्यायाम है। मैंने🙋‍♂️ प्रत्येक सेट में 25 पुनरावृत्तियों के साथ कुल 100 पुनरावृत्ति की। पहले हमारी गर्दन के साथ खींचने के बजाय अपने कंधों से खुद को खींचकर क्रंचेस शुरू करने की कोशिश करें। गर्दन के साथ खींचने से हमारी गर्दन पर अतिरिक्त भार पड़ सकता है हमें इस तथ्य का भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि जब हम उठते हैं, तो हवा को बाहर निकालना पड़ता है और जब हम फर्श पर लौटते हैं तो हम हवा में सांस लेते हैं क्या आप हमारे दैनिक समूह वर्कआउट में शामिल होना चाहेंगे? हमें 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️डी.एम. करे #upperabsworkout #90crunches #inhaleexhalerepeat #absworkoutathome #crunchesathome #workingoutathome #workoutinisolation #lockdownexercise #bodyweightexercise #buildingmuscles #burnthosefats #getupandworkout #keepbuildingmuscles #tonedbodygoals #sixpackgoals #growyoung #fitnessislife #myfitnessjourney2020 #fitat31 #buildabs Follow @fat.fit24entrepreneur (at Patna, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-L4rnj3Bc/?igshid=evwrgvg35kfa
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1happyminimalist-blog · 7 years ago
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Enjoy the simple pleasure of breathing. #inhaleexhale #inhaleexhalerepeat #inhaleexhalelove #meditation #instaart #instadaily
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healingwithtania · 4 years ago
A perfect sound scape to set your weekend off 🌊 #weekend #fridayvibes #friday #fridaymood #waves #waves🌊 #wavesfordays #beach #lagunabeach #laguna #inhaleexhalerepeat #inhaleexhale #ebbandflow #riseandfall #upanddown #pranayama #breatheinbreatheout #breathedeep #breatheeasy #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yoginisofinstagram #yoginilife #reiki #crystalhealer (at Laguna Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAMaBdhTvS/?igshid=1t3lfo0tzluul
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justbreathe13xo · 5 years ago
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Think I've hit my breaking point #justbreathe #mentalhealthawareness #motivation #knowyourworth #youareenough #dontcare #imdoingme #mondaymood #dontforceanything #covid_19 #isitoveryet #stayhealthy #clearyourmind #stepbackandopenyoureyes #inhaleexhalerepeat https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6vDMwJExK/?igshid=fa8mjcz6gzdm
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hookndhaul · 5 years ago
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8c3 Flow 🤪 #8c3v3do #8c3being8c3 #8c3belike #8c3flow #johnnybeingjohnny #8c3piritual #truefacts #facts #realshit #inhaleexhalefuckit #inhaleexhalerepeat #fuckit #lifefacts #factsoflife #blessed #thankful #grateful #humble #idfwu #dfwm #idgaf #gtfoh #gtfohwtbs #gfys (at South Jamaica, Queens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B29DDKJhHgC/?igshid=1c579g4q3jvqk
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