#indoctrination by the military industrial complex
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For my first decade or so, I got a lot of toys second-hand from my cousins (actually fourth-hand in some cases - I was a few years younger than my uncle's youngest son, which meant I was the last stop for their three-boy-household's outgrown toys).
An interesting effect is that my "nostalgic toy era" stretches haphazardly all the way back into the late 70's, well before I was born. I didn't usually get the really good stuff, e.g. no 1980 Kenner AT-AT, but in 1989 I got the "Dagobah Action Playset," sans any figurines, or moving parts, but including rapidly-deteriorating quicksand foam.*

These toys came in bags or bins, not cardboard boxes or blister packages. I was five and I'd never seen Empire Strikes Back. Consequently, I had no idea what this tree stump with a crumbly hole even was.² I loved it, though. Sometimes over the years it was a secret lair for a villain. Other times it was strategic cover for a retreating force. Often it was a garage for Hot Wheels cars. I crumbled a fair bit of foam sinking Hot Wheels cars in the quicksand. It didn't really matter what it was supposed to be, consequently it was a lot of different things, and I enjoyed all of them.
Similarly, the G.I. Joe cartoon was cancelled before my episodic memory begins, but I had a ton of early-to-mid 80s G.I. Joes by the time I was 8 or so. I had some that I'd gotten new in the late 80's or early 90s, too, after the tie-in cartoon had been cancelled, and for those I usually at least sort-of-remembered some details about them from the packaging. But the ones I'd inherited, they were blank slates. I made up my own names and gimmicks and personalities for them.
Sometimes when I got new ones and I'd clip the "G.I. Joe Command File" off the cardback, I'd get a kind of pang that I'd never know who those hand-me-downs were supposed to be. This was well before anything we'd recognize as "the internet" now, so those cardbacks seemed like the only available source of information in the entire world. I wasn't any better at keeping up with G.I. Joe Command Files than I was homework so it's not like I wanted to complete the set or anything, it was more that something intangible had been lost - they'd come with an identity a long time ago, but that part didn't make it to me, and now I'd never know. My cousins were useless in this regard, the oldest had already left home and the youngest, as the third-hand owner, usually didn't know any more than I did.
Thanks to the internet, I could now go look up all the G.I. Joes I ever had if I wanted to, but I usually don't. I have to admit, now it doesn't really matter to me who they were supposed to be, really I just wish I remembered more about who I decided they were. There is one I'll never forget, though.

I decided this guy was Vincent Price.

With adult eyes, "Crystal Ball" (apparently that's his name, do his friends call him "Crystal" or "Ball"?) could plausibly be a rip-off of the crystal-ball-toting warlock from crappy 80s Scrappy Doo cartoons (voiced by and modeled after - you guessed it - Vincent Price). I remember connecting "Vincent Van Ghoul" to the guy in the movies we watched at Halloween, and that guy to the Muppet "Vincent Twice, Vincent Twice" - so animated Vincent Price to live-action Vincent Price to Muppet Vincent Price - and after that I guess it wasn't much of a leap to then decide he was a G.I. Joe, too.³ And even without a G.I. Joe Command File, the purpose of that swirly lenticular shield was unmistakable to my 8-year-old mind - G.I. Joe Vincent Price was a hypnotist.
So, while I usually don't care to peruse the bounty of G.I. Joe-related information available on the world wide web, I was curious about the real story behind this one figure that grown-up logic tells me couldn't have actually been Vincent Price. So I turned to an apparently highly-regarded source of G.I. Joe information, "Joepedia":
Crystal Ball is almost universally considered the most disliked figure. Fans hate this guy.
I'm not posting the actual cardback, because it turns out his official backstory is basically just some tired anti-Romani tropes that feel tonedeaf now. But here's the thing, in my lived experience, for a brief time before I understood how plagarism works, Vincent Price was a G.I. Joe with a shield that hypnotizes people (and apparently also a gun, if that doesn't work). That's so much better than what that little plastic guy was supposed to be.
If there needs to be a moral to this story, I think it's that focusing too much on what you're supposed to be prevents you from coming up with something even better instead.
* There is actually a cottage industry for replacement quicksand foam for Dagobah Action Playsets, because apparently the foam insert it was produced with just sort of dry rotted in crumbly clumps after a few years. This is actually why this example came to mind, because Empire Strikes Back came out four years before I was even born (let alone playing with officially-licensed sci-fi movie tie-in action playsets), so the shared experience of crumbly Dagobah quicksand is something more the purveyance of Gen-Xers than my Millennial cohort.
² While I later spent a few awkward adolescent years as an encyclopedic Star Wars nerd, I was raised in a Trek household, TOS specifically. Perhaps ironically, by the time I got into Star Wars, the Dagobah Action Playset had long-since been discarded, I never made the connection that I'd had (what was left of) an original Kenner playset from ~1981 and threw it away - I might have wept. Luckily I was in my 20s before I had the realization that hadn't been just any slimy mudhole.
³ It might be this sort of conflation is what Hasbro was banking on in the first place, but Vincent Price seems like a weird celebrity for G.I. Joe to try and cash in on specifically. Adult me suspects more that Hasbro's inspiration was Doctor Strange (who was also modeled after Vincent Price), comic book characters seeming a more plausible source for a toy company to rip off for action figures. I didn't know anything about Doctor Strange back then, though - I wasn't ever big into superhero comics, and the few I had over the years were almost all DC.
#long reads#personal life#80s toys#nostalgia#idiot sage#kenner toys#gi joe#plagarism#indoctrination by the military industrial complex#a real american hero#star wars
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#politics#us politics#progressive#america#foreign policy#war#history#brainwashing#indoctrination#military industrial complex#capitalism#anti capitalism#wealth inequality#hoarding
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Why Do We Wear Hospital Gowns?

For the exact same reason that soldiers are required to wear uniforms in basic training, upon graduating boot camp and when deployed, why Catholic, prepatory and charter schools demand their studenrs wear uniforms, why all prisoners wear the same prison jumpsuit and why corporate America demands that employees "dress professionally".
To dehumanize, to control, to break, to debase, to unnerve, to enervate, to denigrate, to drain, to exhaust, to fatigue, to numb, to deindividualize, to commodify, to homogenize...
Hospitals, K-12 indoctrination centers aka schools, corporate America and prisons all have the following in common:
🧟♂️Bland identical drab uniforms/gowns/prison jumpsuits/"business professional"/"business casual"/"dress to impress" designed to dehumanize and strip away all aspects of the individuals personality (Catholic, prep & charter schools).
🧟♀️Constant, overly bright fluorescent lights proven to deplete melatonin levels, disrupt our natural circadian rhythyms and cause insomnia and sleep disorders.
🧟♂️Blind unquestioning adherence to authority figures. Dissent is suppressed and when it occurs is harshly punished.
🧟♀️Forced cheer, spirit days, volunteer days, holidays with visitors and movies shown, pep rallies, bake sales, celebrity visitors to distract, pizza parties, team lunches, annual holiday parties all to obfuscate and distract from how objectively depressing and unnerving these environments are and to keep the inmates from complaining too loudly.
🧟♀️Overly matrixed organizational hierachy, execessive bureacracy and red tape so that things are endlessly and hopelessly siloed, creativity and innovation are stifled.
🧟♂️Authority figures with god complexes that are overly disciplinarian in nature and are afforded the "Father Knows Best benevolent Santa Claus" benefit of the doubt for no objective reason simply because we put our trust in teachers, principals, coaches and doctors; we fear the prison guards and wardens but we also fear our coaches, school disciplinarian, vice principal, principles, supervisors, +1s, VPs, Officers, ExCo, SLT & CEO and we fear our doctors as well as they are presented as holders of the magical talisman to whether we live or die.
🧟♀️At all times, you are an empty vessel to be poured into by your teachers, school counselors, coaches, band directors, school disciplinarian, principals, doctors and prison guards and wardens -- they are there, at least this is the lie, to guide, instruct, teach, coach, mentor, advise, build up, influence, grow, improve, better, transform, correct, discipline, build resiliency grit courage perservarance, give hope, educate, elucidate -- they are there to simply blindly control you.
🧟♂️Every room looks identically exactly maddeningly the same -- every cubicles exactly the same and every cubicle row, every classroom and every deck, every locker, every hospital room and every jail cell -- same room dimensions, same size, same prison bars, same sparse mattress, same thin pillow, same desks, same cucible partitions, same cucible walls, same windows, same hospital beds, same curtains, same color walls, same gray carpeting -- as far as the eye can see, everything is identical, same, a carbon copy, endlessly repeating. Its literally designed to be maddening.
🧟♀️Schedules are dictated -- recess, breaks, prison yard, lunch, 15 minute breaks, cafeterias, rush hour, 9 am start time, 5 pm finish time, coffee break, water cooler conversation, lunch trays, carton of milk, apple juice box, gym, school bell, PA sytem -- you arent allowed to get food for an hour at 10 am, or leave three hours early even if you've finished all your work, you cant work in your car all day in the work parking lot, you cant come in at 1 pm and work until 9 pm, you cant spend your lunch hour sitting by your locker silently reading, you cant spend the pep rally alone in the library quietly reading a book, you cant spend your lunch hour in a locked bathroom stall reading your manga, you cant spend the pep rally in your car in the school parking lot reading a comic book, you cant take a 3.5 hour lunch and then make the time up the next day by working an extra 3.5 hours -- at all times, your time is completely controlled by the school/company/hospital/prison yet the mandated schedules and breaks are completely contrived and are not determined to maximize efficiency, it is only meant to totally control you, strip away your individuality, dehumanize you, dim your aura, psychically attack your psyche aura and energy and ensure you never come anywhere close to experiencing your ego death, self-actualizing, self-awakening, ascending and discovering your true self and truly opening your eyes for the first time by opening your third eye.
🧟♂️Unreasonable schedules, unrealistic demands to tax you as a person, overwhelm you, depress you, shut you down, unnerve you, drain you, exhaust you, numb you, suppress you, repress you, trigger obsessive/compulsive/neurotic/self sabotaging/harmful/mindless addictions and behaviors to keep you firmly ensconced in their pharmaceutical, psychiatric, oncological (cancer), opiod/"pain management", fast food, fast fashion, big box retail, retail, agricultural, entertainment, gaming, movie, music, television, sports, beverages (soda/juice/coffee/alcohol), tobacco & vaping, sugar, waste management, wheat, consumer electronics, cosmetics, household products, self care industrial complexes.
🧟♀️See these systems (hospitals, K-12 schools, corporate America & prisons) for the capitalist structures they are. Capitalism cannot be held up without these four systems underpinning and propping it up.
🧟♂️All four systems endlessly feed, create and reinforce the fear of death as they all massively profit from it. Realize that death is a beautiful transformation and while the transition and process of death itself may be challenging, there is even beauty that can be found in that, as you are still transforming while dying in death, from your temporary physical human form which you are shedding like a caterpillar to spread your beautiful butterfly wings and fly as the limitiless eternal energetic being you were prior to temporarily manifesting physically as a human in your "life" in "reality", our current world and universe. You originated from the dreamscape and you are an eternal being that came to our current reality to just learn and remember who you are and that you are a limitless energetic being with a boundless imagination -- which is all the dreamscape is. Its your mind and your imagination so its anything and everything. "Reality" is just a virtual simulation of the dreamscape. So, there is no need to fear death or dying or the "after life", there is no need for endless and often times extremely invasive, harmful, painful, dangerous and traumatizing execessive "medical" interventions like radiation, chemotherapy, hormone treatment, extremely invasive and damaging surgeries leaving you permanently scarred and bruised with phantom pains sometimes never returning to your pre-surgical state, harsh drugs that can shut down and/or suppress your immune system, give you cancer, blood disorders, damage your internal organs and cause organ failure, cause structural muscoloskeltal damage weakening and damaging bones causing serious falls, osteoporosis, lower bone density, broken bones, fatal falls and much much more -- for what when you're going to fucking die anyway? Just live your life every moment to the fullest, live hostically, be in nature, move and express yourself creatively every day, eat fresh vegetables and fruit drink apple cider vinegar and water eat mixed nuts and granola bars eat oatmeal 80% of the time take a break and eat whatever on the weekends just doing this will resolve 90%+ of physical and mental DIS-eases and for anything else you have to die of something see a doctor use discernment use your ancestral Akashic wisdom if the intervention is sensible try it if it is invasive harmful damaging toxic and potentially fatal (most of them) then dont do it have some cbd gummies have some weed brownies light some candles and incense have some edibles have some psychedlics like ayuhasca DMT spend time outside in nature meditate listen to sound bath healing listen to mhz audio stretch do yoga do breathwork create stuff move dance draw paint blow bubbles hula hoop pole dance do headstands and handstands and just enjoy it while it lasts like a rollercoaster cause thats all this very temporary life is...
#indoctrination#school#corporate slave#anti capitalism#corporatism#medical industrial complex#hospital#uniform#catholic school#prep school#charter schools#military industrial complex#military#prison abolition#abolish prisons#prison industrial complex#mass incarceration#criminalization#9 to 5#quit your job#layoffs#socialism#social justice#fear of death#heal yourself#dehumanizes#dehumanizing language#dehumanisation tw#commodification#authoritarianism
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It’s time for me to have another rant! 👇
Buckle up!!! ⚔️🛡️
The State of America:
I am angry. As an American, I am sick and tired of what this country has become. I do probably curse more than I should, but I am pissed off.
Our schools: Children are being indoctrinated by school teachers about sexual activity rather than things they should be learning about. You know, like civics, math, real history and science? What grown ass adult wants to discuss sexual intercourse with a minor? I’ll tell you, a social deviant fucking pervert. That’s who. I will not expose any child to that madness ever.
Our military: Our military is the weakest it has ever been. I have friends that are still in the military and they cannot wait to get out. Not because of their lack of service to this country, but the lack of leadership. The good ones are tired of getting slammed with “woke” PowerPoints on shit that doesn’t even matter to military readiness. It’s dumb. And our adversaries are laughing at us. I can’t even recommend someone to join the military until it is returned to its rightful place as the strongest military in the world.
Our southern border: The southern border is a dumpster fire. More illegal aliens and fentanyl are pouring through the border at record rates. The saddest part about this is the Democrats are wanting ILLEGALS to vote for any and all elections. Democrats only use their party for votes to continue their reign of power, while their own districts are literal shit-holes. Republicans are not safe from this and they really aren't much better. If they wanted the border shut down they would too. Always remember that Americans being murdered was never enough to shut the border down.
Joe Biden: I will never accept the thought that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. You cannot make me believe that the alleged President of the United States of America got the most votes in American history, then was kicked out from running by his own party. Give me a fucking break.
Kamala Harris: This Indian American woman locked up more black men than I have ever seen in my life. She doesn’t care about black people. Never has and never will. She just wants your vote.
Mainstream Media: These retards have been fed so much propaganda that they actually think Donald Trump will incite a civil war if he doesn’t win the 2024 election. You all have an extra chromosome if you truly believe that. There are some that are just gaslighting but a large portion of the population is too stupid to vote if they can’t decipher this.
Speaking of Donald Trump: This man has been given more bullshit to a public servant that I have ever seen in my life. For crying out loud, it has been over 2 weeks since the Deep State almost took his life and no one has been held truly accountable. They are all behind it until proven otherwise. Imagine if that was the other way around. Democrats would want to put the nation on lockdown like they did during COVID.
National debt: As of today the United States is at $35,000,000,000,000.00 in debt. How irresponsible of adults. I will never be gaslit to send money overseas anymore especially since Americans are struggling to put food on their table. How outrageously treasonous.
And to top all of this off. I am a white male that was in the military and now I'm considered a domestic terrorist by some. How unbelievable is this? The same ones that are backing the Military Industrial Complex. The same “elected leaders” that I served, don’t have our backs when we return home. The military are the ones that uphold and defend the Constitution, not them.
This is not what America should be about. This is not the country I served. Not anymore.
God Bless America. 🇺🇸
#pay attention#educate yourselves#educate yourself#knowledge is power#reeducate yourself#reeducate yourselves#think about it#think for yourselves#think for yourself#do your homework#do your own research#do some research#ask yourself questions#question everything#rant#im pissed#i'm pissed off#agree or disagree#my opinion#spilled thoughts#spilled ink#spilled words#america
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President Trump recently outlined 9 steps for Draining the Swamp They are as follows:
Trump said he will end what he calls the weaponization of government and the abuse of law enforcement against political opponents.
Trump said that he will bring back free speech in America.
Expel the warmongers” and to “carry out a much-needed cleanup of the military-industrial complex
Curtail the power of federal bureaucrats
His administration will “drain the government education swamp and stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America’s youth.”
His administration will not tolerate equity policies “that punish Americans based on race or gender
His administration will work with former independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take on corruption at the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, “and other institutions that are dominated by corporate power and China
Ask Congress to pass sweeping reforms preventing foreign influence-peddling “like we have seen with the Biden crime family.”
He will support modifying the 25th Amendment “to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States, it is grounds for impeachment and removal from office
HERE for explanations of each

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@charliekirk11 Make no mistake, Donald Trump has a historic mandate to…
End the woke bureaucracy
Dismantle racist DEI departments
Protect the innocence of children
Remove men from women’s sports
Close the border
Deport millions of illegals
Make the military great again
Stop the surveillance on American citizens
Destroy the censorship industrial complex
End the chronic disease epidemic
Remove poison in our foods and farms
Empower law enforcement to lock up criminals
Unleash American energy
Deregulate the economy
Free the J6 prisoners
End the indoctrination on college campuses
Fortify election integrity
Slap tariffs on unfair trade partners
End the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East
And purge the government of those who have weaponized the levers of power against its citizens.
He needs his cabinet to fulfill this mandate.
We must get each and every one of them confirmed.
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Discussing the NCR (Fallouts NV's Military Industrial Complex)
Fallout regularly discusses the idea of the military, its faults, its strengths, and most importantly, the psycho-social aspects of it regarding those who are members. We have seen a direct critique of the military generalized through the Enclave's overt nationalism, the hoarding of resources and indoctrination through the Brotherhood of Steel, and an almost eerily modern critique of the whole military-industrial complex through the NCR in New Vegas. In these series of posts, I will be focusing primarily if not exclusively on the last one.
The NCR we see in the game is strictly the military side of things and the depiction of active occupation during a time of eminent war, conflicting factions, and resource scarcity. It is in this we are missing a major factor that negatively affects the view of the NCR in the game and out: Civilian life along with citizen opinion on the military. While we do get Mojave civilian opinion on the military (often neutral or negative) we do not get those who are New California Republic citizens, not those who actually discuss the military more so not understanding the importance of the occupation and the President's choices.
We do not see how life is regularly lived by the average citizen as we have not seen New California in New Vegas, though, we get words and glimpses that the people are relatively content in the growing country minus the fact many people are not happy with the choice of encroaching on the Mojave. This most similarly reflects it's real-world application that many civilian citizens reject acquisition and war due to the economic effects it has on the country and the general violence/loss associated.
In this, we come to an issue of losing a perspective that is unique to the NCR as a military representative. The Brotherhood is notably a place where its active members are intertwined with its efforts, the young are raised to be scribes, paladins, etc... To where even if one is not fighting for The Brotherhood, they are still intertwined, it's propaganda is the life. The Enclave is even more cut n' dry in that it is mostly made up of government representatives. It is a group even smaller than the former, even more selective and intertwined that their propaganda IS a form of Eugenics. The NCR is unique in that there is a clear distinction between what is the military force, the civilian population, and the choice if one wants to be a part of the former.
There is a distinct difference in the cultures of the factions you are born into and those you must enlist or join (forcibly for some). While this is a long-winded way to get into the actual discussion I want to facilitate throughout these posts I wanted an initial background post to understand the aspects I am and am not exploring and explaining along with a hub post to link everything I intend to discuss in the coming days and weeks, starting with:
Why Do People Join the NCR?
...which will be discussed and linked back here like everything else regarding to this topic.
Links: TBA
#fallout#fallout new vegas#new california republic#these will be longer posts so be warned#prepare to be sick of me#you thought i could yap before#should pin this but Im just gonna link it in the pinned post to be concise and since this isnt just a fallout blog I just am just obsessed#plus I dont want it to be centered focus while im only half way through with the first word doc#the three posts are just the beginning on my disection of the NCR and how the MIC is shown through it cuase#like pls its so much more nuanced with the specific ways each character in the faction interacts#at least the ones you can talk to and have options for like i know so many people do independent route but its so intriguing and you get ho#the military takes advantage of people but also how the individuals try or believe they fight for a good cause cause of all the brain washi#like some perpetuate and others dont but its a system that just gets worse the higher you go like grrrrr#a take cant be nuanced if you refuse to look or discuss the reasonings of another side or generalize their arguement through a personal len#like you need to be objective at points cause while you may feel a way in an analysis the context explains why in canon they feel a way#a retrospective on tumblr??? shocker#was gonna make this one giant mega post but it wouldve been cluttered and i wanna space them out cause its a lot to work on in one sitting#and what if I want to be silly in between???
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LOVING Worlds Beyond Number right now.
I can just feel some of the stuff being set up narratively, carefully like a line of dominoes. The Empire and The Citadel are almost certainly not as they seem, and it's going to be a treat to see how that unravels.
And speaking of unravelling? Suvi's character arc is going to get wild I bet. I mean, we'll probably learn some shit about the empire's magocratic military-industrial complex beyond what we've already seen and the way that'll affect Suvi and her relationship to her friends? ohohohoooboy cannot wait to see that. the little bit of friction we're seeing now between the empire and the spirit world (and between Suvi's indoctrination sense of duty to the empire and Ame's duties to the spirits as a witch) is going to have interesting ramifications.
I'm always delighted when I think I've caught on to narrative elements being set up to lead to certain conflicts, makes me feel very very clever. I can juuust see a little bit of where this is going and I'm completely normal and not at all feral about it.
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I'm going to make a longer post about this post:
In general, I loath violence. I'm like anyone else when it comes to having rogue violent thoughts. And more than that testosterone tends to cloud the judgement now and again. Though never enough for me to act unless I'm backed into a corner.
Having said that, I used to be in the United States Air Force. And while I know good well the military industrial complex is a royal pain in the ass, the soldiers themselves that have died over the years were doing what they thought they needed to, to protect our country. My brothers and sisters.
This act? Frankly? Isn't freedom of speech. This is desecration. And this is not a joke. If I ever caught someone doing this I'd tell them very vocally to stop. If they did not, I WOULD break both of their arms. You will not disrespect those that have died over the years fighting for this country. You will not disrespect the memories of those WE as a country have lost. All for your bloated and bullshit cause based on fake information, and sympathies to terrorists because you have some moronic view given to you by by actual terrorists, which is this weird, "Palestinians are PoC and Jews are white".
I don't want people to be a guy that ignores his morals. I don't want to be a guy that doesn't give people a chance. But every single person has their line. And you stupid fuckers have crossed it. I can't count the number of friends I lost to war. And mark my words VERY CLOSELY. If I ever see you doing this. You get one warning. That's it.
And to those that think that this has anything to do with Israel or Palestine it doesn't. Take your genocidal activist behaviors elsewhere. I'm not playing around anymore. I'm so close to saying you all don't deserve to live.
You harass and threaten American Jews, You justify the attack on Oct 7th, you ignore the rapes and beheadings, and then you say that Palestinians are innocent despite the fact that many of them have been indoctrinated into violent levels of hate towards Jewish people (and have enacted it). You claim Hamas is innocent despite the fact that the "Genocide" they claim has ZERO merit given very prominent population growth over the last 20+ years. But sure. Continue with your alt-right Nazi sympathizing propaganda. Hamas are monsters and you are enabling them. All because you are anti-Semitic shit bags claiming that you're "Only against Zionism". Yeah, you are against Jews having a safe place on earth because you believe in Nazi Rhetoric. I get it. You're all idiots. No it's only Islam that deserves nations (with an S) ruled by their faith. NO ONE ELSE apparently. Maybe you just enjoy the new Muslim Olympic sport of Competitive Gay toss. Too bad the one's being tossed don't survive.
However. I digress. Let me catch you desecrating the graves of my brothers and sisters. One warning. If you keep on, You won't be using your arms anymore. Ever. And I'm not sorry for making this post. You stupid fuckers have crossed a line.
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There's no way to resist the New World Order Dictatorship - We must focus on our personal lives and in our relationship with God

They are promoting crappy organizations, ideologies and stupid ideas to lure the sheep and NPCs down to hell, there's no way to fight them. Look what we have to battle against:

Globalism, New Age, Paganism, Catholicism, Frankism, Freemasonry, Rose Cross, Kabbalah, Frankfurt School (Eros and Civilization and Negative Dialectics), Repressive Tolerance, Hegelian Dialectics, Nihilism, Sabbathean Cults, Social Credit System, Satanism, Censorship, Under the Skin Surveillance, Eugenics, Mind Control programs (MK Ultra and Monarch), Robots taking jobs and leaving room for Transhumanist control of our bodies (as an excuse to "improve" - enslave - ourselves), Bioweapons, Elementary School Indoctrination, Theory of Evolution, Big Bang crap theory (Created by a Jesuit), Gnosis, Climate Lockdowns, Carbon Footprint, Food Poisoning, Fake Meat and Food (Bill Gates, Soylent Green style), Socialist Dictatorship, Universal Basic Income, Crazy Non governmental organizations funded by the elite and fighting against it's own people, Crony Capitalism, Lgztqur√+#ultra∆¥, WEForum, United Nations, Club of Rome, Bilderberg, CFR, CIA, FED, The Bankers, Tax Robbery, Broken Justice System, Mass Decarceration, Crappy Distric Attorneys serving the elite, Gun Control, Wall Street (read Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution), Military Industrial Complex, Burglars, Good countries turning into Hell, Social Chaos, Mafia, False Flag Operations to shift the public opinion and perception of reality, Bohemian Grove, Environmental madness, HAARP, Weather Manipulation, Bill and Melinda Foundation, George Soros, Warren Buffett (funding abortion), Silicon Valley Community Foundation (funding abortion), Big Pharma, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Elitists, BlackRock, Vanguard, Hollywood Predictive Programming, Shills, Actors and Musicians fabricated to brainwash the sheep and to push New Stupid Trends that will help in the destruction of society, Debauchery, The West is turning into Sodom and Gomorrah, Overtaxation, Elon Musk getting taxpayer money and playing with his crazy brainchips to enslave the sci-fi fans tech savvy idiots in a digital interconnected interface, The Media (under globalist control), Fake Wars to kill the population and impoverish the sheep, Georgia Guidestones agenda, Most Prophecies Fulfilled and the NWO (read the Scarlet and the Beast) after the WW3 - and a Fake Alien invasion - Aliens are demons, Aleister Crowley had summoned "Lam" (known as Grey Alien) and his followers engaged in a crazy cult to worship that kind of demon. Aliens are demons in disguise, that's why they rape and hurt their victims (propagating fake philosophies and knowledge to deceive people and contradicting the bible). Lam appears in a book cover about Helena Blavatsky (satanist who created theosophy). The Aliens are connected to the "New Age" cults.
Our society is collapsing, the only way to handle this situation is trying to improve our relationship with God and not going to hell with them.
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this except i disagree with the hating soldiers part. they’re just a cog in the machine. hating the whole indoctrination and incentive and propaganda system that gets them there (paying for college tuition, financial stability, having something to your name, etc)? and the entire military industrial complex and the fact that the US will always go off and use these kids as cannon fodder for proxy wars? yes. hate that. hate war. hate the politicians that create it.
Usamericans should be more anti-war actually. They should be straight up insulting marines and shutting down weapon factories, 60s anti-war protests kind of shit. I'm sorry for pontificating from down here but the US military-industrial complex is currently supplying a genocide, and this is not a new thing, the US has sold weapons to Saudi Arabia to starve millions of Yemenis. And though some people think it's not the point, it Is also true that there are trillions upon trillions of dollars that could be spent in anything else that go to the black hole of corruption (and call it for what it is, corruption) that is the Pentagon. Any of those resources could be destined to literally any other activity and be better spent.
I'm talking full contempt here. You should outright be HATING the military. Instead of lining up to watch Top Gun you should see it as a glorification of a fucking killing machine that serves imperial interests, enriches megacorporations and supports genocided. For the love of God be more angry about it. Goddamn.
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Space and Aliens 😠 😮 🚀🌌
Every time we disclose anything about this subject, people go bonkers; they say, "See, those people are crazy! They are talking about little green men...."
There is a reason that Orson Wells led off the public discussion with "War of the Worlds" --- a gigantic hoax.
As always, the Hoaxers want you to think that the Truth is the Hoax, and the Hoax is the truth.
Early on, we were contacted by Paul Hellyer, the ex-Canadian Defense Minister and member of the Queen's Privy Council about the issue of certain "secret treaties" being put in place between the U.S. Government and various extraterrestrial groups that commonly visit our planet.
He was alarmed at the way the politicians were selling out the interests of the living people in favor of the corporations, and especially by treaties that agreed to give up a certain percentage of Earth's population as food sources for alien species in exchange for advanced technologies.
This was being discussed in the Privy Council over a dozen years ago. Straight up.
The details of these outrageous "treaties" were also being discussed, among them the G2P3O Naval Treaty which has been sold as a bastion protecting marine life, but which is actually (also) ensuring continuing private access to secret marine bases accessed from the High Seas by alien visitors acclimated to the marine environment.
A reasonable representation of these oceanic visitors can be seen in the Hollywood movie, The Shape of Water.
Hollywood and theatrics of various kinds have long been used to brainwash, indoctrinate, motivate, and provide non-verbal Notice to the people of Earth, because the aliens consider us too dumb and clumsy with language to entrust communications to mere words. We have to be shown. Literally.
This explains such extravaganzas as the London Olympics and Commonwealth Games pageants depicting such odd things as dead babies in coffins and nurses holding injection syringes pushing gurneys around the infield of stadium facilities during the London Olympics -- pressaging the phony Pandemic, and women dressed as slaves dragging a bronze bull around a Tower of Babel at the Commonwealth Games.
It also explains the enigmatic symbol-based messages self-evident in crop circles and other purportedly "unexplained" phenomena that do, of course, have explanations.
So if everyone wants to go hysterical right now and denounce us as crazy people, be well-advised that the members of the British Privy Council have been in communication with aliens since the 1600's and the Lords of the Admiralty deal with them daily.
At certain levels of "your" British Territorial Government, the fact that aliens not only exist, but communicate with us, have treaties with us, and are -- in effect, partners with us --- is common knowledge.
Paul Hellyer felt that the course these for-hire government corporations were taking was exceedingly dangerous and could lead to our entire planet being overtaken by alien civilizations that are otherwise prevented from preying upon us.
"Like vampires," Hellyer said, "they have to be invited in, but unfortunately, that is what your excuse for a government is doing."
So for once, in at least this connection, it may be the British Territorials running what's left of the U.S. part of the Federal Government at fault, and not the British Government itself.
Hellyer went to great lengths and made valiant efforts to warn us and to encourage the common people to stand for "decency and sense" because it was a foregone conclusion that the Corporate Maniacs that had gained control of the Military-Industrial Complex in the U.S. were out of control and lacked both attributes.
Another very credible witness and whistleblower is Doctor Greer, who has been sounding the alarm for decades.
He has testified before Congress, written books, done everything but stand on his head, naked, in public, trying to inform and get action from the people of this country, and this world, in their own defense.
We have appeared, repeatedly, before the Galactic Council and the Galactic Federation, to protest actions being undertaken by "federal" agencies pretending to represent us and to be our government in connection with diplomatic and treaty negotiations with alien governments.
Inevitably, these agencies are commercial entities engaged in impersonating our government for their own gain and the name of the game is technology exchange. These alien technologies are basically being smuggled onto the Earth and are being proliferated for profit of those making the deals at the expense of those they keep ignorant.
The tip-off is when an agency like DARPA claims to own patents and claims that they generated the patents, when they can't explain how their purported invention works.
It's also a good bet that anything labeled "National Security Interest" at the Patent Office is: (1) new inventions that could replace current monopolies; or (2) alien technology that has been purchased with human lives.
At a certain point -- the Zero Point -- the timelines generated by our Creator and our own creative impulse come together. What is true, ascends and lives; what is false, descends and dies.
This has been explained by Andromedans who are approximately two billion years older and that much more advanced than life on this planet. They are also the Galactic Peacekeepers and enforcers of Galactic Law --- so they are concerned by the proliferation of smuggled, advanced alien technology.
It is feared that we are not mature enough as a species to reliably and peacefully deploy this technology.
We are told that in about eight years, Mercury and Venus will both disappear from this solar system and reappear in a completely different quadrant of the Galaxy. A similar fate awaits the Earth, which was never part of this solar system in the first place, but was in fact transferred here in a fashion similar to what is scheduled to happen to Mercury and Venus.
These are things that the people of this planet deserve to know and to take part in.
They do not deserve to be misrepresented by a bunch of Spooks and Politicians and Heads of Industry who are selling our children like caviar merchants in exchange for technologies that they inevitably abuse for purposes of war and unjust enrichment.
We are not the only ones saying this. Paul Hellyer said it until the day he died. Linda Moulton-Howe and Dr. Steven Greer are both still saying it, and new generations of whistleblowers are coming forward, too.
The changes our planet is going through are not the result of anything that people have done. It's not any "human caused" damage or anything caused by a miniscule increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. That's all just another excuse for unjust taxation.
No, the changes are part of the normal cycle for this planet and there is nothing we can do to alter or change anything about that.
The sooner people are brought up to speed, the better.
#blacklivesmatter#blackvotersmatters#donald trump#joe biden#naacp#blackmediamatters#blackvotersmatter#news#ados#youtube
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I keep thinking back to my freshman and sophomore years of high school. I hadn't even read about Buckminster Fuller. I had only just begun to question the fabric of society and all the social constructs of it. I'm sitting in the library with Shampree, her boyfriend Alan, Julia, and sometimes Esmeralda. Julia's friend. The librarians know us, it's no big deal to them we sit in there almost every day and not even that Shampree sits on Alan's lap. I think Julia and Shampree were trying to get a feel for if they could set me up with Esmeralda? Not sure. She was pretty. I was already more interested in Rose from my Music History class. In love with my "Project" more than anything, though. Shampree basically ridiculed it as a "floating hobo village." Nowadays... I don't see any human population breaking out of these corrals of sheep, cattle, sheeple. There's nowhere to go. The consolation is freeing your mind, "emancipation from mental slavery," but that's something I can't settle for. I need more. Back then I hadn't read the statistics on failed "intentional communities" like the hippie convents of utopian embarrassment. So many failures of prospective communities. I really believed it was possible and assured that any group of like-minded people could co-habitate and constructively work toward a new vision. Now I know it's true, but for even stronger reasons I understand why those people don't exist. I understand by sociology and anthropology and even a tiny bit of a psychology lens why those people are possible and inevitable. But they aren't what the factory farm paradigm is producing and the mass-media indoctrination complex arm of the military industry isn't programming those models in the foreseeable future.
Emancipating oneself from mental slavery is more than just a hot yoga session or a smoothie. It's more than just awareness of racism, it's more than just fucking watching The Matrix once and thinking the fucking Mandela effect is real. It's not that we aren't capable. The state knows we are. The state fears we are. Our wings are clipped, our minds are lobotomized. Our desires are doped, spiked, and diluted. Our core sense of self is tainted by all the things we take for granted and never question and our focus is geared toward lugging burdens which we wouldn't have ever made to begin with-- like mules with blinders on we direct our indignation and mass protests but ignore the time passing and all the other devils in the details. Bucky had a vision of using industry to craft all these new designs of life-improving intention and spirit. One was what he called the "Triton Floating Cities." Except no group, capitalistic entrepreneur or non-profit-- and especially no government, has ever geared that much industry for anything besides the same tired trajectory Bucky inherently worked against until his last dying breath. The same paradigm I have wished to see die and clear the air of its stink so that all the strength of healthy potential can grow under the sunlight it has been blotting out. It's not going to happen. Let's be pragmatic. A gloabl satellite internet network has been on-line and in the sky run by the "world's wealthiest man" (read the hand-picked and propped up military-industry shill. It's not in the hands of the people. Technology is in the hands of capital, it fuels a genocide here, and arms another one over there. Neither of which we can vote against and neither of which we would have willingly paid for. "International waters." It sounds like I'm talking about a barren wasteland. I'm talking about the farmer's left our corral doors open. Glazed over eyes. A million ways it will fail and I don't need to press the topic further.
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They're angry because they were indoctrinated by religion as poor, southern people politicians aim to keep poor and uneducated so they'll always have a base, cops, and meat for the military industrial complex.
They're projecting.

It's called jealosy.
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While Fortnite is bad for microtransactions and how they treat their developers, I am very thankful that it is the multiplayer game most kids play nowadays as opposed to Call of Duty, which should not be played by any human being on Earth
#like as a kid in elementary school everyone played call of duty#my brother in third grade played call of duty!#and it poisoned people's minds#desensitizing them to hyperrealistic violence and also indoctrinating them into accepting the military industrial complex#literally I remember as a kid saying 'war is bad and we shouldn't have any' and a kid my age LITERALLY said#'we need war in order to keep things running. peace is unrealistic we'd get nothing done'#like I cannot imagine any other generation saying that other than the generation raised on media which glorifies the military
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The banksters and their agents in government, big pharma and the military industrial complex plan their tyranny in advance (eg. tax slavery, govt indoctrination schools, covid, southern border collapse, CBDC’s, etc.) then they create the crisis to impose the tyranny. We must wisen up to this system, stop it and reverse it on them.
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