#incorrect supernatural academy
brax-the-dragon · 1 year
Brax: *Sneaking in through his window*
Max, turning in his chair and flicking the light on: You want to tell me where you’ve been all night?
Brax: I was with Jae?
Jae, turning in their chair: Wanna try again?
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Five: *on the phone* We all thought you were dead. Where the hell are you?
Y/N: In a hospital
Five: Are you okay?
Y/N: No
Five: Care to elaborate??
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*after the Squad has been separated for a few years*
Balthazar: So what have you been up to recently?
Castiel: Leading a revolution with Dean.
Balthazar: Good for you two! Me, I've joined the mob.
Castiel: *nods* Oh, how cool! That's awesome!
Balthazar: I know! Anyway, have you heard from the others? Gabriel?
Castiel: Happily living his exile in Vegas. Anna?
Balthazar: Wrongfully locked up in an asylum, which reminds me, we need to break her out later. Lucifer?
Castiel: Cult leader.
Balthazar: Yeah, that sounds about right.
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cas-coding · 2 years
cas: and if you see your doppelgänger, you..?
jack: hug them!
sam: kill them!
dean: fuck them!
dean: what, you’re telling me that you wouldn’t hit this if you got the chance?
dean: well i guess i’m the only one who wants to climb dean mountain, then, can we move on?
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When people think they are Five's dads
Diego: Of course, the most troubling question is why do these people assume we're gay?
Klaus: Well, you are kinda butch. Probably think you're overcompensating.
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issdisgrace · 1 year
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Death of me
Shut up
Have you seen my gecko
How many shots would it take for you to
Ptss dad
Submissive and breedable
How old is your dad
Batdad drops lore
Batdad and Bruce lore
I’m gonna
Concerned Danny
Has anyone told you
Nothing here yet
Girl dinner
Would you love me if I was a
Nothing here yet
Nothing here yet
I don’t know what I’m going to do with you
Morning cigarette
Nothing here yet
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
Sam: so remember, if you see your other self-
Cas: kill them
Dean: sleep with them
Sam: -avoid them. What the hell is wrong with you two?!
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igotanidea · 2 years
Request are ..... open :D
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It seems like ever since I started I got seriously addicted to writing. That's what you get when you hold your ideas inside for to long..... :P
having that in mind from now on I'm taking requestt of blurbs (damn the word limit) and stories about hereinbelowed mentioned fandoms:
The Sandman
Umbrella Academy
The Boys
might update later after realising how many shows I actually watch....
Anyway, if you have any ideas don;t be afraid to ask, either on the comments or in PM, anons are perfecly fine with me too.
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Dean: did you set me up?
Sam: no, i would never do that!
Crowley: i would!
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rainshifts · 2 months
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Hello! My name is Araenia (you can call me Rain). I'm 19 years old, Canadian, a Virgo and an ambivert with anger issues.
I've been attempting to shift since 2020, during the pandemic and my own personal crisis that made that year likely the most miserable point in my life. I have not yet shifted, but I have come very close, especially recently.
Below I've listed some of the fandoms I'm "part of" (often I find that fandom behaviour can be rather toxic and try to avoid it), places that I'm shifting, as well as some information about "fictional" places that you can use however you see fit to determine your image of me. I've also listed the rules and expectations of this blog, and if you don't agree with them, please DNI. If rules are broken, you will be blocked.
Rules (please consider before interacting):
No anti-shifters
Keep your shifttok logic FAR away from me
No discouraging comments to myself or others
If you think my information is incorrect, please inform me POLITELY, and we can discuss it if you'd like (I generally won't post something if I haven't made sure my information is right, but everyone makes mistakes, so if I am in fact wrong, I'd be happy to correct it)
I don't approve of of any DRs specifically made for killing or hurting people and I do not support them, so do not encourage or speak about them on my page
That being said, I think the concept that you should NEVER hurt/kill anyone in any DR is bullshit, so if it's something like Marvel or ASOIAF, Maze Runner, etc. where it may become necessary, I think that is perfectly acceptable
Race changing doesn't hurt anybody because the reality where you are a different race already exists so leave people alone if that's what they choose to do (but if you do race change, please make sure you're being respectful because other people's experiences are not your costumes)
Shifting to feel loved, to experience a better childhood, to have more control over your life or even just as escapism is perfectly fine. Shifting is a tool at your disposal and up to your own discretion.
Age-changing is fine
Permashifitng is not unhealthy or bad, it is very possible, and if you choose to do it, I wish you all the best
All shifters are valid, including those who haven't shifted yet or who are still trying to reset from all of the misinformation they were likely fed from early shifttok
If I missed anything, I may come back to update this list later
Now onto the more fun part!
Avatar (not TLA)
DC Cinematic
Harry Potter Golden Trio Era
Marauders Era
Good Omens
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
Hazbin Hotel / Helluvaboss
The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings
How to Train Your Dragon (Including DOB & RTTE)
Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Once Upon a Time
Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Riordanverse)
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
Star Wars
Stranger Things
The Vampire Diaries
Teen Wolf
The Umbrella Academy
The Witcher (TV series)
This list will probably be added to at some point TBH
Places I Am Shifting To:
Harry Potter Golden Trio Era
Marauders Era
Good Omens
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
How to Train Your Dragon
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
The Vampire Diaries
The Umbrella Academy
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 11½”, laurelwood, dragon heartstring core
Patronus: fox
Marauders Kinnie: 75% Sirius Black, 25% Regulus Black
PJO Cabin: 12 (Dionysus)
TVD Species: Vampire
If you have any questions about me, my shifting journey, or shifting in general, please reach out and I will do my best to answer them! Happy Shifting! <3
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brax-the-dragon · 1 year
Max: So, are you two dating now?
Jessa & Brax: Yes.
Max: Why?
Brax: I happen to find Jessa very appealing.
Max: Yeah, I can understand that. I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with Jessa.
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w1nterschild · 3 months
Looking for Fandom RP :D
HI!!! IM BUCKY !!! WAVES !!! BUT BUT Winter/Soldat/Buck are all okay too! Some general stuff about me is that I use they/them and he/him pronouns, I'm 16 and I'm in the EST zone! I'm primarily a horror-romance writer but I'm pretty experienced in most genres! The two genres I probably will turn down is furry and fantasy, I just don't know enough about either of the two to roleplay it confidently. I'm a novella writer, averaging about 5 paragraphs per reply but the lowest I will go is 1-2 paragraphs. No one liners (: I'm totally okay with writing with semi-lit to literate writers! <3 Here are some of the things you should know about me!
I'll write with anybody in the 14-20 range! If you're 18+, we will need to talk about limits and boundaries.
I have NO triggers! I'm open to most subjects but refuse to roleplay anything morally incorrect S/A and other non-consensual material but if it's in a character's backstory and is briefly mentioned then that's okay.
I will do mostly M x M and M x F relations but I will occasionally accept a F x F if I really like the bond!
I tend to reply quickly, if I don't reply in a few hours, feel free to ping me! If I don't reply to a ping, take it as in I'm busy!
Here are the fandoms Im looking to do! Mostly looking for canon x canon but oc x canon can be acceptable if you're really wanting to do it!
The Boys
Resident Evil
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Dead By Daylight
Stranger Things
The Walking Dead
Umbrella Academy
Hunger Games
MY DISCORD: ofkissesandstars
MY INSTAGRAM: lovedmercenary
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elfboyeros · 6 months
A Scholar’s Rotunda
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Wanna Read More or start from the beginning: Hallows Academy Masterlist @karaboutmyart @jj-pines @lerenee
“So, if you wish to help me, what is the plan?”
Amora thought for a moment as she sat over her homework, ironically homework for Trigonometry, “I don’t know…” she sighed.
Cobalt huffed, from his phantom place in her room, “Look I’m sorry!” Amora exclaimed.
“Chickadee, you are a smart girl, I believe you will be able to figure out this mess we are in.”
“I’ve searched as much as I can search on the internet about ghosts and ascension. Cobalt, I know as much as you do, we need to figure out your unfinished business! Since no one alive or dead knows how you died we have to find out how you died, yet you don’t remember what happened and I wasn’t even 3 yet and, oh yeah, I was in America!” She vented.
“Sorry that I died at a very inconvenient time for you,” Cobalt remarked with a high level of sass, “Your math is also incorrect!”
Amora groaned, loudly, before the door to her room opened and Loki entered.  
“What are we groaning at?” she asked, approaching Amora’s desk, and looking over her shoulder, “Ewe math.”
“Just having a bit of trouble,” Amora muttered with a sigh.
“I can’t help you out, lovely, I’m sorry,” Loki replied, settling herself into the plush palace that is her bed, “I asked Odis and Lance about books on Supernatural stuff, and they don’t have anything that isn’t fiction.”
“That’s fine,” the blond girl huffed.
“You’re really into the supernatural, huh?”
Amora thought for a moment. She may enjoy the supernatural and studying a subject, she isn’t obsessed with, yet her current predicament makes her seem fixated, “It’s just currently a fascination recently.”
Loki hummed, settling into her bed, “Ya’ know if you are this obsessed, you should check the rotunda,” the British girl remarked.
“The rotunda?” Amora asked.
“It’s the school’s library” Loki answered, adjusting her headphones, “It’s in the rotunda, off the study hall.”
Amora nodded, tomorrow’s Friday she’ll have time to spend all the time she wanted in the library… if she could find it first.
The following morning, Amora ventured into the maze of the academy. Now actually enjoy Cobalt's ethereal company as he guided her through the old halls to the library. After
The following morning, Amora ventured into the maze of the academy. Now, he actually enjoyed Cobalt's ethereal company as he guided her through the old halls to the library. After waving to a few new friends who had taken positions in the study hall, Amora made her way to the library,
A quiet spire full of bookshelves upon bookshelves in between columns and spiraling staircases with some nooks where one could sit, study, and read. It's a book lover’s wet dream, really. In the middle of the rotunda is a large Mahogany checkout station, with stacks of books covering the surface. A melancholic-looking woman with voluminous auburn hair with milky white streaks in her hair that curled around her round peachy cheeks.
“Welcome to the rotunda,” the woman remarked, quietly.
God, why does everyone here sound so depressed and monotone?
“Good morning,” Amora chirped.
“A little too chirper there, chickadee,” Cobalt chuckled.
“Do you have anything on Ghost and the Dead?” Amora asked approaching the checkout station.
“There are multiple pieces of fiction on ghosts in our sci-fi and supernatural sections on the 2nd floor,” the woman replied.
It smells heavily of Lilac the closer Amora gets to the checkout station making her cringe and the overpowering smell, “I was actually looking for something like a research journal,” Amora retorted.
“Those would be the third floor,” the librarian replied, “if we had any.”
Amora nodded taking one of the many spiral staircases up to the third floor of the library, while Cobalt followed his eyes still focused on the librarian in pink that sat at the checkout station. Her name was on the tip of his tongue, while Amora searched and heard through the few nonfiction pieces on ghosts, Cobalt continued to watch the older woman from his ethereal place, wondering why he felt so off being in the rotunda and why he wanted to get as far away from this woman as possible.
“Greyson?” Cobalt muttered to himself as the dean dressed in the color navy made his way to the checkout station.
“What about Mr. Densmore?” Amora asked quietly, her head still in a book rereading much of what she’d already seen on the internet.
“He looks horrible,” the ghost replied.
Amora let out a questioning hum before getting up from her little table to look over the banister. She started at Greyson; he looked fine like he did the day they went but given the grimace on Cobalt’s face at one point in time the dean of Hallows Academy at one point looked different.
“Olympia, do you have the reports I asked for?” Greyson asked the librarian in a stern and tired tone.
“Olympia!” Cobalt gasped, “My god, no wonder she looks familiar!”
“They’re on your desk, dear,” Olympia answered Greyson.
Greyson sighed, shaking his head, “I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t see it.”
“Are you all right, dear?” Olympia asked, softly.
“Why is she calling him dear?” Cobalt asked out loud.
“Maybe it’s just a term of endearment,” Amora replied in a whisper.
“I’m just tired,” Greyson replied to the librarian, “Working too hard and sleeping very little.”
“Then, why don’t you come home tonight? I can order some food, you can relax, we could—”
“I’ll sleep when the work is done.” Greyson interrupted very firmly, “I’m staying in my office for now.”
Olympia looked at the aging man extremely dejected, “I’m horrible old man, I know, and I’m sorry,” Greyson cooed, before placing his hand under her chin and tilting her gaze upwards to meet his, “I’ll make it up to you I promise.”
Cobalt raised an eyebrow, “but he’s married to Klaus…”
Amora looked at Cobalt confused, it was obvious that he knew something she didn’t out the two adults below them, “Klaus?”
“He is or was a teacher here when I was… I would have thought those two would have been together for the rest of their lives,” Cobalt answered, “Let alone end up with her, from what little I remember.”
“And what do you remember?”
“She started here young, had just given birth to a child, and needed a job. In the time I knew her, she was shy, but mysterious as if she was scheming,” Cobalt explained, “But I didn’t know her that well.”
Before Amora could reply, the doors to the library opened again, and Iphigenie walked through, “Genie!” Olympia chirped.
“Hi, momma,” the ginger girl sighed.
“Iphigenie,” Greyson remarked with a smile and nod at the young woman, she only waved.
When standing near one another it is obvious that Olympia and Iphigenie are mother and daughter, “Here,” Iphigenie said pulling books out of her messenger bag.
“Are you going to get others?” Olympia asked.
“Yeah,” her daughter replied before ascending one of the many staircases.
Amora went back to the books she was looking over, coming to the same conclusion that she had when looking across the internet, “So, we have to stay on the whole unfinished business crap,” Amora sighed in a whisper.
Cobalt nodded, “You have a plan now?”
Amora nodded, “You can’t remember how you died, and you can’t leave the school grounds, according to these books and articles on the internet that could possibly mean you are tied to the college somehow which means it’s tied to your death, I think if we find out how you died like if you were shot, stabbed, or whatever we could get at least a step closer to getting you to ascend,” Amora explained, “But I’m going to need you to start doing something.”
“Tell me when anything seems off, even if it’s the smallest thing.”
“Ah, you are turning into the little investigator,” Cobalt chuckled.
“Thank you,” Amora replied with a little goofy smile.
Cobalt’s smile faded, “If you are starting a suspect list, put Olympia at the top of it,” he muttered, “There is something about her and being in here that makes me ill.”
“Noted,” Amora sighed.
“Do you always talk to yourself?” Iphigenie asked from behind one of the bookshelves.
The American girl let out an embarrassed squeak, “Not normally,” she mumbled, as she could hear Cobalt laughing in his ethereal place around her.
“Just now?” the ginger girl asked, poking her head out from behind the bookshelves.
“Seems like it,” Amora groaned, “Sorry, it’s weird.”
Iphigenie shrugged, sitting across from the blonde girl, “It is weird, but if it’s what you do it’s fine if it helps you retain the information you’re reading.”
Right, because she is in front of a ton of books, her conversations with Cobalt how ever quiet, could just be her reading to herself out loud, “What are you reading?” Amora asked.
“It’s an art catalog,” Iphigenie replied, “I need some inspiration for my next piece for my painting class.”
“Oh, do you have any pictures of your art?”
“Uh…” The young woman was shocked at Amora’s question, before pulling out her phone, “Here.”
The pictures of her art in the false-realistic style with rococo coloring, “Wow, this is all really good!” Amora exclaimed.
Iphigenie let out a little laugh before smiling, “Thanks.”
“These look so amazing, they look like book covers,” the blonde girl remarked.
“I want to do book illustration, so I need to finish my portfolio so I can submit it places,” the ginger retorted before sighing, “It’s hard-working at the café though.”
“No one really seems to have a job here, but you. Back at home, everyone seems to have one,” Amora observed.
The young woman sighed again, “I want to move back to Switzerland, and knowing my mother, she isn’t going to let me go back willingly even if I am an adult. So, I have to get the money together myself.”
“What a lovely mother,” Cobalt huffed.
The girls soon went back and further chattering away for what felt like hours, before descending one of those many spiral staircases together their books in hand.
“I’ll send you the notes for Trigonometry when I get back to my dorm,” Iphigenie mentioned as she and Amora reached the checkout desk, “There is tutoring on Thursday nights too.”
“I’m usually really good a math,” Amora sighed, “just recent I’m not too sure of myself… I don’t know why,” she said Cobalt was snickered in the background, “I just want to make sure I didn’t miss any notes.”
Iphigenie nodded before taking her book she checked out and leaving with a softy, “See you later.”
“You two are good friends?” Olympia inquired, as Amora sat her books on the counter.
Amora shrugged, “We are acquaintances, Today is the most that we have talked, we only have two classes together.”
Olympia hummed, “Do you intend to keep it that way?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“Excuse me,” Amora questioned.
“I only mean that you don’t seem like a good fit for my genie,” Olympia remarked, “that’s all.”
“A good fit… Iphigenie should be allowed to have her friends,” Amora awkwardly laughed.
“Careful, Amora,” Cobalt remarked softly, he could see the scowl forming on Olympia’s face just as much as she could, but he was also aware from being a parent, Amora just said some fighting words.
“You know better than I, mhm?” Olympia scoffed, passing back Amora’s books.
“No, but I know what it is like to be isolated,” the blonde girl replied, “Even if Iphigenie and I don’t become friends, it should be her own choice to pick her friends despite what you think.”
Olympia clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth before staring narrowly-eyed at the young girl, “You know not of raising a child.”
“I know,” Amora squeaked out.
Whilst Amora and Olympia were conversing, Cobalt had toddled his way over to a large stack of books, using his ghostly abilities to knock the books over. Allowing Amora to scamper her way out of the library.
“Thank you,” Amora sighed.
“What the hell were you thinking!”
His voice is loud in her ears, as she walks back to the dorms, “Does Olympia seem like a horrible mother yes, but you just met this woman, the woman that is our only suspect.”
Amora huffed before rolling her eyes before he continued, “I commend you for standing up for Iphigenie, but you and I are linked, if you get in trouble that could be bad for our investigation which means I can’t leave this plain to leave you alone!”
“I can’t just stand around while bad stuff just happens,” she puffed out, “It’s just like Bellamy…”
“And who is Bellamy?” Cobalt asked, his tone is much claimer.
“My friend in America, protecting her is what got me sent here in the first place.”
Cobalt hummed seeing the dejected look on Amora’s face as she recalled the memories of Bellamy, “I should text her later,” she muttered.
“You should.” Cobalt agreed.
Amora nodded, “After I figure some stuff out,” she sighed, before hurrying back to the dorms.
Hiding her head in books, examining web articles, searching odd questions in her search bar. If someone was mentoring her search history surely sharing things like ‘What are the most common causes of death’ would be cause for concern.
“Who was the guy you mentioned when we were in the library?” Amora asked Cobalt.
“Klaus, why?”
“Loki mentioned that someone went missing when I first got here,” Amora answered.
Cobalt hummed, “I don’t remember him ever going missing.”
“Klaus Densmore, right?”
Cobalt nodded, as Amora typed the name into the search bar and many articles popped up all with headlines that mentioned Klaus and a disappearance from 15 years ago. The American teen clicked on an article from Solostica News Channel One the same place she had read the article about Cobalt's death.
Beloved Music Teacher Gone Missing Ahead Equinox Festival  
Solostica News Channel One   Editor: Suzette Levi      Writer: Lucian Nicolette Esperine
On March 15th Klaus Densmore, a music history teacher at Hallows Academy, was reported missing by his husband. Last seen on the school grounds his disappearance has shocked our tiny community.
Although he had a vivacious personality and was described as quite direct by many, Klaus was respected and loved by many, including his husband and dean of Hallows Academy Greyson Densmore.  
Klaus Densmore is 5’11, of a pale complexion with jet black semi-leaf cut hair and gray eyes. He was seen in a navy cardigan, black slacks, and black shoes.
If you see Klaus Densmore or have any information on his whereabouts, please contact Solostica Detective Matias Prescott at 020 9734 2648 or ask for him at the Solostica Supervise Office.
Addendum: This case is currently cold according to Solostica Detective Matias Prescott.
“Ah! Ah-ha!” Amora yelped, “Clue!”
“Clue?” Cobalt asked, with his interest peaked he floated over her.
“Klaus went missing right before you died! Maybe you and Klaus are connected!” Amora exclaimed, “Maybe if I try and find stuff about Klaus, we’ll find stuff about you and how you died.”
“It is a definite start.”
“Amora, who are you talking to?”
Amora froze, the smooth silky voice of Loki from behind her, slowly turning around the blonde girl held an awkward smile, as her British roommate looked at her with a concerned gaze, “Lovely, you okay?”
“Yeah, Yeah,” she replied waving her hands in front of her, “Just talking to myself.”
“That’s not a good excuse.”
“Lance talks to himself, he has since we were kids. You were having a full-on conversation before I walked in.”
Amora awkwardly laughed once again, “If you are in the middle of a phone call I’ll leave.”
“At this point, if we are going to be investigating, just tell her,” Cobalt sighed.
“I’m not on the phone…” Amora huffed, “I... I am being haunted by a ghost…”
Loki then began to laugh, making Amora’s whole face bright red, “Loki! I’m serious! Ever since that stupid séance, this guy named Cobalt has been haunting me!” Amora exclaimed.
“And you are talking to him because?” Loki chuckled.
Amora sighed, “I’m trying to help him get to the afterlife.”
Loki continued to laugh loudly, holding her stomach as she did so, which made Amora’s face turn even more red, “LOKI, STOP!”
Cobalt sighed as Loki continued to laugh, the ghostly man moved himself over to Loki’s side of the room, before straining to use his ghostly abilities to knock many of Loki’s items and trinkets off her bedside table to the ground.
“What the hell,” Loki panted after laughing so hard before Cobalt used all of his ghostly strength to throw one of Loki’s mossy green pillows square in her face, “Holy shit you are being haunted by a ghost.”
“WHY WOULD I LIE ABOUT THIS!” Amora shouted.
While Amora explained what had happened since the séance,  the sky darkened into night, the librarian bookkeeper, Olympia, made her way to Greyson’s office. Finding the older man in his sitting area outside of his office, many papers atop the dark color coffee table in front of him as he laid back on his dark blue couch.
“Dear?” Olympia asked, seeing the dean resting across the couch with an arm covering his face.
“Yes Olympia?” he questioned.
“What do you know about the new American girl?”
“Yes,” Olympia answered her hands clasped in front of her now standing at Greyson's side as he did not attempt to change his posture to give her his full attention.
“She’s a young scholar, here because she has an awful mother,” Greyson explained, “She has great potential.”
“Anything else?” Olympia asked.
“Not that I can recall, or that is relevant at the moment… she likes to read I guess,” Greyson answered with a tired sigh.
“Is she violent?”
“Why the questions, Olympia?” Greyson complained.
“She seems friendly with Iphigenie and—”
“Iphigenie is an adult she is allowed to befriend whoever she likes.” Greyson exhaled rolling over on his side.
He hugged the large navy coat under him as if it were an old teddy bear, “but Iphigenie is my little girl,” Olympia whined, “I have to protect her.”
“Protect her, or not have her leave you?” Greyson grumbled.
Olympia sighed, “I’m sorry for bothering you, I’ll leave you be.”
“Travel safety, Olympia.”
“I love you, Greyson,” she replied, as she reached the door.
He only hummed before she exited his office. Left to go home, yet she doesn’t go to the shared townhouse, no she travels to the beachside where a small pale shack sits abandoned and deshelled, where a man sits changed up below ground.
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lightwood-carstairs · 2 years
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I posted 1,191 times in 2022
53 posts created (4%)
1,138 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 136 of my posts in 2022
#the shadowhunter chronicles - 41 posts
#tsc - 41 posts
#secrets of blackthorn hall - 21 posts
#sobh - 21 posts
#jem carstairs - 14 posts
#will herondale - 12 posts
#the infernal devices - 11 posts
#tid - 11 posts
#tessa gray - 11 posts
#the last hours - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#alastair being a brown boy at an academy full of white elitist holier-than-thou shits and having elias as his father was far more difficult
My Top Posts in 2022:
Edited and fixed.
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Family <3
120 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
James: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
James: Matthew-
James: It- it was just an ant-
Thomas: What is wrong with you?
James: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Matthew: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Matthew: *upends the bottle*
Christopher: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container.
Matthew: The cow??
Christopher: What?
James: Matthew, W H Y?
James: Someone care to explain why we have 6 dogs in our apartment?
Matthew: They're golden retrievers, dude. They retrieve gold. I did this for us.
Thomas: Do you take constructive criticism?
Matthew: No, only cash or credit.
Christopher: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
James: I'm gonna tell them.
Thomas: Don't you dare.
See the full post
132 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
I present to you : my interpretation of some of the unidentified snippets
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#1 : probably Alec in QOAAD while his proposal but not included in the final draft
#2 : probably someone in TMI but still has a chance of showing up in TLH
#3 : TEC. Totally TEC. Probably in TBVOTD, before their wedding
See the full post
132 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
Time for incorrect quotes my beloved!
Will: That's ridiculous, Jem doesn't have a crush on me.
Tessa: Yes he does.
Magnus: Yes he does.
Jem: Yes I do.
Magnus: Will, you'll be working with Jem and Tessa.
Will: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Will: ...Of people on a team.
Will: Why is Tessa crying on the floor?
Magnus: They're drunk.
Will: And?
Magnus: They saw a picture of Jem's spouse.
Will: But they're Jem's spouse.
Magnus: I know.
Magnus: Truth or dare?
Tessa: Dare.
Magnus: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.
Tessa: Hey Will?
Will, blushing: Yeah?
Tessa: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Jem.
Tessa: What’s the announcement, Magnus?
Magnus: It’s a lecture. Jem’s gonna tell us everything he knows about sex.
Will, blissfully unaware: It should be an enjoyable 60 seconds.
See the full post
253 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Alec really saw Magnus flirting with him and said "k I found my soulmate" and proceeded to kiss him in public in front of his very first ancestors and relatives and his whole homophobic ass community, stalked his ex (😭wtf was that), stayed with him when he was sick, fucking proposed on a beach AFTER A BIG DIMENSIONAL WAR WITH EVERY KIND OF SUPERNATURAL CREATURE INVOLVED EVEN ANGELS(😭) AND MARRIED HIM HALF AN HOUR LATER
Meanwhile also adopted two kids and built a home with him
317 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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alissa3000 · 2 years
I’m more active on tumblr now so I’m doing a little about me post and what not :))
Fandoms I’m in:
The flash
The umbrella academy
Greys Anatomy
Criminal minds
Harry Potter
New girl
911 (on season 2-3)
Top gun (1986 + 2022)
The Sandman
Some songs I like:
Bulls in the Bronx - pierce the vail
Angeleyes - ABBA
Deity - Valeree
Moving in the dark - neon trees
American idiot - Green Day
All my life - foo fighters
Zodiac killer - Khalil?
Deep water - American authors
My hobbies/ interests:
Greek mythology
What I post:
Incorrect quotes
Random posts
Headcanons (which I’m new to)
Relatable ass shit tbh
Feel free to send in thoughts or ideas :)))
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
Cas: you know when you said you’d take me out for a drink I was expecting something stronger-
Dean: do NOT disrespect the slushie
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