#like…. :(
tariah23 · 5 months
I’ve never seen any shit like this before…
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dennreyn · 3 months
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number1abbasupporter · 2 months
needless to say, marauders canon is the worst thing to ever happen to me
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bodegacat-withboots · 2 years
12-year-old Will Byers standing up against a monster not once but twice—loading up a gun in seconds, getting away from something that killed a dozen scientists armed with guns.
Hiding in a hostile place designed to pinpoint anything out of place, understanding how to communicate in a parallel world. Turning back to yell “go away!” At a—approximately—700 feet tall being that ended up possessing him and he still managed to trick it and help stop it, is honestly the biggest show of bravery.
People have reduce his character to depressed, cry-baby and have forgotten that he has proven time and time again he can and will survive to anything. So please show some respect to the actual fucking main character of the show.
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wideminded-dreamer · 7 months
do you ever just sit there and feel such overwhelming love for Josh kiszka that your heart hurts a little bit or are you normal
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snzluv3r · 25 days
why tf did i see a tiktok of some girl saying she’s been counting her sneezes for the year since 2022 😭😭😭 girl i have something to tell you…
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luvs-hound · 9 months
what french-canadian hurt jared keeso so bad that he keeps writing all his québécois characters as cheaters😭😭
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utterdrip · 7 months
straight man 🤝 lesbian solidarity
“im not gay but i think about romancing astarion” 🤝 “i AM gay and i romance him”
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the-lonelyshepherd · 4 months
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guys why does the airbud au kinda go hard
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ronanceautistic · 1 month
no hate to people who like heather but like… HUH. i’m tryna find the words but i simply cannot.
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spoopieere · 9 months
So um like,,, what is up with Asa and his heart shaped wires like ummm 🙄🙄😳
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( 1st movie ) (the last person to have a scene with it is Arkin)
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( 2nd movie ) (this comes up after his scene with Arkin)
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kojandra · 3 months
idk i might be a party pooper but showing a stranger how your houses connect might not be the brightest idea lmao but what do i know
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milkgemini · 8 months
oh my god. wasn’t expecting THAT
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Ever get that moment where you’re watching the end of 3x01 and Maddie says “are we the only ones we know who don’t have kids” and Madney say “Buck!” And then it cuts to Eddie barging into Bucks apartment and giving him Christopher and you just go into cardiac arrest?! Like…how did that show think we’d let that slide?! I am just sitting here trying to make words out loud but my brain has blue screened. And it does so every time I see it. The audacity and geniusness of the writers!
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darby-rowe · 5 months
every time im reminded of that goddamn shower scene i go batshit insane
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sidraofthewildflowers · 7 months
Don’t mind me, I’m currently obsessing over a beautiful blond man’s descent into villainy
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