assignmentusa · 2 years
Inferential statistics is about using reasoning and evidence to conclude.
Read more at: https://assignmenthelp.us/blog/inferential-statistics/
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virmire · 1 month
someone explain two way ANOVA test to me like I’m a toddler lol
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chocokatsicle · 1 year
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i need sleep
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elephantbitterhead · 1 month
Probable tedium ahead, re: Hannah Crawford (again)
I thought of a slightly more charitable interpretation of that stupid Hannah Crawford claim from earlier. The least charitable version says the human brain -- for reasons that are unstated and remain entirely opaque -- cannot distinguish between experiencing an event in real life and experiencing it by reading/seeing/hearing a fictional account. This interpretation of Crawford is what motivates the twitter comment about her stance being insulting to those who have experienced being assaulted in real life -- the idea that experiencing an assault in reality is somehow the same as experiencing it via a fictional depiction.
This view, if it is her view, seems indefensibly dumb. Even if we just take the most superficial aspects of being assaulted -- e.g. being injured or experiencing physical contact with another person -- it's immediately clear that none of those things are happening to the person experiencing it via fiction. So it's obviously wrong in that regard. If her claim is that it's somehow ~*neurobiologically*~ the same, then she needs to do a lot more work to make this claim tenable & it's not clear that work can actually be done.
For example, is the idea that I, the fictional experiencer, am undergoing the same neurochemical events as the person being assaulted? This seems unlikely given how different our situations are, but OK, maybe. However, I feel quite sure we don't have the science to back this claim up -- we could get it, perhaps, but I don't think we have it to hand. Also, for the sake of argument, let's say I AM undergoing these same neurochemical events -- so what? What does that mean? Why does it matter? What reason do we have to think that any of that chemical activity even translates into a conscious experience of any kind? Lots of chemical events happen in the brain that don't map onto any kind of thought/feeling/etc.
In short, this is a not-great view that is pathetically underargued. It's also very counterintuitive so it's probably not what she means.
So let's try a slightly more charitable version of Crawford's claim. Perhaps she's saying that the human brain at some important (biological?) level does not distinguish real events from fictional events. That is, if I read a fictional account of a mountaineer struggling on the Eiger face, my brain parses this as a non-fictional account of someone struggling on the Eiger face. So it's not that I'm somehow having the same experience as the struggling mountaineer, like it would be in the less-charitable interpretation. Instead, here the claim is that in some ambiguous respect the brain cannot distinguish the real from the not real. When the brain encounters fiction it uniformly interprets it -- again for unstated reasons --as a story about a real person.
Based on Crawford's invocation of the amygdala, I can only imagine this is some kind of neurochemical/neurobiological claim. Perhaps at the level of conscious thought & belief I can tell the real from the not real, but my poor caveman-brain neurochemical system cannot. This strikes me as a weird and perhaps pointless assertion. I think we can all agree that in many cases people can distinguish fact from fiction with varying degrees of accuracy; there will be problem cases, as always, but we don't need to argue about whether that basic ability exists.
Given that we can clearly do that at the macro level, the question is becomes why the neurochemical level would matter at all. As with the previous interpretation of Crawford's claim, why do the associated neurochemical events have any relevance here? Again, let's generously allow that I experience the same neurochemical events whether I am witnessing a 'real' tragedy or merely reading about it. Is the idea supposed to be that I'm somehow going to blow out my amygdala? That I only get a fixed number of tragedy brain-reactions in my lifetime & I'm wasting them on fiction? This seems improbable & we certainly don't have evidence to support this claim.
Or is it that I'm somehow supposed to be hardening myself to real-life tragedy by repeatedly exposing my amygdala to the neurochemical events of fictional tragedy? So I'm not running out of tragedy brain-reactions, but I'm somehow making my brain chemically (??) less responsive to tragedy by overexposing it to tragedy reactions. This sounds to me like a strange claim (and again one that would require A LOT more scientific support). How do we get this crossover from the neurochemical to the level of thought & belief? We agreed earlier that we can usually tell the bulk of fact & fiction apart -- how does the amygdala blast start making this fall apart? Why does it fall apart in this direction -- that is, why is the result that I care LESS about real-world tragedy instead of just freaking out about fictional tragedy MORE? This view also seems to entail that people who experience a lot of tragedy firsthand should -- as they become desensitized -- react more indifferently to later tragedies, and intuitively it seems that the opposite is actually the case. Well, up until the point where they're just destroyed, obvs -- but that kind of destruction isn't what we see in people who read/see/etc. a lot of tragedy fiction. They're not sitting around hollow eyed, unconcerned about whether they live or die -- that's a different situation, although if it's all down to neurochemistry that's supposed to be the same in both cases, it seems like it shouldn't be. In addition, this version of Crawford's view also starts sounding perilously like the people who believe in the emotional-desensitization-via-fiction narrative, a view we know to be at odds with actual research in this area. What that shows us is that fiction often makes people MORE sensitive to these events (esp. in the lives of people unlike themselves), not less.
Anyhow, I cannot come up with a way to understand her claim that is not one of these two versions. Both are bad & I feel very confident that she has no solid argument or data to support either stance. Maybe that's why, rather than making any solid scientific assertions about the neurochemistry at issue, she only says 'What do you think this content is doing to our amygdalas?' -- because she doesn't know.
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Help me with some social psychology research, please and thanks in advance!
Two question survey, totally confidential, you can see the results after!!!
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dankovskaya · 2 years
I can’t stand a lot of Wolfman’s writing anymore for that exact reason like it’s insane how frequently he will present complex situations where people with differing perspectives are at odds with plenty of room for challenging each other and exploring grey area and all that and nearly every single time without fail he FLATTENS it into a nonissue because he assumes we all agree that one particular opinion is the obvious correct one to the point where it isn’t even worth questioning anything else. It makes it feel like he thinks he’s writing for an audience of literal children or something who need a blinking red arrow pointing to the Good One in every conflict. But if that were the case everything wouldn’t also be so convoluted and longwinded all the time.
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tutorchrome-k2-learn · 7 months
We will ensure that all work done by our writers can be submitted as one’s own writing
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rinisbowen · 2 years
idk how i feel about “i think ej is the best version of himself when he is in a good place with gina.”
we saw in season 2 that ej’s growth and development was more about himself and started before being with gina. and i think to say that a person is the best version of themselves depending on the nature of their relationship with another person is a bit of a question mark for me? idk, maybe i’m reading into things too much, but i feel like jason could’ve given better reasons as to why he was team ej. the fact that nothing was mentioned about gina herself, as the person in the middle of the triangle, sort of caught me off guard. kind of tired of people’s arguments being based on the guys and their development and not on gina or the nature of the relationships on a mutual aspect (vs person a benefits by being with person b).
i’m sorry if that made zero sense. it’s hard to articulate what i’m trying to say.
hi anon, thanks for the ask! and i do think i understand what you're trying to say, so no worries there :)
tbh i think it's totally fair to feel kinda weird about it in that sense.
i think one thing i'll note is that these are chopped up pieces from longer interviews, so we don't know the full extent of what was said, but i get what you mean about the answer being not... about gina... when the question sort of was... about gina.
i also would very much agree that ej's growth started before he and gina were in their like- good place as jason called it. i've talked about this before, but his breakup with nini was actually the impetus for a lot of the growing that ej does that leads into where he ends up by the end of season 2.
but yeah like- i do understand why the characters individually are scrutinized in terms of the triangle, but i also would say like you do, what matters most would in a lot of ways just be the dynamics themselves. what does gina want right now, what does ricky want right now, what does ej want right now. and what's best for each of them. at the end of the day it's not about deserving it's about desire and circumstance and how these elements weigh out.
mutual benefit is the goal of a relationship in a lot of ways... because otherwise why are you in it? if you're not both getting something out of it... (and yes, happiness is considered a net benefit if i'm talking about true utilitarianism). i don't mean this in a like- pessimistic way at all just in a like- a relationship should add to your life in a way that it's somehow better than it would be without being in the relationship.
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marketxcel · 2 months
5 Methods of Data Collection for Quantitative Research
Discover five powerful techniques for gathering quantitative data in research, essential for uncovering trends, patterns, and correlations. Explore proven methodologies that empower researchers to collect and analyze data effectively.
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thatstoomanysausages · 4 months
My psychology classmates should be thanking me on their knees for lowering the curve fr💪
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girl-kendallroy · 8 months
not really sure how i’m feeling about spss to be honest idk….. i feel like i’m cheating on my main girl (excel)
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Big Data Analysis Company in Kolkata
In the dynamic landscape of technology, big data has emerged as a game-changer for businesses worldwide. As organizations in Kolkata increasingly recognize the importance of harnessing data for strategic decision-making, the role of big data analysis companies has become pivotal.
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m0tel6mxzzy · 11 months
using a $4 psych stats textbook i found at a used bookstore to successfully teach myself the basics of statistics so i can apply it to my psych class
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sare-liz · 1 year
Simple Questions, Complex Answers
Why can’t you just get a simple answer when you ask a simple question? Well, you can, but the answer is either deeply unsatisfying or actually wrong. Life is complicated. So are true answers.
‘I ask a simple question, I want a simple answer!’ <-this is someone who assumes short inferential distances, and the problem with simple questions wanting simple answers is that totally works when both people, the questioner and the answerer have the same background, the same experience, the same expertise, and the same insight. Two rocket scientists working on the same aspect of the same…
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soupmanspeaks · 5 months
I really do hope Glammike is canon because I just love the sheer dichotomy of the fatherly, superstar sweet Glamreddy, and the inferentially angsty teen energy that Michael brings Like, idk when these sorts of situations would pop up, but I find it really funny if like, idk, FazEnt just found Burntrap or smth in the ruins, and just decided to make him a new spooky character to pander for the teens? (this all is going somewhere, I swear) speaking of swearing, like, what if his area is right next to freddy's green room or something, and they know that they're Michael and William Afton, so then when they pass eachother in Rockstar Row, its like "Father." "Michael." "......So are ya leavin?? Get the F--- outta my sight-" "-gasp- William!" "???? What???" "There are children around!" And then William has a flashback to a memory where Michael is in Fredbear's or something, and he stubs his toe and he swears like a sailor and then he just goes "Hypocrite." listen its so stupid I love it okay
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 month
when i was doing way way worse in like 2019 or so i noticed this neurotic tendency to feel a need to penetrate any disagreement or mutual misunderstanding even if only with brain ghost versions of other ppl to its most precise, unambiguous, fully delineated core in its most general form, no matter the cost in etiquette or time or good will. (this does not mean i was always good at satisfying this itch.) i generally think of this (mostly unconsciously) as an obstacle to sanity i had to suppress and overcome, and an ability to gloss over the fractal structure of inferential distance a life skill i needed to develop, which makes it interesting to encounter ppl who have successfully converted a similar spergish tendency into a career asset
tbh i was doing the same when i had a career, mb if i manage to get back on track i will do that again? hopefully it is the sort of thing you can turn off selectively
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