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asleepyy · 1 year ago
HELLOOOOOOO oopsie!omens...oopsie!omens..oopsie!omens. OOPSIE!OMENS OH MY GOD
I literally love this AU sm its so well thought out and the art is beautiful and Azazel and Jophiel are just perfect its just so EASY to fall in love with every part of it aughhh
I just wanted to ask if you have any tips on how to draw Jophiel? When i do fanart of him i never like how it looks and i always end up drawing him chibi :' I have the same problem for Aziraphale but i can draw Crowley fine, its weird and ANNOYING
But anyways i love oopsie!omens sm its my lifeblood rn, whenever a new chapter comes out i literally squee and read it there and then, thanks so much for being consistent with the chapters, dont overwork yourself!!
Yours truly,
An increasingly obsessed fan
HELLLOOOO! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!!
Honestly, Az and Joph are really, REALLY difficult for me to draw, harder than crowley and aziraphale, for some bizarre reason.. but here's a guide for both of them!
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hope this helps!!
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bil-daddy · 1 year ago
That's definitely one word for it, yeah.
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Shall we commence with the silliness, angel? @mrazfellco
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shall we begin?
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
hi. hey.
i hope y'all are doing well. didn't plan on posting a fic for a while, but this one has been growing in my head non-stop for two days, so here we are! i hope you aren't tired of post-season 2 angst just yet because that's what this is. big surprise, i know.
drunk crowley is always a joy to write, he does have a tendency to get rather dramatic and overly emotional; absolutely lovely. if you're wondering about the angel phones—they work exactly the way crowley and aziraphale think they do, as most of their belongings.
as always, a big thank you to @sentientsky for putting up with all the angst flowing out of me.
over the still world, a bird calls
There are many things Crowley could have done once he returned to a cold, empty flat with a broken heart and the desire to get absolutely wasted, like taking a century-long nap or watching Golden Girls re-runs until he eventually passes out on his sofa. Instead, after several bottles of wine, he picks up the phone and calls the only & last person he ever wants to talk to.
tag list under the cut
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @khlara @ifigenia-in-aulide @thetigersrise @littlelodell @weasleywrinkles @eevee436 @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @aydracz
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Wedding Guest List*
*Just drop us a line if you would like to be on the guest list, too …
@amagnificentobsession +1 Lucian (vampire)
@bi-squirrel + @starry-cow
@ex-supreme-archangel-gabriel (pending Apology Dance)
@fishyfiles (pending grooms' approval and Apology Dance)
@former-prince-of-hell (pending Apology Dance)
@i-dream-of-sheeny (+1 of @docdust)
@justmori + @lokibaby6
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bil-daddy · 1 year ago
I really wanna come to your's and @mrazfellco 's wedding but i dont wanna burst in uninvited so..can i have one? An invite? Pretty please?
My offering will be a drawing you and Az cutting an ox rib on you wedding day 🙏🤓
@bildaddy-and-mrazfellcos-wedding, get this man (gn) an invite
Great username, by the way, @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons. You get an ox rib (platonic) for that
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Can't wait to see your drawing, kid (human). I bet it'll be even better than my masterpiece.
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fandomaziraphale · 1 year ago
I'm ready for those eccles cakes now
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asleepyy · 1 year ago
I hope all my fanart hasnt been annoying you the brainrot is just rotting rn
I hope you had a great halloween and have an amazing birthday :D
Thank you very very much!!! FANART IS NEVER ANNOYING!!! I literally adore every single thing I get sent!! Sometimes I end up missing things and I feel so bad for it😭😭😭
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
oh boy. i don't know why i am so nervous to post this fic in particular but here we are. i hope it was worth the wait <3
over 6k of angsty hurt/comfort with a happy ending
tag list under the cut, tell me if you wanna be added/removed!
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @demiaseranmage
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the-metatron · 1 year ago
Stay away from my son @bildads-rib-shack or I shall have no choice but to use deadly force to protect him
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
I don't even know what to say because—once again—this fic wasn't supposed to like. exist. The fact that it now DOES exist is surprising no one except me because I still make the surprised pikachu face whenever this happens.
There's a kiss and then there's ANOTHER kiss but in a different place and then ANOTHER another kiss in a new place. Hopeful ending, fix-it-ish, and very sweet.
a tale told skin to skin
They cannot change the outcome, but they can change how they say goodbye; they can part with the promise to reunite. or: Sometimes love is soft, quiet, and entirely without words.
tag list under the cut, shoot me a message if you wanna be added
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @khlara @ifigenia-in-aulide @thetigersrise @littlelodell @weasleywrinkles @eevee436 @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @aydracz
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I am sorry to inform you all that @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons 's heart stopped upon seeing this post, and their dying wish was for me to reblog it for them, so here it is/j
wheezes uncontrollably
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just as instruction... 😄
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
i had one look at @nightgoodomens post about them holding hands and the first time it might have happened and then i ended up with this idea rattling around my brain.
featuring aziraphale being a happy ray of sunshine and crowley falling into a gay and mildly horny panic because oh my god my crush is holding my hand.
nothing sweeter
Aziraphale finds Crowley lurking around the Forum Romanum on a hot summer's day and pulls him along to try some new delicacies. - Without skipping a beat, Aziraphale glances over his shoulder with a giddy smile so radiant he can feel it in his soul, like a fragment of grace settling back into a space left empty for too long, and squeezes back, rattling off all the different kinds of wine he has already tried this week. Together, they weave through the crowds without problem, minor miracles bouncing around like a bag of marbles emptied over their heads to keep their path clear, and by the time they come to a stand, Aziraphale is mildly out of breath yet no less eager. More importantly, even as he lists his orders at a speed fast enough to make the vendor dizzy, he does not loosen his hold on Crowley's hand, not for a single second.
tag list under the cut, tell me if you wanna be added/removed!
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @khlara @ifigenia-in-aulide @thetigersrise @littlelodell @weasleywrinkles @eevee436 @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
I don't know how but every version of 1941 that i write ends up being more painful than the others. That's why we're all here though, pain, so enjoy!
love's the only witness (G, ~1.4k)
They drift towards each other like they always do, and that one night in the middle of the Blitz, the walls separating them seem almost inconsequential. So Crowley hopes (like he always does), and the universe punishes him for it once again. But this time he stays and asks the question neither of them can answer. - Pain is a friend, he can walk by its side if it means Aziraphale is on the other, he can bear hellfire and burning bookshops and the weight of time on his shoulders for him, always for him. If only he would let him. A tremor ripples through him when his hands remember the gun they held mere hours ago—traded for warm skin, traded for nothingness. So many words would have been left unspoken, and the regret of never getting to embrace Aziraphale even _once_ in his long, long life would have followed him all the way to hell.
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @khlara @ifigenia-in-aulide @thetigersrise @littlelodell @weasleywrinkles @eevee436 @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @aydracz
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
i've decided my new favourite kind of fix it is just the two of them having one single emotionally competent brain cell they save for emergencies like this one, so here we go!
light between the stitches
Listen, he meant to say, do you hear that? What comes out turns what was supposed to be a goodbye into a second chance instead.
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @khlara @ifigenia-in-aulide @thetigersrise @littlelodell @weasleywrinkles @eevee436 @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @aydracz
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ineffable-baker-street · 1 year ago
'tis a book i wanted but couldn't afford 😭 (pls if anyone has read it let me know if its good!)
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@nightingalecottage @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @thatdelusionalnerd @phoen1xr0se @goodjomans @nercassa @queer4cryptids @majortomyourcurcuitsdead + anyone who wants to join and anyone i forgot!
Found this on Twitter, so I thought, why not posting it here and doing a tag game 😊
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Ok, I’ll go first
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If he is the reason, I’d go to prison gladly 🥰❤️‍🔥
Tagging: @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @nic-214 @milkyway-ashes @dr-radiation @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen @sunsetdaydreamer @therockywhorerpictureshow @delicatelyfantasticninja and everyone 😊
Sorry if I forgot to tag some of you!
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
this is probably fluffier than most things i have written for these two, and yet there are still copious amounts of angst (as usual)
leave it to the rain (G, ~1.5k, fix-it fic)
A conversation in the rain, some emotional competence, a smidge of honesty, and the complete lack of an awning—after yet another apocalypse has been averted, they finally find their way back to each other. - There is nothing romantic or calm about this night either, but Aziraphale retraces his steps and closes the distance between them simply because he can, simply because, even though he might not say it out loud, Crowley wants him to. There is, however, love. There has always been love, whether they could admit it or not.
tag list under the cut, tell me if you wanna be added/removed!
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @khlara @ifigenia-in-aulide @thetigersrise @littlelodell @weasleywrinkles @eevee436 @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @aydracz
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